tiec: an interface for tangible interactive evolutionary ... · repetition of this process enables...

Tangible Interfaces for Interactive Evolutionary Computation Tom Mitchell University of the West of England Bristol, UK [email protected] Edward Davies University of the West of England Bristol, UK [email protected] Peter Bennett Bristol Interaction Group University of Bristol Bristol, UK [email protected] Phillip Tew Interactive Scientific Bristol, UK [email protected] Seb Madgwick x-io Technologies Bristol, UK [email protected] Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). CHI’16, Extended Abstracts, May 07-12, 2016, San Jose, CA, USA Copyright © 2016 ACM ACM 978-1-4503-4082-3/16/05. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2851581.2892405 Abstract Interactive evolutionary computation (IEC) is a powerful human-machine optimisation procedure for evolving solu- tions to complex design problems. In this paper we intro- duce the novel concept of Tangible Interactive Evolution- ary Computation (TIEC), leveraging the benefits of tangible user interfaces to enhance the IEC process and experience to alleviate user fatigue. An example TIEC system is pre- sented and used to evolve biomorph images, with a recre- ation of the canonical IEC application: The Blind Watch- maker program. An expanded version of the system is also used to design visual states for an atomic visualisation plat- form called danceroom Spectroscopy, that allows partici- pants to explore quantum phenomena through movement and dance. Initial findings from an informal observational test are presented along with the results from a pilot study to evaluate the potential for TIEC. Author Keywords Tangible User Interface; Interactive Evolutionary Computa- tion; Aesthetic Evolution ACM Classification Keywords H.1.2 [Models and Principles]: User/Machine Systems— Human factors; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presen- tation]: User Interfaces—Input devices and strategies (e.g., mouse, touchscreen), Prototyping

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Page 1: TIEC: An Interface for Tangible Interactive Evolutionary ... · Repetition of this process enables the user to converge the biomorph form on images reminiscent of trees, insects and

Tangible Interfaces for InteractiveEvolutionary Computation

Tom MitchellUniversity of theWest of EnglandBristol, [email protected]

Edward DaviesUniversity of theWest of EnglandBristol, [email protected]

Peter BennettBristol Interaction GroupUniversity of BristolBristol, [email protected]

Phillip TewInteractive ScientificBristol, [email protected]

Seb Madgwickx-io TechnologiesBristol, [email protected]

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).CHI’16, Extended Abstracts, May 07-12, 2016, San Jose, CA, USACopyright © 2016 ACM ACM 978-1-4503-4082-3/16/05.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2851581.2892405

AbstractInteractive evolutionary computation (IEC) is a powerfulhuman-machine optimisation procedure for evolving solu-tions to complex design problems. In this paper we intro-duce the novel concept of Tangible Interactive Evolution-ary Computation (TIEC), leveraging the benefits of tangibleuser interfaces to enhance the IEC process and experienceto alleviate user fatigue. An example TIEC system is pre-sented and used to evolve biomorph images, with a recre-ation of the canonical IEC application: The Blind Watch-maker program. An expanded version of the system is alsoused to design visual states for an atomic visualisation plat-form called danceroom Spectroscopy, that allows partici-pants to explore quantum phenomena through movementand dance. Initial findings from an informal observationaltest are presented along with the results from a pilot studyto evaluate the potential for TIEC.

Author KeywordsTangible User Interface; Interactive Evolutionary Computa-tion; Aesthetic Evolution

ACM Classification KeywordsH.1.2 [Models and Principles]: User/Machine Systems—Human factors; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presen-tation]: User Interfaces—Input devices and strategies (e.g.,mouse, touchscreen), Prototyping

Page 2: TIEC: An Interface for Tangible Interactive Evolutionary ... · Repetition of this process enables the user to converge the biomorph form on images reminiscent of trees, insects and

IntroductionInteractive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) is a long estab-lished and powerful method for generating solutions to com-plex design problems. By elegantly marrying computationaloptimisation with instinctive human enquiry, IEC has beensuccessfully applied across multiple disciplines to producehigher-quality solutions more rapidly than when humansand machines work independently [20, 5, 23]. However, IECplaces a considerable burden on users who can quickly be-come fatigued. Several efforts have been made to addressthese problems [18, 12, 11] but, to our knowledge, therehave been relatively few attempts to explore alternative in-terfaces to IEC for enhancing the user-experience. In par-ticular, we propose that the use of Tangible User Interfaces(TUIs), provides a number of benefits over the standardpractice of using Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs):

1. By engaging multiple sensory modalities the TUI of-fers a low barrier to entry and promotes prolongedinteraction with reduced fatigue.

2. The use of tangibles enables a wide range of spatialorganisational benefits, allowing complex modes ofoperation to be achieved in an improvisatory manner.

3. The distributed nature of the TUI increases the poten-tial for co-located and collaborative interaction.

Figure 1: The Blind Watchmakerprogram for evolving Biomorphs.

Figure 2: PETRI tangibles forguiding evolutionary algorithms.

Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC)IEC is an Evolutionary Computation-based design methodthat operates under the supervision of a human user [6].It offers a generalised optimisation procedure that is ap-propriate for scenarios where a formalised objective maynot be specified and design candidates must be assessedby a human evaluator. The process has gained substan-tial uptake in applications emphasising aesthetics, whichgenerally require a human to guide the process towards

subjectively pleasing regions of the object space [2]. Con-sequently, IEC has gained notoriety within arts and designdisciplines; however, it has also been used to solve engi-neering and science problems [21].

A widely acknowledged drawback of IEC is the length oftime that operators are required to invest in the evaluationof candidate solutions. This bottleneck of user interventionnecessarily places constraints on the number of individ-uals that a user can reasonably be expected to evaluatebefore experiencing fatigue [8, 19]. Several solutions to thisproblem have been suggested, including novel methodsfor collaborative interaction [23, 13] to leverage the effortsof multiple users. Another approach is to train a surrogatemodel with users’ subjective responses to enable partial au-tomation of the evaluation process [11, 10]. However, alongwith Breukelaar et al [1], we consider the IEC user interfaceto be an important factor that enables the selection and op-timisation of high-quality solutions.

IEC GUIs typically present the population in a grid-basedformat. In this arrangement each individual is representedby a button that enables the auditioning, evaluation andselection of parents. If it is possible to express individualspictorially on the button (see Figure 1), users may observethe entire population simultaneously. However, in applica-tions where solutions represent time-based media (musicor film), individuals must be auditioned sequentially. In thissituation, users are required to memorise the grid locationof favorable individuals, placing additional cognitive load onthe user and thereby exacerbating the fatigue problem [21].

Tangible User InterfacesTUIs are designed to give physical form to digital informa-tion, allowing virtual data to be represented physically andcontrolled through direct tangible manipulation [9]. Advan-tages of TUIs relevant in the development of TIECs include:

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the ability to use previously learned bodily skills to interact;rich sensory feedback from manipulating physical objects;naturally multi-point interaction allowing multi-user opera-tion; persistence, as the tangible objects remain in positionand visible after interaction; and use of physical affordancesto allow for extended use beyond the programmed applica-tions.





Figure 3: PETRI tangible puckinteractions.

In contrast to GUIs, which tend to offer a single interfacethrough which all interaction is mediated, TUI’s power comesfrom having a form specific to a particular task, allowingdedicated affordances analogous to real-world interactions.Hence, in developing a TIEC interface, consideration ofcontext and application is necessary and it is unlikely thata single-form interface could be developed. However, in-terfaces such as Siftables [16], which offer a compromisebetween application specificity and generalisation, point to-wards a way of designing a ‘universal TIEC’ applicable toany problem.

PETRI - An Example TIECWith the aim of exploring the potential of a tangible interfaceto IEC, we present an example system called PETRI, whichdraws inspiration from the biological origins of evolutionarycomputation. Each tangible is modelled on the form factorof a Petri dish (Figure 2), providing an easily recognisableand cross-cultural metaphor to help constrain affordancesavailable to the user.

The PETRI Tangible DevicesNine PETRI tangibles were made, each comprising a cylin-drical enclosure (� 100 mm h 36 mm) containing the nec-essary electronics to detect user manipulations and providefeedback. This includes, an inertial measurement unit forsensing motion, an OLED screen (27 mm × 27 mm) for vi-sual feedback, and a vibration motor for haptic feedback.

These components each connected internally to an x-OSC[14] interface device to provide wireless access to a hostcomputer running the gesture analysis and IEC algorithms.Combined, these capabilities enable a network of PETRItangibles to behave collectively as a single interface to theevolutionary process.

PETRI InteractionsAs the PETRI system directly represents a population ofindividuals, users are able to identify favourable solutionsas a physical object and invoke the evolutionary operatorsthrough their direct manipulation. The Petri dish metaphorcombined with the sensing capabilities of the hardware ledto an initial set of user manipulations or gestures which areascribed to invoke evolutionary operators as described be-low and shown in Figure 3.

Shaking→ Mutating To mutate an individual, users mayshake the associated PETRI tangible (Figure 3a).

Colliding→ Recombining Users may select two or moreindividuals for recombination by colliding their associatedtangibles (Figure 3b). The individuals selected for recombi-nation then produce offspring representing unique combina-tions of their parents genes.

Emptying→ Resetting The disposal and reinitialisation ofan unwanted individual may be achieved by turning the as-sociated tangible upside down and shaking, mimicking anemptying gesture (Figure 3c).

Other Motions→ Auditioning in circumstances where in-dividuals must be auditioned sequentially, any other mo-tion detected by a tangible would result in the associatedindividual being loaded for evaluation. In practice, this ac-commodated a range of observed manipulations including,grasping, tapping and nudging (Figure 3d).

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To acknowledge and confirm the above manipulations, hap-tic feedback is triggered for each tangible whenever muta-tion, recombination or replacement are invoked.

ApplicationsTwo application examples were developed to enable com-parison between graphical and tangible interfaces to IEC.First, PETRI was connected to control a recreation of Dawkins’Blind Watchmaker program: the canonical IEC example forevolving creature like images called biomorphs [4]. Second,the interface was adapted to control a system called dance-room Spectroscopy, an immersive and interactive atomicsimulation allowing participants to explore quantum phe-nomena through movement and dance [17, 7].

Figure 4: danceroomSpectroscopy © InteractiveScientific.

BiomorphsA biomorph is a simple computer generated image compris-ing an arrangement of intersecting vertices which are en-coded as a simple set of branching rules. When a conven-tional GUI is employed, the human operator is presentedwith a grid of nine random biomorph images, each repre-senting expressions of their respective genes (or pheno-types). Based upon subjective evaluation, one or more ofthe nine images are chosen from which progeny are cre-ated to produce the subsequent generation of biomorphs.Repetition of this process enables the user to converge thebiomorph form on images reminiscent of trees, insects andother organisms. With the tangible interface, each individualis represented by a single PETRI puck and its respectivebiomorph image is displayed on its screen, see Figure 2.

Discussion The system was initially trialed in an informal,open testing session in which six participants with no priorexperience of the Blind Watchmaker program were ob-served evolving biomorphs using both the GUI (Figure 1)and TUI (Figure 2). After a brief explanation and demon-

stration, participants took turns to use both interfaces andsalient observations were noted. In general, participantswere more attracted to the TUI, almost always choosing touse this interface first. TUI sessions lasted longer and en-gaged the entire group more than the GUI sessions, withparticipants often showing tangibles to others within thegroup. However, generations proceeded more rapidly in theGUI session, presumably because individuals could be ob-served more easily and operators were quicker to invoke bymouse click.

Danceroom SpectroscopyHaving tested a basic version of the system to evolve bi-morphs, we reconfigured the PETRI system to evolve amore sophisticated real-world design application. Specifi-cally, the aesthetics and dynamics of an interactive atomicsimulation engine called danceroom Spectroscopy (dS)[7], a large-scale sci-art framework enabling participantsto interact with a simulated and immersive nanoworld, seeFigure 4.

The settings of the atomic simulation are normally con-trolled by manually configuring hundreds of parametersthat require users to possess expert knowledge of physics,graphics and interactive technology. However, the projecthas recently made use of IEC with a conventional grid-based GUI to enable the rapid design and configuration ofparameters by non-experts [3]. This IEC system was mod-ified such that the PETRI TUI could be used in place of theexisting GUI.

As is it not possible to render the atomic simulation on theOLED screens of each tangible, the dS supercomputer runsalongside the PETRI system, displaying the visual stateof each individual when its associated tangible is moved(Figure 3d) and thus selected for auditioning. The screenon the tangible glows red when its state is being expressed

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by the dS simulation so that the currently loaded tangiblemay be identified. When new offspring are created, theirassociated tangibles are set to glow green indicating thatthey have not yet been evaluated by the user.



Figure 5: Biomorphs produced byparticipant 8 by (a) GUI and (b)TUI.

Discussion The dS application was explored within thesame open testing session as the biomorphs describedearlier. Users were invited to again design a visualisationstate with the PETRI interface and the existing GUI. In thisapplication, users tended to work much more collabora-tively than the previous application, working towards a vi-sualisation state representing the consensus of the grouprather than any one individual. Consequently, participantsfrequently swapped over, picking up from where other par-ticipants left off with some users interacting with the simula-tion while others interacted with the IEC interface. It wasalso observed that users repeatedly struggled to locatetheir prefered individuals when operating the GUI, lookingto the group to verify where favorable individuals were lo-cated. However, this was less of a problem with the TUI asparticipants tended to locate preferred individuals in an adhoc mating area on the work surface.

Pilot StudyAn initial pilot study was performed to begin evaluating theefficacy of the tangible IEC interface when compared withthe standard graphical interface. Nine participants with noprior experience of the system were set the task of evolv-ing a biomorph creature design with both interfaces. Theparticipants were individually sat at a desk on which a lap-top showing the grid interface of a standard biomorph GUIwas positioned, next to a 3 × 3 arrangement of the PETRItangible interface.

Each user was asked to evolve a biomorph creature forboth interface types with no time constraints, stopping vol-


Time (s)(GUI/TUI)




1 128/336 11/16 TUI TUI2 105/208 4/14 TUI TUI3 246/252 9/10 TUI TUI4 219/94 7/4 TUI TUI5 196/499 30/36 GUI GUI6 738/152 147/31 GUI GUI7 258/572 20/16 GUI TUI8 386/387 31/14 GUI TUI9 726/1346 80/23 TUI TUI

Table 1: Results of the biomorph IEC GUI/TUI comparative pilotstudy

untarily when satisfied with one of the designs. The firstinterface encountered was alternated for each participantin an attempt to control any effects that ordering might haveon the results. Participants were provided with brief instruc-tions on how to use each interface and at the end they wereasked to comment on their experience with each interfaceand to answer a series of questions. The quantitative re-sults are summarised in Table 1.

Discussion Figure 5 shows the biomorphs created by par-ticipant 8 during the study, with Figure 5a created using theGUI and 5b, the TUI. Seven out of ten participants wererecorded to have engaged with the TUI for a longer pe-riod of time than with the GUI and the same proportion ofparticipants stated that this was their preferred interface,suggesting that the TUI was the more engaging interfaceof the two. This result was also confirmed by the qualitativefeedback gathered during the study, with all participants de-scribing the interface as either ‘fun’ or ‘exciting’, even thosethat preferred the GUI overall. However, for all but one par-ticipant, the average amount of time spent evaluating theindividuals at each generation was longer for the TUI thanthe GUI. One participant made the observation that “with

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the TUI you actually have to look, whereas with the GUI youjust stare”, referring to the greater effort required to evalu-ate biomorphs located on separate objects as opposed to asingle screen. The participants raised a number of advan-tages relating to the ability to grasp and move the individ-uals of the TUI around. One notable observation was thatthe TUI enabled individuals to be taken aside and observedin isolation from the rest of the population; highlighting thatindividuals can only be observed amongst a neighbour-hood of siblings with the grid-based GUI. One participantposited that the TUI encouraged ‘better educated’ choicesand that their evaluation was consequently more rigorous.Participants also noted that the TUI more readily invited therecombination of individuals, although on average fewerparents were recombined at each generation with the TUI.Recombination with the TUI was stated to be easier to in-voke with a single collision of objects rather than the multi-ple clicks of the GUI. A final observation made with the TUIwas that the circular form factor meant that each individualcould be evaluated from multiple orientations whereas theorientation of the individuals on the GUI was fixed.

ConclusionIn this paper we have presented a tangible interface for in-teractive evolutionary computation (TIEC) called PETRIthat encourages engaged control of interactive evolutionarycomputation (IEC). We presented an informal observationstudy when the interface is used to evolve biomorphs withthe Blind Watchmaker program and atomic aesthetics withdanceroom Spectroscopy, comparing both applications withconventional grid-based GUIs. It was observed that theintroduction of a tangible interface increased user engage-ment and also revealed a number of benefits including theability to spatially organise individuals to form ad hoc mat-ing pools. An initial pilot study was also presented to beginevaluating tangible interfaces for this application. These

preliminary results indicated a universally positive reactionand engagement times were increased. However, due tothe distributed nature of the TUI, evolutionary progress ap-peared to take longer. The pilot study presented so far wasfocussed only on the design of biomorphs. In future we in-tend to evaluate the danceroom Spectroscopy and otherapplications more rigorously. The TUI offers exciting poten-tial for co-located and collaborative interaction, which will beeasy to explore by simply modifying the replacement strat-egy of the IEC. Users would then be able to model morecomplex evolutionary processes by partitioning the tangi-bles into groups, evolving subpopulations independently(speciation [15]) and then reuniting members of these sub-populations at a later stage (migration [22]). Further infor-mation may also be derived directly from the manipulationof the tangibles. For example mutation severity may be de-rived from the magnitude of the shake gesture, providingusers with fine-grained control over the degree to which off-spring diverge from their parents.

We plan in future to conduct a number of experiments thatwill form the foundation of a new hands-on manner of evo-lutionary control, which to the authors knowledge is an en-tirely unexplored area ripe for study.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank x-io Technologies, Interactive Sci-entific and the Pervasive Media Studio for their support incompleting this work.

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