tidbits of cayuga & seneca counties issue 2

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read FREE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2006 OVER 4 MILLION Readers Weekly Nationwide! Vol. 1 Iss. 2 Vol. 1 Iss. 2 QUICK & EASY Personalized bouquets made the way you want without the wait 49 Genesee St., Auburn, NY 252-5255 Metcalf Plaza • 144 Genesee St. • Auburn, NY 13021 Tel: 315-255-1726 • Fax: 315-253-9651 • 1-800-622-2754 Auburn Travel Bureau DeAnna Taylor Owner/Manager E-mail: [email protected] ADVERTISE with Tidbits ® Call 315.283.2837 IT WORKS! of Cayuga & Seneca Counties Published weekly by Prison City Publishing For ad rates call: 315.283.2837 Email:sales@fingerlakestidbits.com This could be your ad people are seeing instead of ours! Call: 315.283.2837 for more information TIDBITS® CELEBRATES THE EQUINOX SPRING IS HERE! By Rick Dandes Lewis Grizzard, the famous Atlanta author once wrote, “Spring time is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” That about sums it up for us. Springtime brings relief from winter. It’s all about renewal, warmth and new beginnings. So sit back and enjoy, as Tidbits welcomes in the new season this week. • The start of spring is seen by the vernal equinox, which occurs on March 20 or 21 each year the Northern Hemisphere. Oddly enough, this date is also the autumnal equinox—the first day of autumn—in the Southern Hemisphere. • Turnabout is fair play: the autumnal equinox in the north (which occurs in late September), is the also first day of spring south of the equator. • No kidding: Spring fever is not a figment of your imagination. It is a real physical condition that occurs when a sudden warm spell follows a long cold period. As the temperature rises, the body has to get rid of heat; there’s a dilation or expansion of the blood vessels so that blood can be carried to the body surface where heat can be lost quickly. Some people experience an energetic feeling. Hence, spring fever. • Here comes the sun: Suppose you were standing on the equator during either the vernal or autumnal equinox. Now look up. turn the page for more! Q: How does Einstein begin a story? A: Once upon a space-time... Laugh a bit with memorycabinet.com • 315.255.3108 One line FREE engraving with coupon We have the perfect gifts for anyone and any occasion • Bridal • Religious • Baby • Military • Executive & many more 167 Grant Ave., Auburn, NY 13021 ATTEND UNLIMITED FITNESS CLASSES for one low price Call Now! - Limited time offer Now with Zumba six days a week Located in Weedsport in between Buritt Cafe & Purple Monkey Antiques 315.834.3100 • Zumba • Yoga • Pilates • Stability Ball • Step • Dancercise • Stretch-N-Tone • Guided Meditation • Two Equipment Rooms Ali Mac • Public Speaker/Speech Writer- available for fundraisers etc. • Performance Artist- Singer/Songwriter, Comedian • Budget Thematic Decorator- includes all holidays as well. Save time and money by use of items you already posses in your home. Turn any room in your home into a magical transformation on a "shoestring" budget, email Ali now for free consultation. [email protected] N o t y o u r o r d in a r y c o p y s h o p ! 105 Fall St., Seneca Falls P: 315-568-8608 or F: 315-568-8622 e-mail: [email protected] www.thecopyshopsf.com Color Laser, Blueprints and Regular Copying Copies from: CDs, Floppy Discs, Digital Cameras, Flash Cards, or any USB connector E-Mail and Print Services Transfer: VHS to DVD Transfer: Vinyl or Audio Cassettes to CD 35mm Slides or Photo Negatives Scanned Laminating • Business Stationary & Cards Graphic Design • Shipping NEW SERVICE Certified Home Day Care Provider Full & Part time openings in a fun learning environment Meals & Snacks included Call Heidi at 315.567.6836 LOOKING FOR DAY CARE? L O O K I N G F O R D A Y C A R E ?

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of Cayuga & Seneca CountiesPublished weekly by Prison City Publishing For ad rates call: 315.283.2837 Email:[email protected]

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Lewis Grizzard, the famous Atlanta author once wrote, “Spring time is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” That about sums it up for us. Springtime brings relief from winter. It’s all about renewal, warmth and new beginnings. So sit back and enjoy, as Tidbits welcomes in the new season this week.

• Thestartofspringisseenbythevernalequinox,which occurs on March 20 or 21 each year the Northern Hemisphere. Oddly enough, this date isalsotheautumnalequinox—thefirstdayofautumn—intheSouthernHemisphere.

• Turnaboutisfairplay:theautumnalequinoxinthe north (which occurs in late September), is thealsofirstdayofspringsouthoftheequator.

• Nokidding:Spring fever is not afigment ofyour imagination. It is a real physical condition that occurs when a sudden warm spell follows a long cold period. As the temperature rises, the body has to get rid of heat; there’s a dilation orexpansionofthebloodvesselssothatbloodcan be carried to the body surface where heat canbelostquickly.Somepeopleexperienceanenergeticfeeling.Hence,springfever.

• Here comes the sun: Suppose you werestandingontheequatorduringeitherthevernalorautumnalequinox.Nowlookup.

turn the page for more!



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Page 2: Tidbits of Cayuga & Seneca Counties Issue 2

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SPRING IS HERE (continued):Youwould see the sun pass directly overhead.

There are only two times in the year when this happens.

• Fulltilt:Whyistheremoredaylightinspringandsummer?Easy.Inspring,theEarth’saxisis tilted toward the sun, increasing the number of daylight hours and bringing warmer weather that causes plants to bring forth new growth.

• Celtic tradition, which is based solely ondaylight and the strength of the noon sun, saysthatspringbeginsinearlyFebruaryandcontinues until early May.

• Spring forward. In recent decades seasonalcreep has been observed, which means thatmany signs of the season are happening earlier thanexpectedinmanyregions.We’retalkinga couple of days per decade.

• Akitu was a spring festival in ancientMesopotamia. The name is from the Sumerian language for “barley”, originally marking two festivalscelebratingthebeginningofeachofthe twohalf-yearsof theSumerianCalendar,marking the sowing of barley in autumn and the cutting of barley in spring.

• The Lunar New Year is sometimes calledthe Chinese Spring Festival. It is the mostimportant of the traditional Chinese holidays, particularly by people on mainland China and Taiwan. The festival traditionally beings onthefirstdayofthefirstmonthintheChinesecalendarandendsonthe15th.

• Hurricane season also begins in late spring,onMay 15th in the northeastern Pacific andJune1stinthenorthernAtlantic.Youdon’tseehurricanes before these dates although they do sometimes occur. One of the earliest was TropicalStormAnainmid-April2003.

• Severe weather generally occurs during thespring, when warmer air invades the lowerlatitudes just as cold air pushes out from the polarregions.Springisalsowhenfloodingisalso most common in and near mountainous areas during this time of year due to the melting of snow, aided by warm rains.

• During ancient Roman times, spring wascelebrated with the Feast of Floralia. Thismarked the flowering of the grains and thebounty of the animals as spring continued. The egg became an important symbol during this time period, thanks to the symbolism of egg bringing forth life and nourishing people.

• Someoftheworstblizzardshaveoccurredinthespring.Doesanyoneremember theGreatBlizzard of 1993, which brought hurricaneconditions and then light snow to northern Florida onMarch 13th, and deposited up tofivefeetofsnowinpartsof theAppalachianMountains.

• ThefestivalofBasant,inPakistan,isheldinthe ancient eastern city of Lahore. Basant ismarked by kite-flying, rooftop gatherings,gardenpartiesandhorseridingevents.

• InAmerica,“TornadoAlley”ismostactivebyfar during the spring.TheRockyMountainsprevent the surging hot and cold air frontsfrommovingwestwardandinsteadforcethemdirectly at each other.

n If you’re patching an article of clothing that has a hole, put a small piece of aluminum foil underneath it as you iron on the patch. This way, you won’t accidentally adhere the patch to the ironing surface. Hey, it’s happened!n Baby food jars make excellent reusable containers -- especially now that many baby foods are sold in plastic containers with snap-on lids. I use these to make small portions of prepared gelatin and pudding, which I then freeze. I pop one in my children’s lunchbox, and by lunchtime they are defrosted and ready to eat. They serve the dual purpose of helping to keep other items cold.” -- M.L. in Georgian “I use baby powder to give my dog’s coat a freshening between baths. I take her outside, rub a nice portion in, then brush out. It removes dirt and grime, plus leaves her smelling sweet as a baby!” -- O.S. in Californian For quick and easy cleanup after outdoor gardening, stick a bar of soap in a net bag or piece of ladies’ stockings and hang it from the hose bib. You’ll always know where it is, and it’s always handy when you need to wash up before going inside.n “Use greased muffin tins to bake stuffed peppers.” -- V.B. in Illinoisn “The best way to pack clothes for camping is in complete outfits rolled up together. I use small wastebasket liners to hold my daily outfits together. The benefits are that it stays neatly rolled, new clothes don’t get wet from rain, and the bag can be used along the way to keep litter in its place.” -- R.F. in Colorado Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at [email protected].

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


It can be a vicious cycle: Depression can cause a lack of interest in physical activity, yet physical activity can help alleviate depression. How do we motivate ourselves to be active when we just don’t want to? There might be a solution right in our nearest electronics store: The Nintendo Wii games.The Nintendo Wii Sports was designed to get young people up off the floor -- where they sit with remote controls in their hands -- and get them doing something physically active. However, a new study has shown that the very same games can help seniors become more active. The University of California San Diego School of Medicine used the Wii Sports games (golf, boxing, tennis, bowling and baseball) on test participants. One-third of them reported that their depression was at least 50 percent better by the end of the study.Nintendo also has a Wii Fit Plus package, and it’s much more comprehensive than the basic Sports. It lets you weigh in, take body fitness tests, record your results, tells you how many calories you’re burning and lets you customize your own workout, including exercise you’ve done away from the Wii. The game includes balance, strength, yoga, aerobics and training.Think of the positives: You get to do it indoors, so weather isn’t a factor. You play with others. It has a one-time cost. It’s fun.There is another potential benefit to the Wii games, specifically tennis and Cooking Mama: A very short study showed that those who’ve had a stroke were able to cut the amount of time it takes to do everyday activities after playing the Wii games.Ask your doctor if he or she thinks the exercise games in Wii would benefit you. And then, ask your local seniors center if they’ll purchase one for group use!

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them in her column whenever possible. Do not send any material requiring return mail. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected].(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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of Cayuga & Seneca Counties

Published weekly by:Prison City Publishing


SPRING IS HERE (continued):• MayDayisnotanAmericanholiday,butit’scelebratedallovertheworld.

• AstheItalianFeastofFloraliaevolved,peoplebegan creating eggs out of many materials, including chocolate, as gifts for their lovedones.Youngmatrons carried these eggswiththem in baskets throughout the spring, trying todetermine thepossiblegen-derof a futurechild.

• InGermany,Walpurgisnacht,onApril30thandMay 1st celebrates the release of winter’s hold on the land and the oncoming joy of summer.

• Morespringlegends:OnMay1st,itisbelievedthat the earth spirits like sprites and fairies, emerge to bring the land safely to summer. People celebrate with great feasts of food and drink as the look forward to the coming of summer.

• In Thailand, a three-day water festival onApril 13-15 marks Songkran, the Buddhists’celebration of the new year. Parades feature statuesofBuddhathatspraywateronpassersby.Insmallvillages,youngpeoplethrowwaterateachotherforfun.Peoplealsoreleasefishintoriversasanactofkindness.

• TheJewishholidayofPassoverisheldduringspring. Passover beginswith twonights of aspecialdinnercalledSeders.Duringthesetwodinners, families read from a book called the Haggadahabout theancient Israelitesexodusfrom Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. Asthey honor their ancestors, Jews reaffirm theimportance of freedom.

• OnEaster,Christianscelebratetheresurrectionof Jesus Christ. People attend church and also enjoy different Easter customs. In Germany,people make “egg trees” that are decorated like Christmas trees. In Hungary, boys sprinkle girls with perfumed water— and in return,girls prepare a holiday dinner for them.

• It’scommonlycalled“SpringBreak,”thattimeofyearwhenstudentshaveaweek-longbreakfromthetediumofschoolandtravelsouthorto parts unknown to party; Fort Lauderdale,Fla. and Cancun, Mexico are two favoritehot spots. Other countries celebrate it too, including China, Korea, Japan, Germany and Mexico.


THE MOTOWN SOUNDItallbeganinDetroit,whenBerryGordystarted

a pop record label featuring some of the most talented African-American performers everygatheredtogetherunderoneroof.LittleStevieWonder, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie, MarvinGaye, the Jackson 5, featuring MichaelJackson. They all started with Motown. Truly, a legendary group of performers.

• MotownRecordswasfoundedbyBerryGordy,Jr. on January 12, 1959. It was first knownas Tamla Records, but later incorporated asMotownonApril14,1960.ThenameMotownwas perfect. It came from the two words motor andtown,whichwasthenicknameforDetroit.

• The first female artist signed by MotownRecords was Mable John. John was a blues

Page 4: Tidbits of Cayuga & Seneca Counties Issue 2

Page 4 Prison City Publishing fingerlakestidbits.com

n It’s not surprising that the word “fondue” comes from the French verb “fondre,” which means “to melt.”

n Before horror author Stephen King became famous for novels such as “Carrie,” “The Stand” and “The Shining,” he wrote four novels and 60 short stories that failed to be accepted for publication.

n With the health-care debate so much in the news these days, you’ve probably heard of the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb. Given its multi-billion-dollar revenues today, you may be surprised to learn that way back in the 19th century when William McLaren Bristol and John Ripley Myers were just getting started, they paid a mere $5,000 for their fledgling pharmaceutical company. n If you suffer from ophidiophobia -- and many people do -- you may find the following tidbit to be rather unsettling: There are more than 3,000 different species of snakes.

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.


n It was British romance author Jilly Cooper who made the following observation: “The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things.” n What do Steve Martin, Donald Trump, Dan Aykroyd, Gene Simmons, Leslie Nielsen, Burt Reynolds, Jerry Seinfeld and Peter Sellers have in common? They’ve all been featured on the cover of Playboy magazine. n Those who study such things claim that the hair on top of your head grows more rapidly than the hair on the sides of your head.

n If you’re up on your Biblical standards of measurement, you probably already know that a handbreadth equals 3 inches, a span is 9 inches and a cubit equals 18 inches.

n If you’re ever visiting Woodruff, Wisc., be sure to stop by and see its penny. The tourist attraction is 10 feet tall and weighs 17,452 pounds.

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” -- Alber Einstein

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 4-year-old Dachshund, “Miss Itzy,” is very aggressive with all of my neighbors, friends and some of my family. However, she’s a sweetheart around my granddaughter and great-grandchildren. She has to wear a muzzle when she gets her nails trimmed or goes to the vet. I’m so afraid she will bite someone. I love her to death and don’t want to get rid of her. Can you help? - Maria, Marion, Ind.

DEAR MARIA: You should find out what your granddaughter and great-grandchildren are doing that makes Miss Itzy so calm around them. (Do they have dogs of their own? How do they train their dogs?) There’s something about the way they interact with your dog that really calms her down.Miss Itzy is likely aggressive due to anxiety. The clues in your letter -- aggression toward strangers, the groomer, the vet -- show that she’s got a lot of worries about these strange people. The groomer and vet are easy to spot -- most dogs do not like nail trimming or getting exams

Send your tips, questions and comments to Paws Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or e-mail them to [email protected].

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.



Neighbors Fear Miss ItzyBySamanthaMazzotta

and shots. Another question is, how do you act around neighbors, the vet or groomer? Do you get anxious (maybe because you’re worried that Miss Itzy will get anxious)? Dogs are really good at reading owners’ emotions, and Miss Itzy, devoted to you as she is, will get more anxious, and even take a protective posture, if she thinks you’re afraid or in danger. Talk to the veterinarian about prescribing anti-anxiety medication for Miss Itzy, and talk with a professional trainer, if possible, about ways to train your dog to settle down in unfamiliar situations. Also, observe your own behavior in different situations and try to keep a calm and level voice, even when your dog is barking her head off.

Who is the only major-league second baseman to win both a Rookie of the Year Award and a regular-season Most Valuable Player Award?

Of Walter Johnson and Christy Mathewson, which

major-league pitcher had more consecutive 20-win seasons?

Who was the first University of Oregon quarterback to pass for more than 2,000 yards in a season?

In 2008, New Orleans’ Chris Paul set a record for consecutive games (seven) to start a season with at least 20 points and 10 assists. Who had held the mark?

Who was the first American-born referee to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame?

Todd Lodwick (in the Nordic combined) in 2010 became the third American to compete in five Winter Olympics. Name either sport the other two came from.

How many times in his 13 years as a PGA pro has Tiger Woods been named the Golf Writers Association of America’s Player of the Year?

2nd Quarter 2006Week 22

May 28 - Jun 3

Back Page

BICYCLES (continued):• In the 1890s, the first “modern” bicycles

appeared: chain-driven vehicles with simi-larly-sized tires. These were safer than the high-wheel models (and were even called “safety bicycles” as a result), but proved a step backwards in comfort. While the long spokes of high-wheel bikes absorbed bumps and ruts, the smaller wheels on these new bikes, particularly when coupled with the hard-rubber tires of the era, made for jarring, unpleasant rides.

• More than a million bicycles were sold in the United States by the time 1895 rolled around, but one last improvement would propel the bicycle into the must-own category: the pneu-matic tire. Under the guidance of the Pope Manufacturing Company (which made bi-cycles), the Hartford Rubber Works produced America’s first pneumatic tires in 1895. Pro-viding a much softer ride, they soon became a standard feature on all bicycle models.

• Dozens of smaller-scale improvements boosted the speed, comfort, longevity and performance of bicycles during the 20th century. As women began to find them as necessary as men, two varieties of bicycle were made. Men’s bikes were built with an extra stabilizer bar across the top of the bike. Women’s bikes omitted the bar, providing for easier mounting and dismounting of the vehicle when wearing skirts.

• The 1970s saw the development of two bi-cycle extremes. First came bicycles that took you nowhere. Otherwise known as exercise bikes, these training aids first hit the home market at the beginning of the decade. Then, as time went on and the energy crisis sent fuel prices skyrocketing, mopeds appeared. These bicycle/motorcycle hybrids, most popular with city-centered business workers, could either be pedaled like a regular bike or powered using a small, low-powered gasoline engine.


vocalistandproducedseveralminorhits forthe new label.

• Jimmy Ruffin hit the heights with “WhatBecomes of the Brokenhearted” in 1966.Jimmy’sbrother,DavidRuffin,wasamemberof the Temptations.

• The Jackson 5 made their reputation onMotown,butin1975theytookthemoneyandrantoEpicRecords.Therewassomeloyaltyto Motown. Jermaine Jackson left the group and stayed with Motown as a solo artist. He was replaced by his brother Randy and thegrouponEpicbecameTheJacksons.

• “PleaseMr.Postman”bytheMarveletteswasthefirsthitfromMotowntoreachnumberoneontheBillboardstop100chartinDecember1961.

• Diana Ross, who had come from TheSupremes, another mega-hit maker forMotown, was recognized by the Guinness BookofWorldRecordsasbeing“TheMostSuccessfulFemaleArtistofAllTime,”withmore than 70 hit singles.

•In 1961 “Little” StevieWonder was signedtoMotownRecords.Wonderhaskept thoseties.Hehasbeenwiththelabeleversinceandrecentlysignedalife-longdeal.

• Another popular Motown group was TheCommodores, also known as “The BlackBeatles,” at the time. Originally known asthe Mystics, they became the Commodores in 1969.

• In1968,LionelRichiebecametheleadsingerandsaxophonistwiththeCommodores.TheysignedtoAtlanticRecordsin1968foraone-record contract, before moving to MotownRecords,beingschooledassupportacttotheJacksonFive.

• The Commodores became established asAmerica’s most popular soul group of the 1970s,andRichiewasresponsibleforwritingmany of their tunes, and singing many of their

Thought of the week

Page 5: Tidbits of Cayuga & Seneca Counties Issue 2

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American Red Cross

Real Heroes Award Ceremony & Luncheon

March 31 • 12noon • Holiday Inn

Dave Bowman • Timothy Gray Jessica Ferro • Sara Samara

Deputy Michael Lupo • Millie Lewis Dr. Barbara Connor • Phillip Waterman Tickets available until March 26 / $20 per person Contact 252 – 9596 or [email protected]

Thank You to our SponsorsNUCOR Steel Auburn, INC.

Fidelis Care • Five Star BankAuburn Memorial Hospital

First Niagara BankSavannah Bank • Coburn Design

11 State St., Auburn • 252-9596

March isRed Cross Month

Join the Fun Go Green with the Red – March 17

At Buffalo Wild WingsChapter Blood Drive – March 18Be Red Cross Ready – March 22Roll with the Red Cross – March 3011th Annual Real Heroes Award

Ceremony & Luncheon – March 31Events coming in April.....

Day of Disaster Walk & Run – April 18

For complete information about Red Cross Month activities,

Contact the Cayuga County Chapter at11 State St., Auburn, NY

252-9596 or e-mail:[email protected]

THE MOTOWN SOUND (continued):biggest hits, specializing in romantic, easy-listening ballads such as “Easy”, “Three

Times A Lady” and “Still”.• Remember the Four Tops? They were hugeinthe1960s,beforetheBeatleschangedpopmusicforever.TheirearlyhitsincludedcoversoftheLeftBanke‘s“WalkAwayRenee”andTimHardin‘s“IfIWereACarpenter.”

• Gladys Knight and the Pips were signed toMotownRecords’ in 1966,where theywereteamed up with producer/songwriter Norman Whitfield.

• MaryWellswas the First Lady ofMotown,with a string of extraordinary hit singles,mostly written by the great songwriter, SmokeyRobinson.Someofherhitsincluded“Two Lovers” and “You Beat Me to thePunch.”Tragically,shediedatage49.

YOU NEED A HOBBY!• Aswenear theendofanotherspring training

baseball season, here are some Tidbits about lastyear’sattendance.The2009CactusLeagueseasonwas thebest in itshistory.Theoverallattendancereached1.57millionbaseballfans,anearly20percentincreaseover2008.

• The economic impact of baseball onArizonaduring spring training has been estimated at about$359million.

• Professionalbaseball started inArizona in theearly 1900s as a training ground for minorleague teams prior to the start of their regular season.

Lace up your rollerkskates for the 2nd Annual “Roll with the Red Cross” on Tuesday, March 30 from 5:30 – 7:30pm at Reva Rollerdrome, West Genesee Street Road. Admission is $3 per person and includes skate rental. While supplies last, guests will receive a free Family Disaster Starter Kit. This is the last event for National Red Cross Month 2010.

Looking for a great way to enjoy the warm weather with friends? Join the 1st Annual Day of Disaster Walk & Run on Sunday, April 18. The non-competitive 2-mile walk and run starts at 1pm at the chapter office, 11 State Street, Downtown Auburn looping down South Street, up Hamilton Ave, across a bit of Lake Ave. and then down Osborne Street to The Finish Line Party at the Knights of Columbus, Market Street. All ages can participate in the event.

Kym Scordo, AmeriCorpsVISTA, is excited that people are starting to register as team of four or indi-viduals. Participants will each receive a commemora-tive T-shirt and entrance to the Finish Line Party with complimentary soda, water, hotdogs, veggies and dip and desserts and a cash bar will be open. Cost is $50 for a team of 4 or $15 for an individual. Registration is requested by April 1, but walk-ins until April 18 are allowed.

Sponsors of the Walk & Run are The Center, An-gelo’s Pizza, Finger Lakes Mall, Curves, Aeropostale and The Knight of Columbus. Doors prizes have been donated by Cato-Meridian Recreational Center; The Restaurant at Elderberry Pond; Stepping Stone Studio, Weedsport; Peace Dreamers, Auburn; Gemini Salon & Spa, Auburn; and Everyday Massage, Auburn.

The 11th Annual Real Heroes Award Ceremony &

Luncheon is on Wednesday, March 31 at 12 noon at the Holiday Inn, Auburn. Join the Red Cross as we rec-ognize eight Real Heroes for their life-saving actions and contributions to the community.

The Real Heroes 2010 are David Bowman, a Red Cross Instructor for 41 years; Jessica Ferro who used CPR to resuscitate her nephew; Timothy Gray who applied CPR to save a co-worker’s life; Sara Samara, a regular blood donor who also donated a kidney; Deputy Michael J. Lupo who responded quickly at a car accident; Dr. Barbara Connor, Volunteer Medical Di-rector for John Dau Clinic, Sudan; Phillip Waterman, a Leukopheresis or “Gran” and Aphaeresis triple Platelet blood donor; and Millie Lewis, a Blood Drive Volunteer since 1979.

Dan Cummings, Cayuga County native and News-Anchor at Channel 9, will return as Master of Ceremo-ny. The event is sponsored by NUCOR Steel Auburn, Inc; Fidelis Care; Five Star Bank; Auburn Memorial Hospital; First Niagara, Savannah Bank; and Coburn Design. Tickets for the ceremony and buffet luncheon are $20 per person.

The Chapter is looking for a few good volunteers to spend the day in a busy office helping the Red Cross run efficiently and effectively. You will learn computer programs such as Raiser’s Edge and Financial Edge; answer phones and interact with the public; and help people be prepared for disasters and emergencies. We ask for a one day per week commitment.

For information or to register for the Walk & Run, a first aid class or the volunteer position, contact the Chapter at 252–9596 or [email protected] or stop by to visit.

Roll with the Red Cross

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DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Sixty-two must be the age when everything falls apart. I’m there. My latest body part to give way is my back. I have back pain a considerable amount of the time. It finally brought me to a doctor, who tells me I have spinal stenosis. I have been told to take Aleve for my pain, and I’m scheduled for physical therapy. I don’t have great hopes of a cure. What exactly is this? What else can be done for it? -- T.R.ANSWER: Spinal stenosis accounts for about one-third of all cases of low-back pain. It’s an elusive concept that calls for an anatomy lesson. The backbones (vertebrae, spinal column) have a tunnel running through them -- the spinal canal. In that canal or tunnel is the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis signifies that the spinal canal has narrowed and is pressing on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. That, in turn, produces back pain that can spread to the buttocks, the back of the thighs or the lower leg. The pain worsens on standing or waking, and goes away when the person sits. Aging is the most important factor in developing spinal stenosis. Back ligaments, which hold the backbones in place, thicken and calcify. Arthritic changes in the backbones sprout bone spurs that impinge on the canal. Back discs -- the spongy shock absorbers between adjacent backbones -- degenerate and crumble, and that narrows the canal and

exerts pressure on the spine and spinal nerves.Nonsurgical treatment employs physical therapy to strengthen and stretch back muscles in an attempt to relieve pressure on the spine and its nerves. Anti-inflammatory medicines like your Aleve control pain. You might need stronger pain medicines. Epidural injections of cortisone ease inflammation and give the spinal canal and spinal nerves more room. “Epidural” means the injection is made into a space in the spinal canal above its covering membrane. Surgery is a solution when these measures fail.The pamphlet on back pain discusses the many conditions that lead to one of medicine’s biggest problems. It describes different conditions and their treatments. To obtain a copy, write to: Dr. Donohue -- No. 303W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.


Spinal Stenosis a Major Cause of Back Pain

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

(c) 2010 North America Synd., Inc.All Rights Reserve

You Need a Haobby (continued):• It wasn’t until the year 1946 that themajor

leagues came to Arizona. To that point, spring trainingwasalwaysinFlorida,theGrapefruitCircuit. The Cleveland Indians were first tomovetoArizona,butnotbeforeIndian’sownerBillVeeckconvincedNewYorkGiantsownerHorace Stoneham to do the same. The Indians cametoTucson.TheGiantstoPhoenix.

• TheNewYorkYankeeshavealways trainedinFlorida.Except for one year, 1951,whenthey trainedinArizona,using theNewYorkGiant’s facilities in Phoenix. What a treatit was for Arizona fans, who got to see Joe DiMaggio andMickeyMantleplay togetherforthefirstandlasttime.ItwasMantle’sfirstyearwiththeYankees,andDiMaggio’slast.

• Major league spring training baseball is aFlorida tradition since the beginning of the1900s. During that time, fans have enjoyedseeing the legends of the game, from BabeRuth to Rogers Hornsby, Willie Mays andRobertoClemente.

• InCentralFloridamajorleaguespringtraininggames began in October 1908, when therewas a single exhibition game between theCincinnatiRedsandtheSt.PetersburgSaints.But gamesbegan for real inFebruary1913,whentheChicagoCubsarrivedinTampaforthe area’s initial spring training.

• In1913,onlytwoteamstrainedinFlorida,theChicagoCubs, inTampa, and theClevelandIndians, in Pensacola. It was soon after, however, that teams began moving into theSunshine State and by 1914 the Cubs andIndianswerejoinedbytheSt.LouisBrownsin St. Petersburg, the St. Louis Cardinals in St. Augustine and the Philadelphia Athletics inJacksonville.

• TherewasnospringtraininginFloridaduringWorldWarII.Itwasduetotravelrestrictionsmade by the government. It was called the“Potomac Line.” In 1946, CommissionerKennesaw Landis erased the “Line,” and permitted teams to resume the practice of travelingsouthtopreparefortheseasoninawarm climate.

• DuringtheWarYears,inordertofreeupspaceon railroad lines carrying troops and supplies forWorldWarII, teamshadbeenprohibitedfrom training south of the Potomac and Ohio RiversorwestoftheMississippiRiver.

• The Grapefruit League cities with the mostyears of spring training are St. Petersburg and Tampa(87years),BradentonandClearwater(76years),Lakeland(75years),Sarasota(74years), Fort Myers (64 years), West PalmBeach (63 years), Orlando (62 years), VeroBeach(58years)andWinterHaven(55years).

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1.Boston’sDustinPedroia(2007RookieoftheYear;2008AmericanLeagueMVP).2.Mathewsonhad12consecutiveyears;Johnsonhad10.3.DanFoutspassedfor2,390yardsin1970.4.OscarRobertsonhadsixtostartthe1968-69season.5.BillChadwick.6.Bobsled(BrianShimer)andluge(MarkGrimmette).7. Ten times.(c)2010KingFeaturesSynd.,Inc.

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5) Boots, Skiing

Oh, what tumbles have occurred in this sport:______________________________

D F J T______C F B I H M_________A F A A J T K__________S J D H C T__________X F F Y K________





