tibetan zine yoga

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  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    Zhine Tibetan YogaIn the Name of Allah


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  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    TIBETAN DREA+ YO4A . CA9+ ABIDIN4 :;HIN d/eam8ecome longe/> le88 f/agmented> and mo/e ea8il2 /ememe/ed> and l7cidit2 i8 de=elo0ed--,a!ing life i8 e?7all2 enhanced a8 6e find that 6e a/e inc/ea8ingl2 0/otected f/om eingca//ied a6a2 2 the hait7al emotional /eaction8 that d/a6 78 into di8t/action and7nha00ine88- D/eam .6o/! can in8tead de=elo0 the 0o8iti=e t/ait8 that lead to ha00ine88and 8700o/t the 8ee!e/ in the 80i/it7al @o7/ne2-

    All 2ogic and 80i/it7al di8ci0line8 incl7de 8ome fo/m of 0/actice that de=elo08 concent/ationand ?7iet8 the mind- In the Tietan t/adition thi8 0/actice i8 called calm aiding (hine3- ,e/ecognie th/ee 8tage8 in the de=elo0ment of 8tailit2) fo/cef7l hine> nat7/al hine> and7ltimate hine- ;hine egin8 6ith mental fiation on an o@ect and> 6hen concent/ation i88t/ong eno7gh> mo=e8 on to fiation 6itho7t an o@ect- (Same 0/inci0le a8 6o/!ing 6ith thePe/fect +odel 0/e8ented to 2o7 on thi8 6e8ite3-

    Begin the 0/actice 2 8itting comfo/tal2 on a chai/ o/ in the fi=e.0ointed meditation0o8t7/e) the leg8 c/o88ed> the hand8 folded in the la0 in meditation 0o8ition 6ith 0alm8 70and 0laced one on to0 of the othe/> the 80ine 8t/aight 7t not /igid> the head tilted do6n8lightl2 to 8t/aighten the nec!> and the e2e8 o0en- The e2e8 8ho7ld e /elaed> not too 6ideo0en and not too clo8ed- The o@ect of concent/ation 8ho7ld e 0laced 8o that the e2e8 can

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    loo! 8t/aight ahead> neithe/ 70 no/ do6n- D7/ing the 0/actice t/2 not to mo=e> not e=en to86allo6 o/ lin!> 6hile !ee0ing the mind one 0ointedl2 on the o@ect- E=en if tea/8 8ho7ld

    8t/eam do6n 2o7/ face> do not mo=e- 9et the /eathing e nat7/al-

    4ene/all2> fo/ 0/actice 6ith an o@ect> ;hine 0/actitione/8 78e the Tietan lette/ A a8 theo@ect of concent/ation- Thi8 lette/ ha8 man2 82molic meaning8 7t he/e i8 78ed 8im0l2 a8a 8700o/t fo/ the de=elo0ment of foc78- Othe/ o@ect8 ma2 al8o e 78ed the lette/ A ofthe Engli8h al0haet> an image of 2o7/ Pe/fect +odel> o/ an2 othe/ 8ac/ed Image > the8o7nd of a mant/a> the /eath almo8t an2thing- Ho6e=e/> it i8 good to 78e 8omethingconnected to the 8ac/ed> a8 it 8e/=e8 to in80i/e 2o7- Al8o> t/2 to 78e the 8ame o@ect eachtime 2o7 0/actice> /athe/ than 86itching et6een o@ect8> eca78e the contin7it2 act8 a8 a8700o/t of the 0/actice- It i8 al8o 8ome6hat 0/efe/ale to foc78 on a 0h28ical o@ect thati8 o7t8ide the od2> a8 the 07/0o8e i8 to de=elo0 8tailit2 d7/ing the 0e/ce0tion ofete/nal o@ect8 and> e=ent7all2> of the o@ect8 in d/eam-

    - Concent/ation on the Tietan lette/ :A:

    If 2o7 6i8h to 78e the Tietan :A: 2o7 can 6/ite it on a 0iece of 0a0e/ ao7t an inch8?7a/e- T/aditionall2> the lette/ i8 6hite and i8 enclo8ed in fi=e concent/ic colo/ed ci/cle8)the cente/ ci/cle that i8 the di/ect ac!g/o7nd fo/ the :A: i8 indigo a/o7nd it i8 a l7eci/cle> then g/een> /ed> 2ello6> and 6hite one8- Ta0e the 0a0e/ to a 8tic! that i8 @78t longeno7gh to 8700o/t the 0a0e/ at e2e le=el 6hen 2o7 8it fo/ 0/actice> and ma!e a a8e thathold8 it 70/ight- Place it 8o that the :A: i8 ao7t a foot and a half in f/ont of 2o7/ e2e8-

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    The Tietan 9ette/ :A:

    +an2 8ign8 of 0/og/e88 can a/i8e d7/ing the 0/actice- A8 concent/ation 8t/engthen8 and the0e/iod8 of 0/actice a/e etended> 8t/ange 8en8ation8 a/i8e in the od2 and man2 8t/ange=i87al 0henomena a00ea/- Yo7 ma2 find 2o7/ mind doing 8t/ange thing8> too That i8 all

    /ight- The8e e0e/ience8 a/e a nat7/al 0a/t of the de=elo0ment of concent/ation the2 a/i8ea8 the mind 8ettle8> 8o e neithe/ di8t7/ed 2 no/ ecited ao7t them-


    The fi/8t 8tage of 0/actice i8 called :fo/cef7l: eca78e it /e?7i/e8 effo/t- The mind i8 ea8il2and ?7ic!l2 di8t/acted> and it ma2 8eem im0o88ile to /emain foc78ed on the o@ect fo/e=en a min7te- In the eginning> it i8 hel0f7l to 0/actice in n7me/o78 8ho/t 8e88ion8alte/nating 6ith /ea!8- Do not let the mind 6ande/ d7/ing the /ea!> 7t in8tead /ecite amant/a> o/ 6o/! 6ith =i87aliation> o/ 6o/! 6ith anothe/ 0/actice 2o7 ma2 !no6> 87ch a8the de=elo0ment of com0a88ion- Afte/ the /ea!> /et7/n to the fiation 0/actice- If 2o7 a/e/ead2 to 0/actice 7t do not ha=e the 0a/tic7la/ o@ect 2o7 ha=e een 78ing> =i87alie a allof light on 2o7/ fo/ehead and cente/ 2o7/8elf the/e- The 0/actice 8ho7ld e done once o/t6ice a da2> and can e done mo/e f/e?7entl2 if 2o7 ha=e the time- De=elo0ingconcent/ation i8 li!e 8t/engthening the m78cle8 of the od2) ee/ci8e m78t e done/eg7la/l2 and f/e?7entl2- To ecome 8t/onge/ !ee0 078hing again8t 2o7/ limit8-

    ee0 the mind on the o@ect- Do not follo6 the tho7ght8 of the 0a8t o/ the f7t7/e- Do notallo6 the attention to e ca//ied a6a2 2 fanta82> 8o7nd> 0h28ical 8en8ation> o/ an2 othe/di8t/action- G78t /emain in the 8en87alit2 of the 0/e8ent moment> and 6ith 2o7/ 6hole8t/ength and cla/it2 foc78 the mind th/o7gh the e2e> on the o@ect- Do not lo8e thea6a/ene88 of the o@ect e=en fo/ a 8econd- B/eathe gentl2> and then mo/e gentl2> 7ntil the8en8e of /eathing i8 lo8t- Slo6l2 allo6 2o7/8elf to ente/ mo/e dee0l2 into ?7iet and calm-+a!e ce/tain that the od2 i8 !e0t /elaed do not ten8e 70 in concent/ation- Neithe/ 8ho7ld2o7 allo6 2o7/8elf to fall into a 8t70o/> a d7llne88> o/ a t/ance-

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    Do not thin! ao7t the o@ect> @78t let it e in a6a/ene88- Thi8 i8 an im0o/tant di8tinction toma!e- Thin!ing ao7t the o@ect i8 not the !ind of concent/ation 6e a/e de=elo0ing- The0oint i8 @78t to !ee0 the mind 0laced on the o@ect> on the 8en8e 0e/ce0tion of the o@ect>to 7ndi8t/actedl2 /emain a6a/e of the 0/e8ence of the o@ect- ,hen the mind doe8 getdi8t/acted and it often 6ill in the eginning> gentl2 /ing it ac! to the o@ect and lea=e it



    A8 8tailit2 i8 de=elo0ed> the 8econd 8tage of 0/actice i8 ente/ed) nat7/al hine- In the fi/8t8tage> concent/ation i8 de=elo0ed 2 contin7all2 di/ecting the attention to the o@ect andde=elo0ing cont/ol o=e/ the 7n/7l2 mind- In the 8econd 8tage> the mind i8 a8o/ed incontem0lation of the o@ect and the/e i8 no longe/ the need fo/ fo/ce to hold it 8till- A/elaed and 0lea8ant t/an?7ilit2 i8 e8tali8hed> in 6hich the mind i8 ?7iet and tho7ght8a/i8e 6itho7t di8t/acting the mind f/om the o@ect- The element8 of the od2 ecomeha/monied and the 0/ana mo=e8 e=enl2 and gentl2 th/o7gho7t the od2- Thi8 i8 ana00/o0/iate time to mo=e to fiation 6itho7t an o@ect-

    Aandoning the 0h28ical o@ect> 8im0l2 fi the foc78 on 80ace- It i8 hel0f7l to gae intoe0an8i=e 80ace> li!e the 8!2> 7t the 0/actice can e done e=en in a 8mall /oom 2 fiingon the 80ace et6een 2o7/ od2 and the 6all- Remain 8tead2 and calm- 9ea=e the od2

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga



    Rathe/ than foc78ing on an imagined 0oint in 80ace> allo6 the mind> 6hile /emaining in8t/ong 0/e8ence> to e diff78e- ,e call thi8 :di88ol=ing the mind: in 80ace> o/ :me/ging themind 6ith 80ace-: It 6ill lead to 8tale t/an?7ilit2 and the thi/d 8tage of hine 0/actice-

    59TI+ATE ;HINE

    ,he/ea8 in the 8econd 8tage the/e i8 8till 8ome hea=ine88 in=ol=ed in the a8o/0tion in theo@ect> the thi/d 8tage i8 cha/acte/ied 2 a mind that i8 t/an?7il 7t light> /elaed> and0liale- Tho7ght8 a/i8e and di88ol=e 80ontaneo78l2 and 6itho7t effo/t- The mind i8integ/ated f7ll2 6ith it8 o6n mo=ement-

    In the Dogchen t/adition> thi8 i8 t/aditionall2 6hen the ma8te/ int/od7ce8 the 8t7dent tothe nat7/al 8tate of mind- Beca78e the 8t7dent ha8 de=elo0ed hine> the ma8te/ can 0ointto 6hat the 8t7dent ha8 al/ead2 e0e/ienced /athe/ than de8c/iing a ne6 8tate that m78te attained- The e0lanation> 6hich i8 !no6n a8 the :0ointing o7t: in8t/7ction> i8 meant tolead the 8t7dent to /ecognie 6hat i8 al/ead2 the/e> to di8c/iminate the mo=ing mind intho7ght and conce0t f/om the nat7/e of mind> 6hich i8 07/e> non.d7al a6a/ene88- Thi8 i8the 7ltimate 8tage of hine 0/actice> aiding in non.d7al 0/e8ence> /ig0a (a6a/ene883 it8elf-


    In de=elo0ing the hine 0/actice> the/e a/e th/ee o8tacle8 that m78t e o=e/come)agitation> d/o68ine88> and lait2-

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga



    Agitation ca78e8 the mind to @7m0 /e8tle88l2 f/om one tho7ght to anothe/ and ma!e8concent/ation diffic7lt- To 0/e=ent thi8> calm 2o7/8elf efo/e the 0/actice 8e88ion 2a=oiding too m7ch 0h28ical o/ mental acti=it2- Slo6 8t/etche8 ma2 hel0 to /ela the od2

    and ?7iet the mind- Once 2o7 a/e 8itting> ta!e a fe6 dee0> 8lo6 /eath8- +a!e it a 0/acticeto foc78 the mind immediatel2 6hen 2o7 8ta/t the 0/actice to a=oid de=elo0ing the hait ofmentall2 6ande/ing 6hile 8itting in meditation 0o8t7/e-


    The 8econd o8tacle i8 d/o68ine88 o/ 8lee0ine88> 6hich mo=e8 into the mind li!e a fog> ahea=ine88 and to/0o/ that l7nt8 a6a/ene88- ,hen it doe8 thi8> t/2 to 8t/engthen the mind8foc78 on the o@ect in o/de/ to 0enet/ate the d/o68ine88- Yo7 ma2 find that d/o68ine88 i8act7all2 a !ind of mo=ement of the mind that 2o7 can 8to0 6ith 8t/ong concent/ation- If thi8doe8 not 6o/!> ta!e a /ea!> 8t/etch> and 0e/ha08 do 8ome 0/actice 6hile 8tanding-


    The thi/d o8tacle i8 lait2- ,hen enco7nte/ing thi8 o8tacle 2o7 ma2 feel that 2o7/ mind i8calm> 7t in a 0a88i=e> 6ea! mental 8tate in 6hich the concent/ation ha8 no 8t/ength- It i8im0o/tant to /ecognie thi8 8tate fo/ 6hat it i8- It can e a 0lea8ant and /elaed e0e/ienceand> if mi8ta!en fo/ co//ect meditation> ma2 ca78e the 0/actitione/ to 80end 2ea/8mi8ta!enl2 c7lti=ating it> 6ith no di8ce/nale change in the ?7alit2 of con8cio78ne88- If 2o7/foc78 lo8e8 8t/ength and 2o7/ 0/actice ecome8 la> 8t/aighten 2o7/ 0o8t7/e and 6a!e 702o7/ mind- Reinfo/ce the attention and g7a/d the 8tailit2 of 0/e8ence- Rega/d the 0/acticea8 8omething 0/ecio78> 6hich it i8> and a8 8omething that 6ill lead to the attainment of thehighe8t /ealiation> 6hich it 6ill- St/engthen the intention and a7tomaticall2 the6a!ef7lne88 of the mind i8 8t/engthened-

    ;hine 0/actice 8ho7ld e done e=e/2 da2 7ntil the mind i8 ?7iet and 8tale- It i8 not onl2 a0/elimina/2 0/actice> 7t i8 hel0f7l at an2 0oint in the 0/actitione/8 life e=en =e/2ad=anced 2ogi8 0/actice hine- The 8tailit2 of mind de=elo0ed th/o7gh hine i8 thefo7ndation of d/eam 2oga and all othe/ meditation 0/actice8- Once 6e ha=e achie=ed a8t/ong and /eliale 8teadine88 in calm 0/e8ence> 6e can de=elo0 thi8 8teadine88 in alla80ect8 of life- ,hen 8tale> thi8 0/e8ence can al6a28 e fo7nd> and 6e 6ill not e ca//ieda6a2 2 tho7ght8 and emotion8- Then> e=en tho7gh !a/mic t/ace8 contin7e to 0/od7ced/eam image8 afte/ falling a8lee0> 6e /emain in a6a/ene88- Thi8 o0en8 the doo/ to thef7/the/ 0/actice8 of oth d/eam and 8lee0 2oga8-

    Note) The et/act8 contained he/e a/e fo/ 0e/8onal 78e onl2> and ma2 not e /e0/od7ced fo/comme/cial di8t/i7tion-3

    (The8e a/e ece/0t8 f/om t6o diffe/ent Dogchen D/eam Yoga oo!8 . :D/eam Yoga and theP/actice of Nat7/al light: 2 Nam!hai No/7 and :The Tietan 2oga8 of d/eam and Slee0: 2Tenin ,ang2al Rim0oche3

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga




    TIBETAN DREA+ YO4APa/t ) $

    Ho6 d/eam8 can hel0 .C7lti=ating o7/ innate ailit2 to 6a!e 70 6ithin the d/eam can .A6a!ening 6ithin a d/eam .The 8i 2oga8 of Tiet .S0i/it7al enefit of Tietan d/eam 2oga .D/eaming .The 0/actice of Tietan d/eam 2oga .Da2time 0/actice .+i//o/ 0/actice .Pa/tne/ee/ci8e .,a!e.70 0/actice .Night time 0/actice .Dee0ening 2o7/ 0/actice . The life long0/actice of Tietan d/eam 2oga

    Hi8 Holine88 the Fo7/teenth Dalai 9ama 8aid) :Tietan B7ddhi8m con8ide/8

    8lee0 to e a fo/m of no7/i8hment> li!e food> that /e8to/e8 and /ef/e8he8 the

    od2- Anothe/ t20e of no7/i8hment i8 8amadhi> o/ meditati=e concent/ation- If

    one ecome8 ad=anced eno7gh in the 0/actice of meditati=e concent/ation>

    then thi8 it8elf 878tain8 o/ no7/i8he8 the od2-:

    D/eam8 a/e a 8ignificant 0a/t of o7/ life- The2 a/e a8 /eal and 7n/eal a8 lifeit8elf- D/eam8 a/e et/emel2 0e/8onal . and t/an80e/8onal> too- O7/ d/eam8 a/ea /eflection of o7/8el=e8) in d/eam8> no matte/ ho6 man2 cha/acte/8 a00ea/>6e meet o7/8el=e8- D/eam8 a/e mi//o/8 to o7/ 8o7l- The2 can hel0 78 to ette/7nde/8tand o7/8el=e8> o7/ 6o/ld> and the nat7/e of /ealit2- D/eam8 int/od7ce78 to othe/ dimen8ion8 of e0e/ience- He/e> time and 80ace a/e m7ch mo/eli?7id and 0la8tic the2 can e 8ha0ed and /e8ha0ed almo8t at 6ill- D/eam8 hintof othe/ 6o/ld8> othe/ li=e8- The2 a/e a glim08e of o7/ afte/life- E=e/2oned/eam8> altho7gh not all d/eam8 a/e /ememe/ed e?7all2- Fift2.8i 0e/cent ofAme/ican8 ha=e had a l7cid d/eam . that i8> a d/eam in 6hich one i8 a6a/e thatone i8 d/eaming- T6ent2.one 0e/cent 8a2 the2 ha=e a l7cid d/eam once a

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    month o/ mo/e- +editato/8 /e0o/t =i=idl2 clea/> 8elf.a6a/e d/eam8 6ee!l2 and

    e=en mo/e often-

    Ho6 D/eam8 Can Hel0 58

    4/eat heale/8 ha=e long /ecognied the 0o6e/ of d/eam8 to info/m and 8700o/t78- Hi00oc/ate8 8aid> D/eam8 a/e one of the mo8t im0o/tant 6a28 to diagno8ea 0atient8 illne88-: Sigm7nd F/e7d8 t7/n.of.the.cent7/2 6o/!- TheInte/0/etation of D/eam8> ma/!ed the eginning of the e/a of mode/n082cholog2 and 082choanal28i8- Ce/tain d/eam8 can con=e2 87con8cio78>=al7ale info/mation to the d/eame/- A 6ee! efo/e the e=ent> A/aham9incoln d/eamed that he 6o7ld e a88a88inated- The em0e/o/ Con8tantined/eamed of /adiant 4/ee! lette/8 80elling the name of Ch/i8t and 6a8con=e/ted> leading to the d/amatic con=e/8ion of the enti/e B2antine Em0i/e-I> m28elf> ha=e /ecei=ed me88age8> teaching8> and le88ing8 th/o7gh m2d/eam8 f/om the 80i/it7al ma8te/8 I ha=e !no6n and lo=ed in thi8 lifetime-

    Some contem0o/a/2 082chologi8t8 con8ide/ l7cid d/eaming a =al7ale 0/acticefo/ 0e/8onal g/o6th- Thi8 model i8> ho6e=e/> diffe/ent f/om Tietan d/eam2oga- The 80i/it7al 0/actice goe8 dee0e/> hel0ing 78 6o/! 6ith the g/eat0a88age8 of life and death- Tietan d/eam 2oga teache8 78 ho6 to na=igate theg/o7ndle88ne88 of moment.to.moment ei8tence> 6hich t20icall2 ma!e8 nointellect7al 8en8e- It i8 at thi8 le=el that 6e c7t th/o7gh the ill78o/2 nat7/e ofmind and t/7l2 e0e/ience o7/ ma/=elo78 h7man ei8tence-

    C7lti=ating o7/ innate ailit2 to 6a!e 70 6ithin the d/eam can)

    Inc/ea8e cla/it2 and l7cidit2> oth 6a!ing and 8lee0ing Hel0 78 /ealie the t/an80a/ent> d/eam.li!e nat7/e of e0e/ience F/ee the mind Relea8e ene/g2 loc!age8 and acc7m7lated ten8ion and 8t/e88 9oo8en hait8 and ma!e 78 mo/e o0en> att7ned> and fleile 5nlea8h and moilie c/eati=it2 B/ing /e0/e88ion8 and denial8 into con8cio78ne88 Cla/if2 and di80el conf78ion Sol=e 0/olem8 Re=eal the 0/oce88 of death and /ei/th Heal and /ela 78 E0o8e fanta8ie8 5nloc! a80i/ation8 and 0otential8 Facilitate di/ect enco7nte/8 6ith o7/ 8hado6 nat7/e P/o=ide 80i/it7al le88ing8> =i8ion8> and g7idance Hel0 o0en o7/ innate 082chic ca0acitie8 Remo=e hind/ance8 and o8tacle8 Hel0 0/e0a/e (/ehea/8e3 78 fo/ death and the afte/life

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    A6a!ening 6ithin the d/eam

    The 8eminal Chine8e 0hilo8o0he/ Ch7ang T7 d/eamed he 6a8 a 7tte/fl2-50on a6a!ening> he 6onde/ed 6hethe/ he 6a8 a man 6ho had d/eamed he6a8 a 7tte/fl2> o/ a 7tte/fl2 d/eaming he 6a8 a man- Ch7ang T78 m78ing8

    7nde/8co/e a f7ndamental t/7th) life i8 li!e a d/eam-S0i/it7al life i8 ao7t a6a!ening f/om the d/eam of 7n/ealit2- The 6o/d B7ddhait8elf i8 f/om the 6o/d odhi> :a6a!ef7l-: B7ddhi8t 6i8dom and 0/actice hel0 78to a6a!en to 6ho and 6hat 6e t/7l2 a/e> and to /ecognie the diffe/enceet6een the /eal and the 7n/eal in o7/ dail2 life- All of o7/ 80i/it7al 0/actice8a/e de8igned to a6a!en 78 f/om the da2d/eam of ill78ion and conf78ion> 6he/e

    6e a/e li!e 8lee06al!e/8> 8emicon8cio78l2 m7ddling o7/ 6a2 th/o7gh life-

    Self.!no6ledge th/o7gh 80i/it7al a6a!ening hel08 78 ecome ma8te/8 ofci/c7m8tance8 and condition8> /athe/ than =ictim8- Thi8 i8 6h2 the A/menian80i/it7al ma8te/ 4eo/ge 47/d@ieff 8aid) :Contem0o/a/2 man i8 o/n a8lee0> li=e8a8lee0> and die8 a8lee0- And 6hat !no6ledge co7ld a 8lee0ing man ha=eJ If2o7 thin! ao7t it and at the 8ame time /ememe/ that 8lee0 i8 the chieffeat7/e of o7/ eing> 2o7 6ill 8oon 7nde/8tand that if man 6i8he8 to otain!no6ledge> he 8ho7ld fi/8t of all thin! ao7t ho6 to a6a!en him8elf> that i8ao7t ho6 to change hi8 eing-:

    So7th Ame/ican 8haman8 call thi8 a6a!ening f/om the d/eam of life:8ha0e8hifting:) ente/ing into a 80i/it7al @o7/ne2 6ith the e0licit07/0o8e of t/an8fo/mation- Sha0e8hifting and othe/ fo/m8 of con8cio78d/eam.6o/! can> th/o7gh /eg7la/ 0/actice> hel0 78 e0e/ience othe//ealm8 of ei8tence> =i8it o7/ dea/ de0a/ted> and achie=e 80i/it7alma8te/2-

    A78t/alian ao/igine8 8a2 6e all li=e in the d/eamtime) 6e a/e li!e d/eamcha/acte/8> li=ing o7t o7/ li=e8 e2ond the ill78ion of eing o/n and d2ing-Tietan ma8te/8 call thi8 d/eamtime the a/do> o/ inte/mediate 8tage- Ba/do8ei8t et6een the ending of one 8tate and the eginning of anothe/> 87ch a8i/th and death . o/ death and /ei/th- D/eaming> too> i8 a a/do> ma/!ing the

    8eemingl2 7n8t/7ct7/ed one et6een 6a!ing and 8lee0ing-

    Tietan B7ddhi8m i8 7ni?7e among B7ddhi8t 8chool8 in teaching 78 ho6 toa6a!en 6ithin the d/eam and ho6 to 0/actice 80i/it7all2 6hile 8lee0ing- Thi8 i8the e88ence of Tietan d/eam 2oga> and the foc78 of all the 0/actice8a88ociated 6ith it- The Yoga of the D/eam State> an ancient Tietan man7al onthe 0/actice of d/eam 2oga and l7cid d/eaming teache8 that 6e can lea/n fi=e

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    80i/it7all2 8ignificant 6i8dom le88on8 th/o7gh a88id7o78l2 0/acticing thi8 0ath of


    D/eam8 can e alte/ed th/o7gh 6ill and attention

    D/eam8 a/e 7n8tale> im0e/manent> and 7n/eal m7ch li!e fanta8ie8>magical ill78ion8> mi/age8> and hall7cination8 Dail2 0e/ce0tion8 in the e=e/2da2 6a!ing 8tate a/e al8o 7n/eal All life i8 he/e toda2 and gone tomo//o6> li!e a d/eam the/e i8 nothing tohold on to Con8cio78 d/eam6o/! can lead 78 to the /ealiation of 6holene88> 0e/fectalance> and 7nit2-Fo/ cent7/ie8> Tietan ma8te/8 ha=e ta7ght thei/ 8t7dent8 ho6 to 78ed/eamtime and d/eam 80ace to f7/the/ 80i/it7al 0/og/e88 2 inc/ea8inga6a/ene88 d7/ing the d/eam 8tate- Tietan D/eam Yoga /ing8 2o7 the8e 8ametechni?7e8 fo/ /ealiing the fi=e 6i8dom le88on8 and /ea0ing the enefit8 ofa6a!ening 6ithin the d/eam-

    The Si Yoga8 of Tiet

    Tietan d/eam 2oga i8 one of the /eno6ned Si Yoga8 of Tiet> an ancientB7ddhi8t teaching that o/iginate8 6ith the enlightened 2ogic ade0t8 (8iddha83 ofancient India- The8e 2oga8 (o/ 0/actice83> 7tilied fo/ a millenni7m 2 all fo7/

    8chool8 of Tietan B7ddhi8m> hel0 78 to 7tilie the od2#mind#80i/it a8 a

    =ehicle fo/ a6a!ening and enlightenment 2 da2> 2 night> and in the

    afte/life (a/do3-

    The Si Yoga8 a/e)

    Inne/ heat (m28tic incande8cence3 2oga Ill78o/2 od2 2oga D/eam 2oga Clea/ light 2oga Ba/do 2oga Con8cio78 t/an8fo/mation 2ogaThe Si Yoga8 t/adition 6a8 fi/8t /o7ght to Tiet thi/teen h7nd/ed 2ea/8 ago2 the Indian tant/ic ma8te/ Padma8amha=a> fo7nde/ of the Ancient School(N2ingma0a3 of Tietan B7ddhi8m- Padma8amha=a him8elf /ecei=ed theteaching8 he codified a8 The Yoga of the D/eam State f/om a m28te/io78 2oginamed 9a6a0a- In en87ing cent7/ie8> a8 B7ddhi8m g/e6 and flo7/i8hed inTiet> +a/0a the T/an8lato/ and othe/ Tietan 8age8 made the g/7eling @o7/ne2on foot to India to 8t7d2 f/om 2ogic ma8te/8> then /o7ght the teaching ac!

    6ith them-

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    Th/o7gh 0/acticing the Si Yoga8> 6e come to /ealie the infinite

    em0tine88#o0enne88> 7ng/a80ale ?7alit2> and l7mino8it2 that i8 the t/7e

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    nat7/e of /ealit2- D/eam inte/0/etation> the 78e of d/eam8 fo/ 0/ediction8 andhealing> and the de=elo0ment of 082chic 0o6e/8 and healing ailitie8 can a/i8enat7/all2 f/om the contin7o78 0/actice of d/eam 2oga and the /elated 2oga8(e80eciall2 clea/ light> inne/ heat> and ill78o/2 od23-

    The S0i/it7al Benefit8 of Tietan D/eam YogaHi8 Holine88 the Fo7/teenth Dalai 9ama ha8 thi8 to 8a2 ao7t a6a!eningo7/ d/eam od2 and 78ing it fo/ 80i/it7al 0/og/e88 and de=elo0ment):The/e i8 8aid to e a /elation8hi0 et6een d/eaming> on the one hand>and the g/o88 and 87d7e le=el8 of the od2 on the othe/- B7t it i8 al8o8aid that the/e i8 a 80ecial d/eam 8tate- In that 8tate> the 80ecial d/eamod2 i8 c/eated f/om the mind and f/om =ital ene/g2 (0/ana3 6ithin theod2- Thi8 80ecial d/eam od2 i8 ale to di88ociate enti/el2 fo/m the

    g/o88 0h28ical od2 and t/a=el el8e6he/e-:

    One 6a2 of de=elo0ing thi8 80ecial d/eam od2 i8 fi/8t of all to /ecogniea d/eam a8 a d/eam 6hen it occ7/8- Then 2o7 find that the d/eam i8malleale> and 2o7 ma!e effo/t8 to gain cont/ol o=e/ it- 4/ad7all2 2o7ecome =e/2 8!illed in thi8> inc/ea8ing 2o7/ ailit2 to cont/ol thecontent8 of the d/eam 8o that it acco/d8 to 2o7/ o6n de8i/e8- E=ent7all2it i8 0o88ile to di88ociate 2o7/ d/eam od2 f/om 2o7/ g/o88 0h28icalod2- In cont/a8t> in the no/mal d/eam 8tate> d/eaming occ7/8 6ithin theod2- B7t a8 a /e87lt of 80ecific t/aining> the d/eam od2 can goel8e6he/e- Thi8 fi/8t techni?7e i8 accom0li8hed enti/el2 2 the 0o6e/ of

    de8i/e o/ a80i/ation-

    The/e i8 anothe/ techni?7e that a//i=e8 at the 8ame end 2 mean8 of0/ana 2oga- The8e a/e meditati=e 0/actice8 that 7tilie the 87tle> =italene/gie8 in the od2- Fo/ the8e techni?7e8 it i8 al8o nece88a/2 to/ecognie the 8lee0 8tate a8 it occ7/8-

    Acco/ding to 8lee0 /e8ea/che/8> 6e t20icall2 e0e/ience fo7/ 8tage8 of 8lee0-

    H20nagogic 8lee0 . the 8tate of d/o68ine88 6e e0e/ience a8 6eegin falling a8lee0 O/dina/2 8lee0. he/e> 6e ente/ a t/7e 8lee0ing 8tate> 7t can 8till eea8il2 a6a!ened- Dee0e/ 8lee0 . =ital f7nction8 8lo6 do6n> and 6e a/e mo/e li!el2 to

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    8lee0 th/o7gh di8t7/ance8

    Dee0 8lee0 . m78cle8 a/e totall2 /elaed> and it 6o7ld e diffic7lt to6a!e 78 70 (6e onl2 80end ao7t fifteen 0e/cent of o7/ 8lee0ing ho7/8 atthi8 8tage3

    It ta!e8 ao7t an ho7/ to c2cle th/o7gh all fo7/ 8tage8 then 6e go ac!in /e=e/8e o/de/ to 8tage %- Befo/e eginning the c2cle again> ho6e=e/>6e e0e/ience /a0id e2e mo=ement8 (RE+3 7nde/ o7/ clo8ed lid8-Re8ea/ch 8ho68 that thi8 i8 6hen 6e d/eam- ,e 80end t6ent2 tot6ent2.fi=e 0e/cent of o7/ 8lee0 time in thi8 8tate- In o/de/ to 0/acticed/eam 2oga> 6e m78t int/od7ce a6a/ene88 d7/ing the 0e/iod8 of RE+8lee0 (6hich la8t f/om a fe6 min7te8 to half an ho7/3- If 6e can identif2that 8tage 6hile a8lee0 .0e/ha08 6ith the hel0 of an a88i8tant o/ ad/eam.light de=ice . 6e can f7/the/ inc7ate> de=elo0> and enhance thea6a/ene88 0/actice of ecoming con8cio78 and l7cid 6ithin the d/eam8tate-


    Tietan d/eam 2oga tet8 teach 78 that> in gene/al> the/e a/e th/eet20e8 of d/eam8) O/dina/2> !a/mic d/eam8> a/i8ing mo8tl2 f/om the da28acti=itie8> and f/om 0/e=io78 life acti=itie8> tho7ght8> e0e/ience8> andcontact8-

    :Clea/ light: d/eam8) 80i/it7al =i8ion8> le88ing8> and ene/g2 o0ening8 97cid d/eam8> 6hich a/e cha/acte/ied 2 a6a/ene88 that one i8 d/eaming5nde/ the8e th/ee /oad di=i8ion8> d/eam8 can e di=ided into a f7/the/ 8icatego/ie8)

    D/eam8 of e=ent8 that occ7//ed 6hile 6e 6e/e 8till a6a!e D/eam8 ao7t othe/ 0eo0le> ali=e o/ dead Fo/gotten element8 eme/ging f/om the 87con8cio78 A/chet20al content> e=ocati=e 82mol8> and 8o on Et/a8en8o/2 0e/ce0tion8> 0/ofo7nd d/eam8> and omen8 Radiant> l7mino78> 80i/it7al d/eam8Rec7//ent d/eam8> nightma/e8> d/eam8 of death> and othe/ !ind8 of commonl2/e0o/ted d/eam8 all fall 6ithin the fi/8t fo7/ d/eam catego/ie8- In the inte/e8t8of de=elo0ing dee0e/ a6a/ene88 of 2o7/ d/eam8> 2o7 ma2 find it hel0f7l toidentif2 the catego/2 that a00lie8 6hene=e/ 2o7 /ecall a 0a/tic7la/ d/eam-

    The P/actice8 of Tietan D/eam Yoga

    It i8 im0o/tant to c/eate a 80i/it7al contet fo/ the 0/actice of Tietan d/eam2oga- 97cid d/eaming can ea8il2 e mi878ed to 0e/0et7ate the 0/olem8 6e

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    e0e/ience in o7/ 6a!ing li=e8- Fo/ eam0le> one might di/ect one8 d/eamto6a/d a g/atif2ing enco7nte/ o/ a =engef7l fanta82- Yo7 6ill find that thetechni?7e8 on Tietan D/eam Yoga 8omeho6 dont 6o/! a8 6ell 6hen 78ed fo/

    87ch 07/0o8e8-

    Tietan d/eam 2oga 0/actice com0/i8e8 th/ee 0a/t8)

    Da2time 0/actice> de8igned to hel0 78 /ecognie the d/eamli!e nat7/e of allei8tence and the/e2 0/e0a/e 78 to e0e/ience o7/ d/eam8 a8 =i=idl2 a8 6e doo7/ 6a!ing acti=itie8

    +o/ning 6a!e.70 0/actice8 that hel0 78 /ecall o7/ d/eam8> and confi/m o7/dete/mination to /ecall mo/e of them- Night time 0/actice> 6hich 0/e0a/e8 the g/o7nd fo/ l7cid d/eaming and


    Da2time P/actice )

    D7/ing the da2> 0/actice the8e fo7/ 0oint8)

    Contem0lating the od2 a8 ill78o/2 and 7n/eal Contem0lating the mind and mental acti=itie8 a8 8imila/l2 in878tantial Rega/ding the 6o/ld and all 0henomena and e0e/ience a8 d/eamli!e>in878tantial> im0e/manent> and 7n/eal Recogniing the /elati=it2 and 7ng/a80ale ?7alit2 87ch a8 time> 80ace>!no6ledge> and a6a/ene88Reminding o7/8el=e8 of the8e fo7/ t/7th8 th/o7gho7t o7/ 6a!ing ho7/8 hel08 todi88ol=e the a//ie/ et6een the d/eam of life and the 8lee0ing d/eam- A8 6eecome mo/e ade0t at the8e 0/actice8> 6e egin to /ega/d o7/ nighttimed/eam8 a8 contin7ation8 of o7/ 6a!ing d/eam and 6e lea/n ho6 to /inghait7al a6a/ene88 to oth-

    +i//o/ P/actice

    The follo6ing mi//o/ 0/actice i8 an effecti=e 6a2 of 0e/cei=ing the d/eamli!enat7/e of K/ealit2L> and e80eciall2 of K8elfL- F/om time to time d7/ing the da2>ta!e a fe6 min7te8 to do it-

    % Stand in f/ont of a mi//o/ and loo! into 2o7/ o6n e2e8-

    $- Hold 70 a hand mi//o/ ehind 2o7/ /ight o/ left ea/ and loo! at it8 /eflectionin the la/ge/ mi//o/- ee0 angling the hand mi//o/ 8o a8 to f/agment andm7lti0l2 2o7/ image a8 m7ch a8 0o88ile- 9et 2o7/ mind f/agment along 6iththe image-

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    "- Afte/ a fe6 min7te8> angle the hand mi//o/ ac! 7ntil 2o7 /et7/n to theo/iginal> 8ingle image in the mi//o/ in f/ont of 2o7-The analog2 of a mi//o/ image i8> li!e d/eam8> t/aditionall2 78ed to de8c/ie thein878tantial nat7/e of o7/ e=e/2da2 e0e/ience- The mi//o/ 0/actice hel08/ing that teaching to life- The f/agmented image i8 the !ind 6e might 8ee in a

    d/eam 2et 6e a/e 8eeing it 6hile 6e/e f7ll2 a6a!e o/ a/e 6eJ

    Allo6ing 2o7/ mind to :fall a0a/t: al8o hel08 =entilate the 8olidit2 6e t20icall2att/i7te to o7/ 6o/ld> and e80eciall2 to o7/ :8elf-:

    Pa/tne/ Ee/ci8e

    He/e i8 a t/aditional d/eam 2oga 0/actice 2o7 can do 6ith a 0a/tne/- Thi8 i8 animmen8el2 78ef7l techni?7e> not onl2 fo/ challenging the di8tinction et6een8lee0ing d/eam8 and the d/eam of eing a6a!e> 7t al8o fo/ a00l2ing 2o7/t/aining to 0/actical> e=e/2da2 8it7ation8-

    % . In87lt> lame> and c/iticie 2o7/ 0a/tne/- Yo7/ 0a/tne/ 8ho7ld li8ten toall of thi8 a8 echoe8 em0t2 8o7nd8-

    $ M T/ade 0lace8- No6 ha=e 2o7/ 0a/tne/ di80a/age 2o7> 6hile 2o70/actice @78t hea/ing the 8o7nd8 and not ta!ing the 6o/d8 to hea/t

    " M T/2 doing thi8 8ame ee/ci8e 78ing 0/ai8e and flatte/2 in8tead oflame- In eithe/ ca8e> the li8tening 0a/tne/ 8ho7ld 0/actice not /eactingin an2 6a2> /ecogniing 6hat i8 eing 8aid a8 a d/eam- At fi/8t> 2o7 ma2find it diffic7lt to maintain e?7animit2 6hile 2o7 do thi8 0/actice- Sta26ith it M 2o7 6ill find that doing 8o 2ield8 /ich /e6a/d8 o=e/ time-

    ,a!e.70 P/actice

    The moment8 immediatel2 afte/ 6a!ing a/e the mo8t fe/tile fo/ /ecallingd/eam8- The follo6ing 0/actice8 a/e de8igned to 8700o/t and 8t/engthen 2o7//ecall- The2 6ill al8o facilitate a mindf7l t/an8ition et6een the 8lee0ing and6a!ing d/eam 8tate8- 50on 6a!ing in the mo/ning> 0/actice)

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    The lion8 o7t./eath . /eathing o7t 6ith the 8o7nd :ah: The lion.li!e 0o8t7/e fo/ a6a!ening and 07/if2ing . 8itting 70 in ed 6ith/ai8ed head and gaing and em0ha8iing the ehalation> /e0eating the :ah: o7t/eath th/ee time8

    Rai8ing the ene/g2 . 8tanding 70> /eaching the finge/ti08 to the 8!2> and/e0eating the lion8 o7t./eath Ente/ing into mindf7l /eflection on the t/an8ition et6een the 8tate8 of8lee0ing> d/eaming> and 6a!ing /ealit2 . coming into the 0/e8ent moment>/eco/ding d/eam8- Th78> 2o7 6ill ente/ the da2 /ecogniing that all thing8 a/eli!e a d/eam> ill78ion> fanta82> mi/age> and 8o fo/th-

    Nighttime P/actice

    Afte/ going to ed> 0/actice the8e fo7/ 0oint8 in o/de/ to c/eate the condition8fo/ mindf7l> l7cid d/eaming-

    Chant the follo6ing 0/a2e/ th/ee time8 to /emind 2o7 of and 8t/engthen 2o7//e8ol=e to a6a!en 6ithin the d/eam> fo/ the enefit of the 7ltimate a6a!eningof all eing8) K+a2 I a6a!en 6ithin thi8 d/eam and g/a80 the fact that I amd/eaming> 8o that all d/eamli!e eing8 ma2 li!e6i8e a6a!en f/om thenightma/e of ill78o/2 87ffe/ing and conf78ionL- 9ie on one 8ide 6ith 2o7/ leg8 togethe/ and !nee8 8lightl2 ent- 9et 2o7/ent a/m ta!e the 6eight of 2o7/ to/8o 2 /e8ting 2o7/ head on 2o7/ o0enhand- Thi8 i8 the 0o8t7/e of the 8lee0ing B7ddha> a8 he ha8 een t/aditionall2de0icted at the moment of 0a88ing into ni/=ana (death3-

    B/inging 2o7/ attention to 2o7/ th/oat cha!/a> =i87alie 2o7/ ene/g2 /i8ing 70o7t of 2o7/ od2- Feel it /i8e 70 f/om 2o7/ hea/t cha!/a 6ith 2o7/ /eath and0a88 into 2o7/ :thi/d e2e: o/ /o6 cha!/a) the 0oint et6een 2o7/ e2e/o68-Vi87alie it a8 a f7ll> l7mino78 moon ehind 2o7/ e2e8- 4o into the light-

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    Vi87alie the lette/ :A: (82moliing infinite 80ace3 on the 87/face of themoon- Notice 6hate=e/ image8 egin to a00ea/ on the 80he/e of light ehind 2o7/e2e8-Dee0ening Yo7/ P/actice

    To 0/og/e88 8till f7/the/ in Tietan d/eam 2oga>

    Pa2 ca/ef7l attention to 2o7/ d/eam8 Reco/d 2o7/ d/eam8 in a d/eam @o7/nal 70on 6a!ing each mo/ning Recognie /ec7//ent image8> theme8> a88ociation8> and 0atte/n8 Contem0late the a/chet20al> 82molic content and meaning8 of 2o7/ d/eam8 Reflect on the 8imila/itie8 and diffe/ence8 et6een night d/eam8> da2d/eam8>fanta8ie8> =i8ion8> idea8> 0/o@ection8> and 8o on ,a!e 2o7/8elf 70 d7/ing the night to /eaffi/m 2o7/ /e8ol=e to a6a!en 6ithinthe d/eam and g/a80 the fact that 2o7 a/e d/eaming Sit 70 in meditation 0o8t7/e 6hile 8lee0ing to maintain contin7o78 a6a/ene886hile ind7cing and inc7ating l7cid d/eaming Ha=e a d/eam a88i8tant at hand to g7ide 2o7 6hile a8lee0> hel0ing 2o7 lea/nto /etain con8cio78 0/e8ence d7/ing d/eam8 +editate alone in da/!ne88 to de=elo0 the inne/ cla/it2 of the Clea/ 9ight +ind. the mind 7naffected 2 ill78ion D7/ing the da2> maintain a6a/ene88 that e=e/2thing 2o7 e0e/ience i8 li!e ad/eam Chant the d/eam 2oga 0/a2e/ 2 da2 and 2 night to hel0 /einfo/ce 2o7/intention to a6a!en 6ithin the d/eam- (if 2o7 6ant> o/ change the 6o/ding83A

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga



    9i!e an2 80i/it7al 0/actice> Tietan d/eam 2oga 6ill /e=eal mo/e 878tantialenefit8 the longe/ and mo/e con8i8tentl2 2o7 0/actice it- In the B7ddhi8tt/adition> ho6e=e/> di8ci0line alone i8 not eno7gh to /ing 2o7/ 0/actice f7ll2

    ali=e- +oti=ation the /ea8on 2o7 0/actice in the fi/8t 0lace . i8 con8ide/ed a8c/7cial a8 techni?7e and commitment-

    Yo7 6ill ha=e noticed that the Tietan d/eam 2oga chant incl7de8 an a80i/ationto hel0 f/ee all eing8 of thei/ 87ffe/ing- Thi8 intention lie8 at the /oot of allB7ddhi8t 0/actice- The 7nde/l2ing teaching i8 that all li=ing eing8 a/einte/connected) none of 78 can e com0letel2 f/ee 8o long a8 an2 of 78 i8 8tilla8lee0-

    A8 2o7 0/actice Tietan d/eam 2oga> /ecognie that the 87ffe/ing 2o7 8ee! toalle=iate th/o7gh 80i/it7al 0/actice i8> in fact> 7ni=e/8al- Recognie> too> that themo/e a6a!e 2o7 a/e> the mo/e hel0f7l 2o7 can e to tho8e 2o7 ca/e ao7t infact> to> to e=e/2one 2o7 come into contact 6ith- P/actice 6ith the intention of6o/!ing 6ith 2o7/ o6n indi=id7al 0a/t of the 6hole> in o/de/ to /ing all ofh7man a6a/ene88 to a ne6 le=el- In thi8 6a2> 2o7 6ill de/i=e the g/eate8t0o88ile enefit8 f/om 2o7/ d/eam 2oga 0/actice-

    Some 8a2ing8 ao7t d/eam8)

    KD/eam8 a/e a /e8e/=oi/ of !no6ledge and e0e/ience> 2et the2 a/e ofteno=e/loo!ed a8 a =ehicle fo/ e0lo/ing /ealit2L. Ta/thang T7l!7 Yoga P/actice

    KAll that 6e 8ee i8 7t a d/eam 6ithin a d/eamL. Edga/ Allen Poe

    :A d/eam not inte/0/eted i8 li!e a lette/ not /ead:. The Talm7d

    KD/eam8 a/e /eal a8 long a8 the2 la8t- Can 6e 8a2 mo/e of lifeJL M Hen/2 Ha=eloc! Elli8

    KYo7 eing8 on ea/th 6ho a/e dee0 in 8l7me/ Sto0 8lee0ing ,a!e 70 ,hata/e 2o7 6aiting fo/JL.The ;oha/

    KThe/e a/e 8ome 6ho a/e a6a!e e=en 6hile a8lee0> and then the/e a/e tho8e6ho> a00a/entl2 a6a!e> a/e dee0l2 a8lee0L M 9alla

    KDo not 8lee0 li!e an animal that mie8 8lee0 and /ealit2L . Tietanin8t/7ction fo/ d/eam 2oga 0/actice

    K9et 8lee0 it8elf e an ee/ci8e in 0iet2> fo/ 87ch a8 o7/ life and cond7ct ha=eeen 8o al8o of nece88it2 6ill e o7/ d/eam8L M Saint Ba8il

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    -ANote) The et/act8 contained he/e a/e fo/ 0e/8onal 78e onl2> and ma2not e /e0/od7ced fo/ comme/cial di8t/i7tion-3(The8e a/e ece/0t8 f/om th/ee diffe/ent Dogchen D/eam Yoga oo!8D/eam Yoga and the P/actice of Nat7/al light 2 Nam!hai No/7 . The Tietan

    Yoga8 of D/eam and Slee0 2 Tenin ,ang2al Rim0oche . Slee0ing> D/eaming>and D2ing 2 the Dalai 9ama 3


    Ho6 do 2o7 /elate to d/eam8J A f/ame6o/! fo/ d/eam8

    Painting 2 Bo Veno8a

    All d/eam8 6o/! to accom0li8h one of t6o thing8

    % To 8ol=e the 0/olem8 of 2o7/ con8cio78> 6a!ing life-

    $ To 0/e8ent 2o7 6ith acce88 to ne6 0otential8 and c/eati=it2- Beca78ed/eam8 come f/om all le=el8 of 2o7/ eing> 7nde/8tanding the image/2and t20e of d/eam i8 the !e2 to 7nde/8tanding and act7aliing theme88age8 2o7 /ecei=e d7/ing 8lee0-

    " S2mol8 e0/e88 tho8e thing8 fo/ 6hich 6e ha=e no 6o/d8- B2 6o/!ing6ith them> 6e 78e oth hemi80he/e8 of the /ain and ta0 the87con8cio78 mind mo/e f7ll2> 6hich in t7/n o0en8 the doo/8 to o7/int7iti=e 8elf

    A d/eam 82mol co7ld lite/all2 /e0/e8ent it8elf a8 6ell a8 it8 0o88ileinte/0/etation8- The image8 and 82mol8 ma2 al8o /e0/e8ent a80ect8 of2o7/ 0e/8onalit2- ,hen 2o7 egin to /eflect on the 82mol8> al6a28 8ta/t

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    2 /egi8te/ing 2o7/ fi/8t im0/e88ion8 7t dont 8to0 6ith the o=io78-D/eam8 a/e 82molic /e0/e8entation8> not /e0/od7ction8- The d/eamimage8 al6a28 /e0/e8ent mo/e than them8el=e8> and 8o the mo/e 2o76o/! 6ith them> the mo/e 2o7 6ill 7nde/8tand them-

    D/eam8 do not come to tell 2o7 6hat 2o7 al/ead2 !no6- 9oo! at thed/eam image8 and 82mol8 a8 0iece8 of a 07le that 2o7 can 07ttogethe/ onl2 2 finding o7t 6hat the2 mean to 2o7-

    Ho6 do 2o7 /elate to the d/eamJ

    % Sta/t 2 loo!ing at ho6 the d/eam co7ld e /eflecting 8omething goingon in 2o7/ dail2 life-

    $ Then mo=e on to the mo/e 87tle> f/ee a88ociation 6ith the d/eamimage8-

    " ,hat8 the fi/8t thing 2o7 6o7ld no/mall2 thin! ao7t in connection tothat 82mol o/ image> acti=it2 o/ 0e/8on a00ea/ing in 2o7/ d/eam8cena/ioJ

    * doing mo/e than /e0/e8enting them8el=e8- The2 ma2 al8o /e0/e8ent?7alitie8 o/ cha/acte/i8tic8 that 2o7 ha=e :0/o@ected: on them- Fo/eam0le> 2o7 ma2 d/eam of 2o7/ g/andfathe/> a man 6ho 6a8 =e/2 !indto 2o7- The ?7alit2 of !indne88 i8 the/efo/e a88ociated 6ith 2o7/g/andfathe/> 8o d/eaming of him co7ld 82molie !indne88- (Yo7 6ill!no6 the diffe/ence et6een a 82molic /e0/e8entation of a ?7alit2 o/cha/acte/i8tic and a /eal :082chic: contact 6ith a lo=ed one-3

    Eamine the emotion8 6ithin the d/eam 8cena/io- ,hat i8 the0/edominant emotion a88ociated 6ith the d/eamJ Rememe/ that it ma2e the emotion a/o78ed that i8 the !e2 and the 8cena/io i8 8im0l2 a=ehicle to deli=e/ the me88age-

    ,hen 2o7 6a!e 70> doe8 a 0a/tic7la/ feeling /emainJ Fo/ eam0le> a/e2o7 f/ightened> f/78t/ated> ha002> ecitedJ

    D/eam8 often eagge/ate emotion8> ?7alitie8 and 8it7ation8 to get a0a/tic7la/ me88age ac/o88 to 2o7- Thi8 doe8 not mean that 2o7 ha=e that?7alit2 o/ 6ill e0e/ience that 8it7ation to the inten8it2 2o7 e0e/ienced6ithin the d/eam- ,hen thi8 occ7/8> 2o7 a/e often eing gi=en a 8t/ongth7m0 on the head to 0a2 attention Thi8 i8 6hat nightma/e8 do- The2a/e d2namic call8 fo/ 2o7/ attention- The2 8ho6 2o7 2o7/ g/eate8t fea/8>fea/8 that m78t e conf/onted-

    D/eam8 often come in a 8e/ie8- Va/io78 d/eam8 in a 8ingle o/ 87cce88i=enight8 ma2 e diffe/ent 6a28 of 8a2ing the 8ame thing- The 87con8cio78mind ma2 e comm7nicating the 8ame me88age to 2o7 in diffe/ent 6a28

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    to ma!e 87/e that 2o7 get it- 9oo! fo/ /elation8hi08 and 82mol8 that/eocc7/ and notice the 8imila/itie8- A8! 2o7/8elf 6hat the2 ha=e incommon-

    P/o0e/ d/eam inte/0/etation lead8 to6a/d8 g/eate/ 7nde/8tanding of

    2o7/8elf> 7t do not lo8e to7ch 6ith 2o7/ common 8en8e in d/eam 6o/!-On the 87/face> d/eam8 ma2 8eem to 0/edict f7t7/e8 e=ent8 o/ ala/ming8it7ation8> 7t do not @7m0 to concl78ion8- ,ith 0/actice> 2o7 6ill e aleto di8ce/n if a d/eam i8 0/ecogniti=e (/eflecting f7t7/e e=ent83 o/ not-

    D/eam8 78e 82mol8 to ma!e 2o7 de=elo0 and 7nde/8tand 2o7/ 0e/8onal82molic lang7age- Thi8 lang7age come8 di/ectl2 f/om 2o7/ 8o7l and78e8 82mol8 and image8 f/om im0e/8onal a/chet20e8 and f/om 0e/8onale0e/ience to ma!e a 8t/ong o/ 87tle im0act on 2o7/ 082che- Thi882molic lang7age i8 7ni?7e> gi=en @78t to 2o7> in the ho0e that it 6illma!e 2o7 con8cio78 of 2o7/ /eal need8 and 0/olem8- Thi8 lang7age ofthe 8o7l al8o hel08 2o7 to 7nfold 2o7/ c/eati=it2 and acti=ate8 the80i/it7al dimen8ion 6ithin 2o7/ 082che-

    Painting 2 Gohn Vega

    A f/ame6o/! fo/ d/eam 6o/! might e)% Choo8e a d/eam-$ Dete/mine the d/eam t20e> i887e> c/i8i8> a loc!> a /e8ol7tion al/ead2

    incl7ded in the d/eam-" +a!e a li8t of the 82mol8 in the d/eam-* Find o7t the /elation8hi08 et6een 82mol8- Find o7t the /elation8hi08 et6een the d/eam ego and the 82mol8-

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    Find o7t the 8imila/itie8 and cont/a8t8 in the d/eam-

    ' 9i8t 6hat the d/eam ego i8 and i8 not doing in the d/eam

    Q Find o7t ao7t the ego8 /elation8hi08 6ith othe/ item8 in the d/eam-

    +a!e a 87mma/2> and li8t 6hat 2o7 ha=e di8co=e/ed-

    Thi8 i8 a a8ic method of 6o/!ing 6ith d/eam8 that hel08 2o7 de=elo08elf.anal28i8> o8e/=ation> and a :con8cio78: and :l7cid: 8tate ofcon8cio78ne88- Yo7 can follo6 it 70 6ith diffe/ent method8-

    D/eam 6o/! hel08 tho8e 6ho 6ant to !no6 them8el=e8> 8ince li!e ami//o/> it not onl2 0/o@ect8 6ho 6e a/e 7t al8o di80la28 6hat 6e need todo- In othe/ 6o/d8> d/eam8 a/e the e8t g7ide8 to /e=eal 6hat 2o7 ha=eon 2o7/ con8cience> 6hat need8 to e 6o/!ed o7t in 2o7/ life> and ho6 toecome a ette/ and ha00ie/ 0e/8on-

    Finall2> !ee0 a d/eam @o7/nal that /e0/e8ent8 the :mi//o/ of 2o7/ 8o7l:and hel08 2o7 7nde/8tand 2o7/8elf ette/- ,/ite 2o7/ d/eam do6n a88oon a8 0o88ile> e=en @78t a fe6 6o/d8> to /emind 2o7 of 2o7/ d/eam>fo/ the mo/e im0o/tance 2o7 gi=e to 2o7/ d/eam 6o/!> the mo/e inne/me88age8 and intelligent g7idance 2o7 6ill /ecei=e

    It i8 d7/ing m2 P82cho82nthe8i8 t/aining> in 9ondon in %Q*> that I 6a8gi=en thi8 47ideline to D/eam Inte/0/etation-

    (A7tho/ 5n!no6n3 ta!en f/om a P82cho82nthe8i8 0a0e/

    DREA+ YO4A

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    The/e a/e n7me/o78 eam0le8 in the Tietan t/adition of 0/actitione/8 6ho /ecei=edteaching8 in d/eam8- Often the d/eam8 come in 8e?7ence> each night8 d/eam 8ta/ting6he/e the 0/e=io78 night8 d/eam end8> and in thi8 6a2 t/an8mitting enti/e> detailed

    teaching8 7ntil a 0/eci8e and a00/o0/iate 0oint of com0letion i8 /eached> at 6hich 0oint thed/eam8 8to0- Vol7me8 of teaching8 ha=e een :di8co=e/ed: thi8 6a2> incl7ding man2 ofthe 0/actice8 that Tietan8 ha=e een doing fo/ cent7/ie8- Thi8 i8 6hat 6e call :mindt/ea87/e: (gong.te/3-8tailie in con8cio78ne88 6itho7t identif2ing 6ith the con=entional8elf- The 0/actitione/ 6ho8e cla/it2 i8 7no8c7/ed 2 !a/mic t/ace8 and 8am8a/ic d/eam8ha8 acce88 to the 6i8dom inhe/ent in con8cio78ne88 it8elf-

    A7thentic teaching8 di8co=e/ed in d/eam do not come f/om the intellect- It i8 not li!e goingto the li/a/2 and doing /e8ea/ch and then 6/iting a oo!> 78ing the intellect to collect and82nthe8ie info/mation a8 a 8chola/ might- Altho7gh man2 good teaching8 come f/om theintellect> the2 a/e not con8ide/ed mind t/ea87/e8- The 6i8dom of the B7ddha8 i8 8elf.o/iginated> /i8ing f/om the de0th8 of con8cio78ne88> com0lete in it8elf- Thi8 doe8 not meanthat mind t/ea87/e teaching8 6ill not /e8emle ei8ting teaching8> fo/ the2 6ill-F7/the/mo/e> the8e teaching8 can e fo7nd in diffe/ent c7lt7/e8 and in diffe/ent hi8to/ical0e/iod8> and can e 8imila/ e=en tho7gh the2 do not info/m each othe/- Hi8to/ian8 6o/! tot/ace a teaching ac! in time in o/de/ to 0oint o7t ho6 it 6a8 infl7enced 2 a 8imila/teaching> 6he/e the hi8to/ical connection too! 0lace> and 8o on> and often the2 find 87ch alin!- B7t the 7nde/l2ing t/7th i8 that the8e teaching8 a/i8e 80ontaneo78l2 f/om h7man86hen the2 /each a ce/tain 0oint in thei/ indi=id7al de=elo0ment- The teaching8 a/einhe/ent in the fo7ndational 6i8dom that an2 c7lt7/e can e=ent7all2 acce88- The2 a/e notonl2 B7ddhi8t o/ Bon teaching8 the2 a/e teaching8 fo/ all h7man8-

    If 6e ha=e the !a/ma to hel0 othe/ eing8> the teaching8 f/om a d/eam ma2 e of enefitto othe/8- B7t it ma2 al8o e the ca8e> if 6e ha=e !a/ma 6ith a lineage> fo/ eam0le> that

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    the teaching8 di8co=e/ed in a d/eam 6ill e 0a/tic7la/l2 fo/ o7/ o6n 0/actice> 0e/ha08 a8 a

    80ecific /emed2 to o=e/come a 0a/tic7la/ o8tacle-

    Imagine ente/ing a ca=e and finding a =ol7me of teaching8 hidden in8ide- Thi8 i8 finding in

    a 0h28ical 80ace- +ind t/ea87/e8 a/e fo7nd in con8cio78ne88 /athe/ than in the 0h28ical6o/ld- +a8te/8 ha=e een !no6n to find the8e t/ea87/e8 oth in d/eam8 of cla/it2 and6hen a6a!e- In o/de/ to /ecei=e the8e !ind8 of teaching in a d/eam> the 0/actitione/ m78tha=e de=elo0ed ce/tain ca0acitie8> 87ch a8 eing ale to 8tailie in con8cio78ne886itho7t identif2ing 6ith the con=entional 8elf- The 0/actitione/ 6ho8e cla/it2 i8 7no8c7/ed2 !a/mic t/ace8 and 8am8a/ic d/eam8 ha8 acce88 to the 6i8dom inhe/ent in con8cio78ne88it8elf-

    A7thentic teaching8 di8co=e/ed in d/eam do not come f/om the intellect- It i8 not li!e goingto the li/a/2 and doing /e8ea/ch and then 6/iting a oo!> 78ing the intellect to collect and82nthe8ie info/mation a8 a 8chola/ might- Altho7gh man2 good teaching8 come f/om theintellect> the2 a/e not con8ide/ed mind t/ea87/e8- The 6i8dom of the B7ddha8 i8 8elf.o/iginated> /i8ing f/om the de0th8 of con8cio78ne88> com0lete in it8elf- Thi8 doe8 not meanthat mind t/ea87/e teaching8 6ill not /e8emle ei8ting teaching8> fo/ the2 6ill-F7/the/mo/e> the8e teaching8 can e fo7nd in diffe/ent c7lt7/e8 and in diffe/ent hi8to/ical0e/iod8> and can e 8imila/ e=en tho7gh the2 do not info/m each othe/- Hi8to/ian8 6o/! tot/ace a teaching ac! in time in o/de/ to 0oint o7t ho6 it 6a8 infl7enced 2 a 8imila/teaching> 6he/e the hi8to/ical connection too! 0lace> and 8o on> and often the2 find 87ch alin!- B7t the 7nde/l2ing t/7th i8 that the8e teaching8 a/i8e 80ontaneo78l2 f/om h7man86hen the2 /each a ce/tain 0oint in thei/ indi=id7al de=elo0ment- The teaching8 a/einhe/ent in the fo7ndational 6i8dom that an2 c7lt7/e can e=ent7all2 acce88- The2 a/e notonl2 B7ddhi8t o/ Bon teaching8 the2 a/e teaching8 fo/ all h7man8-

    If 6e ha=e the !a/ma to hel0 othe/ eing8> the teaching8 f/om a d/eam ma2 e of enefitto othe/8- B7t it ma2 al8o e the ca8e> if 6e ha=e !a/ma 6ith a lineage> fo/ eam0le> thatthe teaching8 di8co=e/ed in a d/eam 6ill e 0a/tic7la/l2 fo/ o7/ o6n 0/actice> 0e/ha08 a8 a80ecific /emed2 to o=e/come a 0a/tic7la/ o8tacle-

    (F/om The Tietan Yoga8 of D/eam and Slee0 2 Tenin ,ang2al Rim0oche3

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    Pa/t ) I

    D/eam8 a/e tool8 .D/eam8 and the 082che .The Inne/ P/oce88 of d/eam8 .

    D/eam8 a8 Teaching8

    The/e i8 a8icall2 no diffe/ence et6een the 6a!ing 8tate and that of d/eam> ece0tthat one 8eem8 mo/e 8tale than the othe/- Onl2 afte/ the/e i8 a6a!ening in thefo/m of enlightenment i8 it /ealied that the 6a!ing 6o/ld it8elf i8 indeed nothing7t a long d/eam /e87lting f/om mental di80o8ition . a mo=ement in Con8cio78ne88in 6hich 6hat 8eem8 a 8olid od2 and it8 87ffe/ing8 a/e /eall2 an ill78ion-Rame8h Bal8e!a/

    Painting 2 +a/ica S- 9a7c! Deo/ah off.Cha0in

    Thi8 cha0te/ i8 dedicated to /eade/8 6ho ha=e 0/o=en to them8el=e8 that d/eam8a/e mo/e than @78t d/eam8> that the2 a/e indeed :tool8: teaching 78 to loo! ato7/8el=e8 in an im0a/tial and im0e/8onal 6a2-

    D/eam8 a/e tool8

    D/eam8 a/e tool8 of t/an8fo/mation- +o/eo=e/> at a ce/tain le=el of inne/ 6o/!>d/eam8 8to0 eing d/eam8 and in8tead ecome 80i/it7al le=el8 of con8cio78ne88-B7t> in the meantime> d/eam8 o0en in=i8ile doo/8 to 87tle/ le=el8 of 80i/it7alg/o6th> a6a!ening in 8ee!e/8 of t/7th and 6i8dom> o7/ 0e/manent 6itne88 o/ 8o7l6ithin o7/ con8cio78 8el=e8-

    9et 78 fi/8t int/od7ce the 82mol of the t/ident> the logo of the 8ea.godPo8eidon#Ne0t7ne- ,hat connection doe8 that ha=e 6ith the 0/oce88 of d/eamingJPo8eidon> the god of 8ea8 and ocean8> hold8 the t/ident a8 a ma/! of hi8 command

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    of the 6ate/8- In the contet of d/eam 6o/!> he /e0/e8ent8 the !ing of the87con8cio78 le=el8 of the 082che- In fact> 6ith hi8 t/ident> Po8eidon al8ocommand8 the mon8te/8 of the dee0> 6hich /emind8 78 of the dee0 6ate/8 of the87con8cio78 and it8 o6n mon8te/8 and 8hado62 fig7/e8- The 87con8cio78 canthe/efo/e e com0a/ed to the a28mal de0th8 of the ocean the ottomle88 dee0

    6ate/8 82molie the 87con8cio78 and 7ncon8cio78 0a/t8 of o7/ 082che 6he/eemotion8 and in8tinct8 mingle and mi 6itho7t 07/0o8e o/ di/ection-

    The th/ee menacing elongated 0/ong8 of the t/ident loo! li!e 6ea0on8 and a/e 78edfo/ 0enet/ating> 8c/atching and 6o7nding> 8o in the 82molic contet of d/eam6o/!> the t/ident i8 a 0enet/ating de=ice> effecti=el2 :6o7nding: and 8c/a0ing 6hati8 78ele88 and need8 to e 8e0a/ated and /emo=ed f/om the =i/ginal a80ect of the082che- B7t thi8 6o7nding o0en8 th/ee dee0 hole8 that allo68 the 0enet/ation 2the 80i/it7al light of the 8o7l that no7/i8he8 and ill7minate8 the 7ncon8cio78 0a/t in78- Th/o7gh thi8 07/ification> o7/ 7ncon8cio78 ecome8 con8cio78 of it8elf- Th78 thet/ident 82molicall2 o0en8 the8e th/ee :gate8: to highe/ le=el8 of enlightenment-9et 78 eamine the8e th/ee :6o7nd8: and th/ee :gate8-:

    The th/ee 6o7nd8 ha=e the 0o6e/ of t/an8m7ting o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88 f/om it8d7ali8tic a6a/ene88 to it8 8o7/ce> Co8mic Con8cio78ne88- In 0ie/cing and0e/fo/ating o7/ :8elf.con8cio78: a80ect> the 0/ong8 t/an8m7te the egoti8tic andlo6e/ 082chic cha/acte/ t/ait8 into thei/ 80i/it7al 0e/fect ideal8- Th78 the t/ident i8an a6a!ening de=ice a 0o6e/f7l 82mol fo/ o7/ 07/ification and 80i/it7alad=ancement th/o7gh d/eam 6o/!-

    F/om a /eligio78 a80ect> the t/ident and the net /e0/e8ent t6o 82mol8 of Ch/i8t a8:Fi8he/ of +an-: F7/the/mo/e> the t/ident8 0/ong8 a/e of an e?7al length>82moliing the T/init2- Hence> the t/ident i8 an effecti=e in8t/7ment of 07/ificationand 07/gation fo/ a6a!ening the infe/io/ 0a/t8 of the 082che and 8en8itiing themto highe/ 80i/it7al im07l8e8 coming f/om the 082che that a/e infl7enced 2 the0e/manent 6itne88-

    +o/eo=e/> the t/ident> a8 a 82mol of T/init2> im0/egnate8 and 0enet/ate8 6ith it8t/i7ne 80i/it7al ene/gie8 the lo6e/ and highe/ a80ect8 of o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88- InCh/i8tian t/adition> the t/ident i8 0laced in Satan8 hand8 a8 an in8t/7ment of07ni8hment- Ho6e=e/> e8ote/ic t/adition and 80i/it7al 082cholog2 tell 78 that 6eneed to go dee0 6ithin o7/8el=e8 to di8co=e/ the loc!ed ene/gie8> and then> :fi8h:them o7t> a8 it 6e/e> 8o a8 to /ing them into the light of con8cio78ne88- T7/ningo7/ attention 6ithin 87tl2 de=elo08 the int7iti=e fac7lt2 of o7/ 8ith 8en8e to hel078 7nde/8tand 6ho 6e a/e and 6hat 6e need to do to /einteg/ate o7/ 0e/fectmodel-

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    In B7ddhi8m> the t/ident i8 ta!en a8 a 82mol of the Ti/atna> o/ t/i0le @e6el(B7ddha> Dha/ma> Sangha> meaning the A6a!ened One> the T/7th e0o7nded 2Him> and the follo6e/8 li=ing in acco/dance 6ith thi8 T/7th3- It ma2 al8o e

    /ega/ded a8 the t/i0le c7//ent of ene/g2 in man- And in o7/ o6n 80i/it7al contet>the t/ident /e0/e8ent8 the in8t/7ment mo=ing the8e 8ame ene/gie8 6ithin o7/082che-


    D/eam8 and the P82che

    D/eam8 hel0 78 loo! dee0e/ 6ithin o7/ o6n 082che> to di8co=e/ the +28te/2 of +an-B7t 7nle88 6e de=ote o7/8el=e8 and allocate time to 6o/! 6ith the ene/gie8 andmeaning of d/eam8> the2 6ill al6a28 /emain 7n8olicited and 8t/ange 0henomena-That i8 6h2 o7/ 082che need8 to d/eam> 8ince d/eam8 a/e a 8o7/ce of !no6ledgehel0ing 78 in the 0/oce88 of /elea8ing 7n6anted ga/age- D/eam8 a/e gi=en to 78 to/e8c7e 78 f/om letha/g2 and 7ncon8cio78ne88-

    P/e=io78 cha0te/8 ha=e com0a/ed the 082che to a mi//o/ /eflecting 6hate=e/0/eocc70ie8 it- ,hat i8 /eflected in d/eam8 a/e the tho7ght8 and emotion8 of o7/good and ad intention8 and e0e/ience8- It i8 in the mi//o/ of o7/ 082che that /eal07/ification and 7nde/8tanding ta!e 0lace> 8ince 6e m78t ecome con8cio78 of 6hata00ea/8 on the 87/face of o7/ 082che- The con8cio78 im0/e88ion8 coming f/om ad/eam ha=e an im0o/tant /ole to 0la2 in the a6a!ening 0/oce88 a8 a 6hole> andeach d/eam> each 82mol en/iche8 thi8 0/oce88> 8ince 80i/it7al d/eam 6o/! ta!e8into acco7nt the 87tle 07/ification 0/oce88 of the 6hole man- D/eam8 ao7t07/ification a/e gi=en to tho8e of 78 6ho 6ant to a6a!en o7/ 0e/manent and80i/it7al 6itne88e8- To do that> 6e m78t 7nite them in o7/ :o/dina/2: le=el of 8elf.con8cio78ne88- The/efo/e> 6e m78t ecome a6a/e of o7/ 7ncon8cio78 t/ait8 thatneed t/an8fo/mation- ,itho7t thi8> o7/ ego cannot contin7e on thi8 @o7/ne2-

    Thi8 !ind of 80i/it7al 6o/! in it8elf e0o8e8 the 082che to the infl7ence8 andint7ition8 0o7/ing in f/om the 0e/manent 6itne88 (8ee Ao7t the +28te/2 of +an>0a/t8 % M *3- Thi8 i8 the fi/8t im0o/tant mean8 of acce88> the :!e2: o0ening the doo/of Po8eidon8 m28te/io78 0alace in 6hich a/e gathe/ed all the 0a8t and 0/e8ente0e/ience8> all the fea/8 and 8t/e88e8 im0/i8oned 8ince time immemo/ial- Tho8e7ncon8cio78 do7t8 and 6o//ie8 linge/ ho0ele88l2 in the de0th of da/!ne88 a6aitingthe /ight moment fo/ the th7nde/olt of con8cio78ne88 to 0enet/ate them and /ing

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    them to the light of 7nde/8tanding- A8 a con8e?7ence of the8e delicate o0e/ation8>the /et/ie=ed o/ :fi8hed o7t: loc!ed ene/gie8 float on the 87/face of d/eam8ca0t7/ed 2 o7/ 8elf.con8cio78 ego- To hel0 78 7nde/8tand thei/ meaning> the2 ta!e>in d/eam8> the 8ha0e of 0otent 0e/8onal and 7ni=e/8al 82mol8 and a/chet20e8- Theego m78t 0/oce88 the8e 6ith 87tlet2> int7ition and 8en8iti=it2> 8o that thei/

    meaning ecome8 clea/ and ill7minating-go- To hel0 78 7nde/8tand thei/ meaning> the2 ta!e>in d/eam8> the 8ha0e of 0otent 0e/8onal and 7ni=e/8al 82mol8 and a/chet20e8- Theego m78t 0/oce88 the8e 6ith 87tlet2> int7ition and 8en8iti=it2> 8o that thei/meaning ecome8 clea/ and ill7minating-

    At fi/8t> the8e t20e8 of d/eam8 a/e 787all2 e0e/ienced a8 nightma/e8 8ince o7/con8cio78ne88 ha8 to /eo/ganie and foc78 it8 attention on the inne/ d2namic8 ofd/eam 6o/!- ,ith 0hanta8mago/ic> incom0/ehen8ile> and 8en8ele88 d/eam8> 6em78t t/2 to foc78 o7/ attention and 78e o7/ int7ition to g/a80 the i//ational 6ithino7/8el=e8- So> 6e 8ho7ld not igno/e d/eam 8e?7ence8 that might ha=e nothing incommon 6ith each othe/ o/ a00ea/ non8en8ical- It /eall2 doe8nt matte/ if theeginning of a d/eam doe8nt match 6hat follo68 it- Analogo78 to a @ig8a6 07le>6e 8ho7ld 78e o7/ int7ition to /et/ie=e the :8eed idea: and meaning of each 0a/t ofo7/ d/eam8- The e0an8ion of the :8eed idea8: and :meaning: i8 im0o/tant> and itdoe8nt matte/ if o7/ int7ition /e=eal8 diffe/ent 82mol8 o/ meaning8 to the d/eam-,hat co7nt8 i8 the effo/t ee/ted 2 o7/ 082che to 7n/a=el a ne6 dimen8ion- O7/ego m78t t7/n it8 attention to 6ithin it8elf> in the 8ilent 80ace 6ithin Being> 6he/ethe im0elling magnetic 0/e8ence of the intelligence of the hea/t /eign8-

    Th78> if d/eam8 fi/8t a00ea/ conf78ing> it i8 eca78e the8e t20e8 of d/eam8 /elea8ethe 0/e887/e and 8t/e88ed ene/gie8 loc!ed in o7/ 082che- To /elea8e 8t/e88 ind/eam8> the 82mol8 a/e magnified 8o a8 to ma!e an im0act and em0ha8ie ce/taina80ect8 of a 0/olem- Anothe/ /ea8on fo/ di8t7/ing d/eam8 i8 to hel0 78 ecomecon8cio78 of the nat7/e of o7/ 8t/e88 o/ aniet2- ,e 8ho7ld 78e o7/ int7ition to loo!at the incong/7o78 82mol8 in o7/ d/eam8> t/2ing to :/e80ect: thei/ meaning-Int7ition a88i8t8 78 in :/eading: 6hat goe8 on in o7/ 082che> 8ince li!e a mi//o/> it/eflect8 6hat goe8 on 6ithin 78- Thi8 i8 ho6> f/om o7/ 0e/manent 6itne88> 6e/ecei=e 8ome 0/actical 8ol7tion8 and inte/0/etation8- Ho6e=e/> the echange ofint7iti=e idea8 and feeling8 et6een o7/ 082che and ego occ7/8 onl2 if o7/ ego i8o0en to change- If 6e a/e 6illing to 6o/! 6ith the 82mol8> then a 80ecial flo6 ofene/g2 8t/eam8 f/om o7/ 0e/manent 6itne88> allo6ing 78 to 7nde/8tand 6hat 6em78t do to /emo=e the 0/olem> and t/an8fo/m 6hat need8 to change-


    The Inne/ P/oce88 of D/eam8

    S0i/it7al 082cholog2 loo!8 at the e8ote/ic and int7iti=e a80ect of d/eam 6o/!> and i8a8ed on inne/ g7idance- Ho6e=e/> 082cholog2 i8 a8ed on the inte/0/etation andanal28i8 of 082chologi8t8 o/ facilitato/8- The8e t6o a00/oache8 ma2 8o7nd and e=enloo! the 8ame> 7t the2 a/e not- The fi/8t i8 8olel2 a8ed on inne/ /e=elation and the8econd on feedac! and o7t8ide g7idance- The fi/8t i8 78ed 2 m28tic8> tho8e g7ided

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    2 thei/ 8o7l> 6ho 8ee! a clo8e/ /elation8hi0 6ith thei/ 0e/manent 6itne88- The8econd i8 78ed 2 tho8e 6ho a/e onl2 inte/e8ted in finding 8ol7tion8 to 0/olem8>ne6 di/ection8 and meaning in time8 of c/i8i8-

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    Both a/e 78ef7l and im0o/tant d/eam 6o/! tool8 to 07/if2 and t/an8fo/m the 082che-If 6e 6ant to !no6 6ho 6e a/e> then 6e 8ho7ld 8ta/t 6ith the 082chologicala00/oach> eithe/ alone> in a g/o70> o/ 6ith a the/a0i8t- ,e 8ho7ld al8o 8ee! theg7idance of the inne/ ma8te/> o/ 0/e8ence 6ithin- ,hiche=e/ 6a2 6e choo8e> o7/fi/8t 8te0 8ho7ld al6a28 e 6ith the 082chological a00/oach efo/e 8ta/ting an2

    othe/ !ind of 80i/it7al 6o/!> 8ince> thi8 a00/oach ta!e8 78 to the de0th of o7/082che and i8 0a/t of an alchemical 0/oce88- Thi8 i8 o7/ de8cent into the 6o/ld ofPo8eidon 6he/e o7/ 7ncon8cio78 8elf 6ait8- The ?7e8t to a6a!en o7/ 80i/it7ala6a/ene88 can egin onl2 afte/ a ce/tain amo7nt of 07/ification and t/an8fo/mationof the 082che- O7/ con8cio78ne88> ha=ing ta!en the do6n6a/d @o7/ne2> i8e=ent7all2 d/a6n to6a/d8 an a8cending 0ath- Then> 6hat 6e /ecei=e ecome8 mo/e87tle and enlightening 8ince it come8 6itho7t di8to/tion di/ectl2 f/om the 8o7l-gin onl2 afte/ a ce/tain amo7nt of 07/ification and t/an8fo/mationof the 082che- O7/ con8cio78ne88> ha=ing ta!en the do6n6a/d @o7/ne2> i8e=ent7all2 d/a6n to6a/d8 an a8cending 0ath- Then> 6hat 6e /ecei=e ecome8 mo/e87tle and enlightening 8ince it come8 6itho7t di8to/tion di/ectl2 f/om the 8o7l-

    If 6e a/e 8e/io78 in o7/ 6o/! 6ith the 80i/it7al le=el of d/eam8> 6e m78t al8o/ealie that d/eam8 a/e li!e 8eed8 containing 0otential 6hole t/ee8- D/eam8>the/efo/e> contain the 8eed idea8 coming f/om the 0e/manent 6itne88- Thei/07/0o8e i8 to t/an8fo/m o7/ o/dina/2 le=el8 of con8cio78ne88 to highe/ 80i/it7alone8> 8ince 8ome d/eam8 a/e in them8el=e8 eam0le8 of 80i/it7al 0lane8 co.ei8tingin o7/ 082che that a/e the 8eed8 6aiting in o7/ 87con8cio78 to e /ecognied anda6a!ened 2 o7/ ego- In othe/ 6o/d8> the2 a/e o7/ 80i/it7al le=el8 of con8cio78ne88that 0e/meate into o7/ e=e/2da2 con8cio78ne88- Thi8 i8 the g/o7nding a80ect of the6hole 0/oce88 of d/eam8 8ince> if 6e need to fathom the +28te/2 of Being ande0e/ience o7/ o6n ha/mon2 and 7nit2 6ith it> then the nat7/e of o7/ d/eam8change8- +o/eo=e/> the e88ence and meaning of o7/ d/eam8 ta!e a mo/e a8t/actand i//ational ?7alit2 that cannot e 8ha/ed 6ith an2one> 8ince the2 come di/ectl2f/om o7/ 0e/manent 6itne88 a8 a lang7age of o7/ 8o7l> a lang7age that can onl2 e7nde/8tood onl2 int7iti=el2- -

    The 80i/it7al dimen8ion of d/eam8 co7ld e de8c/ied> at e8t> a8 delicate and87tle e0e/ience8 gi=en di/ectl2 2 o7/ 0e/manent 6itne88 to o7/ con8cio78ne88 ino/de/ to fo8te/ a healing and 07/if2ing> leading to a ne6 le=el of con8cio78ne88 in78> 6hich 6e m78t allo6 to 7nfold in o7/ o/dina/2 li=e8-

    ,hat /eall2 matte/8 he/e i8 o7/ 6i8h fo/ inne/ t/an8fo/mation> 8ince 8t/ong de8i/e to7nfold a highe/ le=el of con8cio78ne88 i8 an ill7minating catal28t that ene/gie8 o7/082che- Thi8 i8 an im0o/tant element in d/eam 6o/!- The 0o6e/ of concent/ationand a 8t/ong de8i/e to 6o/! 6ith d/eam8 a8 tool8 fo/ o7/ o6n t/an8fo/mation o0en8nat7/all2 and di/ectl2 the inne/ 0ath to the 0e/manent 6itne88-


    D/eam8 can ecome m28tical Teaching8

    D/eam 6o/! i8 com0a/ale to lea/ning a ne6 lang7age- Fi/8t 6e m78t lea/n the

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    al0haet- D/eam8 a/e a ne6 82molic 6o/ld o0ening 70 in o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88-,h2 do 6e 8a2 :8elf.con8cio78ne88:J Beca78e> 7nle88 o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88a6a!en8 6hil8t d/eaming> o7/ d/eam8 6ill ha=e no im0act and 6e 6ill not/ememe/ an2thing of g/eat im0o/tance- Th78 6e m78t g/ad7all2 8tim7late and

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    a6a!en o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88 d7/ing d/eam8 8o that the2 can e 8omething mo/e

    than me/e 8t/e88 /elea8e-

    9ate/> 6hen o7/ ego o/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88 :a6a!en8: to it8 t/7e nat7/ethe

    im0e/8onal Co8mic Con8cio78ne88then d/eam8 and the inne/ 0/oce88 ta!e a ne6di/ection> and 6e 8ee> 7nde/8tand and e0e/ience them in a totall2 diffe/ent 6a28ince> f/om then on> o7/ ego o/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88 /ealie8 that it i8 @78t a =ehiclefo/ Co8mic Con8cio78ne88- ,e then 0e/cei=e all !ind8 of d/eam8 and a8t/al0/o@ection8 diffe/entl2> 8ince the =eil 8e0a/ating them f/om Co8mic Con8cio78ne88 i8no mo/e- O7/ ego !no68 that it i8 @78t a /eflection of the laing light of the0/e8ence of 4od o/ P7/e Being- ,hen the =eil i8 to/n> and ego and 8o7l meet andme/ge> the t/7e identit2 of the C/eato/ and initiato/ of o7/ inne/ 0/oce88 ecome8e=en clea/e/- The im0e/8onal Co8mic Con8cio78ne88 6ithin 78 i8 the 8ole c/eato/ ofd/eam8> and it8 limited 8elf.con8cio78 co7nte/0a/t> o7/ ego> it i8 8een at the othe/end of the 0/oce88 a8 the /ecei=e/ of d/eam8-

    The mi88ion of Co8mic Con8cio78ne88 6ithin man i8 to enlighten man8 ego- Inothe/ 6o/d8> Co8mic Con8cio78ne88 acti=el2 g7ide8 the 0/oce88 of a6a!ening theego to it8 t/7e nat7/e> hence it di/ect8 the inne/ 6o/ld of d/eam8 and a8t/al0/o@ection8 d7/ing 8lee0- Co8mic Con8cio78ne88 ta!e8 o=e/ and c/eate8 6hate=e/ i8nece88a/2 fo/ o7/ 8elf.con8cio78ne88 to 7nde/8tand and e0e/ience o7/ ego- That i86h2 0/o0het8> 8aint8 and di8ci0le8 of all /eligion8 and 0hilo8o0hie8 ha=e eenenlightened and ha=e /ecei=ed !no6ledge and 6i8dom th/o7gh thei/ d/eam8>=i8ion8 and a8t/al t/a=el8- The 6a28 that o7/ 8o7l ca//ie8 o7t it8 initiato/2 co7/8e ofaction to a6a!en o7/ ego and o0en 70 the :/aino6 /idge to infinit2: i8 a 8o7/ce ofg/eat g/atit7de and a6e-

    A good man7al to /ead ao7t a 8te0.2 .8te0 int/od7ction to 6o/!ing 6ith d/eam8i8) :The D/eam6o/! +an7al: 2 St/e0hon a0lan ,illiam8 . P7li8hed 2 :TheA?7a/ian P/e88:-



  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    The Inne/ P/oce88 a6a!en8 f/om 6ithin---Po8eidon the 4od of the Sea 6ith hi8 T/ident the Tool of theA6a!ening 0/oce88 f/om the dee0 7ncon8cio78 8elf---Ti/atna> o/ t/i0le @e6elDol0hin and T/ident e28 fo/ the inne/ 0/oce88

    T/ident of P7/ificationThe Th/ee Nail8 82molictool8 fo/ the a6a!ening 0/oce88

    (5n8igned 8ignat7/e field (Clic! to 8ign33 Signat7/e field i8 7n8igned

  • 8/13/2019 Tibetan Zine Yoga


    % $% . In the 8ealed =e88el 8it8 Po8eidon#Ne0t7ne>6ith hi8 t/ident and the t6o ,itne88e8-$ . Detail of the he/meticall2 8ealed =e88el 6ith the S7n and +oon82mol8 of o7/ Pe/manent and S0i/it7al ,itne88e8-

    .TheEnd .(Signat7/e in=alid> doc7ment alte/ed3 Signed 2 Right The P/o0het RightTheP/o0het12ahoo-comU(Right The P/o0het3 Time) $&&'-&"-$$ &*)&)"$ &""&