
Tibet By Matt and Tristan

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Tibet

TibetBy Matt and Tristan

Page 2: Tibet

In tibet there are many problems that have to be changed but they are taking a long time to do this.

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One big problem is there differences with China. China is trying to take tibet to be theirs.

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China wants to run all of Tibet including their government.

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But Tibet does not like this and wants to run their government on their own. Tibet feels China is wrecking their culture.


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China’s relentless destruction of religion in Tibet saw the demise of over 6,000 monasteries and countless religious artefacts.

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China does not need to take over tibet because they have a lot of empty space

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China has rebuilt parts of the U.S.A. like city of new york, also they have started to build major city's and left them half built.

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There is many areas where city's do not have any people. Also people own these places and they go for a high price.

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This makes Tibet mad because China does not need to own their government had have many people go there.

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In 1950 the Chinese invaded Tibet claim they were invited to liberate Tibet from Western Imperialism, and would leave when requested to.

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Now, Over 58 years later, China still illegally occupies Tibet, in defiance of international law, UN resolution and the wishes, of the Tibetan people

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Tibet does not believe China should control the land because they believe they can take care of their own problems.

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China has destroyed over 46 percent of Tibet's forest