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TOL- xtit DOVEB, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANUARY 27,1883. NO. 8 THE IRON ERA M I BiTDlDil EX he Dover Printing Company, PUBLISHERS A»I> PBORIETOHH. Offlw on Blaokwell Street nest doer to The National Union Bank. TE1UIS OF BUHBCUIPTIOK One Year, - 8 k MootliH. - - - - - - Toree months, - - - - - ADVERTISING BATES. BF40X. 1 Inch B " 4 " 4column. | •• 1 " SPACE. I Inoa. 2 " 4 " 6 " i Ooljtnn- 1 wa. 1 25 1 75 2 25 2 76 8 51) 461) 6 to 10 00 iiKoa. $ 8 01) E 0D e r.o 8 00 10 00 12 El) 15 00 is r.o 32 oo $ 1 25 2 Oi 2 ir : S 50 4 2.1 fi 25 0 51) 8 00 ic or 3 MOSk $ 1 r>[ 2 f>[. a r>{ 4 50 £ 50 7 0U 8 00 10 25 III Oi) 1™ $ 4 rv)i$ ft on 0 SO fl 00 11 00 is oft If. 25 11) 00 25 Of) 41 00 10 (H» 14 on 18 no '21 00 SB M liii so 37 BO 05 00 PBBOXKTAOE iDDBD FOB BT9U. to TICKS 16OEKTHfKB LIKE. »|-AIBBIO1« HOIlSlfl. $ 1 7 3 (i 10 0 12 e 22 0 1 IB. $10 0 17 O( 22 0 27 (H ;io (x nr. o 45 0 <SS0 180 0 AI. HO Ooraor of Blackwcll mil Btisbci 8ti. DOVER, N. J. 1. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Iloraes and Carringta to I.i't. -*/TAnLON TITKEY, ATTOBNET AT LAW, IKON EIlA liUILDINO, 'DOVE. riEo. o. cuwariNa, m. D., GENERAL PRAOTITIOKEl jl.li;, N. J. IND SPECIALIST IN TUB TBEAl'MEKT OF MALAlUMi JiiBKASKB. OFFICE AT THE BTICKLE 1T0UHE, DOYEIl r\B. COKDIUT A RON, PHYSIOIAN3 AND 6UUGE0NB N. J. f I. W. CojDior, M, u. A. W. COSWCT, M. IJ |T~C. UIEllWIltTlI, K. II. jj DOVER, N. J. I ANALYSES OI 1 0IIC9 AND MINEBAL8, | amtVEYSOF MINES. L. W. THURBER, IRINTENDENT OP PUDUU BCHOOLB OF MORltia COUNTY. OFFICE AT B. H. BHEE8ES 8TOBE, DOVBE, N. J. Spoolal office hontB on SaturdavB from B &. :. imiau. "•" 7K. T. AlLEN. 8. J. PALMEH. , ALLEN & PALMER, BtTlLDfiRS, Dovor, TiX- «T- SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. BEEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD, MASONS' MATERIALS, BLUE STONE, FERTiLiZERS [JA11D Alii) 1'ALE BKICR, UME, CEMENT. OAI.CINliI) PLAKTEH, FUOKT IJIUCE, KIHKOLAY.PIl'.EBlilCE ri.A*J HTOKHS CUKB1JN OV.LhhH BTBIV, OOl'IKO, HILL8, JiIHT AMD CISTERN HECKS, WHANIf'B PHOSPHATE. Hone Diiht, Guano, Foudrctie, LAJM PLASTJSR, <£c. WOOD sawed in etove lengths. OOAK STOVE, Etiti, CHtiSTAUT. Onli-in inaj \>>i ftddruHBistl tlirnnElit?ii>Poflt Oflii:*. Lm-li Ho* SH, »r liifL nt A. J^morVi J5LACEH.lIlTl.rH COAX coast HE tit on lia MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &IRON Co. DO V Kit, N. -J. 711 &713 BROADSt., NUWAKK, X. J. in only wlnifil in Amuriea conilmiieil Hi bn'i)im.'«n in-iiifitileH. A new, 01 mid imi-cmiuuiit T'liui of oiiuratinn, eooil th.mvu.lh prit.Mirc. KlUi!«:Btn jj| Btt«n ll i n i c UiiU'd States *' HKGUI.Alt EVENING CLAH KKEl'JNd Ol'ENd BEIT. li*rn. H. COLEMAN, Pri T. W. PALMS, Pucr THOMAS 3, McGRATH County Collector's Notice! I will bo at tUo office of the 8urrn(;atD, Hor Istown, for the traniftctioa nt COUHI.V huni csa.on ThurBtlay of each lvtch, ami al tl. tier, of Gcorpo Itirh»rl« Eiq Drtvor oi ' dya, TiieBdara, 'WtdiiOHlaisan) Friltyg WM n i AMitiur FRANK GIBS, MASON AND BUILDER, k)YER,N.J. Cont KiBbfd. Bton jrniHbed. ' Stone anil Uriel: Work, l'lu'=t('riiiS jad Jobbinc proinpllr vttonilud t". Onlcrii pt at William n. brier's aturo will rooolvo t MWiHlJm n. ilil i rofUl aoditrorapt ntttnti B. BEBUY, CHESTER, N. J,, EB BATl3APAItILLA, SODA WATER, HEQARS, TODACCOS, Ac POOL ANDBILL1AHD TABLE §TV. B. SEARING, ; CARPENTER and BUILDER, Jfp BLAOKWELL ST., DOVEIt, N. J. Roofing liVa bettor facilities I Bin enablodjo put f SLATE ICOOFS chenper than ever using TjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em- ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar- o aaatortal ivud work inovory pftrticu. Tar Sbontliing Pelt always on hand. October 13th. 188B. GHB0UB * SMITH, " AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COD. Ilt.uiKwxLi, ANDBOSSES SIB., DOVER, N. J. NawHBood. A. 0. SMITH. SHERIFF'S SALE I n Chnncorv of Ninv Jerscv-Bt'twceu liphrsim LImlslcv.'aotiUB Esooutbr untie lust will ami trans in en t of Duviu Kstilo, tiecuftaod, ourii- plnitiiint, iin<] William F.aiildinsn. Urn. Wil- liam F. OitHiiijn, and Dantul J?Go!ton, do- fcmlivtilx. I'i. («. for caln of ninrrinsist! u. 18N1. NEIOIIfiOUlt & SMITH. Hol'rs. B Y virtuti of tlie <ibovo atnloil lvriL of liori TnciRR iti ray hntidfL I KDILII flsposo for sale n11'nblii; Veiiduo, at tho Cogrt House, tu Mor- Irfntoivn. N. J.. nit Carpenter and Builder, NEAR TI1E OANATi BASrS. » «*" Jotibntg anil repairing prom, . Bended to, A leng osperionco in tlio Imsi- |BB will, I liullevo, oanblo mo to eiveii&tm- JOHN DRUMMER'S HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET. jbetwwn the HANBION HODSE anil Depot,) DOVER, N. .1. ?Tbo pUco has boon entirely r.'llttnd in ft ncnl mor LADIES'and OKILDHEN'S HAIR 'INQ A BPEOIALTV. |MABTIN & BUCK, jonn, Sip nl taeital Faiiters, SteAlNEitS, GILDEIta aud PAPER UAKQ- ffllB. DotitraoU taken mdniBtoriiiUrumiBlied oonit decorfttfu! in froscoo sty Its. IIIVIHR t lOtoucli UtiowliKlKO of IIOIIHC ami eicD paiul c, wo foelcompctrnt to meet the iiQinsriili ,, all. mint Illfip rw Mirni While's milling Itore, next to Voaght i KiUgorfi'n (irtiff Htnro '. 0. PorlfW. A speci»lty nigdo of stencil euttlnR. |f. MAHTIU. 111-1* A. RUOK. SSAMTJEL "MORSEL practical Boot and Shoe Maker Morris St., Dover, N. J. ind 8E0ES oil hitid aud for sato cheap. He- wdring promptly and ohe>piydoa g THOS. JOHNSON, uaaUvorktnH&rbloandarftQite. All work bf ttie best onler ind priontreuonitile. [ BLAOKWELL ST., DO TEE, N. J. STEAM ENGINES, TIIICIII (KL,lSBltATi:iJ AIR COMPRESSORS, IUONaml I1KASS CASTINGS, FORaiNS of aU BESKIPTIOMB, J. II. STUMPFS RESTAURANT BLAOKWKLL ST., TWO D00HS niOM POST OFFICE, DOTEIi, K. J. A OOOD MEAL mity be obtained &t nny £\_ honr of rliu day nt roasonnblu prices. IN ICE CREAM I have thu famous HORTON CREAM, iviTHttlly ruiijjiiizpd a th ndi), in all Ilavnrs. A!HO Ormi|,'P,L« nn A]i|ilc ICES, nml nt ill tlmtf a CHOICE CONPKCT1ONEUV monh io llujniKiintftfjeorpurclmer;™. UriMin ,]clivor(id AIIV iln.v of HIPwenk, f <ky include!, ivl t b e rVsUUnc of tl.,- hnyr. ply- Thoae U'lBhEuji nltuatlocia Lrt tbo city slirukL tomo Hero aud lake a tborun^h Liislncus cnl]n(.t O. A. O*8KEi,L, Princlpil, New York P. O. IIoi B3i,' Jslcil April 1st, 1S7G, WILLIAM H.IIOWELL, Shorifr. T)HIP:I Nov. 17, 1HH2. (10 8 Accents for FMrbanks 1 Scales andTer- willigor'c Saios, VQORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOOTN, BDILDERH', 0AT11UAQE HAKERS', BLA0K- BMrrHS' cournAcroaa AKD MIH- INQ 8DPPLIEB, ARdcnltnra Implements, 8eedi, Fertllkon An. P*it.ta, Oils, OISBI, oto. WALTBB A. WOOD'S Celebrated MQV7EES and SEATEBS. Moniitown. Deo.tBth.187B. riivr.itAi. nutix iOK AM) <il,M,HAL riU IK [.ftriiuiiliir liiicinfiis. mid would offur lii, nonlirnioiiiilik'liriiH. liaviiiK].iiivllaecc.l nl.. ri«lit hir ll^Uwiidilpiof IU» lo^L AKRYSTALLOS :«u [,,r tjr.-Htrvmir tliednml witlioiit auutil- (>r Die uiio tifiuf, I WDIIIII ttuoiniuund it M/Wflcli, IJInHiwHI St. Cluiisiftiilly «u tiaml in ptuu wood or oovurcd witb uljtli, vcivet or uiniiTjnl u^i'ii f«i tlm Haunt. txifFlNH I lliu tlim-ruiit »t.j]«M. HOUEO, UABl'i'H, «IIA\'E CMl's, (ILOVKH-liL.l, «i)k mid cotton, C1IAJ1U, HEAlLSEd, CA.llItIA(!Ed, I0K ui tlio uniiMii ilium wi I limit miy tranblo i>r «tpoiiH<t M liiu hunly. Tor tlit coti\cuiuiioo u( nuy vlio liuy hi'i'd rnv wrvicfrt in ltdiiita'vay town- ilup 1 hnvo au ollicu iu Hu^liaivny. turuonal .jtt.-tiii.iiif-ivnii in tlio JiLyinj,' out aud prefer v- iiijr ur Itudirn at all lumru, day or night, my iniuimvitij: fliaignor tliu tuinnlu iknarlnifliit. THOS. B. MuQIlATII. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, BUckwoUmrciit, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, >r thQ latest auil maul Impruvcd Btylcu, roi >Hrmlng public and private buildings. A Urgi ••Bortmont of Btoves, aboap Tor caeb. COOK, I'ABLOll. HEiTISQ STOVES, RANGES, iEHOSENKOIL, lAMl' UIlIT'i'ANIA WAHE, TIN &JAPAN WARE, ?MJIT CANS, 4a, TIK HOOFING, EAVE8. TROUGHS, [>EA.DKr.H, nnii till binds urJaLuing hi mv lino, "uiin in tho boat manner and at tlio short tat otieo. IIIgliPFt prices paid r«r nlil Iron. Copper lead and powtcr taken iu oiciianfi irgoDdH. ALEXANDER WIQHTON. Dccomhar24th.lBT0. 1-lvr SILK DEPARTMENT! SPECIAL BARGAINS. saac N. Doty & Go. 159 &161 MARKET St., NEWARK, ivitl) n view to reducing stock prior to making our unnunl HOLIDAY DISPLAY, wo wJUoffer tbe beet values in Cuo eiik fabrics we have jel gives, Limited spaco permits U3 to mention only i. fow of tho most salient paints as an iadox to tho unoiauiplod bnrgalns we will offer: ILAGK OKOSflEAIS BfLEBktT5o.werotl.DD " 11.00 " 1.35 " •' " " " LIB " I.BS " " 1.S5 " l . » ' •' " 1.B0 " 1.75 1.75 " 3.00 ULAOK BEODADE B1LEB " 1.00 " 1.95 BIAOK 8A.TIK DE LYONS AT A UMI- FOEM EEDtJOTIOK OP 25o. PEB YARD. ISAAC ». DOTY & Co.. 159 & 161 Market St., Newark, N. J. BOILER WORKS, FOSTER F. BIRCH, Prop'r, ONEBLO(lKnELOWD.L.*W.H.R.DEPOT DOVER, It. J. UUIVFAOTVIIIB OF STEAM BOILHRB, HHQKE-S7AOK8, TANKS, B U S T PIPES ml ODE DOCKETS. OLD BOILEBS T1SEN IN EXCIUHGE. BEPADUSd FBOUPTLY i T O S D E n TO. SUSSEX St. GROCER, itlll OODUDUSB to ke ep » full and fresh quan> fo of Groceries and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS. foreign and domestic, the best grades of, CANNED GOODS, aud nil nuppliea cl the liouHobold in his liue. Care will always bo taken tosecure good* jf the best <|uaiity sod equal palne to nell LllUm fit 11)0 ItJOIlt XGJISOU9Ijl0 IUaU'£LlJB (SOU* iisttmt wilL tbo jinrtbaiilng prioe. BU8BEX •ST., Q<tnr the oomorof Black welt, Dover. PASSAGE TICKETS TO AND FttOH Quoenstown, Liverpool, Norwa/, Sweden, &c, White Star Line, In ma n Line, Canard Line, National Lints State Lino. Aitm DKAFTS IiRued at in Erjgln i), Iriifauil, flcntluiid, rormation cliourritJly in] tu intiTUiuontB of E, LindsleyS Son, Agents. W. H. DAUUITra riOLIDiY AKNOUNOESIENTI We vKoo ugb i -1; of Dry Gonrfd and niai'Uod <1OWD a crcut part of it Pit IN™ wlilcli ImTn Leon Snld tor oeii(n |iur viinl goad doaipnn andtil bent of material lire ia a r feed all ccute, while ; liav.; n coinplfto caxe or lower Rrtds st tir cents. A. largo slock oi HiiHiF.nir Tor Ron- •men, briieB Kin) cMIOrcn, buth imporled flutiei-ii (iiadci H subject Iu this ruJuetion. iilii'H huso iv>rlli $1.75 per dozen wo sell for Fl. Kicli Diuiiiixk Tttlilo Lluon wbidi would lailUun ilie heart or an^- lumaekeoper, Imve iblt! linnu rasy lio liml at our cimntora at vcniv-two cent* a yard ftinl upwards. The Ai'EiNtfiimlToivKj.a. of which wohavo a largrj ^orimoiil, IIUVL- also i.omi roduted. Our (iWF«iiTAHLE«, niHnuftotiiriid by nurecWfiB of «iibyc(iiii]«'t()iit cmpltiyctii, tnd Illlcil with good ijnftlilynf rnw pottira (not weepings) tna? \M Int. fur $1.50 mid upwards, \¥« only llcomlurtabliirt iiinniifattiirad by oil riclfct, i r lij.ANKUTa hnvo l.ton included, mil same wlut every uno had cotiB.dore:l olieap ba»o . mikots wlsicli wtro purciiaHBil very early anil cy were n»rkt.-:l at the time very \ow, but iw wo aro «ivini» cuHtutnorn uniuuatlf low icuaoH Btainkrd makes. Blaaketi from tl t)5. Acodil (iiiroi lilaukotsmakes *oom- :m KPIIKO Oliristmag present. OLOAUK, OLOJII- (H AND HUAITLH have prolabty nover boen .ver than they aru now with tho extra roduc- Inn they have been Biibjeoted to. A pretty it—good lusty and darablo—is ft Rood Our f.rcna Roods btsre been made a artlculat fcatnreiii cuttiogdown prloev. Wo ;iu lurnieU KaoH all woifl drpga noodg far livonly crnUayurrt, In colors and bl«ob. Wo <ti fiimith nny olio dress Roods, tli>t Ii patt uol dn tw gooiln, for twolvo ftad a ball con ts iinlo col'irri. Tlie BO wo Bell for tiff}' ociib _'liry am nil wool and fmty-Hvo Inclioa in witllli, and a great roniiy moro kinds of diosn Rouia in evurj imaftjitablo color ntid (juftlity ln>m I1HIJB,HHO puplln at ton cents a yard anil uiiwirdg. Our IlLicK DBEBB OOOD.I nood no other rpranrb than t U t we baro lately ro- ved a Job lot of now drees fiomln muntilac- nl hy Ltinpin. am Plnslies nml Vnlvotflj tiuQ aud Illledttitb piipitivoplcaNiirf. W. H. DAJ1BITT, THE WINTER El. SIEBER 'flINTER and'rjECORftTOR Brt'Dari-d for HIP Winter Trmie «itlt the groateBt stock evnr HIXSU in Dover or Wall Papers, liordei'N, Dados, Ceiling Decorations, Ired lit 'HOW and elofiant tleHiRtiH, frum the ' n>e»t to ll.L- coHtlii^C, And reproHontii^ 3kwiHcoiivinc[iiiiiy tliat I nni tho kr^ert lirin Northern Nffwjtmy. I hive made tnccinnnta wiib [ho ltmimfaclnrorii Tor s jo number of job Inta of puijevii, wlilch I •.« left river from iir.'viima yea™, in colil Hat, wbtcli I wu noil for twiiuty-ilve ner t. Lfloir tho rt'Biilur priwm. I luve pngnRed ft fliut-chiKR paneMungfir, or thnt worli ficlnaivi-ly, and feel confident fRiThifi >l< >hillmt H.itisfanfiof]. AlBoanrt-tttlinuof PICTURE FltAMES every dcaanption, mailu in any HIZD to ord.tr Oil Paintings and Chromos, STATUARY, Center Pieces iu Plaster oi l Parin, I.UIV <lmKii», ami in a ii v ullifr artii-loi* tut Stair and Floor Oil Cloths The best reason why we have always done the leading boot and shoe trade inthe county is because we have always tried to give our customers the very best goods that were in the market, no matter what they cost. If the quality justi- fies the purchase we secure them for them every time, and at but a slight advance from the original cost, as our light expenses and quick sales enable us to do this, besides buying as we do direct from the manufacturers in large quanti- ties for cash we are enabled to give our patrons solid, substantial, stylish, good fitting boots and shoes as cheaply as shoddy, inferior goods are usually purchased at. If you give our goods a trial they will surely verify our statements. RODEBEB & HEAGAN, Opp. D., L. & W. R. E. Depot, DOVER, N. J. GREAT REDUCTIONS! MRS. KEARNS, HEINE HILL, N. J., od il HUB l PnhitiiiK <lm>° hi tno liigliPrti stylo of tbu t. IbavujiMt Tw-^ivfl it Hi)li>n<lid linn of HPICB of rraticoos. SIONri p:iinu-a t" onh-r e<cry style ami form. Dialing witli ilin innractiircirR airrct »m! j>itrcbn»lnp niln, •tland paint by tljo ton, 1 nm tliiin ciiablcil rlorm tlie work In tboboat manner.' Cor. BUokwell .VEBBCK Hit,., Dover, N. J. CHAS. G. GRIFFEN, TEH OLD KELTAM.K CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton St., Borer. An eipotiuucu of 13 joars in Dover on tlio -jont work, ie tlm puiranli-n I offor of my ibilitr toplcftintlia pablic. Mj motion "Oira lUilactioo toill." My ISA 0. COOPER MASON AND BUILDER! Oontraott Ukcn andmatorlUa fuml»h»d f.ir BUILDINGS, BRIDGES. 1 all aundi of work, whether of EBICK M BTONE. Jffieo on Horrli ittMt, next to lormer I»ojr S u bnilding, Dorer, M. J. U>tt Winter Dress Goods! Best line of Dress floods and Trimmings at PARDEE & CLABK'S, BUOKWEZiL B«.t DOTEBi DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, GLOVES, MITTENS, CONFECTIONERY, UNDERWKAR.OF ALL KINDS, uud cverjtbiuK tilee in Lot' storo. Dou't misa thin fitp.at opportunity for bayiug g<inili) at WAY DOWN PKIOES. Freeman Wood, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. ., TV. J. Unally iuthorized agent of tho follewing flrat- oUaacompanloB—tlie bostin tho world: LONDON and LIVERPOOL and GLOBE, Capital 820,000,000. LANCASHIRE of MANCHESTER, Capital 8lO,GOf1,000. ROYAL OF LIVERPOOL, Capital 810,000,000. FRANKLIN OF PHILADELPHIA, Capital 85,000,000. HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey City, Capitol 8300, U00. Nnrtli BrillRh and Morcnntilo inBnnnwoCo. of London aud lij on burgh ; onpitil 110,000,000. Goruanlft Firo Irauraiico Co. Q! NOW York | ipilni (1,000,000. Tha London ABsurunoe OorpontloD of London, capital $5,6110,000. Springfield Fire Innnrance Oo,, MBaeaohu- 9otta, oapital $1,500,000. WeBtchestcr Fire Insurance Company fo New York, capital $BQO.O0O. QEISUAH AMEBIOIH * 1,000.000 F1IIR A8SOCIATTON OF PRILADELPHU. sa.soo^ooc Oirmi. BOO.OW Freeman Wood, TIE BEST PUCE OCUB kind forcujiijnii'iit in this sent ion le D. MOLLER'S, SUSSEX ST., (NEXT TOTHE BHIDOE.) UOVKK, N. J. Just reccivwl nml placuil in rosltkm THREE FINE NEW Billiard AND Pool Tables from tins celebrated mnnutuctorj or J. M. BlllTNtlWICK * 1ULHE. ORCHESTEION ban also Juet been sopplied Titli newmusic mil will delight tlio pfttrone oi ttiohonseraore th ever, furnliliiug IHUBIC equal to » brasa r SO pieeoa' GEO. EHBKT'S CELEBRATED LAGER BEER KIWBJR on draught &nd tlio beat of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS always provided for tbo patroni nf HOLLER'S OPERA HOUSE IND BJJJJIAKU BOGUS. "CLAYTON AIR COMPRESSORS n n ma HBWCATAXoannios XJBT 01A7I01T STEAM PCMPW02KS It * 10 WAIHI8I •BE00KWH. H. T. OSES BLANCHARD, ATTOBNET AT LAW, AND HASTED IN OHlNCEOT, DOTEII, N. J. OmOEOTKB AUX.WlaSTVtf'1 8TOTK 1H9 TlX 6IOIX, BUCKWUL STUXT. A CUKE FOR MALARIA AND FEVER and AGUE! Free from QUININE, ARSENIC and all other objection- able substances. B IN E TITUTE OK TECHKOLonr, , HODOKKK, Juno IOtb, IB92. ( THIS IH TO (JEHTlFYj^Ttmt I liiw mtdo EU anftlfBin of ihe Anti-Malaria Meilicine tinjiniuB "Dr. HamiitoD'e MalsriulS^ciflo," uud Had that it is a purely vegetable prepara- tion, U absolutely Irco Irom Arncnio or »ny (i tli or liko BQlist an re, (toes not cnatsia soy Qainitio or einularbodT.orolhert-bjectloiiablo material, uml Is undoubtcdl; imrmloBB. HENBY MORTON, Pa. D. OTHER REFERENCES t Hian FILLI Horn. ( DIKOHAK'S FIBBT. PA., Hay 31,1883. f DZAB 8IB:— I tike plpasare in teittl>iDs to "ie vilDRblo meriuotyour UaUrial BnoolHc. BjieoTtli.. It ooctaimi no harmful iogrodionti, and I cheorfally recommend It to alt. Xonrn very truly, PHILIP P. FCLMEI, M, D, !, EtBQIif CO., N, J. SeptomberlOtta.ia..., DUB BIB:—I have had wiUrta for the past re years. In coniequenoe of which I faavo. teen compelled to give np mj bnalncBBftnd- travel Sat my be»llh, ' »L .1 lM y remBal( _ i ice, but ot> Lid IL (lined no roller. A Btiort time since I wu aavioed by % per- aoDal Trlund, Mr. Uenry Deal are it, of H tok- en ok, Eof«oB Coaatv, K. J., to try "Do ' Hamilton 1 * X i l u i i l Bpeoiflo," which 11 done. Xbive taken three bottles of it, iin bappT toBIJ I am now cured. I take great plnaaura In rcoommenaiug It to ill who are afflicted with malar!* or fo«r ud [gae. Yonrt, rery roepeotfally, JOEK7.DJ.TKB. E*CREi»i*OE, BBHORK CO., N. J., ) November Mth, 1883, f DEan Em:-I li.vo mod Dr. HamlllanV 5!n!arit1 Bpoolflo with the icry beat reinlta. TVUilit It gave mo epoedy retlor from milirlal mi IUJ K.-ut-ml lioallb. loan recommend il a All tffllotod frith malaria wftb tlie ntmoat onfldw.ee, JDHX I. MoB)iotr. Pulor Aibnryll. B.Ohurob. HiOKEKflADK, BEHOEV Co.. N. J., 1 " Norembcr fith, 1682. I OB 812 inn Cli BfioarwiT. N. Y. I Us DRAB 8in;—I htTo ntt& Hi. Himiiton'* ola-'itrkl apeolflo with marked fuoociB. It U an absolute onre lor Malaria, Fever and Ajrna, and Ncrvooi DAIlitv, tbat aWaj. follawiTAB a tonic I do not belietB It bai in eqaal fn the Id. It is wondtrtal in ita deliRntral effeota jnen tubeo for weak or dieorderad itomaoti. I Lavs taken it mytelf andplTen it to my en tiro family with purfeot latfaractioa and care, and I cheerfully recommend it, tad no family ilinuld bo witfiqnt It. * ' , Gxo. H. ATITOOO, 31 BBOUIBX.. Mnuts, N. J., | November lit, IBB'. f D£*BSrB:-For vein I ha»o anfiered from prosirition and .lBbilityaod a losBOf apmllta andI general phfalcal inabiUtf to perTOnn any dutiei.bnt bcioff advi»d to uaeDrTHamtiton^i Hpeolfle, tljfiim mo pletBarn t o i U t a t b i t l liave tahsnit with tLo moil ^ADeUdal reanlti, and iimnow feoliHR qulto well artor i i i r ^ ODI? two botUoa. I regard IUDBpedQo ai a moat nontierfnl tonlo anil ila Bfftfota tec- not fol- lowed by any reaction. It ii inTiluabta and shonld bn ia fiver? liomeliold. Very tmly Tonw, i. OPHKHKIBAK. Wo, tfao nmloralgnod, haVing eaOt Malaria inita different formi, do hen that we have n»d Dr. Hmnilton'fl ESpcolflo witb thommt entire nvecett In each aud all oe oar redjwctlVB casei. Wa noheii* tatlBBly reoommend it to all iaffuring from Malarii, IndiaeslloD, Nervons Diiordtra. or Eidnoy andUnr tronblea. ffe believe It ia a rempiij tbat Blionld be Inevery houebolt], knd wo will taho piusaarc In annwering anyand all inquiries from poreoua anfftrlog from any of i J«.A V ."wi»ti)e"'All>,140KaM»aS..,fl.Y. W.A.AIkD, ULinvvita Plaoe.N.Y. L. II. Rowan. 30 BroailwiT, N. i. 8. B. Mower, CSBtoadwiy.N. y. Antlioiiy Orer, Jr., 270 Cnmberlana Btreot, Brcwkljn. Mri. H. R. Bute, Pierrepont Honse. Jlr'al'iJ. Moms UUmtn, MHlnhrut,, Bmofclyn. Mar; A. Hogan, Mt Hwr.nun at., Brooklyn. Ed. Ooortiandt, flfl? PamUc St., Bmaklyn. Frank H, BDrdiali, Onrnden, il. J. W. SI. palmer, 119 Pnnn 81., Damdeo, N. 3. H OUBTt A. B U U I . Sometimes I tltlak Xlore tba*, Lord, With all ID; beirt, Thit ntnght in all tbe world bomThee J I l t But ata !• nlwng ani Satan bold, And faith !• wcaV; And ere I know, apart Irom The* Son»«goodl«»ek. And canit Tboa tike my lomotlma love A| heart'i trne key, i l K l l tbat U«b*Mmn My SOD! and Thee ? Por perfeot lore I thlrat and faint; And long to know HoKoflla lioigbiaod length and breadth While here below. T»ou art too perbot love, 0 Godl WeUraayitba Tlut to attain It I •hill need Sterility. American Mettenqer. THE SLAUGHTER OF CONFEDERATES AT CEMETERY HILL- A JHtunnmoif OF CUB OFTHK HOBTDBB- S H U r a JMOOtrSTHBS OF THE VAB Captain E. T, Owen, who participated in the* battle of Gettysburg, wbioh tool place nn July 2(1,1668, writes as folio to tbe Philadelphia WetUy Time*, de aoribing tbe gallant bnt disastrous obnrge of 16,000 tetBrauB under General Piokett on the Union works at Oametory Hill. ""* oommand now came along tb< line,'Front, forward !'on.l tlie column resumed it* direction straight down upon the oottor, of tbu enemy'* position. Th? deatruotion of life ia the ranks, of tbat advaociDg lioat was fearful beyond precedent, officers going down byiaxom and tbe men - b j aoorte; and flifties. Eemper baa goue, dawn tetriblj man- gled, hot Gircott Btill towered anliurt, and rada np and down tlie front line, Baying in a firm, oalna voice ' Faster, mea I feater 1 Close Dp and utep oul faqler, but don't doable quick I" Tlio stooe fence vraa carried witliont a gle, tbe infantry an3 the skirmish line swept away before tbe division If lie trash before tbe>broom. Two-thirds of tbe distance woo behind, and the one hun- dred cannon ID toe rear were dumb and did not reply to the hotly-worked guns i our front. We were nowfonr hundred yards from the foot of Cemeterj Hill, when away off to the right, nearly half a lie, there appeared in the open field a line of men ai rigiit angles with our own, a long, dark mass, dressed in blue, and 00MKG DOTS AT A " DODBLB QUICK" qpon the protected right flank of Piok- ett's men, with their miiBkets " upon the •igbt ihoulder shift," their battle flags dancing and flattering ip tbe breeze created by their own rapid motion, and their burnished bayonets glistening above their beads like forest twigs cov- ered wltheheeta of sparkling ioe when shaken by a blast Garnett galloped along the line saying : " Faster, mea I Taster I" and tbe front line broke forward into a double quick, when Crurnett called Steady, men 1 steady I" Don't bo qouble quick. Save yoar wind and raur ammunition for the final obarge 1' md tbon went down among tbe dead. ,nd his alurion voice waa no more heard imong the roar of battle. Tbe enemy were seen Btrengtbening their lines (here the blow was expected to strike :>y hurrying up reserves from tbe right nd left, tho cahimnn from opposite lireoHons, pnBStng each otber doable ilong our front like tbo fingers of a two lian.li lockiDp together. T ae had ugaiu suortcued, and ol sera in tbu enemj'a lines could be dis- tinguishod by their uniforms from tbe ate*. Then wan liBard behind that 'S thud of a muffled tread of armed , that roar and rush of trampling ect as Aimiotead's column from tbe rear losed up behind thn front line, and he last Brigadier) took oommand, ed out iu front, with hia hat up- iftod oa tlia point of his sword, and led ,be divisioii, now Four ranks deep, rap- idly and grandly across that VALLET OW DBATH, covered with clover BB soft as a Tprkieh carpet. There it was again I and again I sound filling tbe air above, below, around as, like the blast tbroagh the top »f B dry cedar or the whirring sound made by tbe sadden flight of aflockof [nail. It was grape and Minister, iho column broke forward into a donble Lniok and rashed toward the stone wall 'here forty cannon were belching forth grape ind canister twice and thrice a linute. A few hundred yards from the :one wall tbe flanking party on tho igbt, coming down ou ti heavy run, halted suddenly wit bio fifty yards and onred a deadly Btorm of musket balls ito Pickett's men, double qniaking cross their front, and under this torri- i cross flro the men reeled and stog- rered between falling comrades and the ight came pressing down upon the cen- ter, crowding tbe companies into oon- fua.on, Bab alt knew the parpose to irry the uighta in front, nod tlie min- ted mass, from fifteen to thirty deep, ished toward the stone wall, while a >whundred men, without orders, faced the right and fought the flanking lartj there, although fifty to one, and i time held them at boy. Masketa 'ere seen crosaed as some men fired to ie right and others to the front, and THE nQHT WAS THBBITI0, beyond all other experiences eron of inverted V with the point pushed forward ; fighting, falling melting away, till half way up the bill they were met by a powerful body of froth troops charging down upon them, and this remnant of about a thonfiam" mea was hnrled back into tbe olover field. Brave Armiatead was down unoi the enemy's gam, mortally wounded but was liut seen leaning upon one elbiv Mashing at the gunnels to prevent the! from firing st bis retreating men. Onl ia front of tlie breastworks the mm showed a disposition to reform for un other charge, and an officer looking; ni tho frowning bights, with blood tricklin; down tlie side of his faoe, iaqaired u another, "Wiiatthull we do?". Tin answer was: " If we get reinforcement* soon, we csu take tbat hiil yet." Bui no reluforoemeiitfl came, ooue were ii sight, uod about Athousand menfledtbe rear over dead and wounded, man gled, groaning, dving men, soatUre^ thick, far and vide, while shot and ebeli tore up tbe earth end minnio balls fle' aroaod tbeia for mora tliaa a thotuaui yards. The <!andor uf the inqnlUUre Boy, 'She candor of the auull boy is ocon. Htoually very distressing to bis friends and relatives. In the waiting room of the Austin depot, there was o lady witb a small boy, and alao a henevotent look- ing old gentleman, who bad a very sing- ular. protuberance ou hia noae which at- tracted the attention oi tbe youth. "Mister, did Got) muke tbat roun In nip on your nosu ?" "Hush, Johnny," Bald hia mother. "I ain't talking to you,ran,I am talk- tigto .biBgoutleninn." "Thnl's &vm on my noae, little boy," remtrked the geatleman, pleasantly. "Wbat did yoa suy ?" "Wen." "That's wUat I toy, when ?" "What do you meaa, littlo boy?" said tbe old gentleman, losing patience, last* tittle, "I want to koow when Qod made that lumD ? He mode the nose first, and then pot tbe lump on it ulterwarda, lldn't be r "Keapqoiet, Jobony." "But, ma, I'm not talking to you. God bad to make the nose first, before he at tbe lump on It, for if be made the lump first he wonldhare no pUoe to pnt it, would he?" "The nose waa madB first," replied ;ho old man, who was a miracle of good itare. "I said BO t God made your eyes be* 'ore he put the lump on yoar nose, didn't i?" "lea." ."Ihen you saw Ood put tba lump on 'oaruose, didn't yoa—or did he pat it on yonr oosa when yon was asleep ?*' Here the boy's mother managed to get lim under control, but he shortly broke iut in a fresh place. ' Are you waiting for tbe train ?" •Tesf my boy." 'You are not waiting (or the train that went off yesterday, are you ?" 'No, I'muot, sonny/' * I thought not, because if yon was you would get left. But you didn't tell eifyouauw Guil [HJtltiu lump—" Here his mother shoved her bandker- lief in his mouth.* nnd the scene was ivor.—[Texas Siftiapr 9.J lokett's , who for once raised no FOK SALE BY ALL DUUfldlBTS. N ABODBlNa, HKW TOHE. WfTOtESALB AflEHTS, leer, while the welkin rang aronnd iem with the "Union triple huzza." ie old veterans now saw tbe fearful da's against them and other hosts gath- ering darker and deeper still. The time was too precious, too Bsribus for a cheer; iey boofcied down tc the heavy taak in lence, and fought with a fooling like despair, Tbe enemy wen Been falling hack in front, while officers were seen among their breaking lines striving to maintain their ground. Piakett's men were wilbin a few feet of tha stone wall when tbe artillery delivered their last Are from guns shotted to the muszle—a blaze fifty feet long went through the, charging, surging bost with a gaping rent to the rear) but the survivors moanted the vail, then over and onward rushed up the hill class after the gun- iers, who waved their romiqers in the faoe of piokett's men, and sent np oheer after oleer as they felt TOR Q4IMWT On swept tbe oolaow ovdr ground oar- ered with dead and dying man, where tha earth teemed to be on fire, the smoke flense nod sufiboatlng, the suu abot oa|, flames blowing on every side, friend couia hardly bo distinguished from foe, hut tlio division, in the shape of an Marriage. Marriuge is, of all earthly unions, al- iost tbe onl) one permitting of no ttuga but that of doath. It ie that en- gageaient in wbioh man exerts his must iwfol and solemn power—the power of jponsibilily wbiou belongs to him as >ne that shall glveoccoaut—the power if abnegating tbB rifiht to change, tba lower of polling with bis freedom, tho lower of doing that whioh in this world never be reversed, Aud yet it is perbups that rakliomhip which in ipoken of moat frivolously and entered ifco most carelessly and wantomly. is uot a union mernly between two ireatures, it is a union between two lirits ; and the intention o( tbat bond to perfect the nature ofboth, by ippbmentiag their obaracter with the loroe of contrast, giving to each sex lose eiceltenoies in whioh it is nntur- illy defloient; to tbe ona strougth of w *••- «»id firmness of moral will, the other sympathy, m e e t n , tenderness. And just BO solemuT and A True American Girl- " Do you like Keginild ?" " No," replied Beioe McOluaky, nerv- ously palling tc pieces u she ipoke »., blushrose that had a momaiit betorp fallen from the stem, "he makes at tired." Beiue and her brat girt frieud, P«u»J Perkins, were standing in thecoiisenm*; tury of Coastclifl Oastle thia dreary No- vcmber afternoon, when tbe skies war* I overaut witb anllen looking clouds who» presence foretold a coming atorm. They" bud beeu friends from yontb, notwith- ataading that Pansy bod a sealskin octine two winters before, got on ttic -igbt Biile of tbe wheat market, and gave one to Baine. Theirs vtu indeed a deadliest uffeotiou. "Huvo you seen 'Daniel BochatT"^ iked Puney, auddenly cbanginig' Ibe^ subject of wuversation. "No," replied Beine. "What is il about »"• "Ob, it's lovely 1 K nun want* to many a. girl, tuid she laves him terribly. They are miti-ried by tbo inagifltrate, and then tbe girl wants to buve uuotber oer- «mony iu the eliurch. The man refuses beoanau he is an infidel, but filially says be will do as she likes. Theii tbe girl Bays Bhe won't btve him at all, and they part very miserable." " The girl refuses to marry him ?" mk* Beiue, in huggsrd tones. Why, yeB. She refuses utterly." ' Where is theaction of this play located ?" ' In Switzerland." 'An I" says tteuie, a mgb of mlief escaping ber, "I thought uoAmariuau girl would so far forget henelL" Au Au 'Oondudtor !" exolaijnod tbo elderly gentleman, looking up frum Uie Bible ua iod been anxiously poringover for sona minutes, "Conductor, I can't find any* about this Intiu iu4he seripturM. Where ia it I Show it to me I" "What did you expect to find about it V growled tba conductor, "Isn't there something nbouMt bere somewhere ?" BBied the old mnti, look- ing up fnnocenOy, tuble here either?'' 'Isn't yoar time md be (ambled aver the leaves md appeared nuzzled abont the thing. "Of course itisu't," rwnouded tbe conductor. " That Bible all happened 1,800years ago." "And we mast have started just be- fore it was out t" mused the old gentle- man, patting tlie book b»ok ja the rick. Perhttpa there's sometUiug about it in the revised edition; got a revised edition ?" But nobody laughoi ot tlie poor old conductor, They bnd utl known himit mg time and tbey felt sorry for him.— Drakt'a TratelUr'i Magatina. as these onds coutumplateit for jast so gloriom fhiob the nmc iateuded, just HO terrible aro tbe OODPO- quencea if it be perverted and abused for there which 1ms i and to exalt.—Dr. Robertson. is no oartlily relationship o much HclecMinraWitc Who marries for love takes a wife; who marries fur fortune takes a mistress; who marries Eoe position Utoa a lady. You ore toved by your wife, regarded by your mistress, tolerated by yonr iaijj. You bave a wife for yourself, a mistress for your bouse and friends, a lady for tbe world and society. Four wife will ngree with you; your mistress will rule you, your lady will manage yoa, Tour wife will take care of yoar household, your mistress of your hotlse, your lady of appearances. If yoa are sick yoar wife flillnuno yoa, yoar miBtress will visit yon, your lady will inquire after your health. Ton tike a walk with yoar wife, %ride with your mistress, and go to a party with yonr lady. Yoar Wile will share yonr grief, yonrmisties yonr money, yoar ladj your debts. Ifyouare dead your wits will woep, your mistress will lament, and your lady wear moarn* lag. Which will you buyer k Curious Bridal Couple. As odd a looking bride snd groom as one ever sees, and who. uftor the eircum- itonota hnrrouttdiog them were known. Bet tongues a-woggiugand made laughing mtagious wtire seen at tbe Union Depot this rhorniag. Tlie cuuple consisted of in old man fully Boventy jenrs of age, nit feet in height, with flowing gray hair, and carrying on his' itrm a pair of mt kind of saddle-bags worn thirty years ago, nail a girl just fourteen years }ld, whu in height would reach about old raun'n vent pocket. Tbey are ou their wedding tour. They came in from me point in Alabama Inst irigut and ire bouud for some puint iu Oregon. A the flame truin on wbioli :hey oamo in tout liigbt aajs that tluriug entiru day tbey were tho centre of ervitioi), becuusfc of their child-like iDgneRflRnd gnnura! groenueMa. TliEt Id man is by protwuiou ti Method in t uator, guiuj; lu» oonfyrouce in Ore- ,, and combines plensiise with bnsi- •i by tukiug with hiiu u Ver liable uuil Dg Obriattnas present. The tarlous Choice of tonffreaallons. Tho Bible text, "As a ehuplierd divld- ilh liia shoep from his gouts ; and he "all sot tho sheep on his right hand, it the goats ou tlie loft," Beomn to have .tt ita force by modern customs. At a ile of pew* ia a leading Congregational mrcli of Obicago tho other eveniog it Nnoticed Unit niDis-k-ntlin of tho pre- - __ X\)o kttJ^ or the minislpr. It is said the sWe is true of n leading Baptist and a Preaby- terian Cburob of Chicago. As such thirjgH <1Qnot uaolly liappon by clmnce, whut is tlio roiiaun for it ? Perhaps it is biKiRuse most miniatets preach "right hundeJ," aud in gesturing muirjly with tliE> right limiii tlio face is nceunaarily til- irutcd to the left. Auy one who will DLitico will and this to bo true, »ud to hour well wlicre bouriug is difficult, the best place is to tho left, of the right- bunded speaker, Tho right arm, when tbe gestures are earnest, will swing the body balf-waj round, in spite of tbe best Intentions. A few stotistios bearingupon tbe qaustion will be in order before taking the sido of tho sheep ntpur argiv- iuga lurge promiam to rtrn with tlie goats.—Chicago Inter-Oc&iri. The World's Xearly Heaths. In order to know how many people die every year ooo has only to eiamiDu the statistics of (be world's popalation. Asia has 800,000,000 inhabitants; Europe, 805,000,000; AHM, ' 204,000,- 000; Ameriaa. 86,000,000; Ooeanloa, &,000,QOO. These are low estimates, vhiob give total 0(1,400,000,000. Al- lowing to the inhahitanta of the earth an average life of Ib^rty-nine ^ears, it fa found that every year SB.lttfi.OOQ people die—3,780 deaths per hocr, aiity-thrco deaths oaoh minate. or more than one peraeoond. Tlind arorj awood " a leaf falls from the vast tree of Ufa, to be forthwith replaced hy a new one." Kothing in ihe world is qnite so good is goodness, bat it muet'eomriat of right aotingntber than glib larking. A jewfiier'advertises tbat be has some prrcinua atones for disposal, adding that 'they sparkle tike tbe teui of B young widaw, 1 The windpipe : A. flule. Modesty is tbo brightest jewel in ibe crown of womauhoo-i. There ie a loquaolty »bioh tolU aoth- ig and a silcnco which tells much. Benaitive people wish to loved; Tain* people Wish only to 1mproferred. Do not koep goiid mannersforeon- pony, but be equally polite at borne and abroad. ' • Mince pie seusou in herb, and those who can afford it will nowdream of ele- phants witb four trunks and mules' with illuminated heads. One of tbo Arkansas editors ii s> fqU blooded Olierokoe'Indun. His only d«* linqaent BtthaorihorB %n bald haaded men j the olhcts all pay op andaave their l Adnm Foropaagh would't HATO Mm, Iangtry on any terms. Hohad a pro- fessional beaoty onoa, and tba Ufty tbe press gave her made her so dog-gone proud that she waatod to own the show. Let it bo remembered ll»t when a •mall party of sohool boys board a rail- road train and order the pasiengera, to throw np thair hands that it is no laugh- ing matter. Tlioy are annad witli tha toy piBtol.—Cuicftgo qtieak. "Does my aon Wlllium," that's in the army, get plenty to cut ?" nskud tltaold lsdyof a reoruiUuB sergcaat the other day. "Henroplonty.-'wtBibelBoonio reply, '••• Btesa nit heart, their, I know hell get it If he aau.*ee i t ; h e alway*. would at Borne." *'' 'X ^ -

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rofUl aod itrorapt ntttnti






RoofingliVa bettor facilities I Bin enablodjo put

f SLATE ICOOFS chenper than ever usingTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-

ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud work in ovory pftrticu.

Tar Sbontliing Pelt always on hand.October 13th. 188B.




DOVER, N. J .NawHBood. A. 0. SMITH.

SHERIFF'S SALE In Chnncorv of Ninv Jerscv-Bt'twceu liphrsimLImlslcv.'aotiUB Esooutbr untie lust will amitrans in en t of Duviu Kstilo, tiecuftaod, ourii-plnitiiint, iin<] William F.aiildinsn. Urn. Wil-liam F. OitHiiijn, and Dantul J?Go!ton, do-fcmlivtilx. I'i. («. for caln of ninrrinsist!

u. 18N1. NEIOIIfiOUlt & SMITH. Hol'rs.

BY virtuti of tlie <ibovo atnloil lvriL of lioriTnciRR iti ray hntidfL I KDILII flsposo for sale

n11'nblii; Veiiduo, at tho Cogrt House, tu Mor-Irfntoivn. N. J.. nit

Carpenter and Builder,


» «*" Jotibntg anil repairing prom, .Bended to, A leng osperionco in tlio Imsi-|BB will, I liullevo, oanblo mo to eiveii&tm-




DOVER, N. .1.?Tbo pUco has boon entirely r.'llttnd in ft ncnl


|MABTIN & BUCK,jonn, Sip nl taeital Faiiters,SteAlNEitS, GILDEIta aud PAPER UAKQ-ffllB. DotitraoU taken mdniBtoriiiUrumiBlied

oonit decorfttfu! in froscoo sty Its. IIIVIHR tlOtoucli UtiowliKlKO of IIOIIHC ami eicD paiulc, wo foelcompctrnt to meet the iiQinsriili

, , all. mint Illfip r w Mirni While's mill ingI tore , next to Voaght i KiUgorfi'n (irtiff Htnro

'. 0 . PorlfW.A speci»lty nigdo of stencil euttlnR.

|f. MAHTIU. 111-1* A. RUOK.

SSAMTJEL "MORSELpractical Boot and Shoe Maker

Morris St., Dover, N. J.

ind 8E0ES oil hitid aud for sato cheap. He-wdring promptly and ohe>piydoag


uaaUvorktnH&rbloandarftQite. All workbf ttie best onler ind priontreuonitile.[ BLAOKWELL ST., DO TEE, N. J .








A OOOD MEAL mity be obtained &t nny£\_ honr of rliu day nt roasonnblu prices.

IN ICE CREAMI have thu famous

HORTON CREAM,iviTHttlly ruiijjiiizpd a th

ndi), in all Ilavnrs. A!HO Ormi|,'P,L«nn A]i|ilc ICES, nml nt i l l t lmtf a


m o n h io llujniKiintftfjeorpurclmer;™.UriMin ,]clivor(id AIIV iln.v of HIP wenk, f

<ky inc lude! , ivl t be rVsUUnc of tl.,- hnyr .

ply- Thoae U'lBhEuji nltuatlocia Lrt tbo city slirukLtomo Hero aud lake a tborun^h Liislncus cnl]n(.t

O. A. O*8KEi,L, Princlpil, New York P. O. IIoi B3i,'

Jslcil April 1st, 1S7G,WILLIAM H . I I O W E L L , Shorifr.

T)HIP:I Nov. 17, 1HH2. (10 8

Accents for FMrbanks1 Scales andTer-

willigor'c Saios,




ARdcnltnra Implements, 8eedi, FertllkonAn. P*it.ta, Oils, OISBI, oto.


Moniitown. Deo.tBth.187B.

r i ivr . i tAi. n u t i x iOK A M )<il,M,HAL r i U

IK [.ftriiuiiliir liiicinfiis. mid would offur lii,

nonl i rnioi i i i l ik ' l i r i iH. liaviiiK].iiivllaecc.l• nl.. ri«lit hir l l ^ U w i i d i l p i o f I U » lo^L

AKRYSTALLOS:«u [,,r tjr.-Htrvmir tliednml witlioiit auutil-(>r Die uiio tifiuf, I WDIIIII ttuoiniuund it

M/Wflcli, IJInHiwHI St. Cluiisiftiilly «u tiaml

in ptuu wood or oovurcd witb uljtli, vcivet oruiniiTjnl u^i'ii f«i tlm Haunt. tx i fFlNHI lliu tlim-ruiit »t.j]«M. HOUEO, UABl'i'H,

« I I A \ ' E CMl's, (ILOVKH-liL.l, «i)k mid cotton,C1IAJ1U, HEAlLSEd, CA.llItIA(!Ed, I0K

ui tlio

uniiMii ilium wi I limit miy tranblo i>r «tpoiiH<tM liiu hunly. Tor tlit coti\cuiuiioo u( nuyvlio liuy hi'i'd rnv wrvicfrt in ltdiiita'vay town-ilup 1 hnvo au ollicu iu Hu^liaivny. turuonal

.jtt.-tiii.iiif-ivnii in tlio JiLyinj,' out aud prefer v-iiijr ur Itudirn at all lumru, day or night, myiniuimvitij: fliaignor tliu tuinnlu iknarlnifliit.




Hot Air Furnaces,>r thQ latest auil maul Impruvcd Btylcu, roi>Hrmlng public and private buildings. A Urgi

••Bortmont of Btoves, aboap Tor caeb.







[>EA.DKr.H, nnii till binds urJaLuing hi mv lino,"uiin in tho boat manner and at tlio short tatotieo. IIIgliPFt prices paid r«r nlil Iron.

Copper lead and powtcr taken iu oiciianfiirgoDdH.

ALEXANDER W I Q H T O N .Dccomhar24th.lBT0. 1-lvr



saac N. Doty & Go.159 & 161 MARKET St.,

NEWARK,ivitl) n view to reducing stock prior

to making our unnunl HOLIDAY

DISPLAY, wo wJU offer tbe beet

values in Cuo eiik fabrics we have

j e l gives, Limited spaco permits

U3 to mention only i. fow of tho

most salient paints as an iadox to

tho unoiauiplod bnrgalns we will



" 11.00 " 1.35

" •' " " " LIB " I.BS

" " 1.S5 " l . »

' •' " 1.B0 " 1.75

1.75 " 3.00

ULAOK BEODADE B1LEB " 1.00 " 1.95



ISAAC ». DOTY & Co..159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.







SUSSEX St. GROCER,itlll OODUDUSB to ke ep » full and fresh quan>

fo of

Groceries and Provisions,SEASONABLE FRUITS.

foreign and domestic, the best grades of,CANNED GOODS, aud nil nuppliea c l theliouHobold in his liue.

Care will always bo taken to secure good*jf the best <|uaiity sod equal palne to nellLllUm fit 11)0 ItJOIlt XGJISOU9Ijl0 IUaU'£LlJB (SOU*iisttmt wilL t bo j inr tbai i lng pr ioe . BU8BEX•ST., Q<tnr the o o m o r o f Black welt, Dove r .


Quoenstown, Liverpool,

Norwa/, Sweden, &c,

White Star Line,In ma n Line,

Canard Line,National Lints

State Lino.Aitm DKAFTS IiRued at

in Erjgln i), Iriifauil, flcntluiid,rormation cliourritJlyin] tu intiTUiuontB of

E, LindsleyS Son, Agents.W. H. DAUUITra


We v Koo ugb i-1; of Dry Gonrfd and niai'Uod <1OWD a c rcu t

part of it Pit I N ™ wlilcli ImTn Leon Snld tor

oeii(n |iur viinl goad doaipnn a n d tilbent of material lire ia a r feed all ccute, while

; liav. ; n coinplfto caxe or lower R r t d s s ttir cents . A. largo slock oi HiiHiF.nir Tor Ron-•men, briieB Kin) cMIOrcn, bu th imporled

flutiei-ii (iiadci H subject Iu this ruJuet ion.

iilii'H huso iv>rlli $1.75 per dozen wo sell forFl. Kicli Diuiiiixk Tttlilo Lluon wbidi would

lailUun ilie hear t o r an^- lumaekeoper, Imve

iblt! linnu rasy lio liml at our cimntora atvcniv-two cent* a yard ftinl upwards. TheAi'EiNtfiimlToivKj.a. of which wohavo a largrj^o r imo i i l , IIUVL- also i.omi roduted . Our(iWF«iiTAHLE«, niHnuftotiiriid by nurecWfiB of

«iibyc(iiii]«'t()iit cmpltiyctii, tnd Illlcil withgood ijnftlilynf rnw pottira (not weepings)

tna? \M Int . fur $1.50 mid upwards , \¥« onlyllcomlurtabliirt iiinniifattiirad by oil r i c l f c t ,i r lij.ANKUTa hnvo l.ton included, m i l samew l u t every uno had cotiB.dore:l olieap ba»o .

mikots wlsicli wtro purciiaHBil very early anilcy were n»rkt.-:l at the time very \ow, butiw wo aro «ivini» cuHtutnorn uniuuat l f lowicuaoH Btainkrd makes. B l a a k e t i from t lt ) 5 . A codil ( i i i ro i l i laukotsmakes * o o m -:m KPIIKO Oliristmag present. OLOAUK, OLOJI I -( H AND HUAITLH have pro labty nover boen.ver than they aru now with tho extra roduc-

Inn they have been Biibjeoted to . A pre t tyit—good lusty and darablo—is ft Rood

Our f.rcna Roods btsre been m a d e aar t l cu l a t fcatnreii i cu t t iogdown prloev. Wo;iu lurnieU KaoH al l woifl drpga noodg farlivonly c r n U a y u r r t , In colors and bl«ob. Wo<ti fi imith nny olio dress Roods, tli>t I i pat tuol d n tw gooiln, for twolvo ftad a ba l l con ts

iinlo col'irri. Tlie BO wo Bell for tiff}' oci ib_'liry am nil wool and fmty-Hvo Inclioa inwitllli, and a grea t roniiy moro kinds of diosnRouia in evur j imaftjitablo color ntid (juftlityln>m I1HIJB,HHO puplln at ton cents a yard aniluiiwirdg. Our IlLicK DBEBB OOOD.I nood noother rpranrb than t U t we baro lately ro-

ved a Job lot of now drees fiomln muntilac-n l hy Ltinpin. am Plnslies nml Vnlvotflj

tiuQ aud I l l l ed t t i tb piipitivoplcaNiirf.W. H. DAJ1BITT,


Brt'Dari-d for HIP Winter Trmie «itlt thegroateBt stock evnr HIXSU in Dover or

Wall Papers, liordei'N,

Dados, Ceiling Decorations,

Ired lit 'HOW and elofiant tleHiRtiH, frum the' n>e»t to ll.L- coHtlii^C, And reproHontii^

3kwiHcoiivinc[iiiiiy tliat I nni tho kr^ertl irin Northern Nffwjtmy. I hive madetnccinnnta wiib [ho ltmimfaclnrorii Tor sjo number of job Inta of puijevii, wlilch I•.« left river from iir.'viima yea™, in colilHat, wbtcli I wu noil for twiiuty-ilve ner

t. Lfloir tho rt'Biilur priwm.I luve pngnRed ft fliut-chiKR paneMungfir,

or thnt worli ficlnaivi-ly, and feel confidentfRiThifi >l< > hillmt H.itisfanfiof].AlBoanrt-tttlinuof

PICTURE FltAMESevery dcaanption, mailu in any HIZD to ord.tr

Oil Paintings and Chromos,

STATUARY,Center Pieces iu Plaster

oil Parin,I.UIV <lmKii», ami in a ii v ullifr artii-loi* tut

Stair and Floor Oil Cloths

The best reason why we havealways done the leading boot andshoe trade in the county is becausewe have always tried to give ourcustomers the very best goods thatwere in the market, no matterwhat they cost. If the quality justi-fies the purchase we secure themfor them every time, and at but aslight advance from the originalcost, as our light expenses andquick sales enable us to do this,besides buying as we do direct fromthe manufacturers in large quanti-ties for cash we are enabled to giveour patrons solid, substantial,stylish, good fitting boots and shoesas cheaply as shoddy, inferior goodsare usually purchased at. If yougive our goods a trial they willsurely verify our statements.

RODEBEB & HEAGAN,Opp. D., L. & W. R. E. Depot,




od il HUB

l PnhitiiiK <lm>° hi tno liigliPrti stylo of tbut. I b a v u j i M t Tw-^ivfl it Hi)li>n<lid linn ofHPICB of rraticoos. SIONri p:iinu-a t " onh-re<cry style ami form. Dia l ing witli ilin

innractiircirR a i r r c t »m! j>itrcbn»lnp niln,• t land paint by tljo ton, 1 nm tliiin ciiablcil

rlorm tlie work In tboboa t m a n n e r . '

Cor. BUokwell .V EBBCK Hit,., Dover, N. J .


CARRIAGE PAINTER,Shop on Clinton St., Borer.

An eipotiuucu of 13 joars in Dover on tlio-jont work, ie tlm puiranli-n I offor of myibilitr toplcftintlia pablic. Mj motion "OiralUilactioo to ill." My

ISA 0. COOPERMASON AND BUILDER!Oontraott Ukcn and matorlUa fuml»h»d f.ir

BUILDINGS, BRIDGES.1 all aundi of work, whether of EBICK M


Jffieo on Horrli ittMt, next to lormer I»ojrS u bnilding, Dorer, M. J . U>tt

Winter Dress Goods!Best line of Dress floods

and Trimmings at




U N D E R W K A R . O F ALL KINDS,uud cverjtbiuK tilee in Lot' storo. Dou't misa thin fitp.at opportunity for bayiug

g<inili) at WAY DOWN PKIOES.

Freeman Wood,FIRE


., TV. J .Unally iuthorized agent of tho follewing flrat-

oUaacompanloB—tlie bostin tho world:


GLOBE, Capital 820,000,000.


Capital 8lO,GOf1,000.


Capital 810,000,000.


HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey City,Capitol 8300, U00.

Nnrtli BrillRh and Morcnntilo inBnnnwo Co.of London aud lij on burgh ; onpitil 110,000,000.

Goruanlft Firo Irauraiico Co. Q! NOW York |ipilni (1,000,000.Tha London ABsurunoe OorpontloD of

London, capital $5,6110,000.Springfield Fire Innnrance Oo,, MBaeaohu-

9otta, oapital $1,500,000.WeBtchestcr Fire Insurance Company fo

New York, capital $BQO.O0O.QEISUAH AMEBIOIH * 1,000.000


Oirmi. BOO.OW

Freeman Wood,

TIE BEST PUCEOCUB kind forcujiijnii'iit in this sent ion le


UOVKK, N. J.Just reccivwl nml placuil in rosltkm THREE



Pool Tablesfrom tins celebrated mnnutuctorj or J. M.


ORCHESTEIONban also Juet been sopplied Titli new musicmil will delight tlio pfttrone oi ttiohonseraoreth ever, furnliliiug IHUBIC equal to » brasa

r SO pieeoa'


LAGER BEERKIWBJR on draught &nd tlio beat of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalways provided for tbo patroni nf












Free from QUININE, ARSENICand all other objection-

able substances.


THIS IH TO (JEHTlFYj^Ttmt I l i iw mtdoEU anftlfBin of ihe Anti-Malaria MeilicinetinjiniuB "Dr. HamiitoD'e MalsriulS^ciflo,"uud Had that it is a purely vegetable prepara-tion, U absolutely Irco Irom Arncnio or »ny(i tli or liko BQ list an re, (toes not cnatsia soyQainitio or einularbodT.orolhert-bjectloiiablomaterial, uml Is undoubtcdl; imrmloBB.


OTHER REFERENCES tHian F I L L I H o r n . (

DIKOHAK'S FIBBT. PA., Hay 31,1883. fDZAB 8IB :— I tike plpasare in teittl>iDs to

"ie vilDRblo meriuotyour UaUrial BnoolHc.BjieoTtli..It ooctaimi no harmful iogrodionti, and Icheorfally recommend It to alt.

Xonrn very truly,PHILIP P. FCLMEI, M, D,

!, EtBQIif CO., N, J.SeptomberlOtta.ia...,

D U B BIB :—I have had wiUrta for the pastre years. In coniequenoe of which I faavo.

teen compelled to give np m j bnalncBBftnd-travel Sat my be»llh, '

»L .1 l M y r e m B a l ( _ i

ice, but ot>Lid IL(lined no roller.

A Btiort time since I w u aavioed by % per-aoDal Trlund, Mr. Uenry Deal are it, of H tok-en B» ok, Eof«oB Coaatv, K. J., to try "Do 'Hamilton1* Xi lu i i l Bpeoiflo," which 11done. X bive taken three bottles of it,iin bappT to BIJ I am now cured.

I take great plnaaura In rcoommenaiug It toill who are afflicted with malar!* or fo«r u d[gae. Yonrt, rery roepeotfally,


E*CREi»i*OE, BBHORK CO., N. J., )November Mth, 1883, f

DEan Em : - I li.vo mod Dr. HamlllanV5!n!arit1 Bpoolflo with the icry beat reinlta.TVUilit It gave mo epoedy retlor from milirlal

mi IUJ K.-ut-ml lioallb. l o a n recommend ila All tffllotod frith malaria wftb tlie ntmoatonfldw.ee, JDHX I . MoB)iotr.

P u l o r Aibnryll. B.Ohurob.

HiOKEKflADK, BEHOEV Co.. N. J., 1 "Norembcr fith, 1682. I

OB 812 inn Cli BfioarwiT. N. Y. IUs DRAB 8in;—I htTo ntt& Hi. Himiiton'*

ola-'itrkl apeolflo with marked fuoociB. It Uan absolute onre lor Malaria, Fever and Ajrna,and Ncrvooi DAIlitv, tbat aWaj. follawiTABa tonic I do not belietB It bai in eqaal fn the

Id. I t is wondtrtal in ita deliRntral effeotajnen tubeo for weak or dieorderad itomaoti.I Lavs taken it mytelf and plTen it to myen tiro family with purfeot latfaractioa andcare, and I cheerfully recommend it, tad nofamily ilinuld bo witfiqnt It. * '

, Gxo. H. ATITOOO,

31 BBOUIBX.. M n u t s , N. J., |November l i t , IBB'. f

D£*BSrB:-For ve in I ha»o anfiered fromprosirition and .lBbilityaod a losBOf apmlltaandI general phfalcal inabiUtf to perTOnn anydutiei.bnt bcioff advi»d to uaeDrTHamtiton^iHpeolfle, tljfiim mo pletBarn t o i U t a t b i t lliave tahsnit with tLo moil ^ADeUdal reanlti,and iim now feoliHR qulto well artor i i i r ^ ODI?two botUoa. I regard IUD BpedQo a i a moatnontierfnl tonlo anil ila Bfftfota tec- not fol-lowed by any reaction. I t ii inTiluabta andshonld bn ia fiver? liomeliold.

Very tmly Tonw, i. OPHKHKIBAK.

Wo, tfao nmloralgnod, haVing eaOtMalaria in ita different formi, do h e nthat we have n » d Dr. Hmnilton'flESpcolflo witb tho mmt entire nvecett In eachaud all oe oar redjwctlVB casei. Wa noheii*tatlBBly reoommend it to all iaffuring fromMalarii, IndiaeslloD, Nervons Diiordtra. orEidnoy and Unr tronblea. ffe believe It ia arempiij tbat Blionld be In every houebolt], kndwo will taho piusaarc In annwering anyand allinquiries from poreoua anfftrlog from any of i

J«.AV."wi»ti)e"'All>,140KaM»aS..,fl.Y.W.A.AIkD, ULinvvi ta Plaoe.N.Y.L. II. Rowan. 30 BroailwiT, N. i .8. B. Mower, CSBtoadwiy.N. y.Antlioiiy Orer, Jr., 270 Cnmberlana Btreot,

Brcwkljn.Mri. H. R. Bute, Pierrepont Honse. Jlr'al'iJ.Moms UUmtn, M Hlnhrut,, Bmofclyn.Mar; A. Hogan, Mt Hwr.nun at., Brooklyn.Ed. Ooortiandt, flfl? PamUc St., Bmaklyn.Frank H, BDrdiali, Onrnden, i l . J .W. SI. palmer, 119 Pnnn 81., Damdeo, N. 3.


Sometimes I tltlak X lore tba*, Lord,With all ID; beirt,

Thit ntnght in all tbe world bom TheeJ I l t

But ata !• nlwng an i Satan bold,And faith !• wcaV;

And ere I know, apart Irom The*Son»«goodl«»ek.

And canit Tboa tike my lomotlma loveA| heart'i trne key,

i l K l l tbat U«b*Mmn

My SOD! and Thee ?

Por perfeot lore I thlrat and faint;And long to know

HoKoflla lioigbiaod length and breadthWhile here below.

T»ou art too perbot love, 0 GodlWeUraayitba

Tlut to attain It I •hill needSterility.

American Mettenqer.



Captain E. T, Owen, who participatedin the* battle of Gettysburg, wbioh toolplace nn July 2(1,1668, writes as folioto tbe Philadelphia WetUy Time*, deaoribing tbe gallant bnt disastrous obnrgeof 16,000 tetBrauB under General Pioketton the Union works at Oametory Hill." " * oommand now came along tb<line,'Front, forward !'on.l tlie columnresumed it* direction straight downupon the oottor, of tbu enemy'* position.Th? deatruotion of life ia the ranks, oftbat advaociDg lioat was fearful beyondprecedent, officers going down byiaxomand tbe men - b j aoorte; and flifties.Eemper baa goue, dawn tetriblj man-gled, hot Gircott Btill towered anliurt,and rada np and down tlie front line,Baying in a firm, oalna voice ' Faster,mea I feater 1 Close Dp and utep oulfaqler, but don't doable quick I" Tliostooe fence vraa carried witliont agle, tbe infantry an3 the skirmish lineswept away before tbe division If lie trashbefore tbe>broom. Two-thirds of tbedistance woo behind, and the one hun-dred cannon ID toe rear were dumb anddid not reply to the hotly-worked guns

i our front. We were now fonr hundredyards from the foot of Cemeterj Hill,when away off to the right, nearly half a

lie, there appeared in the open field aline of men ai rigiit angles with our own,a long, dark mass, dressed in blue, and

00MKG DOTS AT A " DODBLB QUICK"qpon the protected right flank of Piok-ett's men, with their miiBkets " upon the•igbt ihoulder shift," their battle flags

dancing and flattering ip tbe breezecreated by their own rapid motion, andtheir burnished bayonets glisteningabove their beads like forest twigs cov-ered wltheheeta of sparkling ioe whenshaken by a blast Garnett gallopedalong the line saying : " Faster, mea ITaster I" and tbe front line broke forwardinto a double quick, when Crurnett called

Steady, men 1 steady I" Don'tbo qouble quick. Save yoar wind andraur ammunition for the final obarge 1'md tbon went down among tbe dead.,nd his alurion voice waa no more heardimong the roar of battle. Tbe enemy

were seen Btrengtbening their lines(here the blow was expected to strike

:>y hurrying up reserves from tbe rightnd left, tho cahimnn from oppositelireoHons, pnBStng each otber doableilong our front like tbo fingers of a

two lian.li lockiDp together. Tae had ugaiu suortcued, and ol

sera in tbu enemj'a lines could be dis-tinguishod by their uniforms from tbe

ate*. Then wan liBard behind that'S thud of a muffled tread of armed, that roar and rush of trampling

ect as Aimiotead's column from tbe rearlosed up behind thn front line, and he

last Brigadier) took oommand,ed out iu front, with hia hat up-

iftod oa tlia point of his sword, and led,be divisioii, now Four ranks deep, rap-idly and grandly across that


covered with clover BB soft as a Tprkiehcarpet. There it was again I and again I

sound filling tbe air above, below,around as, like the blast tbroagh the top»f B dry cedar or the whirring sound

made by tbe sadden flight of a flock of[nail. I t was grape and Minister,

iho column broke forward into a donbleLniok and rashed toward the stone wall'here forty cannon were belching forth

grape ind canister twice and thrice alinute. A few hundred yards from the:one wall tbe flanking party on thoigbt, coming down ou ti heavy run,

halted suddenly wit bio fifty yards andonred a deadly Btorm of musket ballsito Pickett's men, double qniaking

cross their front, and under this torri-i cross flro the men reeled and stog-

rered between falling comrades and theight came pressing down upon the cen-

ter, crowding tbe companies into oon-fua.on, Bab alt knew the parpose to

irry the uighta in front, nod tlie min-ted mass, from fifteen to thirty deep,ished toward the stone wall, while a>w hundred men, without orders, faced

the right and fought the flankinglartj there, although fifty to one, and

i time held them at boy. Masketa'ere seen crosaed as some men fired toie right and others to the front, and


beyond all other experiences eron of

inverted V with the pointpushed forward ; fighting, fallingmelting away, till half way up the billthey were met by a powerful body offroth troops charging down upon them,and this remnant of about a thonfiam"mea was hnrled back into tbe oloverfield. Brave Armiatead was down unoithe enemy's gam, mortally woundedbut was liut seen leaning upon one elbivMashing at the gunnels to prevent the!from firing st bis retreating men. Onlia front of tlie breastworks the mmshowed a disposition to reform for unother charge, and an officer looking; nitho frowning bights, with blood tricklin;

down tlie side of his faoe, iaqaired uanother, "Wiiatthull we do?". Tinanswer was: " If we get reinforcement*soon, we csu take tbat hiil yet." Buino reluforoemeiitfl came, ooue were iisight, uod about A thousand men fled t«tbe rear over dead and wounded, mangled, groaning, dving men, soatUre^thick, far and vide, while shot and ebelitore up tbe earth end minnio balls fle'aroaod tbeia for mora tliaa a thotuauiyards.

The <!andor uf the inqnlUUre Boy,

'She candor of the auull boy is ocon.Htoually very distressing to bis friendsand relatives. In the waiting room ofthe Austin depot, there was o lady witba small boy, and alao a henevotent look-ing old gentleman, who bad a very sing-ular. protuberance ou hia noae which at-tracted the attention oi tbe youth.

"Mister, did Got) muke tbat rounIn nip on your nosu ?"

"Hush, Johnny," Bald hia mother."I ain't talking to you, ran, I am talk-

tigto .biBgoutleninn.""Thnl's & vm on my noae, little boy,"

remtrked the geatleman, pleasantly."Wbat did yoa suy ?""Wen.""That's wUat I toy, when ?""What do you meaa, littlo boy?"

said tbe old gentleman, losing patience,last* tittle,

"I want to koow when Qod made thatlumD ? He mode the nose first, andthen pot tbe lump on it ulterwarda,lldn't be r

"Keapqoiet, Jobony.""But, ma, I'm not talking to you. God

bad to make the nose first, before heat tbe lump on It, for if be made the

lump first he wonldhare no pUoe to pntit, would he?"

"The nose waa madB first," replied;ho old man, who was a miracle of good

itare."I said BO t God made your eyes be*

'ore he put the lump on yoar nose, didn'ti?""lea."."Ihen you saw Ood put tba lump on

'oaruose, didn't yoa—or did he pat iton yonr oosa when yon was asleep ?*'

Here the boy's mother managed to getlim under control, but he shortly brokeiut in a fresh place.

' Are you waiting for tbe train ?"•Tesf my boy."'You are not waiting (or the train

that went off yesterday, are you ?"'No, I'muot, sonny/'* I thought not, because if yon was

you would get left. But you didn't telleifyouauw Guil [HJtltiu lump—"Here his mother shoved her bandker-lief in his mouth.* nnd the scene was

ivor.—[Texas Siftiapr9.J

lokett's , who for once raised no




leer, while the welkin rang aronndiem with the "Union triple huzza."ie old veterans now saw tbe fearful

da's against them and other hosts gath-ering darker and deeper still. The timewas too precious, too Bsribus for a cheer;

iey boofcied down tc the heavy taak inlence, and fought with a fooling like

despair, Tbe enemy wen Been fallinghack in front, while officers were seenamong their breaking lines striving tomaintain their ground. Piakett's menwere wilbin a few feet of tha stone wallwhen tbe artillery delivered their lastAre from guns shotted to the muszle—ablaze fifty feet long went through the,charging, surging bost with a gapingrent to the rear) but the survivorsmoanted the vail, then over and onwardrushed up the hill class after the gun-iers, who waved their romiqers in the

faoe of piokett's men, and sent np oheerafter oleer as they felt

TOR Q4IMWTOn swept tbe oolaow ovdr ground oar-ered with dead and dying man, wheretha earth teemed to be on fire, the smokeflense nod sufiboatlng, the suu abot oa|,flames blowing on every side, friendcouia hardly bo distinguished from foe,hut tlio division, in the shape of an


Marriuge is, of all earthly unions, al-iost tbe onl) one permitting of nottuga but that of doath. It ie that en-

gageaient in wbioh man exerts his mustiwfol and solemn power—the power of

jponsibilily wbiou belongs to him as>ne that shall glveoccoaut—the powerif abnegating tbB rifiht to change, tbalower of polling with bis freedom, tholower of doing that whioh in this world

never be reversed, Aud yet it isperbups that rakliomhip which inipoken of moat frivolously and enteredifco most carelessly and wantomly.

is uot a union mernly between twoireatures, it is a union between twolirits ; and the intention o( tbat bond

to perfect the nature ofboth, byippbmentiag their obaracter with the

loroe of contrast, giving to each sexlose eiceltenoies in whioh it is nntur-

illy defloient; to tbe ona strougth ofw *••- «»id firmness of moral will,the other sympathy, m e e t n ,

tenderness. And just BO solemuT and

A True American Girl-" Do you like Keginild ?"" No," replied Beioe McOluaky, nerv-

ously palling tc pieces u she ipoke ».,blushrose that had a momaiit betorpfallen from the stem, "he makes a ttired."

Beiue and her brat girt frieud, P«u»JPerkins, were standing in thecoiisenm*;tury of Coastclifl Oastle thia dreary No-vcmber afternoon, when tbe skies war*

I overaut witb anllen looking clouds who»presence foretold a coming atorm. They"bud beeu friends from yontb, notwith-ataading that Pansy bod a sealskinoctine two winters before, got on ttic-igbt Biile of tbe wheat market, and gave

one to Baine.Theirs vtu indeed a deadliest uffeotiou.

"Huvo you seen 'Daniel BochatT"^iked Puney, auddenly cbanginig' Ibe^

subject of wuversation."No," replied Beine. "What is il

about »"•"Ob, it's lovely 1 K nun want* to

many a. girl, tuid she laves him terribly.They are miti-ried by tbo inagifltrate, andthen tbe girl wants to buve uuotber oer-«mony iu the eliurch. The man refusesbeoanau he is an infidel, but filially saysbe will do as she likes. Theii tbe girlBays Bhe won't btve him at all, and theypart very miserable."

" The girl refuses to marry him ?" mk*Beiue, in huggsrd tones.

Why, yeB. She refuses utterly."' Where is the action of this play

located ?"' In Switzerland."'An I" says tteuie, a mgb of mlief

escaping ber, " I thought uoAmariuaugirl would so far forget henelL"

Au Au'Oondudtor !" exolaijnod tbo elderly

gentleman, looking up frum Uie Bible uaiod been anxiously poringover for sona

minutes, "Conductor, I can't find any*about this Intiu iu4he seripturM.

Where ia it I Show it to me I""What did you expect to find about

it V growled tba conductor,"Isn't there something nbouMt bere

somewhere ?" BBied the old mnti, look-ing up fnnocenOy,tuble here either?''

'Isn't yoar timemd be (ambled

aver the leaves m d appeared nuzzledabont the thing.

"Of course itisu't," rwnouded tbeconductor. " That Bible all happened1,800years ago."

" A n d we mast have started just be-fore it was out t" mused the old gentle-man, patting tlie book b»ok ja the rick.

Perhttpa there's sometUiug about it inthe revised edition; got a revisededition ?"

But nobody laughoi ot tlie poor oldconductor, They bnd utl known him it

mg time and tbey felt sorry for him.—Drakt'a TratelUr'i Magatina.

as these ondscoutumplateit

forjast so gloriomfhiob the nmc

iateuded, just HO terrible aro tbe OODPO-quencea if it be perverted and abusedfor therewhich 1ms iand to exalt.— Dr. Robertson.

is no oartlily relationshipo much


Who marries for love takes a wife; whomarries fur fortune takes a mistress;who marries Eoe position Utoa a lady.You ore toved by your wife, regarded byyour mistress, tolerated by yonr iaijj.You bave a wife for yourself, a mistressfor your bouse and friends, a lady fortbe world and society. Four wife willngree with you; your mistress will ruleyou, your lady will manage yoa, Tourwife will take care of yoar household,your mistress of your hotlse, your ladyof appearances. If yoa are sick yoarwife flillnuno yoa, yoar miBtress willvisit yon, your lady will inquire afteryour health. Ton tike a walk with yoarwife, % ride with your mistress, and goto a party with yonr lady. Yoar Wilewill share yonr grief, yonrmisties yonrmoney, yoar ladj your debts. Ifyouaredead your wits will woep, your mistresswill lament, and your lady wear moarn*lag. Which will you buyer

k Curious Bridal Couple.As odd a looking bride snd groom as

one ever sees, and who. uftor the eircum-itonota hnrrouttdiog them were known.

Bet tongues a-woggiugand made laughingmtagious wtire seen at tbe Union Depot

this rhorniag. Tlie cuuple consisted ofin old man fully Boventy jenrs of age,

nit feet in height, with flowing grayhair, and carrying on his' itrm a pair of

mt kind of saddle-bags worn thirtyyears ago, nail a girl just fourteen years}ld, whu in height would reach about

old raun'n vent pocket. Tbey are outheir wedding tour. They came in from

me point in Alabama Inst irigut andire bouud for some puint iu Oregon. A

the flame truin on wbioli:hey oamo in tout liigbt aajs that tluriug

entiru day tbey were tho centre ofervitioi), becuusfc of their child-likeiDgneRflRnd gnnura! groenueMa. TliEt

Id man is by protwuiou ti Method in tuator, guiuj; lu» oonfyrouce in Ore-,, and combines plensiise with bnsi-•i by tukiug with hiiu u Ver liable uuilDg Obriattnas present.

The tarlous Choice of tonffreaallons.Tho Bible text, "As a ehuplierd divld-

ilh liia shoep from his gouts ; and he"all sot tho sheep on his right hand,it the goats ou tlie loft," Beomn to have.tt ita force by modern customs. At aile of pew* ia a leading Congregationalmrcli of Obicago tho other eveniog itN noticed Unit niDis-k-ntlin of tho pre- -

_ _ X\)o k t t J ^or the minislpr. It is said the sWe istrue of n leading Baptist and a Preaby-terian Cburob of Chicago. As suchthirjgH <1Q not uaolly liappon by clmnce,whut is tlio roiiaun for it ? Perhaps it isbiKiRuse most miniatets preach "righthundeJ," aud in gesturing muirjly withtliE> right limiii tlio face is nceunaarily til-irutcd to the left. Auy one who willDLitico will and this to bo true, »ud tohour well wlicre bouriug is difficult, thebest place is to tho left, of the right-bunded speaker, Tho right arm, whentbe gestures are earnest, will swing thebody balf-waj round, in spite of tbe bestIntentions. A few stotistios bearingupontbe qaustion will be in order beforetaking the sido of tho sheep ntpur argiv-iuga lurge promiam to rtrn with tliegoats.—Chicago Inter-Oc&iri.

The World's Xearly Heaths.In order to know how many people

die every year ooo has only to eiamiDuthe statistics of (be world's popalation.Asia has 800,000,000 inhabitants;Europe, 805,000,000; A H M , ' 204,000,-000; Ameriaa. 86,000,000; Ooeanloa,&,000,QOO. These are low estimates,vhiob give • total 0(1,400,000,000. Al-lowing to the inhahitanta of the earthan average life of Ib^rty-nine ^ears, it fafound that every year SB.lttfi.OOQ peopledie—3,780 deaths per hocr, aiity-thrcodeaths oaoh minate. or more than oneperaeoond. Tlind arorj awood " a leaffalls from the vast tree of Ufa, to beforthwith replaced hy a new one."

Kothing in ihe world is qnite so goodis goodness, bat it muet'eomriat of rightaotingntber than glib larking.

A jewfiier'advertises tbat be has someprrcinua atones for disposal, adding that'they sparkle tike tbe t e u i of B youngwidaw,1

The windpipe : A. flule.

Modesty is tbo brightest jewel in ibecrown of womauhoo-i.

There ie a loquaolty »bioh tolU aoth-ig and a silcnco which tells much.

Benaitive people wish to loved; Tain*people Wish only to 1m proferred.

Do not koep goiid manners for e o n -pony, but be equally polite at borne andabroad. ' •

Mince pie seusou in herb, and thosewho can afford it will now dream of ele-phants witb four trunks and mules' withilluminated heads.

One of tbo Arkansas editors i i s> fqUblooded Olierokoe'Indun. His only d«*linqaent BtthaorihorB %n • bald haadedmen j the olhcts all pay op andaave their


Adnm Foropaagh would't HATO Mm,Iangtry on any terms. Ho had a pro-fessional beaoty onoa, and tba Ufty tbepress gave her made her so dog-goneproud that she waatod to own the show.

Let i t bo remembered l l»t when a•mall party of sohool boys board a rail-road train and order the pasiengera, tothrow np thair hands that it is no laugh-ing matter. Tlioy are annad witli thatoy piBtol.—Cuicftgo qtieak.

"Does my aon Wlllium," that's in thearmy, get plenty to cut ?" nskud tlta oldlsdyof a reoruiUuB sergcaat the otherday. "Henroplonty.-'wtBibelBoonioreply, '••• Btesa nit heart, their, I knowhell get it If he aau.*ee i t ; he alway*.would at Borne." *'' 'X ^ -

Page 2: TI E BEST PUCtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-01-27.pdfTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud

He Uood To Vour«elf.Tbiuk deliberately of the Louse you

live iu, yoar body. Hobo up yonr mindfinal; uufc to abuse it. Eat aolhiugthat will hurt it, wear nothing that dis-tort* or piiiue it. Do uut overload itwitb viluulB or drink or work. Giveyourself regular und uliundnnt slwp.Ko*ii your Imdy wi>rra.y Had. At thefirst signal of danger from unj of thethousand enoniies that surrouud you, dc-tenet yourself. Do Dot lake calil, guardyoursaH against i t ; if you feel the iirslBjiaptomagivejoursolf lioi-uiiatrtiihuiiilGet iuto a fine glow of lieut hy exurctae.Take a vigorous walk or run, then gu&td

" afiaiost a. sudden attack of porspirntioThis is the ouly hoily jail will ever haiu tliia world. A large sliiire of tU*pleasure nud pain of life willthrough the use you make of it. Studydeeply and diligently vhe structure of it.

' the laws that Bhonld govern it, tho painnand penalties that will unruly fviolation of every law of life or healthLeirc your ri'Bpomibility ooDcuruiuB it,the daties yop owe it. When youlo&tnod all that is possible about it, tin-come a devoted disciple of til a "relignof tlie body." Kucwtog all thu prwupand doctrines of that religion, liruily,faithly, diligently, patioutly audOQtly practice those precept*. You un/the conter of tho aniverse ; if you evaknow anything of that vust region nbcuy<jp, it will be bconusu you kuoji tbtcenter, bright and powerful, full ol Ins*try life, in tho best possible condition t<eludy, tu work) to kiiuw ami to lull wlaiyon know. If yonr life is full enoughof joy and power to be worth living f<your awn Bake, jon are prepared to mnk<It of Bome value to those around you,Yoa can become a laimtuiii of pleasureand happicess to nil around yon; YODIfamily, yonr friends, your neighbors,tho world may feel your power, for goodIf you arc not good to yourself, i;through sloth or ignorance, you knownothing of yoar body or mind, if youuuglect or BUUBB yourself, you lire guiltyof suicide; you arc of little or no nocount to yourself or anybody else. YImight as well have never been born. Yea,more, yon may become a eliutno ami die-grace to hurnun nature ; a burden am"blot upou Boeiety, and men will be glui

. when yonr wretaheil diaeasad und rnttoibody is hid the potter's field, mid you:crimes aguiUBt yourself, society and you;Maker are eoverud pall of obli1

Therefore, live while you lire, nud begood to all,—Oakland Tribune.

Muste Mono Mail.It woBjuBtefter the circus closed it

afternoon performance when tho troulili, broke out amoug tho baud iuatrumtmlsEvery body had gone to sapper, BO no-bod) knows just how the quarrel bognti,but the piccolo was hoard £akiiig thedram what be was rattling ubo.it,

''Somebody hit me on the baud,"tliodrutn, "and I believe one of theiritioksbndahaudinit."

'"I'm blowed If tliey didn't," said thecornet. "

. "Oh, oh," said the harp, "it was yonTaawjoutoot, myself.". ''You're a lyre," growled tho tuba.

"You baas, insulting thing," snid tho- violin ; "yoa ought to bu hooted out of

the orchestra.""Yon viol wretoh," said the kettle

dram, "you talk that way when you gotIn more scrapes than auy one in the (am-ilj,"

"You'll got a good beating for that to-night," said thu guitar..

"Dry npjouKny lute," Baid the oaa-tanet; "you're too high etruug for thisparty."

"If wo had liald of yon," said the cybills, •'wo'd rattle your bones."

/ "Not yon," Bald tho flute, "you aremaresymbalaofeiarjtyness. Evarytimeyoa coma together It an noise mo.'

"Hoot awn,' meD," eaid tlis fcag-pipo;"ye'llfcavB yonr broinB blown out if wecome in this quarrel1"

"Oh don't talk through yoar noso,cried t i e clarionet

^'And don't you squawk eo," put in;'ibB'baa;',. "And yoinia.fc j-su're growling,"eatd

tbo triangle; "you lake np more roomnnd make less music than any throe

;. members in the family."'.• "Bee'bere, dinglo dangle." said the

trombone, " yoa'll get hung by thethumbs the first thing you kuow."

' "Oh, j o a pull out of ttiis row unitcrawl into yoowelf and hide," said the

: ; flDoor4eou. "I've got the dead open-. and^shut on all of yon," ,' "[ Aod thentaetamboarine said "heliad' : O gpod tnlnd to sail in and give the boyiy a little whirl himself." but they got the

qaarrei made ap somehow, and to loar• them them in tbo balcony soretiade nod

'overture that eveuiug, children, tley-scere in Buch perfect barmouy you would

,' oever htve thought thoro waj ever a por-; tlole of Si6c6rd'amoug~£Eem. * f'—*/>

; George's Lovo TesL'["' "JHpff abo must have loved him."

Aa Myrtle BAdingote spoke thesewords iwftly to George W. Simpson »

• blmh of maiden modesty flamed for an' Inatant Eoross her pure yonng face and

disappeared ailently behind the tinypink eats that stood like pisiny senti-

', BBIH art s 1M( foment of roso-tintBd flesh,• soft and warm, and with beautiful curves;

whose dimpled oatlines would have' made aven BO anehorite resign. George'bad been telliag her thu I beautiful story

of tL«'Princess of olden times who, whenher lover was stricken down with apoisoned arrow, knelt by bia side, and,with her own raby lips, draw from the

. Wound the fatal element. Wlen he hadfinished the girt gavn utterance to the!

vwords with which this chapter opens.And then, for sn instant, stlebee fellbetween them.

. George was the first to speak. "If1

I were wounded by a poisoned arrow,

-- darling, would yon emulate the examplo

b h b i ? "/blthb^rinceBt?;i ; Tho glrK foirin ihook with a endilo'n

tremor and her bead fell upon bis shirt^'fronU,.'; .•"' • ; . - ' ",'•'['.,,* MI eonld not do It," sba sobbed';„• through her tears.

""WbyjiotJ" Baked George,, "Db^aot press me for an answer,"'replied the gitl.f f'Bnt Imnst know," be says, in low,

! l/ Vir"TnBii»''"h8 mnrmnrs, pressing him; /itill more closeij to her, " yon ore from; Kentnokj, and I do not care to catch tbe

dellrinm trenwml,"— Chicago Tribune.

"So yoa bare got twins at yoar house,1

mid ftlra. Bezombe to little TommyBamaelson. "Toe mam, two of 'em.""Wb»t are yon going to call them V"Tbnncler and lighting" "Why thoseare. strange iwunoa to call children.""Well, that's whkt pa called them u

«oon AS be faean) they were in the bouse.'—3W» Sf/Kngi.'

ID EBBEX DIVISION.)>ota iu New York, foot gf Barclay St. and

foul <jf Cbrislopher Bt.bUMJIUt AHHANaiiMlINTB.

uiuuicueinK MOHliAi, JUNE 13Hi, ltHL U V £ KJSVY xUB£.

. m ^ A . i l . lEaaiuu Aim! Tiaiu),iilng utiu (Lo liouuioii llrauuli »i DuuBuuotou ; UieClit»;«rUr»utli aiDovtxaniUiuit nail OlicuU'r i the tiuiiRui BnilrosdWaterloo, for Audorur, Nowtou *iid nlluU'aa; t h a D . , L . * W. U. B. at WuhiDgtan

_ _Hauunk.t Uiiuuk, Water atp.IUroudsljnrg,Airautou, Uruttt lfcud, BinBuaniton, Utioi,itiuiitiultispriiiKti.IIuamr.OortlaiiiJ.ajrftcuBeUswtjjt) ami ifuiuttj un tlie Lackawanua andilouuinLjurt; and Dulaware anil Hudsuu Ball-UltJB , *..,) at I'hUUpabtttg with Lebijcli Vi'y Itailrotul and Liliigli aud BusuueliMiaa

.- for itetiiloliom,MatwliOtaauk. Itoadii.it*>

At *<^> A. M. Oswoaa EKUICH* (Drawiii >uiii Carmttached) from Hew York via. PLir-iou and Uuontou, ram tbrougti tu Wati;Up, atroudibury, BormUuii, Qro»l BuuJl.ugbanitoa, Lmle. Marathon, Oortlr-1

iI'nuur,Syraijui.t- aud Oawoutt; connect!!!D.ivurwitli GlicsUr Jl. B., i t Waterloo witiidJWie* B. It. fur AudoTer, Newtou und all ata<lima; tit Delaware with Blalratoffn By., «li.Tftjiton, with JlounmbargDivinioD for h U -iu, Kingston, WUkonbariu. Ptnvillo. North.([ilwrUuii, t o . , at Uiujjliaiutou willi Utiotliviaiou fur Orueuo, SorwioU, DHoa, an<iiobfluld Bpringn. PaBgeagers taking tblimm from New fork, Patoraon and Bountoian connect at Washington with train foi'htlilpflburg, EaatoL, Uathluliom, Ulontown,UrrUliurK aud points on tho Lull tali Vallo?,ml Iieu.gu upif Hunquol)fttiiia lU-lnwdi; ai'lilllipsburg with Bulvideru Division of PA. B.

Atl;(Ki'pUu!bVl^'touEip»ii»,CriwlJ]gK(K>ai'irsttUciuKj ruui tbronili to Watur O»p,Biroudi-•urgrBctbntoiiilJiugLiMuEoiijByraoiucaQdOBweKa,omiectinKitSarutoi. with l+tk. h Blcwmibnrtt1 A. rot VllUtan. Wyoming, KlausUm and Wttta»iirre. PuieiiKon tiklng thti t r i ln from Ken

;, P»terioo»ndBoonlOD Cin connect at Wsili'•iRtoif.wiU.traliiNo.1.

Li'ivuNew York at 3.30 p , U (Eantonirosii) oouuocting at Waterloo far Audoifrwtunainl JJratiobvllle, tuid at riiiili.iabviih LeUifili Valley Ballroad anil Luhigh i<ii8miciiain.aH. It. for JJotblcbom,AlleiitowiitL'saiiiff am] HurrUburg. AlBo witb Lol.DolUilroaTlforlJctvldeM*.

l i lO P . Jl. Water Gap Spcuiul, couiioota „Dover with train fur Hucoauunna and Ohcstei't Waterloo witli HUMHCI 11. Ii . r»r Anilovoi'JcwtouainlBrancln-illu. Tako tbis train fou k e Hoi>a;uoi)L', Ilmld'a Lake, Bchouloy1

Uuuiitaiii ana Wftlor Gap. Btoin at Dm'.:ilg tu lut ulTnaaHBugorB from now Vork.

4«ao P . 11.. Doter lisprcBa fur Sum)UornardaTille.lJftBkiuBridgcfvua allpointaou

Pussniu nr.d DcUwart. Ilttilroad.) 01) a th BinilttdiBOii. Uorrifltown, Kurn«I 'kfnn, DGDV.K'Inokftiva v nuil DoTer.

At fliaO P. H, (Hsckettstowu EiprosejBto'Ing a t i l i lburn, Hutnmit, Ulmtham, lladiao.lorriatnwu and ttU amtionit wust tu Hackutfowa.'-miuoctiug at Watorioo wit l traiu loiUidover aud Nowtou.

At 7 :00 'P . H . Oawcgo Eipreng from NtI'lirktBitiGptitff carsntUulied) via. Patortiauiiuonlon thruuL'h to Water Gap. Btroudnlnrikrantou, IIitiRiinniton, LIHIO, Marathoa.Ooranil, Homor, By incuse ami Onwoffo, ooune>l Waterloo Hitli SuBBtii Itallroml fur AHOUTImil Kowtoti ; atDolawirDTTlib BlalrituwnltVI Dincliatiiltjtt witli train for Grot^ut? OtforiiVorwiJli, TJtfno, *<!. Thl* train runs throng]o OBWPKO Haturdaj niBlits.A t T i s o p . M, Dover Accommorlati

JlintUam, Horrietown and Dover.For Iieriiariigrille. IlaBkinKrldpo, Lyon

ttalllugton, Stirling, Qlllotto, Vnrkulfy Odulmd (iViitfttfona on Paaiaio and Do I aware I.It. (N. S. Wnal Lino Ballroad) ililO A. M. am1:30 amU:90 P . M .

A. IiEASONEB. fiuporiniendont.

DOVER TIMK TABLE.Traina arriTo aud depart from tblii itatii

>i Tolloira:BAST I1UCHD A. » . WK8TD0UKD A. i

•1 :35Ottwogo Ei[)ro«B* 6.38UoFor Eiproaa 7:00HiekeU8towiiEip.7:li2Water Gap Hpeoinl «:81Vcvr York Kip. 8.43Dover Aooom. lltlO

ti'eliauiton Eip.* 1:57low York Mall 9:44Hover Aceom. fi:45laweifo EipreiB* O;aa

E»8ton Mail 0:3OtwogoExpreBB* bii

Waturaip^poolS:Dover Eiprese 0::H'kottHtowDEtp.7:!Oewogo Exp,r 8:!DoverAucoui. 9:i

*Vu. Booaton Branch.


I O.SS Chester fi.W i l li 0.47 Horton 8.D7 4.20; B.ia Ironla 8.12 4.80: 6,117 Saacamnna 8.17 4.4(I 0.03 UcOalneviUfi 8.10 4.9SI 6.25 PortOram 8.28 6.10i 0.00 Dow 8.M (J.90



tablo for 1MB«mqer. trains, to take ofli

ffTATIOHS :;N NEW YDRI , Toot of IJborty St., Nortii rlvs BnouRt.V!!, Jewell'i Wharf, foot of PphonStv Pnii,Ai>Ei.pi!iA, iiopote P . & It. B. It, tub am

Oreun, and Sd ttod Borka Stii.DP TBAIMI,

LEAVE 2 4A. It. A.K,

Sew York 9.00 4.00PniL*DEI.I'HtA.

Our .SthnnaQrcGnSt i . 6 30 8.45" Ud aud Borka " H-30 3.30

TroQtan COO *-33Nonark • 0.09 ii.00Sllmboth 1 8.80 J4.B7BonndBrook 10.09 S.S8HinbBrldKB j 7.8110.65 0.10(Won 8.M11.08 0.3S7oraov 8.0911.12 6.38Sitttle VellOT ., 8.1111.17 ,0.89Uorraan Yalfoy 8.8311.36 C.BO

A.M. A.lf.A.U.F.U. r.H,Uormau Talloy 7.1S8.80 11.854.16 B.I8ChtotcrArrlro 7.B08.1B11.M4.8D 7,00

Barflej ,8.a9it.ao VM

Flundora . . .flarj-'BDriEOBvlllo .,KonvilI'ort Oram .,borerHookaway...


Roekaway...Dovor" irt Oram ....jnriiDrakesTilia..



:::::::::-:: Utflfio.oaiaoaB.0711O7

Awive 8.1012,10DOWN TOAIS9.

17 EA. X. P.M.6.20 8.200.20 8,28

. , , . . . , 0.83 8.B88.42 a i !

, S.44 0.4*fl.lB S.1Beoa 8e2

i«ta«a."vi£a'ftsSrS', _ . J T O 7.07 4.07 fl...

Middle Valley 7.14 4^4 0.82Veruoy 7.19 4.1B ,0.89Cattfon 7.23 4.38 0.43HiKhBridRe..... Arrive 1.08 4.38 0.88BonndBrook •• 8.80 S.B8 R.98EllEibrfli " UD 6.17 9.07Newark " 0.43 6.43 0.80^rocUti » fl.83 6.46

PbiladelphuOor. 3d iiidBerki " 10.46 8.94" OtbaodGreec " 10.07 8.06

NowTork " 0.53 6.50 9.37OanvDyanoeR can bo procured at Gorman

Valley to and from Schoolc?'* Mountain; atFlanders to and from Bndil'i Luke; at Konvil

id from LabflHomtcoaP.iwTork time Ia tho lUndard, BulmlL

-.. »ie clock in filgb BHdge SUtion. Tlie Ootn-pany rowrrea tbe right to varv the running of

ilm from tUli time table ai oircmnitanctr

Elttox CoKMCTlOKi.—Connection if inadit High Bridge to and from Eaiton,

H. P. BAIiDWIN, Geii'l PaiB. Agent.W. W, BTEAILN8, 5«n. 8opt.


Tbli rtmtiy itm act In harm OUT with tha Fa-i*la iyn«ro at all time*, and afro iramedlatatypon t b . ftbdomlntl and marine inotclw, aod IO-mlbaintoaiiMltbraniitKniKcandlUoB.Dr. MarabWa Utertne CIUICUCOB will c i n fafl-

tog Of tha womb, UDcorTbffla^C&onlelBflUM) and Ule«r»Uoo of the

ThU Ji an important and critical timewith sheep. If alioved to fall off incondition now tlie wool will bo injnrod. IQood food nnd pare m te r in aband-AOOOt amifle Tentilation and doa atteo*lion to sYbid owerorovdiog and lieating

Jn j u s ) will M«ore »lieotUi/ condition.

- an. lUanooUur.


VOfTGHT & K I L L t J O H E ,If DO TEE, N.J.




SHEUIPF'S SALE.a CLaoocry of Now leney—Batxeen __.Mutual Life laaaranou Oom]iauy n[ Kc-wlork . oomplaitunt, and Un&e A. <J>nff•••-'and lotvph Umtt Canfleld. Eit-outun* oflast will and tee turnout of ClmrJotta G V.fldi], (luceasea, and Jutictil) Lovell Ounlidd,Eliza B . Caullolil, Frotieis Davfri Citui' ~EiiE* A. Oantiiild, uuU BobertOanik'ld,ItiuUuntu. Fi , fa. lot HI.IO i>t uorl,.'i[irtiitiuuB. U«turuatilu lo VutitutryIVTIJv.im.


BY virtue or thu abovo slatud writ of fierifaoiua in tnv liaud»>, I (.hi.li eiuune tor » i k

at t'ublicYeinluc.at (liu Conrt Huiisu. in Hor-rbttowu, N. J., un

MOKUA1', tho 23tli day or JANUAKYneit,A. D. im, botneon tbe boare "! 12II . ami So'clock P . W., that ia to eav at 2 o'clock in tbeufIfimxju uf said da; , all tliat tract or p«rr 'or land and pruniBte, hereinafter partionlwdoacntM^I.eituaty.ivint; ladboiiinin tliuToiuf tforriatoivii, in ibu & unity tit Morris a;tit t le or Niw Jernoy: Bejjiuutnv i t a point

, •iity-four aud hTobniidrtiUtbglctit onacoaraoiiifimrtti rorty-tlroiJt!|jrocB «-o«t from*" ""' uf tho Mull of ffsttnicur tbit kllcbei

tic thin 1'Jt, tbu nnmo beiuc now tbo pointntcraaatiriu of thu centre lines of 8priu«I Water strenLn and rmmmg thoi,BO (1)i'K BiiriiiNcircet (furmcrl)-ce.\M tho Union•upikuroad) mmtli twouty-two degree* east

_ J huudrcil olcvoii and twenty imarlrcJllirri;et to tariuurty Wlllium Diehcrnon'a lino

x'uen (2) along bin Him na tbo ftuofl run

ivnntv.jtlm , „. ... _ „.., .,Uuytou I, Uaulluld aud wife* to Joseph Wibou,iiy deal beariun di to March 1st, 1828, aud re-

nluti In tbu Morris Count} Itroordeof DocdaHunk VV, pn»{0 205, &c.\ thenou (3) along

tbe Bmt lino in aaiJ dood (wferscd) norththirl v iifffrt'EB and thirty miuutos west twbuiidrod [orly-ainu nud ont-balf feut to coutnof road loaOiiiR from HnrHo Hllln In MorrisI owe mow Water street1 , tlicnoo (1) aloQK lh<

itru ul tlio BIIUO south fifty-two dtj;reo-stuiiehuiidrad anil arty-nino fuotnaorcoi

lens tu thu ]Julnt ur placo of be^iniiinK, cun-iluicff OUQ ttud two ImiidnxlthH acres or land.

WM, H, HOWELL. Sbcrlfi.Dated Nov. SUr, 18*2. 1H 00

SHERIFF'S SALE.rnChnncoryofNow JnrB«y-l(otwBBn SiraliA,

Toiipiiin.complaluant.ana William A. DraV^Mary Ann Hedges and Lyitinn I I . PinrsnnExecutor nf Arnbella H. i'iorsun, ii ecu sued,oro defendantg, Fi.fa.rornaleormnrtKiifiodpremiKDB. Roturnable to FebrairyTerm, A.D. 1888. fi. II. LITTLE, Snl'r.

BY vlrtno of tho nbove stated writ of UcrJfacias iu my hamk, I Hltnll cipose fur sile

at public vonduu, at thu Court Boubo, in Mor-rlalown, S, J,, unMONDAY, Iliu 20ih day of JANUAHY no i t ,

A. I), 1B83, boiweeu tlio lioitm or IS M. ando'clock 1>. M,, that is tu nay at S o'olook In thnftornonn of mid dny, all tit at tract or parcolof land and premises, hereinafter particular!;doecribiid, cltuntc, ij'inR and beinf in tli<tnwminiirif Dhettlor, ID tho County of Moniinnd HfatcofNow JurBoy; butted and bouudmSBlollnwa: BuRlntiiuit at a comer of NoilScLddor1* laud hi Gilbert fiuiiti lino anil rnn(l)Bouth Biity-nlne and a hair dogrces wealtwetitj-flTo chains and tncnly links BIOUJNoab Souddor'e Uno to a corner or DonoliCrater1!" lo t , tbsnco (3) north twenty.ono ann Itnif deprnes wogt tlilrij'-twooljaitiit nnd tltlity links along Dennis Crater's lino, DankBuild's line end Garret Lake's ilno to John 0,DOOOW'B Jaufl; tlieuoD [9) imrtb sovontyde.k'rcGH eaal iwenty-livocbtina and twooty links•iloiigflftia CeOan's lliiu tu a uuruer iu Itr~Kckon'a linu; thencu (4) south tirenty-onnd a half dugrccH east thirty-two chains taovoiity HtikH nlmiR Gilbert Dudil's lino U> tinbotfinulnff eorucr, containing efRlily-auo acresof Iain! bo tliii same more or IORH.

DtccptliiK, liowevor, seventeen norns o.more, or lean, de nor ibeil in a oor tain deed fromf«fd Jarnon Tupping to uno Qiirrut Laka.dattiApr,I S, 18G6, rtr.mfod in Morris County Ckrk'uflieo, iu Book G C imgo 073, A c , of dcedi.

WILLIAM R. UOWELL, SliurilT.Catwl Nov. 2^81,1883, (720

MOITIB County Surogate'B OSSoe,DEO. 15tb, 1882.

In tbo mutter n! Janicn H. Oar roll, Adrainla-trator of Elisabeth Do ml da on, decease i*Hnrrogato'e or dor to limit oredlton.

f\S application of tho obovontimtid Admiu\J Istmlnr it ig urdorod bv the SarrnKatilhat inidAdmlniiatrator givo'pnhltc notice tcIho ercdltors of tbo wtali) of Bald ilcoodtnt toliritiR In their dcbtn, donianilB nnd olalmBngaliiit tlio Biime, nnder oath, witliin nlaemontlis frnm tltis ilatu, by nottiuR up a copy oflulu onlur.witliiu twenty daya iierether, in liveif Mm molt public plains In tho oouuty of Mor-IB for two months, ami also within tbo saidwoHtydayjt liyatlvertlaing tho iamo in tlit'Iron Era," uno of the iiowgpapers of tliie State,

for the Baine Bnaoe or time (tho SurrogateJudging any mrUic-r notleu to ho unnecessary);nnd if any creditor shall nrglcot to t-ibibit Liaor her do l t , cloiuand anil claim wit bin tho eaporlnd or nine months, publia notieo boiLBiruu an afureRabl, gucli creditor uliall bo for"ovor debarred or lila or her action thereforagainst the said Administrator.

A trno copy from tbo mlnnlos.A. OTLLEN.

!N, UEPUTT. flOJIO] 4-10w


By Tirttio of an ordo r of tho Orphans Court,of Ilm County of Morrla, made on the sixteenthlift? or October, A. D. 1B82, tbn snbf-nribor, Ad-ministrator of John D. Klnjr, late of saidcounty deccated, will BDII at public vondaa onthe premises fu iho tovnohfp or ltandolpii, ind i d County or Morris and BUto or Now Jor-

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31st,1888, betweon tho bonra of 13 o'clock M. and 5o'clock P . M., tba t la to s»y at two o'clock fatbe aftvriioon uf said day, all t i n t oottaintract or lot or laud and roil cat a to, situate inItie ToWBBhip County aud titato aforoiaid,trliich tho Mid deceased died selzort, beiu«— - B and lot of land near Port Oram, nc

|>ied br John Setiddor, and "hifh Is moroDUlar]?described i a a oertaln deed from

_ on A. Freemau. late SUoriff or tbe Countyol Morns, to tlio saia dcoeasod, in bis lifetime,whioli (mid dcod boars date Fob runty lltU A,U. 1878, and reoorded in tlie Morrla Oon.itTBoeord or Benin (n Book W 9 oo folioa 672, Ac.OonditloDs uadft known on tbo dny of salo.

A. JUDriON' OOE, Adminiatrator.Dated NOT. 23d, 1882.




Joseph York*B-tf HOIiniSTOWN, Ef.

Millinery! Millinery!aiVE H E A CALL AND EXAMINE




LADIES' n » D E n W K U I , a n j SoUon. otall klnda. Alao

Stationery, Confectioner?,Began, Tobaccos, A

Mrs. J. P. Witheridge,PORT OttAM, N. J.




JYSTERS, Clnms, Musselsand Canned Goods


LAGERS, ALES, SEGARS,can alvajn bs round In fala aalooa dapartmant.




Tho beat vark tt IovoU prloei. BtMlrlL.i l a tly aont. Nut to Ola PMI-

uok»oU8t Blr

PEAOH TREES.Tiie inbgoriber olTeri to tbo pnbtle about

f.OOO VFJLQB TJ1E£B of cboice and goodbaarinfi vaHcliea, all ready far setting In tbeSpring. NowUtboKawnorthayaartopiirf




Miss Nolan's.She baa a lart,'e stock or

CLOAKS! CLOAKS!wiiicli slie \a KdlliiiB very clioap.

3,000 YARDS OF RIBBONofall kinds sold at lit-K-priio for Ibo next run:

eeka. Don't foil tu lalce ad Tail tag oof this opportunity.


619 & 621 BROAD St.,NEWARK, N. J.





inin SitabW h: 7S fairs,





h n always DO bnud a fall ana Iroih itookofetanilard goods at

VIOLA BRAND,and tako no other. It ia a]waye Rood—cm birelied upou every tlmu. Sanderson on tliiigue brand InoroaBOd liiB flour trado 000 pat

. 30-tr


The finbsoriber offers for BBIO IIIH farmsiftMtod iu tbe Towueliip of Byram,Oiiuiity of Susaei, 2,\ miles north olStatihopo, l i io farm contains 115 91-100acres, in in a high state of cultivation, iswell watered, good fenoea aud flret-classbuildings, Oae-tliird of the purebnaemoney to be paid, the balance can ro-main on hnttd and mortgage for a termof yours. I t is n rare opportunity iatany ono wishing to buy a first class farm.For further particulars call on the sab'Bcriber. WM. BROWN.





witli steel chain and Canada aprnco tabiDCwbicb is tmtelong. The; frlve tbo bout ofBitiiractlon. Tboy al«o keep ID stock

"THE NEW EMPIKE"HOT-AIR,O\8 AND DA6E-BUDSINO COOK-ING 8TOVK, tlio boat baiting stove In thoworld. Also, a largo asiortuout orottar atyleiof OooUntTBtoves, Ranf»<L Parlopfitcrei, &«.,for BUMMER AND WISTEU DSE. Also, aoboioeitocbof

HARDWARE, CUTLERY,QUBS, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Japanned


Oil Clotbi, OarpelB, Lampi, Paints and Oilsird Oagai, PeatW", Pnt t ' s Astra) Oil (nonEplostve;) Also.


Roofing, Plumbing and JotWortf promptly attended to.

Falrbnnh's Scales at Mftuafac-tnmr's prices;

scalesa tor

BItUBN ft BIN HELL.Alno, nunnfuhirerB of BTOTNELL'S 8ELF-


FARM FOE SALE.i Ths aatrtorlbor offen for I»1D hid f*nu at| Mt. Freedom, containing

S4 ACHES,man or leal, ol Boot land, in a higb state oronttivatlon. and located risbt In tlio nll^o,wiUi Bahool bouie, oburouo! and poat-cfljeowitbin • few tnlmtai wait. On tbo promiieaiaa large booae or.W roorai, wjtb cellar 2G" at iqoire, aoltaUe eitber for a publlo lion BO.jbrnrdiDghoaie ; alao good barns and otheroutbuilding* all in good condition. Plenty or

"Maa, aherrlu, pears and imall frail*, anilWpeaoh troei rlftbt in beaiins oondilion.place la well watered, and thoro ti \ never

rtllinft woit ol water at tbe door. Half or tbeponbkBe monsy can remain on ttinpIicD, Forpartlonlara apply to P. O. TOCTEN. '

i-4wp On tbopromlecs.

A T J O S . Y O R K ' S .

| If yon want % treat, gn to tbe mtmmotb itore or

JOS. YORK'Swhowyoawitl find tbfltrreateitkndbntool-iMtlon of (roodi in tbe State. For Christ rawuid Hew Year1! preiontl, I baTO moat ovory-thioe oiMpi gooie yokes and iecan<l<bandpnlplta,at

JOS. YOBK'S.Fine cut gla»» wam, floo decorated cbf na of

my ova Importation, fine plain cbini, UrRcit•look or mijoliuk ware and colored oliioa eter

Eodooed or lean in tbls d l j ; TOHR or end-a variety, ohild'i waftoni, ilodi, ue«ka,

Vxi other gwxl* too nnmernm la mention.Jan't fail to Tfitt my plioe If only to look ftt

MnntUalgoali. JOB. YORK, ;tWuuliurton St., Komitown*


SHEEITFS SALE.. -fianeerj of Sew Janey-Between The Ooin-mlsiibnenortne Bmfcmg Faod of New Jer-•ev. oomplainanU, ana Aagostna W.Oatlerand JaHaB. hl> vlte, Tlie Vint NationalBank of IforrUfowti, O«orae Ohapmsii,Bobert E. Smith, Tho Pnebola* BiBkiogOomptDj, Thomsi Hogant, The NitlonilIron Biuk or HDrrigtowD, Qaorgo B. Voor-toeg, Jamea B. Toorhrea, I n M. JohnMn,Hosea A,. Brwkaeia, Oarey J. H.-adlov, JaneJ. Bdkar, Nattiao Bozemao, James BoUue;Bdwin Boi«, QaoTftf, H. Boss, Htepfcon H.

Eirl P. Oonoet. Jolin L. Andereo "Ontler, W. Flrmau Stooe and H

ane eienntli u d twelfth lota warejMl b/Eetrj Fanaiu, Jr., Iwt S, lira, rpoomea InBOOJ15, p<8.«,i«. T l . Iwdre ir«jti o.u-( i i I w TaR«t« kbDutfpw hnndred

aovxLL sknir


THE DOVEE LUMBEE COo£fers to buildtirs the bost opportunities in the paruhaee of LXTMBEBof every grade and dasoriptiofl Isolading LOW PEICE8 and tbe greaiadvantage of having

Iiumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place where it is ijurohused, greatly lessening tb

cost of building by the great saving in manual labor. Ourstook always iaoladeB

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial pains are taken

to giro satisfaction in every particular.GEcaas liioflABna, President.WH. 11. LurontT, Seo'y and TreaH

I. W. BSASJFO, Gen'i Manager.



SPUING WAGONS and all leadiug Btv'cs made to order.Wo m a k e a specialty of Orst-clasa ciiBtom w o r k and

guarantee our w o r k to equal i u IH-HABIL1TVa n d FINISH the best city manufac tu re .

In addition to oitr nwn matmrootnnng business we have just initdo arrangomenU witbsome of tbe Largest Wholesale Manufacturers la the country whereby neare ready to sell aud h&ve on band n large Htook of Itoftdy-inado Onrriuees, Buggiei,FbratoDs and Baaneas Wagons »t prices aa low aa any dealer in the country, and whiohwill defy competition. Gall and HOB o a r stock before putoU&Bing elsewhore.


Jos. K Beach & SonROCKA-WAY, 3>ff. X.


H. P. SANDERSONhas just reoeived his fourth shipment ofSLEIGHS for this Winter. He has onhand a fine assortment of PORTLAND andSWELLS, and at prices that can't be boat,Call in time and make your purchase.

DOVER STEAM DYEINGdinning; P i Csrii Weaving Estatilistoeil!

C. S. JENSEN,Dyer nni Garpflt Wenvar, wonld nuooanoo to the oitiz

he will meet all their WADU In ilyuing nud dtrpot wo&vhot this plaoo am iolaity till

CLEANING:I XAdles Merino nnd Cashmere Drcssea, Shawls nod Clonka a speoialty; and all kinds of! fabrics nro neatly olaaaod, dyed nod Qtisbed. Goutlemen'fl Rarmenta, ooata, pants am*vests cleaned or dyed and neatly finished without rippiug. By oleaniog and dyeing fadeaud worn olothtug the; might bo mude aerrie able for a long time.

_ . N O ! HC A R P E T W E A V I N G ! — H a v t o g t h e very best Loomn for Lint and AagOarpeand everj-tbing fitted up for flnt-olaas wort, I think I onn deliver what tbe ladles WIUJafter they have taken the trouble to eat aud ROW tbolr ntga nicely, n> good rag carpet,kaop thB very beat warp for my onstomers and nil oidora oro nttendod to with oare. Car-pet rage dyed any color. • A reasonable price paid for carpet rues. Cornet on hand for

. nale. Niice of bnRjnefifl in thte OLD PKE8BXTE1UAH OttUBOH, COB. BLAGKWBT.L| ANP PROSPECT 8TS., DOVES, M. J.

Dover. N. J., Sept 20th, 1881. C- S . JEN*SE1V.


Ubertr,il Bluffs,Ltav«n-

CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R*Y,s the Great Oantral Lino, afTorita to trnvolen, by ronson of Ito unriva

EraphlQal poaltion, the ahcrtoat and bast route bstwoon tho East, MortliSoutheast, and the West, Norttnvost and Southwust.

It Is lltoi^lfy and Btrlatiy truo, th3t Its connoctIons QFO nlfof thoprJnol9f road between the At Inn tic and trie Puclflc,

Qy Its main lino and branches It reachos ChlCAROg Jolloti PeOrlii,LI I SQ||O, OcnoBoOf rnoTine ixnd ROOK Iflin^dg in fiiinoiA^ Duvonport, niuWaBhlncton. Kookuk, Knoivillo, OskRlooaa, Folrflold, DOB Molnoo, WestIowa City! Atlantic, Avoca, Auctubon, Hnrlnn, Cu'hrlo CuntAr nnd CouncIn Iowa | Oallntln, Trenton* Cameron nnd Kansas City, in Missouri! andvrorth nnd Ate hi no n In KariBas, and the hundreds of cuisa, villasoi nIntermediate. The

"GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,"AB It ia familtnriy called, OfTere to truvolero all tha advantages and comforrtIncident to a nmooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at Oil connecting points,Cast Eiprast Trains, composed or COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELLHEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELCCANT DAY OOACHESi a line of thaHOST MAONIFICENV HOHTON REOLIM1KQ CHAIR OARS evor built) PULLMAN'Slateet doBlgned and hanasomesc PALACE SLEEPINO CAR9, and DINING OARSthat are acknowledged by press and paople to bo. tho FINEST RUN UPON ANYROAD IN THE COUMTPV, nnd in which suparlor njoali are sarved to travelara attha low rata of SEVEMTV-FIVE CENTS BACH.

THREE TRAINS oaoh wny betwoen CHIOACO and tho MI8BOURI RIVER.TWO TRAINS «aoh way bctwaen CHICAGO and MINMEAPOLI& and ST. PAUL,

Ma the famous

ALBERT LEA ROUTE.January I. 1881, a now line will t»e opened, via Seneca and Kanknksa, batw«»n

Hflwport News, Hlonmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Ls Fnjstto, and CouncilBluffs, St. Paul, Mmrtoflpcim ana intermedia to poinU. , -

All Through Paasanaers married on Fust Eipreta Train*.For more dotnited Information, aea Mapaond Folders, which mnyba Obtained, M

Will nsTteketd, ot all prlnotpnlTlokst Omoai In thu United States and Canada, or of



E. ST. JOHN.Q ' I ' k ' t * P«»'r A«'t.

Betnrtiable' Vdoto twr1D.18aa. a.D.W.TBOOK,Bol'r.

:M By virtus of the abOTo lUtod writ-or fierispate r ' 'Honw,

MONDAY, the 39tb day of JAKUABY next,A. P . 1883, between tbe noun DI* 3a M. and .o'clock p . H., that Is to n y at 9 o'oluok In ihoaftampan afsaid d.T,aUtbo«e traota or paroolB"'land, Bitnstein tha trnvmhip of Band-*-'

the CotiEtr or Morris and State ofJ»raoy, the firitlot being tho abon»m

terty, BflRinniDKatalargeblaoSoalttreeLud m four skl«, standing on the norll

•We ?T Blioogam forgo pond, near tha d insaid tree being also a aoroor of 811a* ronng"

ha powbuwJ of ~ "

forty-two u d » half detfnvi wett Iweutjobainitnd twonty-flve ltnkt; (5} sonth tblrtj-throe

Kreu and twonir ml no to. e»it t«elvuohkfD>daigbty linhi • {6} ionth iefoutj-tbroe de-ei and forty mfnutcg wait tweuty-(oar

alDB and fortj.flve lioki to tbe ol J Spanisbk oornBr j (7) north foitTBflTen and ft half

wt sovoi.-r-nortb forty-rii <],l and BOVBtity no llnki

tbe dl l

said pond at hlfrh'TOUr'nJark'icoDrtei thereof until it oomes DSRI(rhe&awariflBorthivllI^rikc thebagi(IS) north to tbe bogioniuir ooatalnl(nuidrea ana torty-MTOn sores of [ M U , | U H Mor lesB, exoepUug . lot, sold bv Oommiailoners

— »--.,_.. (,, w , i ] j m Q Qujnby:

, ••;...;_ ad

to Jijeob Fordyw'lby'Wirihra'Miti14,1847_^alBa*tlot ojonojore anj*3d ibitty-two

Qainby Nor,



„ '.Oatlar by

«!«?.« s l ""• ''^•— SBOOKD LOT bejrlnDlng at $. itahp —.

wbore a Spaniel o u formerly etood,now <> corner of Samnol Allen, Peter Pmr J

and Bbenozar SUIof, thenc. (l) alonR fit...land towards BboDgam pond uorthwflBt twelvechains and lewnfy-alght linki to a corner othe tweuty-ili ic re io t j (2) aonth forty*!:dBgreea and thirty uifnntei weit go—*—cbainp and liity-elabt links i (8) noelKbtBbtinBaodthlrlv.foQr links to •of Bobert Parsone' six aoro lot j (4) nutlforty-Hii denaoi »ud thirty mtnates west to.liaint and ihlrty-nlne links to anotbor carneir Bald iot j (B» north thlrly-ninifSS$£™"

thirty-e gbt minutes west six chains and for!tvn llnki; 0) south forty-six decrees anthirty mlunteg west twelve oh*tni and fortylluks to Henry Panon's corner t 171 southIblrtv-nlne degrees and thlrtj-tifRlit MnuteiiMet iwentv-BovoD a h u u and i5SK!« JlukV](6) nortii forty.six deffrees and thirty mluoteseast forty-two chalni atiil forly-filsUt llnkt

levonty hundr'odtbB of an acre eonve?e4

3ook P OofDeeds, paaei Iftj! 4c.T B ; TWBI) Lot W n s at the betfna.i

neroftho fiRh Iot desoriliod in a, deo . ^™BptortPu-sonBbpwrn ParBon5 Antil 10th.1BQ3. recorded In Book H 6, page 883 • (benco(1) south forty-five degreei inti forty-five mi•awes) ten ohaim and tblrty-nl&e linki

ne aegreea and tiilrty^lRilifnstQs e»at B U ohalnB and forty-two llota too o n a r of David Oooper-a l o t : (S) north forty

<l«Rr««*nd forty-iiro mlDntei east teiiand thfrty.nlna liuka j (4) north tblrli

d th i t tye i B hi m l tt nninf

Farik I

ontalnins slxaeroi, conreDB lt«nb 19,1RD8 and rl Deeds, pnges 231, to ."^ii FOOBTII LOT befflnnlng nt a eindod on tbe north b l d

th— north by lands of" „„„ ,

Plerann.on the east bv hud of HonriPiornoiand widow Margaret Pienon, on tbo nontub)hndi of Eohort .Pienon, anil west by Und 01aamnel Jnbuon. oontainlnff forty-fl™ acres.and w u deyiBjd to Jolin D. Piergon by BobertPlereoa in and by hla lait nil] end toe t am on'

•orded in tho dpnnty of Morris in Libo?EUs, pace 620, and Is aj follows: " \ Ki

__to my son Jolin D. Piorson all my hods n u ,tlready devised lying west of tho Widow's lotind alao ID the Bwamp « u l of tbo road leadnc to the Cooper mBulomi lot; conveyed bj'o^aD.PierBonJaiiuaiTie.lBesIaadreoordBaa Hook D 7. pages 309, 4*.

THE PITTH Lor beginning in tbemiddloerTakos road leading from Bhongam to theoad leading from Morrtstown to HewU...-

and tho narthOMt corner oE the herihrnuitedn l m t tfaenoe (1) north flftr dagrmiradmtnntes weRt.ihr&i oUUns and itlbotAii

__-• to a stone placet! l u l l " t o r at t lghvifatnuuk ia Bbongsm; (3) south si xt;-onoilegrees and forty-Bve minutes west ono chain«nd twenty-onn lints, (8) south tlilrty-Bix do-- - -- andthlrty.flve niuutos west two chain,_„_ JD8 link 1 (4) Booth alxtj degrees cast flv<cbairja aud aiity-one Hobs to tho middle of tinroad : thenoe along the Bame (5) north thirly

degrees and forty-live mluutes east twtins and forty-five links to tba boainni*Rtalnlng ono tan and thirty-two liuiidrTdtlTi

_. _n anra, aonveyed liy Caleb Aber October1806, und rocordod Iu Book X 0 otDee&t,, pftK.

IHB" SIITH LOT beginning four links fromleaoUtreo marked 1 O. standing in Hn0 cIsna belooKltiv t<- Widow Dotr; tliouo" (1lortli jixty-oDo and a half dogrooa eait BOVCIIucn chaiua and eitty-ono Jftka : thouco (3

.lortb flrtflun degrees west fonr oba'flftrOlnluii (« BOUlh flfty.ar« dogree,biff west sichtoun oli&ine; (i) goctbdogreos ciat two chains and eEglity-oae iinkito tho beRinnlng, containing six aoron amivoiity hiiDdrodtlia or an i n , convoyed b-loorgoPioraou April 2, 16M, recorded In Bool; 0, page 148, &o.THE 8EvE»rn LOT begins at tho mid.

.lie bridge Iliai is over a brook tint , « u .aoroea tho farm Tormerly owned by RobertPioraon, thence (l) south seventy deffroesvti^t thren Pltilnsj (3) goutli Torly cino do-fireoavreat throe chains and fifty links; (31southtliirty-onodogreaseast fonr'olialni 4aoutlj sixteen degroea oaat ibttoon cbalas (6north forty-alx degree* east three atufai 'Blxty links; (6} toatb twenty-twooaat fonr ohalno and fifty links to a(7) north fortv-M>8 degreei eaat lereoteenolialUB and Bercnty-ave links; (8) north fort'soron dDgrces west thirty-four oil a In H and fort'

• (.-VS?.l.h._f0t^:I1!ne,.de8««! woetiBBTI

T B * EioiiWI^Teg"n,j"iU the tenth cornerof a lot or liT towa tbat William purcliaaed ofJoHipfa Mott Marol, 2.1839 TWER11 Mrlhforty-four degroca cast seventeen oUtug andBltty^Ight links; (B) aouth forty"TO" do-great east two chains and eovooty-fivo link*to the edge of Bhongant pond at hlgli ™Ttarraark ; (3)up >aid pond at high watermarktLeaeveraloonrseB Keroof until a coarenorth forty-eU dogrees west will lotersBot

o BJMO or boglnnlno : tbenoe (4) toor beirtnnliig, oontaitiing six aorei.

•: Nnrrn LOT beglna at the aoventh oor-f 3140-100 acTHB, thenoe (li nortli twontv

_ - JeRrecB iad fifteen mlnntes west (barchains and Sfly links j thence (3) Bouth forty,-.ii dognoi aiii rorty-ilve mlnatoii weit Kdiaini and »Uty lloka; thenoe {8) north Qf-,een liogreoa and fifteen ml nates west fourehalm and twelve links j (4) wtiih flfU-atmadooreeB wont four chains aud asvontr-flToliDki; (5) Bonlh tblrtT-aix degrees east twooliainF and flfty-flvB links j (B) sonth ten decrces east ono chain aud fifty three links • (7uoutbtwentv-niuedeiirBeiwosttfinohalnVanuninety links j rt) sontn ofgkt degrees wist twoJliains and tvmtr-tbna lluka; (9) soutL•wenty-flvo degrees east three ohiins and•ika; (10)northforty-flvadegree*andf

c mlnnlei east twelvo^hains and sixty;

1 i.~ a ^^ef t lnn icg in tbe rnlddla olIIB bmok, being tbe tenth corner of a lot ol

89( oores, conveyed by Hoiert Plerion toHoiirv Pienon Deoemher M, 1853, theuee'1)Bonth forty-nlae degreea and forty.flvfl minintos west tweaty-two cbaina and eighty-flTeinks to a ourner of land or Bi i imalWiDnni Sayre; (2) north eigtity-one and " "Ipsreos ea-t seven chains and iwentj-™.u.inks, (3) north seventy-ono dogrwg eaat'lrntcou ouiini and fortr.flve links tocorner on the west bank A «aid brook;4) ninuins up tbo middle ot thB brook'The

~ rM courses thereof to the. pUcoof beirin-, containing fourteen auras tnd a hair1 °.r »«» » n « j e a by Jororae B. Yon«t•mbBr 21,1880, and recorded In Vol. 7, p.

Tui! EUVKSTH IIOT bogiDnlng at a bean of'tones, a comer of Samuel Allen's land tin t

mil meaiy-flValltihfl) (7) north




\TO ndiUUuuaJ dura, for «xtrMUog vtotnri ii.wte«tbar.ln«rted. W.u.nowtaak-i«Slio»nlUiil»tBOtU.tilot


CoY.r.Ssiitember Mlh, 1871.

OEO.MANNinvites s> e*ll from Ul his friends to hi* placeon CXJNTOKBTBEET.whe/BforthDiratnmo.

it ha has a

FINE POOL TABLEand a well fitted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYail tew ana In perfect order. Also, tbe bcitLAOEBfl and other drinks, and tbe choicestSEGABS. All who feror mo vltk a call willBnd themselves agreiablv entertsln«d anWBU treated. GEO. MANN.




Sfi HamUton'B Haiarial Spdolfio.

Tbii medicine Is & purely vegetable prepar-ation, and!• perfectlyharmleoa. Itvrillonrethe wnrat caiei gf Ualatia or Paver and Ague,whether aante or chronic, aod It mil effect acure where both Qatnlno md Artenlo fail. Itti now being prescribed by phyiioiant, ana Itiuse baa been foUowed by tho most gratifying•access in every instance. It !• II"—*noellent Tonio and Blood Purifier,



iiaVlitnte of Veohnologr, Boboken, N. J.DB, PJ_F. FtrucxB, Hnnnian'i Ferrr, Pa.HOK, WIMOHKBTIB SamoN, 910 Carroll St.,

Brooklyn,!*. I .HiflBsBKBtt.aSaarrollHt.Ergoklyc.N.y.J.H. KiLLsi, 901 Montague St., Brooklyn.O. H. OLAHX, 12* " " "DE, DAVID 8. SKUIBKB, 131 Uontagne St.,

JOHN F* OOUOB, 111 Fleet Place, Brooklyn.Wit, S. BATE, EqntUble Bnlldipg. Boetoo

Ltasi,JAKKB pDXitiia, HUlad&le, N. J.8HITQ H, FEEEMAH, Dnnollon, N. I.




NEW GOAL YARDon tbo property adjoining their rolling mill,


and are prepurod to supply


Lowest Market Rateseither at









H " DOVKH, at.

Farm at Private Sale!The aabBoribera otfer at Prirnte Bale

the farm now owned by the Crana IronIron Co,, situate in tlio township ofRoibnry . in the Conntj of Motr's audHtate of Now Jersey, coiitamiuff 2071aoras, and known as tlie Hilts1 property,

I lying on tlio road leading from Stanhope

id will be sold in two lots or in ono as..ill best unit purolmerB. Tlint theminesand mineral rights will bercBerved.Tor a view of tho property and tenna ofsale cull upon


I88"** Huckettatowa. N. 3.





Ths T«y b u t varktyto be found 1 TLBe n loweit prtoei inusjuable, bath In usefulod ornamental artlolai. AUo a - - —- •

SoavBotr pretaoted to ucli pan.gw>4i amoantlDS to H or or«r attho

DAVID STRAUS,635 and 637 BROAD St.,

Tliis depiximeEt is oantinnally fllled wtti>all K iade iud qnaUties and d e a W of Nap.

tarn. Woolan, 1broiderededge, varlona tridtlu. -~UUWD]r .oua other novofclei of ttaoj eoreriagg.

Vu&tnrvmr, Uaalarir and ciiovea,Kverrfhlug deglcablq of the above named

oaa L-e found at this houie in their v a r Wand qualltioi, and sold equally as low ««;ber coods In this eBUbllsumetit. LinoiiIkorobfefa, plain, hem stitched and iuitia!1 <jua.lt.tis, rauffing from 13o. to CQo, esoli

eumprieing an issortmont of over 90 dirTeroni•tytii. InolflcHtig «ll Urn fatioy doHIgDsluCoiored fcordora. A liberal dlsoonnt whou p n rchaaed by the boi, which contain sis In eaai,

1 . . . . e u l a _

U» FANOy GOODSiiu (UIB cstabllBbmont ^JIIJ.}iensG display of Silk Ilamitor

chlefi for ladiDB and flents, Unfflars, LieuTias,Collars and Piohua. Al«o Bpanfsb LacoBoarfi and Fiohoa Iu black and wlilto ; Drege.i__rt I .. . . .I J_. | jjj gjjQUy^ - -lngC»eea. beautiful diwlgiu ... ,1Vlota and Rubber, all klnile of Japtuiuiiu \many etjlog of pockot Books ana Qentii'Toilets, aa ondl»n variety of Plush and Mor-0000 B&tokolf, Fans, aud thousand), of otlinrartlolss which ar« all diaplayod un coutrotables and ahow oases. Goads ghown witbplcaBiiro at the £xFOHinn of

DAVID 8TBAUB,036 & 837 Broad St.,

DEO. 7tli, 1Iu tbs matter of Merinda Barkman and Jon-

athau Barkuian,AdmitifHtratoriof I lnurypBarknuo, dooeased. Burrogato's ordor tolimit orediton.On ipplloatfon oftiie abore named tdnilnin-

t ra ton ft Is ordered by tneBnrrOKate tbatibesaid sdmltiistritors Rive jmblia cotioe to tliocreditor* of tboestato of said decedent tu brlHttIn tholr debts, demanJa und oUlmn agalnat tbo

tder oath, vi thin nlno month a from thisj , ky sotting up a copy ol this ordor^wit'iiVn

twenty dsvshoreailer . ID five of the most pub-lloplaoeB In tUe nonutyof UorHs for twomont&s, and alto within tho Bald ttvontr <l»y»byadvertlslDg tho same (n tbe"lB0H E R A "one of tho nowapapera of this Btato, for thoaame ipace of time (tho Borrogats jad&Iair mvfarther notice to bo nnnooessiiry); and i f tnvcreditor sball ncirlfiot U, oihiblt bio or ]>c>debt, demand and olaim within the aild periodof ulna months, pabiio notice being eirun asaforeBild, saoh creditor Blial.1 bo forovordo-batredoflilB orhoract loatbeieroragains t theaaid adminlBtrators.

rue 0 O ^ AI ^ E g

l oA


I g j ^ N i RatKRlt(J

m IAJ. c. HAZEN, IIEPUT*. 2-lOw



DoTer ta Company,If you want your Horses shod

in good style, send them to

Chas. T. Clark & Son.Cor. H luck we II and Bergen Sts.

They give the ttest of jwillflral

tion in the way of workman-

ship. They also do all kinds of

Blacksmith work.




for all klndB of balldiugB, and tbe constrnotloD

f balldlnin saparintended.

1V.11 be at lilg offlco iu Dover, Bd Floor of


WEEK, from B:BO A . M . to5:30 p . u.


done in nfirstolaee mmnorby






E. DUNN & BrlO,,Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus

ana all maiinir of private atdpiblio lulUInji



Blackwell St., Dover,N.J.


Pall Trade.

Hats and Bonnets,to all Hie utrintimaUrUh anil .U.po.;

mmpri.init all th. mniit Ikahum.bls article,

•muomplctollnciuialltln '

FANCY ARTICLESin BCiicnil o a o for H o l j jWraKliABKBT. Itivouia boim

jenn provn]inB for ae i a o l o , o f tlaoMieilotDoTor nnd tlii, p , r t o f MotriBujnnty, lias mnOo me competent to knowtnd nntloiputo their waits, and bin8i™n mo and, fucililioB for bojino thntI »m ennbleil to offer eooils at the Toryowrat pnoiis. I t -will K i M m e plcmuro

to*™ my Spring .tool; to ttMe wlio•all, nod »U are iBBpcctlnllj invited.



Page 3: TI E BEST PUCtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-01-27.pdfTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud



The Dover Printing Company,F0BLIBHEBS iRD rBOBIETOliS.

OITlcie OE Blaokwell Street next dour toThe Uatlonal Union Bank.



O n e T e a r , 8 2 . 0 0B i i M o n t h s , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 0T n r e e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - c


A D V E R T I S I N G B A T E S .

•Aim. I 1 VS. I 2 WKB. 3 WKfl.j 1

1 2f>1 7/1S 252 768 61)4 60C 61)

10 00

j 1 12 (102 75S SO4 25h 266

e on15 (II)

I Inch.8 •*3 "4 "B "

t Ool jmn.

$ 8 finr, oiA r>n8 (H)

10 OO12 60IB OO18 50ea oo

* 4 r>(G r.og ex

11 Ollil Ol10 251'J Oi)2fi O041 01)

8 504 r>o{< n o7 (108 00

!: (i Oi)10 Oi)14 ()!18 (HI

a« r.37 fi»tifi 0(1

afi on45 (HI

1 EXT11AB. I.OOAI. t

Corner of Blm-kwll and Sun BO I HU.

DOVER, N. J.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor

Horion find Carriages to Lit.





f~1 fcO O ( L MMLKsi, U. D.,







I . \V. ColiDlCV, M. II. A. W . CdNIJICT, M. I

T~G lilDItMIHi'lI.E. M.















Dust, Giinnn, Poiittreilo./..4.y/r PLASTER, Ac.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.

STOVE, EtiU, CHESTINUT.Onlf« IMBJ I.,. ii(|iir1!hiW![i tlirouuli tbe l'uat

-nii'd Lci-Ii IL - S?. or ion i t A. Hewm rVuiiiee

:i Iilai-kncl]Ht.,Ti<jar Hmmtii, or i t t l i . j i r d .




Bryant k stratum Colte711 & 713 BROAD St.,

NKWAHK, i\. J.

m.UuHJjpracl i Htunttu all |i;irls oi ill'- UiuU-d status.O u r ir.,U(«) itiimp n'tcl niitWU-ajtcil miK-f n r-liKTit'd tiv tin; J'rm<-i|uilol lllis iion. litrmmi n'ml BliLrl-liiniil fc-c m

e*- IU:OUIJMI E V E N I N G cijAHa iN


H. tlOLEMAM.I'rinuipal,

T. \V. 1'ALMH, Bccrt





12 M. IT-tl



D o v e r , NT. ST.

tSHOPS ON ESSEX ST.ICounty Collector's Notice!

at the offioo of U.e Rurrofintp, SInr.ir tlm tninflctiojj of Gon ti y ljufti™

. . n tliurwloy or each week, wid'ul tlitt.1 of GcorRC IiifihunlH, Esq., Dover,d f a, TueadnyB, "WcrtncKlajM ami I'ndu



(blulMd. Bioni and Urioii Work, PlnHJobliine promptly *ttcu<lud to.| « t U t l l £ m H. ftftkpr'n Btnro will

ilsnd [)ram[it attention.




POOL AND DILLIAHD TABLE. .ihop in connection wi tli tho pool room



flth hettor facilities I urn enabled Jo patH A T E ROOFS cheaper thun ever usingj but the bent quality of si a to anil em-ting firnt-olftsB QibclianicB- I CUD puftr-W material and work to ovory pftrtiett-

Tar Sheathing Felt always on Land,

tated October 13th. 1880.






UUVKtl, N. J.4 OOOD MEAli may 1m olilainpl at any

A . li^iir of Hio Jay at roafioiul.Iu pricea.

IN ICE CREAMI have; tho fmnouH

HORTON CREAM,liadi;, ill all ILiivorB. Also Orange,LUIHOH iun•;••<• A j t p l e i n ^ , mid ul nil timiPftcom]iletKsorHuei-toJ'


'UvNii.-sl'f'Tn7 "[ 1»'l t'( *v"' ¥ " c- Bn rinV'lI! "induoc'H-nUto ilioailviintHEeorpnrebanr-1'i!.Cream ilelivori:rl any Ant of tho weft, Simi.v iuclmlud, Hi llio rr«hU'iii;o cf tbp bnynr.



AKRYSTALLOSHH t»r jireMtrviiiK tlie <\v,v\ wit lmut milt

dim-, Iroul,!,. or .dhinuov. Hliu[< s.xiiTuimi in HIM buittliiij- formerly oi-ncdM, Wiiloii, lilaflLwctl St. Cuiiiitiiuti>uii liam l furiiiblil nt Hhurt uoticu

n plain wixjiHir euvoml with doth, vehi-t oiIIIV uiBiurml iieuil for tlm itaitiu. fOFh'INSilniitltu liitlm-iit aijtft. UOIiES, IIABITH,-iltAV'Kt-'Al'rt.uLUVi.a—hiil.Hilk uuil uttUm,UHAI1W, 1IKAKBIW, UAlUtlAUES, IOKUOXEH ttiirl ovcry UtlMii nml HHrvieaiismk-wil

GoiiLftH Fiirtiisliiuff (JnUcrtttliur. An III lutituipitly uni.tilinj; '

illunu l v

.<! tllL) f»l!l)lY. l'<VllO HIil.il. 1

my trr

idii givtu lu tlin iiij'inj,' (Hit mid pri/at'IIWIU-H at all liuum, any w uiBLi,avinif «hiu(;««r tlnj Jumalo Jepartrai

T11OH. 11. McUKA'll


UNION HALL BUILDINGIii»ckwoll Street, Dovor,

Hot Air Furnaces,f tlio iatuot and niuul improved ntyleu, ftarming ptililie and private building*. A larj

tmortment or Htovea, cheap for naul].


STOVES, RANGES,Ao. Ainu K VKriuty uf

T .ATV/rTJ jS ,





•oi>uH«, Ni w "ark, ami yet whore the pnrir*. nucfi »(« 1*88 tUu in »uy other Ihrge city. Ir

tills liniiieiliato yip;n't)"—Hew York. JJrunVl)ii, I«n(

' • ith.M la'douo tljsa anywhuto t'i*o"'on I til a <MU. —it, ItirTo is B cousikni il^nlind for young IQPT

V)y. Tlir^n wiflbliia Rituatlom In UC city ihtrnld:ntno horu and latn « thurijuyli busincm i-oltcjjt

. (i.HUCi.i.. Prin!-!pa1. Mnt» Vnrk P. O. Jloi lS:u!

LIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,


• JofebiQR anil topiiilade J to. A leng oiperion- will, IlMliuvo, onabto na

t !1 iuUnots O t




DOVEK, N. J.,e place his boon entirely mntted In

[ARTIN&BUCK,se, Si£& and Crnsmenlal M r s ,


ms (lecorfltnl in rroscoo styles. Having*•ougli knowU'dcc of lioimu «nl linn paiut-no foel competent tii niet't tlm demftuilB

A Bpociilty DMABTIN.

SAMUEL M0KSE,'radical Boot and Shoe Maker

Morris H(., Dover. N. 'm a. larce now stock of n-adj-.niaiii.' DOOit)

' * Mid fur sale clieap. lio-


fjrhinMatblL'ar.JQTatiito. Allwork•t l ie belt onJor and priopi rcfinostlile.


SHEEIPF'S SALEtIn Cbnnoor3' ot Now Ji'woy—Bptwpnn Jiplirnii.

tiniiHirit-n't'of ifa^ul'^HtTly'Ileoearilj^'omi'1

plaintint, ami William F . QiJdinfia, Hr'a. Wil-liam F . lltd'liuc'ri, nml DniiiLi J Otiltou do-lenilaiits. 1'i. la. for >i>lo of nmrtjjBRP.IpremlptK. Jtvlurnablo lo FcbrniryTenu A.D. 18K3. NKIOHIinUU k SMITH. Hnl'ra.

T J Y virlnti uf the aboto ttatcd writ of finriJ > InniftK ID my linndn, 1 nlia.ll ni|iom> for naloni Tntilii! Voudiic, at the Coart HoiiKe, in "

MONDAV, IIIC 2!llli 'lay of JiNUAIii" m1

A, D. 1883, between tho' hours of 12 M. omi GiV'lock 1\ M-, Mint in tOHRjut a o'clock in Hits

jflenioon of Mid day, nil that certain tiaot ofkut l ami jmitnises, Bitantc, lyicff ttnd being intlio tiinnnliip or ,Ti-lTi-rafjn, in too Comity ofBlorrin nuJ Slalu (if NUH Jcmey, boumlfd mul

niiiiulos rsst iherftnmi, a.n<\ ruiiiiinir llicnccas tliocoinpai*B pointi'd March It), IH70, (1)south ftn-ty-tlireo itcgrecB ntid trvoiity m!imtt!«west fift-'iu clmiiis uml Htivctilwn liuba In a

ttcfstandinson tho ni>rtU uUle dt said roailclono to Ha- cdK« lliemof; ititucQ (2) uorllifortj-twdthiifei'tswerit ri'itr-tlirco cliainn mill

of (lionii'.iiilAiii ; tlirnro (3) nnrtti thirty-nine

mca liutU<t"y^ 'nr^hMn*"ami flft'y-fmi" lirll"«to tht phce of LPRiiiDini:, containiiiK nlitr-KVLU tar* aiiiJ piitT-iwo tiu nd red tii s or ailacre, strict inumnrfl, ttiiup ftirinerlyeompoMt'din tirntracte nml known by tlm rum).- of llio

nJ, M i , fc , j t a lo of iiihoritatiC6 ID Too Hiw-plu ; litiiiff tl ic fiaiiio pwrnis rn convujod to snirtWilliam Uiichran lij: dee.l Trom E p h r n i n i Ltnilp-ky, iictinBKKvulnrofDaTiJIliiti1 J '

E for Fairbanks' Scales and Ter-





Lffricnltnri Iwplomont^ 8&ed«, FertlllKiri,i^. r*ii.tfl, oils, aiigi, etc.


i . Tooauns . f u c n B- TO«BH)DUstowi,. D#o. 18th, 18VB.

mlaU kiiulsorJoljliiiiB iimiylindi.im in the tout maim or and at the ahortesnotico. Iliglipftpricfio [laid for oiii Iroo.

Copper lead ami pewter taken IK exclianRfor goodB.

ALEXANDER WIGHTON.Decemboi'Sitli. 1670. 1-lvr



Isaac N. Doiy & Go.159 &I61 MARKET St.,

NEWARK,•with ft vlow to reducing stock prior

to mnkbg our annual HOLIDAY

DISPLAY, wo will ofler the boat

values in line silk fabrics wo bnvo

yet given. Limitnd apaco penults

us to mention only a taw of tho

most Baliont points as aa iudnx to

the unaxamplcd bargaJDB we will

BLACK GHO9ORA1N flILK8 at 75o.wero 11.00

" 11.00 " 1.25

'• 1.15 " 1.95

" 1.25 " 1.50

'* l.BO " 1.75

1.001.75 '




ISAAC N. DOTY & Co..159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J .










SUSSEX St. GROCER,etill oontfnuei to ks ep a full and fresh quan-

tity or

Groceries and Provisions,SEASONABLE FRUITS.

foreign and domestic, tlio best grades ofCANNED GOODS, Biid BU supplieB at tbebousdliokl in liia line.

Care will alwuyu lie tafcra to seoureI



Queenstown, Liverpool,Norway, Sweden, 4c ,


While Sttir Line,Iuiuun Line,

Uiinanl Line,Nulioiial Line,

State Line.O I I I I A F T H iflmul a t lowest raios, Vt-Iiu>y»l,»n ii, EntjlMml. I rduml , Rcotlund,Mv ,,r H«f(lt'ii. Iiiformntiwi c L o o t l l) at nnv time jr) Eot>nrd to 1110V0IU61lHufllHiilboYu linen.

E,Lindsley& Son, Agents.W. H. U.VliQlTT'B

iit«(. bl ,u* n

llljl'rt iu

inlor Hi..* Ki-nr>ra! nlaiii-liti

?o<i(l qnality nf raw\y buhaJ fnrfl.5ll». wnrda.

-mt by o\n»\ enr

aheap lia

iiiUr.l iniikcu, UUntola Trom *1o.l piirot'l-lnukotn maked a onit

AWLH liivo iinitjiibly nover hno

vn ln'tiu Kiiliji'otti! to. A protty

ablo-ia a Kood

own itriccH. W.

The b6st reason why we havealways doiie the leading boot andshoe tra<Je in the county is becausewe have always tried to give ourcustomers the very best goods thatwere in the market, no matterwhat they cost. If the quality justi-fies the purchase we secure themfor them every time, and at but aslight advance from the originalcost, as our light expenses andquick sales enable us to do this,besides buying as we do direct fromthe manufacturers in large quanti-ties for cash, we are enabled to giveour patrons solid, substantial,stylish, good fitting boots and shoesas cheaply as shoddy, inferiorgpodsare usually purohased at. If yougive our goods a trial they willsurely verify our statements.

BODERER & HEAGAN,Opp. D., L. & W. R. R. Depot,




Bometlmul think 1 love MM, Lord,WllhiUmJlia.rt,

Tbit Moult ID all lbs world bun ThenHy hive can part,

But iln b vlroog and BaUn bold,i n t r a n t U»eak;

And ere I know, tptrt tram Tnw

Boise good I aeek.

And oanei Thoa tike my tomotlma loroAs haart'a trns key,

Forgiving all tbat ]!«• IWIITMU

KjK.ul indlh .e l

For perfeot lore I thlnt and falot;And loog to koo«

Vo» orila bolgbt and teogtli ftnd breidtbWbilouore below,

Taotr art tbe perfect lore, O Ood IVolt mar it be

That to attain III ahall seed. Bternltj.

American MeMMnger.






jiit-Buoil tiiHty ui

wk. Tli

: fiftyo «<• ncll f»inml furtv-tl -

many moro timU or IIID

H at tun cpnte a yar.l'ai,I:K DiiEfri (ionns iitoii i

nstifB niul ViOvol.•lack. An order for.iivo immedialB it-


<rci)urc(l for tlio Winter Trmlc nltli(•renlent stock over HUHU in lJuvor ol

all Papers^ Borders,Dados, Ceiling Decorations,

ivincr; any that I am tliotlicrn New Jersey. I lin.B with tlii> inaiiuruuturur of job ln'u of psi-'ci'B,

PICTURE FRAMESny dt!scription, miilo in any HIKO to orilor

Oi! Paintings and Chromos,

S T A T U A R Y ,lentcr Pieces in Plaster

of Paris,

Stair and Floor Oil Cloths

and piilnt liy Ilic ton, I »k« oontracln at t ro lowoht

orm tlio work ID Uie beet mCor. BUelwoll ,'t Ennui Bts.


CARRIAGE PAINTER,Shop on Clinton St., Dover.

experience ot 13 yeari, in Djvtr »n tlic. work, ia tliu pinraiiti'ii I offi-T of mj

Ility topltiifi tliri.ubiio. Mr motto m "Oixt:ialactiun to all." ' 1-Iy

IBA C. COOPERASON AND BUILDER!itnoti taken tnd ra»torUla fnrniBhad fir

BUILDINGS) BKIDUKS.ill kirnli of work, whothci uf BBICS Oi


« on Uurrii ititat. acit to tormer IKON

EBA bidlding, Dover, N. J. ii-U

"inter Dress Goods!lest line of Dress Goods

and Trimmings at


tes" H.3ESI3TJOIISX> P R I C E S -&Ltlinliini; it mi cxi'tllotit opjiortnuity Ii, obluiu



T J ] ^ X > I 3 I J W E A R , OF ALL KINDS,ipportiinity for linyiitjjand everything else no. Dou't miss lhh „ _


Freeman Wood,If IRQ


BOVER,W. jr.3Rftlly Mithorizoa agont of tho following flnst-


GLOBE, Capital 820,000,000.


CftpiUl 810,000,000.

ROYAL OP LIVERPOOL,Capital KID,(mil,nan.


Oupital 85,000,000.IIUDSON COUNTY, Jeraej City,

Capitol 83OO.U0O.Snrili DriflKl! sail Mercantile

• f London nnJ fckionburgb ; oapiUl 110,000,000.

Gomiaula Tiro Insurance) Co. of NDVT YtH|>iUI (l,ClOO,Oua.

Tbe London Aasunmoe Corporation ofLondon, oiipital $5,500,000.

Spriugflald Fire Iusumugo Oo.,otta, oapital $1,500,004.

Westcheskr Fire Inmiranoo Company fo

Jew York, capital «500,OOQ.

itLRMKS AMEniOAV £1,000.000


j^ir ra , . - - . - - . . »3,C0O,0Ot





!, ARSENICand all other objection-

able substances.


Freeman Wood.

f l BEST PUCEof its kind for enjoym


D O V K i t , IV. J .!t recpivi-il BIKI pinom! in jiosition TEHEE



Fool TablesttiD celcbrf.tuii niannfaclorj of J . U .


OKGEESTRION* aim. Just hct'n rmpplied -il will delight HIP (nitrons of

niUBli; equal to a brant»H»1 of 30 ]>ke


LAGER BEERnlivays on driiu^ttt und tlio beat of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalwajB provided for ttio patrons of









THIS IS TO CEIITIPV s- That I have mim nnalyei. of tbe Anti-Ualaria Modiciknowu as "Dr. ITaniillon'B MaUtial BiieoiBcand find that It is a purely vegotablo preparlion, fa »bncltitely Irvo * * -- -

Oaptaiu H. T. Owen, whoin tba battle o( Oettjebarg, wbicb tookpUoenn July 2d, 1808, writes OB followsto thB PLilildelpbk Weekly Times,Mtiblag tlie gallant bat disastrous cbargeofl5,000 veteraoB aader Oenenl Piokottoo tlie Union works at Oemutery Hill,'The oommaod now came along the

line,' Front, forward I1 and the columnitf. direction straight down

upon the center of the enemy1* position.The deatruoUoD of lifciu the ranks, olttLnt atlTauoing host was fearful beyondprecedent, officers gotog down by dozensnud the men by BeoieB mi flftiea,Kempet has gone down terribly njun-

1. but Gflriiett BtiU towerod unbtirt,and roda up and down tbe front line,

in a firm, oalm voice 'Faster,men t fsater 1 Olosa up and utep outfaster, but don't double quiefa I" Tuo

e fence was carried without a strug-gle, the infantry and tbe sklrmirih lineswept away before the division like trashbefore the broom. Two-thirds of thedistaooe was behind, and the one bandred cannon ia tbe rear were dumb anddid not reply to tbe hotly-worked gnusio oar front. We were now four hundredyards from the foot of Cemetery Hill,when awuy off to the right, nearly half amile, there appeared in the open field aline of men at right angles with our own,a long, dark mass,- dressed in bloe, and


upon tbe protected right flank of Pick-ett's men, with their muskets " upon theright sboolder shift," their battle flagsdancing and fluttering in tha breezecreated, by their own rapid notion, and

inverted T with the point flattened,pushed forward ; fighting, tatliog andmelting uway, till halt way up the biUthey were met by a powerful body offresh troops charging down upon them,and this remnant of about a thousandmen was burled back into tbe cloverfield. Brave Armistead was down nmongthe enemy's guns, mortally vonnded,but wafl last n e n leaning upon one elbowslashing at the gunners to prevent themfrom firing at liia retreating men. Oatiu front ot the breastwork* tho munshowed a disposition to reform for another charge, and an officer looking attbe frowning bights, with blood triplingdown the side of bis faoe. iuqnired atanother, "Wimt shall we do?". Theanswer was : "If we get reinforcement*sooo, weoau take that bill yet." Buts o reinforcements came, noue were insight, and about a thonaand men fled tothe rear over doad and wounded, masgled, groaning, dvtng men, scatteredthick, far and wide, while shot and shelltore up the earth and minnie balls netaround them for more titan a thousand


The <&ndor or the Inqulsitore Boy.

y ptheir burnished bayonets glisteningabove their heeds like forest twigs cov-ered witb.Bb.eeU of sparkling iee whenshaken bj a blast. GarneU gallopedalong the line sayittg: " faster, men Ifaster 1" and the frott line broke forwardinto a doable quick, wben Quraett calledout: " Steady, men 1 Bteady 1" Don'tbo qonble quick. Have yoar wind tadyour (imtnand than

nition for the final oliarga I1

mt down among tue dead,aud hiB clarion voice was no more heardnmotig tlio roar of battle. Tue enemywero eeon strengthening their Iine3fhure the blow was expected to strike

by hurrying upreservea from the rightid left, tho columns from opposite

direct iocs, passing each other doublealong our frost lifee the fingers of aman's two haiida locking together. Ttifldistance had again shortened, and offi-cers in tlio enemy's lines could be dis-tinguished by their uniforms from tbe

italsimd I

otherht IB undoubtedly hnrn.fesH.



DiHaMAK'B t'KtiRT, I'A., Way SI, 1883. (EAR t in:—I take plPBHnro In teitifiinRto

oar Mals,ri»l Speolllc.il insrcdtootB, and IIt DODUlDP

sheorfally n

Pmup P. PULBEE, M. D.

A milaria for tlie puition or which I hate

tided Tery mauy remedtca, and h»»obud tbo bent of mod leal attoDilkace, bat ob-

ilncu I W&B adtiaed by •. per-SODII frlonil, Mr. Henry Dcnuroat, of Hwk-onaRcft, 8crBon County, N. J., l 0 try "Dootor,JIaaillioD'a M»Inn%l Bpociflo," wnieh I htm

'••a taken tl.reo bolt ln *f it, ami___.., r . __ nay I am Honoured.

I lake grent plflasnra in reoommeDdldg it tonil who are nnTicted with malarik or feier andagoe. Youri, Tory reBpectfulIj,

HACKENB-IOK, UBfldEIf Co . , N. J . , 1

DEAE 8 I B : - I bare med Dr. HunUtonVllftlirikl Bpcoifio nltb the Ter/ best mnJU.iVblUt H Riro me ipcedy reltof from mil»rl»luombln it Mlecl beneflowlly opon the Kldnej..ntl iny gcntrnl bekllli. I c*n reoomnieBd it:o all iffiiotod with malaria wllli llio titmblt:onlldfiuCB. Jonic 1. Momtow,

PaitorAabarj U. E. Oburoh.


OBMY D U B Htn :-

HalailB.1 Spooiflo ....an ebeolate onre t o r _•ad Nervoni Doblltty, thata UJDIO X do Dot belle?8 U b -world. It 1B wi>pd»rfal fn i(L _ „ . _ „ . , „ . „ „ „ „when tat an for it e tic or ditordered atamaobI liave Uken It myielf nnd given it to m*entiro family with purfrot sitiBftotioa indCUM. and I o W u l l y reMmnmnd II, •ndSS

illy ilinuia bo wltUoDt H. ', Gxo, H. Arwoou.

31 BBOAD ST.. SEWABK, H. J,, »KuTcmberlBtilBe1.!.

_iEA«8m:-Por m n I li»« •nffiind fromiroitrttioD and neuLJityADa & IOBB ofAtwlitA*

and general pbraiD&l inability Idotlei.bnt boinR advlseil to useIpaoinc, lt^lfeR me pleuars to i t a t e l ba t l

hive tak«Tt wltb tho noBt bfioefioUl reinltl,knd flm rjow ffieliDfF nu'to well ***-~~ f—L ^ui_

Then was heard behind tbaty thud of a inuded Lread uf aimed

men, that roar nnd rush of tramplingfeet as Armiatefid'a column from the rearclosed up behind tho front line, and he(the lost Brigadier) took command,stepped out in front, with L!B bat up*lifted on the point of hia sword, and ledtbe diriaioD, now fonr ranks deep, rap-idly and grandly across that


covered with clover na ooft as a Turkishcarpet. Tbero it waa again 1 and again 1A. sound filling tbe air above, below,

md as, like the blast through the topof a dry oedar or the whirring sonndmade by tbe sadden flight of a flock ofquoit It Wflfl,gca4ie_an4 canister, enitbe column broke forward into a double[niok and roshed toward tbe atone wall

where forty cannon were belehing forthgrape and canister twice and thri<w ominute. A few hundred yards from thentone wall the flanking party on theright, coming down on a heavy rnn,halted suddenly within fifty yards andponterl a deadly Blown of musket ballsinto Piokett'a men, double qaiokingaoross their front, and under tbia terri-ble cross fire the men reeled mi stag-gered between faliiog comrades and tberight came pressing down upon the eenter, crowding tho companies into oon-foaion. Bat all know the purpose tocarry the bights in front, and the min-gled mass, from fifteen to thirty deep,roahed toward the stone wall, whilefew hundred men, without orders, facedto thd right and fought the flankingparty there, although fifty to one, andfora time held them at bay. MasketawerB deea crossed ssaomeman fired tothe right and others to tbefroat, and

rax noHT

Tlie candor of the small boy is ocoa>ionall; very diatressing to his friends

und relatives. In the waiting room ofthe Austin depot, there was a lady wittia small boy, and also a benevolent look-ing old gentleman, who had a very aiug-nlar protnberanae on bis nose which at-tracted tbe attention of tha youth.

"Blister, did Ood make tbat roundInroponyom nose?"

"Euan, Johnny," said bis mother."I ain't talking to you, mn, X am talk-

iig to this goDtleman."

"That's a weu on my nose, little boy,'•emarkfld tba gentleman, pleasantly.

"What did you anv?""Wen.""Tbafi what I eoy, when ?""Whnt do yon mean, little boy ?"

said the old gentleman, losing patience,jastu little.

"I want to konw when God made thatlump ? Ho mode the nose first, andthen put tbe lamp on it alterwards,didn't he V

"Keep quiet, Johnny.""Bat, ma, I'm not taikiugtayou. Clod

had to make the nose first, before heput tbe lump on it, for if ba mnde thelump Bret he would have no place to putit, would he r

"Tbe nose v u made first," repliedthe old man, who wag a miracle of goodnatare.

A True American Girl-" Bo yon like BegimUd ?"" No," replied Heine McCloaky, nerv-

ooaly puIUDg to pieces as ale apoke a ,blusbrose tb&t bad a moment beforefallen from the stem, "l ie uakM BUtired."

Beine and her best girl frienderkiuH, w«ra stundliiK in the couser***

ms ot Ouostolifi Oastle this ilreary No-vember afternoon, when tbe ukie» w e noretcast with aallen looking aloads whowpresenoe foretolJ a coming atorm. They-'bud been frienda train youth, nolwUh-'atandiog thut Pdusy bad a teaiskin

q two winters before, got on theright aide of the wheat market, and gaveone to Baiae.

Theirs wtia indeed a deatbletifl affection,"Have you seen 'Daniel Eoohat?1"

usked Ftinsy, suddenly ebuugiug thesobjoot of conversation.

"No," replied Betne. "Wfcatit . i tibont V

" Oh, it's lovely 1 A man wants tomarry a girl, and she loves him terribly.They are married by the uagifltrtU, andthen the girl wants to have another cer-otnony iu the cunrcl). The mau refutesbecause he is an infidel, bat flu*lly »J>sbe will do as she likes, Tueu the girlnays she won't have him nt all, and theypart very miserable."

" The girl refuses to marry him 1" wtk*Beme, ia haggard tones,

•Why, yes. She refuses utterly."'Where is the action of this pky

located ¥"" In Swilscrknd.""Ah 1" sayB Ueine, A sigh of relief

er, " J thought on Ameriuan

"I said BO 1 Ood made yoar ejrei be*fore he put tbe lump on yonr nose, didn't"ioV"

"Tea.""Tbeu you flaw G o ! pat tbe lump on

yoar nose, didn't yon—or did he put iton yoar UOBB wbenyoa was asleep?"

Here (he boy's mother managed to gethim under control, but he shortly brokeout it) a freah plaae,

'• Are you waiting lor the train ?"" YOB, my boy." ."You are not waiting for tha train

tbat went off yesterday, are you ?"" No, I'm uoti sonny."" I tboaghtnot, because if von was

yoa would get left. But you didn't tellme if you saw Ood pat the lamp—"

Here his mothsr shaved her bandker-ohief in biamoath.'and tlie scene wasover.—[Taxaa Bi[tlnf>s.J


Marriage is, of all earthly unions, al-most the ODIJ one permitting of nochange bat that of death. It is that en-gagement in which man exerts bis mastawfalnndaolemu power—the power ofresponsibility which belongs to him asooa that suall give occonut—the powerof abnegating the right; to chuoge, th*powerof parting with his freedom, thepower of doing that wbioh in this worldcan never be reversed. And yet it isperhaps that relationship which inspoken of most frivolously aud enteredinto most carelessly aud wuitomly.It Is uot a nnioa merely between twocreatures, it is n. union between twospirits; aud tbe intention of tbat bondia to perfect the nature of bath, bysupplementing their character with theforoe of contrast, giving to each sexthose excellencies ia which it is natur-

girl would so far forget herself."

An Aateailuilan Train."

"GondudtorP"6xolaime4 Uie elderlygentleman, looking op from th« Bible h*had been anxiuualy poringorerfor som«mioutea, "Conductor, I can't 'find any-thing aboat thin train iu4he seripiarea.Where ia it ? Bhow it to me t"

"What did you expect to find aboutit V growled the conductor.

"Isn't there something about It heresomewhere?" asked the did man, took-ing np innocently. "Isn't jour timetuble hero either ?" and ho fumbledover tbe leaves and appeared |ioxxte4aboat the thing.

"Of coarse itisu'l," rwtponded theoonduotor. "That Bible all happened1,800 years ago." , , ,,

"And wemnstbave started just be*fore it was out 1" moaed the old ffentlo-maa, putting the book back in (be reck,

1 Perbaps there's something' tbotttit intbe roviwd edition} got » rovUededition?" . > }

But nobody laugbei at tbe poor oldconductor, They tmd all known him atlong time and they felt sotry for him,—DrOke't Traveller^ Magaxine.

Etrongth ofof mural will,

J. Oomniio_«f.

. I 'I*'1 .8 Miloriiguod, naVing nofl>re<J fromMalaria ia its different farnn, do hereby t«itu>that me bsro und Dr. Hamilton'! UiUrlll-—flo with iho moat eotlre nccen la eaott

ui or our rtHpcctito CIBCI. Wa unbeil*Tly roooinmond II to til inneriBE from

HUIari*, IndKidney and L

d t i t

n, Nervona Otronblea. W* IMIia b I h

neriBEfromuordirs, orII.VQ It ia -

b l 3Kidney and Lfrer tronblea. W* IMII.VQ It ia -i-euiedy tint alionia bo In evcrj hoaicbol-, an3wo will tike ploaiare in t%m>verlng w y md allboibD *o u»? j)0™011" i a f f e r t n K ftom « iyor

Jia. A. Wbitnoy Ut-v, l « H l i a m u Bt., H.Y.V7. A. Allrn, 13 L*f4jatt« Plwe, K. T.H. B. M o w , BB Broad jJSK'jSTl.

Anthanjr Qrof, Jr., 2JQ OmnbeiUna streel,

SIri. H.B.Batc,PicrreponiHonso. flr'kl'ii.Horrlii Ul m.n, 6.1 Hloka St., Bmoklyn.M.17 A. Hofiin, 931 Rarr .ua Bt., Bronklro.Kd. OotirtUndt, 537 PwaHo St., HVOQUTO.Frank H.Bnrdial|,0»indeD,rf.J. 'W. M. P»lmcr, US P»m» St.,Oamden, H. 3,MiB.BmmaLcMko.iHMtckieBt. * "



far beyond all other experiences ovon offiokelt's men, who for once raised nocheer, while the welkin rang aronndthem with tin "TJoion triple buzza."The old veterans now saw the fearful

snpaioHt them ana other hosts gath-ering darker and deeper still. The timeWaa top precious, too serious for a cheer jthey baokled down to tbe heavy task insilence, and fought with a feeliDg likedespair. Tho enemy were seen fallingbook i n front, while officers were seenamong their braking linos striving tomaintain their groand. Piokett's manwere within a few feat of the etone wallwhen the artillery delivered their lastfire from gans shotted to the muizle-^ablase fifty, feet long went through thecharging. Barging host with a gapingrent to tha rear] bat the survivorsmounted the wall, then over ani onwardrushed up the hill oloaa after the gun-ners, who waved their rannqera in thefaoe of pioketft men, ond sont op cheerafter cheer as they felt


QD swept the colunu or<>r groaad oai1-ered with dead and dying men, .wherethe earth seemed to be on fire, tbe smokedenae and suffocating, the sun shot oat,flumes blaqiqg on every side, friendeoaia hardly be distinguished from foe.hat tbo divieion, in the ibspe of no

ally deficient; to tbeOU&iwter and firmnessto the other sympathy i ,tenderness. And just so ewlemnT andjast eo glorioaa as these ends are forwbioh the union waa contemplated andIntended, just BO terrible arc tho conse-quence* if it be perverted and abused ;for there is no earthly relationshipwhich basso much power to ennobleand to exalt.—Dr. Robertson.

A Curious BrlOal Couple.As odd a looking bride anil groom as.

one ever sees, and who, after the circum-stances aurroanding them were known,set tongues a-waggiugnod mttde laughingcontagious were seen at the ITuion. Depotthis morning. Tbeoouple oonststedofan old man fully sevauty y e a n of age,over nix feet in height, with flowing grayhair, and carrying on hie arm a pair oftliat kind of saddle-bags woru thirtyyears ago, and a gir] just fourteou yearsold, who iu height would renoU aboutthe old mua's vent pocket. They are outheir wedding tour. They came i t fromaome point in Alabama last night audare bound for some point in Oregun. Apaaaenger on the same train OL whinhthey cawo in last uigUt saje that duriugthe eutire day they were the conlre ofobaervutiou, because of their uliildOika

nuFwand goncml greeunet**. Thoold mmi ia by profesaiou n Methodistminister, going to & conference in Ore-gon, and combines pltnsase with baai.ness by taking with him a, vcrtiable andliving Christmiis present.

Who miirrieB for love takes a wife; whomarries for fortuoe takes a mistress;who marries for position taken a lady.You are loved by your wife, regarded byyour miitress, tolerated by your ludy.You have a wife for yourself, a mistressfor your house and Wends, & Udy forthe world aud society. Yonr wife willagree with you, your mistress will raleyon, yonr lady will manage you. Yourwife will take care of your household,your misttess of yonr hottte,-yonr ladyof appearances. If yon are siok yourwife will nand you, your mistress willvisit you, yonr lady will inquire afteryour health. You take it wtJk witb yonrwife, a ride with your mistress,1 and goto a party with yonr lady,, Yonr wifewill share your grief, yoarmiattes yonrmoney, your lady your debta. If yon aredead ynnr wife will weep, your mistresswill lament, and your lady wear mourn-ing, Which will yoa Imvo?

The World*! Yearly Deaths.Iu order to know how many people

die every Tear one has only to examinetbe statistics of the world's population,Asia has 800,000,000 Inhabitant;Europe, qQ6,QQQ,Q00; Africa, 804,000,-000; America, 86,000,000; Oeeaoica,8,000,000. These are low estimates,wbich'givos total of i;iOQ,QOO,O(kl" Al-lowing to the inhabitants of the earthon average life of Ih^rty-nine years, it lafotrad that every year 80,135,000 peopledie—3,780 deaths per honr, sixty-threede&tuseaob. minute, or more than oneperseoond, Tbns every second •'» leaffalls from the vmt tree of life, to beforthfftth replaced by a' new one."

Nothing in the world is quite so goodas goodneu, but it taust consist of rightaoUng»ther than glib tanking,

A jeweler advertises that ha baa someprecious stones for disposal, lidding tbat•they npnrkle like the teua of & yonngwWow'

Tbe CarionR Choice or C»ngregfllloB't.

Tbo Bible text. "A* a shepherd divid-otb hia snoop from his goate ; and beahull sot the Bueep on hia rigbt hand,bat the goats on the loft," seeim to h a mlest ita force by modern customs. At aBale ol pews ia a Imiding CongregationalChurch o[ Chicago the othtir ewnlug i t

liottil tliHtninu-tontbiioftha pre-^

of the minister. I t is said the same istrue of a leading Baptist nnd a Preabj -tcriaii Chnroh of Chicago. As suchthings do not uaally happen by clmuce,what is the rouaun for it ? Perhaps it iabeuauso most ministers preach "righthanded," mid in geaturiuy midcly withthe right baud the face is necessarily dUected to tlie left. Auy one whu will

notice ivill find this to bo true, nuJ tohear well whore heuriug is didiaalt, thebest place is to the left of tbe right-handed speaker, The right arm, whenthe geaturei are earoest, will swing thobody balf-waj rounj , in Bpite of the bestintentions. A few statistics bsanngupontbe qneation will bo in order beforetaking the side of the sheep at par orgiv-layn large premintn to run with thegoats.—Chicago Inter-Odan.

Tbe windpipe : A flute.

Modesty i i the brightest jewel in thocrown of womanhood.

There is B loquacity which tells noth-ing and a silence which tells much.

BenfiitiTe people wiah to loved;' vainpeople wtah only to ba preferred.

Do not keep good manners for com-pany, but ba equally polite at home andabroad. *i ,

Mince pie season in here, ana* thosewho can afford it will no w dream ot "ele-phants with four trunks and mnloat withillanuoated beads. "' l

One of the Arkansas editors ii a fallblooded OberokeeiudiaD. HUoiily aerlinqaent tabsoribers m bald bMdedmen; the o'hetfl all pay np nnd save theireoalpo. • : ' "-; -• « J (

Adam Porepaaga would't haTe Mn.Latigtry on any terms. He had • pro-fessional beauty one*, *n& the USj thepress gave her mode her so cjog-gonaproud that ahe wanted to own the show.

Let it be remembered that wben small party of sohool boys board a n i l -

road train and order the f s n o tigers tothrow up their hanOs tbat it is nolaagh-inff matter. They are armtid with thatoy pistol.—Chicago Cheek.

"Does my son WillfamMhnt's in thearmy, get plenty to eat ?" nakwl the oldlady of a recruiting sergeant tbe other-dny " He sees plenty," waa the lioonioreply. "Bless his Heart, thenf I knowhell get it i! be (Wo,:;** u • n e R ( I W ^wotUd at home." ' *~*f j " - *

1 X

Page 4: TI E BEST PUCtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-01-27.pdfTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing1 Company,

The lUlj argument is used by soase of thelocal Demoomtio papers thtt M tho Repub-licans bare a roajerilj in OongrMS thej oaspaw the Tariff bill, and are rasponaible if it


TARIFF.Tfa) Republicans of (he Houie of Bep

HotatiToa held B emeus on Friday afUmo"Uof l u t weak ind unanimously agreed to takiap tbTMif lUU u reports* by the Wayi

' lull Heaci Committee and to continue fu

dow sot p The Bepublioons have doaei Th

oonaideMtion until pawed.action on the part of tho Republicans ahowithan U no division in sentiment amongthan, and thai they we solidly in favorthe principle of protection. But how in i<wi'h the Democracy ? Mr. Oat-lisle, one .

' tos ablest of their loadtua, bbing qneationcby tlie wprewQUtive of the Now Tort Her-ald, Mid that the bill would be thoroughlydebated, ind that there woalfl be no limit tutha number of amendment* that would boffend, nor the time allowed for debatingths proposed unencUnenli- At the tims <>ltbe interview he said then WUB bnt thirty'loUTlegiilatlTBdajaremBiniQg to thU sen-don, and he coolly ctlonUtad that tbe dd at,eould be wmtinoed to the end of the souioi'Therefore lie ooufldently offered the asser-tion that no tariff bill would be pftBMd tillfSMlOD.

In the Senate tbo EepublioanB are niftlriBan «amwt effort to pass tho bill, bat m-multog the obstruction ol frivolous del*,on tho p»rt of the Democratic Senators. Fcorei two weeks tha DBmoorala have beeidebttiBgnnimportantaoheiules for no otherpurpose whatever than to >o delay the billai to prevent Its passage this sesnitn. An an•uunpls, Senator Vanee, of North Caroline,oonstused an entire afternoon session tlother da; in playing the clown on n burlottjae reapertiug tbe matter of bornx. F•pecohes and objections were of tbe m•111; nature and had no relevanoy white1

to tbe subject In hand, showing that his on)object T U to briug about defeat by delaiIu tbis be was warmly supported by hitDemocratic] colleagues, mam of whom havebean equally active in bringing about deliou other trivial subjects.

So the question of the tariff may be saito atand preoiady aa follows t The Bcpublieuu defined metuuns for the appoictmenof the Tariff Oommimdon who framed a repan, The Bunate Finance Oommitteethe WIJB and Means Oommittee of theHome reported bllU to thoir reapeotivB bod-Its, although opposed by the Democratmember* of eaoh of these Committees. T.>day, In both houses, the Bepublioannnanimoualy in favor of tbe passage of tliTariff bill, and are etrneotly working forThe onlj obstaole in the way la the Democralta mtmberg, who aro availing thaniBelvfof arerj parliamentary technicality to oatnot it and delay it* passage to the closethesenion and thus defeat i t

Wo reipeotfolly oall tha atteotioa of ou:Demoontla friends iu this gentian to thenflats. They are alow to l>olievo that tL.Demomtie putty is opposed to the principleof tariff, but if they have followed tbe pr<><OKdlngi or Congress for the past two weebthey will have aeon that tb« tariff bill1»TO had no opporition bat for the Dem'or&tlo objeatara who nre trjiog to Bmotliorthe mearai» by delay. In the light of theseereab it would be intoreatinft to have Hou.Aug. W. Gutter rise up jntit now and shotwherein the question Is ott« oC locality amnot of pu t r . ,

A DEMOCRATIC NOODLE.Ihe aristooratio young snob named Fen

Bolmont, from New York oily, who in eDamoentto representative Ia Oopgrw,Offered » wsolutlon in tbe House the otheiday directing the Goinnlttea on Waya BJI<UeiDt to report to tha House fortbwitlwhether any OUM of industry, infant or oliireqtdna aid or lapport from tho federgovernment, either in the foTtn of customduty levied an imported artioios, or la aother fora of bounty, subsidy, charitydotation, and if ao, what If this arintcerotic young scion ot a family of wonc,bndera had srer been ia business, DT bi >beflnoompeUed to earn bis living bylaboibe wmlft haie known thit the industriestola oonhtry seek neither bounty, subsidy

"* «b*rlty or donation, but almply proteetloi•gainat the nnjtufc competition of forelgi

-•UMafacturere who otn produoe oheaply 'DO other noaon except that they keep thtiUbor on starvation wageg. This nabobfitler made enough money to ndto hi•bow Uie nsoHBltyof producing anvthlisad he la a fair aaraple of tho people wlwatt free trade. They prodaoo nothii;thetUBelvei and they want wh»t thsy entwe&r and laxariate on produoed by illy padlabor M that they e ta buy it cheaply.hold him np to tht Demoorats of this Heathan ibrUliact specimen of their Bepresentitlvea in Oongww, wbo by anoh sneers an

' Jibes M the one abore noticed are tryingImpede the passage of the Tariff bill.

pall they could lo secure its passage. Theyappointed the Cotuuiiasioo, wfcicb. did itework ui quickly OH pcxaibla. Tuoy nferrbdit to Ibe proper committees its both Houses,who reported favorably with ucmusj ex-)editinti, find then the ltepnblicanBino&neasunanimously resolved to support Ita jJOBut it is late in tho session and tbe Demo-crats, availing themselves of the right of

e and amendment, aro quibbling andebating every minor point so as to secure!delay aud prevent Its passage. Thcould past) to-morro«» and would, if tti<

iDemoomtg would oaasa their objections amallow It to comQ to a rote. Tbo loual D&n."ooratic press known tbis, aud are only usingdishonest and false moans to endeavor teshow that their party is not opposed to tariff.

For twenty years it has been tbe ouatoifor the President of tbe Senate, no matter tiwhat party he belonged, to prettido at tliejoint meeting of tho Legislature. Bat thisweek tho Democrats, in spite of all remon-strance, opealy insulted thi

State by el eating the Speaker of thoso to that position. The insult was

wanton, b0oat.se there was absolutely noth-be gained by it- I t was merely a fin

class sample of Democratic meanness, andona gentlemanly Democratic Senator, Mr.Doughty, of Somerset, showed hie disap-probation of it by voting igainat his party.It would luwa given VM pleasure to have re':ordud AssemMjnitm Neighbour its doing

tba same. Tbe feeling is general thi

Ilepublic wy roaent the insult by refWing to go into another joint meeting, uttithna deprive the Democrats of a State Gomp,-oiler.


In tbe Tariff debate in the Semite list Frday MMSW. Vvnea, Williams, Morgan K\

^ _ JUiey, aU flonthera Democratic Sonalora,;**<^ lfch made* violent »ttack upon tbe system

i r i i 4 ht that the control

(ha Southern planter en<w eieroised over II•laves vas no wone than that whloh tinNorthern manufacturer now Maniacs ovaibis operative*. -Th!a called forth a stingiiru&onatiaoeefnm Mr. Hawley, tbe Repnb-lleanSenfttflrfroinOonnMtioat, who insistedthat no more independent mm Hrecl than

.(ha New England operative. Mr Hurley' mmA sUUaties •bowing that the depoaidtha lavtagi brain of the State of Oonnwticu

' we»t8*,O00,O00! Ibat tbe depositors n«tend 320,000 out of a total popuUt!o&62a,PrT, u ^ that their deposits averagedf370 apaloe, or (180 each for every mail,

. woman and child, aoil argued from thhtbo*little the people were oppressed. An! Gen.Eavley'i nmarks show batter than anythingebe can the pnotieal benefits of the systemof protection, wbioh. thea* Southern Dermerata and their Hortlem aUiea are now try-Ing lo break down by tbe poliey of ohctrna.

A TEMPERANCE REFORMER.One of the surprises in tbs Democrats

eanens lart Monday night vat tbe Domination- of Eenat-r HoThenon by Dr. Obattle,

long Braoeb. Chattle was elected by theTemperance and Republican voters of his

,4iatriet mrer Joseph Ooop«r, an old war. too*, and long tha true and tried repre-

•enbtive of tbe Democracy of the LongSrmneh diatrios. Obattle bad given aarar-•neetomaUApubliouw of mBdiatriot that1» moUsui independently and woald notgo Into' a Democratic oanens. Ohattle ob.caliwd'hl* election voder M M prcteneet.

' "Xafc hhi eaM be • warning to the Bepubll-' «UM of ttia State, mis' Danoorat who pots! - cV*a» totnjwnnet nnifom Is certain to torn

r t t p a triad, C M B U tot tmay yean bst' I M M wiring the Uf srw of piety and tern.

neasnoa (e> MTV« the DeaManor. He hast w o iateraatai in rnora Jegialativa jobs forXmg Branch village than any nun in thatbsoUy goraned TUlaga. Bis election and•he defeat of a nmaber of Bepvbllean AsaenvMjmen la the lower part of the Bute by,tmpera&ea rsfemon gave the LeRielato the Damocrats, Let H tea what theyailll matoOTtoflt-

AM Penasjlvaaia U up in anna far <7 per•U« oatr on pig iron. Tber olaim that thegttat bulk of tha eoat of a ton of pig Iron ialabor, and the workingmen all over the BlaU

.are jstltlonlng for tbe retention ofthepm-«nl auty. The same principle will apply totill mattw of iron ore, the great cost ofwMefc is the Ubor ampiojed in its produc-tion, and If that Ubor Is ado^nateJy pro-Atttao agaliut tha paoper Ubor amplojed icdbeawio bnJoaw la other aonnlriae aspe-•oino doty of at least | 1 . » a ton will b«

Irr his renouiinntion far SenatorMonday evening Mr. MaFherson, while

ng tbe copgrnlnlalionB of h!a frieimado the frank admiHiilon that he was almostilone among tho Dtmocruta of the Semiteihe cooteat for protection, bat declared that"It is the duty of tho American peopleprotect ths labor and industry of their conn,try against the importation ol foreign produals, mnde by pinper labor." We hopae will adhere always to tbis sentiment, buif he does he will be a lonesome sort atDemocrat in a Democratic Dongress,

The Washington correspondent of thiMew York Bun admits that " the preponder-ance of number* and influence In tbe Repub-lican party is in foTor of at onoe taking dia-tlnot srouna ID fcivor of a protective tariffout and out. The old Olny doctrine of p nlectiou for tho sake of protection is ofteifemd to of late as the doctrine the part;should incorporate Into Us eroel." The BuihsH nt last come to the acknowledgmentan established foot.

Every Tariff man In tbia section, no mter to what party he may have belongedthe past, should keep i t in mind that thiRepublicans in Congress have in eauoua

IWODBLT reaolred to Bupport the pas.ssge of the Tariff bill, while tne DemoentUalone are trying to kill it by foolish aments and protracted debate. It doeswith alt support to tha assertion that thiDemocratic party is not opposed to protflotton. _ _ _ _ _

In the Senate on Wednesday, in the d<bite on the iron ore question. Mr. Miller,New York, mado tlie assertion that tfao N.York ores are weU adopted to the produoti.of Uessemer steel, without beiog mixed witbforeign ores, and that tbe-duty on foreignores ongut to be increnaod. Senator Millorhasstrnck tha r ight key, and anyasito the oontrary is nande from purely selfis!motives.

When tha effort to increane tho dutyiron ore waa made in the Senato on Tneeda;every word Mid in its favor T-as uttered hRepublicans, wnlla the nlteranoes in favtof placing iroa ore on the free lint weremade by Democrats. We should think thniafter awhile onr local Democrat!? would go1

tired of nursing the theory that the Dem-oar&Uo party la in favor of tarifl for protec-tion. .

When the Demon-ado Benator Beck,Kuntooky, a rgaed in tbe Senate on Tuesdayia favor of placing iroa ore on the free lislhe quoted the DentocraLlc Abram 8. Hewitt'itABtimony before tbB Tariff Commission•how that Iron ore 1B only worthless earthHerein lies a nloe little point for tbe DemoonV.io tariff men of Horrid County to oou.sider. _ _ ^

Three eminent speakers and debaters-Otrliate, Murrison and Tucker—bivro beeiassigned to oppose the Tariff bill liHouse of nepresartlativca. What BTO theyio politiofl? Why. Democrats, every moth-er's son of them.

The New York Bun is calling on its part;to halt and consider th»t tbe Demoowti

Jiitlou to tu s Tariff bill, now developingia Congress, will lose them aeverftl SouthernBtates.


The question of the doty on iron oinp in the SBnate on Tuesday. Miller aniLapham the Republican Senalora fromN)York, and Uahone, tha Beadjaster Senutoiof YirBinta, backed by BeweU of NewJersey,and other ^ablksaniBenatorgrUCUB eff6rt and rotgoifloect mptmhtn to haitUe daty increased, fighting for it all da)but losing on eaoh vote taken, toe mullbeing that the Tariff Commission's reoom-

lendatton of 50oentaaton was retained.eok, the Democratic Senator from Ken-

tucky, supported by other Dcmocmtio freetrade Senatoii from tha Booth tnnde atraioas efforts to have It plm«d upon the freilist, but were uuncoossfal. This faronglJohn Sherman, Republican, of Ohio, to Usfoet, and the way be aaBaulted tha Demo-{ratio free traders was magniiloent. Thisbelieved to be bat the forerunner of tbefight in Congress and good nraltg are yethoped from tbe agitation of tbe sobjiwhich is a new one for public men to ooa-slder. Vo regret we cannot spare room forthe lengthy debate, bnt we give below anentertaining !ette> from Hon. John Hill onthe subject, which every reader of the EBAshould peruse with oare:

JdOUBfl OP ItemKSfiJITATlTEB. IWASSIKOTOK, D. O., Jan. 24, 1881). |

Eoiroa o» I n Ison EBA :—The TariLbill Is now fairly bafore the Senate and willbe bofore the House in a day or two.B.inate WHS engaged sll day yesterday c ._"Iron Ore "clause ol the bill The letterof Mr. QuarlM, written to me a short timeago, and published in T H I IBOK EBA at thetunef copies of whlfih I have used to goodpurpose, baa attiMtedMnattentbk attention,and while we may not be kUs to awhat we deoire yet the Crlendt of tfae ironore iodsatty hare breurbt this Indnatrj tasuch notice sad Uiportanco as it has neverhid before.

We bare much to oaotand with. TheOommitteea of both BOOMS or Oongress, theTariff Oommiadoo and tbe steel aasudationtof the oanntry are agaiut na-all of tbamseemins to lose eight of the bet that tliem e t element whi'h enters into the cost erflion ore it labor, and needs protection aamuch M any other branoh of the iron In-

Vbe'senata took Uold of tha matter la ear-nest, Senator Miller, o* Mew York, offeringan amendment making Ibe duty fl per ton.and urging it with a itrontr speech. Sena-tor llahone, of Virginia, offered an amead-incut, maJdng the daty | S per ton, and made

rarneit »p«<ih ahowicg the necessity ofSenator Upbaiii^ of Kev York, also

ie a good speech in farm of higher duty,, j (he free trade Senator* /aiored placingi on th« free list Senator Ssok mwe QO-ioa Ihatheanould move to have It pqi on

the fre« Hit, and had Mr Hswitt's taaU-mooy-before the the Tariff Commiwdon re«dto nppott his aravment ThU brought

soator Shernuui, of Ohio, to Ma feet, whoiade a ringing ape«ph hi defence of the busre iadulryand the labor employed thereat'into fae did not Xavar th*« amendment

jght to be plaoed on \i~wu annatntnedto lavar thp Tariff Qotn-

_rion aohedole on this mbjeot, yet berck'iasae with the HuatAct from Kentucky

' i t on the free list. Wben thatSen-' it as a mere ''branch of

t clay "and "only dirt- " -• •"Kr-Shar-

man reminded him that the mining of i t andgetting it ta market was all labor. He thenmads good use of Sir. Qnarlea* letter vhioh Ihad giroD him, quoting largely frum It,showing thfl prloe of lobot in Spain to bofrom 35 to iG ©Bute » day, tbat it coats only$1 PLT ton to s " t it on Bttiii beard, sml thatit can be delivered iu No* York «t m >>V(T-age price of $2.60 por t o a Ho uitul" tliequotations from that letter tell. It in a longtime since suoh a speech hiu lieeu deliveredin nkhiT House of Ooagres-i tu defeuce ofUbor. I only wltjt thai uvsry individualemployed in the uiloea, nod in the variousindualritw of mj dldfrict, oould have beardtbe eloquent pica marie for tbe Ubor em-

0ed in iron mines, and in th« variouB In-ties of tbe country. H!H tall frame, ovor

six feet high, rose to its full height, and lieexclaimed, " Capital iu this country is strongenough, and broad enough, and aufflaieiitlydeveloped to go into any busiueiw that ""•""a fair andirotectiou U to diveraify i

to labor fair wnges;

profit. My idea ofindustries; to

«,~».« ™ — B—•• -** prevent thatkind of competition thi.t tends to dogradelabor. We say tbat as a principle of publicpolicy, labor shall not be degraded, shall not>e reduced by competition with foreign

labor, or pauper labor, or any kind of laborso that they will not have the advantagesand benefits and educational facilities due to

n citizenship. Thut is the broodon on whloh tbis whole tariff aysUmiIn bis oencluaion. in Hfeirnng to

a metals and tbe propositionthe frae list, thusbreak-tne

lo place iron ong u p tuc iron Interesta g"Now. if yoa nndertnke to knoak tl

lieoeB wlih the nido hand of potrer, if i<iertabe to fay tlmt tbo liborinn mm wh

• '• — shill not fseal list the Spif you Fay tboand wbo melts

por who gete 35 cents,

irka at tba furnaootl i tb t t

f you Fay tbo man who mirka at tba furnaooand wbo melts tlio orn into tlio pit;, tbo rtnt«wtlorn ofiroD,uiiall not bo nrotucted In his in-

lomoIIRD tlioycaa et our doiDCHtiu Iron, If thoan. If tho

t doctrinenicb nf ilio Iron induitrv, limy tben will

leld I

toriplo tiio nliuio lion so abcwillba left to mtko tliuir sin

y, Iboy thent tbeir curs,

__BlroiiBloclient-vr ^avlt" i

l>e.itii'p, folrnosH and equity, a

H)>pliQ(l by intelligence lo Hits t

in our inrluiy, (tot mir int'u ta mfniitfr, gut tlie furnacesilnst and tho rollliiR-Miilli ia motion, willirc»ae our inilOHtricB, fortify tli em,rDDgthon tliom. and do whit wo tiavo all

-jimbt to (In by tho aid of a proteoiivu tariff,dlTcrally our labor, enable the meu who em-ploy llic labor to civ« them lair wise. , so tbat,liey may bu JntDllfgoot, Tlrtuomt, honest, ab o.nadmiDisler tlie nnttre of our Qovemracnt.They aro tlie foundation rook upon whichQovortnuont is bat It, aud I am In fivoprotecting them in their labor to thataball not uo unduly placed lu corniwMUimtbe cheaper lutor or Europe incouutn —laboring moo do not go?om."

sanopponite the White HoaBe, wn» buriedhere on Uondav. He r a s u man of inaomit-able aaetity, and an artist of ability.

I t will be interaating news ta the boyi iabine in Jorgey to knnw how tbe Q. A. K. isAmiriHhinc. a t tba Copitnl. This organise

o iuHtittttio" tore , nnd one of thedl.j cots of delight <o Ibe old soldii»K here. Tliere nreseven iwlive" epostu in tliis «ity. wir'

r aojiigand

of from 1&0 to 40O, end monthlj- iu W H O oneoftUi'in "carapflreB" nre held, where song,oerriroent, xpeeouee, pipes, tabacof, ooffeosad baked leans make hoars appear loin-

a HO pleasant ore Ibess entertainments,icli is attached an aid and an employ-

ruect dupartiDeat, i >ny u too oldoluntDerwLo «arneBtly tlankB God for (liertitution of tha 0 . A. K. Then there are

__o comrade's wives—they doc't allow tbelords of creation tu monopolize all that isgood CDtmcoted with the order, for they toojoin heartily in tbe work by forming adepartment, or & Bort of au " nnnei," and atall public meetings turn out ZN ULBSZ, and

red these occaaiona are

uowspaper small-pox sotira was startedd t hB a flihthere last wa< k, but lins

of imaginatlnn of aomelike your bumble servant.

ti wa>ed to hB a flight


THE STATE CAPITAL.The Senatorial caucnaes of fcotu partic

jero held on Moodar evening. SpeakerO'Connor vim eleoted Cuairmna of the Dem-ocratic cinoiiH Bud ABSomblyman Kelchbourwiis Secrotory, I b e ballotinH showed thatthe oppouition to Sonttor lIoFhersQU wasonly an attempt on the par t of the "strikers"to frighten bim (o such a n extent that hewould bleed freely, AS there was no organ-ized effort againet him. Gottfried Ereuger,tlie wealthy German brewer of Newnrk, wholiad been spending hl« money liberully aboutTrenton for a week or two only had 4 votes,and discovered that hB had been mndo adupe of tbe leeches. MePherson «BS corai-iiFkted by Ohattle, the Monmonth Prchibi-Ib&lat, nnd received 81 votes; Kreuger, 4 ;Smith, 21 Ludlow, 1 j Green, 11 so t voting,4} ftbsent, 1, Several of the disappointedmember* voted against ranking tbe nomina-tion unanimouR.

Tbe Kttpuliiican canons was presided over-15-—'* " unblood of this county. On

Garret A. Hobart r i v e d 18\otes, Geo. A. Hnlney 11 and Frederia A.Pot taS. Mr. Habiul's lwmina"made unnnimoux.

Bills httTo been introriuoed a'

„_« then offered by Bev. P . A. Johnson,after which the Uwteni ot Ceramonles prt-•entedFast Master DriukmOer before thealtar, and lh« Worsbiptol Ifaater, Dr. Green,mule the presentation u follows.

Mr BE4K BIB AID BBOTHBD PAST UASTIB_BiHKWArEa:—Why I aHonld hare been•elected from among the many brethren whomight havfl acquitted themselves \o a greateradvontaRs and add«d more lottter lo the oc-casion that has brought vs together than Ican possibly hope to do, badthaybuaitoalledupon to discharge tha pleasant duty assignedme, I know not, unlesftit is thit in a oertaioBcnse, I can claim the proud honor of beingyear masonic progenitor; for while yonwore In darkness seeking the light, and Inignorance marching for the Knowledge,wbioh oan only be had within the hallowecpreoinots of our masonic homo and aroandour aaored altar, It devolved upon me to

•part to you that fuud of valuable infor-_atlon by wbicb alone they oould be ob>

mined. Be this u it may, it fe evident thatI have a duty to perform, and while I couldhave wifihea it had fullen to Abler handa, yeteach as I have eha I unto tbee. Some yeanago yon passed tbe monument whloh marksthe summit of life's highway when man-hood's rosy worniag touches noon-day andwhere the shadow begina to fall east; and udown tbe western slope yoa have journeyedtoward the auneot, with-the Sight of yearsthe cares and duties incident to active lifehave left their impress deeply chiseled uponjour visage, and the locks that once vii

by Senator Youngblood of this county,tho first ballot Garret A. Hobart receive

o pay JIMit Is found.

.' conk whore no indlot-

To limit the hours ot labor of children andregulate tho nRes when they may be em-ployed, providing that after July SUt next,


r_ r „ __at after Jar,! no boy under the age of twelve,"T ! tbe aga of fifteen, shall be emi ! fat d t h t ft J

t [ j T ! tbe aga of fifteen, shall be employed in anywitii! faotory, and that after Jsauary 1st, 18b*, nohtjrol child between the ngoe of twolve and fifteen

j eball be employed unless lie or aha lwa nt-t d d h l th b f

Loritifi men do not g o r n . j m p l y d u l eIt was grand. I enolosa his remarks in tended school the year before.

full, and also those of other Senators whemade strong and earnestupeeaheii in defenceof this industry. A whole day WAS o<m-Bttoied in tho diaousaion over the datyiroa o n . Never before has it reoelved eicoDBplouans notice before Oongress and tlitcountry. Its importance to the whole ironindustry was Bhowp u p in ft marked manner,and If we full now to obtain the protectingits friends are seeking from this CongressmuBt in the near future command tlie attoition and protection duo to thle large iodnstf.

I t will bo sean by the speeches I sand youthat the Senators took hold of this matter inBurnout, leaving DO stuim unturned to carrjtheir point But t ley have, as I eald before,bad much to contend with. I was ot theHenste a good part of tha day yesterday, BOiutereHted was I la the matter under con-sideration, nnd no identified with it id mywhole district that I could not but feel thtdeepest iutorcst in the discussion, whtohcan, assure you was a live one and good foodfor a protectionist to feed npou. But inspite of all the bard nnil earnest work, theamendments wero defeated, and also thimotion made this morning to plsae it on thefree list was defeated by a large majority.The effort ta restore the duty on pin iron tatho Tariff GomirinsLon's recommendationwas defeated, and the report of the BsiCommittee—$0 per tou—woB nustniued.has yet to go through the ordenl of theHouse. The Mends of the iron ore industryhave done, and nro doing, all they can to g(nu increase of doty, but we have had lii.rdwork because of tbe many different Interestsarroyed against UH. Very Truly Yours,


WASHINGTON LETTER*DRAH ERA :—Washington has been

than alive toi l week. On Wednesday BUOWbegan to fall in thin light Sakss, indicativeof a good, Arst-olaes snow storm, andThurmlaj morning « very renpeotable ooving at snow lay ou tho broad itlraete of thicity. At noon every conceivable arrangtment that the mind ol man could tonstratwas impressed to do aervioe to the snoiking. Rocking chairs, row boats, packiiboxes were utilized for the purposesleighing. On Friday a Carnival was heldon Pennsylvania Avenue, from the Peacemonument to the circle, nnd all sorts of

get up" were used to make the sight enterm l n g . Haike nud carlonturea of oelsbri-tiea were promineat and both aides of tbeavenue were closely packed with sight-see]Northern people do not know how to appielate tho Tains of maw, nnd i t would do tpeople of the North a world of good to atho zofit and fleaeuro tho inbnbitanls of thicity take in a handful of anow, euoh ivisited us the past week.

Well, the grave and learned body of menwho are termed here Benntors, in their wis-dom have seen fit to iguore the j udifment obrave and honest men and say Fitz JohiPorter WAR right iu diM-eqArding the emphaticorder of bis superior offloer. After this whooan expect obedience in tho army ? Whaiwill the lina bo drawn and who R1II.11 be t ljudge as to the feasibility of an order issueby the oomnmndtug officer? That Portdid not obey the order of Pope he admitaud his reason ia tbat it was dangerous so todo. Well, tbn precedent is now establishedby our grave Senators, and i t will be rightand proper for a private of tbo rear mok«,utien ordered by bin Corporal to parform aduty, ta any as Rip Van Winkle said hewould do if Oretolien was drowning, " l i r e .Van Winkle, I 'll Just go home and tblnlabout i t "

Our reforaura are happy. For vcara thechanges have been rung ahont Ofvil Service,and at last tba child fens been brought forth,bale, hearty and strong, and report eayfl tbemother U doing well. I t gives three fine fatojBcea to three good and true men who ha t e

try at the rate of $8,600 eaoh per annum,and expenses paid, with a rovtrlngooramin-Blon to travel anywhere about Uncledomains, wherever thers exists an up plieaifor a clerkship, t o BOS if ho an answer thequestions that this learnedpropound to him. I t goes into effieot «i*monthB from tha signing of tho Uw by the"President, but does not apply to those nowla office. At first there was considerableooinmotioQ in tbe different departments,it was supPD'sed.thit those in office woulddrawn up before this newly created bodypandits and required to demonstrate thoproblems of EuellJ, into elate Virgil or digfor tba Greek roots, feut happily for theOLKBKS i s it only oppljs to too yfttiCUEBZS.

The President cave a grand dinner at tbeWhits House on Wednesday last (10th lort-)ta Mr. and Mrs. Oen Grant, the Cabinetntid a (ew other guests. It wai held In thoState Sluing Uoon.. Not being nmoog theinvited guests, it it impossible to pive fallpurticQlara as to tbB viands and toilets, butI peeped In at the tabls andof tbe East room before tbe party asmThe floral adornments on tbe tablo WBYOexquisite, consisting* of a large muntlty ofroaea, with lilies of the vaDey and cu&elias.In the oentre of Ihi table is a large mirror,>n whiob aa if on a lake, rested iftlanda of

andliliee, while In two hrgo uprightrs mammoth Xs* Pnuuw ana U^unthal

Niels were gracefully and artiiUoaUy beanad.Tha ait soemad heavy with perfume of thesegowera and 70a can imagine what the sight

iBt ha«e been when tba thirty-two personaited themBelves about ''Arthur's round

table." The £a*t room was aiornsd withtho ferns and pab&s from the Mnsmritoryana largo b inks of mou ooverad tbe man-tlet beneath Ibe huge pier glasses whichadorn this mom, These dinner parties arevery formal, E am told. Tbe gaeala do not•eleot their own partner). This 1B done bythe President Aa the geotiatnen arrivethey are banded an envelope. In wUph fa t}

yonnt 11

Dard, on which in written Ibe Jady'a name.bela expectfid to tat as escort toi also thennmbez of seat »t the table he and* ahe are toooeopy. Than is BO aso of gnmbltng, butyon ara ejpeoted to approvingly smile whenyoa see another mtn walk off with year wileand yoa enterUbi for the erening 1 " rib''belonging to tome one eUs. Tbey aom-roence the attack on the good things abovt

o'clock P. M. (Remember Its a dinner)aresupposed to have " q u a n t a n fo'«look> The Uarine Band had its

aooodomed ulaao in tha uorrldor and ditvooaned fliiwUfat musio toknife and f 0 * chows in tba

The stnr route trial in d;ecgth along withont any pentptdlo/ an early close? infwt i t

a bore aud only pleasant to tha Oo>tlorneys whp i r . drawing C50 and «1OOir diem to ea*a a> leak i t *ho spigot whileie bung of the fluuaclal barret ft oqt.I bud the pleasure1 of chnttlugwitb Qon,

J. (^. Bhicnjap, of Belvidere, who la 00-gaged in an important suiter here before

ie U. B. Bapreme Court, The Jaage' is;a fiooa wine, he improves by age >sd ia

tie most jovial a7 well oi one of the b u t of"er»y> Supreme'Oonrt Oounsgllora.

. . .ild moke aa t]ue.l«nt TJ.'S. Senator. ,OUrk M\1U, the tejobrat^ sttlptrrV, wlio

cast the flgara of Uberty whiob o r o n u tht>J O O I U O O ^ I U J I , •fcolUBU.tna - ' '

To amend the ooiiBtitution by a prohibi-tory liquor amendment.

A constitutional amendment was introint _providing for bi-ounial sessions of the Leg'lalature, nnd eitendiog Ibe terms of Gover-nor and Senators to four years and Assembljmen to two yean.

Au amenctmeub to iba game law, wbiohpanned tha Betiate, prohibits the shooUng ofrabbita exeopt between Nov. iBt and Jan. 1st.

The QoTornor'a nomination sent ia Mon-day eveuing were nv follows: Trustees ofNormal Sobools-Morris U. Btratton, BnlemiJ. B. Wonclward, Barllngton; GilbertCooinbB, Monmoutb; It. H. Vefibte, Som-ereot, William II. Oillen, F>tsaa.o; WilliamA. Whltehond, Hewark ; Oharles IC. Ira brio,Hudson. Agrioultnml College Visitors—William Parry, Burlington; John Demott,Somerset; O. A. Wortendyke, Bergen;Willfain M. ForoE-.EsBex. foinagera Mor-ristowu Insane Asylum—Beaoh Vanderpool,Essex; Garrett AnVerjon, Jr., Borgen;Edward F. Bull, Poesoic; Thaodore R.Vnrick, Hud^oo.

CHESTER.There in n certain man in town who seem

to be greatlj ejeroifted la his mind beofiimthe Em hai & oirreapondent with a bnok-bone nits enough, and a nerve firm onougb,and courago great enough, to show up wroni" ling Ia ilo true color, aud orraisQ the ev_

*r before the bar of fiublio opinion with-it fear or favor, and tell tbe truth under

all circumsUDooB "though the heavens full.'He hne tiksn occasion to oritioiw, to thiutmost limit of Lin mental capacity, in unmuasured terms, what wa have well said, andwhat we might better have left unsaid. Now,Chester has been without a correspondent BOlong that her people have grown oarelass,aid need a little stirring up, so, ff tha gen-tleman in queslloii don't attend to his ownaffair**, instead of interesting himself BOcfrcatly in ours, ho will be brought prom-inently forward in a way by no means com-plimentary, While we are not personallyIntimate with bim, neither bear him any illwill, yet we know of bim very well. Solong as he deals fairly, acts honorably, andconducts himself with propriety, he needhave no few of receiving unpleasant publionotoriety through us. On the contrary, weshall be glal to praise him for any spirit ofphilanthropy or pnblio enterprise, for anynot of charity, or deed of mercy shown, butwe greMly fear we shall never live to be oldenough to have this pleasure. Bat if hedoes not look well to these thingR, ho Tillfind ns no respeoter of persons. It seems tons that some people have been bunt abouttwo hundred and fifty years after their timetbut this I snppoas 1B no fault of theirs, how-ever huDallUting it may be.

Jesse Zeke, Peter Y's limber-jointed black-smith, as was, has been home on a threeJ-ye furlough. He looks apmoa in Ilia

Ight new uniform. He enlisted in tbe reg-ular army last September, slnoe whloh timehe hai been stationed on t>avid'a Inland. Heappears well pleased wilh Uncle Sam's ser-vioo and says he has had nothing much to dobnt eat and sleep. He expects to go toFlorida when he returns. I'm thinking he— ' * ••- — w e i i pleased when he has

il pleased wbon he hascold, cold ground," andd alt j u k

rida when ha rewon't bo quite BO v ato " bunk" on ths " cold, cold gfeed on bard-tack and salt junk,

lul lroad Avenue la literally alive everynight with Donating parties bent on holdinghigh carnival, and one baa to have eyes andears open or they will get run Into t ovarynight or two some one la hur t . Last Thurs-day night several were injured j one boybadly that he t a d to bo taken home; . ^

After a painful and liogerlng-Kmea*, Mrs.L t h O h i U d^flteJ^awny on Sun-

^ u e had attained herp r day before her deathservIccs wero held on Wednos-

t n In the Preabrterlim Church,remaius were taken to Lebanon andinterred in {tbe family larying-grDuad.


S-JunarrM.atthauiuiertiTaa,Talentine, ofL.A., oldest danahtftr Of 01

- j Valentine, or wSihinKb '7 yews, 9 months ana ? aayi.

J., aged

being rapidlyseated winter.

with the raven's wing ace nowsilvered by the fonts of oft repeal.But Hge as i t creeps o& apace is ever honor-ablo to those who can look book upon a lifewell Bpent, and count b j scorea the acts ofkindness and the deeds of mercy done. Abrief, ntrospeotiTe sUnoe at your masonicrecord revenlfl met a life, Misfortune,wretchedness, and death » e in the land andmasons as you know are organized andbanded together, not for tbo purpose o{lidding the world of these pains and Borrows,but to melioratenadrotten theevlbi to whichhumanity is subject, Aud as one of thefraternity you bare acted your part well.The bitteroeaa has been extracted from theoup of misery, ths hoRRord features of wan1

itnootbed, nail the iron hands of mlafortui itnd poverty softened; Ihe lamentation 01(be widow, end the tielpJeeo orphan's oryolbitterness aod b6retirement have found <benefactor, heart broken mothers have hocthe oil of aansolfltton poured into the!;bleeding bosoms, tbe pillows of the dyinghave been tenderly smoothed and the pre-cious dead in nytnpathy laid out of sightAll tins applies to sou; and were it not BOyon would have been unfaithful to yourobligations and unworibv the nameof maNor in tbb nil. Wo might dwell &t (length upon tbo care and fidelity with wyon havo discharges your various duties intbe lodge room, hat theso live inthenearteof your brethren, and are tar better eipressetby the aspect of the andience yon see befonyou, and tits motive oonneoted with thioooasion that has brought tu here than an;words of ralne oould do, so therefore with-out any further introduction I proceed toiltask in hand. ' . . * . . -of help am

In memory of tha kind <t we bara receives fron

yon. and the faithful Bet-vices you hare ren-dered this lodge, it gives me pleasure tcpresent to yon, In the name, and by theauthority of its offineM and members, thisBlight token of tbeir regard; hoping thatyoa will value it highly, not BO much onaccount of its intrlnsio value, though it lauompoeed of the most precious metalsknown, but prize it as the symbol of thwbioh to you is of far greater value thtgold and silver, the good will and esteem 1your brethren. Mao this lambskin whichemblematic pt tbat purity of life and eon.duat BO essentially necessary t o your happi*ness hero and your eternal good hereafter.As you w«at thesb emblems—ono upon yourbrenst and the other ou your body, mayever be " with pleasure to yourself &Lprofit to the fraternity." We are glad toknow your cheering pretence and onooung-ing words are to remain with u s : and wehope otbers may be blewied by them In thtfuture as we have been In the past. Aninow, n a y the God in wtom 1B every mason'(rust, bless end prosper jou nbnudaatl;while you lire, and \ihoa life's fitful lover iended, may yon be raised by the Gr 3«t GrindMaster to the enjoyment of fadeless lightand immortal life fa tbat kingdom vherefaith and hope shall end and love and joyprevail throughout eternal ntres. And there,at the right hana\ of our Heivaniy Funder the ennbeam amiles of His Immntablilove may wa all meet nad meet to part nt

ore foreyer.After tha presentation hod been made

elaborate oofh for tvbiob, very largelyare indebted to the Iidiea, was served,

the entire satisfaction of alt present, afteiThioh music and good cheer was ths orderil tba evening. Too muoh praise cannot be

awarded the ladies for the go DO roue provisionnnd iti tine quality, and as one of the fra-ternity I avail nf#»lr of tbia opportunity ofreturning our sinpan tfaauka for thelrkfad-ness, and etpeclelly to Mrs. Tames Dufford,Mm Dr. Green, Mrs, Jcs. D. Budd and UissEmmR Ohambarlin, for their efflolent sar-vlooa In preparing the refreshment* far dli

Weekly tron Reports.Tba Engineering aud Milling Journal of hat

Katarday savs: 1 • "UBBI01M Pis . r-Tlie feeling of traoerUInt;lluues, tod the market U eonuequcntl,

dull and fbatnreleis.. We quota at tide-waleRB foilom, with tbe market 111 bnyere' favorStandard to ohoias Foundry No. I,Np. fl,Forge.

; *nd iM.sotatfll for Or*:At tUo clone of lut week, 10,000 tom i f lof Bessemer pig, foreign, were Bold at print

is; since tbon, holders arc nrmer, aeklnrsOfSS. wbioh does not meet bnyen

Vlewi. EDRlnnd caltlea 55s. Bplegelelwn iqutet at *a8O»84, lor *) p<r cent; ISO for isperoent; and M7.5O@.>28for 10®L2 per oent.

BytJjebrwkinsoraBoiBbid in thoPasiuEcZlno Company's rainmt Ogdonabarf;, Hatardaybeforo Uit, four men fell a dhtance or 60 faeitnd ill were badlj injure!

Wo exceedingly regret our Inability At pres-ent to apeak at lenotb upon tbe life of thiagood woman ; pernaH next wetk we shnll

9 able to do so. -On Tupsday nftemooc MM. Tas. G. Oaae

died. Hhe bad been IU for over tfareomontbs. She leaves two children, a Uttigirl and boy. Mr. Gone has tbe sympathiesof tbe whole oommanity in hla afiiotive be»reavement

Tbe priaoiple feature of interest dathe week has been an entertainment giveby the MasOnlc Brcthcrhood-in their lodgeroom on Tuesday evening; the occasion oiwhich being the presentation of a magoiu-oeut Fast Master's jewel and apron to F.utMuster John M, Uriakwater. Tbis is per-haps one of the finest lodge rooms la thisuriudiction|itis?fx4!» feet with an air-cham-isr two feet deep on three aides, rendering

its acoustic advantages simply perfeot, for avery Inw whisper may be distinctly heardfrom the moat remote part of the room.Thn ceiling Is u-obed nid is twelve feet highfrom the rise j tho floor and stations arewyered with a two-plr ingrain carpet ofneat design, and In colors to correspond withtbe furniture, every blf of whloh Is solidblack walnut, faabioned in sciollwnrk. £nobstation differs from tbe othera in siiw, heightand form, and over eaeh Is a rich heavycanopy of sky-blue rep, tastefully fashioned,gathered In festoon and embcrdared bv blueand gilt gimp nnd heavy frlnga t and fromeitbertldfl of the festoons depend massivegilt tnd bins tauals, The ohairs are em-ilematip and aro apholstered with tha an

oolored rep as ooopose tba canopies,' tbBpedestals are turned .and era capped \rith

arble, and tbe gavels are solid rosewood.)n the UasUr's station is a love of a marble

top Uble, and ab6ve and In front, raspendedby a gilt chain from the Oftme-work of tbenanopy Is tha letter Q ia relief upon a ffl"ran. The altar, whM* *•» dealened b y V .Uellinger, 1> certainly, beyond all pompar!*son, tbe faRndsomeat tlie writer has evers u n ; tbe hue is sqaare from which riBes amoulding forming an octagon. Ou thisatands feinr Vwntifyl scrolls nslalnitlg an

Btagon moulded oap, wbioh is «OVSM3 bythe same k u d of «ep as used abewhers }nOM lodtn and from four comers of whichand from four corners of whl^h

. , *ry blue and ffSt. tassels. ?hethree tapers »wond Ihe altar ataud sevenfeet oioQ, and the two large brapen columnsnaar the inner door are about ten teat high.The fowab are solid silver, and the aahlireare Urge marble Mooka, The lodn ia iealedwith oane bottomed ohtlrfl and will oom-fortablyaecoaimoaaleaboutlOOt (t is lightedby two ohsnaelten depending from ele-gant penterpieoes, and one latap eaah on theIjtaUrt taMQ.Md the Tnwsurei'B and Seo-

toom. ars well liwith smblenatli fagraio carpat afadfamlatfto;1 oak. AbdDt baK-naat (OTen-.hfi oTocriten opeaed.aDdthebMthrenafiDOlsr1-1--'

their wires, sons, danghterg, -s . . ,ifcbMrts and m goodly company o r i n -

Ited BueBts benv to assemble!. It'was noting beforo aU tho Imlhrsn and all who badBoeived invitanona wert pr&wnt. A gaardrasthenRUtioued at the door » (bat noiworthy peraon oould gain adminibn. The

time'hiring arrived for the eiereuMa tob ^ t h e ^ o r s W p f W " " • - * • -

Joa.^ J

SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS!of ever; ilesoriptlun.

A Newly Finished Swell


All kinds and prices can bo seen at

G E O . J f f cCRACKEN'S ,DOVER, M. J,

Agoodtm.A a moderate prioe alDover, N. J .

COAX,>f all kinds and tizes, Bold at the lowest DM-

W. S. OOLLARD,Carriage Trimmor and Furni-

- ture.U"pholat«rer,MOHBIS STRBET, DOVER, H. J .

Hair Hi t tmsBs nwde to ordor anil old n.-..traisei made over. Window eliados nude andhung. Order* Air all kinds of upholsteringneatly and pruoiptlyexeonloil. Carriage trira-— — ' " — T " *~—ihos Prices B o d e i t

an<l p'udiptlyn alllii briocl

exeonloil. Carriage trihos. Prices Bodeiato.

Letter* rema nqclBlmedD N Jtn the Post omce atDorer.N.J.

Dons. K. J., Jan. 20th, 1863.James Baker,fettle Brock,


JadjccCarnuvi,S&m'i COM,Patrick FODODII,Peter Frasor,•7. J. Halsev,

..no. O.Hill,Mm. M. Eelley,P.O.L.ins;,P.N. Leo,Minnie LOBST.OIO. H, LvocOto. H, Lvon.Mn. A.J. Philllpi,

Libbio Wliltokor,3. A. White.

ly oftko above lot tors nj "adTertiS9d"andsi«aaliiofthlil||t.

G, O. mNOHilAN. P. M.


T. Abbott, John B. Hi r t ,•'" John Hill,

Tien. Jure ml «h,John P . lenne,Mrs. W.T.Jnnm,PUUp Lawry (9)


o obtain wt.f of tlje above let ton nv ''id-llltd- .ail i i . . ,1.l» il tbl. ll.l.


liHwal patitoniBe »D ^ o ' « a i tOttlari b tolcetipL meisengDr or WlopUono

attended to r * "JOJIN JONES TTndcrtaker,

1-U Brtflkuwiv K J



OABE-Iu Chsnter, Jap. ttd, Emna L., wifeJ . Gordon C u e , aged « years.

HBGTJS-In tUs^! ovn of BnuH E Jan . ltftb f


S - I n tUs^! ovn of Bnu Pt»irl«, VlsoonJan . ltftb of poeomoBla, T.anr* A.,*1*aTraok HeRBi and dangnter or 0 . B .

Ue,otCottage Qrove. Via., formarly ofaway sgeditt years and fi m o t h, g y ns.

Bue letvpi a bojband and infant daughteroiilf five months aid, Bbe wai tbe first tobieak the circle of a familr of eleven ohlldren,foor of whom were bora in New Jeraey andthe ot ter seven in Wiieoniin. " In the mliofllfowearfiindesth. '1

FOB SALE OB RENT.The yaiaible properts on Blaokwell atr«.

reoentl? occnoled try Oeo. A. BUncbsrrt. dec1!

a s u s rffivc;ML,-riBAUUXL BLAN0BABD,

Almmiilutar.eto.1 ) , DB1KE,


Oonlr«oli for b i l l d b n liken from Hit _cmtlnff of tbs oolltr, iotl mkletislB f unbilledAIBOi 8»Bh. Dooni. Blloo«, UonMUm, p . l n inooatie Felt and ZIMUOI' KAteriBlseoDBtinil


Bftlei attended in full upon »a«OQable com'I l d l l t i

piIiRlfiTia and salletaciion Rtiara

d f hi

Moda of seoond'handi

eoil.i for ealc, l set

team haraaai, t l i ; swell body sleigh, $23"Klit sleigh, t l S ; 1 butcher sled, goodai

IS; get single hirncas, ( I S j i n extraicond-hand carriafrn cheap; 1 top car „t*; 1 three-feat coaob, HS; 1 Iwo-ieat coaohjthrcc-ipring WSROD, 120; 1 set team bot

118. Al! thfl above for tula or Lire. Lotfarnlture, In abort ttnytbinir yoa may notBesliianoe Borgen Street, Dover, N. J .

Morris County Surrogate's Offioe.JANUABt 2Hh, 1888.

In the mutter of William Borland, Executeof Mary Wortman, deoeaiod. Surrosate1

order to limit creditorB. g

f\H application cf tho above-named Ex-\J ectnor it ts ordered by the Surrogatethat Bald Executor &lve pablio notice tthe creditors of tlio estate o f anil decedont t

1 their debts, rtsmanditbe aarne, nnder oath,front ihis date, by sett

of this order, within twenty flays ~mmiwr,,Sve of the most public places In tho connty cHarris for two mouths, and atsD wilbla tinsaid twenty daya by adfertiBlng tbe aamothe Jam En* one of tho nownpaporH gf tState, for tho rnno spaoe of time (the 8nngatojadginganyfurthor no Hoe to bound

..-.- jfd period of nine muutlia, pubi.notice belnffiivon as aforoHld, snob oradltoi•hall be for eve* da barred ol hut OF her aotioiUtereror ajratnst the said Ei«outer.

A trno copyfmm Hie mlnn(«s.fl-lOw WM. H. MoDAVTT. Surros»t«.

FOR RENT UR SALE !A Iirga new briofe store lioaie, eitnatod oi

the main afreet in Bf an hope, and one of I Inbest businosi locations In Sussni County. Wil'•" for rent or nalo on April 1st, 1883. Tin

rains la USiSfl, two utorieg, seven—itbod over t i e store saitablo foi- a Iwith water in tbe bnildinfi j a Koofl b s s i , ^ ^and cellar. AUo a notv barn on tho promiaeiPoM^iBioD given April 1st, 1889.7-ltn p AMOS SMITH, SUnhope, K. J.



1B headquarters for

Go and see her immense stock,

Morris County Surrogate's Office,

n tbo matter of Josiah A. Banghart, Esec-ntor of Joseph Oasterline, deceased. Snr-roirtte's ardor to limit oroditors.

r \ N appUcktton of the tttiovo-nameJ, Bx-\J eontor it in ordered by tbe Surrogate tbalIhe atid Executor sive public notice '- "ereditora of tlio estate of aaiil deccdon t to U1...In their debta, demands and claims against thesame, under oath, wltlils tfne months trom' date, by sotting up a copy of this order,. . .nutwouty days hereafter. In live or 11

most public pUo«is iu tbe Couuly of Mania fwo months. *nd tlao within ifie »aid twen

dajabvadrertlslngthefiarncin Ui»Ison Eione of llie ne^epapon of tbls State, for the HUH,8paooofUmo(tho Surrogate judging mn- fur-thernoticotoLo nanoooBsiry) ;ftridi?anvcretli-torsliallnenrleci tooxhibll hi a or her debt <Icnaud aud olaim within the tmid period of imontlie.pnbllo uolice bo ing given aa aforincborodJtorahail ba forever dobarroii oorlior action tUcrofor agalnit tlio a t idB•)r. A, trno eonj from the minutes.7-JOw O H A B L E B A. OILLEN. 9urro

SHERIFFS SALE!In Chitncerv of Now Jersey—Betiveun Geon

W.Golles, Trustee of tho estate of HemYantradalo, deoeasod. complainant anMottiraer L. Fell and Caroline D. Fell Jiwire, and Francis 0. Heed, tlofondants. Fif*. lor sale ot mortuaRed promises, ltetnrn.nblo to February Term, A. D. 1»83.

MILLS & CHOUGH, BoPra.By vlrtuft nf the abovo stated writ of fieri

ad t s in my banda, I shall expose for silo *t'ablio Venduo, at the Conrt House, | n Morris-

tovm.N. J . , c nMONDAY, the 19th day of FEBIiDiBY next,A. D.18B3, Ixitnucn ibe tours ot 13 M. to'olooh P. M., that h to Bay at 2 o'clock Iafternoon of aald diy, nit tbe following d otonuea tract or par«el o( land and premises,

'is, in' 1110>wJenoT,|

ODunt7 or McrrtP a n d RiMittod and boumlod as foliowu

wgiBEiiiiRM * stake Btandlnft by tho sldo o

I, saidsUke beinR fifty foot distant rrormoat westerly enrcer ot tbe lot former!.]

owned fay Barnabas Martin and runt iW then(1) parallel to said Martin's lino ami fifty r ^dlBtaot therefrom south Hfly.flvo a^ reo i oielone hundred and ttft.v feet to a nia.be fnr acornor: (2) at ilglit acBlua to naid nrit linelouth thirty-flve doffrcos west fifty feet to ajtakeBOtfors, corner: (3> parallel with saidflrst line nortli flrtr-Ove degr 'dred mil flrtj reel to a Gta£<1) north tbirty-flve degro

lg, Bnuk L 7, pugci 172, Ac.,anilde9criliD<ltt deed fruiu Jninua VnnderveEr, Sliorlff, 4cB .13 Adeline P . Ba I Ion tin o,

WILLUM H. HOWSLL, Slieriff.Dated Dor. 13th. 1833. 17 20


Tho Dcnvillo lintelbi M i C H

perty hi RosfctuvstyIs f r e lo by tl

s i t

__. .... _. iel pi . . . .>, Morris Co., H . J . ..•• of PaYid Menncji. -. ^ .„„,

hotel ami oatliaildings, shcJs, b»rnB aa<utOOaorifl «if land, eitiutoono iniiofronip Tibor. A potiulrir liotel at and, ancl 1iinor readily HIM with hnanlora.

I. V. UENAOil, Itocli(iw»y.3. II. HCIOUIIOUU, Dover.

'Dver, January lSlh, 1R83. D-|{

TO CONTRACTORS.A contract for B|nkt»B a simrt

it tlie DlciterHon Aline (11 milesom Dover, N. «1») will 1*6 made'itli suitable penions-The shivft will be lOxIti fc

and about 7OI> feet deep.Any ono witthiug miL-cUlvatio

ill apply toFRED. A. CANFIELD, E. M.

f DOVER. N- J.






And slaughtered right and left,

The balance ot our stock

must go. We have a

large stock of

CLOTHING and GentsFurnishing Goods I

t aucuuut of rtJinDvuJ tbe balttucotjf our Btoemuul JJO.

Study your pui-fle and bring tlitiened children and clothethem at unheard of prices.

Don't forget tlie place,

M.KINGSBURG.No. 4 Brick Block,

miou TO A. TAVL









FLOUR!Our inrgo RIH] incrraninii talunof this Floui

which n lit-tUT known tli;m uny olliur Fknti tLo United Status nnil Euro|io. is ouiy *rother ipdluatiiiu tbat it In mainti.vniDg 1roputatiuu OE tLo

Finest High Untie Flouin the World.

ODD or tbo largcat bakfnR cBlabliHtunonta iOUfKow, Buotlniid, bskoKthiBflonrMnstanllbaylnfcin lots or 1,000 Larrolit. Tho qoa.it

d lt b l R considered, It is tlie beelnao for t tc i r fine bftklugtd

resaltBr Lakers

ll ln

ille tlio liiRuurn, OroalwX-. TKIPLEth d b

for ttic fin ugitirade m»aar*otnrod b* On., branded «GOLIEXTRA u d BUPERLA

the grnda baicg tba tame nndert brands. The mill h»e eUlpped for -4,260barrcU*iuo(iAaF!a8t!Wtfa,13S3. Wear,

.lo igenU for tha Korthern •eotlon of New•r§or. As tills Flour In BO nnlvers&lljr &•>inwlDilgwl lo bo the finest and \rhitett, and

..ill produce muob more bread from tba » m eqaintitv tlian other Ffoar, .lealBH who tundlait will Dad the; can sell to » oliai ef tradeotherwise dlHonlt ta hold.

I t Is sold by moit or the Smt-dssa gtaotnIn the Bttte.






7 0 4 Bt 7U6 BROAI> S T R E E T ,

N E W A R K , X. J .

No other school offera na many nil' ...tagea Tor as LITTLE MOKEF. A. completeind pmctiual eoureo of study, thoroughlylualif.yinft young meu for busiiEudorsed by thn lending buainesn menof NBWtitk. FIVE GRAND 8ILVEHMEDALS Irom tbo N. J. State Agricul

1 Society for aupcrior penmaualiipSend for catalogue nml COIICRG paper. "

MIIiLER & DRA.KE,6 ly . Principle and Proprietors.

The liirtii Comij Imaf Sail(INCORPOnATBD MARCH 3d- 1BT4,)


!ENnY W. MIU,EH, Prcaidont.

H. T.HULL, 8eo'y*udTrc»fHANAOERH:

[KBKir 0. PiTNKr, A. B. HULL,*KE8 8. OOLEMJIN. AUft. 0. 0 AS FIELD


Onen dally from 9 A. M. to 1P. M. aud on Saturday eveningsfrom 7 to 0 o'clock.Deposits made on or It ef ore

TENTH DAY OP JANUARY,und remain tne In BnnbontlteFIH8T I»AY OP JULY, will lieentitled to 6 months' intercnt.

" " " 1 or before thtPHIL.and re-

in Bank on tlie K1USTwill becutitlcd

maining in BanDAY OF JULY,

3 th ' iDAY OF JUo 3 monthDi

, iintercut.o 3 m h intercut.

Deposits made on or before theTENTH DAY OP JULY,ami re-maining In tlnnk un the FIRSTDAY UV JANUAHY, will beentitled to 6 mouths' intcrcet.nt>ltoriit»matlc on or before the

FIPTH DAVOPOCTOBRR^ndemaining in Itnnk on the

FIRST DAY OP JANUARY willbo entitled to 3 nionttin' interest

:y LumiEiluu Duoil ani l MortgBg


tlioHllliseri'.ierB, Cmiitni Biolujrfl appoint-; naul order of aui-1 uomt. to i\tv\L tboand real r*tt»ln ivhcri-nl Jnlin Birrl. Into0 toB-usiiiiiof IVaRhiiiRtnn. in said County,adzed, will sell ai rnl.lii; Vomlnu on

SATURDAY, FEB. 17th,.883, bctwien 'In- limirsorono mi<l iho u'clock

'1Haiya"lm*D'rd,Cdec:!l.|JHiit'.Itiiifjtnu tcvviialiip, ntnl lyingof 111 n iiiiLlic TDQEI lo&fliuj

om»Hiidl«Vi.lloytoP»lr»nnnt«ndbound«allow«: OD tho north !.;• lauds of Law- iDuffnrd, .in fho umt by" ]*mls n! Phltlp,nu tlio snntl, by lands of Jnlm H^"-ti !

' • ' by landi of J,


FALL TRADX]with a ite* and eiaepUoaallj fine stoak of goods, which is certain to be o l

interest to ladies ia malting thoir full pnrebuacd as it ooataiiw foil Unee of

LADIES DRESS GOODSin all fabrics And colon. A fine nuortmeut of

Plushes, Velvets and Velveteens,» BUCK U I 0OMUU.


OUR SI BLACK SILKS!Thege a n aupplemented by a complete line ef

LADIES' UNDERWEARin Wool and Muslin ; a full line cf

K I D GiLiOlVIEIStLat will Buetaia our previous repulatioa io theea goods.

A fine display of Ladies' nnd Obildren'B LACE (X)LLARS, unci a full as9orimeat of FAK0Y AETICLE8, together with our always repleto slock of




Great Closing Out Sale_OP_

FALL AND WINTER GOODS.To make room for Sl'liliVG JVOVEL.-

TIluS we are oflferEiii: iiumeme bargninaiu the following line of itooritt:

Ladies Skirts, Underwear,Hosiery, Shawls, Hoods,

Leggings, Gloves, i c , &c.Also a full line or

to be sold lower than ever before. Tlieremainder of our WINTER PKIKTS,all of the belt makes, are going at






KtiHfaotion, botli lueOil.

Tnllow Engine Oil,No. I Engine,DurbEuRiiieOil,Sporm Machinery Oil,*o. 1 Machinery Oil,Dark Lubricating Oil,Ituilrond Lnbricdlor,Shaftinp Lubricator,"^estVirginin Oil,

Crown" Wool Oil,Stainless Spindle Oil,No. i bpindle Oil,

luality and price, or no BttkBrick PrcHBel Oil,\V. B. Spurm Oil,W. B. \Yimle Oil,Prim e Ncatafoot OilNo. 1 Nentsfoot Oil.B. Headlight Oil, 150°,No. t Lard Oil,W. Pure Salad Oil,Prime White, 115°,Gasoline, 90°,Dark Car Oil,SpennPuokinirOil,Extra Packiug Oil,

" Crown" Lignt Oomponnd,"Pasaaic" Dark Compound.

OIIIHB Mill OreoAtle 1 ,Sperm Signal Oil,W. Btrained Prime Lard Oil,R. Headlipht Oil, 150°.P. Water WbitB Oil. 120°W. White Cotion Seed Oil,W. Yellow Cotton Seed Oil,Giiboliue, 880,Qasolino, SS°,Paiuters1 Oil,


MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co.No loan from friction

•HBitiio per cent ofJreoarcd li.v p&tniiB.)

r, HUIIofhtii

mtttlita r of

Tod to aiul John IhrilV



D0V£B, lf.4.,IB tlie inly housn In IIIQ city that pals up .ui.jnl!c<nt Si tvta PBE.CTT to b . «o« on

OLolap Ales, LiKMrittLl OiKin osu bo

- PWl.


HlkU fornlih«a tram the but quuritu bj IthemaUquMUtjOT«ttto»d,»naiiaa,U!1- •firri, br eiparlmMd workman »t low rit!

< a . i«









tB, QalofeN J •


Page 5: TI E BEST PUCtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-01-27.pdfTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud



LBm TreglowE trial begtw ""»Mooa*j.

on BightMn to twnly tab*I thick.I VbiI Jobrwry,

!Th9 o j i t e sappr rf tbs BUnoopa Kstbo-dlsts netted *U».

„ Geo. King, or| broken while touting.

3. B. Boonay fi oQudnoting a

Benny Gain IB Buffering from » mm sprain. of an ankle, catued by a faU.

Mr. ElipUlot Duffurt, ol Iowa, 11ia old fnends at Middle Valley.Bev J. Kraals, ot SomenllU, late of Boon-

ton, loflt a little child last weak.Wo. learn Ihit MeFarlsn'a park is

ket for pale, in wuule or In part.We understand the proipccls aro excellent

for Et lolephono exclnnfie in town-Common roics from tho aUillion hot IIDUHO!

•ull fur from 12 to 13 nr-r Imndted.An entrance to tbe Fairvlew ITOUBU, at Ckftt

ham in bBiRKbuilt&taco'toffiOO.Maj E.T. Scott, Hin temperance orator, ii

*Dgagcd for Momatown and Boonlon.Ilr* H, M. Vonrhoen will not remi.va hli

Tamil* tn German Valley till Rprin^ opens.Re? Mr. Htmlinc, of Mendliam, tins bee\

prcBcrtcd with n puree or *100 by li(n people.The him. cants of Ilio neatlier are ustuflr

loreaecursie thnn Vennor'a ftGto ApRnr, of I'eapack, bud his leg broken

bv the overturning of a sled load of :vooduporhim

Mr Dorland, orFlaiirtcri, hssioBBtd a millAt Blilrstnwn, Warren Co., and will rennthoro.

Tuesday morninrr WBB Ihe coldest of tbo win-ter thuH far. The tboimometer registered B>below,

Mr.D. A. Nicholas, of plunder*, li*s joinchis wifo, who (B spending tho winter in-tlisBooth.

Rev. Dr. Graw, editor of tlio Trnnton <3izotte, ia giving the blatant Birtram & rlonnrvp

Of tlioo tho Mia

Mr.Chaa, F. Kinilred windates for U. B. Beu&tor bpfiLeBl8laturD.

Alt tho Bynmt or Morrif «nd Hninex nre [In-•ecndantu of Joint and Princilla Alder;, of Mn;flower fa mo.

ThoHandclphand Bi«tiiirj> Bnelf.!s i-njovea German at Dr. D. B. Ayere, Boaltapnv, oThursday evening.

Tlioi. JohrtBOn !i cutting * li&ndimmo Btrmto ba placed over Ibfi jjiavo of the father <Hr.Obfta.T. Clark.

Elian Philhower »D-1 ftdam Yniliifr lift*tikcn ifces'uro it Ttaimch reoeiitlj- m»nn(;rbjO.V. Philhower.

Vonnor'g prediction for inlrntp cokl tillweek was verlflort, but liiBBtorniB did not piIntbeir nppearancn.

BOTH. F. A. Ttippctt, of Jit. freedom, and I.TbomsB, orBneeamiuni, will oirhnnBe pulpitsnextHamUy morninc

Hon, Nathaniel Hih-iwwi last week electedamemborofllioKieciittvo Curamittoo ot tlioState Historical Society.

Wm.Foiter,of Booaton, lias lit en mails mi-pcrintenctGTit of an electric i^lit olation atToledo O., at a salary nf (1,500.

ThememberEoftlin Voung Hen's OatliollrAssoPistionarotnalfinfiproiiiratiotia to producethe drama of "Bobart Emwott."

A pleaaflnt soeiablo of tlio confirefiation ofthe ProBbjtemn Church was liclJ at lira. Jan,Jaa. H. Nslfjlibonr'a W«t1nfB<lny cvcninB.

ro tine old people wifinrn 710


Assemblyman Neighbour is tlio head nf (ho[oine Committee to prepare fur thfi bi-pmitcn-lal eolotirntion of tha Iipr-inlnturo no i l Ifrireli.

The Madison Bank rnrnml ciclit r « r r e n t , .iniDital IB tlie .first fifteen months, b u t will

it p u j * rffvltl&iiil till i t s enrpliia roiotios f If),.

I icut. J . W. Millor. of MorrlBtown, I I M t'oprelected Super in tendent of a wnHtern wilromland »ill probably resign Iiis cuinnilesiun in th-

Green, the b u r p k r , who wan nnjr»Kcd in tbrDickeison store robbery, is now nnder indict-ment in tlireo con n i b s - F a s esio, Morr is andBtrpen .

. Wo are rcqnestod t o nay t h a t tlio EnpiiB a k t r roTerrcd to in nur h i t IBSHO in Dmember of tlia Brotherhood ot TjOtonicEngineers .

Mini Lii 'Boiid and Mi«a E m i n i Jowit t , ofClmtbnm, went out counting tho o ther <lny ati.1

with only ono pair of sound anklesbet WE"

Hri them

i tiro iou TntiBilay, *»» throwndown ly liis hiifro dog J limping agtitmt him.

We HDrrendor considerable of our space thl*F weak tn that all absorbing fluoslion,the action

o l f nj>ress in relation tn tlifl tariff qiiRntinnand tbo iluty on iron oro.

' At lent ten items from the EnA, from one1 lo thre<? wivfan ol*l, ranir* lwftk lir>mo agftint.lii?i week for publication a« NEWB. BOIOO people

k valuable bird dog and two cats beloncinR

§loDr B. D. Jo!m»ton woro poisoned Ust8un-y morntDR, hut the cansfi is Bapposod to bna to accident and not degicn.Prom three to HIE Laud red car londi ofrotRli freiRht pais oner tlio M. ft E. Division

I weekly ginco tho trsffio arringemont with theI Grind Trunk Ea 11 road cf Cfttiadi.

]orrw~S",tnrclBj-~iilRbt Is the lint nfl i b * Fair of St. Bernard1* Churi;b, Mt. Hone.

il palan will bo takoa to nskc It attrac-[] enjoj*blo to ill who attend.

ST H&nia, iho Jeweler, h»s a wa.(ohmiin'flgtioch whieli refiktnre e'ory timo tho witoh-

n pulls it when on hit rmlucla. Ni|;ht iratcli*D FranciBcopulli it about teu times every

'' Dr irllnir Oomllet will le&d tlio ¥. II . 0. A.leetfnR on Btinday afternnoo, »t 4 o'clnab,n Wighton's Hall. Salijeot, " I know thai my

' ,r liTetU"-Job, lOlh chiptor. Alla.reTltedIt !• oliMjfpd by tlm other railroad oorapa-

lies tliat tho D,, L. 4 W. ia cnttinR wciternitea. Tho road Is fl*id to be dolnR all

ihebnsiDGss it can manage with its presentAnbtlPB.V Frank Scfcuremm, of Sforriatorcn, whileariTiQR ne&r DBDVIIIO tbe other day, shot a^Tayfot along tha tos.l with liii revohei anil

Wer the loes of a pet foi,' Tlio snow storm ind ooIS htTo rmdo thelidowalks or the towo Jiogciroue with ice. In

• Ibis respect itml^bt bo well totiintttiatilicroli opportanity for lorno of Iho town offiei&la to

. If tho bill aullioriziDg tliti printiDg of thooamea of all lecsiring pensions, ia one ormore newppipora fntbeclljor town where thopensioner realties, ihontJ pans tLrougti Cou-Ercss whit a iqairming there woald be la cer-tain quarters.

J W OeUlmrdt, »boia aonuaod ofbetrajingIhe daughter of Mr. PliiUioircr, of Fcapack,BDJ then mirrying aoihor woman, wan onTuesday admitted to 1>MI ua his f&ther'e bond*n<] in now at liberty, airaitine tbo actiuu ofthe Grind Jury. .->

ft is pt»ie<l, UJIOD hifth authonlj, thit thoetctiske nseof quinine is attended witlj IBserious conseqaonocs an a too 11 bora] indul-gence In alcoliol oropiam. TliotnunfortnoitoBwho LTO periodlsall; a ffltatod with malaria mnat

Mr Natlian McDavit Las opened a new gro-cery flou^ TeeU and proTialon <>tote iu L. D.Bchwin'a new builJing 'on SUSBOI itreet, op-poaite tbe central depot. Ho opens wltb aI arc e and choice stock, and projioBes to win!iii way by fair dealing Bud moderate price.

| JhetioJtotiVtVia drama "litiliatod for the* War ul-bo glT*n in Mollor'a' Ofora Honac,f Peh 22d,'by Cttanct Ani alt ur Drams tio As-Jj iociaiidn, of Hiclfeltutcwa, far tlio boncat of

Udj. Auuonon Poai, Q. A. K-, will bo nnt in aday or two. Give tho boya who wor« tbe blnoa liberal patxouaijc

Tbe Jcalh is announced of tho wifo of Mr.| j . Oordon Oaio, or Cheater,'al' the ago of UI tears. Mrs. Ono ta< t'moat eitimablo ladyI and her death *ill l>e liocorely repotted by

"—' -"is ftiendb and a'cqnalaUaooi In Morri*_ ex ttjgntfeit. 8be «M a' natho OfttaI briar county and a kilter cf Mn. J. B. Snap-I sou; of tlila town. - ., , i. f •) - • - '

Ser. Cha*. Andwus. law putor or ifat ft*-pwk Beformefl QLtrch, nil ptobablr aoeapla oall to tba Haekanaaek treibyUiriaa Ohnroh.

Hr. £ . A. Qoayla, of Hordstowa, wmtam*platsj a trip to Florida. BJ'i oonatltiitionaDemwraey !• imnawbat •< degeded," and hegem Ekmtb to ton* K up.

XT you want to ban no IronMe with b a v uID yoor horarr, be lore tbat they •«> Ui noduty and dirty tax, whicb is t in protifiisonrea of tbii aoDoytnoe.

BnrtORate MoDaylt wai sworo Into offioe oiMonday lut, Jodge Vrsacu Oblld vtmlaHterIns tlu oath. He Lai jdeoted for bia offleitaftitanU Jndga John t . Kanonw, J u . Haxenand rail. Plereon.

WUlioc. are out tor tbB marriage of HUiIda, daoshier of Hi. Lntber Skflllenger, Stew-ard Of die Poor House, to Mr. Newton Oraw

tbe Boonton Befonned Ohurob, on seit

Toe driver o n . 0. Smith's milk wagoaInto tbe mill race at Troy the other night witlihid horse, wagon anil thirteen cans of milt.The owner has ID excellent otanoe to ttooitxdamages by selling the couttnls of tha race.

kfn. Andrew UcAoallf, of Boonton, haiind that whiskey and tor one no aro daii things to handle in coujuucllim. Wliilo[let the Influence of tbe former ulio apiet

lamp filled wiOi tlio taller, on Wndnnadaril, and woe an severely burned tbat it is

thought abo wllidio,

About three wookn BRO A mad djR bitisifer, tlireo hogs and a. dag beloaginft to Hi

J. H. Bdsiniiit ou his farm at MillingtoiLaal n'cok ono ol the huga went end aud die

id Mr. Pehiudlt ordered all (be mi ma la killed

mo among tlio animal g was tho result.Mr. A. Q. Mfthoii Ilio tomporaiioo r«fai

icrauto meetiuga iu Wljlllack'i Halt Hat-•yvfiiiiig, Jan. 27th, amintcd by Mr. JOB.

Englub, ofPoujjlikpepBio.N.y. He .loei tvi nuitvr the amf[ML>es of Bey ML-iotj, HI\U tlm ci-optTBlioii of ail Interested in th

The Lincoln Park Chape! War.io c«nu of the Lincoln Park Union Cliapeicialiiin asaliiKt Wm, Itoomo, Jacrb Z

IIIKIII mirl ollicrs Lcforu a Justfoo of tho Peacein Itn'iiiion (or (rover and conversion curao tu

ialonHomUTniid laH(ed (wo (lays. It waa;ven to tlio jury at 6:80 p. M.Tucsilay, and aiTiliet for*K3 ami rostg wan broiiRht in Iwoui-a later far conipkinantB. Mr. Henry ti.

Drury cf Patorson appeared for tlio complain.antH. Our rcftdcra will <loubtleEg irmcmboi

iTiR tlio Bliiryaltlifi tirao tlio proceedii-jBhilnelitutcil. It «]>pPiirH Hint the pc-o[)1tDUiiif; to tho iliutcli iu Llnolu l'urk

Pirb Dnitcnf ii

tlict Aiscelatioa. The c.rtifiion TTQB 11 IL-II iii tlio Clurk'i

ulTiue in Morn stow n and !lu> ausocialiun proeeedril to hold Errvicca. A fair WAB givpii iitl.c UuH'h Ih-'formrd Oliurch nt ronintoi

id (lid money in ado wan invfllnTlio auHodation almi had n

libriiryortlireolimiiiri.il volimirf, twentj-flvi

». Fiimllv• would Ktw

on PlainB atMHofllmt ol<

Gil l

ver tu tlio oliurdiith Iho amhtanoo of

b built a c Us pel. Ti

rpriuo and wondered uliat tlio cow factionmid <io for furniture and library. Thin wanrf«ovorud a few days ttflcr wlii'ti aoino ole ftctinn wMit lo the school lion HO BIU!utidtlmt Iho orpaii, library, ami bibles andnin hooNs had been removed. It anoninspired that ttia other fafttinn LaJ narricdem olT tu tlio ucw- ohipol, Iiutli niJua im•a (11 atoly cons tilled COIIUMI and ]< re pare a foiir in iho courtn. The old faction throughfir cmniRol, Mr. Dniry, inctitnlod n, civilit fi>r truvcr mid conyerulon, tYhich rcaulloiltlielrfitor Wcdncsilnv Difrhl. Tba Bmailer

g" (o jail, uulma ihty CIIUUHO to pay for till

Old History.n fnllr.fflnk' fads tiro familiar to flomo, a

yet itcWH to otlicrs. Tbey were written to e

id we reprint tbom :

Hlnlnn' March 11th, 1711,1a tho thlrtnf Qnttn Ami'| retf»a. Morpia county,Including Snenox oonnty, was takon ttnva

Hnntcrdon connty, ty an act or Maich 15th1738, and SUSBOI connty, (inctndin(r Warren}

LB Ulicii from Iluaterdaa county by act o.me Btli, 1753, anil Mercer county wai formedit or part of Hnntenlon coonly. Up lo

March Ifith, 1738, all tbo public bunu^* o(

linl in IH.W Hunlenlon. BTfrcer. J[nrii«.Hiis-DK and Warren con til See vns trtomrsil at

Trenion. Hnnlerdnn cnunt.v wan n*nvrt inf Governor Hanltr, of New J . , ^ y ;

Morris Oimntj In tonor of OoTernor Hnrtis;iDBECi from its EnpllBli getll-ira; Warren inImnnr i»f Otn. Jouppli Waneti, who Mint themttlc ofBunknr Hill, and Mercer er.nnlv inicnorof Qpn.EuRli Hi-rcer. wlm full i-l ihoMttleof Priuoolon.

A Farmer's Timely Signals.Wlmt mifiht Imve bron a terrible arcldcot

T.m pKsvftited hy Ihn prpppncu (if tiiinil ilia'biTr-rt hy * fnrinrr nflintd Iiaao OmUtnl r(nildiidiy. 22J liiat. When RniiiE to In* wurk liooiinil that tlio wntr-rhU'l oveifl<iw<! thn trackifilm C.nlral R. R., ahutil tivn miL-ii oft.t or

nd W B froze PO!M l t t i • i, of

•\t, liiimvinir Hint C<:

runni»Brirjffl8t. By making eiRnali(lfdietregsand various ithor sipnata witli liiiirtnBlic attracted tho attention of tlio endi?Dr, Oboe- Forrsalcr, ono of tho nioat OHrefuminers on Uio roail, IT lio slopped the traildthla(ilenBt!i or lha obBtrnction, which willin a curve and wniild not IIBTO lioon scon liimc ti> hare sr.vcil tbe train bad not Mr. D.nrned from fioirg to bin wurL and Hij-naleilis ba did. El Id llicro been an accident nn-|ouht*dly tbero would havo lieen a heavy IOPKiflifoaa twocirsof tho train woro fllled with

''Esther"Thceobratcd Oratorioof" Entlier, thcBca

iful Qaecn," will ho presented in MolleiOpera House on WcdDCBtla; anil Friday vieings of next week, under the illroction

rs. Oarapbell ami Peotcy, and «i!l donlit-io thofitiont muHioil treat in tbis viclnitt

for yrar*. Ttie music** puoulo of tho placiRnno intn the mutter lioirtily and tlie

JBCB "ill l,o ailed oitli kiual siugors, ulillirclieetra will hu a line ono, mxtin up of on

best local talent. Thoro m\l be chornsos oI, Poraians, JGWIHII boys and Median mni

dcnH, nnmberinp abaut oiBhlj ruicea. Tinprincipal parts will ho suitaincd ty tho follow-

accomplished arm tears: Queen EalhMCB. F. FJ. Lindeloy; King, Mr. Jan. Thorps :Zorieh, HienAddioLinrtBlciy; Pro]iheIMM, MIHHII. Comlict; Monbcai'i aiater, Mm, J. Wcsloyflammig; Jtordocii, Mr. I I . W.Secley; liarMr. Qto. Qafjc. IteBcrvnd aontu, fiO cent9 ;

laliK, 35 conta, obiliiriso, 20 ennto, TluitvcU rcatfl will bo for aalo at VdUEht &. Kill-

eorc'B after 2 P.M. on Monday ncit. 8t->ra eirlj if JDU would bo sure of Beats,

Father Hanly Traniferred.^ v . J a n l Q 8 Dinly, Ilia paelor of St. M*rj'§iirch, Ims bcon tranBrcrred to the riastoratnSt. Britlget'fl Dliurcli, Jersey fiity. V,

thin is a promotion npon nhinli wo mayrutaUtc F»iher Hanlj, and do, at the smo wo cannol but smtorely resrot lliat Lo iaibe rcmorei] from Ihla colnmunlty wliero hona'benn hold In genBral esteem. His rodac-on ol thedubl ot St. Mary"s (rani (31,000 to17,000, liis fatherly altenlion tn the spirit aa,I

courieona benrtn^ tovanl Iho public tit;o, liaiB brought liira univernal enti'Cia ami(1 winbcs will follnw him vrlieraver lie RIH'I.

As ho lenvfa ceil week tlm nnrvbcj nf HntiiUjwill be Lis Uat niiaietratlons in thii par-Wbo his Burwflor will be had nut boon

anccd at the time of going to press.

C- A. fl-ThoEncimpmsnt or tho Q. A. B., Depart-

ICDI of Hew Jersey, Ii now In tension atTronton. The rcpoil* from tba dI(Turupt postsT the Bute ah on a decided increase or mem-bership during the pant year, ion 'nevf put*'••ying beon inuwture'd in during tho yaar,

ij. Aadctson Post, or t)ils place, la ropre-ited by Wm. H. Jjaniijert tnd b . 8. A.I on.} also toco£nizcdatnoae ttie boya another ofr UVow soldiers. W. H. MoOornifek, of Uaj.

Anderson To»t. Tbe department Qfljows tarenot Imeu ebr.tai at this writing. T I T ,

Salt Continual'Wevero satonialjod In stapplns inZ i l l l q S B\ h ' Wp \ ltseeing them unpick a throe grow lot of

Oil Meal Boap, three cakos for tea oti/' ^ e•lnaya beard O*t Heal wu eioeUfDt for t iehnd*. Vonght k KiUgore la tha oaly'btw*that keep Jali bnut^ • / •

Morrii County Courts.ThB (ollowing t a m o tiMcaai wan

Kalaon Byda, German Valley; Tboi.UtndtaBD 1 Wu. B, Polltrd, D«nTill=; PatrickJ . GalUsao, Ht. Hope ; Vim. Vortaac, Ko-

Oawof'ctoo. KoOrwluo Ta.Jos.ph N.Eiob-ard»oii~ialt oa » promliorr note, Tne do-fendant claimed ihe itatate of UmlbtloD. andIt « u evidintly a nloe point ai to whethar tba•nit was oommanced nittiln tbe raqnlred itxjean or a few daji after tbe eiplnUoa there-of, open the groand tbat lb»Dopniy Sheriff ofUnion eoonty had not urved the papenpromptly and baring «Ruirardi Bltared tb*data of Ihe return day, so as to mat,* It D«HSiritbla the reqnlnd period- Veriiot of 1718.03fbrtheplafnttff. " "

Case of Whllfleld Howard r t . Wm. Brown.nipaBi, Thii CM* grew oat of thi falio im-

priioatBetitolHovari last Butntner. HowardWM at that tiroo arra*tad npon tba oharga ofgra«d larceny, baring stoleo his own good!and remoTtd turn oat of the oonntj, whileunder lestraint bj tbe conitatle (Brown), the

[oodi hariog been rajtraineU on a landlord'atarrant for rent. Brown went over into Sos-

aox couDty and arreiMd Howard, and broajthtiim before Squire Ctskey, or Harm, insteadit beloro a Basse* Jaillcc. Howard wai sal-eqncuilr brought to Morrii town

In jail, tliB original Intention of the proseoutorIDR evidently been to sure him Intotbo rent. This proceeding wai irreRinoc a verdiot BRainst the defendant for

1287, punitive or oiempliry damigai.Tbt O»DI1 Jury oarao into Court o

wltb tbirty-»Bvoo bills or Indlalment and theil lowing presentmentTbo Grand Jury respectttilly present ID the

Court that lUelraitentlnnhaa been osltmt totho present nj-Btani of (ew^raca eititiug nt thaRtatu ABVIIIHI lor tho Insane loxiatod at Mo-rlDal us. 'Tiieywouldregpectfntly call attenlioitG tlio fact llial tliu Btrfanis and puudithrong):nlnch lha gewerHRO flows are aurrnpted toto the health nf tbe resident* In tbat TIOIUII.V,larfte quaatitiea o( offeneive fecal matter bo In*nllowed to pasi into tliom tlirongti and hileneon of (be defeatlv* and Illegal aystiemadopted l>y the commiuHioncrii or the inetlto-

iu queetlon. It baa bocu conoiufcively

effeetaii by wliioli Ilio ayatem nball be n)Ki)anioro perfrot, tha liuillh and lives of n-»Hi>nti

fii i|.l ie-will bo cnilanRiTUil.i lie Orcua Jury has not den mod it advUiibli

nt thin tinin to prfiii'dt niiy bill of indietmnot,althoiiRli Ihn (implying of tlin ap.woraKe iutouiroamais in i!iit-i;t vinlation or law, bnt hopethai thin prcBoutinent nil) bave tlm etToot to

o tlio OoaiaiiBflronorH of tho Auvlum toidy an evil ivliidi is a itanding diegnce

r l Btato

Of tliusa indicttd tlie f.cm bronf,-ht up

D W I L L S , For

d :;1 MCVUT, indicted fur annaait and b\i-

3ii his wife; jilt'iikd Knillv, and wasnl. a toj.il wilh mt bail.!«•!> WIIII"1B, ono of the DicUtraon a

il jiitl, Limit Mullur, liotli j.I-nfUil notcniltv, and tlidr trial wisset iinirn lor Monday,

,r)tli. The conrt nxaiKncu lltswa. 0. A.mil 0. T. Uraiio as counBul. Biker wi

iu<]icli:il Ii'r Hk'flliiiH thr lluilson Decli

PORT MORRIS.Tbo ojnter npper of tba ladiu of the U. 2

Ofanreli, Stanbopo, wai eontluiMd for thr*»days, and ] am informed netted thorn ona hua-d n d and twenty dollan.

I t w u given ont Inat Ffttbn Onm wonidspeak before the Reform Club last Fridayevening, bnt lor some roawo be wu not ibiTUB Bete rm d a b mat ID OUrk'i HaJl on tbstevening, boweror, and \a Ihe unavoidable tb -»no« or the Pruident. Vice Pcesident, J. H.BUscll, j r > | ocunpied the ebalr. Tbe Oh air-HUD of tbe Exeontire CommiltM mporudthat thoy bad agreed to rent the bill of Mr.Clark for five dollari a raonlb, and were ready

sign a, leaae to that effort with Mr. Oliwhen ho got ready. Th« committee appointedto wait on Father Oran reported that tbe; badwatted on itiat eootlomsn in a body and•aid to them tbat ba bad no obtectlon to an/of bia people signing tbe pledge, and he iroald

id bo wltb them if possible, noxt Fridayevening, wbioh, probably gave ri» to tbeatory tbat b» »>ai to bars beenat tbat meeting.A printing eommlttoB M I appointed ooniiit-ing ot W. 8. Newman, Bobert Baldwin andBenjamin Oiboine, and a fnnd of flfty doilanwai raised, in ftdditlou the monthly duel, townotato the hall ind start t reading room-Th* Woman'i T, V, held a muting ID tbe aameballon Friday «lt«rnooo. Tbeicwerenoladiei

n tba evening, jet tb» ball wai oom-fortabtyfilbd.

Mn, Obai. Colo, tlie blacksmith at thB roundboase, his wife, prasented ber husband with

the other day, tbe said twlosbelug a boyand Ktrl. I nndBnUnd that mother and chil-dren arr doinit aa well aa aonld be expected.

aro having a spell of weather at presentI think tbs HUnbopo folki will hardly <plalo nf the lownoii of tbe water la thdr welliafter (bii, eren allowfon for the falliuR off of;he beer drloklnB In tbat lown, eaued by tboieajpflrance involution. Tbo ftol it we bad a

January tb t* l u t Saturday, and It maid rained until Sunday morning, The water

was running down all lh» hills on Sunday, andit i<- BO sllpparr Titlul, tUat a fellow li llftblito lake a gnddoa teat at anytime if he Is notvery carefal.

There I* a mcotioR of tbe Women's T. V.Rlveu oat Tor Wtdoosdayln Clark'l Hall, 8Un-hope, in tLe arternooD.

tine« will be bdd in tbe PresbyteriaiChurch, BUuhope, every eveiipg tbls weekucopt Saturday eTeDln«.

It ii nafd Mr. Wright bottcbt tbe smallhouiie on lha Oroft* oitato for 1700 at the auc-tion tha other day at which several o

iiugi were sold too,It ti Bn.ii! Iho big oven built bj the Mineral

Wool folks to beep the cinder bnt, does nutork as well OH the? expected. I know noth-K about it ol my own knowledgo.Did you kunw that the colonial LI story ofew Jersey licjjins properly wilb tbe founding

ofKllzab<ithlo>rnlnlGe4. True that as earlyKH 1016 a fetblo trading sUtmn had beon;ahliHhfd at Bariicii, but 40 years flapeod br-rurc pnriuiiiunt hoililiufjs wore built iuadKl.!,f,i-li(KHl, Ami in IC31 Uiun- naa u.linplo European lii-ing bolwycn Dilawareand tbe fortieth decree of latitulo. Alt

•rltory enolnsod in the Hialc of Nciv JcUio Ki-aut of laiiilH Biaiiu by Kliiff Clurice to


rRlRned ftiiil I'leml as folio we to the cluifaiu-i, tlicm :

Saniu*i M^Vnj-, assault atitl baltorv orivifi', Ruilty ; BBiitencu HUHprnided.

Lewis Muller aud John Dakar, Jircenylioilty. Mmr ami Orsnn aH*iBnp[] an eoan

John Baker, tryiof- to break jail, guilty.John lialier.lircakliiKaiiOoutcnnB,notgnllty,Jan. NicliuiP, brtiliot,' and eDtcrlng Dick.

RUD'K stiirii, [Titilty. Tlin emo, fur iitcnllng W.H. Dakci1* hear robe,.not cuiH/ ; but oftor-

,rd rctrauccil and pluad guilt;. Tbe eaine,grand larceny, Rutlty.

Patrick Turcoll, Iwu iudictmeuly for nasanltnd battni-y on bis wifo and son, uat guilty.Wilton Pelcm>n, assault and Lattery, guilty.EuRene Jack BOD, awault and battery, tiot

guilty.Oeo. J. Kibbo, (Jieorderly houac, guilty.Courau ffcbsr, OisorderlT housa, guilty.Honrj Wulfcrs, din orderly hnuicgailty.B. Leonard, two for disonlnrly tiouge, guiKy.Sara. Fi|>ert disorderly hoaso, guilty.Honry Hodden, disorderly honsi), guilty.Jabu Leonard, 'lie orderly him so, guilty.

Tim. Oaliahan, aawult and battery, Ruilty.Potor Ward, disorderly bniuo, fiiiillj.Martm Oookoroo, dleordorly houae, guilty.JuJi n Darcey, diBoidorly liotiae, uailtj.Jobn Burke, disonloriy house, giiiltv.0. Blunders, disorderly UOUHU, uut guilty,C. Milburn, assault and bat lory, not guilty.Wm- Sheridan, aaaaclt and battery, guilty.Pclor Ward waa fined ISO anil cotti. Tho

tber sentences will bo Imposed Feb. 15th.The following appeals havebeen tried; Sam.

u«l Bnroliell a^aiont J. Wrnltiy Hnmmls andHlclard Bondeo irguml ou a atata of tho cue.Judgement rcserrod. Mary Eliiabeth Wyck-iff1 va. John ff. Babbitt. Judgcmeut ot 15 for


Important Wltnots Reported Mining,ia reported around Fort Oram that HarryTR, one of tli6 Tuost important vtttrittffgPRtn

Iho Trcglowo murder caeo, has bcon misaiaRpay dsy-Tliursilay of Hut, weok-aud

tbo fear Is eiptonaod that lio will not put in inapprarancfi at tlm trill. James, It will bo rn-

Cblrgwiii at tLe tlnio nf tho ocourronon anai awaj, leaTinn her to lior fate. Mnvuindig-lion his been oiprBiietl against him>•• biijcc tlie ocouiToncs And many pooplc;m to bare less regard lor him than Ihsy

iinoii the rorc"«inj!; waa in typn wo learnon the bo"t Bulhnrlty thut Harry Jamoanrnntlon Jlomlay nlfili! last aud hsirecolved

a nulipoaaa, and nitl appear an a wituoaa, Ito poeitively atitcd (bat Attorney Gen

Stocklou, boinft unoapcctodlj relioved fromduties elatwlicro, will assint In the pro seen

Aa the trial approacbos tho public ia,t Krowi iu rcUtion to tlio mitler, tad iiviciuitv of Purt Ornm, wbero Treslow

would is all probability havo beon Ijacheid bo been caught nt the time of tbo offence

quito * considerable inni of money bat beeubaoribed to aapirt In paying for tbe costs ofiii defence. A feeling seems to liavonnson

—nlielbir it be a ri^lit OQO or nol—tlial'region., wu ponied to eiasperatlon byollierj

nd bis eicceilin^ly jmlous nature. Mrs,Cliirfiwin, tho uiolbor of the girl, also stares

i lliin reiHotf.aud is very blli to appeiratii< trial an a witneaa agniimt Troslono. JUBIcforo the lirne firai Uiofl lor tbe (rial bho«ul to Canadi, it it baid iu order to avoidBins prosiiUt and t(etlfji[ig at tbat til

Harry Trt'ulown, tbu brother of Iho acouacarno from tho West, is also so greatly (1 by feara for bis brother, that bo Is u:o work, and can hanlly rfnt or sleep. ItTtainly a caao that ia fllled wilh n

A Wrong Impresiion,OnrCliORter enrroBponilent, speaking of the

-cccut accident to Dr. Caee, caused by a car>r iho niRli IlridRO Branch RtiunlinK on tlio•onl crossing, Raid tha toirnship aithoritbamd written to Ur.Qoo.L.Bryaut, Suporinton-loDt, la relation tu tho malter aud he lud•eturned tbeir leUor, etc. Mr. Bryant itiforciBIB that tlio matter in regard to which theuithoritiPB wroto, was in entirely different

io right to inlerfero, which ho BO informodbem is CL'irtcoEely as pos§il]o. The learlng>f cara oa the crogsiogn, Mr. Bryant Buys, Istirectly contrmy to tlio rules jf ilia cotupatij,.nd tlm eoiidnctora havo strict or dart not to3o it, for Ihoy aro thereby laying; tho companyIsblo to iudlotmont. Whon hu heard 61 tlioffair at Chester ho at anoe cautioned tbo ooii-

ductnrs In (bo mott positive terra a not to allowsuch a tlilne to higiiicn in tl|O future.

Tlie Elaventh N. J- Regiment.The fcllowing nutico is addret«c<l to the

irvlvori nf Ibla TORimpiit, in wbioh wore en-listed many (..'Idlcri from Morris Countj :

TBIKTON, JBD. Oili, 1863.DKIE SIB :-Toa are desired to ho in attonJ-

JCO at the American Hotel, Trenton, cmTaesday,the 30th mat,,»? 13 o'clock, noon. 1o

.ha atup* lowMdu llie orRaniiitniQ of ae-nnion of tbe Eleventh ]leCimoat ^ew Jor-

I8T Yolont^eri.Qeuaral R. G. Mo A11 la tor t iu elgnifled hit

tpororal and will ba preaeat, i •Will you ploaip noilfy *ny msmbfri of the

id l^tt), In >unr vlciuily, aud uara noticelion in janr oily and county piper*,

Terr respect tally, jonr old ooramJoi,

BiBtiorW/ftliiKi,Jom B. FA\J3«ITT|EDWIN It, Ooov,t>x. E, L. WBIUHS*

Thouundi Cured,p FraDelMo, of ppVfer.

i>>sbp ttfqiipttiy falclfca cpld'y R QUtbesqia^isbt air, lint t, tow doMiai XXUkh Brrnp trill itop hli rnnch and cure the'icld mrj tine. Soli at Vo^htt 1 ^ ' S M add tyo. pet bottle. '

Th. iriandi ol IUTV JS?. Xtob ol Hack-\

English tl i of tlio Dulru'a dimiji

usiifticil by Iim proprietor to Lord Berkeleyml Bir (Itorce On taret. A.linnxl imincdiit. lyHer Iho eoniuMBl anolhor company of Vuansmiiiloappiicutioii lo Govurnur Nichols,

Hbw York, I like ii. and received an t-ik'i.ai

•uro lu-norabiy pur.-liaited ; iu tlio followiuirOctober a. villuKn wan becini and named Eliz-.botbion-n. in honor nf Lady Uartaret. Iilouor of Sir Qeorua Cataret, wlm had hae.lavernor of tho IHIOHI Jcraey in tlio Eupliali

cliannel, bis Anglican duininUm was namoNow Jcrsoy.

After tho reirocCBfllon to thn EnglUUby thfilfttyeOenoral of Holland Kin- Cliarlos cm

rretlant-cijua paltiiit on his Uralher for Uiuntry between the Couiioctcut and tho Dol-'are, flhon tho Dnkn ro-nnnllrmod bis for

grunt loUurkuly anil Cartarut, but eent a fel-muied Sir Edmund An ikon, aa Oovemoi

of tbe I'roviccfl, in nttor dijraictrd of therights of the two ynipnutorn, Oarlarot doter-

ilnedto do/tfttbis claim agalust tbo aothiof Aadrna, but Lord Derkely, disgusted Withtbe Dude's vtocillaliuQ and dfihouBsty. sold

held in iriint for Edward ByllinKO. Sb<ftftor l81011jlllU||o Ltoanu embarrasaed withdebt ami wai forced la make an aftaicmnout ofhlH proper!} to flawan Lrturlt1, Nlclinlai Lnuaimd, (jutbH who? ho parted his hair in ihtmiddlu anil bis utmo was William Penn, Tortbe benefit of hig creditors. Tbs aasiesoro qimkere all. PoDnand bis ataociatea atunco applied fora division of tlio Provi:Sir George Cartiret wts boib willing and »ni-

to enter Into aa arrnncoment by whichi*n half of tho territory oonld ba freodall Bncuiubranco, Afler mucli tliiciuureemont wag readied in His Summer o|

1676 aud a lino of division was drawn tbrauahtho FrovinMi B» follows : beginning at thiSouthern poiut nf land uu tlin oust n|(leorL!t-tlo EgB Harbor, and running North of North-west to a point on tho Hirer Dutawirn En theatifudo of forty-oue degrees and forty min.itoB. Tlie territory lyins eaat uf (IIIB UQQ ro-

malat-d lo Hir Qcorgfi Cartaret and was named~ JorBP.r, whilo tbat portion ljinj; bftween

ino and the Dolawaro wa. callod West Jer-ind luaeoil uuJur tho tiolusive control of

Peun and hia associates as aBa' nflea of Byll-|R«. But AndroB wan hound tu Urotbor Penid hia Quakers. The a^ont of Andros naitiouud atNuw vflBilu ou ibe wettBru ba«k

or Ilio Eoknoro, to ooniuuml an cntrauc•her. Tlin Quaker ihlpa wtro conipolled ta)»y ouBtom before prurcniiujs to Hicir <Iuntiii».ion. ApuWGrfulruinoustnnso Wii drawn tipty Iho Friends Bad nont to EngUnil, tho oasevaa taker, tii tlio courts and that omincn

Jurist Sir William Jonoa deoiiUd that Andraibad no right lo culteot toll. Frum 16U9 to1C92 tliero was no settled form of Governmentin tlin territory ; and for ton years tlioraaFlerthe colony w»8 vexod and diatra-ctod with tbupresence cf more ruiera than any one 1'nmncecon!a accommodate In 1030 Win. Puna went

ic King of England sod petitioned for agrant of territory Tor tbo purposo of founding

Quaker Coinnionwimltti in the Now World.In Usrcn 1681 a c.i ..•let was granted ; tbogreat iculot Enfjla..-.1 with tbo aignaiuro

IEB II was affixed tJd Wm. Pgou localtbo propriettr of Petniijuania. So yon i

ow near New Jereej came to belnp; Pontin

I take tliii big slice of HUtorj fruq flUII'B History of tlio Uoitad Stales of Amorii

which reads like a romance, ami tbat Willii,, tho tjiiaker, ami Lord Baltimore, tho

Ontbolic, should havo rnot to net tlo tlirir dis-pctpg is, parhopB, as funny & thing as historyrelated. But euoimti of history for the proi-!Ot

NotwithatandiDg tbcra were eorvicei in tiotbtbo Stanbopo churches on Weilnemhy Mmthoro %na a goodly aticndnnco at tbe Bo form3bi'j nii'ctinj; in Clirk'n Hall, and It was ratboiuionuhiuK how tho hlant for publis Dpoaklns(icvclonoH as tbo dub grows oldnr. Most oTIbo bore hud n, etory io toll and tliia ono abont

Sloan in Ruod cnotipU for imblicailon ;fcncwBara Sloaa befnro Ihe D. L. / "

1 Inn," naiil nri^of tlie brethren, "andbad the reputation in tboeo days or Icingither crabbed. T tmvo been told there banecc a clisnfie in him since. Anjliow a party

no morning aud thoy Imaw if tboy nakod Mr.Bloau to atop H tbe CIUQC'OB win tint oe would

it do it. Ho «i3 nn tbe Hndnoo Itiver Itnil-id llioa. Sot i Hipro wcro twelve of themtho party tlioj- datorirjiuol to aik Mr. Blom

af-ly to havo tho Iraln stop at Huntings onthe morrow morning. Fin.t ona vreut In andmid tn Mr. aionn, 'Won't yau p^EBohave snob

iin ilop at IlaslingB to-morrow j " Thenanother followed with thn mine rcfju.eBi, tfaia third, when Mr. S!oau said to bis olerk,

in wbo sat in an tdjnirilnf; room,'Isaacthat train atop at BaBlioga to-morrow

ing.1" Hoc*mo of their Importunity,don't you BOO, ani in apt illontratioD of a pointHut bad beon dltnileied.

flam Pctenon, ttie Stanhope Tinsmith, bismoved Into bis new building and It mikes »rirbt ulrfl ntnr(* roo.Ti and shop, I was In t'bat Wednesday ol^ht. '

Tbero Is in engine, qn the road W^IOD, youj i j have teen go throufjn Dover onot la aibiU named Ibo Dynamii and a- diaputo lisa

arisen among the boys about how ber Dimeihouid ba pronounced. I! you hare a, dtailon-ary handy, phase look and toll ns.

Thfi genial Button Agent, Melrin VanHora,las bflBQ uklog to hlmMir ft naw wile, o( tk/lauBbtBraofBniaeK^ belien, t *i\b (hen,

tarlatan wen In Staa,tbe other day n d won Rladljr weloomed

by tbclr many Mandi. 'There ia protreolea toeeHngi going on in

both ohurou« at Blanliops. ' " 'It wai ohargsd In ibe temprnnu meeting

the1 otlicr tight tbsl Mr. jTibro iild when'hewas here he ibid l'ie hoy* to elieat tba uloon

UamaniUdthat ho would take a imlll bat

kt did not know inything •bout it." undtpoitsflripi to thB l e ' t « I w n t tha

other d v to aay tfaal Mr, lUbee iit on Stan-hope Thursday afternoon off tbe half-put twotrain, Th«BafonsClub took the opportnmltyta spread the newa, and they had it givan outthen wonid be a UmpenDM nu«tiitg inClark'* HaU la U» nenlng »nd Hr. Habeewoald be pment. Well, Olark'j Hall wasobnok foil, If It wai a stormy night, and Itbink the people of btsmLope iho wed Hr.Habte liow well they appreciated bis effort*.ThB m«t Of Ihe talking wai dona bj English,Who said be was an Irishman to the backbone,if tU name was E D S I I ^ . Mr. Porter loTitedthem to tbe Presbyterian Chnreh to-morrot;niRbl wblob Invitation wu aooopUfl.

Ton will nndentand tbat *er# is protractadletting* going on at both Churches, bat Her.

Hr. Miller said vUoy got word of Mr. Utbee'ioomtngln time for him to i.nJ word to tbeasitOD not lo build any flr» in tbo obnrobTbufsdaj night, and they wonld not ran op.poiitbn to him (Uabee) tovmorrow night, Itw u a RTud, cordial mnetlDg they had onThursday night, and I mtmt say Hr. Habeewell upraised the gonenl feeling wben he•aid that " they did nut go to tbe chnreh uPmbyteriaoi, Uetbodfiti, Oatbollci or Bap<ttati, bat u men."

Ai Hr. Uabee goes to try bis baud iu Doveryou msy have ma opportunity to judge of t lsoalfbre for jounelf. I only siy that, Jodslug

icrsly by ri>snlts, lie lias done « good work inStanhope ftud X bespeak fur him a warm eel-oomo fiom the good temperance people ofDover, which I am rare be witl Rot. D, J.

SOUTH STANHOPE-I do not know that it is the province or a

local eorrflipondent to oommeut on tbe newa•nd mnt io f t l i e day In general, bnt Hie (treatinnbrr and bearimiding calamities that baveDcompaBied this yrar iu fir seems to bo tbe

•ubjeet M wbbh tbe mind Brit turm whibivaa f*w inoraenta for roflootloa. llie losior tbe " Clmhrli" wltb Iti sickening details cf

imble toss ol life add* another to tbe longlist cf disasters that tve crowded themielvei

the flrat month of 1883. And MotherBhlptoa aeoros to have been not so very farfrom right only In fixing tbe time of tbo end oftho world 'St Instead or 'S3, for the end haidame suddenly and lartlv to a givat manypeople and no doubt mere poople will tbink oftheir KoarttlBB la lite insurance tnd othermatten or thii liudon asoonnl of these indden

Qolto a, sentatlan was created here list Sun-day murninjr by a ranaway horn, bnt ho waabrougut up by the driver before anyseriom

ifje waa done to either hone or alefgh.Tbe (right was caaaed by tho shafts droppingdown at one corner and being broughtthe heels of tbo hone.

Aa was Intimated laal wook a it pi d has boen• L woik again aud Mr. M. Tiuborn, the stationi(?ent or tbls place, brought his brido homelast Saturday. We wish bride and bridegroomi Itmg and happy life, and bopa tho suvoroHtcri'. wlilob prrvaltnd ou tha day of their arri-val viill not prove to ho & forecast or theirwedded lite. Tim brida trill nntioe qultiehiiD(;n from tho quiet tliat lurrounda her old

o Yalltthe smoke aud naiso of oar Iron fnmioeitbo ratile and roar oflhe railtoad oars,wo promieo I I T a warm welcome by ourlo and with tliu pleananl nurroonulDRK of

Mr. V.'g comfortsblo bo me hopo she will beippy.Tlic uon- Iroriroftmcnt* nt tlie mineral

worki do not prove to be what was eipcctedwoull be aud will need aonio alterallocsniio tlioiu work natisfaetorily. Tbi

chnngeu do not interfere with Ibe running of(ho talll wbloli la In full blast and the companyin fontliuR out large quaatitieB af tbeprodactsveryrtay.

Johu Driakoy, a Poland, li icrlomly ilok attbo IIOUBO ofHr.B.Oaiewliere be boarded,and Ills condition Is a aid one. Although be

worked at the furnace qniU a long time,lio is comparatively a stranger with no friends

Is country oofirei than a rottsln wbo llrsiat Newtoa, and while posnoised of infflciBntmeans to purchase tbe oom for U ol life be lasklthoio kind offlcee whioh only Interested Wandscan perform. Wo hope tbat hli BickneM may

rore la» inrioui than It now laenu and bemy rocover.We beard a young lady not long ago make a

err severe threat upon the editor of tbo ERA,iiit we told her that he bad a family depen-

dent upon him for support and perhaps fortli!« raaaun ho may escape tho " tin ear." Fuiwbllo tbe lady sanmod to be very angry, ahehaH tbat sympathy which makes all women,well as all mon akin, and thii fooling far a nisi

a; causa her la relent.Wo hail tbo pleasure not long ago of meetingtbe storebf Lunger k Mineiy a Mr. Linger,

lUBfn of tho merchant, wbo wo have no donbtwill make bii mark In tbe councils or thenation, Ho taught school long enough ta saveqnita a men soin of mooey wltb whieb he won

New York and took a thorooi-U courso cstudy iu law which he has ju*t uuisliGd a Tel

,hs aRO and lies gone West and locatsd laGrand PerliH, H»kota, which ia no doubt destlnert to be Iho futnre home of a largo numbei

c men of tbe North and intelligence! of theern and Middle Htatcs for a groat ug an wll *e middlo agej men are taking.dvii-'' cf Ib^Trlbnuii philosopher nm

going Woat, and Dakota offers great natural"vintage* totbneo scolilnt; nuw homes,

tlmnot inoxbaiiBtiblo ivoaltb of mini<1 ita rich eolt and grizin({ lumlt. Wo ad-

mire tbe courage oE Mr. U. and all others whocan denr tbemstlves Bomo of the comforta ,and

lonsiiresof old homea aud society to boa

am [orthetnRlvcB poulttonsaiid 1 looses whichorhapsconldn'it bn csinod hero.Tho Presbyterian and Motliodlnt ohnrobes ofiiis place are holding special meet logs and tbeaslorsaro working hard iu tho eieontloo ~

their work wbidh ire bopo will meet wltb still

Tha noform Clnh ia also working to Improveibo condition of ita members aa well aa tojriERottiori nitbin (ti fold and Influence, andho 8* h or intoxicating drinka has fallen offlonmierahly In tho vllliijte. It is laid that the

proprietor of ono of tbe nowly eibtblLnawBs Indicted at tbalait ilttlngortba<] Jury of Horde Connty. Icai.

NEWFOUNDLAND-Wo felt onrnelrog flattered to know that oaremu wore so highly appreclalod by a '• Joneytoman" la D. T. They ara declSedlf not apt

precis ted when they ret am on the homeitretcli.

Tho neaetfal Inhabitant, of Newfoundland*ere surprised by calls from a what wai lop-posed to lie " colored Udy," ipptillng on Iheirennrflsilj for a laooud-hand soppar. Theccrot oamo out some time a-ftor that It was aProfeiaar" blsck-wKihsd aud dreued In tdy',1 waaring apparel.Homfl time HRO we otpected to hit, aalulen-locally, a certain peraon la tbe community.

Every ni her person wo have met since want!'to know ir tbe item did not really refer tothorn, evidently showing that the hair dozen

is of tbe Eiu taken at this place ire bor-rowed by tbo wbole community to get rid ofpaying (be regular subscription price. 13.00.

variably In advance.fifcBsri. Hattpt & Sittoils. musicians and•tists rrom Irviogton, hiva been, iptoding a

week in this locality. Wo need not pay thatIho Profceaors inade things lively, eipeclal'ly

.name of oareveolng parties.What a change comes ovoi the spirit of mj

droam. Some, tear* ago a fro* goinel Wai'bud, no money wa< nied lo carry on ttie

good begun work. Donations for thB minis-ters salary were denounced ai religion ipreei.Now tbat Ihe time thing occttri in this tree

id easy eoci ety we conclude tbat tha changetbo dream baa hit semebfld;'* po.oket booh

for iqre. ' 'There {a certainly no law to prevent aged

people dying, or before djlng to make *. will.Ocoa;iona!ly and some tlmei generally theae

iged people bave more children than property,which !• generally willed Tor the benefit olone, canting more dlssentiosi and bard foci-ings among Ibe children tbaa WM evejidreamed of ID a once bappv biul[f, tad ^herf

conrollnu t^w ifl'pr'jtvanTlt, Thladoni^a ousq mte jnae i up, q»hjr» tha Jn*(l«

of t^e law, that one has ucet) so tooliib ai to' i incli it win, ctbera will ibotr Ihemaelvoi

In tbe lamo light to hlak agaiiiat It. Time willtell when Ihe right oomei In vlth a veogsanaa.rhero Is always a diferslty of opinion amongkua ehlldron where Ihe foui parent t a e i b ^luting abode u a denarled. nnl^t au,d theyibonld profit by BzsnpLa, ' . a P. I .0, M.

f Iitabliihea I8»l.. tbe old-oiid relUule brisk drag itore yon

cm biy druirf, medl:lnci, p»iBbi, oils. RU.B,l nopa, keroaeneyoil, and *nrythlng kept In aflrit-ctais drag atore eheaptr aqd ot bsttornn.l|)> Ii..n >l .« lnH L * * ' ' .

The aoti of Uri. ipinmitead fornurlx of Ho*iltivtlle, bow living ai Blklanrl, P*,, wai'

cured of OonsnmpUon bythonaoofOoiabottodTar Oough flirnp taado and 'told onlrat tbeBrick Smg Bton, Pcrer, H. 3.

BOONTON.The town dock still raulns silentH. Vord hae pnniba«ed tbe noose u i

formerly owned by Bobert Barton on William•treet.

Jobn Eettar, or Pow. mile, br" bought fromAWanam Brown, Fompwu plains, a verypromUlns; colt.

The silk mill oloak Is for same reasonWftsr Illaminsted.Just now tbo danoiUR youog; man is fre-

quently called upon lo rsplenlah the bat, forthe fiddler's sake.

A troupe styling themiolves tba NewarkDramatic Aaaodatlon bave been giving a aeriesor enterltiameDU here and i t Bloomitigdaledaring the p u t week.

Peter and Henry Salmon now ooonpy tbooaiea formerly owned by Baekiel Jaoobw and

John filires on Canal ilreet. Zfaey wire pnr-enand by Oiera hut hl i . Tba bnfldi»g for.merly used by Btires u s> Mtpeuter shop, blsotiie barn on Ihe Jaoobw property, bare baearemodeled for tlio icoommoditlOD offfMtersh a r m . It JmnaEMtood that they ioUnd toatari for tbe Wei I toon to make tbeii pur-chases.

It is said i h n the •pin over the river whiebuow lormi part of the long railroad bridgewill be of brick with a itone arch, instead ofiron. Beporu are lhat work will be com-laenced npon It loon.

£oonfOD Fills are now one fongemus of ic«.They are greatly admired tot the many shapesof ica ffbich bear resamblanee io treei andother objnoit.

Tbe LOBH and lot owned by Wm. Mler, alliled in WeatBoonton.ii nuw offered for sale

IT B*ai Estate Agrnt DePoe.Tbo new iron bridge uuar the illk mill la

now completed and will be Inspected by tbuBoard of Freeholders thla v. eek.

Towards morning people are aromed fromiHlr 11mnbers by Ibe toot of tiie fiih hem.

whicb implies tbat some slashing party h u-Btnrned home from their night's enjoyment.

D. a. Bmitb Lai purchased tbe propertyformerly owned by Atliey Reoerohor; also theone Known as tbe P. Met* propoitj. Both are-Q Oak street.

flampflon Glovar Is tu open the Hotel at Book-away, whloli is now being fitted op by BlohirdGeorge, of Dover.

A ball will bo given at Pythian Hall Monday,the S9tb,Qodor Ibe auBjiicGiof Eooou Q. Uyersand Oee, Davidson.

MOUNT FREEDOM. ,Mill Addle Bklnner.of Newark,ipeataevera1

days viiltlDg iDioug old ugnainUucei in thiaTloinity, recently.

John Hulbert has moved into the buildingitely tact tod by Mi. Hlnei,Billion Coe and Jacob Drake were in attend-

nceatoouit aa Jnrymen, latt week, and ex.peel to bs during the remainder of the t e r n .

B. T. Sowmau b u pnrabuod tbe (tore ofMr. Alplieci PJerwn, Be alio ODnllnaei biimirkot bneln«».

B.P.AHeo,a iq . ,b i i l«»non tbe ilok Hit. i raweckorso, tbreateusd wltb poeDCiunla,hat all were glad to me him ont again tbiiteek.

Ilcr. Ur.Trippott preacheB .V Saooasnnnanf xt Sunday.

Vita moeiinj/i at the Presbyterian Ohnrchhave oontlnned throngb tbe preaont week.

Tbo Presbyterian and Mot hud tot pa it on orHendban, are holding n uriei of meetings, atirookiide. .

n o x HfOTBBB 00BBBIPOHSIMT.VTe send yon a few Items from tbls BeotJon

Khioh may be of Interest to someof jonrread.era, although at preteot there wieras to bo alull in bnsinosi and bat little of Interest towrite.

The weather U cold and aboot all farmer*« n doista look after theb ituik and nukeflr.'s.

Tbetiukllngefthemerrj Uslgb bellii •tillhenrd in the land.

Bev. Baker Smith, paator of the PresbyterianChnrob of this plaoo, is holding a »rles ofmeetings which bavs been Ia progress lor overtwoweeki. Oomldenblelnteraitiinuntroit-ed and donbtlus good will be aotompllsbed.Tba Ber, gentleman works with a perseverancewortty tbe oaase In wlilab be Ii engaged.

Blchard Bowman, we learn, hai purchasedtho store whlob wai formerly owned by AI-pbens PicriOD, with a view of the mercantilebailneiB. Hr. B. is an enterprtihiK obrlstisagentlamsa ana Is worthy of the patronage oftbe people.

Newark Conforencs.The twenty.sixlh sesktnnof Ihe Newark An-

cn»l Oonrcrcnco is to b« belu in PblQIpsburg,beginning Maroh 58Ih, and will continaa ItsiBsslon from day lo day for about a week.Bishop Posslg to praaido. Thoro ara abontSM miaiaten, representing a membership of•early 40,000.

Two of tbe members of the Newark Oonfeinee hove died linee the lait tejilon. Bev. J.

H, Burr, D.D., April Mlb, and the veuenJ. H.Dundy, May 13th. Both were on thepcraimattxl liet.

Thcro arsa number or venarable nionborsill romainitiK, Rov. John S. Purter, D. D.,

Bov. D. Andrew, who ea:li ontorod Ibe confor-in 1839. Aa conference epproaclx

ie wbore them are to ba CIIBUKCO tini rulioitode amotiR both preaeliori and

people. Tlio number of cban^cf Ibii jeir willot necessarily bo very great, aa with butio couBtitutlonal term will oipirc, aud yotlicro ?ill be mapy obangtiH. 9ouie vlio bavo uot mot with Iho BUCCCBB they desiro

will bopo for iroprovemont by a olunge, and in>me OSI«B the feallng la tuuto*l.The work of revivals bas not beon vi

ral during the past year. In eomo sections ofI be work tben bavo been quite large!logs, but very generally them bai beon har-mony and a healthy condition both of tbe ma-terial and spiritual. Gbnrch debts bave boenpaid, new churehai hare been built, old onesbave been improved. So tbe year has reallybeen one of prosperity and success.

In regard to the change of patters, etc., bntfew easei bave beBn adjusted. Oftlmea ar-rangements are mado before tbe meeting ofthe conference, whlob may be quite a relier totbe Bishop when he oomes.

In Newark vert few changes aro eipocled.St .Fsnr i will probably get a distinguishednan from Philadelphia, and. the talk is thatBev. R. S. Arodt, of Eighth Avenue, will ba<Bov. W. E. Blikefltee, of Port J»nfls, for bisiDoceiior, BeT. 4 . ft. Tattle, or Bt, Jttnei,Elisabeth, li expeoted at PlaioBeld, and Bev.MB. Priee, of New Biunswiek, to pe fail snocoa-flor. Bev. B. Vanbornt, or Washington, willprobably be transferred to Emory, Jersey Oity.Bat ss nothing is certain till the Bishop fliesand readi ont the appointment!, we badhotter atop and patiently wall, though manypreachers woald be glad to be Intormed wberothey ire lo go, md charchei who they are to«•*.

FLOCKTOWN,Orlando Stepbeas leues for tbeWeit next

week.Mn. Peter Salmon, from the West, la now

visiting In our nrigbborhood. Hn, Jos.HSIOD, a lady from Illinois, is also visiting atHr.PhfllnDnfford's.

list. Dr. Hagie preuhed to HI laU Bibbath.H ger Taylor will bolld s. new bain we xm-

dentand,Hager Earr moves Dear MangbrightvUle in

The pabl j ichool ezbibtlion took place Inthe school home at the tima appointed. Not-withstanding tbe InoIemeBoy of the weatherthere wasa full borne. Everything passed offst pleasantly ia coohl be desired, and all wereapparently satfslled tbtt {buy had received theworth of their money, pome fa^re said thojhave never stein a better aobool eiblbitfon.8(inio n ia they conld sit all night and liear ft,and suah noapliroenhwy remark! we hear fromevery quarter and tbe moat eredjtabta of all istbat Ibe mslorUyof the attdienoe deilie tohave It repeated as well u thoia who failed tobe present on aeeoo^t of the ttopieuaatwtatber. Tbe laaefaer bii «a|d lino* It hasleft so good an IWrfitluq oq tba mindi or thepeoplfl pe wi i r,ot ipoil It ID hie a n t bn! will|lf« something better than tha ens just bad,(t Will probably toko pttoe before loog.

. The Origin of a Queer Nama.Hear tbe point where the oouQtieteJ JtoMii,nswx and Paisale eoae tugBtber fi a Vxallty

which for many years * M known uSonfttown.Huw It derirefl. thjs aingolar n«ne b told by aoarrefpoudent of tbe Haiies Bjfrtilar: Stock-bolw,pi(or to the opening or tha N. T.,B. AW. E. B.,ln WT«V WM known u SnubTtown.Thii aame la of linsnUr arlghj. Oapi. Hat-thlai Wlnana and Sunae 1 Bmltb were proba*bir the flrit reildentl of the phqe. Bptk orthem were notably MMIUV. innflbm, carryingwllb then, vrbore^r tkey cbaooed to nanrate,bladdtr poaches weU fllled wlli fellow snuff.%ey took nostril Injsellons frtqdentry, eitabj.

ing a fame tbat aoen took fl^ht Q\«I tbenndlD t i Tb

B ^ t Tbaj Ueo*nw k,to^nfcr and noir n old snnf^rt whonwi came the

Oewe ipa VanBvcfclc.of fcitertyrJIlB, Bnis».lDDsb in UIs b*tu yard ani fell agaimt ati, B l " e > 1BCfllTln« *«J""M which. wsultBd


JaoobThomM,of Hope, had bii bonse andbuggy stolen tbe other night

HaJ. B. T. Scott bai bees working Haekttts-town on tlie lomnenuice quatUon.

Mr. HabM, tlie temperanea leotnrer, willprobably rlalt Newtoo in a few w«eka.

vti trial of Chai. Tolcy, for wife marder,Will bf«ln in tbe Warren Court* 7eb. IStL.

Tua Delaware river u lower than it baa beenbefore at this season within the memory

i an.Ton Blalntown Bsllrotd Is lo be absoebnd

by the Hew York, Susqaebanaa and WesternCompany.

Nelsen Tliet, of Towaibnrj, bkd sis vinesfrom fonr hills which bora U.000 poundspuropkini.

Tbe Sbleldi mine property at Beatlye stownwill soon bo offarad tor sale by R. W. Hont,Bxeentor of tbe late Wm. Shields.

Toe D., L. 4 W. E, B . oompaoy hai beengathering Ice to nU ib«Ir bonus at HobVi[*nfrom the canal n u r Hacktttswwn

The Warren Poaodry, at Phillipibnrg, lalaking a lot of six Inch pipe to lay under-

ground telegraph wirea ID New York.A law lodge for Warren will be appointed

this winter. Jndgn Morrow, the Incumbent,iDd Karlln VyokoffarecandiaateB.

Borne Kew York parties desire to eitabiiili a!natnery at Backettatown. Two moetlns

havo been held, aud If tbe farm en don't takihold or the raster, tbe New Yorketi will gisbeaa themselves.

A bnlldmu at Waiblnglonvllle, nied by E.A. Buvaua si a store, v u burned about 6o'clotk on Saittrdty morning, wiihlUoonteuta.Tborala • mpldou that ibo building waa seton flre to conceal robbery. Iuaored for tl.KW.

A Methodist chnroh at Oiiord, which haaba«n ID conreo of oocitniotfoa for. a ti.__ __thirteen yesm, was dedicated ou Btmday.tbeUth last, Tbeooit of tbeedlBoa is ootgivea,bat a remaining debt, USD, was collectedtbe day of dedication.

James Niion wu oonvlded last week in tlieCounty Conrls of stealing the bono of Jona-than Bilby, at Backettatown. Niiou is an old

iler and ia s brother of Nancy Bicker, wuonome years ago shot and killed a man namui]LUtlBneirPoriHnrray.

ring the last ten mouths Mr. Daniel F .Beatty shipped 11,000 organs and pianos rromWashington. Tbo shipments for the mootliof December alone amounted to 1.461. T<-faoilltatebis business be bai put in anotherengine, giving him 509 horse power.

A notable event owarred at tbe reiideaoe ofJoieph A. Hendenbbt, near Bwartiwood, onWednesday of last week, when his daughter,IJlile M. vie married to Joieph H. MoDanoluV.Tha oeremenv wai performed by the venBra-ble flev. T. B, Coadit, and was tho fonrtli gen-eration of the Bendsmhot family tbat bo bad.united io wodlock.

J . K. Ackarsoo sends ns tha hennieatof alltiie l.en alorle. tbaa far reported) it bsaithem (til, Ut. Aokerson bad seven teen noirnlast year wblob laid 2,303 iggi. He set S3eggitudisisedlT ohlakeni, which bare sine,laid S36 eggs. Wa don't wondor that cblokoithloves chooae the Lafayette region aa tlio•ceneflfthelrdepredatione.—Saiaex Regliter.

Twelve hundred Tolnmos of ibe library oftue late Dr. Slack, of Bloomsbnry, bavo beensnipped to Philadelphia for tale. AmoDgthem are two anolont dictionaries printed InLatin, estimated to be worth »5W each; and B.book said to be i k haDdred and seveDiy-eightyean old, wfalcn would make the date of itslime 1208, or aboat two and a quarter centur-las prior to tbe introduction of printing inioEurope.

David W. Howell, a oreditor of tba DelawareBoiling Hill, of Pliillipabnrg, has seotind aninju notion reitraioing the company from pay-

ig say elsim, seUIng tny Iron, contractingany debt, or running tha mill. Tbe milt baabeen closed for several weeks, andiome oftboworkmen had attachments lunsd for wages.These were paid cfl on Saturday, and tbe com-pany hoped to get to work soon, bnt the actionof Hr. Howell will neat probably defeat tblsplan, and result la s naeiver being appointed.


Carped made and laid by A. Taylor & Son's.

Large line of blankets and human at A.Taylor* Son's.

Yon can get a sett Sleigh Chimes for 91,25at A, Taylor A Ban's.

Yon can buy a hone blanket for 75 oentaat A. Tajlor A- Son's.

Oall and see ont (10 harnew, our ownmoke A. Taylor & Ban's.

Upooletoring done with neatntma and dii-patoh by A. Taylor & Boa'e.

Tbe largest stock of Sleigh Bells ia thecounty, et AH Taylor & Bon'a.

Oall andaee the largestoekof baffiilo robe*illing ohep at A, Taylor & Son'a.

Yon will always eare money wbeu buyingtimber, by consulting Geo. Fleraon.

Throe-kueed Slid for 99o. A SnowShovel for Mo., at tba Stove 3tore of AllenJt MoDington.

Lunger & Mowory, nt South Stanhope,bave the largest and moat complete otook: ofgoods for the fall trada that they haveshown; wbioh is saying a good deal for

3 live and enterprising merchants.

for Children, Boy's, Youth's ami Mou, of nil gnbout stuck of


School houses furnished

complete with DESKS,



BOOKS, BELLS and every-

thing required in n school.1 hare tnken the agency

for the G0SHEN SCHOOLDESKS, and am now pre-pared to furnish schoolsthroughout. Also scats forLecture Rooms, &c. AlsoBgent for the " American"School Furniture. Pricesand terms glreii on appli-cation to





No. 3, Brick Block,DOVER. N J .





• ftll UU


VIOLArind Ulto no other. II ti »!?rij» |rood-un bsrelied upon, »r«rj time. Bkndmon on tbli

veM«4 bli qoor trtde• on tUli.





I Family Groceries hsag












SKATES AND SLEDS,Sleigh Bells and Chimes.

GOME ONE AND ALLnml inspect tin1 immcriHC stock of

READY-MADE CLOTHING,rnl mnteriah. Also, tho

I OVERCOATS |for tbe season even seeu iu tliis town. Wu will positively not be undersold. Wahavefleouredafillllineot PIEGE GOODS for our CUSTOM DEPAETMENTand guarantee to suit ull oar patrons as lav iu (It auJ ovlaa sro ooaoarned.Goons sold by tlie yard and out free of charge,

Oents' X ixiriiwliiiig Goods

of all descriptions and in larga qiantities. VELVET SCARFS in all ebodea iSILK HANDKERCHIEFS of splandl.1 AwgnH.

3EX A T S , TF* XT XI O J±. X? Stnd other tbinge to numerous to mention, nt GEO FEIKER'8

TbB old and reliable stand, Dext door to the Post-Offlee.I*. B.—Please call aud see mo before going elsewhere. Paios will Lo taken.

wbether jron hu.T or not.




{COMIIENOINQ JAKDAnr 2(,TH.) offtr all fiooug Iu liur Block at groatlj




U N D E B W E A R , OF AIL KINDS,nd ororjlhing clao in her atote. Don't mim UJIH cr«»t oppurtunity for borilW

Ki,,Mls at W a i DOWN PIUUBS. MJ1I*



HPIIINU WAUONS nn.l a l l lending ntyles mnde to order.We nifike IL fipecillltyuf first-class cuetoiu w o r k aud

guarantoc mi l w o r k to e imal i n OL'KABILITVand FINISH the Best c m manufticti ire.

it nildiliuii to our nwn maunfnctnrinf: biniuo^ wo Lavo jiiBt niftdo arninc?eniPBtH witliio of ihe Largest Wnolesale Mannlacturer i ia ™« Lu™r/ri.»by . eready Io Hull ™<1 tavo oa himl a Urw ~t»k of lta.<ly.m.,l. 0,r° ?SZ B i S i l l

Plirotom »nil Baumin Wagons nl rricei an low «» nny ilonlm in lUe roimliy. nud »hiohwill dely oampolition. CfllUoil son nnr ntnek before imrohosing dwwLeto.


Jos. H. Beach So Son,ROCKAWAY, 3V. J.


H. P. SANDERSONhas just received his fourth shipment of

SLEIGHS for this Winter. He has on

hand a fine assortment of PORTLAND and

SWELLS, and at prices that can't be beat.

Call in time and make your purchase.



Ii reidp to meet tbs dMtumrt of dealers in

Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars

WHOLESALE.Ecerjbody who deal* in Ilia aliufc will find

tt to their beneflt in bnjiog of biro. ile*eepiIhe best kt tlie loweit nutket prieei. Qinhim *n orfler imi yea wlU be oomiaoflil U»tUre tfiO, let U^e I* bii motto,


SEASONTon a n mpplj ill joar tkjedi at


Sanis ynctii'sSUSSEX St., DOVER, N. J^

Page 6: TI E BEST PUCtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/1883-01-27.pdfTjB but Ihe boBt quality of Blato »nd em-ing Arot-ulawi raochauicB- I con gnar-o aaatortal ivud

Old Jack In Hie Well.For twenty an old man of our county,

whom we vill coll Juok Btldwiti, aaj»tbe JtfoBtoiww. JFM4&, has cultivatedtboieoil aw* drawn therefrom a auppoct

long aitioe •Took left bis hoojw in scawof » misting cow. His route led biithrough so old woni-ont piece of clayUad of about sir acred in extent, in tliovieutre of whiub was a well about tbirtyfeet deep that ot some time Uud probablyloruinbed tbe inmates of a dilapidate'house near by with wutor, In pusaiugtiieapotan ill-wind J rifted Jack's hifrom bis bond aud maliciously wafted itto tbo edge of tbo well uad in it tumbledNDW Jack Uad BIWUJB practiced the virtue of economy and he immediately seabout recovering bis bat. He ran to tbveil, and finding it wtu» dry at tlia bot-tom be unrolled tbe rope which be babrought For tbe purpose ol capturing tbcow, and after several attempts to cutetbo hat witb a noose, be concluded tsale time by going down iuto tbe whimself. To accomplish this he mudlast one end of the tope to a stump banby, and was soon ou lib way dowithe well.

It was a faot of which Jiick was less obviiius that tbe reader hereof—tbat a timobieTOUB fellow, whom we will call NuiiWillis, was in tbe old building aud orJuokRO down into the wall, uad it Hhippeued tbat Jack's old blind horse w a:near by witb a bell on bis neck. Tindevil himself, or some other wicked spirit, put it into Neat's head to Uiwe a littlefun ; eo he slipped up to the old horseunbuckled the strap and npproached thewell with tbo bell in Uia hand, tiug a-liug.Jack tbougltt tbe old borse wan comingand aaid in au audible tone ; Hang theold blind horse ; lie's coraia' this wny,Bure, an1 he aint got no moro Bems tlinto fall iu hero ou me—wo, Ball I" Buitlie sound of tbe bull came closer, amJnok was resting at the bottom of lbtwell. "Great Jerusalem t" said Juok"tbe old blind fool will ba right ou top o:me in a mini.—wo, Bull—wo.tiaw, Bull!Jpflt then Neal got oloaa tp tbe edgeand kicked a little dirt on Jack's bead.Jack thought Ball was about to comgot close tu the side of tbe well aud be-gan to pray : "Oti, Lord, have morcyon—wo, Ball—a poor sinner—I'm gon«»0W— wo, Ball. Our father wl*in—wo, Ball—heaven, hallowed be thy—jeel Ball jee I what'll I dof—namiNow I lay me down to al—jee, Ball, ouofyonr livers 1 (just then in fell mor.dirt) buck Ball, wo, hoi Ob, Lord '•'you ever intend to do unytbiug for me—back, Ball—wo, bo !—Tby kingtlomoome—jee, Ball—Ob, Lord you kuowwaubaptiaeain aoiitb.8 mill-dam—woBall, hoi' up I murder I wo—fuiewolworld I"

Meal oonld bold in no longer and•bowed bimself at tbe top of tbe well,with a big uoarau laugb, which mighlbare been beard two miles. Thismore thuu Jack could bear and be start-ed tip tha rope liko a muakuv. "Eliyour pjoture, I'll give youttlB; I'll makeyour earn ring worse than that bell."Neal took to bis bee) and rim like uquarter borae, and the last that mmseen of htm ha wiia half a mile from tbewell, with two big dogs grubbing at liicoat, and Jack close bekiud bim.

The Sentimentality of Domestic Lift'A man who has married for love i» i

happy fellow. He is generally cueertuand always thinking about tbe dear omit*t home. He prefers to live out of tofor tbe sake of hia children. He is rarely lat* at business, risen early, gardenslittle, eats a hearty breakfast, aud gotto the necessary labor with a light bear•ud clean conscience. He often bringshome pleasant surprises for bis wife aichildren. You may recognize him intrsius, loaded with parcels, wbiob hgood-naturedly carries with perfect ira-oonoarn of what others think—a newbonnet, maslc, books, a cloak for hiawife; while in another parcel the wbeeli

'of a oirt, a iaok-itt-tlie-box, a doll .o•kipping rape protrude through tbpaper, and suggests the nursery. He iibrave and kind, though he niskes ninoise in the world. The Immanimnginfluence of tbat darling, red-checkedlittle felluw who oalls him father bringsa glow aud rapture of the purest pleas-ure earth holds ; for the man wbo hasoeverfelt a tiny hand clasp bis will al-ways lack sometuiug—be will be lesshuman, less bloased than others. Tin'is tbe noble, tbe honest, tbe only formof life .but imparts real oontentmeiand joy, that will make a death-bedglorious and love see pence through itstears. It ia so purely unselfish ; no ten-derly t rue; it satisfies tbe highest in-atincta. I t stimulates men to tbe best

• are capable of.


(MOIilUS ANO SSflEX DIVXB108.)DtBotu In fiew 1'ort, foot of Barclay Bt. and


iTijfnoAaUTionssnccdot«abontWiiRner is go

Ing tbe raand of tbo Parinaa press, aucIlisgivsn mnn thoantboiitj of CounBeust, the Uta Matmlin lliaiBter iiLondon. TUe entniont diplomatiat vatlome jam ago pteiiilpnt of tUo Couuciin Saxomr, wbeto he recetred a viufrom Wagner. Tlio mucstro, owing Iithe «hnr« he look in tbe tronulaa of 1M6,bad been oilliged to fl? tbe kingdom,and bad jnst taken udvanUge of tbo am<neity to rttur.).

"Tbej tell mo," »oid tbe Conot, "tbnjour friends am getting up an ovationtor yon. Ooantetmand it; it will ODI;lead lo unpleasantness."

"What I" Diked tbe composer, "doesaot the court of Snonj like mj mosio ?"

•'Mtnlo has notbicg to Jo with tbematter. But, yon «no», jon took pitin the ereula of IMS."\ "Ob r'Baid Wagner, "IB that all ! Doyon still think about tbat liitle misnnJer.Ui.aing?"' "Bxeowe me," interraptcd the Minie

v- tor," "jo» esll that 'a little misundor-standing.' I have here in my amhires a

: .doonmentaignedhj yon 'Biouard Wag-Uer*in full, proposinp; to barn down tberoyalpalioe,"

*Wagner bad a reputation for extraordinary coalnesa—toniethemildesttertiibat in the ioee of thts unexpected remlndereren lie eonld find no uoiiwer, andnotblns more was heard of tbo "ovat j o n . " , - ••'•': • - - • -

Tht Wise Man or Arkanuir.^frobably the politest and most consid-

'. aratemaD whoever lired was Qeneial^Bradsbale,.ofArkansaw. Somstimengo,

^ ~£oardinga train, he perceived his son,whom lie had not seen lor twenty years,ooonpyingaseat, reading. TbsoldgBtli-nan sat down imuedlately behind tieyoung man. After tbe train had gone•boat thirty mMei the jnnng man laidaside bis newspaper, and, discorerlng Maftther •ebsedtbeeldmanirithaacotion.

' i tofamlh. Why didn't yon let me know"'ffiatjoa-iraaon the train, lather!"

Becaoee, replied the old gentleman.•"Ieaw.thstjon were reading snd didnot wbli to distort—"

-" That vonld nave made no difference.* i i biaMee," aontinne.1 tbe lather•1 thooxbi Usat TOO might want to bor-raw a few dollars."

" Be who reins within himielf, onarulea pwilon, desires and fears, ia more

lecoLut MONDAY., JUNE JtfLb, 18tS.LKAVt NEW YOliK.

10A.M. (Eaatou Mat! Tn.in) ,cuuB with the ouuion branch at IfeuviU-

[urBixmton; tliu ChesterBranch aLDoverloiuocasuuuaituclulitJBVtr; tl ieSansei " - "

ioim* tliw 1>., L. iV W. 11*11. »t W»i

lontiUoii GrL-al U*JIIJ« Uiugliaiiitoi

Jawfiju aud puiiits ou tlio Lackawauua audLJlDuiualjurjjtUMl Dolawaro aud Huusi " '. indn; also n,t riiiUlpubnrfe' will. Leiiii! j iUIInistUand Lsbigli an'- BuHijuehi

nrrubuTf;.At *i3U A. M. Oswugo EipruBH ( I „

:.uuui OurBsitMlicd) from New York via. .'at-fi-.ou and iluoatou ruui through to Water..ap, Btrondftburg, Scrautoo, Qrt.it Bend,.^iit: .:*!>> ton, idHle, Blarathi»i, OortUud,

butefwitu Choator 11. B., a t Waterloo witli•iuasixB. It, for And over, Newton and all .na-tions- at Delaware with liUirntoWD By., atvrautoii, with oloomiburi! Division for ritte->. in, KluKStoji, Wiikotl.»rre, Danville. Nor tb-lUberlauU, tea., at BiugliamHiii ffHh Otic*

WIVIBIOU lur Oreeno, Sorwloli. Utioa, auJUvliHulU Buriugs. Pftusouguri. tahiug tLU

' IAIU n-oat Now y « k , Pateraou and Boontou-JU aouaeat n WaNliltifitou witb train for• 'tnllipaburg, MaBton. llBttaleUom. •Ulttttown,Urdibura and point* on tbo Let) \%b Talley,

,ud LeUiBb anif BaBqaclisnu* IU.iro;fl» J ai•• lillliiisburf; with IMvidero Division of Ft.. It.;. rorlaambortvUk, Treutou aud i'LUadolpLia.At 10.10 A.M. DurcrAooomiAt IM'»O U. Uaaton Exproaa.&t i:«} P. u . B'ghuutou Eipraii, Dnwioit Uoom

Jirs *tucli«d tons tlirouijli to Wator Oip,8troudi-iurg,Scr*ntOD, UlugJumfon, Bjraoaie audOiwogo,niiiiutlnM«iio»Dt°u with Lack, ts Dlooiu»bur«

. t. It. for l'lttilon, Wroming, KJngtton 1.0d Wllkaa-nrre. I^aaiensen takhiti thU train from New."urk, Patenou Mid Boon ton can oonnectat Watli-Dgton with.ruin tfcfi,

LuoveMov Vork atu.3O P. M (Easton Ex-iiroaa) cuntioutiug at Waterloo for Audover,.,'ivtun mil BranciivilUi, and at l'liilllpal

>vitb Ijuliitili Vnller Builmad and Lebigli-iisriuebiuiia It. It, rorllethiohoui.Allcntown,ioadiiie anil Harrlaburg. Also wlllt Bel. Pol.UiJroadforBelvidort..i t lOP . M. Watur Gap Bpoci*!, oohDOota at

• tVatur.oo " i th HUB.01 11 It. for Andovor!Viwlnn and Branchviilit. Tako tbia trail) fori,»ke nopatcoiiK. Uwid'e Lake, Bclioo' 'Mountain ami Wiior Qap. Stopi »t D11-illo tu Id off n&g' ngeri from How York.

*i*0 F. U., L. <er EipreHd fur Bnmmit

I'uuaaio und Dulawaro lUilroad.) Chatliam,tladiiion, Uorriatoivn.MornaPisiiiB, Ilonvillc,tuchawayautlDovur.At atHO P.M, (nactottatown Eiprons)gti

•injf at Mllliiirn, BuiutuU, Chatham, MadiBi(Drriatoirn and all gi at ions west to H&cketts-^11, coitnoctlDB at Waterloo with tralti for

'.ndoveraud Now ton.At ':0D I>, M. Osnugo EiproBB from How

Vork (aleoptas oarg stlaulied) via. Patoraon kUoonlou tliroucb to Water Gap, HtrondBburR,-tirantoii, BincTiaai ton, Lisle, Marathon, Curt-nid, Houior, 8yiacnno and OBWORO, oouneol

it Waterloo wilii BUBIOI Railroad fitr AIIOUVUIuidMutvtou; atDulawaro witb BUIntown By.VI Bliicbamtun with tr»ln for Orocnc, Oitortl,•Jorwiyli, Utioa, Ac. ThU train runs through'lOswofio Hatnrdus nights.At T.5D p . U. Dover Accommodation for'

L'Latbam, Morrletown anil Dover.For llornaruevillc, UiBkiqantlBO, Lyons,

MiHlBRton. Stirlin/t, Oillottu, BcrkeioyHolght> I nil xtatlonB ou Pasiaio and Delawaro D

It. (N. 3. Woat Lino Ballroad} 0:10 A. II . am1:30 nud 4:30 P.M,

A. EEA8ONEQ. Saparintendsnt.

DOVER TIME TABLE.Trains arrive and denart from this atatioi

M follows;rjgT BOUND A. II. WEBT BO0WD I. H

; Bpao. 4:35

OawBRoEiprouB* 9:60

\ViUer *cTap tfpocT£l 8:31- Tori BED. 8:43 Eaulou ExproB* 2;00

Aeeow. 11:10 B'gUnlmiKip.'SiflTp. u . KnHton ExprcBB 6:21t

ii'nlismton Eip.« 1:67 Watar OapHpoc'l B:«Vow York Mali 9:44 Dovor Eiprcan 0:1!i)w«r A«oom. _ 6:45 ~ " "

8EEK1FF'8 SALE.ii Chatiocry of Nuw Jcracj-BctTroea ThoMutual Life luanrauco OompsDj- af Newy<ith. compUiuint. »«d lumt A. Clan lie Idam! Justpb Lovell OnuEyld, Exuouiom uf tholast will and ttutanmntof Clmrlotto 0. ('in-field, doce»8tvs, mil Joaeub LovuJl Oiiiti* Id,E l u a H . OanneW. Traucia taywiu Cat.lli-1'l,Eiiti A. CanSfl'l, *mi Hubert Oanfluld, -I..-

premUtB. lluturunbte to FebroaryTcrm, A.

° 1BMFBEDEMCK 0. DUHSHAM, Stl'r.D T I'irtiin nf tbtt aburo stutud writ nf flerlL> fnviaxin ntv linudK,I shall nitosc t<T »t>loit PQIJIIC Veiulut'.at tfia Court Homu, iu Mor-

riBtown.N. J., onMONDAY, tbe 2»,h da.v of JANUAHV next,

i . V. 1BH3, butwou tlio IIOUTBof 12 M. nnd &• lock I1. M., that i« lo *UY at 2 o'clock in tlie

crnooii «ir B»id day, ull thai tract ur pflrcolland BQd premium,liereiriarUT parhcolarly

... MottiU'v"*m tJiHKOnu!ity ol Morria andHtttla ol NL'W Jrr*ey : Ikciuuinj; at n pomtiixu-loar and hvu huadredtlm feot on a coumoof uorth forty-live dc^rei'B vast from tho ton-

ir tlio well of water Dear lliu klto)t«ii aUud-m IIIEH lut, tliu same haing now tlo pointKrwulidU of Ibo contra linoo of 8prinn

ami WuU-r etrsoU and rmiDinff l\\onc.t< (1)atf,nf-K[!rinG«(rftt (formerlycalled tltoUnianTuritDiliiToadi sontli twentj-twodiigrceafiasttnn liuudrcd elevt-n and Iwcnty liUUdreiitliBf«ei to torroerli' William Diokersou'fl lino;

niy-rour aud Iwcuty-four-huui.redths Ti-ot.« ..if Moulberly <'orriar or i Int COIIVL-VOII byDayton I. Oanfield aud wife to Juscnli Wilson,by ilced boarint; date- March lat, 182B, and re--•riled in tlie Morris Counts itecordB t>l Dnoda

Booh TV, pujje 205, Ac : ibonoo (3) alons.„<• first l!u« iu Kaul deed (rnTerscO) uortlitliirlv decrees aud thirty nilnntoe west twoliunJrod iorly-iiinc niid ono-lmlf fnnt to ocntmor mad bailing from Homo Hills to Morris-town (nutv Water Blrcot1, tlionoo (4) along Uiocentre «t tbe BHIUO anuth arty-two deKroeaireiil ouo liandrod nod liriy-uina fcoimoie orICBH to Ibu jmtnt or place of buglnuiuR, oon-

Dated Nnv.2lBt

*Yia. Eonnton BraDeh.








Port OramDOTOI-


P . J4.104.204.SG4.404.QS6.10E.SO


QEnMAN VALLEY, 0HE8TEI1, DOVEB,IlOOKA\YiY, BUDD'S LAKE, LAKS HOPAT-CONO AND BOHOOLEI'3 MOUNTAIN.time table for pimenBor trafnn, to take oflcot


IN N E W T o m , fnotof Liberty St . , North rhIs BBOOXLTK, Jowell 'a Wharf, foot oFFultou SI.IN ruiLADELrutA, de iwt i iP . * I t . B . U . Oth am

Greco , and 8d and Borba Bt i .


New Vork


A. H. A. M.0.00

mil Green Stg. 8 80•• 3d and Berks " B.SO


Bound Br ink , ,H i g h B r l d g a . . .CaltronVwwtyUlddlo Tallcy..uarnmu Valley

torrnau TallcyCliuitlor Arrive .

NtogliriBht . . . .Hartleyt ' laudcraOsry'ti




[•ort Oram . . . .Kenrl>DrakeBfillc...3ary'a

Ilirtley ..'.'.'.'.'.'.

H o s J e r . , , . .»rf.acrmBlfT>Tley.

0.00.,• S.05

-. 0.B010.00


A.M. A.M. A.M.P.M7.168.30 11.884.15

. . . . 7.30 8.40 11.WJ4.80A. 11. P. It

L o a r e 8.3911.808.8511.808.4111.49R.44U.M8.5011.608Jt9U.fiD9.021202O.O712.07

Arrive 9,1612.18DOWM TB4WB,

17 6A. M. P. U,a.ao aaoc.29 a.sia6.83 3.88

' 6.42 S.420.44 8.446.40 8.-ISB.53 8.511

:::::•::::::: S8SJSr*Trt*5B*B.'oor'ii.oo s.ra '. . . . 7.06 8.20 11.104.00

P. »4.00

3.4G8. SO4.2&4.004.S7B.asA.10SM0.280.8'J6.89



r. H5.806.89G.450.646.E76.03C.OiCOSG.14


a o r m a n Valley Leftve 7.07 4.07 O lHidillo Valley 7.14 * . H 0.82V«rnuy 1.19 iM 6.39Oflliroo 7.23 4.3S 0.49HIRU BI-IJRO Arrive 7 38 4.%. G.6S\kmnA Brook " 8,90 0.83 8.28BliMbeth " B.1S 6.17 C.07Newark " 0.42 «.43 9.30Ttentm " B.83 6.45

PhiladelphiaOor. 3d an3 Berki " 10.48 8.M" Olh and Croon " 10.07 8.05

Now York " 9.53 6.60 O 7Oonvetanc«B can ba procarcd at Oermau

Vallot to and from Schooler's UounUln; atFhnderi to and from Bpdd'i Lake; at Kcarillo and from Lake Hooitconr.

Ken York time fa tho standard, a« InJIcatedby tlie clock In HIKh Bridge Slation. The Com-

ny rewrroi tbe right lo viiry the ranniog of..jinn from thin time table a« droamsUno«l

UABTON CoHKicnoHi.—Oonncction Ii madet H l h B d d f Et


Tbl. n i a e d ; «U1 u t ID bvmoaT wllb tbft Fe-aud . . j . te in .1 all llmM, and also Immediatelynoon tba aMoBton«Mntoa

Dr. MarcMil'l f tl

mmcdlaUl/lei, and !*•

ab«aIt)7 and strong condlUoi,MarcMil'i Uttrtxe Cathollcoa «rillcan AS-

f tlie wumb, L<3nconh(E»,'1Cliron.cIalUmm»-»nd Uleenltns of Iba Womb, Incidental

dd' .Utartn.OH' • o ^ ',









Kliss Nolan's.8bcha«alarsc«locko(

CLOAKS! CLOAKS!which ehtt la felling very ulieap.

3,000 YARDS OF RIBBONof all itindfl tiuld nt iiatfprioo for tho noxt four

•eiiba. Dmi't fail to u k o adr^uitagoof tliiH oppartunity.


619 & 621 BROAD St.,NEWARK, N. J.

lHH2 . 10


Tiiiiiiiiiff.oatiipl.iiiBUt.niiil William A.DrakeMtry AIIQ HfdgfR aod LMUIU H. PicrJOD,Eieonlor or Aritliplla H. Plerson, dect'f"""1

arc (kreutlantB. Fi, fa.fornaluoruiurt{;i „ .premlBoe. Betnrunhlo toFuhrnarvTerm, 4.D. 1883, S. II. LITTLE, Bul'r.

BY v -tno or tho nbovo stated writ offlorlfaoiHB In my ItauilH, I BIIO.11 cxpoHo Fur sale

at public vcnduQ, at tbo Court lloube, in Uor-[Utown.H. J. ,ouMONDAY, the 2Sth day ot JANUAHV n u t ,

A. li. 1883. botnoen the honrB of 12 M. 8Dd 0o'clock p. M., thai IB to nay at 3 o'clock In thoattornonu orialddiiy, all tbat Iraol or pircelaf land nnd premiRuu. lioreluaftcr uarticnlarl;describe.!, dtuato, lyliift tml being hi tho(nwnnhipof Oh P 9 tor. in tlio County of Mor ridand Slate uf Now Jersey; butted and boundedaBlolknva: BcaiuniiiK at a cur per of NoahHcnddor'g laud in Gilbtrt Budd lino ind run a[1) south elxtT-ninDand a liair dcRrecBtretttweuty-flve cliaiiiH and twenty Uiiku alouKKoali Soudilcr'H line to it corner of DennisCratcr'u lot, tiienoo (3) uorth Iwonty-onc auda hmf cl^erncg west thlriv-ttvo oliaing and thir-ty links along Donnln Crater'c line, DintelBudd'a lino aud Garret Lake's tine to John 0.

„. . .8 cast cweutyQvQ cbaltis nod twenty HnkBulonu Buid DuOow'n line to a corner in BOT,Holaon's lino; tlieuoo (i) eouth tweoty-oiond a half degrees eaut thiity.two chaim aL..sQvcntyllnhB along Gilbert Budd'B lino to tliebocinniQR corner, ooutalninK oifility-one toresof land ho the same moro or lose.

Excepting, liowevor, Havcntcen acres of landmore or loBit, dosoribcil in a ourlaiu drud Trom•mid Jnmo* ToppinR to one Qarret haVe,datedApril 2,1855, recorded iu Morris Comity Clork'ifilco. in Book O 5 PUR A S73, &B,, at deedtt.

WILLIAM H. HOWELL. BUerlff.Datod KDT. Slut, 1833. 17 20

Morris County Suragate's Office,DEO. IStli, 1B83,

In tho matter of J imci H. Carroll, Adminis-trator of Elizabeth Donaldson, deceasedSnrrogato'a urdur ii> limit creditors.

OK application of Iho nbovo-oninod Adrafn-iHtrator It ii> or do rod by tlio gnrroftnte

that said Administrator g.*n public notico tnthe orcditori of tlio tntalo of Biiti decedent tobring in tlioir debts, domautta and claimsagalnBt the mine, under oath, wltliln nfncrooutlia from this date, lv Bottln^ up a copy othis order, with in twenty day a here after, in ftaof tho most pablie pkcet in the conuty of Morris for two muntim, nnd also nithfn tho saidthroaty (3nyn byadvertlglCR tlio samo in tlie"IronEra/'oncottheuotrHpancrBoftliiBStaU,for the BBtno space of time {tlio SurrogtuiJudfiiug any furliier notice to 1m inmecr§Biirj)and if »ny creditor slinllnnKlcct to exliihlthfior bor dobt, demand nnd claim within Ibo nakperiod of nfuo monthg, public noltco boing(•iron at aforimflii], nuuh creditor shall bo fur-over debarred of his or bar action thereforagainst the said Administrator.

A truo copy from tho minutes.

OIIAS. A.G1LLKN. SnrrocntrHYJ*B.O.H*EES, DEPOT!-. [H.G0] 4-lOw


By virtue of a n ordo r of the Orphans Com I,of tiio Connty of Mi>rrin, mailo on t h e nl i tden thHay or October, A B . 1B82, tlio gubscribtr , Ad-minlBtrator oT John D. Kinp. la te of saidconnty deceased, mi l sell at pnblic vendne ont h e premises in tlie township of Randolph , Insaid County or Morris and BUto of How Jr~

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 31st,UW3, between the hoara or 13 o'olook H . tn<J 5d'cl'ii'k V. M., that is to Bay at two o'clock intho afternoon of Raid day, all tbat certaintraclorlotofland and real estate, situate intho Township, Oonnty and ^tala aforesaid, orwhich! In BBM deceased died seised, bolus ahomo snd lot of land near Part Oram.nooccupied by John fiendder, ind which 1B moi.purlleoIsrljtfcscribed In a oertaln deed fromriernim A. Freeman, late Slier iff or tbn Gaunt)--rilorrip.lo tlie said deceased, in his lifetime,

liich said deed boars ,Uta Febrnary 11th A.II. J878, and recorded ID the Morris OmtntyItccord of DeedB in Book W 9 on folios 673, t o .Conditions mule hnotrn on tbe day of Bftlo.

A. JUDSQN COE, Administrator.Dated NOT. 23d, 1863,





Joseph York.t-tf HOIUUSTO^VN. V. J ,

Millinery! Millinery I



Stationery, Confectionary, .Began, Tobaocoo, &o.

Mrs. J. P. Witheridge,PORT ORAM, N. J





OYSTERS, Clanis. Mussels

mid Canned GoodsBUrKS TX AST ITTIiS.

LAGERS, ALES, SEGARS,m alwmjn ba foood In h i t nlooB daptr l tneat .

- -Prop'r.



TbBbeit work *t lovcit prtei, lUpalrtngcheaply and promptly aon«. Hait to oia P r wblUrii* ObnxoU. BUckw-U 6U 30-1 r

PE4-OH TREES.TUB mbMriber ofcn to the public, tboni

15.000 rRAOH TREES of choice tni] goodictring varlntlM, «H ready for Hettiug tn tbe~ ' \g. Now li tlie aeaion cr tin year to par.

). For pariinaUr* call on or addrcM,JACOD I. BOFLEB,

BartlByvill*, Mania Co., M, *.





ii Sst.bli.li.. Over %'FOR GROCERIES





tB always on bund a full an t ireih •took ofitBudard goods at

HBASOIVABLE PK1CK8.It doesn't pay to cspcnntentwlth flour. Ash

four grooer tar the ramou.

VIOLA BRAND,and tako no otbor. It !• alwayi Rood—can be

iliod npou ovorj time. Sander sou on this_je brand i no reft sod hia flour trade 600 pcoant. 29-tf


FOR SALE.Tbe subscriber offers for twle his farm

iiitnated in tbe Township of ByruroCounty ol Sussex, Q) miles nortb ofStoDliope. Tbo farm contain* US 01-100acres, IB io it liigh slate of culthaliou, iawell wntercd, good feuoea uud flrat-oltiiubuiMiugs. Ooe-llifrd of the purchnsemoney to be paid, tbe balance can re-main on bond and mortgage for a termof years. It ia a rare opportunity forany ooa wishing to buju first-class farm.For fartbet particulars call on tb« snb-Bcriber. WM. EEOWN.

BTA»nnPS, N. J .




with steel chiin and Oamda Bpraca ,whloh is tsatolenB. TUey clve tlio best of

B&Uiraotlon. Thoy a l » keep In stock

"THE NEW EMPIRE"HOT-AIB, GIB AND BASE-BDRNIK& OOOK-INd 8TOVE, tbe belt lnklDs Blow In theworld. Alio.b large BBBor t moot of other stylo*of OooUntc Stovei. Ranse i l'trior Blovei, A c ,for SOIMEl , AtJD WINIElt TJBE. Aiso, xohuloeitockof

HARDWARE, CUTLERY,Ola... Wooden, (tapper, riftln ind J.pannec

„„,BiplOlfTO.) AlBO,

Lampi, Painti and OllgPrMt'i Ailral Oil(non

DBA1.BBB IN COAL.Booflng, Plumbing and Job

Work promptly sttocdod to.B U M K E L L ' S l A T E S T J J E A U C0OKIKO

ales a t Maniifactnrer 'g p r ices ;

They alao bite ana of tho above scales infront of tbclr placo of bmincBi tor

Dublio weighing.Old Iron, Ooppor, Bran, Lead, Rapa and

Greenbtoki Ukenio fiiclnuROfor goodi.tCEK k BDKNBLL.




i54 ACRES,_ ire or lesB, ol voail had, tn a hiitli Httte ofcnUfTtUoD. «ml located r i s hl in tbo vdlace,vrltb Mhool homo, cbnroliDs and posttfwithin a few mlnnlea wtlk. On the prcn...unl i » largo house of 18 rootna, with cellar 35foot iqnare. mlUble oltlier for t pahlio liomoorloardinRhoane j aim Rood barns ind olher•ntbnlldlngH il l In good coiidilion. Plenty or»Vp!eB, ctierrlM, pc&ra «nil am a 11 frolu, andl.i-0 ivaoh Ireei right in hcuius conditioti.The plioa Is well watered, md (bore ii a novelfailing well ot water »t the door. Hair or thepnrehiao tnotiev o n remain on tbn pltcn. ForpartloDlui »pply to P. O. TOTTEN,

W w p On tlie premliefl.



U ready to meet tbe dereiotlf of dcalen io

Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars

WHOLESALE.ETerjbody who dotU la tlio above trill find

.ttojtboirbenetUin bmingofblm. Hekeop*Ibe beit at tlie lotreit muket prinB. Olreilm *a order and JQB wilt iKt oouTinoed'ttut

If vo and lei Jin ii nla motto.

$66 'jsr&


THE DOVEE LUMBEB Co.offers to builders the best opportunities in the purchase of LUMBEBof every grade and desflrijjtioa including LOW PRICES and tlie gadvantage ol haying

.Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place where it ia purchased, greatly

cost of uuiltUng by the great eavuig in manual labistock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial pains are taken

to give satisfaction in every particular.OBOEOB KIOHABDH, President.WM. H. XIUIBKUT, Seo'y and Tioaa

L W. SBIBINO, Oen'l Manager.



HPKINU \VAGiO\S and al l leading HtyleR m a d e to order.Wo w a k e u specialty of flret-class custom w o r k and

guai-autee our w o r k to equal in DliKABILITkaud F I M S U tlie beet city m a n u f a c t u r e .

ID addition to oar own manufacturing husinesn wo have just iundu nrrangementfl withsamo of the Largest Wholesale MaDUfactiirers iu the country wheroby iream ready to Bell Bad li&ve oa baud a large stock of llomty-m&de Garriagen, Boggles,Phiotous and DoBlaess Wagons nt prices as low R3 any dualer io tbe ooanlry, aud whiohwill defjr oompetitioa Gall and see DUI stock before purolnwiog el Be where.


Jos. K. Beach & Son,H O O I £ A J W A Y p>»r. ar.


H. P. SANDERSONhas just received Ms fourth shipment ofSLEIGHS for this Winter. He has onhand a fine assortment of PORTLAND andSWELLS, and at prices that can't be beat.Call in time and make your purchase.


C t a i i mn Carpet Weaving: H l i t t n i !C. S. JENSEN,

Dyer and Carpot Weaver, wonld nnnonnce to the citizona oi this place and vioioity tbntbs will meet alt (heir wants ia dyeing and carpot weaving.

Merino nna Oanbmflre DroFMon, Shnwh and Clonks a Bwoialty; nnd nil kinds (iffabrics ore neatly oUnmi, dyed and flnlshod. Gontlomen'fl gurinonta, OOBU,. pnuta andvoata oloined or dyod nnd neatly finished withont rippine. By oleaniaB and dyelnz fadedand worn clothing they might bo raids nervloable for a long time,

C A R P E T WEAVINGI-Bwir ia tho very beat Looms for List and Bag Carpet,and everything Jilted up for tlmt-clBBa work, I think I oan deliver what the ladles want,after tbey lava taken the trouble to out and new thoir raga nicely, a Rood nw carnet Ii «.. ™™ , « « , oMioinw and all oidera are MmHtfto wiWcSeT Oar-

. « .rfasonable prioe paid for carpet ratpi. ORrpat on hand for

AND P«O-SPE0r8m, t oD0vSDKJS 8 B r i '1 5 B I A N " ^ " ^ ° ° E - E L i 0 K m S I 1

DoT«,N.J..8miQlllh.l8Sl. C- S. JENSEN.

after tbey t&ve taken tha troublekeep tbe very best warp for my cpet rags dyed any oolor. A resisslo. Flooe of boainess in tQB C


CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RY,Bcina *"o Croat Central Line, affords to travelers, by roaaon of Its unrivaled aeo-

Br Its main Una nnd branches It reaclie* Chi on BO, Jollet, Pooria, Ottawa.•jpSalte, Qeneseo, Moll no and Rook Island, In lllnolsi Dav-nport, Musuatlne,Wa»tiinBton, Kookuk, Knoxvllla, Oskaloom, Fairfiald, Dea MolneB, West LlbefmIowa City, Atlantic, Anocn, Audubon, Harlan. Outhrle Center and Oouneli Bfufta!in town 1 Qallatln, Trenton, Camoron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Lfinvsn-worth and Atchlson in Kan m i , and the hundreds of cities, villaaes ana towns


i ' R ° ? E ? ! ! S l 2 S " ' ™ " *"" "°"' *° " « " W""T R1"1 U P O »


R. R,


ALBERT LEA ROUTE.- i ' m^!.!!.!!*?'!?." T"1 **• Pp"nea« *"* ««»aoa and KanKakaa, b.tws«nw«, Rtehrpond, Clnetnnath Indlannpoll. and La Parana, and council

!. Paul, Mlnnaopolle and Int.rniMllatD polnu.All Ttirpuali Pasaanear. carried on Fast Cxpra.. Train..

E"™*1?"!!'. Mnstaii.taYSfa^Jm.iHffaMi.j,,«lr|olDa|THIf Ornoaaln tha Unltad strnas and OannOa, or of



SHERIFF'S SALE.In Chancery of Hew Jawey—Bstween TbsOom-

mlMionfltt, of tbe Staking Food of New Jer-•ey, Mmpliinniti, and iugastiu W.catlerand Julia B. fall wife, Tbe Pint HitloiialBtnk of Morrinlown, Oeorfrft Cbipman.Bobert H. Smith, Tbe Freehold BittklnRCompany. Thnra« Huguut, Tim H*tioa»IIron Btclt of Morris town, Goorgo B. Toor-heeB, Jamei B. Voorhree, I n M. Johnson,Mfl«ei A. HrookfieW, Oarer J. Hi-arllay, J*aeJ.Bjber, N»lh*n Buifmin, JamesHOIIUM,Edwin BOIR, Osome H. Ho»i, Stephon H.Bretifl, William Poley. Madison M. Oonnot,Etrl P. Oonnot, John L. AnderBoa, HTBBB J.OuUer.W. Firman Btono and Heuty Stone,dofccdAntai. £*1. fft. for siilv or roortinuftc* Jpremlaea. Beturaible tn Ootnber Turm 4 . 'D. 1882. <1. D. W. TOOOM, Bol'r. !

By virtue of tlio ebo^ §lnttA wrtt of fieri'seiu In my hanile, I slull exoous for nslo at•oblic Vendne t t the Oonrt Bouse, in Morrii-

town.H. J.,oaMONDAY, the 90th day of JANUARY next,. D. 1383. bottreen tbe hoon or 12 h . -ad 5

. 'clock P. tt., that it to U F st S o'alook In theafternoon of lud day, all tfiow traata or parcels.fluid, situate in llio torrpship of BandolpU,u the County or Horrli aod 8Ute of Hew

J m c ; , tho flrst lot being tha Shonnm Lakeproperly. Bej{inniDft *t& Itrgebltckotlf treenarked on four aiden, alaniin^ on the northildo of Shongam forge pond, near tha dim,jditf treeVeiogalio* corner of BIlu Yonng'iland tbat ha pnreliiBed or Ebenerer Stllea,


. . . . . Mdl?ot t l -road ; (8) south forty-seven and a half degree*

t nine obtim itnd forty links; (4) mntbforly-twomdal)ilfdeBrM3bwoBHwentyohalDiand tvienty.Ove links; (5) south tbirty-tbroodBflreesaiia tnrentr minntei eaat tprelvflobatni

d i h t ; l i k ( 0 ) tt t h d

auvaatb uti IwaUtb 'i-^r'Panum, Jr., Jan. !. 1BH. teooriri to

e2.te .boat box haadndHOjraLL, murlt.

ooklo.MS.all.As. TlsiDC la We Ugre2.tep.td»0».IU,ie8S.


IN i t i IM KLUIOHlia AT


nod eighty links; (6) Buuttt Herontythreegrooa *ncl forty minntoa went twenty-fonrobaim nod forty-flvo link* to the old Bpunishoi1( oornar; (71 north fortY-MVon end % htlfdecrees weal twelve cbaiDB and aeveaty^lghtlinks near tbe head of the pond; (8j tontbforty-lourdej(re(8 want seventeen obains andulity-eigbt links; (C) iiortU forty-six desreesveal fourtoen oluuos and aovettty-ono \\ah»;(10) Dortli ior.j--.our dntrreea oatt eoventeenoliilni and «Uly-oiSht Ilnka ; (11) lontb fortyseven deftreeauBtt-voahalnii and sevonty-flve

, aatbfaliwatei, ,~ , „ jwesterly aido o

aald pond at high w&tor mark tbe aa?eraconrBeBthereuft.il til it cornea near the damwhen n oonruo north will strike tbe beginning(IB) north to tlio beBlnniDR, oooUinins onhundred end forty-seven eorci of land, moreor lens, excepting a lot lold bv OommfsaioneriofAbrabim Fordyoe lo William G.Qalnby;ilso tTTenly-slx handredlbBof an acre onnvovw-o Henry Pftnons, Jr . , by Jacob H. PordyceFeb. 20,1960: sko a lot offlfty acres couTd.vedto Jacob Fordyca by WillUm Hott, Jr., Deo.l i , 1817 i also a lot of on a note and thirty-twohnni.rr.dlha oonteyed to William Qulnby Nov.20,1667: ftlnoastrip upon tlie northwesterlyflito of tbo road ronreyad to Henry Panon b:xldo of tbo road ronrejad to Henry PsnooWilliam Hoti dated Marob a,lM6j conve.toAnguitns W.Ontler hy JaoobH. ~ 'by deed dated March af, 1805, rouiB k S 5 88 AcBookS5.paKCsS8.fto.

TBKBECOMD LOT bocfntiinfl at a,.onrB where a Spanish Dan formptlr Btood.

now • corner of Samuel Allan, Peter Freemanand KLtODezor Slllei, thenow jl) alonK Btllea'land towarda Sbongam pond cortbweat twelve' 'UB »ud BBveufy-eJalit links to a oomBrof

twenty-six »cro Totj (2) south forty-Blx•ecs and tlilrty tmnntos woat aeventemi

eifibt c\of Bobert Parsona' glx sore lot : (4) aontb' rly-iii docreee and thirty mlnotes west (

ininsand tbirlj-nroe lloks to another conlot; (0) uorth llilrty-nlne decrees

y-Qlght minutes weil iix obBlnaand fort.*. ... lltika; (8) south forty-«ix deKreoa andthirty roinntts went twolva chain § and fortylinks tu Henry Parson's corner; (7) aoothtblrtyulno degrees and tliirty-clgnt minuteseast twenty-BBTon ohams and sixty-five links:(8) north forty-Blx degrees and tbirty mlnuteicant fiirty-two oliaiun aud rorty-elglit links tothe beginning, conlafuiDR eighty acres andnevonty hundrcdthi or an aoro ooiivoycd toDavid Coaaet Mnreh 20, lfiltB, Hint recorded 'llouh F 6 of Deeds, pucm 145.4o,

THKTHIBD LOT W i n s at tba beijinninn oor-iGrofthe flrtb lot desutiUpd In a '


i°BDd"thlrty.niiia'hnitB"i(9) Honth thlrty-nlno dORreeg and thlrty>elf;hlmfnutcB east six chains and forty-two liiiks to

at David Cooper's lot : (8) north fortyecs and forty.flve roliiDtes east ton

cbalna aud thirty-nine Iliiku; I*) north thirtymoo degicea and lliim-oigbt raiiiutos wentell obsiua and forty-two llaks to tlio bo8lnnioKcoutaiufDK alx awron. oonreyed by George Par-Rona March IB, 18G8. and reoordad in Book F7 ot DeedB, pages 231, &t.

THEFOCBTH LOT uofiinnlnp at a oorneraaHounded on the north by isndB of HenryPlersoa, on tba cant by land or Hunry PiRraonmid widow Mar«»rot Pierson, on tho south OTlauds or Roheft Pierson, and wcet by laud oftiaraucl Johugon, eantnintapr forty-flvo acreaand was devised to John D. Plorson hv Robenl'leraoa in ana by bis last will and teiUmentrecorded ia the Ooncty of Morris In Liber E o;Wills, page 620, and in ns follows: " I giveuiitci QiJ HDD John D, PJenoD nil my landi notilready devised lyittg woet of tlie Widow's lot,

jud ftl«o in tbe swamp west of tbe road lead-ing to Iho Cooper mua/lows lot j convoyod byJohn D.Piersan January 10,18G8, and recorded;uliookD7.P«gtfl3t3,4o.

TUB FIFTH LOT beginning in tbe middle «fPakes road ieadios Irom Bhongam to the oldruad lending from MorriBlown to NeirtownandtbenortheaBtearaernrthohorobysrlpromisea j thence (1) north ttfly degreesivo minutes west three chains and ninety-sixlinks to a stone placed In the water at highwater mark in Siiongatn j (2) nontfa niity-ooedesrooa and forty-live minutes west ono chainand twBntv-onn links, (S) south thtrty-uli de-grocs and thirtt-flTe minutee we it two chains»nc. ono link } (1) aonth aUly degraea east Byechains and aiittr.nne lioka to tlie middle of theroad: tliecco along Uia iamo (B) north tliirly-twodenrefB sun forty-Qve mlontea east twaohalns and forty-live links to the becinniiit—itatclng ono acre and thirty-two bnodredtlis

. MI acre, oaoveyed by Caleb Abor Ootuber,18G0, t,nd rocordoa iu Dook X 6 of Deeds, page

^ H E S u r a LOT beffinDtoff four links from aion tree tnirked I O, aUndlnv in line of

__d toloagi&R t i Widow Dotv; thenoo (!)north sUtj-otu and a hftif dogreos eaHt soven-Icon chaiua and Blity-ouc links; thpneo (2)north flfteun defcreea west lour ohaina andaity-llnkB; (8) Boutli flflyflvo OCBIBH aud ahalf west eighteen chains; (1) noatli c ag t t w o ci.flina and elfihty.to tho bcginnlnK, oonUining .Iweaty bundrtdtbii of t.a ncre, oouvoyedleorge Pierson April 3,1801, reeorded fa BBoo

K 0, page 148, Ao.T U B SEVEKTB L O T beRim a t tlio miildlo Df

Ibe br idge t h a t in over t brook t ha t rtbo farm formerly owned by Hob

- J , thence ( t j eontli soTonty deq;iwest three elision ; (3) inn th rnrty-nli,> do-

s west th ree obamM and fifty l ink*; <H)h t l i i r t y o n e a e R r c e i o H t f o u r c h i ( 4 '

d fty linkt fourchnitti ii)i sixteen decrees , , .

uurtU forty-sii degrees east tlireo chalnriaiKBilly links; (6) eoatb tweoty-lwo dt-Rroo.east fonr chains ind flity linlm to a corner|7) north fartr-flve decrees enit aevoutomohaina and Boventy-flvo lints ; (S) north fnrt<

FCn decrees west tlilrtv-four olmlux and lorl;

. ihs ; (fl) «onth forty-nmo ilesrcon west ncvoi.chains andflfieon links lo Uio mlilOlo of brook;(10) dotvn tlio midillo or brook Urn

inrses tbcreor to tlio bofiiiii'int,', coi.

T H E EmBTK LOT begins nt tlie tenthf u lot or 147 ocrcH that William purcl: _.iBcph Mott March 2, 1830 ; tlicnco (1) norlhrly-ronr ilcereea east Hoventecn chains andityclpbt Inks ; (2) south rorly-nnvoa do

,rctB cunt two cbaii.a and Kt^enty.flvfl Hukjlo tlio edfte ot Slioupani pond nt bifib wate.murk ; {fljup mid iionil at ...oh watermarkhoHOVPral eouraoa liiereoT until a coutae orinrUi fortj-sli degrct-s west will inU-reeot and•iiu to nlace ot beginuinji; thsnea (it to thouaco or lieRinnlnu, contlining six acres.

Tar. Nmrn LOT beglua at the Boventh cor-iert.f fll 10-100 acres, tbnnoo (1) nnrth twentyme deurees ami fifteen minutes wont fourihalDH and filtv links ; Hie no o (V, Booth iorty-iixilcgreciaiKlfoity-avB minutes west three'liamn and eixly links | tlienoB (8) uortb ar-cen rlcgrees and arieen minntei west four

cliaiLH aud twelve Hnka ; («) aouth tL1tS-mm.legreeg WPBI fonr ohaina a,m1 nsventy-fivolink.; (C) B o n th thirty-Bix ae5ree» M i t wchainH and flrtj-flso links • (6] -ioni!. ton do-creea cast ono chain and ahy thren haka • (T)outli tweutv-nino dfuroai west Ian obaint andunctj links; (8) sooth eight desrees west tnohaliiH mid twenty-three Unfesj <D) mntliwcnty-n»e degrees eaBtthrBO ohalnB and teninks ;. (10) norlh forty-flffl d q i m s and forty"no minuted cant twelve uha.na and sixty Ilnkao tlio beginning, contain.!.* sat on aores andiRlity-thrteliundredthsot an acre, eonvayedy George Pierson March 19,18(18. aadreaoro'ed'a liooti F 7 or Dpcds. folios 233, &a.

THE TENTH LOT beRiunlnit in the middle otbo brotik, boinfr the lentil corner of a lot of

SOJ aoroft, conveyed bj Robert Pientfn toBtnry Pierson Deoember 2i, 1858, theuoe '1)eolith fortf-nlne degrees and fariy-flve min-nlefl west twenty-two chains and efehtj-flfe

nkB to a corner of land of Samnel Johnamtud Bayro; (a) north clfibty^ne and a halfL'Rioes ea-t seven obalng and twenty-eightok*, (3) n o r i h tcventy-one itecreea castRhtcca chains and forty-flva link* to an ash>rner on the west hank el said brook; tbo DOBI) rnnulnft up tho middle of the brook the•veral courses thnreof to the place of bflijln-iufi. conlalnlnfi fuurloen-aorM »nd a bairore or IPSB, onnvejed by Jerome B. Yonns;

_eMraber2*,lI)G», and recorded In Vol.7, p.

TEE ELKTXITH LOT bcglonintr at aheap ofstones, a corner of Bamnel AJlon's land on a,cDrnar. sonlh tliirty-flro dsftrees and thirtymlnntci e n l twelve obalna In a i to rap of achoetnot titw In Peon's old line, a comer oflan-l formerly belonR.nB to Jatnea Tonnft,deceaaedj thanes li) south fifty-three de-Kree* and thlrtr-slx tninntes neat twsntf

l a in i ; (1)soothMVnnteen dogreei and thirtyIx mlnntes west seven, oba.ni tn<t twenty

l iaki ; iS) sontli forty-ninodegreei west elavoiuhama and tatty-Am links] (4) aooth forly-fnnr deRreoe e*it elghtoen ohaius and flftv

nk«; (6j north forty-men degrees and Fiftyvo minntei east ono chain and Bixty<*lx links >

(S) ioath ilffttr-nx dBRTMB sast ton ehalnaand twenty-five links; (7) north fortr^ix do.

- east toventeen ohtlns and twonty-flve

ebala andeiRht? llnba; (B) nor th•"J^BOTC*decrttea and tblrtv minutes east els von ehatnaand flftv links; (10) north tblrtv-roor degreea

Iftyrnlontes west trientv-ili ohiin. *n,1

Tffli T w n r a LOT beginning at a black oakoe itendiDftoit tbe eailarty side or the r d

tbat lesdi from B n s a m tn Horrlstothenw as tb» needle pointed In 1803 (1) northIortj-«ven degrees and ftftyfiro minntei eaittwonty-fiye ehalns and sovontysix links; (3)north forty-five deflrees west eighteen chainsand filtrllnkaj ft) aonth fbrty^lght deareeavest twelve ohaim and twentr-slx linha ante

is atoreiiVJ read; (4) ••tttb. fin degrees eastII-M eha DS j (81 soiiih twelve degroea oast

thrse dia inaand fifty Jinks; (fl) South onedeRreo weal seven ohufnii and fifty links [ (71jonlh *1SKI).degrees ..cwt eiabt cltalna aodfifty l lnkt-(8) aDQth twebtTTSlght df^rees


N^ffli.sssi£:g bwutifal sils of teeth for



OEO.MANNInvitei ft call from all hU friends to his plaeeOD CLINTON BTBEET, wbera for their amnie-

ieut he has »

FINE POOL TABLEand a woll fitted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYu l new and In perfect order. Also, tbo beatLAQEBBand other drinks, and tbe choioesiBEDAUB. All wbo favor mo with a call willfind tUemaelveg agreeably entertained[and

ll treated. OEO. MAUN.




Dr. Eamllton'B Malarial Specific

Tbil medJoina l i a purely vegetable p^epa^ation, a td It perfeotlT barmleas. I t will enr*tbe wont cases of Malaria or Fever and Ague,whether aoute or chronic, and It wiU effeot acare where both Quinine and Atsenlo fall. Itis now being prescribed by pbysiotani, and Ilio w b u been followed bf lbB roost ttratfrylngcncc«as In every instance. I t Is Ukewlie anexoelleni Tonio and Blood Ponder.



Da. Bxtnur Uoancn, rreridont of StevensInatltute of Tftobnclogy, Hoboken, N. J-

DR. P. F . F a u n a , Dlnfiman's Farrr, Pa.Hox. WiKOBuna BaiTrow, 319 Carroll St.,

B H I S B I bxiw!, 888 Oarroll Ut. Brooklyn. N. Y.t. K. S A L I M , 301 Montague St., Brooklyn.O. H OliAEK. IU " • " "Du. DAYIB 8. 8ron»«B, 1!U Uontaguo St.,

Brooklyn, N. Y.JOHN F. Goucm. l i t Fleet Plane. Brooklyn.WM. B. BiTK, Equitable Bulldlnff, Boston,

Uass.JAMES l'ui.us,Ulll8jalo, N. J .BKITH H. FBKBHIK, Dunellen, N. 3.




NEW GOAL YARD1 the property adjoining their tolling: mill,

and are prepared to supply


Lowest Market Rates




T H E 0 H 0 T 0 E B T B B A N n S OF 8EQAB8, ' .



E T O . . GO T O


i7-9m D O V E R , m. j .

Farm at Private Sale!The subscribers offer at Private Sale

the farm now owned by tbe Crane IranIron Co,, situute in the townsbip ofKoxburj, la the Connty of Morris nmlBtftte of New Jersey, containing 207tncras, and known as the Hilts' property,lying on the road leaclinzfrom Stanhopeto Flnndore, tLree miles from Stanhope,and will be sold in two lota or in one aswill best Bait parchasors. That Ihcminesand mineral rights will be reserved.For a view ol the property and terms oflie call npoa


88-tf HuckettHtown, N. J.



S E A S O NYou cfcn topply t i l y o a r needs a t



TUB w y Wit ntldlt to 00 raaodl TheHT> lomat ptioes iQuginftbli, both in fliefttl

u d orumaDUl utiDlw. AUo tv DnaUfalSonnnlr preuated to e*ah pnrDbuer ofgood! amounting to (1 or orer »t U10

DAY1D STRAUS,635 and 637 BROAD St.,


CLOAK DEPARTMENT!EntTthliLfr iniMilublo in this depu

ioanppl; thefiMobng winti or thtmo•ideooi, ttprtcm whloh tre gair»utwii, _ . r . r e guaranteed to be

w any oompetiton.D « e » Good. B«jiMtM«it .

0 » MrapleU ttoelt otMlorooiiipuuoD oheei-

saob u HIJk. velvetovprrthlng parUIUlng 0 » MrapleU ttoelt otDtesi Fabrics. BunplMlorooiiipu h


Tfatt depirtrouiit la coatioosllr jQHod withall grades and qtudltiea and dBBlitai or Nap-kirn, T«ble Olotbi. etn., hj tba yard or p a tt Wolfln, Table and Piano Oofen, en*

d o u w i d l b a . Alaonmaefbrbiderededft&varsouwidodi other navalttM of fancy

hfi hooie in thslr varlonand sold eqati\j u loir uhla oitibllihment, Line

m h uthrt d mumiBfii, plain, henla all qaaiiilca, ranging fi _.

asaortmei.t c - „.. - - og all the fcnoy dBe|KD» In ool-

ored borders. .A, liberal dtsooont when par-issd by the box, which contain six in esxh

DEPABTHENT in tills establiihinent, vhiehcoDlains an lnnm-nse display of Bilk Eanaker-chiefn for Udifia »nd Rents, UafSsra. LaneTlea, Collars and Plcbns. Aluo BpanEsh LaoeBcarfs and Flohns Iu blaok and white} Ztreti.ingOaaes.bsattUfitl designs in Khony.Celin-Ijld and Bobber, all kinds of Japauese Wars,many itylei of Pooket Books and Osoti'Toilets, an endlD*s variety or Plmh and Mor-oooo BatohBli", Fani, and thousands or othersrUcles wLlob are all displayed on tjimtretables and »bow eaaea, QQOQM shown with

^ B S T E A ™ .0Mt6S7BroMlBL


liorrii ConBtj*">Siirro£ate's OtSeb.DEO. 7th, 1883.

In the matter of derlnda Barkman and Jon-athan Barttraan, Adminiitmtors of Henry P.Birkman. deceased, Borrogate'i ordar tolimit oreditoTB.On application of tlie ibore named adminiB-

trators it li ordered by tlioBorroRste that tlioaaid admlnlatratarB RWO pnblla notice lo thoor<sditor& of the estate oreald deooden t to brlaglo their debts, demands aud olnlms agaln.t tUuaime.onaoroatli.witblnnlDoinonUiefroia tillsdata,)*; setting op B copy of thin order, withintwenty days heroaltor, in fivo or the most pab-Ho places In the county of Morris fur tvotnontbg, and also wltliin tbe said twenty daysby advertising tho *Bmo fn I I I C I B O K EBA,"one ot the newspapers or this Btftte, f*r theBBme apaieof timo (tlie UurrogatajuiigingauyHirthernoUootobo unneocaBary); andf?»aycreditor Bh«,tlnofileol tt, eihiblt ble or bordebt, demand ami claim within ttio Bald periodof nine months, public notice being g imi iaaforesaid, euclt creditor •linll be forever do-barred ofhia or horaction tliereforagainBtthesaid ndininlHtrfttora.

A truo covs rrntii tho mimitoti.aHAlU.EH A. GILLEN, Surrogate.


Dover Rolling MillsBr THE

Dover IronIf you want your Horses shod

in good style, send them to

Ghas. T. Clark & Son.Cor. Blnckwell and Beipen &U.They give the he&t nf satisfac-tion in the way of workman-ship. They also do all hinds ofBlacksmith work.PAUL G. BOTTICHER,



for nil kinds of building«, » c a tbe construction

otbuiidiQfii enporln.caded,

^Vill Lo at his office la Cover, 9d Floor of


WEEK, from fi:B0 A . u . to 0:30 P. U.


done in a urst-claaa manner bj





Blackwell St., Dover, N.J.90 VBADU

E. DUNN & BRO.,minir*tmraEas or

Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—FOB —

igi, SicTu, Sc..o!i, tknk,tnd allmanner of privato and pnbllo buildings.



has i t all times her store well stocked withM1LL1NKIU of m r j deiertpUon: GBPCK-UBS, PBOVIBION8, MOTIONS, OANUIES.p § , PIBB, OAKE3, Ac. H e l p e r s anil

Ma««aines and Period I « l i ol all kindi. A c«Uwill convince yon tbat my priaef MO reuou-abb, and mr foods a n of t£t> Wit.


Fall Trade.A £rcnt and nuotiaaMcd ntock of now UIL"

LIN BUY G00D8, including

Hats and Bonnets,

thfi moHl fBuhionablo nrtioleiin lLo latcat FJUJL HTn.Eit,miitotQ UncB iu *!i tlio


t I i lLADY T

r. It wrrtiid lie il

posst i l

ibletiid le impossitoGoumcrato all tho leading articles ini"v gi-eot stock, but au eiperienca of 32years proviiliuK for tbe tastes oF tboladies of Dover and this part of MorrisConnty, bus nmde me competent to knownnd anticipatn their wants, and liiuRivon me Bticb facilitioB for bnying ttintI nm cnnblod to offer goods nt the verylowejt priccN. It will pivo mo pleas?]reto BLOW my Spring stock to those whocall, nnd nil ore respectfally invited.


DENTIST.Go to McDATIT, tha Dover Dsntist. and Ret

aBrnt-aUiB t05Hoto! toelh for « 5 , a HE totJor (10. Wbon teetli are aitnwtod to lia re-pUoed with niw ones no extra dliarge is made

S Sffi O T ° r WIQHT0N 8 liB itoro'