ti dlp hd research final evaluation results december 2016

Texas Instruments DLP® Products Pilot Research & Professional Development Programme TI DLP Research Project High Definition Projectors in the classroom Final Project Report: Evaluation Results http://fcl.eun.org/dlp pilot December 2016 EUN project team: Dorothy Cassells (project manager), Bart Verswijvel (pedagogical adviser), Roger Blamire (research senior advisor)

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T e x a s I n s t r u m e n t s D L P ® P r o d u c t s P i l o t

R e s e a r c h & P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t P r o g r a m m e

T I D L P R e s e a r c h P r o j e c t H i g h D e f i n i t i o n P r o j e c t o r s i n t h e c l a s s r o o m

F i n a l P r o j e c t R e p o r t : E v a l u a t i o n R e s u l t s

h t t p : / / f c l . e u n . o r g / d l p -­‐ p i l o tD e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6

E U N p r o j e c t t e a m : D o r o t h y C a s s e l l s ( p r o j e c t m a n a g e r ) , B a r t V e r s w i j v e l ( p e d a g o g i c a l

a d v i s e r ) , R o g e r B l a m i r e ( r e s e a r c h s e n i o r a d v i s o r )

• to understand and strengthen the value proposition of TI DLP technology in education,

particularly around the benefits of HD projectors including

• sharpness of text, and

• good readability to support teaching and learning.

High Definition project – research goals

1. Project overview

2. Teacher researcher panel – final webinar Q&A

3. Evaluation results

Final presentation report

1. Overview of the Project

Our international team of teacher researchers from ….. CZ, DE, FR, PL, SE, UK

• small focused research project

• 6 countries (CZ,DE,FR,PL,SE,UK)

• 12 STEM teachers selected through open call, and TI

• Holistic approach: webinars and 2 workshops to develop teacher pedagogy and test new learning scenarios linked to installation of HD projector in the classroom;; evaluation through student survey and teacher interviews.

• Project results: http://fcl.eun.org/dlp-­‐pilot



New technologies arrive at school. . .

High definition 1080p TI DLP® projector

Fu tu re C l a s s room Scenar io s

Upsca l ing of innovat ion

Responds to (pedagogica l ) t rends

Process invo lves stakeholders

Focuses on matur i ty progress

Ambit ious but ach ievab le

F u t u r e C l a s s r o om To o l k i t

Ho l i s t i c approach to ma ins t ream innovat ion

fcl .eun.org

S c e n a r i o b u i l d i n g


Scenarios are published here:fcl.eun.org/dlp-­‐pilot

Plus the teacher blogs...fcl.eun.org/dlp-­‐pilot

2. Teacher Research PanelA public webinar with the teacher researchers was held on 29th November 2016 to share their reflections and the evaluation results. The presentation and recording are published here: http://fcl.eun.org/dlp-­‐pilot

3. Evaluation results

A im o f t h e e va l u a t i o n

Aim: to answer the following questions

• How was the projector set up and used?

• What was the ‘learning return’ for the effort, time and resources invested?

• What was the impact of the workshops and scenarios?

• What difficulties were encountered?

• Was the project worthwhile?

Evidence sources:• Blogs and learning diaries• 1:1 interviews with project partners• Online student surveys• Scenarios shared on Schoology, Google docs etc.

1 : S e t u p

• Variety• Countries: CZ, FR, DE, PL, SE, UK• Schools: lower and upper secondary, small

(261) to large• Teachers: all STEM• Classes: up to 30 students, age 11-­‐16• Classrooms: small to large (10 -­‐ 15m)

• Installation: ceiling or portable, wired connection usually

• Replaced a classic projector or an interactive whiteboard in every case

• Display• Specially painted wall, light grey to maximise

contrast• Pull down screen• Permanent screen: 2-­‐3m across

2 : B e n e f i t s -­‐ f o r t e a c h e r sImproved learning environment

• Large bright sharp display appreciated• Can show HD movies, small text, connect

microscope• Show datasets and spreadsheets and zoom in

• All students can see display• Particularly useful in large, long rooms• No need to black out the room any more• Noticeable difference between old and new projectors• Flexible and robust• Quick start-­up, no focusing needed• Easily moved, no bulb or component failures

“Plug in and go; no worrying about the focus or leaving to stand and cool after use.”

“The sharpness, ‘beautiful colours’ and brightness really have a big impact.”

“Better view of text at the back of the room”

“I don’t have to move things”

“I never used to project small text. Now I can project more exercises with multiple pages, and there is no need to make photocopies, so saving paper.“

2 : B e n e f i t s -­‐ f o r t e a c h e r s• Digital teaching end to end

• Saves time at home and school• Shared and reused resources and lesson plans• Convenience and ease of use• Projector used more than classic projectors• But interactivity missed, difficult to annotate in some setup

• Changed teaching and learning• Layout of room, standing tables …• More student choice

“Changed my point of view of teaching. In every lesson we can now show something.”

“The school bought tablets for students to use”

“A kind of revolution in my class”

“All my lessons are on the computer”

2 : B e n e f i t s -­‐ f o r s t u d en t s

Students…•Noticed the difference•At the back of the room could see everything•With dyslexia could read more easily•Could connect own devices easily

“Better understanding of mathematical formulae”

“Like in a cinema”

“Wow, I can see such small letters now!”

“More active participation of students”

S t u d en t s u r v e y – v i s i b i l i t y o f t e x t

Over 500 students completed pre-­ and post-­installation surveys



• Before: At the front 11% had some difficulty reading text, rising to 48% at the back of the classroom

• After: only 6% had any difficulty, and that was at the back of the room

• Visibility almost perfect everywhere for text, formulae/diagrams and detail of images






15% 5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At-the- front



How-clearly-can-you-see-text when-sitting...?

3-Difficult 4-Often-difficult 5-Impossible



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At+the+ front?



How+clearly+can+you++see+text when+sitting...

Difficult Often+difficult Impossible

V i s i b i l i t y o f ima ge d e t a i lBEFORE


• Before: At the front 16% had some difficulty deciphering image details, rising to 54% at the back of the classroom

• After: fewer than 1% had any difficulty, and that was at the back of the room






20% 5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At,the, front




3,Difficult 4,Often,difficult 5,Impossible


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At,the, front?




Difficult Often,difficult Impossible

V i s i b i l i t y o f f o rmu l a e / d i a g ramsBEFORE


• Before: At the front 16% had some difficulty deciphering image details, rising to 54% at the back of the classroom

• After: 2% had any difficulty, and that was at the back of the room










0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At+the+ front




3+Difficult 4+Often+difficult 5+Impossible


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

At+the+ front?




Difficult Often+difficult Impossible

D i s p l a y s i z e

• Before: 65% wanted the display to be bigger• After: 90% said it was just right






It(would(be(better( if(it(was(bigger


It(would(be(better( if(it(was(smaller




Thinking+about+the+size+of+the+display+ screen,+which+statement+do+you+most+agree+with?

It+would+be+better+ if+it+was+bigger


It+would+be+better+ if+it+was+smaller

D i s p l a y b r i g h t n e s s

• Before: 36% found the display too dark• After: 95% said it was OK or very bright







It*is*very*dark,*I* can*hardly*see* it


It*is*very*bright,*I*can*see* it*very*clearly



Thinking+about+the+brightness+ on+the+screen+of+the+image+projected,+which+statement+do+you+


It+is+very+dark,+I+ can+hardly+see+ it


It+is+very+bright,+I+can+see+ it+very+clearly

Use b y s t u d en t s / t e a c h e r

• Use by students – a remarkable change• Before: 36% never used the projector, 1% a lot

• After: 8% never used the projector, 53% used it a lot

• Use by teachers, according to the students• The same before and after: 95% used the projector in almost every or most lessons

















Ea s e o f u s e b y s t u d en t s

• Ease of connecting students’ own devices (phones, tablets etc.)• Before: Only 15% had no problem at all and 85% had some difficulty

• After: 55% had no problem at all, but even so 45% still had some difficulty

• Connectivity still an issue, though less so


















S t u d en t s u r v e y : p o s i t i v e s

Wow! Even with the sunlight we can perfectly see As I can see better, it is less tiring for me

I feel more interested in the content makes us participate more in the lessons

We can write on the screen-­‐board.

It helps our learning to have good quality videos, images and texts to illustrate what the teacher explains

it's easier to show our work to the other students

We can see more clearly from anywhere in the room.

I like to visualise what is explained, the good image quality of the new HD projector helps me with my learning.

it is easier to concentrate on the lesson and to learn

We don't have to bother on finding out what is shown on the screen, we can concentrate only on the meaning of things

It's livelier than in the textbook

S t u d en t s u r v e y : imp ro vemen t s ?

Nice not to need a cable to connect devices

To add an interactive module.

At one spot of the screen, there is a zone with light reflections disturbing.

It would be nice if we could connect our tablets directly to the projector without any wire

To have a touchscreen

To have 3D images.

a larger screen with large letters

3 : Wo r k s h op s a n d s c e n a r i o s

• Workshops had a major impact on pedagogy• Exposure to other styles of teaching

• Work with science teachers from other educational cultures

• Discovering new apps and tools

• Scenarios used extensively• Learning Designer particularly

appreciated• Also Schoology, Graasp

“Learning Designer helped me change the balance between teacher and student-­‐led activities”

“Share styles of teaching”

“Changed how I teach”

4 : I s s u e sUse:•Interactivity of smartboard lost

• But ‘it was getting out of date anyway’ so ‘I don’t miss it’•Differences between makes and models of projector•HD end to end needed•Educational value of having a single large screen as the classroom focus?

• Sound must also be high quality: classroom acoustics issue

Supply and installation•Multiple suppliers (Acer, NEC, Optima, Benq…)•Local suppliers not used to working with schools•Delivery and installation delays •Incomplete installation: wrong screen, missing cables…

Management:•Before making your investment consider: interactivity, size of the screen, connectivity both in terms of HD-­ready laptop and also connectors, where to place your projector (short throw, long throw), fixed/mobile, single classroom/benefit more classes•Curriculum areas? Drama, English, music, art…?

5 : Re f l e c t i o n s o n t h e p ro j e c t

• Raised major issues about classroom displays and acoustics• Not surprising that students at the back may

lack engagement• A ‘rich experience’ for everyone

In the future?• More research into the physical learning

environment when technology is used• More than one teacher per school?• More schools?• Different subjects, e.g. potential in drama


To c o n c l u d eThis small scale exploratory project showed that:1.A HD projector provides a big return for a relatively small investment

Exposed issues related to viewing and acoustics in the digital classroomImportance of HD from end to end: content –> laptop –> projector -­> display

2.The projector is particularly valuable in a large room and if the display is large3.All – teachers, students, parents and head teachers – were overwhelmingly impressed by the sharpness, colours and brightness of the images projected4.Students were more engaged in lessons, particularly those at the back of the room and were able to focus on the content of lessons5.Teachers acted as researchers, designing learning activities, recording changes, surveying students and reflecting on impact6.The introduction of the projector – as part of a holistic pedagogical process –acted as a catalyst to help teachers become digital teachers and innovate7.It was important to contextualise the technology within planned learning scenarios and activities8.International face to face workshops succeeded in inspiring and networking teachers9.Teacher blogs were an effective way to record learning, inform and disseminate10.Texas Instruments gained insights into the unique education market and the practicalities of supplying and supporting schools.