thvraday, december a, its: americanthe central point …€¦ · mr. and mrs. james firth of cres...

PACE TWO CENTRAI. POINT AMERICAN CENTRAL POINT. OREOOS THVRADAY, DECEMBER a, it s : W THE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN ' r . r " T . . . , Re-ostabllahed. September 13, 192S. Devoted to the beat Interest* of Central Point and vicinity. Entered as second class matter at the post office. Central Point, Or«- ', in that class, it was bell.v- Mrs. Scott received word from her'and ^.ut* »‘“e^and ^tber^re- Si ed. Now. however, fans are con- aunts Mrs. T. A. Marine and Mrs. eQUitable herein. And plaintiff .will apply for vlnced SmaUer that they were visiting Mrs qThm summons is published in ao- a decree decreeing that each and all Jo« Smolinski and Steve Strelich Scott’s daughter Mildred Merger and cordance with an Order of the Hon. of the claims of each, all and every «aged a wild-eyed melee In th< mid- Mrs. McCue at Chicago and having Earl B Day Judge of the County of the . R o d e n t * h w a t a u * null ......... ...... o,. , . ___________ . ' Tk.. I., he'Court of Jackson County. Oregon, and void and the plaintiff is the die event with Strelich winning on;a fine time. They expected to :'ouls after the Polish Palonka had at Mrs. b* oat«i November 9th. 1937,’ the first owner in fee simple of the real pra- Smalxer home in Pennsyl- ^aU) of publieatlon of this summons pertyherein described, subject to a •;one beserk in the thirdround to vannia for Thanksgiving- Mr. and being November 11th, 1937, and batter Referee Earl Yoakley and Mrs.T. A. Marine expect to go :o the last date thereof being Decem- Stelicb from pillar to poat. Pre- their old home In Canada before re- b«r 2nd. 193 7 gon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. vious to the ending. Smolinski had turning here, brought blood to witth double-up fists, through the duration of SUBSCRIPTION RATES Six Months ............................... 81.Ou One Year ................................ 81.ft# Payable In advance Advertising rates on application Office— Second Street, off Main ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL Editor and Proprietor Yoakley’s mouth I and all the alley COMMUNICATED brawl Yoakley and the Palooka were spitting and snarling at each other like angry cats. Phil Romano of Mexico City, a full blooded Azetc Indian, used a short-arm scissors in the first and fourth rounds to defeat Popeye Pat O’ Brien. O’Bbrien garnered a fall Mr. L. Hatfield and Mrs. Saund ers visited Mrs Saunders’ daughter at Dunsmuir Thursday. They also motored to Wolf Creek Sunday and report a delightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Minnick mo tored to Elk Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and Wade and Vernice spent Thanksgiving Mr. Arthur E. Powell The American Central Point, Oregon Dear Mr. Powell: Trafic fatatlities have been re duced in Oregon. May I take this op portunity to thank you for the splen did cooperation you have accorded this office in connection with our traffic safety program. Daily we study the statistics and results of this work and I am happy to report that since last June fatal ities have been ateadlly reduced with a total decrease of 46 under the cor responding period of 1936 Of deepest importance, however, are the records of October showing a saving of 8 lives and the first three weeks of November when 30 lives have been saved over last year. In in the second stanza with a body w,th Helen at Prospec,. They also slam. Romano, making his Initial m0(0re<j to Elk Creek Sunday. Medford showing, turned out to be Randle Gifford and Harold Peter son of Corvallis are on a mining trip to Gallce. v tall, clean grappler with a large variety of scientific holds. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. James Firth of Cres cent City who spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Firth's mother Mrs. Spar row returned to their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Hays who formerly ran the coffee shop are living in the Ruch district. 36 E. E. KELLY Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 119 N Central Medford. Oregon -Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec.2 OF FOR contract of sale entered Into between plaintiff herein and O. P. Janes and Mary Jane« upon the hereinafter described land. And that the shove entitled Court decree that none of the defendants herein have any right, title, estate, lien or Interest of any charactr in or to the real property hereinafter 1 describe*! or any portion thereof and ' that It be decreed that tha plain- j tiff's title In and to said premises J Is free from any and all claims of | any, all, and every’ of the defendants I SUMMONS IX THE CIRCUIT COURT THE STATE OF OREGON JACKSON COUNTY WILLIAM W. COTTRELL, PI»1«1* herein and each of them and every accordance with an order of the ■hove entitled Court In this cause and dated November the 2th, 1937, which directs that the summon* shall bi published in Central Polm American, a weekly newspaper pub lished In Central Point, Jackson Connty, Oregon, one« a week for foor successive weeks and that the date of the first publication is November 11, 1937; that defend ants are required to appear and an swer said summons and complaint on or before four weeks from and after the date af said first publica tion. W. a. TRILL Attorney for Plaintiff Suite 12. Palm Bldg. Medford, Oregon tiff per»on or persons claiming in. un- MAQO.S 8HULEV PAPS .»4 to. \ £& » * £ .if,*.' Dos Pape, her husband, and Anna Shipley Doe and John Doe, her husband, If married, all the heirs Mrs. O. Bradovich of Klamath Falls is visiting her sister Mrs. Mil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Portland visited other words, on a comparative basis home Wednesday. and in veiw of increased travel on our highways as shown by addition al gasoline consumption, we can point to a saving of 38 lives since September 3oth. Charles at the Day of Hamrick Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON IN AND FOR THE STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the Estate of Izora E. Stewart, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed executrices of the will and estate of the above named decedent and have duly qualified as such and all per -ons having claims against said estate are required to present the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones en- ertained the following at dinner Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. I am sure you will feel as I do Chet Eide, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Yost 1 same, with proper vouchers, within that this record is most encouraging. aruj p on Stanley | *x months from the date of this And it seems to me to demonstrate j J. notice, to the undersigned at the what can be accomplished with the; and Mrs Amick entertained ’ oifice of K. Hanna, Room 6, 32 sincere interest, influence and whole hearted cooperation of the press en listed in this cause, for I am confi dent these results are due in a large measure to the splendid attitude and action of editors and publishers In the intense fall campaign. The generous assistance of the press has been a valuable contribu tion In arousing public sentiment repeatedl y impressing upon the minds of readers the importance of careful driving. This unselfish service is recogniz ed by those of us working in the Grants Pass friends at their home ¡ in Grants dinner. Pass for Thanksgiving Mrs. L. H. Smith enjoyed dinner at the Farra home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor llursell and Mrs. Opal Haley spent several days In Eugene visiting at the home ot their sister Mrs. Bruce Powell and family having their Thanksgiving field of accident prevention, and on|^*nner w**h them, behalf of this program and the D e-' partraent of State, I wish to extend to you ray profound appreciation. Sincerely yours. EARL SNELL, Secretary of State Barbara and Coyle Briggs were week-end guests of Joan and Jim Elliott at the Elliot farm on the Central Point-Jacksonville road. WRESTLING NEWS Mighty little Jimmy Lott of Ala bama provided the year’s biggest grappling upset last night in the Medford armory when he battled his way to a two-out-of-three fall victory over Hugh Nichols of Tulsa, Okla., former light heavyweight champion of the world. Nobody in Medford realized until Inst night Just how good the ex- hlorklng back from Ole’ Alabama really Is. When he fought his way to a draw two weeks ago with Bobby Chick, another past light heavy weight champ, local fans sat up and took notice. But still, Lott wasn't Mr. and Mrs. Minnick entertained Mr Minnick’a father and mother Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Minnick and his grandmother Mrs. Eaton Thanks giving day. Money Loaned AUtOS, LIVESTOCK FURNITURE, Etc. We want to supply your Money needs without real tape or delay. ORE.-WASH. MORTGAGE CO. »8 S. Central Medford North Central Avenue in Medford, Jackson county, Oregon. Dated and first published Decem ber 2. 1937. Iva May Stark Olevia Bell Leuthold 23— Dec. 2. 9, 16, 23 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the underrigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estato of Lydia M. Clay, deceas ed, has filed her final account of her administration of said estate with the clerk of Wheeler County, Oregon and the said Court has fixed Satur day, December 11, 1937, at the hour of ten o’clock as the time and the County Court room in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon as the place for hearing objections, tf any, thereto, and the allowance and set tlement of said final account. All persons interested in said state are hereby notified to present their objections, if any they have. In writing, to said final account or any item or part thereof on or before said day. Dated this 5th day of November, 1937. EVA D. TRUE, Executrix W. G. TRILL Attorney for Estate 28— Nov. 11, 18. 25, Dec. 2 SHULTS BROTHERS Dependable Auto Fainting BODY 220 N. Bartlett A FENDER REPAIRING A Phone 1080 Reasonable GLASS Medford, Olfgsn AN 0HK4.0N HANK NERVINI* OREGON ■»ItKKKVr YOU It YOI.XATKIIS WITH THE T im in ' IIA HIT Youngsters soon acquire the habit of Thrift when en couraged to save. For a «mall amount you can open a Savings Account at this Direct Branch of the United Stale National Hank— aa a Christmas gift for your Boy or Girl. A handsome Rook Hank for home saving goes to each new saver. We pay interest on Savings, yon km *. Hi dourer* ¡2~t MUlioiu GEORGE T FRKY. Manager DWIGHT L. HOUGHTON. Asst. Mgr. Medford llr<in«»h o f the» I niliMl Kliifrs .National Bank ffemf (tfhee. Portland, Oregon SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- SON COUNTY. Edith Frances Cougle, Plaintiff, vs. Ralph Rowley Cougle, Defendant. TO RALPH ROWLEY COUGLE, the above named defendant; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within five weeks from the first day of the pub- , lication of this summons upon you, ;.ind if you fail to appear and an swer, for want thereof, the above Inamed plaintiff, Edith Frances Cougle, will take a decree against you forever severing the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and defendant Hut. Only! GENE AUTRY In “ Oh Susanna” Episode 7 “ Phantom Rider’’ SUN— MON HUNDREDS OF STARS'. “The Hit Parade” TUB— WED Barbara Stanwyck Joel McCrea “ Internes Can’t • f Cl Take Money We«l. Nite la ('ash Nite! Thnr. • Frt. Joan Rlondell Fernand Qravet King and Chorus Girl” of T H. B. Shipley, deceased; and Mary G. Martin and John Doe Martin, her husband, Lena C. Reuter Doe, and John Doe, her husband, if married, John A. Reuter and Mary Jane Reuter, hie wife. If married. Elizabeth M Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, and Cordelia J Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, being all the heirs of A. L. Reuter, deceased; James C. Whitt and Florence E. Whitt, and all the unknown heirs of each, every, ajid all of the 1 above named defendants and also all other persona or partlee un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest in the real property described in tho complaint herein. Defendants. To Maggie Shipley Pape and John Doe Pape, her husband, and Anna Shipley Doe and John Doe, her hus band, if married, all the heirs ot T. H- B. Shipley, deceased; and Mary G. Martin and John Doe Martin, her husband, Lena C. Reuter Doe, and John Doe, her husband, if married. John A. Reuter and Mary Jane Reuter, his wife, if married, Eliza beth M Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, and Cord elia J. Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, it married, being all the heire of A. L. Reuter, deceased; James C. Whitt and Florence E. Whitt, and all the unknown heirs of each, every, and all of the above j named defendants and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or in terest in the real property described herein, the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and cause and answer the complaint of plaintiff on file herein against yon and each of you on or before the last day of four weeks from and after the date of tha first publication of this summons, and set up the character and extent at any claim you may have to tho real property hereinafter described or any portion thereof. If you fall to appear and answer said complaint within said time tor want thereof plaintiff will apply to estate, lien, or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof and that plaintiff hare snrh other and further relief as to this Court may seem Just and equitabls, and Judgment for his cost« and disburse ments against those defendants who appear and answer herein and resist the prayer of plaintiff herein. That the real property referred to is lt\ Jackson Connty, Oregon, and in des cribed as follows: The North Half of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26. Township »6 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridan, Jackson County, Ore gon. Excepting therefrom the East 20 feet lying within a pu blic road. This summqns ie published and served upon yon and each of you in This Ad and $2.80 Will Buy a Regular *8.00 New Ray Maohlneles« Permanent Wave at Cook’s Beauty Shop 14 S. Bartlett Medford otliant SILVERPLATE The next thing to Y STERLING Here is a pattern to mark every important date on your personal calendar—birthday, wedding anni versary. Christmas. Like all Gorham Silverplate, Remembrance pattern will look well and serve you well through a life-time. Let us show it to you. 26 Pc. Service for ........ $35.00 34 Pc. Service for .. $46.00 58 Pc. Service for ........ $71.32 Chest« or Tuckaway Roll Free Lawrence's X. Central Phone 218 Dr. I. H. Gove DENTISTRY 4 IB Medford Bldg. Medford. Oregon Skating 3 Nights a Week Medford Armory. FRIDAY, SAT. A BUN. XIGHTH Hatnrday and Sunday Afternoons. Follow the Crowds tor a good time and roll on Chicago skates, LAUGH FliOOR ART RHTimNH, Floor Manager Dr. Geo. S. Jennings Osteopath and Optometrist Glasses Fitted General Practice, including Ob starles and Proctology 424 Medford Bldg. Phone 843 Steven’s Shoe Shop Expert Shoe Repairing 419 E. Main Medford Arrore from Roxy Farmers Attention! Rebuilt Trector., Farm Implo- menta A Machinery of *11 kind«. At Bargain Prices Coll and ere what we have or Phone 20« ROGUE VAIXEY TRACTOR A IMP1J2MKNT CO. 1« Bo Fir St Medford Bring Yoar SPECIMENS TO A. F. Adams TAXIDERMIST and Furrier PROMIT SERVICE 143 N. Ivy Outside High Rent Medford New and Used Bicycles Sold on Easy Terms Free Service IDEAL BIKE SHOP 411 B. Main Medford, Ore. Phone 895 Wrestling' Medford Armory Monday Night Route on Bake at BROWN’S, Phone 101 VALENTINE'S CAFE Phone STB ■I J. R. BIERMA TYPEWRITERS STATIONERY SI'PFI.IISA I I « N. Central, Medford. Ph. kick’s Hardware • Speed Queen Washer* A • Sparten A Croeley Re frigerator. • Myern Pump« A Service Ml W o* via Hi Phoue FW Medford Used Pianos 1 Anitique We have recently secured a stock of Used Pianos which are selling from $50.00 to $2.00.00 Leslie Plumbing Co. Phone 1261 1405 N. Riverside Medford, Ore. Singer Machine. VKiam OflAfra HoM K^ntrrl and VU»p«1r*r1 A. B. C. Woohlng Machine. ____ Iraner* ... . HEMSTITCHING W. H. KLATT, Singer Distributor S S. Grape St. Phon, 7S2 Medford

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Page 1: THVRADAY, DECEMBER a, its: AMERICANTHE CENTRAL POINT …€¦ · Mr. and Mrs. James Firth of Cres cent City who spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Firth's mother Mrs. Spar row returned



AMERICAN' r . r " T . — . . ,

Re-ostabllahed. September 13, 192S.Devoted to the beat Interest* of

Central Point and vicinity.Entered as second class matter at

the post office. Central Point, Or«-

', in that class, it was bell.v- Mrs. Scott received word from her'and ^ . u t * » ‘ “ e^and ^ tb e r ^ r e - S ied. Now. however, fans are con- aunts Mrs. T. A. Marine and Mrs. e QUitable herein. And plaintiff .will apply forvlnced SmaUer that they were visiting Mrs qThm summons is published in ao- a decree decreeing that each and all

Jo« Smolinski and Steve Strelich Scott’s daughter Mildred Merger and cordance with an Order of the Hon. of the claims of each, all and every«aged a wild-eyed melee In th< mid- Mrs. McCue at Chicago and having Earl B Day Judge of the County of the .R o d e n t * h w a t a u * null„ ......... ...... o ,. , . ___________ . ' T k .. I., he'Court of Jackson County. Oregon, and void and the plaintiff is thedie event with Strelich winning on;a fine time. They expected to:'ouls after the Polish Palonka had at Mrs.

„ b* oat«i November 9th. 1937,’ the first owner in fee simple of the real pra-Smalxer home in Pennsyl- ^aU) of publieatlon of this summons perty herein described, subject to a

•;one beserk in the third round to vannia for Thanksgiving- Mr. and being November 11th, 1937, andbatter Referee Earl Yoakley and Mrs. T. A. Marine expect to go :o the last date thereof being Decem-Stelicb from pillar to poat. Pre- their old home In Canada before re- b«r 2nd. 193 7

gon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. vious to the ending. Smolinski had turning here,brought blood to witth double-up fists, through the duration of

SUBSCRIPTION RATESSix Months ............................... 81.OuOne Year ................................ 81.ft#

Payable In advance Advertising rates on application Office— Second Street, off Main

ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL Editor and Proprietor

Yoakley’s mouth I and all

the alley


brawl Yoakley and the Palooka were spitting and snarling at each other like angry cats.

Phil Romano of Mexico City, a full blooded Azetc Indian, used a short-arm scissors in the first and fourth rounds to defeat Popeye Pat O’Brien. O’Bbrien garnered a fall

Mr. L. Hatfield and Mrs. Saund­ers visited Mrs Saunders’ daughter at Dunsmuir Thursday. They also motored to Wolf Creek Sunday and report a delightful trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Minnick mo­tored to Elk Creek Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and Wade and Vernice spent Thanksgiving

Mr. Arthur E. Powell The American Central Point, Oregon Dear Mr. Powell:

Trafic fatatlities have been re­duced in Oregon. May I take this op­portunity to thank you for the splen­did cooperation you have accorded this office in connection with our traffic safety program.

Daily we study the statistics and results of this work and I am happy to report that since last June fatal­ities have been ateadlly reduced with a total decrease of 46 under the cor­responding period of 1936

Of deepest importance, however, are the records of October showing a saving of 8 lives and the first three weeks of November when 30 lives have been saved over last year. In

in the second stanza with a body w,th Helen at Prospec,. They also slam. Romano, making his Initial m0(0re<j to Elk Creek Sunday. Medford showing, turned out to be

Randle Gifford and Harold Peter­son of Corvallis are on a mining trip to Gallce.

v tall, clean grappler with a large variety of scientific holds.

LO C A LSMr. and Mrs. James Firth of Cres­

cent City who spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Firth's mother Mrs. Spar­row returned to their home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs Hays who formerly ran the coffee shop are living in the Ruch district.


E. E. KELLY Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 119 N Central

Medford. Oregon -Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec.2


contract of sale entered Into between plaintiff herein and O. P. Janes and Mary Jane« upon the hereinafter described land.

And that the shove entitled Court decree that none of the defendants herein have any right, title, estate, lien or Interest of any charactr in or to the real property hereinafter 1 describe*! or any portion thereof and ' that It be decreed that tha plain- j tiff's title In and to said premises J Is free from any and all claims of | any, all, and every’ of the defendants I



WILLIAM W. COTTRELL, PI»1«1* ■ herein and each of them and every

accordance with an order of the ■ hove entitled Court In this cause and dated November the 2th, 1937, which directs that the summon* shall bi published in Central Polm American, a weekly newspaper pub­lished In Central Point, Jackson Connty, Oregon, one« a week for foor successive weeks and that the date of the first publication is November 11, 1937; that defend­ants are required to appear and an­swer said summons and complaint on or before four weeks from and after the date af said first publica­tion.

W. a. TRILL Attorney for Plaintiff

Suite 12. Palm Bldg.Medford, Oregon

tiff per»on or persons claiming in. un-MAQO.S 8HULEV PAPS .» 4 t o . \£ & » * £ .if,*.'

Dos Pape, her husband, and Anna Shipley Doe and John Doe, her husband, If married, all the heirs

Mrs. O. Bradovich of Klamath Falls is visiting her sister Mrs. Mil- ton.

Mr. and Mrs.Portland visited

other words, on a comparative basis home Wednesday. and in veiw of increased travel on our highways as shown by addition­al gasoline consumption, we can point to a saving of 38 lives since September 3oth.

Charles at the

Day of Hamrick



FOR THE STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the Estate of

Izora E. Stewart, deceased.Notice is hereby given that the

undersigned have been appointed executrices of the will and estate of the above named decedent and have duly qualified as such and all per -ons having claims against said estate are required to present the

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones en- ertained the following at dinner

Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs.I am sure you will feel as I do Chet Eide, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Yost 1 same, with proper vouchers, within

that this record is most encouraging. aruj p on Stanley | *x months from the date of thisAnd it seems to me to demonstrate j J. notice, to the undersigned at thewhat can be accomplished with the; and Mrs Amick entertained ’ oifice of K. Hanna, Room 6, 32sincere interest, influence and whole hearted cooperation of the press en­listed in this cause, for I am confi­dent these results are due in a large measure to the splendid attitude and action of editors and publishers In the intense fall campaign.

The generous assistance of the press has been a valuable contribu­tion In arousing public sentiment repeatedl y impressing upon the minds of readers the importance of careful driving.

This unselfish service is recogniz­ed by those of us working in the

Grants Pass friends at their home ¡in Grants dinner.

Pass for Thanksgiving

Mrs. L. H. Smith enjoyed dinner at the Farra home Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor llursell and Mrs. Opal Haley spent several days In Eugene visiting at the home ot their sister Mrs. Bruce Powell and family having their Thanksgiving

field of accident prevention, and on|^*nner w**h them, behalf of this program and the De-' partraent of State, I wish to extend to you ray profound appreciation.

Sincerely yours.EARL SNELL,

Secretary of State

Barbara and Coyle Briggs were week-end guests of Joan and Jim Elliott at the Elliot farm on the Central Point-Jacksonville road.

WRESTLING NEWSMighty little Jimmy Lott of Ala­

bama provided the year’s biggest grappling upset last night in the Medford armory when he battled his way to a two-out-of-three fall victory over Hugh Nichols of Tulsa, Okla., former light heavyweight champion of the world.

Nobody in Medford realized until Inst night Just how good the ex- hlorklng back from Ole’ Alabama really Is. When he fought his way to a draw two weeks ago with Bobby Chick, another past light heavy­weight champ, local fans sat up and took notice. But still, Lott wasn't

Mr. and Mrs. Minnick entertained Mr Minnick’a father and mother Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Minnick and his grandmother Mrs. Eaton Thanks­giving day.

Money Loaned


We want to supply your Money needs without real tape or delay.


»8 S. Central M edford

North Central Avenue in Medford, Jackson county, Oregon.

Dated and first published Decem­ber 2. 1937.

Iva May Stark Olevia Bell Leuthold

23— Dec. 2. 9, 16, 23


THAT the underrigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estato of Lydia M. Clay, deceas­ed, has filed her final account of her administration of said estate with the clerk of Wheeler County, Oregon and the said Court has fixed Satur­day, December 11, 1937, at the hour of ten o ’clock as the time and the County Court room in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon as the place for hearing objections, tf any, thereto, and the allowance and set­tlement of said final account.

All persons interested in said • state are hereby notified to present their objections, if any they have. In writing, to said final account or any item or part thereof on or before said day.

Dated this 5th day of November,1937.

EVA D. TRUE, Executrix

W. G. TRILLAttorney for Estate28— Nov. 11, 18. 25, Dec. 2

SHULTS BROTHERSDependable Auto Fainting

BODY220 N. Bartlett



GLASSMedford, Olfgsn


■»ItKKKVr Y O U It Y O I . X A T K I I S W I T H T H E T i m i n ' IIA HITYoungsters soon acquire the habit of Thrift when en­couraged to save. For a «mall amount you can open a Savings Account at this Direct Branch of the United Stale National Hank— aa a Christmas gift for your Boy or Girl. A handsome Rook Hank for home saving goes to each new saver. We pay interest on Savings, yon km *.

Hi dourer* ¡2~t MUlioiu


Medford llr<in«»ho f the»

I niliMl Kliifrs .National Bankffem f (tfhee. Portland, Oregon



Edith Frances Cougle, Plaintiff, vs.

Ralph Rowley Cougle, Defendant.TO RALPH ROWLEY COUGLE,

the above named defendant;IN THE NAME OF THE STATE

OF OREGON, You are hereby re­quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in theabove entitled suit within five weeks from the first day of the pub-

, lication of this summons upon you, ;.ind if you fail to appear and an­swer, for want thereof, the above

I named plaintiff, Edith Frances Cougle, will take a decree against you forever severing the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist­ing between plaintiff and defendant

Hut. O nly!GENE AUTRY In

“ Oh Susanna”Episode 7 “ Phantom Rider’ ’


“ The Hit Parade”TUB— WED

Barbara Stanwyck Joel McCrea

“ Internes Can’t• f


Take MoneyWe«l. Nite la ('ash Nite!

Thnr. • Frt.Joan Rlondell

Fernand QravetKing and

Chorus Girl”

of T H. B. Shipley, deceased; and Mary G. Martin and John Doe Martin, her husband, Lena C. Reuter Doe, and John Doe, her husband, if married, John A. Reuter and Mary Jane Reuter, hie wife. If married. Elizabeth M Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, and Cordelia J Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, being all the heirs of A. L. Reuter, deceased; James C. Whitt and Florence E. Whitt, and all the unknown heirs of each, every, ajid all of the 1 above named defendants and also all other persona or partlee un­known claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest in thereal property described in thocomplaint herein. Defendants.To Maggie Shipley Pape and John

Doe Pape, her husband, and Anna Shipley Doe and John Doe, her hus­band, if married, all the heirs ot T. H- B. Shipley, deceased; and Mary G. Martin and John Doe Martin, her husband, Lena C. Reuter Doe, and John Doe, her husband, if married. John A. Reuter and Mary Jane Reuter, his wife, if married, Eliza­beth M Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, if married, and Cord­elia J. Reuter Doe and John Doe, her husband, it married, being all the heire of A. L. Reuter, deceased; James C. Whitt and Florence E. Whitt, and all the unknown heirs of each, every, and all of the above j named defendants and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or in­terest in the real property described herein, the above named defendants.

IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and cause and answer the complaint of plaintiff on file herein against yon and each of you on or before the last day of four weeks from and after the date of tha first publication of this summons, and set up the character and extent at any claim you may have to tho real property hereinafter described or any portion thereof.

If you fall to appear and answer said complaint within said time tor want thereof plaintiff will apply to

estate, lien, or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof and that plaintiff hare snrh other and further relief as to this Court may seem Just and equitabls, and Judgment for his cost« and disburse­ments against those defendants who appear and answer herein and resist the prayer of plaintiff herein. That the real property referred to is lt\ Jackson Connty, Oregon, and in des­cribed as follows:

The North Half of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26. Township »6 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridan, Jackson County, Ore­gon. Excepting therefrom the East 20 feet lying within a pu­blic road.This summqns ie published and

served upon yon and each of you in

This Adand $2 .80

Will Buy a Regular *8.00 New Ray Maohlneles« Permanent

Wave at

Cook’s Beauty Shop14 S. Bartlett Medford

o t l i a n t

SILVERPLATEThe next thing to Y

STERLINGHere is a pattern to mark every

important date on your personal calendar—birthday, wedding anni­versary. Christmas. Like all Gorham Silverplate, Remembrance pattern will look well and serve you well through a life-time. Let us show it to you.

26 Pc. Service for ........ $35.0034 Pc. Service for .. $46.0058 Pc. Service for ........ $71.32Chest« or Tuckaway Roll Free

Lawrence'sX. Central Phone 218


4 IB Medford Bldg. Medford. Oregon

Skating 3 Nights a Week Medford Armory.

FRIDAY, SAT. A BUN. XIGHTH Hatnrday and Sunday Afternoons.

Follow the Crowds tor a good time and roll on Chicago skates, LAUGH FliOOR

A RT R H T im N H , F loor Manager

Dr. Geo. S. JenningsOsteopath and Optometrist

Glasses FittedGeneral Practice, including Ob­

starles and Proctology 424 Medford Bldg. Phone 843

Steven’s Shoe Shop Expert Shoe

Repairing419 E. Main Medford

Arrore from Roxy

Farmers Attention!Rebuilt Trector., Farm Implo-

menta A Machinery of *11 kind«. At Bargain Prices

Coll and ere what we have or Phone 20«


1« Bo Fir St Medford




and Furrier


143 N. IvyOutside High Rent


New and Used BicyclesSold on Easy Terms Free Service

ID E A L BIKE SHOP411 B. Main Medford, Ore. Phone 895

Wrestling'Medford Armory

Monday NightRoute on Bake at


Phone STB



STATIONERY SI'PFI.IISA II« N. Central, Medford. Ph.

kick’s Hardware• Speed Queen Washer* A

• Sparten A Croeley Re­fr ig e r a to r .

• Myern Pump« A Service

M l W o * via Hi P h oue F WMedford

Used Pianos1 Anitique

We have recently secured a stock of Used Pianos which are selling from

$50.00 to $2.00.00

Leslie Plumbing Co.Phone 1261 1405 N. Riverside

Medford, Ore.

Singer Machine.V K iam OflAfra

HoM K^ntrrl and VU»p«1r*r1A. B. C. Woohlng Machine.____ Iraner*

. . . . HEMSTITCHINGW. H. KLATT, Singer Distributor

S S. Grape St. Phon, 7S2 Medford