thursday warm-up use the political cartoon to answer the following questions in your warm-up...

Thursday Warm-Up Use the political cartoon to answer the following questions in your warm-up section… 1. According the political cartoon, what was a concern for America after the attack on Pearl Harbor? 2. What was the government’s response to this growing concern?

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Thursday Warm-Up Use the political cartoon to answer the following questions in your warm-up section…

1. According the political cartoon, what was a concern for America after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

2. What was the government’s response to this growing concern?

Theaters of WWII


North Africa



Atlantic Ocean

The War in the PacificIn early December 1941, the United States was involved in military conflict in both Europe and AsiaAfter their attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese turn their attention on grabbing hold of American possessions in the PacificDecember 8, 1941- Japanese begin bombing the islands of Wake and Guam, as well as airfields on the Philippine islandsBy late December 1941- the Japanese military had gained control of Guam, Wake and the British-controlled cities of Hong Kong and Singapore

The Bataan Death MarchAt the end of December 1941 the Japanese attempt an invasion of the Philippines

General MacArthur and his troops are forced back onto the Bataan peninsula

March 17, 1942- MacArthur flees the Philippines to Australia and vows “I shall return”

April 9, 1942- 70,000 US and Filipino troops surrender to the Japanese

The captured troops forced to march 60 miles to a Japanese prisoner of war camp

Only 54,000 make it their destination

The Bataan Death March

Early Japanese Conquests

American Fortunes ImproveUntil May 1942 the Allies were losing the war in the PacificThe Coral Sea BattlesThe Allies learn of Japanese plans to invade Tulagi

in the Solomon Islands of the PacificMay 3 to May 8, 1942- Intense sea battles take

place in the Coral Sea just north of AustraliaThe allies destroy two major Japanese aircraft

carriers and many Japanese airplanesThe Coral Sea Battles were the first Japanese

defeats in the Pacific

The Battle of Midway The Japanese decide plan to take over US controlled

Midway Island US intelligence intercepts and decodes Japanese plans

to attack Midway June 4, 1942- Japan Launches its attack on Midway, but

the Americans are ready for the attack US Navy destroys four large Japanese aircraft carriers,

and kills over 100 Japanese pilots The defeat at Midway halts Japanese advance in the

Pacific and shifts the balance of power in the Pacific Victory at Midway is considered a turning point in the

war in the PacificThe Battle of Midway

Island HoppingAfter the Battle of Midway the Japanese fleet in the Pacific had been weakened

Operation Cartwheel- the Allied plan to reconquer territories lost to Japan in the Pacific in a two pronged assault General Douglas Macarthur leads one prong south from

Australia through New Guinea and up to the Philippines Admiral Chester Nimitz led the other prong straight to

Japan by conquering the tiny islands in the Central Pacific

Island Hopping- military tactic used by the Allies in the Pacific where they invaded selected strategic targets and bypassed others

By 1944 American forces had cleared the islands of Saipan, Tinian, Guam and the Marianas island chain

Fight for the PhilippinesBegins with the Battle of Leyte Gulf in

October 1944 led by General Douglas Macarthur

Battle included invasions of 4 strategic islands of the Philippines

By March of 1945 Manila lay in ruinsBy June of 1945 Japanese resistance had

been controlled and the Philippines was back in American hands

38,000 American casualties and 400,000 civilian and Japanese military casualties

Kamikaze AttacksIn Japanese kamikaze means “divine wind”

As the US began to gain control of the war in the Pacific the Japanese began using this tactic to destroy American naval ships

This suicide bomber tactic was first used during the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Philippines

1,321 Kamikaze attacks were carried out by the Japanese during WWII 3,000 Allied troops were killed in these attacks

Overall this was ineffective and seen as an act of desperation by the Japanese

The Battle of Iwo JimaBegan February 19 and ended March 26, 1945The island lays only 500 miles from Japan(strategic importance)Japanese constructed an elaborate system of fortified caves, dugouts and tunnels to protect the islandUS Marines invade the beaches of the tiny volcanic island20,000 Japanese troops defended the island against 70,000 US MarinesMarines had to use flamethrowers and grenades to destroy fortifications of the Japanese7,000 Marines lost their lives at Iwo Jima, another 18,000 wounded

Raising the Flag

Battle of OkinawaOkinawa is the southern most island in JapanWas suppose to be the landing point for the

invasion of the Japanese mainlandApril 1, 1945- The Battle of Okinawa begins and

lasts 82 daysDespite heavier than expected losses the

Americans are able to defeat the Japanese killing nearly 70,000 Japanese soldiers and

100,000 civiliansBecomes the bloodiest battle during the war in the


Battle of Okinawa

Iwo Jima Letter HomeLog into Google Classroom

There is an assigned reading for today’s lesson

Read the letter from First Lieutenant Isacks to his sons and answer the questions that go with the reading

Once completed turn in the assignment through Google Classroom