thursday october 11, 2012 (jupiter and saturn; video segment - jtteotu)

Thursday October 11, 2012 (Jupiter and Saturn; Video Segment - JTTEOTU)

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ThursdayOctober 11, 2012

(Jupiter and Saturn; Video

Segment - JTTEOTU)

The Launch PadThursday, 10/11/12

Identify this object

. Mars

The Launch PadThursday, 10/11/12

Identify this object

.Olympus Mons

The Launch PadThursday, 10/11/12

Identify this object

.Valles Marineris

The Launch PadThursday, 10/11/12

Identify this object



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Recent Events in ScienceStation Crew Opens Dragon’s Hatch All About

It!Astronauts in the ISS opened the hatch to the SpaceX Dragon cargo ship on

Wednesday, marking a milestone for the first commercial resupply mission to

reach the International Space Station. Dragon is scheduled to spend 18 days

attached to the station. During that time, the crew will unload 882 pounds of crew

supplies, science research and hardware from the cargo craft and

reload it with 1,673 pounds of cargo for return to Earth. After Dragon’s mission

at the station is completed, the crew will use Canadarm2 to detach Dragon from Harmony on October 28 and release it for a splashdown about six hours later in the Pacific Ocean, 250 miles off the

coast of southern California. 

JupiterJupiter is our solar system’s largest

planet, and the most massive: Its 2.5 times more massive than the combined masses of all the planets, moons, and

asteroids.If it had been 10 times more massive, it

would have been a small star and we would live in a binary star system.

Jupiter rotates very rapidly on its axis, slightly less than 10 hours/rotation.This fast rotation causes a slight in Jupiter’s bulged equatorial region.

JupiterJupiter’s atmospheric clouds have a banded appearance. The multicolored bands are aligned parallel to Jupiter’s

equator and are generated by wind systems.

The Great Red Spot in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere is a counterclockwise rotating

cyclonic storm that has been raging for centuries.

JupiterJupiter’s atmospheric clouds

JupiterStudies of Jupiter’s structure indicate a gigantic ocean of

gaseous hydrogen extending down far under the cloud tops.

At greater depths, pressure turns the gas to liquid hydrogen.

Halfway down into the interior, extreme pressure causes the liquid hydrogen to turn into a

metallic liquid.Rocky and metallic materials

probably exists in a solid form in the central core… perhaps a large


JupiterMoons of JupiterCurrently, Jupiter has 63 known moons. Its four largest moons were discovered by Galileo and are called the Galilean satellites.Each of the Galilean moons has its own unique character.Io is the innermost Galilean moon and is also volcanically active. Europa is the smallest Galilean moon.Ganymede is the largest Jovian satellite.Callisto is the outermost Galilean moon.

IoWith over 400 active volcanoes, Io

is the most geologically active object in the Solar System.

EuropaThe apparent youth and smoothness of

Io’s ice-surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath it,

which could conceivably serve as

an abode for extraterrestrial life.

GanymedeGanymede, the largest

moon in our Solar System, is composed of

approximately equal amounts of silicate

rock and water ice. It is a fully differentiated body with an iron-rich, liquid core. A saltwater ocean is believed

to exist nearly 200 km below Ganymede's surface, sandwiched between layers

of ice.

CallistoCallisto's rotation

is tidally locked to its revolution around Jupiter,

so that the same hemisphere always faces inward. Jupiter appears to stand still in Callisto's

sky. Callisto is less affected by

Jupiter's magnetosphere than the other inner satellites because it orbits farther away.

SaturnSaturn is similar to Jupiter in its atmosphere, composition, and

internal structure.Saturn’s rings are its most

prominent feature - the ring system was discovered by Galileo in 1610.

The rings are very complex, and are composed of orbiting rocks, from

the size of a marble to the size of a house.

The rings are thought to be debris from a shattered moon, but their

origin is still being debated.

SaturnSaturn has a very dynamic

atmosphere - there are large cyclonic storms similar to Jupiter’s

Great Red Spot.Saturn has thirty named moons,

and 62 known at present.The largest Saturnian moon is

named Titan, the second largest moon (after Jupiter’s Ganymede) in

the solar system.Titan has a substantial atmosphere.

Saturn’s Ring System is Complex

Figure 22.21

Video Segment