thursday, november 1 st

Thursday, November 1 st Topic: Summary Writing: Up Close and Personal Level: Analyze and Synthesize Agenda: 5 Min Vocab C-Notes “Your Brain In Love” Ticket Out Assessments/ Assignments: C-Notes Ticket Out Participation Homework: STUDY VOCAB! Paragraph 3 YBIL?? Vocab Quiz: Tomorrow

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Thursday, November 1 st. Topic: Summary Writing: Up Close and Personal Level: Analyze and Synthesize . Assessments/Assignments: C-Notes Ticket Out Participation Homework: STUDY VOCAB! Paragraph 3 YBIL?? Vocab Quiz: Tomorrow. Agenda: 5 Min Vocab C-Notes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Thursday, November 1 st

Thursday, November 1st Topic: Summary Writing: Up Close and Personal Level: Analyze and Synthesize


• 5 Min Vocab

• C-Notes

• “Your Brain In Love”

• Ticket Out


C-Notes Ticket Out Participation


STUDY VOCAB! Paragraph 3 YBIL??

Vocab Quiz: Tomorrow

Page 2: Thursday, November 1 st

On Your Desk:



“Your Brain In Love” Article


Page 3: Thursday, November 1 st

5 Min Vocab • On your square number 1-5

• Write the letter of the vocab term which correlates to the picture….

• You’ll see what I mean in a second.

• Bon chance! (ahem…good luck)

Page 4: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Instigate C. Jettison

B.Ingenious D. Judicious

Page 5: Thursday, November 1 st

A. Jeopardize C. Judicious

B. Inveigh D. Intervene

Page 6: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Inherent C. Justify

B. Indigent D. Intervene

Page 7: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Ingenious C. Inveigh

B. Inception D. Justify

Page 8: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Irony C. Inveigh

B.Jeopardize D. Insuperable

Page 9: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Instigate C. Jettison

B.Ingenious D. Judicious

Page 10: Thursday, November 1 st

A. Jeopardize C. Judicious

B. Inveigh D. Intervene

Page 11: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Inherent C. Justify

B. Indigent D. Intervene

Page 12: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Ingenious C. Inveigh

B. Inception D. Justify

Page 13: Thursday, November 1 st

A.Irony C. Inveigh

B.Jeopardize D. Insuperable

Page 14: Thursday, November 1 st

Cornell Notes

Topic: The 411 of Summary Writing

EQ: What is the summary writing process?

On your notes….speculate:

1.What does it mean to summarize?

2.Why should you summarize? (what’s it to ya?)

3.How do I….summarize?

Page 15: Thursday, November 1 st

In this unit we will: (but not all today…phew!)

o Learn the “rules” of summary writing

o Learn summary writing format

o Audience

o Using the 6 traits (focus on sentence fluency and word choice)

o Rhetorical choices of author/speaker

o Summarizing author’s/speaker’s argument or claim

o Analyze author’s/speaker’s evidence

o Tone

Page 16: Thursday, November 1 st

Question: What are the “Rules” of summary writing?

1. Always represent the ideas of the author, not your own.

2. Include the author’s central claim (main idea).

3. Choose primary information that serves your purpose.

4. Represent the article honestly and completely.

5. Use your own words to explain the author’s ideas.

6. If you quote, do it accurately.

7. Never comment on the quality of the information or the quality of the author’s writing.

(You will be able to)

Page 17: Thursday, November 1 st

Do as I’m Doing…

Page 18: Thursday, November 1 st

Have you just fallen madly in love? Thus began the announcement I posted on a bulletin board for psychology students on the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York. I had come to believe that romantic love is a universal human feeling, produced by specific chemicals and networks in the brain. But exactly which ones? Determined to shed some light on this magic, I launched a multipart project in 1996 to collect scientific data on the chemistry and brain circuitry of romantic love.

1. Making claim: Love is universal (what is meant by “universal”?)

Claim: Love is created by chemicals in the brain.

Circle words I need to define

Electrical system

How HF tends to prove her claim

Page 19: Thursday, November 1 st

Title of text: “Your Brain In Love” Author: Helen Fisher

Type of Text: Article Paragraph(s) #: 1

What is the author doing? (Use a verb such as: introducing, defining, asserting, illustrating, or some other verb which accurately describes what the author is doing):

• Introducing What is this paragraph about? What does the author say? (Main ideas, claims, evidence, and any other essential information):

• Fisher is making the claim that love is a universal human emotion and it is chemically created by the brain.

• Fisher will prove her claim by conducting some sort of experiment where she collects scientific data on brain mechanics and chemistry of love.

Page 20: Thursday, November 1 st

Complete paragraph 2 in your LMG

PIVOT!(5 min?)

Page 21: Thursday, November 1 st

In your groups you will:

1.Read paragraph 2 out loud

2.Mark your text during and after you read.

3.Circle words you need to define

4.Underline the main idea

5.Summary statements in the margins (Need 3)

6.Answer questions for Paragraph 2 on C-Notes

Page 22: Thursday, November 1 st

Complete paragraph 3 on your own

You can do it! (8 min?)

Page 23: Thursday, November 1 st

Ticket Out

What’s circling in your mind? (What are you wondering? What’s not clear?)

What’s “squared away”? (What do you now know? What have you learned?)

How did this strategy improve your comprehension?