thursday 14th january 2010 - russian scoutsГена: ‘Чебурашка, а тебе твои...

1 8 Publisher: Russian Scout Wannawong Camp 2009 All complaints to: Artyom Laletin Thursday 14th January 2010 VISITORS DAY Yesterday was the day that our beloved parents and siblings came to see what it is we actually DO at camp (in other words to see if their kids are getting their money’s worth.) The banner was erected, the volleyball court got heated & the synchronised swimming routines demonstrated the inner grace & acrobatic abilities of all our happy campers. And we wont even mention the N.O.R.S. LOL DOGS

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Publisher: Russian Scout Wannawong Camp 2009All complaints to: Artyom Laletin

Thursday 14th January 2010


Yesterday was the day that our beloved parents and siblings came to see what it is we actually DO at camp(in other words to see if their kids are getting their money’s worth.)

The banner was erected, the volleyball court got heated & the synchronised swimming routines demonstrated the inner grace & acrobatic abilities of all our happy campers.

And we wont even mention the



2 7

Submitted puzzle

Connect all the following dots with only 4 lines.

flexing of the muscles that went with the tug of war competition, where at one point in time both teams had their ropes tied around a tree.

It was great to see so many parents participating in, and enjoying the program along with us, and we sincerely hope the blisters aren’t permanant.


Yesterday at campfire we have heard (and participated in) a popular song from a Cheburashka cartoon (as sang by Gena the Crocodile character). Those of you who did not have your share of Russian toons, should know that the cartoon is very popular and there is not a single person in Russia who doesn’t know its story. The newspaper crew could not pass-up an opportunity to explore this subject and we hope you will learn something new.

Cheburashka is a character in children’s literature, from a 1966 story by the Russian writer Eduard Uspensky. He is also the protagonist of the stop-motion animated film series by Soyuzmultfilm studio, the first episode of which was made in 1969.

According to the story, Cheburashka is a funny little creature, unknown

to science, who lives in the tropical forest. He accidentally gets into a crate of oranges, (possibly American or Australian as the crates are labeled in English) eats his fill, and falls asleep. Cheburashka is not a personal name; it is a species name invented by the puzzled director of the shop where he is found. The salesman takes the animal out and

sits him on the table, but his paws are numb after the long time spent in the crate, and he tumbles down (“cheburakhnulsya” (чебурахнулся), a Russian colloquialism, “tumbled” in English) from the table onto the chair and then from the chair, where he could not sit, for the same reason, onto the floor. The director of the shop, who witnesses the scene, called A: Second!

Answer to the question on page 4:

Good at Math?

Here are some good old unfinished sequences of numbers:

1, 4, 9, 25, ...

1, 2, 0, 3, -1, 4, ...

1, 2, 5, 10, 17, ...

5, 9, 16, 28, ...

Figure out what the next number going to be.


him Cheburashka.

Cheburashka is now a staple of Russian cartoons, and there are several licensed products on the market, such as children’s anecdotal books and stuffed toys. He is also one of the few Russian animation characters to be a subject of numerous Russian jokes and riddles.Here is an example:

Гена стрежёт Чебурашку.Гена: ‘Чебурашка, а тебе твои уши нужны?’Чебурашка: ‘Да Гена.’Гена: ‘Хе хе, на!’


In terms of entertainment value it was hard to suprass the image of a blind-folded Volchonok or Ptenchik swinging away with the back of a rake at two extravagently painted cardboard houses.

The wil swings would be accompanied by commentry to the effect of “Go left, no right, more right. Go left i said!”


Yesterdays answer:Bonus points to a patrol who figures today’s puzzle before tomorrow’s newspaper is published. Planet A


Planet B


Consider a road with two cars, at a distance of 100 kilometers, driving towards each other. The left car drives at a speed of forty kilometers per hour and the right car at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour.

A raven starts at the same location as the right car and flies at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. When he reaches the left car he turns his direction, and when he reaches the right car he turns his direction again to the opposite, etcetera.

What is the total distance that the raven has traveled at the moment that the two cars have reached each other?

Death Stare

Liz Carles now officially has the evilest glare at camp.


Jacque Crusto Film

We have had a new tool in the pool yesterday - a sturdy waterproof and shock-proof camera which was hijacked for the entire 1.5 hours of pool time and only given back at the end with 108 new underwater photographs of various degrees of decency.

Q:In a race, what is the position of a rider, after he passes the second placed rider?Answer on page 7.

Rocket Science

Ptenchiki and Volchata launched their rockets up yesterday. Some of those whizzed-up so fast, the outer layer of paper was left behind while the main body flew high and then plummeted down into near-by shrubs.

Aerodynamics were important and the percentage of water to air also determined the success of a rocket launched.

The entertainment value of launches was great as it got everyone’s attention and looked semi hi tech because of the preasuriser bought specifically for this task.

It’s not brain surgery! It’s rocket science! I am the engineer.

If nothing else, our very detailed, stylish and vivid banner provided a good shade for our visitors.


Ах ты моя душечка, Белая подушечка!На тебя щекой ложусь,За тебя рукой держусь.

Если жить с тобою дружно,И в кино ходить не нужно!Лёг заснул - смотри киноВедь покажут всё равно!

Без экрана, без билета,Я смортю и то и это! Например вчера во сне,Что показывали мне?...

Всех родных оставив дома,Я поднялса с космодрома,И послав привет ЗемлеУлетел на корабле.

Я вокруг Земли вращалсяСделал множество виток,И при этом назывался почему-то Терешков.

Я крутился, я крутилсяНаконец я приземлилсяОт кровати в друч шагахИ с подушечкой в руках

Ах ты моя душечка, белая подушечка!