thuraya xt lite brochure · 2016. 2. 2. · thuraya's coverage area the thuraya xt-lite enables you...

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    Thuraya XT-LITESimple. Reliable. Affordable.

  • The world’s best-value satellite phone

    Staying connected has never been this easy. Introducing Thuraya XT-LITE, the wor ld ’s best-value

    satel l i te phone.

    The Thuraya XT-LITE provides rel iable satel l i te phone connect iv i ty wi th unbeatable value. I t is

    designed for cost-conscious users who need to stay securely connected, wi thout compromising on a

    c lear and uninterrupted connect ion.

    I t is very easy-to-use. You can make phone cal ls and send SMS messages in satel l i te mode, whether

    you are crossing the desert , sai l ing at sea or c l imbing mountains.

    No matter where your journey takes you, you can rely on Thuraya’s comprehensive satel l i te network

    to provide rel iable, c lear and uninterrupted communicat ions in more than 160 countr ies across

    Europe, Afr ica, Asia and Austral ia.

  • Features

    Supported by the most robust and powerful

    satel l i te network

    Thuraya’s satell i te network is renowned for having the

    most reliable satell i te coverage, including approximately

    160 countries or two-thirds of the globe. The Thuraya

    XT-LITE enables you to receive a call notification even

    with the satell i te antenna stowed, keeping you

    connected at all t imes.

    Addi t ional features include: Address book, alarms,

    calculator, calendar, cal l logs, conference cal ls,

    contact groups, speed dial ing, stopwatch, wor ld t ime

    and many more.

    Accessor ies

    Thuraya has developed a set of accessor ies for the

    XT-LITE to provide extended mobi l i ty when needed.

    Please vis i t for more informat ion.

    Cal ls and text messages in satel l i te mode

    Make cal ls and send SMS messages in satel l i te mode

    whenever there is no terrestr ia l network avai lable. The

    advanced omni-direct ional antenna ensures uninterrupted

    communicat ions, offer ing seamless walk-and-talk

    funct ional i ty for cal ls-on-the-go.

    Long-last ing battery l i fe

    Thuraya XT-LITE enables rel iable communicat ions wi th a

    long- last ing battery which provides up to s ix hours ta lk

    t ime and up to 80 hours standby t ime.

    Ease of use

    Simply charge your phone and ensure that your SIM card is

    working. I t ’s that s imple. You can then program the Thuraya

    XT-LITE to one of the 12 languages avai lable.

  • Thuraya's coverage area

    The Thuraya XT-LITE enables you to stay connected via satel l i te mode from anywhere under the coverage area of Thuraya’s satel l i te network, which extends across more than 160 countr ies in Europe, Afr ica, Asia and Austral ia.

    Thuraya's congest ion-free network automat ical ly re-al locates network resources to any single spot beam, al lowing Thuraya XT-LITE users to enjoy uninterrupted connect iv i ty beyond the reach of terrestr ia l communicat ions and cel lu lar networks.

    Wherever your journey takes you, Thuraya XT-LITE provides the advantage of re l iable satel l i te communicat ions even in the most chal lenging environments and remote locat ions.

    With the Thuraya XT-LITE, staying connected via satel l i te has never been this easy.

  • Windows 8/8.1, 7, VistaPC compatibility (for firmware upgrades)

    Multi-language firmware: Arabic, English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu

    Firmware versionsChinese firmware: Simplified Chinese, English

    Battery life – standby time Up to 80 hours

    Network features Call barring, Call diverting, Conference calls, Call waiting, Closed User Group, Voice mail

    Alarms, Calendar, Calculator, Stopwatch, World timeOrganizer

    External interfaces UDC data cable with USB connector, earphone jack (2.5 mm), DC power

    Battery life - talk time Up to 6 hours

    Size (phone body) 128 x 53 x 27 mm


    Satellite calls and satellite SMSServices

    Network frequency L-Band

    Satellite antenna Omni directional (walk-and-talk functionality)


  • Spare Batter ies

    An addi t ional battery serves as a backup for the Thuraya XT-LITE and extends usage t ime when you have no access to electr ic i ty.

    Spare Travel Chargers (wi th EU/UK/CHN/AUS plugs)

    The travel charger connects your phone to a mains socket. The exchangeable plugs al low charging in most parts of the wor ld.

    Spare USB Data Cables

    With a USB data cable you can upgrade the software of the Thuraya XT-LITE easi ly when new software versions are released.

    Car Chargers

    A car charger ensures that the Thuraya XT-LITE is never out of power whi le you are on the move.

    Solar Chargers

    Charge the Thuraya XT-LITE even when you have no access to electr ic i ty.

    Indoor Repeaters

    With an Indoor Repeater you wi l l be able to use the Thuraya XT-LITE in indoor environments.


    Use the Thuraya XT-LITE in hands-free mode with an opt ional earphone.

    Available accessories