thriller evaluation question 7

THRILLER EVALUATION QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?

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In our preliminary task I learnt the basics of camera work and how to use a camera angle or specific shot to connote a meaning such as low angle representing power and dominance or high angle representing weakness or close up representing intensity and adding an impact to a specific area.

In our prelim I did my edit in a pair with another student who was more competent with the editing process and I used this to my advantage by learning off him which really helped me in me thriller edit as I knew the basics of what to do and how to do it.

There was an importance placed on continuity in our preliminary task which allowed me to focus on that in our actual shoot which is why everything in our shoot matches up and there is very little areas involving continuity.

In the prelim we had a lack of planning before shooting which hindered us a lot but also taught me to place importance on it which is what our group did before shooting so when we go to the actual shooting process there was little time wasted which allowed us to get each shot perfect and take multiple takes of each shot.

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In our prelim we did not break the 180 degree rule which is important and I followed through with this in my thriller shoot so it would seem more professional and refined.

Using what I learnt on my prelim about working to a specific brief really helped in my thriller shoot as it helped keep what we had to do in check and I found this easy as I had practice at it in my prelim.

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GENERIC CONVENTIONS AND INTER-TEXTUAL REFERENCES In our prelim we used some generic conventions such as narrow corridors to connote a one way direction that the character can go and black and white to represent light and dark. This allowed to add generic conventions into my thriller shoot and edit such as chiaroscuro lighting, different camera angles to connote meaning and different shots to connote meaning.

I also used intertextual references in both of my shoots and edits such as the kill bill zoom in my prelim and I followed that with the hand slowly moving down the wall from Psycho in my thriller edit.