three magazine contents pages

Magazine contents pages.

Upload: sarahchapman92

Post on 09-Apr-2017



News & Politics

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Page 1: Three Magazine Contents Pages

Magazine contents pages.

Page 2: Three Magazine Contents Pages

Q Magazine contents page. This contents page looks really modern and stylish.

The masthead shown at the top of the page really stand out. I like the way they have used black upon red and white upon red because this really makes it stand out. Also a really basic big font has been used so that it is easy to read because it needs to be legible because it’s the masthead. Another thing on this contents page that looks really good is the layout of the pictures. On the left hand side there is a picture of Ant and Dec and Dolly Parton these pictures work really well because they both look happy and like they are having a good time, this make the pages that you are about to read more appealing. Because if there where picture of people looking really up happy you wouldn't want to read it. Another thing about this contents page that make it look really good is on the right hand side they show what is going to happen on certain pages, the layout for this is set out really well. I like the way they have all kind of been sectioned off so that you don’t get confused and also it just makes it look really nice because without it, it would just be plain and boring. I also like the way that on the picture they have put the page numbers of with pages they correspond to. I like the way they have done this because they have done it so that they really stand out because they have done white upon black on most of them and on the odd one they have done black upon white. I think that this contents page is satisfactory because its not to over crowded with text and picture and they have made the right choice about the colours because they really work nicely together and stand out.

Page 3: Three Magazine Contents Pages

Kerrang Magazine contents page.

When I first looked at this magazine I could tell what the genre was straight away. Rock. One of the main things that stand out on this contents page is the picture to the right hand side at the top. I think this picture shows the genre to this magazine very well. I also like the way that this picture is actually a little snippet of what is happening on page 17 but it has been enlarged to look like real picture. With they magazine they have also used colours that stand out really well. for example the masthead stands out quite a lot because its yellow upon black and yellow is quite a vibrant colour. I like the way that the main headlines that people actually want to read are showed quite largely. And that the rest that aren't really to important are at the bottom in order if the order they appearing the in magazine. Another thing on this magazine that I noticed was they only used three main colours. Yellow, black and white. This is really clever because all of these colours work really well together and all really stand out well when put together or on there own.

Page 4: Three Magazine Contents Pages

Q Magazine contents page This contents page is The same magazine as side

one but a different issue. On this contents page I like the way of the layout it looks really trendy, and in a way really straightforward, once again there is use of a big picture with the page number in the corner I have found that with every magazine that I analyse that they all have a main image with the page number in the corner. Also I like the way that they have put the picture of the Beatles near the top because they are quite a popular band and if it’s a the top instead of crammed in at the bottom people are more likely to notice it. I also like the way that the that the colours that are used are the same as the first slide. These colours work really well together and also stand out whether being used with each other or on there own. And once again we have the red lines on the left hand side that separate the pages. this stands out really well because the red is on a white background and the white is quite a plain pale colour. I also like the way that as the main image they put pictures of people that are relatively famous this is works really well because then people will want to turn to that page they are on and read about them.