three dimensional modeling of combustion …

THREE DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF COMBUSTION PROCESS AND EMISSION FORMATION IN A LOW HEAT REJECTION INDIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE by Samad JAFARMADAR * and Jalilpour BEHROUZ Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran Original scientific paper DOI: 10.2298/TSCI130203126J Higher heat losses and brake specific fuel consumption are major problems in an indirect injection diesel engine, which can be overcome by means of low heat rejec- tion concept. This concept is based on the approach of insulating of piston and liner of main chamber in an indirect injection engine. At the present work, the combus- tion process and emission formation in baseline and low heat rejection engines are studied by a computational fluid dynamics code at four different loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) in maximum torque engine speed of 730 rpm. The numerical re- sults for the pressure in cylinder and emissions for baseline engine at full load oper- ation are compared to the corresponding experimental data and show good agree- ment. The comparison of the results for two cases show that when the load increases from 25% to 100% in 25% steps, heat loss in low heat rejection engine decrease 40.3%, 44.7%, 44.6%, and 45.2%, respectively. At full load operation in low heat rejection engine, NO x and soot emissions decrease 13.5% and 54.4%, respectively, and engine efficiency increases 6.3% in comparison to baseline engine. Key words: combustion, emission, indirect injection, low heat rejection, three dimensional modeling, load Introduction The combustion characteristics of the indirect injection (IDI) engines are different from direct injection (DI) engines, because of high turbulence intensity and greater heat-transfer losses in the swirl chamber [1-4]. This defect causes the brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of the IDI engine to increase and the total engine efficiency to decrease compared to that of a DI diesel engine. Because of these disadvantages of the IDI diesel engines, most engine re- search has focused on the DI diesel engines. However, because of higher air velocity and rapidly occurring air-fuel mixture formation in both combustion chambers of the IDI diesel engines, these engines have a simple fuel injection system and lower injection pressure level [5, 6]. In ad- dition, they do not depend upon the fuel quality and cetane number [5, 6] and produce lower ex- haust emissions [7] than DI diesel engines. Especially, unburned hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are significantly lower in these engines, which have homogeny charge condition [8, 9]. Beside thermal efficiency decreases in IDI engine in comparison to DI engine because of higher heat loss from cylinder wall. The concept of low heat rejection (LHR) engine aims to reduce this great heat loss transferred to cooling system in an IDI engine. So, this energy can be converted to useful work [10]. Some of the major advantages of LHR engines in- Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and .... THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 53 * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected].

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Samad JAFARMADAR * and Jalilpour BEHROUZ

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

Original scientific paperDOI: 10.2298/TSCI130203126J

Higher heat losses and brake specific fuel consumption are major problems in anindirect injection diesel engine, which can be overcome by means of low heat rejec-tion concept. This concept is based on the approach of insulating of piston and linerof main chamber in an indirect injection engine. At the present work, the combus-tion process and emission formation in baseline and low heat rejection engines arestudied by a computational fluid dynamics code at four different loads (25%, 50%,75%, and 100%) in maximum torque engine speed of 730 rpm. The numerical re-sults for the pressure in cylinder and emissions for baseline engine at full load oper-ation are compared to the corresponding experimental data and show good agree-ment. The comparison of the results for two cases show that when the load increasesfrom 25% to 100% in 25% steps, heat loss in low heat rejection engine decrease40.3%, 44.7%, 44.6%, and 45.2%, respectively. At full load operation in low heatrejection engine, NOx and soot emissions decrease 13.5% and 54.4%, respectively,and engine efficiency increases 6.3% in comparison to baseline engine.

Key words: combustion, emission, indirect injection, low heat rejection, threedimensional modeling, load


The combustion characteristics of the indirect injection (IDI) engines are different

from direct injection (DI) engines, because of high turbulence intensity and greater heat-transfer

losses in the swirl chamber [1-4]. This defect causes the brake-specific fuel consumption

(BSFC) of the IDI engine to increase and the total engine efficiency to decrease compared to that

of a DI diesel engine. Because of these disadvantages of the IDI diesel engines, most engine re-

search has focused on the DI diesel engines. However, because of higher air velocity and rapidly

occurring air-fuel mixture formation in both combustion chambers of the IDI diesel engines,

these engines have a simple fuel injection system and lower injection pressure level [5, 6]. In ad-

dition, they do not depend upon the fuel quality and cetane number [5, 6] and produce lower ex-

haust emissions [7] than DI diesel engines. Especially, unburned hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon

monoxide (CO) emissions are significantly lower in these engines, which have homogeny

charge condition [8, 9]. Beside thermal efficiency decreases in IDI engine in comparison to DI

engine because of higher heat loss from cylinder wall. The concept of low heat rejection (LHR)

engine aims to reduce this great heat loss transferred to cooling system in an IDI engine. So, this

energy can be converted to useful work [10]. Some of the major advantages of LHR engines in-

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 53

* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected].


clude better fuel economy, increased engine life, reduction in HC, CO and particulate matter

(PM) emissions, and lower combustion noise due to reduced pressure increasing rate, increased

exhaust gases exergy, and ability operating lower cetane fuels [11-17]. Also, the higher temper-

atures in the combustion chamber at LHR engine can have a positive effect on diesel engines at

adiabatic case, due to the self-ignition delay drop [18].

A lot of experimental study has been done to utilize LHR engines concept to improve

thermal efficiency by reducing heat losses, and to improve mechanical efficiency by eliminating

cooling systems. The experimental investigations of Parlak et al., [19] and Buyukkaya and Cerit

[20] revealed that with the proper adjustment of the injection timing, it is possible to partially

offset the adverse effect of insulation on heat release rate and hence to obtain improved perfor-

mance and lower NOx. Dickey [21] carried out experimental investigations about insolated en-

gines and showed that a decreased ignition delay and premixed fraction and a corresponding and

increased in the amount of fuel burned during the diffusion phase of combustion were take place

in the case of LHR engine. The experiments of Jaichandar and Tamilporai [22] and Amann [23]

have shown that high temperature operation of LHRE cause considerable improvement in fuel

consumption and thermal efficiency, an increased in availability in the exhaust gas and NO for-

mation, a reduction of soot formation. According to studying of Wang et al. [24], the character-

istics of high temperature combustion, the methods, such as decreasing hole diameter, optimiz-

ing injection timing, and employing a special type of impingement plate in the combustion

chamber which breaks the envelope of high temperature flame, can reduce the combustion dura-

tion, achieve high efficiency and low soot emission in LHR engines. Also, experimental investi-

gation on the effect of ceramic coatings on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions

which was performed by Assanis et al. [25] shows that in the optimum thickness of ceramic

coating, efficiency increases, and emissions decreases. Another experimental investigation

about the study of energy balance was carried out by Taymaz [26] in low heat rejection diesel

engine. Numerical studies about energy and exergy of exhaust gas stream, which is the most im-

portant source of available energy and exergy in a LHRE, have been performed by many differ-

ent authors [27-29] at the optimum injection timing. Many fundamental aspects concerning of

CFD simulation of IDI engines have been discussed earlier by Pinchon [30]. Three dimensional

modeling of combustion process and soot formation in an indirect injection diesel engine using

KIVA CFD code has been performed by Zellat et al. [31]. Strauss and Schweimer [32] studied

the combustion and pollutant formation processes in a 1.9 l IDI diesel engine using SPEED CFD

code for a part and full load operations. Hasimoglu [33] has showed that the use of the blends of

ethanol and diesel fuels may be an alternative way to reduce both NOx and soot emissions at the

same time without modification of any engine-operating parameters. Hazar [34] has studied the

characterization and the effect of using cotton methyl ester as fuel in a LHR diesel engine an al-

ternative way to reduce both these emissions at the same time without modification of any en-

gine-operating parameters.As can be seen in the relevant literature, there is no more attempt up to now about the

3-D modeling of the combustion process and emissions formation in LHR IDI diesel engines. Atpresent work, this concept is created based on the approach of insulating of piston and liner ofchamber. A CFD code has been used to predict combustion process and emissions formation inan LHR IDI engine at various loads and in maximum torque engine speed (730 rpm). This workalso demonstrates the usefulness of multi-dimensional modeling for complex geometries, suchas in LHR IDI diesel engines, to gain more insight into the flow field, combustion process andemission formation.

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ...54 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65


Initial and boundary condition

Numerical calculations are conducted at closed system from Intake Valve Closure

(IVC) at 165° CA bTDC to Exhaust Valve Open (EVO) at 180° CA aTDC. The numerical grid

for modeling of geometry engine includes a maximum of 42200 cells at 165° CA bTDC and

generated by automated mesh generation of AVL FIRE soft ware. The present resolution was

found to give adequately grid independent results. Injector has single hole and mounted in

pre-chamber as shown in fig. 1. Initial pressure in the cylinder is set to 86 kPa and initial temper-

ature is designed to be 384 K. These values for pressure in-cylinder was chosen according to ex-

perimental data and for temperature in-cylinder is calculated by air-fuel ratio. All boundaries

temperatures were assumed to be constant throughout the simulation, but allowed to vary at var-

ious combustion chamber surfaces. Boundary temperatures for two cases in the combustion

chamber are: head temperature: 550 K, piston temperature: 590 K, and cylinder temperature:

450 K, present work is studied at full load mode and the engine speed is 730 rpm. All boundary

temperatures were assumed to be constant throughout the simulation, but allowed to vary with

the combustion chamber surface regions.

Model formulation

The numerical modeling with above boundary conditions is carried out for Lister 8.1

indirect injection diesel engine with the specification on tab. 1. The governing equations include

species, momentum, and energy with appropriate turbulent model (RNG k-e) [35] and solved

from IVC to EVO. Standard WAVE break-up model [36] is used in order to simulating of the

primary and secondary atomization of the spray and resulting droplets. Also drop parcels are in-

jected in cylinder with diameters equal to the nozzle exit diameter. The Dukowicz [37] model is

used for modeling of the heat up and evaporation of the droplets. A Stochastic dispersion model

is employed to take the effect of interaction between the particles and the turbulent eddies into

account by adding a fluctuating velocity to the mean gas velocity [38]. This model assumes that

the fluctuating velocity has a randomly Gaussian distribution. The interaction of spray and wall

is simulated based on the spray/wall impingement model of [39]. Modeling of the auto ignition

is based on Shell auto-ignition [40]. This generic mechanism includes 6 species as hydrocarbon

fuel, oxidizer, total radical pool, branching agent, intermediate species and products. Also, the

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 55

Figure 1(a). Mesh of the Lister 8.1indirect injection diesel engine

Figure 1(b). Grid dependency based on the in-cylinderpressure


important stages of auto ignition such as

initiation, propagation, branching and ter-

mination were presented by generalized

reactions [38, 40]. The Eddy Break-up

model (EBU), which is based on turbulent

mixing, is used for modeling of the com-

bustion process [38] as follows:


r� min , ,rC



C y




fuox pr pr





where it is assumed in this model that in

premixed turbulent flames, the reactants

are contained in the same eddies and are

separated from eddies containing hot

combustion products. The rate of dissipa-

tion of these eddies determines the rate of

combustion. Because chemical reaction

occurs fast, it is assumed that the combus-

tion is mixing controlled. The first two

terms in the “minimum value of” operator

determine whether fuel or oxygen is pres-

ent in limiting quantity, and the third term

is a reaction probability which ensures

that the flame is not spread in the absence

of hot products. Equation (1) also in-

cludes two constant coefficients (Cfu, Cpr)

and tR is the turbulent mixing time scale

for chemical reaction.

NOx formation is modeled by the Zeldovich mechanism and soot formation is modeled

by Kennedy, Hiroyasu, and Magnussen mechanism [41]. The governing equations for unsteady,

compressible, turbulent reacting multi-component gas mixtures flow and thermal fields were

solved from IVC to EVO by the commercial AVL-FIRE CFD code [38].

Results and discussion

The calculations are carried out for the single cylinder Lister 8.1 IDI diesel engine and

the operating conditions are 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% loads at maximum torque engine speed

730 rpm.

Fiures 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c) show the comparison of computed and measured mean

in-cylinder pressure, soot, and NOx emissions in baseline engine at full load operation, respec-

tively. These experimental tests were carried out for baseline engine as Ph. D. thesis at Tabriz

University [42]. They show that both computational and experimental data for cylinder pressure

and emissions are in good agreement. The peak pressures discrepancy between experiment and

numerical values are less than 0.2%. The peak of cylinder pressure is 50.2 bar, which occurs at

366° CA (4° CA after TDC). The start of injection and combustion are at 348 and 351° CA for

computed and measured results, respectively; in other words, the ignition delay dwell is 3° CA.

It means that the ignition delay is quite close to the chemical ignition delay and that the physical

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ...56 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65

Table 1. Specifications of Lister 8.1 IDI diesel engine

Cycle type Four stroke

Number of cylinders 1

Injection type IDI

Cylinder bore stroke 0.1141 mm 0.1397 mm

L/R 4

Displacement volume 1.43e–3 m3

Compression ratio 17.5 : 1

Vpre-chamber/VTDC 0.7

Full load injected mass 6.4336e–5 kg per cycle

Part load injected mass 3.2009e–5 kg per cycle

Injection pressure 88.8 bar

Power at 850 rpm 5.9 kW

Power at 650 rpm 4.4 kW

Start injection timing 20° bTDC

Nuzzle diameter at holecenter

0.003 m

Number of nuzzle holes 1

Nozzle outer diameter 0.0003 m

Spray cone angle 10°

Valve timing

IVO = 5° bTDC

IVC = 15° aBDC

EVO = 55° bBDC

EVC = 15° aTDC


ignition delay is very short, because of higher turbulence intensity and rapid evaporation of the

small droplets injected through the small injector gap at the start of injection. Figure 2(b) indi-

cate that the predicted total in-cylinder NOx emission for baseline, agrees well with the en-

gine-out measurements [42]. Heywood [4] explains that the critical time for the formation of ox-

ides of nitrogen in compression ignition engines is between the start of combustion and the

occurrence of peak cylinder pressure when the burned gas temperatures are the highest. The

trend of calculated NOx formation in the chamber agrees well with the Heywood's explanations.

As temperature cools due to volume expansion and mixing of hot gases with cooler burned gas,

the equilibrium reactions are quenched in the swirl chamber and main chamber. As can be seen

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 57

Figure 2. Comparison of measured [42] and calculated pressure and emissions at full load operation

Figure 3. The variation of pressure in cylinder with crank angle position for various loads at two LHRand baseline engine cases


from the fig. 1(c), the predicted total in-cylinder soot emission for the baseline case, as well as

calculated NOx, agrees well with the engine-out measurements [42]. Such verification between

the experimental and computed results gives confidence in the model prediction and suggests

that the model may be used at future works.

Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the variation of temperature in cylinder with crank angle

position for various loads at two LHR and baseline engine cases. It is clear from these figures

that the temperature in cylinder increases at compression stroke due to work transfer for two

cases and this increase is more for LHR engine due to insulation of some parts of combustion

chamber. At time of start injection the difference of temperature in cylinder for LHR engine and

baseline are 33, 33.3, 76, and 73.2 for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% loads, respectively. Similar

ignition delays and fast increasing of temperature can be observed after start of combustions at

LHR engine for two cases at 25% and 100% load. At 50% and 75% load operations, ignition de-

lay periods of LHR engine case are longer than those of baseline case. After end of combustion

period and in exhaust valve opening time, the temperature in cylinder increases considerably at

LHR cases because of longer combustion duration. Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show the variations of

heat loss to cylinder walls with crank angle position for various loads at two LHR and baseline

engine. As shown in these figures that heat loss in LHR case is lower than baseline at compres-

sion stroke. The comparison of the results for two cases show that when the load increases from

25% to 100% in 25% steps, heat loss in LHR engine decrease 40.3%, 44.7%, 44.6%, and 45.2%,

respectively. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the variation of heat release rate with crank angle posi-

tion for various loads at two cases. As shown in these figures that the start of combustions is the

same for 25% and 100% load, while start of combustion is earlier for baseline engine at 50% and

75% loads. Also, combustion duration increases at LHR cases except for 100% load. In 100%

load operation, combustion duration is the same for two cases because of similar ignition delays

and more fuel injection in two cases. The rate of heat release at premixed phase is lower in LHR

case than that of baseline engine. Higher temperature in cylinder at before of fuel injection and

more fuel wall impingement may be as the main reasons for this reduction.

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ...58 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65

Figure 4. The variation of temperature in cylinder with crank angle position for various loads at two LHRand baseline engine cases


Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show the variation of accumulative heat release with crank angle

position for various loads at two cases. Also, as shown in these figures that the start of combus-

tion is the same for 25% and 100% load, while start of combustion is earlier for baseline engine

at 50% and 75% loads. The accumulative heat release rates are the same for two cases at various

loads due to similar mass fuel injections. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show the variation of NOx emis-

sion amount with crank angle position for various loads at two cases. Altogether, as has been

shown that, except for the full load operation, NOx emission amount increases in LHR engine in

comparison to baseline. At full load operation, the amount of NOx emission decreases 13.5% at

LHR engine compared to baseline engine. The main reason for this decreasing is may be the

slight retarding of combustion process in LHR case, as shown in fig. 6(b). This result shows that

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 59

Figure 5. The variation of heat loss with crank angle position for various loads at two LHR and baselineengine cases

Figure 6. The variation of heat release rate with crank angle position for various loads at two LHR andbaseline engine cases


at full load, the effect of combustion timing is more considerable than the peak temperature in


Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show the variation of soot emission amount with crank angle po-

sition for various loads at two cases. These figures show the overall soot concentration inside a

combustion chamber as a function of crank angle. Soot emission amount decreases in LHR en-

gine considerably in comparison to baseline. At full load operation, the amount of soot emission

decreases 54.5% at LHR engine compared to baseline engine. The main reason for this decreas-

ing is may be the more soot oxidation at higher temperature in power stroke in comparison to

baseline. Most of the large amount of soot produced at early crank angles is consumed again at

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ...60 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65

Figure 7. The variation of accumulative heat release with crank angle position for various loads at twoLHR and baseline engine cases

Figure 8. The variation of NOx mass per cycle with crank angle position for various loads at two LHR andbaseline engine cases


later crank angles especially at higher temperature in cylinder at power stroke, and the remain-

ing mass of soot, which is finally detected in the exhaust gases, is only a very small fraction of

the initial one. Figures 10(a), 10(b) and 10(c) represent the evolution of temperature, NOx and

soot emissions at 360°, 380°, 400°, and 420° crank angles for two cases at full load operating


It is clear from fig. 10(a) that, at 360° CA , flame propagations (temperature contours)

are similar for two cases and combustion started at the upper edge of swirl chamber throat

(stoichiometric zone) and then propagated to pre and main chamber at 380° CA . Also the devel-

opment of the temperature fields at two cases between 360 and 380° CA show that the axial and

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 61

Figure 9. The variation of soot mass per cycle with crank angle position for various loads at two LHR andbaseline engine cases

Figure 10(a). Temperature contour plots at two cases for full load operation at360°, 380°, 400°, and 420° CA


the radial penetrations of the flame front are almost equal. Thus, the flame front reaches the lat-

eral cylinder wall and the cylinder wall opposite to the pre-chamber at approx. the same time. It

reveals that the flame started in pre-chamber and then invades a large portion of the main-cham-

ber very quickly. Flame distribution which is shown in this figure also indicates that the swirl

generated in swirl chamber during the compression stroke becomes gradually weaker due to op-

posing flow in glow plug channel (do not shown contours). Therefore, at the end of injection pe-

riod at 380° CA the flame reaches to near injector location without distortion. Also the similar

trends are observed for flame temperature distribution at 360° CA and 380° CA. This would re-

sult in similar the mixture formation processes for two cases at these crank angles. In the front

view at 400° CA, the hot gas from the pre-chamber reaches the opposite side of main chamber.

This leads to the formation of two large eddies each occupying a half of the main chamber and

staying centered with respect to the two half of the bowl(don't shown contours). After 400° CA,

these regions transfer in the main combustion chamber and therefore, at 50% load operation

most of NOx emission engine form in the main chamber or transfer to in it from pre-chamber.

At figs. 10(b) and 10(c), the production of NOx and soot in the main and pre-chamber

are discussed for two cases at full load operation. It can be seen from fig. 10(b) that at 380° CA

the NOx is produced in the throat and main chamber for two cases. At 400° CA and 420° CA re-

ducing NOx quantities in the swirl chamber throat is due convection to the main chamber.

Finally in figs. 10(c), we present the evolution of the soot mass in the main and pre

chambers for two cases full load operations, respectively. As indicated by these figures, in the

two cases at full load conditions, the main cause of the exhaust smoke is spray-wall impinge-

ment which leads to fuel adhesion on the wall and the stagnation of a rich fuel-air mixture. At

420° CA, dense soot in the main chamber disappears because of complete oxidation. The adher-

ent fuel is not quickly evaporated and formed fuel vapor is hardly carried out of this area, be-

cause the stagnation zone is formed here due to the chamber shape. Thus, the rich fuel-air mix-

ture stagnates in this zone under the condition of high temperature and insufficient oxygen to

form the dense soot cloud. At 360° CA, the soot is produced in regions of high fuel concentra-

tions, when cold fuel is injected into areas of hot gases at upper edge of swirl chamber throat.

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ...62 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65

Figure 10(b). Contour plots of NOx mass fraction at two cases for fullload operation at 360°, 380°, 400°, and 420° CA



At the present work, combustion processes and emissions formation of an IDI diesel

engine have been studied by a 3-D CFD code at LHR and baseline engine cases. The results for

calculated pressure and emissions at full load operation are compared with the corresponding

experimental data and show good agreement. Such verification between the experimental and

computed results gives confidence in the model prediction at other loads. The results of the

study, when the load increases from 25% to 100% in 25% steps, are as follows.

Heat loss from cylinder walls at LHR engine decrease 40.3%, 44.7%, 44.6%, and 45.2% in

comparison to baseline engines.

NOx mass per cycle in LHR engine at 25%, 50%, and 75% load increases 82%, 40%, and

52% respectively, while this value decreases 13.5% at full load operation.

Soot mass per cycle in LHR engine decreases 91%, 90%, 14.7%, and 54.4%, respectively, in

comparison to baseline engine.

Engine efficiency at LHR engine increases 39.2%, 13.7%, 13.9%, and 6.3% in comparison

to baseline engines.

The results show that emissions and engine efficiency simultaneously can be im-

proved at full load operation in baseline engine by LHR concept. This result confirmed by ex-

perimental investigation of Assanis et al. [25]. They have performed experimental investiga-

tions in LHR engine and have shown that efficiency increases 10%, exhaust CO levels were

lower between 30% and 60% than baseline levels and unburned HC levels were lower 35% to

40% for the insulated pistons. Also, the NOx concentrations were also 10% to 30% lower due to

the changed nature of combustion in the insulated engines. Finally, smoke emissions decreased

slightly in the insulated engines.


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Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 63

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Paper submitted: February 3, 2013Paper revised: August 12, 2013Paper accepted: August 26, 2013

Jafarmadar, S., Behrouz, J.: Three Dimensional Modeling of Combustion Process and ....THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 53-65 65