three days in guadalcanal

Three Days in Guadalcanal by John B. Franklin III John Franklin 28101 Camellia CT Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 322-5294

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Three Days in Guadalcanal


John B. Franklin III

John Franklin28101 Camellia CTLaguna Niguel, CA 92677(949) 322-5294



A string of emerald islands drift over the blue horizon and “Solomon Islands” appears at the bottom center.

The islands slip closer until “Guadalcanal, October 1942” appears at the bottom of a single large island.

A U.S. Navy PBY patrol bomber banks and dives heading to an airstrip. “Henderson Field” appears at the bottom center. The plane makes a rough landing on the pierced-steel planked runway and is directed to taxi to a stop next to a dilapidated shed.

Across the airfield a dozen B-17 Flying Fortress bombers rumble to life. Ground crews scurry about making final checks and pulling wheel chalks.

The side door of the PBY lowers and CAPTAIN CAYLE scrambles down carrying a duffle bag. He is a tall black man with prominent features. He sweats through his dress uniform.

CAYLEAirman! Ops.?

The AIRMAN stops and stares at him and then points to a large structure that looks like a Japanese pagoda. He continues staring at Cayle who ignores him and walks quickly towards the entrance that has a sign over the entrance that reads: “The Pagoda: Cactus Air Force.” He observes the B-17spreparing for take off and a horse Marine rides by an infantry unit marching to the far side of the field. He steps around a bomb crater and enters the awning that leads to the operations center.


GENERAL VANDERGALL works with his head down at his campaign desk.

CAYLEReporting for duty Sir.

Cayle hands him his orders and Vandergall scans them.

VANDERGALL(still reading)

Operations... experience...


Tuskegee! What the hell?

Vandergall looks up and stares at Cayle.

VANDERGALL (CONT’D)God damnit! Don’t they know I’m trying to run a fucking war here? Jesus! What in the hell am I going to do with a...

(stares at Cayle)Tuskegee fighter pilot?



Yes, I can read Captain. I know what I’m supposed to do with you.

(throws the orders on his desk)

Someone in Washington wants you to get some operational experience and ready for Europe or more likely the war bonds circuit.

Cayle bristles.


Look Captain, I don’t got time for this FUBAR. I got Japs crawling all over me and I can’t wet nurse you!

A B-17 is heard taking off in the back ground. Vandergall looks towards the door.

VANDERGALL (CON’T) (CONT’D)Listen son, you want operational experience, well you better hitch a ride with those 17s otherwise I gotta kitchen that needs working.


Cayle exits the bunker in a hurry. He sees the B-17s taxing for take off and he runs to intercept them. Two more B-17stake off as Cayle runs. He drops is bag in the middle of the field and sprints to the last plane.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Open up!




Cayle pounds on the rear door of the B-17 as he runs.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Open the damn door!

The door swings open and RICK stares at him. The second to last B-17 takes off directly in front of them.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Give me your hand damnit! I’m coming aboard!

Rick stares at him.

CAYLE (CONT’D)General’s orders! Do it!

Rick lowers his hand and pulls him aboard. They both tumble to the floor inside the B-17. Air RUSHES in from the open door as they make a steep climb taking off. Cayle rolls over and sees the crew staring down at him with many white bewildered faces.

CAYLE (CONT’D)The General was right, this is FUBAR!


LT. THOMAS examines a dead mosquito in his hand.

THOMASBloody mosquitoes! Never get used to them.

In his other hand is a walkie-talkie. Behind him his native guide FRIDAY tries to repair the 3-pannel radio. He has the middle cover off and is shaking the tubes.

Thomas is a Coastal Watcher in the Australian navy and he is in his late thirties. He is dressed in a tattered tan uniform and he looks haggard. Friday is in his early twenties and is dressed in a similar uniform.


Thomas looks up.

FRIDAY (CONT’D)I hope that walkie-talkie works because these tubes are done.




Friday tosses the tubes in the dirt with disgust.

THOMASWhat? Oh. Can’t you put some bloody voodoo on those tubes? And while you’re at it put some on this damn battery because it’s gone to the ghost.

FRIDAYAfter five years you’d think you’d remember that we don’t do voodoo on these islands. Why don’t you ask your God for help?

THOMAS(looks up)

I think some un-lucky Yanks need him more than me, bloody hell... poor chaps.


Two Zeros bank out of the sun from above and behind the

B-17. The Zeros gain altitude and circle to attack from the front.


The B-17 is littered with gear and the men are cramped in their positions. The PILOT and CO-PILOT are working hard to keep the plane in the air. Cayle hovers over their shoulders staying out of the way.

CAYLE(to the Pilot)

Listen Lieutenant, I’m just following orders too. I’m just gonna observe and stay out of your way.

CO-PILOT(to the Pilot)

Frank, we got two Zeros at our one o’clock.

PILOTShit! We just left the damn field. What a cluster! Crew, Zero at our one o’clock. Repeat, Zero at our one o’clock.




Two Zeros dive hard with guns blazing.


Bullets RIDDLE the airplane.

PILOTCheck in!

Each man appears as they check in.

DEREKGood at the radio. Zulu One come in over. Zulu One come...

JOHNOK on the port waist gun.

RICKOK on starboard waist gun, but it looks bad for JIMMY.

JIMMY is the tail gunner.

PILOTJimmy check in.


CAYLEI got ‘em.

CAYLE scrambles to the back of the plane.

TONYOK in the ball turret, but engines three and four are pissing in the wind.


Fuel streaks out of the three and four engines.


The Pilot and Co-Pilot scan the skies.

PILOTSteve, check those gauges.




PATRICKOK on the top turret.

ROBERTOK up front, but here comes the Zeros two o’clock starboard.


Two Zeros dive hard with guns blazing.


The men ready their guns.


CAYLEThe tail gunner is dead. Repeat, the tail gunner is dead... I’ve got his position.

Bullets RIDDLE the aircraft. CAYLE watches the Zeros as they finish their pass through the tail gunner position. He moves the bloody body of the tail gunner and mans the gun. He fires at the Zeros and the empty cartridges dance in the air.

PILOTCAYLE, Steve is hit... I need your help.

The plane dives. CAYLE races to the cockpit.

CAYLEMake a hole!!!

The Co-Pilot is dead and the Pilot is seriously injured.

The plane dives steeper. CAYLE moves the Co-Pilot out of the way and takes the stick.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Pull! Pulllll-DAMN IT!

The Pilot pulls and passes out. The plane levels slightly.


The B-17 is on fire and slips out of the sky.




Cayle fights with the plane.

CAYLEHold on men, we’re going in!

Cayle flinches as branches and leaves STRIKE the windshield.


Thomas watches the B-17 crash in the jungle through his binoculars.

THOMASBloody hell! Friday, grab our kit. Time to save more airmen. Let’s go have a look ‘bout.

Friday packs the gear.

THOMAS (CONT’D)Hold up Friday. We have more visitors.

(sees a Japanese officer through his binoculars)

Damn... YOSHI! Break everything down Friday! We’ve over stayed our welcome. I’ll tell our Marine chaps that it’s time to go on holiday.

FRIDAYWhat about the Teleradio?

THOMASDamn. Wouldn’t do any good to have Yoshi find our kit, now would it? Let’s take the receiver switch with us and we’ll hide the batteries in the bush. Even if our nip friend Yoshi finds it he’ll have a hell of a time hearing anything but bloody static.

FRIDAYYou know Unggoy, this feud of yours with Captain Yoshi isn’t exactly healthy.

Thomas ignores him and Friday continues to dismantle the radio.



THOMASOK, time to beat a trail.

Thomas and Friday gather the last of their gear and head down the trail to a group of four Marines.

THOMAS (CONT’D)Time for holiday SARGE, care to join


SARGEConsidering I don’t know where the hell we are I don’t see I have much of a choice.

Sarge walks next to Thomas.

SARGE (CONT’D)Powder, take point with Friday. Bobby come here and grab this gear. Ok Lt., where we going and when are we heading out to Henderson?

THOMASUnderstand Sarge, I’m doing my job keeping an eye on the Japs and plucking pilots out of the jungle. Saving Marines from an ill advised landing was a bonus. My job description does not include holding your hands all the way back to friendly lines.

SAGREHey Lt...

THOMASDon’t get your knickers bunched up Sarge. It just so happens, my time here is coming to a speedy end. We’re going to save some more airmen and then trek through the jungle back to your American lines. Deal?

SARGELet’s get it done.




Low MOANS and smoke fill the cabin. Cayle reaches over to the pilot and checks his pulse. The pilot is dead.

ROBERTI need help here; I’m pinned!

Derek and Patrick enter.

CAYLEIf you guys are OK go help the crew and I’ll check the Lieutenant. You can’t do anything for them

(nods the Pilot and Co-Pilot)

they’re both dead.

CAYLE un-straps and crawls to Robert.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Damn Lieutenant! I don’t know how you survived.

Robert is pinned in the front of the plane. He has a piece of metal stuck in his abdomen.

ROBERTUs good old boys can take a lickin’. Now get this damn thing out of me?

CAYLELieutenant, this might not go good, I mean...

ROBERTDamn Captain, nothing has gone good in a long time.

CAYLE pulls the sheet metal out and quickly puts pressure on the wound. Robert SCREAMS and bleeds heavily.

ROBERT (CONT’D)You know, I never thought I’d be so glad to see...

They pause and stare at each other.

ROBERT (CONT’D)a damn Captain.



Cayle and Robert exchange more looks until Robert dies with his eyes open.

CAYLEStay with me damn it!

Cayle pounds on his chest and shakes him roughly. Cayle stops and stares at Robert and then closes his eyes with his bloody fingers leaving blood streaks on Robert’s eyes.


A) CAYLE heads to the center of the plane and meets with the survivors. His dress uniform is covered in blood and he is dazed.

B) The smoke airs out as the crew gathers. Nobody speaks.

C) CAYLE focuses on each man’s rank insignia and his face shows growing awareness. CAYLE is the ranking officer and he projects firm resolve.

(Insert dialogue where the enlisted men start to panic and Cayle takes command)

CAYLE (CONT’D)OK men. Unless you want to eat rice served on Samurai swords we better get a move on.

(looks to Derek)Airman... check the radio. If it works, contact Henderson and give them our position or try to contact a ship. Maybe we can get a pick-up?

(looks to John and Rick)You two, strip one or two of those guns off the side with as much ammo. as we can carry. Watch the weight. I think we might be walking for a while.

(Looks to Patrick)Corporal, scrounge for small arms, food, medical, water, and whatever

else you think we’ll need. I’ll

grab the maps; I think I saw a cove that might give a point of reference. All right men, you got fifteen then rally outside.

The men scurry about gathering the supplies.




JOHNWe’ve had it this time... out here in the damn jungle with him... he should be swinging...

RICKTake it easy John. He saved our hides on the way down and so far he’s making sense. Let’s just do our jobs and get outta here.

JOHNI’ll tell you this, I’m not following him...

RICKKeep your mouth. What you’re saying can get you killed. You try anything and the Captain can put a slug in your thick skull himself.

JOHNWe’ll see about that.

RICKJust stow it and do your job.


The men climb out of the plane. CAYLE reviews the maps with Christopher. The sun is setting.

CAYLEOK men, let’s figure out what we’ve got. Airman, any luck with the radio?

DEREKAll I got was static Captain.

CAYLEWhat about you two?

RICKWe cut loose a .30 with six hundred rounds.

CAYLEAnd you Corporal?

PATRICKI picked up two .45’s with six clips.





One heavily used first aid kit. Three K-Rations. Two canteens half-full. One parachute pack I’m using as a backpack and one carbine with three clips.

CAYLECarbine? Since when is a carbine standard issue on a B-17?

PATRICKEver since we started flying over Jap infested islands.

CAYLENo objections from me. All right, I’ve been going over the map. On our way down I saw Mt. Austen to our south and Lunga Pt. to our southeast. I figure we’re due east of Henderson Field but a good ten miles of tough jungle and Japs from the airfield. We are going to head for Pt. Cruz due north and see if we can find ourselves a pick-up. If not, then we will head to Henderson. Either way we’re gonna be on the ground for a while. Corporal, you’re senior enlisted, take charge of the men and prepare to move out.

PATRICKYes Sir. Derek, take a .45 with three clips and the backpack and stick to my side.

Patrick takes the other .45 and three clips.

PATRICK (CONT’D)John and Rick, take the .30 cal. and ammo. and stay behind Tony. Tony, you got point, grab the carbine on your way up. Everybody stay spaced at ten yards and if we engage don’t blow your package. John and Rick we’ll need short bursts to cover our disengagement.

Rally three hundred yards to the

rear from point of contact.




(looks to CAYLE)

Ready when you are Sir.

CAYLE forces back a smile.

CAYLENot bad for an airman.

PATRICKThank the transfer from infantry to the Cactus Air Force.

They march into the jungle. They are quiet and concerned. They struggle the with the thick jungle.


(Show them struggling with the terrain)


CAYLE and the men set up camp.

RICKSo Reb, you learn to shoot from your Confederate ancestors? No wonder you lost the war.

JOHNListen you damn Yankee, how many Zero’s have you shot down? All you’re good for is emptying brass. I don’t think you’ve hit a single Jap since we’ve been here? You need glasses!

RICKAt least I didn’t unload my whole nine yards shooting down one of ours.

JOHNThat Corsair wasn’t supposed to be there. Jimmy even fired on him, and the Captain said he

couldn’t tell it was a friendly with the sun in the way and all.

CHRISTOPHERI fired too, but I didn’t hit him.




RICKI wouldn’t brag about that genius. In fact, I don’t know why we expect you to hit a zero with bullets since you can’t hit the ground with a full payload of bombs.

CHRISTOPHEREasy there airman.

RICKJust like an officer to pull rank when they’re in trouble.

PATRICKKeep it down guys. You don’t want the nips to hear what bad shots you are.

Patrick walks over to CAYLE. The two are alone.

PATRICK (CONT’D)Captain, I thought you should know that the men are grateful for you bringing the plane down and keeping them alive...


PATRICKBut... I don’t know how to say this...


PATRICKBut, you can’t make a mistake. I mean one mistake might give them an excuse to...

CAYLEListen Corporal, I’m a Captain in the United States Army and it is my sworn duty to kill the enemy and keep as many of you guys alive as I can. And it is your duty to keep the men in line so I can do my job.





CAYLEAs long as everybody does their jobs and what they swore an oath too, there won’t be any trouble. We need it to be that simple Corporal.

PATRICKIf you say so Sir.

DEREKHey Patrick, when can we get some shut-eye?

TONYDamn it Derek, can’t you stay awake longer than eight hours? You know, if you hadn’t fallen asleep at the radio I bet we would’ve heard about those Japs?

DEREKI wasn’t...

PATRICKKnock it off! Stay focused on staying alive and Derek, you got first watch.

CAYLEYou see airman, keep that up and we’ll be fine.


CAYLEAirman, who are these guys and what are they doing out here?

JOHNI’m not completely sure Captain.


Hey Powder, what’s a nigger doing

out here? Damn, those better not be Captains’ bars.


Take it easy Bobby. Let’s just figure out what the hell’s going on and how we can stay alive another day.





(Thomas mistakes Derrik for the commander. Then sees the Captian in his uniform and walks over and pulls the shoulder boards and campaign ribbons off. Almost starts a fight. Thomas tells him it is to keep the snipers off him. Also, tells him that he could’ve run a field for him.)

THOMASCaptain, I’m a coast watcher and this is Sarge from the 1st Marine Division. They were walloped on the beach while trying to reinforce Henderson. We’re your ticket otta here.

CAYLEWe are heading to the coast. Figured we find a pick-up.

THOMASWe need to stay away from the beaches Captain. The Japs are landing troops to attack Henderson. We’ll have to slip past them in the mountains.

CAYLE takes a moment to think and the men watch him. He notices Bobby’s looks. Patrick and Sarge also notice.

CAYLEOK, Looks like we are going to Henderson.

THOMASGood show Captain, now we haven’t been properly introduced. My name

is Lieutenant Paul Thomas of the Royal Australian Navy. This is my guide and trusted mate—Friday. And this is Sarge.

They shake hands.

CAYLEI’m Captain CAYLE of the 99th Pursuit Squadron out of Tuskegee.




THOMASTruly? What is a fighter jock doing with a B-17?

CAYLEI was sent here for operational experience so I could train my men more effectively. We got shot down by two Zeros and the pilot and co-pilot were killed.

(to Sarge)Sergeant Major, why don’t help get the watch ready? Make sure we have a good perimeter.

(to Christopher)Lieutenant, come over here.

Christopher walks over.

CHRISTOPHERName is 1st Lieutenant Christopher Edwards.

Christopher shakes hands with Thomas and Friday.

CAYLEOK, we need a plan. Any suggestions?

In the background Patrick and the Sarge direct the men and setup a loose camp.

Thomas, Friday, Christopher, and CAYLE crouch down and Thomas pulls out a rough map of the island.

THOMASOK chaps, I believe that the nips are about three hours ahead of us due East and they are traveling in two columns. One heading straight

for Henderson along the coast and one heading Southeast around Mt. Austen. Now Captain, I think we should shadow the nips around Mt. Austen and then cross Lunga River and enter Henderson from the Southeast.

He traces this on the map with a small twig.

CAYLEOK, Lieutenant, we will shadow your Japs around Mt.




PATRICKCaptain, everything is ready. The watch is set and the perimeter squared away. I thought you should know that the Lieutenant’s leg is getting worse. Infection is starting to set in and he’s running a fever. We don’t have anything for the pain.

CAYLEGood work Sergeant.

Bobby, John, Rick, Powder and Jonesy talk quietly at their end of the camp.

BOBBYI don’t get it boys. How did this happen?

POWDERWhat are you talking about?

BOBBYYou know what I’m talking about.

How did we get stuck in the fucking jungle, surrounded by Japs with a nigger in charge? You know he’s gonna get us killed. Sarge

should’ve taken command. My grandpa didn’t fight with Lee so that some colored could tell me what to do.

TONYYou better keep it down boys. I’ve got first watch. I’ll see you John in four. By the way

Bobby...didn’t Lee surrender

at Appomattox, with your grandpa?

Jonesy leaves the conversation disgusted.

BOBBYI don’t care if that damn boy has Captain’s bars; I’m not following him. If Uncle Sam wants us to follow coloreds he would put us all together. Instead we got white units and colored units. That’s ‘cause they’re not capable of command...




Sarge walks straight to them.

SARGELock it up soldiers!

(intense whisper)Let me tell you how this is gonna work so there ain’t no confusion. You’re gonna do whatever the hell I tell you ‘cause I’m your god damn sergeant. If you don’t you’re gonna meet my best friend at 900ft. per second.

(pats his .45 pistol on his hip)

And in case you’re wondering, I’m gonna do what the Captain tells me because I’m a god damn soldier. And soldiers follow the chain of command. Now git straight!

BOBBYHey Sarge...

POWDEREasy Bobby! Let’s not stir anything up. We’re good Sarge.

Sarge storms off to check the perimeter.

BOBBYRight. Let’s not stir anything up until we’re good and ready.

Friday and Thomas are alone.

TONYDamn boy, get away from me and let me sleep.

POWDERKeep it down you lazy flyboy. It’s your time for watch.

John checks his watch.

TONYShit jarrine, it’s four in the damn morning and we’re in the stinking jungle. What is there to watch?

POWDERJust get up so I can go to sleep.




Tony gets up and takes Powder’s position. Tony slowly falls back to sleep. In the distance a Japanese patrol skirts the camp.




Tony wakes startled and quickly collects himself before the rest of the men wake. Sarge rouses.

SARGEJohn, get the men up and start breaking down camp.

TONYAye aye Sarge.

Tony stands and kicks the sleeping men. They quietly complain and moan.

SARGEUp you go Captain. I thought you should know, today is the first day I start turning you into a real fighting man—a Marine.

CAYLEThank you Sergeant Major, I think, but I’d just as soon get a plane back under me.

CAYLE stands and stretches. He rubs a medallion that is around his neck.


SARGEWhat’s that you got Captain?

CAYLEThis? My Grandpa found it for me. For luck. This is the Patron Saint of Pilots. It’s always close. My Pa didn’t want me to be a pilot, but my Grandpa...he understood. When I finished training he made sure this medallion was waiting for me. What about you? Any good luck charms?




SARGEJust this.

Sarge pulls out a crumpled bullet that is attached to his dog tags.

SARGE (CONT’D)Kraut bullet that tried to kill me during the Great War. I was in the Calvary and this damn thing knocked me right off my mount. That son-of-a-bitch horse never looked back. That’s why I like tanks—they don’t leave you.

CAYLEHaving a hard time seeing the luck.

SARGEWell, as that un-loyal sack of glue ran off and a mortar round dropped out of the sky making him quick dog food. Later, when they fished the round out of my shoulder I held onto was like holding the hand of God.

CAYLEYou have a tough God.

SARGENo, just one that wears these.

Sarge points to the Marine symbol on his shirt pocket.

THOMASSorry to interrupt chaps, but I thought this would be a good time to set a course.

CAYLEAll right Lieutenant, what do you have in mind?

THOMASWell, according to Friday we are about two days from Henderson if we don’t run into too much trouble.

CAYLEWhat about Lieutenant Tennesson? Does that include carrying him?




THOMASYes Captain. Now, we’ve got some rough terrain ahead, but we’ll manage. We should travel like this...

Thomas traces the course on his rough map.

CAYLESounds fine. Sergeant Major, get the men saddled up and let’s move out.

Sarge addresses the men. They form up and Tony and Friday take point.

CAYLE (CONT’D)(to Tony)

Don’t lose Friday—he’s our ticket outta here.

TONYThanks for your concern for my well being’s touching.

They head into the jungle.


A) The men fight with the jungle. Thick foliage hinders them.

B) Mosquitoes bite them and the sun bears down.

C) Robert gets worse by the minute. He is fevering and almost hallucinating.

DEREKJesus, this jungle sucks.

POWDERNot as much as your mom, from what I hear.

DEREKYou know, if I had any strength or courage, I’d kick your ass.

TONYTake it easy Powder or the next bomb support you get will be on your tank. I’m sure we could smell you out from twenty thousand feet.




SARGEShut it girls, this ain’t no social hour.

Time passes. Tony gives the hold signal and the column drops to their knees. Friday heads back to CAYLE.

FRIDAYCaptain, I think you should see this.

CAYLE follows Friday to the front.

In the clearing ahead there are 13 or so dead bodies.

Americans and Japanese intertwined in close quarters. Flies buzz everywhere and the bodies are partially decomposed and bloated.

CAYLESergeant Major, get up here.

Sarge runs up to his position.

CAYLE (CONT’D)What do you think?

SARGELooks like two patrols that went bump in the night.

CAYLEHow can you tell?

SARGEThey used their rifle stocks and knives.

He moves into the clearing and takes a full magazine out of one man’s belt.

SARGE (CONT’D)They didn’t go hand to hand because they ran out of ammo. They were surprised and the fight turned vicious fast.

CAYLEAll right, police the area for weapons, ammo, food, water, and medicine. Take some men and bury the dead. I’ll get the tags.




SARGEWhat about the nips?

CAYLECheck ‘em for gear. I’ve no problem killing Japs with their guns.

SARGEDo you want me to bury them?

CAYLEYou know, I don’t really care.

Sarge gives orders and polices the area.

SARGEDerek, take your buddy Jonesy and collect supplies.

DEREKCome on Sarge, I ain’t too fond of smelly, decomposed bodies and...

SARGEThis ain’t no democracy soldier, just do the damn job. Besides, you won’t be too fond of fighting off the Japs with your .45 knowing you could’ve had a rifle.

BOBBYCome on flyboy; let’s get your hands dirty.

Derek and Jonesy gather gear from the dead bodies.

SARGERest you mutts start digging. We got six deep and seven shallow. Git a move on.

THOMASCaptain, while you square this away, Friday and I are going to take a walkabout.

CAYLEYou got three hours then we head out with or...

THOMASI know, I know.




Thomas and Friday disappear into the jungle. The men dig and CAYLE gathers the dog tags and joins in with the digging.

Time passes.


The clearing is filled with orderly graves and the men relax waiting for Thomas’ return. The men drink water and eat the food they collected from the dead. They also have new gear and weapons.

Thomas and Friday emerge from the jungle. Their boots are tied together and slung around their necks.

THOMAS (CONT’D)Thanks for sticking around Captain.

CAYLEYou still have seven minutes.

Thomas checks his watch with a smile.

CAYLE (CONT’D)So what did you find out?

THOMASQuiet as a field mouse out there.

Friday doesn’t look at the Captain. They sit down and put their boots on.

CAYLEGreat. What’s with the boots?

THOMASOh...just being cautious. Didn’t want to leave any trails some nip on holiday might take notice of.

CAYLEGood work. OK men, you got five minutes to rest up then we’re moving out. Sergeant Major, five minutes.

SARGEAye aye sir. OK boys, you got five mikes to drop your dick and grab your kit.




THOMASThese American chaps are quite colorful aren’t they Friday?

TONYHey Lieutenant, how come you call him...?

SARGETony, you and Friday start moving out. Just your luck to get point twice.

Tony and Friday enter the jungle with the rest of the men in tow.

TONYHey Friday, you know why that Aussie calls you Friday don’t you?

FRIDAYSure mate, I’m not illiterate, but the joke, it’s on Paul. He doesn’t know I know.

TONYThat’s pretty good Friday.

FRIDAYIt gets better. I call him Unggoy. In the Philippines it means monkey’s ass, but he thinks it means trusted friend. Daniel Defoe would’ve loved the irony.

TONYDaniel who?

FRIDAYNever mind.

The jungle darkens as the thick canopy blocks all but a few rays of light. The jungle noises increase and the men are jumpy.


A) The muddy ground pulls at their boots and the foliage is silently pushed out of the way.

B) CAYLE takes out his medallion and rubs it and then Japanese voices are heard.




C) The men freeze and then slide to the ground.

D) The edge of a Japanese column marches past.

E) Without a word or command the Americans pull back. They can see glimpses of the massive Japanese column move on.

F) The Americans rally just out of earshot of the Japanese.

PATRICKThanks for the heads up you near sighted wop.

TONYHey, I was just following Friday...he’s supposed to be able to smell out those slant eyes. Right Friday?

FRIDAYMe? Me no speak English.


PATRICKJust like a Whop to pin it on a guy who doesn’t even speak English.

TONYListen, you patty wagon potato eating igit, he speaks better English than I do. You better speak up Friday or I’ll have a talk with Unggoy.

SARGEKnock it off you two. Break out your pajamas we’re setting up camp for a couple hours of shut-eye. We’re gonna try and slip by the Japs at night.

Friday openly smiles and Tony fumes away. The Sarge sets up a watch rotation and the men bed down.

CAYLELieutenant Thomas, please join me for a minute.





Thomas walks over to CAYLE. Sarge is within earshot.

CAYLETell me again how many Japs you saw coming this way from your cave?

THOMASWell Sir, I saw a column of men move this way at day break yesterday.

CAYLEThat’s it?


CAYLEOK, thank you Lieutenant. That will be all.

Thomas walks back to his area to bed down.

CAYLE (CONT’D)What do you think Sergeant Major?

SARGEHe didn’t mention if he saw the beginning or the end of the column Sir.

CAYLEYou noticed that too. Damn English always so careful with their words.

SARGEAussie Sir.


SARGEHe is Australian not English.

CAYLESame difference.

SARGEWhat ever you say Captain.

CAYLE beds down next to Thomas. Thomas ties his .45 Webley to his belt with a string. Darkness approaches.




Sarge is close by.

CAYLEFirst you walk around barefoot and now you’re tying your gun to your belt. Anything I should be worried about Lieutenant?

THOMASOh, just an old habit. In

my line of work you never know when you’re going to have to bug out. I’d hate to leave my best mate behind.

He smiles and pats his gun.

THOMAS (CONT’D)You know Captain, something has been on my mind.

CAYLEWhat’s that Lieutenant?

Thomas pulls out a bag of tobacco and roles a cigarette. He offers one to CAYLE.

THOMASLacona Captain? It’s a local tobacco. You need something to keep you steady out here.

CAYLEThank you.

THOMASSo, I was wondering how you do it?

CAYLEWhat’s that Lieutenant?

THOMASWell, I guess the best way to put it is...well, fight for other people’s freedom when your own country won’t give you yours? I mean, you can’t eat where you want, live where you want, or even

use the crapper where you want.





I do believe that you’re not even supposed to be fighting next to us good white gentlemen.

CAYLEDon’t think I haven’t thought long and hard about that myself.

You know, my grandpa was imported to the U.S. and ever since it’s been our country’s just taking a while for all the good white gentlemen to realize it.

THOMASYou know chap, you and I have more in common than you might believe.

CAYLEReally? You can’t crap where you want to either?

THOMASNo, not that. My grandfather was, how did you say it? Imported? Well my grandfather was imported to Australia or more likely exported from England.

CAYLEHow did he take to the relocation?

THOMASBy killing Aborigines.

CAYLEWell, you got one up on us. We weren’t allowed to kill the natives until much later in our relocation.

SARGELet’s just focus on killing Japs and get some shut-eye.

They ignore Sarge.

CAYLEHistory is full of people killing and repressing each other. We

even do it to ourselves. Did you know Africans were slave trading their own and they were the first to sell their kin to whites? Damn, even whites enslaved themselves for thousands of years.




THOMASDoesn’t make it right.

CAYLENo, it doesn’t. But it helps to have perspective. Not to feel

singled out. Anyway, what is right by the way? Killing Aborigines so you can have a penal colony? Killing Indians so you can see the Pacific? Or killing Japs because your government says it’s OK. I have a hard time seeing anything right in killing.

THOMASIf you were Philippino or Chinese you might think differently?

SARGEIf I were asleep I might think differently.

THOMASSo back to my original question, why do you do it?

CAYLEIt’s hard to put in words...I guess you can say that there is a feeling back home that we need to belong. Be part of the an equal.

(beat)I figure if we’re gonna be equal then we have to fight equal, kill equal, and die equal.

SARGEYou know what I love more than equality...sleep. Yes sleep. And the only discrimination I see right now are a couple of officers discriminating against a

tired Marine sergeant with useless chatter that won’t help the fix we’re in. You officers do too much thinking. Enough talk about killing and get some sleep so we’ll be ready to do some good old-fashioned guilt free killing tomorrow.






The men get their gear ready. There is a full moon.


OK ladies. No talking and keep your damn eyes open. We’re gonna be close enough to smell those damn nips. I hope they don’t smell you Powder. OK Tony, lead us out.

They move out.

Time passes.

CAYLE(to Sarge)

We broke camp almost three hours ago. Do you think we got around the Japs?

CAYLE rubs his medallion.

SARGEI hope so Captain.

Time briefly passes.

GUN FIRE erupts from the right flank. Derek is RIDDLED with bullets and killed.

The men drop and SHOOT into the jungle.

SARGE (CONT’D)Get that .30 going!

John crawls to Rick to get the .30.

Rick is torn up and John has to pry the weapon out of his hand. Rifle fire continues.

John is shaken.

JOHNPatrick! Get up here! I need your help.

Patrick crawls forward.




Six Japanese soldiers fire on the Americans. Four fire their bolt-action rifles and two work the machine gun.

The machine gun jams.



SARGEMove forward. Powder! Grenades!

The Americans move forward and take cover. John FIRES long bursts at the muzzle flashes of the Japanese riflemen. He and the other men SHOOT killing two of the riflemen.

POWDERFire in the hole!


A) Grenades EXPLODE killing the machine gun crew.

B) The last two Japanese FIRE one last round hitting Jonesy who drops at Powder’s feet.

C) The last two Japanese riflemen retreat in a run through the jungle.

D) CAYLE makes eye contact with Sarge and Powder and gives them the “slit throat” motion of dragging his thumb across his neck towards the retreating Japanese.

E) Sarge and Powder chase after the Japanese.



Only leaves RUSTLING and BREATHS are heard. The Japanese run for their lives.



They gain ground on the Japanese. Powder raises his .45, but Sarge knocks his arm down and pulls out his knife.




The men try to stop Jonesey’s bleeding. A faint HEARTBEAT is the only thing heard.



They flee and look back with fear in their eyes.



They close in with anger in their eyes.



Jonesy’s eyes glaze over and the faint HEARTBEAT is weaker. He sees the men shout encouragements, but he can’t hear them.



Japanese Soldier #1 who shot Jonesy trips and his rifle flies out of his reach.

Japanese Soldier #2 hesitates, but sees Sarge and Powder closing in and continues running.



Powder sees Japanese Soldier #1 fall and without hesitation jumps on him with his knife drawn.

The Japanese soldier and Powder struggle.



Sarge closes in on Japanese Soldier #2.




The men replace belly wraps and stick Jonesy with morphine. Still, only the faint HEARTBEAT drones.



Powder and the Japanese Soldier #1 are in a fight for their lives. Japanese Soldier #1 knocks Powder’s knife away and they are now bare handed.



Sarge is almost on top of Japanese Soldier #2. The Japanese soldier turns to fight and thrusts his bayonet at Sarge.

Without flinching, Sarge grabs the rifle muzzle avoiding the bayonet and simultaneously stabs the Japanese in the gut with his knife.

Sarge leaves the knife in the gut and grabs the loose rifle from the Japanese’s hands.

Sarge’s momentum carries him past the Japanese soldier.

With the Japanese’s own rifle, Sarge stabs him in the back with the bayonet. The Japanese falls to his knees and reaches over his head for the bayonet.

He still has a knife in his gut.



The Japanese soldier has the knife and he and Powder struggle over it.

The Japanese soldier has the upper hand and the knife is getting closer and closer to Powder.

Powder’s right hand fumbles at his side where his .45 is.



The faint HEARTBEAT is shattered by the BANG of a single gunshot. Jonesy’s eyes close.



Normal sound returns.

PATRICKCome on damn it! Breathe!

Patrick THUMPS Jonesy on the chest.

TONYDon’t die you son-of-a-bitch!

Jonesy is dead. Patrick still tries to revive him.

CAYLESergeant! He’s gone. Get ready to move out as soon as they get back.

(to Tony and Bobby)Watch our flanks.

The men stare at him, especially Bobby. They are angry. CAYLE notices the looks.

CAYLE (CONT’D)(confidently)

Sergeant...collect dog tags.(to John)

Private, give him a hand and collect gear.

The men follow his orders, but are angry. Powder and Sarge return. Powder is shaken, Sarge is steady as usual.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Sergeant we have anything to worry about?

SARGENo Sir. Everyone accounted for.

Sarge looks over at the body of Jonesy.

SARGE (CONT’D)Damn. I’ll get a detail and bury them Captain.

CAYLENegative, we’re moving out.

SARGEWe can’t leave them here to rot...




CAYLEListen Sergeant Major...that whole Jap column could be on it’s way here...

SARGECaptain, I bury my dead...

BOBBYWe bury our dead Captain.

SARGEStand down Corporal!


SARGE (CONT’D)The Captain is right; the Japs could be here any minute.

Friday, take the point and find us a clearing one thousand yards out to bury these guys. Let’s move out. The Captain and I will take the six.

Friday takes point, John and Tony carry Rick, Bobby carries Jonesy, Patrick carries Derek, and Thomas and Powder carry Robert. Sarge and CAYLE take the rear.

SARGE (CONT’D)Sorry Captain, I didn’t know you’d given the order to leave the men. Marines just don’t leave their men behind.

CAYLEMarines follow orders and do not countermand their superiors.

SARGEAye aye Sir...

(under his breath)you’re all the same.

CAYLEWhat was that? Do you have something to say?

SARGEI said you’re all the same.

CAYLEUs...didn’t you mean niggers Sergeant Major?




SARGEI meant officers. You’re all about God and Country and us grunts pay for it. I’ll be damned if we don’t get buried.

CAYLEListen...if we’re gonna survive this we can’t go at each other. Especially in front of the men.

SARGEUnderstood Sir...just don’t forget that part of your duty is to look after your men alive and dead.

CAYLERoger that Sergeant Major.


A) The men struggle through the jungle with the bodies of their dead comrades. It is a slow, quiet, struggle.

B) Friday spots a small clearing and the men head for it as one.

C) Friday and Thomas continue on to check their perimeter.

D) Without a word the men dig...they don’t rest, drink or talk. They are morose and determined. No sound is heard except that of the SHOVELED DIRT.

E) When the burying is done the men collapse as one and the silence is broken by their collective heavy BREATHING. They drink and come back alive as they lay on the graves.

F) CAYLE and Sarge sit under a tree. CAYLE stares at the men as Sarge cleans his weapon and counts his ammunition.

CAYLE (CONT’D)What just happened?

SARGEThey buried their friends.

CAYLEI know, but where did they get the strength? It was like they...

SARGECaptain, why did you join the Army?




CAYLEBecause I’d be damned if I was going to let someone tell me I couldn’t fight for my country.

SARGESir, most of these men didn’t join to fight for their country. They were drafted or if they did join they did it because their best

friends were drafted and they would be damned if they were going

to let them go it alone.


Up in the air it might be different, but down here it is just a fight for love of country or freedom. You are fighting to survive and

for your friend’s survival. And after a fight, you look around and then it see your

buddies dead or dying and nothing but relief washes over you...because you are still alive...they took your bullet. Now you have to live with that relief. You live with it by giving them the one thing you can...a burial. Then you move on because you have to...because they would’ve.

CAYLE stares in the distance. Sarge slams home the receiver on his carbine as he stands to address the men.

SARGE (CONT’D)Clean your weapons and give me an ammo count. We need to be ready to go in thirty mikes.

TONYSarge, are you going to say anything?

SARGEYea, I’ll say something. Make sure you’re locked and loaded or you’ll be joining them. Now hurry up so we can git the hell outta here.

The men clean their weapons and check their gear.

Time passes.




PATRICKHey Whop, what are you gonna do if you get outta here?

TONYWell, Guiney...I’m gonna go find your momma and show her some real Italian sausage.

PATRICKNow why did you have to go there? I was trying to be come over here and wipe that greasy Whop hair with this rag so I can clean my rifle...the bolt is sticking.

TONYI got some lube for you...

Tony grabs his crotch.

JOHNWe’ve seen you handle a gun ain’t a pretty sight.

TONYHurt! We thought you were dead.

JOHNYeah, it’s good to hear you talking again. I was getting sick of you moaning and crying like a little girl.

TONYA little mean he sounds like Patrick’s Ma.

PATRICKWhy do you have to keep going there?

JOHNBecause she’s pretty good. You wanna see some pictures?

(reaches for his back pocket)

PATRICKYou are talking to a man with a gun.




ROBERTI hear Tony’s sister is pretty cute, weren’t you talking about her John?

PATRICKYour sister, I thought that hairy-lipped thing was your brother.


(at the same time)


TONYYou promised you were only going to take her to a movie and then back to my folk’s hotel.

JOHNThe show was sold out and we were shipping out in two days.

BOBBYThat’s funny Tony; we heard you liked little girls.

TONYBeats the little boys you Southern Gents chase around.

BOBBYWe likes to chase around...well I can’t really say in mixed company.

Bobby looks over to CAYLE.

PATRICKWhat do you mean mixed company? I don’t see any sheep around here.

TONYHey Christopher...why don’t you pipe in a little? Where you from?

CHRISTOPHERFrom? Hell I’m from all over, but I call San Diego in California home.

PATRICKOh yea, what’s San Diego like?




CHRISTOPHERIt’s warm year round...

TONYWhich means the women wear short skirts all year.

CHRISTOPHERSure...but what’s really nice is how quiet it is. Just cool breezes and ocean swells to keep you company. Beats the hell out of this shit hole.

PATRICKWhat? You don’t like stinking jungles, malaria, and Jap bullets?

TONYYou gonna stay in the Corps after the war?

CHRISTOPHERHell no. I’m gonna open a surf shop. Custom boards built by me. I’m gonna be rich. What about you Tony?

TONYI’ve got a girl back home that I’m gonna marry the first chance I get.

POWDERWhat makes you think she’ll marry you? For all you know she could be shacked up with a goddamn Section 8 or asshole 4-E.

PATRICKDon’t worry Tony; I’m sure your girl isn’t screwing around. Powder is just...

POWDERWhat do you know about it? We’re stuck in this damn jungle and she could be fucking some guy and he’d never know.

PATRICKListen Powder, just because your girl met some guy doesn’t mean they all do.




POWDERWhy not? ‘Cause they’re so faithful?

PATRICKNo, because there are not enough men to go around. We’re all here. It’s just simple math.

TONYThanks, is that supposed to cheer me up? It didn’t.

CAYLE and Sarge come over.

TONY (CONT’D)What about you Captain? You got a girl back home?

CAYLEYes. I have a wife back home.

BOBBY(under his breath)

I bet she got herself a Section 8 to keep her company.

Sarge shoots him a look.

PATRICKWhat is she doing back home Sir, taking care of the kids?

CAYLESort-of. We have one on the way. Should be born any day now. She’s a teacher too so she has twenty grade-schoolers to look after. I can picture her now waddling around the classroom swearing my name up and down. She was mad as hell when I left.

SARGEHow come Captain?

CAYLEI had to work hard as hell to get here Sergeant Major. Top in my class at the university, petitions




after petitions to enter Officer’s School. Top in my class at Officer’s School and Flight School, just so I could be here in this damn jungle with you. It was like falling off a curb for you guys. I had to work and put up

with senior brass telling me my place was in the rear, peeling potatoes, digging latrines, and shining boots. They said I needed to know my place.

BOBBYEverybody needs to know their place Captain.

CAYLEI agree Corporal. And let me tell you something about one’s place. The only thing worse than the terror in knowing you’re going to combat is the shame knowing that your country only thinks you’re good for is hiding in the rear. That is a place I refuse to be. That will kill you faster than a Jap bullet. It will eat your soul. My wife doesn’t understand that.

SARGERight now Corporal the only thing you need to know is how to keep your damn trap shut so we can figure out where we are.


Thomas pulls out his map and CAYLE and Sarge gather around.

THOMAS (CONT’D)The best I calculate we are five kilometers from the Matanikau River. We need to cross the river and then we are about another ten kilometers from the Lunga River. After crossing the Lunga we need to head due East and we should run straight into Henderson.

CAYLEAny concerns about getting Lieutenant Tennesson across the rivers?




THOMASJust the normal stuff like drowning. Hopefully we can find a proper shallow to ford.

SARGEWell, if that is all let’s git a move on. Patrick! Saddle up the men and let’s move out.

PATRICKYou heard the Sarge. Tony, keep your buddy Friday company at point. Powder, Bobby, your turn at the litter.

They move into the jungle heading East.


CAYLEYes Sergeant Major.

SARGEI thought it might help ease tensions if you called the men by their names instead of ranks?

CAYLENegative Sergeant Major. The Military Code of Conduct is my best friend right now. The men need it; I need it. If that erodes, well...we’re in trouble.


CAYLEI know what I’m talking about Sergeant Major. I didn’t graduate top in my class and earn the right to lead men by relaxing discipline. I have to follow protocol. I have to be the best otherwise my authority, my command will mean nothing.

SARGEAye aye Sir.





A) Time passes

B) They walk through different types of terrain like low foothills and grasslands and then thick canopied jungle again.

C) They shift positions with different men taking point and carrying Robert.

D) Under one stretch of thick canopy a PLANE ENGINE drones.

BOBBYHey. What’s that? Sounds like an airplane?

The ENGINE rumbles closer.

BOBBY (CONT’D)Should we try and signal it?

CHRISTOPHERSure. Let’s fire off a couple of rounds and have the whole Jap army come have a look see.

POWDERWith our luck it would be a damn Jap plane anyway.

BOBBYNo really this could be our way out?

Bobby fidgets with his rifle.

PATRICKBobby, you so much as get near that trigger and I’ll send a signal round right through you!

Bobby fidgets for a minute and stares at Patrick. The ENGINE is on top of them.

SARGEStand down men. We’re sticking to the plan. No fucking improvising unless I plan it out for you! Now git moving.

THOMASProbably just one of those damn Kawanisi flying boats anyway chaps.





They have been searching me out for months.

FRIDAYYou didn’t know you had a famous man among you, did you?

THOMASMore like infamous.

FRIDAYDo you want to tell them about the bounty?

THOMASReally Friday, that is very boring and...

SARGEBounty? Come on Lt. time to share.

THOMASFine, but it really isn’t much.

FRIDAYIt seems that some of the local chiefs put a bounty on his head to get the Japs off their backs.

SARGENo shit!

THOMASFriday makes it sound much more dramatic than it really is. No one said this was going to be an easy job.

SARGEJesus Lt., it’s amazing you’re still alive.

The ENGINE noise rumbles in and out. Artillery THUNDERS in the distance.

THOMASWell, we are getting close to someone’s party.

They travel through an open clearing. The foliage clears and smoke billows in the distance.




AIRPLANES and ARTILLERY drone in front of them. Their noise drowns out the jungle sounds.

The canopy thickens blocking out all the noise and most of the light. Their nerves fray.

POWDERThis jungle gives me the creeps. I can’t see shit.

BOBBYAll I can see are the Captain’s teeth.

POWDERWould it kill you not to be a damn hick for a minute?

CHRISTOPHERKeep it down boys and listen for the river. We should be getting close.

They fight through the jungle. Tony and Patrick take a turn carrying Robert. Robert is in visible pain.


Friday and Sarge come down the line from walking point.

SARGEOK ladies. The river is straight ahead and I didn’t see any surprises. It looks to be calf deep and moving at a good click. I want four men on the litter. Tony, Patrick, Bobby, and Powder, you got Robert. Lieutenant Thomas, Friday and me are first across. The Captain will follow the litter and the Lieutenant will hang back to cover our rear. OK, let’s make this happen and be quick ‘cause we’ll be sitting ducks in that damn water.

CAYLE nods his approval. They reach the river quickly.

A bright ray of sun streaks through the canopy in the middle of the river. At the waters edge they stop and listen.

SARGE (CONT’D)Let’s go Lt. You only die once.




THOMASYou know Friday, Sarge is starting to grow on me. I’m going to try and adopt his blissful meathead approach to life.

FRIDAYCan I re-negotiate my pay now?

They carefully enter the water and head to the other bank. Their eyes and guns are trained forward and the rest of the men are at the ready.

Christopher guards their back.

Sarge, Thomas and Friday reach the far bank and disappear into the jungle. They come back in a minute with the all clear sign.

CAYLEOK men, let’s get Lieutenant Tennesson across.

(to Christopher)Watch our six.

The men hoist the litter to their shoulders and enter the water. CAYLE walks backwards to guard their rear.

In the middle of the river Bobby trips and falls into the water. CAYLE rushes to his aid before he is swept away and grabs the litter to keep it up.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Gotcha soldier.

Bobby stands and continues walking. They cross and the other men help hoist Robert over the embankment.

SARGEShit! Captain, we gotta problem.

Sarge points across the river.

SARGE (CONT’D)The Lieutenant is gone.

They look down stream but don’t see anyone in the water or at the river’s edge.

CAYLETake cover! Sergeant, make us a perimeter twenty yards in. Sergeant Major come...




HORRIFIC SCREAMING comes from the far bank.

The men freeze.

TONYHe’s close. Let’s get him.

Tony and Powder move to the river.

CAYLEStop! No one is going over. Sergeant, get the men in the jungle and secure Lieutenant Tennesson.

They look at the Captain in horror.

Sarge walks over.

The SCREAMING continues.

The men stay put.

JUNGLEPlease help. Please...

SARGEWhat’s the game plan Captain?

CAYLESergeant Major you heard me, get the men in the jungle. Now!

SARGEYou heard the Captain, Sergeant. Make it happen.

PATRICKIn the bush now damn it!

The men reluctantly move into the bush. Sarge stays with the Captain by the river’s edge.

JUNGLEAaahhh! No! Stop! No!

SARGEWe gotta git him Captain.

CAYLEThe hell we do. You know why they’re cutting him. The minute we hit the middle of the river we’re dead.




SARGEWe don’t leave men behind Sir.

JUNGLEMommmm! Please help! No!!!

CAYLEDead ones we do.


All noise stops. Only RUNNING WATER is heard.

CAYLETime to git Sergeant Major.

They head into the bush and face very angry faces.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Double time out of here now! Friday, get us to Lunga fast.

No one moves.

SARGEYou heard the Captain. Saddle up and move or you’ll be the next one screaming for death in the jungle.

The men move through the jungle quickly.



A Japanese officer, Captain Yoshi, comes out of the jungle on the far bank and cleans his bloody Samurai sword in the river.

He stares deeply into the jungle and smiles. A platoon size group of men silently join him.




A) CAYLE and the men travel through the jungle as fast as they can. No one is talking. The exhaustion is apparent and twice the litter carriers trip and almost drop Robert. He screams out from time to time from the pain.




B) The jungle begins to clear and the sound of AIRCRAFTS and ARTILLARY fill the air. The men continue their harried pace until they hit a grassy clearing. They stop at the edge and stare out.

C) To their North Mt. Austen is being bombed by American Corsairs and hit with artillery from Henderson and the US Navy out in Ironbottom Sound. Smoke and dust plume up as the artillery rounds and bombs hit the mountain.

BOBBYGive ‘em hell Marines!

POWDERThat’s a beautiful sight!

SARGECaptain, look to our South.

CAYLE looks down and sees a massive Japanese column moving along the Lunga River four clicks away.

The Japanese tote heavy mortars and small artillery units. This is a heavy regiment and it is getting into position to counter attack Henderson Field.

The Captain looks over to Thomas.

CAYLEYou don’t seem surprised to see this Jap regiment Lieutenant?

THOMASWell Captain, this whole island is crawling with Japs. I can’t properly account for them all.

Friday moves away and Thomas gives him an angry look.

SARGESo Lt., when you said you saw a column of Japs moving this way did you see the beginning or the end?

The men pay close attention to the discussion.

THOMASI don’t recollect. It was early-dark.

TONYYou son-of-a-bitch! You planned this from the beginning.





You wanted your damn intel and it cost Christopher and the others their lives!

THOMASBloody hell! If Bobby hadn’t fallen in the river like a damn buffoon Christopher would be here now.

BOBBYDamn it! If Sarge would’ve taken command like he should’ve then none of this would’ve happened.

Tony tackles Thomas. Powder and Friday try to pull Tony off.

Sarge and Patrick argue with Bobby.

CAYLE walks over to Robert to see how he is doing. Robert is laying by himself and in visible pain, but lucid and conscious.


No one said command was easy.

CAYLE turns his head to watch the mayhem.

CAYLEAll right that’s enough damn it!

He pulls Tony off Thomas. Friday and Powder keep them separated.

CAYLE (CONT’D)I said that is enough!

CAYLE separates Patrick, Sarge and Bobby. They all stare at him.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Everybody get that out of them? Are we done beating the tar out of each other?

(paces)You know I didn’t ask for this shit either! Believe it or not I didn’t ask to be dropped in the middle of Jap infested jungle with a bunch of crackers. Jesus!





The last time I had it this rough I was trying to get a sandwich in an all white diner!

(beat)Ok, there I got that out too. Now we can all start over. You see it really is very simple. There are no hidden agendas being played out here. Got that Lieutenant?

(looks at Thomas)We are on the same page now. We know where the Japs are and where Henderson is. No more miscommunications.

CAYLE walks to Thomas and reaches in his pocket and takes the map out.

CAYLE (CONT’D)(quietly to Thomas)

Don’t worry Lieutenant we will settle up later. Not in front of the men.

(to the rest of the men)And no, Lieutenant Thomas didn’t get Lieutenant Edwards killed or the others. I’m pretty sure the Japs did that. Blame them if you want to blame someone. And yes, I think Lieutenant Thomas forgot some of the details, but I’m in the Army Air Corps and I get lied to all the time. Now to you Corporal.

(to Bobby)Do you know why the Sergeant Major didn’t try and take command?

The men stare at Bobby. Bobby squirms.

CAYLE (CONT’D)No? Nothing? Not now when everything is out in the open? No, you like to work in the shadows, don’t you? Well, I will tell you. It has nothing to do with me! In fact, for all I know he is a Grand Wizard in the Klu Klux Klan.

(beat)What I do know is that he is first and foremost one hundred percent Marine and he will always honor the uniform and behave like a Marine.





And that means following orders from superiors. And if you are a grunt humping hills and killing Japs why is it so important to do what you’re told and follow orders? Sergeant Major, you have two wars under your belt you want to enlighten the Corporal?

SARGEAye aye Sir.

(rather stiffly and then looks Bobby in the eye.)

You live longer. And your buddies live longer. I wanted to go back

SARGE (CONT’D)for the Lieutenant more than anyone here. If I were in charge we’d be dead. No doubt in my mind.

CAYLESo let’s keep this simple from here on out. No hidden agendas, no Negro bullshit. Corporal, if you want to lead then start by going back and finishing the second grade. Until then keep your damn mouth shut and do what you’re told. Now, we’re almost ten clicks from the airfield and we’re gonna have to haul ass to get in front of that Jap column. And in case you haven’t noticed, the Jap column is moving along the Northwest side of the river as they head to Henderson. They will

need to cross it in a few clicks to get in position to attack.

We are going to have to cross it around there as well. That means we are going to move along the brush at the base of Mt. Austen until we can make a dash for the river. We are going to be in a Jap sandwich with Marine Corsairs and Navy shells to dodge.


Get your gear squared away for fast moving. We leave in five mikes.

CAYLE opens the map and walks to the edge of the men.




Sarge follows.

The men snap to and get ready.

SARGENicely done Captain, I think we’ll all be on the same page now. Well, we might have one straggler. That last dig on Bobby might have been too much for him. Keep your eyes open out there.

CAYLENegative Sergeant Major, this is a clean slate for everyone. Has to be. I need to worry about what the Japs are doing more than what my own men are doing. We’ll get through this.

SARGEAye aye Sir.

They move out.

Time passes.

While walking through the grasslands a herd of wild cattle cross in front of them.

TONYWhat the hell? Am I losing it or did lunch just walk by?

He raises his rifle.

SARGETony. Put your damn rifle down.

TONYCome on Sarge, I’m starving!

Tony lowers his rifle.

SARGEJesus airman, you don’t have to be a Marine to figure out that we’re only a few clicks from the Japs and what exactly were you planning to do once you shot the cow? Stop and have a fucking BBQ!




THOMASDo you like sweet potatoes Tony?


THOMASSweet potatoes? You are about to have as many as you can manage.

CAYLEOK, Lieutenant, you got my attention. What are you talking about?

THOMASThese cattle are part of the Barandi plantation. In fact, I’ve been living off the cattle for months. Well, me and the Japs actually. Anyway, we will arrive at the plantation in a few minutes and hidden near the plantation I have a cache with rice and kerosene.


THOMASYes, I use it to barter with when I don’t have cash. I can get information, ammunition, rice, scouts and sweet potatoes. There are several plantations littered about the island and I have dozens of hidden caches. In fact, the plantations are part of my runner system.

CAYLERunner System?

THOMASYes, I hired several boys through out the plantations to keep an eye on the Japs and relay messages if need be.

CAYLEReally? Then why isn’t your runner system alerting Henderson?




THOMASThe Japs moved in and conscripted all the natives to work and my runners were either taken or went to the bush.

SARGEHow come all the men didn’t head to the bush?

THOMASThe Jap Political Officer got the word out that if they don’t show for work they will be hunted with dogs and tiny devices the Japs

THOMAS (CONT’D)carry around their necks to point the natives out. Once caught, they would be killed.

SARGECome on? You’re kidding right?

THOMASNo it is sadly true. The Political Officer, Captain Yoshimato or Yoshi as we call

him is quite clever. I haven’t seen any dogs yet, but I stocked up on arsenic just in case.

CAYLEWhat about the devices they carry around their necks?

THOMASI can’t say for sure, but I think they are talking about the tiny compasses they carry around their

necks. At least, that is what I’ve noticed when I’ve been up close and personal. A compass will impress your average native. Remember, these are primitive people who live in grass huts and many tribes still throw their old and crippled into the shark filled waters once their purpose has run their course.

TONYWhat about Friday? He...




THOMASFriday? You mean, Sergeant Yauwika of the New Guinea Police Force.

They looked surprised and impressed. Friday winks.

THOMAS (CONT’D)He was raised by the missionaries. Damn, he received a better education than I did. Don’t be fooled by his haggard appearance. He is the smartest man here and will probably out live us all!



Captain Yoshi directs his men with the heavy machine guns and light mortars to head toward the main Japanese column to their East.

He takes the remaining 15 men of the patrol and follows the American’s trail at a trot.



Thomas takes the lead and brings the men to his hidden cache outside the Barandi plantation.

He digs up a small box containing rice, kerosene and some .45 ammo. He pockets the ammo and hands out the rice.

THOMASGood to be prepared in case of a rainy day.

FRIDAYIt rains a lot around you Unggoy.

THOMASOK, quiet now, let’s ease into the plantation to make sure we are welcome.

They head to the plantation.




BOBBYPlantations, darkies, getting to be more like home by the minute.



The Japanese patrol enters the small clearing where the Americans rested earlier.



The Americans see the edge of the plantation.

THOMAS(looking at Friday)

Hey Mate, why don’t you introduce us?

FRIDAYSure chap, I doubt they have a bounty on my head.

Friday takes the lead and enters the plantation.

The plantation is a clearing with several grass huts littered about. There is one wood building with a Cross on the front door.

Everything is quite and empty. They walk in.

Out of the building with the cross comes a man in robes.

FATHERYauwika my son, good to see God has delivered you safe to us.

FRIDAYThank you Father. Where is everyone?

Two Nuns come out with five Chinese children.

FATHERLieutenant Thomas’ mate Captain Yoshi paid us a visit yesterday looking for him-as usual. In fact, I think he is still in the area.

The Father eyes Thomas.




CAYLEHello Father, my name is Captain CAYLE. What happened?

FATHERGod works in challenging ways.

(Make this current and the troops watch)EXT. PLANTATION – DAY – (FLASHBACK)

Japanese soldiers enter the plantation and gather what few men are still there. The natives line up in the heat.

They drag the two Chinese families out of their homes.

The following is in CHINESE and JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:


Please, we are just trying to work and take care of our families.


How do we cut through the language barrier here men? Anyone speak peasant Mandarin? No? I didn’t think so. So, how do we get these savages to learn they have to report to work?

Yoshi paces. The Chinese men are opposite the natives. The Chinese wives and children huddle in their doorways.


Please Sir. Spare our worthless lives. Have mercy.

The Father storms out of the church.

FATHERCaptain Yoshi. Please go in peace. This is a place of God.

YOSHIPerplexing is it not men. We do not understand these two Chinese devils and they do not understand our enlightened tongue.





And none of us care to understand the savages. And the gaijin Father, well apparently only God understands him.

(beat)So how do we impress upon these savages the need to do as they are told? And furthermore that these islands and everyone living on them are part of Nippon, the great empire of the rising sun!

Yoshi addresses his men with his back to the Chinese.

In one fluid motion Yoshi spins drawing his sword decapitating both the Chinese men. The Chinese men’s heads roll off their bodies. The bodies stay standing for a second before collapsing to the ground.

The Chinese women scream and cover their children’s eyes. The native men stare and tremble.

FATHERCaptain Yoshi, Hell is waiting for you.

The Father performs the last rights.

YOSHIAnd they thought I would need an interpreter! Men take the savages and have them dig up the sweet potatoes. Better us to eat them than the Radio Rat.

(looks at the Father and speaks in broken English)

And Father, if I not catch Radio Rat, uh, Lootenant Thomas I be back to talk you.

END FLASHBACKThe men stare at the Chinese children.

FATHERUnfortunately it didn’t stop there.


Several hours have passed since the Japanese left and the Chinese families and the Father are cleaning up and mourning the deaths of the two Chinese men. Other native females and children are present.




Out of the jungle comes a band of native men from Yandi. The native women of the plantation take to the bush as soon as the Yandi men appear.

FATHERPlease go in peace, we have nothing to offer here.


But that not so.

He eyes the Chinese women.


They locked me in the church. I prayed to God. I prayed with many tears.

NUN #1The two Chinese women were raped and killed. We will take the children and protect them. They will be safe with us and God.

CAYLESo Lieutenant.

He looks Thomas in the eye.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Tell me more about your mate Captain Yoshi.


The Americans move through the tall grasslands near Mt. Austen. The Barandi plantation falls off the back. The mountain is attacked by a continuous bombardment of artillery and Corsairs.

The Americans crouch and move fast, but Robert slows them. They stop and rest and change litter carriers every 1000 yards or so.

SARGEReally Lt.? That son-of-a-bitch Yoshi has been chasing your ass for eighteen months?




THOMASI don’t know if I would phrase it that colorfully, but yes he arranged the bounty on my head and he is the reason I move my teleradio every couple of weeks.

FRIDAYHe’s also why we never walk to the radio the same way twice and why we don’t wear our shoes in the bush.

THOMASAnd why I tie this gun to my belt at night. He is also the reason I have hidden caches all over the island. I can’t blame him though. I’ve been calling in air strikes and bombardments on his men for months. In fact, they occupied

the Bishops’ house not too long ago and I had the damn thing blown to bits.

Sarge is shocked.

THOMAS (CONT’D)I got word to the Bishop first. He was away during the attack. I missed Yoshi by an hour.

A Corsair takes an anti-aircraft round and bursts into flames at 1000 feet. In shock, they stand and watch it fall from the sky.

THOMAS (CONT’D)Friday and I have rescued a couple of those chaps in our day, but no luck for that one.


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol move in the tall grass and they see the Corsair burst into flames. Yoshi does not look at the plane but instead looks straight ahead and sees the tops of the Americans as they stand. They are 1000 yards ahead. He smiles.


Sarge glances at the Corsair for a second but then he looks back. He sees the brush moving fast.




SARGECaptain, we got company on our six moving fast. Maybe one thousand yards out.

CAYLEDamn. I hope we’re around the main Jap column? OK men, we got fifteen hundred yards to the river due East. In case all hell breaks loose, cross the river and follow it North to Henderson. Good luck soldiers! Move out!

They stand and sprint East to the cover of the jungle by the river bank. CAYLE drops one of the Japanese canteens he’s been carrying.

THOMASGood show Captain, but it won’t work. Yoshi is too clever for that.


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol follow the Americans and they come across the canteen and stop.

The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:


Sir, it is one of our canteens. Is it possible we are tracking one of our own patrols?

YOSHINo, we are tracking the Americans. This is just a ruse. Keep your eyes open. They are cagey. I think I can smell our Radio Rat.

They spy the Americans making a dash for the Jungle. They pursue.


The Americans are within 500 yards of the jungle.


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol gain on the Americans.

A couple of Japanese soldiers fire at the Americans.




The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:

YOSHI (CONT’D)Cease fire! You are wasting bullets and giving them our position.


The Americans run faster. GUNSHOTS and the BULLETS WHIZZ by urging them forward.


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol are in close pursuit.

Yoshi leads the men from the front and all he can see is tall grass. Visibility is a couple of feet.


The Americans run through the tall grass.

CAYLE’ visibility is a couple of feet. The tall grass ends and there is a small clearing before the protection of the jungle.

The front of the column bursts through the tall grass into the clearing and sprint into the jungle.

Once in the jungle they stop for a second to regroup.

CAYLE(to John and Powder)

Hustle over men. I got a job for you.


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol run hard through the bush. They burst out of the grass and run straight into the clearing.

Gun BLASTS erupt and muzzle flashes blind them.

Yoshi takes a round in the shoulder and the two Japanese soldiers next to him are killed instantly. Yoshi hits the deck and the rest of his men return fire from the brush.

The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:




YOSHIReturn fire and prepare to advance!


Powder and John fire at the Japanese.

JOHNThat’s for Christopher you slant-eyed fucks.

POWDERBelt is running low. I’m tossing a grenade and then time to scoot!

John fires a long BURST and Powder tosses a grenade. Powder taps John on the shoulder to scoot but he doesn’t move. John is slumped over his gun and covered in blood.


Powder sprints deep into the jungle following the trail of his buddies.


Yoshi slowly rises and his men attend to his shoulder. He smiles.

The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:

YOSHIThis lamb breathes dragon fire. Eyes moving forward and stay sharp or you will be joining your ancestors before the day is out.


Powder runs to rejoin the rest of the men. Blood runs down his arm. He stops and ties a tourniquet. The jungle CRIES and SCREECHES fill his ears. He is disoriented.

POWDERWell this isn’t good. Don’t panic. What would Sarge do?


Yoshi and the Japanese patrol move through the jungle with caution and follow the American trail.




The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:

YOSHIYou two.

(points to two men)Move up front.


The Americans rest in the jungle.

CAYLESergeant Major, you hear any more gunfire?


CAYLEOK. They know what to do. Let’s keep moving.


Powder is alone in the jungle chanting.

POWDERHead East. Cross the River and follow it to Henderson. Head

East. Cross the River and follow it to Henderson. Oh yeah, don’t die. Head East...


The Japanese pick up the pace with confidence.


The Americans reach the bank of the Lunga. They huddle at the base of a large tree.

CAYLEOK men, we have to make this river crossing happen now. Those Japs will be on us in a few minutes.

Sergeant Major, make us a close perimeter and watch our six so we don’t have any surprises.

SARGEAye aye Sir.




Sarge moves into the jungle and disappears.

CAYLE(to Tony and Bobby)

You two got Lieutenant Tennisson. Stay with him and make sure he makes it across. Come on

Lieutenant, Friday, we’re crossing the river. Sergeant, make sure the Sergeant Major gets word to move out once the men are across.

PATRICKWill do Captain.

CAYLE, Friday and Thomas cross the river. It is knee deep and hard to move through.


Yoshi stops at a fork in the trail.

The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:

YOSHILooks like part of our ambush party got separated.

He rubs blood on the nearby bush.

YOSHI (CONT’D)The small trail to the right is his, let the jungle kill him. We are after the leader and maybe our friend the Radio Rat.


Powder moves slowly through the jungle. Sweat pours off him.

POWDERHead East. Cross the River and follow it to Henderson. Head East. Cross the river and follow it to Henderson. Don’t die.


Sarge is alone, rubbing his good luck bullet.




SARGECome on guys. It’s getting lonely out here.


Robert, Patrick, Tony and Bobby are under the tree by the river.

ROBERTDon’t make me repeat myself damn it! That is an order!

(mumbles)Nobody said command was easy.

He smiles and stares into the jungle.


The Japanese patrol is close to the river. They hear it and slow down.


Sarge sees the lead Japanese soldier coming out of the jungle.

SARGEWell, this is a shitty end to a shitty day.


Patrick crosses the river.

PATRICKDamn it to hell! I forgot to get Sarge.

Gun BLASTS erupt in the direction of Sarge.

PATRICK (CONT’D)Well, I guess he’s on the move now.

Patrick continues across the river. Bobby comes out and stays at the river’s edge.

The rest of the men are at the shore or in the jungle taking cover.





The lead Japanese soldier falls from Sarge’s first shots.


Powder hears the shots and heads towards them.


Sarge runs hard to the river and he almost trips on Robert.

ROBERTDamn Sarge! I almost shot your ass.

Robert is visibly shaken.

SARGEWhat in the hell you still doing here?

ROBERTI ordered them to leave.

Sarge stares at him like he is crazy.

SARGEJesus Robert...OK let’s get you on my shoulder. I’ll get you across.

ROBERTNegative Sergeant Major! I’m not letting anyone else die for me. I can’t live with it. Call me weak, but that is the way it is.

SARGEI’ll call you nuts, that’s for sure, but you’re still coming with me.

Robert raises his rifle and points it at Sarge. They stare at each other.

ROBERTGod damn it Sarge, dying is a lonely business, now git!


The Japanese check their fallen man and move forward with determination.





Powder moves along the river.


Bobby kneels down in the water.


Robert and Sarge stare at each other.

SARGEYou’re gonna have to shoot me you crazy son-of-a bitch!

Sweat pours off them.


The lead Japanese soldier makes a halt symbol and moves forward carefully.


Powder continues to move forward.


Sarge and Robert continue to stare at each other, neither saying a word. Robert is leaning against a tree with his back to the river facing the jungle where the Japanese are coming from.

Sarge is facing the river and has a view of the other men.

In front of him CAYLE is entering the river to help Patrick out of the water. Thomas is covering him.


Bobby raises his rifle.

BOBBYSecond grade huh. Coon hunting time...


Something catches both Robert’s and Sarge’s eye coming from opposite directions.

Sarge raises his rifle and fires at the same time Robert fires. A third GUN SHOT is heard in the background.




The muzzle flash, noise, and shock of their two rounds WHIZZING by them leave them stunned.

Behind Sarge the lead Japanese soldier falls dead.

Behind Patrick Bobby is dead in the water and floats past CAYLE enveloping him in blood.

Robert uses the confusion to pull the pin out of a grenade and secure it behind his back. Sarge sees what he is doing and reaches for him, but he is too late.


The Japanese hear the shots fired.

The following is in JAPANESE with ENGLISH SUBTITLES:

YOSHIMove forward and fight for the honor of the Emperor.

Two Japanese soldiers rush forward.


Powder bursts through the bushes firing his .45 killing the two advance Japanese. The third Japanese soldier raises his rifle and is killed by Sarge.

POWDERJesus Sarge, time to shoot and scoot!

ROBERTGo! I’ve got your back.

Sarge and Powder jump around Robert and hit the water running.


Robert stares at the jungle.


The Japanese move in hard.


Robert shoots the first Japanese soldier, but the second and third soldiers shoot him. Robert is covered in blood when Yoshi appears.




Yoshi carries his samurai sword and a smile.



Captain Yoshimoto, shall we pursue?

YOSHINo, not yet.

(to Robert in Broken English))

You like sword? You buddy not like so much.

Yoshi recognizes the rank insignia.

YOSHI (CONT’D)Oh, you clever man I been looking for. I honor you with quick death.

He smiles and raises the sword high.

ROBERTLieutenant Thomas sends his regards.

Yoshi pauses.

ROBERT (CONT’D)And yes, I tricky bastard!

Robert roles to the side springing the grenade lose.

Yoshi’s smile disappears.


Sarge and Powder cross the river when an EXPLOSION erupts behind them. They keep moving and take fire. Sarge is hit in the shoulder.

CAYLE jumps in and brings the men to shore. Thomas provides cover fire.

SARGECaptain! The bullet! I want that damn bullet. You hear!

CAYLEJesus. I need to get back in the air. OK Sergeant Major.




Sarge and Powder exit the water with CAYLE. He runs to Thomas and he sees that his face is missing. He grabs his tag.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Sorry chap, I guess we’ll settle up in Hell.

The men head deep into the jungle to escape the Japanese gunfire and re-group. The gunfire stops and everything is quiet.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Let’s take a minute to get straight. Sergeant, keep an eye on the river side to make sure we don’t have any surprises. Sergeant Major, what the hell happened to Lieutenant Tennisson?

SARGEHe refused to leave and covered our rear. Stupid son-of-a-bitch.

CAYLE pulls out Thomas’ map.

CAYLEWell, we are still a good three clicks from Henderson. OK, we have to stay ahead of the Jap column and start looking out for friendly patrols and their

perimeter. Getting killed by friendlys doesn’t sound any better than getting killed by Japs.

(to Tony)

Private, help me patch them up.

They work on Sarge and Powder and then move out.

SARGEOK Captain, I’m good to move out.

CAYLEOK men, we’ll head North at a quick pace.

(to Tony and Friday)Take point. Remember, we are more likely to run into friendlys up

there than Japs. Get ready to do some fast talking. Let’s move out. Sergeant Major and I will take the six.




They move out in single file. They look more like POWS than soldiers. Sarge and CAYLE let the men get a short gap on them.

CAYLE (CONT’D)So what exactly happened back there Sergeant Major? With Corporal Clemmens?

Sarge winces from the pain in his shoulder and is silent for a moment.

SARGEYou know that Kraut bullet around my neck?

He takes the bullet out as they walk.

Bombing of Mt. Austen continues to their West. EXPLOSIONS are in the background.

Aircrafts WHINE overhead and bombs continue to explode.

SARGE (CONT’D)Well, there is more to the story. You see, we had this crazy Lieutenant that thought he was going to win the war himself. Now,

even though we were Calvary, we weren’t charging the enemy on horses anymore. We had light tanks for that. Horses, trenches, barbed wire and machine guns don’t mix. You need tanks. Well, we still had some horses so we used them for patrols. And this Lieutenant time after time strayed from his recon patrols and attacked small fixed units.

The first time this happened I almost shit my pants. I can’t tell you how naked you feel galloping over debris and terrain, pistol in hand charging fox holes and bunkers. We lost two mounts and three men in less than a week. The fuck really thought he was Napoleon. Well, one morning we made a big push with the tanks and I got stuck on the recon patrol with our crazy Lt.




American men on horses try to keep their mounts calm as a platoon of tanks rumble by.




The men and mounts are in an adjacent forest. Shells EXPLODE around the tanks and the horses buck.


I can still smell the sweat and fear on the horses. We had a hell of a time keeping them under control around the tanks. I could never tell if they were afraid of them or pissed that the tanks were replacing them. Well, instead of heading to the rear after our mission, this Lt. turned towards the enemy and sent us in a charge parallel to the tanks. He wanted to get in front of them.





With pistol out he spurs his mount and charges alongside the tanks. Shells EXPLODE all around. One of the men and horse are killed.


You see I could’ve stopped it.



They gallop hard and a young Sarge and fellow trooper are behind the Lieutenant as he charges. They are not within sight of the enemy yet.

The trooper next to Sarge aims his pistol.

Sarge knows who he is aiming at.

The trooper fires and the Lieutenant flies off his horse, falling forward.





SARGEThis bullet is penance, not salvation.



Sarge and the trooper stare at each other and then Sarge takes a round in the shoulder and is knocked off his mount.


SARGEBut I guess there is worse penance.



Sarge is on his back in the dirt and the other trooper and Sarge’s mount continue until an artillery round takes them out.


Even though the son-of-a-bitch had it coming, I vowed not to let that happen again. Not on my watch.

CAYLEHow come you caught a round this time? What is your penance for now?

SARGELetting it come to that. I should have stopped it earlier. Been stronger-sooner.

CAYLEYou know the first thing they teach you at Officer’s School Sergeant Major?

SARGEWhat’s that Captain?

CAYLEYou can’t control everything and everyone.





You have to do the best with what you’ve got and move on. It’s time for you to move on.

SARGEThanks Captain.

TONYHey Friday. I’m sorry about Lt. Thomas.

They lead the men through the jungle.

FRIDAYMe too mate. I never got to play my Unggoy joke on him. I’ve been waiting a long time to play that joke. We used to do that quite a

bit. Play jokes that is. Once I took the screws out of his cot and he fell right on his duff. Boy was he pissed. I think I laughed for an hour.

TONYHow long were you two out here?

FRIDAYEighteen months of dodging Japs and reporting. We had to move almost every week to keep ahead of them.

TONYI don’t know how you did it. I’ve been here three days and it feels like a fucking lifetime.

FRIDAYYou appreciate life differently when you are near death. Even hard times are appreciated.

TONYYou gonna settle up with Yoshi for all the hell he put you guys through?

FRIDAYOh, I’m sure he is dead.





FRIDAYThose two lived to hunt each other. We may not have voodoo on these islands but we do have

something. And that something is telling me I don’t have to worry about Yoshi sneaking up on me anymore.

POWDERLooks like we’re gonna make it Patrick.

PATRICKReally Powder? After all we’ve been through you’re gonna put a curse on us like that. Damn.

POWDERNo really...

PATRICKShut the hell up private. Now, march up to Friday and ask for some voodoo magic to get rid of your damn curse.

POWDERCome on...


Powder sulks and hustles up to Friday.

POWDERHey Friday. Ah, Patrick asked me to get some voodoo from you to lift a curse I accidentally made on us.

Tony laughs.

FRIDAYDamn Anglos. How many times do I have to tell you that there is no voodoo on these islands?

POWDERI can’t go back without something.

FRIDAYWear your shirt backwards.





TONYYou heard the man. Make it happen.

Powder takes off his shirt and puts it on backwards.

TONY (CONT’D)Now get back to Patrick and tell him it’s taken care of.

Powder heads back.

TONY (CONT’D)Nice, now the curse will think we are traveling the other way and be waiting for us in the wrong direction.

FRIDAYSure. Or he just looks stupid with his shirt on backwards which makes me laugh.

(under his breath)And these people rule the world.

POWDERAll set Patrick.

Patrick chuckles.

PATRICKOK Powder, now turn around and walk backwards.

Powder does this.

PATRICK (CONT’D)Now remember your chant you were telling me about when you were on

your own?





PATRICKWell I have a new one. “I will not talk about surviving and in doing so curse me and my buddies.” Repeat that while walking backwards for the next five minutes then you can stop and change your shirt around.


PATRICKHey! Only the chant.

POWDERRight. I will not talk...

CAYLE and Sarge come up from the rear.

SARGEWhat’s going on Patrick?

PATRICKOh nothing Sarge. Just working on company moral.

SARGEGood job; I guess.

Sarge and CAYLE laugh as they pass.

CAYLEHey Sergeant Major.

SARGEYes Captain.

CAYLEWhere do you reckon the bombing is now?

Sarge stops and listens. RUMBLING is to their rear.

SARGEIt’s behind us Captain.

CAYLEThat’s what I thought. That means Mt. Austen is behind us and we should expect contact with friendlys soon.





(to Tony)Keep alert.

TONYYes Sir.

They continue to walk and in the distant POPS of small arms fire ring out.

PATRICKGood job Powder.


CAYLEOK men, looks like we are crashing someone’s party. My hunch is that we are not on the invite list and to spice things up we are coming from the wrong side of town. Now ...

He looks up and stops.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Where in the hell is Friday?

They look around.

TONYDamn Captain, he was next to me a minute ago.

CAYLEShit. OK, let’s sit tight for a minute and get ready.

(to Powder)How many grenades you got left?


The men get their gear ready.

SARGECaptain, do you want me to...

Friday re-joins them and starts to draw a map in the dirt.

FRIDAYOK chaps, looks like we have two platoon size groups going at it.





We are on the Jap side. The American’s right flank is getting chewed up by a Jap machine gun here.

Friday points to a circle in the dirt representing the machine gun position that is to their immediate left. They can hear it now.

FRIDAY (CONT’D)Also, the Japs have a couple of mortars on their right flank helping pin the Americans down.

Friday draws another circle for the mortars.

CAYLEGreat intel Friday. Thank you. All right, even though it is only October we are going to give our guys an early Christmas present.

(to Powder)Hand over your grenades.

Powder hands him the last two grenades. CAYLE points to the machine gun nest.

CAYLE (CONT’D)We are going to take out that gun and open up the flank. Sergeant Major, you provide cover fire from here.

CAYLE marks a spot on the dirt map.

CAYLE (CONT’D)We will take the gun from the rear. Friday, you lead the way. Remember, when we break through make yourselves known as good guys fast!


CAYLEI don’t need a one armed sergeant leading the charge. Just watch our backs.

They move out following Friday.





Beat-up American Marines dug in taking both heavy machine gun fire and mortar fire. EXPLOSIONS are everywhere as are INCOMING ROUNDS.


Keep your heads down boys. Corporal, get HQ on the horn. We need artillery support now.

A young corporal starts the hand crank on his phone.

CORPORALBravo, this is Echo, repeat, Bravo, this is Echo...


The Japanese machine gun nest fires at a high rate. There are four men in the fox hole. One firing, one managing the ammo., a spotter and a rifle man.

The spotter taps the machine gunner on the head and directs him to more targets.


Friday, Tony, Patrick and CAYLE crawl up to the Japanese machine gun nest.



Goddamn it Bravo, I need salvos at coordinates...

More EXPLOSIONS erupt.


The Japanese continue to fire.


CAYLE edges up to the Japanese. He pulls the pin from one of the grenades and tosses it. It lands short and EXPLODES.


The Japanese feel the explosion to their rear and are thrown off balance; they recover and open fire with small arms.





What the hell is going on up there?

The machine gun fire stops.

AMERICAN LT.Second Squad, on me.

They scramble towards the machine gun nest.


CAYLE and the men return fire and CAYLE throws his last grenade.


The Japanese see the in coming grenade and take cover. One Japanese soldier is killed, another wounded.


CAYLE and the men use the chaos of the grenade EXPLOSION to rush the Japanese.


CAYLE and the men yell as they rush the Japanese.

There is a close quarters exchange of small arms including CAYLE and Tony using their .45s.

Patrick and one Japanese soldier fight hand to hand.

Friday bashes the Japanese soldier in the head with his rifle stock. In and instant everything is quiet.



What the hell!

He and Second Squad surround the fox hole and inside are eight bodies all mixed up. Dead and dying Japanese intertwined with exhausted Americans.

AMERICAN LT.Identify yourselves!

CAYLE raises his arm.



CAYLECaptain Henry CAYLE, 99th Pursuit Squadron.


You gotta be shitting me. This is one fucked up island!

Sarge and Powder run up.


He points his carbine at Sarge.

SARGEEasy there LT. Just trying to get back to friendlys.


Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on now!

CAYLELieutenant, it is a long story that can wait. You have the initiative. I suggest you push through and take the mortars. We can help.


OK...Captain, good point. You stick to my side. I want answers later. Second Squad, let’s move out.

The Captain and the men stand and collect themselves.

CAYLELieutenant, may I suggest that we double back and take the mortars from the rear? You are fighting

an advance party that is ahead of the main party by five or six clicks.


How do you know that?

CAYLEBecause if they were part of the main column my men and I would be dead.




AMERICAN CORPORALSounds like a good reason LT.

The Lieutenant gives him a cross look.

CAYLEHere, let me show you. Friday, if you would?

Friday draws a map in the dirt with the enemy locations and the last known location of the advancing Japanese column.

The American Lt. stares at the map for a minute.


You’ve had eyes on the enemy? You know troop strength?

FRIDAYYes Sir, that is my job.


OK. Corporal, take...Friday?

Friday nods yes.

AMERICAN LT.Take Friday and tell First Squad to move into our positions on the right flank. Tell them once the mortars stop to attack the Japs

towards the center. We’ll do the same from their left. After you get First Squad going, I want you to high tail it back to HQ and get Friday debriefed. Tell them we will be bringing friendlys as well. OK, move out.

The Corporal heads out.

CAYLE(to Friday)

Don’t eat all the food before we get back.

They shake hands and Friday follows the Corporal.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Lieutenant, come on, let’s go find some mortars.

They head into the jungle towards the rear of the Japanese battle line.





Sergeant, you’re shot.



Why didn’t you go back with the Corporal?

SARGEI go back when the Captain goes back.

The American Lt. notices that Powder is shot too.


What about you Private?

POWDERTo tell you the sad truth I forgot I got shot. Otherwise I would’ve scooted with the Corporal and tried to ride that gravy train all the way stateside.

The American Lt. shakes his head. WUMPS of the mortars echo.


An eight man team of Japanese man three heavy mortars. Six are working the mortars and two are working as spotters and guards.


The American Lt. uses hand signals to prepare the men. He signals to CAYLE and his men to guard their flank.

The men move into position.


The Japanese mortars fire. Their heads are down while they work. The POP POP of gun fire erupts from the bushes to their rear.




The Americans kill the mortar team.


First Squad.

AMERICAN SERGEANTOK boys, the mortars are down. Let’s clean up.

First Squad moves in. They engage the enemy and the fighting turns to tree to tree fighting.


American Lt. and his troops move to the center to complete the pincer move. They encounter retreating Japanese quickly.


The Japanese are caught in a cross fire and return fire.


CAYLE and his men join the American Lt. and fire on the Japanese.

The Japanese do not surrender and the Americans search the entire sector and flush them out. The Japanese initiate mini counter attacks yelling “bonsai”. They are cut down. Some groups of men end up in close quarters in hand to hand combat.

In-coming rounds EXPLODE around them.


The US Navy is off-shore firing their main guns.



Damn, I guess the Navy finally got around to sending in their salvos. Back to rally point X-Ray. Now!

They men hustle out as more in-coming rounds EXPLODE. They reach the rally point after 500 yards of tough humping. Everybody is on the ground resting.




First Sergeant, set a perimeter. Ten mikes ladies and then we head back to base camp.

Some men go out to make the perimeter. The rest continue to lie on the ground.


Well Captain, we are five clicks from our base so I guess I will have time to hear your story.


The American Corporal enters the South East perimeter of Henderson with Friday.

AMERICAN SENTRYHey Corporal, you going native on us?

AMERICAN CORPORALVery funny Marine. Where is Colonel Moore?


The Americans are walking back to Henderson.


So you’re supposed to be in Europe soon eh? Protecting bombers? Is that why you were on a bomber out here?

CAYLEYeah, somebody thought it would be a good idea if I got some operational training and knew what the bombers were going through.


In the Pacific?

CAYLEDon’t ask, I just report where they tell me too.


The Corporal and Friday enter the command bunker.



The following is at the bottom of the screen:

Colonel Bryant E. Moore.

Commander of the 164th Infantry/Americal Division.


Sir, Corporal Riley reporting with Native Guide Friday.

The Colonel’s head is down reviewing maps.

COLONEL MOOREReally? Friday?

FRIDAYLong story Sir. It can wait until after I tell you about the Jap regiment that is about to attack you.

The Colonel’s head comes up.



So how did you become the ranking officer out here? And nothing

personal sir, but I’m shocked you survived this and I mean that everyway you can look at it.

CAYLE eyes Sarge for a second.

CAYLENo Lieutenant, the men did what they were trained to do and then some. I’ve never been prouder to wear this uniform and serve with these men.


FRIDAYWe followed the Japs around Mt. Austen to track their movements instead of heading straight in on the coast side. We thought this regiment would be the most dangerous.




COLONEL MOOREThat was very brave if not a little crazy for your Captain CAYLE to do.



So how many did you start with?

CAYLEFourteen. But eight are never going home.

The images of the men appear. First the image of them from a scene when they were alive and then an image of them dead is SUPERIMPOSED.

CAYLE (CONT’D)Private First Class Derek Reeds, our radio man was killed in a Jap ambush two days ago. Private Rick Fratus, the B-17s starboard waste gunner was killed in the same ambush. And Private Jonesy, the

tank driver was killed in that ambush as well. Lieutenant Christopher Edwards, our navigator, was killed at the Matanikau River crossing. Private John Milton, the B-17 port waste gunner killed in an ambush we set up against the Japs to slow their pursuit of us. Lieutenant Robert Tennisson, the B-17 bombardier, was killed at the Lunga River covering our crossing. Corporal Bobby Clemmens, the tank gunner, was killed at Lunga River. And finally, Lieutenant Thomas, coast watcher, was killed at the Lunga River as well.


COLONEL MOORESo how did your coast watcher die?

FRIDAYDoing what he loved. Tracking Japs.

COLONEL MOORESo what is Captain CAYLE like?

FRIDAYHe’s serious, moody and can be considered dark...





Why did you take out that Jap machine gun?

CAYLEListen Lieutenant, I just want to go home. I didn’t dog the Japs for days for you or Henderson. And I sure as hell didn’t take out that machine gun to be some kind of hero. When I first enlisted I had plans. Hell, even three days ago I had plans. Now...I learned more here than I learned in years of training. I didn’t do the things I did for love of country, flag, or even for my personal fight for equality. I did it because it stood in the way of the one thing I truly want.


And what is that Captain?

CAYLETo see my wife again. To hold her. To meet my new baby. Damn, I don’t even know if I have a boy or a girl. I just want to see my baby’s face. Just once. To know that I exist and that there is more to life than this...


COLONEL MOOREOK Friday, now let’s get down to what you know about the Japs.

Friday smiles and pulls out a map. They hover over the map and other men join in.


The American Lt., CAYLE and the others approach Colonel Moore’s tent.

They enter the tent.



JACOBS (AMERICAN LT.)Colonel, Lieutenant Jacobs

reporting Sir. I have the remaining survivors that we discovered in the field.

COLONEL MOOREYes, Friday has been filling me in and briefing me on your exploits and on the Japs.

Friday is at the side of the tent drinking coffee. He smiles at the men.

COLONEL MOORE (CONT’D)Excellent job Captain CAYLE!

He passes CAYLE and shakes hands with Sarge.

Lieutenant Jacobs is horrified.

SARGESergeant Major Reinhard reporting Sir. Captain CAYLE is to your six Sir.

Colonel Moore looks confused and turns and the only men behind him are Jacobs and CAYLE. He recovers quickly after realizing his mistake and walks up to CAYLE and shakes his hand.

COLONEL MOOREMy apologies Captain, I didn’t see you there. Friday told me all about you,

(beat)well, apparently not everything.

They look over to Friday who is smiling large.

CAYLESir, Friday likes his jokes.

JACOBSSir, I would like to recommend Captain CAYLE for a commendation for his efforts in taking out the Jap machine gun. He saved a lot of lives today.

CAYLE is surprised and Sarge is proud.



COLONEL MOOREYes, I agree, Lieutenant, I think I will be recommending several commendations. But before we start pinning medals we still have a Japcounter attack to deal with. Thanks to Captain CAYLE’ efforts we will have a surprise of our own waiting for them.

CAYLELieutenant Thomas deserves the credit for that Sir.

COLONEL MOORERegardless, we will be prepared. Now Captain, I’ve arranged for you and your men to be moved to the rear...

CAYLEThank you Sir, but with all do respect, if I can’t get a fighter under me I’d just assume get some food, ammo. and a place on the line.

SARGEAnd we’d like to stay with the Captain Sir.

The Colonel looks at the men and then CAYLE.

COLONEL MOOREAfter you get patched up Sarge. Corpsman!

A corpsman comes in the tent.


COLONEL MOORETake these men to the medical tent to get patched up.


SARGEHey Corpsman, I want to keep the bullet you fish out of me. Got it?




The Corpsman looks at him like he is nuts.



COLONEL MOOREAfter their stop at medical see that Captain CAYLE and his men get what they want.


The men walk out and Friday follows them. Colonel Moore watches them in amazement.




The men stand next to the tent talking and CAYLE pulls Friday aside.

CAYLEFriday, thank you. I don’t think we would’ve got out without you. Lieutenant Thomas would have been proud.

CAYLE takes his medallion off and gives it to him.

CAYLE (CONT’D)For luck.

FRIDAYLuck! Voodoo! You people are a superstitious lot. Amazing that you run the world.

Friday takes the medallion and puts it on his head and heads over to a tent that has “KEN-Coast Watcher HQ” over the door.

FRIDAY (CONT’D)Captain, tell Unggoy, if you see him before me...that I miss him.

Friday walks into the tent and disappears.




JACOBSOK Captain, let’s get the men ready.

All around men prepare for the coming battle. CAYLE and the men head over to the medical tent. CAYLE and Sarge are in the back.

SARGEDon’t worry Captain; I’ve got your six.

CAYLENo Sergeant Major...Sarge, I’ve got yours.

They smile and walk towards the tent.


Remnants of the war that are still present on the island such as rusted tanks, artillery pieces, bunkers, etc. are SUPERIMPOSED over each other.

In front of this reads:

Battle of Guadalcanal:

August 7, 1942 – February 9, 1943

American Losses:



Navy Ships sunk

Japanese Losses:


Killed by Disease

Taken as Prisoners

Navy Ships Sunk

Aircraft Destroyed

There were three major attempts by the Japanese to

re-take Henderson Field/Lunga Point Airfield.




Each attempt failed.



The expansive ocean and sky come in view.

The following appears:

The Tuskegee Airmen

Black pilots made up the 332nd Fighter group. They flew 15,553 sorties and 1,578 combat missions earning them 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses.

They were the only Fighter Group never to loose a bomber to enemy fighters either en route or during extraction from a bombing run in all of Europe.


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