
Threads Film Synopsis

Upload: emilycarberry

Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Media Studies AS


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Film Synopsis

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A family are packing their belongings ready to move house. The um, Jill finds an old doll which she has never seen before and throws it into the bins outside. The daughter named holly this and decides to keep it, and sneakily picks it out of the rubbish whilst her mum and brother are arguing. She quickly jumps into the car with doll hidden. Jamie her brother joins her in the car and starts teasing her. The parents get into the car and the family set off on their journey to their new house in the countryside.

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On their way, Jamie notices holly’s doll and questions her about where she found it. Jill listening to their conversations see’s the doll next to holly and realises it’s the one she threw out before they left. Jill asks her why she brought it, but lets her keep it as its causing no harm. Jamie snatches the doll out of Holly’s hand and makes fun of it, whilst this is happening the car starts to slow down.

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The car has stopped and broken down, stuck down an old empty lane surrounded by fields. Dad jumps out the car to check the engine as it starts to rain. Realising he cannot fix it he gets his phone to call for help, but has no reception. His wife also checks her phone but still has no reception. As it is late and there is no where to go for the night, they decide to sleep in their car and wait till morning to find help.

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As they start to sleep, Holly can hear her a strange voice which she knows is not the sound of any of her family and none of her family can hear the voice. She looks down to find her doll but realises she has gone, and is not where she left her (sat on her lap.) Looking around she notices her by Jamie’s feet. Holly presumes Jamie has taken it. She picks it back up and suddenly she feels out of control and so drops the doll. The same voice she heard earlier becomes clearer as if it is her own thoughts. She listens in and finds out that the voice is a young girls. It starts telling her to take one of the kitchen knives lying in one of the boxes in the boot, close to her. Holly knows she shouldn’t but her hand uncontrollably starts to move towards the box and picks out a knife.

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Holly tries to scream but no sound seems to come out. The parents sleeping are unaware of what is happening as Holly is unable to speak. The little girl’s voice starts singing ‘I shall thread his mouth to stop his screaming, you cut his throat so he starts bleeding.’ Holly then sees a small shadowy figure appear opposite her brother’s face. Lightning strikes to show the face of the shadow and she sees that it’s the doll with a needle and red thread in her hand. Holly watches on helplessly, not being able to move and stop her. She sees the needle pierce through his mouth as the doll starts to sew his lips shut with red thread. Jamie’s eyes start to open, but he too cannot move. He looks over at Holly and a tear falls from his eye as the doll finishes sewing. Then, Holly starts to move closer to Jamie with the knife poised ready in her hand. Jamie watches in horror as his sister brings the knife to his neck. She looks away as her hand, which she cannot control slices her brother Jamie’s neck.

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Holly is scared and traumatised at what she has done. She looks over at the doll who is staring her in the face, smiling as Holly hears a girl laughing in her head. The voice introduces herself to Holly as Lucy, at the same time the doll’s hand starts to wave and Holly then makes the link that the doll is Lucy, and is taking control over her body. Lucy explains her story, that she paralyses people, threads their mouths with red thread and gets their loved one to kill them. Then Lucy starts singing again ‘I thread his mouth to stop him screaming, you stab his heart to stop it beating.’ Again she moves towards her dad who is fast asleep and unaware that Lucy is threading his mouth. Holly’s mum wakes up and sees what she is about to do to her dad. But she is unable to scream or move due to Lucy. Holly’s hand with the blood covered knife moves closer and closer to his chest. She stabs him in the heart and he dies.

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Next Lucy turns to the mum and sings again ‘I thread her mouth to stop her screaming, you slice her up so she starts bleeding.’ Lucy starts to thread her mouth, Holly starts to cry as she watches Lucy. She leans towards her and kills her. Finally Lucy tells Holly she has to kill herself and so Holly dies. After three days, the police find the car with all the family with stitched mouths and dead. Lucy is left sat next to Holly with the needle and thread in her hand. Holly is found with the blood covered knife in her hand.