thrash 2 revised

7/25/2019 Thrash 2 Revised 1/215 THRASH REVISED 2 Contemporary Anime RPG by ROMeo ([email protected]) Original Thrash System by Ewen “Blackbird” Cluney with collaborations from countless others Chapter 1 T!" #ntroduction !e$!e%ised&&& First of all, !ant to con"rat#late $lac%bir& for res#min" !or% on 'ras , it loo%s "reat. J Re*capit#latin"+ 'e ori"inal 'ras is a Martial arts RPG create& by !en -$lac%bir& Cl#ney, an& combine& elements from te /treet Fi"ter RPG, Me%ton*0, an& in2as 3 /#perspies to be as tr#e*to*Go& to 4i&eo"ame martial arts as possible. 'ras Re4ise& !as a re4ision of te "ame !ic too% a&4anta"e of o! open te system !as an& able to "enerate any anime caracter, t#s bein" tailore& into a "eneric anime system. Finally, 'ras Re4ise& is an e4ol#tion of tat ro#te, te system enro#te& to!ar&s a sli"tly more or"anize& str#ct#re. 'e i&ea starte& as a c#stomization of 'ras Re4ise& for my Pantasy /tar "ame settin", b#t li%e& te finise& pro&#ct so m#c &eci&e& to a&opt it as ne! stan&ar&. Also, some mo&ifications !ere ma&e from te ori"inal template #se& in te Pantasy /tar settin" to polis te system some more an& ma%e it a bit more omo"eneo#s.  From a very good idea suggested for Thrash 2.0, now “Stat Modiers” are used instead of raw stats for ski and dis!i"ine ros, this in order to take "ower away from “#giity $hores”, former Thrash%s most feared e&"oiters. #so added the missing !om"arative ta'es for Fo!us, $i, #giity and Stamina and (enamed the )y**ing  Threshod as +nduran!e, 'e!ause got tired of having to s"e the name to my "ayers every time.  #dded !earer rues for skis and money in!ome as we as starting funds.   A&&e& many a&4anta"es an& &isa&4anta"es as !ell as re4ise& an& re*!rote a lot of te pre4io#sly e5istin" ones so no! A66 of tem a4e an acti4e in*"ame #se7in&rance.  $ea"on skis were made into $ea"on )is!i"ines and "a!ed as an aternative to hand-to-hand !om'at styes, whi!h are now dis!i"ines as we.  The maneuvers system has 'een reworked, adding dierent damage ty"es, reworking the !ategories and reeasing over /0 maneuvers as 'asi! 'e!ause nay got tired of "ayers wanting their !hars to e'ow a foe and not 'eing a'e to 'e!ause they didn%t 'uy it. Styes format was aso modied a!!ordingy.  Se"arated the more “e&oti!” maneuvers and made of them two new se!tions, “Mysti! Martia #rts” for o'vious martia arts taents taken to fantasy e&tremes and “Mis!eaneous owers” for those other e&traordinary taents that are “!ommony shared” 'y many other "ower !ategories, taking the na ste" into setting martia arts into the same "a!e of im"ortan!e as the rest of the other 1utting +dges and no onger a st  "a!e.  #dded even more eementa maneuvers as we as !an"e& many oters (basic elemental amon" tem) in or&er to c#t &o!n on re&#n&ancy an& "i4e elementals more creati4e reso#rces. Also te Ci $last (elemental) recei4e& ea4y can"es to "i4e eac elemental a more #ni8#e feelin".  #dded new su"er"owers and maneuvers for the Su"erhumans se!tion, as we as modifying S3 )isadvantages 4formery “weaknesses”5 to !arify them and making them more s"e!i!. #so moved the Transformations as a su'-se!tion of 

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THRASH REVISED 2Contemporary Anime RPG by ROMeo ([email protected])

Original Thrash System by Ewen “Blackbird” Cluney with collaborations from countless others

Chapter 1 T!"

#ntroduction !e$!e%ised&&&

First of all, !ant to con"rat#late $lac%bir& for res#min" !or% on 'ras , it loo%s "reat. J

Re*capit#latin"+ 'e ori"inal 'ras is a Martial arts RPG create& by !en -$lac%bir& Cl#ney,an& combine& elements from te /treet Fi"ter RPG, Me%ton*0, an& in2as 3 /#perspies to beas tr#e*to*Go& to 4i&eo"ame martial arts as possible.

'ras Re4ise& !as a re4ision of te "ame !ic too% a&4anta"e of o! open te system !as

an& able to "enerate any anime caracter, t#s bein" tailore& into a "eneric anime system.

Finally, 'ras Re4ise& is an e4ol#tion of tat ro#te, te system enro#te& to!ar&s a sli"tlymore or"anize& str#ct#re. 'e i&ea starte& as a c#stomization of 'ras Re4ise& for myPantasy /tar "ame settin", b#t li%e& te finise& pro&#ct so m#c &eci&e& to a&opt it as ne!stan&ar&. Also, some mo&ifications !ere ma&e from te ori"inal template #se& in te Pantasy/tar settin" to polis te system some more an& ma%e it a bit more omo"eneo#s.

• From a very good idea suggested for Thrash 2.0, now “Stat Modiers” are usedinstead of raw stats for ski and dis!i"ine ros, this in order to take "ower away from“#giity $hores”, former Thrash%s most feared e&"oiters. #so added the missing!om"arative ta'es for Fo!us, $i, #giity and Stamina and (enamed the )y**ing

 Threshod as +nduran!e, 'e!ause got tired of having to s"e the name to my

"ayers every time.• #dded !earer rues for skis and money in!ome as we as starting funds.•  A&&e& many a&4anta"es an& &isa&4anta"es as !ell as re4ise& an& re*!rote a lot of tepre4io#sly e5istin" ones so no! A66 of tem a4e an acti4e in*"ame #se7in&rance.• $ea"on skis were made into $ea"on )is!i"ines and "a!ed as an aternative tohand-to-hand !om'at styes, whi!h are now dis!i"ines as we.•  The maneuvers system has 'een reworked, adding dierent damage ty"es,reworking the !ategories and reeasing over /0 maneuvers as 'asi! 'e!ause naygot tired of "ayers wanting their !hars to e'ow a foe and not 'eing a'e to 'e!ausethey didn%t 'uy it. Styes format was aso modied a!!ordingy.• Se"arated the more “e&oti!” maneuvers and made of them two new se!tions,“Mysti! Martia #rts” for o'vious martia arts taents taken to fantasy e&tremes and“Mis!eaneous owers” for those other e&traordinary taents that are “!ommony

shared” 'y many other "ower !ategories, taking the na ste" into setting martiaarts into the same "a!e of im"ortan!e as the rest of the other 1utting +dges and noonger a st "a!e.•  #dded even more eementa maneuvers as we as !an"e& many oters (basicelemental amon" tem) in or&er to c#t &o!n on re&#n&ancy an& "i4e elementals more creati4ereso#rces. Also te Ci $last (elemental) recei4e& ea4y can"es to "i4e eac elemental a more#ni8#e feelin".• #dded new su"er"owers and maneuvers for the Su"erhumans se!tion, as we asmodifying S3 )isadvantages 4formery “weaknesses”5 to !arify them and makingthem more s"e!i!. #so moved the Transformations as a su'-se!tion of 

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su"erhumans as "eo"e rarey see them outside the su"erhero genre anyway 4and Ja"anese e6uivaents5 as we as modifying Transformations su'stantiay to makethem ess e&"oita'e and making transformation !onditions into more of a handi!a".• Moved 3i-Te!h to the +6ui"ment !ha"ter, aso distri'uting the rues for devi!es!onstru!tion and hotshotting among skis des!ri"tion and a over the +6ui"ment!ha"ter. (ues for 3i-Te!h design got sim"ied. +6ui"ment 1ha"ter in!reased

su'stantiay now featuring aso vehi!es, u"dated 'aisti! resistan!e data for armor,and revised ta'es.•  +&"anded the 1om'at !ha"ter 4formery the Systems !ha"ter5 with severarevisions from "revious rues as we as new rues for non-!om'at damage sour!es,"oison ty"es, and vehi!e !om'at.• Made a new !hara!ter sheet to t (e-(evised, making a !hange of mind at the astminute when got nay fed u" of "ayers who have 'een "aying with me for years,yet they kee" asking me whi!h stat goes with whi!h ski to ro.• #dded “ersona )efen!e” to the ist of hand-to-hand styes, given the a!k of a!om'at dis!i"ine to the "ur"ose of said dis!i"ine 4"oi!emen and housewivesaren%t taught S"e!ia For!es mean5.

''''e Official 'ras 9ome Pa"e (ome of te Ori"inal "ame) can be fo#n& at+


 An& blac%bir& can be reace& at+blac%bir&@eart&

 Also, 2#st in case yo# "ot tis &oc#ment from someone else, te ome of tis &oc#ment as !ellas my 'ras site can be fo#n& at+


Contact me at [email protected]


 All caracters, names, an& relate& in&icia mentione& tro#"o#t tis te5t are property of teir relate& o!ners an& are #se& ere for &emostrati4e p#rposes only. o monetary "ain is bein"ma&e from te p#blisin" of tis &oc#ment.

'ras is an ori"inal concept of !en :$lac%bir&; Cl#ney, an& so#l& tis &oc#ment pro4es to bea eressy to im, is family, is &o", or te free state of 6ala*lan&, ll remo4e it from my site,ne4er to be seen a"ain in te net.

...its alri"t if tis &oc#ment is a eressy to otMoose, !e are all #se& to is flames by no!.

<on a final note, te /aint /eiya boo% for 'ras !as !ritten by yo#rs tr#ly, te first $eta bein"

release& on te net in 1==>, so if yo# see te /panis 4ersion of it !it te names of t!o/paniar&s instea&, please "i4e me teir mail an& sen& tem a flame on my bealf.


• 1?7?+ A&&e& Personal efence to list of 9an&*to*9an& styles

• ?=7?+ /li"t a&&en&#m to /tealt s%ill.

• ?>7?+ Can"e& te lemental 4ariations of Ci blasts an& starte& GM capter.

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• ?>7?+ ac tal% !it my e&itor as meant anoter re4ision to r#les, a ne! per% incl#&e&,an& ! a4e been tal%in" to im on a &aily basis. e! &isa&4anta"es,BCs, an& remo&ellin" &iffic#lty rolls for 9i*'ec an& ma"ic item creation.

• ?7?+ e! start, Re*Re4ise&.

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Chapter " Character Creation

 A little bit &ifferent, an& a little bit te same...

Step ) ConceptFor"ettin" abo#t stats an& n#mbers, te first tin" re8#ire& is to tin% abo#t a caracter.

Re"ar&less of caracter concept, as a r#le of t#mb, a players concept so#l& co4er tefollo!in" aspects+

 1. Personal &ata.

 2. Dirt#es an& fla!s.

 3. /tory (no matter o! brief).

 4. Family, frien&s, allies, etc.

 5. Eob (e MB/' earn a li4in" someo!).

 6. Moti4ations

 7. Reasons !y e !o#l& p#t imself into &an"ero#s sit#ations.

 A caracter !it te aforementione& aspects co4ere& ens#res te GM !ill be able to tailor 

a&4ent#res an& stories in !ic te caracter fits or oter!ise as sometin" to &o. 'a%in" allmembers of te tro#pe into acco#nt "#arantees e4eryone as f#n. Also, its recommen&able tats#c caracter concept is at least partially compatible !it tat of te oter player caracters.

 Anta"onism amon" player caracters can be f#n at first, b#t !en te "ro#p starts &i4i&in" a4ein min& tat te GM !ill ine4itably a4e to start &i4i&in" is attention span bet!een te remainin"factions (tr#st me, its #na4oi&able), an& te real problems !ill be"in at te also #na4oi&able time!en te GM starts payin" more attention to one faction tan oters (for storys sa%e or !ate4er reason). Also, if ba&ly an&le&, conflicts bet!een player caracters can easily e4ol4e in conflictsbet!een players.

 Also, as alf of tis &oc#ment is &e&icate& to flasy anime reso#rces an& &ont tin% nee& toremin& yo# tat most mainstream anime is action*oriente& ten yo#r caracter so#l& co#nt !itmeans to s#r4i4e in a ostile !orl&. $y tis m not sayin" tat yo#r car so#l& be a s%#ll*baser 

(frontal 4iolence is not te only !ay aro#n& a confrontation), b#t e or se so#l& be able to ma%eit tro#" ti"t sit#ations, be it tro#" te #se of i"ly &e4elope& s%ills, combat trainin",s#pernat#ral abilities, or a really 8#it !it.

Finally, no! tat yo# a4e a firm "rip on o! yo# !ant yo#r caracter to be, ta%e all is abilitiesan&! CB' '9M 9A6F. /ometimes !en tin%in" on caracter concepts !ea4e tro#bles %eepin" in min& tat !e are abo#t to create /'AR'G C9ARAC'R/. 4en if yo# mo&ele& yo#r caracter after 'erry $o"ar& or Ryo /aeba, remember tat tey &i&nt startteir careers alrea&y %no!in" te /enp# en or bein" able to &ri4e a car on t!o !eels only.o#r startin" caracters are precisely at te be"innin" of teir careers, teyre fres an& ne!, an&

 2#st abo#t to ta%e teir first taste of a&4ent#re.

Step 1 *ttributes

Caracters a4e primary an& secon&ary stats. 'e first are te main atrib#tes of te caracter,reflectin" is ra! abilityH secon&ary stats are a series of s#b*stats consec#ence of te primarystats.

Caracters a4e a "i4en n#mber of points to &istrib#te amon" teir primary stats, s#c n#mber is"i4en accor&in" to te po!er*le4el of te campain" te GM !ants to r#n.

+ower ,e%el +oints6o! I>Me&i#m J9eroic JI

,ow 'is le4el is apropiate for campain"s !it total or near total lac% of s#pernat#ral elements.

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9eroes from tis cate"ory may be i"ly s%ille& an& stic% abo4e te norm, b#t teyre still !itinm#n&ane limits. Brban action flic%s, film noir, sci*fi, an& similar non s#per*po!ere& e5amples fall#n&er tis cate"ory.

-edium 'is cate"ory is te &efa#lt stan&ar& for most 'ras "ames. Me&i#m*le4el startin"eroes, !ile still #nable to p#ll s#pereroics, tey alrea&y possess talents #n%no!n or #nreacable to te a4era"e Eoe an& so#l& alrea&y be consi&ere& po!erf#l on teir o!n ri"t.early all elements liste& #n&er te Cutting Edge capter can be fo#n& ere, e4en if on a limite&scale. 4en tose campain"s scope& on i"*po!ere& a&4ent#res #s#ally start !it me&i#m*po!ere& startin" caracters. early all anime eroes be"in teir careers on a me&i#m po!er le4el.

.eroic 'is cate"ory so#l& only be #se& !en te GM as DR specific plans for tecaracters. 9eroes from tis cate"ory are alrea&y formi&able in&i4i&#als eac. All elements #n&er te Cutting Edge section are present an& at f#ll po!er. 'e most clear e5ample of eroic le4elcampain"s is te s#perero "enre.

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The eight primary stats

'e ei"t primary attrib#tes are !at &efines te caracters basics in a n#tsell, ran%in" from 1to 1?. 'ey &escribe a caracter an& &elimit !at e can an& cant &o+ A caracter !it

 Appearance K !ill ne4er !in a bea#ty contest, one !it /tren"t I !ill ne4er be able to lift a tono4er is ea&, an& one !it Carisma !ill a4e a ar&, or impossible time earnin" te tr#st of 


/ome players may #ne4itable feel tat teir caracters are !imps if tey &ont a4e at least 1? int!o attrib#tes. 9o!e4er, a4e in min& tat tese attrib#tes are ma&e for player caracter stan&ar&s, an& player caracters are alrea&y in a lea"#e of teir o!n !en compare& to tea4era"e person. $esi&es, later in te "ame tey can increase teir stats by spen&in" e5periencepoints (e5pensi4e, b#t still feasible).

Intelligence'is &escribes te caracters o4erall reasonin" ability, memory, perception, an& so on. Acomparati4e table of intelli"ence ratin"s so!s belo!...1 $rain &ea& (*> on social rollsL)LLL" *year ol&er (* on social rollsL)LL/ $#bbleea& (*K on social rolls)

0 #mb (*1 on sociall rolls) /lo!2 A4era"e3 /mart4 ise5 Geni#s1) Geni#s116 /#pra*Geni#s7 5cept for ntimi&ate.77 Cannot learn any s%ills more complicate& tan rea&in" an& !ritin". Penalties on social rolls inc#rre& #nless a real cil&.777 Cannot learn any s%ills, &isciplines, or any oter trait tat re8#ires of any learnin" at all.

Why social penalties towards IQ-challenged characters? An intelli"ence score tat lo! reflects a caracter tat is too &#mb to come #p !it an intelli"entaproac or "oo& ans!ers.

Focus A meas#re of te caracters personal &iscipline an& &e"ree of self*control. A compatible table of Foc#s ratin"s so!s as follo!s+1 $rain ea&" Animal/ A..0 Bn&iscipline&. o#ll ne4er 8#it on smo%in". asily &istracte&. o# "o tro#" "reat problems to %eep on yo#r &iet.2 A4era"e.3 Man of abits. o#re #se& to ro#tines an& a4e no problem follo!in" tem.4 iscipline&. o# starte& yo#r e5ercise pro"ram o4er years a"o, an& yo# &ont plan on 8#ittin" soon.5 Foc#se&. o# co#l& sa%e off an a&&iction if nee&e&.1) /elf*Master. 'e prase :min& o4er matter; !as ma&e tin%in" on yo#.116 <am<a macine.

Charisma'is &escribes o! personable te caracter is an& meas#res is force of personality an& "ift of comman&. A comparati4e table of carisma ratin"s so!s belo!...1 on*intelli"ent life*formL" Pop#lar*atre& icon. itc insi&e an in8#isitionNs meetin"L/ or%, yo# ten& to attract stran"ersN ostilityL0 A!%!ar&, yo# a4e problems "ettin" insi&e ni"tcl#bs or "ettin" people to tr#st yo#L Eon oe. o#r face is easily for"ettable.2 A4era"e3 ice, yo# lea4e a lastin" impression on people. o#r 

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opinions are ta%en into acco#nt.4 at#ral*born 6ea&er, people follo! yo#. o# co#l&ma%e a li4in" as a politician.5 /#perman, people follo! yo# #n8#estionin"ly. o#co#l& easily ma%e a li4in" startin" a reli"io#s c#lt.1) Ma"neto, stran"ers !o#l& &ie for yo#.116 Co#l& start a reli"io#s c#lt an& pass yo#rself for a"o&.

7 Cannot learn any s%ill tat infl#ences oters bea4io#r in yo#r fa4or (e5cept intimi&ate).

Will  A meas#re of te caracters inborn &eter*mination an& seer co#ra"e. ill is &ifferent fromFoc#s in tat an #n&iscipline& person can still be 4ery bra4e, an& !ile bot a &iscipline& an& abra4e caracter may be able to reac te same en&s, one acts o#t of &iscipline or sense of &#ty!ile te oter acts o#t of co#ra"e or con4iction. A compatible table of ill ratin"s so!s asfollo!s+1 $rain &ea&" Rabbit. One tin" is reliable abo#t yo#, an& tat is tat yo# cant be relie& #pon, people no lon"er e4en "ets botere&abo#t it beca#se e4erybo&y %no!s yo# 2#st cant elp it./ Co!ar&. f sometin" re8#ires of liftin" a fin"er to &o it yo# &ont e4en boter. o# ten& to inspire peoples scorn after opport#nity arises for te lon" yello! stripe on yo#r bac% to so! #p.0 /pineless. o# still a4e to f# lfil a sin"le one of yo#r ne! years promises since yo# !ere fi4e. Bnasserti4e. o# a4e problems imposin" yo#rself.

2 A4era"e3 Asserti4e. o#r bo&y lan"#a"e transmits sec#rity. o# a4e no problems ta%in" calc#late& ris%s.4 $ra4e. o#ll "o abo4e an& beyon& te call of &#ty to %eep a promise.5 Bnsa%able. o#re a!are tat teres no profit !ito#t ris%, an& yo#re rea&y to face all ris%s for !at yo# belie4e in.1) are&e4il, man !ito#t fear.116 n#man.

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Strength/tren"t &escribes te caracters o4erall pysical stren"t, an& t#s &etermines bot o! m#c&ama"e tey inflict !it normal, pysical attac%s, an& o! m#c tey can lift an& carry. A !ei"tliftin" table for stren"t 4al#es is so!n belo!.

Strenght ,ifting Capacity1*K %"s per point of stren"tI*J 1?%"s per point of stren"t

*1? K?%"s per point of stren"t11 ?%"s per point of stren"t

$y !ei"t liftin" be #n&erstoo& s#pportin" !ei"t o4er ones so#l&ers an& on a firm stance (be itmotionless or at a ma5im#m spee& of 1ft per t#rn)H s#c feat of stren"t can be el& for as lon"as 1 t#rn per point of ill. Caracters can carry effortlessly alf te amo#nt tey can lift.

 Agility  A"ility &etermines o! fast te caracter can mo4e, o! "oo& teir refle5es are, as !ell as o!&e5tero#s. Comparati4e table as follo!s+1 n4ali&" Cripple&. ito#t a !eelcair yo# mo4e at cra!l spee& at most./ imp. o# ne4er !ere yo#r class first coice for te &o&"eball team bac% in scool, an& yo# !o#&nt be no! eiter.0 %l#tz. Ob2ects fall from yo#r an&s often, as often as yo# trip on roc%s an& oter small ob2ects. /lo! refle5es. o# still a4e tro#bles catcin" te cars %eys !en tosse& at yo#.2 A4era"e

3 Fast. o# !ere born !it 8#ic% refle5es.4 Atlete. o# co#l& easily "et a scolarsip playin" in te scools team at colle"e.5 Cons#mmate Atlete. o# a4e one& yo#r bo&y to te pea% of its ability.1) /pee& emon. o# can &o&"e b#llets.116 /#pernat#ral

Stamina A compo#n& of te caracters st#r&iness, stamina, an& resilience. Comparati4e tables asfollo!s+1 A"onizin"" Cripple&. o# can l#mp aro#n& slo!ly !it a !al%in" stic% an& tat s tat./ Frail. o# cant en"a"e in any tirin" acti4ities an& it &oesnt ta%e more tan a s!in" to &o!n yo#.0 imp. o# #se& to "et sic% a lot as a %i&, an& yo# still a4e to call in sic% at !or% e4ery so often. ea%. All tat smo%in" is finally catcin" #p !it yo#.2 A4era"e.3 Eo""er. A little mornin" e5ercise can "o a lon" !ay.4 Atlete. o#re #se& to s!eatin", an& yo# li%e te feelin".5 Olympic Atlete. o pain, no "ain.1) 9eroic. at is pain116 Acilles te n&estr#ctible. 'e cil&ren of f#t#re "enerations !ill be a!e& !it te tales an& son"s !ritten aro#n&yo#r mi"t.

 Appearance Appearance is a "eneral meas#re of o! "oo& loo%in" te caracter is. A comparati4e table for appearance ratin"s is so!n belo!...1 Monstr#o#s (*> social rolls)L" 9i&eo#s (*J on social rolls)L/ $#tt*#"ly (*I on social rolls)L0 B"ly (* on social rolls) Plain (*1 on social rolls)2 A4era"e3 Goo&*loo%in"4 $ea#tif#l, co#l& ma%e a life as an i&ol sin"er or in a boy*ban& ( to pers#asion*relate& rolls)L5 /tat#es8#e, co#l& esily !or% as a top*mo&el (K to pers#asion*relate& rolls)1) i4ine, members of te oter se5 !o#l& %ill to "et yo#r attentionLL (I to pers#asion*relate& rolls)116 Go&&ess7Dampire79elene of 'roy ( pl#s an a&&itional 1 per a&&itional point of appearance)

L 5cept for ntimi&ate

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Unspent attribute points are &o#ble& an& a&&e& to te caracters a4ailable Caracter Points(see belo!).

Secondary Stats'e secon&ary stats are oter statistics of 4aryin" importance, !ic are base& on tecaracters attrib#tes.

Base Action Points'e n#mber of Action Points a caracter as affects initiati4e an& &etermines o! many &ifferenttin"s tey can &o in a sin"le combat t#rn. ac mane#4er co#nts as a certain n#mber of ActionPoints, an& !en all te caracters APs are #se& #p for tat t#rn tey cannot act anymore.Characters8 starting base *+s is the result of their 9ocus6*gility stats&

Chi  A caracters Ci stat is a meas#re of te po!er of teir life force an& spirit. Ci points are spentto ma%e #se of certain po!erf#l mane#4ers. A caracters base Ci is &etermine& as follo!s+:9ocus ; "< 6 'ill. n lo!*po!ere& campai"ns tis stat is nearly irrele4ant.

Health9ealt is e8#al to Stamina ; 0, an& &etermines o! m#c &ama"e a caracter can ta%e before

bein" ren&ere& #nconscio#s.

Endurance'e initial 4al#e of tis stat is te s#m of te caracters 'ill6Stamina. Caracters tat ta%e&ama"e from a sin"le stri%e e8#al or "reater tan teir n&#rance are &isable& an& can ta%e noactions #nless tey can s#ccee& a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1 e4ery t#rn. n&#rance also&etermines as !ell as o! lon" caracters can remain in combat (see te :/ystems; capter for &etails).

Rage A caracters Ra"e &etermines o! m#c p#nisment tey can ta%e before becomin" :car"e&#p; by it (sort of li%e te Ra"e Meters in many fi"tin" "ames or te :6imit $rea%; bar in someRPGs), an& is &etermine& as+ Stamina 6 'ill 6 9ocus. o# mi"t be as%in" !y it is tat more

po!erf#l caracters ta%e lon"er to :car"e #p.; $asically, te i&ea bein& tis is tat a morepo!erf#l caracter as "reater en&#rance an& inner control, so tat it ta%es tem lon"er to "ettr#ly pisse& off, b#t !en tey &o– watch out! 

*bility -odifiers/ome st#nts, s%ills, or special abilities !ill ma%e reference to some stats :mo&ifier;. 'o %no! !attat mo&ifier is, compare te stat !it te follo!in" table+

  ,e%el Base (amage1 *K *K *1I ? 1J K

> I= 1? J

1 &ama"e per point abo4e 1?Pysical an& Melee eapon combat mane#4ers tat inflict &ama"e a&& te caracters /tren"tmo&ifier to te mane#4ers liste& &ama"e, !ile Firearms mane4ers as !ell as oter ran"e& or oter!ise precision attac%s a&& te caracterss A"ility mo&ifier instea&.

=pper>,ower Body Strength :Optional<Generally spea%in", caracters are ass#me& to a4e ro#"ly e8#al #pper an& lo!er bo&y. Of 

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co#rse, tis may not al!ays be te caseH some caracters are e5ceptionally "oo& at %ic%in" (e.".,Ci 6i), !ile oters are far better at p#ncin" (e."., A bo5er caracter). 'o sim#late tis in"ame, yo# ta%e yo#r normal /tren"t attrib#te an& :split; it. e5t to te basic stren"t yo# !rite inparentesis t!o n#mbers, te first bein" te #pper bo&y stren"t an& te secon& bein" te lo!er.'ey be"in e8#al to te normal /tren"t attrib#te, b#t eiter may be increase& one point bylo!erin" te oter one point. 'ey cannot be more tan I points apart, o!e4er. Bpper $o&y/tren"t is applie& to all p#nces, most !eapon stri%es, an& similar mane#4ers. 6o!er $o&y/tren"t is applie& to all %ic%s. A66 oter mane#4er types #se te caracters basic /tren"tattrib#te normally, since Atletics, Grapplin", an& oter mane#4ers ma%e #se of bot #pper an&lo!er bo&y m#scles.

For Example 'e player is creatin" a %ic%bo5er, !o as a /tren"t of , b#t !ants is caracter to be better at %ic%in" tan p#ncin", so e p#ts te lo!er bo&y stren"t t!o i"er tan te#pperH #n&er /tren"t on te caracter seet it !ill rea&+ (7=)

Soak ene4er te caracter recei4es &ama"e, is /oa% stat is s#bstracte& from te &ama"e total(!it some restrictions). For &etails on /oa% rea& te Combat section in te /ystems capter. Acaracters /oa% stat is obtaine& by &i4i&in" is /tamina score by .

Step " Skill +oints and Creation +ointsCaracters recei4e an amo#nt of /%ill Points e8#al to teir (ntelli"ence 5) 1, !ic tey #seto p#rcase le4els in se4eral s%ills, f#rter &etails abo#t s%ills can be fo#n& on its correspon&in"capter. After selection of s%ills, tey recei4e an amo#nt of Creation Points (CPs) relate& to tepo!er le4el of te campai"n+

+ower ,e%el Creation +oints6o! Me&i#m K?9eroic I?

it tese CPs, tey can ac8#ire A&4anta"es, 'rainin", an& traits from te C#ttin" &"e section.For f#rter &etails rea& te correspon&in" capters.

Spending C+s on Secondary Stats :Optional<'e GM may allo! players to increase 4ario#s secon&ary stats :artificially; at caracter creation

by spen&in" e5tra creation points. 'e GM may &isallo! or limit tis as er or se sees fit.Stat Cost -a;imum #ncrease$ase APs K per 1 ICi 1 per 19ealt 1 per 1n&#rance 1 per 1 J

=nspecified C+s :Optional<it te GMNs permission, te caracter may lea4e some CPs #nspent, so tat tey can be #se&to b#y a&&itional st#ff on te fly, tin"s !ic te caracter Q2#st appensQ to %no!. 'e caracter may a4e any n#mber of Bnspecifie& CPs, #p to alf of teir total a4ailable, b#t tey m#st pay 1CP for e4ery I set asi&e in tis manner.

Step / E?uipment

 Accor&in" to te type oc campain", caracters may re8#ire of e8#ipment to a lesser or bi""er &e"ree. A caracters as an amo#nt of startin" f#n&s to b#y a&&itional e8#ipment tey may nee&e8#al to K years of income. (see capter K for &etails on o! to calc#late income). 'e caractersare ass#me& to a4e sa4e& tese f#n&s for a lon" time or oter!ise ac8#ire& from a perfectlyle"itimate so#rce. Caracters &ont nee& to b#y a o#se, clotes, etc. 'eyre ass#me& to a4ebasics co4ere&.

Chapter / Skills/%ills are te areas of %no!le&"e in !ic yo#r caracter possesses a certain &e"ree of 

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e5pertise. n a&&ition to a caracters allotte& s%ill points, caracters can increase teir s%illsf#rter at caracter creation at te cost of 1 caracter point per le4el. 'e le4el in eac s%illreflects te caracters &e"ree of e5pertise in sai& s%ill. Ra! mi"t !ill only ta%e a caracter sofar+ a caracter tat cant s!im can meet is en& at te closest pool, a tro#blema%er tat isntfamiliar !it stealt tecni8#es !ill not be able to escape !en e finally meets a callen"e"reater tan imself, a ero tat cant &ri4e may not "et on time to sa4e tat osta"e in te oter si&e of te city.

Success Testsile a n#mber of tin"s tat a caracter attempts may be more or less ass#re& in s#ccess, a lotof oter tin"s, especially &#rin" te co#rse of an a&4ent#re, are more tric%y. ts safe to ass#metat a caracter can &ri4e ome #n&er normal circ#mstances !ito#t ma%in" a roll, b#t &oin" so!ile &o&"in" missiles is a bit ar&er. en tere is a possibility of bot s#ccess an& fail#re, yo#roll &ice to &etermine te o#tcome. 'e basic form#la for a s#ccess test in te 'ras system is+

1d1) 6 *ttribute -odifier 6 Skill(A s%ills relate& stat can be fo#n& in te s%ills &escription)

'is is #se& in t!o !aysH unopposed an& contested rolls. A conteste& roll is one !ere t!ocaracters are &irectly competin" at sometin"H te classic e5ample of tis is an arm*!restlin"matc. Bnoppose& rolls are #se& for 2#st abo#t any oter tas%. For an #noppose& roll, te GMsets a tar"et n#mber tat m#st be e5cee&e& in or&er to s#ccee&. 'e recommen&e& tar"et

n#mbers, base& on te &iffic#lty of te tas%, are as follo!s+(ifficulty Target/imple 1?

 A4era"e 1Kiffic#lty 1Dery iffic#lt ?9eroic K

n a conteste& roll, te t!o caracters ma%e teir #s#al rolls, an& te one !ose total is i"ests#ccee&s. n te case of a tie, te res#lt is "enerally ass#me& to be a tie ** if yo# really nee& atiebrea%er, a4e bot roll 1&1?H !oe4er rolls i"est !ins.

.ow “good” is “good”n or&er for players to "et an i&ea of !at le4el of e5pertise is represente& by !at s%ill le4el, ere

is a comparati4e table+ ,%l @uality  1 e!bie, 2#st opene& te boo%.  *I Amate#r, learnin" yo#r !ay aro#n&.  *> Professional, yo# %no! te !ay tin"s are &one.

o# can ma%e a li4in" of yo#r tra&e normally. =*1 Ace. o#r employers raise& yo#r !a"e tis year

 2#st to ma%e s#re tey& %eep yo#.1K Master. o# in4ent te tric%s te rest in yo#r 

'ra&e #ses.

To roll or not to rollA'e more important r#le abo#t s%ills is+ O' DR /G6 B/ OF A /66 RBR/ ARO66.. o# &ont a4e to ma%e a &ri4e roll to t#rn on yo#r car, yo# &ont a4e to ma%e anin4esti"ation roll to !al% aro#n& an& as% 8#estions, yo# &ont a4e to ma%e a comm#nications roll

to press te -tal% b#tton on a !al%ie*tal%ie, yo# &ont ma%e a comp#ter roll to ma%e a searc onGoo"le. /%ill rolls are only re8#ire& !en an action as an act#al cance of fail#re. R#les for s#ccess tests on s%ills are "i4en on capter se4en.

Specialiations and Concentrations :Optional<

 A specialiation is a type of enancement to a s%ill !ereby te caracter is better at a partic#lar area in4ol4in" tat s%ill. For instance, a caracter !it te Atletism &iscipline mi"t specialize ins!immin" for e5ample. 'o select a specialization yo# m#st a4e te partic#lar s%ill or &iscipline at or i"er, an& !en rollin" for sometin" in4ol4in" te s%ill in a manner for !ic te

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specialization is important, roll a &1 instea& of a &1?.

 A concentration is similar to a specialization, e5cept tat te caracter as st#&ie& teir partic#lar specialize& area to te point of ne"lectin" oters, an& t#s tey roll &J for rolls tat in4ol4e teconcentration, an& 1&J for tose tat &o not. Also, !en ma%in" rolls relate& to te caractersarea of concentration, e4ery &ie roll res#lt #n&er - is consi&ere& a -.

/pecializations an& Concentrations may be applie& to all /%ills an& isciplines, b#t not to /tylesor anytin" else.

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Skills and -oney #ncome"#he two basics $or success with women get ashowy and expensi%e car&&&and be yoursel$' --(opular Wisdom

'e caracters are ass#me& to #se at least one of te s%ills liste& to earn a li4in" (animal trainin",comp#ter, coo%, sin", etc). n s#c cases, te caracter is ass#me& to earn a montly income of !ate4er yo#r co#ntrys minim#m !a"e P6B/ an a&&itional amo#nt accor&in" to is le4el in sai&

s%ill as follo!s+,e%el Bonus E;penses1*K 1?? B/7le4el I?? B/I* ?? B/7le4el J?? B/>*1 I?? B/7le4el 1?? B/1K >?? B/7le4el K??? B/

-onthly E;penses A caracter is also ass#me& to a4e montly e5penses accor&in" to isincome an& so, is relate& lifestyle. A caracters e5penses are &e&#cte& from te caracterstotal montly income eac mont. 'e total amo#nt once &e&#ctions are s#bstracte&, is moneyte caracter can no! #se at is &iscretion !ito#t a4in" to !orry abo#t meals, bills, ci"ars,resta#rants, mo4ies, cl#bbin", or any oter e5pense oter!ise relate& to is &ay*to*&ay lifestyle(it all comes incl#&e& alrea&y #n&er montly e5penses).

Skill (escriptions

 Animal Training cha!'is is te ability, tro#" typical learnin" tecni8#es, to teac an animal to perform simple tas%s,s#c as trainin" a orse to respon& to comman&s from te reins, or "ettin" a a!% to trac% an&capt#re ro&ents for its o!ner. Rolls are ma&e eac !ee%, an& a fail#re means te animal !asntta#"t correctly an& a !ee% is !aste&.

 Assimilation int!'is s%ill enables te caracter to st#&y anoter c#lt#re, pic% #p important &etails, an& appear asa member of sai& c#lt#re (or at least not bein" loo%e& &o!n on as te case co#l& be !it oter forei"ners).

Basic Repair ag!

'is is a 4ery basic %no!le&"e of mecanics, s#fficient to fi5 a toaster or &o basic a#tomoti4erepairs. A fail#re on te roll means te &e4ice co#l&nt be repaire& ri"t a!ay, !ile mon#mentalfail#res mean mr. Fi5*it bro%e &o!n te &e4ice e !as tryin" to repair. Any repair or oter!isetecnical 2ob tat as a &iffic#lty lesser tan 1 or oter!ise &oesnt re8#ire specializae&%no!le&"e can be co4ere& !it te $asic Repair s%ill. E#ry*ri" an& 9otsottin" 2obs !it&iffic#lties lesser tan 1 can also be co4ere& !it te $asic Repair s%ill (see te n"ineerin"s%ill for &etails).

/abota"e consists in ri""in" a 4eicle, electrical installation, or oter &e4ices to appear to bef#nctionin" normally #ntil a "i4en circ#mstance appens (s#c as ri""in" a cars brea%s after tecar as reace& a i" spee& or plantin" a bomb lin%e& to te O s!itc). A maintenancetecnician or s#per4isor is entitle& to a Perception roll &iffic#lty te sabote#rs roll to notice asabota"e before it is too late (pro4i&e& sai& person possesses %no!le&"e s%ills in te pertinentareas).

Camou"lage int!nstr#ction in tecni8#es for i&in" tin"s oter tan oneself (4eicles, emcampments, allies, etc).Can also be applie& to oneself in te form of coosin" te ri"t cost#mes for te en4ironment,bo&y paintin", etc. Bse& in tis !ay, a s#ccessf#l camo#fla"e roll "rants te caracter a bon#s tois follo!in" /tealt rolls e8#al to te caracters ntelli"ence mo&ifier. Camo#fla"e can be seentro#" !it a s#ccesf#l perception roll. Camo#fla"e& allies #se& te caracters Camo#fla"erolls as /tealt roll for p#rposes of not bein" &etecte&.

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Computer int!'is is a "eneral ability to an&le comp#ters. A lo! le4el in tis s%ill (1 to K) in&icates 2#stcomp#ter #sa"e s%ills, !ile i"er le4els enable te caracter to &o tin"s as pro"rammin",net!or%s teory, ar&!are repair an& constr#ction, boolean al"ebra, etc. For information retrie4alp#rposes, rolls are only necesary if te information is i&&en, encrypte&, or obsc#re& someo!, if case tat s#c information is protecte& or access to te system is restricte&, ten te systemm#st be ac%e& first. 9ac%in" re8#ires tat te caracter possesses at least ran%s in tecomp#ter s%ill an& consists in analysin" a systems sec#rity, loo%in" for e5istin" loopoles,e5ploitin" tem for "ettin" access, ten lea4in", erasin" te ac%ers trail. ac ac%in" attempta%es from o#rs to !ee%s accor&in" to te &e"ree of sec#rity of te system. Mon#mentals#ccesses in ac%in" allo! te ac%er to set a bac%&oor in te system, "rantin" im f#t#reaccess to te system anytime !ito#t te nee& of f#t#re comp#ter rolls. Any time te systema&ministrator is s#per4isin" te systems sec#rity, e is allo!e& a comp#ter roll (&iffic#lty teac%in" roll) to &etect bac%&oors. 6i!e!ise, mon#mental ac%in" fail#res alert te systema&ministrator of te ac%in" attemp, allo!in" im a conteste& comp#ter roll to trac% te ac%ersnet!or% a&ress.

Communications int!'rainin" in te teory an& operation, repair, &esi"n, an& e4en sabota"e of &i4erse comm#nicatione8#ipment. $asic le4els enable te caracter to operate basic an& a&4ance ra&io e8#ipment,

comp#ter net!or%s, etc. ile more a&4ance& le4els allo! for te operation of laser comm#nications e8#ipment, micro!a4es, satellite transpon&ers, etc. Anoter #se of tecomm#nications s%ill is Electronic Conter-measures )EC*+, also %no!n in 4#l"ar ar"ot asEammin". CM are common tecni8#es for &isr#ptin" !ireless comm#nications, foolin" ra&arsan& miscellaneo#s sensory e8#ipment, etc.

Cooking int!'e caracter is 4erse& in o! to prepare meals !ell. early anyone can coo%, b#t tis caracter as practice& at it, an& probably as a &ecent amo#nt of memorize& recipes. or more le4elsma%es te caracter into a professional coo%. A faile& roll means te foo& is ine&ible.

Poisonin" of Foo&s re8#ires tat te assassin !o#l&*be possesses te c#linary s%ills to %no!!ic poisons can be slippe& into tar"et foo&s as to &is"#ise te forei"n s#bstances taste an&

scent as best as possible. A coo%, "o#rmette, or a person !o is familiarize& !it te foo& in8#estion is entitle& to a Perception roll &iffic#lty te assassins roll to notice sometin"s !ron"before it is too late (pro4i&e& sai& person possesses %no!le&"e s%ills in te pertinent areas).

#ance ag!/elf*e5planatory. or more ran%s in te &ance s%ill means te caracter is a professionalperformer. A faile& roll means te performance !as #nimpressi4e.

#eception cha!Practice in te s#btle arts of s#bterf#"e. /#ccesf#l #ses of tis s%ill allo! te caracter to bl#ff,&is"#ise lies, ceat at "ames, fei"n sleep, etc. Fail#re on te roll means te lie !as not pla#sibleor te ceater !as not able to p#ll tat e5tra ace from is slee4e, !ile mon#mental fail#resmeans te &eception attemp is ob4io#s or tat e !as ca#"t ceatin". eception is resiste& !it

a Perception roll.

 Anoter #se of tis s%ill is seduction, or a se5#al approac to anoter person !it possibleintimacy p#rposes b#t !it no real feelin"s in4ol4e&. /e&#ction is te ar&est form of &eception(conteste& roll of te se&#cers Carisma Mo&ifer eception 4s tar"ets ill Mo&ifier ntelli"ence Mo&ifier Perception) b#t te most effecti4e once s#ccee&+ se&#ce& people ten& toa4e a lo! "#ar& an& loose lips, tey are s#cceptible to acceptin" te se&#cers !or&s as tr#tan& are prone to &o fa4ors an& re4eal secrets (no f#rter rolls re8#ire& once te se&#ction iss#ccesf#l). 9o!e4er, se&#ction is base& on lies an& fa%e feelin"s. For onestly s!itcin" apersons attit#&e fa4orably to!ar&s yo# (ie yo# really li%e er) see te /a4oir Fare s%ill.

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#emolitions int!emolitions is an ability to prepare or &isarm e5plosi4e &e4ices of 4ario#s types, as !ell as%no!le&"e of &emolitions tecni8#es (o! to best place &emolition pac%s to effecti4ely &emolisa b#il&in") an& &emolitions &isposal.

#isguise int!is"#ise as !ell as impersonation tecni8#es to ma%e oneself loo% li%e someone else. 'isre8#ires ma%e#p, clotes, an& possibly some oter items. Onloo%ers !it lo"ic reasons to &istr#stte impostor (locals tat see te impostor actin" stran"e, co!or%ers of te man e isimpersonatin", etc.) are entitle& a perception or roll to see tro#" te &eception.

#ri$e%Pilot ag!'is is a "eneral ability to pilot7&ri4e 4ario#s types of 4eicles. ac &ifferent type of 4eicleco#nts as a separate s%ills (i.e., ri4e A#tos, Pilot Airplanes, Pilot $oats, etc.). no!in" o! topilot artillery or oter!ise combat 4eicles (s#c as a tan% or 2et fi"ter) also enables te pilot toma%e #se of te 4eicles arsenal #sin" te le4el of te Pilot s%ill for acc#racy. ir4in" faster tana 4eicles cr#isin" spee& as !ell as at i"er spee&s tan an #rban zones traffic spee& re8#iresa ri4e roll &iffic#lty 1K e4ery time te &ri4er fin&s a t#rn or a can"e in spee& is ma&e in or&er not to loose control of te 4eicle or crasin" into anoter 4eicle or pe&estrian.

Engineering int!'is is an a&4ance& %no!le&"e of some area of en"ineerin" (electrical, mecanical, a4ionics,robotics, etc.). For "a&"et an& i*tec constr#ction see te Cutting Edge section. Any repair 2ob!it a &iffic#lty e5cee&in" 1, or oter!ise re8#irin" specialize& %no!le&"e re8#ires teen"ineerin" s%ill. n or&er to learn te n"ineerin" s%ill, te caracter m#st possess ran%s in te$asic Repair s%ill as !ell as an ntelli"ence score of > or i"er.

E#ry*ri""in", !ic means !or%in" o#t of impro4isation an& !ito#t te apropiate tools or facilities, imposes a * penalty to en"ineerin" roll.

9otsottin" consists of so#pin"*#p a &e4ice to increase its performance beyon& !ats normallypossible. Options an& &iffic#lty for otsottin" can be fo#n& in te 8#ipment capter for tose

&e4ices tat can be otsotte&.

Escape ag!'rainin" in escapin" pysical restraints, s8#eezin" tro#" 4ery narro! spaces, contortionism,an& s#c. 'is typically in4ol4es caref#l m#scle control, an& te often painf#l process of &islocatin" 2oints.

E&pert $aries!5pert applies to any s%ill not co4ere& in tis &oc#ment (spel#n%in", arcaeollo"y, etc). 'e5pert s%ill can be #se& for a !i&e 4ariety of s%ills, incl#&in" obbies, artistic s%ills (art, !ritin",playin" a m#sical instr#ment, etc.), an& e4en science (biolo"y, cemistry, etc.).

First Aid int!

/%ill in a&ministerin" te simplest (b#t 4ital at te critical time) of me&ical tecni8#es, s#c as teproper treatment of !o#n&s, performin" CPR, %no!in" !en is te ri"t time to p#ll a &ro!ne&person o#t of te !ater, or o! to p#ll te 4ictim of a car cras o#t of is car !ito#t snappin" isnec%. Can also treat &iseases an& minister oter me&ical treatment properly as lon" as #n&er tes#per4ision of a me&ic.

Forgery int!'ric%s an& tecni8#es for for"in" cas car&s, s, money, &oc#ments, etc. 'e #se of tis s%illre8#ires te proper materials an& a copy of te %in& of tin" to be for"e&.

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Interrogation cha!'ecni8#es for e5tractin" information from #n!illin" tar"ets. 'is may incl#&e tort#re, eiter pysical or mental, &eception, playin" Q"oo& cop7ba& copQ, an& &epri4in" of sleep or foo&. Rollsare ma&e on a &aily basis. A fail#re means no information !as e5tracte& tat &ay, !ile amon#mental fail#re "rants te tar"et a to sa4e on is ne5t interro"ation session. nterro"ationrolls are resiste& !it eiter a ill sa4e (for psycolo"ical coercion tecni8#es) or a /taminasa4e (for pysical tort#re). $rea%in" a caracter !it te 'ort#re 'rainin" a&4anta"e re8#ires annterro"ation le4el of or "reater.

Intimidation cha!'ecni8#es of intimi&ation ran"in" from s#btle s#""estions to o#tri"t pysical treatsH caracters!it tis s%ill #n&erstan& o! to "et !at tey !ant by bein" imperio#s. ntimi&ation can be #se&to attempt to :psyc o#t; an opponent before a fi"t. 'o &etermine te rate of s#ccess, ma%e aconteste& roll of te b#llys ntimi&ation 4s te &efen&ers (ill Mo&ifier Foc#s Mo&ifier). f teintimi&atin" caracter !ins, te opponent is at *I on initiati4e an& loses alf teir APs for as manyt#rns as te &ifference bet!een te t!o rolls.

In$estigation int!'rainin" in snoopin" an& information "aterin" tecni8#es+ from contacts an& me&ia to teinternet an& s#c. Only one roll can be ma&e per &ay. A fail#re on te roll means no &ata !as

fo#n& on te s#b2ect, !ile a critical fail#re "aters false information tat te caracter !illpercie4e as tr#e.

'eadership cha!'e ability to ta%e control of a sit#ation an& con4ince oters to follo! yo#, to#" te GM so#l&apply a penalty to attempts to lea& oters into &an"er, especially if te comman&er is not "oin"imself.

'ore int!%no!le&"e in a partic#lar area of obsc#re, #s#ally s#pernat#ral %no!le&"e (&emonolo"y, ma"ic,etc). ac area co#nts as a separate s%ill. Bnless te caracter possesses a reasonable le4el inte s%ill or as reasons to possess tr#e %no!le&"e abo#t te topic (bein" a !izar& imself for e5ample), many &ata may &iffer from te tr#t, b#t !ill still "i4e te caracter some #sef#l cl#es

most of te time.

(edicine int! A&4ance& me&ical tecni8#es for te treatment of &isease, performin" s#r"ery, patollo"y,parmacollo"y, etc. 9o!e4er, tis can 4ary from te con4entional style to omeopatic me&icine toolistic to samanic, etc. (as lon" as te res#lts are te same). en te Me&icine s%ill is #se&s#ccessf#lly, te le4el of te s%ill is a&&e& to te total 9ealt restore& per &ay. n or&er to learnte Me&icine s%ill, te caracter m#st possess at least le4els in te First Ai& s%ill an& antelli"ence score of > or i"er.

(imicry int! A &iffic#lt s%ill to be s#re, tis allo!s te caracter to con4incin"ly imitate te 4oice of anoter 

person. 'e caracter can imitate any accent teyN4e ear& before as a simple roll, !ic "rantsa bon#s to Assimilation an& is"#ise rolls e8#al to te caracters le4el in Mimicry, b#t imitatin" aspecific person re8#ires tat te caracter st#&y tat personNs 4oice, an& te roll becomes aiffic#lt in nat#re. Re"ar&less, te caracter cannot fool electronic &etection.

(usical Instrument cha!'is is te ability to play a partic#lar type or class of m#sical instr#ment. ac type co#nts as aseparate s%ill. or more le4els in te s%ill means te caracter is a professional m#sician, an&can easily ma%e a li4in" o#t of it (maybe e4en becomin" famo#s) as soon as e "ets a mana"er or contact in a recor&in" o#se. A fail#re on te roll means te performance !as #nimpresi4e.

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)a$igation int!'rainin" in #sin" na4i"ation e8#ipment as !ell as te correct rea&in" of maps, te s%y, etc. 'o beable to cart a na4i"ation co#rse from one point to anoter, as !ell as to estimate te caractersc#rrent position.

a4i"ation can also be #se& to fin& te sortest ro#te to a &estination, be it in te !il&erness or acity. 'is application of te s%ill, o!e4er, forcef#lly re8#ires te caracter to alrea&y a4efamiliarity !it te terrain as !ell as te ro#tes to coose from. 'is a4i"ation roll can re&#cete tra4el time as m#c as 1?S for e4ery point tat te roll e5cee&s 1 (to a ma5im#m of ?S).

Caracters lac%in" familiarity !it te terrain can instea& resort to &o a pre4io#s in4esti"ation inor&er to "ater eno#" information abo#t te terrain to &e&#ce te sortest ro#te. n tis case,o!e4er, te n#mber to beat to start "ainin" benefits is 1> instea& of 1.

Perception int!",ne must be able to distinguish $romamong . di$$erent per$umes be$oreconsidering onesel$ a true detecti%e&&&' ---/ason #odd0 "1 2eath in the Family' 

'rainin" in noticin" small &etails tat #s#ally escape te eye. /#ccesf#l #se of tis s%ill allo!s tecaracter to notice small tin"s or &etails (i&&en caracters, sec#rity &e4ices, small*b#t*important ob2ects, cl#es, etc.) as !ell as attemps of &eception. At more a&4ance& le4els, tis s%illallo!s te caracter to notice tin"s tat !o#l& oter!ise be #n&istin"#isable from one anoter,li%e tellin" te s#btle &ifferences bet!een t!o similar fra"ances, rea&in" lips, etc. A faile& rollmeans te caracter misse& a possibly important &etail, !ile a mon#mental fail#re means tecaracter "ets a false impresion of sometin". 'e /a4oir*Fare s%ill is a "en#ine attemp at"ainin" te caracters fa4or, an& teres no point in tryin" to #se Perception on it.

Philosophy int!'is s%ill "rants %no!le&"e of a partic#lar pilosopy, s#c as $#&&ism, 'aoism, Conf#cianism,etc. /#ccesf#l #se of te pylosopy s%ill "rants te caracter insi"t in an eni"ma, p#zzle, or similar pre&icament in te c#rrent a&4ent#re (insi"ts at te GMs &iscretion, te GM is #n&er noobli"ation to "i4e te plot a!ay). ac type of pilosopy co#nts as a separate s%ill.

Psychollogy int!/t#&y of te mans psyce an& its processes. Fi4e or more le4els in tis s%ill means te caracter is a "ra&#ate from a colle"e or possesses an e8#i4alent le4el or s%ill. $esi&es of te ob4io#sbenefits entitle& to a career, te s%ill poses se4eral benefits in "ame.

$ea4ior /t#&ies+ 'e caracter a&&s is le4el in Psycollo"y to all Perception rolls for sensin" acaracters moti4es an& intentions. $y a mere "lance at is stance an& bo&y lan"#a"e, tepsycolo"ist can %no! !eter a tar"et is lyin", bl#ffin", afrai&, !eter ell cooperate easily or e nee&s to be p#se&, etc. !e?uirements Perception .

Psycoterapist+ 'e caracter a&&s alf is le4el in psycolo"y to eception, nterro"ation,ntimi&ation, 6ea&ersip, /a4oir Fare, an& /treet!ise rolls. !e?uirements  or more le4els in

any of te aforementione& s%ills.

9eal Mental isor&ers+ 'e caracter can elp caracters !it mental &isor&ers, "i4in" tem teproper assistance to !or% teir problems #p. 'o remo4e anoter caracters mentalisa&4anta"es te patient m#st contin#o#sly see te psycolo"ist (no less tan o#rs a !ee%)an& s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1 pl#s te amo#nt of Creation Poins (CPs) "rante& by te&isa4antaa"e (e5+ 1K for a Pobia, 1J for Paranoia, etc.). 'e caracter recei4es a bon#s to tisroll e8#al to te &octors le4el in Psycollo"y pl#s an a&&itional 1 for eac a&&itional mont interapy. Only one roll can be ma&e per mont an& only one isa&4anta"e can be !or%e& on at atime. f te patient is a player caracter, ell be &e&#cte& ?S of e4ery sessions e5perience

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points #ntil e pays bac% te amo#nt of CPs "rante& by te isa&4anta"e, !ic are pai& for asan a&4anta"e (CP cost times tree in TP) once te &isa&4anta"e is eale&.

Psycollo"ical 'ort#re+ Caracters !it or more le4els in Psycollo"y also %no! te re8#ire&tools to inflict &ama"e to a caracters psy8#e, sometimes permanent. Psycollo"ical tort#re is aconteste& roll of te &octors Psycollo"y 4s te tar"ets ill Mo&ifier. f te 4ictim loses eac8#ires a temporal mental isa&4anta"e !it a &#ration of K monts (a psycolo"ist can elpremo4e tis isa&4anta"e sooner, ill sa4e &iffic#lty is 1?). 'o ma%e te &ama"e on te tar"etspsyce permanent e m#st s#ccee& consec#ti4e conteste& rolls a"ainst te 4ictim, eacconsec#ti4e time te 4ictim loses e "ets a c#m#lati4e *1 penalty on is ne5t roll.

octors, &etecti4es, teacers, an& se4eral oter people benefit from basic notions of tis s%ill. nor&er to learn te Psycollo"y s%ill, te caracter m#st possess at least le4els in te Perceptions%ill an& an ntelli"ence score of > or i"er.

Rope Tricks ag! A series of tecni8#es for bin&in"7tyin" #p oters, simple an& comple5 %nots, #se of te laso, etc. A conteste& roll is only nee&in" !en acti4ely competin" !it someone else (as in a caracter #sin" te scape s%ill to slip a!ay from bin&in".

Sa$oir*Fare cha!iplomatic tecni8#es for siftin" anoter persons attit#&e fa4orably to!ar&s yo#. /#ccesf#l #seof tis s%ill allo!s te caracter to "et fa4ors, stri%e bar"ains, ac8#ire ne! contacts or allies, an&oter!ise bein" pers#asi4e. /a4oir Fare is not min& control, players m#st be conscio#s of circ#mstances, te oter persons c#rrent moo&, as !ell as te caracters stan&in" !it teperson in or&er to see !eter tey can "et a!ay !it it.Security int!no!le&"e in tecni8#es for te most effecti4e application of sensory e8#ipment an& manpo!er to sec#re a perimeter, basic intelli"ence an& co#nterintelli"ence, tecnical %no!*o! of sec#ritye8#ipment, etc. A ti"er*team attemptin" to penetrate a sec#re& area m#st first bypass its sec#rity!it a conteste& sec#rity roll bet!een te ti"er teams lea&er an& !oe4er is in car"e for tesec#rity of te area. Fail#res on te roll to e4al#ate te sec#rity of an area means means teti"er team !ill re8#ire constant perception rolls (&iffic#lty te sec#rity roll) !it a penalty of – to

a4oi& r#nnin" into sec#rity &e4ices or personel. 9o!e4er, a4in" only one or t!o le4els in tiss%ill means te caracter cant p#ll any feat bi""er tan pic%in" a simple loc% or ot!irin" a car.

Sing cha!/elf*e5planatory. or more ran%s means te caracter sin"s !it professional 8#ality an& canma%e a li4in" from it as soon as e "ets a contract in a recor& o#se. A faile& roll means te son"res#lte& #ninspire&.

Sleight o" Hand ag!'rainin" in mo4in" yo#r an&s 8#ic%er tan te eye can follo!. /#ccesf#l #se of tis s%ill allo!ste caracter to &o tin"s as presti&i"itation tric%s, palmin", pic%*poc%ets, concealin" smallob2ects on is person !ito#t te ris% of &etection, plantin" a trac%in" -b#" on someone !ito#tim noticin", etc. /lei"t of 9an& is resiste& !it a perception roll.

Stealth ag!'rainin" in to mo4in" 8#ietly, passin" #nnotice&, an& fast &etection an& #se of e4ery potentiali&in" place. 'e caracter is not in4isible, b#t #nless an obser4er act#ally sees te caracter,&etection is i"ly #nli%ely. A cas#al obser4er mi"t spot a i&in" caracter !it a perception roll(&iffic#lty te res#lt of te stealt roll) !it a penalty of –, b#t if te contestant is effecti4elyloo%in" for stal%ers ten it becomes a conteste& roll !it no penalties. A caracter can #se stealtfor :sa&o!in"; anoter person by s#ccee&in" e4ery min#te a stealt roll &iffic#lty te tar"etsntelli"encePerception. ile mo4in" aro#n& in /tealt, a caracter can "o as fast as alf isa"ility in e5es per t#rn normally or as fast as is A"ility stat in e5es !it a *I to te roll, any

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faster spee& "i4es te caracter a!ay.

Street+ise int! A "eneral %no!le&"e of te 4ario#s "an"s, &ealers, an& oter criminals tat may be fo#n& in anarea familiar to te caracter, as !ell as bein" able to a4oi& conflicts.

Sur$i$al int!'is is te ability to s#r4i4e in a !il&erness area. 'e caracter %no!s o! to fin& foo& an& !ater,a4oi& azar&s, b#il& selters, an& so on. Ma%e one s%ill roll per &ay spent tryin" to s#r4i4eH fail#remeans te caracter as ma&e some %in& of mista%e (in "eneral, tis can be con&ense& tosayin" tat te caracter as mana"e& to ta%e 1&J &ama"e in all by some means or anoter). Asin"le "#i&e can lea& a "ro#p of people, case in !ic only te "#i&e ma%es /#r4i4al rolls, b#tte roll as a *K penalty.

Chapter 0*d%antages(isad%antages

'e a&4anta"es an& &isa&4anta"es are special 8#ir%s an& traits tat mar% a caracter as anin&i4i&#al an& ma%e im #ni8#e from te rest. A caracter mi"t be i"ly capable !it n#mbers!ile oter is alcoolic !ile some oters may fear spi&ers. A&4anta"es cost yo# caracter points, !ile isa&4anta"es "i4e yo# more points to spen&. /ome of tis traits "i4e caracters a#man*li%e feelin", !ile oters reflect te nat#re of anime mostly.


 Acute Senses ,!'e caracter as one of teir senses #nnat#ral one& to te point e is capable of feats s#c as&istin"#isin" a possible poison in foo& before s!allo!in" it, &istin"#isin" amon" ? &ifferentfra"rances !ito#t fear of bein" mista%en, or :feel so#n&s;. A&& to all rolls re"ar&in" te #se of tat sense. 'e caracter can b#y tis a&4anta"e more tan once, eac time applyin" to a

&ifferent sense (te benefits of b#yin" tis a&4anta"e m#ltiple times &ont stac%). !e?uisites+erception 2&

 Alertness -%le$el!'e caracter is nat#rally alert an& ten&s to react 8#ic%ly. For te first t#rn of combat !en tereis a s#rprise attac%, a&& te le4el of Alertness to te caracterNs initiati4e total.

 Allies $aries!ile a caracters allies are not necessarily at is bec% an& call, teyll #s#ally be tere in timesof nee&. An allys le4el &etermines is #sef#lness to te caracter as !ell as is reso#rces an&infl#ence. An ally is ass#me& to be loyal an& !ill ne4er betray te caracter !illin"ly. 'e player m#st ta%e into acco#nt tese allies are people, not ser4ants or ob2ects, an& mistreatment or ab#se are 4ery li%ely to affect te relationsip, an& teyre not replaceable #pon loss. Allies are

bo#"t separate&ly.:1< -inion A lesser follo!er #s#ally in car"e of menial tas%s, yet tat sa4e te caracter a "reat &eal of time e !o#l&a4e to spen& !rappin" #p all minor &etails imself. 6i%e!ise, minions can be #se& as soc% troops in lar"e "ro#ps.Minions a4e te follo!in" limitations+ 'ey are create& !it > less Attrib#te Points, 1? less /%ill points, an& 1? lessCreation Points tan te caracter !o employ tem. Also, minions &o not "ain e5perience points, an& can ne4er "ro!.Minions are al!ays a4ailable to teir employer, b#t te employer m#st be a!are of teir minions limitations an& so#l&not entr#st tem !it tas%s beyon& teir ability, lest tey instea& become a liability.:0< *sociate A most #sef#l an& competent ally !it reso#rces of is o!n as !ell as access to o#tsi&e reso#rces li%e tepress, te blac% mar%et, etc. 'is ally can pro4i&e information, b#y stolen "oo&s, an& oter!ise pro4i&e :o#tso#rcin";ser4ices. An informant, a tr#sty !eapons &ealer, a ac%er, an& a bo&y"#ar& are all e5amples of associates. Asociates arecreate& 2#st li%e player caracters an& can "ro! !it e5perience points 2#st li%e player caracters &o, o!e4er, tis "ro!tis &one at te e5pense of teir employer+ Asociates are ass#me& to be a4ailable by &efa#lt, b#t e4ery time te employer 

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calls on is asociates ser4ices e is &e&#ce& I?S of is e5perience points for te &ay, tese points #se& for teasociates personal "ro!t.:2< +atron An ally ol&in" i" office in is respecti4e spere of infl#ence, be it a companys CO, te cief of police, acrime lor&, or someone !it a similar &e"ree of infl#ence. 'is ally can pro4i&e special, #ni8#e ser4ices or e4en clean #pafter te caracters messes. As a r#le of t#mb to in&er bot "ree&y players A stin"y Ms, a Patron MA O' betere !ene4er te player caracter A'/, b#t 66 $ tere !ene4er e is .

 Am.ide&trous /!

'e caracter is able to #se bot an&s e8#ally !ell, an& t#s &oes not s#ffer a penalty for #sin"teir off an& (#s#ally *I to te roll).

 Area Speciali0ation 1!'e caracter is partic#larly a&ept at a certain class of mane#4ers (Atletics, 4asion, Foc#s,Grapplin", ic%, eapons, etc.H caracters may not specialize in /#per Attac%s). As s#c,increase te acc#racy of all s#c mane#4er by 1, an& re&#ce teir AP cost by 1 point.

 Attuned /!'e caracter nat#rally att#ne& to te spirit#al nat#re of tin"s. $y ma%in" a Foc#s roll, tey canestimate te Ci of an opponent (re8#ires one t#rn71 AP of concentration). Also, by spen&in" Ci points, yo# can open yo#rself #p to te forces aro#n& yo#, t#s sensin" te "eneral le4els of Ci an& oter ener"y forms in te imme&iate area for te ne5t fe! o#rs. !e?uisite  ot


 Aura o" Po+er 1!'e caracter ra&iates a sense of incre&ible po!er. 'ose !o face tem tat are less po!erf#l(GM &iscretion) !ill be o4ercome by a sense tat te caracter is stron"er an& can cr#s tem(e4en if tat isnNt really te case). 'e A#ra of Po!er a&&s I to any intimi&ation rolls, an& inc#rsa * penalty to all rolls for any opponent less po!erf#l tan yo#.

Berserker /!Re"ar&less of !eter yo# a4e a sort or lon" f#se, !en yo# finally e5plo&e yo# "o for te %ill,an& Go& %no!s yo#re serio#s abo#t it. On te bri"t si&e, !en yo# reac yo#r Ra"e yo#r attac%s a4e a bon#s to &ama"e (instea& of te re"#lar ). On te &o!n si&e, !ile in tisstate, yo# cannot perform any &efensi4e mane#4ers or tactics at all, an& can only retreat from

combat #pon s#ccee&in" a ill roll &iffic#lty 1> or by performin" a super (effecti4ely &epletin"yo#r Ra"e). Combinin" tis a&4anta"e !it te $lin& Ra"e &isa&4anta"e is 4ery &an"ero#s, for itc#ts te only t!o !ays for te caracter to en& is fit of ra"e an& pre4ents im from escapin"combat, tin" tat !ill most li%ely "et im %ille& if es o#tn#mbere&.

Calm -%le$el!'e caracter is nearly al!ays calm an& serene. As s#c, any time te caracter !o#l& "ainRa"e points, roll 1&1? Calm, re&#cin" te amo#nt of Ra"e "aine& by tat amo#nt, to aminim#m of 1 point. at#rally, tis ma%es it 4ery rare for te caracter to reac teir Ra"e, an&t#s tey !ill a4e a ar& time &oin" /#per Attac%s. nstea&, tey can attempt to #se te /#per 

 Attac% tro#" teir mental control ** tis re8#ires a roll on 1&1? Foc#s Calm, a"ainst a&iffic#lty of ? or more.

Common Sense 2! An a&4anta"e mainly for ne!bs tat allo!s a rec%less player to play a ca#tio#s caracter.4erytime te caracter is abo#t to to sometin" o#tri"t /'BP, te GM ma%es an intelli"enceroll for te player &iffic#lty 1, a s#ccess lets te GM to !arn te player of te possibleconsec#ences of is c#rrent co#rse of action.

Costume ,!'e relati4ely minor a&4anta"e ser4es no real p#rpose oter tan to loo% cool. n essence, it"rants te caracter te po!er to stay in teir cosen fi"tin" (or !ate4er) cost#me. en teyare !earin" it, st#ff tat !o#l& b#rn, c#t, or oter!ise &ama"e it may be i"nore& if so &esire&.

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F#rter, if te caracter is not !earin" teir cost#me, tey can &o te :instant cost#me can"e;tric% #se& by many anime caracters, !ereby te caracter tears off !ate4er teyre !earin",by "rabbin" te fabric at te so#l&er an& p#llin" so tat te clotin" bein" remo4e& flies in frontof te camera, obsc#rin" tem from 4ie! for a brief moment, after !ic tey are bac% incost#me an& rea&y to %ic% some ass. For tat matter, if te caracter is really pisse& off (see imin Fatal F#ry te Motion Pict#re), tey can 2#st ca#se te fabric to tear7melt a!ay by seer forceof !ill. epen&in" on te campai"n, te GM may !is to simply &eclare tat tis applies to A66caracters an& be &one !it it.

Cuteness 2!'e caracter is "enerally c#te an& possibly annoyin" to boot. 9o!e4er, in anime c#teness

also ser4es as a nat#ral &efense. Any attempt to inflict &irect pysical 4iolence on a caracter !ittis a&4anta"e re8#ires of a conteste& roll of te attac%ers ill Mo&ifier 4s te &efen&ers

 Appearance Mo&ifier K. 'e only e5ception is if te C#te caracter as committe& a 4iolent acttemsel4esH ten itNs open season.

#arede$il -!$esi&es of te most #s#al sports, te caracter as also practice in #n#s#al pysical acti4itiesli%e sc#ba &i4in", climbin" an& rappelin", #se of &elta "li&ers, an& e5treme sports. Rolls arema&e #sin" te Atletism &iscipline, an& attemptin" to &o any of te aforementione& acti4ities!ito#t tis a&4anta"e imposes a *I penalty. !e?uisites Atletism K.

#e.t%Boon 3!'e caracter !as "rante& a "enero#s boon recently, yet e is #n&er te obli"ation to pay is&ebt or face serio#s conse8#ences. At te moment of selectin" tis a&4anta"e, te GM cec%ste nemy &isa&4anta"e to see !ic %in& of person or or"anization co#l& be able to "rant tere8#ire& boon. ile monetary*type boons are often pai& in %in& an& !it a stip#late& &ate for payment (often !it interests), oter %in& of boons !ill most li%ely re8#ire te in&ebte& caracter to perform a ser4ice for is patron in ret#rn. /o#l& te in&ebte& caracter fails to onor is &ebt,te caracter !ill a#tomatically "ain an nemy (as per te isa&4anta"e) of te patrons le4el.Game masters are enco#ra"e& O' to be consi&erate, te patron so#l& as% for A fa4o#r re"ar&less of ris% to te caracter or !eter accomplisin" te tas% is in is po!er or not<

players selectin" tis a&4anta"e m#st be a!are teyre stri%in" a &eal !it te &e4il.

#edicated (artial Artist 4!'e caracter as &e4ote& imself to te perfection of te ancient fi"tin" arts to te point of &el4in" into te mystical secrets of Cina, Eapan, an& te !orl& in p#rs#it of is "oal. 'ecaracter becomes eli"ible for coosin" amon" te &isciplines, mane#4ers, an& mo&ifiers in teMystic Martial Arts section of te C#ttin" &"e capter (eac can a4e special re8#isites to bemet to#"). Also, te caracter recei4es a CPs &isco#nt on all an&*to*an& combatisciplines an& mane#4ers from te 9an&*to*9an& Combat section of te C#ttin" &"e capter.!e?uisites ot m#n&ane.

#esperation -3!ts sai& tat !en &eat is starin" in yo#r face yo# ten& to mo4e beyon& te realm of !at isnormally possible. Any time te caracter is &o!n to 1*J 9ealt remainin", tey recei4e tefollo!in" mo&ifiers+• 'ey are consi&ere& to al!ays be able to attempt to #se s#per mane#4ers, re"ar&less of Ra"e.• 'ey may spen& any n#mber of Ci points to increase te &ama"e of a mane#4er by 1 per point spent.•  'ey may perform a :berser%er attac%; 4ersion of any non*foc#s attac%in" mane#4er, !ic is #p"ra&e& by one&ama"e cate"ory an& * to AP cost by spen&in" 1 Ci point, b#t tey !ill be completely #nable to &efen& temsel4es tefollo!in" t#rn.

#ou.le*5ointed ,!

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'e caracter is #n#s#ally fle5ible, re&#cin" te &iffic#lty of escape an& climbin" rolls by onefo#rt.

#ou.le 'i"e 3!For !ate4er reason, te caracter ma%es #se of an alternate i&entity in or&er of !ate4er conse8#ences of actions e ta%es as is false persona &ont catc #p !it im on is e4ery&aylife. ate4er actions te caracter ta%es as an !ont ta%e effects in te oter an& 4ice4ersa.5cept for A&4anta"es7 isa&4anta"es !ic are psycollo"ical or pysical in nat#re, all oter 

 A&4anta"es an& isa&4anta"es apply to only one (/pi&erman may be (in)famo#s, b#t Peter Par%er isnt), b#t li%e!ise, A&4anta"es are ac8#ire& at alf price an& isa&4anta"es "rant onlyalf teir CP bon#s. !e?uisites 'e caracter m#st a4e a similar n#mber of &isa&4anta"es an&a&4anta"es. #ramatic Pose ,!'e caracter can stri%e a &ramatic*loo%in" pose more or less at !ill. Opponents cannot attac% attis time, #nless tey s#ccee& a roll of UFoc#s Mo&ifier ill mo&ifierV &iffic#lty 1. 'e caracter can also spen& 1 Ci for a secial effect to appen accor&in" to time an& circ#mstance (a small"#st of !in&, a crac%le of t#n&er, cerry blossoms, etc), "ainin" a K to is ne5t intimi&ation roll

Eidetic (emory 1!

Pro4i&es te caracter !it te follo!in" benefits+ 1 on all &iffic#lt memory*relate& perceptionrolls (&iffic#lty 1 an& i"er), small &etails abo#t tin"s (&iffic#lty 1K an& less) are a#tomaticallyremembere&. 1 on all teory*relate& s%ill rolls.

E&ceptional Attri.ute ,%le$el!ormally caracters cannot a4e teir basic attrib#tes abo4e 1?H for e4ery le4el of 5ceptional

 Attrib#te p#rcase&, te caracter may a4e one attrib#te one point i"er tan 1?, to ama5im#m of 1. 5ceptional Attrib#te &oes O' act#ally "i4e yo# points to raise te attrib#te(yo# m#st reassi"n tem appropriately), b#t merely facilitates it bein" tat i".

Fame ,!o# are a p#blic fi"#re (be it a mo4ie star, martial arts campion, i&ol sin"er, s#perero, etc),!ic ma%es yo# !ell*%no!n, li%e& by many, an& ate& by oters. A&& I to all social rolls.

9o!e4er, te player as !ell as te GM so#l& %eep in min& te consec#ences of life #n&er tespotli"t+ yo#r life !ill al!ays be #n&er constant scr#tiny an& yo#ll ne4er a4e any pri4acyH it !illbe 4ery ar& (if not impossible) for yo# to !al% #nnotice&H people !ill al!ays be 2#&"in" yo#r actions (for better an& !orse) as !ell as teyll ten& to e5a"erate yo#r real abilities. Also, f yo#r fame comes from combat pro!ess, yo#ll recei4e constant callen"es to & in te !il&!est, teres al!ays someone itcin" to beat te fastest "#n.

Fury -%le$el!F#ry means tat te caracter is constantly seetin" !it ra"e an& atre&. n "ame terms tisalso means tat tey al!ays a4e some Ra"e. 'ey are consi&ere& to al!ays a4e Ra"e e8#alto te le4el of teir F#ry.

6host Resources ,%le$el!

For caracters tat cant #se :re"#lar s%ills; to 2#stify an income. Gost Reso#rces are tosecomin" from an #n&eterminate or rater 8#estionable so#rce+ $lac% mar%et &ealers, professionaltie4es, assasins, an& mercenaries can all ma%e #se of tis trait to "et a :stable income; tat instory terms te caracter earne& :off*camera; from 8#ic%, story*irrele4ant crontracts.6e4el 1+ W1,??? B/ a mont6e4el + W,??? B/ a mont6e4el K+ WI,??? B/ a mont6e4el I+ W,??? B/ a mont6e4el + WJ,??? B/ a mont6e4el J+ W>,??? B/ a mont6e4el + W1?,??? B/ a mont

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6e4el >+ W?,??? B/ a mont

6round"ighting 1!'e caracter as practice at fi"tin" prone. 9e only s#ffers *1 AP an& no initiati4e loss at all!en bein" %noc%e& &o!n. 'e ipp#p mane#4er can be p#rcase& for only 1 CP. ile pronete caracter can #se any reasonable combat mane#4er (i.e., any ones tat lo"ically co#l& be#se& !ile on te "ro#n&H GM &iscretion). Caracters !ito#t tis A&4anta"e s#ffer a *I penalty

to all attac%s a"ainst te "ro#n& fi"ter #nless #sin" mane#4ers &esi"ne& for prone oponents.!e?uisites Capoeira OR #n" F# OR restlin", I le4els.

'anguage - each!'e caracter can spea% a lan"#a"e oter tan is o!n. For eac time tis a&4anta"e is bo#"t,te caracter spea%s one a&&itional lan"#a"e.

'a+ En"orcer ,%/%4!o# belon" to a la! enforcement a"ency. 'e 4ersion means yo# belon" to te local policeforce, !ic "rants yo# license to #pol& te la!, b#t li%e!ise yo# m#st a&ere to it firmly(act#ally all caracters can stop ba& "#ys an& so#l& a&ere to te local la!, b#t yo# also "et afat cec% for &oin" so an& &ont !arrant car"es for #s#rpation of office). 'e J 4ersion p#ts yo#into one of te bi" players of national sec#rity li%e te F$, te CA, te /A, yo#r contryNs

nterpol, or e4en as a spy in a miscellaneo#s intelli"ence a"ency, !ic besi&es of te license to#pol& te la!, also allo!s (sometimes, GMs &iscretion) yo# to brea% te la! o4er te co#rse of yo#r 2ob. 'e I 4ersion, on te oter si&e, still allo!s te caracter to be in a bi"*lea"#esor"anization or te army !it all its benefits li%e access to 4eicles, armor, an& military !eaponry,b#t contrary to te J 4ersion, te I 4ersion p#ts te caracter in te lo!est ecelons of tecain of comman&, !ic means te caracter is s#b2ect to or&ers an& lac%s free&om of action,also te e8#ipment an& facilities e can "et are limite& to assi"nation, e is not entitle& to "ettem on re8#isition.

'ight Feet 4!'e caracter is nat#rally 4ery li"t on is feet, an& t#s is able to mo4e faster, 2#mp i"er, an&"enerally mo4e aro#n& 8#ic%ly. o#ble te caracters Mo4ement an& as mane#4ers mo4e(effecti4ely &o#blin" te caracters r#nnin" spee&) an& a&& a bon#s of 1 to te Mo4e of all

mane#4ers tey possess (ass#min" te caracter can mo4e !ile #sin" tat mane#4er in te firstplace).

'ong Reach ,!'e caracters arms a4e a lon"er reac in combat tat !o#l& be normally possible. All yo#r p#nc mane#4ers are consi&ere& %ic%s for p#rposes of attac3 range hierarchies (see capter se4en). n fi"tin" "ames, some bo5ers seem to a4e in#manly lon" arms !en te fi"t starts.!e?uisites *rea Specialiation +unch

'o+ Pro"ile /!Oters tryin" to trac% te caracter by any means s#ffer a penalty to all in4esti"ation*relate& rollse8#al to te caracters ntelli"ence score. A caracter cant a4e bot Fame an& 6o! Profile.

(anager -%le$el!'e caracter as a mana"er, !o an&les te b#siness en& of teir career (i.e., arran"esconcerts or fi"ts, transportation, sce&#les, acco#ntin", fin&s sponsors, etc.). 'e le4el of teMana"er A&4anta"e &etermines o! !ell*connecte& te caracter is.

(anhunter /!o# are #nnat#rally foc#se& !en facin" a sin"le enemy at a time, yo# are probably a bo#nty#nter or professional assasin. Bpon coosin" a sin"le prey, yo# recie4e a 1 bon#s on all rollsre"ar&in" im or er. o# cannot, o!e4er, transfer tat bon#s to anoter tar"et #ntil yo# eiter finis yo#r pre4io#s 2ob or yo# finally "i4e #p completely (if yo# "i4e #p, yo#ll ne4er en2oy tis

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bon#s a"ain a"ainst te ob2ect of yo#r &efeat).

(assi$e 4!o# are #n#s#ally lar"e (m an& i"er), an& e8#ally as stron"+ o#r ealt is calc#late&m#ltiplyin" stamina times fi4e instea& of times fo#r an& recie4e a bon#s on all !ei"t*liftin"rolls.

(ental 'ink ,!'is a&4anta"e "rants a telepatic lin% bet!een t!o (or occasionally more) caracters, #s#allyones !o are t!ins, an& nearly al!ays by psycic caracters. Mental 6in% m#st be pai& for onceby eac person in4ol4e&. Caracters !it a mental lin% can comm#nicate telepatically o4er any&istance, to#" te messa"es sent become more an& more in&istinct !en tey are "et f#rter a!ay.

(entor -!One of te caracters allies (!o m#st be of eiter Asociate or Patron cate"ory) is also a mentor for im in one or more topics, te caracter benefitin" from is !is&om an& e5pertise. Re"ar&in"a n#mber of topics e8#al to te caracters Carisma mo&ifier, e "ets a &isco#nt for increasin"sai& traits of one step m#ltiplier in TP (a s%ill !o#l& cost te c#rrent le4el min#s one, a &isciplinete c#rrent le4el 5K, an& so on, see Game Masterin" capter for &etails). +rere?uisites Allies (I)

or Allies (J).

(illionaire 4!'e caracter may be a i"*office politician, s#ccessf#l b#ssinesman, eir to a fort#ne, etc. As amost ob4io#s benefit, money is not a problem for te caracter, e is al!ays ass#me& to a4erea&ily a4ailable reso#rces. As a si&e benefit, te caracter also en2oys of a i" position insociety as !ell as all infl#ence an& fa4ors money can b#y, besi&es of a4in" te means toen"a"e in economic !ar. 'e caracter, o!e4er, m#st be a!are tat frien&sips ma&e !itin tecorporate speres may or may not be sincere, an& #nless e as tr#e Allies (as per tea&4anta"e) ten e mi"t as !ell fin& o#t te ar& !ay te c#t*troat si&e of life abo4e te "lassceilin". 'e caracters fort#ne also presents a lar"e tar"et for te caracters enemies to stri%eat. !e?uisite Fame.

(onstruos 1!'e caracter is #"ly to te e profits from tat. A&& te caracters penalties on socialrolls &#e to a lo! Appearance score as a bon#s to all intimi&ate*relate& rolls. +rere?uisites

 Appearance I or lo!er.

)ight$ision ,!'e caracter can nat#rally see abo#t I? feet at ni"t. n total &ar%ness, o!e4er, e is as blin&as anyone else.

Po+er o" 'echery 4! As stran"e as it seems, te caracter is able to &ra! stren"t from te po!er of is o!nper4ersion, o4ercomin" nearly any opposition for a s#fficiently attracti4e member of te opposite

se5. 'is is #seless for offensi4e p#rposes, since !en #se& te caracterNs intentions !ill beanytin" b#t 4iolent. en attemptin" to #n&erta%e sometin" to "et closer to is lecero#s "oal,te caracter can a&& te Appearance Mo&ifier of te s#b2ect of is affection to any roll tat&irectly f#rters tat "oal, "ettin" im pysically closer to er, e5cl#&in" /oa% rolls.

Po+er o" Scanty Clothes 4!'e caracter is able to ta%e a&4anta"e of te Re4erse Armor Factor (also %no!n as te QConan'eoremQ) !ereby a ero(ine) in minimal clotin" is far less li%ely to "et #rt in a battle tansomeone in f#ll plate mail. ile #narmore& an& scantily cla&, all &ama"e inflicte& on tecaracter is &o!n"ra&e& one &ama"e cate"ory (ner"y becomes eapon, eapon becomes

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ormal, for &etails on &ama"e cate"ories cec% te Combat capter). 'e caracter &oesnta4e to be necessarily n#&e or in #n&er"arments to recei4e te benefits of tis a&4anta"e b#t, asa r#le of t#mb, clotin" !orn m#st be 1??S form*fittin" an& a minim#m of le"s (#p to te c#r4eof te b#ttoc%s), stomac, an& te #pper alf of te clea4a"e m#st so!. 'e caracter loses allbenefits of tis a&4anta"e !ile !earin" any %in& of armor, an& te caracter cant foolrestrictions by comin" #p !it :cainmail bi%inis; or te li%e. !e?uisites Female, Appearance >or i"er.

Pro*Wrestler /!o#r "rapplin" s%ills are #ni8#e, allo!in" yo# to mo4e too fast in combat !en "rapplin" isconcerne&. All yo#r "rapplin" mane#4ers are consi&ere& %ic%s for p#rposes of attac3 rangehierarchies (see capter se4en). !e?uires *rea Specialiation Drappling&

Punching Bag ,!o# a4e a i" resistance to pysical p#nisment. en bein" p#se& beyon& yo#r n&#rance,yo#r ill sa4es to ta%e action e4ery t#rn a4e a bon#s of K. 'is bon#s is also applicable to illsa4es to resist tort#re.

Shield Training -!'e caracter as recei4e& special trainin" in #sin" siel&s. ile #sin" a siel&, te caracter 

recei4es an& a&&itional to te acc#racy of te $loc% mane#4er. !e?uisites $la&es K.

Sho7o (allet ,!'is A&4anta"e allo!s te caracter (!o m#st be female an& preferably c#te7silly) to breac9ammer/pace, allo!in" tem to it someone !it a mallet. 9o!e4er, tis can only be &one for comical p#rposes, an& t#s &oes no act#al &ama"e. n real combat it cannot be #se& at all.

Short Fuse /!"2on4t cut it0 bub!' ---Wol%erine

o# acc#m#late Ra"e points from so#rces oter tan combat. Any time yo# face sit#ations of an"er or fr#stration, yo# acc#m#late 1&J Ra"e points. 9o!e4er, !en yo# finally reac yo#r Ra"e, yo# a4e to s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty = in or&er not to las o#t !it yo#r best sot atte ob2ect of yo#r an"er at tat same moment, re"ar&less of !eter yo#re in combat or in &inner !it yo#r b#ssiness asociates.

Taunter 1!"5e who gets angry $irst0 looses' ---(opular wisdom

'e caracter is a&ept at ma%in" f#n of is opponents, an"erin" tem #ntil tey finally commit amista%e. On a s#ccessf#l /a4oir Fare roll (Resiste& !it a ill sa4e), te ta#nter can inc#r apenalty to all of te tar"ets rolls e8#al to te &ifference of bot conteste& rolls, s#c penalty

lastin" for &J t#rns. 'e tar"et, o!e4er, "ains an amo#nt of Ra"e points e8#al to is penalties.Bsin" a 'a#nt in combat ta%es APs. !e?uisites /a4oir Fare J.

Techie 4!o# a4e a %nac% for mecanics, electronics, comp#ters, an& e4erytin" relate&. 'e caracter s#ffers no penalties to E#ry*Ri""in" rolls an& en2oys a bon#s e8#al to is Foc#s mo&ifier on alltecnollo"y*relate& rolls (Comp#ter, Comm#nications, n"ineerin", $asic Repair, etc). 6i%e!ise,te caracter en2oys a CPs &isco#nt !en b#il&in" &e4ices from te 9i*'ec section of 8#ipment capter, an& b#il&in" times are al4e&.

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Torture Training /!'e caracter is imm#ne to re"#lar #ses of te nterro"ation s%ill. n or&er to s#ccessf#lly e5tractinformation from te caracter, it is necessary to "o tro#" e5ten&e& perio&s of tort#re, from!ic ntero"ation rolls are are ma&e on a !ee%ly basis. ac passin" !ee% o!e4er impose a*1 penalty on te caracters /tamina roll to resist te tort#re. !e?uires ron ill J.

8engeance /!'e caracter as a score to settle !it a person or persons, an& te caracter as mana"e& toproperly cannel tat "r#&"e in or&er to &ra! stren"t from is atre&, recie4in" bon#ses on allrolls re"ar&in" is s!orn enemy or enemies+ K if it is a sin"le person, or 1 if it is a "ro#p.


 Amnesia *-!'e caracter remembers notin" abo#t is or er past, or anytin" abo#t temsel4es or teir family. 9o!e4er, teir past may some &ay come bac% to a#nt yo#. GMs a4e no reason to bemercif#l abo#t it.

 Anachronism *1!'e caracter seems to li4e in anoter !orl&, one set in anoter storical peroi& oter tan o#r mo&ern !orl&. 9e &ressess o&&ly, spea%s !it ol& accent, an& seems to %no! little (if anytin")of te fr#its of mo&ern !orl& li%e toasters, cable tele4ision... or electricity. 'a%in" tis "#y to anam#sement par% or 6as De"as !ill s#rely frea% im o#t !ile a trip to te Fo#r*Free&om Plazamay pro4e a tr#e c#lt#re*soc% to im. 9e may a4e been raise& in a monastery or some oter o&& place, an& !ill a4e se4eral problems a&aptin" to o#r !orl&, a process tat !ill ta%e time,roleplayin", an& cooperation on te part of te player an& GM. o mo&ern*relate& s%ills can bea8#ire& at caracter creation. As soon as te GM a#torizes it, e may start ac8#irin" s#c s%ills,b#t e as to pay for tem as &isciplines. 9e cant #se melee !eapon s%ills to #se ener"y!eapons.

 Area #i""iculty *1!'e caracter as tro#ble !it one cate"ory of mane#4ers (tis cannot incl#&e /#pers). For allmane#4ers in tis cate"ory, te caracter is at * Acc#racy, * ama"e, an& all s#c mane#4ers

cost an a&&itional 1 APs.

Bad Sight *,!o#r si"t is &effecti4e, p#ttin" a *I penalty on all 4is#al*relate& rolls. 'is &isa&4anta"e can beo4ercome !it te #se of "lasses to#". 9o!e4er, !en in4ol4e& in a fi"t, a N1?N rolle& for anattac% a"ainst yo#r person means yo#r opponent %noc%e& yo#r "lasses a!ay from yo# (allpenalties apply).

Blackmailed *-!'e ac8#isition of tis &isa&4anta"e re8#ires tat te caracter also possess te 63eleton in theCloset &isa&4anta"e, beca#se te caracter m#st possess a &ar% secret first. 'e pl#s of tisa&&itional &isa&4anta"e, o!e4er, is tat someone as %no!le&"e of tat secret, an& !illconstantly be blac%mailin" yo# into &oin" tin"s for im (o! often, o!e4er, is at GMs

&iscretion). 'e GM is enco#ra"e& to #se tis for possible story oo%s.

Bleeder *2! An ol& serio#s !o#n& or &isease left yo# impaire& for life+ e4erytime yo# s#ffer &ama"e, yo# %eeploosin" 1 point of 9ealt per t#rn #ntil yo# &ie or recie4e proper me&ical treatment.

Blind *9!'e caracter is blin&, lac%in" any sense of si"t. As s#c, tey m#st rely on teir oter sensesfor &oin" anytin". Attemptin" acti4ities for !ic si"t is #s#ally re8#ire& !ill a4e penaltiesran"in" from *K or so, to bein" completely impossible.

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Blind Rage */!en yo# reac yo#r Ra"e yo# cannot tell frien& from foe. o# 2#st las o#t ten an& tere #ntilyo# completely &estroy te ob2ect of yo#r ra"e, or yo# &ie. Any ally "ettin" in yo#r !ay !ile intis frenzie& state !ill be percie4e& as an enemy an& treate& accor&in"ly #nless e7se mo4eso#t of yo#r !ay. Also, yo#r Ra"e !ont &eplete #ntil te fi"t finises (for "oo& or ill), an& yo#cant perform supers.

Child *-3!'e caracter is effecti4ely on an a"e of 1I years or yo#n"er, !ic in "ame imposes se4erallimitations beca#se of lac% of mat#rity (pysical, mental, an& emotional)+• 'e cil& recei4es > less Attrib#te points tan te po!er le4el of te campai"n !o#l& &ictate. 6i%e!ise, no basic statcan be abo4e .• 'e ma5im#m le4el te cil& can "et at caracter creation for any non*pysical s%ill is I.• 'e caracter recei4es a *I penalty on all close combat rolls a"ainst a&#lt*size& tar"ets.• Cil&ren a4e no cre&ibility. 'e cil& as a *J penalty on any roll tat in4ol4es te cil& imposin" imself or tatre8#ires people ta%in" im serio#sly. People &i&nt in4ent te sayin" :from te mo#t of babes; 2#st beca#se yo# %no!.

On te flip si&e, o!e4er, bein" cil&ren ass#me& to a4e "reater affinity !it teir spirit#alnat#re accor&in" to some circles of paranormal fans, tese caracters a4e teir base Ci&o#ble&. f te campai"n mana"es to span lon" eno#" for te cil& to "ro! into mat#rity,o!e4er, te caracter "ets is base Ci re&#ce& by 1 points once aban&onin" cil&oo& (1

#man years).

Code o" Honor *-%*,%*/!o# a&&ere firmly to yo#r cosen set of beliefs. 'e * 4ersion &emans mere bra4ery+ loyalty toyo#r b#&&ies, yo#r b#&&yNs foe is yo#r o!n, al!ays a4en"e an ins#lt, etc. 'e *I 4ersion&eman&s onorable bea4ior+ al!ays fi"t fair, ne4er brea% yo#r !or&, ne4er i"nore an ins#lt, etc.Finally, te *J 4ersion (te most compromisin" one), !o#l& be 4ery close to te ci4alric co&e.4ery time te caracter brea%s is o!n co&e of onor, e recei4es no TP tat "ame session an&!ill only recei4e alf TP for te rest of te story (be #n&erstoo& a story as a not*too*lon" span of "amin" sessions).

Chronic #epression *-%le$el!$eyon& te conse8#ences in te caracters animic state, te caracters &epression is a

"en#ine me&ical con&ition, one tat 2#st !ont "o a!ay easily, time &oesnt eal all !o#n&s. acle4el of te &isa&4anta"e imposes a *1 penalty on all sa4in" tro!s, b#t on te flip si&e, its apro4en fact tat &epressi4e in&i4i&#als ten& to be more analytic. ac le4els of te&isa&4anta"e "rant a 1 on all ntelli"ence*relate& s%ill rolls.

#ea" *4!'e caracter is #nable to ear at all. 'ey m#st comm#nicate by !ritin", "est#res, or si"nlan"#a"e. 'e caracter recei4es a *I penalty to combat rolls.

#elusion *-! A &el#sion if a false belief base& on an incorrect inference abo#t e5ternal reality an& firmlys#staine& &espite clear e4i&ence of te contrary. ene4er te caracter is confronte& !itreality in a !ay tat contra&icts is &el#sions, e m#st s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty = not to "et4iolent an&, if te caracter %eeps bein" confronte&, e is re8#ire& to s#ccee& a secon& illsa4e, &iffic#lty 1, in or&er not to enter into a $lin& Ra"e (as per te isa&4anta"e). el#siontypes #sable in "ame incl#&e te follo!in"+• )eusion of 1ontro7 The 'eief that one%s feeings, im"uses, thoughts, or a!tions are not one%s own, 'uthave 'een im"osed 'y some e&terna for!e.• )eusion of (eferen!e7 The !onvi!tion that events, o'8e!ts, or other "eo"e in the !hara!ter%s immediateenvironment have a "arti!uar and unusua signi!an!e 4usuay negative5.•  )eusiona Jeaousy7 The fase 'eief that one%s se&ua "artner is unfaithfu, aso !aed the 9theo)eusion.

• :randiose )eusion7 #n e&aggerated 'eief of one%s im"ortan!e, "ower, knowedge, or identity.• ;ihiisti! )eusion7 # !onvi!tion of non-e&isten!e of the sef, "art of the sef, or others, or of the word. “!an%t move my egs” is an e&am"e.

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• erse!utory )eusion7 The !onvi!tion that one 4or a grou" or institution !ose to one5 is 'eing harassed,atta!ked, "erse!uted, or !ons"ired against.• Somati! )eusion7 # fase 'eief invoving the fun!tioning of one%s 'ody, su!h as the !onvi!tion of a"ostmeno"ausa woman that she is "regnant, or a "erson%s !onvi!tion that he is hideousy ugy orastonishingy 'eautifu when either there is nothing im"ressive a'out him, or it%s a!tuay the o""osite!ase.• Systemati*ed )eusion7 # singe fase 'eief with muti"e ea'orations or a grou" of fase 'eief that the"erson reates o a singe event or theme. This event is 'eieved to have !aused every "ro'em in ife that

the "erson e&"erien!es.

Enemy *,%*/%*4!'e caracter as earne& te !rat of someone !oll foil te caracter at e4ery t#rn an& !illstop at notin" #ntil seein" im &estroye& (not necessarily &ea&). 'is enemy is ass#me& toal!ays a4e te reso#rces to pose a treat as !ell as te persistence not to be able to be ta%en&o!n easily. 'e le4el of te &isa&4anta"e reflects te enemys po!er as !ell as te scope of isreso#rces+:$"< /in"le n&i4i&#al, b#t !it te means to carry on is treats. 'is in&i4i&#al can be a &an"ero#s criminal, an arc*ri4alof te caracter, etc.:$0<  A crime lor&, b#sinessman, or te li%e. 'e %in& of enemy !o can sen& assassins, plant bombs in yo#r apartment,or oter!ise 2#st ma%e yo# &isappear. 'is %in& of enemy is also prone to &irty tactics li%e blac%mailin", tar"etin" toseclose to yo#, etc. 6i%e!ise, yo#r enemys allies an& infl#ences !ill !or% a"ainst yo#.:$2< A corporati4e, i"*ran%in" politician, an& te li%e. 'is enemy is a p#blic fi"#re, possessin" a i" &eal of infl#encean& stat#s in society, an& is "enerally #nto#cable. 'e %in& of enemy !o on a ponecall can "et yo# fire& from yo#r 

 2ob, confiscate yo#r o#se, t#rn yo# into a !ante& criminal, an& oter!ise #se te system a"ainst yo#.

Fanatic *,!'e caracters ca#se is is life, an& comes before anytin" else. 9e fin&s it 4ery &iffic#lt to "etalon" people !o &oesnNt follo! is ca#se (* to social rolls) an& most li%ely !ill "et 4iolent !enis i&eals are 8#estione& (ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1). en force& to en"a"e into acti4ities o#tsi&eis oly cr#sa&e e fin&s imself #nable to fin& moti4ation (*K on all rolls tat &ont &irectly f#rter is ca#se). On te flip si&e, te caracter en2oys a bon#s on ill an& /tamina sa4es a"ainstmin& any form of coersion (pysical or mental tort#re, &r#"s, psionics, etc) tat tries to &i4ert imfrom is ca#se. At te moment of creation, te player m#st be specific as to !at is ca#se is,an& selectable topics m#st be specific an& its scope m#st be narro! eno#" to be consi&ere& aan&icap strayin" o#t of it.;'o maintain te peace; is not acceptable for e5ample, b#t :to maintainte peace in is city; is. :'o fi"t e4il; is not acceptable, b#t :'o fi"t an& &efeat te criminal

element; is.

Filtered Perception *,!9is psy8#e #nable to cope !it an e4ent or aspect of is life, te caracter li4es in a perpet#alstate of &enial re"ar&in" tat specific topic. ene4er te caracter is confronte& !it reality, em#st s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty = not to "et 4iolent an&, if te caracter %eeps bein"confronte&, e is re8#ire& to s#ccee& a secon& ill sa4e, &iffic#lty 1, in or&er not to enter into a$lin& Ra"e (as per te isa&4anta"e). A sil4er*me&al atlete tat is still con4ince& e is te bestin te !orl& or a o#se!ife !ose #sban& beats er an& !ose sons a4e problems !it &r#"s,yet ref#ses to accept tere is sometin" !ron" !it er family &espite er frien&s insistence for er to &i4orce er #sban& are common e5amples of caracters !it tis &isa&4anta"e. n "amemecanics tis loo%s m#c li%e te el#sions &isa&4anta"e, b#t te &ifference lies in tat tee4ent filtere& by tis &isa&4anta"e is "enerally sometin" too ob4io#s to onloo%ers, !ic cantbe conceale&, an& !it !ic te caracter is m#c more li%ely to be confronte& e4ery so often.

Fugiti$e *-%*1!'e caracter is r#nnin" from someone or sometin"+ e may be a criminal, a nin2a r#nnin" a!ayfrom is clan, someone !o o!es money to te ya%#za, an e5periment from a clan&estinelaboratory or te "o4ernment, a ro"#e spy, etc. 'e caracter as to %eep mo4in" an& !ile isprosec#tors may not necesarily !ant im &ea&, te res#lt of capt#re may not be any morepleasin" tan tat. 'e (*1) 4ersion implies te caracters persec#tors a4e a nee& to %eep teiss#e secret, limitin" te case to clan&estine cannels, !ile te (*K) implies te caracterspersec#tors !ill #se bot le"al an& clan&estine cannels, !ic means is face !ill fi"#re in te

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ne!s an& me&ia as a !ante& man an& te caracter !ont be safe any!ere o#tsi&e is i&eo#t.

6ender Bending *-!Close inspection !ill re4eal te caracters "en&er !it ease, b#t #nless e7se &eliberately triesto &ress as is7er o!n "en&er, any cas#al loo% !o#l& a4e te caracter appear to be of teopposite se5. 'e caracters loo%s are also li%ely to alienate is peers, * on all social rolls !en&ealin" !it people of te caracters same se5.

6lass 5a+ *-%le$el!o# are 2#st not !ell*c#t for 4iolence. For eac le4el of te &isa&4anta"e, yo#r n&#rance isre&#ce& by 1.

6ulli.ility */!o# !ill 2#st s!allo! !ole anytin" yo# ear from oters if itNs tol& !it eno#" con4iction. n"ame terms, oters attemps at #sin" te eception s%ill on yo# are #nconteste& rolls (yo# arententitle& a Perception roll to percie4e &eceptions).

Hatred *,!o# ate sometin" or someone !it all yo#r "#ts. n te prescence of te ob2ect of yo#r ate,yo# are re8#ire& a s#ccee& ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1 in or&er not to "et 4iolent.

In"amy *,!For !ate4er reason, yo# are in a ba& stan&in" !it te te p#blic an& maybe te me&ia too.

 Apply a *I penalty to social rolls tat in4ol4e siftin" peoples opinion fa4orably to!ar&s yo#(o!e4er, as a mi5e& blessin", yo# a4e a bon#s on sociall rolls tat in4ol4e li4in" #p to yo#r mean rep#tation).

'echer *-!o# 2#st canNt resist te pro5imity of te opposite se5 !ito#t &oin" sometin" abo#t it. ene4er some member of te opposite se5 !it Appearance or i"er is in yo#r pro5imity, yo# m#sts#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty = not to attemp anytin" in yo#r po!er to "et yo#r !ay !it er(or im). 'is &oesnNt ma%e yo# a#tomatically a se5#al &elinc#ent, 2#st a 4ery annoyin" 4ery li%ely 4ictim of so2o mallets. 'e caracter also s#ffer a –I penalty to social rolls !en

&ealin" !it any member of te oposite se5 (#nless sai& person is li%e!ise as &esperate as yo#are).

'oose Cannon *2!'e caracter, !o m#st be sometin" oter tan #man, ten&s to acc#m#late #"e amo#nts of #nspent ener"y !ic are 4iolently release& !en loosin" control of is temper. 'e follo!in"con&itions all apply as soon as e fills is Ra"e stat an& last for as lon" as te Ra"e episo&e&oes+

 All+• (anged atta!ks "ossessed ike 1hi <asts, ranged "sy!hi! assauts, et!. wi target a random target inthe vi!inity on!e "er turn, roed on d= as foows7

 1) (andom ay

 2) (andom 'ystander

 3) (andom o""onent 4) (andom inanimate o'8e!t

lementals+• +ementa !hara!ters enter automati!ay in +ementa Form.• #nything in the eementa%s ine of sight wi automati!ay 'e !overed in an +ementa $a.• The eementa is automati!ay surrounded in the more destru!tive #rea of +e!t maneuver "ossessed'y the eement7 Fire Storm for re, !e Storm <it* for !e, $rath of ;e"tune for water, $rath of the +arthfor earth>ro!k, Summon Storm for air, ron S"ike $ave for meta, and Morning Star for ight.

sy!hi!s7• sy!hi! !hara!ters have the eve of their sy!hi! advantage as we as that of his dis!i"ines dou'ed.• sy!hokineti! !hara!ters are surrounded 'y a ?ineti! Storm, Tee"aths are for!ed into 9"en Mind state,

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"sy!hi!s a!king these two dis!i"ines are surrounded 'y a ower Storm. Furthermore, su!h ee!ts go onturn after turn as if "ossessing the +&tended @se modier.

Maneuvers mentioned are e&e!uted regardess of whether the !hara!ter "ossessessaid maneuver or not. # ee!ts and maneuvers are e&e!uted at no # or 1hi !ost.

 The !hara!ter has no !ontro whatsoever over the wid 'urst%s duration, targets, ordire!tion, so he wi hurt friend and foe aike, neither he !an shut it down, theout'urst wi ast fu duration regardess of whether he ikes it or not. Aikewise, done

in a !ity or simiar awfu ground, su!h wid 'ursts wi ikey !ause the !hara!ter to 'e!harged with "ro"erty damage, in8uries, and "ro'a'y !asuaties. #fter the wid 'urstends, the !hara!ter is winded u" and di**y 4-= on a ros5 for 2dB turns and his 1hidro"s to *ero. !e?uisites lemental OR Psycic.

(asochist *2!o# 2#st lo4e so m#c o! it #rts. On te &o!n si&e, yo#r /oa% is c#t in alf (yo# to feelit) an& canNt #se mane#4ers li%e Roll !it mpact, an& $rea%fall. o# also canNt p#rcase 4asionmane#4ers. On te "oo& si&e o!e4er, yo#r n&#rance is &o#ble&.

(undane *-3!4en in te conte5t of anime, te caracter is consi&ere& a :mere mortal;. 9e cant freely arnesste force of ci an& so is banne& from te ac8#isition of all traits liste& in te Cutting Edge section

!it te e5ception of /pecial 'rainin" an& 9an&*to*9an& Combat. 'e &ifference bet!een acaracter !o merely opts not to b#y any special traits an& a caracter !it tis &isa&4anta"e,o!e4er, is tat a re"#lar caracter as te option of ta%in" tem later, !ile a M#n&anecaracter !ill ne4er be able to, ne4er.

(ute *2!'e caracter is #nable to spea%. 'ey m#st comm#nicate by !ritin", si"n lan"#a"e, or "est#res.

)egati$e Chi *4!'e person is afflicte& !it cronic ne"ati4e ci contamination, yet someo! is bo&y is still#narme&. 9o!e4er, te caracters so#l &e"enerates o4er time as si&e effect of constante5position+ For e4ery ? spent 5perience Points, te caracter recei4es a isa&4anta"e, tisne! isa&4anta"e is rolle& ran&omly on 1&1? as follo!s+

1< Amnesia"< Anacronism/< $lin& Ra"e0< 9atre& (selecte& after te last e4ent or tin" tat presente& a ba& e5perience for te caracter)< 6ecer 2< Masocist3< O4erconfi&ence4< Pobia (selecte& after te last e4ent or tin" tat presente& a ba& e5perience for te caracter)5< Paranoia1)< /a&ist

n case of rollin" a isa&4anta"e alrea&y possesse& by te caracter, roll a"ain (#nless te res#ltis a pobia or atre&, !ic can be for &ifferent tin"s). Possessin" e"ati4e Ci is not o#t!ar&lyob4io#s to oters most of te time, #nless teir Foc#s is > or i"er, in !ic case teir pysicalappearance is affecte& by it, becomin" more sinister an& &emonic. f te caracter as ener"ye5p#lsion abilities, tey !ill be typically blac% or p#rple in color.

)ose.leeder *-!'e caracter is a typical anime male, combinin" bein" a lecer !it bein" 4ery sy. '#s, !ene enco#nters a !oman e is attracte& to, e !ill attempt to "et in4ol4e& !it er, b#t cic%eno#t, an& finally resort to secretly ta%in" pict#res of er. Also, so lon" as te caracter is a 4ir"in,e !ill "et noseblee&s !en aro#se&.

:.ese *2!o# a4e a se4ere o4er!ei"t problem. M#ltiply yo#r !ei"t times t!o an& a&& tat to yo#r enc#mbrance at all times. A&& te follo!in" penalties+ *K acc#racy on all %ic%s, *J on all /tealt,

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is"#ise, an& similar rolls !ere &iscretion co#nts. o# are easily remembere&. o# can bemassi4e an& obese at te same time. Also, increase te cost of all Atletics mane#4ers by t!opoints.

:.ssessi$e*Compulsi$e #isorder *-%*1!'e caracter is &ri4en to perform a partic#lar rit#alistic action or actions !en a &eterminatecirc#mstance ta%es place, li%e repeate&ly cec%in" is par%e& car is loc%e& properly beforelea4in" it or t#rnin" li"ts on an& off se4eral times before lea4in" a room. 'e OC s#fferin"caracter performs is rit#als to see% relief from obsessions, an& is o4ercome by "reat an"#isan& stress if sai& rit#als are not performe& (te person in te pre4io#s e5ample, a4in" for"ottento triple*cec% is car !as loc%e&, may "o to te len"t of !al%in" bac% %ilometers to ma%e s#reis car is !ell loc%e& as stress an& to#"s of is car bein" stolen beca#se of bein" left open!ere o4erpo!erin" im). 'e (*1) 4ersion implies a non*combat rit#al, a s#btle rit#al, b#t as acon&ition to be acceptable by te GM, te rit#al m#st be e4i&ent eno#" to be notice& bystran"ersH fail#re to comply te caracters rit#als !ill s#b2ect te caracter to "reat stress an&an"#is (*I on all rolls) #ntil e "oes bac% to te place !ere circ#mstances too% place an&rit#als are accomplise&. 'e (*K) 4ersion in&icates a rit#al relate& to circ#mstances in combat,li%e al!ays recitin" a psalm before stri%in" te finisin" blo! on an opponent, tis combat*oriente& rit#al ta%es 1? APs of te c#rrent combat ro#n& an& is prone to interr#ptions (no f#rter 

 AP e5pen&it#re is re8#ire& in te same t#rn if interr#pte& to#"). Contrary to te (*1) 4ersion, te

caracter cannot cose not performin" is rit#als, once te circ#mstance appens, e simply!ont mo4e for!ar& #ntil rit#al is performe&.

:ld Age *-3%*,2!'e flo!er of yo#t as been ta%en a!ay from yo#. 'e *1? 4ersion p#ts yo# in an a"e 1? yearsol&er tan te a4era"e caracter in yo#r campain" settin", !ic means yo# "enerally stic% o#tof te "ro#p an& caracters "enerally feel some!at a!%!ar& in yo#r prescence (* on all non*intimi&atin" social rolls). 6i%e!ise, yo#r pysical con&ition is no lon"er te same as yo#r peers+*K on n&#rance, 5a#stion perio&s, as !ell as all /tamina*relate& rolls.'e 4ersion ma%esyo# effecti4ely an el&er (=? years), * on n&#rance, 5a#stion perio&s as !ell as all /tamina*relate& tolls. 'e GM is also free to %ill te el&erly caracter at any moment e &eems fit for any

 2#stifiable reason (incl#&in" nat#ral ca#ses) as e is alrea&y near te en& of is life.

:ne Hand%Arm *,%*/!o# lost one limb, eiter te an& (*) or te !ole arm (*I), its fair to ass#me it !as yo#r left one(if ri"tan&e&). For a lost an&, yo# s#ffer penalties of *1 to all bloc%in" mane#4ers an& * to all"rapplin" (&o#ble tat for a missin" arm). An a&&itional penalty of *I is impose& on all tas%s tatre8#ire t!o an&s. o# cannot pic% tis &isa&4anta"e if yo# are "oin" to p#rcase teCybernetics c#ttin" e&"e.

:$ercon"idence *,!o#r pri&e in yo#r abilities e5cee&s yo#r abilities temsel4es. o# ta%e #nnecesary ris%s an&accept any an& all callen"es re"ar&less of opponent. o# 2#st lac% te nat#ral an& self*preser4atorial ability of &iscernin" !en te o&&s are stac%e& a"ainst yo#.

Pacemaker */!

o#r eart nee&s artificial assistance to %eep p#mpin" properly. As s#c, te caracter nee&s to%eep a!ay from e8#ipment tat can potentially affect te pacema%ers electrical si"nal li%e massbroa&cast (ra&io7'.D antennae) e8#ipment, ra&iation, stron" electrical noise, an& similar.ene4er e5pose& to potentially armf#l si"nals, te caracter m#st s#ccee& e4ery min#te a/tamina sa4e &iffic#lty from J to = accor&in" to te se4erity of te si"nal. /o far no ospitals offer :tempest ar&enin"; for pacema%ers, b#t in te #nli%ely case te caracter a& s#c opport#nity,ten e !o#l&nt become eli"ible to select tis &isa&4anta"e (as ten e !o#l&nt be e5pose& to&an"er !atsoe4er).

Paci"ism *-; *,; */!

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'e caracter consi&ers 4iolence eiter #nnecessary or immoral. Conse8#ently, tey (*1) mayfi"t, b#t !ill not %ill, (*) !ill fi"t for self*&efense only, or (*I) !ill not commit any acts of 4iolencefor any reason.

Paranoia */!'e caracter as persistent persec#tory &el#sions or &el#sional 2ealo#sy. 'is as se4eralreperc#ssions in "ame+• ene4er someone la#"s in te &istance, e tin%s teyre la#"in" at im, an& !ene4er someone la#"s at im,e is s#re its abo#t sometin" embarassin" (* on all rolls !en tis appens).• f t!o of is frien&s !isper, e s#spects tey may be #p to sometin" teyre not ma%in" im part of, !ic b#il&s in aconstant, passi4e resentment (* on all social rolls, stac%s !it te aforementione&).• ate4er oters may be i&in", e is s#re !ill affect im. (*I APs eac ro#n&, as s#bconscio#sly e is ta%in" morepreca#tions tan e so#l&).• * to resist 'a#nts from caracters !it te 'a#nter A&4anta"e.

/imply p#t, te caracter is con4ice& te !orl& is o#t to "et im. 'e GM is also a#torize& toforce te caracter to can"e any co#rse of action te caracter is ta%in" at is &iscretion as !ellin te name of paranoia.

Pennyless *,!$asically, yo# possess only te sirt on yo#r bac% an& little else. ile re"#lar player caractersare ass#me& to come from te mi&&le class, yo# co#l& be &especti4ely &enomine& &irt*poor. o#

&onNt a4e to be omeless, b#t #nless yo#r l#c% can"es (&rastically) yo# are al!ays ass#me&not to be able to affor& any monetary l#5#ries beyon& te basic nee&s, one or t!o e5tra clotin"can"es, an& a mo&est roof o4er yo#r ea&. 'e GM may also assi"n yo# penalties ran"in" from* to *I on social rolls tat in4ol4e stat#s.

Pho.ia *-!'e caracter as an o4er!elmin" fear of sometin", from !ic tey !ill illo"ically retreat an&a4oi&. 'ere are n#mero#s types of pobias, to#" amon" te more common are insects,cro!&s, open spaces, certain types of animals, close& spaces, etc. Goin" near te ob2ect of tecaracters fear re8#ires a ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1.

Rotten 'iar *1!'e caracters parents ta#"t im lyin" !as a ba& tin" all too !ell, as a res#lt, no! e 2#st cant

&o so, li%e it or not. 'e caracter is barre& from ac8#irin" te eception s%ill, an& attemps to seetro#" attemps of lyin" on te part of te caracter are #nconteste& rolls.

Sadist *1!o# nee& to see te pain in te face of oters, an& !ill e5tract it at all costs. On te "oo& si&e,yo# a4e a 1 bon#s to te &ama"e of all mane#4ers. On te &o!n si&e, yo# a4e a *K acc#racyon all &efensi4e mane#4ers, an& re8#ire to s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1 to retire from a battle,e4en if it means te &ifference bet!een life an& &eat for yo#.

Second*Class Citi0en *1!o# belon" to a social minority or oter!ise &iscriminate& "ro#p (a !oman in te fe#&al 2apan, ablac% man in te 1=?Ns B/A, etc). PeopleNs first reaction !ill al!ays ran"e from contempt too#tri"t ostility+ *I on all social*relate& rolls.

Short *1!o# are #n#s#ally sort for yo#r a"e (cil&, "enetic &!arf, etc). * to te mo4ement an& &asbasic mane#4ers, * acc#racy on all p#nces an& %ic%s !en not in te same e5 as yo#r opponent. 9o!e4er, opponents also a4e a *1 to acc#racy on all non*cro#cin" attac%mane#4ers a"ainst yo# an& * acc#racy on all aerial mane#4ers (yo#r co#nters a"ainst aerialmane#4ers &oesnNt ca#se %noc%&o!n to#").

Shy *,!o# a4e &iffic#lty interactin" !it oters. o# a4e a ar& time "ettin" people to pay attention to

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yo#, as%in" fa4ors, etc. Cannot select te ntimi&ate s%ill as !ell as any oter trait tat in4ol4esimposin" yo#rself. (*I on all rolls tat in4ol4e people payin" attention to yo#r person) /omepeople may fin& yo#r attit#&e c#te to#".

Skeleton in the Closet *,!'e caracter %eeps a sinister secret abo#t imself tat !ill most li%ely r#in is life so#l& it e4er see te li"t+ te caracter may a4e commite& an atrocio#s crime in te past or may %eep asecret i&entity an& li4e a &o#ble life. 'e secret m#st in4ol4e te caracter &irectly an& teconse8#ences of te secret bein" re4eale& m#st treat r#inin" te caracters life.

Suicidal *2!ile te &isa&4anta"e &oesnt re8#ire te caracter to 2#mp off e4ery bri&"e an& railroa&, itin&icates te caracter as simply lost te !ill to li4e. On te flip si&e, e recei4es a bon#s onattac% rolls e8#al to is Foc#s mo&ifier (e isnt &istracte& by self*preser4atory ca#tions), b#tli%e!ise e recei4es a penalty on all &efense rolls (sa4es incl#&e&) e8#al to is ill mo&ifier (nomatter !at e &oes, &eep insi&e !at e !ants is to &ie). 'e caracter, ne4erteless, !ill ma%eoccasional attempts to terminate is life on especially &epressin" times, li%e a so#n& &efeat,personal loss, an& :forcef#lly appy; oly&ays li%e Cristmas (!ic as an amazin"ly i" rateof s#ici&es). en te time comes for s#c s#ici&e attemps, te caracter is re8#ire& a ill sa4e&iffic#lty J to fail is s#ici&e attempt (te caracters le4el in te ron ill &iscipline is not a&&e& to

te sa4e, to#").

<nusual Appearance *,!'e caracter &oesnt nee& to be an alien or s#perpo!ere& m#tant of sorts, b#t for some reasonis appearance is not 8#ite #man+ yo# may a4e o&& s%in color or lon" an& pointe& ears, littleorns, or oter similar #npleasantness. o# !ill ne4er pass #nnotice& amon" cro!&s an& a4e a– penalty on non*intimi&atin" social rolls. o#r appearance, o!e4er, !ile stran"e, is notnecesarily #"ly #nless yo#r Appearance score is lo! as !ell. o# can O' be *onstrous an&a4e Unusual 1ppearance at te same time. 6i%e!ise, yo# cannot ta%e tis &isa&4anta"e if yo#re alrea&y a *utant 1nimal .

Ward *1%*2!o# a4e a &epen&ant #n&er yo#r care. 'e bon#s of te &isa&4anta"e in&icates o!

&efenseless yo#r prote"ee is an&7or o! fre8#ently e (or se) may appear in te story, as !ellas is potential to "et imslef (an& yo#) into tro#bles. ote tat many of yo#r enemies !ill try to"et to yo# tro#" yo#r prote"ee (o#ble ra"on anyone).

Chapter The Cutting Edge

 A caracter can stic% o#t from te rest eiter by m#n&ame means (ie s%ills) or by e5traor&inarymeans. 'e C#ttin" &"e res#mes all s#pernat#ral or m#n&ane ta%en beyon& #man limitsfactors tat ta%e a caracter abo4e te rest.

&)< Special Training

ac form of trainin" elp caracters to e5cel in a specific an& often #ncommon area+ somecaracters to#"en teir bo&ies to be resilient as stones !ile oters ma%e 4eicle combat into asecon& nat#re to tem an& oters master te #se of a sin"le !eapon #ntil t#rnin" it into ane5tension of teir bo&ies. Bnless oter!ise state&, at caracter creation, &isciplines cost eiter caracter points per le4el.

=sing (isciplinesFor tose &isciplines !ic re8#ire of a roll to !or%, &isciplines, li%e s%ills, are #se& rollin" 1&1?

 Ability Mo&ifier iscipline, !it same &iffic#lties as s%ills an& same r#les for conteste& rolls.

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*rts of #n%isibility'e Arts of n4isibility, ori"inally base& on te tecni8#es of p#ppeteers in ab#%i teater, !ere&e4elope& by te in2a in or&er to carry o#t teir clan&estine acti4ities. Practicin" te Arts of n4isibility re8#ires a mi5 of in"en#ity an& mental control tat fe! are capable of. 'e le4el of acaracter in Arts of n4isibility cannot e5cee& is le4el in in2#ts# times t!o, an& only caracters!it te e&icate& Martial Artist A&4anta"e can ta%e te &iscipline past le4el J. en one of tefollo!in" abilities re8#ires a roll to s#cee&, s#c roll is ma&e. !e?uisites in2#ts#.1. -o%e Silently+ 'is is effecti4ely te same as te /tealt s%ill, an& #ses te le4el of Arts of n4isibility for s#c.. .iding+ 'e caracter learns o! to become one !it teir en4ironment, tereby i&in", motionless, !it almost nocance of bein" notice& by te na%e& eye. 'e caracter is "enerally consi&ere& to a#tomatically s#ccee&, to#" !en#n&er close obser4ation tey m#st ma%e a roll to maintain te ill#sion.K. E%asion+ 'is ability lets te caracter i&e bein& someone, follo!in" teir e4ery mo4e so tat tey perpet#allyremain in tat persons blin& spot. A"ain, tis !or%s a#tomatically #nless te oter person is attemptin" to fin& tem.I. Escape+ 'is is effecti4ely te same as te scape s%ill, an& #ses te le4el of Arts of n4isibility for s#c.. (isguise+ 'is is effecti4ely te same as te is"#ise s%ill, an& #ses te le4el of Arts of n4isibility for s#c.J. anish+ 'is ability allo!s te caracter to appear to 4anisH in tr#t tey create a &istraction of some sort (li%e tearcetypical e""sell smo%e bomb), an& ten 8#ic%ly mo4e o#t of si"t. Ob4io#sly, tis re8#ires some!ere to &isappear to, as !ell as a s#ccessf#l conteste& roll of Ao 4s perception.. -ystic #n%isibility+ 'is mystical po!er allo!s te caracter to clo#& te min&s of obser4ers, s#c tat tey simply &ono percei4e im, e4en if it !as acti4ate& !ile tey !ere loo%in" ri"t at im. 'is costs I Ci an& > APs to acti4ate, b#ta&&itional ci m#st be e5pen&e& any time tey mo4e– 1 Ci per 1? APs tey e5pen&.>. -ystic (isguise+ A more comple5 ill#sion, tis po!er ca#ses oters to percei4e te #ser as bein" someone (or 

sometin") else. /o lon" as it is maintaine& te ill#sion is con4incin" to most any 4is#al inspection, to#" it !ill not !or%at all for pysical p#rposes. Maintainin" te ill#sion costs Ci per min#te, an& a roll is re8#ire& to pro&#ce a con4incin"ill#sion.=. Shadow Copy+ 'e nin2a creates se4eral ill#sory replicas tat copy is mo4ements. Acti4ation costs Ci an& J APs,pl#s 1 Ci per eac replica an& maintainin" te replicas cost 1 Ci per replica an& 1 AP eac a&&itional t#rn. 4ery timete nin2a is it roll a &ie (te &ie correspon&in" to te n#mber of replicas 1), any n#mber rolle& oter tan a -1 its areplica instea&. Gost replicas are armless by temsel4es, b#t if te nin2a inf#ses eac copy !it a&&itional Ci at temoment of acti4ation, te replicas can ca#se act#al &ama"e to &emons an& creat#res !it ne"ati4e ci, &ama"e e8#al tote Ci points in4este& in eac replica.

*thletismot a :special trainin"; per se as rater a practice of se4eral pysical acti4ities. Football,"ymnastics, r#nnin", s!immin", etc. ac le4el of Atletism increases te caracters base AP byone. 'e le4el in te Atletism &iscipline is a&&e& to te acc#racy of te o&"e, E#mp, /o#l&er /mas, 'ac%le, an& Pin $asic mane#4ers as !ell as tat of all oter Atletics mane#4ers, !ic

can be p#rcase& #sin" te le4el of Atletism instea& of a 9an&*to*9an& style.

Blind 9ighting'is &iscipline teaces te caracter o! to #se all of teir oter senses to fi"t !en blin&e&.

 Any time te caracter cannot see an& attempts to fi"t, tey may ma%e a $lin& Fi"tin" roll tone"ate te #s#al penalties for blin&ness (* to all rolls, APs are al4e&) as tey pertain to fi"tin"for te &#ration of te t#rn, to#" tey !ill be at * APs.

Body .ardening$o&y 9ar&enin" refers to any n#mber of e5ercises !ic ma%e te bo&y resistant to &ama"e.'e le4el of $o&y 9ar&enin" is a&&e& to te /tamina stat for any rolls re"ar&in" en&#rance or oter!ise en&#rin" pysical p#nisment. For e4ery le4el of $o&y 9ar&enin", a&& 1 to tecaracters /oa% stat (see te r#les section for more &etails), pl#s, for e4ery le4els, a&& 1 to

te Caracters n&#rance stat. 'is &iscipline costs Kcaracter points per le4el at caracter creation.

Combat (ri%ing>+ilotingDery pop#lar amon" bi%ers, mobsters, an& te li%e, Combat ri4in" is merely practice in 4eicle*to*4eicle combat. 'e caracters le4el in Combat ri4in" can be #se& as combat style le4el for te p#rposes of performin" offensi4e st#nts li%e p#sin" ri4al cars off te roa& or attac%in"oponents !it an&*to*an& or melee !eapon mane#4ers !ile &ri4in" a motorcycle. /#cattac%s are e5ec#te& safely !ito#t te nee& of &ri4e7pilot rolls to maintain control of te 4eicleor s#c incon4eniences. Caracters tat &oesnt posses te Combat ri4in"7pilotin" &iscipline

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can try to &o&"e attac%s from oponents tat &o, b#t !it a penalty of –. 'e caracters le4el incombat &ri4in" cannot e5cee& is le4el in te dri%e7pilot s%ill.

#ron 'ill'e &iscipline of ron ill essentially ser4es to b#il& mental fortit#&e, pro4i&in" a &efense a"ainstany attac% tat affects te caracters psyce. For any s#c attac%, te caracter may a&& tele4el of ron ill to teir total for attemptin" to resist it.

-editationMe&itation is a tecni8#e !ereby te bo&y is %ept motionless an& te min& stays in a clear,calm, restf#l state. Alto#" by no means a s#bstit#te for sleep, me&itation is 4ery rela5in", an&f#rter allo!s for more rapi& restoration of spent Ci points. A caracter may spen& #p to K?min#tes me&itatin" per le4el of te Me&itation iscipline. For eac K? min#tes ma%e a roll on1&1? Foc#s Me&itation a"ainst a &iffic#lty of 1H for e4ery point tat te total e5cee&s 1, tecaracter re"ains one Ci point.

ital +oints'e art of to#cin" 4ital points, %no!n as atemi or 3yusho in Eapan, tien-hsueh in Cina, 3uepsoin orea, huyet in Dietnam, an& raihasia in n&ia. ate4er yo# call it an& o!e4er yo# #se it, it iste ability to to#c &ifferent points on te bo&y to tri""er ner4es an& t#s ca#se te bo&y to react

in &ifferent !ays. 'ose s%ille& in te art of 4ital points can be 4ery po!erf#l, able to %ill or eal!it a to#c. A 4ital point stri%e can be resiste& !it a /tamina sa4e.

Caracters can a4e a le4el in Dital Points as i" as teir le4el in teir fi"tin" style, !ic m#stbe internal in nat#re, an& only caracters !it te e&icate& Martial Artist A&4anta"e can ta%e te&iscipline past le4el I. !e?uisites alaripayit OR #n" F# (prayin" mantis) OR in2#ts# OR 'aiCi.1. .ealing+ 'e first tin" anyone !o learns te 4ital points is ta#"t is o! to eal. $y ma%in" a s#ccessf#l Dital Pointsroll, tey can #n&o te effects of te Dital Point attac%s of Pain, Paralysis, eafness, an& $lin&ness !it b#t a to#c.en carin" for someone !o is in2#re&, tey !ill increase te rate of ealin" by 1&J 9ealt per &ay.. *d%anced .ealing+ 'e caracters ealin" abilities are no! impro4e& to te point tat tey can #n&o any 4ital pointsattac%, an& !en carin" for someone increase te rate of ealin" by an amo#nt e8#al to te ealers le4el in Dital Points.K. +ain+ it a to#c te caracter can stri%e a 4ital point tat !ill ca#se 4ictims e5cr#ciatin" pain, res#ltin" in a *K penaltyon all &ie rolls, an& a re&#ction of *K points to te caracters a4ailable APs for te ne5t 1&J(Dital Points le4el) t#rns.I. +artial +aralysis+ 'e caracter is capable of paralyzin" one of an opponents limbs !it a to#c. f a "i4en limb is

s#ccessf#lly paralyze&, te caracter loses te #se of tat limb for te ne5t &J min#tes, an& tis inc#rs a penalty of *K toall rolls, an& * to Mo4e if it is a le".. 9inger Snap+ $y performin" a special sort of :fin"er snap,; te attac%er can &isr#pt an opponents inner ear, t#sca#sin" tem to lose all sense of balance, an& t#s be at * to all rolls, an& incapable of %ic%in" for K&J min#tes.Performin" a Fin"er /nap attac% re8#ires tat te attac%er be in te same e5 as te opponent, an& ma%e an attac% roll(1&1? A"ility Dital Points).J. Blindness+ $y ma%in" a precise stri%e 2#st belo! te 4ictims eyes, te attac%er can ren&er tem completely blin& for 1&J o#rs. attempts to ma%e s#c a stri%e are ma&e at * on te roll. A s#ccessf#l roll !it impact or brea%fall !ill re&#cete &#ration to I&J t#rns.. 9ull +aralysis+ $y ma%in" tree s#ccessf#l partial paralysis stri%es, te caracter can completely paralyze an opponentfor &J min#tes, ren&erin" tem elpless.>. Blood 9low+ $y caref#lly stri%in" at 4eins, te caracter can &eli4er a painf#l attac% !ose effects are 4irt#allyimpossible to resist. 'is m#st be #se& !it a narro!*impact an& stri%e, s#c as a Fin"ertip Attac% or n#c%le Fist, an&inflicts an a&&itional K &ama"e, !ic cannot be soa%e&.=. (islocation+ islocation "i4es te caracter a %no!le&"e of &ama"in" bone*loc%in" tecni8#es !ic a4e beeno#tla!e& from most styles. Bsin" tis re8#ires tat a Eoint 6oc% be initiate&. f it is s#ccessf#l an& &islocation is #se&, te

attac%er can coose to inflict normal rater tan st#n &ama"e !it te Eoint 6oc%.1?. Chi (isruption+ 'is po!erf#l tecni8#e allo!s te caracter to completely &isr#pt te capacity to control ci inanoter person. f tis stri%e is &eli4ere& s#ccessf#lly, te 4ictim cannot #se any mane#4ers !ic re8#ire ci. f tey areable to roll !it impact or brea%fall, tey !ill merely lose &JK Ci points. Bsin" tis attac% re8#ires tat te attac%er &etermine !ere te opponents ci center is (as it 4aries from person to person), an& t#s m#st obser4e tem for tenmin#tes (or 1&J ro#n&s if tey are ma%in" #se of teir ci in some !ay).11. *mnesia+ 'r#e masters of te art of 4ital points can ca#se amnesia in oters by caref#l application of press#re to&ifferent points on te ea&. 'is ability cannot be #se& in combat, since it normally re8#ires at least a min#te or so toperform, !ito#t interr#ption. t can be #se& in tree !aysH 4ictims can be ma&e to for"et an e4ent a fe! min#tes a"o (in!ic case te memory eras#re is complete an& permanent), to ma%e a 4ictim for"et teir normal morals (in !ic case itlasts 1&J &ays), or to erase a persons entire i&entity (in !ic case it !ill last only a fe! o#rs, #nless te attac%er spen&s A66 of teir Ci, in !ic case it !ill last 1&J &ays).

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1. +uppet (ance+ 'is rater eerie tecni8#e allo!s te caracter to "rasp anoter person by te nec% an&, by applyin"press#re, animate tem li%e a p#ppet. Bsin" P#ppet ance re8#ires tat te attac%er "rab te bac% of te 4ictims nec%(ma%e an attac% roll), an& ten spen& t!o t#rns to "et a feel for te &ifferent press#re points tat m#st be #se&H &#rin" tistime te 4ictim can attempt to p#ll a!ay, b#t after tat, tey cannot. Once te attac%er as control of is 4ictim, e canma%e tem carry o#t most any normal acti4ities, to#" tose !ic re8#ire rolls are ma&e at *>. Also, !ile #sin" tispo!er, te caracter cannot #se any mane#4ers !ic re8#ire ci or any oter forms of 4ital point attac%s. F#rter, te&istraction of !or%in" teir :p#ppet; means tat teir APs are al4e& an& tey are *I on all combat rolls.

.1) 9an&*to*9an& isciplines

Follo!in" is a sort &escription of 4arie& combat styles. 9an& to 9an& combat styles cost Kcreation points per le4el at caracter creation, b#t a4e te a&4anta"e of increasin" tecaracters base Action Points by 1 per a&&itional le4el.

,earning -ultiple Styles Ac8#irin" m#ltiple an& to an& combat styles "rant te acc#racy mo&ifiers as !ell as te /pecialfeat#re of te ne! styles, b#t not teir startin" mane#4ers. F#rtermore, a caracters base APonly increases by ta%in" le4els in is style !it te i"est le4el, !ic is ass#me& to be isprimary style. Caracters can ac8#ire a ma5im#m n#mber of styles of 1 per eac K points in teir Foc#s score.

Style (escriptions•  +rere?uisites+ Certain styles a4e re8#irements to be met, #s#ally in te form of s%ills of some sort, attrib#tes abo4e a certain le4el, etc.H if any s#c prere8#isites are liste&, yo#r caracter m#st meet tem in or&er to learn te style.• Basic -aneu%ers+ 'ese are mane#4ers !ic are a#tomatically "aine& !en te caracter learns tis style. Mane#4er restrictions are li%e!ise mentione& ere.• *ccuracy -odifiers+ /tyles often "rant a bon#s to te acc#racy of some mane#4ers !ileinc#rrin" penalties on oters (see Bsin" Mane4#ers).• Special: Some styes have inherent trademarks that make them uni6ue and givethem an edge a'ove the rest. # stye%s s"e!ia feature is ony a!6uired on!e the hasat east C eves in it.• @uote+ A 8#ote from a practitioner of te style tat sort of s#ms it all #p.

*ikidoPartly &eri4e& from te earlier Ai%i2#ts# style, Ai%i&o !as create& by Moriei Besiba in 1=I, inan attempt to create a more &iscipline&, pilosopical approac to self*&efense. t is a &efensi4emartial art base& aro#n& #sin" te opponents motions a"ainst tem, concentratin" more on&isablin" tan armin" opponents. Offensi4e stri%es are not absent from Ai%i&oH tey aresometimes necessary to pro4o%e an opponent to attac%, t#s res#ltin" in sometin" toco#nteract, an& some scools of Ai%i&o train (to 4aryin" &e"rees) !it melee !eapons, mostoften te 2o, bo%%en, an& tanto (a %nife), in or&er to &eal !it arme& attac%ers, as !ell as tof#rter impro4e te st#&ents #n&erstan&in" of Ai%i&os mo4ement, &istancin", an& timin".•

  A4ailability+ Ai%i&o scools can be fo#n& in most ma2or cities tro#"o#t te !orl&, to#" te best trainin" can only bea& in Eapan.• Prere8#isites+ Foc#s • $asic Mane#4ers+ $o&y Flip, Eoint 6oc%.•  Acc#racy Mo&ifiers+ 1 Foc#s an& Grapplin" mane#4ers, *1 P#nc an& ic% mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 $hen using "ro8e!tion-oriented gra""ing maneuvers 4as shouder throw5, the #ikido e&"ert !an!hoose to use either his Strenght modier for damage, or that of the o""onent 4whi!hever is higher5.• #ote+ :Ancor yo#rself, an& &o not allo! yo#rself to be mo4e&. 'at is te essence of Ai%i&o.;

Bo;ing$o5in" is a style of fi"tin" tat relies solely on p#ncin", an& 4ario#s forms of bo5in" !ere

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practice& by many &ifferent ci4ilizations. 'e form of bo5in" tat is !i&ely practice& to&ay, am#ltimillion &ollar sport, is sai& to a4e be"#n some ?? years a"o !en /t. $ernar& ta#"t it toyo#n" men to %eep tem from fi"tin" !it %ni4es. Matces !ere fo#"t bare*fiste& an& ille"ally,#ntil in 1>J, !en te Mar8#is of #eensberry create& a formalize& set of r#les for bo5in" tatma&e it a safer, more :mercif#l; sport.•  A4ailability+ Alto#" it is not ta#"t in te manner of oter fi"tin" arts, f in&in" a "ym or some!ere similar to learnbo5in" is e5cee&in"ly easy.

• Prere8#isites+ /tren"t J• $asic Mane#4ers+ 9oo% P#nc, /i&estep. Cant #se ic% mane#4ers.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ P#nc mane#4ers, 1 $loc% mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 un!h atta!ks from an e&"ert 'o&er that sur"ass the defender%s ro 'y C "oints or more deiver?iing )amage.• Duote7 “)on%t give me any of that fan!y !ra". hit Eem, they down go down, sim"e”.

Brawling$ra!lin" is not so m#c a martial art as a practice& s%ill in %ic%in" ass. n p#re an&*to*an&battles, bra!lers are rarely a matc for real martial artists. 'e most impairin" aspect of tebra!lin" style is its restrictions on ac8#irin" mane#4ers, b#t if yo#r caracter :2#st %no!s o! tofi"t; ten tis is te style for im. 'is Combat style costs CPs per le4el at caracter creation,is pai& for in TP as a non*combat iscipline instea& as of a an&*to*an& style.•  A4ailability+ f yo# li4e on te streets, yo# can learn to bra!l.•

 Prere8#isites+ one• $asic Mane#4ers+ one.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ one. Cannot ac8#ire 5pert or Master Mane#4ers. • #ote+ :f yo# tin% cant fi"t, yo# "ot anoter tin" comin".;

CapoeriaCapoeria is an #n#s#al martial art tat ori"inate& in $razil. t !as create& by sla4es bro#"t to$razil from Africa, !o create& it in a manner parallel to %arate, #sin" !ate4er !as a4ailable totem for &efense, incl#&in" s#"ar cane %ni4es an& K7I staffs. As sla4es, tey a& to &is"#ise teir st#&y of te art, an& &i& so by ma%in" &ance central to its principles, ma%in" it a i"ly acrobatic,rytmic form. t !as also &esi"ne& to allo! tem to fi"t !ile teir an&s !ere caine&, an&t#s relies ea4ily on %ic%s an& little on mane#4ers !ic re8#ire te #se of te an&s. Capoeriais normally practice& almost as a stylize& &ance, carrie& o#t in a circle %no!n as a roda, to tet#ne of 4ario#s perc#ssion an& oter instr#ments.•

  A4ailability+ Capoeria is 4irt#ally #near& of o#tsi&e its nati4e $razil, to#" tere are a fe! scools scattere& ere an&tere tro#"o#t te !orl&.• Prere8#isites+ A"ility J• $asic Mane#4ers+ Foot /!eep, /pinnin" 'r#st ic%, M#sic Foc#s. Cant #se P#nc mane#4ers.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ ic% mane#4ers, 1 Atletics mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 +&"erts add haf their eve in the )an!e ski to a #theti!s and +vasion maneuvers whieistening to musi!.• #ote+ :6ets &ance a little...;

.warang$(oOne of te most comple5 of te martial arts, 9!aran"*o is a orean style create& some ,???years a"o. t ori"inate& !it a $#&&ist mon% name& on !an" $opsa, !o &e4elope& testyle tat #ltimately became 9!aran"*o. A master of 9!aran"*o prefers to ta%e time toe4al#ate is opponent before attac%in", an& ten&s to co#nter incomin" attac%s more taninitiatin" is o!n. 'e response to an attac% !ill #s#ally be in some !ay oppositeH linear attac%s

s#c a p#nces an& %ic%s !ill be co#ntere& by circ#lar responses s#c a parries or tro!s.9!aran"*o ma%es consi&erable #se of !eapon tecni8#es, an& also is rep#te& to "rant an#mber of s#pernat#ral abilities.•  A4ailability+ Fin&in" a 9!aran"*o scool is &iffic#lt in te B./., an& te easiest !ay to fin& s#c a scool is to "o tooreaH in /o#t orea tere are a n#mber of monasteries !ere it is ta#"t, an& in ort orea te Comm#nist"o4ernment as con4erte& t!o monasteries into martial arts scools, often #se& to train a"ents for oter Comm#nistco#ntries.• Prere8#isites+ orean OR Mentor • $asic Mane#4ers+ Crescent ic%, Foot /!eep, eel ic%• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 ic% Mane#4ers, *1 P#nc Mane#4ers.• #ote+ :'e ability to fi"t is a "ift to be #se& for self*&efense. o# m#st ne4er fi"t to create 4iolence.;

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Feet Gune (oEeet #ne o, :te !ay of te interceptin" fist,; is te martial art create& by te le"en&ary $r#ce6ee. 9e assemble& E after st#&yin" co#ntless oter styles, catalo"#in" te 4ario#s tecni8#esan& !ays in !ic te #man bo&y co#l& be #se& in combat, an& syntesizin" tem into asimple, 4ersatile fi"tin" style !it no patterns or preconcei4e& notions.•  A4ailability+ /ince 6ees &eat, E as become an e5tremely pop#lar an& !i&ely ta#"t style, an& instr#ctors of te

style can be fo#n& innearly any city.• Prere8#isites+ one• $asic Mane#4ers+ /elect any p#nc or %ic% mane#4ers totalin" #p to CPs in cost.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ one.• S"e!ia7 +&"erts add their nteigen!e modifer to a !om'at ros 4e&!e"t damage5.• #ote+ :9ey, !ate4er !or%s.;

FuHutsu>FudoE#2#ts# is a Eapanese fi"tin" style base& on fi"tin" tecni8#es tat "o bac% more tan 1,??years, to#" te term :E#2#ts#; (also spelle& :Ei#2its#;) !as not #se& #ntil te 1J??s, a time!en Eapanese martial arts as a !ole !ere mo4in" a!ay from !eapone& styles to !eaponlessones, !ic !ere collecti4ely calle& E#2#ts#. E#2#ts# is primarily a "rapplin" art, te 4ario#sstri%es an& !eapon tecni8#es a4in" been remo4e& some time a"o. Practitioners can ma%e #seof le4era"e, !ei"t, an& moment#m to tro! opponents tree times teir !ei"t. More pop#lar is

te mo&ern sportin" form of E#2#ts#, calle& E#&o, !ic is a little bit simplifie&. E#&o is commonlyta#"t for self*&efense p#rposes, an& also &istin"#ise& as bein" te only martial art to beincl#&e& in te Olympics.•  A4ailability+ E#2#ts# an& E#&o can be fo#n& in scools all o4er te !orl&.• Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , A"ility • $asic Mane#4ers+ $o&y Flip, $rea%fall, Foot /!eep. Cant #se P#nc or ic% mane#4ers e5cept for Foot /!eep an&ron $room.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ K Grapplin" mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 $hen using "ro8e!tion-oriented gra""ing maneuvers 4as shouder throw5, the "ra!titioner addsthe o""onent%s Strenght modier to his own for damage.• #ote+ :'e ar&er yo# attac%, te ar&er yo# !ill fall &o!n. o# m#st ben& an& become stron"er for te fle5ibility itaffor&s.;

Galaripayitalaripayit, :battlefiel& practices,; is a style from so#tern n&ia, base& on a form of bo5in" #se&

by te $raman caste !ic &ates bac% to te Jt cent#ry A alaripayit stylists train in fo#r le4els of fi"tin"H %erum3ai (#narme&), 3olthari (stic%*fi"tin"), angarthi (oter !eapons), an&marumadi (%no!le&"e of 4ital points). Master of alaripayit are %no!n as gurus, !o are s%ille& inte Ay#r4e&ic ealin" system of n&ia.•  A4ailability+ alaripayit is not ta#"t o#tsi&e n&ia, !ere practitioners train #n&er "#r#s !ose trainin" compo#n&salso ser4e as :ospitals; for te practice of te ealin" arts.• Prere8#isites+ Me&icine at or i"er, at least one le4el in Dital Points.• $asic Mane#4ers+ $o&y Flip, $rea%fall• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 Foc#s Mane#4ers.• #ote+ :Fi"t only for self*&efenseH !ene4er possible, eal rater tan #rt.;

Garatearate*&o, or :te !ay of te empty an&,; is a martial art tat ori"inate& in O%ina!a, an& assince sprea& all o4er Eapan. t is belie4e& to a4e been starte& !en #n" F# !as mi5e& !it te

O%ina!an style %no!n as :te,; meanin" :an&,; !ic, at te time, !as a 4ery ro#" fi"tin" stylesimilar to estern bo5in". 'ere are co#ntless &ifferent s#bstyles of %arate, lar"ely &i4i&e& intote cate"ories of bein" Eapanese or O%ina!an, te &ifference bein" tat O%ina!an styles ten& toconcentrate more on ri"oro#s pysical trainin", !ile Eapanese styles a4e lon"er, more stylisticmo4ements. Most O%ina!an forms of %arate also train to some &e"ree in %ob#&o, te :ancientmartial !ays.; 'is is essentially trainin" in a 4ariety of melee !eapons, incl#&in" te bo, sai,n#nca%#, rope7cain, %ama, an& tonfa, an& occasionally oters.•  A4ailability+ o2os for 4ario#s styles of %arate can be fo#n& all o4er te !orl&. t as become one of te most!i&esprea& martial arts in e5istence.• Prere8#isites+ /tren"t J, A"ility J• $asic Mane#4ers+ nife 9an&, Roll it mpact

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• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 eiter P#nc OR ic% mane#4ers (coose one).•  #ote+ :A fi"t so#l&nt be abo#t money, or e4en !innin" or losin". ts abo#t "i4in" all yo# a4e an& impro4in"yo#rself tro#" combat.;

Gempoempo is an #n#s#al art !ic &ates bac% #n&re&s of years. t is belie4e& to a4e ori"inallybeen base& on a form of #n" F# %no!n as C#an Fa (:fist meto&;), !ic at tat time

inte"rate& portions of bot te ori"inal C#an Fa style an& te art of /i Pa 6o 9an /o, teori"inal series of e5ercises tat became te basis of #n" F#, !ic as been lost #ntil ten.C#an Fa #ltimately came to O%ina!a, Ry#%y#, an& Eapan, s#ppose&ly from a !an&erin"Cinese mon% !o ta#"t te style to oter mon%s all across Eapan. 'e C#an Fa style !asalso bro#"t to Eapan by many oters o4er te ne5t fe! cent#ries. n te 1t cent#ry empocame to te islan& of y#s# in Eapan, an& !as mo&ifie& o4er te years to reac its c#rrent form,!ic mi5es tecni8#es from &ifferent styles of #n" F# an& E#2#ts#, to#" it also so!ssimilarities to 'ae !on o, arate, Ai%i&o7Ai%i2#ts#, an& in2#ts#. Many empo teacers professte cree& of constantly incorporatin" ne! tecni8#es to teir style.•  A4ailability+ empo is ta#"t to 4aryin" &e"rees all o4er te !orl&, to#" it is most common in Eapan.• Prere8#isites+ one• $asic Mane#4ers+ nife 9an&, Roll it mpact• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 to eiter P#nc OR ic% Mane#4ers (coose one).• S"e!ia7 +&"erts gain # in!rease from any se!ondary hand-to-hand stye as we as his "rimary one 4asong as said stye is ?em"o of !ourse5.• #ote+ :'e roa& to perfection is al!ays pa4e& !it &iffic#lties. f yo# a4e te stren"t to o4ercome tem, ten yo#!ill be a tr#e !arrior.;

Gung 9u#n" F# (:s%ill an& effort;) is an ancient martial art tat ori"inate& in Cina. t is sai& tat a$#&&ist mon% name& $o&iama tra4ele& from 'ibet to Cina, an& came #pon te /aolinmonastery. 'e mon%s tere so#"t spirit#al enli"tenment, b#t !ile &oin" so ne"lecte& teir bo&ies, an& t#s !ere !ea% an& frail. 'e 'ibetan mon% ta#"t tem a series of e5ercises for ealt, tat !ere #ltimately &e4elope& into te /aolin #n" F# style, !ic is re"ar&e& as tefirst. o oter style as more s#b*styles tan #n" F#, o!e4er. 'ere are estimate& to be o4er 1,?? of tem, to#" many are closely "#ar&e& secrets, %no!n only on mainlan& Cina. #n"F# incl#&es bot internal an& e5ternal styles, to#" it is common for st#&ents to st#&y t!o or more s#c styles. $eca#se of te tremen&o#s 4ariety of %#n" f# styles, a caracter !o selects

tis style is ass#me& to a4e st#&ie& a n#mber of s#c styles to some &e"reeH see te 'ras/o#rceboo% for information on specific styles of #n" F#..•  A4ailability+ Dario#s styles of #n" F# are ta#"t in scools all o4er te !orl&, an& is #p tere !it arate in terms of bein" !i&esprea&.• Prere8#isites+ A"ility >, /tamina • $asic Mane#4ers+ Crescent ic%, nife 9an&.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 Foc#s mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 +&"erts add their Fo!us modier to a !om'at ros 4e&!e"t damage5.• #ote+ :E#st beca#se yo# a4e fo#n& peace !it yo#rself &oesnt mean yo#4e fo#n& peace !it oters.;

-uay ThaiM#ay 'ai, also %no!n as 'ai ic%bo5in", is te national sport of 'ailan&, an& one of te mostbr#tal martial arts in te !orl&, &e&icate& entirely to combat. 'rainin" is as intense as teapplication of te style, an& all aspects of it are mi5e& to some &e"ree !it rit#al an& s#perstition.4ery fi"t is be"#n !it a rit#al &ance, %no!n as te Ram M#ay, !ic can tell a "reat &ealabo#t a fi"ter. Practically e4ery boy in 'ailan& &reams of bein" a campion %ic%bo5er, an&tere are some to#rnaments for !omen as !ell, to#" tese are a relati4ely recent&e4elopment, res#ltin" from tem finally o4ercomin" s#perstitions re"ar&in" !omen brin"in" ba&l#c% to matces.•  A4ailability+ M#ay 'ai is, for te most part, ta#"t primarily in 'ailan&H o#tsi&e its nati4e co#ntry it is 4ery rare.• Prere8#isites+ /tren"t J, /tamina J, A"ility • $asic Mane#4ers+ /tomp, rop ic%, lbo! /tri%e• #!!ura!y+ 1 P#nc Mane#4ers, 1 ic% Mane#4ers. * Foc#s Mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 ra!titioners !an !hoose to gain s"eed in a un!hing and ?i!king maneuvers 'y sa!ri!ing

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damage. For ea!h - to )amage he !hooses to im"ose on himsef, said maneuvers gain a -2 to # !ost 4toa minimum of haf their # !ost5.• #ote+ :o# m#st train ar&, fi"t ar&, an& onor yo#r scool !it 4ictoryX;

IinHutsuin2#ts#, te :art of perse4erance,; is &eri4e& from tra&itional fi"tin" tecni8#es tat ori"inate& inte "a area of Eapan. 'e style is a combination of te 'ai2#ts# fi"tin" tecni8#es an& te

stealt an& &is"#ise abilities of in2#ts#. 'e art of in2#ts# !as most !i&ely #se& &#rin" Eapansfe#&al era, from 1?? to 1J?? A, !en tey !ere employe& by sam#rai to spy on an&assassinate teir enemies. 6e"en&s also attrib#te te nin2a !it mystical abilities, #sin" comple5an& si"ns to mesmerize opponents, an& oter applications of ci po!er. eter tis is tr#e is aso#rce of contro4ersy, b#t for roleplayin" p#rposes tese le"en&s !ill be ass#me& to be 8#itetr#e. 'e nin2a are !arriors of te ni"t, !o #se a po!erf#l arsenal of tric%s, "a&"ets, an&tecni8#es. 'ey are ta#"t to finis a fi"t as 8#ic%ly as possible, by !ate4er means arenecessary. illin" te opponent is #nimportant #nless absol#tely necessary. ot e4eryone !olearns nin2#ts# is a nin2a, b#t tose !o are not !ill not be able to learn all of te secrets of teart. 'o become a nin2a is to become a member of a nin2a clan, an& t#s become part of a secretsociety. 'ere are many &ifferent nin2a clans, to#"t te Mie an& Omi (te mo&ern*&ayincarnations of te ancient "a an& o"a, respecti4ely). 'ere are belie4e& to a4e been moretan ? &ifferent :nin2#ts# ry#,; to#" te ma2ority a4e since &ie& o#t.•  A4ailability+ 'o learn te pysical aspects of nin2#ts# is comparati4ely easy, to#" most s#c instr#ctors can only befo#n& in Eapan. 'o learn te :tr#e; in2#ts#, !it te mystical aspects incl#&e&, re8#ires tat one be accepte&by a nin2a clan,• Prere8#isites+ A"ility J, Foc#s J• $asic Mane#4ers+ Foot /!eep, nife 9an&• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 Atletics Mane#4ers, 1 Foc#s Mane#4ers.• #ote+ :'e nin2a &o not fail.;

+ersonal (efence :Ci%ilianJ Basic -ilitary<

Rater tan a martial art, personal &efence is a collection of tecni8#es for &isablin" an opponentas fast as possible an& by all means necessary. 'is &iscipline is imparte& in te military as partof a sol&iers basic instr#ction, b#t in almost any city one can fin& instr#ctors "i4in" co#rses too#se!i4es an& oter!ise !omen !it te p#rpose of &efen&in" temsel4es from !o#l&*berapists an& oter!ise assailants. Contrary to oter more establise& martial arts, Personalefences instr#ction is O' an inte"ral e&#cation of bo&y an& so#l base& on &iscipline an&

n#rt#re& on perse4erance, b#t a combat tecni8#e !it no oter tin" in min& b#t s#r4i4al+ o#refi"tin" for yo#r life, its yo# or im. 'is style fa4o#rs ceap sots an& lo! blo!s li%e no oter an& to an& style besi&es of teacin" te #se of most an&y ob2ects as impro4ise& !eaponss#c as bottles, car %eys, etc. 'is &iscipline costs CPs per le4el at caracter creation, an& itsprice in TP comes as a non*combat &iscipline rater tan a an&*to*an& style.•  A4ailability+ Almost any me&i#m to lar"e city as a scool of Personal efence. Alternati4ely, it is ta#"t by &efa#lt inmilitary scool an& te army.• Prere8#isites+ eapon mpro4isation 1.• $asic Mane#4ers+ one.•  #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ all man#4ers !it te (isablin") an& (illin") &escriptor. May not select A&ept of 5pertMane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 +&"erts add haf their eve in ersona )efen!e to a $ea"on m"rovisation ros.• #ote+ :o#re only a 4ictim if yo# coose to;.

+ersonal (efence :+olice Officer<

ile policemen still a4e commissione& to &isable a criminal as fast as possible an& sarere"#lar Personal efences lac% of in*&ept elements, la! enforcement officers a4e terestriction tat criminals m#st be &isable& !it te least amo#nt of 4iolence necessary. PoliceOfficers 4ersion of tis &iscipline p#ts ea4y empasis on "rapplin", 2oint loc%s, an& oter tecni8#es for armless immobilization of tar"ets, pl#s practitioners are prepare& especially for &ealin" !it arme& opponents.•  A4ailability+ 'is style is rarely imparte& o#tsi&e Police Aca&emy.• Prere8#isites+ $l#nt eapons 1.• $asic Mane#4ers+ $o&y Flip, Eoint 6oc%.•  #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 all man#4ers !it te (isablin") &escriptor. Grapplin" mane#4ers, *1 ic% Mane#4ers.

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May not select non*Grapplin" A&ept mane#4ers, may not select 5pert Mane#4ers or mane#4ers !it te (illin")&escriptor.• S"e!ia7 ;one.• #ote+ :o# coose. 'e easy !ay or te ar& !ay;.

Sa%ate/a4ate (also %no!n as la boxe Franciase) is te Frenc art of %ic%bo5in". t is sai& to a4e been

&e4elope& from te fi"tin" tecni8#es of Frenc mariners (!o are r#more& to a4e pic%e& #psome tecni8#es from astern ports) in te 1J??s. /a4ate is base& primarily aro#n& %ic%in",to#" it also incl#&es some p#ncin" tecni8#es &eri4e& from con4entional bo5in" an& fencin".

 A practitioner of /a4ate is %no!n as a sa%ateur , an& s#c people are ran%e& by means of acolore& ban& on te !rist of te "lo4es (te colors, from lo!est to i"est, are+ p#rple, bl#e,"reen, re&, yello!, bronze, sil4er an& "ol&). A scools of /a4ate are %no!n as a salle, to#" tebest are locate& in Marseilles an& Paris.•  A4ailability+ /a4ate is practice& primarily by people of Frenc &escent, to#" oters may learn it ** te &iffic#lt part isfin&in" a salle.• Prere8#isites+ /tren"tJ, A"ility J• $asic Mane#4ers+ isplacement, /pinnin" 'r#st ic%.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 Atletics an& ic% mane#4ers.• #ote+ :f it !ere 2#st bo5in", yo# mi"t a4e acance. $#t its far more.;

Special 9orces/pecial Forces "ro#ps !ere f irst implemente& after orl& ar . lite military s8#a&s, tey !erean& still are ta#"t an a&4ance& form of te basic comman&o an& to an& trainin", a fairlypo!erf#l an& 4ery pra"matic style of combat.•  A4ailability+ ee&less to say, tis style of combat is only ta#"t to members of /pecial Forces Bnits.• Prere8#isites+ Personal efence , Firearms K, 6a! nforcer (I).• $asic Mane#4ers+ $o&y Flip, Foot /!eep, Pin.•  #!!ura!y  Mo&ifiers+ 1 all man#4ers !it te (isablin") an& (illin") &escriptor, 1 Grapplin" mane#4ers, *1 Acrobatics an& Foc#s mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 +&"erts !an use their eve in S"e!ia For!es to wied any “esser” version of wea"ons they%renot "ro!ient in 4knives for <ades, !u's and tasers for <unt, et!.5

• #ote+ :An& !ile yo# !ere a little %i&, ta%in" %arate classes, !as b#stin" my ass for Bncle /amX;

Sumo/#mo !restlin" is te sin"le ol&est form of combat from Eapan, an& is still 4ery pop#lar amon"te Eapanese people. 'e s#motori !o practice tis style are often treate& li%e %in"s, an& te"ran& campion, te yo3ouna, as a "o&. 'o practice s#mo, one m#st b#il& #p bot o4erall!ei"t an& m#scle as m#c as possible, s#c tat te a4era"e s#motori !ill !ei" at least ?po#n&s, often o4er K??. /#mo !restlin" is i"ly rit#alize& an& re8#ires as m#c &iscipline of temin& as te bo&y. 4en so, it is relati4ely simple in its act#al combat meto&s, b#t can beremar%ably effecti4e. n a s#mo matc te ob2ect is to p#s te opponent o#t of te rin", to#"!ito#t tese r#les in place, a s#motori !ill simply flatten te opponent. 'e basic stats for /#mocan also be #se& for 8umi- Uchi , a 4ariant of s#mo create& for #se on te battlefiel&. #mi*Bciallo!s a !arrior to "rapple !it armore& an #narmore& opponents !it e8#al ease, an& !as#s#ally practice& !ile !earin" li"t!ei"t armor.•  A4ailability+ /#mo scools can be fo#n& tro#"o#t Eapan, b#t apart from tese an& te tree in 9a!aii, tey are4irt#ally #n%no!n tro#"o#t te rest of te !orl&.• Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , /tren"t I• $asic Mane#4ers+ one• Mane#4er Mo&ifiers+ 1 Grapplin" Mane#4ers, 1 Atletics Mane#4ers.• #ote+ :o# tin% /#mo isnt a real fi"tin" style ell, step into te rin", an& ll so! yo# !at a -fat Eapanese "#ycan &oX;

Tae Gwon (o'ae !on o, :te !ay of %ic%in" an& p#ncin",; is a orean style tat &ates bac% to te se4entcent#ry A, !ic !as constantly refine& #ntil it !as force& #n&er"ro#n& by te Eapanesein4asion of orea in te early 1=??s. /ince .. is as sprea& across te !orl&. 6i%e most of te orean fi"tin" arts 'ae !on o fa4ors %ic%s o4er p#nces. epen&in" on te teacer, itcan be a simple sport or a &ea&ly combat art. A place !ere 'ae !on o is ta#"t is %no!n as a

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do9ang , an& te #niform of a 'ae !on o stylist, similar to a %arate gi , is calle& a dobo3 .•  A4ailability+ 'ae !on o scools can be fo#n& all o4er te !orl&.• Prere8#isites+ /tren"t, /tamina • $asic Mane#4ers+ rop ic%, Foot /!eep, nife 9an&.• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 ic% mane#4ers.• S"e!ia7 ?i!k atta!ks from a Tae-?won-)o e&"ert that sur"ass the defender%s ro 'y C "oints or moredeiver ?iing )amage.• #ote+ :P#nces may seem more &irect, b#t %ic%s are more po!erf#l, an&, !it te proper trainin", faster.;

Tai Chi Chuaneri4e& from 'aoist pilosopies, 'ai Ci C#an (:/#preme Bltimate Fist;) is one of te "reatestpacifist martial arts. t is 4ery common all o4er te !orl& in its basic form as a means of e5ercise,b#t f#rter trainin", o4er te co#rse of many years, allo!s it to be #se& as a form of self*&efense!ic e5emplifies te'aoist i&eal of :effortless motionH; a 'ai Ci master in combat seems to act almost in slo! motion,yet anticipates e4ery attac% of te opponent an& respon&s "ently, t#s &efeatin" te opponent!it ease. 9e acts in armony !it te 'ao an& #n&erstan&s te #se of opposites, co#nterin" aar& attac% !it a soft &efense an& 4ice 4ersa.•  A4ailability+ 'ai Ci is ta#"t all o4er te !orl& as an e5ercise form, b#t to learn it to te point tat it is #sef#l in combatre8#ires fin&in" a i"ly s%ille& teacer.• Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >• $asic Mane#4ers+ $ac%an&, Ci P#s

•  #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ Foc#s mane#4ers, 1 4asion Mane#4ers. May not #se any ic% mane#4ers (e5cept for Crescent ic%, Foot /!eep, ron $room, /li&e ic%).• #ote+ :'o be come stron", one m#st first become !ea%. 'o become tall, one m#st become sort. 'o become ri"i&,one m#st ben&. 'at is te !ay of te 'ao.;

'restlingrestlin" is peraps one of te ol&est fi"tin" styles %no!n, easily "oin" bac% more tan 1,???years. t !as an& still is practice& all o4er te !orl&, %no!n to co#ntless &ifferent c#lt#res.restlers rely on spee&, coor&ination, stren"t, an& le4era"e to "rapple !it opponents. $asic!restlin" is commonly ta#"t as a sport in amate#r cl#bs, i" scools, an& te local MCA.Oter styles of !restlin", especially te more formalize& ones s#c as Eapanese /#mo an&R#ssian /AM$O are a bit ar&er to come by, an& re8#ire far more of te st#&ent.•  A4ailability+ Common !restlin" styles can be learne& nearly any!ere by nearly anyone. More intensi4e ones, li%e/#mo an& /AM$O re8#ire tat one "o to te styles nati4e co#ntry an& fin& an& instr#ctor.•

 Prere8#isites+ /tamina J• $asic Mane#4ers+ $ear 9#", Roll it mpact.• Cost Mo&ifiers+ Grapplin" mane#4ers. Cant #se ic% or eapons mane#4ers.• #ote+ :ea, -yer momX !as captain of te !restlin" team in i" scoolX 6ets see !at yo#4e "otX;

'u ShuPartly &eri4e& from #n" F#, # /# (:military art;) !as create& &#rin" te perio& bet!een ,???an& 1 $C, #ltimately formin" a complete martial art. #rin" te arrin" /tates perio& (? to1 $C), te lea&ers a&4ocate& # /# in teir armies, an& oar&e& masters of tis art. O4er time, # /# !as f#rter refine&, #ltimately reacin" its present*&ay form. n comm#nist Cina,# /# is te official national martial art, an& is practice& by millions of people, incl#&in" 4irt#allyall Cinese espiona"e a"ents. 'o&ay, it is a i"ly str#ct#re& style of %#n" f#, !ic empasizescontin#al motion an& i"ly acrobatic mo4ements, an& attac%s are by far empasize& o4er &efensi4e mane#4ers. /t#&ents !ill spen& time masterin" bare*an&e& an& melee !eapon

fi"tin" tecni8#es, an& !ill also recei4e some amo#nt of political in&octrination.•  A4ailability+ # /# can be fo#n& nearly any!ere in Cina, b#t is 4ery rare else!ere.• Prere8#isites+ A"ility , /tamina • $asic Mane#4ers+ A5e ic%, Crescent ic%, nife 9an&• #!!ura!y Mo&ifiers+ 1 Atletics, 4asion, an& ic% Mane#4ers. *1 Foc#s an& P#nc Mane#4ers.• #ote+ : &o not see% merely to fi"tH see% tofin& perfection in fi"tin" tecni8#e.;

.1) eapon isciplines

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'rainin" in te #se of se4eral !eapons. ac le4el of a !eapon &iscipline a&&s 1 to tecaracters base Action Points. eapon &isciplines also enable te caracter to ac8#ire !eaponmane#4ers (see te combat section).

Blades'e caracter is s%ille& in #sin" s!or&s, %ni4es, an& oter bla&e !eapons.

Blunt Weapons/%ill in #sin" c#&"els, maces, cl#bs, an& similar !eapons in combat. 'e s%ill also enables tecaracter to #se 'asers.

Chain Weapons'e caracter is s%ille& in #sin" cain !eaponsH tis incl#&es flails an& relate& !eapons, as !ellas n#nca%#, or&inary len"ts of cain, an& oter s#c !eapons. Combat styles tat teac te#se of cain !eapons (li%e #n"*F# an& in2#ts#) also re8#ire te caracter to possess te cain!eapons s%ill to be able to learn cain !eapon mane#4ers.

Firearms A "eneral s%ill !it #sin" "#ns, ener"y ran"e& !eapons, etc.

Hea$y :rdnancenstr#ctions on te effecti4e #se of ea4y !eaponry s#c as macine"#ns, flame tro!ers, an&roc%et la#ncers, as !ell as oter ea4y or&nance s#c as artillery stationary !eapons.

IaidoConsi&ere& a style in an& of itself, ai&o is te Eapanese art of s!or&*&ra!in". 'e ori"inalcombat form, ai2#ts#, !as base& aro#n& te i&ea of stri%in" &o!n an opponent !it a sin"le,li"tnin"*8#ic% blo!. t enables tem to &ra! te s!or& an& stri%e in one smoot, fl#i& motion,!it li"tnin" spee&. en a caracter #ses ai&o as te first attac% of a fi"t, a&& to nitiati4eper le4el of ai&o. 'e ai&o stri%e #ses APs total, an& a&&s to &ama"e per le4el of ai&o. Acaracters le4el in ai&o cannot e5cee& is le4el in en2#ts#. Caracters can &o only one ai&ostri%e per combat. !e?uisites $la&es K

Iron Fist 'ro#" ar&#o#s trainin" an& bo&y ar&enin" e5ercises, te !arriorNs an&s are ma&e as ar& assteel. ormal p#nces see teir &ama"e increase& by 1 per K le4els of ron Fist, an& tecaracter can e5ec#te a +ower +unch, tat &oes eapon ama"e e8#i4alent (see R#lescapter) as follo!s+ Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&JKMo4e+ one

=yudoy#&o, :te ay of te $o!,; is a form of arcery &eri4e& from 0en pilosopy. 'e ob2ect is not

to it te tar"et, so m#c as to position bo!, min&, an& bo&y in perfect armony. 'ose s%ille& iny#&o perform astonisin"ly !ell !it bo! an& arro!, "ainin" se4eral benefits. !e?uisitesMe&itation K, Missile eapons I.• 'e le4el of y#&o may be #se& for arcery (e5cept !it crossbo!s).• Practicin" arcery effecti4ely co#nts as Me&itation at te le4el of te y#&o &iscipline.• 'e caracter can fire arro!s !ile #nable to see, #sin" te le4el of y#&o in place of te $lin& Fi"tin" &iscipline, or itis a&&e& to $lin& Fi"tin" if tey alrea&y a4e it.

•  Sure Strike: $y spen&in" Ci te caracter can increase te ama"e an& Acc#racy of a sot by 1 to ama5im#m bon#s of teir le4el in y#&o.

(issile Weapons

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'e caracter is s%ille& in #sin" primiti4e pro2ectile !eapons, incl#&in" bo!s, slin"s, crossbo!s,an& so on.

Polearms'is is s%ill !it #sin" polearms, incl#&in" alber&s, na"inata, an& similar !eapons.

Thro+n Weapons/%ill in #sin" tro!n !eapons, incl#&in" s#ri%en, &arts, nets, "rena&es, an& e4en roc%s. 'ecaracter can also #se is le4el in 'ro!n eapons to aim miscellaneo#s ran"e& attac%s li%enat#ral ener"y blasts an& s#c.

Weapon Impro$isation'e Eac%ie Can*es8#e art of #sin" nearly any inanimate ob2ect %no!n to man eiter as a!eapon or as a tool to perform st#nts. 'e caracters le4el in eapon mpro4isation can be#se& as combat style le4el for performin" st#nts in combat !it miscelaneo#s ob2ects li%ela&&ers, DCRs, motorcycles, etc. 

.1.1) Combat Mane#4ers$y te term :mane#4er; be #n&erstoo& e4ery sin"le tin" a caracter can &o &#rin" act#al


BasicJ +ractitionerJ *deptJ and -aster -aneu%erse5t to a mane#4ers name comes a &escriptor, eiter (basic), (practitioner), (a&ept), or (e5pert).$asic mane#4ers are mo4es any caracter can &o re"ar&less of trainin" or lac% tereof, !ilemane#4ers !it (practitioner) an& #p all re8#ire caracters to possess formal trainin" in an&*to*an& combat (or !eapon &isciplines). ile $asic an& Practitioner mane#4ers are free, bot

 A&ept an& 5pert mane#4ers re8#ire to be p#rcase& first, sai& mane#4ers a4in" a liste& cost inCPs in teir &escription, b#t 5pert mane#4ers also re8#ire caracters to possess le4els in acombat style before bein" eli"ible for p#rcase.

.and$to$.and maneu%ers and damage'e &ama"e of bot $asic an& Practitioner mane#4er is treate& as normal &ama"e (ie caractersen2oy f#ll /oa% to resist &ama"e), A&ept mane#4ers &ama"e is ass#me& as per !eapon&ama"e, an& finally, 5pert mane#4ers &ama"e is treate& as ener"y &ama"e. For more &etailson types of &ama"e an& /oa% see /ystems capter.

(isabling and Gilling -aneu%ersMane#4ers !it (isablin") an& (illin") incl#&e& in teir &escriptor are inten&e& to ne#tralize anopponent in a sin"le stri%e. For "ame p#rposes, te &ama"e of bot isablin" an& illin"mane#4ers is #naffecte& by /oa% for p#rposes of n&#rance. n a&&ition to ne#tralizin" anopponent, illin" mane#4ers also re8#ire tar"ets to s#ccee& a /tamina roll &iffic#lty 1 in or&er not to s#ffer permanent &ama"e as liste& in te mane#4er.

-odifiersMo&ifiers are special a&&itions to 4ario#s mane#4ers to ma%e tem more or less effecti4e in4ario#s areas. Certain mane#4ers !ill incl#&e a&&itional mane#4er mo&ifiers #ni8#e to tem.

Certain mo&ifiers also a4e Prere8#isitesH as !it mane#4ers, tese must be met before temo&ifier can be selecte&.

en b#yin" a mo&ifier for a mane#4er, sai& p#rcase& mo&ifier is for tat mane#4er only,re"ar&less of !eter te mane#4er is $asic7Practitioner or A&ept75pert.

*erial =sage :61< 'is mo&ifier allo!s te mane#4er to be #se& in te air. t only applies to tose mane#4ers for !ic it!o#l& be lo"ical for tis to be te case, b#t normally isnt possibleH most p#ncin" an& %ic%in" mane#4ers can be #se& inte air any!ay, b#t firin" a "#n !ile 2#mpin" becomes consi&erably more complicate. it tis mo&ifier, tey can be#se& &#rin" a 2#mp or oter times !en te caracter is airborne.

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(ashing -o%e :6< ile performin" te mane#4er, yo# r#n at yo#r opponent. 'is re&#ces te AP cost by *K an&increases te Mo4e to J (or a&&s KH !ice4er is i"er). Prere8#isites+ A"ility Enraged =se :$"< 'e mane#4er can only be #se& !en te caracter reaces or e5cee&s teir Ra"e, to#" temane#4er &oes not affect te caracterNs c#rrent ra"e #nless oter!ise state&. Ob4io#sly, tis cannot be selecte& for /#pers.E;tended (uration :6"< 'is mo&ifier allo!s a "i4en mane#4er to be carrie& o#t for an e5ten&e& perio& of timeH tis isnormally applie& to Foc#s mane#4ers. n tis case, te AP cost is increase& by , an& tat amo#nt m#st be spent eact#rn it is maintaine&. ama"e (if any) is re&#ce& by ?S, an& applie& eac t#rn of #se. f te mane#4er as a Ci cost,

tis m#st also be pai& eac t#rn it is maintaine&.E;tended !ange :61< For pro2ectile attac%s only, tis effecti4ely &o#bles te ran"e of te attac%.E;tra 9orce :6/< o# &eli4er te attac% !it s#c force tat it inflicts &ama"e an& co#nts as a noc%&o!n. 'isre8#ires te e5pen&it#re of one Ci point.Drabbing -aneu%er :61< en #sin" te mane#4er, te caracter "rabs onto te opponent first. 'is means tat tecaracter m#st attempt to slip o#t of te !ay rater tan parryin", in te manner of a Grapplin" mane#4er (see 'ras).'e AP cost of te mane#4er is increase& by K, o!e4er.#ncreased Chi Cost :$1 per le%el< For e4ery le4el of ncrease& Ci Cost, te Ci Cost of te mane#4er is increase& by points.#ncreased Speed :6/< o# can &eli4er te mane#4er !it e5ceptional spee&, re&#cin" te AP cost by *K, to a minim#mof 1.,unging Strike :6/< 'e mane#4er is performe& !ile l#n"in" for!ar&, ma%in" it i"ly o4ere5ten&e&. 'is increaseste Mo4e of te mane#4er by 1 (or to if it is one), an& #ps te &ama"e by as !ell, b#t te AP cost is alsoincrease& by K.+reparation Time :$1>$">$/< 'e mane#4er re8#ires a&&itional time to prepare, spent concentratin", before it can be#se&. For *1 points tis is 1? APs, for * it is J, an& for *K it is t!o t#rns spent more or less totally motionless.+repared Strike :61>6">6/< One to tree points can be spent on tis mo&ifier, !ic allo!s te caracter to increase te

acc#racy an& po!er of te mane#4er by concentratin" an& preparin". Mystical martial artists &o tis by me&itati4etecni8#es an& !atnot, !ile more &o!n*to*eart types are simply mo4in" aro#n&, linin" #p for a "oo& sot. For 1, tecaracter can prepare for 1 t#rn, for tey can "o #p to alf teir Foc#s in t#rns, an& for K tey can "o #p to teir f#llFoc#s in t#rns. ac t#rn of concentration ta%es 1J APs o#t of teir total, b#t !en tey &o attac%, te ama"e an& Acc#racy !ill be increase& by for eac t#rn spent concentratin", to#" te attac%er m#st spen& Ci for eac t#rnafter te secon& to "ain te benefits. 'is can be #se& !it 4irt#ally any type of attac%, incl#&in" pro2ectiles. !educed ChiCost :6">le%el< For e4ery le4el of Re&#ce& Ci Cost p#rcase&, te Ci cost of te mane#4er is re&#ce& by 1 point, to aminim#m of 1.!educed 9orce :$"< 'e caracter is some!at limite& in o! ar& tey can &eli4er tis mane#4erH re&#ce te &ama"eby *K.!educed Speed :$"< 'e caracter is a little slo! on te &ra! !it tis mane#4er. As s#c, increase te AP cost by K.!ising Strike :6/< 'ere are a an&f#l of mane#4ers tat f#nctions li%e tis alrea&y– te caracter essentially performste mane#4er !ile leapin" #p!ar&s. 'e mane#4er becomes an& Aerial one !ic can be #se& to Co#nter oter AerialMane#4ers, an& f#rter a&&s K to &ama"e.Stunning Strike :61< For !ate4er reason (stri%in" a press#re point, or a special ener"y &iscar"e, or !ate4er), temane#4er ca#ses oters to be &isable& rater tan pysically arme&. 'e &ama"e is increase& by K, b#t it becomesst#n &ama"e.

Combo -aneu%ers A combo is a series of its &one in rapi& s#ccession tat te caracter as practice& an& canperform consistentlyH te sort tat in a fi"tin" "ame yo# &o 2#st by ma%in" a sin"le controller motion an& b#tton press as to#" it !ere a fireball or !ate4er. A combo mane#4er costs an#mber of CPs e8#al to te n#mber of mane#4ers it is to incl#&e, min#s one (i.e., a *it costone, a K*it costs t!o, etc.). A Combo Mane#4er is consi&ere& to be one mane#4er for tep#rpose of &eclarin" actions, APs (fin& normal total an& m#ltiply by ?.>, ro#n&in" #p) an& f#rter,for an&*to*an& combat, all stri%es in te combo co#nt as one for te p#rpose of &eterminin"n&#rance an& &isablin". 'e combine& APs of te attac%s incl#&e& in a combo cannot e5cee&te caracters base APs. Alto#" eac in&i4i&#al stri%e in a combo re8#ires a separate roll, if te first it of a Combo Mane#4er its, attempts to &efen& a"ainst e4ery s#bse8#ent it as ac#m#lati4e *1 pentalty. f te caracter &o&"es a blo!, o!e4er, tey may mo4e o#t of ran"e, an&

t#s a4oi& te rest of te combo. o# may #se Mo&ifiers for Combo Mane#4ers as normal. Also,te most important r#le abo#t combos is+ te caracter m#st #se a CO9R' combination of attac%s (a combo of = 2abs is 2#st lame).

Stunt -aneu%ersOn te oter si&e, sometimes te caracter !ill !ant a series of mane#4ers to be e5ec#te& all atte same time in or&er to p#ll a st#nt (performin" a "ymnastic 2#mp !ile tro!in" a smo%e"rena&e on eac an&, rollin" on te floor from co4er to co4er !ile firin" a "#n, etc). /t#ntmane#4ers are ac8#ire& li%e combo mane#4ers in tat te caracter m#st a4e access to all of 

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te mane#4ers in4ol4e& first, b#t te AP cost of te st#nt mane#4er is tat of te mane#4er !iti"est AP in4ol4e& an& te st#nts acc#racy is tat of te mane#4er !it lesser acc#racyin4ol4e& !it a penalty of *1 per eac a&&itional mane#4er in4ol4e&. A st#nts cost in caracter points is te same as if it !as a Combo Mane#4er.

Spontaneous -aneu%ers

:Optional !ule<Most of te times, a player eiter may not a4e a clear i&ea of mane#4ers e may really nee&!en creatin" is caracter (especially te case !it startin" players), or e may come #p !itan i&ea to "et imself o#t of a bin& tat may not be tat far from te scope of is abilities. f teGM appro4es, a caracter may ac8#ire one or more mane#4ers :on te fly; by s#ccee&in" a rollof Foc#s Mo&ifier Atletism a"ainst a &iffic#lty e8#al to 1? pl#s te cost of te mane#4er inCaracter Points. Mane#4ers ac8#ire& tis !ay, o!e4er, are pai& for as per te liste& pricetimes 1. as soon as tey a4e te TP necessary to pay.

-aneu%er (escriptions Accor&in" to te settin" an& po!er le4el of te campain", te GM is free to &isallo! teac8#isition of some of tese mane#4ers at is &iscretion. n a&&ition to te basic &escription an&r#les, all mane#4ers incl#&e te follo!in" information+

• Classification Refers to a mane#4ers class, !eter $asic, Practitioner, A&ept, or 5pert. f a mane#4er isalso isablin" or illin", te &escriptor comes incl#&e& as !ell.

• +rere?uisites 'ese are re8#irements !ic m#st be met in or&er to learn tat mane#4er. f tere are anyprere8#isites (!ic isnt al!ays te case), te caracter m#st meet all of temH tese #s#ally consist of oter mane#4ers tat m#st be %no!n, an&7or attrib#tes (typically Foc#s or A"ility) tat m#st be at or abo4e a certainle4el.

• Character +oints  'is is te cost of te mane#4er in Caracter points. Cost for $asic an& Practitioner mane#4ers is al!ays zero.

• *ccuracy 'is is a bon#s or penalty to te roll for #sin" te mane#4er.

• *ction +oints 'is is te total n#mber of APs nee&e& for #sin" te mane#4er. f yo# !is to #se a mane#4er !ose AP cost is "reater tan yo#r a4ailable APs, yo# may, b#t te &ifference is s#btracte& from yo#r a4ailable APs for te ne5t t#rn.

• (amage  'is is te bon#s to &ama"e (ass#min" te mane#4er &oes &ama"e) !ic is a&&e& to teappropriate ability mo&ifier, normally /tren"t (A"ility for firearms an& ener"y !eapons).

• -o%e 'is is te ma5im#m n#mber of e5es tecaracter can mo4e !ile #sin" tis mane#4er. o# cannot

mo4e more e5es in a t#rn tan yo#r caracters A"ility.

-aneu%er *d%antagesMane#4er A&4anta"es are 4ario#s special abilities "i4en to certain mane#4ers. f tey arepossesse& by a "i4en mane#4er (or "rante& by a mo&ifier, etc.), ten te effects liste& in teappropriate &escriptions belo! apply.

• *erial -aneu%er An Aerial Mane#4er is one tat in4ol4es 2#mpin" or oter!ise bein" airborne, an& t#scannot be affecte& by Cro#cin" Mane#4ers an& cannot be #se& a"ainst tose !o are #sin" Cro#cin"Mane#4ers.

• Counter + A Co#nter is a mane#4er !ic, #n&er te ri"t circ#mstances, can interr#pt oter mane#4ers inpro"ress, t#s ca#sin" tem to be forfeit i$ te caracters attac% roll e5cee&s tat of te opponent.

• Crouching -aneu%er 'ese are mane#4ers !ic are performe& 4ery close to te "ro#n&, an& t#s cannotnormally be interr#pte& by Aerial Mane#4ers, an& cannot be #se& a"ainst caracters !o are performin" AerialMane#4ers.

• Gnockdown+ en a mane#4er ca#ses a noc%&o!n, te opponent is tro!n off is or er feet. As a res#lt,tey spen& te remain&er of te t#rn "ettin" #p (only &efensi4e mane#4ers can be #se&). For te ne5t t#rn tecaracters APs are al4e&, an& tey are *I to initiati4e.

• Stun (amage Certain mane#4ers are notes as inflictin" 6tun 2amage. /t#n &ama"e is %ept trac% of in aseparate total from normal &ama"e, b#t if te s#m of te normal &ama"e ta%en an& te st#n &ama"e ta%en is"reater tan te caracters total 9ealt, tey are %noc%e& o#t.

• Sustained .old A /#staine& 9ol& is a "rapplin"mane#4er !ic allo!s te attac%er to "rab te opponent an&%eep ol&in" tem, inflictin" &ama"e eac t#rn.


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Backflip :*dept<'e caracter is able to flip completely o4er, lan&in" on teir feet. 'is can be #se& in place of ao&"e (to#" fail#re means te caracter cannot Roll it mpact, etc.), or offensi4ely,combine& !it an A5e ic%, basic P#nc or ic%, or $ac%an&, a&&in" to Acc#racy an&ama"e.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Iama"e+ one7/pecialMo4e+ (bac%!ar&s)

Breakfall :*dept<Many styles, incl#&in" Ai%i&o an& E#2#ts#, empasize tro!in". Most of tese teac st#&ents o!to fall !ito#t in2#ry before learnin" o! to tro! oters. 'o &o tis, te caracter lan&s as a rollonto te so#l&ers, !it te ea& t#c%e& in to a4oi& &ama"e. A"ainst attac%s !ic ca#se&ama"e 4ia a noc%&o!n (s#c as tro!s), te caracter &o#bles is /oa% stat.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ oneC9 Cost+ one

ama"e+ oneMo4e+

(ash :Basic<'is is simply all*o#t r#nnin".Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ J

(runken -onkey !oll :*dept<'is mane#4er, ori"inally from Mon%ey /tyle #n" F#, is a series of e4asi4e t#mbles, sai& toa4e been create& !en a man #n2#stly imprisone& !atce& a "ro#p of mon%eys !o, !ile

&r#n% on !ine, e4a&e& te attempts of te "#ar&s to catc tem. 'e r#n%en Mon%ey Roll is aCro#cin" Mane#4er tat can be #se& in m#c te same manner as a o&"e (see $asicMane#4ers, abo4e), to#" it can also be #se& to mo4e into combat ran"e (in !ic case it a&&sI to te caracters initiati4e total), or to car"e for!ar& !ile "oin" under normal pro2ectileattac%s.Prere8#isites+ /omersa#ltCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ J

Fump :Basic< A caracter can 2#mp a &istance of 17 teir /tren"t score in e5es pl#s 1 per K le4els in te Atletism &iscipline (9ei"t at GMs &iscretion). Any pysical attac% tat is #se& !ile 2#mpin"inflicts an a&&itional &ama"e, &#e to te increase& force.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

Gippup :*dept<'is #sef#l an& rater basic mane#4er allo!s te caracter to almost instantly "et to teir feet

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from a prone position. t is &one by raisin" te le"s an& %ic%in" o#t !ile arcin" te bac%#p!ar&s, res#ltin" in te fi"ter becomin" #pri"t in a fraction of a secon&. A ipp#p can be #se&to imme&iately reco4er from a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ A"ility Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ KC9 Cost+ oneama"e+ oneMo4e+ 1

-o%ement :Basic<'is is 2#st normal mo4ement, a e5 at a time, !ic can be combine& !it oter mane#4ers(i.e., yo# can increase te Mo4e an& any mane#4er by 1 at a cost of 1 AP).Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ama"e+ oneMo4e+ 1

!oll 'ith #mpact :Basic<

'is mane#4er is #se& after a blo! as s#ccessf#lly lan&e&H te caracter rolls bac% in anattempt to minimize te &e"ree to !ic te force of te blo! affects tem. 'e caracter mo4esbac% at least one e5 after bein" it, an& ta%es alf normal &ama"e from te blo!. Caracterscan #se tis mane#4er to re&#ce &ama"e from e5plosions as !ell.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ I

Shoulder Smash :Basic<'is /imple an& effecti4e mane#4er is commonly #se& by !restlers, bra!lers, an& te li%e. 'eattac%er 2#mps at is opponent as ar& as possible, slammin" into tem !it is so#l&er, m#cli%e a football player ma%in" a tac%le. 'e opponent m#st be stan&in" in te same e5 or an

a&2acent e5. 'e fi"ter mo4es into te opponents e5, rolls &ama"e for /o#l&er /mas, an&ten finises is mo4ement.Prere8#isites+ 'ac%leCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ J

Somersault :*dept<'is is an escape mane#4er #se& to 8#ic%ly mo4e o#t of combat ran"e. t is #se& in a manner similar to a &o&"e, only faster. en it is #se&, te caracter mo4es bac%!ar&s one or t!oe5es. f a /omersa#lt is #se& #ns#ccessf#lly, te caracter may not attempt to Roll it mpact.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+

Tackle :Basic<'e attac%er &i4es at is opponent an& "rabs onto tem, tro!in" tem to te "ro#n&. f s#ccessf#l, te opponent s#ffers a %noc%&o!n. $ot te attac%er an& te &efen&er en& #p on te"ro#n& in te same e5.Prere8#isites+ one

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Caracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *K Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ I

'all Spring :E;pert<no!n to fi"tin" "ame aficiona&os as te :'rian"le 2#mp,; tis mane#4er allo!s te caracter to

 2#mp at a !all, an& sprin" off of it, propellin" temsel4es f#rter alon", "oin" #p an& a!ay as far as teir 2#mpin" &istance. Caracters may contin#e tis !all sprin"in" a n#mber of times e8#al toteir /tamina &i4i&e& by t!o (ro#n& &o!n), mo4in" #p eac time.Prere8#isites+ E#mp, A"ility J, /tren"t JCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ As per E#mp


*ir Block :E;pert<en a caracter is airborne, bloc%in" is not normally possible, basically beca#se teir o!n

moment#m ma%es s#c attempts #seless. 'e Air $loc% mane#4er enables a caracter to rater &eflect an attac% !ile airborne. 'is cannot be #se& a"ainst &irect pysical attac%s carrie& o#tfrom belo!, an& any attac% tat !as bein" carrie& o#t by te airborne caracter is effecti4elyinterr#pte& an& t#s is not carrie& o#t.Prere8#isites+ A"ility , /tamina Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A

Circular +arry :E;pert<'is is a special parry mane#4er !ic allo!s te caracter to bloc% A66 incomin" attac%s tatt#rn. en it is #se&, te caracter may parry an effecti4ely #nlimite& n#mber of incomin" attac%s!it no f#rter AP cost.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ K

+arry :Basic< A parry consists in &eflectin" an attac% off*co#rse !it eiter an arm or le". 'e caracter canattempt to bloc% bl#nt !eapons, b#t e still ta%es alf &ama"e. Oter melee !eapons can beparrie& at GMs 2#&"ement (!ile a caracter can still parry an attac% by a cla!e& "a#ntlet or e4en %noc% off te pole of a Gae $ol", e !ont be able to &o te same !it an ener"y bla&e or ab#llet).Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+

+ower Block :*dept<'is is a rater forcef#l parry !ic &ama"es te opponent (ass#min" tey arent attac%in" !it amelee !eapon).Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K

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 Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Kama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 1

+roHectile (eflection :*dept<'is mane#4er enables te caracter to act#ally catc incomin" pro2ectiles (i.e., %ni4es, s#ri%en,

etc.H O' ener"y attac%s). 'is mane#4er is #se& &efensi4ely, an& t#s re8#ires a conteste& rolla"ainst te attac%ers roll to it. f te &efen&er is s#ccessf#l, tey !ill act#ally catc te incomin"pro2ectile in teir an&s an& t#s be able to &o as tey !is !it it after!ar&s.Prere8#isites+ A"ility , #n" F# or Ac#te /enses Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ 1

+roHectile !eflection :E;pert<'is is an a&4ance& 4ersion of Pro2ectile eflection, !ic allo!s te caracter to catc a tro!n!eapon an& instantly tro! it bac% at te attac%er in one smoot motion (ma%e a separate attac%roll, b#t te AP cost is incl#&e& in tat of te Pro2ectile Reflection mane#4er).Prere8#isites+ Pro2ectile eflection.

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ K (to catc)71 (to tro!) Action Points+ Jama"e+ one (to catc)7/tan&ar& (to tro!)Mo4e+ 1

'eapon Block :*dept<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to bloc% melee !eapons !ito#t bein" #rt by tem.Oter!ise it !or%s e5actly te same as a normal bloc%.Prere8#isites+ /tamina J, $o&y 9ar&enin" Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+


(isplacement :*dept<'is mane#4er consists of a 8#ic% si&estep tat may be follo!e& by a p#nc if te caracter isstill in ran"e. 'e si&estep part !or%s basically te same as a normal &o&"e, only a little faster,an& a co#nterattac% (!ic cannot #se more tan J APs) may be imme&iately #se& after!ar&s,!ic !ill be at K Acc#racy.Prere8#isites+ A"ility Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ K

(odge :Basic< A &o&"e is te simplest form of e4asionH te caracter simply slips o#t of te !ay of te attac%before it its. A s#ccessf#lly e5ec#te& &o&"e means tat te attac% misses te caracter entirely.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ K

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,eap (odge :*dept<'is potentially po!erf#l mane#4er allo!s te caracter to &o an acrobatic 2#mp !it incre&iblespee& in or&er to a4oi& any attac% !it li"tnin" spee&. 'is is #se& in m#c te same manner asa o&"e, b#t is consi&erably faster, an& te caracter can coose !ere to lan&.Prere8#isites+ E#mpCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ I

 Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ As per E#mp

-ultiple (odge :E;pert<'is mane#4er enables te caracter to &o&"e se4eral attac%s sim#ltaneo#sly. At te be"innin"of te t#rn te player m#st &eclare tat e is attemptin" a M#ltiple o&"e. ait #ntil all opponentsa4e attempte& attac%s a"ainst tem before ma%in" te rollH if it is s#ccessf#l, te caracter !illa4oi& A66 of te incomin" attac%s.Prere8#isites+ A"ility Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+  Action Points+ >ama"e+ oneMo4e+ K


(anger Sense :E;pert< Also %no!n as 0ansin, tis po!er "rants te caracter a nat#ral sense of !en oters areapproacin" tem !it ostile intent. 'e caracter cannot be ta%en by s#rprise !ile conscio#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Ai%i&o OR 9!aran"*o OR alaripayit OR #n" F# OR in2#ts# OR 'ai Ci C#anCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7Aama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

9ocus !age :*dept<

'is is te ability to form Ra"e in oneself from no!ere. oin" tis re8#ires tat te fi"ter stan&completely still an& concentrate. 'e pysical appearance of tis &epen&s on te po!er of tecaracterNs Ci. 'ose !it relati4ely lo! Ci (1*K points) !ill not a4e any o#t!ar& si"n tat teyare &oin" tis (e5cept for tem "rimacin" or sometin"), !ile tose !it i"er Ci (J) !ill oftencreate a crac%le of electricity, a "lo! of ener"y, or sometin" else (&epen&in" on teir po!ers) astey &o tis. For e4ery t#rn spent concentratin", te caracter m#st ma%e a Foc#s roll. f s#ccessf#l, te caracter "ains 1&J points of Ra"e.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

Gi$*i :*dept<'e i*Ai, or martial arts yell, if often #se& in martial arts to increase te po!er of blo!s, bycannellin" ener"y tro#" ones l#n"s an& 4ocal cor&s. A %i*ai can be #se& !it any mane#4er,an& a&&s to it te mane#4ers note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ 1ama"e+ 1Mo4e+ *1

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-usic 9ocus :*dept<Certain styles, most notably Capoeria, ma%e #se of m#sic to coor&inate teir fi"tin", by mo4in"to te rytm. en m#sic of te caracters preferre& type is playin" in te bac%"ro#n&, teycan a&& to ama"e or APs (coose one) eac t#rn.Prere8#isites+ CapoeriaCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ oneama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A


4a&in" Grapplin" mane#4ers is a little &ifferent from otersH o&"in" !or%s fine, b#t tryin" toparry is #seless, ma%in" it easier for te opponent. 'ar"ets #nable to perform te isen"a"emane#4er can escape a s#staine& ol& mane#4er by spen&in" > Ci points.

 Armor bon#ses from ri"i& material (ie metal or ceramics) &ont apply a"ainst slam*oriente&mane#4ers (li%e $ac% $rea%er) or tose tat are not impact oriente& (li%e Eoint 6oc%).

*ir Slam :*dept<

'is mane#4er enables te caracter to "rab opponents ri"t o#t of te air an& slam tem to te"ro#n&. t can only be #se& on airborne opponents, b#t s#c opponents are &efenseless a"ainstit. Dictims s#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ /lamCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&>1Mo4e+ 1

Backbreaker :E;pertJ Gilling<n tis e5cee&in"ly painf#l mo4e, te caracter "rabs te opponent an& slams tem o4er is %neeor so#l&ers, ten &rops tem. isable& 4ictims tat fail a /tamina sa4e s#ffer permanent&ama"e to teir spine. Bsin" a CF lon"coat a&&s to te stamina sa4e o!e4er beca#se of 

CFs mpact Armor properties.Prere8#isites+ /pecial Forces or restlin".Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ 1

Basher .old :+ractitioner<n tis some!at 4icio#s mane#4er, te caracter "rabs te opponent an& procee&s to bas temrepeate&ly in some !ay (#s#ally !it te %nees, fist, or e4en ea& b#tts). 'is is a /#staine&9ol&.Prere8#isites+ arate OR /a4ate OR restlin".Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ > per t#rn

ama"e+ 1Mo4e+ one

Bearhug :Basic<n tis mane#4er, te fi"ter simply "rabs te opponent an& s8#eezes tem a"ainst teir cestH itis consi&ere& a /#staine& 9ol&. ama"e from a $ear#" can be soa%e& &o!n to zero.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ = per t#rnama"e+ 1&I

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Mo4e+ 1

Body 9lip :*dept<$asic to many "rapplin" styles (especially E#&o), tis tro! consists of "rabbin" te opponentan& flin"in" tem o4er one so#l&er. 'is mane#4er can co#nter non*risin" p#ncin" mane#4ers.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&>Mo4e+ 1

Choke .old :BasicJ (isabling<n tis simple mane#4er, te caracter "rabs te opponent by te nec% an& s8#eezes. 'is is a/#staine& 9ol&, an& &ama"e inflicte& eac t#rn is c#m#lati4e for yzzyin" 'resol& p#rposes.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ =ama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 1

Counter Drab :E;pert<'is simple yet potentially po!erf#l can be #se& any time an opponent ol&s te caracter an& isrea&y to perform a tro!. f it is #se& s#ccessf#lly, te caracter t!ists aro#n&, "rabbin" teopponent instea&, an& tereby p#ttin" temsel4es in position to perform a tro! !ic cannot beco#ntere&. A m#st for Ai%i&o fi"ters.Prere8#isites+ $o&y Flip, Ai%i&o OR E#&o OR restlin".Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

(isengage :+ractitioner<'is &efensi4e mane#4er allo!s te fi"ter to simply slip o#t of an opponents "rasp, terebyfreein" temsel4es from a /#staine& 9ol&. 'e caracter ma%es a conteste& roll –

1&1?/tyleA"ility, a"ainst te opponents 1&1?/tamina/tren"t. f te &efen&er rolls i"er,tey escape.Prere8#isites+ A"ility I, Ai%i&o OR E#&o OR restlin"Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+

Drab :Basic<'is is simply "rabbin" onto te opponent, #s#ally toset #p for anoter mane#4er. Grab is most#sef#l for combos.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ?

 Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+

Foint ,ock :+ractitionerJ (isabling<'e fi"ter "rabs one of te opponents limbs an& t!ists it aro#n& in a manner it !as ne4er meantto be t!iste&, forcin" tem to te "ro#n& in pain. 'is is a /#staine& 9ol&H te 4ictim ta%es&ama"e eac t#rn it is maintaine&. For te &#ration of te Eoint 6oc% te 4ictim is consi&ere& tobe cro#cin" an& cannot #se te loc%e& limb, to#" e may attac% !it anoter limb bys#ccee&in" a ill roll &iffic#lty 1>. 'e &ama"e from a Eoint 6oc% is /t#n &ama"e onlyH e4en if te

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4ictim is incapacitate& from te pain, e !ill not be pysically &ama"e& by it. Armor &oes noteffect te &ama"e ta%en from tis. A Eoint 6oc% can be #se& to co#nter non*risin" p#ncin"mane#4ers. ama"e from a Eoint 6oc% can be soa%e& &o!n to zero.Prere8#isites+ Ai%i&o OR /pecial Forces OR restlin".Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ > per t#rnama"e+ 1&I /t#nMo4e+ 1

,eaping Slam :E;pert<n tis po!erf#l (an& painf#l) tro!, te attac%er "rabs te opponent an& leaps i" into te air.en te t!o lan&, te attac%er is on top of or ne5t to te opponent, !o "ets slamme& into te"ro#n&. Opponents s#ffer a noc%&o!n an& lose I APs.Prere8#isites+ E#mp, /lamCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ 1ama"e+ 1&1Mo4e+ one

Ieck Snapper :E;pertJ Gilling<

'is mane#4er only !or%s on tar"ets !ic co#l& #s#ally be affecte& by an attac%ers  1ura o$ (ower  (see A&4anta"es) an& before te mane#4er can be e5ec#te&, all re8#isites for performin"a :ac3stab attac% m#st be met. 'e caracter snea%s bein& te tar"et an& ol&s is ea& frombot si&es, t!istin" 4iolently. Fail#re on te /tamina sa4e snaps te 4ictims nec%, %illin" iminstantly.Prere8#isites+ /pecial Forces OR E#&o OR restlin".Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

+in :Basic<'is mane#4er enables te fi"ter to "rab an opponent an& immobilize tem on te "ro#n&.Dictims m#st alrea&y be on te "ro#n&, an& !ill be el& in place if te Pin is e5ec#te&s#ccessf#lly. Once initiate&, te opponent m#st ma%e a conteste& roll of 1&1? /tren"t in or&er to escape, to#" te attac%er a&&s in te le4el of teir /tyle as !ell. 'e attac%er may, if teycoose, inflict &ama"e as note& belo! eac t#rn.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&I7t#rnMo4e+ one

!olling Back Throw :*dept<n tis mane#4er, te attac%er "rabs te opponent an& s!in"s bac%, to tat is bac% en&s #p flata"ainst te "ro#n&, an& te opponent is tro!n clear past tem (#p to 17K te attac%ers /tren"tin e5es) by te moment#m.

Prere8#isites+ $o&y FlipCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 11ama"e+ 1&>Mo4e+ 1

Slam :Basic<n tis comparati4ely basic tro!, te attac%er "rabs te opponent an& slams tem to te "ro#n&.Dictims s#ffer a noc%&o!n. Performance is limite& to attac%ers !ei"t liftin" capacity.Prere8#isites+ one

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Caracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

Sleeper .old :*deptJ (isabling<'is is a /#staine& 9ol& in !ic te attac%er ol&s te opponents ea& an& nec%, ittin" a fe!press#re points an& c#ttin" off circ#lation so tat if te ol& is maintaine& for tree t#rns, teopponent is a#tomatically &isable&.Prere8#isites+ /tren"t , /tamina Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1? per t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one


*;e Gick :*dept<'e attac%er lifts teir le" as i" as possible an& slams it &o!n on te opponents ea& or so#l&ers. Dictims s#ffer a noc%&o!n.

Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ One

Backflip Gick :*dept<'is po!erf#l %ic% is e5ec#te& as a bac%flip, stri%in" !it ones feet on te !ay #p. Opponentss#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ $ac%flipCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ One

Crescent Gick :+ractitioner<'is is a s!i4el*ippe& %ic% in !ic te foot is sent o#t in a s!eepin" arc.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ >ama"e+ &I1Mo4e+ 1

(rop Gick :*dept<n tis combination &efensi4e7offensi4e mane#4er, te caracter &rops to te "ro#n& !enattac%e&, an& &eli4ers a %ic%, effecti4ely &o&"in" an& attac%in" at te same time. $ot caractersare consi&ere& to s#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ isplacementCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ I Action Points+ 1ama"e+ 1&I1Mo4e+

9lying !e%erse Turning Gick :E;pert<'e caracter 2#mps into te air, ol&in" one le" o#t, an& spins aro#n& !ile airborne, stri%in" astey come aro#n&. Opponents !o ta%e &ama"e "reater tan teir /tren"t s#ffer a noc%&o!n.

 As its aime& at te ea&, tar"ets not !earin" a elmet are ass#me& to be #narmore& for &eterminin" /oa%.

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Prere8#isites+ E#mp, Crescent ic%Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&>1Mo4e+ 1

9oot Sweep :*dept<

'is is a lo!, po!erf#l %ic% inten&e& to %noc% an opponent off teir feet. Foot /!eep is aCro#cin" Mane#4er, an& 4ictims s#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

.andstand Gick :*dept<n tis rater flasy mane#4er, te caracter &oes a an&stan&, so4in" teir feet at te opponent9an&stan& ic% can be #se& to Co#nter Aerial Mane#4ers, in !ic case it ca#ses a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ #n" F#Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1

 Action Points+ >ama"e+ &IMo4e+ one

#ron Broom :E;pert<'is is a more po!erf#l 4ersion of te basic foot s!eep, in !ic te caracter s!in"s teir le"aro#n& in a circle, stri%in" all opponents te same e5 an& inflictin" &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foot /!eepCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1Iama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

Gnee Strike :Basic<n tis some!at 4icio#s mane#4er, te fi"ter stan&s close to is opponent an& 2#mps #p to%nee im in te stomac, cest, or face, #sin" te moment#m of te 2#mp to increase te&ama"e.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

!e%erse 9ront Gick :*dept<'e fi"ter la#nces a feint %ic% past te ea& of is opponent, ten 8#ic%ly re4erses it !it a

sarp snappin" motion, &ri4in" is eel into te bac% of te opponents ea&.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+

!ising .andstand Gick :E;pert<'is mane#4er consists of a 9an&stan& ic% in !ic te caracter p#ses off ar& eno#" torise into te air. 'e Risin" 9an&stan& ic% can be #se& a"ainst bot airborne an& "ro#n&e&

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opponents in te same e5 or an a&2acent one. 'is is an Aerial Mane#4er, an& can Co#nter oter Aerial Mane#4ers.Prere8#isites+ 9an&stan& ic%Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ 1

Snap Gick :Basic< A most basic %ic% in !ic te le" is e5ten&e& an& snappe& to te front eiter at mi& or cinsei"t..Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&I1Mo4e+ 1

Spinning Thrust Gick :+ractitioner<

'e fi"ter spins an& ten tr#st*%ic%s at te opponent, #sin" te moment#m from te spin toincrease te po!er of te %ic%. /ometimes te fi"ter !ill it is opponent !it is eel as is foot!ips aro#n&H tis is calle& a /pinnin" $ac% ic%. 9alf te mane#4ers &ama"e is also &one tote opponents Action Points.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Jama"e+ 1&JMo4e+

'heel Gick :*dept<'is is a po!erf#l %ic% in !ic te le" is bro#"t completely aro#n& te bo&y. 'e mane#4ers&ama"e is also applie& to te opponents Action Points.Prere8#isites+ Re4erse Front ic%

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ &IMo4e+ one


*rt of Breaking :E;pert<'amasi!ara, or te QArt of $rea%in"Q, can more or less be &escribe& as practice in boar&brea%in". caracter !it tis mane#4er !ill a4e learne& o! to #se nearly any part of teir bo&yto brea% !oo&, ice, "lass, an& stone, by brea%in" te Ci of te ob2ect. 'is po!er can be #se&on nearly any non*li4in" ob2ect. Ma%e a Foc#s roll a"ainst a &iffic#lty &etermine& as follo!s+

ce+ 1?

oo&+ 1I/tone7$ric%7Cement+ 1JMetal+ L9ar&ene& Metal+ K? L

f yo# roll s#ccessf#lly, yo# !ill satter te ob2ect. o# cannot #se Art of $rea%in" on li4in" tin"s,or cybernetic implants (attemptin" to &o so &eli4ers &ama"e as per a 9ea4y P#nc). L IOTEOnly caracters !it te e&icate& Martial Artist A&4anta"e can #se 'amasi!ara to brea%tro#" metal an& #p.Prere8#isites+ /tren"t , Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ?

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 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

Backhand :+ractitioner<'e caracter s!in"s is an& bac%!ar&s to stri%e an opponent bein& tem.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Jama"e+ Mo4e+ 1

Claw .and :+ractitioner<n tis stri%e te caracter ol&s teir an& in a cla! position an& #ses it to ra%e te fles of anopponent. oesnt !or% on armo#re& opponents #nless attac%er possesses real cla!s (as an#man).Prere8#isites+ #n" F# or n#manCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Jama"e+ 1&J

Mo4e+ One

Cross +unch :Basic< A "eneric strai"t p#nc, #sin" te attac%ers ips, bac%, an& so#l&ers to stri%e #sin" is !ei"t.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

(eflecting +unch :*dept<'is mane#4er, common to certain styles of %arate an& %#n" f#, is #se& &efensi4ely, to interr#ptan opponents p#nc !it a 8#ic% co#nterp#nc. en it is #se&, te opponents p#nc iseffecti4ely Parrie&. Bnless isable&, te caracter ten &eli4ers a p#nc as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Kama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ one

(isarm :*dept<Bsin" tis mane#4er a caracter may &eli4er a blo! tat, if s#ccessf#l, !ill %noc% a !eapon froman opponents an&s. 'is mane#4er can also be #se& !it melee !eapons.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Jama"e+ one

Mo4e+ one

Ear +op :*deptJ (isabling<n tis rater &esperate mo4e, te fi"ter c#ps is an&s an& slams tem a"ainst eiter si&e of te opponents ea&, forcin" air into teir ears, t#s ca#sin" intense pain an& &isorientationH teopponent !ill s#ffer a penalty of *I to all rolls for te ne5t 1&J t#rns, an& !ill contin#e to a4e aea&ace after tat.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1

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 Action Points+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

Elbow Strike :Basic< A 8#ic% stri%e !it an elbo!.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Iama"e+ 1&I1Mo4e+ 1

Eye +oke :BasicJ Gilling<Cr#&e, not often #se&, an& #s#ally reser4e& for &esperate circ#mstances, is merely eiter stri%in"or pressin" yo#r fin"ers a"ainst te opponents eyes. Opponents &ama"e& by an ye Ra%eeffecti4ely blin&e& for te rest of te fi"t (* on all rolls, APs are al4e&). Fail#re on te /taminasa4e res#lts in permanent blin&ness.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *K Action Points+ ama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 1

.ook +unch :Basic< A s!in" !it te arm c#rle& in a oo% position !ile #sin" f#ll motion of ips, bac%, an&so#l&ers, #s#ally &irecte& at a tar"ets ea&, stomac, li4er, or solar ple5#s. ama"e from tismane#4er is instea& &one to oponents Action Points for te c#rrent t#rn.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ Jama"e+ 1&J (special)Mo4e+ 1

.ead Butt :Basic<

 A cr#&e b#t often 4ery effecti4e mane#4er, te caracter slams teir ea& into te to say, tis re8#ires a4in" a pretty ar& ea&.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

Fab :Basic< A li"t p#nc !it intentions not so m#c to &ama"e as to meas#re te &istance bet!een teattac%er an& is opponent. A s#ccessf#l 2ab "rants te attac%er a 1 bon#s to te acc#racy of isne5t p#nc, o!e4er, te &ama"e of a 2ab can be /oa%e& &o!n to zero.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free

 Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&I*Mo4e+ 1

Gnife .and :+ractitioner<'is is an open*an&e& stri%e !it te bla&e of te an&. A :1?; score& on te &ie &enotes astri%e ri"t at te troat, te &ama"e bein" treate& as per a isablin" mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ arate OR #n" F#.Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1

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 Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

Gnuckle 9ist :+ractitioner<'is is a p#nc in !ic te an& is not el& ri"i& an& te first set of fin"er %n#c%les are #se& asa stri%in" s#rface rater tan te flat of te first fin"er sections as in a normal p#nc.

Prere8#isites+ #n" F#Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ &IMo4e+

-onkey Drab +unch :E;pert<'is relati4ely easy mane#4er, ori"inally from Mon%ey /tyle #n" F#, consists of "rabbin" anopponents arm !it one an& an& p#ncin" 8#ic%ly !it te oter. 'is attac% cannot be parrie&.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Jama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

+alm Strike :+ractitioner< A simple attac% #sin" te palm of te an&.Prere8#isites+ arate OR #n" F#Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Iama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

=ppercut :+ractitioner<'is is a po!erf#l p#nc tat starts lo! an& en&s abo4e te caracters ea&. A :1?; rolle& on te&ie "i4es te #pperc#t .O 4al#e, te &ama"e bein" treate& as if a isablin" mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ $o5in"Caracter Points+ Free.

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1


Iotes for Energy -elee 'eapons 'e &ama"e of an ener"y !eapon is al!ays te same (te!eapons base &ama"e) re"ar&less of mane#4er.

Beat :Basic<$asic fencin" mane#4erH consists of a sarp tap of te oponents bla&e to initiate attac% or treatof attac%. On a s#ccessf#l $eat, te attac%er "ets a bon#s on is ne5t stri%e.Prere8#isites+ one

Bsable it+ Fencin" s!or&s or sta4es.Caracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Iama"e+ 7AMo4e+ ?

Blade !unner :Basic<'e caracter &ases at is opponent, s!or&o#tstretce&, to impale tem.Prere8#isites+ one

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Bsable it+ /!or&sCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ *K Action Points+ 1ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ J

Block :Basic<

$loc% is essentially te same as a Parry, sa4e in tat it is &one !it a !eapon (or siel&) tatob2ect ta%es !at little impact tere mi"t be, an& t#s a s#ccessf#l $loc% !ill ne"ate te&ama"e. ner"y melee !eapons cannot be #se& for bloc%in" pysical or e4en oter ener"ymelee !eapon attac%s, b#t ener"y sots can be bloc%e&.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ ?

(aing Blow :+ractitioner< Alto#" it ta%es a "reat &eal if s%ill, it is possible to #se a !eapon to &o /t#n rater tan ill&ama"e. it a bl#nt !eapon te attac%er its less forcef#llyH !it a s!or& e its !it te ilt or 

te flat of te bla&e. 'is ca#ses /t#n rater tan ill &ama"e. At te GMs option it may not !or%!it some !eaponsH %noc%in" someone o#t !it a s!or& or cl#b is relati4ely easy, !ile &oin" so!it a s!itcbla&e is ar&.Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ Any (see abo4e)Caracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&I*1 /t#nMo4e+ 1

(ouble Strike :E;pert<'is mane#4er enables te caracter to stri%e sim#ltaneo#sly !it t!o !eaponsH an opponentcan bloc% one, b#t not bot (#nless #sin" a polearm). 'e attac%er ma%es t!o (basic) stri%essim#ltaneo#sly. efen&ers can only bloc% one of te t!o stri%es. f tey &o&"e instea&, tey m#st

mo4e at least one e5 a!ay.Prere8#isites+ Ambi&e5tero#s.Bsable it+ Any paire& !eaponsCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+  Action Points+ >ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

9leche :*dept<'is mane#4er ta%es its name from Fencin"H it is most often #se& !it s!or&s, an& is also %no!nas a car"e. 'e fi"ter mo4es for!ar& 8#ic%ly, #sin" is moment#m to increase te &ama"einflicte&.Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ Any piercin" melee !eapons

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Iama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ K

.alf Sweep :Basic</imply p#t, te attac%er s!in"s is !eapon from si&e to si&e in a 1>?Y arc, tryin" to catc asmany opponents in front of im as possible.Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ Any melee !eapons

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Caracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

!eflection Slice :E;pert<'is e5ceptionally &ea&ly an& &iffic#lt mane#4er allo!s te fi"ter to ta%e ol& of te s!or& of anattac%er an&, in one fl#i& motion, s!in" it aro#n& an& stri%e at tem. f tis is s#ccessf#l, ten tecaracter as ta%en e opponents s!or&H ma%e a normal s!or& attac% roll, for !ic te 4ictim isat *J to &efen&.Prere8#isites+ $o&y Flip, /tren"t J, A"ility , Foc#s Bsable it+ /pecialCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

!iposte :*dept<'is mane#4er is a rapi& stri%e follo!in" a bloc%, an& may only be #se& after te caracter asma&e a Parry, an& is inten&e& to ta%e a&4anta"e of an opponents temporary inability to react

after attac%in" (i.e., te /pee& bon#s recei4e& from Parryin" te attac%).Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ Any melee !eaponsCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Kama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ one

Slash>Strike :Basic<Bse& !it e#ropean*style bla&es or bl#nt !eapons, consists of a cr#&e, yet effecti4e s!in".Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ Any melee !eaponsCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ J

ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ 1

Slice =pper :*dept<'e /lice Bpper is a leapin" s!or& stri%e in !ic te attac%er be"ins !it te s!or& &o!n, an&s!in"s it #p!ar&s in an arc !ile 2#mpin" #p. /lice Bpper co#nts as an Aerial Mane#4er an& !illaffect any one "ro#n&e& or aerial opponent. Aerial opponents !ill s#ffer a %noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ /tren"t JBsable it+ /!or&s, A5es, PolearmsCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+

Spin Slash :*dept<'e caracter ol&s o#t teir s!or& an& !irls aro#n& in a circle, stri%in" all opponents in tesame e5 an& a&2acent e5es.Prere8#isites+ /tren"t JBsable it+ /!or&s, A5es, PolearmsCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ 1Iama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

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Staff Spin :*dept<n tis some!at #n#s#al mane#4er, te caracter spins is staff aro#n& 4ery 8#ic%ly, inflictin"&ama"e to anyone !o comes close. Anyone !o enters te same e5 in front of te caracter ta%es &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ /taff /!eep

Bsable it+ /ta4esCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1?ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

Staff Sweep :*dept<'e caracter #ses is staff to %noc% te opponent off is feet. n a&&ition to any &ama"e ta%ente opponent !ill s#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ oneBsable it+ /ta4es, PolearmsCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+

ama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ one


*mbide;trous 9iring :*dept<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to ol& a "#n in eac an& an& fire tem (in sin"le sotsonly) sim#ltaneo#sly !ito#t penalties (to#" bot "#ns m#st be aime& at te same tar"et).Prere8#isites+ A"ility >.Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ As per firin" a sin"le "#n (if #sin" t!o&ifferent types, ta%e te "reater of te t!o) Kama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

Basic Shot :Basic<Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ As per !eapon Action Points+ As per !eaponama"e+ As per !eaponMo4e+ none

Crippling Shot :*dept<'is is a sot to a partic#lar limb (#s#ally a le") inten&e& to &isable tat limb, if only temporarily. f te Cripplin" /ot is ma&e s#ccessf#lly, te 4ictim ma%es a roll on 1&1? /taminaH if tis fails,tey temporarily lose #se of tat limbPrere8#isites+ 'ar"et /otCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

(ouble 9iring :E;pert< An e5tension of Ambi&e5tro#s Firin", tis mane#4er effecti4ely allo!s te caracter to #se te"#n in eac of is an&s in&epen&ently, firin" an& e4en sprayin" t!o &ifferent tar"ets !it eacattac%.Prere8#isites+ Ambi&e5tro#s Firin", Ambi&e5tero#s.Caracter Points+ I

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 Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ As per firin" a sin"le "#n (if #sin" t!o&ifferent types, ta%e te "reater of te t!o) 1ama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

9ull$*uto :Basic<'e caracter #ses te a#tomatic fire feat#re of /MGs an& oter !eapons. en firin" in f#ll*a#to mo&e, a&& bot te caracters le4el in Firearms trainin" an& is A"ility mo&ifier to te&ama"e of te b#llet. ac #se of f#ll*a#to cons#mes S of te !eapons ma"azine.9ull Burst :$" *cc< 'e caracter can empty te !ole ma"azine on te tar"et. A&& te &ama"e bon#s anoter t!otimes to te &ama"e of te mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

-ulti$Shot :Basic<'is mane#4er re8#ires te "#nman to be #sin" an a#tomatic pistol or rifle, !ic e can #se tocain a barra"e of rapi& sots. 'e "#nman can %eep sootin" !ito#t interr#ptions #ntil e r#ns

o#t of ammo, te opponent fin&s co4er, or e can no lon"er maintain te mane#4er. A M#lti*/otcan be maintaine& for as many t#rns as te caracters Foc#s or #ntil e r#ns o#t of ammo.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ free Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ K per sotama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

+istol 'hip :Basic<'is is simply smac%in" someone !it yo#r firearm. A&& yo#r #s#al $asic ama"e from /tren"t,an& if yo# #se a rifle rater tan a pistol.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ J

ama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ 1

@uickdraw :*dept<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to p#ll is "#n !it li"tnin" spee& an& s8#eeze a sot off inte same motion. 'is can normally only be &one !it a pistol.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ As per normal firin" of "#n 1ama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

!e%erse Shot :E;pert< Allo!s te "#nman to fire o4er is so#l&er !it no oter elp tan a mirror or reflectin" s#rface.Can also be &one !ito#t it inc#rrin" a – penalty (#s#ally it isnt possible at all !ito#t tismane#4er).Prere8#isites+ A"ility , Perception Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ Kama"e+ /tanar&Mo4e+ none

!icochet Shot :E;pert<

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'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to fire a sot an& a4e it bo#nce off of sometin" to it tetar"et. Ob4io#sly, tis as to be sometin" tat te sot co#l& realistically a4e a b#llet bo#nceoff of it (rater tan "ettin" lo&"e& in or "oin" tro#"), to#" tere are possible special cases(for instance, if yo# are #sin" a laser !eapon, a Ricocet /ot !o#l& #se a mirror).Prere8#isites+ 'ar"et /otCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+

 Action Points+ ama"e+ *Mo4e+ one

Sniper Shot :*dept<Can only be &one !it lon"*ran"e& !eapons an& re8#ire tat te sniper remains completelymotionless. For e4ery 1? APs spent aimin", te sniper "ets a 1 to attac% an& to &ama"e, to ama5im#m n#mber of ro#n&s e8#al to is Foc#s. Combinin" tis !it te asin" Mane#4er mo&ifier &oesnt enable te sniper to mo4e, b#t it rater enables te sniper to soot from insi&e amo4in" 4eicle or mo4in" s#rface.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, 'ar"et /ot, Criplin" /otCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ /pecialama"e+ /pecial

Mo4e+ none

Speed ,oading :*dept<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to almost instantly reloa& teir "#n. 'is normally ta%es K

 APs for a clip (or !it a spee& loa&er !en #sin" a re4ol4er), or J APs for a re4ol4er or sot"#n.f a s#ccessf#l roll is ma&e on 1&1? /tyle (if it is /pecial Forces or G#nfi"tin"H oter!iseFirearms s%ill) A"ility, reloa&in" only ta%es 1 AP. f te roll fails, it ta%es te normal amo#nt of time.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Spray 9iring :Basic<'e "#nman #ses a f#lly a#tomatic !eapon (li%e /MG or macine"#n) to spray an area. 'espray starts !it te first K e5es a&2acent to te "#nman ten sprea&s in a cone sape #p to te!eapons ma5im#m ran"e. All tar"ets insi&e te sprays area m#st &#c%, ta%e co4er, or ta%e&ama"e as per a sin"le b#llet. Bsin" spray firin" empties te !eapons ma"azine.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ Free Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ A66ama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

Stealthy G&O :E;pertJ (isabling<$asically te (in)famo#s col& coc% in te bac%. $efore #sin" te mane#4er, all con&itions for 

performin" a :ac3stab attac% m#st be met.Prere8#isites+ /tealt >.Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ >ama"e+ 1&>I (/t#n)Mo4e+ none

Target Shot :Basic<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to tar"et a specific portion of te opponentNs bo&y. ama"e isalso applie& to te tar"ets $ase APs for te rest of combat.

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Prere8#isites+ one.Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *K Action Points+ ama"e+ /tan&ar&Mo4e+ one

Droup Iame ,e%el *cc *+ (amage -o%e

 Acrobatics $ac%flip A& I *

$rea%fall A& * * *

  as $a * I * J

r#n%en Mon%ey Roll A& K * J

  E#mp $a K K * /pe

ipp#p A& K * 1

  Mo4ement $a * 1 * 1

  Roll !it mpact $a ? K * I

  /o#l&er /mas $a *1 1? 1&J J

/omersa#lt A& K *

  'ac%le $a *K J 1&J I

all /prin" 5 * /pe

$loc% Air $loc% 5 K * *

Circ#lar Parry 5 * K

  Parry $a 1 *

Po!er $loc% A& ? K ? 1

Pro2ectile eflection A& K I * 1

Pro2ectile Reflection 5 K71 J ?7/t& 1

eapon $loc% A& 1 *

4asion isplacement A& I * K

  o&"e $a ? K * K

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6eap o&"e A& I * /pe

M#ltiple o&"e 5 > * K

Foc#s an"er /ense 5 * * * *

i*Ai A& 1 1 1 *1

M#sic Foc#s A& /pe * /pe *

Grapplin" Air /lam A& 1&>1 1

$ac%brea%er 5 * 1 1&1?1 1

  $aser 9ol& Prac *1 >7t 1 *

  $ear#" $a *1 =7t 1&I 1

$o&y Flip A& 1 1&> 1

  Co%e 9ol& $a ? = ? 1

Co#nter Grab 5 ? K * *

  isen"a"e Prac *

  Grab $a ? K *

  Eoint 6oc% Prac *1 >7t 1&I 1

6eapin" /lam 5 * 1 1&1

ec% /napper 5 *1 > 1&J *

  Pin $a *1 1? 1&I7t *

Rollin" $ac% 'ro! A& *1 11 1&> 1

  /lam $a 1 > 1&J 1

/leeper 9ol& A& *1 1?7t /pe *

ic% A5e ic% A& *1 > 1&J 1

$ac%flip ic% A& *1 1? 1&1? 1

  Crescent ic% Prac > &I1 1

rop ic% A& I 1 1&I1

Flyin" Re4. '#rnin" ic% 5 *1 1? 1&>1 1

Foot /!eep A& *1 > 1&J 1

9an&stan& ic% A& *1 > &I *

ron $room 5 1I 1&J *

  nee /tri%e $a 1 1&J *

Re4erse Front ic% A& K 1&J

Risin" 9an&stan& ic% 5 *1 1? 1&1? 1

  /nap ic% $a 1 1&I1 1

  /pinnin" 'r#st ic% Prac ? J 1&J

eel ic% A& *1 1? &I *

P#nc $ac%an& Prac 1 J 1

  Cla! 9an& Prac 1 J 1&J 1

  Cross P#nc $a ? 1&J *

eflectin" P#nc A& 1 K 1&I *

isarm A& J * *

ar Pop A& *1 /pec *

  lbo! /tri%e $a 1 I 1&I1 1

  ye Po%e $a *K ? 1

  9oo% P#nc $a *1 J 1&J 1

  9ea& $#tt $a ? 1&J 1

  Eab $a 1&I* 1

  nife 9an& Prac 1 1&J 1

  n#c%le Fist Prac &I

Mon%ey Grab P#nc 5 J 1&J *

  Palm /tri%e Prac 1 I 1&J 1

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  Bpperc#t Prac 1 1&J 1

eapons $eat $a I * *

  $la&e R#nner $a *K 1 1&1? J

  $loc% $a K * *

  azin" $lo! Prac ? 1&I*1 1

o#ble /tri%e 5 > /pe 1

  Flece Prac 1 I 1&J K

  9alf /!eep $a * > 1&J *

Reflection /lice 5 1&J 1

Riposite A& ? J 1&J ?

  /las $a ? J 1&J 1

/lice Bpper A& ? 1? 1&1?

/pin /las A& K 1I 1&J *

/taff /pin A& ? 1? 1&J *

/taff /!eep A& 1&I *

Firearms Ambi&e5tero#s Fire A& *1 K /t& *

  $asic /ot $a /t& /t& /t& *

Cripplin" /ot A& 1 * *

o#ble Firin" 5 ? 1 /t& *

  F#ll A#to $a ? J /pe *

  M#lti*/ot $a * K7s /t& *

  Pistol ip $a ? J 1&I 1

#ic%&ra! A& *1 1 /t& *

Re4erse /ot 5 ? K /t& *

Ricocet /ot 5 * *

/niper /ot A& /pe /pe /pe *

/pee& 6oa&in" A& ? 1 * *

  /pray Firin" $a * A66 /t& *

/tealty .O 5 ? > /pec *

  'ar"et /ot $a *K /t& *

$asic Mane#4ers are in blue bac3ground , an& can be #se& by caracters at any time.Practitioner Mane#4ers are in green bac3ground , an& re8#ire practice in a specific style.isablin" an& illin" mane#4ers are mar%e& in re& font.

.) Miscellaneo#s Po!ers

espite te best attemps at classification, tere are some e5traor&inary abilities !ic are eiter possesse& by too many &ifferent types of &"es or simply &efy canon. /#c mane#4ers are liste&ere for simplicitys sa%e. Any &"e statin" tat possessors also a4e access to po!ers from tissection is free to select amon" any of te follo!in"+

*bsorbing Barrier'is is te ability to create an ener"y barrier !ic !ill absorb te ci from incomin" ener"yattac%s. 'e Absorbin" $arrier lasts for one t#rnH if #se& to bloc% an ener"y attac% (ci blast,

!irl!in&, etc.), te total &ama"e inflicte& by tat attac% is instea& a&&e& to te caractersc#rrent Ra"e. f te Absorbin" $arrier is #se& offensi4ely it f#nctions in te same manner as aReflectin" $arrier (see belo!)Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

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Chi Blast'e ci blast mane#4er allo!s te caracter to #rl a spere of p#re ci ener"y at te opponent.'is as a ran"e e8#al to te caracters Foc#s ill in e5es. One of te more spectac#lar meto&s of &ealin" !it an incomin" ci blast is to #se ones o!n to co#nter it. oin" so re8#irestat te caracter at least matc te opponents roll to it. f te t!o blasts &o stri%e one anoter,fi"#re o#t teir &ama"e as #s#alH if one &oes t!ice as m#c as or more tan te oter, it !illobliterate it an& contin#e to stri%e te opponent, b#t &oes alf &ama"e. Oter!ise te t!o blastsanniilate one anoter. 'e follo!in" are special mo&ifiers specific to Ci $last.L *rmor +iercing :6"<+ 'e ci blast passes tro#" armor of all sortsH te normal protection bon#ses of armor areal4e&.L Chi Bomb :6)< For tis #n#s#al ci blast, te caracter forms a spere of ener"y an& lobs it at te opponent. $eca#seit as bot a&4anta"es an& &isa&4anta"es, its o4erall cost comes o#t as ?, lea4in" it at te same cost as a normal ciblast. First of all, te ran"e of a Ci $omb is e8#al to hal$ te caracters /tren"t in e5es (ro#n&e& #p). 9o!e4er, it isalso a#tomatically consi&ere& an 5plo&in" $last (te 1 4ersionH for it to be as per a re8#ires one a&&itional CP). 'eCi $omb is normally tro!n o4eran&, s#c tat it can be #se& to "o o4er tin"s.L Chi Burst :61< Rater tan a ran"e& attac%, te ci blast simply creates a lar"e ener"y formation bet!een tecaracters an&s, !ic is p#se& into te opponent to inflict &ama"e. 'e caracter m#st mo4e into te same e5 aste opponent to #se it, b#t te &ama"e is increase& by K, an& te Mo4e is 1.L Cone Blast :6/< Rater tan a sin"le spere or beam, te ci blast "oes o#t!ar& in a cone, !i&enin" (b#t &oin" less&ama"e) as it "ets f#rter a!ay. n te first e5 it &oes f#ll &ama"e. en it reaces te ne5t e5 it fans o#t to co4er tet!o in front of tat, b#t te &ama"e is re&#ce& by *1. For eac a&&itional e5 (#p to its normal ran"e), it tra4els for!ar&, itaffects one more laterally, an& te &ama"e is re&#ce& by *1.L Continuing (amage :6"< 'e blast contin#es to &o &ama"e after it initially its. n te case of a normal ci blast, te

!o#n& %eeps b#rnin", !ereas a contin#o#s or cone blast !ill a4e to be re*aime& eac t#rn it is maintaine&, b#tattemptin" to &o so is at I to Acc#racy. For eac t#rn te blast affects te tar"et, it inflicts alf normal &ama"e, b#t yo#m#st pay alf te normal Ci cost, pl#s one.L Continuous Blast :61< Rater tan a spere, te blast forms a coerent beam for its &#ration. 'is increases ama"e, Acc#racy, an& Ci Cost by 1 point eac.L (ouble Blast :61< 'e caracter is capable of tro!in" t!o blasts at once, one from eac an&. o# m#st pay ci for eac blast in&i4i&#ally, an& ma%e a separate attac% roll for eac, b#t tey are performe& sim#ltaneo#sly, an& &oin" botonly ta%es #p APs as per a sin"le one.L Electric Blast :6/< 'e blast is instea& a li"tnin" bolt e5ten&in" from te caracters an&s. 'e mane#4er ac8#ireste :Gilling< &escriptor (see Mane#4ers section), an& tar"ets tat fail teir /tamina sa4e also s#ffer 1&J A"ility &ama"e&#e to internal b#rns, A"ility points bein" restore& at a rate of 1 per &ay.L E;ploding Blast :61 or 6"< en te blast stri%es, te ener"y affects its tar"et, b#t also e5plo&es o#t!ar&. 'isincreases te base &ama"e by points, an& anyone in te same e5 as te one it lan&s in (or in any e5 a&2acent totat if CP are spent) ta%es alf &ama"e as !ell.L E;tended !ange :61< o#ble te ran"e of te attac%. 'is can be p#rcase& as many times as &esire&, b#t after tesecon& time it is p#rcase&, it increases te ran"e m#lt iplier by one (i.e.H after &o#blin" comes 5K, ten 5I, 5, an& so on).L Eye>9oot>-outh Blast :61< 'e caracter can fire te Ci blast o#t of teir eyes, feet, or mo#t (coose one). 'isallo!s it to be #se& an&s free, an& re&#ces te AP cost by *K.L 9laming Blast :6"< 'e blast is instea& an act#al ball of fire. ac s#ccessf#l impact also as a KS cance of settin"te tar"ets clotes on fire (re"ar&less of fabric, !ic is illo"ical b#t 2#st as lo"ical as a #man pro&#cin" fire from isan&s if yo# tin% abo#t it). 'ar"ets set on fire are s#b2et to all con&itions for caracters trappe& in fires (see te O#t of Combat ama"e /o#rces section on te Combat capter).L 9orceful Blast :61< Anyone str#c% by te ci blast s#ffers a noc%&o!n. ama"e is increase& by 1.L Dround 'a%e :61< Rater tan "oin" tro#" te air, te ci blast zooms alon" te "ro#n&. ile tis may limit !ocan be it by te blast, it also means tat anyone it by it is tro!n bac% one e5 an& m#st s#ccee& a /tren"t sa4e&iffic#lty 1 to a4oi& %noc%&o!n.L Duided Blast :6"< 'is rater #n#s#al an& spectac#lar mo&ifier enables te caracter to sort of :remote control; te ciblast, mentally "#i&in" it to stri%e te tar"et. '#s, te caracter may a4e te blast mane#4er aro#n& corners an& s#c.F#rter, if it misses te opponent,te caracter may spen& 1 Ci to maintain te e5istence of te blast for anoter t#rn an&ma%e anoter roll to try to it, to#" eac attempt to re*aim costs APs.L .oming :6/< 'e blast !ill a#tomatically aim itself at te tar"et, effecti4ely increasin" its Acc#racy by I.L #ce Blast :6"< 'e blast is ma&e of freezin" col&. ama"e from te blast is &o!n"ra&e& to ormal &ama"e instea& of ner"y, b#t frostbite an& n#mbness also re&#ces te tar"ets APs for te ro#n& by an amo#nt e8#al to &ama"e inflicte&

(c#m#lati4e !it eac impact, b#t APs are restore& at te be"innin" of a ne! t#rn). 9ea4y col& protection re&#ce te&ama"e to 1 point an& no AP &ama"e is inflicte&.L #ce Crystal Blast :6"< 'e mane#4er instea& pro&#ces a barra"e of small ice crystal sar&s. ama"e from an ceCrystal $last is &o!n"ra&e& to eapon &ama"e instea& of ner"y, b#t also pro&#ces blee&in" in te tar"et (see Firearmsin te e8#ipment capter. earin" Assa#lt Armor of 'ype* 8#ality or e8#i4alent ne"ate te blasts &ama"e. Combinin"tis mo&ifier !it te ce blast ma%es all te &ama"e to be &o!n"ra&e& to ormal &ama"e instea& of eapon an& riseste mane#4ers Ci cost by K, b#t te blast still ca#ses blee&in".L ,ight Blast :6"< A beam ma&e of p#re li"t, sort of li%e a laser beam. #e to te spee& an& &irectness of te beam, teblast as K to Acc#racy, an& te AP cost is re&#ce& by points.L -o%ing Blast :61< 'e caracter can mo4e !ile &eli4erin" te ci blast (Mo4e ).L -ultiple Blasts :6"< 'e caracter can &i4i&e a lar"e blast into se4eral smaller ones (#p to si5), eac of !ic can be&irecte& at a &ifferent opponent, all at one opponent, or anytin" in*bet!een. ac in&i4i&#al pro2ectile ta%es an e8#al

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portion of te &ama"e (i.e., if si5 are fire&, eac &oes 17Jt, if I, eac &oes 17It, etc.) pl#s points of &ama"e eac.L !educed !ange :$1< 'e ran"e of te blast is al4e&.L Short Blast :$"< 'e blast can only be #se& on tose in te same e5 or an a&2acent e5.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+

ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ one

Chi Shockn tis mane#4er te caracter m#st be to#cin"7ol&in" te opponent – ten tey can sen& acar"e of ci into tem, ca#sin" tem to seemin"ly :e5plo&e; !it ener"y.L Electric Shock :61< Rater tan ci ener"y, te Ci /oc% consists of electrical c#rrent. ncrease te &ama"e by .L E;tended =se :61< 'is allo!s te Ci /oc% to be maintaine& a bit lon"er, instea& inflictin" 1 &ama"e per t#rn, at acost of I Ci an& J APs per t#rn.L 9lame Shock :61< Rater tan ci ener"y, te Ci /oc% consists of fire. ncrease &ama"e by 1 an& re&#ce te APcost by . 'is cannot be combine& !it 5ten&e& Bse.L Shock Self :6"< 'e caracter instea& s#rro#n&s teir bo&y !it te soc%in" po!er, tereby inflictin" &ama"e base&on teir Foc#s (no bon#s) to anyone !o comes in &irect pysical contact !it tem.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ 1&J1Mo4e+ one

Column Blast'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to pro&#ce a4ertical blast of ener"y, !ic soots #p!ar&s, stri%in" anyone abo4e te caracter or in tesame e5. o roll is nee&e& to &etermine if tis mane#4er its or notH it !ill stri%e a#tomatically if te opponent is in ran"e.Energy Collection :6"< 'is mo&ifier enables te caracter to collect te ener"y of te Col#mn $last into a ball of ener"y, !ic can be ten forme& into a Ci $last. f te Col#mn $last is a Me"a*Attac%, te Ci $last can be s#c too.E;tended Time Column :6/< 'e blast can be maintaine& fortree t#rns. Anyone str#c% by it !ill be tro!n bac% #nlesstey ma%e a roll on 1&1? A"ility /tamina, b#t if tey &o, tey !ill ta%e &ama"e a"ain ne5t t#rn. Caracters abo4e te

attac%er "et tro!n one e5 in a ran&om &irection an& s#ffer a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ Ci $last, Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ one

Chi Star :S=+E!<'is is a 4astly po!erf#l ci blast. en it is initiate&, a spere of "lo!in" ener"y e5pan&so#t!ar& from te attac%ers an&s, affectin" all tar"ets !itin its area. A Ci /tar co4ers a *e5ra&i#s aro#n& te attac%erH e4eryone !itin tat area ta%es &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Ci $lastCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ A66Ci Cost+ ?ama"e+ 1&1?1Mo4e+ one

(rain Chi'is po!er enables te caracter to act#ally &rain ci points from anoter person an& a&& temto ones o!n total. 'o &o tis, te caracter m#st stay in pysical contact !it te 4ictim for atleast one t#rnH after tat, te attac%er ma%es a conteste& roll on 1&1? Foc#s ill a"ainst tesame for te opponent. For e4ery point tat te attac%ers roll e5cee&s te 4ictims, t!o of te

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4ictims (temporary) ci points are transferre& to te attac%ers c#rrent pool.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

(rain ,ifeE#st as rain Ci enables caracters to steal Cipoints, rain 6ife enables tem to ta%e 9ealt points in precisely te same manner.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 11Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

9ire Breath

'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to e5pel a lar"e fire, in a manner similar to a flame*tro!er.'is "o#t of flame co4ers one a&2acent e5 an& te tree bein& itH anyone in tose areas ta%es&ama"e as note& belo!, to#" &ama"e is rolle& separately for eac 4ictim.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s ICaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ 1&1?1Mo4e+ one

9lare'is mane#4er creates an e5tremely bri"t flas of li"t. 4eryone !ito#t appropriate protection(i.e., closin" teir eyes ti"tly, bein" blin&, !earin" &ar% "lasses, etc.). 4eryone !itin one e5per point of te caracterNs Foc#s m#st s#ccee& an A"ility sa4e &ifficilty = or bein" blin&e& (* onall actions re8#irin" si"t) for 1&J t#rns.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ Kama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

Dhost 9orm'is rare po!er enables te caracter to :pase o#t,; so tat normal pysical attac%s pass ri"ttro#" tem. ile it is maintaine&, te caracter cannot be arme& by pysical attac%s (ener"yones &o f#ll &ama"e) an& can pass tro#" soli& ob2ects.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ K7t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A


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'is po!er enables te caracter to eal &ama"e to oters by a :layin" of te an&s; an&inf#sion of ci ener"y. For e4ery point of Ci spent, te 9ealin" po!er can restore 1 9ealt pointin anoter person. 'e ealer can restore a n#mber of 9ealt points e8#al to teir Foc#s for eac#sa"e of 9ealin".Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ 179ealt Pointama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

,e%itation'is mane#4er, !ic re8#ires intense inner control, enables te caracter to lift temsel4es off te "ro#n&, an& mo4e at a rate of one e5 per t#rn. ile le4itatin", te caracters APs areal4e&.Prere8#isites+ Re&#ce ei"tCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ /pecialCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

-ind 'alk'is po!er lets te caracter mo4e into te Astral Plane, lea4in" teir bo&y. n tis state tey canpercei4e tin"s appenin" in correspon&in" parts of te pysical !orl&, an& can e4en affect tepysical !orl& in limite& !ays, normally by #sin" 4ario#s Foc#s abilities an&7or psycic po!ers.Once in tis state, te caracter can mo4e at incre&ible spee&s tro#" te Astral Plane, able tocircle te art in a fe! min#tes, to#" after a sort time (aro#n& min#tes per point of Foc#s)te caracter !ill be p#lle& bac% into teir o!n bo&y. f teir bo&y as been &estroye&, on teoter an&, tey !ill be stran&e& in te Astral Plane. n te Astral Plane it is also possible to fi"ta"ainst oter astral bein"s. 'e Astral $o&y one possesses !ill f#nction in precisely te samemanner as teir pysical one, an& if it s#stains too m#c &ama"e te caracters essence can be&estroye&, to#" &ama"e to tis Astral form is separate from tat &one to te pysical one.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ K? to acti4ateCi Cost+ Jama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one, #ntil te Min& al% be"ins

+ower Blade'e Po!er $la&e mane#4er allo!s te caracter to create a s!or& o#t of crac%lin" ci ener"y.'is lasts for one t#rn, #se& for a sin"le stri%e !it te mo&ifiers note& belo!. $esi&es tosebelo!, te follo!in" Ci $last mane#4er mo&ifiers can be applie& to po!er bla&e+ o#ble $last(t!o po!er bla&es at once), lectric $last, Flamin" $last, an& ce $last.L E;tended =se :6"<  Rater tan a sin"le #se, te Po!er $la&e can be maintaine& for e5ten&e& perio&s of time, byspen&in" 1 Ci point per t#rn after te first. n tis case, it f#nctions more or less as an act#al s!or&, !it te follo!in"mo&ifiers+ Acc#racy 1, ama"e K, AP Cost *1, Mo4e 1L !ising Blade :61< 'e Po!er $la&e is forme& 4ertically, an& roc%ets #p!ar&s, carryin" te #ser #p !it it. 'is is an Aerial Mane#4er, an& can Co#nter oter Aerial Mane#4ers. ncrease &ama"e by .L Throwing Blade :61>6"< 'e po!er bla&e can be #se& as a tro!n !eapon. n tis case it can be tosse& as far as tecaracters /tren"t in e5es (or /tren"t Foc#s for an a&&itional CP).Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , $la&es s%ill (or e8#i4alent) Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ JCi Cost+ ama"e+ 1&J1Mo4e+ K

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+ower Storm :S=+E!<'is fearsome attac% creates a !irlin" 4orte5 of ci ener"y tat 8#ic%ly e5pan&s o#t!ar&s beforee5pirin". n te first t#rn it affect oters in te same e5. 'e secon& t#rn it e5pan&s to co4er alla&2acent e5es, te tir& t#rn it co4ers a t!o*e5 ra&i#s, te fo#rt t#rn a tree*e5 ra&i#s, an& soon #ntil te ra&i#s is e8#al to te caracters Foc#s, !en it &ies o#t. ac t#rn all tose in tearea of effect ta%e &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ /pecialH te caracter cannot ta%e anyactions for te &#ration of te Po!er /torm, !ic iseffecti4ely e8#al to teir Foc#s1 in t#rns, b#t allopponents are at *1? APs as !ell.Ci Cost+ ?ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

!eflecting Barrier'is po!er enables te caracter to create a small !all of ener"y in front of tem. 'is can be#se& to reflect ener"y attac%s, or it can be slamme& into opponents to inflict &ama"e. 'eReflectin" $arrier ca#ses any pro2ectiles tat stri%e it to bo#nce bac%, #s#ally at te attac%er (te&efen&er m#st ma%e a s#ccessf#l parryH oter!ise it !ill reflect normally). 'e reflectin" barrier 

!ill al!ays co#nter s#c attac%s (&#e to its size) #nless tey are &eli4ere& from bein&. AReflectin" $arrier lasts for one t#rn. A Reflectin" $arrier can also be #se& offensi4ely, byslammin" it into te opponent. 'is inflicts 1&J1&ama"e, an& oter!ise #ses te mo&ifiers liste& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

!egeneration'is po!er is 4ery similar to 9ealin" (see abo4e)e5cept tat it eals te #ser rater tan oters. For e4ery Ci point spent, te caracter !ill ealone 9ealt point.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ 179ealt pointama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

Shockwa%e'is po!er enables te caracter to stri%e te "ro#n& !it a p#nc, stomp, or oter means,ca#sin" te "ro#n& to sa%e, topplin" ob2ects an& people. 4eryone !itin a n#mber of e5ese8#al to te caracters Foc#s m#st ma%e a roll on 1&1? /tamina A"ility to a4oi& ta%in" anoc%&o!n.6inear /oc%!a4e (*1)+ Rater tan "oin" o#t in all &irections, te soc%!a4e tra4els o#t in a strai"t line, affectin"anyone in te affecte& e5es, for a n#mber of e5es e8#al to te caracters Foc#s ill.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ one

Stunning Shout'is po!er enables te caracter to emit an earpiercin" so#t. t m#st be aime& at one person,

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!o can be a n#mber of e5es a!ay e8#al to te caracters /tamina. Roll te :&ama"e;– 1&1? /tren"t mo&ifierH if tis e5cee&s te tar"ets /tamina, te tar"et is effecti4ely &izzie&.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecial

Mo4e+ one

Teleport'is po!er enables te caracter to &isappear an& reappear in a &ifferent location te ne5t t#rn.'is po!er is rare, to be s#re. 'eleport can be #se& &efensi4ely, by siftin" o#t of ran"e of anattac%, or offensi4ely, by #sin" it to mo4e into position to attac%. 'e caracter can mo4e an#mber of e5es e8#al to is Foc#s ill.L Burst Teleport :6">6/< 'is 4ariant of te normal teleportmane#4er ca#ses a lar"e e5plosion of ener"y (or fire7electricity7!ate4er) aro#n& te caracter !ic appears tocons#me tem. Anyone in te same e5 (or an a&2acent e5 if K is pai& for tis) ta%es &ama"e base& on te caractersFoc#s.L (elayed Teleport :61< 'e caracter can &elay te time beforeis reappearance by one t#rn by spen&in" Ci points.'is can be contin#e& for a n#mber of t#rns e8#al to te caracters Foc#s.L E;tended !ange :61< o#ble te ran"e of te teleport. 'is can be p#rcase& as many times as &esire&, b#t after tesecon& time it is p#rcase&, it increases te ran"e m#lt iplier by one (i.e.H after &o#blin" comes 5K, ten 5I, 5, an& so on).

L #nstant Teleport :6"< 'e caracter can teleport spontaneo#sly, an& &oesnt a4e to !ait #ntil te ne5t t#rn toreappear. As s#c, 'eleport for tem #ses only I APs, an& tey are at I APs for te ne5t t#rn if it is #se& for an attac%.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ oneMo4e+ one7/pecial

Thunderclap'e fi"ter claps is an&s to"eter, creatin" a &eafenin" so#n& of t#n&er an& sen&in" apo!erf#l soc%!a4e o#t!ar&s. 4eryone !itin tree e5es of te caracter ta%es &ama"e asnote& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ =ama"e+ 1Mo4e+ one

.K) Mystic Martial Arts

n a&&ition to or&inary an& to an& combat, caracters !it te e&icate& Martial Artist A&4anta"e a4e also access to te traits liste& in tis capter. 'e mane#4ers an& mo&ifiers ereare #s#ally #nreacable by caracters !o a4e not &e4ote& teir li4es to perfection of an& toan& combat an& p#rs#it of its mystic, ancient secrets. 9o!e4er, bein" anime martial arts a "enreas &i4erse as it is, te caracter can also select mane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#s Po!erssection at GMs &iscretion (rea& .>).

.K.1) Mystic isciplines

Iegati%e Chi -asterye"ati4e Ci Mastery is peraps one of te most &an"ero#s an& &estr#cti4e &isciplines to learn,for it re8#ires tat te caracter taps on forces tat in te best case contaminate te bo&y, an& inte !orst %ill it. A caracters le4el in e"ati4e Ci Mastery cannot e5cee& te le4el of is an&*to*an& combat style times t!o, !ic m#st be nternal in nat#re. !e?uisites e"ati4e Ci, Ai%i&oOR 9!aran"*o OR alaripayit OR #n" F# OR in2#st# OR 'ai Ci C#an.

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1. Sense Chi+ 'e caracter is "rante& a nat#ral a!areness of te forces of ci aro#n& tem, an& tis can sense te typean& appro5imate 8#antity of ci in anyone !itin line of si"t.. (ragon Chi+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to &ra! Ci from te ra"on 6ines. 'o &o tis tey m#st stan& on a line(tey are 8#ite common) an& concentrate, &ra!in" 1*K Ci points per t#rn (&epen&in" on te stren"t of te lineH GM&iscretion), !ic is #se& to restore teir c#rrent Ci totalK. .ardened Chi+ 'e po!er of :9ar&ene& Ci;, or /i Einenables te caracter to foc#s teir ci into ar& lines of force, t#s boostin" te &ama"e of attac%s. '#s, te caracter can increase te &ama"e of a &irect pysical attac% by 1 for eac point of Ci spent, to#" e4ery to &ama"e also

increases te AP cost by 1. t can also be #se& to &efen&, a&&in" 1 to te caracters /oa% for eac Ci point spent.I. Soft Chi+ /oft Ci, Cao Ein, enables te caracter to sape teir ci into arc of force, b#t of a soft sort, s#c tat it canbe #se& to parry blo!s an& #se flips an& oter less &irect attac%s on opponents. $y spen&in" Ci, te caracter canre&#ce te AP cost of te basic parry mane#4er to O AP, an& boost its acc#racy by K for a t#rn. Also, tey can boostte acc#racy of Grapplin" mane#4ers (e5cept &irectly &ama"in" ones s#c as /lam) by 1 per 1 Ci spent, to ama5im#m of te caracters Foc#s.. Control Body 'eight+ 'is effecti4ely "rants te caracter te e8#i4alent of te Re&#ce ei"t Mane#4er, e5cept tatit costs K Ci per t#rn.J. Body Chi+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to foc#s teir ci &irectly into teir pysical abilities, temporarily boostin"teir pysical attrib#tes (/tren"t, /tamina, A"ility). 'is costs 1 Ci per 1 increase per t#rn.. Iegati%e Empty Chi+ 'is po!er allo!s te caracter to #rl teir ci as a &isembo&ie& force. 'is is effecti4elye8#i4alent to te on"2in mane#4er, e5cept tat it costs J Ci per #se. 'is attac% &oes no &ama"e to tose !it e"ati4eCi.

+ositi%e Chi$y openin" oneself to is spirit#al nat#re, te caracter becomes able to arness te Ci in is

bo&y in n#mero#s !ays 'ose s%ille& in te #se of positi4e Ci %no! o! to #se its po!ers for ealt an& &efense. Caracters !it te e"ati4e Ci isa&4anta"e are barre& from e4er learnin" Positi4e Ci. A caracters le4el in Positi4e Ci cannot e5cee& te le4el of is an&*to*an& combat style times t!o, !ic m#st be nternal in nat#re. !e?uisites Ai%i&o OR 9!aran"*o OR alaripayit OR #n" F# OR in2#st# OR 'ai Ci C#an.1. Sense Chi+ /ame as te e"ati4e Ci ability.. Chi .ealing+ $y cannelin" teir ci, te caracter is able to eal oters. 'ey can restore #p to ealt per Ci pointspent.K. (ragon Chi+ /ame as te e"ati4e Ci ability.I. Soft Chi+ /ame as te e"ati4e Ci ability.. .ardened Chi+ /ame as te e"ati4e Ci ability.J. Control Body 'eight+ 'is effecti4ely "rants te caracter te e8#i4alent of te Re&#ce ei"t Mane#4er, e5cept tatit costs K Ci per t#rn.. Body Chi+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to foc#s teir ci &irectly into teir pysical abilities, temporarily boostin"teir pysical attrib#tes (/tren"t, /tamina, A"ility). 'is costs 1 Ci per 1 increase per t#rn.>. !adiate Chi+ 'is po!er allo!s te caracter to con4ert teir ci into li"t tat emanates from teir bo&y. 'is cancome o#t of teir eyes or e4en teir entire bo&y. 'o simply create ill#mination costs 1 Ci per t#rn, b#t te caracter canalso create a m#c stron"er li"t, co4erin" a ra&i#s e8#al to teir Foc#s 5 in feet, in !ic e"ati4e Ci effects simply&o not !or%X 'is costs > Ci per t#rn it is maintaine&.

.K.) Mystic Mane#4ers

-aneu%er -odifers

*ir Charge :6"< Re"ar&less of !eter is !o#l& be lo"ical to &o so, te caracter can perform te mane#4er in mi& airHtis &iffers from Aerial #sa"e in tat for all intents an& p#rposes, te caracter creates a tiny patc of "ro#n& o#t of ci top#s off of. '#s, it can be applie& to a Risin" Bpperc#t, $o&y Missile, Flyin" Re4erse '#rnin" ic%, $la&e R#nner, /liceBpper, etc. All s#c mane#4ers !ill see teir Ci cost increase& by I points. Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JChi Charge :62< Bsin" Ci ener"y, yo# propel yo#rself for!ar& at incre&ible spee& !ile performin" te mane#4er. 'isre8#ires tat I Ci points be spent !en performin" it, b#t pro4i&es te follo!in" bon#ses+ I to Acc#racy, re&#ce AP cost

by *K, an& a&& to &ama"e. Prere8#isites+ Foc#s 9lash Strike :6/< 'is mo&ifier allo!s te mane#4er to be e5ec#te& !it blin&in" spee&, s#c tat te motions of performin" it become a bl#r. 'e AP cost of te mane#4er is 9A6D (ro#n& #p), an& te Acc#racy is increase& by 1.Prere8#isites+ A"ility 1?, Foc#s >-ultiple Strike :6>62< 'is mo&ifier ma%es te mane#4er consi&erably more po!erf#l in tat te caracter canrepeate&ly las o#t !it it se4eral times in a t#rn. ac stri%e &oes 1&I &ama"e, an& #ses APs e8#al to one tir&(ro#n&e& #p) te AP cost of te ori"inal mane#4er. For points te Mo4e is oneH for J points it is 1 per tree stri%esma&e. Prere8#isites+ A"ility +ower Boosting :6"< 'is mo&ifier enables te caracter toincrease te o4erall po!er of te mane#4er by e5pen&in" a&&itional ener"y. For e4ery a&&itional Ci point spent, te&ama"e is increase& by 1 an& te ran"e (if it is a pro2ectile type attac%) is increase& by K?S o4er te ori"inal. 9o!e4er,for e4ery Ci spent in tis !ay, te AP cost is increase& by 1.

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+ower Strike :6"< 'e mane#4er can be performe& !it tefist7foot7!eapon7!ate4er s#rro#n&e& by an a#ra of ener"y7fire7electricity7etc., increasin" its &ama"e by K at a cost of Ci an& 1 AP. 'is can be #se& !it nearly any pysical attac%in" mane#4er, to#" in te case of Grapplin" mane#4er,te ener"y is force into te opponent, ca#sin" tem to be zappe& on impact.


*ir Fump :E;pert<'ro#" ci po!er, te caracter is able to propel temsel4es #p!ar&s !ile airborne, e5ec#tin"a 2#mp in mi&*air. 'is f#nctions e5actly te same as a normal 2#mp, e5cept for !ere it is #se&.'is is an Aerial Mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ E#mp, Foc#s Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ ICi Cost+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ As per E#mp

Body -issile :*dept<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to #rl temsel4es at an opponent, ea& or feet first, or 

occasionally spinnin" tro#" te air.i4in" $o&y Missile (1)+ n tis 4ariant, te caracter comes&i4in" &o!n at te opponent. 'is increases te Acc#racy by 1 an& re&#ces te AP cost by .Prere8#isites+ E#mp, A"ility JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ 11Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ >

Super Fump :*dept< As per te E#mp mane#4er, b#t te caracter can 2#mp as far in e5es as is AP ratin", an&teres no ei"t limitation. Also, te possession of te /#per E#mp mane#4er impro4es te Mo4eof all te mane#4ers tat &epen& on 2#mpin".Prere8#isites+ E#mp, A"ility JCaracter Points+ K

 Acc#racy+  Action Points+ Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ /pecial


Chi Dong :*dept<Ci Gon" is a mystical form of bo&y ar&enin", !ic to#"ens te s%in to te point tat it canneiter be c#t by bla&es nor pierce& by arro!s. ile acti4e, Ci Gon" "rants te caracter abon#s to is soa% e8#al to is Foc#s mo&ifier (armor 8#ality).

Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+

 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 1 per t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A

Chi +ush :E;pert<One of te more a&4ance& ci po!ers, commonly ta#"t only to a&4ance& st#&ents of 'ai Ci

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C#an. Bsin" tis mane#4er, te caracter forces Ci into te tar"et not to eal, b#t to topple or &estroy. 'is mane#4er is normally &one !it pysical contact, b#t can be performe& from a&istance, by spen&in" one a&&itional Ci point per e5 te tar"et is a!ay. Opponents str#c% byte Ci P#s !ill be %noc%e& bac% e5es (may be increase& at a cost of 1 Ci per a&&itionale5) an& s#ffer a noc%&o!n. 'e &ama"e note& belo! may also be increase& at a cost of 1 Ciper 1 &ama"e.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ * Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

(im -ak :E;pert<One of te most feare& mo4es in e5istence is te &rea&e& im Ma% eat 'o#c. no!n only toa select fe! styles of %#n" f#, im Ma% enables te caracter to ca#se incre&ible &ama"e to anopponent. im Ma% can be #se& in tree !ays. Firstly, it can be combine& !it any normal an&stri%e, in !ic case it increases te &ama"e by 1&J, to#" te &ama"e can be &elaye& for any len"t of time, not act#ally affectin" te opponent #ntil it is #se& (tis costs 1? Ci). /econ&,it can be #se& to temporarily impair one of te opponents pysical attrib#tes (/tamina, A"ility, or 

/tren"t). 'o &o tis, te attac%er m#st spen& 1I Ci, an& ma%e a s#ccessf#l stri%e. f teys#ccee&, tey !ill re&#ce one pysical attrib#te of te opponents by 1 point per K Ci spent ina&&ition to te base cost. 6ost attrib#te points can be restore& tro#" #se of te Re"eneration or 9ealin" po!ersH te cost is &etermine& as to#" te attrib#te points !ere tree times as many9ealt points (e."., to #se 9ealin" to restore I attrib#te points !o#l& cost 1 Ci). 6astly,caracters !it a Foc#s of 1? or i"er can attempt to #se te tr#e im Ma% eat C#rse. 'o &otis, tey m#st spen& A66 of teir Ci (an amo#nt e8#al to teir base Ci ** not 2#st all tey a4ec#rrently) an& re&#ce teir c#rrent base Ci points by points. f it is &eli4ere& s#ccessf#lly, teopponents Ci capacity is destroyed . 'is means tat tey cannot #se ci po!ers, a4e zero Cipoints, an& are incapable of ealin".Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Dital Points =Caracter Points+ > Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ Dariesama"e+ DariesMo4e+ one

Energy !eflection :*dept<'is mane#4er enables te caracter to sen& ciblasts an& similar ener"y attac%s bac% to teir so#rce by :catcin"; te ener"y an& sen&in" itbac% !ere it came from. 'is !or%s in precisely te same manner as te Pro2ectile Reflectionmane#4er, b#t applies to ener"y attac%s.Prere8#isites+ Pro2ectile eflection, Pro2ectile ReflectionCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Kama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

#nduce 9ear :*dept<'is mental attac% ca#ses te 4ictims min& to be fille& !it fearH anyone !o loo%s at tecaracter !en tis is #se& m#st s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty 1 or become terrifie& an& attemptto flee from te caracter.Prere8#isites+ 'elepaty or in2#ts# KCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ =

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ama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

GongHin :E;pert<'e po!er of %on"2in, or :empty force; allo!s one to tri%e from a &istance. t is also %no!n as:one fin"er; rom te trainin" meto& #se&, !ereby te st#&ent ttempts to mo4e an iron bells#spen&e& from a !ell or all!ay by pro2ectin" ci tro#" one fin"er. on"2in can be playe& !it

any P#nc or ic% mane#4er. en it is #se&, a mane#4er may affect opponents #p to 1 e5a!ay per point of Foc#s, !ito#t to#cin" tem, an& te mo&ifiers belo! are applie& to tose of te p#nc or %ic% #se&. A on"2in stri%e cannot be parrie&.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 1

-editati%e ,e%itation :E;pert<$y enterin" a me&itati4e state, te caracter is able to le4itate temsel4es abo4e te "ro#n&. 'isre8#ires near total concentration, an& t#s te caracter cannot be &istracte&. 'o reac tis statea Me&itation roll is re8#ire&, an& if te caracter is bein" &istracte&, ten tey m#st ma%e tesame roll a"ain to remain afloat. Meto&s of &oin" tis 4ary, b#t most !ill sit in te lot#s position!ile &oin" tis. Oter actions on te part of te caracter are possible, b#t at * to te roll, an&anoter roll m#st be ma&e to maintain te le4itation.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, Me&itation KCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1? per t#rnCi Cost+ 17 t#rnsama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecialH total Mo4e for te t#rn is base& on Foc#srater tan A"ility.

-ind !eading :E;pert<'is mane#4er lets te caracter open temsel4es to te opponents min& &#rin" combat, an&#se tat to anticipate !at tey are inten&in" to &o. 'is effecti4ely pro4i&es a bon#s of K to allcombat rolls a"ainst tat one person (it can only be #se& a"ainst a "ro#p by a psycic !it tete Open Min& ability, "aine& at 'elepaty le4el =).Prere8#isites+ 'elepaty or in2#ts# ICaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

-ushin :E;pert<'rainin" in te tecni8#e of actin" !ito#t to#". 'e caracter is able to completely erase isprescence so tere is no !ay to feel it. 'e caracter a#tomatically fools all forms of s#pernat#ral&etection li%e /ense Ci, an"er /ense, Clair4oyance, etc.

Prere8#isites+ Arts of n4isibiliy Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+

+ower Channeling :E;pert<'is mane#4er enables te caracter to s#rro#n& is fist or foot !it ener"y, in m#c te samemanner as a Po!er /tri%e, e5cept tat it can be applie& to any s#c mane#4er. 'e mo&ifiers

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liste& belo! are applie& to te (P#nc or ic%) mane#4er #se&.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ ?

!educe 'eight :*dept<'is mystic po!er, calle& 8arumi-/utsu in Eapanese, enables te caracter to re&#ce teir o!nbo&y !ei"t by as m#c as >S. 'is !ill re&#ce &ama"e from falls to one fift, enables tecaracter to 2#mp ten times i"er tan #s#al, a&&s 1? to any climbin" rolls, an& enables tecaracter to trea& li"tly in "eneral (I to stealt rolls), !al%in" o4er fra"ile bri&"es, teac#ps, etc.!ito#t ca#sin" &ama"e. Re&#ce ei"t can be maintaine& in&efinitely, to#" it re8#ires a rollon 1&1? Foc#s /tyle eac t#rn to maintain concentrationH fail#re means tat tecaracter ret#rns to teir #s#al !ei"t.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ J7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rn

ama"e+ oneMo4e+

San .e :E;pert<'is po!er, ta#"t in some forms of %#n" f# an& a fe! oter styles, enables te caracter to roottemsel4es to te "ro#n& tro#" ci po!er. 'e ener"y is sprea& o#t across te caractersbo&y an& ten ancore& to te ra"on 6ines in te "ro#n&, lea4in" te fi"ter roote& to te"ro#n& in an #nmo4able stance. en /an 9e is #se&, te caracter "et a bon#s to /oa% e8#alto is Foc#s Mo&ifier an& is ill Mo&ifier combine&, an& is imm#ne to noc%&o!ns. A"ainst 4erylar"e ob2ects, te caracter m#st ma%e a roll on 1&1? /tren"t /tamina to stay stan&in",to#" for some it !ill not be possible to stay stan&in". ic%s cannot be #se& !ile #sin" /an 9e./an 9e can be maintaine& in&efinitely.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

'hirlwind :E;pert<Rarely seen o#tsi&e of / titles, an& %no!n byse4eral &ifferent names ('i"er Cla!, 'orna&o Bpper, 9iry## /oten*9a, etc.), in tis mane#4er te caracter #rls a small b#t po!erf#l torna&o at te opponent. Anyone str#c% by a irl!in&!ill be tro!n #p into te air, ta%in" &ama"e as note& belo! from te fall an& s#fferin" anoc%&o!n. 'e follo!in" mo&ifiers from Ci $last can be selecte& for irl!in&+ lectric $last(1), 5ten&e& Ran"e (1), Flamin" $last (1), G#i&e& $last (), Mo4in" $last (1), Re&#ce&Ran"e (*1), an& /ort $last (*), as !ell as te follo!in"+L .oriontal Blast :6"< 'e !irl!in& can be fire& off si&e!ays, in a manner similar to a Contin#o#s Ci $last. 'is

increases te &ama"e by , acc#racy by 1, an& Ci cost by 1. Ran"e is e8#al to te caracters Foc#s in e5es.L Sky Column :6"< 'e irl!in& is ro#"ly t!ice as tall, increasin" te &ama"e by 1&J.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ 1&IMo4e+ 1

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-ulti$Gick :E;pert<n tis le"en&arily po!erf#l mane#4er, te caracter lases o#t a"ain an& a"ain !it teir foot!it li"tnin" spee& (tin% of C#n 6is 6i"tnin" 6e"). f an opponent is str#c% !it te M#lti*ic%,ma%e one &ama"e roll (1&IH &o not a&& /tren"t mo&ifier) per stri%e. ac co#nts as K APsH tere

is no limit to o! many may be &eli4ere& in a t#rn, to#" it cannot be maintaine& for more t#rnstan te caracters /tamina.'e Great all of Cina (K)+ 'e M#lti*ic% affects all tar"ets in all tree of te a&2acent e5es tat te caracter faces.'e ci cost is increase& to t!o.Prere8#isites+ A"ility JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ K per stri%eCi Cost+ oneama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

!ising .andstand Gick :E;pert<'is mane#4er consists of a 9an&stan& ic% in!ic te caracter p#ses off ar& eno#" to rise into te air. 'e Risin" 9an&stan& ic% can be

#se& a"ainst bot airborne an& "ro#n&e& opponents in te same e5 or an a&2acent one. 'is isan Aerial Mane#4er, an& can Co#nter oter Aerial Mane#4ers.Prere8#isites+ 9an&stan& ic%Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ 1

Slide Gick :*dept<'is is a %ic% in !ic te caracter sli&es alon" te "ro#n& for a sort &istance, ca#sin"opponents to s#ffer a noc%&o!n./tan&in" /li&e ic% (1)+ 'is is essentially te same as a normal sli&e %ic%, e5cept tat te caracter can remainstan&in" #p !ile &oin" it, tereby re&#cin" te AP cost by * an& increasin" te Mo4e by 1.

Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ JCi Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&JMo4e+


(ouble +unch :*dept<'e caracter p#nces sim#ltaneo#sly !it botan&s. f it its, roll &ama"e t!ice.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&I*1Mo4e+ 1

-ulti$+unch :E;pert<'is mane#4er allo!s te caracter to &eli4er arapi& fl#rry of p#nces. ac in&i4i&#al p#nc ta%es #p APs, an& &ama"e for eac stri%e is 1&I* (minim#m 1H &o not a&& /tren"t mo&ifier). t can be maintaine& for a n#mber of t#rns e8#al to

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te caracters /tamina.Prere8#isites+ A"ility J, /tamina JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ per stri%eCi Cost+ 1 per t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

!ising =ppercut :E;pert<'is is a po!erf#l #pperc#t in !ic te caracter leaps #p!ar&. t is basically te same as teinfamo#s ra"on P#nc (to#" tat !o#l& re8#ire a fe! Mo&ifiers to impro4e te &ama"e an&spee&), to#" tere are some oter instances of tis sort of mane#4er (in partic#lar te #pperc#tmo4es #se& by Ryo /a%aza%i an& Robert Garcia). 'e Risin" Bpperc#t can be #se& a"ainst botairborne an& "ro#n&e& opponents in te same e5 or an a&2acent one. 'is is an AerialMane#4er, an& can Co#nter oter Aerial Mane#4ers.Prere8#isites+ Bpperc#t, /tren"t JCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ K

ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ 1

Slapdown :*dept<Bse& a"ainst an airborne opponent, te caracter m#st "et abo4e tem an& slam bot fists &o!non tem, tro!in" tem to te "ro#n&. 'is is an Aerial Mane#4er Prere8#isites+ E#mpCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+  Action Points+ JCi Cost+ oneama"e+ &IMo4e+ K

'eapons-ulti$Strike :E;pert</imilar to te M#lti*ic% an& M#lti*P#nc mane#4ers, M#lti*/tri%e enables te caracter to laso#t se4eral times in rapi& s#ccession !it teir !eapon, &eli4erin" as many blo!s as tey a4e

 APs for, eac stri%e co#ntin" as K APs. ac stri%e &oes 1&I &ama"e (&o not a&& base &ama"e).Prere8#isites+ /tren"t J, A"ility Bsable it+ AnyCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ K7stri%eCi Cost+ oneama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

Super *ttacks/#per Attac%s are mane#4ers !ic may only be performe& !en te caracters Ra"e is at or abo4e is or er Ra"e. 9ury Super *ttack :*dept<'is refers to a type of s#per attac% not #s#ally seen o#tsi&e of in" of Fi"ters, in !ic teattac%er car"es at te opponent, #nleasin" an incre&ible barra"e of attac%s. no#" of tem toma%e catalo"#in" eac in&i4i&#al it pretty pointless. As s#c a F#ry /#per is &efine& by t!otin"s–  te &#ration, an& o! it finises. 'e &#ration so#l& be &eci&e& in APsH for e4ery K

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 APs, te base cost of te F#ry /#per is 1 point. 'e total &#ration of a F#ry /#per cannot e5cee&yo#r Ra"e. f yo# !ant to a&& a finisin" mo4e, yo# m#st pay one tir& (ro#n& #p) te cost of temane#4er #se& (!ic yo# m#st alrea&y possess). en te F#ry /#per is #se& in combat, it!or%s as follo!s. 'e caracter m#st be in te same e5 as te pponent (ma%in" it asin" or Ci Car"e is recommen&e&), ten tey #nleas teir barra"e of attac%s on te opponent. f itits s#ccessf#lly (a F#ry /#per as no mo&ifiers to Acc#racy), te opponent can ta%e no actionsfor its &#ration, an& 2#st "enerally "ets p#mmele&, ta%in" &ama"e e8#al to te total n#mber of 

 APs of te s#pers &#ration, pl#s te caracters /tren"t mo&ifier, pl#s 1&J. After tat, tecaracter e5ec#tes teir finisin" mo4e, if any, !ic te opponent is also #nable to &efen&a"ainst. it te e5ception of te finisin" mo4e, &ama"e from a F#ry /#per cannot be soa%e&.

 As !it all mane#4ers, a&&itional mo&ifiers can be applie& to a F#ry /#perH Ci Car"e, Air Car"e, an& asin" bein" especially #sef#l.

-ega$*ttack :*dept<'is refers to a s#per attac% !ic is simply an e5tra*po!erf#l 4ersion of a normal attac%. 'ocreate a Me"a*Attac%, start !it te basic mane#4er. f te caracter alrea&y possesses a normal4ersion of te mane#4er, te cost of te Me"a*Attac% is tat re&#ce& by points (minim#m of CPs)H oter!ise it is te base CP cost pl#s one. ama"e (if applicable to be"in !it) is increase&by &J, an& te Me"a*Attac% ta%es #p A66 of te caracters APs for tat t#rn. Ci cost isincrease& J. For ran"e& attac%s, te ran"e is normal, b#t by spen&in" one a&&itional CP it can

be &o#ble&.

!age Burn :*dept<'is tecni8#e enables te fi"ter to concentrate all of teir Ra"e into one brief fl#rry of attac%s,lasin" o#t !it astonisin" spee& an& force. en tis is acti4ate&, te caracter as &o#bleteir base APs, an& are at to Mo4e an& Acc#racy for all mane#4ers (e4en tose !icnormally a4e a mo4e of one). All mane#4ers are possible in tis state, an& can be carrie& o#t!ile mo4in". A ra"e b#rn !ill last for fo#r combat t#rns, after !ic point te caracterNs Ra"epoints are re&#ce& to zero.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ /pecial

 Action Points+ to acti4ateCi Cost+ 1?ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ /pecial

Super *ttack Combo :*dept<'is refers to a special type of combo !ic is consi&ere& a s#per attac%. /#per Attac% Combos4ary in po!er, ran"in" from a fe! po!erf#l its to a &e4astatin" fl#rry of %ic%s an& p#nces, oftenen&in" !it a fireball, #pperc#t, or similar mane#4er. /#c attac%s are &iffic#lt to learn, b#t nearlyimpossible to co#nter. A s#per attac% combo is p#rcase& in a manner similar to a ComboMane#4er, e5cept tat te AP limit is &o#ble&.

.I) Cybor"siter by coice or circ#nstance, cybor"s replace& missin" limbs an& or"ans !it bionic parts,

!ic often enance tem in s#per#man !ays. A reasonable percenta"e of cybor"s come toterms in te en& !it teir ne! li4es as li4in" macines, o!e4er, more often tan not, teir pysical loss an& f#rter can"e into -sometin" else often come follo!e& by psycolo"ical&ama"e too. $ein" a cybor" is consi&ere& to be a special A&4anta"e, costin" points per le4el,to a ma5im#m of J le4els. ac le4el of Cybernetics as one ma2or bo&y part replace& (arm, le",torso, ea&) !it mecanical components, #ntil at le4el J te caracter is nearly all macine.9o!e4er, eac le4el of cybernetics re8#ires tat te cybor" ta%es also one pont of &isa&4anta"esof psycolo"ical nat#re (e recie4es no caracter points from tem).• *ttributes+ All cybernetic limbs f#nction !it a/tren"t of =, or tat of te caracter, !ice4er is i"er. A caracter !ose limbs are all

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cybernetic may p#rcase a /tren"t of #p to 1 !it normal attrib#te points at no a&&itional cost. A&&itional /tren"t increases !it TP cost c#rrent le4el 5K, not 5J (as lon" as e %eeps in to#c!it is sponsors or someone e8#ally 8#alifie& for te 2ob).• Soak Bonus+ A&& te le4el of te caracters Cybernetics A&4anta"e to /oa%.•  Modifed Damage7 The !y'org%s hand-to-hand atta!ks get their damagein!reased one !ategory 4;orma 'e!omes $ea"on e6uivaent, $ea"on e6uivaent

'e!omes +nergy e6uivaent5• Special -aneu%ers+ $ein" a cybor" allo!s tecaracter to #se artificial replicates of 4ario#s special mane#4ers. Cybor"s can ac8#iremane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#s Po!ers section, #sin" te le4el of te caracters Cybernetics

 A&4anta"e times t!o in place of any attrib#te re8#irement, to#"t te CP cost is increase& by 1point.

Cybernetic Systems

 Ac8#irin" any ne! systems beyon& te initial a#"mentations re8#ires te caracter to stay into#c !it is initial sponsors (eiter a4in" splen&i& relations or !or%in" for tem).

9otsottin" Options+ Player caracters !antin" to repair or mo&ify any cybernetic systems nee&eno#" le4els in te n"ineerin"+ Robotics s%ill to an&le rolls of Military*"ra&e &iffic#lty (see 9i*'ec in te 8#ipment capter), pl#s tose !antin" to &o act#al bionic s#r"ery (remo4e or "raftimplants) also nee& eiter > le4els in te Me&icine /%ill OR le4els an& te /pecialization+$ionics. A $ionic /#r"ery roll as a &iffic#lty of 1I an& ta%es no less tan 1 o#rs. A faile& rollmeans complications appene& an& s#r"ery !ill ta%e anoter 1&?? o#rs, after !ic asecon& Me&icine roll is ma&e, fail#re re8#ires te cybor" patient to s#ccee& a /tamina sa4e&iffic#lty J, fail#re means te &octor lost te patient in te s#r"ery, an& s#ccess means te cybor"

 2#st re2ecte& te implant. After s#c a fail#re, pro4i&e& te patient s#r4i4e&, is bo&y is still!ea%ene& an& no f#rter a#"mentation attemps can ta%e place in a time e8#al to J monts min#ste cybor"s /tamina mo&ifier. ee&less to say, te cybor" cant mo&ify imself (&elicate 2ob, an&s are re8#ire&).

*rmor :1$0<ile most cybor"s are e8#ippe& !it some small &e"ree of armor protection, one !it tis Merit

!ill a4e rater ea4y an& effecti4e armor. A&& 1 to te cybor"s /oa% (armor 8#ality) for eacpoint of Armor.

Computer System :1$< A b#ilt*in, state*of*te*art micronize& comp#ter !it a !ireless port for interaction for oter comp#ters or net!or%s. 'e cybor" recie4es a bon#s on all comp#ter*relate& rolls per eac le4elof Comp#ter /ystem (!ic represents te comp#ters o4erall le4el of sopistication).

Energy Source :0<'e cybor" as an internal ener"y s#pply, !icmay be #se& to s#pply ener"y for 4ario#s special mane#4ers. n "eneral, te caracter can &ra!te e8#i4alent of a n#mber of Ci e8#al to teir Cybernetics A&4anta"es per o#r. n a&&ition,increase te cybor"s base Ci by an amo#nt e8#al to is le4el in te Cybernetics A&4anta"e.

#ntegrated 'eapon :ariable<'e cybor" as a !eapon of some sort b#ilt intotem. 'e cost is e8#al to alf te ma5im#m &ama"e of te !eapon (ro#n&e& #p). For a firearm,a&& points to tat.

#ntelligent +olymer -uscles :Special<Rater tan metal, te cybor"s limbs are ma&e of ntelli"ent Polymer, a syntetic material tatcontracts an& &isten&s !it application of electric c#rrents to create artificial m#scles (bionics%eleton is still metal). Cybernetic limbs a4e base stren"t (instea& of =), b#t te cybor" can

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increase is /tren"t an& A"ility scores !it Ci. ac point of Ci spent !ill rise eiter of te t!oby one for 1 t#rn. Ma%in" cybor" implants o#t of ntelli"ent Polymer costs CPs per point of tecaracter in te Cybernetics A&4anta"e.

!adar :0</ame as te special ability of te 5eightened 6enses s#perpo!er. !e?uires Sensors 0

Sensors :1$0<'e cybor" as a&&itional sensory enan*cementsH tis can incl#&e termal ima"in", ni"t si"t,telescopic si"t, ima"e enancement, enance& earin", an& so on. n "eneral terms, a&& tote total for perception*relate& rolls per point spent on /ensors.

.) lementals An lemental is someone !o, for !ate4er reason, as an inerent rapport !it an& controlo4er one of te elements. For "ame p#rposes !e !ill not limit lementals to te fo#r elements for t!o important reasons. First of all, te fo#r elements of eart, air, fire, an& !ater are only teestern 4ersionH Cinese an& Eapanese lores also 4ario#sly incl#&e oo& an& Metal in teir 4ie!s of te elements. An& besi&es, anime an& 4i&eo"ame caracters ne4er conform to any&efinition of te elements. n&ee&, te t!o most common :elemental; specializations are ce an&lectricity.

$ein" an elemental of a "i4en type co#nts as a =point A&4anta"e. ts GMs &iscretion !eter allo!in" a caracter to a4e more tan oneelemental affinity.

n "ame terms, te main a&4anta"e of bein" an elemental is tat it "i4es access to 4ario#smane#4ers !ic !o#l& oter!ise eiter not be a4ailable or cost consi&erably more, besi&es of "rantin" complete imm#nity to &ama"e relate& to te caracters %in&re& element. 

-aneu%er Iotes$ein" an elemental also enables te caracter to ac8#ire some mane#4ers from bot te MysticMartial Arts an& te Miscellaneo#s Po!ers section as follo!s+ • *ll+ Ci $last, Ra"e $#rn, Po!er Cannelin"• *ir + Air E#mp, Gost Form, 6e4itation, '#n&erclap,

irl!in&.• Earth+ 9ealin", Re"eneration, /an 9e, /oc%!a4e.• Electricity+ All Ci blasts are a#tomatically (lectric).• 9ire+ All Ci blasts are a#tomatically (Flamin"), Fire $reat.• #ce+ All Ci blasts are a#tomatically ce $lasts, ce Crystal $last costs only 1 an& bot are combine&.

• 'ood+ 9ealin", Re"eneration, /an 9e.

•  ,ight  All Ci blasts are a#tomatically (6i"t), Ci /tar, Flare, an& General lemental mane#4ers a4e teir costre&#ce& by 1 point.• Shadow All Ci $lasts are /a&o! $lasts (a&&s to Acc#racy, *1 to AP cost) an& General lemental mane#4erssee teir cost re&#ce& by 1 point.

• Time 'eleport, Reflectin" $arrier.

Deneral Elemental-aneu%ers

'e follo!in" are mane#4ers tat are a4ailable to all elementals, to#" te form tat tey ta%emay 4ary si"nificantly !it teir element.

Elemental *ura'is mane#4er ca#ses te caracter to be s#rro#n&e& by an a#ra compose& of teir element.'is lasts for one t#rn per t!o points of te caracters Foc#s. 'e basic effects are as note&belo!+

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• *ir + 'e a#ra allo!s te elemental to control atmosperic press#re in a ra&i#s e8#al to alf te caracters Foc#s ine5es. Oponents ca#"t in te mane#4ers area of effect can be affecte& by eiter &epress#rization or e5cessi4e press#reat te elementals !im. (epressuriation 6i4in" opponents a4e to s#ccee& e4ery t#rn a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 11 or s#ffer 1 point of /tamina &ama"e. E;cessi%e +ressure All ob2ects an& li4in" bein"s in te area s#ffer an amo#nt of &ama"e eac t#rn e8#al to te caracters Foc#s attrib#te. nanimate ob2ects can soa% normally, an& !ile li4in" bein"ssoa% te &ama"e as if it !as ormal ama"e, armor bon#ses &oesnt apply.• Earth>-etal>'ood+ ot a4ailable.• Electricity+ 'e elemental ma"nifies is bio*electrical fiel& in a most &estr#cti4e !ay. All opponents !itin 1 e5 from

te caracter a#tomatically ta%e 1&1? &ama"e.•  9ire+ 'e a#ra is a ra"in" flameH anyone pysically stri%in" te caracter ta%es &ama"e base& on te elementalsFoc#s mo&ifier, an& te &ama"e of all pysical stri%es is increase& by 1 point. n a&&ition, te firey a#ra rises tetemperat#re in a ra&i#s e8#al to te elementals Foc#s stat in e5es as follo!s+

9ocus Temperature*J 1?YC (1>YF) per point of Foc#s*1? K?YC (IYF) per point of Foc#s11 ?YC (=?YF) per point of Foc#s

Caracters !ito#t proper protection !ill s#ffer e5pos#re &ama"e imme&iately (see Combat capter). An ce a#ra an& aFire a#ra !ill cancel eac oter a#tomatically. Bnless te Cost#me A&4anta"e is possesse&, te caracters clotes !illli%ely be b#rne& to ases.•  'ater + 'e a#ra is compose& of s!irlin" !ater. 'is pro4i&es te caracter !it a bon#s to /oa%. F#rter,opponents !o pysically stri%e te a#ra !it teir an&s or feet m#st ma%e a /tren"t roll to a4oi& bein" tro!n a!ayfrom te caracter (1 e5 in a ran&om &irection) by te force of te mo4in" !ater.•  #ce 'e elementals bo&y t#rns col& an& clammy as te temperat#re in a ra&i#s e8#al to te elementals Foc#s ine5es &rops as follo!s+

9ocus Temperature

*J *1?YC (1>YF) per point of Foc#s*1? *1YC (KYF) per point of Foc#s11 *?YC (KJYF) per point of Foc#s

Caracters !ito#t proper protection !ill s#ffer e5pos#re &ama"e imme&iately. An ce a#ra an& a Fire a#ra !ill canceleac oter a#tomatically. Bnless te Cost#me A&4anta"e is possesse&, te caracters clotes !ill li%ely be frozen.• ,ight+ 'e a#ra is compose& of blazin" li"t, imposin" a–penalty to oponents fi"tin" te elemental in close*8#arters.• Shadow+ 'e a#ra is compose& of constantly mo4in" sa&o!s, mposin" a penalty of–> to oponents attac%in" teelemental !it ran"e& attac%s.• Time+ 'e caracter s#rro#n&s imself in a &imensional &ist#rbance. All s#ccesf#l attac%s &irecte& to!ar&s im a4ea ?S cance of missin".Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >

ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

Elemental 9orm'is po!er enables te caracter to pysically transform into a bein" compose& of teir element.'is lasts for one t#rn per t!o points of te caracters Foc#s. ile in tis in#man state, tecaracter &oesnt possess a f#nctional bo&ily anatomy, an& so, e is in4#lnerable to effects tataffect te bo&y (li%e Dital Points, te Pain psycic mane#4er, ar Pop, etc.), &oesnt nee& o5y"ento breate, an& is imm#ne to &e*press#rization (i" press#re is still armf#l). 6ac% of no#risment !ill still !ea%en te caracter to &eat. Possessin" te Cost#me A&4anta"e enableste caracter to inte"rate all clotes an& possessions on is person into is ne! form (pro4i&e&tey !ere bein" !orn7el& by te caracter at te moment of can"e). A&aptin" bo&y armor tote ne! form, o!e4er, n#llifies te armors protection.• *ir + 'e caracter becomes a s!irlin" !in&. ile in tis state, te elemental is in4isible, ins#bstantial (imm#ne to allpysical attac%s), an& sapeless (can s8#eeze tro#" any openin" an& enter any non*airti"t interior re"ar&less of size).

f possessin" te Fli"t mane#4er, te elemental can fly !ito#t a Ci cost !ile in elemental form. A perception roll&iffic#lty 1I can allo! a listener to notice te so#n& of !in&, an& small ob2ects in is 4icinity !ill li%ely be blo!n a!ay,"i4in" a!ay is prescence. $ein" ins#bstantial, e imself cannot en"ane in pysical combat, b#t can fi"t #sin"elemental an& foc#s mane#4ers. lectricity*base& attac%s &o alf &ama"e, sonic attac%s &o f#ll &ama"e, an& fire*base&attac%s &o &o#ble &ama"e (fire cons#mes o5y"en). $ein" s#b2ecte& to temperat#res of *??YC an& lo!er !ill force teelemental bac% to #man form for as lon" as te lo! temperat#re remains (most "aseo#s elements li8#efy at tattemperat#re).• Earth>#ce>-etal>'ood+ 'e caracter becomes a "olem*li%e bein" compose& of teir element. 'is pro4i&es a bon#sof J to /oa% an& t#rns all of te caracters base /oa% into armor 8#ality, an& "rants a bon#s of alf te caractersFoc#s to /tren"t, b#t imposes a penalty of * to A"ility.• Electricity+ 'e caracter becomes a &ynamo of crac%lin"electricity. Anyone pysically stri%in" te caracter (or &oin"

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so !it sometin" tat con&#cts electricity) !ill ta%e ener"y &ama"e base& on te caracters Foc#s mo&ifier, pl#s tecaracters an&*to*an& attac%s &o ner"y illin" ama"e a"ainst #nprotecte& opponents, caracters a4in" teir n&#rance s#rpasse& in a sin"le attac% bein" ass#me& to be %noc%e& #nconscio#s by an electrical soc%. ile in tisstate, te caracter is only 4#lnerable to ener"y attac%s (e5cept electricity). $in&in" te caracter in a con&#cti4e material!it a "ro#n&e& en&, o!e4er, &iscar"es te caracter an& forces im bac% to #man form for as lon" as e is:"ro#n&e&;.• 9ire+ 'e caracter becomes a li4in" inferno of ra"in" flameH anyone pysically stri%in" te caracter ta%es ener"y&ama"e base& on te elementals Foc#s mo&ifier an& is an&*to*an& attac%s &o ner"y ama"e. All Fire lemental

mane#4ers cost are al4e& !en in elemental form. ile tis state "rants imm#nity to pysical attac%s, bein" &ose&!it !ater (no less tan a "allon) as a ?S cance of forcin" te caracter bac% to #man form for 1&J t#rns, an& bein"s#b2ecte& to a 4ac##m !ill force te can"e imme&iately as tere is no o5y"en to cons#me.

• 'ater + 'e caracter becomes a bein" of li4in" !ater. 'ispro4i&es te caracter !it complete imm#nity to pysical attac%s an& a I bon#s to /oa% (armor 8#ality) a"ainst ener"yattac%s. 'e caracter also "ains te ability to mo4e an& flo! li%e !aterH tis as co#ntless possibilities, incl#&in" fittin"tro#" small places, etc. $ein" s#b2ecte& to temperat#res i"er tan 1??YC forces te elemental bac% into #man form.• Shadow+ 'e caracter becomes a bein" of li4in" sa&o!.ile in tis state, te caracter cannot be arme& by pysical attac%s, an& beca#se tey are !ei"tless tey can fly (asper te Fli"t mane#4er). 'e caracter can also mel& !it any sa&o! re"ar&less of size, completely &isappearin".en tis is &one, te caracter becomes one !it te sa&o!, effecti4ely silent, in4isible, t!o*&imensional an& imm#neto &ama"e, b#t also incapable of action #ntil tey lea4e it. ile in sa&o! mel&, te caracter is completely imm#ne tom#n&ane or s#pernat#ral &etection.• ,ight+ 'e caracter becomes a bein" of li4in" li"t. ile in tis state, te cannot be arme& by pysical attac%s. 'ecaracter can also fly at is mo4ement rate in ill#minate& areas (as per te Fli"t mane#4er). $ein" ins#bstantial, e

cannot en"an"e in pysical combat imself, b#t e can pass tro#" any transparent or transl#cent s#bstances (ecannot pass tro#" a !all for e5ample, b#t e can pass tro#" a !in&o!).

• Time+ ot a4ailable.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ = Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1 to acti4ateCi Cost+ 1Iama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one &#rin" acti4ation

Elemental !age :Super<'is fearsome po!er, an a&4ance& 4ersion of Ra"e $#rn, enables te elemental to s#mmon teir f#ll potential for a sort time. For te &#ration of an lemental Ra"e te caracter becomes afo#ntainea& of po!er an& &estr#ction. ile lemental Ra"e is maintaine& te caracter is

consi&ere& to a4e an lemental A#ra (as per te mane#4er) an& may #se any non*s#per mane#4ers &irectly relate& to teir element !ito#t any Ci cost. 'e mo&ifiers liste& belo! areapplie& to all mane#4ers attempte& !ile #sin" lemental Ra"e.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , lemental A#raCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ *Ci Cost+ 1> to acti4ateama"e+ Mo4e+

Elemental Sense'is po!er "i4es te caracter an instincti4e sense of !en teir element is present !itin 1??feet per point of Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s I

Caracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ oneCi Cost+ oneama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A

Elemental Tra%el'e elemental, !ic m#st be in elemental form, can #se lar"e bo&ies of teir %in&re& element totra4el in te blin% of an eye.• *ir + 'e caracter can tra4el 4irt#ally any!ere in te !orl& as lon" as bot start an& &estination points are o#t&oors,

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oter!ise tra4el is limite& to line of si"t.• Earth 'e caracter sin%s in te eart an& is able to spro#t bac% any!ere as lon" as te "ro#n& in bot start an&&estination points is compose& of a non metal or syntetic s#bstance an& te start an& &estination points are notseparate& by a lar"e bo&y of !ater (s#c as a lar"e ri4er bet!een t!o states or te ocean bet!een t!o continentalmasses).•  Electricity+ 'e caracter can #se any e5pose& con&#ctor connecte& to te electrical net!or% (s#c as a o#seselectrical o#tlet) to tra4el any!ere !itin te confines of te electrical net!or%. 'e caracter can come o#t tro#" anye5pose& electrical con&#ctor, b#t te caracter as te restriction tat e cannot tra4el tro#" any con&#ctor #nable to

an&le a minim#m c#rrent of 1? 4olts, !ic &iscar&s telepone lines, ra&io transmissions, an& similar. n or&er toen"a"e in tra4el te entry con&#ctor m#st be acti4ely connecte& to te net!or%, so a o#se !ic as been po!ere&&o!n for any reason is #seless for tra4el.• 9ire>#ce>-etal>'ood+ 'e caracters tra4el is limite& to te e5panse of te bo&y of teir %in&re& element (s#c as alar"e fire or inferno, an iceber", a !oo&en o#se, or lar"e sip.• 'ater + 'e caracter can #se any acti4e !ater o#tlet (s#c as an open fa#cet, so!er or y&rant) to tra4el to anyplace connecte& to te startin" point tro#" te citys pipe!or%s, from anoter b#il&in" to te ri4er or la%e !ic fee&ste city or is poll#te& by te se!a"e. 'e caracter can come o#t tro#" any connecte& bo&y of !ater connecte& to tee5terior, b#t to come o#t tro#" anoter !ater o#tlet tis one m#st be acti4e (e cant come o#t tro#" a close& fa#cet,b#t e can come o#t tro#" a toilet or tro#" te ri4er or treatment plant te pipe!or%s are connecte& to). en #se&at a sea sore, e can tra4el to any oter sore in te !orl&.•  ,ight+ 'e caracter can tra4el any!ere !itin te s#nrise7s#nset limit of te planet as lon" as bot start an&&estination points are o#t&oors, oter!ise tra4el is limite& to line of si"t. 'ra4el in total &ar%ness is not possible.penalty to oponents fi"tin" te elemental in close*8#arters.• Shadow+ 'e caracter can tra4el any!ere in te !orl& as lon" as its ni"t time in bot start an& &estination pointsan& tat bot points are o#t&oors, oter!ise tra4el is limite& to te line of si"t.• Time+ 'e mane#4er !or%s 2#st li%e te 'eleport mane#4er, b#t ran"e is #nlimite& an& can lan& any!ere as lon" as

e %no!s te location (incl#&in" anoter &imensions).

5cept for te 'ime 4ersion, te oters &ont re8#ire te caracter to %no! is &estinationbeforean& as te mane#4er is not an act#al teleport, 2#st a 4ery fast &isplacement (spee&MAC9*1), b#t tat also means te tra4els reliability &epen&s on te na4i"ational s%ills of teelemental. For non combat p#rposes te mane#4er is "oo& for one sin"le tra4el (no matter te&istance), !ile in combat it can be #se& to lo!er te AP cost of mo4ement to zero for treet#rns, also triplin" te caracters mo4e in combat.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 1?ama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

Elemental 'all'is po!er calls fort a !all compose& of te element, !ose s#rface area in s8#are feet cannote5cee& te caracters (Foc#s /tamina) s8#are&. For ce, art, Metal, an& oo& tis is apysical obstr#ction, a4in" I ealt points per s8#are foot. Air creates a !all of intensely mo4in"!in&, !ic tro!s tose !o try to mo4e tro#" it o#t #nless tey can ma%e a /tren"t roll.Fire an& lectricity create a !all tat &ama"es tose !o to#c it, inflictin" &ama"e base& on tecaracters Foc#s pl#s 1&I for eac t#rn of e5pos#re. 6i"t an& /a&o! create a !all tat blin&anyone passin" tro#" it, a blin&ness tat lasts as lon" as te elementals Foc#s in t#rns. 'imecreates instea& an #ncec%e& &imensional &oor. Caracters passin" tro#" !ill be transporte& to#n%no!n corners of space an time for 1&I t#rns. Dictims m#st also s#ccee& a ill roll a"ainst a&iffic#lty of 1> or comin" o#t from te &imensional trip in a ra4a"e& state (Ci &eplete&, ealt at17K total). An elemental !all !ill last for a n#mber of min#tes e8#al to te caracters Foc#s timestree in min#tes.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one


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Control 'eather 'is po!er enables te caracter to comman& te !eater in some!at limite& !aysH tey canalter te temperat#re, s#mmon clo#&s or fo", an& so fort.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1JCi Cost+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

9light'is po!er enables te caracter to act#ally fly by ri&in" te air. 'is triples te caracters Mo4efor sortran"e p#rposes. For &istance flyin" te caracter can "o #p to (Foc#s 5 1?) ? milesper o#r. 6iftin" !ei"t is as per teir normal liftin" ability on te "ro#n&. Gro#n&base&attac%s cannot normally affect te caracter– only Aerial an& pro2ectile ones.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1? to acti4ateCi Cost+ =

ama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

.urricane Burst :Super<'e elementals ra"e manifests 4iolently in te form of ra4a"in" !in&s of spee&s of ?%m7 per point of te elementals ill in a ra&i#s e8#al to te elementals illFoc#s in e5es. All non*bolte& &o!n ob2ects an& opponents ca#"t in te area of te #rricane b#rst are blo!n a!ay a&istance e8#al to te elementals ill in meters, s#fferin" K&1? ormal illin" &ama"e as teyeiter slam into a lar"e ob2ect or cras te floor from a non*stop 4iolent fall. As a comparati4enote, !in&s of ??%m7 e8#al te stren"t of a torna&o.Prere8#isites+ Fli"t, irl!in&Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ /pecialCi Cost+ I

ama"e+ noneMo4e+ one

Smoke'is po!er creates a fiel& of smo%e tat co4ers a one e5 ra&i#s per t!o points of Foc#s. 'issmo%e !ill impe&e 4ision, effecti4ely blin&in" tose in te area of effect. 'e clo#& of smo%e !illremain #ntil sometin" (li%e te !in&) ca#ses it to blo! a!ay.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ >Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

Summon Storm'is po!er enables te caracter to call fort a po!erf#l t#n&erstorm. 'e initial s#mmonin"ta%es tree t#rns of intense concentration (no oter actions possible), &#rin" !ic te s%y !ills!irl ma&ly !it &ar% clo#&s. en tat is &one, te storm !ill form, an& remain so lon" as tecaracter contin#es concentratin" ( APs per t#rn, to a ma5im#m of Foc#s 5 I t#rns), an& for min#tes per point of Foc#s tereafter. #rin" te perio& in !ic te caracter is concentratin" tomaintain te storm, tey may s#mmon fort li"tnin" bolts. 'ese effecti4ely f#nction as Ci$lasts (lectric, 9omin"), to#" te Ci cost is only K eac (AP cost an& oter st#ff is normal).Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ >

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 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

'ind Strike'is mane#4er enables te elemental to #se air to &eli4er pysical attac%s from a &istance as far as te elementals Foc#s stat in e5es, s#c stri%es cannot be parrie&. Oponents s#ffer %noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ ama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 1


9issure'is po!er ca#ses te eart to literally split open. 'is can be ma&e to appen any!ere !itin an#mber of e5es e8#al to te caracters Foc#s, an& te fiss#re ma&e !ill be lar"e eno#" toca#se one person to fall in (t#s, te most common tactic is to a4e it open #p #n&er someones#&&enly). A fiss#re !ill be abo#t 1? feet &eep, re8#irin" a sort climb to "et o#t of, costin" tecaracter ? APs (1? if tey a4e te Climbin" s%ill). 'is can only be #se& in places !ere tereis eart (i.e., &irt, stone, san&, etc.) for "ro#n&. An artificial floor cannot be fiss#re&, to#" it ispossible to &o so to cement an& aspalt, albeit for 1J APs an& !it a *I penalty to Acc#racy.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, /oc%!a4eCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ >ama"e+ 'e fall !ill normally inflict 1&J &ama"e.Mo4e+ one

+illar 'e opposite of te fiss#re po!er, Pillar ca#ses te "ro#n& to soot #p!ar&s a "oo& 1? feet,creatin" a pillar of eart. 'is as te same restrictions on locations for #se as Fiss#re.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, /oc%!a4eCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

'rath of the Earth :Super<'is tr#ly fri"tf#l &isplay of elemental po!er ca#ses te 4ery eart to become enra"e& at teopponent for a sort time. For its &#ration (a n#mber of t#rns e8#al to alf of te elementalsFoc#s) te tar"et of rat of te art !ill be attac%e& by spi%es risin" o#t of te "ro#n& e4ery

time tey to#c nat#ral eart (stone, san&, &irt, etc.), inflictin" &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, /oc%!a4e, an& eiter Fiss#re or Pillar.Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ K?ama"e+ 1&1?7t#rnMo4e+ one


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Blackout'e elemental can bloc% te electric fl#5 in a con&#ctor, pre4entin" electricity from circ#latin" inan area as bi" as is Foc#s/tamina in c#bic feet, centere& on te elemental. lectrical &e4icesan& installations of size e8#al or lo!er tan te mane#4ers area of effect are imme&iately s#t&o!n, !ile lar"er electrical installations an& con&#ctors (li%e i"*4olta"e !ires) a4e teir electrical fl#5 &isr#pte& in te mane#4ers area of action only (bloc%in" te fl#5 !ile stan&in" onan electricity post !ill still create a blac%o#t in a !ole street at least to#"). 'e elemental cancoose to &isr#pt te electric fl#5 in a smaller area if e so &esires, b#t e cannot &o :selecti4eblac%o#ts;, e4erytin" ca#"t insi&e te area is a#tomatically an& e8#ally affecte&. e4ices !ittempest ar&enin" en2oy a sa4in" tro! to a4oi& $lac%o#ts effects.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , lemental allCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 7min#teama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Broadcast'e elemental can manip#late te ima"es so!in" on any monitor or &isplay &e4ice as !ell aste ima"es bein" capt#re& on a camera to so! !ate4er ima"es te elemental &esires (is o!nima"e, real or ima"inary lan&scapes, etc). $y spen&in" an a&&itional Ci point, so#n& can bea&&e& to te broa&cast an&7or te so#n&bein" capt#re& by te camera can be altere& too.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one


'e elemental car"es a metallic ob2ect !it electricity to imb#e it !it temporary ma"neticproperties, allo!in" im to perform limite& feats of tele%inesis. 'e elemental can lift tee8#i4alent of a 1*foot c#be per point of foc#s. 'e mo4ement of s#c ob2ects is slo! an&a!%!ar& at best, b#t te ability can pro4e critical in certain sit#ations (pl#s, it al!ays impresseste locals).Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, lemental A#raCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ JCi Cost+ I7t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Energie$y transformin" is o!n ener"y into electrical car"e, te elemental is able to Qrecar"eQbatteries or similar &e4ices tat !or% !it electricity. 'e cost of &oin" so is as follo!s+ObHect Chi cost/in"le $attery 1 per 1 batteriesner"y Clip (for !eapons) 1 per 1 clipCar battery 1 per batteries9i" tec &e4ice or i"er 

'o recar"e a battery, te caracter m#st to#c its terminals (te metal bits tat ma%e contact!it !at it po!ers). 'e caracter can also &o te re4erse, ta%in" ener"y from ob2ects an&replenisin" teir Ci. n tis case te amo#nt of Ci "atere& is te alf te cost of recar"in" it.Prere8#isites+ one

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Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ JCi Cost+ /pecialama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

,ightning Bolt'is po!er !ill call &o!n a li"tnin" bolt from te s%y, stri%in" &o!n an enemy. A li"tnin" boltattac% cannot be &o&"e& #nless te &efensi4e roll (normally a &o&"e) e5cee&s te attac% roll byat least J points.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7/pecial Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ K&JMo4e+ one

+rogram A co#sin of te broadcast mane#4er, tis mane#4er allo!s te elemental to mentally operate any

comp#ter &e4ice. 'e mane#4ers potential an& possible #ses is limite& by te elementals&e"ree of comp#ter %no!le&"e only, !ile one to fo#r ran%s in te comp#ter s%ill !o#l& allo! imto perform operations at operatin" system le4el, or more ran%s !o#l& allo! im to comm#nicate!it te %ernel or te CPB &irectly to perform operations, effecti4ely bypassin" all sec#rity. 'epossession of te 6ee 6ignal mane#4er !o#l& also allo! te elemental to perform remoteprocesses mentally, b#t in tose cases a s#ccesf#l computer roll is necesary.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Comp#ter KCaracter Points+ K

 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

See Signal'e elemental becomes able to see tra4ellin" comm#nication si"nals, be it ra&io7analo"transmitions, micro!a4e or infrare& comm#nications, or e4en te li"t or electricity tra4elin"tro#" telepone lines an& optic fiber. ile te elemental can see s#c si"nals, #nless e as or more ran%s in s%ills li%e comm#nications, e as no !ay of #n&erstan&in" tem. /i"te&si"nals can also be altere& if te elemental also possesses mane#4ers li%e broadcast an&

 program.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, /ense lementCaracter Points+ 1

 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7A

Mo4e+ oneShock'is po!er enables te caracter to electrify teir entire bo&y for sort perio&s of time. Anyoneto#cin" te caracters bare s%in (or anytin" teyre !earin" tat !o#l& con&#ct electricity) for any reason (incl#&in" bein" p#nce& by tem) ta%es &ama"e as note& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ J7t#rnama"e+ 1&I

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Mo4e+ 7A

Soldering'is is a 4ery #sef#l po!er for anyone !it en"ineerin" interests. en repairin" any smallmetallic ob2ect, electrical !irin", electron &e4ice, etc., te elemental can, in essence, !el& ob2ectsinstantaneo#sly an& a#tomatically by mere concentration. 'e caracter "ets a bon#s of J on allbasic repair rolls an& K on all n"ineerin" rolls beca#se of te e5treme acc#racy of te QtoolQ

bein" #se&. 'is ability lasts for 1 min#te per point of Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ 1 per t#rnCi Cost+ Kama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one


9eed>E;tinguish 9ire'is mane#4er enables te caracter to ma"nifynormal fires (not tat from fire base& ci po!ers an& mane#4ers or ma"ical fire), increasin" teir 

size a n#mber of times o4er e8#al to te caracterNs Foc#s (e.".H !it Foc#s J a fire can be ma&esi5 times te size). 'is effect only lasts for as lon" as te caracter concentrates, an& fires !illret#rn to normal after!ar&s. 'e elemental can also #se tis po!er lo!er or e4ene5tin"#is normal fires !itin a e5 ra&i#s of temsel4es.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ /pecial

9irestorm :Super<'is po!erf#l mane#4er ca#ses flames to rain &o!n o4er a lar"e area. A Firestorm lasts for an#mber of t#rns e8#al to te caracters Foc#s. ac t#rn e4eryone !itin a ra&i#s e8#al to tecaracters Foc#s in e5es ta%es &ama"e as note& belo! (may be soa%e& normally).Prere8#isites+ Ci $last (Fire $last)Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ ?ama"e+ 1&1?1?Mo4e+ one

-agma Blast'is po!erf#l an& &an"ero#s mane#4er creates a stream of molten roc% at te opponent. 'eran"e is e8#al to te caracters Foc#s in e5es.Prere8#isites+ Ci $last (Fire $last), Foc#s >Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ *1

 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ 1&1?Mo4e+ one

Smoke/ame as te Air mane#4er.


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#ce Blade'is po!er enables te caracter to call into bein" a bla&e ma&e of ice. ce $la&e #ses temo&ifiers liste& belo!, an& lasts eiter K min#tes per point of Foc#s, #ntil &estroye&, or #ntil it iscancele& by te #ser.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , $la&es Caracter Points+ I

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ *Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ ?

#ce Slick'is po!er ca#ses an area of te "ro#n& to be co4ere& !it a layer of ice tat ma%es it &iffic#ltfor oters to mo4e. 'e ce /lic% !ill co4er a n#mber of e5es e8#al to te caracters Foc#s,!ic can be a n#mber of e5es e8#al to teir Foc#s times t!o a!ay. Caracters (oter tan celementals) !o !al% on te area of te ce /lic% are at * to all pysical*relate& rolls, an& m#stma%e a roll on 1&1? A"ility e4ery oter t#rn to stay stan&in".Prere8#isites+ Foc#s ICaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ I

 Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+

#ce Slide'is po!er enables te caracter to mo4e freely on ice, sli&in" aro#n& at rapi& spee& !ito#t tepossibility of slippin". 'e caracters Mo4e is triple& for mo4in" on icy s#rfaces (incl#&in" tosetey create temsel4es).Prere8#isites+ Foc#s I, A"ility ICaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7ACi Cost+ 1 per min#teama"e+ one

Mo4e+ /pecial

#ce Storm Blit :Super<'is mane#4er s#mmons fort a "reat storm of ice crystals. 4eryone in a 1 e5 ra&i#s per points of te caracters Foc#s ta%es &ama"e eac t#rn for tree t#rns.Prere8#isites+ Ci $last (ce $last)Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ ?ama"e+ 1&I1Mo4e+ one


Create -agnet'e elemental can imb#e small metallic ob2ects (ma"netic or not) !it ma"netic properties, s#cma"netize& ob2ects are sli"tly more potent tan common #se ma"nets an& can a4e a m#ltit#&eof #ses from ol&in" notes to erasin" tapes.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ ICi Cost+ 1

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ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

9lechette'is po!er enables te elemental to #rl a n#mber of small sar&s of metal at te opponent.Flecette as a ran"e e8#al to te caracters Foc#s in e5es. Opponents it by te Flecetterecei4e a *1 penalty to all rolls for e4ery K 9ealt points lost from it, &#e to te pain

from te n#mero#s pieces of metal st#c% into tem. 'e metal sar&s !ill &isinte"rate after a fe!o#rs.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

#ron Spike 'a%e :Super<'is po!erf#l an& &ea&ly mane#4er ca#ses a series of massi4e iron spi%es to sprin" #p from te"ro#n& an& tem melt bac% into it. 'is mane#4er affects all tar"ets in a strai"t line stretcin" an#mber of e5es e8#al to te elementals Foc#s. Anyone str#c% by it s#ffers a%noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ ama"e+ &J1?Mo4e+ one

-agnetic !epulsion'is po!er enables te elemental to rep#lse ob2ects !it ma"netic properties. f #se& offensi4ely,te mane#4er reinforces te imp#lse of a tro!n !eapon, te caracter "ets a bon#s of K to

 Acc#racy an& 1 to &ama"eH tis costs Ci an& #ses 1 AP (in a&&ition to tat of tro!in" teob2ect in te first place. f #se& &efensi4ely, te elemental can try to &eflect an incomin" b#llet or tro!n !eapon, te caracter m#st ma%e a ill roll a"ainst a &iffic#lty of 1H tis #se costs J Ci

an& only 1 AP (instincti4e).Prere8#isites+ Ma"netismCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecialama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Soldering As per te lectricity mane#4er (see abo4e).


,ower 'ater 'is po!erf#l mane#4er enables te elemental to ta%e control of bi" 4ol#mes of !ater in se4eral!ays+ First, te elemental can re&#ce or increase te 4ol#me of a !ater (initial 4ol#me cannote5cee& 1?? "allons per point of Foc#s) as many times o4er as te amo#nt of teir Foc#s (e.".Foc#s J can increase !ater to J times as m#c or re&#ce it one si5t). 'is costs 1 Ci7t#rn an&ta%es 1 AP7t#rn. en te elemental ceases concentratin", te !ater !ill ret#rn to normal./econ&, te elemental can manip#late !ater in a !ay tat e7se can &issipate any !ater base&attac% tat treatens to arm tem (s#c as a s#mmon !a4e). 'is costs Ci an& ta%es K APs.'e caracter alsonee&s to s#ccee& a Parry roll, b#t a&&s teir ill to te total of te roll. An& lastly, te caracter 

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can create a e5 ra&i#s b#bble tat lasts for t!o min#tes per point of Foc#s ("reat for #n&er!ater tra4elin"X)H te elemental can mo4e te b#bble at !ill, te mo4e is te same as tecaracterNs. 'is costs I Ci an& ta%es J APs to"enerate an& 1 AP7t#rn tereafter.Prere8#isites+ lemental allCaracter Points+ > Acc#racy+ /pecial

 Action Points+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecialama"e+ 7AMo4e+ /pecial

Summon 'a%e'is mane#4er sen&s o#t a !a4e of !ater in a strai"t line, s#c tat it !ill stri%e all !o are inte e5es alon" tat line.. t as a ran"e e8#al to te caracters Foc#s in e5es, an& ca#ses anoc%&o!n if it its.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one

Swimming A66 !ater elementals can s!im. Face it, yo# simply CA' a4e a nat#ral affinity for !ater if yo#&ont "et !et no! an& ten. 9o!e4er, an elemental !it tis mane#4er can &o a more tan tat!ile in te !ater. 'ey can mo4e alon" !it ease, "oin" at incre&ible spee& (base mo4e is e8#alto te caracters ill times fi4eX), an& tey are at 1 to te Acc#racy an& Mo4e of 

 A66 mane#4ers !ile s!immin" in tis manner.Prere8#isites+ A"ility Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7ACi Cost+ 7min#teama"e+ 7AMo4e+ /pecial

'ater Breathing'is mane#4er enables te elemental to inale!ater normally, as to#" it !ere air.Prere8#isites+ noneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

'ater orte;'is mane#4er is a !ater*base& e8#i4alent of te irl!in& mane#4er, an& apart from its

composition, f#nctions as s#c.

'ater 'alk'is mane#4er enables te caracter to literally Q!al%Q on any li8#i& s#rface (e4en aci&, to#"te caracter !ill still ta%e &ama"e). 9o!e4er, te caracterNs mo4e is al4e& #nless te /!immane#4er is also possesse&.Prere8#isites+ oneCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rn

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Ci Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ /pecial

'rath of Ieptune :Super<For as many t#rns as alf te elementals Foc#s, e contin#o#sly :confiscates; all !ater in te4icinity, callin" it to imself. All !ater in a ra&i#s of 1 e5 per point of te elementals Foc#s !ill be

p#lle& to!ar&s im !it irresistible force+ pipes !ill b#rst open, pools !ill be &raine&, an&caracters in te area !ill s#ffer 1 point of /tamina &ama"e per t#rn &#e to &ey&ration (lost/tamina points are reco4ere& 1 per &ay). For an a&&itional Ci, te elemental can control all"atere& !ater as if it !as an lemental all (re"ar&less of 4ol#me).Prere8#isites+ lemental allCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ A66 (to initiate)Ci Cost+ 1>ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none


*nimate +lants'is po!er enables te elemental to ca#se plants to become animate&, an& mentally comman&tem to mo4e. 'e only limit to o! many can be controlle& is in te caracters mental ability tocomman& tem– eac plant controlle& in tis manner ta%es I APs per t#rn, an& Ci per t#rn.

 Animate& plants can ta%e any reasonable actions (GM &iscretion), to#" tey !ill "enerally berater slo! (A"ility K at best in most cases), to#" lar"er plants (bi" trees, etc.) !ill be 4eryto#" an& stron".Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ I per plant controlle& per t#rnCi Cost+ per plant controlle& per t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Soul -ergen or&er to &o tis mane#4er te caracter m#st be s#rro#n&e& by 4e"etation, in a place li%e apar% or similar (!oo&s are te perfect place). 'e Caracter e5pan&s teir Ci all o4er, tentemporarily f#ses teir so#l !it tat of te place, ma%in" te caracter Qone !it te nat#reQ. For te &#ration of te mane#4er, te caracter "ains te follo!in" bon#ses+ Can ne4er be ta%en bys#rprise, as tey are a!are of DR'9G tat is appenin" !itin te place (as per Clair4oyance), can /ee A#ras (as per te mane#4er) e4en if te s#b2ect is i&&en, an& cananticipate teir opponents e4ery mo4e "ainin" a K to te Acc#racy of all teir mane#4ers (as per Min& Rea&in"). An& finally, !en combine& !it te Animate Plants mane#4er te caracter canma%e tr#ly terrific tin"s performin" any mane#4er e7se %no!s #sin" trees an& oter plants aste caracterNs o!n limbs an& !it te same acc#racy as te caracterNs.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ > Acc#racy+ 7A

 AP Cost+ 1?Ci Cost+ K7t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Splinterburst'is po!er enables te elemental to #rl a n#mber of small splinters of !oo& at te opponent.'is as a ran"e e8#al to te caracters Foc#s in e5es. Opponents it by te /plinterb#rstrecei4e a *1 penalty to all rolls for e4ery K 9ealt points lost from it, &#e to te pain from ten#mero#s pieces of metal st#c% into tem. 'ese splinters !ill &isinte"rate after a fe! o#rs.

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Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ one


Bend ,ight'is mane#4er enables te caracter to fra"ment li"t into its separate colors, as !ell as affectte pat of li"t. A"ainst 6i"t $lasts an& lasers, te caracter can perform a normal Parry (costs ci) to &i4ert te blast a!ay from tem, tereby ta%in" O &ama"e. Can also create minor 4is#al ill#sions on a s#ccesf#l roll of illFoc#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ?Ci Cost+ ama"e+ oneMo4e+ ?

(arkness'e tin"s !e see are b#t a reflection of li"t on ob2ects, an& tis mane#4er enables tecaracter to create an area of total &ar%ness by 2#st Qremo4in"Q te li"t particles o#t of te area.Caracters can create an area of &ar%ness e8#al to teir foc#s in e5es.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1 to acti4ateCi Cost+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

,ight Shifting'is po!er &ecei4e senses for te elemental manip#lates li"t in a !ay tat te attac%er sees tecaracter closer tan e really is. Close pysical combat is #seless an& Ci blasts are at *K toacc#racy. Mane#4ers !it te Ci car"e mo&ifier !ill res#lt #naffecte& o!e4er an& anyone tote si&e of or bein& of te elemental !ill clearly see te ill#sion.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s JCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ > to acti4ateCi Cost+ Iama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

,ight Ball'e caracter can create a spere of li"t of a &iameter e8#al to teir foc#s in e5es. A conteste&roll is nee&e& if #se& to blin& an opponent, in !ic case te opponent is blin&e& for 1&I ro#n&s

(* to all appropriate rolls). f te elemental !ants to mo4e te spere e can &o it by in4estin" ana&&itional Ci point an& AP per ro#n&, mo4in" it a n#mber of e5es e8#al to is Foc#s.Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 1 (en applicable) Action Points+ K to acti4ateCi Cost+ Kama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

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Super ision'is mane#4er en&o!s caracters !it te ability to clearly see tro#" te entire 4isiblespectr#m, as !ell as in infrare& to #ltra4iolet. 'e elemental also "ets ni"t4ision (J? feet) fromtis an& on perception rolls an& initiati4e !en in &ar% areas. 9o!e4er, tis mane#4er is base&on li"t manip#lation, an& as s#c it &oesnNt !or% in areas !ere tere is no li"t at all.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ I

 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ oneMo4e+ 7A

-orning Star :Super<'is e5cee&in"ly po!erf#l &isplay allo!s te caracter to s#mmon fort an incre&ibly po!erf#lb#rst of li"t an& ener"y. 'is is in many !ays similar to a Ci /tar, b#t e4en more po!erf#l, aste eat "enerate& is simply incre&ible. Anyone in te area of effect m#st also ma%e a roll on1&1? /tamina ill or be blin&e& for t#rns (ob4io#sly, caracters !o are alrea&y blin& &onNta4e to !orry abo#t tis). 6i%e!ise, caracters !ose eyes are artificial &onNt a4e to !orry abo#ttis, to#" te li"t is intense eno#" tat s#n"lasses or e4en protecti4e "o""les areins#fficient. ll#mination /tar co4ers a ra&i#s in e5es e8#al to alf te caracterNs Foc#s.

Prere8#isites+ Foc#s =Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecialH a#tomatically its anyone in te areaof effect. Action Points+ A66 (m#st be te only action tat t#rn)Ci Cost+ 1>ama"e+ &J1?Mo4e+ one


"2ar3ness will ta3e you&&&' ---Fallen Cleric0 ;e%erwinter ;ights

(arkness As per te 6i"t mane#4er (see abo4e).

Shadow Teleport'is po!er enables te caracter, !ile /a&o!Mel&e&, to teleport to any sa&o! !ose location tey %no!, !itin ? miles times te caracterNsFoc#s.Prere8#isites+ /a&o! Mel&Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ >Ci Cost+ ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

Shadow 'hip'is po!er forms a !ip o#t of p#re sa&o!. t f#nctions as per a normal b#ll!ip, !it a bon#sof to Acc#racy an& K to &ama"e.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ J to form te /a&o! ipCi Cost+ Jama"e+ 7AMo4e+ one

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Steal Shadow'is po!er allo!s te elemental to temporarily steal someoneNs sa&o!. 'o &o tis, te elementalm#st s#ccessf#lly Grab te opponent, an& ma%e a conteste& roll on 1&1? Foc#s ill. f es#ccee&s, e as QstolenQ te opponentNs sa&o!. 'is appears as anoter sa&o! bein" castfrom te elemental in a ran&om &irection, an&, more importantly, it ta%es alf of te 4ictimNsc#rrent Ci !it it, no! #sableby te elemental. After a n#mber of min#tes e8#al to times te caracterNs Foc#s, te sa&o!!ill "o bac% to its proper o!ner.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , rain CiCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ =Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one


<#ime controls humans and ma3esthe world mo%e around&&&&hmmm0I thin3 that ma3es me&&&&=od!< ** Ricar& on", Psycic Force

Erase and !ewind'e elemental ceats fate by 2#mpin" a fe! secon&s bac% in time, #s#ally to correct a li"tmista%e tat carrie& on bi" conse8#ences. n "ame terms, eac #se of tis mane#4er allo!s teelemental to repeat te last &ie roll rolle& by im before te consec#ences of s#c roll ta%e effect.Prere8#isites+ 'ime /topCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ ICi Cost+ 1ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

9uture Sight

'e elemental ta%es a 8#ic% "limpse into te imme&iate f#t#re. 'e elemental a&&s is Foc#sattrib#te to is ne5t roll.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s 1?Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

Summon'e elemental can s#mmon any ob2ect !it a !ei" e8#al to te caracterNs Foc#s times t!o inpo#n&s to appear &irectly on is7er an&s or !ere4er tey !ant no matter te ob2ectNs act#allocation. 'e limitation of tis po!er is tat te ob2ect to s#mmon m#st a4e been in possessionof te caracter for abo#t an o#r or more time if possible in or&er to impre"nate te ob2ect !it

te caracterNs Qpsycic printQ 'e ob2ects s#mmone& can be mo4e& in strai"t line if &one so atte 4ery instant te ob2ect is s#mmone& (a melee or tro!n !eapon for e5ample co#l& bes#mmone& to!ar&s oponents), s#c ob2ects are to acc#racy. More tan one ob2ect can bes#mmone& on a sin"le ro#n& if te ob2ects &oesnNt !ei" more tan te limit an& are not 4eryseparate one from te oter.Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ /pecial

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Temporal @uicksand'e caracter "rabs is7er opponent an& ma%es a conteste& Foc#s rollH if te opponent loosese Qpases o#tQ as per Gost Form, b#t e starts sin%in" into te "ro#n& as if it !as 8#ic%san&,(for a n#mber of secon&s e8#al to te n#mber of points by !ic te attac%erNs rolle5cee&e& teirs) ten pase in a"ain. As te 4ictim is reappearin" on a soli& ob2ect, tis !illca#se im7er a &ama"e of 1&J (&o not a&& base &ama"e) per eac secon& sin%in" (tis &ama"ecannot be soa%e&, to#" eart, metal, ice, or !oo& elementals !it mper4io#s to lement mayta%e alf &ama"e if te s#rface is mostly of teir element). F#rter, as te opponent as part of is7er bo&y Qb#rie&Q on te "ro#n& e7se !ill be effecti4ely immobilize&.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, lemental Dorte5Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ >Ci Cost+ 1?ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

The 9our$'ind Strike'e mane#4er enables te elemental to performlimite& feats of bi*location (e5istin" in se4eral &ifferent places at te same time). Bpon lan&in" a

s#ccessf#l melee attac%, te elemental stri%es from #p to I &ifferent flan%s at te same time. n"ame terms, te elemental can &o a team 9oined attac3 e imself. ac :participant; in te 2oine& attac% costs K Ci. 'e cost in CPs of te mane#4er is in&epen&ent of te cost of !ate4er  2oine& attac% te elemental plans on #sin". en combine& !it te Pro2ecti4e 'elepaty psycicpo!er, te elemental can &o tr#e bi*location, bein" able to e5ist in any t!o &ifferent parts of te!orl& at te same time.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s 11, lemental A#raCaracter Points+ = Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Ci Cost+ /pecialama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 7A

Time Stop :Super<

n&ee& one of te most po!erf#l forms of 'ime lemental po!er. 'e caracter creates aQ&imensional fract#reQ ** a sort of anomaly in !ic time is frozen on a partic#lar moment, asto#" one as stoppe& a mo4ie on a sin"le frame. 'is co4ers a 1?? foot ra&i#s per le4el of Psycic. GMs so#l& be esitant to let some players to a4e tis mane#4er as it is can 8#iteeasily lea& to some 4ery "risly sit#ationsH for te &#ration te opponent(s) are #nable to ma%e any&efense of any sort, since tey are frozen alon" !it te rest of te area of effect. n or&er perform tis mane#4er te elemental m#st a4e bot an&s freeH t#s e canNt be ol&in" anyitems. 'e caracter can stay on te time fract#re as lon" as e &oesnNt alter anytin", temoment e ta%es an ob2ect, opens a &oor or to#ces a li4in" tin", te person ret#rns to reality.Oter time elementals a4e a nat#ral resistance to s#c temporal alterations, ma%in" is possiblefor tem to for tem to remain acti4e ** ma%e a conteste& Foc#s rollH if te roll e5cee&s te oter elementalNs, ten tey can act normally, an& te #s#al con&itions #n&er !ic te 'ime /top en&sapply to either elemental.

Prere8#isites+ Psycic 1Caracter Points+ 1? Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ KCi Cost+ ?ama"e+ oneMo4e+ /pecial

.J) Aliens an& M#tant Animalsee&les to say, te follo!in" para"raps co4er tose creat#res tat, by any reason (comin" fromo#ter space, bein" born -&ifferent, e5periments, etc.) co#nt !it special "enetic traits an&&ifferences tat &is8#alify tem to te cas#al eye as -#man. n "ame terms, bein" a m#tant

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animal co#nts as a K point A&4anta"e, pl#s te cost of any /pecial Abilities tat te caracter mi"t possess (see belo!). 9o!e4er, as a consec#ence of -bein" &ifferent, te GM is free toforce a m#tant caracter to ta%e any of tese K social &isa&4anta"es+ eiter f#"iti4e, infamy, or secon&*class citizen. Tenopobia is inerent to te #man nat#re, an& te GM is free to ma%ePCs as mean an& ostile to te m#tant as e seems fit. 4ent#ally, pre2#&ice can be o4ercome!it te caracters noble actions, %in&ness, an& patience, b#t it !ill be a really /6O process,an& te GM is #n&er no obli"ation to ma%e aste #nless te caracter pro4es imself in tr#lyeroic !ays.

S+EC#*, Super$+owered -utants :Optional<ts not #n#s#al for aliens an& oter!ise :m#tants; to possess some sort of special po!ers.

 Aliens7M#tant animal caracters in tis sit#ation so#l& also consi&er ac8#irin" a&&itional traitsli%e Psycic an& /#per#man (see sections . an& .J). /#perpo!ere& M#tants, o!e4er, stilla4e to abi&e by te respecti4e limitations for psycics an& s#per#mans.

Special *bilities'e follo!in" are special abilities tat mi"t be possesse& by m#tants an& aliens. 'is section!ill mainly &eal !it traits &#e to "enetic ma%e#p. 'e GM an& players so#l& !or% to"eter to%eep coerency amon" te m#tations an& stic% to te caracter ori"inal concept. ote tat someof tis traits "i4e te caracter CPs to spen& instea&, 2#st li%e &isa&4anta"es.

*ntlers :1<Can be i&&en !it a caref#lly place& baseball cap or so, b#t any forcef#l mo4ement is li%ely tore4eal -em. I on all perception rolls.

Bite :1<'e caracter as sarp teet, an& can e5ec#te bite a"ainst opponents. 'is "i4es tem te $itemane#4er for free.Caracter Points+ /pecial Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ >Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ Mo4e+ K

Cat8s Drace :1< to A"ility. 'is m#tation can also apply to anyanimal 2#st as 8#ic%.

Climbing :"<'is is a nat#ral ability to climb, an& "rants te caracter an effecti4e climbin" s%ill of >.

Claws :">/<'e caracter as cla!s in teir an&s an&7or feet, !ic a&& &ama"e !en #se& in combat.'is is in a&&ition to te &ama"e of a normal p#nc or %ic%, b#t cla!s cannot be #se& for close&*fiste& p#nces. to Climb rolls. 'e K 4ersion ma%es sai& cla!s retractile, !ic ma%e tem!ay less conspic#o#s.

(igging :/<'e ability to e5ca4ate tro#" soft soil !ito#t lea4in" a t#nnel bein&. i""in" spee& e8#al toalf te caracters mo4e.

E;oskeleton :/<6i%e tat of an insect. 6ar"e citino#s plates co4ers most of te caracters bo&y. K bon#s to/oa% (armor 8#ality).– to Appearance. 'e caracter cannot #se a&&itional bo&y armor.

E;tra ,imbs :0<

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K APs for eac e5tra pair of arms, to a ma5im#m of K e5tra pairs (> arms total). to bloc%in"mane#4ers, pl#s an a&&itional 1 for e4ery a&&itional pair.

9light :0<'e caracter as !in"s !ic can be #se& to fly some!at. say some!at, beca#se te fact of te matter is tat any creat#re of #man size !o#l& nee& an absol#tely massi4e !in"span to beable to fly (loo% in a pysics te5tboo% #n&er /calin"). Fort#nately, tis "ame is base& on fi"tin""ames an& anime, bot of !ic i"nore tat sort of tin". As a res#lt, te caracter can fly an&"li&e, triplin" teir mo4e in combat. Pysical stri%es ma&e !ile flyin" are also at &ama"e &#eto te increase& moment#m.

9ur>9eathers :$1<>?S of te caracters bo&y is co4ere& !it eiter f#r or featers. –1 to all social rolls.

Dills :"<'e caracter as retaine& nat#ral "ills as !ell as "ro!n l#n"s, an& t#s can breate normally!ile #n&er!ater.

.old Breath :1<

6i%e a &olpin. 'e caracter can ol& is breat for as lon" as 1? min#tes per point of /tamina.

#nhuman 9ace :$"<'e caracters Appearance ratin" becomes nonaplicable for #mans (se may be te c#test fo5,b#t sell ne4er be -fo5y).

Iight%ision :1<'e caracters eyes also ac8#ire an #n#s#al appearance. 'e m#tant can see clearly lo!*li"tto near*total &ar%ness (e still cant see in total &ar%ness).

!adar :0<'e caracter can interpret 4ibrations in te air, sim#latin" te sense of si"t an& en&o!in" im!it astonisin" coor&ination. to perception rolls, acc#racy of all atletics an& e4asion

mane#4ers, pl#s e cannot be amb#se& !it s#rprise pysical attac%s.

!egrowth :0<Certain animals, most notably lizar&s an& some ampibians, a4e te ability to "ro! bac% lostbo&y parts. As a res#lt, te caracter eals an e5tra 1&J 9ealt per &ay !en &ama"e&, an& cane4en re"ro! lost limbs.

!unning :"<Certain animals, s#c as te Ceeta an& an"aroo can r#n at "reat spee&H &o#ble te n#mber of e5es tey can r#n in a t#rn.

Scales :1<E#st li%e a reptiles, te caracters s%in is co4ere& !it scales tat pro4i&e im !it nat#ral

protection. 1 to /oa% (armor 8#ality). * to Appearance.

Speak with *nimals :1<'e m#tant animal (no aliens) can comm#nicate!ito#t problems !it oter animals of is type.

Spider Climb :"<'e #ncanny ability to a&ere to s#rfaces !ito#t oter ai& tan te caracters an&s an& feet.Carryin" more !ei"t tan te caracter can #s#ally carry ma%es te caracter to loose is "rip.Summon and Control *nimals :/<

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'e m#tant animal is able to s#mmon an& control animals of is type to &o is bi&&in". ncombat, e can control a n#mber of animals in &J #p to is Carisma ratin". f te animalss#mmone& are &imin#te or 4ermin, in combat e can s#mmon a s!arm tat &ama"es all enemiesin a ra&i#s of 1 e5 per t!o points of te m#tants Carisma. ama"e of te insect s!arm is 1&Jper t#rn. +rere?uisites /pea% !it Animals

Swimming :"<'e animal is an e5cellent s!immer, consi&ere& to a#tomatically a4e a /!immin" s%ill of > (canbe increase& normally if &esire&), an& teir /tren"t is &o#ble& for &eterminin" o! far tey canmo4e in a t#rn !ile s!immin".

Tail :"<Many types of animals a4e tails, an& most m#tants !ill retain tem, b#t a caracter !it tisa&4anta"e !ill be able to #se teir tail for special p#rposesH eiter as a preensile tail, or a:combat tail; (p#rcasin" bot costs I CPs). A preensile tail allo!s te caracter to #se te tailas a r#&imentary an& (* penalty to perform most tas%s), !ile a combat tail can be #se& for !ippin" opponents (same basic &ama"e as a 6i"t or 9ea4y P#nc) an& allo!s te caracter toselect certain special mane#4ers !ic re8#ire s#c a tail.

Temperature !esistance :"<

Certain animals li4e in e5tremes of temperat#re tat co#l& be #ncomfortable or e4en &an"ero#sto #mans. An animal !it tis po!er !ill be resistant to eiter eat (animals from tropical climes,&eserts, etc.) or col& (pen"#ins, polar bears, seals, !alr#ses, etc.). 'is means tat tey !ill beentirely comfortable !it tat ran"e of temperat#res, to#" "oin" to te oter e5treme !ill be4ery #npleasant (tic% f#r is not a "oo& tin" to a4e in a rainforest, an& li%e!ise scales are no"oo& in te arctic). 'is &oes not "rant tem any partic#lar &ama"e resistance (i.e., it !o#l& notaffect freezin" or incen&iary attac%s).

enom :0</electin" tis po!er re8#ires tat te caracter first be able to $ite (see abo4e), or a4e someoter means by !ic to &eli4er te poison. Certain animals a4e te ability to poison teir foes.'is #s#ally is &one by means of fan"s (t#s re8#irin" a bitin" attac%), to#" some animals are%no!n to possess poisono#s sp#rs on teir limbs or oter parts of te bo&y. en te 4enom is

&eli4ere&, it inflicts &ama"e base& on te attac%ers /tamina, &i4i&e& e4enly o4er te co#rse of Jt#rns, in a&&ition to te &ama"e from !ate4er attac% !as #se& to &eli4er te poison. A caracter !it tis po!er as only a limite& s#pply of te 4enom, an& t#s may #se tis attac% only an#mber of times e8#al to alf teir stamina per &ay.

acuum Sur%i%al :1<'e caracter can s#r4i4e in te arsness of space !ito#t te nee& of a spaces#it, b#t stillbreates someo!, !ic means e can still &ro!n, be affecte& by "as, etc.

'ebbing :$1<'e caracter as !ebbin" in is an&s an& feet. –1 to Appearance !ene4er te caractersan&s so! often.

-utant *nimal Special -aneu%ers

Claw Storm Charge :Super<'e m#tant flies for!ar&, lasin" o#t !it is cla!s a"ain an& a"ain. Ma%e I &ama"e rolls base&on teir cla! &ama"e !it te mo&ifiers belo!.Prere8#isites+ M#tant Animal, Cla!s, A"ility Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1>Ci Cost+ 1?ama"e+ 1&J

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Mo4e+ J

,eaping !aken tis mane#4er, te caracter leaps past te opponent, ra%in" tem !it teir cla!s as tey &oso. 'is is an Aerial Mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ A"ility , Cla!s, E#mpCaracter Points+

 Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ >Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ KMo4e+ J

+ounce'e m#tant leaps at te opponent an& lan&s on tem !it teir cla!s. 'is is an Aerial Mane#4er an& if e5ec#te& s#ccessf#lly, ca#ses a noc%&o!n. After a Po#nce te m#tant may attempt to"rapple !it te opponent, in !ic case te first s#c mane#4er attempte& is at I to Acc#racy.Prere8#isites+ A"ility , Cla!s, E#mpCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ oneama"e+ 1&JMo4e+ J

.) PsycicsMin& o4er matter penomena, i"ly cinematic ener"y &isplays, telepaty an& min& control, tatste nat#re of psycics in a n#tsell.

$ein" a psycic co#nts as a special A&4anta"e, an& costs points per le4el. 'e le4el of onespsycic po!er &etermines o! po!erf#l manifestations of tat po!er are, an& t#s is #se& inplace of te Foc#s attrib#te to &etermine &ama"e an& s#c for psycic effects (as !ell as teFoc#s Prere8#isite of many mane#4ers). 'e Psycic A&4anta"e also allo!s for te ac8#isition of mane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#s Po!ers #sin" te caracters Psycic le4el to co4er for attrib#te re8#irements. A&&in" te Po!er /tri%e mo&ifier (see Mystic Martial Arts) to a mane#4er costs only 1 CPs, al!ays manifests as seetin" psycic ener"y, an& costs only 1 Ci.

'e Psycic A&4anta"e, o!e4er, can only be a8#ire& at caracter creation (eiter one is born!it psycic affinity, or is not).

+sychics and Chin te case of psycics, Ci "ro!s #nnat#rally, b#t not beca#se of teir spirit#al si&e or trainin",b#t beca#se of te m#tation in teir brain tat "rants tem teir psionic "ifts. A&& te caractersle4el in te Psycic A&4anta"e to te Foc#s stat for calc#latin" base Ci.

!esisting +sychic *ssaults:Psycic Assa#lts; is te term "i4en to all min&7 bo&y alterin" effects #se& by psycics (notstrai"t combat ones li%e inetic /tri%e or Ci $lasts). Psycic assa#lts are conteste& rolls of tePsycics UPsycic isciplines le4el Psycic stats mo&ifier (if positi4e)V 4ers#s &e &efen&ers

UFoc#s Mo&ifier ill Mo&ifierV.

 Also, te &efen&er can a&& to is sa4e roll is le4el in te ron ill &iscipline for psycic assa#ltstat tar"et te min&, or is le4el in $o&y 9ar&enin" a"ainst assa#lts tat tar"et is bo&y.


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+sychic (isciplines'rainin" in te &e4elopment of &i4erse areas of an in&i4i&#als psionic nat#re. A caracters le4elin any psycic &iscipline may not e5cee& is le4el in te Psycic a&4anta"e.

*stral +ower 'e Psycic iscipline of Astral Po!er "rants te caracter te ability to percei4e an& interact

!it te Astral Plane, a le4el of reality tat is !olly mental an& spirit#al in nat#re. $ein"s cane5ist tere only in a non*pysical manner, b#t since it o4erlaps o#r pysical reality, tose presentin te Astral Plane can obser4e an& possibly e4en affect tose in te Pysical Plane.1. *stral Sight+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to loo% into te astral plane, an& see !ate4er mi"t be "oin" on intere.. *stral +roHection+ 'is is effecti4ely te same as te Min& al% mane#4er, e5cept tat te Ci cost to acti4ate is >,an& te &#ration is base& on te caracters Psycic le4el rater tan Foc#s.K. *stral .ealing+ 'is po!er allo!s te caracter to eal astral forms, !eter teir o!n or someone elses. 'ey caneal 1&J 9ealt per K Ci spent.I. E;tended *stral +roHection+ 'is is essentially te same as te normal Astral Pro2ection po!er, e5cept tat te&#ration is K? min#tes per point of te caracters Psycic a&4anta"e. Costs > Ci.. *%atar +roHection+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to pro2ect an ima"e of temsel4es into te pysical plane fromte astral plane. 'is as no pysical presence, b#t is 4ery conspic#o#s. t can be maintaine& for t!o t#rns per le4el of  Astral Po!er. Costs J Ci.

J. *stral Transference+ 'is is a 4ariation of Astral Pro2ection in !ic te caracter temporarily con4erts teir pysicalform into an astral one, a4in" te a&&e& a&4anta"e tat tey &ont a4e to !orry abo#t !ats appenin" to teir 

bo&y !ile teyre off in te astral plane. 'ere is no limit to o! lon" an Astral 'ransference can be maintaine&, to#"eac time tey mo4e into or o#t of te Astral plane it costs Ci.

*ura +ower n ar&*fact terms, te :a#ra; is notin" b#t a mil& electro*ma"netic fiel& irra&iate& by all li4in"or"anisms as a conse8#ence of te misce*laneo#s electro*cemical penomena !itin #s(#mans a#ra as a 1.m ra&i#s). Parapsycolo"ists an& people "i4en to belie4e in tes#pernat#ral attrib#te te #mans a#ra !it many esoteric properties an& attrib#tes. 9o!e4er,for "ame p#rposes, !ell be #sin" s#c paranormal aspects. Psycics !it tis &iscipline canpercei4e an& affect tese a#ras.1. See *uras+ 'is po!er allo!s te psycic to see an& interpret te a#ra of anyone !itin line of si"t. 'e psycic m#stma%e an roll on 1&1? ntelli"ence Mo&ifier A#ra Po!er to interpret te a#ra, o!e4er. From tis it is possible to&etermine if tey are psycic, elemental, etc., "eneral le4el of po!er, if tey a4e positi4e or ne"ati4e ci, an& teir "eneral a"e.. (isguise *ura+ 'e psycic is able to can"e te appearance of is a#ra for #p to 1 min#te per le4el of A#ra Po!er, so

tat oter psycics !it te /ee A#ra ability can be ma&e to belie4e im to be of anoter species, not a psycic, more or less po!erf#l, etc.K. Steal *ura+ 'is po!er !or%s basically te same as is"#ise A#ra, e5cept tat te caracter !ill precisely copy tea#ra of anoter person. As a res#lt of tis, te ori"inal a#ra bein" copie& becomes some!at &istorte& for te ne5t 1&J1o#rs.I. *lter *ura+ 'is po!er enables te caracter to mo&ify te appearance of anoter persons a#ra in te manner of teis"#ise A#ra po!er.. *ura Bolt+ 'is po!er f#nctions as a Contin#o#s $last Ci $last, te only &ifference bein" tat te caracter cannelste po!er tro#" teir a#ra, ca#sin" tem to be s#rro#n&e& by an intense !ite "lo! 2#st before it is #nlease&.J. *ura #nfusion+ it tis po!er, te caracter inf#ses teir a#ra !it ci ener"y, ca#sin" it to blaze li%e fire. 'is pro4i&es a bon#s of to /oa% (armor 8#ality), an& increases te&ama"e of all an& to an& stri%es by K. 'is costs 1I Ci an& ta%es 1I APs to acti4ate.

. Supreme *ura Bolt+ 'is is a Me"a*Attac% 4ersion of te A#ra $olt po!er, abo4e.

Clair%oyance'e po!er of clair4oyance enables te psycic to e5ten& teir senses to percei4e occ#rrences inoter locations, re"ar&less of normal pysical limitations. 'o &o tis, te caracter m#st ma%e aroll on 1&1? Psycic Clair4oyance, te base &iffic#lty 1 for e4ery %ilometer of &istance,ma5im#m ran"e is te caracters Foc#s stat in %m. A&& to &iffic#lty if te location is in&oorsan& anoter K is te place in 8#estion is a :micro!a4e b#n%er; (places !ere a cell pone !ont!or%, li%e te s#b!ay). Places !it :Psionic ampenin"; or oter!ise !ar&e& a"ainst scryi"n a&&a 1? to te &iffic#lty. 'e caracter can only #se one sense at a time per le4el of Clair4oyance.Costs 1 Ci per min#te.

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+recognition'is is probably one of te most fic%le of psycicpo!ers. t is te ability to catc "limpses of te f#t#re. 9o!e4er, te psycic as almost nocontrol of tis !atsoe4er. n "eneral, te GM may allo! a roll on te caracters Preco"nitionle4el. f te roll is s#ccessf#l, te caracter as "aine& some small insi"t into te  possible f#t#re.'is is #s#ally a feelin" abo#t sometin"—a #nc tat !ill probably t#rn o#t to be correct.

+sychic .ealingPsycic po!er can easily be cannele& to eal rater tan #rt. 'e Psycic 9ealin" isciplinepro4i&es te same abilities as te 9ealin" Pat of /orcery, e5cept tat at le4el = te caracter ac8#ires te ability of >i$e Extension rater tan Res#rrection, !ic can slo! &o!n tecaracters a"in" to one fo#rt normal if tey !is.

+sychokinesis6iterally translate& as :mo4ement !it te min&;,an& also %no!n as 'ele%inesis, or :mo4ement from a &istance;. Psyco%inesis is te fable& an&arcetypical psycic ability to lift an& mo4e tin"s by seer force of !ill. 'e point cost of Psyco%inesis is K points per le4el at caracter creation. Compare te psycics le4el inPsyco%inesis in te !ei"t liftin" table #n&er te /tren"t attrib#te (capter ) to fin& isma5im#m !ei"t limitation. 9o!e4er, eac 1??%"s &rain te psycic of 1 Ci per t#rn.

Telepathy'elepaty is bot s#btle an& &an"ero#s. t allo!s te caracter to sense an& e4en alter teto#"ts of oters. t is not normally a combati4e po!er, b#t its potential #ses o#t of combat are!at ma%e it terrifyin".1. Empathic Sense+ 'e caracter can sense te "eneral emotional state of people an& to a lesser e5tent, animals,!itin a J foot ra&i#s per le4el of 'elepaty. 'e caracter can eiter "et te o4erall "eneral emotional state of all tebein"s !itin te area, or scan one specific in&i4i&#al, in !ic case teir precise emotional state can be ascertaine&, an&te ran"e is increase& to te le4el of teir 'elepaty times ? feet. 9o!e4er, tere is a &istinct possibility of #se of tispo!er ca#sin" te telepat to act#ally $eel te emotions tey are sensin" to some &e"ree, !ic can be &ist#rbin", an&e4en &an"ero#s.. Telepathic Sense+ 'e caracter is able to rea& te act#al s#rface to#"ts of oters. /ort of a Min& /iel& (seebelo!), tere is little one can &o to pre4ent telepatic probin", sa4e to try an& tin% of sometin" #nimportant, an&ten tey m#st be a!are of te telepats probes in te firstplace. 'e "eneral ran"e for telepatic sensiti4ity is 1 feet

per le4el of 'elepaty.K. +roHecti%e Empathy+ 'e caracter #s able to pro2ect teir emotions at oters. '#s, if tey are scare&, tey can p#tfear into te earts of oters. 'e ran"e for tis is e8#al to ten feet per le4el of 'elepaty, an& anyone on !om tis is#se& is entitle& to a sa4e 4s Psionic Assa#lt to pre4ent temsel4es from bein" o4er!elme& by te emotion, pro4i&e& teyare a!are tat te feelin" is te res#lt of a psionic pro2ection. en tis po!er is #se&, te psycic m#st spen& Ci per t#rn.I. +roHecti%e Telepathy+ 'e caracter is able to pro2ect to#"ts at oters. '#s, tey can sen& mental ima"es, !or&s,or !ate4er into anoter persons min&. eter teycan #n&erstan& te telepatic messa"e is anoter matter entirely. 'e ran"e for tis is e8#al to te le4el of 'elepatytimes ten feet. en tis po!er is #se&, it costs 1 Ci per t#rn.. -ind Shield+ 'is po!er allo!s te psycic to maintain asiel& aro#n& teir min& tat protects from psycic attac%s an& probes. t is relati4ely easy to learn to &o, an& e5tremely#sef#l. For rolls to resist psycic attac%s tat &irectly affect te min&, alf te le4el of te 'elepaty iscipline is a&&e& tote appropriate attrib#te. 'elepatic probes #se& !ile te min& siel& is #p a4e teir le4el effecti4ely re&#ce& by tat of te #sers 'elepaty le4el. Min& siel& can be acti4ate& in an instant (&oes not cost any APs), an& remains #p or &o!n(o!e4er te psycic left it) !eter tey are asleep or a!a%e.J. Suggestion+ 'is po!er allo!s te psycic to mentally affect anoter person in s#c a !ay tat teir s#bconscio#s

becomes open to s#""estions. 'is can be #se& in t!o !aysH eiter to ma%e spo%en comman&s more effecti4e, or toforce te 4ictim into a trance state, !ere tey are e4en more s#sceptible to s#""estion. n te first case, te psycicma%es a roll on 1&1?'elepatyFoc#s Mo&ifier an& spen& Ci before sayin" sometin"H if te listener (!o m#st be!itin I feet per le4el of 'elepaty) fails a sa4e 4s Psycic Assa#lt, tey !ill belie4e tat statement, an& if it compels temto &o sometin", tey !ill li%ely &o it. f te psycic spen&s J Ci an& ma%es a similar roll, tey can ca#se te 4ictim toenter a trance stateH at tis point, tey !illb be only semi*conscio#s (alto#" lo#& noises, or bein" str#c% pysically, !illbrin" tem to f#ll alertness), an& !ate4er te psycic says !ill be firmly plante& into te 4ictims s#bconscio#s min&.9o!e4er, it is important to remember to tell te 4ictim not to remember bein" in te tranceH oter!ise te !ole tin" !illbe ineffecti4e. 6astly, te 4ictim al!ays "ets a sa4in" tro! to resist bein" compelle& to &o anytin" tat is contrary toteir morals or principles.. (eep +robe+ 'is po!er allo!s te telepat to probe temin& of anoter on a m#c &eeper le4el. 'o #se tis po!er,

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te telepat m#st be to#cin" te s#b2ect, preferably on te foreea&. f someone is a!are of tis an& !ants to pre4ent it,tey m#st s#ccee& a sa4e 4s psycic assa#lt. en &oin" a &eep probe, te telepat can e5plore te mental lan&scapeof te s#b2ect, an& e4en loo% at memories.>. Open -ind+ 'e caracter is able to enter a state of totaltelepatic sensiti4ity. Any s#rface to#"ts !itin a 1? foot ra&i#s per le4el of 'elepaty !ill be :ear&; clearly by tetelepat. 'is is an&y if yo# !ant to %no! !ere someone is, b#t #sin" it in a room f#ll of acti4e people can betra#matizin"+ Caracters #sin" Open Min& in a cro!& are re8#ire& to s#ccee& a Foc#s roll &iffic#lty 1> eac t#rn in or&er not to s#ffer 1&J non*soa%able &ama"e for sensory o4erloa&.

=. !apport+ 'is is ability to enter a psionic rapport !it anoter bein". 'at is, a state of psionic lin%in", in !ic alls#rface to#"ts an& emotions of one are instantly sense& by anoter person, an& 4ice 4ersa. 'e rapport state ise5tremely &ist#rbin" to tose !o are not a&2#ste& to it. 'o form te rapport, te participants m#st be !itin J feet per le4el of 'elepaty of one anoter (te i"est 'elepaty le4el from amon" te participants), an& it can be maintaine& at aran"e of #p to 1?? feet per le4el of 'elepaty. 9o!e4er, e4ery min#te of rapport &rains all concerne& of 1 Ci. 'ere is noreal limit to o! many bein"s can participate in a rapport, alto#", as a r#le of t#mb, if te s#m of te ntelli"ence of allof tem e5cee&s ?, it is "ettin" :cro!&e&;in tere, an& it becomes &iffic#lt to concentrate. f someoneis p#lle& into a rapport an& !ants to "et o#t, tey m#st ma%ea s#ccessf#l sa4in" tro!.1?. *lter (reams+ 'is po!er enables te psycic to forciblyta%e control of anoter persons &ream (te 4ictim m#st be &reamin" !ile it is #se&), alterin" it in any !ay tey can tin%of. 'ey !ill be a!are of !at te 4ictim is &reamin" abo#t, an& can affect it in any !ay tey !is. 'e psycic m#st be!itin foot per le4el of 'elepaty of te &reamer. 'e psycic !ill also be accomplise& at controllin" teir o!n &reams,an& rarely is tro#ble& in teir sleep.11. -ind Control+ 'is po!er allo!s te psycic to totally seize control of te min& an& bo&y of a 4ictim, controllin" allmental, psycic, an& pysical abilities. nitiatin" min& control re8#ires eye contactH te 4ictim can ma%e a roll to a4oi&

bein" affecte&. Once controlle&, a 4ictim can be ma&e to &o anytin" normally possible for tem, alto#" all actions !illbe at a *I penalty. ile controllin" someone in tis !ay, tey psycic cannot &o anytin" else. ile controlle&, te4ictim !ill be a!are of (an& li%ely terrifie& by) e4erytin" tatis "oin" on aro#n& tem, b#t po!erless to &o anytin" abo#tit. Min& control costs > Ci an& can be maintaine& for #p to 1 min#te per le4el of 'elepaty.

1. 9antasy E;perience+ 'e psycic is able to ta%e control of te perceptions of one person per le4els of 'elepaty,an& ca#se tem to a4e a all#cinatory e5perience, o4er !ic te psycic as total control. ile tis is in pro"ress, tepsycic an& all in4ol4e& !ill be effecti4ely #nconscio#s (an& 4#lnerable to attac%), b#t apart from te psycic, all !illremain so for 1&J min#tes afterwards.People in tis fantasy !orl& !ill "enerally be #na!are of te fact tat it isnt real, b#tif tey are, or simply try to &isbelie4e it, tey can ma%e a rollH if s#ccessf#l, tey !ill !a%e #p. Remember tat #nless atelepat, 4ictims !ill rarely e4en realize tat a fantasy e5perience as starte&. Cost 1 Ci per t#rn.

+sionic -aneu%ers

Many Foc#s mane#4ers can be #se& as psycicpo!ersH Ci $lasts (psycic ener"y blast), teleportation, an& so fort. ncl#&e& ere, o!e4er, aresome a&&itional mane#4ers !ic so#l& li%e!ise be of interest to players creatin" psyciccaracters, !ic re8#ire psycic po!er (an& occasionally a psycic &iscipline or t!o) to learn.

#nduce Blindness'is po!er allo!s te psycic to temporarily %noc% o#t te optic ner4es. 'e 4ictim !ill blin&e&#nless tey can ma%e a roll on 1&1?Foc#sill. All rolls re8#irin" si"t are at * for te ne5t1&J1 t#rns, an& teir $ase APs are al4e&. 'is po!er can be #se& on anyone in line of si"t.Prere8#isites+ Psycic 9ealin" KCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ ama"e+ /pecial

Mo4e+ one

#nduce 9ear /ame as te Mystic Martial Arts mane#4er, cost is only CPs.

#nduce !age'is po!er ca#ses 4ictims to become enra"e&, s#c tat tey 8#ic%ly enter a fearsome bloo&l#st.en it is #se&, n&#ce Ra"e ca#ses te 4ictim (can be anyone in line of si"t) to "ain Ra"epoints base& on te psycics Foc#s mo&ifier pl#s 1&JKH if tis p#ses tem abo4e teir Ra"e,tey enter into a $lin& Ra"e (as per te isa&4anta"e). Caracters !it te Calm a&4anta"e

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a4e te amo#nt of Ra"e "aine& re&#ce& by t!o times teir Calm le4el, an& caracters !it F#ryli%e!ise a4e te Ra"e "aine& increase& by t!ice teir F#ry le4el.Prere8#isites+ 'elepaty Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecial

Mo4e+ one

Ginetic Barrier  Allo!s te psycic to erect an in4isible !all of tele%inetic ener"y to protect im from all %ineticattac%s (p#nces, b#llets, falls, incomin" cars, etc). 'e Ci cost of te %inetic siel& is pl#s aCi cost accor&in" to te !ei"t of te incomin" ob2ect (see psyco%inesis).Prere8#isites+ Psyco%inesis ICaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Ci Cost+ /pecialama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

Ginetic 9ield'e caracter s#rro#n&s imself !it a form*fittin", in4isible force fiel& ma&e of %inetic ener"y.

 A"ainst pysical stri%es (p#nces, b#llets, falls, etc), te caracter recei4es a bon#s to is /oa%stat e8#al to is Psyco%inesis le4el, an& all sai& pysical attac%s are consi&ere& ormal &ama"e(see te Combat capter for information on &ama"e types).Prere8#isites+ Psyco%inesis Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Ginetic Storm :Super<'e caracter #nleases a !il& b#rst of Psyco%inesis in te imme&iate area. All ob2ects !itin a

ra&i#s e8#al to te caracters psyco%inesis an& !itin alf te !ei"t limit allo!e& by is Pratin" are lifte& off te "ro#n& an& contin#o#sly tosse& aro#n& !it no specific &irection.Caracters in te area of te inetic /torm s#ffer 1&J &ama"e per t#rn (ormal &ama"e) an&s#ffer a *I to all combat rolls. A inetic /torm lasts for as many t#rns as is P ratin".Prere8#isites+ Psyco%inesis , inetic /tri%eCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ > (to initiate)Ci Cost+ 1>ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ none

Ginetic Strike'is po!er lets te caracter p#t a&&itional forcebein& any pysical attac%, tereby increasin" te &ama"e by amo#nt of te caracters

Psyco%inesis :ability mo&ifier;. f te caracters P ability is at J or i"er te mane#4er !illalso be ma&e to ca#se a noc%&o!n.Prere8#isites+ Psyco%inesis ICaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ KCi Cost+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ ?

-ass Suggestion

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'e psycics min& irra&iates constantly te s#""estion of a sin"le i&ea tat is recei4e& bye4eryone in a ra&i#s e8#al to is Psycic le4el in e5es. 'e s#""estion cannot be anytin"elaborate, nor alf as po!erf#l as a Fantasy 5perience, b#t te psycic can, for e5ample,con4ince all te 4icinity tat :its "ettin" 4ery ot; or tat :e is not ere, teyre not seein" im;.

 As te mane#4er is an :area of effect; an& is not tar"etin" at any tar"et in partic#lar, te psycicis not re8#ire& absol#te concentration to maintain it. All onloo%ers are entitle& a sa4in" tro! 4spsycic assa#lt.Prere8#isites+ 'elepaty 1Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ K7t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

-ind Crush'is po!er ca#ses te 4ictim (!o m#st be in to#ce&) to a4e teir mental stren"t sappe&,losin" te !ill to fi"t bac%. f tis is #se& s#ccessf#lly, roll &ama"e base& on alf te attac%ersFoc#s. 'e 4ictim is entitle& a il sa4in" tro! not to be affecte&. 'ose affecte& become morepassi4e, an& are at *I to APs an& all attempts at combati4e acti4ity. F#rter, teir ill is effecti4elyal4e& for te ne5t &J o#rs.

Prere8#isites+ 'elepaty KCaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1ICi Cost+ >ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

-ind !eading/ame as te Mystic Martial Arts mane#4er.+ain'is ca#ses intense pain to co#rse tro#" te bo&y of te tar"et, res#ltin" in a *J penalty to anyrolls tey ma%e an& a4in" teir APs al4e&. 'e ran"e is e8#al to 1? feet per le4el of Psycicpo!er, an& te psycic m#st concentrate intensely to #se tis po!er, !ic can be #se& onanyone in line of si"t.

Prere8#isites+ Psycic 9ealin" Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1 per t#rnCi Cost+ K7t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ one

+aralysis'e psycic o4erri&es control of te 4ictims motor system, paralysin" im on te spot. 4ery t#rnte psycic rolls illPsycic 4s te 4ictims illFoc#s. /#ccess means te 4ictim is paralyse&for one f#ll t#rn an& fail#re means no paralysis attemps can be ma&e for te ne5t J t#rns.Paralyse& 4ictims are &efenceless a"ainst attac%s, b#t anti*climatic bea4ior on te part of players s#c as attemps at instant m#r&ers "rant 4ictims a secon& sa4e roll !it a bon#s (or i"er at GMs &iscretion).Prere8#isites+ Psycic 9ealin" Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ I7t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

+ossession'is po!er allo!s te psycic to transfer is or er intellect into te bo&y of anoter person,

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s#ppressin" te persons min&H te 4ictim is entitle& to a sa4in" tro! to pre4ent tis. Bnli%e min&control, te psycic can &eci&e !eter or not te 4ictim e5periences !at is "oin" on. Apossession as a m#c more limite& &#ration, since te ori"inal intellect is still !itin te bo&y,an&, !eter te person conscio#sly tries to or not, is constantly fi"tin" to remo4e te forei"npresence. For e4ery min#te of a possession, te 4ictim "ets to roll a sa4in" tro!H if s#ccessf#l,te psycic is force& o#t, into te astral plane. ile te possession is ta%in" place te caracter #ses teir o!n mental attrib#tes, an& te pysical ones of te person possesse&, e5cept for 

 A"ility, for !ic tey #se te a4era"e of te t!o.Prere8#isites+ Psycic J, Astral Po!er ICaracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1JCi Cost+ >ama"e+ oneMo4e+ one

!ecall Allo!s te psycic to instantly remember any small bit of &ata e as seen, rea&, ear&, etc.Prere8#isites+ Psycic Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1

Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

.>) /#per#mans

Q9ere !e areX $orn to be %in"s!eNre te princes of te #ni4erseX9ere !e belon"X Fi"tin" to s#r4i4ein a !orl& !it te &ar%est po!ersX An ere !e are, !eNre te princes of te #ni4erseere !e belon", fi"tin" for s#r4i4al!eN4e come to be te r#lers of yo#r !orl&X am immortalX a4e insi&e me bloo& of %in"sX a4e no ri4al, no man can be my e8#alX'a%e me to te f#t#re of yo#r !orl&;

*** #een, :Princes of te #ni4erse;

/#pereroes are not nearly as pop#lar in anime an& 4i&eo"ames as in american comics, still,tey e5ist an& MA a 4i&eo"ame7anime s#per*ero is B' pop#lar (Go!caizer, Maris te/#per"al, /ailor Moon, an& most !or%s of fantasy martial arts, !ic can be consi&ere& Eapanss#perero "enre). 9o!e4er, so*calle& s#pereroes !it s#per*po!ers are rare as an onest manin te con"ress.

G#ess nee& not to tell yo# !at s#per#mans are+ for aparently illo"ical reasons (if any), tispeople are born7&e4elop7imb#e& !it :stran"e abilities "reater tan mortal men; (o%, o%, sorry,co#l&nNt resist sayin" tat, so s#e me e4 ZP ). $eca#se of teir paranat#ral abilities, s#per*#mans are often seen as s#perior bein"s or &emi"o&s !it po!ers beyon& te re"#lar manNs#n&erstan&in". On te oter si&e, man as only t!o possible reactions to!ar&s tin"s teycannot #n&erstan& nor &ominate+ eiter tey !orsip, or &estroy it... an& Go& %no!s tat man

only !orsips tat e cannot &estroy or &ominate. $eca#se of tat, s#per#mans are oftenmistr#ste&, feare& an&, !en feasible, #nte& &o!n.

$ein" a /#per#man (/9) co#nts as a 1? points A&4anta"e. 'is allo!s a caracter to ac8#ires#perpo!ers. 5cept for some cases, some s#perpo!ers are paye& for as &isciplines (from to Ipoints per le4el at caracters creation). For "ame balances p#rposes, te /#per#man

 A&4anta"e can #s#ally only be ac8#ire& at caracter creation (eiter one is born !its#perpo!ers or is not) o!e4er, /9s can raise te le4el of teir po!ers !it TP normally. 'e /9a&4anta"e also allo!s for te ac8#isition of mane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#s Po!ers section,

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s#c mane#4ers can be a8#ire& re"ar&less of compliance !it re8#irements.

 At caracter creation, no /9 caracter can spen& more tan 1 Caracter Points in eiter /#perpo!ers or /9 Mane#4ers (see belo!). f te /9 !ants to e5cee& tis amo#nt, e m#stac8#ire /9 isa&4anta"es for e5tra Caracter Points. /9 isa&4anta"es !or% 2#st li%e re"#lar &isa&4anta"es, e5cept tat tey apply specifically to an&icappin" te /9s perfor*mance in one!ay or anoter.

.>.1) /#per#man Abilities

 As yo#ll see, tis is in no !ay te s#perpo!erNsncyclopae&ia $ritanica. For starters, tere are a 6O' of mane#4ers tat &o te !or% for manys#perpo!ers (Ci*blasts, elemental po!ers, Gost Form, 'eleport, etc). More po!ers may bea&&e& in te f#t#re if yo# sen& tem to me or !en !ant to. +P

/#perpo!ers are classifie& in t!o cate"ories+ &iscipline*po!ers, an& a&4anta"e*po!ers.iscipline*po!ers "rant benefits accor&in" to le4el, an& are presente& belo!. A&4anta"e po!ers"rant instantaneo#s, if limite& benefits, most Foc#s mystic mane#4ers fall on tis cate"ory. 

Superpowers7 +owers marked with an asterisk :7< also allow the character to ac?uire relatedSuperhuman maneu%ers :read below<&

Copycat 7Copycats a4e no po!er tey can call teir o!n, instea&, tey a4e te ability to copy anypysical trait from tose aro#n& im, from pysical atrib#tes to s#perpo!ers. ile tis po!er as te blessin" of bein" a !il&car& po!er, "rantin" te ero access to te po!ers of any nearby/9, tis also means tat te ero is as elpless as any mortal if confronte& !it re"#lar, non*s#perpo!ere& a&4ersaries. Bnless #sin" a /9 mane#4er (li%e Pla"iarism), copyin" a po!er costs ci, pl#s te copie& po!ers acti4ation cost.L 'e ero can copy any po!er of any /9 e establises pysical contact !it, one po!er at a time.L Copied superpowers a4e an effecti4e le4el of te eros Copycat le4el an& remain #sable as lon" as te ero remains

!itin a &istance of 1 e5 per Copycat le4el from te tar"et.L +owers eligible for copy are limite& to tose tat are part of te tar"ets "enetic ma%e#p li%e Alien or M#tant Animaltraits, Psycic &iscipline po!ers (Psionic mane#4ers cant be copie&), /#perpo!ers (/9 mane#4ers cant be copie&), etc.L +owers not eligible  incl#&e martial arts po!ers, ma"ic, s#pernat#ral abilities (4ampiric po!ers, lycantropy, etc), as!ell as any ability tat &oesnt so! in te tar"ets :biolo"ical bl#e*prints;.L -aneu%er (iscounts All acrobatic mane#4ers *1 (copycats are nat#rally f it).L Cost K7le4el

Energy Battery:ner"y absorbers; are tr#ly impressi4e /9s to !itness. Caracters !it tis "ift are famo#s for s#c tin"s li%e tro!in" temsel4es into confla"rations in searc for innocents trappe& in&isaster zones an& e4en come o#t #nscratce& from atomical e5plosions. /o calle& ener"y ab*sorbers also a4e te ability of &iscar"in" armlessly te ener"y tey absorb an& "i4e itn#mero#s #ses.• ac le4el of ener"y battery increases te caracterNs base Ci by points.• #gainst “natura energy atta!ks” 41hi 'asts, !om'at s"es, eementa atta!ks, et!5. The hero  can abosorba n#mber of Ci points from te ener"y attac% e8#al to teir Foc#s mo&ifier le4el of ner"y $attery. /till, a /9 cantabsorb more ci points tan te Ci cost of te attac% itself (sots from ener"y !eapons are !ort K Ci).•  ner"y absorbers are completely imm#ne to lesser ener"y attac%s+ lasers, ci blasts, fire, col&, ra&iation,micro!a4es... all &o no &ama"e. At le4el J, te ener"y absorber is also imm#ne to te %inetic force from e5plosionsLLbefore le4el J, e5plosions still &o [ &ama"e LL. At le4el 1?, te caracter is completely MMB to A66 forms of ener"y,bein" capableof !itstan&in" e4en n#clear e5plosions. /till, ener"y absorbers can still be p#t o#t of comission by basic means (pysicalattac%s, b#llets, falls, etc).• -aneu%er discounts+ Ci $lastI, Ci soc%I, Col#mn$lastI, rain CiK, Flare, Po!er $la&eI, Po!er Cannellin" I, Ci /tarI.

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• Cost+ K7le4el

9light/econ& only to /#perstren"t an& n4#lne*rability, te ability to fly is te most effecti4eintro&#ctory car& in sayin" :9i, Nm a /BPR*9BMAX;. 'e caracter can fly at a ma5im#mspee& of ?%m7 per le4el of Fli"t, ma5im#m flyin" altit#&e is ? meters per le4el. o#ble teeros mo4e in combat !ile flyin", b#t is mane#4er repertoire !ile airborne& is re&#ce& totose mane#4ers tat can be lo"ically be performe& !ito#t soli& "ro#n& an& tose !it te

 Aerial Bsa"e mo&ifier. ile teres not a fli"t limit, eac o#r &rains te ero of 1 Ci.• Cost: 2>eve

9orce 9ield 7'e po!er to materialize protecti4e b#bbles ma&e from force7tele%inetic ener"y. Force b#bblesare air*ti"t an& can be as lar"e in &iameter as alf te caracters foc#s in e5es. 'e po!er per se only allo!s te creation of b#bbles, b#t te caracter can learn more #sef#l an& &e&icate&applications of is po!ers !it te ac8#isition of mane#4ers.• ac Force $#bble ta%es J APs to create an& can s#stain ama5im#m amo#nt of &ama"e e8#al to te caracters Foc#stimes is le4el in Force Fiel&. 9o!e4er, for eac ealt points of te b#bble te caracter m#st spen& 1 Ci (tecaracter can s#mmon b#bbles !it lesser str#ct#ral capacity to#").• 'e b#bble remains in place #ntil &estroye&, b#t te caracter cant "o o#t of te b#bble (or lettin" anyone in for tat

matter) #nless te caracter &ismisses te b#bble. Force b#bbles &ont mo4e !it te caracter.• -aneu%er (iscounts All Ci $lasts are a#tomatically Force $lasts !ito#t a&&itional cost, on2inK, Po!er $la&e I,Po!er Cannelin" I (all tese tree ass#me& as force7 tele%inetic ener"y, not Ci ener"y).• Cost+ K7le4el

Diant Drowth/9s !it tis ability can increase teir size as many times as teir foc#s attrib#te. n fact, fe!tin"s are more intimi&atin" tan te 4isa"e of a >m foe. Giant s#per#mans are !i&ely %no!nfor te MA//D a4oc% tey create at almost e4ery sin"le combat. /#perior stren"t an&stamina are te blessin"s of "iant s#per#mans, o!e4er, as tis po!er is te most D/$6 tisalso means tat "iant eroes are DR li%ely to lea4e a lastin" impression at e4ery place tey "o(an& a lon" roa& of bitter innocents !ose omes are inci&entally !rec%e& &#rin" fi"ts). /till,mantainin" a "iant size is 8#ite ta5in" for te caracter an& so, te ero spen&s K Ci eac t#rn.• ac e5tra size a&&s to ealt, 1 /oa% an& 1 to stren"t (stren"t increase& tis !ay can "o e4en beyon&

1).• For liftin" p#rposes an& feats of stren"t, stren"t is m#ltiplie& by a factor of one for eac e5tra size (ie a /9 si5 timesis normal size as is stren"t m#ltiplie& times only for liftin" p#rposes). For"et tis bon#s if te caracter alrea&yposseses s#per stren"t.• R#nnin" spee& an& mo4ement rate is &o#ble&, I to offensi4e an& bloc%in" mane#4ers, *I to e4asion mane#4ers.• -a;imum Drowth+ 1 e5tra size per le4el of Giant Gro!t to a ma5im#m of teir foc#s attrib#te.• Cost+ I7le4el

.eightened Senses 7/#per #man sensiti4e abilities...• ac le4el of ei"tene& senses a&&s K to all rolls re"ar&in" perception• ac t!o le4els te caracter can pic% a ne! ei"tene& sense, player cooses !ic at te ac8#isition of eac le4el+T*ray 4ision, nfrare&, ni"t4ision (can see in total &ar%ness), #ltrasonic ear, ea"le si"t (can rea& a si"n one mile a!ay),9ei"tene& sense of smell, etc.•  /tartin" le4el , te caracter can coose te ei"tene& sense of Ra&ar, !ic for "ame p#rposes is a tactilesensiti4ity to 4ibrations in te air. 'e caracter is ass#me& to possess KJ?\ 4ision (e4en if blin&) in a ra&i#s e8#al to te

caracters le4el in 9ei"tene& /enses in e5es. On tis ra&i#s te caracter cannot be s#rprise& as per te an"er /ense mane#4er.• -aneu%er -odifiers+ an"er /ense, /t#nnin" so#t• Cost+ 7le4el

#n%ulnerabilityn&ee& one of te most a!esome s#perpo!ers, in4#lnerables are te cream of te crop amon"/9s. 'is po!er enances te caracterNs stamina, en&#rance, an& resistance to te point !erete e7se is nearly imper4io#s to all forms of arm. n te eyes of te peasants, in4#lnerable/9s are often seen as almost onmipotent bein"s an& re"ar&e& as immortal. 9o!e4er, tis also

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ma%es tese s#per#mans te most feare& amon" teir %in& for tere]s notin" one fears temost tan an in&estr#ctible monster capable of "reat arm, e4en if a ero.• 'e le4el of n4#lnerability is a&&e& to te caracters n&#rance, /oa%, as !ell as to all rolls relate& to /tamina, tisincl#&es e5a#stion, poison sa4es, etc.•  A&& points to base ealt per eac le4el of in4#lnerability.• 'e le4el of in4#lnerability a&&s to te stamina attrib#te for te p#rpose of &eterminin" te :re& n#mbers; te caracter can "et before &yin".•  Reduced Damage: # damage done on the invunera'e S3 !ounts as one damage !ategory ower

4+nergy and e6uivaent damage !ounts as $ea"on e6uivaent, $ea"on damage and e6uivaent !ounts asnorma damage5. At le4el J, all &ama"e inc#rre& on te in4#lnerable ero co#nts as normal &ama"e.• 'e ero is still 4#lnerable to attac%s tat &onNt arm im &irectly li%e psycic attac%s, ma"ic, st#n "#ns, 4ital points(!it a penalty of *I), etc.• 'e le4el of n4#lnerability co#nts as te 5traor&inary Attrib#te a&4anta"e for te p#rpose of raisin" stamina beyon&1?, b#t tere is no limitations on o! i" te s#per#man can increase it.• -aneu%er discounts+ Po!er $loc%, Roll !it mpact1

• Cost+ I7le4el

-agnetism 7'e ability to control te ma"netic properties in ob2ects. /9s !it tis po!er can perform feats of tele%inesis on any ob2ect ma&e of a s#stance !it ma"netic properties (contrary to pop#lar belief,only K metals a4e ma"netic properties, iron, cobalt, an& stronti#m). Compare te caractersle4el in Ma"netism in te !ei"t liftin" table #n&er /tren"t (see capter ) an& #se tat to see

te elementals ma5im#m !ei"t limit !it te mane#4er. ac ?? %"s of !ei"t &rain tecaracter 1 Ci per t#rn. Cybernetic implants as !ell as po!er armor are all consi&ere& to bema&e of non*ma"netic materials, !eapons an& ammo, 4eicles, robots, an& te li%e o!e4er, areanoter story.• -aneu%er discounts+ one

• Cost+ K7le4el

-etamorphosis 7'e le"en&ary po!er of sape*can"in". /apecan"ers are by far te most el#si4e of /9s for yo# can DR %no! !ere tey are... or if yo#r nei"bo#r is one imself. 'is po!er is &i4i&e&in le4els 2#st li%e re"#lar &isciplines, attainin" one ne! po!er in or&er accor&in" to teir le4el. 'eplayer ma%es a roll of carisma sapecan"er &is"#ise. Can"in" sape ta%es its toll on teeroNs or"anism so eac transformation b#rns Ci from te caracter pl#s 1 Ci per min#te.1. Can can"e is face an& air.

. Can can"e is 4oice an& bo&y pi"mentation (e4en ascamo#fla"e LLLa&& te caracterNs carismasapecan"er to stealt rolls)K. Can alter is comple5ion an& normal ei"t #p to alf issize.I. Can "ro! minor alterations (cla!s, pointe& ears, "ills,scales, etc LLL ta%e note of bon#ses LLL).. Can alter is o!n a#ra alon" !it is appearance (same as te Alter A#ra an& /teal A#ra po!ers from te A#ra Po!er psycic &iscipline.J. Can can"e sape into any form, #man or in#man of size as small as a flea or as lar"e as a ipopotam#s (a"ain,ta%e note of "aine& abilities an& bon#ses).

• Cost+ K7le4el

Stretch Body 7'e caracters bo&y can ass#me te properties or r#bber at a moments to#".•  The eve of Stret!h <ody !ounts as the +&traordinary #ttri'ute advantage for "ur"oses of raisingStamina 'eyond 0.• The !hara!ter !an stret!h any "art of his 'ody, ma&imum stret!h e&tension is he&> meter "er eve of Stret!h <ody.•  to the move of a !om'at maneuvers "er eve of Stret!h <ody.•  to the !hara!ter%s 'ase Soak "er eve of Stret!h <ody.• Cost: />eve

Superhuman *ttributes 7Many s#per#mans &istin"#is temsel4es for possessin" pysical or mental attrib#tes ine5a""erate proportions. /ome a4e an astonisin" en&#rance !ile oters a4e te a"ility an&

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refle5es of a cat !ile oters are obscenely carismatic. /elect one of te ei"t primary stats atte moment of selectin" tis po!er (e5cept for /tren"t, !ic is co4ere& in te /#perstren"tpo!er). For eac le4el of tis po!er, te caracter rises te selecte& base stat by one.• Cost+ K7le4el

Superhuman +arasite 7ere te copycat merely :steals copyri"t;, te parasite literally steals te po!ers of isa&4ersaries. 'is po!er !or%s li%e te rain Ci an& rain 6ife Foc#s mane#4ers (see :MysticMartial Arts;), b#t te attac%er rolls is Foc#s /#per#man Parasite le4el instea&, an& te&ifference of te t!o rolls, so#l& te parasite be s#ccessf#l, is ta%en in le4els from te tar"etsss#perpo!ers. ac leecin" attemp costs Ci.•  /#bstracte& le4els can be ta%en from one sin"le po!er or &i4i&e& bet!een te tar"ets m#ltiple po!ers. M#ltiplepo!ers can be leece& in tis !ay. Psycic &isciplines can be leece& in tis same fasion. Bsin" tis po!er to stealFoc#s mane#4ers passin" as s#per#man abilities &rains one mane#4er per s#ccess.•  ac leecin" inflicts 1&I /tamina &ama"e on te tar"et, tar"ets &roppe& belo! /tamina are ren&ere& #nconscio#san& no more leecin" attemps can be ma&e on tem.•  6ost /9 abilities an& /tamina points are restore& on te tar"et at te same rate te parasites stolen po!ers 4anis.•  /tolen po!ers 4anis at a rate of one le4el per o#r. f possessin" m#ltiple stolen po!ers, te le4el s#bstraction isma&e eiter at ran&om or at GMs &iscretion.•  Criteria for eli"ible an& non eli"ible po!ers a4e te same restrictions as te Copycat po!er.•  The 9ine +rints Parasites tat steal te e8#i4alent to I?S of a sin"le /9s po!ers or more are a#tomatically s#b2ectto te tar"ets /9 isa&4anta"es as !ell

•  -aneu%er (iscounts rain CiK rain 6ifeI.•  Cost K7le4el.

Super Speed 7Bnnat#ral spee& an& 8#ic%ness of rele5es. 'ese "#ys are famo#s for lea4in" &ra"sters in te&#st an& beatin" te crap of oponents in a blin%. /#perspee& is also %no! for acceleratin" teeroNs metabolism tenfol&, b#rnin" 1 Ci eac t#rn te ero #ses tis po!er.• 'e caracterNs r#nnin" spee& is ?%m7 per eac le4el of s#perspee&. Bpon reacin" le4el 1?, te caracter attainste spee& of MAC9* an& s#perior increases are at GMNs &iscretion. 'e caracter can increase is r#nnin" spee&spen&in" 1 ci per increase of ?%m7 per scene.• 'e le4el of /#perspee& co#nts as te 5traor&inary Attrib#te a&4anta"e for te p#rpose of raisin" a"ility beyon&1?.•  -aneu%er discounts+/omersa#lt1, isplacement, M#ltiple o&"eK, M#lti*ic%, M#lti*P#ncI, Ra"e $#rnK, Air E#mpK

• Cost+ I7le4el

Super Strengthf tere is one reason to fear s#per#mans is seein" one liftin" a tr#c% an& tro!in" it to someone.'e sin"le most (in)famo#s s#per*po!er %no!n. 'e le4el on tis po!er affects se4eral aspectsre"ar&in" te caracterNs stren"t...• 'e le4el of s#perstren"t a4ails also as te 5traor&inary Attrib#te a&4anta"e for te p#rpose of raisin" stren"t beyon& 1?.•  'e le4el of s#perstren"t a&&s to all stren"t7mi"t rolls li%e ron Fist, Art of $rea%in", !ei"t liftin", etc. (notama"e).• #ncreased Strenght+ 'e caracter lifts #p to 1??%"s per point of stren"t. o#ble tis amo#nt e4ery fo#r le4els (ie atle4el I e lifts ??%"s per point, I??%"s per point at le4el >,an& so on).• Increased Damage: # of the !hara!ter%s meee atta!ks are !onsidered one damage !ategory higher4norma damage ones do $ea"on damage, meee wea"ons in his hands do +nergy e6uivaent damage as

we as #de"t hand-to-hand maneuvers5. #t eve C of Su"erstrenght, a of his meee atta!ks do e6uivaentof +nergy damage. See the 1om'at !ha"ter for detais.• Superfeats of strenght+ For !ei"t liftin" an& feats of stren"t p#rposes, te caracter can spen& ci to temporarilyincrease stren"t, tis !or%s as per te Positi4e CiNs $o&y Ci po!er, b#t no limit on o! many Ci points tes#per#man can spen& (still, tis is for feats of stren"t p#rposes only, ne4er for &ama"e).• -aneu%er discounts+ '#n&erclap, /oc%!a4eK, Art of $rea%in"1 ^** (all tese K #se te /tren"t attrib#te rater tan foc#s for &eterminin" effecti4eness an& &ama"e), all/prin" .

• Cost+ I7le4el

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'hirlwind Spin 7'e caracter can spin imself at incre&ible spee&s li%e a small torna&o !ito#t act#ally creatin"any friction on te "ro#n&. ile spinnin", te caracter can still mo4e at is normal mo4ementrate. P#nc or %ic% mane#4ers performe& !ile spinnin" a4e a bon#s of to &ama"e.• -aneu%er discounts+ Air E#mp, $o&y MissileI, /#per E#mp1, 6e4itation1, Re&#ce ei"t , irl!in&• Cost+ 7le4el

Superhuman -aneu%ersContrary to base /#perpo!ers, /9 Mane#4ers &ont nee& to be ac8#ire& at caracter creation.


Chi Blast9orce Blast:60< nstea& of p#re ci, te attac% #ses instea& force7tele%inetic ener"y. Bnless possesin" te an"er /ense mane#4er or oter means to be !arne& of impen&in" &an"er, tar"ets of te blast are treate& as if blin& (* to&o&"e). !e?uisites Foc#s = OR 'ele%inesis I OR Force Fiel& 1 &


+lagiarism #

'e ero can clone nat#ral ener"y attac%s (not from !eapons, spells, po!er armo#r, etc.) fromany opponent !itin 4is#al ran"e. Only base mane#4er (Ci $last, lemental A#ra, etc.) an& base&ama"e type (ener"y, fire, etc.) can be copie&, mo&ifiers li%e 9omin", 5tra Force, 5plosi4e, etc,cannot be copie&. 'o #se tis ability, te tar"et m#st first #se te ener"y attac% to be copie&, after !ic te ero can copy sai& ability an& #se it for te remain&er of combat. f te ero fi"ts tetar"et a"ain, e m#st !ait for im to #se is po!er a"ain in or&er to copy it. /#pers can becopie&.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s=, ill>, Metamorposis OR Copycat 1.Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ As base attac%Ci Cost+ As base attac%ama"e+ As base attac%Mo4e+ none

+lagiarism ##'e ero can copy a li4in" bein"s pysical attrib#tes, t#s becomin" as stron", a"ile, an&resilient (ta%e note of bon#ses to ama"e, 9ealt, Combat Acc#racy, etc). ac #se of tis abilityenables te ero to copy one pysical attrib#te from te tar"et (eiter /tren"t, A"ility, or /tamina) for a n#mber of t#rns e8#al to alf te eros foc#s attrib#te. 'e #se of tis abilityre8#ires establisin" pysical contact !it te tar"et. Only m#n&ane attrib#tes can be copie&, nots#per#man.Prere8#isites+ Foc#sJ, Metamorposis OR Copycat 1.Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ As base attac%Ci Cost+ As base attac%ama"e+ As base attac%Mo4e+ none

+lagiarism ### As Pla"iarism , b#t te ero can also copy s#per#man attrib#tes (/#perstren"t, /#per*#man A"ility, n4#lnerability). 9eroes &eri4in" tis ability from te Metamorposis po!er mimicsai& s#perpo!ers to a ma5im#m le4el of eiter te tar"ets le4el or alf te eros Metamorposispl#s one (!ice4er is lo!er). Prere8#isites+ Foc#s>, ill>, Pla"iarism .Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ As base attac%Ci Cost+ As base attac%

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ama"e+ As base attac%Mo4e+ none

+lagiarism # As Pla"iarism , b#t te ero can no! copy any pysical trait, from a i" 9ealt score or anincrease& /oa% to te ability to o#rt#n cars or "ro! to "i"antic proportions.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s=, ill>, Pla"iarism , 3 .Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ As base attac%Ci Cost+ As base attac%ama"e+ As base attac%Mo4e+ none

9orce 9ield

9orce *rmor  A li"t, form*fittin" force fiel& for te /9s personal #se. 'e Force Armor "rants te ero a bon#sto /oa% e8#al to is Foc#s (armor 8#ality).Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, Force Fiel& KCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

9orce Creations :minor<'e s#per#man can foc#s into creatin" minor ob2ects ma&e of force. Ob2ects can be no bi""er tan _ is o!n ei"t an& cant a4e any mobile parts. Bnli%e te force b#bble or force blasts,force creations are not in4isble, 2#st "ostly. Force creations last a n#mber of min#tes e8#al tote caracters ill. Minor Force Creations a4e no mass for combat p#rposes, so !ile a force!enc can elp te caracter repair is car, it !o#l& &o no &ama"e if te caracter it someone!it it.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , Force Fiel& Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ ICi Cost+ 1ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 7A

9orce Creations :maHor< As Force Creations(minor), b#t te size of creations can no! be as bi" as a car or lar"er at GMs&iscretion. 'ere are no e5act r#les for !at te caracter can or cant &o, b#t as a r#le of t#mb,if te player or GM a4e seen s#c a feat in comics ten its fair to let te caracter at least ma2or force creation costs 1? Ciper eac > c#bic meters of size (te e8#i4alent of a m c#be) an& maintainin" tem costs ana&&itional Ci per eac a&&itional t#rn. Force melee !eapons a4e te same stats as teir m#n&ane 4ersion. Miscellaneo#s force combat creations fi"t #sin" te caracters combatacc#racy, can s#stain &ama"e as per te force b#bble, an& can be imb#e& !it stren"t of teir 

o!n !it Ci on a 1*1 basis.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Force Fiel& J, Force Creations(minor)Caracter Points+ J Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ /pecialama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 7A

Transport Bubble

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'e caracter can mo4e mentally is force b#bble, e4en ta%in" passen"ers alon" !it im.Mo4ement is not restricte& to te "ro#n& an& te b#bble is e4en capable of fli"t at a spee& of te caracters base mo4ement rate. Ma5im#m !ei"t capacity for carryin" passen"ers or car"ois ?%"s per point of te caracters Foc#s.Ra&iation /iel& (1)+ 'e $#bble &eflects a#tomatically armf#l ra&iation, !itin a "i4en limit (!ile it !o#l& allo! for space tra4el an& protect passen"ers from te ra&iation of stars, it !ont protect from bein" at "ro#n& zero in a n#clear e5plosion).

Containe& n4ironment ()+ 'e b#bble is self press#rize& an&, for !ate4er reason, pro4i&es passen"ers !it aninfinite o5y"en s#pply. 'e b#bble, o!e4er, is still s#b2ect to &ama"e in i" press#res (li%e &eep &o!n te ocean), an&!ill pro4i&e no protection a"ainst ra&iaction #nless te Ra&iation /iel& mo&ifer is ac8#ire&.P#blic 'ransport (K)+ 'e caracter can transport #p to ??%"s per point of te caracters Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Force Fiel& I.Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

.eightened Senses

(eception Strike

Most enemies are eiter too confi&ent of teir s#ccess a"ainst #ns#spectin" enemies or teir fi"tin" stance is 2#st not ma&e to rea& te mo4es of an opponent !os I\ from yo#. A&& tefollo!in" mo&ifiers to all combat rolls a"ainst oponents tryin" to snea% on te caracter or !oare oter!ise flan%in" im.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, 9ei"tene& /enses Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ ?Ci Cost+ noneama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 7A

Sense Iorth'e caracter al!ays %no!s te e5act &irection of te ma"netic nort, recie4in" a I mo&ifier onall na4i"ation rolls. Constant an& a#tomatic.

Prere8#isites+ Ma"netism 1 OR 9ei"tene& /enses .Caracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7ACi Cost+ 7Aama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Speed (odge$asically a li"tnin"*fast &o&"e. A&& te caracters le4el in /#per /pee& an&7or 9ei"tene&/enses to te acc#racy of any e4asion mane#4er, pl#s te follo!in" mo&ifiers.Prere8#isites+ A"ility >, /#per /pee& or 9ei"tene&/enses Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ *K

Ci Cost+ Kama"e+ 7AMo4e+


Create -agnet/ame as te metal elemental mane#4er.Prere8#isites+ Ma"netism 1Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+

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 Action Points+ ?Ci Cost+ noneama"e+ ?Mo4e+ 7A

-agnetic 9ieldnstea& of mo4in" metallic ob2ects aro#n& imself, te caracter can mo4e imself aro#n&

metallic ob2ects+ e can fly an& o4er abo4e a car*fille& a4en#e, aro#n& b#il&in"s, etc. nessence, ma"netic fiel& allo!s te caracter to fly as lon" as e remains relati4ely close to anyma"netic ob2ect e8#al or "reater tan imself in !ei"tH ma5im#m ran"e is 1 meter per le4el of ma"netism, te caracters spee& or mo4e in combat are bot #naffecte&. 'e ma"netic fiel& canalso be #se& to erase tapes an& &isr#pt comm#nications.Prere8#isites+ Ma"netism Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

-agnetic !epulsion/ame as te metal elemental mane#4er 

-agnetic Shield'e caracter erects a ma"netic siel& aro#n& is person able to stop or &eflect metallic ob2ects+small ob2ects s#c as b#llets or tro!n !eapons are stoppe& on te spot, !ile lar"er ob2ects li%ea#tomobiles, small missiles, an& te li%e (limit as per te caracters ma"netisms !ei"t limittimes t!o) re8#ire a s#ccessf#l parry roll #sin" te caracters Foc#sMa"netism.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Ma"netism ICaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ K7t#rnCi Cost+ 7t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

-assi%e -agnet :super <

'e caracter can imb#e a lar"e metallic ob2ect (no smaller tan a car) !it monstro#s ma"neticproperties for a limite& time. Ma"netize& ob2ects a4e a ma"netic p#ll e8#al to 1 ton per le4el of ma"netism an& e4ery sin"le fair tar"et in a ra&i#s of 1 e5 per le4el of te creators ma"netism!ill be p#lle& !it irresistible force to!ar&s te massi4e ma"net (a lot of a4oc% can be !ro#"tso#l& tis be e5ec#te& insi&e a city). ac massi4e ma"net lasts for 1 t#rn per point of tecaracters Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s >, Create Ma"netCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ A66Ci Cost+ 1>ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Sense Iorth/ame as te 9ei"tene& /enses mane#4er.


Body 'eaponry'e /apecan"er can "enerate melee !ea*pons from is bo&y appen&ices. For as lon" as temo&ification lasts, te !eapon as te f#ll mo&ifiers of te imitate& !eapon on is melee attac%s.Generate& melee !eapons &o eapon e8#i4alent &ama"e as !ell.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , Metamorposis I

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Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ I to "enerateCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 7A


'e /ape can"er can repro&#ce te 4is#al7 a#&io effects &isplaye& by #se of #nnat#ralpo!ers. A Fire lementals a#ra, a Ci $last, or a Circle of /#mmonin". 'ese special effects,o!e4er, are little more tan ill#sions+ a fa%es elemental a#ra !ont be any !arm to te to#c,an& a fa%e Ci $last is as armless as a lampli"t.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, Metamorposis Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ ICi Cost+ 1ama"e+ noneMo4e+ none

+lagiarism #/ame as te Copycat mane#4er.

+lagiarism ##/ame as te Copycat mane#4er.

+lagiarism ###/ame as te Copycat mane#4er.

+lagiarism #/ame as te Copycat Mane#4er.

Stretch Body

Constriction After a s#ccessf#l 6asso Grip, te ero en"a"es in constrictin" is tar"et m#c li%e a boa or pyton !o#l&. Constriction consists in !rappin" oneself aro#n& te tar"ets torso, ti"tenin" te"rip !it eac breat of te tar"et after e e5ales. 'e constriction is O' a cr#sin" "rip,resortin" instea& to aspy5ia to %ill te tar"et.Prere8#isites+ 6asso GripCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ >7t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ none

(alL (odge'e elastic ero &istorts an& t!ists is bo&y contin#o#sly, becomin" nearly impossible to it in

combat. or%s as te M#ltiple o&"e mane#4er. 'e mane#4er !as name& after al`s :'ePersistence of Memory;.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , Flatten $o&yCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ J Action Points+ ICi Cost+ Kama"e+ 7AMo4e+

9latten Body

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'e ero as learne& to manip#late is elastic bo&y to flatten as tin as alf an inc. 'e erocan pass tro#" e5tremely narro! s#rfaces. ? to scape rolls.Prere8#isites+ /tretc $o&y 1Caracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7A

Mo4e+ 7A

9lat Dlider 'e ero as mastere& te #se of is flattene& bo&y to "li&e in te air. Ma5im#m spee& is1%m7. Aerial mane#4ers, combat, an& st#nts re8#ire eac a are&e4il roll (for information on4eicle combat refer to te Combat capter).Prere8#isites+ /tretc $o&y Caracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 17o#r ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

.uman Blanket$esi&es of flattenin" te bo&y, te elastic ero can stretc in A66 &irections, becomin" a blan%etas lar"e as 1 s8#are meter per le4el of /tretc $o&y.Prere8#isites+ Flatten $o&yCaracter Points+ 1 Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1Ci Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

#mpact *rmor 'e ero can, as a refle5i4e action, a4e is bo&y ass#me te properties of mpact Armor, aspecial polymer !ic reacts to %inetic impacts by becomin" ri"i&. ama"e from all %ineticso#rces is consi&ere& ormal &ama"e. 'is mane#4er is #se& after an impact its, an& can becombine& !it Roll !it mpact an& similar.Prere8#isites+ /tretc $o&y

Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

#mpact Ball'e ero can compact imself into a tiny ball tats completely imm#ne to %inetic impacts.Pysical attac%s, b#llets, falls, an& e5plosions all &o no &ama"e (te e5plosi4e !a4e its tecaracter before te blast &oes, p#sin" im a!ay before 2e can be arme&). 'e caracter canroll at alf is mo4e !ile in ball form.9ollo! $all ()+ 'e ball can be ma&e instea& ollo!, bein" able to carry as many passen"ers as can be carrie& in 1c#bic meter. 'e ollo! ball &oesnt en2oy f#ll imm#nity to %inetic impacts, b#t e as benefits of mpact Armor an& asis /oa% &o#ble&..

Prere8#isites+ /tretc $o&y ICaracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ Iama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

,asso Drip 'e stretcable ero #ses is arms to en4elope is tar"et completely. 6asso "rip can becombine& !it any Grapplin" mane#4er, an& tar"ets cannot #se te isen"a"e mane#4er to

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escape te "rapple. Caracters can still #se te scape s%ill in a conteste& roll 4s te attac% roll,b#t scape rolls a4e a *J penalty.Prere8#isites+ A"ility , /tretc $o&y KCaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ ?Ci Cost+ 1ama"e+ 7A

Mo4e+ ?

-ummy Drip :super <'e ero #ses is arms to m#mmify a tar"et completely. Once m#mmifie&, te "rip becomesinescapable an& is at te eros mercy #ntil release&. ac t#rn te ero can ma%e a Constrictionattempt at ? AP cost.Prere8#isites+ /tretc $o&y , 6asso Grip, ConstrictionCaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ ? Action Points+ A66 (to en"a"e), I7 t#rn after tatCi Cost+ 1?ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

Superhuman +arasite

(rain -emory'e parasite can &rain memories from a tar"et by pl#c%in" tem ri"t o#t of teir s%#lls. After teparasite "rabs te tar"ets ea&, a conteste& roll ta%es place of te parasites Foc#s/9 Parasite4s te tar"ets illFoc#s. /#ccess means te parasite e5tracte& te &esire& memory. Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , /9 Parasite ICaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

9atal (rain :Super<

 After incapacitatin" a tar"et /9 (&roppin" it belo! ?S of is 9ealt), e en"a"es te semi*elpless tar"et in "rapple as is e !as attemptin" a leecin". 9o!e4er, tis time te parasiteinitiates an e5ten&e&, conteste& roll tat &oesnt en& #ntil te 4ictim brea%s free of te "rapple or te parasite s#c%s im &ry. Once te 4ictims s#perpo!er le4els a4e been &o!ne& to zero em#st s#ccee& a /tamina roll &iffic#lty 1> to s#r4i4e te tra#matic or&eal, s#ccess means a coma!ile fail#re means instant &eat. After te 4ictim collapses, te s#per#man rolls a &iee8#i4alent to te tar"ets n#mber of /9 abilities (ie if te tar"et possesse& I abilities, roll 1&I),te res#lt is te n#mber of abilities te parasite absorbs permanently. e!ly absorbe& po!ersstart at le4el 1, an& as a si&e effect, all of te 4ictims /9s are also passe& on to te parasite(tese ones, o!e4er, are passe& on at te same le4el of te 4ictim). /tolen psycic &isciplinescant be raise& beyon& le4el 1 #nless te parasite ac8#ires te Psycic a&4anta"e. Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , /9 Parasite ICaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A

 Action Points+ 1?Ci Cost+ >ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ none

Super Speed

Burst of Speed'e s#per#man foc#ses in fast, yet controlle& mo4ements to boost is combat pro!ess atenfol&. For te &#ration of te mane#4er, te caracter recie4es an increase to is base APs an&

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combat mo4e e8#al to is le4el in /#per /pee&. A b#rst of spee& last as many t#rns as alf tecaracters Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s J, /#per /pee& ICaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ J to acti4ateCi Cost+ > to acti4ateama"e+ 7A

Mo4e+ none

#ncrease -omentum'e caracter increase te spee& of is pysicalattac%s to &eli4er &e4astatin" blo!s. A&& te caracters Foc#s mo&ifier to any p#nc an& %ic%mane#4ers, pl#s te follo!in" mo&ifiers.Prere8#isites+ Foc#s , /#per /pee& KCaracter Points+  Acc#racy+  Action Points+ *Ci Cost+ ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

Speed (odge/ame as te 9ei"tene& /enses mane#4er.

'all !acing'e caracters spee& elp im &efeat "ra4ity, enablin" im to p#ll st#nts li%e r#nnin" o4er !ater or e4en in =?Y o4er 4ertical s#rfaces. ile mo4in" at tis spee&, te ero is imm#ne to &ama"efrom stationary fires an& fire*base& attac%s &o 17K &ama"e (as% any st#nt*man abo#t o! tey &ote tin" !it te motorcycle crossin" te flames, ell be able to e5plain it better tan ).Prere8#isites+ /#perspee& J, $#rst of /pee&.Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ Jama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

'hirlwind Spin

(ebris 9usillade'e caracter can #se is spinnin" spee& to create an instant f#sila&e of &irt, "arba"e, &ebris,etc. Oponents insi&e a ra&i#s of 1 e5 per le4el of irl!in& /pin s#ffer 1 point of &ama"e per t#rn an& are blin&e& for as lon" as tey remain in te area. 'is mane#4er can also be #se& to&isperse "ases instantaneo#sly. A"ainst "as attac%s, te /9 rolls is combat acc#racy irl!in& /pin 4ers#s te attac%ers combat acc#racy, if te /9 !ins, te "as is &isperse& beforeit can reac im, sparin" im te nee& of a sa4in" tro! 4s of te /torm(1)+ 'is mo&ifier "rants anyone in te same s8#are as te /9 as !ell as a&2acent e5es te sameprotection te /9 en2oys a"ainst "as attac%s. f te /9 fails is roll, o!e4er, e4eryone is li%e!ise affecte&.Prere8#isites+ irl!in& /pin Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 17t#rnCi Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ none

Spinning (eflection$y spinnin" at astonisin" spee&s, te caracter 

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a#tomatically &eflects all pro2ectile attac%s (b#llets, tro!n !eapons, etc) an& recie4es a bon#s tote acc#racy of all bloc%in" mane#4ers e8#al to is le4el in irl!in& /pin.Prere8#isites+ irl!in& /pin 1Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ /pecial Action Points+ 7t#rnCi Cost+ 7t#rnama"e+ 7A

Mo4e+ 7A

Tornado :super <'e caracter spins #ntil !ea4in" a personal torna&o centere& on imself. Generate& torna&oesa4e a stren"t of ?%m7 !in&s per le4el of irl!in& /pin. Oponents ca#"t !itin a ra&i#s of 1 e5 per le4el of irl!in& spin !ill be s#c%e& into te torna&o an& #rle& a!ay to a painf#l fall+eac t!o le4els of te irl!in& /pin e8#al fallin" from 1 story, to a ma5im#m of stories.Prere8#isites+ irl!in& /pin Caracter Points+  Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ A66Ci Cost+ ?ama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ none

Tunneling/imilar as te i""in" mutant animal special ability, te spinnin" ero can spin to &rill tro#" te"ro#n&, b#t te ole remains as a t#nnel !ic can be #se& by oters, an& te caracter is notrestricte& to soft "ro#n&. For t#nnelin" tro#" stone or ar&er s#rfaces te caracter nee&s tos#ccee& a Foc#sirl!in& /pin roll !it te same &iffic#lties as te  1rt o$ :rea3ing mane#4er.'#nnelin" spee& is te caracters base mo4e times K in soft "ro#n&, alf is mo4e tro#" soli&roc%, an& 1 inc per t#rn tro#" metal.all rillin" (1)+ en #sin" te '#nnelin" mane#4er, te ero seem to be able to &efy "ra4ity, becomin" able to spin inan orizontal position or e4en #psi&e*&o!n, becomin" able to &rill tro#" !alls an& ceilin"s.9aste Eob ()+ en &rillin" tro#" metal, te ero can &rill tro#" as m#c as 1 feet per t#rn. o#ble te spee& for &rillin" tro#" softer s#bstances. en &oin" aste 2obs, o!e4er, te Ci cost is triple&. !e?uisite Foc#s >.Prere8#isites+ irl!in& /pin I

Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 1 Action Points+ Ci Cost+ 17t#rnama"e+ /pecialMo4e+ 1

.>.) /#per#man isa&4anta"es

/9 isa&4anta"es (/9) are a special sort of &isa&4anta"es tat impair s#perabilities speci*fically. /9 "rant a&&itional caracter points 2#st li%e &isa&4anta"es. 9o!e4er, CPs "rante& by/9s can only be #se& to alie4iate s#perpo!er costs. 'e GM can, at is &iscretion, ma%e teac8#isition of /9 man&atory (specially tr#e for all*span&e5 campain"s). Foc#s mane#4ersac8#ire& as s#per#man po!ers are e8#ally affecte& by /9s.

f a criminal realizes a s#pereros !ea%ness, teres a ?S tat te %no!le&"e !ill sprea& li%e!il&fire tro#"o#t te #n&er!orl& !itin te ne5t !ee%. f a ne!s reporter ta%es notice of a!ea%ness, o!e4er, teres a KS of te reporter still a4in" a 4esti"e of &ecency, case in !ice may &eci&e not to ma%e te %no!le&"e p#blic.

Special At GMs &iscretion, oter :more tan #man; caracters li%e psycics, elementals, an&m#tant animals can select /9 isa&4anta"es if te type of campain" allo!s it an& e &eems it fit.

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*lways On :$0<'e eros po!ers, seem to be on a perpet#al :O; state as &efa#lt !ic, !ere mosts#per#mans re8#ire conscio#s !ill to acti4ate an& #se teir po!ers, te caracter re8#ires of conscio#s !ill to act#ally s#ppress tem. ene4er te caracter en"a"es in any acti4ity for !ic is po!ers !o#l& apply ("raspin" or liftin" tin"s for /#per /tren"t, sprintin" or r#nnin"for /#per /pee&, etc.) or !ene4er e is s#&&enly startle&, e is re8#ire& a Foc#s roll &iffic#lty 1to pre4ent is po!ers from acti4atin" (spen&in" te re8#ire& Ci).!E@=#!ES At least one of te eros po!ers m#st be Ci*cost base&.

9aulty Empowerment :$</omeo!, te eros po!ers appen to be :&efecti4e;. 4erytime any of te eroNs po!ers is#se&, roll 1&J (OB, te GM), a :1; rolle& means te po!er &i&nNt !or%.

9lesh is 'eak :$/>$2<'e eroNs performance is tie& to is stamina. ene4er te ero is s#b&#e& by means s#c ase5a#stion, &r#"s, an& similar, is po!ers are c#t eiter in alf (*K, alf &ama"e, alf effect), or 4anis completely (*J). A caracter !it tis &isa&4anta"e cannot select neiter te 'ime6imitation nor te 6oose Cannon isa&4anta"es an& 4ice4ersa.

-etahuman *llergy M :$"< to :$1)< N Also %no!n as te Qryptonite /yn&romeQ. 'e ero is affecte& in a armf#l !ay by e5position tospecific tin"s. /electable effects are+ *a9or discom$ort )-@++ * on all actions, action points are re&#ce& by I. #oxicity )-A++ As Ma2or &iscomfort, b#t te ero also s#ffers 1&I &ama"e per t#rn (non soa%able). Extreme #oxicity )-  ++ All pysical attrib#tes (pl#s Foc#s) as !ell as Action Points are re&#ce& by alf. 'e ero s#ffers1&J &ama"e per t#rn (non soa%able) an& m#st s#ccee& a stamina roll &iffic#lty 1? to ta%e any actions tat t#rn. 2eadly #oxicity )-B.++ All Attrib#tes an& Action Points become K, po!ers are re&#ce& to alf &ama"e, alf effect. 'eero m#st s#ccee& a ill roll &iffic#lty > to ta%e any action oter tan tal%in" (&iffic#lty 1 if te ero !ants to #se apo!er), mo4ement is re&#ce& to cra!lin" on te floor. 'e ero s#ffers 1 point of /tamina &ama"e per min#te of e5position.

'e list of selectable elements incl#&e, b#t is not restricte& to+* Extreme #emperatures+ iter e5treme eat (startin" J?YC) or e5treme col& (startin" *?YC). /elect one.

* adiation+ ncl#&es a4in" a solar lamp aime& at te ero or stan&in" too close to Micro!a4e e8#ipment s#c asantennae, transcei4ers, transpon&ers, etc.* 6unlight7*oonlight + /elect one.* Extreme noise and7or loud sounds* 6ubsonics+ ncl#&es &o" !istles, some types of m#sic (s#c as /o#ntrac%s), etc.* Extreme (ollution

One at a time:$2<Re"ar&less of te n#mber of po!ers or A.P acti4ation costs, te ero can only #se one po!er ata time. f te ero as one or more po!ers tat !o#l& #s#ally be al!ays acti4e (s#c asn4#lneratibility or /#perstren"t), sai& po!ers s#press temsel4es #nless consio#sly callin" onone of tem (s#pressin" all oter po!ers in t#rn).!E@=#!ES  '!o or more po!ers tat co#l& oter!ise be #se& at te same time !ito#tinterference.

+erpetual On :$/< A more e5treme 4ersion of Al!ays On, te caracter is simply #nable to s#ppress one of ispo!ers, !ic !ill al!ays be applyin" at its f#llest effect (te ero cant re"#late it at all).5amples of tis can be fo#n& in :Maris te /#per"al;, !ere te prota"onists s#per stren"t isconstantly p#l4erizin" e4erytin" se comes in pysical contact !it (e4en te floor), no matter o! brief or sli"t*loo%in" te to#c, :Fantastic Fo#r; an& 'e 'in", !o cant be re4erte& bac%into #man form, re"ar&less of all efforts, an& :T*Men;, !ere Cyclops eyes m#st be perpet#ally!ar&e& !it a special material to pre4ent im from blastin" e4erytin" !itin is line of si"t. Onte flip si&e, if te po!er in 8#estion a& a Ci cost, it no lon"er as it.

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!e?uirements One of te follo!in"+ Ci $last, rain Ci, rain 6ife, lemental A#ra, lementalForm, Giant Gro!t, /#per /pee&, /#per /tren"t. +op$eye SyndromeM :$1< to :$2< N'e ero re8#ires of a &i4ersity of fetises7props to acti4ate is po!ers. $ein" in2ecte& !it aspecific &r#", s8#eezin" a precio#s stone in is an&, etc. Re"ar&less of te type of ob2ect, sai&fetis is cons#mme& at te moment of acti4ation. 'e cost of te /9 reflects te cost of tefetis as !ell as te problems te ero may face in "ettin" imself of s#pplies+

 1) Bn&er W.?? per #se

 2) Bp to W1?.?? per #se

 3) Bp to W?.?? per #se

 4) Bp to WI?.?? per #se

 5) Bp to W1??.?? per #se

 6) W??.?? per #se

Fetises e5cee&in" te W1?.?? per #se are ass#me& to be "oo&s not rea&ily a4ailable to tep#blic (as in me&ication !ic re8#ires me&ical prescription) !ile tose e5cee&in" te WI?.??per #se are ass#me& to be eiter o#tri"t ille"al or i"ly conspic#o#s an& prone to &ra!in"attention to!ar&s te eros person. ac #se !ill last tro#"o#t a !ole combat scene,re"ar&less of &#ration. 5cee&in"ly lon" scenes can re8#ire a&&itional rations at GMs &iscretion(its not te same resc#in" te osta"es of te ban% robbery tan lastin" tro#" te prisonbrea%o#t in in"&om Come).

+ower Ban :%aries<'e eros po!ers can be restraine&7!ar&e& off by #se of specific materials or con&itions (ener"yblasts &issipate, T*ray 4ision cannot see tro#" some materials, etc). 'e costs are "i4enaccor&in" o! common is te ero]s ban.• !are:$1<+ DR specific elements (titani#m, stronti#m, etc). t]s fair to ass#me tat te elements in 8#estion &o e5ist inte ero]s planet (or settin" of alien).• Common:$"<+ lements an& metals of common #se as !ell as some fabrics (iron, cotton, crystal, etc)• *bsolute:$0<+ 6i%e a color (e5. A yello! robe)!E@=#!ES Po!ers !ic are e5ternal in nat#re (ener"y attac%s, teleports, Force Fiel&s, etc).

!estricted by (aylight :$0>$2<

'e eroNs po!ers only !or% eiter at &aytime (I) or nittime (J). 'is is lin%e& to te act#al timeof te &ay rater tan con&ition elements, so attemps at artificial repro&#ction of a &ay7ni"ten4ironment !ont "rant te ero #se of is po!ers at a time e !o#l&nt be able to.

Symbiotic (ependance :$0<'!o or more of te eros po!ers are f#se& to"eter, an& !ile te combine& attrib#tes maybenefit eac oter, tey also re8#ire of eac oters e5istance to f#nction. n tis !ay, a ero mayonly become s#perstron" by morpin" into an in#man form, or is Force Fiel& creations may bema&e n4#lnerable, ma%in" tem s#pernat#rally resilient, b#t also lea4in" im as s#cceptible toarm as any #man #nless is Force po!ers are acti4ate&. 'is /9 can be ac8#ire& m#ltipletimes, eac time lin%in" anoter po!er to te &epen&ance (in te later e5ample, peraps te erocan only fly once in4o8#in" is force armor).

!E@=#!ES '!o or more s#per#man abilities. All combinations m#st ma%e sense as !ell asrecei4in" GMs apro4al.

ulnerability :Combat< M$2N'e ero is &enie& of /oa% benefits a"ainst attac%s of certain nat#re. /electable types are asfollo!s+* (ure Chi .* Elemental  (Fire7Col&7lectricity76asers)+ /elect one.* 6olid )6peci$ic metals7Wood7oc3++ /elect one. 'e soli& m#st be a4ailable in te "ame settin" (no alien elements). Alloys containin" te soli& are 2#st as &ea&ly. /oli&s !ic &isinte"rate !en e5pose& to air &o O' co#nt.

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* adiation+ ncl#&es attac%s from 6i"t lementals.* *agic ncl#&es ma"ical ener"y attac%s (any form), Artifact !eapons, s#pernat#ral creat#res nat#ral !eapons (s#c asa !ere!olfs cla!s) etc.

!E@=#!ES  n4#lnerability, Force Fiel&s, ner*"y Absortion, or any oter po!er !ic "rantsprotection a"ainst pysical &ama"e.

ulnerability :Others< M$1>le%elN

'e ero s#ffers *1 to sa4es a"ainst selecte& elements per le4el of te &isa&4anta"e. A4ailableelements are+* *ind 1lteration+ ncl#&es psycic po!ers, ma"ic spells, te n&#ce Fear mane#4er, psycolo"ical tort#re (s#c as"asli"tnin"), as !ell as &r#"s tat alter conscio#sness (all#cino"en &r#"s, tr#t ser#m, etc).* (oison+ ncl#&es A66 to5ins or oter!ise non*basic s#bstances !ic act eiter by in"estion, inalation, or by enterin"te bloo&stream+ &r#"s, poisons, "as, etc. (ma"ic potions too).* Extreme #emperatures* Exhaustion* *agic * (sionics

.=.K) 'ransformations :Optional<

:Moon prism po!er< ma%e #pX;***$iso#2o /ensi /ailor Moon

$e it anime or comics, a lot of s#per#mans are re8#ire& to :transform; in or&er to a4e access toteir po!ers. otable e5amples from anime an& comics incl#&e /ailor Moon, Captain Mar4el,Bltraman, etc.

'e main a&4anta"e of transformations is tat te caracter is completely #nreco"nizable oncetransforme&+ 9ei"t, b#il&, facial feat#res, air, pi"mentation< te caracter becomes someoneelse entirely. F#rtermore, in most cases, te transformation also con2#res a complete ne! attirefor te caracter to !ear, tis attire e4en rene!in" itself e4ery time te transformation is in4o8#e&(as per te Cost#me a&4anta"e).

'ere are oter cases, o!e4er, !ere te eros appearance remains #ncan"e& (mostly tecases of transformations ma"ical in ori"in). 9o!e4er, for some reason or after effect of tetransformation, people seem to be #nable to reco"nize te ero, e4en if #nmas%e&. ile tismay not al!ays be te case, it seems rater as te norm.

ile not all transformations in4ol4e s#per*#man in&i4i&#als in nat#re (as in ra"onball or Ranma [), 'ransformations are fit as a s#b*section of /#per#mans as tis reso#rce is rarelyseen o#tsi&e stories of te s#perero "enre or e8#i4alents (ma"ical "irls, $*0, etc).

Special en applie& o#tsi&e of te s#perero scope, all transformations m#st be &isc#sse& in &ept an& appro4e&by te GM.

Transformation Conditions'e con&itions are !at is re8#ire& to acti4ate te transformation. 'e con&itions !or% 2#st as te/#per#man isa&4anta"es, "i4in" e5tra CPs to spen& on s#perpo!ers an& /#per#manmane#4ers (e5cept one). ac con&ition pose a &ifferent incon4enience.

*t 'ill :62<'e caracter as complete control o4er is transformation an& can transform7&etransform at !ill.

E;position :$">$0<'e transformation ta%es place !en e5pose& to specific elements li%e a type of ra&iation (ass#nli"t or moonli"t), li8#i&, an& s#c. 'e (*) 4ersion re8#ires of a sin"le, brief e5position(IAPs lon"), an& can"in" bac% re8#ires te ero to s#bmit imself to a secon& e5position to teselecte& element. 'e (*I) 4ersion, on te oter an&, re8#ires te ero to remain e5pose& to te

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selecte& element to s#stain te transformation, te ero can"in" bac% K t#rns after tee5position is s#spen&e&.

#ncantation :$0< 'e caracters po!ers come from a ma"ical so#rce, an& e m#st recite a :spell; in or&er totransform. 'is spell re8#ires te caracter to ma%e flasy, sometimes complicate& an&"est#res an& te incantation m#st be recite& alo#& (!ic can be a problem if e !ants&iscretion).

'e incantation re8#ires te caracter to a4e bot an&s free an& be in position to speec+ ecant transform !ile "a""e&, bo#n&, or o#t of balance. $ein" ma"ical in nat#re, te caracter also cant in4o8#e is transformation insi&e a Flo!in" /piral or not of Obstr#ction (see teMa"ic capter).

izar&s an& ma"ic*att#ne& creat#res !ill sense te ma"ic irra&iatin" from te caracter an& aslon" as te ero is transforme& into is alter e"o e is consi&ere& a s#pernat#ral creat#re for allintents an& p#rposes, !ic means e can be !ar&e&, controlle&, s#mmone&, etc. by spells tataffect s#pernat#ral creat#res. A ispel Ma"ic aime& at te ero !ill s#t &o!n te transformationan& force te caracter to remain in is re"#lar persona for a minim#m of 1&I min#tes, !en tetransformation becomes a4ailable a"ain ('e ero en2oys a to sa4e 4ers#s all ma"ic o!e4er,

as !ell as an a&&itional 4ers#s ispel Ma"ic effects). A not of Obstr#ction !ill ren&er all of te eros abilities #seless as lon" as e is in te nots area.

'ransformin" ta%es all of te caracters APs for te t#rn, b#t can"in" bac% re8#ires only asimpler 4ersion of te incantation (J APs, &oesnt a4e to be recite& alo#&). As an a&&e& pl#s,bein" ma"ical in nat#re, te eros ma"ical alter e"o &oesnt a"e an& ne4er "ro!s ol& (o!e4er,e4en if stayin" transforme& for life, te ero !ill still &ie !en is time comes, te transformation!as not inten&e& as a means to ceat &eat).

#tem :$2< 'e caracters po!ers come from a special, #ni8#e item tat te ero #ses to transform. 'eitems nat#re can be eiter ma"ical, alien tecnolo"y, or :2#st beca#se; (more often tan not teo!ner imself &oesnt %no!), 2#st a4e in min& tat not boterin" in researcin" te items

!or%in"s !ill ma%e it irreplaceable in case of loss. 'e item itself is ass#me& to be in&estr#ctibleby most m#n&ane means, b#t in 4ery special circ#nstances at GMs &iscretion (bein" at "ro#n&zero at a bombar&ment, te item recei4in" a perfect sniper sot !it a .?mm ro#n&) te item asa KS cance of bein" r#ine&, all po!ers lost !it it. Acti4atin"7&eacti4atin" te item ta%es IAPs.

!age :$<'e caracter transforms a#tomatically once is Ra"e stat is fille& #p, re"ar&less of !eter e!ants it or not, an& !ill remain transforme& once is Ra"e is &eplete&. .O "as, tran8#ilizers, as!ell as te Min& Cr#s psycic mane#4er all !ill cancel te transformation once ta%in" effect, b#tte caracter as a on is sa4in" tro! a"ainst any an& all tran8#ilizin" effects. f tecaracter also ta%es te /ort F#se isa&4anta4e, o!e4er, te CPs "aine& from tatisa&4anta"e can be #se& for /#per#man traits as !ell.

!andom :$4< 'e caracter is #nable to transform at !ill. F#rtermore, te transformation ta%es place atran&om times, becomin" a most blatant plot &e4ice an& lea4in" te caracters fate at te GMsmercy. 

Transformation Effects

*ltered *bilities M:61< to :60<N  As a "eneral r#le, te caracter as &ifferent attrib#tes tan is ero persona, te ero personal#s#ally bein" stron"er, faster, an& o4erally more fit. 'o represent tis, te caracter can alter is

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caracter points bet!een is re"#lar an& is ero persona+ tis is &one 2#st as te Bpper76o!er bo&y /tren"t optional r#le in te caracter creation capter, b#t its applie& at te !ole Attrib#tePoints pool. For e5ample, if te caracter as J attrib#te points to &istrib#te, e may &eci&e tore*&istrib#te J points, so is re"#lar persona instea& as ? points to &istrib#te amon" isattrib#tes !ile is ero persona as J. Re&istrib#tin" points tis !ay cost 1 CP per eac attrib#te points re&istrib#te&, to a ma5im#m of > Attrib#te points re&istrib#te&.

E;tra Talents :%aries<6i%e!ise, often te ero persona is talente& in many oter areas (especially tr#e for combats%ills), or some oter times e %no!s tin"s te caracter imself &oesnt. 'o reflect tis, tecaracter is entitle& to increase or "et ne! traits for is ero persona (tese ac8#isitions can onlybe #se& !en transforme&). 'e ero can spen& as many CPs in tis sort of e5tra talents as isill stat, b#t s#c ac8#isitions can only ta%e place at caracter creation.

Stat Costiscipline (ncrease) 1 per 19ealt7Ci 1 per I$ase APs per 1/%ill (ncrease) 1 per  A&4anta"e SMane#4er S

Super +owers and *bilities'e main point of transformations, o!e4er, are te po!ers imb#e& by it to become :more tan#man;. At caracter creation, te 'ransformation ero can spen& #p to 1? CPs in s#per po!ersan& /9 mane#4ers, a limit tat can be e5cee&e& by ac8#irin" /9 isa&4anta"es 2#st li%e re"#lar /9s (in a&&ition to tose ac8#ire& from te transformations con&itions).

'ransformation isa&4anta"es

*lternate +ersonality :$/< 'e transforme& bo&y as a totally &ifferent personality controllin" it (!o in fact may besomeone else entirely). 'e ero persona as no access to te caracters s%ills nor any of ismental traits. Once te caracter &e*transforms, tey #ltimately !a%e #p later on !it no memoryof !at appene&, sa4e peraps some 4a"#e impressions. 'e oter personality, o!e4er, !ill

be rel#ctant to relin8#is control more often tan not+ in or&er to &e*transform, te player m#stbeat te GM on a conteste& &1? roll.

Io (isguise :$1<$ein" te transformation most li%ely biolo"ical in nat#re only, it &oesnt pro4i&e te caracter a&is"#ise !en transforme&. f te ero personas size is &ifferent tan te #ntransforme& erotis !ill also mean teir clotes !ill most li%ely be incompatible. Caracters cant ta%e tis&isa&4anta"e an& te Bnprotecte& &entity to"eter (as ten it !o#l&nt be a transformation atall).

Time ,imitation :$0>$4< Also %no!n as te :Bltraman /yn&rome;, tis eroNs transformation only !or%s for a limite& time a&ay, tat time bein" a 4ariable n#mber of t#rns (or min#tes if not en"a"e& in combat) e8#al to is

ill/tamina (I) or is ill (>). =nprotected #dentity :$/< Contrary to most transformations, neiter te eros appearance can"e nor tere is any :ma"icalafter effect; mas%in" is i&entity. 'e &is"#ise pro4i&e& by te transformation (if a4ailable) is teonly tin" protectin" is i&entity. Caracters cant ta%e tis &isa&4anta"e an& te o is"#iseto"eter (as ten it !o#l&nt be a transformation at all).

.=) Ma"ic

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n anime an& "ames, ma"ic an& te s#pernat#ral as been nearly al!ays present to some&e"ree (ab#%i Clas, Ama%#sa from /am#rai /o!&o!n, Genma an& Gensin from PsycicForce7Psycic Force ?I?, etc). Ma"ic ta%es on a pletora of forms as 4arie& as fantasy a#torstemsel4es, b#t m classifyin" it into fi4e parts+ izar&ry &eals !it te 8#intesentialpracticioners of ma"ic. izar&s &el4e into te &eepest corners of perception to &i" o#t arcanesecrets an& ma"ic po!er. no!le&"e, spells, an& c#riosity ta%e te !izar& into sit#ations an&realms #nfatomable to mortals. Oter Practitioners an& Creat#res of Ma"ic are 2#st to bee5pecte& to e5ist to#". 'e po!ers of !at !e call ma"ic are 2#st an innerent 8#ality in4isitin" s#pernat#ral bein"s an& omino#s creat#res of ma"ic... as !ell as in some #mans.6i%e!ise, follo!in" a pat tatNs only teir o!n, sorcerers &isco4er #ni8#e po!ers tat are onlyattainable to#" &e4otion to a sin"le pat to po!er, e4en if a limite& one. Ma"ical Artifacts, lost4esti"es of te po!er of lon" "one encanters are bot feare& an& co4ete& by tose !o %no! of teir e5istence... e5cept maybe by tose !o still a4e te secrets of teir creation. Ma"ic ss#es&eal !it common con&itions #n&er !ic all ma"ic abi&es. Finally, 'e is&om of A"es is !atma"ic is all abo#t.... po!er an& spells.

.=.1) izar&ry, te art of /pell Ma"ic

:Ma"ical beast !it !om ma&e a pact/o! yo#rself before me An& re4eal ty tr#e formX;**Ferio, Ma"ical ni"t Rayeart.

'e !is&om of a"es, te secret lan"#a"es, tearcane form#lae... all tat is te &omain of te !izar&. izar&s are te 8#intesential ma"ic #sers,or&inary mortals tat, tro#" intense st#&y, mental an& spirit#al trainin", an& seer st#bborness,mana"e to #nloc% arcane secrets, acie4in" ma"ical po!ers tat are all teir o!n.

The (iscipline of -agic

:...$esi&es, still a4e a lot more to learn;**/layn, Recor& of te 6o&oss ar .

'e st#&y of te forbi&en arts is lon" an& ar&#o#s. t ta%es years of constant st#&ies, researc,an& stren"tenin" of te st#&entNs spirit#al nat#re. n or&er to learn ma"ic, a caracter re8#ires toa4e a Foc#s attrib#te no lo!er tan >. 'e st#&y of Ma"ic is pai& for as a iscipline an& !or%s

 2#st li%e one. ac le4el in te &iscipline "rants te !izar& specific benefits li%e /ense Ma"ic, Att#nement, an& Mystic Me&itation (rea& belo!), besi&es of te ability to ac8#ire ma"ic spells.

 All spells a4e a N6e4elN asi"nate& eac, tat le4el &enotes te le4el a !izar& m#st a4e in test#&y of Ma"ic before bein" able to learn tat spell. /pells a4e a cost in caracter points e8#alto teir le4el, b#t re"ar&less of le4el or possible mo&ifiers, a spell !ill al!ays a4e a minim#mcost of Caracter Points. A startin" !izar& can ac8#ire as many ma"ic spells as e can affor&.9o!e4er, at caracter creation, te ma5im#m le4el for !ic te !izar& can b#y spells is le4elfo#r.

'e st#&y of ma"ic also enables te caracter to ac8#ire mane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#sPo!ers section. Foc#s Mane#4ers a8#ire& as ma"ic po!ers abi&e by te same AP cost, 4erbalan& somatic components as re"#lar ma"ic spells (see belo!). /tartin" le4el I of te izar&ryiscipline, te !izar& may also p#rcase mystical 4ersions of /#per mane#4ers from teMiscellaneo#s Po!ers section, s#c mane#4ers ac8#ire& as ma"ic po!ers &onNt re8#ire te!izar& to a4e a f#ll Ra"e to perform, b#t li%e!ise te mo&ifier to acc#racy an& &ama"e acaracter en2oys !ile a4in" a f#ll Ra"e &oesnNt affect ma"ic po!ers an& spells.

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'iards and Chi'e caracterNs le4el in te st#&y of ma"ic a&&s to te ill attrib#te for te p#rposes of &eterminin" is base Ci, as !ell as to all attemps to !or% ma"ical effects, incl#&in" sorcererypats an& #sin" ma"ical artifacts.

Other abilities of 'iards

Sense -agic All !izar&s "ain a sensiti4ity for te s#pernat#ral.'is !or%s similar to te Att#ne& a&4anta"e, b#t foc#se& on ma"ic. 4ery time te caracter is inte prescence of ma"ic, e is entitle& an ntelli"enceMa"ic roll to &etect it. 'e &e"ree of s#ccess &epen&in" on te res#lt as follo!in"+•  1*?+ Feels te #nc tat a person in is prescence is Nnot normalN (b#t canNt tell e5actly !y) an& can feel teprescence of ma"ic or s#pernat#ral forces bein" #se& !itin meters per point of Foc#s. Can feel ma"ical a#ras irra&iate& by artifacts.•  1*+ Can feel ma"ic !itin a person in is prescence or percie4e a s#pernat#ral creat#re as Nnot #manN. Feelsma"ic an& s#pernat#ral forces bein" #se& !itin 1? meters per point of Foc#s an& a ?S of te times can pinpoint teso#rce.• 2J*K?+ Reco"nizes s#pernat#ral creat#res an& practicioners of ma"ic on si"t. Feels ma"ic an& s#pernat#ral forces at!or% !itin 1?? meters per point of Foc#s, can e4en pinpoint te so#rce if !itin 1? meters of it.

• K1+ Reco"nizes practicioners of ma"ic on si"t as !ell as

s#pernat#ral creat#res, bein" able to tell te "eneral type of creat#re (#n&ea&, ma"ical creat#re, innate ma"ic possessor,etc). Feels ma"ic an& s#pernat#ral forces bein" #se& !itinone mile per point of Foc#s an& can e4en tell te type of ma"ic at !or% (in4ocations, spell ma"ic, necromancy, ill#sionary,etc). Can pinpoint location of !itin 1? meters of te so#rce.

/ense Ma"ic can also be #se& to researc te tr#e nat#re of Ma"ical Artifacts. n or&er to &oresearc on an artifact, te !izar& m#st "et imself a 8#iet, #n&ist#rbe& place, an& a reasonableamo#nt of time. 'e base &iffic#lty for &oin" a complete researc on an artifact is 1> pl#s per eac a&&itional ma"ical a#ra (ie po!er7trait) in te artifact an& te !izar& "ains a 1 bon#s on isroll per o#r spent researcin".

*ttunement/ame as te Att#ne& a&4anta"e.

-ystic -editationCan reco4er Ci 2#st as !it te re"#lar Me&itation &iscipline (b#t tis time !it a Foc#s Ma"icroll). Also, en me&itatin", is Att#nement po!ers are increase& almost a #n&re&fol&, lo!erin"also te &iffic#lty of all clair4oyance rolls by .

.=.) Oter Practicionersan& creat#res of ma"ic

#nnate +owers and Iaturals

:mmm... /a%#raNs ma"ic po!er is "ro!in";**erberos, Car& Captor /a%#ra .

/ometimes, only sometimes, in&i4i&#als are born !it innate ma"ic. 'ese Nnat#ralsN of limite&po!er a4e ori"ins 4aryin" from pre*natal encantments by a po!erf#l !izar& to miscellaneo#scosmic penomena. n "ame terms, bein" born as a at#ral is an a&4anta"e tat costs K pointsper le4el an& allo!s caracters limite& access to ma"ic. ac le4el of te at#ral a&4anta"e"rants te caracter one ma"ic spell as an innate ability. /pells cast as innate abilities ta%e only J

 APs to cast beca#se no 4erbal or somatic components are re8#ire&, an& te rolls are 2#st tesame as for !izar&s, 2#st #sin" te le4el in te at#ral a&4anta"e instea& of Ma"ic iscpline.

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 Also, eac tree le4els of te at#ral a&4anta"e allo!s te caracter to ac8#ire spells from ai"er le4el (ie at le4els 1 an& , te caracter "ets 1 st le4el spells, at le4els K, I an& , e canno! b#y 1st an& n& le4el spells, at le4els J, an& > e can b#y 1st , n& an& Kr& le4el spells, an&so on). at#rals can sense ma"ic 2#st li%e a !izar& &oes, #sin" teir le4el in te at#rala&4anta"eH an& te le4el of te at#ral a&4anta"e is a&&e& to te caracterNs ill for te p#rposeof &eterminin" is base Ci, as !ell as to all attemps to !or% ma"ic, be it !it spells, pats, or artifacts.

'e at#ral a&4anta"e also enables te caracter to ac8#ire mane#4ers from te Miscellaneo#sPo!ers section, te le4el of te a&4anta"e times t!o #se& as te re8#isite attrib#te of temane#4er.


'e st#&y of ma"ic is not limite& to spell ma"ic, nor all practicioners of ma"ic are toro#"ly&e&icate& !izar&s tat spen& &ay*in an& &ay*o#t &oin" ma"ical researc. N/orcerersN are minor !izar&s tat &e4ote temsel4es to te practice of easier (yet some!at limite&) pats to po!er foc#se& on a sin"le fiel&. 9o!e4er, te st#&y of pats &oesnNt necesarily re8#ire te sorcerer tolearn te !ays of te st#&y of ma"ic.

/orcerers are often o4erloo%e& by !izar&s as minor ma"es or sta"e ma"icians, lac%in" !atNsnecesary to become tr#e masters of ma"ic. 9o!e4er, in teir spelicalize& trainin", "i4en time,sorcerers come to amass a "reat &eal of po!er. Also, follo!in" pats is sometimes te onlymeans to reac an en& (li%e te creation of artifacts). 5cept for tose tat are too pro#& of teir st#&ies, most !izar&s are 4erse& in at least one or t!o sorcerery pats. /orcerery pats areac8#ire& 2#st as &isciplines as costs are concerne&, b#t tey &ont re8#ire tat te sorcerer is4erse& in te Ma"ic style. A listin" of te /orcerery pats can be fo#n& at te en& of te capter.


 A familiar is a creat#re lin%e& to a #man bein" by means of s#pernat#ral bon&s. Most familiarsare create& !it special bin&in" rit#als, b#t -spontaneo#s familiar lin%s are not #near& of. For "amin" p#rposes, a4in" an familiar is consi&ere& an a&4anta"e tat costs caracter points per le4el at caracter creation.

Empathic !apport Any caracter !it te Familiar $ac%"ro#n& sares an empatic rapport !it teir animal. As ares#lt, te caracter can mentally comman& teir Familiar, an& tey can comm#nicate as !ell. 'oiss#e comman&s, te caracter ma%es a roll base& on te le4el of teir Familiar bac%"ro#n&, asfollo!s+

,e%el (ifficulty *+s1 ? 1? 1 JK 1? I

I one one one

ss#e& comman&s m#st be state& in a simple eno#" !ay to be #n&erstoo& by te creat#reslimite& intellect, b#t eac le4el of rapport also allo!s comm#nication to be more elaborate.

*nimal Types

Secondary Stats

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*ction +ointsFamilars a4e a base AP of I pl#s te caracters le4el of rapport.

ChiFamiliars base Ci is e8#al to teir /tamina stat pl#s fi4e.

!ageot bein" &ri4en by te !imsical #man spirit, animals a4e no ra"e, b#t beca#se of teestablise& rapport, te moment te master fills #p is Ra"e score bot en2oy Ra"e bon#ses,an& te familiar becomes able to perform /#pers.

*nimal *ttacks• *lligator>Crocodile+ 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Ea! 6oc%.• Bird of +rey+ 6pecial 1ttac3s $ea%, i4in" Attac%, 'alons.• Camel+ 6pecial 1ttac3s Rear ic%.• (og+ 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite.• Elephant+ 6pecial 1ttac3s Ram.• .orse+ 6pecial 1ttac3s Rear ic%.• +anther + 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Cla!, Po#nce.• SnakeJ Boa+ 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Constriction.• SnakeJ +oisonous+ 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Denom.• Tiger + 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Cla!, Po#nce.

• 'olf + 6pecial 1ttac3s $ite, Po#nce

*nimal *ttacks*t

• Constriction+ /ame as te /#per#man Mane#4er.• (i%ing *ttack+ n tis &an"ero#s an& li"tnin"*8#ic% mane#4er, a bir& of prey s!oops &o!n on te 4ictim, attac%in"!it its talons, an& ten 8#ic%ly flyin" #p!ar&.• Faw ,ock+ After bitin", te animal is able to loc% its 2a! in place, effecti4ely ol&in" its 4ictim an& inflictin" an a&&itional points of &ama"e per t#rn.• +ounce+ n tis mane#4er te animal #rls itself at te opponent. 'is is consi&ere& an Aerial Mane#4er. f s#ccessf#l,te animal en&s #p on top of te opponent, !o s#ffers a noc%&o!n.• !am+ 'is is 2#st r#nnin" into te opponent ea&first. Opponents s#ffer a noc%&o!n if it.

9amiliar *d%antages and

(isad%antages*rgumentati%e 9amiliar :$1<'e caracters familiar is constantly 8#estionin" is masters comman&s an& moti4ations for onereason or anoter, be it in&i4i&#alism, co!ar&ice, or any oter concei4able reason. Rise AP costto iss#e comman&s to te familiar in combat by , re"ar&less of rapport le4el.

-ultiple 9amiliars :/>le%el<ac le4el of te a&4anta"e allo!s te caracter to a4e 1 e5tra familiar, tis pro4i&es tea&4anta"e tat eac familiar as is o!n AP base, b#t also tis brin"s te &isa&4anta"e tateac ne! familiar as is rapport score 1 point lo!er tan te precee&in" one (e5tra familiarsrapport score cant be bo#"t separate&ly, its al!ays lin%e& to te oters). A caracters le4el intis tis a&4anta"e (an& so, te n#mber of e5tra familiars e can a4e) is 1 per eac K points of is Foc#s stat, to a ma5im#m of le4el I. Also, e cant ac8#ire a ne! e5tra familiar if te rapportle4el of te res#ltin" one !o#l& be zero.

Sentient 9amiliar :<'e familiar is act#ally an intelli"ent creat#re !it an ntelli"ence score e8#al to t!ice tecaracters le4el in te Familiar a&4anta"e. ile te caracter no lon"er as to iss#e comman&sper se, te AP e5pen&it#re in combat is still present &#e to te stress te rapport p#ts in temasters min& !ile in sit#ations li%e battle. e4erteless, te creat#res actions are no lon"er #n&er &irect control of te caracter, as te familiar is consi&ere& an PC, an& so #n&er controlof te GM, te le4el of rapport no! &eterminin" te &e"ree of #ncon&itional loyalty of te familiar 

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to!ar&s is master. f te caracter also possesses te M#ltiple Familiars a&4anta"e, all oter familiars are a#tomatically ass#me& to be /entient as !ell.

Spirit 9amiliar :0<nstea& of a material creat#re, te caracter "re! a bon& !it a &!eller of te spirit planes. iletis means te caracter &oesnt nee& to sacrifice part of is life force for ancorin" is familiar intis plane (te creat#re is on is nati4e plane alrea&y), tis also means te creat#re is #nable tointeract !it te material plane oter tan tro#" spirit po!ers !ic allo! te creat#re tomanifest. Oter tan te familiars master imself, no one can see te spirit or comm#nicate !itim, b#t psycics !it Astral si"t as !ell as animals an& erlian cameras !ill be able to see im,an& caracters !it te an"er /ense po!er !ill feel is prescence if nearby (!ill "et a !atce&feelin"). f te caracter also possesses te M#ltiple Familiars a&4anta"e, all oter familiars area#tomatically ass#me& to be /pirit Familiars as !ell.

Supernatural 9amiliar :<'e caracters selection for Familiar is not limite& to earts fa#na, b#t also to any s#pernat#ralcreat#res #n&er &ra"on stat#s. 'o "et te creat#res base stats, compare te creat#res size an&anatomy to tat of one of te animals liste& #n&er te Animal 'ypes table an& #se tat set of attrib#tes !it te follo!in" mo&ifiers+• The !reature%s 'ase Soak is !onsidered #rmor Duaity as a whoe, 'e!oming e6uay resistant to norma,

wea"on, and energy damage.• The !reatures% atta!ks aways do energy-e6uivaent damage 4even to nvunera'e !hara!ters5.• The !reature 'e!omes eigi'e to "ossess any s"e magi! or maneuvers from the Mis!eaneous owersse!tion as innate su"ernatura a'iities. S"es and maneuvers a!6uired this way have their 1 !ost !ut inhaf.

Su"ernatura famiiars, however, as with a su"ernaturas, are su'8e!t to s"es andee!ts that !an target su"ernatura !reatures, whi!h means they !an 'e summoned,!ontroed, 'anished, warded, et!. Su"ernatura famiiars, however, re6uire to 'einked to their owner%s ife for!e for sustenan!e and an!hor on this word, and havinga su"ernatura famiiar redu!es the master%s 'ase 1hi and 3eath 'y an amount e6uato his eve in the Famiiar advantage. f the Muti"e Famiiars advantage is"ossessed, ea!h famiiar aso drain the !hara!ter%s 'ase 1hi and 3eath 'y an amounte6ua to his ra""ort eve 4a are assumed su"ernatura5.

9amiliar Special -aneu%ers

9ocusBeast 9ocus'is po!er enables te caracter to #se Foc#s7elemental7ma"ic (not psycic) mane#4ers tro#"is familiar. 'e caracter may #se any Foc#s mane#4er !it te effects ori"inatin" from teir familiar. Apply te mo&ifiers liste& belo!.Prere8#isites+ Familiar ICaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ *1 Action Points+ *Ci Cost+ ?ama"e+ ?Mo4e+ ?

Share Chi'is mane#4er enables te caracter to &ra! on is familiars ci an& 4ice 4ersa. A caracter !ittis mane#4er may &ra! on te ci of is familiar as to#" it !ere is o!n.Prere8#isites+ Familiar ICaracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7ACi Cost+ 7Aama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

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Share ,ife'e #ltimate bon&, tis mane#4er allo!s te caracter to temporarily mel& teir life force !it tatof teir familiar. 'e caracter an& teir familiar are bot consi&ere& to a4e one 9ealt total,e8#al to te s#m of teir in&i4i&#al totals, an& &ama"e to eiter one !ill arm bot. 'is lasts #pto 1? min#tes per point of te caracters Foc#s.Prere8#isites+ Familiar I

Caracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ to acti4ateCi Cost+ ama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Shared Eyes'is mane#4er enables te caracter to see tro#" is familiars eyes an& 4ice 4ersa, at any&istance. 'e caracter can see !ate4er teir familiar is seein" an& 4ice 4ersa. Remember tatmost animals a4e monocromatic (colorless) 4ision.Prere8#isites+ Familiar Caracter Points+ K Acc#racy+ 7A Action Points+ 7A

Ci Cost+ Kama"e+ 7AMo4e+ 7A

Super *ttacks

Beast !age'is fearsome mane#4er ca#ses te familiar to be sent into a berser%er ra"e, attac%in" teopponent !it e4erytin" it as. For tree t#rns te familiar as its base AP &o#ble&, b#t cannotta%e any &efensi4e action. All attac%s a4e te mo&ifiers liste& belo!, an& attempts to&efen& a"ainst tem are recei4e a penalty of *.Prere8#isites+ Familiar I, Foc#s ICaracter Points+ I Acc#racy+ K Action Points+ *1

Ci Cost+ 1? to acti4ateama"e+ KMo4e+

.=.K) Ma"ical Artifacts:Gi4e it to me, an& promise to ma%e itmy familyNs treas#reXXXXX;***6ina n4erse, /layers

tNs not stran"e for &e&icate& practicioners of ma"ic to imb#e m#n&ane artifacts !it ma"icalpo!er in or&er to ma%e life easier to imself (or oters). Artifacts are ob2ects !it te po!er topro&#ce any ma"ical effects tat its creator inten&s it to. 'e a4ailability of ma"ical artifacts in a"i4en !orl& &epen&s ea4ily on te a4ailability of ma"ic itself+ !ile a crystal ball may be ascommon in some !orl&s as a pone boot ere, in oters it may be co4ete& an& feare& as te

#ni8#e ob2ect it is, an& finally in oters it may become a c#riosity, e4en if completely s#perfl#o#s(!y &rool o4er a pompo#s elm of telepatic comm#nication !en yo# can 2#st "o to teelectronics store ne5t bloc% an& b#y a cell pone).

*rtifact =se and *cti%ationn or&er to #se an artifact, its o!ner m#st %no! te acti4ation prase. 'is prase can be as sortas a m#ttere& !or& or as lon" as a complete speec. Most artifacts a4e te acti4ation praseinscribe& some!ere, b#t if te acti4ation prase isnNt at an& te artifactNs o!ner is #nable to&ra! on te artifactNs po!ers#ntil te acti4ation prase is researce&, fo#n&, or "#esse&.

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 Also, !en &ealin" !it #n%no!n artifacts, ma"ic #sers 4erse& in te ncantment Pat can &oma"ical researc on artifacts 2#st li%e a !izar& &oes, as te caracterNs le4el in te ncantmentPat a&&s to all attemps at artifact researc (!izar&s !o are also 4erse& in te ncantmentPat benefit from tis "reatly).

*rtifact Creation'e creation of artifacts re8#ire te intereste& caracter to be 4erse& in te ncantment Pat of /orcerery. Artifacts are assi"ne& a &etermine& le4el accor&in" to its po!er an& comple5ity, an&ma"ic #sers can create artifacts as po!erf#l in le4el as teir o!n le4el in te ncantment Pat.'e creation of artefacts re8#ire special materials an& a properly e8#ippe& ma"ical laboratory to!or%.

 Also, in or&er to pro&#ce te ma"ical ener"ies empo!er te ob2ect, te encanter m#st inf#separt of is 4ery o!n escence into te artifact*to*be, a fact tat reflects in "ame terms as teencanter partin" !it a portion of is base Ci. 'is sacrifice is permanent, an& te encanter !ill not "et tat points of base Ci bac% e4en if te artifact is &estroye&. 'e amo#nt of base Cite encanter m#st sacrifice &epen&s on te po!er le4el of te f#t#re artifact. 6ost base Cipoints cannot be reco4ere&, b#t tey can be bo#"t bac% !it e5perience poitns normally.Fort#antely for te encanter, te Ci in4estment &oesnNt a4e to be pai& #p*front, an& e can

inf#se te artifact*to*be little by little #ntil it is finise&. 'is process can ta%e as lon" as te!izar& ta%es to inf#se all te re8#ire& Ci into te artifact (te process can be interr#pte& an&res#me& later), b#t te artifact !onNt be operational #ntil itNs finise&.

-anufacture costs9ere is a list of te re8#isites for artifact creationaccor&in" to comple5ity, po!ers, an& te re8#ire& le4el for eac &esire& trait. For artifacts !itm#ltiple traits, te re8#ire& le4el in te ncantment Pat is te le4el of te most &eman&in" trait,ten a&& 1 to te re8#ire& le4el for e4ery t!o e5tra ma"ical traits.

-agical Trait ,e%el Chi Cost/tat ncrease (basic stat) I per eac 1/tat ncrease (combat stats) 1 K per eac 1iscipline*relate& po!er I per eac 1

Mane#4er 8#i4alent K As per mane#4er Mane#4er (noCi cost) J As per mane#4er 5KMane#4er Mo&ifier As per mo&ifier  /#per#man po!er Cost5K A&4anta"e I Cost 5K/pell Ability spell /pell 6e4el 5KPropietary Ci Pool J 1 per eac I

Po!ers an& traits !it a Ci cost re8#ire te #ser to e5pen& is o!n Ci to acti4ate eac po!er.en te encanter &oesnt possess te trait e !ants to imb#e into te item, e as to !or% !itsomeone !o &oes. or%in" tis !ay raises te $ase Ci cost by t!o.

*bility #ncrease+ Bn&erstan& combat stats as te caracterNs $ase Ci an& 9ealt, n&#rancean& Ra"e, Action Points, an& /oa%.

(iscipline$related +owers+ Po!ers tat te caracter can only "et tro#" certain le4els in aiscipline li%e te $o&y Ci po!er from te Positi4e Ci &iscipline, te /oa% increase from $o&y9ar&enin", or te Animate ea& po!er from te ecromancy /orcerery pat.

-aneu%er E?ui%alent+ ncl#&es /#pers, lemental, an& any oter po!er7ability !it te s#bfi5Nmane#4erN on it. 'e GM as te final coice o4er !ic mane#4ers can be imb#e& !it te NnoCi costN trait.

Superpowers+ Po!ers tat operate !ito#t a Ci cost are li%e!ise operational to te artifactNs

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*d%antages+ early all a&4anta"es are a4ailable (all a&4anta"es tat co#l& be reasonable tocome from an item, not a mentor or a mana"er).

Spell *bilities+ All spells are cast as a Nat#ralN ma"ic #ser. 'e GM as te final coice o4er !ic spells can be imb#e& !it te Nno sa4in" tro!N trait an& !ic ones canNt.

+ropietary Chi +ool+ nstea& of &ra!in" on te#serNs Ci, te item possesses a Ci Pool of its o!n to &ra! on for po!erin" its ma"ical traits.'is ener"y pool recar"es at a rate of per o#r. ile a4in" te a&4anta"e tat te #ser isnNtre8#ire& to a4e a reasonable amo#nt of Ci to #se te ob2ect properly, it as te &ra!bac% tat!en te artifactNs Ci &epletes, te #ser m#st !ait for it to replenis a"ain. 'e #ser canNt #setis Ci to f#el is o!n Foc#s mane#4ers or ma"ic po!ers.

Sample -agical *rtifactsts time to re4ie! some e5amples of ma"ical artifacts. All ne! ma"ical artifacts m#st first beappro4e& by te GM. Man#fact#re Cost refers to te amo#nt of is $ase Ci te encanter m#stsacrifice to create te artefact

 Alternati4ely, a caracter can coose to instea& be"in te "ame !it a ma"ical artefact in is

possession (!it GMs appro4al). n tis case, e can b#y a &esire& artefact as an A&4anta"e, itscost in CPs liste& #n&er te A&4anta"e Cost &escriptor.

3$,eague Bootsen !orn, tese boots allo! te #ser to increase is 2#mpin" &istance as m#c as ten times.9o!e4er, eac min#te of #se &rain te #ser 1 Ci point.Re8#ire& 6e4el+ KPrere8#isite+ Re&#ce ei"tMan#fact#re Cost+  A&4anta"e Cost+ J

Belt of the Ogres StrenghtBsers of tis belt recie4e a increase to teir /tren"t Attrib#te. /#perior 4ersions of tis belt,li%e GiantNs /tren"t an& 'itanNs /tren"t are also r#mo#re& to e5ist.

Re8#ire& 6e4el+ KPrere8#isite+ oneMan#fact#re Cost+ > A&4anta"e Cost+ 1?

Blade of the !ighteous ,ight A bla&eless t!o an&e& ilt tat, #pon acti4ation, "enerates an ener"y bla&e resemblin" a"reats!or&. 'reat te bla&e as an :ener"y !eapon; 4ersion of a Greats!or& (see 9i" 'ec#n&er 8#ipment, b#t also re&#ces tar"ets base armor 4al#e by . $ein" ma&e of ener"y, tebla&e can it spirits or oter!ise incorporeal oponents. 'e bla&eNs &ama"e is m#ltiplie& times1. a"ainst ar%ness lementals as !ell as e4il s#pernat#ral creat#res.Re8#ire& 6e4el+ >Prere8#isite+ Po!er $la&e, 5ten&e& Bse(mo&ifier), 6i"t $last (mo&ifier).Man#fact#re Cost+ K A&4anta"e Cost+ 11

Elemental (eck A set of 1 car&s, eac representin" one elemental po!er. 'o acti4ate a car&, te s#mmoner m#st call on te in&i4i&#al acti4ation prase for te car& !ile tossin" it to!ar&s its enemies (te!ole process ta%es APs). en te car&Ns effects en&. t 4anises an& reappearsbac% on te &ec%.1& The *rctic /#mmons te combine& effects of an ce /lic% an& an ce /torm $litz for J t#rns. Re8#ires > Ci."& The Bonfire /#mmons a Fire all in !ate4er fasion te caster &esires. For t#rns, te caster can mo4e, morp,an& control te massi4e bonfire as if it !as an animate& creat#re (eac comman& iss#e& ta%es I APs). After t#rns tebonfre 4anises. Re8#ires 1 Ci.

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/& The 9orest 'e s#mmoner an& te forest become one so#l for as lon" as e nee&s. /ameas /o#l Mer"e. Re8#ires Ci7t#rn.0& The Dolem '#rns te Caster into an /tone E#""erna#t for > t#rns, oter!ise same as lemental Form. Re8#ires 1?Ci.& The Dra%e /ame as te Fiss#re mane#4er. Re8#ires > Ci.2& The Duardian /#mmons a /alaman&er, a colossal &raconian reptile nati4e to te elementalplane of fire. A /alaman&er as a /tren"t of 1>, A"ility >, /tamina 1K, >? 9ealt Points, /oa% > (armor 8#ality), 1 ActionPoints, is imm#ne to fire (b#t s#ffers &o#ble &ama"e from col& attac%s), an& in combat #ses te follo!in" mane#4ers+

Cla! Ra%e, $ite, an& Firebreat (I acc#racy on all offensi4e mane#4ers). 'e salaman&er !ill fi"t to te &eat,attac%in" an& #sin" s#miltaneo#s attac%s, b#t it !onNt boter on &efensi4e mane#4ers. 'e salaman&er !onNt 4anis onits o!n, o!e4er, if te caster &oesnNt &ismiss te ma"ical beast !itin 1? t#rns, eac a&&itional t#rn tere is a ?Scance tat te caster looses control o4er te creat#re, !o in t#rn !ill remain on tis plane, #nleasin" its m#r&ero#sra"e on anytin" on its pat (startin" !it te caster). A salaman&er in tis state cannot be controlle& by any means, b#t itcan be force& bac% to te elemental p lane of fire !it a po!erf#l $anisment spell. Re8#ires = Ci.3& The Sea /ame as te /#mmon a4e mane#4er. Re8#ires > Ci.4& The Storm /ame as te /#mmon /torm mane#4er. Re8#ires 1? Ci.5& The olcano Creates a Ma"ma $last tat tar"es all oponents on te same e5. Re8#ires 1 Ci.1)& The 'arrior /#mmons 1&I ron Golems !it te semblances of massi4e,empty me&ie4al armors, arme& !itlon"s!or&s an& siel&s. 'eGolems a4e I? 9ealt points an& /oa% K?, &o 1&>K on s#ccesf#l melee stri%es, an& are imm#ne to pysical attac%s. Art of $rea%in" allo!s to &ama"e te "olems normally as if stri%in" !it 9ea4y P#nces. After > t#rns, all Golems 4anis.Re8#ires J? Ci.11& The 'ings tereal !in"s ta%e te caster to te s%ies. /ame as te Fli"t mane#4er. Re8#ires 1? Ci.1"& The 'ind /#mmons a irl!in&, /%y Col#mn to s!allo! all oponents in a same e5. Re8#ires 1I Ci.

'e &ec% sares a comm#nal pool of 1?? Ci for !or%in" all te car&sN ma"ical effects. For combat p#rposes, all ma"ical effects an& s#mmons(e5cept for te /alaman&er) a4e a combat acc#racy of te casterNs Foc#sJ.Re8#ire& 6e4el+ 1Prere8#isites+ ce /lic%, ce /torm $litz, lemental all, lemental Form, /o#l Mer"e, Fiss#re, Create /#mmonin" Circle,/#mmon a4e, /#mmon /torm, Ma"ma $last, Fli"t, irl!in&, /%y Col#mn(mo&ifier)Man#fact#re Cost+ 1 A&4anta"e Cost+ 7A

Dolem Ser%ant'e Golem represents te ape5 of ma"ical creations, for it is te seer creation of life fromnotin"ness. 'e creation of a "olem consists in te caster animatin" an artifical bo&y, en&o!in"it !it a life of its o!n an& limite& intelli"ence (or as limite& as its creator !ises). Bs#ally, !enone ears te !or& N"olemN, one pict#res a brainless, l#mberin" #l% of roc% or similar materialstat %no!s 4ery little besi&es s8#asin" te s%#lls of innocents. Act#ally, an encanter can ma%e

a "olem ser4ant as cr#&e or as sofisticate& as is po!er allo!s an& is personal tastes &ictate.'e bo&y of a "olem ser4ant can be 2#st anytin", pro4i&e& te caster imself crafte& it+roc% or clay bo&ies !it a #man semblance (a fa4orite), #manoi&s b#ilt fromte stitce& limbs of corpses, #manoi& Nan"elsN !it fa%e !in"s, abstract bone constr#ctions, bo&y comin" !it its o!n per%s+• !ock+ /oa% J, 9ealt , /tren"t , e5terity * (ea4y), mm#ne to slasin" an& bare*an&e& attac%s.• 9lesh+ /oa% 1, 9ealt 1?, ntelli"ence , e5terity I, Action Points .• -etal+ /oa% , 9ealt I?, $ase Pysical ama"e 1, e5terity *I (too ea4y), imm#ne to pysical attac%s. Art of $rea%in" ca#ses &ama"e as a 9ea4y P#nc.• Bone+ /oa% I, 9ealt 1>, 9alf &ama"e from slasin" an& piercin" attac%s.

Iote on Soak Golems are s#pernat#ral creat#res, an& as s#c, all /oa% is consi&ere& Armor #ality....'en come te constr#ction costs+Trait Cost Attrib#te (pysical) 1 per eac 1 Attrib#te (mental) K per eac 1 Attrib#te (Carisma) per eac 1 Action Points 1 per eac 1Ci 1 per eac K9ealt 1 per eac I/%ills 1 per eac K A&4anta"e As per A&4anta"e costCombat Acc#racy per eac 1Mane#4ers As per mane#4er cost/pell abilities /pell le4el 5

/econ&ary stats are obtaine& 2#st as re"#lar caracters. A "olem ser4ant is completely &e4ote& to

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its creator an& is imm#ne to min& control of any %in&.Re8#ire& 6e4el+ 1?Prere8#isite+ Accor&in" to te ser4antNs abilitiesMan#fact#re Cost+ Daries A&4anta"e Cost+ 7A

.=.I) Ma"ic ss#es:E#st be caref#l... for tat spell may&ama"e yo#r bea#ty...;***Merlin, :5calib#r; .

Casting -agicMa"ic is cast 4ia a spell. A spell is a brief ma"ical form#la consistin" in a series of 4erbal, somatican& (sometimes) material components, tat te spellcaster m#st follo! in or&er to pro&#ce ama"ical effect. Castin" a spell costs 1? Action Points pl#s te Ci cost mentione& in te&escription of eac spell. Also, eac castin" re8#ires a roll of 1&1? Foc#s Mo&ifier Ma"iciscipline (see belo!) A DR important re8#isite to cast ma"ic is tat as eac spell re8#ires aset of post#res, "est#res, an& incantations in or&er to cast ma"ic, to !or% a spell, te sorcerer m#st be stan&in" #p strai"t (or a4in" some sense of balance at least), !it bot an&s free an&in position to speec. An immobilize& or "a""e& sorcerer canNt cast ma"ic.

 Also, te &efen&er can a&& to is sa4e roll is le4el in te ron ill &iscipline for ma"ic assa#ltstat tar"et te min&, or is le4el in $o&y 9ar&enin" a"ainst assa#lts tat tar"et is bo&y.

-agic Categories/pell Ma"ic is te most common (an& often of instantaneo#s effect) ma"ic. Rit#al ma"ic #secomple5 form#lae tat "ets te caster po!erf#l effects, b#t te time it ta%es to perform an& terare in"re&ients an& re8#isites tat te caster m#st #s#ally met ma%e its #se proibitory e5ceptinsi&e te casterNs lab or oter!ise a controle& en4ironment. n4ocations are spells tat &onNt tapon ran&om arcane po!ers or mortal !ill, b#t rater#se te spellcaster as a 4essel for a i"er po!er. An& finally, Metama"ic is a fiel& of spells tat are ma&e to !or% o4er anoter spell, alterin"its properties.

!esisting -agic *ssaults

:Ma"ic Assa#lts; is te term "i4en to all min&7 bo&y alterin" effects #se& by !izar&s an&oter!ise practitioners of ma"ic (not strai"t combat ones li%e a li"tnin" bolt or Ci $lasts).Ma"ic assa#lts are conteste& rolls of te practitioners UFoc#s Mo&ifier Ma"ic isciplines le4elV4ers#s &e &efen&ers UFoc#s Mo&ifier ill Mo&ifierV.

$ein"s of &emi"o& stat#s en2oy a bon#s of !ile so*calle& "o&s are #s#ally imm#ne to mortalma"ic. nanimate ob2ects a4e no sa4in" tro! (at GMNs &iscretion, e can assi"n ob2ects aplayer caracter is #sin"7!earin" te caracterNs sa4in" tro!). Animals sa4e !it a *I penalty(monsters are not ass#me& as NanimalsN). Ma"ical artifacts in possession of a caracter sa4e !itan artifact acti4ation roll.

Sa%ing throws %ersus illusionsll#sions are a 4ery special %in& of spells, for te #se te tar"ets o!n notions an& perceptions

abo#t tin"s in or&er to !or%. Act#ally, tere are only t!o !ays of sa4in" 4ers#s an ill#sion,!eter it is an ill#sionary spell or a sorcero#s effect+

(isbelief + 'is is a tric%y !ay of sa4in", beca#se !en one sees on te i"!ay a car spee&in"to!ar&s #s, yo# a4e no reason !y not belie4e te car is tere (an& 2#st abo#t r#n o4er yo#).isbelief is a matter of circ#nstances rater tan ar& an& fast r#les. en s#c circ#nstancesappen tat allo! te 4ictim an attemp to &isbelie4e, te GM allo!s im a sa4in" tro! of ill ntelli"ence Mo&ifier, te &iffic#lty bein" te spellcasterNs spell roll. f a person in a &ecei4e& "ro#ppercie4es te ill#sion an& tells te oters, e4eryone in te "ro#p can roll a sa4in" tro!. 9o!e4er,tose failin" te sa4in" !ill still percie4e te ill#sion as real, e4en !en te rest of te "ro#p %eep

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!arnin" im. Also, te !eir&er te !izar& pro4es to be to is 4ictims, te more effecti4e isill#sions may be (persons tat %no! yo# as a really spoo%y "#y !o is also a%no!n ma"ic*!iel&in" frea% !onNt be tat s#rprise& if yo# appen to Ns#mmonN a &ra"on). 9o!e4er, once r#mor r#ns tat yo#Nre an ill#sionist yo#Nre 2#st istory, e4ery person tat %no!s of yo#r ill#sions isatomatically entitle& a sa4in" tro! 4ers#s yo# ill#sionary spells #nless te ill#sion an& tecirc#nstance are really !ell planne&.

4en if te tar"et of an ill#sion is #sin" sensors or any oter ai&, letNs not for"et tat ill#sions arenot li"t on te !all or ficticio#s noise, b#t a ma"ical effect playe& in te tar"etNs min& (ie tetar"et !ill belie4e te ill#sionary &ra"on is tere an&, e4en if is termal 4ision "o""les tell imoter!ise, e !ill belie4e e is seein" affirmati4e eat si"nals an&7or any oter e4i&ence nee&e&to belie4e). 9o!e4er, beca#se of tis, an&roi&s an& oter macines are completely imm#ne toill#sions.

Po!er Armor pilots in li"t po!er armor tat stillallo! its pilot to rely on is o!n senses (e5. ronman li%e, ar&s#its, etc) are still 4#lnerable toill#sions an& oter min& alterin" effects, b#t pilots in ea4y Po!er Armor tat is completelyis#late& an& only allo!s contact !it te e5terior tro#" te armorNs sensors (ie $#bble"#mCrisisN * mo&els, Mol&i4erNs 1st prototype, etc) are consi&ere& imm#ne to ill#sions, as !ell as toany an& all min& or bo&y alterin" effects as te tr#e tar"et is not tr#ly 4isible.

#gnorance+ 'e sorcerer cy"n#s casts te ill#sion of a Me&#sa in front of t!o persons, one of tem &oesnNt rea& m#c an& so, &oesnNt %no! !at a me&#sa is. 'e first "#y reco"nizes teme&#sa for !at it is an&, #pon meetin" its "aze an& %no!in" !at !ill appens ne5t, &ies fromfri"t. 'e secon&, not %no!in" tat a me&#saNs "aze t#rns yo# into stone, 2#st stares an& attac%ste fa%e me&#sa A te caster.

Of Dods and -en As a r#le of t#mb, "o&s are "enerally imm#ne to mortal ma"ic. 'e only !ays a "o& can beaffecte& by ma"ic are te follo!in"1. 'e "o& is act#ally reincarnate& into a #manform (as in /aint /eiya or 6#nar+ te /il4er /tar).Go&s in #man "#ise &oesnNt co#nt as reincarnate&.

. 'e !izar& #ses a spell tat in4o8#es on a i"er po!er. n tis case, te !izar& is only actin"as a 4essel for sai& po!erNs !ill.

.=.) 'e is&om of A"es+Ma"ic /pells

$efore yo# say anytin", /, $6A'A'6 too% many spells from oter "ames, so "o s#e meZP

LLNPer le4elN+ /pells !it ran"e, &#ration, etc mar%e& !it te prase Nper le4elN reffer to tespellcasterNs le4el in te st#&y of Ma"ic.LLRit#als #s#ally a4e a Ran"e of N7AN, tatNs beca#se te rit#al ta%es effect !ere itNs cast.

Spell -agic -odifiers(oesnt re?uire %erbal component:6"<+ 'e spell can be cast !ile m#te or oter!ise #nable to spea%, re&#cin" its APcost by K. A sin"le spell cannot be mo&ifie& !it bot o 4erbal Components an& o /omatic Components at te sametime.(oesnt re?uire somatic component:6/<+ 'e spell can be cast !it te sin"le #tterin" of te !or&e& incantation,re&#cin" its AP cost by .Can be cast !ile #nmo4in" or oter!ise immobilize&.!e?uire material components:$"<+ 'e spell re8#ire specialcomponents in or&er to !or% (bat "#ano, a piece of leater, etc). Player an& GM m#st %eep trac% of o! m#ccomponents te caracter as in store. Also, 8#ality of components can affect te spell eiter in its fa4or or &etriment.

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!e?uire e;tended %erbal components:$1<+ #e to eiter an inefficient translation or an ol& fasione& teacer, te spellNsincantation is specially lon" an& comple5. A&& K to te AP cost of te spell.!e?uire e;tended somatic components:$1<+ For any of teaforementione& ca#ses, te spell re8#ires a specially lon", comple5 (an& often silly) set of poses an& "est#res tat lea4ete sorcerer specially 4#lnerable !ile in combat. 'e t#rn te spell is bei"n cast te sorcerer is at *1 on &efensi4e rolls to&efen& imself (an&s b#sy).

O'+ Remember, tere are a 6O' of foc#s mane#4ers alrea&y tat can acomplis a lot of ma"ical p#rposes (attac%, ealin", intan"ibility, etc.). /o Nm 2#st &ealin" !it tose spells tat

pro&#ce effects e5cl#si4e to !izar&s.

,e%el 1

*larmCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ Bnlimite&, as lon" as te spellcaster is in te same &imension as te ob2ect#ration+ Bntil tri""ere&Ci Cost+  Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spellcaster &ra!s a si"il into te tar"et, !ic can be a li4in" or #nli4in" ob2ect.From tat moment on, !ene4er te ob2ect is to#ce&7&ist#rbe& by anyone oter tan tespellcaster, a silent alarm !ill b#zz on is ea& alertin" im of te !ar&e& ob2ect. f te tar"et of 

te Alarm spell is a li4in" bein", te alarm !ill tri""er !ene4er te tar"et is facin" a life*treatenin" sit#ation or oter!ise is7er pysical inte"rity is at sta%e. Once te si"il is &ra!n intote tar"et, it &isappears into its s#rface in a matter of secon&s.

,esser #llusionCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ m. per le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 7t Area of ffect+ s8#are meters/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ A t!o*&imensional, 4is#al ill#sion tat can be as bi" as J s8#are feet. 'e ill#sion isonly 4is#al an& !onNt fool oter senses, b#t con4incin" someone in a &ar% alley tat yo#r Nbo&y"#ar&N !ill cr#s im if e tries anytin" f#nny can be !ort it.

-ystic EyesightCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 6ine of /i"t#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 17t#rn Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ ile Att#ne& martial artists an& apprentices can sense te flo! of Ci an& its !or%in"sin is s#rro#n&in"s, te e5perimente& !izar& can also tell te e5act !ays in !ic Ci is bein"#se& an& tell !eter it is te !or%in" of ma"ic or not. 'e !izar& 2#st nee&s to foc#s on a placean& te resi&#al ener"ies of te place an& ob2ects as !ell as te ma"ical a#ras of li4in" bein"s!ill become 4isible to te caster. en foc#sin" on a ma"ical artifact, te spell re4eals a#ras, b#tnot specific #ses. 9o!e4er, by foc#sin" into te artifact for K t#rns, te !izar& can see te "ostlysi"t of te artifactNs acti4ation prase (note tat acti4atin" an artifact !ito#t %no!in" !at it

&oes first can pro4e 8#ite ris%y).

-ystic -essageCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ Bnlimite&#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ 1 /#b2ect/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'is spell can !or% in eiter of t!o !ays+ eiter te spellcaster can &eli4er a mentalmessa"e to te &esire& s#b2ect, or e can con2#re a messen"er to &eli4er is messa"e for im. n

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te secon& case, te messen"er is #s#aly an pi"eon or oter animal, b#t re"ar&less of te&istance bet!een te tar"et an& te spellcaster, te messen"er !ill ne4er ta%e more tan Io#rs to &eli4er te messa"e an&, #pon &eli4erin" te messa"e, !ill al!ays 4anis (caster &eci&es o!). 'e messen"er ta%es Ci points to con2#re, oter!ise, te spell costs Ci.

Sense>See ,ey ,inesCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1> m.#ration+ K t#rnsCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'is spell enables te caster to see lei lines !it is bare eyes. 9e can also &iscern!eter te line contain positi4e or ne"ati4e Ci, te stren"t of te line, an& te &istance bet!eentat point of te line an& te nearest ne5#s point.

entrilo?uismCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ Km. per le4el#ration+ 1 t#rn per le4elCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ /pecial/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ 'is spell creates a so#n& tat seems to come from any!ere !itin te spellNs ran"e.'e so#n& can be anytin" te caster can tin% of (for imitatin" a specific personNs 4oice tecaster so#l& s#ccee& an ntelli"ence roll). At lo!er le4els te so#n& can be as lo! as a !isper or as lo#& as a me"apone, b#t i"er le4el !izar&s can e4en recreate te r#c%#s of a footballsta&i#m.

'ard %ersus 9oolsCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ One place or &!ellin"/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ One of te most #se& spells for ne! spellcasters. 'is rit#al (!ic can be cast in anyplace from a &oor to a mansion) reacts to te pro5imity of any lesser s#pernat#ral creat#re,ma%in" tem belie4e te place as a potent !ar& a"ainst creat#res of teir type. $y Ns#pernat#ralNbe state& non*#man creat#res (ies#pernat#ral monsters, 4ampires, "osts, &emons, etc). 'e Ci cost of te spell is points per !ee% te rit#al is s#pose& to last. /#pernat#ral creat#res tat enter te pro5imity of te N!ar&N areentitle& a sa4in" tro! in or&er to try to reco"nize te fa%e !ar& for !at it is. Greater s#pernat#ral bein"s (ancient 4ampires, i" ran%e& &emons, etc) a4e a bon#s to teir sa4in"

tro!. Most player caracters are consi&ere& nons#pernat#ralH o!e4er, ma"ical "irls an& oter caracters !ose po!ers come from a mystically*oriente& 'ransformation may be li%e!iseN!ar&e&N !ile in teir alter e"os. Player caracters also a4e a to teir sa4in" tro!.'iards -arkCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ A ma"ical inscription !it te !izar&Ns

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personal -si"nat#reN. On li4in" tar"ets, te !izar& mar% entitles a sa4in" tro! an&, so#l& tesa4in" tro! fail, te mar% !ill last a n#mber of &ays e8#al to te &ifference bet!een te spell rollan& te 4ictimNs faile& sa4in" tro!.

,e%el "

Breathe 'ithout *ir Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ 1 o#r 7 le4elCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spell frees one tar"et from te nee& to breat o5i"en (or !ate4er tey may nee&to breat) for te &#ration of te spell.

(imensional +ocketCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ I o#rsCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1 ob2ect

/a4in" 'ro!+ oneescription+ 'e spellcaster may en&o! any ob2ectinten&e& for stora"e (e4en yo#r pantsN poc%ets !ill &o) !it te ability to store an& #nlimite&amo#nt of items (as lon" as tey fit into te openin" orifice of co#rse) for te &#ration of te spell.'e &imensional Poc%et can be cast on ob2ects as small as a p#rse or as bi" as a safe(reasonable size, not a ban%Ns safe).

9ear Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ K yar&s per le4el#ration+ 1 sceneCi Cost+ I Area of ffect+ K meter ra&i#s/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ /ame as te A#ra of Po!er a&4anta"e, e5cept tat 4ictims are entitle& a sa4in" tro!4ers#s spell, an& any 4ictim can be affecte&, re"ar&less of !eter te spellcaster is morepo!erf#l tan tem or not.

Gnock ,esser Cate"ory+ /pellRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ nstantCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ 1 loc%/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spellcaster can open any mecanical loc% !it a sin"le to#c from is an&, nomatter size, type, or e4en if it is r#sty or bro%en from te insi&e, loc%s conce&e an& &oors opencompletely. lectronical loc%s or comple5 sec#rity systems cannot be opene& !it tis spell.

,uck CharmPrere8#isites+ ncantment 1Cate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+ J Area of ffect+ 1 ob2ect

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/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ Any small ob2ect (#s#ally rin"s, pen&ants or me&allions) can be encante& as minor l#c% carms. 'ose !earin" a l#c% carm recie4e a bon#s of 1 to all teir rolls to sa4e 4ers#ss#pernat#ral infl#ence. M#ltiple l#c% carms are not c#mm#lati4e.

,ey ,ine BranchingCate"ory+ /pell Ma"ic

Ran"e+ 1? meters#ration+ 1&I1 t#rns 1 7 le4elCi Cost+ I Area of ffect+ 1 brancin"/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 6ey 6ines can be re*arran"e& or a 6ey line brancin" can be create& temporally toser4e te sorcererNs p#rposes+ a "ro#p of eroes can benefit from a correcte& line by increasin"te amo#nt of Ci te can "ater !it ra"on Ci by 1 Ci point per point tat te !izar&e5cee&e& 1> !it is roll, or enemies can "et a nasty s#rprise as teir ra"on Ci is less eficient(te in4erse of te aforementione& #se) or &isco4erin" te ar& !ay tat te 6ey line rater carrie& ne"ati4e Ci.

+ainCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 7t#rn Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ /ame as te Psycic mane#4er or ecromancy patNs po!er. /#ccesf#l sa4in" tro!s ne"ate te effect of te spell.

TonguesCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 17t#rn Area of ffect+ K meters 7 le4el ra&i#s/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+  'e spellcaster "ains an innate #n&erstan&in" of a forei"n ton"#e, bein" able to#n&erstan& it an& spea% it !it a 1??S acc#racy for te &#ration of te spell.

See the #n%isibleCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 17t#rn Area of ffect+ 6ine of 4ision/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e caster can en&o! imself of oters !it te ability to see any in4isible or oter!iseobsc#re& creat#res. n te case of sapesifters, ill#sionary &is"#ises, etc, te caster can alsopercie4e te creat#reNs tr#e form as a "ostly form bein& te impostor. 'is last effect is noteffecti4e !en &ealin" !it normal &is"#ises, plastic s#r"ery, etc.

,e%el /9lying TransportCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ 1 o#r 7 le4elCi Cost+ J Area of ffect+ 1 ob2ect/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spellcaster encants temporarily an ob2ect of re"#lar size (a broom, motorcycle,s%ate boar&) as a flyin" 4essel. Ma5im#m ei"t is not specifie&, b#t ma5im#m spee& is >?%m7.

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.ypnotic TranceCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 1 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ K 7 t#rn Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ Dictims !o fail to sa4e !ill fall into anypnotic*li%e trance !ere tey &onNt ta%e any actions e5cept stan&in" tere #nmo4in" an& stare!it empty eyes. n te 4ictimNs ea&, e7se feels transporte& to a place f#ll of mist !ere tereNsnotin" b#t imself an& te caster. #rin" tis state, te 4ictim is more s#cceptible to min&alterin" infl#ences (te caster recie4es a bon#s to all ill#sions an& min&*alterin" effects e8#al tote &ifference bet!een is spell roll an& te 4ictimNs faile& sa4in" tro!). For te &#ration of tespell, te caster can ta%e oter actions as lon" as e %eeps foc#sin" on te 4ictim an& te 4ictimis #tterly elpless. 'e spell en&s !en te caster !ises so or !en e looses concentration.

,ocate ObHect>+ersonCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 7A#ration+ min#tes per le4elCi Cost+ K

 Area of ffect+ 'e caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 9a4in" eno#" information abo#t an ob2ect or person. 'e spell caster can int#iti4ely%no! te &irection of sai& ob2ect7personNs !ereabo#ts (not te e5act location, 2#st &irection). 'e&iffic#lty is normal !en te spellcaster as a reasonable amo#nt of information re"ar&in" tes#b2ect, b#t if te information is scarse7inacc#rate te &iffic#lty can raise as i" as 1> or ?. Onte oter an&, 4ery familiar ob2ects or persons a4e a &iffic#lty of 1?.

-agic Barrier Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ J meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ J Area of ffect+ J c#bic meters/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+  An ener"y b#bble tat can be maintaine& as lon" as te spellcaster maintainsconcentration on it (ta%es > APs per t#rn). 'e force fiel& lasts #ntil &estroye& or #ntil te caster cancels it. 'e force fiel& as an initial amo#nt of 9ealt points e8#al to te casterNsillFoc#s/tamina (Ma"ic 5) an& a /oa% 4al#e of te casters Foc#s mo&ifier. 6ost ealtpoints can be restore& to te barrier !it Ci on a 1*1 basis. 'e ener"y barrier &oesnNt mo4e!it te caster, b#t te caster can ta%e any actions insi&e it (as lon" as e still as APs after payin" te AP cost per t#rn). 'e Ma"ic $arrier cannot be ispele&, b#t it can be &estroye& !itte spell estroy Ma"ic $arriers.

-etamorphosis ,esser Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ /elf #ration+ 1 sceneCi Cost+ J

 Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spellcaster can alter is o!n form in not too &rastical !ays. 9e can become astaller7sorter as alf is size more7less. Can "ro! ne! appen&a"es (!in"s, cla!s, fan"s, a ne!pair of arms, etc), morp is facial feat#res, mo&ify is or"anism ("ills, etc), or any oter can"eas lon" as is not too &rastical.

-inor SummonsCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 7A

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#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1 creation/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spellcaster can ca#se any small ob2ect (&o" size or less) to 2#st Npop #pN fromno!ere. 'e GM !ill #s#ally asi"n a &iffic#lty to te spell roll accor&in" to te ob2ect tespellcaster inten&s to s#mmon accor&in" to its 4al#e, te caracterNs familiarity !it te ob2ect, its

#sef#lness, an& "ame balance (!ile s#mmonin" potato cips, a toy, or a s!eater is 8#itearmless for te "ameNs flo!, ta#ntin" te oter player caracters an& ten s#mmonin" abazoo%a can be a bit of an e5cess).

-ultiple #mageCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ /pecial/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+  'e spell caster s#mmon ill#sionary replicas of imself tat stay close to imrepro&#cin" is e4ery mo4e an& action. 'e caster can create as many replicas as e !ants, b#teac &#plicate ta%es 1 Ci point pl#s 1 Ci point per t#rn to maintain te ill#sion (ie creatin" Ireplicas for K t#rn& !o#l& ta%e Ci points...

I Z 1 per replica K Z 1 per t#rn). n combat, co#nt te n#mber of replicas P6B/ te caster an&ten ta%e a &ie of tat n#mber an&, #pon a s#ccesf#l attac% on Nte spellcasterN, te attac%er rollste &ie, a roll of N1N means tat te attac% s#ccesf#lly ca#"t te !izar&, an& any oter n#mber stri%es a &#plicate (te &#plicate 4anises #pon bein" str#c%). 'ere is no !ay people ta%estese replicas for real, b#t 4ictims failin" teir sa4e 4s ill#sion canNt tell te replicas from tecaster, e4en if tey memorize& te casterNs e5act position at te moment of castin".

Swim as the 9ishCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ 1 o#r 7 le4elCi Cost+ I Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e tar"et of tis spell can not only breate #n&er!ater as per $reate ito#t Air, b#talso inmerse in te &epts of te ocean !it no effects for e5cess press#re, s#&&en&ecompression beca#se of a fast ret#rnin", etc. $esi&es, it en&o!s te spellcaster te ability an&e8#ilibri#m to cast spells #n&er!ater or !ile s!immin".

Swords to SnakesCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ K meters 17 le4el#ration+ t#rns 1 7 le4elCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1&J tar"ets/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'is spell can t#rn te tar"etNs c#rrent,rea&ie& !eapon, into a ostile sna%e (or !ate4er bizzarre tin" te caster !ants) for te&#ration of te spell.

SleepCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ meters#ration+ min#tes 1 7 le4elCi Cost+ > Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ Dictims !o fail to sa4e 4ers#s tis spell are o4erpo!ere& !it &ro!siness an& !ill fallelplessly asleep in 1&I t#rns.

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,e%el 0

BefriendCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter #ration+ I o#rs

Ci Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e #se of tis spell s!itces a persons &isposition fa4orably to!ar&s te caster. For te &#ration of te spell, te tar"et !ill tr#st te caster an& be as nice to im as if e !as atr#ste&, lon" time frien&. 'e players an& GM so#l& #n&erstan& tis spellNs limitations, for e4en if te casterNs Nne! frien&N !ill most li%ely len& im money of lo&"in" for free, e !onNt &o anytin"st#pi& as fi"tin" a &ra"on. 'e somatic components of tis spell are 8#ite s#btle, so e !onNta4e to !orry abo#t bein" inme&iately ca#"t if failin".

Create Summoning CircleCate"ory+ n4ocation 7 Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ Circle of s#mmonin"/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e circle m#st be bi" eno#" to o#se te creat#re an& te caster. A NsliceN of tecircle m#st be &elimite&, as tat !ill be te area &esi"nate& for te caster, as lon" as te caster remains insi&e is &esi"nate& area e is safe from te creat#reNs !rat. Bpon performin" terit#al. te creat#re !ill appear on is &esi"nate& area !itin te circle (O'+ if tin"s "et #"ly,yo# can al!ays cancel te rit#al an& sen& te creat#re bac% ome as lon" as yo# &onNt let it stepo#t of te circle). 9o!e4er, brin"in" a stran"e creat#re to o#r !orl& is easy... con4incin" it to ai&yo# in yo#r "oals (or not blast yo# ri"t a!ay for tat matter) is a &ifferent matter (te onlye5ception to tis are lesser lifeforms or #nintelli"ent monsters, !ic are a#tomatically #n&er tecasterNs control). Once te ne"otiations are complete an& te creat#re as ma&e a &eal !it tecaster, it is safe to let it step o#t of te circle an& en& te rit#al (settin" #p a set of impenetrable!alls aro#n& te circle

co#l& elp if &ealin" !it a st#bborn creat#re). 'e caster can lea4e te circle open an& rea&y tosen& te creat#re bac% so#l& te nee& e4er presents, b#t any intelli"ent creat#re !ill see tis!it s#spicion an& is o4eral ba& form. G#i&elines for so!in" players !at is pr#&ent to s#mmonan& !ats not are presente& as follo!s.Dood Summonere4er s#mmons anytin" more c#nnin" or &e4io#s tan imself.Bad Summoner /#mmons iccolo Macia4elliDood Summoner e4er s#mmons anytin" ol&er tan imself Bad Summoner /#mmons /#b*i""#ratDood Summoner e4er s#mmons anytin" !it spellcastin" abilitiesBad Summoner /#mmons Decna

Dood Summoner e4er s#mmons anytin" !ose po!er e canNt controlBad Summoner /#mmons a fire elemental

 Also, te !ise sorcerer DR stri%e &eals !it &emons (or anytin" from te lo!er planes for tat matter). For starters, &emons &onNt feel obli"ate& to #pol& &eals !it less po!erf#l bein"s,an& so#l& te case be tat yo# ran into a &emon yo# co#l& o4erpo!er, yo# better spea%le"alese li%e yo#r secon& ton"#e for a &emon !ill A6A/ be loo%in" for a !ay to per4ert tecontract terms. LLLyes, 8#ote& from , "o s#e meLLL. 'e Ci cost of a s#mmonin" !ill 4aryaccor&in" to te %in& of creat#re te caster inte&s to brin" to tis !orl&+ from a messy 1*? for a

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lesser bein" to ?? for po!erf#l entities, s#pernat#ral intelli"ences, an& bein"s i"er*ran%in"bein"s. Also, te s#mmonin" of a creat#re re8#ires te caster to researc te creat#reNs secretname an& n#mber (te more potent te entity, te ar&er te researc !ill be). Attemps ats#mmonin" specially i"*ran%in" s#pernat#ral creat#res (&ra"on, lic, ancient 4ampire) #s#allyfail, for starters, teres no e4i&ence to &ate of a !izar& as c#nnin" as to fin& te "eneric tr#ename of s#c races, an& researcin" te tr#e name of in&i4i&#al specimens of s#c species canpro4e e4en ar&er+ for starters, !en teres &ata a4ailable abo#t a specific lets say, &ra"on, itmeans tat te &ra"on is po!erf#l eno#" for it to become tat famo#s, an& s#c potent bein"sa4e teir secrets zealo#sly protecte&, an& !ont esitate in &estroyin" anyone tat &ares to&el4e into teir secrets.

Create 'ardCate"ory+ n4ocation 7 Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ PermamentCi Cost+ 1?? Area of ffect+ /pecial/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ A !ar& is a mystic protection tat pre4ents te passa"e of sometin" into te territory itprotects. n or&er to create a !ar&, a spellcaster m#st researc eno#" information abo#t tat!ic e is tryin" to !ar& off. A !ar& can only protect a"ainst one tin". 'e amo#nt of space a

!ar& can co4er is at GMNs &iscretion,b#t itNs ne4er less tan a mansion (o!e4er, it isnNt #ncommon te tale of a po!erf#l spellcaster tat !ar&s a !ole to!n). en a creat#re tries to brea% tro#" a !ar&, it is entitle& a sa4in"tro!, te &iffic#lty 4aries !eter te !ar& is &irecte& in "eneral to!ar&s creat#res of tat type or to!ar&s tat specific bein". n te first case, te &iffic#lty is te !izar&Ns spell rollK, an& in tesecon& case te &iffic#lty is te !izar&Ns spell roll times t!o. 'e more specific te !ar&, te morepo!erf#l (tere are tales of so*calle& N!ar&s 4ers#s te s#pernat#ralN, b#t tose are as stron" as aar& 4ers#s Fools at best). it eno#" st#&y, te caster can e4en create !ar&s s#c as a !ar&4ers#s ma"ic, psycic infl#ence, fire, etc. $reace& ar&s are completely &estroye&, an& m#stbe cast a"ain if te caster !ants te place !ar&e& a"ain.

(ispel -agicCate"ory+ Metama"icRan"e+ = meters

#ration+ nstantCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ spell/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ A ispel Ma"ic can be #se& to interr#pt or &estroy any !or%in" of /pell Ma"ic #sa"e.en attemptin" a &ispel, te &ispellin" caster rolls is spell roll a"ainst te tar"et spellNs,s#ccess meanin" te a#tomatic &estr#ction of te ma"ical effect. 9o!e4er, ispel Ma"ic !onNt!or% a"ainst most rit#als, !ar&s (e5cept te ar& 4ers#s Fools), nor !ill it &estroy teencantments place& o4er artifacts or caracters !it N'ransformationsN, o!e4er, a s#ccessf#lispel Ma"ic !ill ren&er te artifact inoperate an&7or !ill force te 'ransforme& caracter into istr#e self for 1&I min#tesH artifacts en2oy a bon#s to sa4e !ile caracters !it 'ransformationssa4e !it I (caracters !osetransformations come from an artifact sa4e as per artifacts).

9lowing SpiralCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 1 7 le4el#ration+ 1 min#te 1 t#rn 7 le4elCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ Jm. &iameter 1 7 le4el/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ /ame as te 6ines patNs po!er.

Gnock Superior Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"ic

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Ran"e+ 'o#c#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ 1 sec#rity &e4ice/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ As %noc%+ 6esser, tis 4ersion as no limitations, a4in" te ability to open electronicalloc%s as !ell as any sec#rity &e4ices.

#n%isibilityCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1 Ci 7 t#rn Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e tar"et of tis spell becomes (can yo# "#ess) in4isible as per te ll#sions patNspo!er. ile 4ictims in te pro5imitiy of te caster !ill be foole& e4en !en tey a4e assistin"sensors, people in anoter rooms %eepin" s#r4eillance !ill fetc te caster if assiste& by non4is#al sensors (motion sensors, ra&ar, etc)... te n4isibility spell !ill still fool cameras o!e4er.

,e%itationCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1 Ci 7 t#rn Area of ffect+ /pecial/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e caster can ca#se one or se4eral ob2ects to float an&7or mo4e 4ertically !it teforce of is !ill. 'ere is no altitt#&e limit, b#t te caster as a !ei"t limit of J? %"s. per le4el.6i4in", #n!illin" tar"ets are entitle& a sa4in" tro! 4ers#s spell to a4oi& its effects.

,esser SealCate"ory+ Rit#al Ma"icRan"e+ 7A#ration+ K monts 7 le4elCi Cost+ ? Area of ffect+ 1 ob2ect/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e caster can seal any one openin" as small as a boo% or as bi" as a &oor. o matter te amo#nt of loc% pic%in", br#te force, or any oter means applie&, te ob2ect !onNt open. Aispel Ma"ic can try to brea% te seal !it a * penalty.

,ine ConstrictionCate"ory+ /pell Ma"ic

Ran"e+ K meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ 1 t#rn 7 le4elCi Cost+ J

 Area of ffect+  All tar"ets steppin" on te len"t of te 6ey line !it te limit of te spellNs ran"e /a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ /ame as te 6ines patNs po!er. Dictims "et a * penalty to teir sa4in" tro!

+hantasmal 9orceCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ min#tesCi Cost+ J

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 Area of ffect+ I c#bic meters/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ 'e pantasmal force is a stron"er ill#sion tat fools all fi4e senses an& can ta%e teform te caster &esires. f te ill#sion is create& after a creat#re !it combat pr#poses, it fi"ts!it all te stren"t, acc#racy, an& ferocity as te ori"inal (treat it as a creat#re of te same typere"ar&in" attrib#tes, ealt, &ama"e, APs, etc). n combat, if te creat#re is &ealt &eli4ere&eno#" &ama"e to %ill it, te ill#sion 4anises. ama"e &ealt by te creat#re to 4ictims is treate&

as st#n &ama"e (ie if te 4ictim is re&#ce& to zero ealt, #pon reco4ery, all ill#sionary &ama"e4anises.

Superhuman italityCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ 1&I t#rns 1 7 le4elCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ /elf or oters/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e caster rolls as many &1? as is le4el in Ma"ic an& 2ots &o!n te total. 'en, tecaster can &istrib#te te n#mbers as e pleases to boost any of te tar"etNs follo!in" traits+L n&#ranceL /tren"tL $asic /oa% ratin"L $asic Mo4ement rate

The -asters BellowingCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ ? %ms 7 le4el#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ I Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ Bpon meetin" a specific person. 'e caster can, at any time e may a4e te nee&,#se tis spell to %no! te !ereabo#ts of te s#b2ect. 'e caster "ets a mental pict#re of tes#b2ect an& is !ereabo#ts, an& can &eli4er a telepatic messa"e no lon"er tan K? !or&s.

'ord of BindingCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ K meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+ > Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e !izar&Ns coice spell to bin& monsters an& oter s#pernat#ral creat#res to is !ill.$ot si&es ma%e a conteste& roll of te 4ictimNs sa4in" tro! 4ers#s te spell roll. 'e caster canboost te res#lts of is o!n roll by spen&in" Ci points per e5tra point, an& can prolon"#e tebattle to se4eral ro#n&s by spen&in" K Ci points per e5tra ro#n&, b#t !ene4er te 4ictims#rpasses te casterNs roll by J or more te $in&in" is a#tomatically bro%en an& cannot beattempte& a"ain. 'e or& of $in&in" lasts #ntil someo! bro%en or &estroye&. 'ere is no limitto te type of creat#re or entity te caster can attemp to bin&, b#t tryin" to bin& a creat#re !ose

retaliation can pro4e instant an& &ea&ly so#l& fail#re appen can be ba& for oneNs ealtX. A"ain,"o&s are imm#ne (not li%e a mortal caster co#l& beat te roll of a bein" of e4en &emi"o&*stat#s)to mortal ma"ic.



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Cate"ory+ n4ocationRan"e+ 1? meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ /pecial/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+  A refine& form of !ar&in" tat res#lts in an instant banisment of a s#pernat#ralcreat#re of entity. A conteste& roll bet!een te 4ictimNs sa4in" tro! an& te spell roll ta%es place,

fail#re in&icatin" te s#pernat#ral bein" penetrates an& s#ccess meanin" te creat#re cannotenter nor e5ert any infl#ence insi&e te area as lon" as te caster is present. Greater s#pernat#ral bein"s can attemp repeate&ly to brea% tro#", as many rolls as te 4ictimNsillFoc#s. 'e sorcerer can boost te res#lts of is roll in te same !ay as in te or& of $in&in" /pell. n te case of lesser s#pernat#ral bein"s, as many of tem as te casterNs foc#scan be banise& per attemp. f te spell roll e4er s#rpases te 4ictimNs sa4in" tro! by J or more,te creat#re is eiter a#tomatically sent to is o!n plane of e5istence, or &estroye& in te case of minor creations li%e animate& &ea& (not Golems).

Clair%oyanceCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ /pecial#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1 Ci 7 t#rn

 Area of ffect+ 1 reflectin" s#rface/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e #se of tis rit#al nee&s te caster possesin" a mirror, cristal ball, or oter reflectin"s#rface. Also, te caster nee&s to possess eno#" information abo#t te s#b2ect. 'ro#"o#t te4ision, te caster can employ anoter sensory spells.

Enhance -agic 1Cate"ory+ Metama"icRan"e+ I meters#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et spell/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e spell enances te &#ration of any ma"ic #se by one step scale (t#rns becomemin#tes, min#tes become o#rs, o#rs become &ays, etc). Matc te res#lt of te spell roll !itte follo!in" cart.

!esult Steps Dained1 1 step? steps K stepsK? I steps

On a spell roll of K?, a spell inten&e& to last mere t#rns !o#l& no! last for !ole !ee%s. n or&er to enance one of te casterNs o!n spells, te ncance Ma"ic m#st be cast inme&iately beforete spell to be enance&, an& in te case of forei"n spells, it can be cast as lon" as te forei"nspell is still in effect (#n!illin" tar"ets are entitle& a sa4in" tro!). 'e Ci cost of enancin" aspell is &o#ble te ori"inal spellNs cost if te caster 2#st inten&s to enance it last N2#st a little !ilemoreN, or if e inten&s to enance it to te ma5im#m len"t a4iable to is roll.

EscapeCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ /elf #ration+ nstantCi Cost+ K Area of ffect+ CasterNs bon&s/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ One of te only spells tat &oesnNt re8#ire somatic components, it completely sets freea spellcaster from any bon&s e may be in.


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Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 'o#c#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1 Ci 7 t#rn Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ nables te tar"et !it te ability to fly. Ma5im#m spee& is ?? %m7. n combat, tecaracterNs mo4ement is &o#ble&.

#n%ersionCate"ory+ Metama"icRan"e+ K meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ I Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et spell/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e caster can re4ert any Ci #sa"e !itin te spellNs ran"e to &o te oposite of !at it!as inten&e& to &o (a /#mmon a4e can be t#rne& into a ra"in" inferno, a ar#mi E#ts# co#l&res#lt in an increase of te s#b2ectNs mass an& a Re"eneration !o#l& res#lt in a potential s#ici&e).en n4ertin" internal effects (Re"eneration, /an 9e) te caster m#st be conscio#s of !at tee5act effect is (perception roll &iff. 1> #nless te effects are ob4io#s).

-etamorphosisCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ /elf #ration+ 1 o#r ? min#tes 7 le4elCi Cost+ 1 Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e caster can t#rn imself into any material, not*completely s#pernat#ral creat#re e%no!s as small as a fly or as lar"e as a ipopotam#s. 'e caster retains is o!n attrib#tes an&intelli"ence !ile "ainin" te benefits of te creat#reNs pysical form (encance& soa% for ar&s%in, nat#ral !eapons, !in"s, etc). 'e s#pernat#ral abilities te creat#re are o#t of te 8#estion(!ile a !izar& morpe& into a &ra"on atclin" !o#l& en2oy enance& soa%, nat#ral !eapons,an& te ability to fly, e !o#l&nNt a4e te &ra"onNs breat !eapon, nor any oter mystical abilitiesof te &ra"on). ile some s#pernat#ral forms can be #se&, tose tat are too aberrant are 2#sto#t of te 8#estion (Golems, raits, etc). 4en !ile morpe&, te caster is not consi&ere& as#pernat#ral creat#re for any criteria.

-indscapeCate"ory+ ll#sionRan"e+ K meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et

/a4in" 'ro!+ oneescription+ 'e caster pro&#ces a po!erf#l ill#sion e5cl#si4ely on te 4ictimNs ea&. o one b#t te4ictim !ill percie4e it. 'e ill#sion can be of 2#st abo#t anytin" te caster can concie4e. ll#sionsof inescapable &eat (seale& cambers fillin" !it aci&, fallin" from >?,??? ft i") force te4ictim to a sa4in" tro!, fail#re in&icatin" te 4ictim is re&#ce& to zero elt points an& passeso#t from fri"t, an& s#ccess meanin" tat te 4ictim !ill a!a%en in 1&I min#tes (!it a se4erenee& of a ne! pants probably). Min&scapes in&#ce& on sleepin" people en2oy a bon#s of K tote spell roll. GMs are C6AR6 a&4ice& to forbi& tis spell to ab#si4e players.

Dreater Summoning

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Cate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ 1 meter 1 7 le4el#ration+ 1 sceneCi Cost+ ? Area of ffect+ 1 ob2ect/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ A s#perior s#mmonin" spell tat allo!s te caster to s#mmon any ob2ect sort of anairplane (small elicopters are still o%). 9o!e4er, s#c !on&erf#l creations are temporary at best.

 A"ain, GMs, remember "ame balance.

,e%el 2

ContingencyCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ ? Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ A Contin"ency rit#al is te preparation of a spell in a&4ance, !aitin" for a tri""er tat!ill acti4ate it. A spellcaster co#l& rea&y a /!im as te Fis spell for te ne5t time e !as#n!illin"ly tro!n into a lar"e bo&y of !ater or a 'eleport tat !o#l& acti4ate !en te spellcaster 

s#ffere& eno#" &ama"e to treaten is life. A sin"le Contin"ency rit#al can only contain one 1effect, b#t te caster can cast on imself (or oters) as many Contin"encies as nee&e&.

(estroy -agic BarriersCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ K meters 1 7 le4el#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ tar"et barrier /a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e only %no!n meto& of &estroyin"Gate!ays, most all or $arrier spells, as !ell as /eals an& mprisonments. or%s 2#st li%e teispel Ma"ic spell.

Enhance -agic "Cate"ory+ Metama"icRan"e+ I meters#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et spell/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'is 4ersion of nance Ma"ic boost a spell a"#mentin" its effects an&7or &ama"e.'e Ci cost of boostin" a spell is te base cost of te spell to enance all o4er a"ain. All oter con&itions of nance Ma"ic 1apply.

DatewayCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ min#tesCi Cost+ K? Area of ffect+ meter ra&i#s, 4ertical s#rface/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ A Gate!ay is a ma"ic portal to anoter place. At te moment of finisin" te rit#al(&oesnNt ta%e tat lon") a 4ertical ole rips in te air an& e4eryone present can see tro#" teoter si&e !ere te Gate!ay lea&s to. A Gate!ay can transport an infinite n#mber of personsany!ere in te !orl&.

#mpenetrable 'allCate"ory+ /pell Ma"ic

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Ran"e+ J meters#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ J Ci 7 t#rn Area of ffect+ K s8#are meters 7 le4el/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ A rectan"#lar force !all tat is completely imper4io#s to all arm+ %inetic impacts,ener"y, e5plosions, ra&iation, notin" passes tro#" (not e4en caraters in Gost Form). 'empenetrable all cannot be isplelle&, b#t it can be estroye&.

+rotection from SpiritsCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ /elf #ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'is spell constraints te barriers bet!een te spirit !orl&s an& o#r o!n aro#n& tecaster. As a res#lt, te caster en2oys a bon#s e8#al to is le4el in Ma"ic on is sa4in" tro!sa"ainst any of te follo!in"• Pysical or Foc#s &ama"e by any spirits or astral bein"s• Possession of any %in&.• Ma"ic an& psycic po!ers, as lon" as te attac%er is on anoter plane of e5istence

'e protection can be mantaine& #n&efinitely, b#t as lon" as it is on effect te spellcasterNs Cibase &rops by ? points.

,e%el 3

Create -agic SealCate"ory+ n4ocation 7 Rit#alRan"e+ ? meters#ration+ PermamentCi Cost+ 1? Aea of ffect+ 1 place/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e le"en&ary spell tat seals tin"s to ne4er be seen a"ain. 6i%e te 6esser /eal, b#tinfinitely more potent an& can seal spaces as bi" as !ole catacombs. A"ainst te estroy Ma"ic$arriers spell, te Ma"ic /eal sa4es imposes a penalty of * to te ispellin" !izar&Ns spell roll.

(imensional DatewayCate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ 1 min#teCi Cost+ ? Area of ffect+ 1 meter ra&i#s, 4ertical s#rface/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ As te Gate!ay spell, b#t tis rit#al is #se& to tra4el amon" anoter !orl&s an&

&imensions. 'e &estination m#st be familiar to te spellcaster in or&er to cast te rit#al.

-agic Far Cate"ory+ Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ n&efiniteCi Cost+ 1?? Area of ffect+ Pillactery/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ at one co#l& call an NimmortalityN spell. 'e spellcaster prepares a special piece of pillactery for transferrin" is life force tere. ile te sorcererNs life force is !itin te pillactery

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is bo&y is in a s#spen&e& animation*li%e state an& completely 4#lnerable. en anoter personcomes near te pillactery, te sorcerer can ma%e an attemp to ta%e te personNs bo&y. A sa4in"tro! ta%es place for te 4ictim, fail#re in&icatin" te !izar& ta%es te 4ictimNs bo&y an& te4ictimNs so#l is trappe& in te ma"ic 2ar. f te case be tat te !izar& is %ille& !ile insi&e te4ictims bo&y, te !izar&Ns so#l ret#rns to te ma"ic 2ar an& te 4ictim &ies. f te ma"ic 2ar is&estroye& !ile containin" a so#l, te person insi&e te ma"ic 2ar &ies. f te ma"ic 2ar is&estroye& !ile te caster is occ#pyin" anoter bo&y, e is st#c% insi&e te ost bo&y. n or&er tota%e anoter bo&y, te !izar&Ns so#l m#st first ret#rn to te ma"ic 2ar an& &iscar& te bo&y eNs#sin" at te moment. 'e cycle contin#es #ntil te pillactery is &estroye& someo! or te!izar& en&s te spell.

+rotection from the SupernaturalCate"ory+ n4ocation 7 Rit#alRan"e+ /elf #ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ /pecial Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ A more potent 4ersion of protection from spirits. ile in effect, te caster en2oys tefollo!in" benefits+•  'e caster is imm#ne to any an& all carms an& oter!ise min& alterin" effects from s#pernat#ral creat#res (a

4ampireNs "aze, te !erefo5N carms, etc).• /#mmone&, e5traplanar creat#res canNt enter in pysical contact !it te caster #nless e !ants to.• 'e caster en2oys a bon#s of is le4el in Ma"ic to sa4e a"ainst any ma"ic, psycic po!ers, or nat#ral po!ers froms#pernat#ral creat#res.

'e protection can be mantaine& in&efinitely, b#t!ile &oin" so, te casterNs base Ci &rops by I?S

Spell TurningCate"ory+ Metama"icRan"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ nstantCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et spell/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'e #ltimate ma"ic protection, consistin" in t#rnin" a spell tar"ete& at te caster bac%

to!ar&s te offen&in" spellcaster. For it to !or%, a s#ccesf#l sa4in" tro! m#st be ma&e by tecaster.

,e%el 4

#mprisonmentCate"ory+ n4ocationRan"e+ ? meters#ration+ Permament #ntil free&Ci Cost+ ?? Area of ffect+ tar"et creat#re/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e most po!erf#l in4ocation maybe, tis spell can imprison fore4er a s#pernat#ralcreat#re or e4il entity insi&e a place or ob2ect. Once imprisone&, te creat#re enters in a state of s#spen&e& animation an& is trappe& #ntil free& someo!. 'is spell can imprison e4en a "o&, b#t

if tatNs te case, te mprisonment spell m#st be learne& to imprison tat "o& specifically (ie if yo# !ant te spell to !or% on anytin" else, b#y it a"ain). Places !ere a po!erf#l bei"n isimprisone& can be i&entifie& beca#se teyNre #s#ally also s#rro#n&e& by DR po!erf#l ar&san& /eals. 9o!e4er, as is te case !it /eals, mprisonments are not perfect, an& eno#" timeof researc can lea& to te !ay of &estr#ctin" an mprisonment or a /eal (o!e4er, some mayta%e as lon" as cet#ries or e4en millenia to fi"#re o#t accor&in" to o! po!erf#l te bein" !oplace& te /eal or mprisonment !as). As !it te Ma"ic /eal, mprisonment imposes a *penalty to all attemps of #sin" estroy Ma"ic $arriers. 'ere is no sa4in" tro!, b#t for imprisonin" bein"s of &emo"o& stat#s an& i"er, te casterNs spell roll m#st be K? or i"er.

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-etamorphosis OthersCate"ory+ /pell Ma"ic

Ran"e+ 1 meter 7 le4el#ration+ /pecialCi Cost+ ? Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ 'is i&eo#s spell transforms an #nfort#nate 4ictim into anoter creat#re. 'e 4ictimtransforms into te ne! creat#re completely, a&optin" all its feat#res, pysical an& mentalattrib#tes, an& s#pernat#ral abilities (so#l& tere be any). For all effects, te 4ictim is no! acreat#re of tat type. f te ne! form is tat of an #nintelli"ent creat#re, !it time te 4ictimNs min&an& personality !ill fa&e a!ay as e slo!ly becomes tat creat#re. f te ne! form is anintelli"ent creat#re, soon te transforme& 4ictim !ill start tin%in" an& bea4in" 2#st li%a acreat#re of tat type (a #man t#rne& into a "oblin !ill soon start tin%in" li%e a "oblin, li%in""oblin tin"s, an& e4en stop tin%in" imself as a #man in a "oblinNs bo&y, b#t a tr#e "oblin).Only anoter Metamorposis+Oters can ret#rn te s#b2ect to is ori"inal form. 'e oter only

!ay o#t from a metamorposis is o4ercomin" te ma"ic before it is too late+ eac !ee% te 4ictimis entaile& anoter sa4e 4ers#s spell #ntil te 4ictims min& is completely morpe&.

-etamorphosis SupremeCate"ory+ /pell Ma"icRan"e+ /elf #ration+ 1 sceneCi Cost+ >? Area of ffect+ Caster /a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e #ltimate metamorposis spell. M/ (not microsoft) can t#rn te spellcaster into anycreat#re e &esires belo! &emi"o& stat#s for te &#ration of te spell. 'e forms te caster ass#me possesses all pysical an& s#pernat#ral abilities of te ori"inal, incl#&in" ealt points,pysical attrib#tes, etc. 'e caster retains is o!n mental attrib#tes o!e4er. e4erteless,spellcasters are a&4ice& tat, as !ell as "ettin" is ne! formNs po!ers, tey also "et teir !ea%nesses (a caster !o morps into a !ere!olf is 4#lnerable to sil4er an& so)... moreo4er,!ile morpe&, te caster is ass#me& a s#pernat#ral creat#re for all effects (can be $anise&,controle&, imprisone&, etc).

+ermanencyPrere8#isites+ ncantment Cate"ory+ Metama"ic 7 Rit#alRan"e+ 7A#ration+ PermamentCi Cost+ 1? Area of ffect+ tar"et spell/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ As te name implies, tis spell ta%es any Ci !or%in" an& ma%es it permanent. iletis co#l& be a blessin" for most effects, for oters co#l& be te be"inin" of a ni"tmare.

9orgotten Spells $ The -agic of,egends

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 As te name implies, tis is te %in& of ma"ic tat player caracters !ill DR a4e... b#t Nmp#ttin" ere 2#st so tey %no! it e5ists. 9o!e4er, if a player ano#nces eNs retirin" is caracter,ten learnin" one of tese mi"t be a "reat !ay of eiter retirin" te caracter or t#rnin" it into anPC.

Call of EmpowermentPrere8#isites+ ncantment =

Cate"ory+ n4ocation 7 /pell of 6e"en&Ran"e+ = meters#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ one

escription+ 'e misterio#s meto& o! te Nmystic campionsN are create&. 'e tar"et of tis spellis empo!ere& as per te 'ransformations section of te /#per#mans C#ttin" &"e. mpo!ere&caracters !ill still nee& to pay in e5perience points for teir ne! po!ers, b#t tey are notre8#ire& to pay #p*front.

(estroy -agicCate"ory+ /pell of 6e"en&Ran"e+ 6ine of si"t#ration+ nstant

Ci Cost+  Area of ffect+ 1 tar"et/a4in" 'ro!+ /pecial

escription+ 'e most effecti4e !ay to &estroy any Ci !or%in". /pell ma"ic an& oter Ci !or%in"sare inme&iately an& a#tomatically interr#pte&7 &ispelle& (no sa4in" tro!). Artifacts are eiter &estroye& or t#rne& into #seless 2#n% an& empo!ere& caracters are left strippe& of teir po!ers(artifacts an& 'ransformation caracters en2oy a sa4in" tro!...not li%e yo#Nre "onna beat te rollof someone as po!erf#l as to %no! tis spell any!ay...).

#mmortalityCate"ory+ /pell of 6e"en&Ran"e+ 7A#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ /elf or oters

/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

'e s#b2ect of tis spell !ill ne4er "ro! any ol&er, an& !ill li4e fore4er #ntil &estroye& (tecaracter is immortal, not in&estr#ctible).

#n%ulnerabilityCate"ory+ /pell of 6e"en&Ran"e+ 7A#ration+ PermanentCi Cost+  Area of ffect+ /elf or oters/a4in" 'ro!+ e".

escription+ /elf*e5planatory... te caracter is imper4io#s to all forms of pysical arm an& is only4#lnerable to te passa"e of time. 9o!e4er, remember tat psycic abilities an& spell ma"ic canstill a4e effects on an in4#lnerable caracter, as are st#n*"#ns, Dital Points, "as, etc (o!e4er,

ma"ical ener"y attac%s !ill still bearmless, as !ill be letal "as, etc).

Sorcerery +aths/orcerery pats are te foc#se&, limite& pats topo!er p#rs#e& by sorcerers. 'e learnin" of tese pats &oesnt re8#ire tat te caracter possesses te Ma"ic style, b#t so#l& tat be te case, te caracters le4el in Ma"ic is a&&e& toall atemps to !or%s sorcerery.

/orcerery pats are ac8#ire& 2#st as &isciplines as costs is concerne&, an& #sin" teir po!ers

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!or% same as !or%in" ma"ic. All oter r#les re"ar&in" te !or%in" of ma"ic apply.

(i%inationile not necessarily psycics, sorcerers still a4e teir o!n means to loo% bot into te f#t#rean& fara!ay places, amon"st oter tin"s.1. See *uras 'e first tin" a &i4iner learns is to reco"nize !at is in front of yo#r eyes. /ame as te psycic A#rapo!er.

. (etect ,ie 'is spell !ill, after a 8#estion is as%e& to someone, to ca#se te oter personNs a#ra to "lo! in re& if eNslyin". Costs Ci per 8#estion.K. 9ind 'e &i4iner no! can tell te localization of a specific ob2ect or person pro4i&e& e7se as eno#" informationabo#t te ob2ect7person. 'is !ont tell te &i4iner te e5act localization of te ob2ect, b#t !ill "#i&e te &i4iner on is7er !ay li%e a compass. Costs 1? Ci per o#r of searcin".I. (etect Scrying At tis point, te &i4iner can tell some more interestin" tin" !en eNs bein" !atce&, !eter pysically, ma"ically or by any oter means. 'is costs no Ci, is constant an& a#tomatic.. ,egend ,ore 'is po!erf#l form of &i4ination can, 4ia a o#r lon" rit#al, tell te !ole story of a specific ob2ect. f cast on a person, te spell !ill re4eal e4erytin" abo#t te person, e4en tin"s te person im7erself &i&nNt %no!. Costs? Ci.J. (i%ine *ssistance en sorcerers are in nee& of some serio#s a&4isement, tey can #se tis incre&ible form of &i4ination tat consists in contactin" bein"s from i"er planes of e5istence. 'is spell is "enerally #se& only !en tesorcerer is in nee& of a %no!le&"e totally #nreacable to te mere mortals, an& it better be, ca#se tese po!erf#l bein"sonly atten& to tr#ly important 8#estions, an& tri4ial tin"s !ill only offset tem sen&in" a po!erf#l c#rse o4er te sorcerer.'is rit#al can only be &one once a mont an& costs ?? Ci.

Elemental +ower 'e lemental Po!er Pat is a little &ifferent from oter Ma"ic Pats in tat it "rants access to4ario#s elemental mane#4ers, b#t &oes not act#ally pro4i&e any po!ers in an& of itself. enlearnin" tis Pat, coose one elementH for e4ery le4el of lemental Po!er, te caracter canlearn one mane#4er of tat element, by payin" for it normally, to#" /#per mane#4ers cannotbe selecte& #ntil te caracter reaces le4el in tat Pat.

ote tat a caracter cannot select an element tat &oes not fall !itin te set of elements #se&by teir ma"ic systemH !estern ma"es are limite& to eart, air, fire an& !ater, Eapanese to stone,air, fire, !ater, an& !oo&, Cinese to stone, fire, !ater, metal, an& !oo&, an& so fort.

Enchantmentncantment is te ability to place mystical po!er into ob2ects to 4aryin" &e"rees. 'e mostcommon #se for tis is in te creation of artifacts. R#les for artefact creation are incl#&e& in teMa"ica Artifacts section of tis capter. 

.ealing'e 9ealin" Pat enables te caracter to eal oters in 4ario#s !ays, ran"in" from te sootin"of pain all te !ay #p to act#al res#rrection.1. Soothe+ 'e caracter can soote pain !it a to#c. 'is costs 1 ci per min#te.. Cure -inor (iseases 'e caracter is able to c#re minor &iseases, s#c as col&s an& so fort. Costs J Ci.K. .eal ,ight 'ounds 'e caracter can eal minor pysical &ama"e, #p to 1&J 9ealt. Costs I Ci.I. Cure -aHor (iseases 'e caracter is able to c#re more serio#s &iseases, s#c as te f l#. Costs 1? Ci.. 9eal Ma2or o#n&s+ 'e caracter can no! eal &eeper !o#n&s, #p to &J 9ealt at a time. Costs > Ci.J. Cure Chronic (iseases 'ro#" an e5ten&e& rit#al, te caracter can p#t an en& to oter!ise inc#rable (b#t non*letal) &iseases an& &isor&ers, s#c as artritis, epilepsy, an& so fort. Costs K? Ci.. -ental Surgery 'is potent ability enables te caracter to perform a :psycic s#r"ery,;, mentally performin" act#als#r"ical proce&#res !ito#t piercin" te s%in. 'e #ses an& effects of tis 4ary an& are left to te GMs &iscretion. Costs1 Ci.

>. Cure ,ethal (iseases At tis point te caracter is capable of tr#ly mirac#lo#s feats – tey can act#ally eliminateletal &isor&ers, s#c as A/ an& cancer. 'is re8#ires an e5tremely len"ty rit#al, often lastin" many &ays, an& aminim#m of ?? Ci.=. !esurrection 'e #ltimate in ealin", te caracter can ca#se a person !o as &ie& to come bac% to life. 'is m#stbe performe& !itin a !ee%, an& re8#ires a len"ty rit#al an& a minim#m of I?? Ci. 9o!e4er, res#rrection as been%no!n to a4e some #nforeseen effects<

#llusion'e Pat of ll#sion is at once one of te most feeble an& po!erf#l of te pats. t enables tesorcerer to create #nreality. ll#sory ma"ics can &ecei4e te min& as !ell as te bo&y, an& if one

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is too belie4in", te effects of an ill#sionists !eb of &eception can become all too real. All r#les for ill#sions apply.1. Sound #llusion 'is allo!s te sorcerer to create an a#&io*only ill#sion. 'ose affecte& by it !ill ear !ate4er tema"e !ises, to#" te so#n&s !ill not be real an& t#s !ill not so! #p on sensors or recor&in" &e4ices of any sort.Costs J Ci.. See Through #llusions 'is "i4es te caracter an innate ability to sense !eter or not sometin" is an ill#sion, an&e4en bloc% o#t its infl#ence entirely if tey so &esire. 'e ill#sionist a#tomatically "ets a sa4in" tro! !en presente& !itan ill#sion.

K. -ultiple #mage /ame as te le4el K ma"ic spell.I. *lter Self 'is spell allo!s te caster to ma%e teir o!n o#t!ar& appearance seem &ifferent. 'is may be some s#btlecan"es, or tey may appear to be an entirely &ifferent person. Re"ar&less, tey cannot normally be &istin"#ise& from!at tey see% to imitate, pro4i&e& tey ma%e te spell castin" roll. Costs > Ci an& lasts #p to 1 o#r per le4el of tePat.. #n%isibility 'is enables te caracter to become impossible to &etect by 4is#al means. 'is effecti4ely allo!s tecaracter to mo4e #nnotice& in most cases, pro4i&e& tey can mo4e 8#ietly an& so fort. n4isibility cannot normally bemaintaine& in combat (attemptin" to &o so re8#ires a Foc#s roll to maintain te in4isibility after eac action ta%en), an&t#s te ma"e !ill normally reappear after attac%in" or bein" it. Costs 1? Ci an& !ill last #p to K? min#tes per le4el of te Pat.J. (ispel #llusions 'e caracter can ca#se ill#sion to be cancele&, effecti4ely eliminatin" all of teir effects !it tisspell. Costs > Ci.. +hantasmal 9orce 'is spell s#mmons fort a comple5 ill#sion of a person or creat#re of some sort. t can be asbea#tif#l, orrific, or plain as te casters ima"ination can con2#re, an& can be of 4irt#ally anytin". /#c an ill#sion !illloo% an& so#n& 8#ite real, b#t as no affect on ones senses of to#c, smell, an& so fort. Costs 1> Ci.>. +hantom *rmor 'is spell ca#ses te caster to be s#rro#n&e& by ill#sory armor. Oponents en"a"e& in melee

s#bconscio#sly it te caster as if e !as armo#re&, "rantin" im a bon#s of Armor #ality to is /oa% e8#al to is le4elin te ll#sion pat. Costs 1 Ci an& lasts a !ole combat scene.=. +hantom 9lame 'is spell creates a "o#t of flame (effecti4ely a Contin#o#s $last Flamin" Ci $last), !ic &oess#b&#al &ama"e. Costs > Ci.

,ines'e pat of 6ines enables te caracter to sense an& manip#late te ra"on 6ines (also %no!nas 6ey 6ines) tat criss*cross te entire art, tro#" !ic Ci constantly flo!s.1. Sense ,ines 'e caracter can, by concentratin", mentally sense te presence of ra"on 6ines !itin 1?? feet, an&&etermine te &irection of teir f lo! an& !eter tey contain positi4e or ne"ati4e Ci.. (ragon Chi /ame as te e"ati4e Ci ability from te Mystic Martial Arts C#ttin" &"e.K. (raw ,ine 'is po!er enables te caracter to &ra! a line of Ci in te air. 'is can ser4e a n#mber of p#rposes. Alls#c line &ra!in"s !ill last for one min#te per point of te caracters Foc#s. Obstr#ctions create& by te ra! 6ine abilitycan pre4ent anytin" containin" ci from passin" (i.e.anytin" li4in", as !ell as spirits, ci blasts an& !atnot). 'e ma"e!ill be #naffecte& by s#c, an& pysical bein"s are entitle& a sa4in" tro! to attempt to pass tro#".

Barrier> For J Ci te caracter can create a !all o#t of ci, !ic tin"s cannot pass tro#".

Flo+ing Spiral> 'e Flo!in" /piral is a ci form tat can eiter "ater ambient ci an& p#ll it into te "ro#n&(/piral of rainin" Ci), or p#ll ci o#t of te eart an& sprea& it tro#" te area (/piral of Propa"atin" Ci). neiter case, tis creates a fiel& !ic completely &isr#pts ci*base& attac%s of all sorts. 'e creator of a Flo!in"/piral m#st &eclare !eter it affects Positi4e or e"ati4e Ci. Costs 1? Ci.=not o" :.struction> 'e ma"e &ra!s a comple5:%not; of ci tat co4ers an area of #p to feet per le4el of te Pat. 'e not creates a Ci barrier s#c tattin"s can neiter enter or lea4e te area of effect. Costs 1 Ci.

I. ,ine (rifting 'is allo!s te caracter fly, carrie& alon" by te flo! of Ci tro#" te ra"on 6ines. 'is as telimitation tat tey cannot fly !ere tere arent any 6ines. M#ltiply te caracters Mo4e by te n#mber of Ci points tatco#l& be &ra!n !it ra"on Ci. Costs 1? Ci.. ,ine Sight 'is allo!s te caracter to act#ally see te ra"on 6ines !it teir o!n eyes, at !ill.J. Re&ra! 6ine+ 'is spell lets te caracter can"e te pat of an e5istin" ra"on 6ine. 'is is most often #se& !en teposition of te line creates a #rtf#l flo! of ci. 'is re8#ires an e5ten&e& rit#al an& costs a minim#m of K? Ci.. ,ine Constriction 'is is one of te fe! combati4e #ses of te linesH te caracter m#st stri%e te "ro#n& !it teir fist, sen&in" a car"e of ci tro#" a ra"on 6ine to!ar&s an opponent (!o m#st also be stan&in" on a line). f tis is#se& s#ccessf#lly, te opponent !ill be el& in place (as per /an 9e) for a n#mber of t#rns e8#al to te sorcerers Foc#s 6ines. Bsin" tis costs > Ci an& > APs. f GMs nee& elp &eci&in", an opponent in combat as a KS cance of bein"stan&in" on a ley line per t#rn.

Iecromancyecromancy is te mystical art of &ealin" !it &eat an& te &ea&. Alto#" ecromancers arenot necessarily e4il per se, tey are #s#ally 8#ite insane, an& in any case, bein" one is, in mostc#lt#res, a ma2or sti"ma.1. +ain+ /ame as te psycic mane#4er, can bemaintaine& as lon" as te sorcerer %eeps cantin" an& concentratin".K. Curse+ At tis le4el, te necromancer reaces te sympaty of te &ea& to &o some tin"s in teir name. 'e caracter can be!itc anoter person !it a c#rse, tese c#rses are minor an& armless, b#t fr#stratin" eno#". it effects li%e

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al!ays steppin" on &o" e5crement !ere4er tere is, bein" it by someone elseNs bas%etballs, slippin" on a banana peel,etc. Dictims failin" teir sa4in" tro! are affecte& as per te c#rses terms #ntil tey fin& anoter sorcerer for a&4isementon o! can tey remo4e te c#rse (as te c#rses are 4ery minor only te player im7erself can remo4e te c#rse fromis7er so#l). 'e meto&s for remo4in" c#rses can be as ar&, easy, ri&ic#lo#s or e4en ilario#s as te GM sees fit.Costs 1J Ci.I. Cause ,ight 'ounds+ At tis point is !en e4il necromancers start t!istin" te r#les. 'is is 2#st te opposite of ealin", ca#sin" 1&J points of &ama"e (non*soa%able) Can be resiste& !it a sa4in" tro! roll. Costs Ci.. Contagion+ 'e re4ersal of te c#re &iseases spell. 'is spell !ill ca#se te 4ictim to feel !ea%ene& (*K to all rolls) for 

as many &ays as te sorcererNs necromancy le4el. ill ne"ate any form of ealin" po!er an& !ill be ne"ate& by a c#re&iseases. Can be resiste& !it a sa4in" tro!.J. *nimate>Control the (ead en &one on a place !it corpses (in4o%in" tis on t a4en#e or isneylan& 2#st !ont!or% Lcentral par% maybeL) !ill raise 1 corpse per point of foc#s. 'ese animate& &ea& a4e 1 ealt points, a soa% of K,I on base &ama"e, a base acc#racy of te sorcererNs Foc#snecromacy, an ntelli"ence of K an& K mane#4ers (li"tp#nc, li"t %ic% an& "rab). 'e animate& &ea& can only ta%e simple comman&s li%e Q&efen&Q or Q%illQ or Qbrin"Q etc. 'iscosts 1? Ci per corpse.. Speak with the (ead 'is is a 4ery o&& form of &i4ination tat consists in a rit#al in !ic te necromancer m#st be ina cemetery, ten "etimself a corpse. 'e sorcerer m#st paint a penta"ram in "oatNs bloo& !it te &ea& bo&y in tecenter an& can&les s#rro#n&in"+ as many can&les as te &ecease&Ns a"e. 'e circle !ill ten bri"t in p#rple an& tecon4ersation can be"in+ 'e &ecease& !ill tell te sorcerer e4erytin" e %no!s abo#t a specific topic. Only one 8#estioncan be as%e& per ceremony an& only one ceremony can be &one per specific person. 'is rit#al costs >? Ci an& canonly be performe& once per a mont &#rin" a f#ll moon.>. Enfeeblement+ /n#ffs o#t te life force of anyone !itin 1 e5 per point of foc#s. Dictims failin" teir sa4in" tro!loose 1 point of a"ility per point e5cee&in" te lo!est roll amon" te conten&ers. 6ost a"ility points can be reco4ere& 4iare"eneration or ealin" po!ers, or 1 point per &ay of rest.=. Energy (rain 'is ability re8#ires pysical contact !it te 4ictim ten spea%in" te tri""er !or&s. 'e 4ictim m#st &o

a stamina roll, if e7se fails, a p#rple "lo!in" !ill co4er te t!o in&i4i&#als, ten, te 4ictim !ill loose 1 a"ilitypoint....permanently.

Summoning'e pat of /#mmonin" enables te caracter to call fort &ifferent types of bein"s an& ma"icallyforce tem into ser4ice. ee&less to say, its best to be 4ery caref#l !it tis %in& of ma"ic. All/#mmonin" spells re8#ire some amo#nt of rit#al preparation. n all cases, creat#res s#mmone&are not re8#ire& to &o anytin" te caster !ants, #nless a $in&in" spell is cast #pon tem as !ell.1. Simple 'ard 'is is te ability to create a !ar&, !ic appears as a piece of paper in te case of most asterntra&itions, to#" a 4ariety of oter forms are possible, &epen&in". en place& on a person or place, it ser4es to repel apartic#lar type of creat#re or bein" of s#pernat#ral nat#re. /#c bein"s attemptin" to come !itin 1? feet of te !ar& m#sts#ccee& a sa4in" tro!.. Summon ,esser *nimals 'is spell allo!s te caster to s#mmon to tem a relati4ely small animal (a &o" is abo#t telar"est it can call fort). 'is creat#re m#st be !itin fi4e miles le4el of /#mmonin". Cost is I Ci.K. -inor Binding 'is spell forces a s#mmone& creat#re (cannot be #se& e5cept on creat#res tat a4e 2#st been

ma"ically s#mmone&) to obey 4erbal comman&s from te caster. 'ese are ma"ically translate& so tat te s#b2ect canear an& #n&erstan& tem. Comman&s must be obeye&, #nless te s#b2ect ma%es a s#ccessf#l sa4in" tro!. 'is spelllasts 1? o#rs per le4el of /#mmonin". Cost is > Ci.I. Summon Spirits 'is spell !or%s m#c te same as /#mmon 6esser Animals, e5cept tat it calls fort a spirit of some sort. Cost is J Ci.. Summon Dreater *nimals 'is spell is more or less te same as /#mmon 6esser Animals, e5cept tat it can be #se&to s#mmon m#c lar"er beastsH elepants, ti"ers, orses, etc. Cost is > Ci.J. -aHor Binding A more a&4ance& bin&in" spell, tis allo!s te caster to mentally comman& te s#b2ect in a&&ition to4erbal comman&s. n eiter case it is still possible for tem to resist, b#t tere is a *1? penalty to attemptin" to &o so.Mental comman&s &o not #se #p any APs of te caster. 'is lasts for 1J o#rs per le4el of /#mmonin". Cost is 1J Ci.. Summon .uman 'is spell calls fort a #man bein". 'e caster can "i4e some amo#nt of criteria in te spell(to#" s#mmonin" a specific person is not possible #nless tey are !illin"), b#t te person m#st be !itin 1? miles per le4el of /#mmonin". Cost is 1? Ci.>. (ismissal 'is spell cancels a $in&in" spell, !eter it !as cast by te caster or anoter sorcerer. f te bin&in" !ascast by te caster, te s#b2ect !ill a4e no memory of !at appene& bet!een teir initial s#mmonin" an& te present,#nless te caster !ises oter!ise.=. Summon ,esser -onster 'is spell calls fort a lesser s#pernat#ral creat#re, s#c as a 4ampire or ten"#. At tispoint, te sorcerer is "ettin" into some rater &an"ero#s st#ff, an& tis spell so#l& &efinitely be #se& !it "reat care.Most monsters can &o some serio#s &ama"e, an& !onNt be too appy at bein" s#mmone& a!ay from !ate4er tey !ere&oin". Re"ar&less, te creat#re m#st be !itin ? miles per le4el of /#mmonin". Cost is 1 Ci.1?. Summon Dreater -onster An e4en more a&4ance& s#mmonin" spell, tis allo!s te sorcerer to call fort bein" #pto a &ra"on. 'o say tat one so#l& be caref#l !it tis is an #n&erstatement. A ba&ly treate& &ra"on (re"ar&less of te4ariety) is probably "oin" to be rea&y, !illin", an& able to obliterate any spellcaster foolis eno#" to attempt to coercetem into ser4ice. Ran"e is #nlimite&. Cost is K? Ci.

'arding'e Pat of ar&in" enables te caracter to create !ar&s, pieces of paper inscribe& !it

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mystical calli"rapy, ma%in" tem instr#ments of ma"ical po!er. 'is is most often #se& topre4ent bein"s from enterin" or lea4in" an area, b#t te tere are co#ntless oter #ses.1. Charms+ 'e ma"e is able to create simple carms. 'ese can a4e only te most minor of effects, an& are #s#ally tesort tat "rant "oo& l#c%, "oo& ealt, !ar&s to repel &emons (basically !arnin" si"ns sayin" tat "oin" in !o#l& be ba&for teir ealt – only !or%s a"ainst really st#pi& or s#perstitio#s ones), an& so fort. 'e ma"ical po!er containe& intese is 4ery minor (s#c tat teir effects are left #p to te GMs &iscretion) an& tey &o not cost any Ci to create.. Spirit 'ard o! te caracter can start to &o some serio#s st#ff !it teir %no!le&"e. /pecifically, te caracter cancreate a !ar& to repel spirits. en te !ar& is create& te ma"e ma%es te #s#al roll, an& any s#c e4il infl#ences tat

mi"t attempt to enter te area of te !ar&s infl#ence m#st s#ccee& a sa4in" tro!. 'is costs I Ci, to#" te caster may increase te effecti4e castin" total (tereby ma%in" it more &iffic#lt for tin"s to "et in) by for eac a&&itional pointof Ci spent.K. 'ard of Sleep o! !ere "ettin" some!ere. 'is is a !ar& !ic !en acti4ate& ca#ses someone to fall asleep for a minim#m of min#tes per le4el of te Pat. 'e !ar& m#st be p#t near tem if tey sleep !illin"ly, or on teir person(preferably te foreea&) if tey &ont !ant to sleep. Costs 1? Ci.I. Being 'ard 'is f#nctions e5actly te same as te /pirit ar&, b#t !ill affect a partic#lar type of pysical bein"(&esi"nate& by te caster). Costs I Ci.. +ain 'ard 'is is similar to te ar& of /leep, e5cept tat it ca#ses incre&ible pain to te person bein" affecte&, s#ctat tey !ill effecti4ely be incapacitate& for its &#ration ( t#rns per le4el of te Pat). Costs J Ci.J. +ower 'ard 'e caracter is able to create !ar&s tat pro&#ce te effects of oter abilities tey possess. A po!er !ar& m#st be :pro"ramme&; to f#nction in a "i4en !ay, an& yo# m#st may &o#ble te normal ci cost of all te abilitiesconcerne&. '#s, te ma"e co#l& create a !ar& tat !o#l& fire a ci blast at any intr#&ers, eal oters #pon to#c, or !ate4er.

Chapter 2 'eapons and


J.1) eapons

.otshotting and 'eapons Caracters !it te proper s%ills (5pert+ eaponsmit eiter for melee or firearms, n"ineerin"+ lectrical for ener"y !eapons, etc.) can attempt to increase a!eapons Acc#racy or ama"e. 'e &iffic#lty for s#c roll is 1> 1 for e4ery point of increase.Only one roll can be ma&e per !ee%, an& on eac roll te caracter is ass#me& to spen& anamo#nt of money in components e8#al to alf te !eapons cost. Ma5im#m increase to eiter 

 Acc#racy or ama"e tat can be acie4e& is e8#al to alf te caracters ntelli"ence mo&ifer.

'eapon (escriptions

Type in&icates te s%ill re8#ire& to #se te !eapon an& te !eapons s#btype.• $6+ $la&es.

• $l#+ $l#nt.

• Fi+ Firearms.

• 9e+ 9ea4y Or&nance.

• Pol+ Polearms.

• '+ 'ro!n eapons.

• 7* + Or&inary (per cate"ory).

• 7P+ Po!ere&.

• 7+ ner"y.

Hands is o! many an&s it ta%es to !iel& te !eapon, 1 or . Certain caracters may be able to!iel& a *an&e& !eapon in one an&. 'a%e te caracters /tren"t, an& a&& to tan alf tele4el of te appropriate !eapons s%ill7&iscipline7!ate4erH if te total is 1 or i"er, tey can!iel& it in one an&, an& if it so#l& be 1 or i"er, tey can e4en !iel& one of tese :t!o*an&e&; s#c%ers in each an&. eapons !it an :F; in te 9an&s &escriptor are free an&e&,eiter !orn or strappe& on rater tan el&, !ic means te caracter can !iel& a !eapon in isan&s besi&es te freean&e& !eapons.

 Acc is sort for Acc#racy, an& is a bon#s or penalty tat is applie& to te roll to it !it te

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 AP (od is a mo&ifier to te basic AP cost of #sin" te stri%e #se&. Firearms an& oter ran"e&!eapons a4e no basic mane#4ers, so teir AP liste& is te total AP to #se tem in combat.

#amage in&icates te mo&ifier to &ama"e te !eapon "rants !en &oin" mane#4ers, or te!eapons base &ama"e in te case of firearms an& ener"y !eapons.

Reach is te n#mber of e5es a!ay a melee !eapon can it an opponentH ? means tey m#st be!itin te same e5. Firearms an& ran"e& ener"y !eapons a4e an a4era"e ran"e of 1%m.

Price of ille"al !eapons can be inflate& #p to 1? times teir list price at GMs &iscretion an& alsore8#ire te caracter eiter a /treet!ise roll (&iffic#lty from 1 to ? accor&in" to te re8#este&"oo&) or a4in" an Ally (as per te A&4anta"e) in te blac% mar%et. For firearms, te pricebet!een parentesis is te price of teir ammo (per bo5 of 1?? ro#n&s). 'e GM as call on!ic !eapons are consi&ere& ille"al in is settin"s co#ntry.

+iercing>Slashing 'eapons and Bleedingon*ener"y slasin" an& piercin" !eapons (b#llets incl#&e&) inc#r blee&in" in a tar"et after as#ccessf#l stri%e. 'ar"ete& 4ictims !ill s#ffer 1 point of &ama"e e4ery min#te as lon" as te

!o#n& remains open. n te case of firearms, e4en !en tere is s#pernat#ral ealin" a4ailable,te b#llet m#st first be e5tracte& from te bo&y before te !o#n& can be close& (as lon" as teb#llet remains insi&e no 9ealt points can be reco4ere&, e4en if te blee&in" is stoppe&).

-elee 'eapons

Type .ands *cc*+ -od

(amage !eac$a" a% 1 * 1 ?$attle A5e 1 *1 K 1$o 1 *1 $o%%en * 1a""er 1 * 1 ?Flail 1 *1 K 19oo% /!or& 1 *1 1

Eo 1 1 *1 1ama 1 * 1atana 1 *1 K 1ris 1 * 1#sari"ama * 176on"s!or& * K 1Mace 1 * K 1Mornin" /tar 1 1 *1 K 1a"inata 1 *1 K in2ato 1 * K 1o*aci ? 1&J ? 1#nca%# 1 1 *1 1 ?Rapier 1 1 *1 1/ai 1 * ?/cimitar 1 1 *1 K 1/i%omi*0#e *

/orts!or& 1 1 *1 1/pear * /teel ip 1 ? ? 1 'ree*/ection /taff 

? ? 1 1'onfa 1 1 *1 ?'!o*9an&e& /!or&

*1 1 1&J 1a%izasi 1 * 1ip 1 *

• Bagh Iakh+ 'is n&ian !eapon consists of a metal bar el& in te palm of te an&, !it fo#r metal :cla!s; protr#&in"from te fin"ers.

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• Battle *;e+ A lar"e a5e #se& for combat.• Bo+ A !oo&en staff from Eapan, te bo is some >*= feet lon".•  Bokken+ A bl#nt !oo&en s!or& once !i&ely #se& for practicin" %en&o –  it !as later replace& by te relati4elyarmless sinai.• (agger + 'is &escribes any n#mber of sort fi"tin" %ni4es.• 9lail+ 'is !eapon consists of a an&le !it one or more spi%e& balls attace& to it by a cain. Attemptin" to parry aFlail is 4ery &iffic#lt, an& inc#rs a *I penalty to te acc#racy.• .ook Sword+ A s!or& !ose bla&e c#r4es aro#n& to form a lar"e oo%, ma%in" attempts to isarm more effecti4e (

to Acc#racy for attempts to isarm).• Fo+ 'e Eo is a sort Eapanese staff, abo#t *K feet lon". 'e stats for te Eo can also be #se& for scrima stic%s.• Gama+ 'e %ama is a Eapanese rice sic%le, consistin" of a an&le !it a c#r4e& metal ea& attace& at a ri"t an"le.'ese are often #se& in pairs.• Gatana+ 'e atana !as te s!or& of te sam#rai. o oter !eapon !as so re4ere&H an elaborate co&e of con&#ct"o4erne& its #se, an& a s!or& !o#l& be teste& on e5ec#te& criminals, or occasionally !ate4er peasant appene& by atte time.• Gris+ ile te atana is Eapans most famo#s !eapon, te ris is li%e!ise te "reatest of n&onesia. t is a !a4y*bla&e& %nife7s!or& !eapon, te sna%in" c#r4es of its bla&e ma%in" it more &ea&ly in tat it ma%es lar"er !o#n&s an& canpenetrate bones !it "reater ease. 'e n#mber of !a4es in te bla&e is al!ays o&&, an& te bla&e is often crac%e&,s#ppose&ly "rantin" it ma"ical po!ers.• Gusarigama+ 'e %#sari"ama is essentially a %ama !it a rope attace& tat as a metal rin" or !ei"t on one en&.• ,ongsword+ 'is is a lon" &o#ble*e&"e& #ropean s!or& !it a crossbar at te ilt, #se& tro#"o#t m#c of #ropein Me&ie4al times.•  -ace+ Maces are #se& by many c#lt#resH essentially a mace is a an&le !it a lar"e, (#s#ally metal) bl#nt ea&attace&.• -orning Star + Also %no!n as a :9oly ater /prin%ler,; temornin" star is essentially a mace !it n#mero#s spi%es comin" o#t of its ea&.• Iaginata+ A Eapanese polearm, !ose #se, in te form of te martial art of a"inata&o7a"inata2#ts#, is commonlyta#"t to female !arriors.• IinHato+ 'e s!or& of te Eapanese nin2a, te nin2ato is similar to oter Eapanese s!or&s in &esi"n, e5cept in tat itsilt is lon"er tan normal an& te bla&e sorter, !it an o4ersize& an& "#ar&. 'is allo!e& it to be #se& as a smallstepla&&er, an& also te ilt an& scabbar& !ere #se& for 4ario#s p#rposes, incl#&in" storin" cor& for climbin" an& s#c.• Io$(achi+ A massi4e t!o*an&e& Eapanese s!or&, typically !orn o4er te so#l&er or on te bac%.• Iunchaku+ 'is !eapon consists of a pair of !oo&en stic%s, connecte& by a sort rope or cain. Bse& by a s%ille&practitioner, it can be a &ea&ly !eapon. 'ese can be #se& in pairs, b#t are e8#ally effecti4e !en #se& !it bot an&s.• !apier + A li"t, tin s!or& #se& primarily for fencin". As s#c, it is #se& almost e5cl#si4ely as a tr#stin" !eapon. 'estats for te Rapier can also be #se& for oter fencin" s!or&s (epee, foil, fencin" saber, etc.).• Sai+ A Eapanese parryin" !eapon, consistin" of a metal bar !it smaller si&e oo% on eiter si&e, parallel to te bar.Closely relate& to te /ai is te Eitte, !ic is basically te same, e5cept tat it only as one si&ebar. 'ere are a fe!4ariations of tis– sai an& 2itte !it bla&es, or combine& !it a "#nsen (metal fan), to#" all a4e more or less tesame statistics.• Scimitar + A lon", narro!, c#r4e& s!or&.

• Shikomi$Pue+ A &ecepti4e !eapon #se& by te nin2a, a si%omiz#e is a staff !ic conceals a !eapon, eiter a bla&eor a cain on te en&.• Shortsword+ 'is &escribes any n#mber of sort, &o#ble*e&"e& s!or&s #se& tro#"o#t #rope.•  Spear + /pears come in incre&ible 4ariety, a4in" been create& by &ifferent c#lt#res all o4er te !orl&. All areessentially te sameH a lon" pole !it a &a""er attace& to te en&. t can be #se& for melee combat, or as a tro!n!eapon• Steel 'hip+ 'is consists of a series of sort metal bars lin%e& to"eter, sometimes !it a small bla&e at te en&.•  Three$Section Staff + 'is !eapon, %no!n to e5ist bot in Cina an& Malaysia, consists of tree 1J*?; ro&sconnecte& to"eter by sort len"ts of rope or cain. t is a 4ery effecti4e !eapon in te an&s of a s%ille& #ser, a&&in" to te Acc#racy of attempts to isarm, an& 1 to tat of $loc%s.• Tonfa+ 'is O%ina!an !eapon consists of a !oo&en bar !it a an&le to!ar&s one en&, stic%in" o#t at a ri"t an"le.'e tonfa can be #se& for s!in"in" an& 2abbin" attac%s, an& is an effecti4e parryin" !eapon.• Two$.anded Sword+ A lar"e, strai"t, &o#ble*e&"e& s!or& !ic m#st be el& !it bot an&s.•  'akiashi+ 'is Eapanese s!or& is sorter tan a %atana, an& te !a%izasi is most often #se& as a companions!or& for s#c.

• 'hip+ o#r typical b#ll!ipH aro#n& ei"teen feet lon", it is #se& by certain animal trainers, p#lp a&4ent#re eroes,

tort#rers, sla4e &ri4ers, an& oter people, #npleasant an& oter!ise. t as no effect on armore& tar"ets.

-issile>Thrown 'eaponsType .ands *cc *+ (am -o%e$lo!"#n 1 J one

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$oomeran" 1 1 ICrossbo! 1 1&J Ea4elin 1 ? > K K6on" $o! 1 1? one/ort $o! 1 1? 1 one/#ri%en 1 * I'ro!in" A5e 1 ? = K'ro!in" nife 1 ? 1 K

Grena&e 1 ? /pecial 1

-issile> Thrown 'eapons !anges$lo!"#n /tren"t 5 J feet$oomeran" /tren"t 5 feetCrossbo! J?? feetEa4elin /tren"t 5 ? feet6on" $o! J?? feet/ort $o! I?? feet/#ri%en /tren"t 5 feet'ro!in" A5e /tren"t 5 1 feet'ro!in" nife /tren"t 5 1? feet

9irearms and .ea%y 'eapons

7 'eapons marked with an asterisk :7< are military artillery& +ossession of military artillery by ci%ilians is a crimein most ci%ilied countries and sanctions are no less than 4 years of prison&

•  Bantam ,auncher A portable la#ncer tat fires miniat#re bantam roc%ers. Relati4ely li"t an& easy to #se, tebantam la#ncer is brace& on te so#l&er an& fire& li%e a bazoo%a. t as fo#r cambers tat can ol& a 4ariey of bantamroc%et loa&s. t is fire& !it a pistol "rip tat as fo#r tri""ers, one for eac camber (for sec#rity reasons, only one tri""er can be acti4ate& at a time). it te ai& of te comp#ter si"t, te #ser can fire te !eapon !ito#t penalties to tar"ets asfar as I %ilometers a!ay.• lame T!ro"er: n o"en s"a!es works 8ust ike the Fire <reath maneuver on the Mysti! Martia #rtsse!tion. f ring a Gamthrower in a !osed s"a!e ike a room or 'unker, the Games automati!ay fan outand a targets inside take damage 4no ro to dodge5. The ammo "ri!e of a Game thrower is the "ri!e of asinge tank or re.• Drenade ,auncher 'e "rena&e la#ncer can fire fra"mentation or smo%e "rena&es #sin" its ran"e, b#t m#st bereloa&e& eac time it fires (I APs). 'e "rena&e la#ncer is a t#be set on a metal tripo& an& e8#ippe& !it a si"tin"mecanism. A sin"le smo%e, fra"mentation, or incen&iary "rena&e easily slips into te t#be. Bsin" te comp#ter si"t, te#ser can fire te !eapon !ito#t penalties to tar"ets as far as K? meters a!ay.• Mac!inegun: Aight ma!hineguns use ./0 rounds, whie heavy ma!hineguns uses .C0, made to engageight armor 4as in armoured "ersone !arrier5. )es"ite Reduced Damage a'iities of the target, !hara!terswi aways re!eive damage from a heavy ma!hinegun at a minimum of $ea"on e6uivaent 4evennvunera'e !hara!ters5. Ma!hineguns as we as any C.C0mm wea"ons have a /CH !han!e of "assingthrough For!e Fied-ty"e 'arriers and simiar "rote!tions.•  !ifleJ *ssault and .unting 'e lon" size of te !eapons barrel ca#ses te b#llet to be fire& at a m#c "reater spee& tan a an&"#n, a4in" a m#c "reater cance of &roppin" a tar"et in 1 sot &#e bot to increase& ner4e tra#maan& y&rostatic press#re in te bloo& (!ic can ca#se a tar"et to &rop e4en from a sot in te le")+ 'ar"ets n&#raceratin" is consi&ere& alf. Assa#lt rifles #s#ally incl#&e a K*sot "rena&e la#ncer mo#nter belo! te barrel.• S!otgun: Fu damage to a target u" to 0 he&es away, and haf damage to targets in the 2 adya!enthe&es.

Special *mmo

Mo&ifie& amm#nition is al!ays ille"al in nat#re an& tere is no !ay to ac8#ire it on le"itimatecannels, caracters intereste& in its ac8#isition m#st a4e an Ally (as per te a&4anta"e) in teblac% mar%et or man#fact#re it temsel4es. 'e &iffic#lty for preparin" special amm#nition is 1>, afaile& roll as a ?S cance of ca#sin" te ro#n& to e5plo&e, an& caracters not ta%in" teproper sec#rity meas#res re8#ire to s#ccee& an A"ility sa4e &iffic#lty 1 to a4oi& s#fferin"permanent &ama"e to teir an&s (lost fin"ers, cripple& an&s, etc).

• Depleted #ranim Core $Ri%e &nl'(: )e"eted @ranium%s density is dou'e than that of stee, and it%sthe materia 'atte tanks are made of. ersona 'ody armor 'e!omes useess as we as any armouringshort of that "resent in heavy artiery vehi!es, "ower armor, and invunera'e !hara!ters, whi!h see theirSoak !ut in haf. 20H !han!e of "ier!ing through For!e-Fied ty"e 'arriers when used on a .C0 wea"on.

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• lec!ettes $s!otgun onl'(: The round is ed with a kind of shar" o'8e!ts. The round%s "enetrationvaue is as "oor as that of the gasers 4read 'eow5, 'ut targets 'eed an e&tra heath "oint "er turn 4inaddition to norma 'eeding5 and the Medi!ine ro re6uired to e&tra!t the fragments has a -/ "enaty. ThediI!uty to !reate Fe!hette rounds is ony C.• )lasers: <y ing the 'uet%s she unti making it thin enough, the wea"onsmith "re"ares the 'uet toshatter and e&"ode on im"a!t. #rmored targets automati!ay suer haf damage, and the damage isdowngraded to ;orma vaue, 'ut tissue damage on unarmored targets is u"graded to +nergy e6uivaentvaue.•

 Hollo" *oints $+ullets onl'(: The front end is the e&"osed !ore of the round, with a hoow !avity init, whi!h !auses the round to e&"and on im"a!t, !ausing arge wounds. Targets% +nduran!e rating is!onsidered = "oints ower.•  *!osporous $s!otgun onl'(: Makes the shotgun to s"it gusts of Game. Same as the Fire'reathmanevuer from the Mysti! Martia #rts se!tion.•  Rocksalt $s!otgun onl'(: The round is ed with fragments of !rystai*ed sat to immo'ii*e thetarget with "ain without kiing him. The round does Stun )amage ony, 'ut targets% +nduran!e rating is!onsidered 0 "oints ower.• Te%on ,acketed $Ri%e &nl'(: Made for armor "ier!ing. Targets% 'ase #rmor vaue is !onsidered haf.0H !han!e of "ier!ing through For!e-Fied ty"e 'arriers when used on a .C0 wea"on.

-iscelaneous 'eapons• Brass Gnuckles ama"e to all p#nc mane#4ers. Price W.??.• Ceramic Gnife oesnt so! on metal &etectors. Ceramic %ni4es are ille"al !eapons PriceWK??.•

  -ace Ceap, le"al, an& easy to fin& self &efense !eapon. Dictims are blin&e& for t#rns6tamina sa%e BD . Price W1I.??.• Sap Dlo%e /i5 o#nces of po!&ere& lea& (or merc#ry, or !at*a4e*yo#) b#ilt into eac "lo4e.Consi&erably less conspic#o#s tan carryin" brass %n#c%les. 1 ama"e to all p#ncin"mane#4ers, b#t caracters !it /tren"t lesser tan > a4e * to te acc#racy of all P#ncmane#4ers. Price WK.??.• Taser First #se& as soc% ro&s #se& by la! enforcers, ten sootin" cables !it electro&es(ra"e I e5es), more portable 4ersions e5ist for ci4ilian #se. 'e tamest mo&els create static inte tar"ets primary ner4o#s system, !ile te more a""ressi4e ones (M) &irectly force tem#scles to s#b&#e te tar"et into a fetal position. 'ar"ets tat fail a /tamina sa4e area#tomatically disabled . 6tamina sa%e B . Price WJ??.??.

E;plosi%es and Drenade$like -issiles

#amage of e5plosi4es is illin"7ner"y &ama"e in nat#re, b#t can be c#t in alf #sin" te Roll!it mpact mane#4er. f te e5plosi4e !as tar"ete& at someone in partic#lar, te tar"et ma%es aconteste& roll 4ers#s te attac%ers attac% roll. f rater aime& at an area, e4eryone insi&e teblast ra&i#s "ets a I bon#s on teir conteste& Roll !it mpact rolls. Caracters #sin" te Roll!it mpact mane#4er "et also teir f#ll soa% to re&#ce te &ama"e of te impact.

Blast  &enotes te e5plosi4es blast ra&i#s in e5es.

Price  liste& is specifically for "ettin" te e5plosi4e 6GA66. ymanite can be ac8#ire& !ito#tproblems as lon" as te caracters %no! people in te constr#ction b#siness. 'e ac8#isition of nearly any oter type of e5plosi4es of restricte& to te military. lle"al ac8#isition of e5plosi4es

re8#ires of Allies in te blac% mar%et.

E;plosi%e (escriptions

• Bantam rocketJ antiaircraft Abo#t alf meter lon", tis roc%et can loc% onto an& trac% lo!*flyin" aircraft. Can be setto eiter trac% a eat so#rce (li%e a 2etNs en"ine) or can be &irecte& man#ally by te #ser, !o can &irect it !it tebantamNs comp#ter si"t.• Bantam rocketJ antipersonnel nten&e& to create cas#alties. /pe!s srapnel in all &irections. Caracters a4e a *Jpenalty to Roll !it mpact attempts.•  Bantam rocketJ anti%ehicular  efeats li"t armor, can also be #se& a"ainst b#n%ers an& oter ar&ene&installations. A"ainst non*mobile tar"ets, a emolitions e5pert can ma%e a emolitions cec% to &eli4er ma5im#m

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possible &ama"e !it an anti4eic#lar bantam roc%et. e"ate all /oa% pro4i&e& by armor.•  (ynamite 'is sort, tin cylin&er of e5plosi4e m#st be lit before it is tro!n or set. 6i"tin" te &ynamite is astan&ar& action. • DrenadeJ 9ragmentation As per te Antipersonnel $antam Roc%et.• DrenadeJ Das Releases a specific %in& of "as on all its blast ra&i#s. 'e ran"e of te "rena&e &epen&s on !eter its tro!n by an& or #sin" a "rena&e la#ncer+

• G&O gas 'ar"ets !o fail a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1> loose 1&I points of /tren"t eac t#rn. en te tar"etNs/tren"t &rops to zero e falls #nconscio#s. After ? min#tes, te 4ictim reco4ers all lost ability points an&

a!a%ens !it a sli"t ea&ace. 'e 5pert+ Cemistry roll nee&e& for ma%in" .O "as is a 1 an& re8#ires atleast le4els in te Me&icine s%ill (ministerin" anaestesia !ito#t %illin" te patient is ar&er tan it seems).

• Ier%e gas Attac%s te ner4o#s system in&#cin" paralysis. 'ar"ets tat fail a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1 fallparalyze& for 1&J min#tes. o pysical actions are possible. Psionic actions a4e a *J penalty. 'e 5pert+Cemistry roll for ma%in" ner4e "as is 1>. Most bran&s of ner4e "as act tro#" te s%in as !ell, ma%in" anyprotection sort of a f#ll*en4ironmental s#it #seless.

• Stinkbomb 'ar"ets !o fail a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1 become na#seate& for 1&J ro#n&s, *1? APs eacro#n& !ile in s#c a state, affecte& tar"ets cant r#n. 'e 5pert+ Cemistry roll for ma%in" stin%in" "as is 1.

• Tear>,aughting gas 'ar"ets !o fail a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1 a4e * on all teir rolls for 1&J ro#n&s, eyes%eep !aterin" an& cant foc#s si"t, ma%in" #se of psionics impossible e5cept for tose tat &oesnt nee& a4isible tar"et. 'e 5pert+ Cemistry roll for ma%in" tear "as is 1.

• DrenadeJ #ncendiary 'e napalm insi&e an incen&iary "rena&e !ill %eep b#rnin" for an a&&itional J t#rns, peopleenterin" te area s#ffer 1&J of fire &ama"e per t#rn. 'ar"ets in te blast ra&i#s of te incen&iary "rena&e at te moment of &etonation are co4ere& in napalm an& !ill b#rn for si5 ro#n&s #ntil te fire is e5tin"#ise& someo!, eac a&&itional ro#n&s#fferin" anoter 1&J points of fire &ama"e. 'e 5pert+ Cemistry roll for ma%in" apalm is .• DrenadeJ Smoke A smo%e "rena&e loo%s li%e a s8#at cylin&er on a 1*foot*lon" stic% !it small fins. 'e ran"e of te

"rena&e &epen&s on !eter its tro!n by an& or #sin" a "rena&e la#ncer. One ro#n& after it lan&s or its its tar"et,tis non&ama"in" e5plosi4e emits a clo#& of smo%e tat persists in still con&itions for 1&KJ ro#n&s an& in !in&ycon&itions for 1&K1 ro#n&s.• +lastic E;plosi%e ac bloc% incl#&es its blastin" cap. Pro&#ce a localize& blast (barely a 1 foot ra&i#s) an& can bemol&e& aro#n& a tar"et li%e p#tty. Abo#t one tent of a s8#are meter can be co4ere& !it one bloc% of plastic e5plosi4e.Caracters !it te emolitions s%ill can #se plastic e5plosi4es to &emolis tar"ets at te GMNs &iscretion. For &ama"ep#rposes, eac t!o o#nces of plastic e5plosi4es e8#al one stic% of &ynamite.

J.) Armor 

 Armor  A bon#s a&&e& to te !earers /oa% stat for resistin" &ama"e. Armor as !ell as :armor 8#ality; bon#ses to /oa% are not re&#ce& re"ar&less of &ama"e type (see Combat capter for &etails). Mo&ern armor also offers a&&itional protection a"ainst ballistic impacts, see te

respecti4e para"rap for &etails. Enc  An enc#mbrance penalty impose& on all A"ility*relate& rolls !en !earin" te armor.Price it te e5ception of Conceale& armor (!ic is a4ailable to ci4ilians to a limite& &e"ree),most bo&y armor is only rea&ily a4ailable to la! enforcement a"encies an& te military, price an&con&itions for ac8#isition by persistent caracters s#b2ect as per ille"al !eapons.

*rmor Types

• *ssault *rmor a f#ll bo&y s#it of armor. Ma&e of ea4y pa&&in", %e4lar, an& ceramics. Bse limite& to police tacticaloperations (/..A.') an& te military. Protection is #s#ally of le4el to D (see belo! te para"rap on armor types).• Battle ests incl#&e all te 4arieties of b#lletproof 4ests tat protect te #serNs torso. Mainly consistin" in %e4lar an&ceramic plates. ile most can be !orn #n&er ea4y clotin", te ne!est ones are ma&e for comfort an& areconsi&erably less b#l%y. Bse limite& to police forces, b#t are not ar& to "et if yo# %no! !o to tal% to. Protection a4ailable

from armor 'ype to for police forces an& D for te military.• C!ain-*late-Scale. and Hea/' *late armor  are not !ommon outside the #1# 4#so!iation for 1reative#na!hronism5 and simiar medieva enthusiast !ir!es. $hie most of these suits are 8ust for show, somefans !an 'e reay dedi!ated in !reating 6uaity work.• Concealed *rmor is 4ery li"t an& can be so!n into clotes for &iscreet protection, many companies offer armo#rin"of 2ac%ets, 4ests, an& trenc coats for p#blic ser4ants, an& ci4ilians ali%e. Protection a4ailable from 'ype to *A.•  Hi0Tec! Armor is only a4ailable to R3 or"anizations !it really lar"e b#&"ets, comes completely isolate& an& f#ll*en4ironmental, is comp#ter*controlle&, an& #s#ally comes !it "a&"ets of its o!n. n te DR special cases !en one of tese s!eeties &isappears from place, its fabricators are A6A/ 4ery intereste& in its retrie4al or &estr#ction (an& tat of te tief too). Protection is al!ays of 'ype D.• Impact Armor is a s"e!ia "oymer that rea!ts to kineti! im"a!ts, e&"anding and hardening. Aower thedamage !ategory of a kineti! im"a!ts 4"un!hes, 'uets, et!5 'y one 4+nergy e6uivaent 'e!omes

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$ea"on, $ea"on e6uivaent 'e!omes ;orma5. # suit of m"a!t #rmor !an 'e made to ook as su'te as a 8a!ket or !oat if needed to. @se imited to the army.• 1eater and *added: Aitte more than heavy !oth or eather "adding of !othes, whi!h often 'e!omesti and hard to move in.

Ballistic !esistance alues

n a&&ition to te liste& /oa% 4al#e, mo&ern armor treats te &ama"e of some b#llets as ormal&ama"e (f#ll /oa% applies). Armor types an& s#""este& price liste& as per te E /tan&ar&?1?1.?K as follo!s+

'ypes an& are so!n mostly for &emonstrati4e p#rposes only as most pro4i&ers rarely (if e4er) sell armor #n&er 'ype*A. Prices for tose are #p to GMs &iscretionV

• Type # :"" ,!Q /4 Special< 'is armor protects a"ainst 6on" Rifle 9i" Delocity lea& b#llets, !it nominal massesof .J " (I? "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of K? m (1?? ft) per secon& or less, an& K> /pecial ro#n& nose lea& b#llets, !itnominal masses of 1?. " (1> "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of = m (>? ft) per secon& or less. t also pro4i&es protectiona"ainst most an&"#n ro#n&s in calibers an& K.• Type ##$* :,ower elocity /3 -agnumQ 5mm< 'is armor protects a"ainst K Ma"n#m 2ac%ete& soft point b#llets,!it nominal masses of 1?. " (1> "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of K>1 m (1? ft) per secon& or less, an& = mm f#ll metal 2ac%ete& b#llets, !it nominal masses of >.? " (1I "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of KK m (1?=? ft) per secon& or less. talso pro4i&es protection a"ainst treats s#c as I A#to., K> /pecial P an& some oter factory loa&s in caliber KMa"n#m an& = mm, as !ell as te treats co4ere& for 'ype .

• Type ## :.igher elocity /3 -agnumQ 5mm< 'is armor protects a"ainst K Ma"n#m 2ac%ete& soft point b#llets,!it nominal masses of 1?. " (1> "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of I m (1K= ft) per secon& or less, an& = mm f#ll 2ac%ete& b#llets, !it nominal masses of >.? " (1I "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of K> m (11 ft) per secon& or less. talso pro4i&es protection a"ainst most oter factory loa&s in caliber K Ma"n#m an& = mm, as !ell as te treats co4ere&for 'ype an& *A.• Type ###$* :00 -agnumJ S-D 5mm< 'is armor protects a"ainst II Ma"n#m, lea& semi*!a&c#tter b#llets !it "ascec%s, nominal masses of 1. " (I? "r) an& impactin" at a 4elocity of IJ m (1I?? ft) per secon& or less, an& = mmf#ll metal 2ac%ete& b#llets, !it nominal masses of >.? " (1I "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of IJ m (1I?? ft) per secon& or less. t also pro4i&es protection a"ainst most an&"#n treats, as !ell as te treats co4ere& for pre4io#s types./#""este& Price+ W? on lar"e or&ers, #p to W=?? on sin"le*item re8#ests.•  Type ### :.igh +owered !ifle< 'is armor protects a"ainst .J mm f#ll metal 2ac%ete& b#llets (B./. military&esi"nation M>?), !it nominal masses of =. " (1? "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of >K> m (? ft) per secon& or less. talso pro4i&es protection a"ainst treats s#c as K Remin"ton (.J mm FME), K? Carbine FME, an& 1 "a#"e rifle&sl#", as !ell as te treats co4ere& for pre4io#s types. /#""este& Price+ W? on lar"e or&ers, #p to W?? on sin"le*itemre8#ests.•  Type # :*rmor +iercing !ifle< 'is armor protects a"ainst K? caliber armor*piercin" b#llets (B./. military&esi"nation APM), !it nominal masses of 1?.> " (1JJ "r) impactin" at a 4elocity of >J> m (>? ft) per secon& or less.t also pro4i&es at least sin"le it protection a"ainst te treats co4ere& for pre4io#s types (te first its &ama"e in a t#rnis al!ays i"nore&). /#""este& Price+ W1??? a piece.

'e ballistic treat pose& by a b#llet &epen&s, amon" oter tin"s, on its composition, sape,caliber, mass, an"le of inci&ence, an& impact 4elocity. $eca#se of te !i&e 4ariety of cartri&"esa4ailable in a "i4en caliber, an& beca#se of te e5istence of an& loa&s, armors tat !ill &efeat astan&ar& test ro#n& may not &efeat oter loa&in"s in te same caliber. For e5ample, an armor tat pre4ents penetration by a K Ma"n#m test ro#n& may or may not &efeat a K Ma"n#mro#n& !it i"er 4elocity. n "eneral, an armor tat &efeats a "i4en lea& b#llet may not resistpenetration by oter ro#n&s of te same caliber of &ifferent constr#ction or confi"#ration.

Custom *rmor Caracters tat for any reason !ant to ma%e c#stom bo&y armor can b#y in&i4i&#al $allistic

Plates to &o so. or%in" s#c plates, o!e4er, as !ell as %e4lar fiber into sometin" re8#ires atleast le4els in 5pert+ eaponsmit an& no less tan W??? in materials.


•  !iot Shields F#ll bo&y siel&s ma&e of transparent clear plastic. 6a! enforcements #nits#s#ally #se it in con2#nction !it assa#lt armor. en stan&in" bein& te siel&, te #ser en2oysf#ll protection a"ainst an&*to*an& an& melee !eapon combat (no &ama"e), b#t riot siel&s!erent planne& to !itstan& firearms (or melee ener"y !eapons). Bsin" a riot siel& for combatre8#ires trainin" in te /iel&s eapon iscipline ( le4els) to #se it properly. Bntraine&

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caracters a4e *I to all actions !ile #sin" a riot siel&.•  -etal Shields Ma&e for te p#rpose of fencin" areas li%e b#il&in"s an& s#c !it arme&resistance. /teppin" bein& a Metal /iel& "rants complete imm#nity to eapon 8#i4alent&ama"e an& lo!er, b#t ner"y attac%s a4e a ?S of passin" tro#", an& .?mm b#llets an&similar artillery !ill pass ri"t tro#".Metal siel&s a4e a small slit for seein"*to#". Attemps top#t a b#llet tro#" te slit (al!ays a #arget 6hot ) a4e a &iffic#lty of >. A Metal /iel& !asntmeant to mo4e aro#n& cas#ally, #sers a4e teir mo4e al4e&.• Medie/al S!ields: :rant 2 to the a!!ura!y of 'o!king maneuvers to !hara!terswith the Shied Training #dvantage.

J.K) Miscellaneo#s 8#ipment

IOTES OI E@=#+-EIT As ob4io#s as it mayso#n&, players an& GMs so#l& remember tat a4ailable !eapons an& e8#ipment is notrestricte& to tat fo#n& on tese pa"es. Caracters are able to b#y 2#st anytin" from a lantern toa car to cemical e8#ipment, etc etc etc. As a matter of fact, m tryin" to foc#s tis list on not*so*common items.

 As !it !eapons an& armor, te prices of tese items can can"e at GMs &iscretion accor&in" to

is co#ntrys economy an& common sense. $esi&es, te price for some items is s#b2ect tocan"es !it te passa"e of time (specially tecnollo"y, constantly &ropin" in price).

• Binoculars From 5 to >?5. Most commercial mo&els alrea&y incl#&e ni"t4ision an& 'otal ar%ness 'ec. Military4ersions also come e8#ipe& !it termal 4ision an& infrare&. Price W??.?? commercial binoc#lars, W1,???.?? militaryones.• Camera Sticker asily concealable (fits into ones palm) an& stic%s to any s#rface. Can rely transmitions to any DCRor similar 4i&eo &e4ice. A 4ariation of tis camera enables it to be fire& as a b#llet from specially*mo&ifie& "#ns. W??.??.• Climbing Git ncl#&es rope, arness, "lo4es, clamps, "rapplin" oo%s, etc. Price WK??.??.• Contact -icrophone $y attacin" it to a so#n&in" ob2ect (!in&o!s, !alls, etc) can translate 4ibrations into so#n&.WK??.??.• Electro$*dhesi%e +ads Bse& by astrona#ts in zero*"ra4ity en4ironments for !al%in" o#tsi&e te sip, can li%e!ise be#se& to climb or !al% on any metallic s#rface. ncl#&es a bac%pac% "enerator an& ol& #p to I??%"s. Price W,???.??• 9lash +owder A typical tool for ma"icians. 'e po!&er b#rsts in a 1*e5 flas blin&in" momentarily all in te samee5 as yo#, loosin" initiati4e an& I APs. Price WI.?? a ba".• Das -ask ifferent &e"rees of 8#ality !ill &etermine te mas%s effecti4eness. Price W1?.??• Dround Sensor System A "oo& option for 2#n"les an& oter terrain !ere "ro#n& #nits !o#l& li%ely fool ra&ar. 6aser an& seismic sensors tat &etect "ro#n& #nits, teir &irection an& n#mbers. Re8#ires a Comm#nications roll to #se.• ,aser Targeting Sight to te !eapons attac%. W1??.• ,ock$+icking Tools Re8#ire a s#ccessf#l 6ur%eillance roll. Mon#mental fail#res brea% &o!n te loc%. Price WJ??.??.• -ulti$Optics Band A li"t!ei"t ea&ban& e8#ippe& !it nearly any %in& of special optics (ma"nification 5 only). Anol& "a&"et amon" intelli"ence a"encies. W1,???.??.•  +arabolic -icrophone  A pistol*li%e &e4ice !it a small parabolic &is tat pic%s an& ma"nifies so#n&. 1? toPerception rolls !en pointin" in te ri"t &irection. arpones incl#&e&. Price W??.??• +hone Taps Allo!s caracters to monitor pone con4ersations. M#st be place& some!ere on te tar"ets cablin"installation (o#tsi&e of is o#se !ill &o fine).• +ortable E;plosi%es (etector Respon&s to 4apor from e5plosi4es s#c as &ynamite, "eli"nite, '', etc.• +ortable Telephone Scrambler Pre4ents interpretation of te si"nal so#l& it be intercepte&.• !oom Bugs Bse& for lon"*term s#r4eillance 2obs. Fee&s on te o#ses electricity.• Surgery Git ecesary for performin" emer"ency s#r"ery 2obs o#tsi&e of a me&ical facility. W K,???.??.• Tracer Bugs nables a caracter !it a b#" &etector to trac% te b#" as far as 1K%m a!ay. Placin" a b#" on a tar"etfor s#r4eillance !ito#t is %no!le&"e re8#ire& a conteste& /lei"t of 9an& 4s Perception roll (* to te Perception roll if 

te tar"et is not &irectly loo%in" at te caracter). W?.??.• Tube Camera Dery small an& fle5ible, allo!in" to fit into %eyoles, tro#" crac%s, etc. Price W1,??.??• Tube -icrophones Dery small an& fle5ible, allo!in" it to fit into %eyoles, tro#" crac%s, etc. W?.??.• 'eapon Sights Allo! a sniper to fire a rifle #p to its ma5im#m ran"e. Most mo&els incl#&e ni"t4ision as stan&ar&./#perior 4ersions come !it a&&itional special optics. Price WJ??.??• 'ire Cutters it non*con&#ctin" an&les to a4oi& arm from electrical fences. Price W?.??.

J.I) Deicles

ile prices for :stan&ar&; 4eicles are #p to GMs &iscretion accor&in" to is co#ntrys economy.

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Caracters can coose to c#stomize teir 4eicles. Dariations to 4eicles as !ell as priceincreases7&ecreases an& oter perfor*mance &ata are liste& as follo!s+

+rices and .otshottingCaracters !it relate& n"ineerin" s%ills can opt to &o te mo&ifications temsel4es instea& of payin" someone else to &o it. n tis case, prices are c#t in alf b#t, nee&less to say, somemo&ifications may re8#ire caracters to a4e access to proper facilities to &o te 2ob.

ehicle *ttributes9ealt an& /oa% !or% 2#st li%e teir co#nterparts for caracters, a 4eicle tat reaces 9ealt ?or lo!er is !rec%e& an& ren&ere& inoperati4e. ene4er a 4eicle recei4es &ama"e from a sin"leattac% tat e8#als or s#rpasses its n&#rance ratin", lo!er bot its n"ine Class an&Mane#4erability ratin"s by one. A 4eicles /oa% stat is al!ays Armor #ality.!epairing (amageRepairin" a 4eicle costs aro#n& W>? per point of 9ealt repaire&, pl#s W? per point of n"ineClass or Mane#4erability repaire&.

E;ample Sies and (ata• Sie 1 Compact+ 9ealt I?, /oa% , n&#rance J.• Sie " Me&i#m+ 9ealt ?. /oa% K, n&#rance =.•

 Sie / Dan an& e8#i4alents. 9ealt ?, /oa% I, n&#rance 11.• Sie 0 'railer an& e8#i4alents. 9eat 1??, /oa% , n&#rance 1.

Engine Class and Speed 

• Class 1+ Ma5 spee& I?%m7• Class + Ma5 spee& 1?%m7• Class K+ Ma5 spee& I?%m7• Class I+ Ma5 spee& KJ?%m7• Class + Ma5 spee& I?%m7• Class J+ Ma5 spee& >?%m7• Class =+ Ma5 spee& MAC9 L• Class 1+ Ma5 spee& MAC9 L• Class 1J+ Ma5 spee& scape Delocity.• Class + nterplanetary Dessel.

L Acie4in" tis spee& re8#ires a 4eicle to a4e been b#ilt !it a special &esi"n an& materials,lest te spee& &estroys te 4eicle.

9otsottin" Options+ Caracters so#pin" #p teir en"ines re8#ire eiter a $asic Repair roll for en"ine classes 1 tro#" I (&iffic#lty 1 pl#s te &esire& en"ine class), or an n"ineerin" roll for en"ine classes an& beyon& (&iffic#lty 1> pl#s te &ifference bet!een te &esire& spee& classan& te 4eicles c#rrent en"ine class). /#""este& cost for increasin" an en"ines class is W1???per spee& class for small 4eicles, W??? for me&i#m an& 4an*size& 4eicles, an& WI?? for trailer an& lar"er 4eicles.

-aneu%erability  A combination of te 4eicles response, stability, etc. 'e 4eicles mane#4erability 4al#e isa&&e& to rolls re"ar&in" st#nts. /#""este& cost for increasin" mane#4erability is W1>?? per 

mane#4erability class for small 4eicles, WK??? for me&i#m 4eicles, W??? for 4an size&, an&W??? for trailer size& an& lar"er 4eicles. Deicles can only be ta%en 1 step i"er inmane#4erability.

9otsottin" Options+ Caracters impro4in" teir 4eicles mane#4erability temsel4es re8#ireeiter a $asic Repair or n"ineerin" (&epen&in" on te 4eicle) roll &iffic#lty 1>.

• Class ( 'railer an& e8#i4alents, slo! an& pon&ero#s. alue $0&

• Class E 'an%s, a4era"e 4an, elicopters, an& e8#i4alents. Reasonable, if s#b*stan&ar&. alue $1.

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• Class B A#tomobiles, top*of*te*line 4ans, 2et fi"ters, an& e8#i4alent. Fast an& mane#4erable. alue )

• Class * Motorcycles an& e8#i4alent. 6ite an& a"ile. alue 6/.

*ccesories*rmoring 'e enclosin" of te !ole passen"er compartment in li"t!ei"t composite armor combine& !it layers of ballistic "lass as !in&o!s. A&&itional protection also co4ers te a#tomobiles en"ine, ra&iator, etc. Costs W1??? per a&&itional point of 4eicle /oa%, pl#s, &ama"e from 'ar"et /ots can ne4er arm te &ri4er (all &ama"e is absorbe& byte 4eicle). A 4eicle tolerates as m#c armorin" as its ori"inal /oa% 4al#e.+ro;imity *larm arms bystan&ers !o stan& as close to te 4eicle as feet, ten soots a tear "as canister if tebystan&er is still tere by te ne5t t#rn. W=,???.Theft *larm /en&s a silent alarm si"nal to te police. W1,??.Theft *larmJ Das 6oc%s te 4eicles &oors an& fills te passen"er compartment !it .O "as !ile callin" for tepolice. W,???mst.

E;ample ehicles'e follo!in" are "eneric e5amples. GMs are free to c#stomize tese templates to sim#late te&ifferences bet!een t!o contestin" cars or a $lac%bir& from an F*1I.

*utomobile/ize+ . 9ealt ?. /oa% K, n&#rance =.n"ine Class+ K, Ma5 spee& I?%m7Mane#4erability Class+ $ (?).

 Accessories+ one.

,imousine :diplomat</ize+ K. 9ealt ?. /oa% >, n&#rance 11.n"ine Class+ K, Ma5 spee& I?%m7Mane#4erability Class+ $ (?), Ma5im#m altit#&e 1? meters (lanes).

 Accessories+ Armorin" K, GP/, Pro5imity Alarm, 'eft Alarm.

Fet 9ighter :generic</ize+ I. 9ealt 1??. /oa% J, n&#rance 1.n"ine Class+ =, Ma5 spee& MAC9*Mane#4erability Class+ $ (?)

 Accessories+ Armorin" 1, I Missile 6a#ncers, 9ea4y Macine"#ns. F#ll flyin" instr#ments set.

.elicopter /ize+ K. 9ealt ?. /oa% I, n&#rance .Car"o capacity+ to I passen"ers.n"ine Class+ I, Ma5 spee& KJ?%m7Mane#4erability Class+ $ (?).

J.) 9i*'ecQ am te ne! !ay to "o, am te !ay of te f#t#re;*** My life !it te trill %ill %#lt, :After te Fles;

9i*tec &esi"n can be tric%y at "ame le4els for tere are no real limits on !at caracters can &ooter tat teir creati4ity, s%ill, an& b#&"et.

9i"*tec creation re8#ires first an& foremost tat te caracter posseses te re8#ire& s%ills for tat !ic e inten&s to &esi"n (5pert+ eaponsmit, n"ineerin", etc.). Also, sa& as it so#n&s,te players m#st a4e in min& tat notin" is free, an& a4in" te re8#ire& f#n&in" !ill benecessary as !ell. 'e caracter also nee&s to in4est Caracter Points (or TP if alrea&y starte&te "ame) in te creation. For TP costs, 9i*tec &e4ices are consi&ere& a&4anta"es.

'e first tin" in &esi"n is bein" positi4ely e5plicit in !at &oes te &e4ice &o, an& &efinitely !at&oes it CA an& CAO' &o. 'en te GM assi"ns a &iffic#lty cate"ory, en"ineerin" roll pointsnee&e& an& possible limitations tat so#l& be applie&.

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 A simple criteria for &os an& &onts is simple+ if te &e4ice in 8#estion is completely o#t of tescope or p#rpose of yo#r campai"n settin", ten itNs ri"t o#t. 9o!e4er, GMs m#st be impartial toall caracters an& a4e in min& tat if sometin" is :possible; in is settin", ten te i*teccaracter is entitle& a try.

Category (ifficulty C&+ cost

9otsottin",simple Ga&"et 1*1 1*Ga&"et, /imple nancement 1K*? *Jnancements 1* K*>Military*8#ality tecnolo"y 1*K K*1Mane#4er e8#i4alent 1> Mane#4ers 51.Mar4elo#s K GMs iscretion

•  .otshotting+ Mo&ifyin" an alrea&y e5istin" &e4ice to enance its or&inary capabilities. 9otsottin" options alrea&ycome &escribe& in se4eral items o4er te co#rse of tis boo%.•  Dadget+ /mall, not*necessarily*a""ressi4e, yet #sef#l &e4ice (ra&iation &etectors, &errin"ers, conceale&!eapons7"a&"ets, lesser !eapons).• Enhancements+ Gimmic%s ma&e to a#"ment te #ser, Armor, micronize& sensors, etc.• -ilitary$@uality Tech+ $ionics, po!er armor, s#perman s#its, ener"y !eapons, etc.• Maneu/er Eui/alent: )evi!es that imitate ee!ts of maneuvers from the Mis!eaneous owers 4orothers5 from the 1utting +dge !ha"ter. :Ms have the na say on what !an and !annot 'e imitated 4Mis!.

owers are usuay a yes5.• -ar%elous+ 'ime macines, alien !eapons, te Fo#r*Free&om plaza, etc.

Construction TimesBnless te scope of te "ame campai"n allo!s for :roc%et*science; feats, no &e4ice !it aconstr#ction &iffic#lty of 1> or i"er can be assemble& o4erni"t. Once te caracter aspasse& te initial &esi"n sta"es (an& "otten GMs appro4al), te caracter m#st spen& !or% onte &e4ice a mimim#m of I*J o#rs a &ay for as many &ays as te &e4ices &iffic#lty min#s 1>.ot a4in" te &e4ices re8#ire& components rea&ily a4ailable !ill a&& an a&&itional !ee% of !or%to "et a&e8#ate pieces (!ic is A6A/ te case in robotics an& similar !or%s tat re8#irec#stom cips).

!epairing (e%icesFor repairin" &e4ices cec% its cate"ory in te table abo4e, an& te repair &iffic#lty is tat for b#il&in" te &e4ice min#s . Contrary to constr#ction, repair 2obs can be &one o4erni"t (as lon"as re8#ire& parts are rea&ily a4ailable of co#rse).

Sample .i$Tech/ome of te follo!in" may also be a4iable to tecie*frea%s !it ric sponsors an& 9i*tec 4illains.Most of tese "ear is also apropiate also for cyberp#n%7sci*fi7fantastic "enre campain" settin"s. A&e4ice tat is ac8#ire& on le"al cannels as a price of t!ice its man#fact#re cost.

 At GMs &iscretion, e may allo! cybor" caracters to e8#ip teir bionic enancements !itsome of tese &e4ices.

(e%ices and *ction +ointsearly all &e4ices incl#&e -Action Points in teir &escription, 2#st li%e re"#lar mane#4ers. /#c AP is te &e4ices acti4ation AP cost in combat.'e AP cost for &e4ices !it e5ten&e& #se (force fiel&s, an%le enancers, etc) its only teacti4ations AP cost. /#c &e4ices remain acti4e eac t#rn #ntil &eacti4ate&, &estroye&, or r#nnin" o#t of ener"y.

Energy and E$CellsMost i"*tec &e4ices are po!ere& by *Cells. ac &e4ices ener"y coms#mption rate comesliste& in its &escription.

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lectric7electronis &e4ices tat &onNt incl#&e Qner"y cons#mptionQ in te &escription are po!ere&by normal batteries (comercial type, AA, AAA, etc) an&7or teir ener"y cons#mption isinsi"nificant.-aneu%er$like (e%ices and -odifiersMane#4ers tat em#late combat mane#4ers li%eCi*blast, bo&y missile, etc. Can a4e also mane#4er mo&ifiers 2#st li%e teir mane#4er co#nterparts. ncl#&e s#c mo&ifiers in te CP cost as #s#al.

=pgrading (e%icesMany &e4ices !it stats an& effects &epen&in" on te in4entors ntelli"ence mo&ifier or item*creation s%ill can be #p"ra&e& in or&er to be #p to &ate !it te creators ne! ntelli"ence scoreor s%ill le4els. 'is co#nts as a simple hotshotting roll.


*dapti%e Camouflage((A&apti4e camo#fla"e starte& bein" &e4elope& years a"o irl. 'e follo!in" te5t is bein" 8#ote&from ire& e!s !it informati4e p#rposes only))6i"t!ei"t optoelectronic systems b#ilt aro#n& a&4ance& ima"e sensors an& &isplay panels a4e been propose& for ma%in" selecte& ob2ects appear nearly transparent an& t#s effecti4ely in4isible. 'ese systems are &enote& Qa&apti4e

camo#fla"eQ beca#se #nli%e tra&itional camo#fla"e, tey !o#l& "enerate &isplays tat !o#l& can"e in response tocan"in" scenes an& li"tin" con&itions. 'e basic o4erall f#nction of an a&apti4e camo#fla"e system !o#l& be to pro2ect,on te near si&e of an ob2ect, te scene from te far si&e of te ob2ect. A typical a&apti4e camo#fla"e system !o#l& li%elyincl#&e a net!or% of fle5ible electronic flat*panel &isplay #nits arraye& in te form of a blan%et tat !o#l& co4er allobser4able s#rfaces of an ob2ect tat one see%s to cloa%. ac &isplay panel !o#l& contain an acti4e*pi5el sensor (AP/)Uor possibly anoter a&4ance& ima"e sensorV tat !o#l& loo% o#t!ar& from te panel tro#" an apert#re tat !o#l&occ#py only a small fraction of te area of te panel. 'e blan%et !o#l& also contain a !irin" arness tat !o#l& incl#&e across*connecte& fiberoptic net!or%, tro#" !ic te ima"e from eac AP/ !o#l& be transferre& to a complementary&isplay panel on te opposite si&e of te cloa%e& ob2ect. 'e positions an& orientations of all te ima"e sensors !o#l& besla4e& to te position an& orientation of one ima"e sensor tat !o#l& be &esi"nate& a master ima"er. 'e orientations!o#l& be &etermine& by a le4ellin" instr#ment sense& by te master ima"er. A centralcontroller connecte& to an e5ternal li"t meter !o#l& a#tomatically a&2#st te bri"tness le4els of all te &isplay panels toma%e tem conform to te to ambient li"tin" con&itions. 'e #n&ersi&e of te cloa%e& ob2ect !o#l& be ill#minate&artificially so tat te &isplay from te top of te cloa%e& ob2ect !o#l& so! te "ro#n& as to#" in ambient li"tH if tis!ere not &one, ten an ob4io#s sa&o!*in&#ce&&iscontin#ity !o#l& be seen by an obser4er loo%in" &o!n from abo4e.

From a minim#m &istance of I e5es an& farter te s#b2ect is effecti4ely in4isible, an& closer inspections !ill re4eal only a bl#rry sape (perception &iffic#lty ). earin" an a&apti4ecamo#fla"e s#it or ponco in combat impose a min#s penalty on opponents for all close combatrolls (ran"e& attac%s are not possible at all a"ainst te in4isible caracter). 'e caracter can stillbe &etecte& by ra&ar, motion &etection, an& oter sec#rity e8#ipment. A 6ee the In%isible spell,o!e4er, !ill not re4eal te in4isible caracter, as e is not conceale& by s#pernat#ral means.Re8#irements+ Comp#ter , 5pert (Optic /ystems) JCate"ory+ nancementiffic#lty+ 1 Action Points+ > (to en"a"e)ner"y Cons#mption+ 17min#teCaracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1??,???

*nkle Enhancers

 A pair of ma"netic ban&s tat enance te %inetic stren"t of %ic%s. Bp"ra&e te &ama"e of all%ic%in" mane#4ers an& by one cate"ory (ormal becomes eapon 8#i4alent, eapon8#i4alent becomes ner"y 8#i4alent) an& re&#ce teir AP cost by . Cannot be combine& !itte i"ao 6e"s. 8#i4alent to te inetic /tri%e mane#4er.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ nancementiffic#lty+ 1> Action Points+ > (to en"a"e)ner"y Cons#mption+ 17t#rnCaracter Points+ J/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1?,???

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E$CellBses top*of*te*line electrocemical brea%*tro#"s to po!er most i" tec &e4ices (seeabo4e). ac *Cell as a cost in CPs to create e8#al to te caracters ntelli"ence attrib#te an&is car"e& !it an amo#nt of ener"y points e8#al to is le4el in te n"ineerin" s%ill. Caracterslac%in" a echarge =enerator (see belo!) can 2#ry*ri" a ome electrical o#tlet to recar"e&eplete& *Cells, s#c 2#ry*ri" rolls a4e a &iffic#lty of 1=.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (electrical) Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1> Action Points+ ? (to reloa& an& po!er on)Caracter Points+ K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W,???

Eagle$eyes A special set of "lasses, sli"tly more inconspic#o#s tan re"#lar ones (still, players can &esi"nteirs as flasy, stylis, or &iscrete as teir personal tastes). 'e "lasses come e8#ipe& !itnfrare& an& passi4e ni"t 4ision, ma"nification lens, li"t filter tat n#lifies "lare, an& tar"etin"si"t (K to te acc#racy of te /niper /ot mane#4er, 1 to te acc#racy of all oter ran"e&attac%s).Re8#irements+ 5pert (Optic /ystems) I

Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1 Action Points+ K (to en"a"e)ner"y Cons#mption+ e"li"ibleCaracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W?,???

Ear enhancer  A micronize& &e4ice pl#""e& into te ear. $y t#nnin" te fre8#ency (seems li%e cleanin" oneselfNsear!a5) te #ser can catc #ltrasonic fre8#encies or enance is sense of earin" to in#manle4els (J to perception rolls tat in4ol4e earin" !en acti4ate&). 'e enancer also incl#&es afilter to pre4ent o4erly lo#& so#n& from armin" te caracter.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ nancementiffic#lty+ 1= Action Points+ K (to en"a"e or t#ne in)ner"y Cons#mption+ e"li"ible.Caracter Points+ K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W?,???

Electromagnetic Bomb e4elope& as for p#rposes of &estroyin" te enemys information processin" an& transmissionno&es. Bpon &etonation, it releases an electroma"netic p#lse (MP) in te imme&iate area. Allnon tempest*ar&ene& electronic e8#ipment in a %ilometer of ra&i#s is a#tomatically ren&ere&inoperati4e, an& tempest ar&ene& e8#ipment as to s#ccee& a sa4in" tro! &iffic#lty = to a4oi&te same fate+ &e4ices a4e a to I to teir sa4in" tro! accor&in" to teir size, &e4ices !ita liste& cost in CP for constr#ction #se teir CP cost instea& as bon#s to sa4e (b#t bon#s canne4er e5cee& I).Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ Military #ality

iffic#lty+ ? Action Points+ **ner"y Cons#mption+ area&./#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W?,???

Energy 'eaponsner"y 4ariants of se4eral melee an& ran"e& !eapons. 'e stats of an ener"y !eapons aretose of te base !eapon, b#t a&& 1 to acc#racy an& te &ama"e becomes ner"y &ama"e.Ran"e& !eapons payloa& is as per its *Clip, !ile melee !eapons can "o on for as lon" as 1ener"y point per o#r. Melee ener"y !eapons re&#ce te AP cost of all !eapon mane#4ers by

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(!ei"tless).Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ Military #alityiffic#lty+ K Action Points+ /pecialner"y Cons#mption+ /pecialCaracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1?,???

9orce 9ield generator  A poc%et*size &e4ice (#s#ally place& in te belt)!ic "enerates a form*fittin" force*fiel& for te #ser tat a&&s a bon#s to soa% rolls e8#i4alent tote &esi"ners ntelli"ence mo&ifier (armor 8#ality). 8#i4alent to te Ci*Gon" mane#4er Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ Mane#4er 8#i4alentiffic#lty+ ? Action Points+ 1? (to en"a"e)ner"y Cons#mption+ 17t#rnCaracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W??,???

DrenadeJ Tracer   A smart frisbee*sape& "rena&e. Can be tosse& or #rle& by a special la#ncer. Once it reacesits tar"et area it searces for te nearest mo4in" tar"et to ma%e contact !it. n combat, if teattac%er misses is inten&e& tar"et !it a tracer "rena&e, startin" te follo!in" ro#n& an& eacro#n& tereafter, te tracer "rena&e is entitle& one attac% eac ro#n& #ntil it s#ccessf#lly stri%este nearest tar"et !itin a meters ran"e (combat acc#racy 11, attac%s once per t#rn. Can beconceale& in an area an& left as a smart bomb, !aitin" for any mo4in" tar"et tat approaces its4icinity. A tracer "rena&e tat "ets its motion &etection 2amme& &eacti4ates (a common meto&for sal4a"in" #n#se& tracer "rena&es). /al4a"e& tracer "rena&es can be re*#se& !ito#tcomplication.Re8#irements+ Comp#ter , n"ineerin" (lectrical) J, 5pert (!eaponsmit) Cate"ory+ Military #alityiffic#lty+ 1> Action Points+ **ner"y Cons#mption+ **/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W=,???

#ron 9istFor tose loo%in" for a stron" an&, tis little "a&"et pac%s 8#ite a p#nc. 'is iron "a#ntleta#"ments %inetic ener"y for some RA66 nasty p#nces tat e4en allo! te !earer to p#nctro#" roc% or e4en metal (as per Art of $rea%in"). Bp"ra&e te &ama"e of all P#nc mane#4ersby one cate"ory (ormal becomes eapon 8#i4alent, eapon 8#i4alent becomes ner"y8#i4alent). Also, te !earer can &o Art of $rea%in" p#nces as if e possesse& te mane#4er,#sin" is /tren"t instea& of Foc#s an& also a&&in" te &esi"ners le4el in n"ineerin"(electrical) to is /tren"t stat. 8#i4alent to te inetic /tri%e an& Art of$rea%in" mane#4ers.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) Cate"ory+ Mane#4er 8#i4alentiffic#lty+ ? Action Points+ (to en"a"e)

ner"y Cons#mption+ 17t#rnCaracter Points+ =/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ WJ?,???

Ieural #nterface Allo!s te !earer to operate &e4ices by te iss#in" of mental comman&s. C#t te AP cost of allattace& &e4ices by alf. A ne#ral interface can be as &iscrete or inconspic#o#s as te in4entor !ants.Re8#irements+ Comp#ter J, Me&icine ICate"ory+ nancementiffic#lty+

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ner"y Cons#mption+ e"li"ibleCaracter Points+ J/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W??,???

Iigao ,egsot s#itable in case of eart &isease. A neat set of ma"netic boots att#ne& to eartNs ma"neticfiel&. en t#rne& on, te #serNs mo4e in combat is &o#ble& an& is 2#mpin" &istance is

m#ltiplie& times ten as per te Re&#ce ei"t mane#4er. Also, by increasin" te "ra4ity p#ll, tecaracter can "l#e imself to te "ro#n& becomin" inm#ne to %oc%&o!n as per /an*9e or increase te stren"t of some attac%s, #p"ra&in" te &ama"e of &i4in" attac%s an& te A5e ic%mane#4er by one &ama"e cate"ory (as te An%le nancers). Cannot be combine& !it te

 An%le enancers.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (lectrical) JCate"ory+ Mane#4er 8#i4alentiffic#lty+ ? Action Points+ 1 (to en"a"e)ner"y Cons#mption+ 17t#rnCaracter Points+ 1/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W>?,???

!echarge Denerator 'e only safe !ay to recar"e &eplete& *Cells. A recar"e "enerator can recar"e a n#mber of 

ener"y points to any &e4ice or *Cell per &ay e8#al to te in4entors ntelli"ence stat times pl#sis n"ineerin" le4el.Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (electrical) Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ ?ner"y Cons#mption+ 6i8#i& F#elCaracter Points+ J/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1,???

Superman SuitFirst implemente& for me&ical p#rposes in bionic prostetic implants for patients !it missin"limbs. 'e principles of :ntelli"ent Polymer; soon catce& te militarys attention. ntelli"entPolymer is an electroreacti4e material tat bea4es li%e m#sc#lar tiss#e !it te a&minstration of electrical &iscar"es, contractin" an& e5pan&in". A -s#perman s#it is a f#ll bo&y s#it ma&e of intelli"ent polymer tat bea4es as a secon&ary m#sc#latory system tat enances te !earer ma%in" is stron"er, faster, an& capable of impossible 2#mps (as i" as .m irl). As tis &oc#ment is bein" !riten, te -s#perman s#it is c#rrently bein" &e4elope& irl, an& in fact its &esi"ners arecompetin" !it te &esi"ners of te soon*to*come po!er armor in or&er to "ain a millionary contract !it te B/As"o4ernment for its infantry enancement plans for ??J.

For "ame p#rposes, a s#perman s#it a&&s te &esi"ners le4el in te Me&icine s%ill to te!earers /tren"t an& A"ility stats. Also, te #ser can 2#mp #p to ten times is normal 2#mpin"&istance (as per te educe Weight mane#4er).Re8#irements+ n"ineerin" (materials) =, Me&icine Cate"ory+ Mane#4er 8#i4alentiffic#lty+ ? Action Points+ **ner"y Cons#mption+ 17t#rnCaracter Points+ 1K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W??,???

Tempest .ardeningsolatin" meas#res to protect electric7 electronic &e4ices from e5cess electrical c#rrents tat!o#l& oter!ise b#rn tem. 'empest ar&ene& &e4ices are not s#b2ect to cas#al b#rno#t an&recei4e a I bon#s to sa4e a"ainst MP attac%s.Re8#irements+ Repair J OR n"ineerin"+ lectrical Cate"ory+ 9otsottin"iffic#lty+ 1Kner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ e4ices cost &i4i&e& by .

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oice$*ctuated #nterface Allo!s te #se to operate is &e4ices by iss#in" 4erbal comman&s. Re&#ce te AP cost of allattace& &e4ices by (to a minim#m of 1).Re8#irements+ Comp#ter Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1

ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1,1??

=pgrade Options for ehicles

Bio$,ocks'e 4eicle reco"nizes only te bio*electric si"nat#re of its o!ner re"ar&in" alarms, &oors, an&e4en te :on; s!itc. otin" sort of a psycic /teal A#ra can bypass te 4eicles sec#rity.Re8#irements+ Comp#ter K, Me&icine ICate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1>ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ 1/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1,???

EHection SystemOn te press of a b#tton, te 4eicles coc%pit (or !ate4er abo4e) opens an& te seat is e2ecte&from te 4eicle. 'e seat is also o#tfitte& !it eiter a parac#te (for aircraft) or small roc%etstat slo! &o!n te seats fall (for "ro#n& 4eicles, roc%ets ne4er last lon"er tan 1? secon&s).'is system can be con&itione& to tri""er !en more tan >?S of te 4eicles inte"rity is lost asa fool*proof life sa4er. Price is "i4en per eac in&i4i&#al seat.Re8#irements+ $asic Repair J OR n"ineerin" (A#tomoti4e or Aircraft) KCate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1>ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ 1/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W1,???

-ini$!ockets lle"al accessory for a#tomobiles. en t#rne& on, pilot recei4es a I bon#s to te acc#racy of te O#tr#n mane#4er for K t#rns (for non*combat sit#ations, te 4eicle "ains one spee& class for as lon" as te roc%ets are !or%in"). 9o!e4er, contrastin" te bon#s on te O#tr#n mane#4er, te&ri4er inc#rs a *K penalty to te 4al#e of te 4eicles Mane#4erability. Mini*roc%ets are&etacable an& one*#se.Re8#irements+ $asic Repair OR n"ineerin" (A#tomoti4e or Aircraft) Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ 1ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W=?? eac

+ilot Computer Bsin" it as an assistant to te pilot, it "rants a I on all ri4e7Pilot rolls. 'e comp#ter can also

ta%e control of te 4eicle an& pilot on its o!n !it an e8#i4alent s%ill le4el of 1.Re8#irements+ Comp#ter ,Cate"ory+ Ga&"etiffic#lty+ ?ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ K/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W,???

!adar /ame as te Po!er Armor system. n 4eciles ra&ars can be Air /earc (for air tar"ets), Gro#n&/earc ("ro#n& elements an& lo! fli"t aircraft), 'errain Reco"nizement, an& Fire Control (eac

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type m#st be bo#"t separate&ly). Cre! losin" one type of ra&ar can attempt a Comm#nicationsroll &iffic#lty 1 to #se a &ifferent type to co4er for te missin" ra&ars f#nctions.Re8#irements+ Comm#nications Cate"ory+ nancementiffic#lty+ ?ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ /#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W?,???

TO,Dertical 'a%e*Off an& 6an&in" (D'O6) employs t#rbines (eiter fi5e& or mobile) to allo! te4ecile te pri4ile"e only elicopters #s#ally en2oy (as seen in Moller nternationals reno!e&/%ycar).Re8#irements+ n"ineer (Aircraft) JCate"ory+ Military #alityiffic#lty+ ?ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ I/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ W??,???

'eapon Systems Any reasonable !eapons can be c#stomize& in a 4eicle (GMs appro4al).

Re8#irements+ 5pert (!eaponsmit) JCate"ory+ 9otsottin"iffic#lty+ 1ner"y Cons#mption+ **Caracter Points+ 1/#""este& Man#fact#re cost+ As base !eapon pl#s WJ??

+ower *rmor Po!er Armor, &espite te name, is not armor at all (not normal armor at least). ts more of a#man*size& robot !it its o!n pysical attib#tes an& special abilities pilote& by a #man. 'erobots controls are i"ly responsi4e mo4in" !it an almost symbiotic lin%,effecti4ely a#"mentin" te pilot !it s#perior stren"t, spee&, an& a"ility, te armor respon&in" tote pilot]s sli"test mo4e an& to#".

For "ame p#rposes, possessin" or creatin" a Po!er Armor co#nts as an a&4anta"e !it a cost of  points per le4el, te more le4els te caracter b#ys, te stron"er te po!er armor !ill be. Also,po!er armor pilots re8#ire te (ilot obots and (ower 1rmor s%ill. 'rainin" in pilotin" te po!er armor enable te pilot to operate any an& all of te po!er armor systems an& !eaponry !ito#tte nee& of f#rter trainin" in firearms, comm#nications, na4i"ation,etc. n combat, te pilot a&&s is le4el in !ate4er combat style e may %no! to all #ses of tearmors !eapon systems an& "a&"ets as if tey !ere combat mane#4ers of is combat style.9o!e4er, is le4el in s#c combat style cannot "o i"er tan is le4el in (ilot obots and (ower 1rmor !ile insi&e te po!er armor or meca.

O'+ o man#fact#re costs are mentione& as Po!er Armor !o#l& be simply 'OO TP/D.

Po!er Armor a4e teir stats as follo!s...

+rimary StatsPo!er Armor as a n#mber of attrib#te points to&istrib#te amon" its K primary stats e8#al to its le4el times K. All tree can "o as far as 1 !ito#tte nee& of te Extraordinary 1ttribute a&4anta"e (teyre not bo#n& by te fless limits).• Strenght+ A po!er armor can lift #p to 1?? %"s per point of stren"t.• *gility+ Bncan"e&.

• *rmor + 'e po!er armors innate &#rability a"ainst attac%s. /ame as te /tamina attrib#te for soa% p#rposes. Po!er  Armor s#b2ect to s#ccessf#l Art of $rea%in" attac%s are not &estroye&, b#t tey see teir /oa% re&#ce& by 1 for eacs#ccessf#l Art of $rea%in" stri%e

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Secondary Stats• Energy+ 'e po!er armors ener"y reser4e for po!erin" its !eapons, systems, etc. #mber of ener"y points e8#al toits le4el times K.• .it +oints+ 'e amo#nt of &ama"e before bein" ren&ere&inoperati4e. Po!er armor re&#ce& to zero it points is not instantly &estroye&, b#t all systems a4e been s#t &o!n &#e tomassi4e &ama"e (no stren"t enancements, !eapon systems, etc), an& !ill nee& an '/D repair!or% beforeres#min" operations (see i*tec &esi"n).

+ower Sourcen a&&ition to te po!er armors energy stat, it nee&s a po!er so#rce to po!er its primarysystems (ie to be able to mo4e, #se sensors, etc.). One of te follo!in" options MB/' be bo#"tfor te po!er armor to operate.•  H'drogen Cells $3(: #t the moment this do!ument is 'eing written, "rodu!ing the KK.KKKH "urehydrogen needed to !reate fue !es !osts LC.00 to L22.00 "er kiogram, and a!6uiring the re6uiredsteam methane reforming e6ui"ment to "rodu!e B0kgs of hydrogen woud !ost a'out L=C0,000.00. Forgame "ur"oses 4ie rather wishfu thinking5, ea!h hygrogen !e !ontaining kg !an kee" the "ower armorrunning for 0 minutes of !om'at or /0 of non-!om'at a!tivity, "us the !hara!ter need to have a!!ess tothe re6uired steam methane reforming fa!iities.• Solar +owered :<+ A s#per*efficient set of solar panels can po!er te po!er armor in&efinitely as lon" as te s#nsines bri"t. 'e po!er armors special reser4es can %eep it "oin" for abo#t one f#ll o#r at ni"ts or &#rin" clo#&ly&ays.

• 9usion !eactor :1)<+ A micronize& f#sion reactor tat can po!er te armor in&efinitely e4en for years of non*stop


Systems• *rmor :1$3<+ /ame as te cybernetics system.• Computer System :1$<+ /ame as te cybernetics system.•  Concealed Fets :>3<+ /mall 2ets &istrib#te& alon" te armors frame allo! it to fly. /ame as te $light elementalmane#4er. 'e 4ersion remo4es altit#&e limits, allo!in" te po!er armor to tra4el #n&er!ater or as i" an altit#&e asGMs &iscretion. 'is &oesnt, o!e4er, enable te po!er armor !it means of acie4in" escape %elocity .• Dadget :%aries<+ Po!er armor can incl#&e any i"*tec &e4ice fo#n& on te sample de%ices section.•  #nsulated :5<+ 'e armor comes completely ins#late&, press#rize& an& e4en ra&iation*siel&e&, allo!in" it to be#n&er!ater or in o#ter space. Also, tis ma%es te pilot as 4#lnerable to psycic an& min&7bo&y alterin" attac%s as anin4isible tar"et insi&e a bo5 far from te attac%ers si"t (complete imm#nity). 9o!e4er, tis also means te caractersonly contact !it te e5terior comes from is sensors, is &efenseless as a blin& man a"ainst  9amming attac%s, etc.!e?uires Sensors 0

• -icrowa%e Communications :/<+ nable te armor !it amicronize& transcie4er. Also, an a#5iliary ra&io #nit allo!s caracters 4erse& in te comm#nications s%ill to perform

 9amming .• !adar :0<+ /ame as te special ability of te 5eightened 6enses s#perpo!er. !e?uires Sensors 0

• Sensors :1$2<+ /ame as te cybernetics system.• Targeting Sight :"<+ /ame as te feat#re fo#n& in te eagle eyes "a&"et.• 'eapon System :%aries<+ /ame as te cybernetic system.

L Escape elocity  is te re8#ire& spee& to &efeats earts "ra4itational fiel&, effecti4ely aban&onin" te planet, an& temain reason !y to&ays spacesips re8#ire lar"e, b#l%y, &etacable f#el roc%ets to ta%e off.

Chapter 3 Combat


Combat is &i4i&e& into t#rns. A t#rn is &escribe& in real time as anytin" a caracter can &o in fi4esecon&s of combat. n a t#rn eac caracter present "ets a cance to act in some capacity,circ#mstances permittin". After all caracters a4e rolle& initiati4e (rea& belo!), eac caracter acts accor&in" to teir initiati4e or&er. Once all caracters a4e ma&e an action, tose caracters!o still a4e Action Points (APs) left can act a"ain follo!in" teir initiati4e or&er, tis se8#encerepeats itself #ntil all caracters in4ol4e& a4e spent teir action points for te t#rn.

Caracters !o still a4e APs left, b#t not eno#" to perform any si"nificant action can sa4e teir remainin" APs for te ne5t t#rn.

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#nitiati%e'o &etermine !o "oes !en, all caracters roll 1d1) 6 Base *+sH tis &etermines te n#mber of 

 APs !it !ic te caracters act &#rin" tat t#rn, an& caracters !ill act in or&er of teir c#rrent AP totals, from i"est to lo!est. n te case of opponents I e5es (see mo4ement belo!) or fater a!ay from eac oter, opponents !iel&in" ran"e& !eapons al!ays !in initiati4e o4er opponents !iel&in" melee !eapons, re"ar&less of total nitiati4e rolle&.


-o%ementistances in 'ras are meas#re& in terms of hexes, referrin" to a e5 "ri& on !ic combat maybe %ept trac% of if &esire&. 'e normal scale #se& is s#c tat a sin"le e5 is ro#"ly tree feet71meter across. Caracters may mo4e a n#mber of e5es e8#al to teir A"ility, to#" te n#mber of e5es tey can mo4e &#rin" a certain mane#4er is note& in te mane#4er &escription.

*ttack (efense'o ma%e #se of an attac%in" mane#4er, te caracter rolls 1&1? Combat iscipline A"ilityMo&ifier 'e mane#4ers Acc#racy. f te opponent attempts to &efen& temsel4es from teattac%, tey m#st ma%e a similar roll !it teir &efensi4e mane#4er an& "et a i"er total.

9o!e4er, te GM may re8#ire a minim#m tar"et n#mber of eiter attac%er or &efen&er ine5ceptional circ#mstances, especially !ere ran"e& attac%s are concerne&.

Caracters !o are attac%e& before tey a4e ta%en teir action !itin te initiati4e or&er can&efen& A still ta%e an action once teir t#rn to act !itin te initiati4e or&er arri4es. Caractersattac%e& after tey a4e ta%en teir action !itin te initiati4e or&er can &efen& as many times asteir remainin" APs allo!.

 Attac%in" in melee a tar"et !it no APs left res#lts in an a#tomatic s#ccess, if te attac% is &one!it a ran"e& !eapon it becomes an #nconteste& roll &iffic#lty .

.olding #nitiati%e/ometimes a caracter may not !ant to act ri"t a!ay, case in !ic e can opt to 9ol& isnitiati4e, allo!in" tose !o are bein& im in te initiati4e or&er to act !ile e ma%es #p ismin& abo#t !at to &o. Once a caracter is ol&in" is initiati4e, e can cose to act at anymoment &#rin" te rest of te initiati4e or&er, bein" able to interr#pt anoter partys action as !ell(see belo!).

-elee %s !angednstea& of #sin" &efensi4e mane#4ers, caracters !iel&in" firearms can #se any firearmsmane#4er to co#nter melee mane#4ers as lon" as e is 1 e5 a!ay from oponents. f te co#nter is s#ccessf#l, te melee opponent is s#ccessf#lly pre4ente& from approacin". /ome mane#4ers,o!e4er, li%e drun3en mon3ey roll , an& shoulder smash pro4i&e instant means to approac intomelee ran"e safely. Also, caracters alrea&y in melee combat can #se te mo4e pro4i&e& by&efensi4e mane#4ers to position temsel4es at a closer or farter attac% ran"e !ile a4oi&in" anattac%.

Simultaneous *ttack"I 3ill you0 you 3ill me0 weboth 3ill each other&&&' ---6hin0 Fist o$ the ;orth 6tart 

 A sim#ltaneo#s attac% is a relati4ely common reso#rce amon" street bra!lers an& amate#r bo5ers !ere a fi"ter stops attemptin" to &efen& in or&er to :intercan"e blo!s;, opin" isoponent !ill fall &o!n first. n a sim#ltaneo#s attac% te &efen&er &oesnt roll for &efense, instea&,bot contes*tants roll &irectly for &ama"e. /im#ltaneo#s attac%s sometimes are te only optionleft !en yo#r opponent clearly s#rpases yo#r s%ill. 9o!e4er, teres a price to pay, for !en yo#call for a sim#ltaneo#s attac% yo#r /oa% is c#t in alf, so #nless yo# a4e some "oo& tric% #p

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yo#r slee4e yo#re li%ely to "et battere& more ba&ly tan yo#r oponent.

(amagef an attac% is s#ccessf#lly &eli4ere&, it inflicts &ama"e. 'e normal form#la for &ama"e is to ta%ete base &ama"e of te mane#4er, an& a&& te apropiate ability mo&ifier (/tren"t for an&*to*an&, A"ility for firearms an& ener"y !eapons, Psycic for psionic mane#4ers, Foc#s for esotericattac%s). Bnless !earin" armor, &ama"e of a s#ccessf#l attac% can ne4er "o belo! 1 point.

Soak and Types of (amageOnce te total &ama"e is &etermine&, te &efen&ers /oa% stat is &e&#ce& from te toal &ama"e.

 A caracters /oa% stat is affecte& by te type of &ama"e inc#rre&+• Iormal (amage ormal &ama"e is inflicte& by #narme& attac%s, falls, crases, an& oter miscellaneo#s so#rces.Caracters a4e f#ll /oa% a"ainst normal &ama"e.

• 'eapon (amage eapon &ama"e is inflicte& by non*ener"y !eapons, be it artificial or nat#ral (s#c as a monsterscla!s). A caracters /oa% is consi&ere& alf a"ainst !eapon &ama"e.

• Energy (amage Caracters /oa% is zero a"ainst ener"y &ama"e, armor bein" te only effecti4e protection.

• Gilling (amage ene4er a caracter recei4es an amo#nt of %illin" &ama"e e8#al or "reater tan is n&#rance ina sin"le stri%e, te caracter is re8#ire& to s#ccee& a /tamina roll &iffic#lty 1> in or&er not to s#ffer a&&itionalconse8#ences (#s#ally liste& ne5t to te &ama"e so#rces &escription) !ic can ran"e from bro%en bones to instant&eat. illin" &ama"e can be eiter normal, !eapon, or ener"y. f a caracter is &o!ne& to ? 9ealt Points &#e to %illin"&ama"e, te caracter is sent into a coma #nless e s#ccee&s a secon&ary /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1>.

$on#ses to a caracters /oa% stat &eri4e& from armor or oter!ise :Amor #ality; so#rces arenot re&#ce& (re"ar&less of te &ama"e type), only base /oa% is re&#ce&.

-utilation and Collateral (amage As a &efa#lt te "ame &oesnt an&le s#c e4ents for t!o reasons+ 'e first is tat 'ras is ananime "ame an&, more often tan not, action anime in caracterize& for e5a""eratin" bot&ama"e inflicte& an& reco4ery times+ a caracter in an action anime may be slamme& into astone pillar, smasin" it into pieces an& spittin" 1 "allon of bloo&, an& still ell ne4er fract#re abone e5cept !en it ma%es for a nice &ramatic moment, f#rtermore, caracters tat are sent toa ospital rarely stay tere for lon"er tan t!o &ays. 4en te occasional "rim3"ritty anime !iti" &e"rees of realism li%e Gost in te /ell "i4es caracters a fair leniency re"ar&in" &ama"etolerance an& pain tresol&s.

'e secon& reason is tat, anime apart, if te "ame !as to %eep recor& of collateral &ama"e tatso#l& really appen !ene4er combat is ens#e& li%e bro%en bones, permanent m#scle &ama"e,loss of e5tremities, scarrin", etc, ten in less tan a&4ent#res te player caracters !o#l&alrea&y be te most pitif#l b#nc of #man ra"s in istory an& certainly not #p for te si5t one.

f yo#r "ame, o!e4er, for any reason, MB/' %eep recor& of collateral &ama"e, ten terecommen&ation for s#c e4ent#alities "oes as follo!s+

Collateral ama"e (Optional R#le)+ ene4er a caracter recei4es an impact tat s#rpasses isn&#rance ratin" for more tan points, te afflicte& caracter also recei4es one of te follo!in"accor&in" to &ama"e so#rce an& bo&ypart afflicte&. en more tan one possible tin" canappen, roll a &ie+

LLLAll stat &ecreases are permantentLLL.ead :blunt impact<

• $lin&ness (permanent)• $rain &ama"e (&ecrease ntelli"ence by 1)• Cranial fract#re• $ro%en nose (&ecrease Appearance by 1)• $ro%en facial bones (&ecrease Appearance by )• 'oot loss• Coma

.ead :slashing impact<

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• 6ar"e scar (&ecrease Appearance by )• $lin&ness

.ead :fire<

• Facial b#rns (re&#ce Appearance by K)• 9air loss

Body :piercing impact<

• Pierce& l#n"+ 1 point of /tamina &ama"e per t#rn as l#n" fills !it bloo&, &ro!nin" te 4ictim. Me&ical attention can

sa4e te caracter, b#t e permanently loses K /tamina points (l#n" is lost).• Permanent tiss#e &ama"e (&ecrease /tamina by 1)• Pierce& eart, instant &eat

Body :slashing impact<

• Permanent tiss#e &ama"e (&ecrease /tamina by 1)

Body :blunt impact<

• $ro%en ribs (&ecrease /tamina by 1, A"ility is al4e& for 1&I monts)• $ro%en pel4is (&ecrease /tamina by an& A"ility by I)• $ro%en bac% (can no lon"er perform e4asion, atletic, "rapplin", or %ic% mane#4ers, &ama"e from p#nces is al4e&)

*rm>,eg :blunt impact<

• Fract#re& bones (*K to A"ility for 1&I monts)• $ro%en bones (&ecrease /tamina by 1, *K to A"ility for 1&I monts)

*rm>,eg :slashing impact<

• /e4ere& limb

*rm>,eg :piercing impact<

• Permanent tiss#e &ama"e (&ecrease A"ility by )

*ttack !ange .ierarchies :Optional</ome attac%s !ill be more effecti4e !en fi"tin" at certain &istance from te enemy. 6i%e!ise,#sin" mane#4ers at #napropiate &istances !ill res#lt in &etriment to te mane#*4ersperformance.• ,ong !ange $y lon" ran"e be #n&erstoo& t!o oponents at a minimm &istance of e5es or farter from eac oter.6on" Ran"e attac%s incl#&e "#nsots, ci*blasts, an& most esoteric attac%s. Any attemp at #sin" sorter*ran"e& attac%sfrom tis &istance can be co#ntere& !it ran"e& attac%s (ie, a caracter can #se a ci*blast to co#nter an oponent l#n"in"at im from t!o e5es a!ay !it a p#nc).

 Gicking (istance '!o oponents at a &istance of 1. to 1.I meters from eac are at %ic%in" &istance. Any attemp at#sin" sorter*ran"e& attac%s from tis &istance can be co#ntere& !it a %ic% mane#4er.

•  Close !ange '!o oponents from ?.> meters to 1.1 meters a!ay from eac oter are at close ran"e. All %ic%mane#4ers oter tan snap %ic%, %nee stri%e, foot s!eep7ron broom, or stomp a4e a –I penalty to attac%, an& acaracter can #se "rapplin" mane#4ers to co#nter any oter mane#4er.

•  Drappling (istance Oponents ?.J meters a!ay from eac oter an& closer are at "rapplin" &istance. All non*"rapplin" mane#4ers oter tan %nee stri%e or elbo! stri%e s#ffer a–I penalty to attac%.

 All aforementione& co#nters mentione& ere are%no!n as ange Counters. /#ccesf#l #se of a range counter pre4ents an oponent from "ettin"any closer to te caracter (in a&&ition to te &ama"e &one). 'e only e5ception are "rappin"mane#4ers co#nterin" at close ran"e, case in !ic 4ictims are %noc%e& &o!n an& left at"rapplin" &istance from te caracter.

!ageRa"e is a meas#re of te caracters an"er, fr#stration, an& pain &#rin" combat. n "eneral, anytime an attac% connects !it te caracter, tey "ain Ra"e Points e8#al to te total &ama"erolle& by te attac%er be$ore soa%in", bloc%in", an& so on.

 A caracters !age is &etermine& as teir Stamina 6 'ill 6 9ocus. en tey reac a n#mber of ra"e points e8#al to teir Ra"e tey are :car"e& #p; an& te follo!in" con&itions apply+• /#per mane#4ers may be performe&. f s#c a mane#4er is performe&, te caracters Ra"e &rops bac% &o!n to zero.• ama"e of all non*s#per attac%s is increase& by points.•  A4ailable APs are increase& by K.• +a!h turn after (age has rea!hed threshod, his  Ra"e !ill &rop at a rate of points per t#rn, #ntil it reaces zero.

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Esoteric *ttacks'ere are se4eral forms of attac% tat arent eiter as &irect or as strai"tfo!ar& as re"#lar combat mane#4ers (psionic attac%s, ma"ic, in&#ce fear, etc). ile tese attac%s can be&e4astatin"ly po!erf#l, tey also re8#ire tat te instant tar"et be a li4in", 4isible oponent. /#cattac%s as telepaty, ma"ic, an& miscellaneo#s min&7bo&y alterin" effects a4e as a re8#isite tatte target must be in the attac3er4s line o$ %ision + a martial artist insi&e a smo%e clo#& can #rl aCi blast an& ope it its sometin" or #nleas a Ci /tar an& s#rely it many sometin"s, a!izar& cant cast a 'rance or Metamorposis+ Oter spell insi&e te same smo%e clo#& !ito#tacti4ely seein" te tar"et of te spell. /ee te n4isible only re4eals caracters tat are conceale&beca#se of s#pernat#ral means, an& psionic /ee A#ras cannot !or% if !e arent seein" tecaracter !ose a#ra !e are to analize. 'ele%inesis cant be #se& to "rasp a tar"ets internalor"ans #nless te psycic possesses T*ray 4ision, some oter !ay to see te tar"ets entrails, or is b#tcerin" is tar"et in or&er to fin& is entrails by imself (point at !ic s#c #se of 'ele%inesis

!o#l&nt be necesary any lon"er any!ay). As a r#le of t#mb for s#c esoteric attac%s, if te attac%er cant see te tar"et, e cant affect it.

(esperate (efenseesperate efense is !en a caracter is attemptin" an all*o#t &efense. 'o &o tis, te player m#st &eclare tat tey are &oin" s#c at te be"innin" of a t#rn. For te &#ration of te t#rn, te

caracter can only #se &efensi4e type mane#4ers, b#t tese a4e teir Acc#racy booste& by ,an& teir AP cost re&#ce& by (to a minim#m of 1).

9acing A caracters frontal 4ision co4ers more or less a 1?\ arc. '#rnin" aro#n& as no AP cost, b#te4ery K e5*si&es (an abo#t*face !en &one all at once) one t#rns co#nt as 1 e5 of mo4ement.f yo# are not facin" an opponent b#t a!are of im yo# can still attac% an& &efen&, if tats &one!it mane#4ers not meant to it or to &efen& from opponents from te rear, yo# &o so !it a –penalty, an& some mane#4ers may not be possible at all (GM &iscretion). Pl#s, #nless yo#possess an"er /ense or some oter means of eyes in te bac% of yo#r ea&, oponents a4e a bon#s to teir attac%s if flan%in" yo# from te si&e, or I for attac%s from bein&.

9eintingFeintin" basically consists in foolin" yo#r oponent in combat, be it by te arcetypical :yo#r soelaces are #ntie&;, preten&in" yo# are abo#t to perform a mo4e b#t marely fa%in" it in or&er to&o anoter tin" instea&, or any oter st#nt tat lea4es yo#r oponent open for attac%.

Feintin" is an aplication of te eception s%ill, ta%es APs in combat, an& is resiste& !itPerception normally. A s#ccesf#l feintin" lea4es te oponent open for attac%, s#c attac% as a Ibon#s an& co#nts as a bac3stab. After te first s#ccesf#l feintin", f#rter feintin" attemps a4e a–> penalty (an opponent as to be really st#pi& to fall for it a secon& time).

Backstab:'eyll ne4er %no! !at it -em...;

**Gost Bnit, /tarCraft

 A bac%stab is a s#rprise attac% lan&e& on an #ns#spectin" oponent or !o is oter!ise #nable to

&efen& imself. An oponent !o is not prepare& to recie4e an incomin" blo! is 4ery li%ely torecie4e te f#ll impact from it.

n or&er to &o a bac%stab, a caracter is re8#ire& to s#ccee& a /tealt roll in or&er to i&eproperly (s#c roll as a penalty of – if te bac%stabber inten&s to snea% ri"t bein& tecaracter for a melee attac%). Once s#cee&e&, an attac% roll is only necesary if te caracter isbac%stabbin" !it a ran"e& attac% (&iffic#lty 1? if te tar"et is #nmo4in" or 1 oter!ise). Abac%stab carrie& on s#ccesf#lly "ets is &ama"e cate"ory increase& one step (ie ormalbecomes eapon &ama"e, eapon becomes ner"y). Caracters tat cant be s#rprise& cannot

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be bac%stabbe& li%e!ise.

Stun (amage/t#n &ama"e can be ca#se& by a n#mber of &ifferent attac%s. t is %ept trac% of separately from&ama"e to ealt, b#t !en te s#m of te st#n an& normal &ama"e e5cee&s te caracters9ealt, tey are %noc%e& o#t. /t#n &ama"e is, o!e4er, eale& at a rate of 1 per minute. f acaracter !ises to ma%e a non*letal attac%, tey may &eli4er a  physical attac% !ito#t act#allypysically armin" te opponent. /#c an attac% !ill &o st#n rater tan normal &ama"e, b#t !illalso be at * Acc#racy.

Opening 9ire in CitiesOpenin" fire in a street or a4en#e, be it !it firearms, nat#ral ener"y attac%s, or similar ran"e&attac%s, al!ays a4e a KS cance of ittin" innocent bystan&ers !ene4er te sot misses teinten&e& tar"et, te cance increasin" to ?S if te area is partic#larly cro!&e& an& to 1??S if te inten&e& tar"et !as act#ally part of a cro!&. n4ol4e& parties can re&#ce sai& cance by alf ta%in" ca#tions li%e ma%in" s#re tere is a soli& !all bein& tem to ta%e te b#llets !en tey&o&"e or firin" from i"er "ro#n& so te pa4ement ta%es te b#llets in case tey miss, b#t ta%in"s#c meas#res re8#ire spen&in" APs eac t#rn in or&er to control teir actions.

ile innocent cas#alties may mean little to caracters !it la5 or non*e5istent principles an&

may be of little conse8#ence in la!less "ame settin"s (see Game Masters /ection), in la!f#lsettin"s tey !ill 4ery li%ely t#rn caracters into instant proscripts of 2#stice, e4en if teir intentions!ere "oo&.

Saving Throws

/a4in" tro!s a4e te p#rpose of lettin" a caracter a4oi& arm from :non attac%in"; &ama"eso#rce as falls, poisonin", e5plosions, etc. 'ere are tree %in& of sa4in" tro!s+

• Stamina Sa%es /a%e off ne"ati4e effects in te bo&y li%e resistin" a st#n "#n, fi"tin" &isease, or resistin" %illin"&ama"e. /ome times $o&y 9ar&enin" can be a&&e& to /tamina sa4es, sometimes not.• *gility Sa%es Allo! te caracter to &o&"e or oter!ise a4oi& azar&s li%e casms, fallin" ob2ects, etc. Most of tetime Acrobatic an& 4asion mane#4ers can be #se& as A"ility sa4es.• 'ill Sa%es Preser4e te caracters compost#re an& sanity a"ainst effects li%e fear, e5ten&e& tort#re, etc.

Sa%e (ifficulties

/a4e &iffic#lties &epen& on eiter te potency of te effect or te azar&s spee&, as follo!s+/imple IMo&erate J9ar& =mpossible 1

Rolls are ma&e #sin" te relate& stats Ability Mo&ifier. iffic#lties "i4en abo4e are &efa#lt for ame&i#m*po!ere& campain", te GM so#l& lo!er7rise te cate"ories by K points in case of lo! or i" po!ere& campai"ns.

 Vehicle Combat

ehicle (amage and Speed (amageFollo!in" is a list of te &ama"e from a rammin" 4eicle by size+

ehicle Sie (amage/mall (motorbi%e) 1&JMe&i#m (car) 1&1?6ar"e (4an) 1&1'railer an& lar"er &1?

6iste& &ama"e recei4es a bon#s of 1 per 1?%m7 of spee& attaine& at te moment of impact(/pee& ama"e). ama"e is of illin"7ormal in nat#re. noc%e& &o!n or cras 4ictims can #se

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bot $rea%fall an& Roll !it mpact to re&#ce te &ama"e. Caracters crasin" insi&e a 4eicles#ffer only te &ama"e bon#s, not te base bon#s. Crasin" caracters !earin" a seat belt&o#ble teir /oa% stat to resist te cras, !ile tose not !earin" it a4e a ?S cance of bein"tro!n tro#" te 4eicles !in&siel&, &o#blin" te &ama"e recei4e&. n any case,cras7%noc%&o!n 4ictims tat recei4e &ama"e e5cee&in" teir n&#rance stat an& fail teir /tamina sa4e are ass#me& to a4e bro%en eno#" bones to be a#tomatically &isable& an&#nable to ta%e any actions oter tan tal% an& !imper #ntil teir bones !el&, be it nat#rally or oter!ise.

9ighting on mo%ing %ehiclesFi"tin" insi&e, or atop mo4in" 4eicles can be tric%y at times since opponents may or may notbe mo4in" at te same spee&.

en fi"tin" on top of a 4eicle, caracters are re8#ire& a are&e4il or Atletism roll &iffic#lty 1e4ery t#rn or s#ffer a * on combat rolls. f sai& roll not only fails, b#t its also lo!er tan 1K, tecaracter loses balance. Caracters losin" balance a4e a ?S cance of fallin" from te4eicle, s#fferin" &ama"e e8#al to te 4eicles c#rrent spee&. f te 4eicles spee& s#rpaseste I?%m7, caracters not !earin" some form of eye protection !ill s#ffer a *K penalty on attac%s&#e to stron" !in& in teir face.

ehicle$to$+erson Combat/ootin" from insi&e a 4eicle is consi&erably easier, b#t sootin" a person o#tsi&e te 4eicleinc#rs a *1 penalty for e4ery ?%m7 of relati4e spee& re"ar&in" te tar"et. Also, if te &ri4er is teone sootin", a ri4e roll &iffic#lty 1K is re8#ire& eac t#rn e is is en"a"e& in s#c acti4ity inor&er not to loose control of te 4eicle.

Example if attac%ers 4eicle is mo4in" at 1??%m7 an& te tar"et is stationary, te relati4e spee&is 1??. f te tar"et !as on top of a car mo4in" at ?%m7, te relati4e spee& !o#l& only be ?,b#t if sai& car !as mo4in" in opposin" &irection to te attac%er (eiter approacin" or fleein"), terelati4e spee& !o#l& be 1?%m7.

Pe&estrians sootin" at a 4eicle &o so as an #noppose& roll &#e to te scale of teir tar"et.Ma%e an attac% roll &iffic#lty 1K !it a penalty of *1 for e4ery ?%m7 of relati4e spee& of te

4eicle (see aforementione& e5ample on relati4e spee&).

Bsin" a 4eicle for %noc%in" &o!n pe&estrians re8#ires eiter a ri4e or Combat ri4in" roll. f Combat ri4e is #se&, te mane#4er becomes a conteste& roll of te attac%ers Combat ri4in"4s te tar"ets &efensi4e mane#4er roll. f #sin" te ri4e s%ill alone, a ri4e roll &iffic#lty 1K isre8#ire& in or&er to attempt te %noc% &o!n !ito#t acci&entally losin" control of te 4eicle, an&tar"ers can a4oi& te attempt by s#ccee&in" a o&"e roll &iffic#lty 1K if te 4eicles spee& is#n&er 1?%m7, or 1 for "reater spee&s.

Bsin" any lar"e 4eicles artillery oter tan antipersonnel missiles a"ainst man*size& tar"ets asa penalty of *I, as tar"ets are too small for consi&eration of te 4eicles size an& &esi"n.

ehicle$toehicle Combat

Deicle to 4eicle combat can be ma&e eiter !it a 4eicles artillery or !it :pysical;mane#4ers. Deicle*to*4eicle combat procee&s as re"#lar combat re"ar&in" combat pases,!it te e5eption tat pilots #se instea& 4eicle combat mane#4ers an& conteste& rolls of A"ility eiter teir ri4e7Pilot s%ill or Combat ri4in" le4el. Combat ri4in" #sers ma%e #nrestricte& #seof 4eicle mane#4ers, b#t tose #sin" te ri4e7Pilot s%ill alone a4e to s#ccee& a ri4e roll&iffic#lty 1 e4ery time tey try to #se any mane#4ers oter tan &o&"in" (!it *) or firin" te4eicles artillery, loosin" conrol of te 4eicle if tey fail.

Crash and (amage'!o impactin" 4eicles s#ffer &ama"e accor&in" to te circ#mstances of te cras. A 4eicle

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rammin" into anoter "oin" in te same &irection crases !it an effecti4e spee& e8#al to terelati4e spee& of te impacte& 4eicle in relationsip !it te attac%in" one, !ile t!o 4eicles onfrontal collision cras at an effecti4e spee& e8#al to te spee& of te first times te spee& of tesecon&.Deicles s#ffer bot 4eicle an& spee& &ama"e !ile passen"ers s#ffer spee& &ama"eonly.

Shooting +assengers/ootin" passen"ers can only be &one in person*to*4eicle combat. For tis, te attac%er ma%esa 'ar"et /ot at te 4eicle &iffic#lty 1 (ta%e note of penalties for spee&). f s#ccessf#l, tepassen"er ta%es alf &ama"e if insi&e an a#tomobile or f#ll if a motorcycle.

ehicle Combat -aneu%ers

-aneu%ers (escription• ,e%el 'e le4el in eiter te ri4e7Pilot s%ill or Combat ri4in" &iscipline a pilot nee&s to #se te mane#4er.• =sable 'ith 'e %in& of 4eicle on !ic te mane#4er can be performe&.• *ction +oints 'e n#mber of APs re8#ire& to &o te mane#4er.

Chicken Dame A cic%en "ame consists in eiter car"in" ri"t in front of an oppose& 4eicle or lea&in" a

o"tail to!ar&s a lar"e obstacle for collision. n any case, te ob2ecti4e of a cic%en "ame isseein" o! lon" it passes before an opponent cic%ens o#t. A Cic%en Game lasts #p to J t#rns,&#rin" !ic any of te t!o conten&ers can coose to cic%en o#t. 'o :cic%en o#t;, a pilotre8#ires a ri4e7Pilot roll &iffic#lty 1K, b#t eac passin" t#rn bot pilots s#ffer a c#m#lati4epenalty of *1 to te roll. A fail#re on te cic%en roll from t#rns 1 tro#" means te cic%en lostcontrol of is 4eicle, !ile fail#re on te Jt t#rn means a &irect collision.6e4el+ 1Bsable it+ A#tomobiles, motorcycles, Eet fi"ters. Action Points+ A667t#rn

(ogtailConsists in loc%in" on ri"t bein& te tar"et in or&er to lay !aste on it. 'e 4eiclesmane#4erability is a&&e& to te conteste& roll bot to sec#re or escape te o"tail. 'ar"ets canattempt to O#tr#n, /#&&en $rea%, or #se 4asi4e Mane#4ers to a4oi& te attac%er from sec#rin"

te o"tail, b#t if tey fail f#rter attemps are ma&e !it a *K penalty an& 4asi4e Mane#4erscant be #se& to sa%e it off (tey can still #se tem to &o&"e te fire to#"). Once a o"tail issec#re&, attac%ers en2oy a bon#s on all teir attac%s #ntil te o"tail is sa%en off.6e4el+ IBsable it+ Eet fi"ters. Action Points+ K7t#rn

E%asi%e -aneu%ers/ame as te M#ltiple o&"e mane#4er. 'e #se of 4asi4e Mane#4ers m#st be &eclare& at tebe"innin" of te combat t#rn, an& allo!s te pilot to attempt to &o&"e any an& all attac%s comin"at im for te rest of te t#rn.6e4el+ Bsable it+ Eet fi"ters. Action Points+ >7t#rn

OutrunConsists in ittin" te "as in or&er to lea4e opponents in te &#st. A roll is only nee&e& if opponent7s a4e te intention of "i4in" case, case in !ic te en"ine class of te 4eicle isa&&e& to te roll of bot conten&ers. n or&er to escape an enco#nter completely, te pilot nee&sto !in o#t of K.6e4el+ IBsable it+ Any. Action Points+ >


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it te t!o opposin" 4eicles ne5t to one anoter, te attac%er tries to so4e te tar"et off teroa&. A s#ccessf#l #se force te tar"et to beat te attac% roll on a ri4e roll !it a penalty of * inor&er not to loose control of te 4eicle. $et!een bi%ers, tis mane#4er is &one by p#sin" teoter !it a le".6e4el+ KBsable it+ A#tomobiles, motorcycles. Action Points+ >

Sudden BrakeBs#ally &one to escape /o4e an& o"tails attempts, consists in ittin" te bra%es in or&er to letattac%er pass yo# (tis is ar&er tan it seems at i" spee&s). /#ccesf#l #se allo!s te pilot toattempt a o" 'ail on te opponent if &esire& (an& if applicable).6e4el+ IBsable it+ A#tomobiles, motorcycles, 2et fi"ters. Action Points+ J

“=” Turn'e 4eicle &oes a 4iolent 1>?Y t#rn, facin" in te opposin" &irection !en te mane#4er en&s.6e4el+ Bsable it+ A#tomobiles, motorcycles. Action Points+ >

.K) 9ealin", eat, an& Coma

Caracters tat a4e en&#re& &ama"e !ill eal a n#mber of 9ealt points eac &ay e8#al to teir /tamina Attrib#te. A caracter re&#ce& to zero or less ealt points is too !o#n&e& to %eep on isfeet an& falls #nconscio#s. Bnconscio#s caracters can ta%e no actions an& !ill remain in tatstate #ntil tey eal eno#" &ama"e to be raise& to 1 ealt point at least or #ntil tey recie4e teproper me&ical elp, 9o!e4er, a caracter tat is re&#ce& to zero or less ealt points byfirearms !ill contin#e blee&in" an& may &ie from bloo& loss. A caracter &ies !en e is ta%en toa ne"ati4e ne"ati4e amo#nt e8#al to is /tamina times .

On 4ery special cases, a caracter can, rater tan &ie, fall into a coma. ile tis means tecaracter is still O' &ea&, tis &oesnt ma%e te sit#ation any better, as te problem !it coma

is tat only Go& %no!s !en !ill te comatose caracter !ill come o#t of it.Caracters tat fall into a coma a4e a montly cance of 1 o#t of 1? (ie roll a :1; in 1&1?) of comin" o#t of it.

C.# !eco%eryCaracters reco4er all spent C9 points on a &aily basis after > o#rs of rest.

Non-Combat Damage Sources

9iresile bein" trappe& insi&e a b#il&in" in flames, fire is only part of te caracters problems if notbein" able to follo! te proper proce&#res. GMs so#l& be a!are of tis an& !arrant rec%lesscaracters te apropiate conse8#ences for teir actions.• Caracters "rabbin" &oor%nobs a#tomatically s#ffer 1 point of s#b&#al &ama"e as, fe! min#tes after a fire, &oor%nobs"et DR 9O'. Caracters !earin" "lo4es can realise te eat before "ettin" b#rne&, b#t still tey cant ol& a &oor%noblon" eno#" to open a &oor. oors m#st be %ic%e& in.• ic%in" a &oor to enter a room in flames releases a blaze tat inflicts 1&J normal &ama"e to caracters stan&in" ri"tin front of te open &oor, tis beca#se ot air ten&s to e5pan&, an& !en trappe& insi&e a confine& space, any openin"!ill ca#se a 4iolent release.•  Caracters !ito#t eye protection an& respiratory apparat#ses m#st lay &o!n an& cra!l. Bnprotecte& caracterse5pose& to a fires smo%e "et teir 4ision impaire& for as lon" as teyre e5pose& to te smo%e pl#s 1&J t#rns after tat,an& tose !ito#t eiter respiratory apparat#ses or at least a !et clot in teir nose7mo#t an& layin" &o!n !ill 8#ic%lybe"in s#fferin" aspy5ia.•  1hara!ters set on re s#ffer K points of non soa%able ener"y &ama"e per t#rn #ntil te fire is p#t off fromtemsel4es an& a4e to s#ccee& a ill sa4e &iffic#lty > in or&er not to panic an& flee to!ar&s te nearest ran&om

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&irection !ic is percei4e& as flames free. Caracters tat reac ? ealt points or lo!er by fire &ama"e "et bot teir  A"ility an& Appearance re&#ce& by alf. 6ost a"ility points are reco4ere& at a rate of 1 per &ay pro4i&e& te caracter isrecei4in" te proper me&ical attention, b#t lost Appearance points are a permanent loss #ntil te caracter recei4es elpfrom a plastic s#r"eon or any sort of s#pernat#ral ealin".

ElectrocutionCaracters s#b2ect to electric c#rrents #p to 1?4 (a o#se a4era"e) s#ffer 1&I ener"y &ama"e

per t#rn, pl#s e4ery t#rn tey a4e to s#ccee& a /tamina roll &iffic#lty I to p#ll temsel4es o#t of te electric so#rce (or > if te installation is tri*pasic). Caracters in contact !it i" 4olta"eso#rces s#ffer &1? %illin" ener"y &ama"e per t#rn, caracters failin" teir /tamina sa4e &yin"instantly.

9alls A caracter !ill ta%e 1&1? &ama"e per story for te first fo#r stories, an& an a&&itional 1&J&ama"e per story tereafter. Caracters can attempt to #se te Roll !it mpact mane#4er to c#tin alf te &ama"e of te first fo#r stories, b#t not tat of any follo!in" stories.

*sphy;iaCaracters s#fferin" aspi5ya !ill s#ffer &J s#b&#al, non*soa%able &ama"e per min#te.9o!e4er, caracters !it te eiter te scape s%ill or te Atletism &iscipline can soa% 1 point of aspy5ia &ama"e for e4ery le4el of scape7Atletism, caracters in tis sit#ation are ass#me& toa4e practice at ol&in" teir breat, b#t in tis case caracters cant #se more tan I APs in at#rn in or&er to %eep teir bo&ies #n&er control. 9o!e4er, re"ar&less of aspy5ia &ama"e soa%e&,no caracter can ol& teir breat for lon"er tan alf teir n&#rance stat in min#tes beforefallin" #nconscio#s an& &isable&.

Caracters tat s#ffer more aspy5ia &ama"e tan teir n&#rance ratin" in a sin"le min#te areass#me& to a4e s#ffocate&7&ro!ne&. 'ese caracters are still ali4e, b#t tey %eep s#fferin"aspy5ia &ama"e #ntil tey "o to teir /tamina times t!o in re& n#mbers, point at !ic tey &ie.


For simplicitys sa%e, &iseases are catalo"#e& in mil&, se4ere, an& letal. As a si&e note, some&iseases start as Mil&, ten complicate if #natten&e&, !ile oters alrea&y start in a fi5e& pasean& remain tere.• -ild+ Caracters s#ffer a *1 penalty to teir n&#rance ratin" an& s#ffer te effects of e5a#stion t!ice as fast for aslon" as it lasts. Caracters "et a sa4e e4ery tree &ays to sa%e te &isease off.•  Se%ere+ Caracters s#ffer a * to teir /tamina stat, s#ffer effects of e5a#stion t!ice as fast, pl#s tey "et a *Ipenalty on all rolls as lon" as it lasts. Caracters "et a sa4e e4ery tree !ee%s to &e"ra&e te &iseases se4erity to Mil&.• ,ethal+ Caracters s#ffer a *K to teir /tamina stat, pl#s 1 for e4ery a&&itional !ee%. *1? on all rolls an& cant en"a"ein any tirin" acti4ities (combat is o#t of te 8#estion). Caracters !it eiter te First Ai& or Me&icine s%ills can &e"ra&ete &isease to /e4ere !it a roll &iffic#lty 1>, teres no limit to o! often can rolls be ma&e, b#t a same terapy cant betrie& more tan once per !ee%.

+oisonPoisons can act at too many le4els of !ic, for "ame p#rposes, !ill be abbre4iate& as follo!s+

1. *cids+ 'ar"ets s#ffer 1& non*soa%able &ama"e per t#rn for 1&J t#rns. /ome aci&s !or% on inor"anic matter as !ell.. Bases+ ile &ama"e to te s%in is too "ra&#al, &ama"e to eyes an& m#co#s membranes is faster. $ases are oftenenco#ntere& as "as, ma%in" contact !it eyes an& m#co#s by inalation 4ery li%ely. ama"e is 1 point of %illin" &ama"efor e4ery 1? min#tes of e5position, once te &ama"e e8#als or s#rpases te 4ictims n&#race, reactions can appenfrom cemical b#rns to permanent blin&ness or oters at GMs &iscretion. 5amples are Ammonia an& ye.K. -etabolic +oisons+ isr#pt metabolic processes in a tar"ets bo&y. 5amples are carbon mono5i&e an& potassi#mcyani&e. Dictims roll a /tamina sa4e, te res#lt bein" te n#mber of t#rns tey a4e before collapsin", teir 9ealt&roppin" to zero. ac passin" t#rn te 4ictim s#ffers a c#m#lati4e *1 penalty to all rolls. After te 4ictim passes o#t, es#ffers 1 point of &ama"e per t#rn #ntil 4ictim &ies.I. Ieuroto;ins+ e#roto5ins attac% te ner4es, ca#sin" near*instant paralysis an& &eat after tat accor&in" to teso#rce an& &osification. e#roto5ins are often #se& in ner4e "as an& te 4enom of many pre&ators. Dictims "et a /taminasa4e to a4oi& paralysis, sa4e &iffic#lty accor&in" to so#rce.

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E;haustion As m#c as !e !o#l& li%e o#r caracters to be li%e te famo#s, battery*po!ere& pin% b#nny,caracters are ma&e of fles as m#c as !e are (ima"inary fles, tat is), an& as s#c teresonly so m#c a caracter can &o before bein" e5a#ste&+

n non*combat sit#ations, caracters s#ffer 1 point of /tamina &ama"e per o#r of acti4ity, bein"able to ta%e as m#c /tamina &ama"e as alf teir /tamina score, point at !ic teyre tooe5a#ste& to lift a fin"er #nless tey s#ccee& a ill roll &iffic#lty 1 e4ery follo!in" o#r, case in!ic tey can "o as &o!n to 1 point of /tamina, !ere tey fall opelessly #nconscio#s.

n combat caracters &ont s#ffer /tamina &ama"e, b#t after passin" a n#mber of combat t#rnse8#al to teir n&#rance tey s#ffer a c#m#lati4e penalty of *1 to all rolls, s#c penalty persists#ntil tey &isen"a"e from combat an& rest a minim#m of t!o o#rs.

/tamina &ama"e &#e to e5a#stion is reco4ere& at a rate of 1 point per o#r of rest.

Sleep (epri%ation A tactic often #se& &#rin" interro"atories or for oter!ise brea%in" capti4es is &epri4ation of sleepan& foo&. For e4ery ni"t of &epri4e& sleep, capti4es s#ffer a c#m#lati4e *1 on all sa4in" tro!s,

can only eal 1 point of &ama"e per &ay, an& no C9 is re"aine& !atsoe4er. Caracters !it te'ort#re 'rainin" a&4anta"e &ont s#ffer penalties to teir sa4in" tro! for bein" interro"ate&to#".

E;posure5pos#re appens !en caracters are s#b2ect to e5treme temperat#res !ito#t te proper e8#ipment.

E;treme .eat  /tartin" ?YC(1>YF), caracters re8#ire s#ccee&in" a $o&y 9ar&enin" roll&iffic#lty 11 in or&er not to inc#r 1 point of /tamina &ama"e e4ery ten min#tes. /tartin" te 1?YC(I>YF) te roll &iffic#lty rises to 1I an& a roll is re8#ire& e4ery min#te, pl#s players inc#r apenalty of *1 to all teir rolls for e4ery K? &e"rees beyon& ?YC (1YF). /tartin" te ??YC(=KYF), te rolls &iffic#lty rises to 1 an& a roll is re8#ire& e4ery t#rn, pl#s player caracters !ill

inc#r all te aforementione& penalties besi&es bein" blin&e& an& s#ffocatin" as te air is too otto breate or to a4e te eyes open (aspy5ia penalties apply alf as fast only to#").

E;treme Cold Caracters !ito#t proper protection s#ffer *1 on all teir rolls for e4ery ?YC(KJYF) belo! ?YC (KYF) an& nee& to s#ccee& a $o&y 9ar&enin" roll &iffic#lty 11 e4ery 1? min#tesin or&er not to s#ffer 1 point of A"ility an& /tamina &ama"e. Attemptin" to breate #n&er temperat#res lo!er tan *1?YC (*K>YF) !ito#t proper respiratory apparat#ses ca#ses tel#n"s to freeze, inflictin" 1 point of /tamina &ama"e #nless tey s#ccee& a $o&y 9ar&enin" roll&iffic#lty 1 e4ery t#rn, at tis point te stamina sa4e is re8#ire& e4ery min#te. At temperat#res of *??YC (*K>YF) an& lo!er most elements li%e o5y"en an& nitro"en become too ea4y,con&ensin" at floors le4el an&7or li8#ifyin". Caracters #n&er tese temperat#res !ito#t teproper protections face all of te aforementione& con&itions, pl#s teyre s#fferin" from aspy5iaan& re8#ire of a stamina sa4e e4ery t#rn. ?Y el4in (*K.1JYC, *I=.J=YF), also %no!n as

:absol#te zero;, is te point at !ic all molec#lar mo4ement ceases. Caractes s#b2ecte& toabsol#te zero s#ffer a point of /tamina &ama"e e4ery t#rn (no sa4e), reacin" &eat as soon as/tamina &rops to zero (tar"ets bo&y freezes, no ope of reco4ery). Fle5ible ob2ects s#b2ect tofreezin" become ri"i& an& often brittle.

Chapter 4 Dame -aster8sSection

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>.1) 5perience

 At te en& of eac "amin" session te Game Master (GM) assi"ns e5perience points (TP) toeac caracter, &epen&in" on o! !ell tey &i& o4erall &#rin" te co#rse of te a&4ent#re. 'erecommen&ation for a "amin" table tat plays on a !ee%ly basis is from from one to fi4e points,b#t tis amo#nt is also recommen&e& to lo!er for "amin" tables tat play more tan once a

!ee%, an& to li%e!ise rise for tables tat play less tan once a !ee%.

Suggested E;perience *wards'ese are a!ar&e& at te en& of te "amin" session, eac type of a!ar& can only be "i4en onceper "amin" session.

•  *ssistance :1 pt< 4en if te caracter &i&nt &istin"#is imself from &oin" anytin" in partic#lar tat "amin"session, e4ent#ally !e all learn, e4en if from !atcin" oters.•  Courage :1 pt< One point is a!ar&e& to caracters !illin" to stan& #p for !at tey belie4e in re"ar&less of ris%(pysical an& oter!ise). GMs, o!e4er, m#st be a!are of te &ifference bet!een a bra4e caracter an& one !ita""ression problems before consi&erin" !eter te e5perience point is really &eser4e& (bein" a rabble ro#ser or b#llyin"aro#n& PCs or PCs is O' co#ra"e). Also, te caracter &oesnt a4e to be #%e #%em to &eser4e tis a!ar&, abattere& !ife !o m#sters te "#ts to confront er #sban& or a corporate employee !o a""rees to elp te eroes an&testifies in co#rt %no!in" s#c may cost im is 2ob is a#tomatically entitle& tis a!ar&. On a final note, te line bet!eenco#ra"e an& st#pi&ity is tin, b#t any GM !ort is salt so#l& be able to &istin"#is one from anoter.•

 E4ort $3 pt(: (egardess of the resuts, one "oint is awarded to !hara!ters that are aways on the moveinstead of 8ust sitting down and waiting for the :M to give them something to do. f the !hara!ters% eortswere su!!essfu, however, refer rather to the Su!!ess entry instead of this one.• Ingenuit' $3 pt(: 9ne "oint is awarded to !hara!ters who kee" !oming with good ideas and !reativeres"onses•  ,earning Cur%e :" pts< Only Peter Pan is a %i& fore4er. People learn, from !at tey learn, tey can"e, an&e4ent#ally mat#re. '!o points are a!ar&e& to caracters !o so! teyre e4ol4in". 'is a!ar& is rarely "i4en more tanonce per story, o!e4er.• +rudence and Caution :1 pt< $attle scars are seen as a me&al of onor for some, an& a si"n of impr#&ence for oters. One point is a!ar&e& to caracters !o can &istin"#is tat te most &irect approac is not al!ays te best.• !oleplay :1 pt< One point is a!ar&e& to caracters !o stic% to teir caracter concept re"ar&less of an&icaps+ Aplayer !o portrays te lac% of intelli"ence of is nt K caracter, a caracter !o acts faitf#l to is &isa&4anta"es, or aplayer !o ref#ses to resort to meta"amin" al!ays &eser4e a re!ar&.• Success $2 pts(: n !om'at or otherwise, one "oint is awarded to !hara!ters that a!hieve su!!ess intheir e&"oits.

E;perience and Character +rogression5perience points can be store& or #se& to #se& for caracter "ro!t. ncrease of te caracters&ifferent n#mbers an& stats a4e a &ifferent cost eac as follo!s+Trait Cost Attrib#te C#rrent le4el 5 /%ill C#rrent le4ele! /%ill (6e4el 1) K pointsiscipline C#rrent le4el 5 Ke! iscipline J pointsiscipline (an&*to*an&) C#rrent le4el 5 Ie! iscipline 1? pointsCi K per point9ealt K per pointMane#4er CP 5 K points A&4anta"e (6e4el 'ype) C#rrent le4el 5 K A&4anta"e (Oters) CPs 5 K

>.) O4ercomin" isa&4anta"es

'ere are plenty of &isa&4anta"es !ic, #n&er te ri"t circ#mstances an& !it te ri"t means,can e4ent#ally be o4ercome+ A blin& caracter can "et a cornea transplant, a &el#sional caracter may ta%e years of terapy, an& so on. 9o!e4er, before any &isa&4anta"e can be remo4e& tefollo!in" points m#st be ta%en in consi&eration+

Can the (isad%antage be reasonably

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remo%edAile most &isa&4anta"es of pysical or psycolo"ical nat#re can be remo4e& !it te proper treatment, some oters (especially tose of social nat#re) cannot be remo4e& :off*camera;+ Anenemy can only be "otten ri& of eiter by reconcilin" teir &ifferences (an #nli%ely e4ent, b#t notimpossible), or by settlin" te score once an& for all, a penniless caracter re8#ires a &ramaticcan"e of l#c% to lea4e te poor bo5, be it by !innin" te lottery, bein" &isco4ere& by a talent#nter, or similar #nli%ely e4ent (s#c caracters &ont often possess te s%ills to affor&sometin" better on teir o!n).

*re the means readily a%ailableA'e first an& most ob4io#s iss#e is te one most players an& GMs often pay less attention to,money. $ot s#r"ery an& psyciatric elp cost lar"e amo#nts of money most caracters !ito#tte proper economic stat#s cant affor& easily. Accor&in" to te type of campai"n, s#pernat#ralmeans may or may not be a4ailable, b#t e4en so, GMs so#l& ma%e it ar& for te caracters toma%e it appen, as ma%in" &isappear an oter!ise inc#rable &isease !it a !a4e of a an& is#s#ally i"ly anti*climatic.

f bot te &isa&4anta"e can be o4ercome an& te means are a4ailable ten no! its only amatter of time to !or% on it+ times re8#ire& for ealin" mental &isa&4anta"es are alrea&y "i4en inte Psycollo"y s%ill &escription, !ile s#r"ery as &ifferent times of reco4ery accor&in" to te

type of inter4ention, !ic #s#ally 4ary from !ee%s to si5 monts. #rin" s#r"ery reco4eryperio&s it is cr#cial tat tat caracter reposes, as any pysical efforts !ill most li%ely a4ea&4erse effects (stitces openin" bein" only te tip of te iceber"). #rin" reco4ery times anystron" pysical acti4ity at GMs &iscretion re8#ire te caracter to s#ccee& a /tamina sa4e&iffic#lty 1 in or&er not to lose a /tamina point permanently.

>.K) Ac8#irin" e! &"es

it teir allotte& e5perience points, players can coose to a&4ance teir c#rrent traits an&ac8#ire ne! ones, an& sooner or later tere !ill be a caracter c#rio#s abo#t ac8#irin" ne!&"es from te C#ttin" &"e capter. Of all "enres, anime is te one most fon& of :m#lticlass;eroes, !ere te prota"onist "oes aro#n& pic%in" ne! talents as te story pro"resses.9o!e4er, for "ame balance an& common senses sa%e, no caracter can learn a !ole ne!para&i"m of &oin" tin"s o4erni"t. F#rtermore, tere are some traits a caracter m#st simplybe born !it to be possesse&. As a r#le of t#mb, restrictions for ac8#irin" ne! &"es pastcaracter creation are "i4en as follo!s. Accor&in" to an aspirin" caracters aptit#&e an&potential, an amo#nt of time may be &e&#ce& from te minim#m re8#ire&, tis amo#nt bein"e8#al to te caracters rele4ant /tat Mo&ifier.

Edge -inimum Time :years</pecial 'rainin" (m#n&ane) mme&iateMystic Martial Arts min#s Foc#s Mo&ifier  Cybor" /peciallemental 7A Alien7 M#tant Animal 7APsycic 7A/#per#man 7AMa"ic (izar&ry) J min#s Foc#s Mo&ifier  

Ma"ic (oter) /pecial

 Also, re8#isite n#mber one for p#rs#in" an e&"e is tat s#c %in& of abilities m#st e5ist in tecampai"n settin" in te first place (te GM is free to ref#se any ma"ic*relate& e&"e in a non*ma"ical settin" or s#per#man po!ers in a martial arts one).

-ystic -artial *rts and 'iardry bot re8#ire tat Caracters spen& at least I o#rs a &ay("ame time) trainin" !it a Mentor (as per te A&4anta"e, m#st be pai& for !it TP), tesetrainin" so#l& be preferably roleplaye& properly.

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Cyborg con%ersion consists in te replacement of (often missin") limbs !it bionic prostetics,!ic is sometin" no sane person !o#l& e4er consi&er e5cept for me&ical p#rposes peraps. nany case, in or&er to become can&i&ate for cybor" con4ersion te caracter m#st a4e eiter teMillionaire a&4anta"e or contacts (as per te Asociate a&4anta"e) in te ri"t places li%e armsfabricators, te military, etc. More often tan not, caracters !ill also re8#ire of te ebt7$oona&4anta"e, as !oe4er te sponsor is #s#ally more tan intereste& in is property (!icappens to be attace& to te caracters bo&y). Millionaire caracters can #s#ally stri%e abar"ain in reasonably e8#al terms, b#t te sponsor still retains property of te cybor" parts, an&!ate4er #se te ne! cybor" "i4e tem m#st be !it te sponsors appro4al in a&&ition to oter terms in te contract. Oter!ise "#inea pi"s of cybor" con4ersion become a#tomaticallyemployees #n&er te sponsors payroll (!it all te entitlin" obli"ations) in te best case, an&property in te !orst.

On a final note, cybor"s tat tin% tey can 2#st recei4e teir cybor" parts an& r#n !it tem m#sta4e in min& tat, if teir sponsor !as able to ma%e tem into 1*man armies capable of layin"!aste to a battalion temsel4es, teyre also capable of &oin" te same tin" for oters (probablyalrea&y &one so), an& sponsors !ont esitate in sen&in" a &etacment f#ll of :1*man armies;after te freeloa&er in or&er to retrie4e te cybor" parts e4en if tat means rippin" tem off tecaracters bo&y. 4en Mazin"er*0 an& te 4a #nits all fell e4ent#ally to te mi"t of pro"ressan& ne! mo&els, so GMs so#l& O' be mercif#l, an& r#na!ays so#l& be a!are tat its only a

matter of time before teyre facin" a "an"e&*#p*on sit#ation, !it eac foe in te "an" at leastas stron" as te cybor" imself, if not stron"er<.

ElementalJ -utant *nimalJ +sychicJ and Superhuman  are traits tat a caracter necessarilyas to be born !it (or at least be"in te story !it), an& cannot be &e4elope& #nless te basictalents are alrea&y possesse& (eiter one is born a psycic or is not). 4en in anime or comicscentere& on tese :more tan #man; caracters, te story #s#ally be"ins precisely !it teac8#isition or &isco4ery of te prota"onists ne! abilities "reater tan mortal men, an& is centere&on o! tey can"e is life.

 A tric%y (an& &an"ero#s) !ay aro#n& tis restriction, o!e4er, is an in&#ce& can"e. 'is can be&one tro#" any means possible in te campai"n ("enetic e5perimentation, arcane rit#als,

acci&ents, etc). 9o!e4er, as temptin" as it so#n&s, te bet is too ea4y to be consi&ere& li"tly+Past caracter creation, s#c attemps a4e only a ?S of s#ccess, an& te caracter re8#ires tos#ccee& a /tamina sa4e &iffic#lty 1, &yin" if e fails an& re&#cin" is /tamina stat by points(to reflect te ra4a"in" s#c process can be in te bo&y) if e s#ccee&s.

-agic, be it bein" imb#e& !it s#pernat#ral abilities or fin&in" a ma"ical artefact, is ne5t toimpossible e5cept for 9i"*Fantasy campai"ns or oter!ise settin"s in !ic caracters areprone to s#c fin&in"s, an& any e5ceptions not only ris% tro!in" "ame balance o#t of te!in&o!, b#t also "enerate resentment from players !o &ont recei4e as m#c as te oters(tin" !ic, for some reason, al!ays appens).

>.I) Creatin" e! Reso#rces

'ry as te a#tor mi"t in tis boo%, fantasy, anime, an& roleplayin" are constantly creatin" ne!4ariants an& e4en ne! form#las an&, e4ent#ally, te players an& GM !ill a4e nee&s beyon& of !ats offere& in tis boo%.

'rass arcitect#re is oriente& to!ar&s c#stomization, so in te fe! times !en te boo%sreso#rces are not eno#", creation is i"ly enco#ra"e&. /#c creations, o!e4er, are s#b2ect tocommon sense, "ame balance, an& te GMs final &ecision. /#""este& ne! reso#rces so#l&abi&e by te follo!in" "#i&elines in or&er to ens#e ne! creations !ill be f#n an& balance& for e4eryone+

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Step 1 #s there nothing in the book that does the function we8re trying to reproduceA$efore e4ery attempt to re*in4ent te !eel, te creator*!o#l&*be m#st searc te boo% caref#lly!it tis 8#estion in min&. Peraps te boo% &oesnt a4e a :col& flame; mane#4er !ic &oescol& &ama"e an& leeces 9ealt from te opponent, b#t te boo% incl#&es bot Ci $last (ce)an& te rain 6ife mane#4ers, so !it te elp of /t#nt Mane#4ers (see te Combat Mane#4erssection in capter ) an& some 8#ic% tin%in" !e f#se bot ce $last an& rain 6ife an&, !itGMs 2#&"ement, only alf te mane#4ers &ama"e is applie& to tar"ets APs, !ile te oter alf is sipone& as 9ealt< 4oilaX nstant :Col& Flame; mane#4er impro4ise&.

'ras systems bea#ty lies in tat nearly any effect can be repro&#ce& !it te ri"t mi5 of mane#4ers, mo&ifiers, an& st#nts.

Step " Ieeds and Satisfactors5actly !at is te nee& yo#r ne! content is tryin" to satisfy s tere nee& for s#c reso#rces inte type of campai"n te GM is r#nnin"

Step / (oes the solicited resource belongs in the right Edge categoryA Or is it in%ading

the realms of another EdgeAac &"e "rants &ifferent a&4anta"es an& limitations, an& GMs so#l& oppose any ne! contenttat intents to bypass tese limitations or in4a&e anoter e&"es &omains. 'o ma%e tin"s simple,a !izar& as no nee& for a :F#ry /#per Attac% spell; an& a mystic martial artist as no b#sinessraisin" bac% te &ea& in te same meas#re a policeman &oesnt st#&y a&4ance& "enomics or aC/ in4esti"ator &oesnt "o arrest te criminals imself (re"ar&less of !at 'D says). On 4eryspecial occasions, o!e4er, te GM may li%e a s#""este& ne! reso#rce eno#" an& p#t it in teMiscellaneo#s Po!ers section, b#t ell ne4er allo! sometin" #nli%ely insi&e a cate"ory it clearly&oesnt belon" to.

Step 0 BenchmarkOnce te reso#rces basic &raft is presentable, it m#st be bencmar%e& a"ainst oter reso#rces te same cate"ory (a Combat mane#4er, a mental po!er, an ability*enancer &iscipline, etc). f 

yo#r creation is far better tan e4erytin" tere is to &ate ten te player so#l& be a!are te GMis most li%ely to sen& im bac% to te cal%boar& #ntil e as sometin" more mana"eable.

Creation G#i&elines

Skills'e (5pert) s%ill co4ers for any s%ill not incl#&e& in te boo%, so creatin" a ne! s%ill is rarelynee&e& #nless te s#""este& s%ill in 8#estion act#ally as palpable in*"ame effects (li%e tecombat penalties of ntimi&ation or te s%ill bon#ses of Psycollo"y).

/%ills !it one or t!o #ses can be implemente& !it little to no complication, !ile s%ills !it K or more #ses or oter!ise specialize& brances of more basic s%ills (s#c as Me&icine to First Ai&or n"ineerin" to Repair) so#l& #s#ally re8#ire te caracter > in te relate& stat an& at least

ran%s in a basic s%ill.

(isciplinesisciplines are a fairly 4arie& lot, b#t o4erall tey can be classifie& in te follo!in" "ro#ps+

• Single$+urpose (isciplines+ $o&y 9ar&enin", $lin& Fi"tin", Combat ri4in", etc.• Combat (isciplines+ 9an&*to*9an& styles, !eapon &isciplines, Atletism.• Esoteric (isciplines+ /orcerery Pats, Psycic isciplines, Positi4e Ci, etc.

Single$+urpose (isciplines eiter "rant bon#ses or re&#ce penalties on one sin"le %in& of rolls

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or special circ#mstances. /in"le*P#rpose &isciplines tat are only applicable to a not*so*commonacti4ity (li%e combat &ri4in") or #n#s#al circ#mstances (li%e $lin& Fi"tin") cost CPs per le4el,!ile tose tat a4e imme&iate, constant application (li%e $o&y 9ar&enin") cost K per le4el.

For a &iscipline to be consi&ere& a Combat (iscipline, it m#st 1 "rant access to combatmane#4ers an& increase te caracters base AP. 9an&*to*9an& styles are complete combat&isciplines !ic "rant access to a f#ll repertoire of bot attac% an& &efense mane#4ers, t#scostin" K CPs per le4el. Oter &isciplines !ic eiter instea& only "rant partial means of attac%an& &efense (li%e $la&es) or only "rant access to a specific cate"ory of mane#4ers (li%e Firearmsor Atletism) cost CPs per le4el instea&.

Esoteric (isciplines  "rant te caracter s#pernat#ral abilities, a &ifferent one per le4el of te&iscipline. 'e first re8#isite tat m#st be co4ere& is a4in" a &efine& p#rpose, a "oal tepractitioner of te &iscipline p#rs#es. All abilities m#st be closely relate& to te &isciplinesp#rpose, same !ic m#st be clearly &efine& an& &elimite& (a :!ay of te mo#ntain; &iscipline,for e5ample, tat pro"ressi4ely "i4e practitioners means to becomin" more resilient, #nmo4able,an& #nsa%eable, is an acceptable, &elimite& teme, b#t a :!ay of te m#c%in; one tat 2#sttro!s in a o&"e*po&"e of &efensi4e, offensi4e, an& oter!ise :be*all*en&*all; po!ers, iscertainly not).

'e ne5t step is plannin" te &isciplines layo#t, !ic is &efinin" n 4ery simple terms, a&isciplines sceme of abilities is lai& similar to te follo!in"

1. CuteJ butR+ An ability !ic #s#ally rater !or%s as a bac%#p for a s%ill. 'e %in& of seemin"ly #seless ability tat cansa4e te caracters &ay at te ri"t time to#".. Teaser + F#nctional applications, yet too limite& to be #se& in combat. Bsef#l eno#" to "i4e te caracter an e&"e, b#ttrimme& eno#" to remin& im es still "ot a lot to learn.K. Iow we8re getting somewhere+ Clear*c#t, sin"le*p#rpose applications, b#t m#c less limite&. Most :b#ffin"; abilitiesenter tis cate"ory.I*. Combat *pplications+ Abilities act#ally intente& for "rantin" te caracter po!er o4er oters. Combat abilities,potent !ar&s, an& similar, more :&irect; po!ers start at tis point.J. *d%anced *pplications+ /tartin" tis point is !ere te &isciplines most potent applications start, GMs a4e te finalcall on !at is appro4e& an& !at nee&s mo&ifications.


Costs #s#ally "o from 1 to J points per a&4anta"e. Accor&in" to te type of a&4anta"e

• Drant bonuses to rolls :skills<+ /#""este& cost– bon#s min#s one. 5ample+ A#ra of Po!er.• Drant bonuses to rolls :combat<+ /#""este& cost– bon#s pl#s one. 5ample+ Area /pecialization.• Drant a 1$in$a$million natural talent+ /#""este& cost– I points. 5ample+ Ambi&e5tero#s.• Drant an anime$deri%ed talent+ /#""este& cost–  to points. 5ample+ Cost#me.• Drant social ad%antages or status+ /#""este& cost–  to J points.

(isad%antagesisa&4anta"es is sometin" !it !at GM m#st be specially caref#l abo#t, as tey are te mainpoint !ere players see% to e5ploit te system. GMs !o are #nable to #pol& on players terestrictions set by &isa&4anta"es so#l&nt an&le &isa&4anta"es in "ame, let alone creatin" ne!ones. Only te ea4iest &isa&4anta"es "rant more tan J CPs, ones !it irre4ersible an& mostea4y in*"ame effects (li%e te lar"e restrictions of Cil& or te near*&eat of Ol& A"e).

 Anoter primary re8#isite of &isa&4anta"e is tat, !it e5ception of a DR fe! (li%e Anmesia), A66 &isa&4anta"es m#st a4e palpable in*"ame effects, as most GMs ten& to for"et abo#tplayers roleplay*relate& &isa&4anta"es, b#t no GM for"ets abo#t in*combat limitations (GMsnemonics). 6i%e!ise, e4en te !orst case of ar&*core e5ploiter !ill reconsi&er abo#t a ? CPs&isa&4anta"e if it means all of is rolls !ill be royally cripple& an& te GM can %ill im at anymoment for any reason or no reason at all at is &iscretion.

• Effects are only rolepay$related+ /#""este& bon#s– one point. 5ample+ Amnesia.• #ncur skill penalties or forbids the use of a skill+ /#""este& bon#s–  points. 5ample+ /y.

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• #ncur Combat +enalties+ /#""este& bon#s– K points. 5ample+ Area iffic#lty.• +oses a maHor impairment on the character + /#""este& bon#s– > points. 5ample+ $lin&.• Coherces the character8s freedom of action+ /#""este& bon#s–  to K points. 5ample+ F#"iti4e.• Social disad%antage or debt+ /#""este& bon#s+ to J points. 5ample+ nemy.

>.I) A&4ent#res

!ule PeroPeraps te sin"le most important lesson of storytellin" in roleplayin" "ames is te one tat mostGMs ne4er learn, an& tis lesson is+ 'ere is no planne& a&4ent#re tat s#r4i4es a "ro#p of cle4er players< &ont !orry if it &oesnt ma%e sense no!, it !ill in te ne5t para"rap.

Most GMs plan teir a&4ent#res in a linear se8#ence layo#t, !ere players mo4e from e4ent A toe4ent $ an& C an& so on, #ntil reacin" te :"oal;. 9o!e4er, if te player tro#pe is at leastpartially !ort teir salt, at some point bet!een point A an& $, at least one player !ill come !it acle4er i&ea or sortc#t tat !ill ren&er points $ an& C a moot, 2#mpin" strai"t to an& "i4in" teGM a fit more often tan not. A "oo& GM so#l& be able to let te a&4ent#res co#rse to be ableto can"e base& on te caracters actions an& conse8#ences+ i& te players fo#n& a sortc#ttat allo!e& tem to a4oi& te ne5t enco#nters yo# a& planne& 'ats "reatX 'at so!s yo#r players are so!in" interest in yo#r "ame, a "oo& GM ne4er ampers players creati4ity. i& te

players &o a fatal mo4e an& royally scre!e& te settin" #p ont fret an& let te &ice fall !eretey may, players a4e to learn teir actions a4e conse8#ences, as players !o tin% teir GM!ill come to te resc#e time after time ten& to "et sloppy an& &ont pay te same interest.

The +layer Character CastingSetting re?uirements %s working with what you ha%e'e first tin" te GM m#st obser4e !en players are "eneratin" teir caracters is !eter tea&4ent#re e as planne& re8#ires of a specific type of caracters or not.

f te a&4ent#re as a narro!, &efinite scope, ten its preferable tat te GM !arns players tate nee&s teir caracters to fit into te re8#ire& criteria (tere !o#l&nt be a bi" place for a%atana*!iel&in" "ostb#ster in yo#r !orl&*!ar s romance story, nor yo#& !ant im in), !arnin"yo#r players beforean& "#arantees tat e4eryone !ill a4e a place (an& f#n) in yo#r a&4ent#re.6i%e!ise, if yo# !ant to ma%e yo#r a&4ent#res abo#t te caracters sa4in" te !orl& from an e4il4illain tat may or may not a4e sometin" to &o !it tem, ten te best !o#l& be !arnin" yo#r players tat yo#re loo%in" for :ero; caracters !illin" to for"et !ate4er teyre &oin" an& 2#mpto te resc#e for no oter re!ar& tan a4in" &one te ri"t tin".

On te oter an&, in te cases !ere te GM as only te most basic tin"s of !at &oes e!ant to &o in is ea& or as notin" planne& alto"eter can 2#st "i4e te players carte blanceon !at to create, an& b#il& is settin"s bac%"ro#n& base& on !at tey !ant for teir caracters. 'is approac "i4es te a&4anta"e tat players feel teir caracters "en#inely belon"in tere, b#t for it to !or% its still nee&e& tat te partys bac%"ro#n&s an& caracter concepts beat least partially compatible, te %atana*!iel&in" "ostb#ster !o#l& a4e little to &o !it a crimefi"ter !o as a score to settle !it a crime lor& an& bot of tem !o#l& a4e e4en less to &o!it te alien !o 2#st crase& on eart an& m#st "o bac% to space so e can sa4e is "ala5yfrom e4il princess !atsername< #nless yo#re act#ally !illin" to try an& ma%e sometin" o#t

of all tat, an& no "#arantees are as to !at yo#ll en& #p !it.

Story .ooks %s +olariation As a GM, if yo# !ant te player caracters to &i4e into te a&4ent#re 8#ic%ly, ten sai& a&4ent#rebetter be sprin%le& !it oo%s meaty eno#" to attract teir attention. n simple terms, yo# cantfis !ito#t bait.

f te table as more tan one caracter !it ric bac%"ro#n&s ten a&4ent#res so#l& be rater planne& aro#n& sai& bac%"ro#n&s, a4e sometin" to &o !it teir interests an& preferably

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in4ol4e te caracters tat form part of is bac%"ro#n& en4ironment. A caracter may or may notbite on a oo% if its only sli"tly relate& to is interests or morals, b#t e 66 bite if it is &irectlyis o!n b#siness, people al!ays min&s teir o!n b#siness. 'e GM, o!e4er, m#st be caref#ltat all players "et te same amo#nt of time #n&er te spotli"t, !en #sin" te player caracters bac%"ro#n&s its too easy to fall for te trap of #na&4erti&ely ma%in" a caracter intote prota"onist of te story, re&#cin" te oter player caracters to mere s#pportin" cast,sometin" !ic is s#re to "enerate ar& feelin"s amon" players.

On te oter si&e of te coin !e a4e polatization of campai"ns, a mo&#s operan&i still in #se by o#t of 1? GMs, tis consists in res#min" all possible moti4ations, ryme an& reason to teclassic :"oo& 4s e4il; str#""le. ile polarization is still a perfectly 4ali& reso#rce in te i"*fantasy "enre, stories place& in contemporary settin"s rarely a4e place for clear*c#tblac%3!ite, normally re8#irin" more &ept to be pla#sible, b#t still polarize& stories incontemporary settin"s can ta%e place !it little problem as lon" as te GM states clearly tat ee5pects te player caracters to a4e :ero; concepts.

GMs, o!e4er, still resort to polarization for one reason+ its easier on e4eryone. eiter teplayers nee& to boter !it elaborate bac%"ro#n&s nor te GM re8#ires an intrincate story fille&!it intri"#e if all te reason te caracters nee& to "et "oin" is tat eiter teyre "oo& an& te"#y in te oter si&e of te fence is e4il or tat te !orl& as tey %no! it !ill come to an en& an&

teyre te only ones !o can stop s#c from appenin". Polarization is fa4ore& by players !o&ont li%e complications an& 2#st li%e to "o !it te flo! as !ell as in ne!bie "amin" tables.

,awful %s ,awless

:ic% te cairX 'e ropes ti"t E#st one 8#ic% !rencX 'e toot is o#t Frien& or foeX o# "otta an" -em &ea& Or teyll come bac% aro#n&< %ic% itX;***Me"a&et, :ic% te Cair;

'e style an& &e"rees of ris% &#rin" action scenes in a campain" can 4ary "reatly accor&in" tote &e"ree of presence or absence of te la!*enforcin" element in a campain"s settin". n ala!f#l settin", s#c as a TT cent#ry city, te caracters !ill most li%ely a4e to abi&e by te la!

or face te conse8#ences, a tin" !ic !ill complicate tin"s if a fi"t scene brea%s o#t in teopen+

•  As soon as te caracter en"a"es in combat e can be acc#se& !it p#blic &ist#rbance car"es.•  f opponents are ac%no!le&"e& criminals, te caracter is instea& commitin" Bs#rpation of Office for tryin" to &o apolice officers 2ob.• f the !hara!ter uses a wea"on he !an 'e !harged with ega ossession of $ea"ons a!!ording to thewea"on%s nature. The moment the wea"on is used he aso !ommits #ssaut $ith $ea"on 4whi!h may asoa""y to unarmed !om'at if the !hara!ter shows the ski of a we-trained martia artist5.• f o""onents are armed and o"en re at the !hara!ter, any shot he dodges wi "ro'a'y hit inno!ent'ystanders 4see 9"ening Fire in 1ities in the 1om'at !ha"ter5. Furthermore, if he himsef o"ens re andhurts 'ystanders 'y the same measure, he wi 'e !harged from n8uries to ;egigent 3omidi!e.• 1oatera damage !aused during the ght wi transate as !harges for ro"erty )amage, 'oth "u'i!and "rivate. f the !am"aign takes "a!e in the @.S, a!!ording to the damage done, the !hara!ter may aso'e !harged with Terrorism.

Mentione& criminal car"es may a4e &ifferent names an& proce&#res in &ifferent co#ntries, b#tte aforementione& acts are consi&ere& crimes in most co#ntries, so e4en a frien&ly matco#tsi&e te resta#rant or a "oo&*!ille& attempt to pre4ent a monster from eatin" a cil&s ea&can res#lt in *? years of prison.

'e pre4io#s e5ample is #se& to ill#strate te main tenet a la!f#l settin" is b#ilt on, !ic is:Actions a4e conse8#ences;. n a la!f#l campain" caracters cant blatantly %ill, main, or #se!eapons of mass &estr#ction at /t. Patric%s festi4al an& "et a!ay !it it. 9eroic caracters in ala!f#l settin" a4e to be 4ery caref#l if tey are "oin" to operate o#tsi&e te la!, lest tey instea&

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see temsel4es t#rne& into criminalsH partic#larly cle4er anta"onists are a!are of tis an& !ill #sete la! a"ainst te caracters !ene4er tey can. A la!f#l settin" "rants str#ct#re an& cre&ibilityat te e5pense of some free&om of action.

On te oter si&e of te coin, a GM !o &oesnt !ant any complications for imself or is playerscan &ictate tat is !orl& !ill be la!less an& 2#st let tem &o as tey please !ito#t fear of reprisal or conse8#ences. 6a!lessness is #se& in an astonisin" n#mber of man"a an& animeso!s, especially in tose !ere lar"e e5plosions an& cas#alties are %ey &e4ices to entertainin"te a#&ience. 6a!lessness "i4es a campain" simplicity an& free&om, an& allo!s for flasycinematics.

'e &o!nsi&e of 6a!lessness is tat it 4oi&s te p#rpose cities are b#ilt for, te campai"n instea&becomin" a post*mo&ern !estern !ito#t oter la! tat te Fastest G#ns. 6i%e!ise, if tecaracters can "o %ill anyone at teir o!n o#se at teir leis#re, tey so#l& be a!are teyre notsafe any!ere eiter.

!ealism and SolemnityRealism in anime 4aries "reatly from a#tor to a#tor, b#t a common feat#re amon" "oo& an&s#ccessf#l man"a an& anime is tat teir &e"ree of realism is &irectly proportional to tesolemnity %ept tro#"o#t te story. Of co#rse, by realism be #n&erstoo& te ran"e of realism

an&le& !itin te "enre at an&+ ile notin" o#t of te or&inary !ill so! #p in film noir, ini" fantasy is canon to see instant miracles of po!erf#l ma"ic. 'is is sometin" tric%y to !or%o#t, b#t eac "enre as a set of 4al#es !ic can be #se& to b#il& criteria on !at is canon, !atis #ncommon, an& !at is far*fetce& for eac "enre. 'e more far*fetce& a campain" "ets, teless li%ely it is to be ta%en serio#sly, an& its important to %no! te &ifference, as stories !ere te&e"ree of solemnity e5cee&s its realism7cre&ibility is almost a#tomatically &ismisse& aspretentio#s or pompo#s. GMs so#l& be a!are of tis an& ta%e tin"s less serio#sly an& !it asm#c #mor as possible (#mor is te re&eemin" 8#ality of most anime so!s &#rin" teir firstepiso&es). /ome people &ont li%e /tar ars, some oters &ont li%e /tar 're%, b#t to my%no!le&"e, almost e4eryone !o as rea& te 9itci%ers G#i&e to te Gala5y as li%e& it.

#ic% Anime 5amples+• Cowboy Bebob+ Realism (sci*fi) 7 /olemnity J•

 T!e Slayers+ Realism (fantasy) 7 /olemnity I (come&y)• Dunsmith Cats+ Realism J 7 /olemnity J• !ecord of the ,odoss 'ar + Realism 1? (RPG copy7paste) 7 /olmemnity =• Ranma 57 (eaism = 4martia arts fantasy5 > Soemnity = 4!omedy5• Dhost in the Shell+ Realism 1? (sci*fi) 7 /olemnity 1?• Street ig!ter T!e Animated Mo/ie7 (eaism 4martia arts fantasy5 > Soemnity K

Open %s Closed 9ormat A series format can be open or close& accor&in" to !eter a &etermine& set of elements arerec#rrent in eac capter (or span of capters). Most '.D series (anime incl#&e&) a4e a close&str#ct#re, !ic means eac capter is more or less constit#te& by te same elements eac time,obser4ant 4ie!ers can 8#ic%ly spot te elements tat comfort a series format or str#ct#re if teypay eno#" attention.

(ragonball$P (season str#ct#re)•  After a perio& of calm, a &an"er arises tat becomes omen for a m#c "reater &an"er to come.• 'e eroes "o in searc of a trainin" to prepare temsel4es to face te &an"er.• 'e enemy arri4es, ren&erin" all of ci4ilize& !orl&s str#ct#re po!erless.• 'e eroes finis teir trainin", te fi"t starts an& only te last of te eroes stan&in" &efeat te enemy.

Small%ille (capter str#ct#re)Clar% ent fi"ts a 4illain !o ac8#ire& is po!ers &#rin" a meteor so!er an& &efeats im, all !ile te lo4e trian"lebet!een imself, 6ana 6an", an& Cloe /#lli4an &e4elops. Clar%s frien&, Pete, elps !it !it a&4ice an& a &o!n*to*eart teena"e presence !ile is fater ar"#es !it im abo#t te etic #se of is po!ers.

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 A close& str#ct#re allo!s for on*te*fly, instant "eneration of ne! capters or filler capters tatcan elp elon"ate a story tat co#l& #s#ally be tol& in less tan a !ee% for an in&efinite time aslon" as ratin"s &eman&, a case tat, !ile in America may not be applicable as '.D net!or%s b#yseries in season*bloc%s, in Eapan is alarmin"ly tr#e, as some anime series a4e teir capterspro&#ce& on a !ee%*by*!ee% basis, mo4in" pro&#ction to ceaper animation st#&ios so#l&ratin"s &ecline.

n roleplayin", te close& format is especially present in "ames !ic are rater compose& of small, #nrelate& a&4ent#res, an& its main e5ponent are te "ames oriente& to &#n"eon cra!lin".'e a&4anta"e of te close& format is tat creatin" sort, self*concl#si4e a&4ent#res is easier tan brainstormin" for !ee%s or monts to &e4ise a m#lti*part epic yo#ll ta%e years to concl#&e(tat sayin" yo#r "amin" table en&#res te test of time). 9a4in" a soli&, establise& settin" !itbac%"ro#n& an& PCs also ma%es te tas% all te more simple, as ten as soon as yo# a4ei&entifie& te re8#ire& elements yo#ll be #sin" (an& re*#sin") to comform yo#r :capter str#ct#re;, ten all tats left to &o is comin" #p !it creati4e 4ariants of te form#la o4er an& o4er a"ain.

Contrary to a close& format series, !ere te point is creatin" a form#la for 8#asi*ran&om"enerate& capters an& ten seein" !ic &irection te series ta%e, a !or% of open str#ct#re asa sin"le story !ritten before pro&#ction, te story bein" ten split into capters an& release& by

parts. 5amples are man"a, anime OAD series, an& te :I; '.D so!.

n roleplayin", te open format is #se& by GMs !o specifically !ant to narrate a story of me&i#mto lon" &#ration. $ein" te entertainment me&ia so f#ll !it epic stories its only nat#ral e4ery GMat some point in teir GMin" life !ants to r#n an epic a&4ent#re, peraps more tan one. /omeGMs e4ent#ally o#t"ro! epic, some &ont, b#t !en all is sai& an& &one, te only ones !it tefinal !or& are te players, as lon" as tey %eep li%in" it. 'e pros of te open format is tat a!ell*con&#cte& epic !ere te players see teir caracters "ro! from zeroes to eroes tat sa4ete !orl& is a "ame yo#r players !ill rarely for"et. 'e cons are tat, as it is, too many GMs !antto be te ne5t 9i&ea%i Anno or ERR 'ol%ien an& epics, rater tan sometin" special, can beconsi&ere& almost r#n*of*te*mill in most "amin" tables. An open*format campai"n m#st be reallyspecial if it is to &istin"#is itself from te rest, an& by special te a#tor tries to mean &ifferent. Acampai"n &oesnt nee& to sa4e te !orl& e4ery oter "ame session to be "oo&. /impler tin"s

can be 2#st as memorable.

Encounters and Triggers An enco#nter can be #n&erstoo& as anytin" inten&e& to lea4e a lastin" impression an& tat !illmost li%ely be #se& for f#t#re reference. An PC, a mysterio#s stat#e locate& in te mi&&le of aforest, or &isco4erin" an #ncarte& islan& are all e5amples of enco#nters. A tri""er, on te oter an&, are scenes ma&e specifically ma&e to e4o8#e a reaction in te player caracters. /omeenco#nters can be tri""ers at te same time (as is te case !it ostile PCs). nco#nters canbe ar& at first for startin" GMs as tey re8#ire of proper narrati4e to be s#ccessf#l.

 A case of tri""ers !ic re8#ire of special &etail is combat, as not only te GM re8#ires to be&escripti4e eno#", b#t also e as to %eep trac% of !ats "oin" on in scene (if bot si&es !ere? meters from eac oter !en combat starts, statin" te PCs en"a"e in melee ri"t a!ay!o#l& be a narrati4e loopole, to say te least), so &o te players, !o !ill also benefit of 

&escriptions to %no! possibly reso#rces at teir &isposition pro4i&e& by te en4ironment+ placesto ta%e co4er, ob2ects tat can !or% as impro4ise& !eapons, 8#ic% e5it ro#tes, etcetera.

Bsef#l tools for enco#nters an& tri""ers are for e5ample a4in" small car&s an&y an& prepare&for para"raps of narrate& &escription. ritin" an enco#nter prior to te "amin" session "i4es teGM te a&4anta"e tat e can plan better !at e plans on sayin" for is &escriptionH tistecni8#e can mean a lot of !or%, b#t it is recommen&e& for special enco#nters or tri""ers teGM !ants to be partic#larly memorable.

Re"ar&in" %eepin" trac% of combat, te GM can eiter coose to tr#st is ea& to %eep recor& of 

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!ats appenin" an& !at "oes !ere or %eep recor& in a more pysical form+ tose "oin" for %eepin" trac% in teir ea&s can easily 2#stify temsel4es in te fact tat combat is #s#allycaotic, an& caracters in combat are constantly mo4in", tey 2#st &ont stay in place :!aitin" for teir t#rn;, b#t as te &o!nsi&e tat o4ersi"ts can appen, an& in combat an o4ersi"t cana4e &ire conse8#ences. 'ose "oin" for %eepin" a pysical recor& can easily resort for a e5*"ri& seet at te center of te table, !ere to%ens are #se& to represent te caracters an&,so#l& te GM !ant, e can also #se placeables to represent te scenery better. Bsin" a e5*"ri&seet brin"s ease of #se to e4eryone in4ol4e&, bot GM an& players (an& better acc#racy !enan&lin" mane#4ers mo4e ratin"), b#t as te &isa&4anta"e tat foc#sin" te attention on aboar& instea& of te fantasy insi&e o#r ea&s ris%s &isr#ptin" te ma"ic an& t#rnin" eac combatinto a Cess session.


Creating the Supporting Castell*realize& PCs are te %ey to a soli& settin" !it a K* feelin". /ome GMs li%e to "o all te!ay, creatin" a &etaile& caracter seet for eac PC, oters prefer to a4oi& complication an&only p#t in paper tat !ic e !ants te player caracters to interact !it, b#t te mostimportant &ata te GM m#st create for eac PC are te se4en 8#estions from step one, tecaracter concept+

 1. Personal &ata.

 2. Dirt#es an& fla!s.

 3. /tory (no matter o! brief).

 4. Family, frien&s, allies, etc.

 5. Eob (e MB/' earn a li4in" someo!).

 6. Moti4ations

 7. Reasons !y e !o#l& p#t imself into &an"ero#s sit#ations.

9a4in" tese 8#estions ans!ere& is te first step to!ar&s a s#ccessf#l, K* PC. ts alri"t if yo#r PC &oesnt loo% li%e a stron" r#nner for te Oscar to best anta"onist or s#pportin" castactor at first. n most '.D series caracters start as a lar"e collection of clics, its as te storya&4ances an& te !riters a4e te opport#nity to test o! eac caracter reacts to &ifferentsit#ations tat a caracters personality an& &ept are e4ent#ally born. Bsin" /mall4ille a"ain asan e5ample, &i&nt "et into te series #ntil lon" after te ype en&e& ( ate follo!in" tren&s),an& !en finally "ot to see tem te series !ere into season I alrea&y. lo4e& te caracters,te story as !ell as te metaplot tat &i& !ea4e !it te co#rse te capters !ere ta%in", b#t assoon as capters ran o#t an& te net!or% starte& repeatin" it from capter 1 remembere& !yte series ne4er really ca#"t my attention #ntil ten< te series form#la !as as pre&ictable asyo#r a4era"e :frea%so! of te !ee%; co#l& be, an& all caracters !ere eac a blan& teen clic.9a4in" tat clear a &emonstration of te before7after 4ie!, o!e4er, !as incre&ibly 4al#able for me as ten co#l& appreciate o! m#c can a story e4ol4e an& mat#re "i4en eno#" time.

Spontaneously Denerated I+Cs'ry as yo# mi"t, it is impossible for te GM to a4e an&y e4ery PC e is "oin" to nee&, an&

e !ill a4e to create PCs on te fly as caracters 4isit a &octor, searc for contacts, an&oter!ise meet ne! people te GM &i&nt a4e contemplate& at first. 'e tric% ere, is for te GMto ta%e notes of tese :spontaneo#sly "enerate& PCs; an& %eep tem an&y for te moment tecaracters may !ant to contact te same person a"ain. As a GM, yo# yo#rself !ill be s#rprise& ato! tese personalities e4ol4e on teir o!n as tey appear on camera more often.

Sample I+Cs

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Combat $ase Acc#racy , $ase /tren"t Mo&ifier K, $ase A"ility Mo&ifier K

-aneu%ers $asic Only.

*lternati%e #nstant *ntagonists An alternati4e to constant creation of caracter seets for eac ne! anta"onists for tecaracters to face is to a4e rea&y*to*#se, fi5e& criteria for anta"onists (e5+ an anta"onistsminions combat acc#racy is al!ays e8#al to tat of te eroes a4era"e min#s si5, an& te mainanta"onists is te eroes a4era"e pl#s si5). 'is meto& as te a&4anta"e tat te GM &oesntnee& constant boo% %eepin" !it caracter seets or a "ifte& memory to an&le combat, b#t aste &o!nsi&e tat tis meto& &oesnt reflect te caracters "ro!t at all in combat as if a t#"sacc#racy !ill al!ays be te eros min#s J, ten fi"ts !ill al!ays be te same re"ar&less of teeroes a4in" 1?? or zero TP of "ro!t.

>.) R#nnin" a Game

'ho8s in ChargeA'ere are t!o main types of r#nnin" a "ame &epen&in" on !os in car"e of r#nnin" te storysflo!, !eter te GM or te players temsel4es, eac one presents &ifferent callen"es an&benefits.

:GM in car"e; is in&ee& te most pop#lar !ay of r#nnin" a "ame, in tis case te GM s%etceste basics of a story, plans te layo#t of te a&4ent#re, an& presents te sit#ations to te player caracters, !o react to te on"oin" story an& circ#mstances, !ea4in" te story an& alterin" itsflo! as teir actions slo!ly "i4e str#ct#re to !at starte& as a basic s%etc. 'is meto& as tea&4anta"e tat nearly all of a "ames responsibility falls in te an&s of te GM, ma%in" it &ea&*easy for te players as tey are free of responsibilities, b#t for tat same reason, te 2ob of inte"ratin" eac of te caracters into is story properly falls into is an&s as !ell as ma%in"s#re tey all a4e a place in it. 6i%e!ise, tese campai"ns often ris% instea& becomin" scenariosif not properly carrie& on.

:Players in car"e; is an #n#s#al !ay of r#nnin" a campain" in !ic te players are te ones!o say !at !ill appen ne5t. 'is appens !en te player caracters eac a4e &etaile&eno#" bac%"ro#n&s to a4e personal a"en&as, an& te campai"ns story re4ol4es aro#n& teplayer caracters a"en&as an& teir in&i4i&#al p#rs#its to "et tin"s &one. 'e ma2or can"e inte players*GM relationsip in tese campai"ns is tat tis time te players are te onesproposin" te story arcs !ile te GM in t#rn reacts to te players initiati4es. f te player caracters !or% to"eter or at least teir in&i4i&#al a"en&as &ont conflict !it eac oter, teGMs role !ill be to present callen"es an& enco#nters base& on te opposition te caracter may fin& in te "i4en settin" (for !ic te GM nee&s a partic#larly &etaile& campain" settin"). f player cracters interest &o conflict !it eac oter, te GMs role !ill be one of arbiter an&mo&erator #sin" te settin", PCs, an& #ltimately te r#les. 5amples of tis type of campai"nsare tose oriente& to politic%in" an& po!er "ames, !ere te player caracters fi"#re as act#alplayers in te boar& rater tan pa!ns.

'e a&4anta"e of tis type of campain" is tat s#c stories are by far te most in4ol4in" as teplayer is 1??S an inte"ral part of te tale, t#s te most satisfyin". 9o!e4er, for tat same

reason, eac player m#st &o is ome!or% an& tin% of an elaborate bac%"ro#n& an& a personala"en&a in or&er to a4e sometin" to &o an& "i4e te GM sometin" to !or% !it. 'is type of campain" is most feasible in tables of ar&*core roleplayers, b#t in tose of li"t or oter!isecas#al players !o#l& be ar&, if not impossible to implement as players are re8#ire& a i"&e"ree of commitment.+layer %s +layer :+%+<ne4itable as te ti&es, player caracters all e4ent#ally conflict amon" temsel4es, te 8#estion iso! to an&le sai& conflicts safely an&, most importantly, !en its necessary to p#t an en& totem.

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 As lon" as te conflict !as born from 1??S in*caracter (C) reasons its safe an& "oo& to letconflict ens#e, conflict is te spice of "ames.

f yo# MB/' inter4ene, be it beca#se te bic%erin" is startin" to &isr#pt te "ame an& ma%in"oter players e5perience less en2oyable, or for any oter reason, &o it as soon as te fi"t starts,!aitin" for te scale to tip to!ar&s eiter of t!o 8#arrelin" si&es !ill be seen as fa4o#ritism. f yo#sa4e a player once, yo#ll be force& to sa4e te rest of te tro#pe at least once eac.

f one of te players is in possession of an #nfair a&4anta"e e is O' meant to be possessin"(li%e an ob2ect of po!er yo# p#t in a caracters an&s for story p#rposes or a :pet PC; !ofollo!s im e4ery!ere an& is ob4io#sly stron"er tan te !ole party combine&, not sometin"e earne& tro#" &ili"ent efforts an& CP7TP e5pen&it#re) an& is #sin" it for ab#si4e party&ominance, ten peraps its only %arma tat "rie4e& player caracters be informe& someo! of sai& a&4anta"es !ea%nesses, or for sai& a&4anta"e to fail at a cr#cial time< easy comes, easy"oes after all.

f a conflicti4e player caracter %eeps "rie4in" an& arassin" one or more of te party membersin a consistent !ay ten GM inter4ention is i"ly &isco#ra"e&, especially !en te "rie4e&parties finally t#rn on im an& "an% im. Player caracters tat persistently see% to be a torn in

te oters si&e are bo#n& to "et !at is comin" at tem. Fran%y :Fo#r Fin"ers; !as calle& tat!ay beca#se of is pencant for placin" st#pi& bets !it &an"ero#s people. ZI.

f conflict is &eri4in" from o#t*of*caracter (OOC) moti4ations slippin" C ten te best tin" isp#ttin" te "ame in pa#se (or at least teir player caracters) #ntil &ifferences are settle&. Reallife so#l& stay o#tsi&e te same !ay te roleplayin" stays in te table.

f stron"er, more e5perience& caracters are pic%in" on (or lor&in" o4er) a fres, !ea%er caracter an& its ob4io#s tat te reasons bein& tis "o no f#rter tan te players %no!in" !ellteyre stron"er an& so tey can "et a!ay !it it, ten tis is a case !ere GM inter4ention is!arrante&. 'is inter4ention can come in te form of an OOC repriman& (an& possible TP fine) or in*"ame poetic 2#stice (!at yo# %no! arma O/ come bac% at yo# after allX). Anoter alternati4e, also, is "i4in" te !ea% caracter a small :p#s; in te form of anytin" tat elps im

e4en te o&&s. 'is meas#re, o!e4er, !ile %eeps tin"s &ynamic, attac%s only te problemssymptoms, not te problem itself (ostility in te table), an& te "ame ris%s becomin" instea& aP4P !ar of escalation.

/ome GMs a4oi& inter4enin" !ene4er tey can, some oters prefer to stop e4ery small problembefore it sno!balls, b#t once all is sai& an& &one, te GMs 2ob is to &ose te flames of P4P off te moment it stops bein" f#n.

+layer Characters as illains An #ncommon, b#t not #near& of reso#rce in "amin" tables is !en one (or more) player caracter in te "amin" table a&opt te role of te storys anta"onist7s. 'is &iffers from te #s#al:Players in Car"e; "ames in tat, !ile in Players in Car"e eac a4e teir o!n a"en&a !icmay or may not conflict !it oter player caracters, tis :special caracter; is eiter &eclare&ly

o#t to "et te rest or in a co#rse of action !ic !ill !ill ine4itably lea& im to clas !it tem (te:eroes; to call -em some !ay), an& contrary to re"#lar Players in Car"e, tis time tere are onlyt!o si&es, :#s; an& :tem;.

9a4in" a player caracter play te anta"onist ma%es for 4ery f#n "ame as lon" as te 4illain*to*be is a!are of te follo!in" t!o facts+

1. (n fiction) Crime oesnt Pay+ 'ry as e mi"t, te 4illain so#l& be a!are tat, &espiteimpenetrable fortresses an& le"ions of &oom an& masterplans, e4ery 4illain e4ent#ally comes toface is enemies, an& once tis appens, traps an& reso#rces asi&e, ell fin& imself 

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o#tn#mbere&, o#t"#nne& an&, as e stan&s alone 4ers#s te rest of te party teamin" #p a"ainstim, possibly o#t!itte& as !ell. 'o top it off, most GMs are alrea&y biase& #n&er te :"oo& "#ysm#st al!ays !in; sctic%, so e4ery PC 4illain*to*be m#st be a!are from te start tat cances arees &yin" in te en& (or e4en sooner if es not caref#l). 'e player m#st be a!are, o!e4er, tatte real f#n of playin" a 4illain is not !innin", b#t seein" o! far can one ta%e is scemes beforete time of te rec%onin" arri4es for im.

. i4i&e& Attention /pan+ 'e moment te party &i4i&es, so m#st te GM &i4i&e is attentionspan, an& no matter !ate4er !e say at first, e4ent#ally a GMs attention !ill lean to!ar&s tesi&e !it more players or !ere !e a4e more interest in te story a&4ancin" (!ic more oftentan not, is not te one !it te minority of players).

K. GMs Preferences+ Playin" a 4illain !ill only !or% in "amin" tables !it ne#tral GMs !oact#ally %no! o! to lea4e te player caracters to teir o!n &e4ices an& O' p#ll strin"s, onesi&e or te oter. f te 4illain*to*be is a!are is GM is alrea&y biase& to!ar&s :te "oo& "#ys;an& is prone to "i4e is enemies #nfair a&4anta"es li%e #ncalle& for cl#es or 2in5 te 4illains &ierolls ten its 4ery li%ely es not "oin" to en2oy is e5perience.

!oleplay %s “!oll +lay”Roleplayin" means "ettin" into te soes of someone else an& :becomin" im;, t#s te player 

a"rees to at least try to portray te ficticio#s person an& actin" te sit#ations as best as e can.9o!e4er, o#r real*life %no!le&"e an& aptit#&es set act#al limitations on !at te player canaccomplis by actin" alone+ is not 4ery li%ely tat an intro4erte& player can fast*tal% te GM in asit#ation !ere is caracter !ants to fast*tal% an PC, li%e!ise a player !o is by no means apolice &etecti4e nor as real*life %no!le&"e of criminolo"y is not li%ely to be able to &escribe astep*by*step in4esti"ation to trac% &o!n someone !o !o#l& re8#ire an n4esti"ation roll of ?.'e point is tat, te fact tat a caracter as specific traits an& %no!le&"es &oesnt mean tatte player is re8#ire& to a4e tem too, case in !ic its perfectly 2#stifie& 2#st a4in" te player roll for is caracter !ito#t f#rter &escriptions.

ile a player so#l& be able to portray is caracter properly an& act sit#ations to te best of isability, te GM so#l& be able to reco"nize !en &eman&s for roleplay start bor&erin" on te#nreasonable.

Self$#nsertion/ome "amin" tables li%e to ma%e teir player caracters resemblin" temsel4es as m#c aspossible, !ile some oters "o e4en farter, act#ally playin" temsel4es as player caracters.'ese c#stoms may or may not be ealty accor&in" to te &e"ree of &rama in4ol4e& ina&4ent#res for a reason+ "ames centere& aro#n& &rama means te story !ill be constantly ittin"caracters sensiti4e spots, an& te more resemblances te caracters a4e !it te players, temore li%ely a player !ill be e4ent#ally #rt !en te a&4ent#re finally its a ner4e.

 Also, te !orst tin" a campain" !it self*insertion caracters can try is to settle &ifferencesbet!een players or sol4in" iss#es, no matter o! "oo& te intentions. #otin" a lon" o#t of print"ame by ite olf, 'ras is a "ame, not a terapy session.

Character (eath By !ules %s By (esignile te r#les for caracter &eat are clear, some GMs prefer to reser4e for temsel4es te&ecision of !en a player caracter &ies. ile te a#tors personal recommen&ation is for yo#to remain impartial an& let te &ice fall !ere tey may, tere !ill be cases !en te players a4eroleplaye& s#perbly an& ma&e of te campai"n sometin" especially s!eet or te typical :one*in*e4ery*table; player !o as a cronical case of te 2in5e& &ice bl#es. n tose cases yo# may!ant to open a 8#ic% emer"ency e5it for tem to escape &eat.

f yo# are to resc#e te player caracters from &eat, o!e4er, it is recommen&e& tat yo# ma%e&i4ine assistance as s#btle as possible so te players &ont realise tey !ere blatantly sa4e&. f 

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:M7 9n your way out of the king%s and you%re am'ushed 'ythe red dragon, and you have no !hoi!e 'ut to ght it.”

'e GM from te e5ample &i&nt seem to a4e &el4e& into is player caracters moti4ations an&

min&set to fin& o#t !eter tey !ere into &ra"on #ntin", &i& e GMs !it tis ba& abit a4eno ill !ill, b#t are often more intereste& into carryin" teir :masterpiece story; o#t e5actly as eplanne& tan in te players a4in" f#n, sometin" !ic &oesnt so#n& 4ery lo"ical, especially!en teyre te ma2ority.

 Anoter ba& point of scenarios is tat players can become fr#strate& !en tey realize tin"s !illappen no matter !at, an& !ill stop p#ttin" any effort as teir &ecisions are not importantany!ay.

 A bi" part of te GMs f#n is seein" o! a story can"es an& e4ol4es !it te caracters actions,&ont be afrai& of it. Fe! tin"s are moreborin" tan a story tat "oes e5actly as te GM planne&.

9icticious Drowthile stron"er eroes ta%e on bi""er callen"e pro"ressi4ely, anoter common ba& abit frommany GMs is al!ays ass#min" e4erytin" is stron"er tan te caracters no matter !at. Playersare 4ery li%ely to feel ceate& f te caracters embar% on a K*!ee%s 2o#rney to fin& te le"en&aryebony relic, facin" co#ntless perils, traps, an& oter treas#re #nters, only to "o bac% ome an&fin& o#t any street t#" an& e4en teir lan&lor& are once a"ain J Firearms le4els i"er tantem. Anoter e5ample of ficticio#s "ro!t is GMs !o %eep risin" te &iffic#lties of s%ill rolls ascaracters "ro! e4en for performin" te same tas%s caracters a4e been &oin" from tebe"innin".

ile its tr#e tat bi""er caracters nee& bi""er callen"es, its #nrealistic ass#min" tat e4erystreet t#" an& Eon oe !ill be ta%in" arate classes off*camera !ene4er te caracters "ro!,

 2#st to %eep #p !it tem. f te caracters are al!ays on te bottom en& of te foo& cain tentey cant see teir "ro!t reflecte&, t#s its li%e tey a& ne4er "ro!n any!ay. 'eres notin"

!ron" !it te campain" e4ent#ally reacin" a point !ere te caracters mo! tro#" "ro#psof enemy minions li%e tey !ere practice &#mmies< tats !at most action anime is ma&e of any!ay, isnt it

-etagaming and 9irewallingMeta"amin" is a form of ceatin" in !ic a player r#ns is caracters base& on player %no!le&"e rater tan in*caracter %no!le&"e. 5amples of meta"amin" are te follo!in"+

• 'e caracter !o 2#mps in front of a fra"mentation "rena&e or !al%s into a bonfire beca#sete player %no!s e as more 9ealt points tan te "rena&e (or fire) can inflict.• 'e caracter !o %eeps :2#st %no!in"; te oter caracter is e4il &espite te oters constantroleplay to &is"#ise is intentions, s#ccessf#l eception an& /a4oire Fare rolls, etc. an& %eeptryin" to come #p !it in*caracter 2#stifications for slippin" player %no!le&"e in.• 'e player !o ta%es all &ecisions for is caracter base& on !at e %no!s is GM is moreli%ely to &o ne5t rater tan on !at !o#l& is caracter &o.

ile some player %no!le&"e al!ays slips in e4ent#ally, meta"amin" is te bane of s#spense,realism, an& consistent roleplay, an& so#l& be %ept at a minim#m. o P4P intri"#es an&scemin" can ta%e if bot si&es caracters %eep :2#st %no!in"; te oters mo4es beca#se isri4al tol& tem to te GM alo#&. Also, no sane person !al%s into a b#il&in" in flames (#nless isson is in tere or a similarly po!erf#l reason). o# can s#""est e5can"in" small post*its !itmessa"es te player &oesnt !ant oters to %no! (or yo# yo#rself &oin" it for tin"s yo# &ont!ant oter players to %no!) an& constanly remin&in" players !at a sane, real*life person &o in

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so*an&*so sit#ations. en a "amin" table presents meta"amin" te best tin" is s#ppressin" itfrom te be"innin", lest in time it becomes an intrinsical part of te tables "amin" abits, t#sbecomin" impossible to remo4e.

On te oter si&e !e a4e fire!allin", !ic is a practice of some players !o inten& to filter allteir %no!le&"e of te campai"n to e5cl#si4ely tat %no!n by teir caracters. eter tey "oo#t for a smo%e or a &rin% !ene4er its not teir t#rn, tey &ont !ant to %no! anytin" tat is notseen tro#" teir caracters eyes. ile tis 4oi&s any cance of meta"amin" (!ic is teir intention), te GM often !ants is players to en2oy te story as a !ole, not 2#st te parts relate&to tem an&, if not an&le& !ell, fire!allin" can be mista%en for lac% of interest on te part of teplayers, t#s &isco#ra"in" te GM.

+re$empti%e DamingPre*empti4e "amin" is meta"amin" comin" from te GMs si&e, an& te sin"le !orst abit a GMcan fall into. Pre*empti4e "amin" consists in te caracters anta"onists or oter!ise callen"esal!ays :2#st %no!in"; te caracter plans, reso#rces at an&, etc. ile in some cases tis maybe 2#stifie& (a fire elemental !ose e5ploits are alrea&y ma%in" a name for im at is city !ill onlyca#se potential f#t#re enemies to start ta%in" ca#tionary meas#res a"ainst te :ne! ero into!n;, s#c a4in" fire e5tin"#isers an&y), in many oters cases tis !ill be completely#ncalle& for (s#c as te partys enemy :2#st %no!in"; te plan te party a& been &e4isin" for 

&ays a"ainst im an& bein" alrea&y prepare& 2#st beca#se te GM ear& te players tal%in" o#t*of*caracter). E#st as te case !it meta"amin" on players, te fact te GM %no!s !at teplayers are #p to &oesnt mean te PC !ill :%no! it ma"ically; as !ell. f yo# &ont !ant yo#r players to be ceap, ten &ont be so yo#rself.

 Anoter e5ample !o#l& be all enemies in a "ame bein" eiter psycics or !izar&s or s#pernat#ral creat#res 2#st beca#se te prota"onist is an in4#lnerable s#per#man or all enemiesbein" imm#ne to min&*alterin" effects 2#st beca#se te caracter is psycic. f a GM tin%s a traitin te boo% is o4erpo!ere& or 2#st &oesnt feel comfortable an&lin" it ten its morerecommen&able to ban it alto"eter from is campai"n tan comin" #p !it constant, ceapmeto&s to ren&er te caracters abilities n#ll. As a GM, yo# are on o#r ri"t not to allo! in yo#r "ame anytin" yo# &ont feel comfortable !it, b#t if yo# allo! tin"s yo# &ont li%e only to nerf tem ten, from te players point of 4ie!, b#yin" a trait or special ability only for it to be

constantly ne#tralize& becomes te same as not a4in" it at all, an& i"ly fr#stratin" as te CPsspent on sai& trait co#l& a4e rater been spent on oter tin"s.

+layers$D- *ntagonism'e most common mista%e in "amin" tables of ol& scool !as te GM anta"onizin" te players(an& 4ice4ersa). A GM !o p#ts ne!ly create& caracters in te mi&&le of a terrorist attac% an&act#ally TPC'/ te players to fi"t e5perience& "#errilla sol&iers or te players !ocomp#lsi4ely fear te GM listenin" to teir plans for fear of Pre*mpti4e "amin" on is part aree5amples of tis poor "amin" style.

/e4eral roleplayin" boo%s a4e sai& tis alrea&y, b#t it seems some people still cant "et te facttat roleplayin" is abo#t a4in" f#n !ea4in" a story, not abo#t !innin" or losin". t is not abo#t:beatin" te GM;, nor a GM :!ins; if te players &ie. A Game Masters p#rpose is to coor&inate

te "ame an& !ea4e te e4ents to"eter, not to :%ill te players;. ts only !en bot players an&GM cooperate an& f#lly tr#st eac oter tat memorable stories are create&.

>.J) Player 'ypes 

Peraps one of te most 4al#able attrib#tes in a GM is te ability to i&entify te type of playerstat inte"rate te "amin" table, as once e as tem i&entifie& e can %no! !at !ill !or% bestfor te table as a !ole.

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.ackSlashers Action lo4ers to te en&. ile bein" a ac%3slaser &oesnt mean bein" #nable to &o or en2oyoter aspects of roleplayin", its action !ic really "ets teir bloo& p#mpin". /ome %no! o! topic% teir fi"ts, some notH some may a4e te pr#&ence of a "eneral !ile some terec%lessness of a mercenary, b#t for all of tem, te sessions action scenes are not te means toan en&, b#t te en& in itself. Re"ar&less of actin" talent or in*&ept caracter bac%"ro#n&s, if a

sessions most memorable part for a player is #s#ally an action scene ten ma%e no mista%e, eis a ac%3slaser.

9ac%3slasers "et te most o#t of campai"ns !it at least reasonable amo#nts of action or !ic at least are fast*pace&, an& !or% best in GM*n*Car"e campai"ns tan in Players*n*Car"e ones.

en a ac%3slaser is GMin", e e5pects e4eryone, from player caracters to !omen an&cil&ren an& te el&erly, to at least be able to #se a "#n an& not bein" afrai& of &irtyin" teir an&s, so players are recommen&e& to ma%e temsel4es to te i&ea teyll be playin" an actionflic%.


o# can #s#ally &istin"#is a tables larper at first si"t beca#se e is tal%in" in o&& accent !ilete rest of te table is "i4in" im f#nny loo%s. 6arpers are firm belie4ers of portrayin" teir caracters to te best of teir ability, an& teir personal trill is seein" teir !orl& tro#" teir eyes, re"ar&less of possible in*"ame &isa&4anta"es+ tey lo4e portrayin" teir caracters fear,&o#bt, conflict, an& e4en !ea%ness, sometin" most oter players are aller"ic to.

6arpers "et te most o#t of campai"ns oriente& to &rama an&7or intri"#es, an& !or% better inPlayers*n*Car"e campai"ns tan in GM*n*Car"e ones.

en a larper is GMin", ell e5pect all caracters to a4e &etaile& bac%"ro#n&s as !ell asconsistent roleplay. 'e &e"ree of action may 4ary accor&in" to te campai"n, b#t players so#l&ma%e temsel4es to te i&ea tat te GM !ill foc#s on te interaction bet!een caracters an& testorys &e4elopment rater tan flases an& b#llets.

,oonies6oony caracters are al!ays eiter b#ffoons or come&ians an& a4e no f#rter &ept or p#rposetan bein" te "amin" tables comical relief. 'eir caracter concepts are #s#ally of te #nli%ely4ariety an& "i4en teir #npre&ictability tey can be as m#c of an asset to te party as tey canbe a liability.

6oonies are a !il&car& in most campai"ns, b#t tey can be rater #n&esirable in campai"nsaimin" for &rama an& oter!ise serio#s tones.

'e 4ery fe! times a loony is GMin", players so#l& ma%e temsel4es to te i&ea teyreenterin" 'oonto!n, an& play accor&in"ly.

+roblem Children$esi&es te aforementione& cate"ories, some players a4e "amin" abits tat ma%e tem aspecial case by temsel4es. n any case, tese problem cil&ren !ill be mentione& as !ell ass#""estions on o! to an&le tem.

Conflicti%e>!enegades A renen"a&e feels a comp#lsi4e nee& to oppose te consens#s an&, no matter !at caracter concepts te rest of te party a4e, e al!ays mana"es to stic% o#t li%e a sore t#mb+ 9e is te"allant %ni"t in te "ro#p of barbaric anti eroes (or te 4an&alic anti*ero in te E#stice6ea"#e), te Ra4en in te 'een 'itans, te 'remere el&er in te coterie of $r#2a neonate

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anarcs (or te neonate anarc in te coterie of el&ers), an& oter!ise e !o 2#st &oesntbelon". Conflicti4e players, o!e4er, can only be &etecte& in "amin" tables !ere te ma2ority of players ten& to "o for similar caracter concepts on a re"#lar basis (e cant oppose a ma2ority if teres no ma2ority to oppose).

'o an&le a conflicti4e player, ma%e s#re tat te campai"n "i4es im ea4y reasons to associatin" !it te oter player caracters (as in, sometin" tey a4e e &oesnt an& e nee&sto accomplis !ate4er e inten&s) an&, once yo# a4e im oo%e& to te party, try to instea&cannel is nee& for anta"onism to!ar&s PCs, preferably "eneral anta"onists, t#s reinforcin"te partnersip.

(i%as A &i4a is perpet#ally star4in" for attention, an& !ill &o anytin" to &ra! (an& %eep) te spotli"t inis &irection no matter !at. ile a &i4as roleplay #s#ally enrices te campai"n an& steers itin a coerent &irection, is fi5ation to steer te story so tat e becomes te sole prota"onist,t#s re&#cin" te oter players to mere s#pportin" cast can "enerate resentment in te oter players more often tan not.

'o an&le a &i4a ma%e im feel important !ile still %eepin" a firm stance re"ar&in" e8#alattention spans for "ro#p an& in&i4i&#al player story arcs. 'e &i4a*to*be m#st "et clear te facts

tat all players a4e te same spotli"t ri"ts an& tat no one &ie& an& ma&e im party lea&er. f a &i4a is not stoppe& from te start, soon yo#ll a4e a player tat is not intereste& in any "ame if its not abo#t im.

9ree 9ormers A roleplayin" anarcist, te free former is not fon& of r#les or systems at all. ile te freeformer is #s#ally a nat#ral*born roleplayer, is constant complains an& callen"es to GMs a#tority canma%e im into a b#r&en not e4ery GM is !illin" to bear. A free former !ants to sol4e e4erytin"tro#" actin", !ic !o#l& not a ba& tin" if not for teir terminal aller"y to e4erytin" relatin"str#ct#re an& teir pencant for bein" so open abo#t e5pressin" it. R#les, o!e4er, !ere ma&efor a reason, as !ito#t it roleplayin" is re&#ce& to te "ames !e #se& to play as cil&ren !ittoy "#ns, e5cept !ito#t any criteria for sortin" o#t !os ri"t !en te ine4itable : sot yo#,

yo#re &ea&X; :o m notX; start.

Free formers are not 4ery fon& of GMin", b#t !en one &oes, te players can e5pect a 1??S&iceless campai"n !it only sli"t ints of te "amin" system e is s#ppose&ly #sin".

'o an&le a free former "i4e im as m#c lee!ay as sit#ations allo!, if e !ants to sol4e it alltro#" roleplay let im act is !ay to#" life as m#c as e can, b#t ten ell be limite& to!at is real*life abilities an& %no!le&"e can accomplis (if e cant fast*tal% yo# in real*life tentoo ba&), an& in combat sit#ations &ice are #na4oi&able #nless te free former &eci&es not to p#t#p a fi"t.

Droup (issol%ers'is %in& of player "ets is %ic%s o#t of t#rnin" party members on eac oter. 9es not #s#ally

&istin"#isable in te first "amin" sessions, b#t e4ent#ally is nat#re !ill become e4i&ent as ein&#ces bic%erin" an& &iscor& amon" te rest of te party. ile tis %in& of players can ma%ePlayers*n*Car"e "ames interestin", an& in "ames oriente& to intri"#e an& politic%in" teyree4en &esirable, in GM*n*Car"e "ames a4in" e4ery member of te party at eac oters troatscan serio#sly &isr#pt te storys flo!, especially !en te a&4ent#re nee&s tem to be in tesame boat or at least to be able to !or% to"eter.

'o an&le a "ro#p &issol4er yo# can eiter p#ll strin"s !it e4ents an& PCs to &iscre&it te:apple of &iscor&; or %eep im b#sy by "i4in" im sometin" better to &o, preferably cannellin"is trist for intri"#e on PCs instea&. 6i%e!ise, an enemy stron" eno#" !it a personal

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4en&etta a"ainst im may be eno#" to p#t te fear of Go& in is eart an& a4e im nee& teoter player caracters as allies instea& of as toys for is am#sement. ,oose Cannons

 A loose cannon as a comp#lsi4e nee& to al!ays &o te most caotic an& inopport#ne or inapropiate tin"s at te !orst possible time. ile a loose cannon may or may not be aac%3slaser too, ell al!ays fin& a !ay to "et imself (an& te party) in te &eepest ole e can&i".

 A temporary meas#re to an&le !it loose cannons if "i4in" tem a release by placin" sit#ations!itin te campai"n !ere s#c caotic actions are 2#stifie& or e4en nee&e&. 9o!e4er, te act#altri""er for a loose cannon to "o n#ts is not caos for caos sa%e, b#t caos O6 !en s#c !illca#se tro#bles, so te aforementione& pre4ention meas#res are te e8#i4alent of a nicotinepatc at best.

-uchkinsCil&ren of te Go%# "eneration, m#c%ins one an& only p#rpose in life is to become #ber. 'eyal!ays aim to ma%e all*po!erf#l caracters an& sa4e all teir TP from &ay 1 so tey can one &ayaffor& teir planet*&estroyin" #ber ameame a, e4en if te table is playin" Call of Ct#ll#.M#c%ins fantasize of becomin" te partys alpa male, an& are constantly aimin" for so!in"

&ominance at e4ery t#rn, sometin" !ic, combine& !it teir often :carmin"; personality,#s#ally earn tem te C an& OOC animosity of te rest of te party, an& its not #ncommon tosee tem "an%in" te m#c%in once e a& finally "otten to teir ner4es. 'eyre also %no!n for tryin" to imitate oter players, b#t teir !annabe nat#re ma%e teir fi"ts m#c less en2oyabletan a tr#e ac%3slasers, teir roleplay not alf as eartfelt as a larpers, an& te only f#nnytin" abo#t teir 2o%es is seein" o! nobo&y la#"s at tem (!ell peraps at tem, b#t not '9tem).

en a m#c%in is GMin" players so#l& start tin%in" of !at to &o !it te ??? creationpoints teyll be recei4in" for teir caracters as !ell as 1? efficient !ays to ma%e it tro#" 'eComin" of Galact#s.

'e first tin" to &o !it a m#c%in is a#&itin" is caracter seet to ma%e s#re e isnt ceatin"

an& clarify any e5ploits e may be tryin". 'o an&le im 2#st let im try !ate4er is on is min&,after te &eat of is Kr& caracter ell e4ent#ally learn.

!ules ,awyers'e #ltimate fanatics of realism, r#les la!yers li4e by te boo%. o# can easily &istin"#is tetables r#les la!yer beca#se es te first to correct te GM abo#t !eter te bon#s frommane#4er so*an&*so !as 1 or . As a consens#s, all r#les la!yers are "ifte& re"ar&in" teir memory, an& teir r#les*storin" abilities ma%e tem into formi&able GM assistants, sa4in" te GMo#rs of potential boo% %eepin". 9o!e4er, sai& "ifts also come !it an arro"ance tats alsocommonplace in all r#les la!yers, !o ta%e a bi" pri&e in %no!in" more tan te rest abo#t tetopics tey master, an& &oesnt esitate in so!in" off to te rest at e4ery t#rn, !ic earns temlittle lo4e from te oter players, te conflict accent#atin" !en te campain" enters one of ter#les la!yers area of %no!le&"e an& te GM starts recei4in" more corrections, an& !ile s#c

corrections are ri"t, no one !ants to ear !ats ri"t from an ass.

 Anoter problem re"ar&in" r#les la!yers is teir &#al nat#re+ !en a GM, ell be #ns#fferablyrestricti4e, #sin" all r#les for te !orst on te players an& teir campai"ns "enerally combine i"restrictions !it lo! po!er le4els in a type of campai"n e imself !o#l&nt try as a player an&,on te oter si&e, !en es playin", e #ses is %een eye for &etectin" any loopoles in a"amin" system, e5ploitin" it to create caracters as le"ally o4erpo!ere& as possible.

 A !ay to an&le a r#les la!yer is ma%in" im yo#r &e*facto assistant opin" te position !ill %eepis e"o satisfie& an& te comp#lsi4e corrections lo!. Also if teres sometin" in yo#r campai"n

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yo#re not completely s#re abo#t !ile preparin" it an& te r#les la!yer can be tr#ste& not to #semeta"amin" ten as% im, e can sa4e yo# a "oo& &eal of researc time.

THRASH Revised 2Caracter ame+ Player ame+  A"e+ /e5+ ei"t+ 9ei"t+ CPs+ TP+ 

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ntelli"ence /tren"t  

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Foc#s A"ility  

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Carisma /tamina  

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ill Appearance  Iotes and E?uipment



+rimary Stats

*d%antages (isad%antages Special Training                              

Combat$ase Acc#racy+ 

 Acc#racy Mo&ifiers+ Acro+ Grap+  $loc%+ P#nc+  4as+ ic%+  Foc#s+  Secondary Stats

 A.P  Ci  9ealt  n&#rance  Ra"e  /oa%  

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'eaponsame+ 9an&s+ Acc+ A.P+ ama"e+ Mo4e+ Clip+ ame+ 9an&s+ Acc+ A.P+ ama"e+ Mo4e+ Clip+ ame+ 9an&s+ Acc+ A.P+ ama"e+ Mo4e+ Clip+ *rmor ame+LL U/oa%V 4sormal+ 7 4seapon+ 7 4sner"y+ 77  nc+ 


ame+ escription  Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription  Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ 

ame+ escription  Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ 

ame+ escription  Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ 

ame+ escription  Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ 

ame+ escription 

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 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+ ame+ escription 

 Acc+ AP+ Ci+ am+ Mo4e+