thoughts on 9/11: 12 years of fear

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  • 7/29/2019 Thoughts on 9/11: 12 Years of Fear


    Thoughts on 9/11: 12 years of Fear

    By Kristopher Joseph


    9/11 is always a time of reflection for the senseless tragedy that occurred in New

    York in 2001. I was an active duty Soldier then fresh out of Basic Training when

    the attacks occurred. I remembered back then thinking that our response would

    surely mean that I would deploy and be a part of the force that brings the guilty

    parties to justice. Sure enough in 2003 and 2006 I was sent to Iraq twice, first to

    depose a dictator not connected to 9/11, and then to stabilize a country marred

    with sectarian violence.In those years, very few questioned that the Global War on Terror was a just

    cause to ensure that the events of 9/11 would never happen again. 12 years later,

    we have been fortunate that no further attacks of that scale have occurred on our


    What I am recently saddened by are the unintended consequences that have

    occurred due to the collective American psyche that has been living in a constant

    state of fear and anxiety for its security. We live in a nation that succumbs to

    patriotic emotions brought about by fear of past events. While it is admirablethat our citizens, for a brief moment, put aside differences and came together for

    the cause of justice, our emotions overruled our rational thinking, and our fears

    are what keep us still embedded in the Middle East 12 years later.

    What do I mean here? Now that the dust has settled, we are now able to look

    back and re-examine the circumstances and evidence surrounding our invasion of

    Iraq and Afghanistan. Without going into minute detail here, most of you are

    aware that I and my brothers and sisters in arms were sent under false pretences

    supported by half-truths and misdirection. I am convinced that a largecontributing factor to this was our overriding emotion and belief that something

    had to be done and we hastily trusted our appointed leaders with the supposed

    facts and intelligence to justify the course of our retaliation.

  • 7/29/2019 Thoughts on 9/11: 12 Years of Fear


    I take nothing away from the brave men and women who put themselves in

    harms way and continue to display unwavering bravery even today. I begrudge

    no one for having pride in wearing the uniform or love of country. What I am

    saying is that we have reached a nexus point in our history that can no longer

    allow our pride, emotions and fear to blind us in issues of domestic and nationalsecurity issues. The stakes are simply too high.

    For far too long, we the people of the United States have allowed profit and

    power-driven institutions in the public and private sector to sway our minds into

    digesting short cuts to thinking. This trend is so pervasive and yet so unnoticed

    that it becomes hard to see the predicament we are collectively in. If we continue

    let our opinions, perceptions and values be shaped by sound bites, headlines and

    propaganda, we will never let intellectual skepticism enter public and private


    We cannot afford to take everything pushed in front of us at face value. Everyone

    who tries to sell you something will always tell you its the best thing since sliced

    bread. We must take the time to peel back the layers of every situation before we

    rush into a dangerous decision. It is clear that the overwhelming opposition to

    our possible involvement in Syria indicates the people are slowly waking up and

    realizing the mistakes we made in the past.

    During 9/11 it is easy for us to say, Never Forget. For those of us who have

    served or continue to serve, this phrase means much more than to Never Forget

    the attack on the World Trade Center.

    I will NEVER FORGET the Soldiers I personally served with who were shot

    dead far too young by enemy fire.

    I will NEVER FORGET the Soldiers I personally served with who now have

    missing limbs from mortar attacks.

    I will NEVER FORGET the Soldiers I personally served with and some I wentto high school with that are suffering from severe PTSD and struggling to find

    daily clarity and purpose in their lives.

    I will NEVER FORGET the Soldiers in my unit who committed suicide

    because they could no longer cope with the reality of life in a war or life without

    being in a war.

  • 7/29/2019 Thoughts on 9/11: 12 Years of Fear


    I was lucky. I left Iraq with medals on my chest and a pat on my back. I came

    home feeling like I did something for my country. But the main reason Im

    writing this is for those who were not so lucky. Knowing what I know now it

    pains me to think about the possibility of having something else to Never

    Forget about.

    It is in this vein that:

    I urge everyone to not be silent and turn a blind eye when it comes to putting our

    sons and daughters in harms way.

    I urge everyone to challenge every shred of news that is forced upon you by the

    mainstream media.

    I urge everyone to be skeptical of every talking point, speech and interview givenby our elected officials or anyone in a position of power and influence.

    I urge everyone to independently research important matters before committing

    your opinion to a knee-jerk reaction.

    I urge everyone to stop asking how and start asking why?

    I urge everyone to learn about the past so we dont make the same mistakes in the


    There are some who will think by reading this that I am anti-American or

    hypocritical because I work for the government. In response to that I always

    quote Thomas Jefferson who said,

    Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

    By this I mean that we all have an obligation to lend voice, reason and restraint to

    those we have entrusted with the levers of power, and especially those who have

    the power to send us to war. A true patriot should always press his public

    servants to answer in the most transparent possible form. To simply believe,

    accept and follow is a recipe for certain tyranny.

    This 9/11 we remember an American tragedy, one we hope never happens again.

    Reality though will certainly test our resolve once again in the near future. I only

  • 7/29/2019 Thoughts on 9/11: 12 Years of Fear


    hope that when that day comes we will have the courage and patriotism to engage

    our minds before we charge into another distant land and engage another

    manufactured enemy.