thoughts - li [obamadon'tcare, illegals, abortion, college-admissions, jfk, cosby, ferguson]

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  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    Anticipate, again, receipt of a two-part Blast e-mail, with this first one focused on national concerns

    and the subsequent one addressing loco-regional, statewide and international issues.

    30,000 missing emails from IRS' Lerner recovered!

    *Lets see ifChaffetz can keep his promise to make oversight less personal!]

    The focus here, of course, is upon the Illegals; attachmentsare provided to resolve two controversies

    regarding ObamaDontCare legislation [and, of course, to provide relevant quotes from Scott

    Rasmussen, Jim Geraghty and Rush]. Also, follow-up regarding blogging on PoliticsPa is cited, again, if

    only to provide an example of how to bury an anti-Semite incrementally by demanding documentation

    of lies that, of course, cannot be justified; other more subtle manifestations of anti-Israel sentiments are

    covered, if only to illustrate the Perfect Storm that seems on the horizon when the Iran-Nuke deadline

    arrives next week. That'We elected man as president who had no experience at anything'continues to

    damage America and the World; thus, rather than rehash the sequellae of his arrogance, the focus

    herein is on potential remedies. After having covered national issues, international concerns are

    updated, followed by a prcis of state/regional/local concerns that contain follow-up blogging which

    stripped-nikkid [ideologically] the extreme-Dem with whom I had been fencing.

    Some people think that fixation on Cosby is employed to distract people from focusing

    on BHOs antics; yet, both locally *Temple University: Cosby remains on board of

    trustees]and nationally [Another Cosby accuser steps forward after 38 years], this is a

    newsmaker, yielding a rare confession from former MontCo DA BruceCastor [on Cosby:

    'I thought he did it']. Exemplifying more escapism was Jon Stewarts interview of Ben

    Affleck,during which movie discussion *Batman v. Superman; Gone Girl; Argo; and

    Rosewater+ was brisk; again, although fascinating at moments, it wasnt engrossing.

    Therefore, the public has no excuse to avoid paying attention to BHOs misconduct.

    Ongoing controversies regarding ObamaDontCare [Doctors have to choose between themselves and

    their patients]have been amplified episodically [ObamaDontCare Contractor Faces Renewed Conflict-of-Interest Allegations] and have morphed into admitted-errors [Administration admitted Obamacare

    enrollment numbers error; nearly 400,000 of the plans were for stand-alone dental coverage, not

    medical] but, noting the impact of GruberGate, its financing-manipulation is the current focus; thats

    why it is necessary to Dump Gruber Ally, Doug Elmendorf, as CBO Director, because reappointing

    Elmendorf would not only keeps the office that scores all financial legislation in the hands of a dyed-in-

    the-wool leftist, but it would validate the way in which the Obama administration passed

    ObamaDontCare.{People who enjoyed the Hitler Learns Aboutparody may also appreciate this brief

    rap-video onGRUBER[complete with topical Bill Cosby and Lena Dunham references].}

    The attachment contains citations from the ObamaDontCare statute that

    support my view thatthe SCOTUS will not invoke a technicality to toss the state-

    level exchange-supplements; an effort that was initiated years ago and now

    seems sexywill fail, notwithstanding alleged-precedentand Grubers quotes,

    for the statute must be assessed as a unit. On the one hand, two briefs [#1and

    #2fail to define any other cogent prod for states to create their own exchanges

    other than to satisfy the concept of seeking greater local regulatory control; on

    the other hand, citing rejection of an argument citing Pennhurst by Roberts

    writing for the plurality suggests that he was not validating this viewpoint in a

    dispositive fashion because he wasnt writing for the majority. Nevertheless,
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    this legislation is approaching a stare decisis-type atmosphere and, thus, the

    hurdle facing the SCOTUS to scuttle the law seems high, realistically. Thus, the

    GOP must sculpt its own legislation THIS YEAR, notwithstanding pending

    litigation, thereby mooting this appeal.

    It is necessary to explore the claim that ILLEGAL ON-DEMAND ABORTIONS ARE COVERED BY

    OBAMACARE, notwithstanding the attachmentcontaining all relevant language from the statute [plus

    theHyde Amendment]; despite Obama's promise that ObamaDontCare would not be used to pay for

    abortions, over a thousand insurance plans under his signature health care law are in fact offering

    coverage for on-demand abortions. Previously, Id opined that this legal procedure should be covered

    under Medicaid, but that abortion-providers shouldnt be able to obtain contracts to enhance their

    income via grants based on the claim that they are unique providers of womens healthcare *such as for

    mammograms which, actually, are referred elsewhere+. Id also opined that the Pill should be covered

    also, as a treatment for menstrual disorder; noted was the suggestion that it be available over-the-

    counter, but this is a hormone that should be prescribed [and this switch would apparently preclude


    A lib noted that, under Sec. 1303(a), states may opt in or opt out of providing coverage,as is currently the case. There is even a clause (page 2076) that prohibits discrimination

    against a provider or facility that wont have anything to do with abortion services,

    including referral. Further, (c) states that there is no preemption of state law. In

    addition, no federal rules related to such issues as conscience protection are modified.

    It was concluded that access to abortion remains restricted, which is why libs worry that

    conservativesincluding at the state levelcan continue to promote a pro-life agenda.

    It is obvious that policing adherence this carve-out remains difficult; this supports the view that

    liberation of the system *to permit, for example, interstate competition+ would allow those whowish

    this service to purchase coverage thereof. For Medicaid patients [ i.e., government funded], ongoing

    respect for the ethics of the large pro-lifers can be manifest on the state-level via imposition of safety-related regulations without unduly harming the justifiable desires of the pro-choicers. Roe confirmed

    the national legality of the procedure, but it didnt mandate all states fund its performance; for example,

    states would decide whether or not, because being pregnant isnt a disease-state, the abortion would

    not be covered *unless there is rape, incest, or a threat to the mothers life+. Although the argument has

    been promulgated that poor people are less apt to be sufficiently mobile to find a place to live that

    would be in a state that was friendly to their political views, the state cannot be compelled to provide all

    services that an individual might demand.

    Also viewed within the context of the culture-wars, Asian studentsare suing Harvard

    and the University of North Carolina for discrimination; it targets admissions policies

    that are not race neutral, floors for certain racial and ethnic minorities and ceilings for

    other groups (Asians). This suit also calls for an end to admissions decisions favoring

    legacies [usually wealthy alumni], and some might add athletic affirmative action to

    the mix. Some propose resolving this controversy by viewing these students as

    subsidiaries of the university and, thus, not required to attend classes]. In my view,

    this would be arrogant, for the purpose of a university that they would be representing

    must be [at least partially] academic.
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    Richard Baehr summarized events at the Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach last week, observations

    that presage points on each topic that follow herein:

    Megan McArdle explained that the problem of GruberGate is broader than one

    arrogant, contemptuous, dishonest academic making a lot of money from his

    deceptions; journalists have become part of the insider class. Jonathan Gruber has been

    paid $5.2 million by the federal government alone in the last decade, and about as much

    from state governments in the last four years to help set up exchanges for

    ObamaDontCare. This is a pretty good haul for someonewho is paid a salary to be a

    full-time professor at MIT. [Because he has a graduate degree from MIT, Baehr wrote to

    the school asking about conflict of interest, job responsibilities, fraud, deception and

    other issues raised by Gruber's behavior; so far, silence.]

    Jeff Jacobysupports making health insurance into a real national market, an alteration

    to Obamacare exchanges that Republicans promoted and Obama and his team ignored.

    Dan Greenfieldconsiders the new immigration executive action will yield deportation of

    jobs, rather than of illegals;Ross Douthatconsiders the executive order to be a betrayal.

    Regarding the Illegals, Obama went Big on Immigration for, Despite Rhetoric, Obama Order went

    Further Than Ever;Obama allegedly limited the scope of action[because BHO claimed the White House

    believed it cannot build one executive action on top of another], andhis moves reflect a second-term

    White House that claimed to be fed up with congressional dysfunction. Jeh Johnsonorchestrated the

    push for an executive order behind the scenes. Roy Beck (of NumbersUSA) provided a point-by-point


    AMNESTY]; a disinterestedFact Checkdetailed notable omissions. [Note thistranscriptandVIDEOof the

    15-min. speech, plus a WHITE HOUSEINFOGRAPHIC.]

    It is necessary to ID the devil in the DETAILS of what BHO ORDERED regarding jobs[MORE FOREIGN WORKERS WERE LEGALIZED THAN JOBS CREATED], healthcare

    [Undocumented immigrants won't get Obamacare - but Latino coverage could rise]and

    taxation [Undocumented workers, meet the IRS]. Overall, [Illegal] Immigrants find

    themselves torn between hope and defeat and Obamas Plan is supposedly a Deep

    Disappointment for Many Illegal Immigrants, while the U.S. will allow people from

    nations hit by Ebola to stay temporarily.

    The cacophony of usual-suspects has been heard; this rhetorical battle was epitomized byNANCY

    PELOSI,for her having cited the Emancipation Proclamation [an executive order] as precedent failed to

    recognize the limited scope of Lincolns wartime edict. The Pros are joyous *AMNESTY: NOW!;RAMOS

    CELEBRATES OUR NEWFOUND POWER and Univision's Jorge Ramos: Obama Paying Off 'Debt' to


    TIME...Republicans had it coming; 'Golden ticket'; Peter Beinart: returned to activist roots; American

    Bridge: Republicans claim every time the President takes a position, he's 'poisoning the well']. The



    LINE; Sheriffs: 'Destruction of Democracy'; PRUDEN: Guarantees hell on border will continue; WSJ

    editorial board: tearing at the fabric of national consent].
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    Obama tried to prioritize his audience by announcingthe Executive Amnesty Plan on

    11/20/2014 [National Revolution Day in Mexico] and by discouraging coverage by

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE NETWORKS; A Liberal Explained Why Obama Is an Imperial

    President is supplemented by the view of Scott Rasmussen that The Goal of Our

    Political Process is Not to Create a Government That Works smoothly; checks-and-

    balances are intended to forestall rapid enactment of potentially-problematic policies

    [per an e-mail received this-a.m.].

    What is to be done? Lawsuits have been filed [Arizona's Sheriff Joe Sues Obama Over Immigration

    Order] and will be filed [GOP Governors Consider Lawsuits to Stop], as per Judge Napolitano, the

    SCOTUS will be invited to confirm that prosecutorial discretion has run amok*creating nullification+

    because Congress [Article I, Section 8] is empowered to act in this regard [with Executive Orders to be

    predicated on ways existing law can be implemented]. TheHouse Appropriations Committee Confirmed

    Congress Can't DefundObama's Immigration Actionbecause the agency responsible for carrying out the

    changes is completely self-funded, even as McConnell promised a forceful immigration response.

    Senator Sessionswent wild ['CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO BLOCK!andAmericans must 'resist this


    Cruz still has some splainin to do, despite his eloquence yesterday, when CRUZ


    compared this action with the ancient Catiline conspiracy, a plot to overthrow the

    Roman Republic, 2077 years ago.WhereasCruz advised that the Senate Should Block

    Obama's Nominees Until He Rescinds Amnesty,last year, he proposedamendmentsto

    the Senates Immigration Reform Bill that included creating a temporary legalization

    statusvia registration so that they may come out from the shadows, notwithstanding

    the fact that he would also want to prevent "those currently here illegally who are

    offered legal status under this Act from obtaining citizenship; the latter could be done

    via subsequent legislation [as predicted by Rush, repeatedly] and, thus, noting the

    slippery-slope, I question why they should attain "legal status" in the first place.

    It has been predicted thatConservatives will be Played[despite the fact that] becauseRepublicans Will

    Vote to Fund Obamas Amnesty and then [belatedly, ineffectively] Then Try to Take It All Back;

    Republican leaders are now struggling to contain a party rebellion[noting that this WaPo piece assumes

    that any government shutdown would be blamed on the GOP, notwithstanding the election-results].

    Barletta *who has great cred on this issue, as I noted years ago during his debate @ Temple Law

    School regarding Hazeltons litigation+ wants to promote a bill prohibiting work authority for

    undocumented immigrants, pre-empting Obama's executive action. {The strife within the GOP was

    reflected when Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin Called Rep. Steve King 'Hateful' And 'Racist' ; she

    apparently cannot differentiate his opposition solely to ILLEGAL Immigrants from a form of xenophobia

    that most everyone rejects.}

    Some have opined that BHO is losing support among Blacks when they see Hispanics

    crowding-out their ability to get jobs perhaps explaining whyObama failed to convince

    some Dems on immigration.This concern is a component of an analysis ofThe Electoral

    Politics Of Obamas Immigration Speech In Nevada [Given the Republican landslide in

    Nevada in 2014, Dems may be worried the state is leaning more Colorado than New

    Mexico right now; Reid will probably face a tough re-election campaign in 2016, for

    pushing Nevada from battleground to blue will depend on the states Latino
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    electorate.]; Dems bet on diversity *for the presidents decision is bound to draw a

    backlash from middle-of-the-road white voters andObama united the 2016 crowd[for

    now, although their varying positions underscore how sensitive a topic immigration


    Regarding party-politics, New York mayorDe Blasiosaid Dems lost the 2014 election because they did

    not talk about Income inequality often enough; the referenced-essay suggests otherwise but, in my

    view, this will remain an under-toe that will have to be confronted *creators vs. takers+ in 16.

    Somewhat gleefully, it has been claimed thatGodless Democrats are losing women;again, it is necessary

    to develop this theme, perhaps along the libertarian lines advocated in these Blast e-mails [including

    liberalization of public-funding of Abortion/Contraceptives [via the states], acceptance of Gay Marriage

    [noting the SCOTUS-impetus], and legalization of pot [recognizing the need to differentiate it from hard-

    drugs]. There will always be an apologist who denies facts while blaming and lamenting [DEM REP: GOP

    ONLY WON WHERE 'THERE'S NOT A LARGE AMOUNT' OF IMMIGRANTS]; again, although it is desirable

    not to be sucked-in to the Dem-approach towards focusing on demographics, it is clear that tooling-up

    for 16 will entail acquisition of myriad databases that, at least in PA, have yet to have been organized.

    Christies yearlong stint at the helm was a boon for him politically, but Money can't buyChristie love; for example, Revel casino buyer backed-out of the deal, an event that

    could adversely affect Christie, noting the mega-bucks he provided to a venture that

    seemed doomed to fail in A.C. while PA (not just in Philly) was building more convenient


    Miscellaneoussuggestions from multiple individuals include reference to the epic chess matchof our

    time, America's greatest counterfeiter, and the sudden death of Victor Davis Hansons 27 year-old

    daughter, Susannah Hanson, from acute leukemia; Hanson was a great speaker when he appeared years

    ago @ what was to become the new Bryn Mawr campus of Barrack Hebrew Academy [the multi-

    movement Jewish Parochial School from which my son graduated]. The Stephen Glassjournalistic-

    malpractice (memorialized years ago in the flick, "Shattered Glass") has been followed-up; notable is thefact that a prominent figure in this escapade was Charles "Chuck" Lane [editorial writer for The

    Washington Post and regular guest on Fox News Channel] who was the lead editor of The New Republic

    from 1997 to 1999. Recalling Hillarys comment about BHO during her book roll-out tour, note that the

    top line on a page from one of Stephen Glass's notebooks reads DON'T DO STUPID THINGS.

    An essay by DAVID HOROWITZ and JOHN PERAZZO regarding Black Skin Privilege And

    Ferguson,as reports surfaced thatOfficer Darren Wilson will resigndespitepredictions

    that he is Not Expected to Be Charged.

    Last night, I watched an hour-long depiction [c/o NewsmaxTV] of a man who said he had shot JFK,James

    Files;this was allegedly a mafia-hit organized by Castro to avenge efforts to have assassinated him. On

    the one hand, this narrative seems reminiscent of Jim GarrisonandMark Lane;on the other hand, it

    included disturbing evidence that supplements my viewharbored since CBS-News aired a 4-part

    analysis of the Warren Commission Repotthat it seemed physically impossible for 3 shots to be fired

    within 10 seconds from that non-automatic rifle. One wonders if its not too late for Congress to OK

    another study; now that Arlen has died, buried along with him should be the single-bullet theory.,d.aWw,d.aWw,d.,d.,d.,d.aWw
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    Richard Baehr summarized events at the Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach last week, observations

    that presage points on each topic that follow herein:

    The very politically incorrect keynote-talk byGeert Wildersrecognized that we are in a

    religious war, and that the big picture wont be changed by all the outreach, prayer

    breakfasts, and other kumbayah nonsense. Muslims not bomb throwers, but Western

    civilization [what is left of it] is under assault from radical Islam. Also, he noted that

    there is not a negotiated agreement to be had because theconflict between Israel and

    its many enemies is not one over land, but over religion.

    The U.S.-China climate-change deal was imbalanced because America makes hard

    commitments on carbon emission reductions for the next ten years, while China may

    start considering making similar cuts after 2030.

    How the Western World Funds Hamas Terrorism[by Lee S. Bender, Esquire]

    IAEA chief blasts Iran for continued stonewalling amid calls from lawmakers to reassert Congressional


    Climate-change political-funderTom Steyer is also a fan of Iran.

    Senate Threatens New Sanctions Ahead of Weak and Dangerous Deal with Iran

    Berkeley Students Reacted to Man Waving Islamic State Flag positively, but negatively when he waved

    an Israeli Flag

    In 1924 the Moslem Wakf began the instigating against the Jews connection to the Kotel, and in 1928,the mufti further provoked a dispute about the Kotel, claiming that the Jews were trying to take control

    of the mosques on the Temple Mount. The Moslems argued that the Kotel was holy to them because

    Mohammed had tied his horse there before he went up to the Temple Mount."

    Harvardis cutting new ground on its anti-Israelism:

    Third UCLA Donor Pledged to Pull Funds Over BDS
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    On the PA-level, aTop Senate Republican is not ruling out lame-duck session[which, of

    course, I support, if for no other reason than to pass key-legislation that Corbett would

    be expected to sign]; some feel it would be advantageous to await the interval [lasting

    perhaps a fortnight] between the swearing-in of the legislators and of Wolf, but its

    possible that, now safely re-elected, some recalcitrant legislators would vote for

    measures in a sine die session that they had been reticent to support earlier. {Also,

    Congressman Fattahis reportedly 'ready to tender his resignation.'}

    In other Harrisburg-related news, that a State court is to review

    Sanduskyemails under sealillustrates why this issue remains prominent

    *and could have been invoked to favor Wolfs election, had he not been

    so far ahead]; also, I added a comment to a piece exploring why the

    Incoming Lieutenant Governor Stacks Up in Jewish Community [citing

    his support for the Mandatory Holocaust Education Act]. The proposals

    for aRailrevival for Northeast Corridorseem exorbitant, and it seems



    AG-Kanereversed claim about child porn in emails;earlier, I had blogged on a related

    site [Kathleen Kane Tells CNN Pornographic Emails Included Pictures of Children]in an

    ongoing effort to discredit a Dem-blogger[invoking entries onprior pages]:


    @ Bungy:

    Pay DD no mind, for hes demonstrated his lack of credibility.

    Among other outrageous/undocumented claims [that he reinforced after having been

    provided an opportunity to amend/retract], he rationalized Hamass terrorism [past,present, future], he characterized the Judeo-Christian Bible as delusional, and he

    claimed Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs.


    Actually, I said hate/fear.

    When Israelis Teach Their Kids To Hate


    @ DD:

    As in the past, your citation doesnt match-up to your claim; no-where in your article

    composed by a leftie and published in a leftie-ragis either word you employed


    The meat of the article is also problematic; skipping the sections regarding what the

    Palestinian Arabs do [the authenticity of which the author fails to challenge], the claims

    against Israel are incorrect:

    [1]Were told that Palestinian maps in schools often show a unified

    Palestine between the river and the sea how awful! yet Israeli

    maps, more often than Palestinian ones in fact, dont show the Green

    Line, and Jews dont really seem to care.
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    [2]Were told that Palestinians are taught in school that the Jewish

    historical claims to the land, particularly the Temple Mount, dont really

    exist how awful! yet in a similar tone, many Israeli children learn

    that Palestinians were only recently invented, and Jews dont really

    seem to care.

    [3]Were told that Palestinian textbooks distort history how

    awful! yet a recent State Department study found that many Israeli

    textbooks do too, and Jews dont really seem to care.

    [4]And now, we have yet another confirmation that Israeli children

    also learn to glorify and aspire toward violence, and surprise, surprise

    no one really seems to care.

    Heres why:

    [1]Maps denote internationally-recognized borders, with armistice

    [cease-fire] lines viewable as optional.

    [2]The term Palestinians referred to Jews during most of the 20th

    Century, derived from when the Romans renamed the region

    *presumably drawing from the word Philistines+; it was indeed

    invented during the past half-century to denote those who claimroots in the area that had been partitioned [with increasing references

    thereto after the 67 War+.

    [3]It is impossible to critique reference to anything composed by the

    State Department regarding Israeli educational practices without being

    able to review primary sources.

    [4]It is desirable to teach self-defense [noting, also, that Israel has

    universal conscription]; this is not comparable to glorifying terrorism by,

    for example, depicting kids wearing suicide-vests.

    DD, you are a disgrace and have forgotten to stop digging!

    DDThe word hate is in the title and in the following:

    I couldnt find a thing on any of the sites that track hate in the Middle


    Which was the author indicating that he thought it was hate, but wasnt being tracked

    due to bias.


    Thus, you admit that your citation was based upon the interpretation of the article by

    the headline-writer, for the text failed to support your claim; this is a classic example of

    how prejudiced people attempt desperately to validate their charges, absent a shred of


    Again, a retraction is in-order, for you have failed to demonstrate that the Israeli

    educational system teaches children to hate/fear Arabs.


    You made the (false) claim that the word hate did not appear in the article, then you

    change the subject when demonstrate both the title and line from the article, while

    denying the entire point about what kids are being taught.

  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    Maybe somevideo,with interviews with kids, will help you acknowledge the truth about

    what they are being taught. If Arab kids were making these same statements, youd

    probably advocate for killing them before they could grow up. But, Im sure you will

    treat these Israeli kids as future heroes.


    I made the ACCURATE claim that the word hate did not appear in the article *because

    it was only in the headline that, as you may know, is often not composed by the author

    of the essay], then I did NOT change the subject when exposing the ABSENCE of proof

    that fear/hate are being TAUGHT to kids.

    You have yet to show that fear/hate in textbooks, etc., whereas you know that

    UNRWA-financed texts used by Palestinian Arabs are laced with references to killing


    In comparison, Hamas rejected UN textbooks in Gaza schoolsbecause the government

    believes the curriculum does not match the ideology and philosophy of the local

    population, according to a spokesman for the Hamas-run Education Ministry.

    Gazas Hamas authorities have blocked a UN refugee agency from

    introducing textbooks promoting human rights into local schools, sayingit ignores Palestinian cultural mores and focuses too heavily on

    peaceful means of conflict resolution.

    He said the textbooks, used in grades 7 through 9, did not sufficiently

    address Palestinian suffering and did not acknowledge the right to

    battle Israel. There is a tremendous focus on the peaceful resistance as

    the only tool to achieve freedom and independence, he said.

    Hamas, which has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and

    other attacks, says that armed resistance is a key component of its

    struggle against Israel. The group also objected to the books inclusion

    of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document approved

    by the UN General Assembly in 1948 that recognizes the equal andinalienable rights of all members of the human family. Hamas believes

    that certain parts of the declaration violate Islamic law, including the

    right of people of different faiths to marry and the right to change ones


    I daresay you will not find any Israeli official defending a textbook that both promotes

    hatred and expunges information regarding a key-moment in history [plus generic

    references to the importance of honoring human-rights].

    Hamas has frequently squabbled with UNRWA in a rivalry for the

    hearts and minds of Gazas people. Hamas has pressed the UN not to

    organize mixed folkloric dancing for boys and girls; to keep Holocaust

    education out of its curriculum and it has used harsh rhetoric against

    previous senior UN officials. Last year, UNRWA canceled its annual Gaza

    marathon after Hamas banned women from participating.

    Regarding your video, a phrase *I picture a dead Arab and that makes me happy+ is

    uttered [literally and figuratively] by two people [a boy and a teenage girl] but, in both

    instances, the video shows it was preceded by reference to having first been attacked by

    an Arab who wanted to kill the Israeli.

    Regardless of whether this attitude was adopted based upon education or by family-

    based experience, it contrasts with the above-cited approach adopted by the Arabs,
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    namely, to kill Jews first and then to reassess the situation. Illustrative of the outcome of

    these disparate schoolings is the fact that Arabs were dancing in the streets after the

    Synagogue massacre earlier this week [and distributing candy and cookies].

    Thus, when you lionize both the title and line from the article, you fail to demonstrate

    that Israelis instruct their youth to fear/hate Arabs; further, when you cite a heavily-

    edited video, you fail to demonstrate that Israeli kids emerge from the educational

    experience with a desire to kill [anyone].

    Thus, I have not been denying the entire point about what kids are being taught; in

    contrast, you have twice failed to prove your assertion that Israeli kids are taught to

    fear/hate Arabseven as I have documented the fact that the Arabs are taught to

    hate Jews *even if they dont live in Israel+ and others *including fraternal

    organizations in America, as documented by my quotations from the Hamas Covenant].

    Therefore, you have failed, again, to salvage your credibility.



    From 1920-1948, a (class A Mandate) State of Palestineexisted as per international

    law but it was, as all of its major institutions, Jewish. Until the 1960s, the name

    Palestine resonated as something Jewish to peoplesears. The 4000 year-old Jewishhomeland or Land of Israel or the Holy Land were all synonymous.The U.N. did not

    recreate Israel, as some people claim.


    Thank you for acknowledging that children are being taught to expect Arabs to attack

    them first. (ie fear Arabs)

    Then to want to kill them and be happy about it (ie hate Arabs)

    In a moral/evolved society, a child would be not be taught to relish killing, but rather

    regret that it might be necessary and be unhappy about it. No talk of merely

    wounding/disabling/disarming someone so they couldnt fight.

    The video is clear that the kids are being taught to glorify war and to hate. One kidcouldnt wait for fighting to start up in Lebanon again. This is indoctrination of children

    to kill.

    Of course, the 500 children, killed in Gaza this past summer by Israeli forces, werent

    trying to kill anyone. So, whos happy about that, besides you?

    BTW, Israel isnt keen on interfaith marriages either.


    All you have provided is a video which has clips of people evincing fear and wanting to

    prophylax against being killed; you have not demonstrated anything about whether they

    were taught to do so and, instead, you invoke the classic moral equivalency.

    This doesnt begin to suffice; not only did you not show anyone expressing the desire to

    sport a suicide-vest [as Arab children have been repeatedly photographed as having

    worn], but you have failed to show that any INSTRUCTION in school had fueled

    Islamophobia [which is the classic allegation, promulgated by people such as yourself to

    counter the recognized anti-Semitism of Arab leaders].

    Therefore, in the absence of proof that Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs, you

    have again been shown to have reinterpreted two cites from the Internet *an article

    and a video], with the former not documenting [in its text] any Israeli curriculum that

    could remotely support your assertion, and with the latter not documenting [in its brief-
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]


    clips] any proof that expressed-attitudes were tethered to school-instruction that would

    be conceptualized as hate-endorsing.


    The goal has been to show why DD lacks credibility; hes slippery, so it was necessary to

    stalk him as he wandered from site to site.

    As a result, you should know that whatever he types is tinged by his support for Hamas

    [and, by extension, Islamism], by his anti-religious views [Bible=Delusional] and, now, by

    his desperate claim that Israeli youth are educated to hate Arabs [again, 100%


    It is notable that he was silent on this site after he was nailed [regarding the first two

    components of this patter] last week; even if he is driven-away due to embarrassment,

    you will be spared his superficial [sometimes profane] swipes @ decent people.

    DDRobert admits he is a creepy stalker.

    He also doesnt understand the contradiction in claiming that I find all religions

    delusional, yet he thinks I support Islam.

    Robert is just an old anti-Arab bigot who blames the deaths of 500 hundred Palestinian

    children on everybody but the Israelis who actually pulled the launch triggers, and the

    leadership that set the policy of collective punishment.


    DD has admitted [and subsequently chose not to deny, repeatedly] he rationalizedHamass terrorism *past, present, future+, he characterized the Judeo-Christian Bible as

    delusional, and he claimed Israeli youth are taught to hate Arabs.

    He thinks the best defense is issuing offensive [and baseless] accusations that are

    overtly factually deficient *500 hundred Palestinian children+; he changes-the-subject

    when challenged and, indeed, violated his [unjustified] attack on me when he quoted an

    article that was probably the result of a Guggle-search without having read anything

    more than its title.

    *Three Strikes, yer OUT!+

  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LI [ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Abortion, College-Admissions, JFK, Cosby, Ferguson]
