those inside the church

“Those Inside the Church”

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Those who are in sin (darkness) are outside of God’s fellowship. They are able to return to fellowship with God through the blood of Jesus and belief and baptism.






Those who are in sin (darkness) are outside of God’s fellowship. They are able to return to fellowship with God through the blood of Jesus and belief and baptism.



Jesus Believe &Baptized



Those who are in sin (darkness) are outside of God’s fellowship. They are able to return to fellowship with God through the blood of Jesus and belief and baptism.



Jesus Believe &Baptized


Being obedient to the gospel, they are now in fellowship with God.


Jesus Believe &Baptized

“there were added that day

about 3,000 souls”

(Acts 2.41)

On the Day of Pentecost following Jesus’ death, the Holy Spirit chose to use the word “added” referring to this salvation.

“And the Lord added to their

number”(Acts 2.47)


Jesus Believe &Baptized


God “dead in Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4.16)





Jesus Believe &Baptized

AddedThayer says this Greek word means “to add, i.e. to join to, gather with any company, the number of one’s followers or companions.”

God “dead in Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4.16)





Jesus Believe &Baptized

AddedClark comments that this word was used by Greek writers to signify when cities, towns or provinces changed their masters, and put themselves under another government.

God “dead in Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4.16)





Jesus Believe &Baptized

AddedClark continues saying that these 3,000 left the scribes and Pharisees and put themselves under the teaching of the apostles. More correctly, they put themselves under Jesus as Lord.

God “dead in Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4.16)

So this is the picture of the church in a general sense. All those who are saints are in fellowship with God. It’s like an extended family.

God “dead in Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4.16)



CorinthThe blue circles indicate specific (or local) churches, like an immediate family. These are those who have joined together to do the work that God has given us.

What does it mean to be a part of a specific congregation?

Jesus never intended us to be absolutely alone, to make it individually. Such feelings of isolation are dangerous. Remember Elijah’s depression when he thought he was alone in serving God?

“adoption as sons”

Rather, we are adopted into a family.


And spoken of as brethren.


John (1 John 1.3, 7) speaks of us having fellowship with Christ and therefore we have fellowship with one another.


What does it mean to have thisrelationship?

Paul in Jerusalem



Saul is a saint and in fellowship with God. The Saints in Jerusalem are also in fellowship with God and with one another. (Acts 9.26-28)




Saul wants to join this specific group of saints. Join is a very important word in understanding this relationship. Thayer says that it means “properly to glue, glue to, glue together, cement, fasten together ... To join one’s self to, cleave to.”




When used of people, join is used in two other examples that are instructive. 1) Joining to a prostitute vs. being joined to God (1 Corinthians 6.16-17); and 2) The marriage bond (Matthew 19.5; Ephesians 5.31).



Join“a man shall leave his father and mother And hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” Ephesians 5.31

In Ephesians 5, Paul makes it clear that the marriage bond is very similar to the bond between Christ and the church, describing it as a “profound mystery.”




Looking back at Saul’s desire to “join” the saints in Jerusalem teaches us that joining a specific church is not a casual relationship. It is a meaningful, significant bond between brothers united in faith.



In marriage, a man and a woman become one flesh, united physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally. It is a special relationship between companions, helpers. It thrives when there is trust and respect. So it is in the church!

A joined relationship is not casual. Would a marriage that is neglected survive? If the only interaction in a marriage was a few moments each week, how would that affect the marriage? What if little or no effort is put into building or maintaining the marriage?

What happens when only one partner puts any work into the relationship?

A successful marriage requires time, companionship, communication, intimacy, forgiveness, prayer.

Joining a congregation is very similar. There is much more to it than meeting in this building each week and sitting in the pews. We need the help of each member. Like marriage: one flesh (Unity); companionship; time; communication; intimacy; forgiveness; prayer.



When Saul joined the saints in Jerusalem, they needed to know he was a disciple; once joined he was “among them”!

The Church in Rome

Romans 14.1-3


ESV: uses the word ‘welcome’.


Other translations use “receive.” That is “to take or receive into one’s home, with the collateral idea of kindness; ... grant access to one’s heart.” (Thayer). Welcome with open arms!


Paul tells these brothers to receiver the weak brother.

“the one who is weak in faith, welcome him”

Specifically, they are to receive the one who is weak in the faith, but not to quarrel over opinions.

“the one who is weak in faith, welcome him”

Why receive the “weak.” Those who are “strong” are often self-righteous and judgmental about the “weak.” Instead of helping them to overcome ignorance, we tend to berate. We fail to welcome.

Sometimes disciples (baptized believers) come among us but don’t have same understanding as us. How do we treat them? Do we attempt to brow beat them into agreeing with us?

Remember how Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18.24-26) helped Apollos? They took him aside and taught him the way more accurately.

“Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the

glory of God.” —Romans 15.7

We need to receive one another because God has received us. The implication of this passage is that as members of a congregation, we need to be looking for opportunities to help each other when we are in need.

The Church in Corinth

1 Corinthians 5. Especially 9-13.


Note expressions of congregation: among you (1, 2, 13); lump (6); inside (13).


Associate (keep company): “to mix up together” (Strong).


2 Thessalonians 3.14 also uses “keep company”

Jesus Sexually Immoral




Paul clarifies that “associating” with the sexually immoral outside of Christ was unavoidable.


“brother”But someone one named a brother who is guilty of sexual immorality, et. al. they must not associate with.


“brother”“Named a brother” indicates that they recognized him as one who was received into association with the church.


“brother”“Named a brother” is not questioning whether he is a brother, but points to one who is recognized as a brother. Note that this is clearly an issue for a local congregation (“put away from yourselves” v. 13).

Jesus Sexually Immoral



IdolaterSexuallyImmoralGod judges those who are outside. Those inside the congregation

must judge. Those who are evil must be purged from among the congregation.



Implications from this passage. 1. We need to have a clear understanding of who is a part of us (“among you” and “inside”).

2. “not even to eat with such a one.” Doubtful that this is referring to the Lord’s Supper. Rather seems to point to social interaction. Eating with one in sin may be understood as approval. Consider Acts 2.46.

3. Judging one another is an important aspect of being a part of a church. This may be one of the most difficult but the most important aspects of being brethren. We need to truly care about how we are doing spiritually.

Galatians 6.1: Spiritually mind restore brother overtaken in trespass.

2 Thessalonians 3.6, 14-15

Jude 1.22-23: save others by snatching them out of the fire

Until we are willing to properly judge each other (out of love with the intent of restoration) we are not really caring for each other. Be careful that judgement is based on guilt, not suspicion, rumor, etc.

Point of lesson: being a part of a local church is not a casual relationship. We must stop treating it casually.

Are YOU a memberof this church?

Are YOU a memberof this church?


Have you JOINED us?

Do we truly RECEIVEone another?

Do we

keep companywith one another?

Are YOU a memberof this church?

How do you know?

How do we know?

Will today be the day you decide to

go to heaven?

Lesson slideshows (with notes)and audio can be found at:

Photo Credits: (All photos from are copyright protected. Please do not use without permission.)


Man in desert: iStock_000007684767

Group of Children: iStock_000012629850

Wedding Couple:

Couple on Couch: iStock_000007871522

Father and Child: iStock_000008374197

Boys hugging: iStock_000006957778

Megaphone: iStock_000000650824

Family meal: iStock_000002368942

Gavel: 117048243_7cc6bb0b87_b

Father and Child: iStock_000003759763

Red Card: iStock_000012460686

Firefighter: iStock_000011790554

Fellowship with ManThe Church


“Those Inside the Church”

Compiled and Presented by:

Dave Stewart21 November, 2010

Las Cruces,

Synopsis: Three passages help us understand that there is more to being a part of a specific group of Christians than just sitting in the pew once in a while. Paul reminds us that we are joining together, like a marriage. He teaches us to receive one another since Christ has received us. And he makes it clear that keeping company with someone named a brother involves serious responsibilities.

“Let all that you do be done with love.”

“Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”