thor: god of thunder guide...thor can unleash a powerful attack that will demolish any enemies in...

Thor: God of Thunder Guide by Jason Venter If you want to free Asgard from certain destruction, you're going to have to venture through 15 chapters filled with beasts ranging from puny lizard-like foes to towering behemoths who can demolish brick walls with their fists. You're armed with a hammer and some magic, so that's almost enough to make it a fair fight. If you're concerned about your chances, though, this guide will tip the scales decidedly in your favor. We detail every boss encounter and every puzzle, plus we point the way to enough health and weapon upgrades that you'll have every chance in the world of saving Asgard... Thor: God of Thunder Guide Contents Basics, including secret moves and more Game Walkthrough for all 242 Stars Boss strategies and videos Secrets, hidden galaxies and unlockable characters © 2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGN's express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved. » Page 1 of 44 © 2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.

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  • Thor: God of Thunder Guide

    by Jason Venter

    If you want to free Asgard from certain destruction, you're going to have to venture through 15 chapters filled with beasts ranging from puny lizard-like foes to towering behemoths who can demolish brick walls with their fists. You're armed with a hammer and some magic, so that's almost enough to make it a fair fight. If you're concerned about your chances, though, this guide will tip the scales decidedly in your favor. We detail every boss encounter and every puzzle, plus we point the way to enough health and weapon upgrades that you'll have every chance in the world of saving Asgard...

    Thor: God of Thunder Guide Contents

    Basics, including secret moves and more

    Game Walkthrough for all 242 Stars

    Boss strategies and videos

    Secrets, hidden galaxies and unlockable characters

    © 2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGN's express permission. You

    may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved.


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  • Thor: God of Thunder Guide Contents


    Basic Tips


    Chapter 1 - The Jotun Raid

    Chapter 2 - Vengeance

    Chapter 3 - Best Served Cold

    Chapter 4 - The Spire

    Chapter 5 - Deep Freeze

    Chapter 6 - The Ruins

    Chapter 7 - The River

    Chapter 8 - Frostgrinder

    Chapter 9 - Firestarter

    Chapter 10 - The Mine

    Chapter 11 - The Drill

    Chapter 12 - Surtur

    Chapter 13 - Frozen Rainbow

    Chapter 14 - Defense of Asgard

    Chapter 15 - Mangog

    Achievements / Trophies

    Q & A

    Guide Contents







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  • Thor: God of Thunder Basic Tips

    To play through Thor, the main thing you need to figure out how to do is fight.

    The Hammer

    Thor attacks in the manner you might expect: with his hammer. The hammer can be used as a melee weapon or it can be thrown at enemies. The range of a toss is limited, and a thrown hammer doesn't have the same heft as a melee blow does, but it's still a useful move because it can allow Thor to damage enemies from a distance. That spares him from taking damage (sometimes) and it also can allow him to hit enemies that he otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.

    The Magic

    Thor is capable of learning spells that can be used in battle when you have sufficient Odinforce. Spells fall into one of three elemental categories: Lightning, Thunder and Wind. Lightning attacks can instantly harm one or multiple targets within a certain range. Once upgraded, Lightning moves can also stun opponents and tear apart shields. Thunder magic allows Thor to hit the ground and create rifts in the soil that will damage foes. Once upgraded, that magic can be guided to hit enemies that are not positioned along a straight path. Finally, Wind magic lets Thor send out cyclones. While each of the various spells are interesting, you'll do best on your first trip through the game if you focus on improving one of the three magic types rather than spending your points on multiple elements. We recommend starting with Lightning magic.

    The Fury

    As Thor battles foes, his Fury Meter slowly fills. When the Fury Meter is completely filled and twinkling, Thor can unleash a powerful attack that will demolish any enemies in the area (bosses can't be defeated in that manner, but any others can). At various points in the game, it won't be possible to proceed through the level until you make use of a Fury attack.

    The Shield

    Thor carries a shield that can block weak attacks from enemies. Mostly, it's good at preventing projectile attacks from dealing any damage. By the time you reach the game's halfway point, it's usually safer to dodge an attack than to try blocking it with what has by that point become an ineffectual shield. However, it's still worth using the shield because it serves a secondary purpose: if Thor pulls out the shield just before being hit by a flying projectile, he can send the projectile flying back toward whatever foe fired the shot. This is a useful skill and you will be required to put it to use at several points as you work through the game.

    The Grapple

    As Thor battles enemies, he will find that most of them can withstand a great deal of damage before they will fall. That's particularly true of boss monsters, naturally. Fortunately, grappling with foes can speed along the process. Once Thor deals enough damage, his foe will temporarily become stunned. A yellow orb will appear. If Thor stands at that point and you press the appropriate button, he can initiate a grapple. A grapple is not a guaranteed win; enemies can escape from it and retaliate. That seldom happens, however. Often, Thor will wrestle his foe to the ground (even if that foe is a boss) and deal a

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  • world of hurt over the course of only a few seconds. As an added bonus, grappled enemies often produce health and magic meter refills. They're a real lifesaver.

    Keep the above concepts in mind and you should seldom find yourself wondering what to do next as you work through the game. Complete mastery of the referenced skills will equip you to deal with nearly everything the game throws at you.

    Thor: God of Thunder Walkthrough

    Your journey to right a terrible wrong in Asgard will span a total of 15 chapters. You'll battle huge monsters, solve a few light puzzles and travel through several regions before the final credits roll. You don't have to do it alone, though; we're here to walk you through your monumental journey, from the first skirmish in Asgard to the final encounter with evil incarnate. Follow along with us from the beginning, or skip directly to the location that has you stumped.

    Chapter 1 - The Jotun Raid

    Frost Goliath Boss Battle

    Chapter 2 - Vengeance

    Chapter 3 - Best Served Cold

    Chapter 4 - The Spire

    Chapter 5 - Deep Freeze

    Ymir Boss Battle

    Chapter 6 - The Ruins

    Mire Giant Boss Battle

    Chapter 7 - The River

    Chapter 8 - Frostgrinder

    War Beast Boss Battle

    Ulik Boss Battle

    Chapter 9 - Firestarter

    Chapter 10 - The Mine

    Infernir Champion Boss Battle

    Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 »












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  • Chapter 11 - The Drill

    Chapter 12 - Surtur

    Surtur Boss Battle

    Chapter 13 - Frozen Rainbow

    Chapter 14 - Defense of Asgard

    Chapter 15 - Mangog

    Mangog Boss Battle

    Chapter 1 - The Jotun Raid

    Enemies rush you as you appear on the arena battlefield. Simple melee attacks will take care of the first group and then your foe will summon more of the Iceborn to spoil your picnic. The game briefs you on special moves, which you can use to eliminate the next group. After you destroy them, a third group appears on the surrounding ledges and you must use the hammer throw to eliminate them from a distance.

    Above left: Use melee attacks to take out your weak enemies. Above right: Fill the Fury Meter by dealing pain to the giants.

    When you eliminate the weaker guys on the high pedestals, the Frost Giant will leap down to attack. He's still accompanied by enemies that will attack from a distance, and they'll keep coming at you indefinitely. Eliminate any who are too close for comfort, but otherwise focus your attacks on the giant. You can circle around him fairly easily and hit him with a barrage of melee attacks to wear him down and finally knock him out of the fight.

    Once the Frost Giant is defeated, you will be forced to deal with any of his fellows who were left. They'll keep coming and now your only option is to perform special moves that the game outlines. You have to input several commands in battle (just simple combos) before you can keep going.

    When you have used the last of the required special attacks, several more Frost Giant enemies will attack. Defeat them with melee attacks, and their cohorts, then use your special move once your Fury Meter is full to produce a new scene. You'll be advised that you can move the camera to find a distant point to which you can leap. Press the button indicated to make the leap and another scene follows. Then it's time to kick butt again.






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  • Above Left: Jump into the air and dash forward to clear the gaps. Above Right: Battle the giants to build up your Fury Meter so that you can cross the wide gap.

    You'll run along a high, lengthy ledge now. As you proceed, enemies appear and rush you. Break them apart with melee attacks. You'll also learn how to use your hammer as a projectile in a more limited fashion, which is also useful. When you reach the end of the area, you'll find yourself at a gap. Leap into the air, then boost forward to cross the gap and then another one just after it. You'll come to a circular chamber. A scene follows and then you are free to advance.

    As you proceed, note that the air can freeze you in place and inflict serious damage to your life meter. You can use your Wind Blast ability to blow away the ice clouds, then move quickly forward along the chamber. When you reach the far end of the passageway, there's a circular room where you can restore your magical and physical energy. Then you should pass through the opening and keep going.

    You'll soon trigger a scene that depicts the arrival of more giants. Head forward and do battle with them in the usual manner. They move slowly, so you should have little trouble picking on one of them at a time while steering clear of the weaker enemies roaming the area. When you fill your Fury Meter, unleash your magic to clear the entire area of enemies. You'll receive a Mjoinir item. Then you can target a distant point and fly over to a new ledge.

    In the background, you should see what look like icy vines on the next ledge. Enemies appear along that same ledge. Throw your hammer at them to defeat them. Keep doing so until no more of them appear, then press the button indicated on-screen to absorb their energy from a distance. You can then fly over to the next ledge, where a door opens and grants admittance to a room with a Save Runestone. Save your progress there and refill your life and magic, then step through the doors that open just beyond the pedestal.

    Above Left: Destroy your enemies by grappling with them, when possible. Above Right: You need to sound the horn so that the people of Asgard become aware of the attack.

    Walk to the end of the ledge, then jump to the far point across a wide gap. When you land, there's a scene and you'll need to battle a bunch of weaker enemies. You can use grapple moves to easily eliminate them and then you can use your magic to eliminate the icy barrier so that you can once again proceed. Make sure that you destroy any crystals in the area to reveal any goodies that they hide.

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  • Shortly, you'll reach an arena where you must battle several giants who surround the Gjallarhorn. Your task now is to defeat the giants and then sound the alarm so that the people of Asgard know an attack is underway. To defeat the giants, just fight as you usually would. You can use your special abilities to deal good damage from a distance, but you should also move in close and grapple them when the opportunity arises (look for them to start glowing yellow, a signal that they're susceptible). The giants may be large, but they're still weak to that move and you'll be rewarded if you grapple enough enemies in the stage.

    Once you defeat the last of the giants, head around to find what looks like a wooden beam protruding from the base of the large structure at the center of the area. You can interact with that to raise the alarm. A distant point will appear overhead, so jump to that point to arrive at a battle with a few more giants and then the area's boss.

    Frost Goliath Boss Battle

    Your battle with the Frost Goliath will require more finesse than anything you have encountered in the stage up to that point, naturally. He has powerful armor that prevents your attacks from doing any real damage, so your obvious goal is to strip that away. Without his armor, he's toast.

    Above Left: The Frost Goliath is enormous and encased in strong armor. Above Right: Move in close and hack away at your foe until he is stunned, then grapple with him to do some real damage.

    To start the process, get in close and use melee attacks on your opponent's feet. That should allow you to steer clear of both his powerful arms and his weaker projectile attacks. Watch for glowing orbs to appear on his body as your foe finally stands still in a stunned state after you have hit him enough times, then press the button to initiate a grapple. You'll need to jump around along the monster's upper torso. Move into position on the shoulders, then use a special attack to deal massive damage. You'll drop down to the ground as your opponent also falls in a heap. Repeat the process as necessary until you have nearly eliminated his entire life meter.

    When you manage a final grapple, be ready for a surprise attack. Your foe will try to crush you between his massive fists, so you'll need to be ready to quickly mash the button indicated on-screen to break free of the attack. If you manage to do so, you'll automatically retaliate with a blow that finishes the battle.

    After you defeat your foe, there's an extended sequence and then the chapter concludes.

    Chapter 2 - Vengeance

    You'll appear in a long, wide hallway with enemies ahead of you. Greet them with melee attacks and lightning attacks. The game will walk you through the process of switching to lightning-based magic, then using a charged blast of lightning called down from above. You can take out two or three of the giants that way. Any giants that you don't defeat with the lightning must be destroyed through other means. They have enough health and armor that you definitely want to use lightning if possible.

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  • Above Left: Use your Lightning Storm ability to demolish the giants. Above Right: Engage the point on the pedestal and hold the analog sticks in the required directions to make the gears turn so that you can reach the next area.

    Once you defeat the giants and the numerous smaller enemies in the area (which come at you in two separate groups), you will be visited by Loki. He gives you instructions and a new objective. Then the double gates nearby will open so that you can proceed again.

    Head forward for a scene, then forward again for another scene. In the circular chamber, look back the way you came and find a Thunderbolt . Collect it, then proceed to the pedestal near the chamber's center. The game will walk you through the process of controlling the Observatory wheels, which involves moving the two analog sticks. You have to hold them both in the proper position. They'll turn red and start spinning quickly as you do. Then the pedestal will activate and you will leave Asgard.

    You'll appear in a new area, underground. Start up the passage from there, smashing ice crystals along the way until you reach a high ledge. From there, you can leap to a distant point on a platform far ahead of you. When you land, the chapter concludes.

    Chapter 3 - Best Served Cold

    Your noisy arrival in the new area has not gone undetected. Though you destroy a bunch of giants upon landing on the ledge where the third chapter begins, many more will rush you (along with weaker friends).

    Above Left: Defeat the giants quickly to fill your Fury Meter, then unleash your wrath and eliminate the remaining giants even more quickly. Above Right: Venture deep into the icy cave to find new challenges.

    There are enough giants in this starting area that it'll take you forever to defeat them if you try to rely just on your standard melee attacks. Battle giants with Lightning Storm attacks and by grappling them. When you have dealt enough damage to fill your Fury Meter, activate it and then move quickly around the area, clobbering giants. Two or three direct hits while your power is exaggerated will be enough to destroy each giant, and more

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  • will materialize. You can move quickly around the area, destroying one giant after another in rapid succession. That will keep your meter from draining and will make it easy to clear the area.

    Once you have done so, your main foe will appear at the edge of the area, near the entrance to a cave. He taunts you, so proceed in that direction and break apart ice crystals as you go. You can refill your life and magic at one point deep in the cave, then head beyond that point a short distance to trigger another scene. The Jade Iceborn enemy type will attack and your foe will taunt you as he fills the corridor ahead with howling gusts of icy wind.

    The trick here is to watch for breaks in the wind. You can hide behind ice crystal formations between gusts, but you'll need to deal with the Iceborn enemies that attack you from the sides. Steer clear of their projectiles, both while they are in the air and when they land (they'll burst apart shortly after doing so). Continue forward when there are openings and when you reach the back wall, you can jump to pull yourself up to the higher ledge.

    Above Left: Break through the frozen waterfall to find a collectible. Above Right: Earthquake can demolish even powerful giants, if you time it properly.

    Continue climbing to reach the start of a new passageway. This one doesn't have icy air gusting along it, thankfully. When you reach the far end, Adept giants will attack. You can defeat the lot of them with Lightning Storm, then investigate the nearby area. Behind a frozen waterfall that you can easily smash your way through, you'll find a collectible Thunderbolt . Along a different corridor, you can jump and pull yourself up to a ledge to find a device that provides you with more currency that you can spend on moves (you'll need to move the analog sticks so that the gears turn quickly and generate a suitable reward).

    As you head along the main passageway that leads away from where you battled the giants, you'll soon reach a new battlefield. Here, you'll have a more difficult time defeating the giants. They keep coming and they are accompanied by Iceborn enemies. Not only that, but huge ice formations burst forth from the ground at key points during the battle. They can really knock you around and do some damage if you let them. Focus on avoiding those natural hazards as you battle the giants. As the fight begins, you can use the Earthquake ability to eliminate the first few foes, but from there you'll have to get more creative. Note the floating power-up along the edge of the area that you can grab for help defeating the giants. Grab it when you can. Build up damage quickly and when you fill your Fury Meter, unleash it to produce a shockwave that opens a new path.

    Head along the new path. You will need to smash apart some crystals, then jump up along the obstruction to reach a higher ledge. Walk along that ledge to reach a new scene. Then the chapter concludes.

    Chapter 4 - The Spire

    From the place where you appear at the start of the new chapter, look to the left. There's a high ledge to which you can leap. It leads into the area known as The Spire.

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  • Above Left: Icy walls emerge from the stream bed as you head along the canyon floor. Above Right: From your position near the base of the wall where the Jade Turret is positioned, throw your hammer repeatedly at the turret.

    Head along the passage and when you reach the end, drop down to the lower ledge. There, you'll find a shallow stream. You can wade along it just fine. To the left is a steep drop-off and to the right is a slightly safer route. As you proceed in that direction, walls of ice will emerge rapidly from the floor. You'll likely get caught in at least the first one and frozen. Break free of the ice and continue along that route. The ice walls come at you in a pattern, so you can wait for one nearby, then dash up against it so that subsequent ice walls emerge behind you and cause no harm.

    Keep moving along the canyon, mostly in small bursts of speed, and at the far end you'll reach a high wall. A Jade Turret appears along the wall. It will fire projectiles at you and you definitely need to avoid letting many of those hit you. They drain your life meter quite effectively. To proceed, you must find a way to defeat the cannon. The best method is the obvious one: stand near the base of the wall and repeatedly toss your hammer at the turret to chip away its icy shield and to smash its core. When you do that, the series of ice attacks that abated slightly as you fought the cannon will resume. Watch the pattern and avoid the ice, then leap up the wall that the turret was guarding.

    At the top of that wall, head right along a new passageway and you'll reach a lengthy ledge leading across a chasm. As you head along that ledge, a scene occurs. Some enemies appear on the ledge to the right. You must defeat all of them to proceed, but you can't exactly hop over to them and use melee attacks. Instead, watch for projectiles. Just as one is about to hit you, press the button to block. You'll send the shot back toward the one who fired it. Repeat the process to destroy all of the enemies and any that replace them. When the ledge is cleared, you can head along it again. Do so quickly, though, as it will try to fall out from under you.

    Above Left: You can block at the last moment to return projectiles to their source, a useful trick here and elsewhere. Above Right: Do battle with another Frost Goliath. The general strategy hasn't changed.

    Once you arrive on the far side of the ledge, start forward and you'll come under attack. Your foe is another Frost Goliath like the one that you battled at the end of the first chapter. He's as fearsome here as he was there, but by now you should be familiar with his attack pattern. You can stun him with lightning magic and then leap up along his body to tear apart his higher shielded areas. As before, the end comes for the Frost Goliath when he tries to crush you between his massive fists, once you have him down to a quarter or so of his life. Be ready for that move to come and quickly mash the button indicated on-screen to push the hands apart and then

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  • tear out the body within the armor.

    When you defeat the Frost Goliath, a save point is accessed and then you must battle two Jade Turrets at once. You'll have the most luck, as usual, if you stand near the base of one and mash the button to fire projectiles. When you defeat the two turrets, you'll have your choice of two small passages to head along. Both of them lead to the same point, an area where you're instructed to smash through the floor to break into the interior of the Spire.

    Use the crystal along the back wall to save your progress if you like, then use magic (such as your Lightning spell) to crash through the ice and into a passageway below it. You'll trigger a brief scene and then you have an enemy to worry about. Head toward the screen to reach a dead end. Jump onto the side of the wall there, leap into the air from there and dash to the side to snag the Thunderbolt collectible. Then you can return your attention to the series of ice walls rising out of the passageway floor ahead of you.

    Above Left: Dodge icy walls that appear along the corridor by dashing past them. Above Right: Deflect shots fired by Jade Turrets as you climb the Spire.

    The trick is to watch the approaching ice walls and to dash forward through a receding one just before a new one can appear at your feet. When you reach the far end of the passage, there's a red rune on the floor. Hold the button indicated on-screen and you'll use the rune to open up the passageway so that you can proceed into a new area.

    Here, you'll find yourself under attack by more Jade Turrets to your left. Start toward the nearest one so that you get within range, then toss your hammer repeatedly to eliminate it. Beyond the first turret, ledges temporarily extend from the wall and then recede. Hop up along those to reach the higher ledge near the base of the second of the area's two turrets. Then destroy it, as well. From there, you'll need to continue climbing along additional ledges that are patrolled by weaker enemies. You can either take them out from a distance or move in close and use melee attacks. Defeating them will destroy nearby walls of ice so that you can proceed.

    Ascend along the series of ledges and finally you'll reach another of the runes on the floor. Activate it, then demolish a nearby structure known as a Jade Accelerator. There are three Jade Accelerators in the area and you need to eliminate all of them. Continue climbing while dealing with weak enemies and smashing through walls of ice as you make long leaps between ledges. After you destroy the second accelerator, you'll need to ascend a ledge while avoiding massive ice shards that break free of the floor. Just past those is a station where you can generate some mystical energy. Do so, then look at the ledges just above you. Massive sheets of jagged ice periodically protrude from the wall. You'll need to ascend a series of ledges carefully, so that you don't get hit by the ice and knocked to the right and into the abyss. Start your ascent just as the ice on the nearest ledge recedes. Keep climbing and when you reach the top of the series of ledges, quickly leap again and pull yourself up the wall.

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  • Above Left: You'll have to leap up along a series of ledges as massive ice shards burst forth from the wall to the left. Above Right: Charge up the Jade Columns when you can get away from the circling giants long enough to rest for a moment.

    On higher ground, look ahead. You'll see another Jade Turret that you need to eliminate and then you can smash through an ice wall. Ahead, a column of cold air will appear. Ride it up to another higher ledge, then punch your way through the onyx-colored door that you find at the top.

    You'll emerge on an icy ledge outcropping. Start toward your left, where a narrow ledge ascends along the face of a high cliff. You can pause to collect energy from the crystal, then start climbing. You'll arrive at a high plateau with a huge crystal spinning at its center. There are four Jade Columns that you must destroy here. You'll find a Valknut when you destroy one of them. The columns are guarded by a number of giants and some weaker enemies. The giants will keep coming, so you need to eliminate them long enough only to give yourself time to head to each of the columns and charge them up without being attacked. It takes a few seconds to charge each crystal. Once all four have been charged, turn your attention to the central crystal. Giants will continue to attack, but you need to focus your efforts on the crystal. Hit it with a few projectiles to demolish it.

    Once the crystal is gone, a distant grappling point will appear. Grapple over to it and you'll trigger a scene. When the scene concludes, so does the chapter.

    Chapter 5 - Deep Freeze

    You appear now on a narrow ledge leading toward the familiar face that taunted you in previous chapters. Start forward and you'll notice that the giant head is flanked by two Jade Turrets. You can deflect their shots easily enough to eliminate them, and the face only fires a laser beam that is easily avoided. The main issue is that periodically, you may be frozen temporarily in place by icy gusts. Just shake free and keep moving.

    Above Left: The giant head fires lasers you can easily avoid and the Jade Turrets pitch in with projectiles. Above Right: Hack

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  • apart the pillars with melee attacks. Doing so while airborne works best.

    When you reach the base of the wall where the face is mounted, smash the wall with standard melee attacks and then pass through the opening that appears. A cutscene follows as your progress is automatically saved. Then you can start forward again.

    In the next chamber, Ymir taunts you from behind another of the large heads. A number of giants appear in the area, along with weaker enemies. Your goal here is to smash four large columns apart so that Ymir has to fight you. Head to one corner of the room and start hacking away at the column. You will have the most luck if you whack its base a time or two, then leap into the air and mash the melee attack button. You can deal several blows while airborne and it makes you a harder target for your enemies to hit. Repeat the process several times to ruin the first pillar, then do the same to the other three pillars. Ymir will enter the arena as his cohorts disappear.

    Ymir (Round 1) Boss Battle

    The first thing you need to do is get a feel for Ymir's attacks. He'll start the battle by tossing a series of around four icy balls at you. These you should carefully reflect. They inflict mild damage if they strike Ymir, which is all that you're interested in doing at the moment. Once those attacks conclude, Ymir will circle for a brief while and then is likely to slam down against the floor. You want to watch him so that when he's about to land with such a blow, you can leap into the air to avoid taking damage from any resulting shockwaves.

    Above Left: Ymir is huge and motivated. Above Right: Climb onto Ymir's chest and hit him with a heart attack.

    Circle around, avoiding Ymir's melee attacks by remaining at a safe distance. Deflect any projectiles and watch for Ymir to grow weak enough that a point appears on the ground indicating that you can grapple. Quickly move forward and take advantage of that window of opportunity. You may be frozen along the way, so be prepared to break free and continue forward. When you get the chance to grapple, quickly climb up onto Ymir's chest and then strike the exposed weak point that you find there. Then you'll fall to the floor and the whole dance must be repeated.

    Once you deal enough damage (three strikes to the heart will do it), a scene follows and the battle concludes.

    You're now standing in an underground chamber. Prepare yourself, then head forward toward the red light beneath the door. You'll initiate a second round of the battle with Ymir.

    Ymir (Round 2) Boss Battle

    Now Ymir is even more powerful than he was during the previous round. He has a few new moves. His projectiles seem more lethal and he also fires icy beams from his eyes that seek you out as they waver back and forth, crossing in 'X' formation on occasion. Your best bet to avoid the beams is actually to move in close, almost to the place where Ymir himself is positioned. Get in close and hold up your shield. He'll decide not to use his beams almost immediately after initiating them, if you're close enough.

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  • Above Left: Keep at a distance to most easily avoid the icy beams. Above Right: You can jump around his body if you like, but Ymir's main weakness is still his chest.

    After he fires his beams, Ymir will stick his fists into the ground and produce a field of icy shards or a cloud of mist. Get in close and watch for a grappling point, then leap up toward his chest. Though it's possible to climb around on him, you run the least risk if you immediately punch his chest again.

    Once you have damaged Ymir enough (two punches to the chest should be enough), he will retreat and leave behind some energy that will slightly refill your life meter. Quickly rush over to the side of the area and start trying to open the door. As you hold the button, red energy will start to wash over the nearby wall. Then Ymir will reappear with his life refilled. Repeat the entire process outlined above, spreading red over the wall a little bit more with each successive attempt, until finally you win. It will likely take three rounds or possibly four, depending on how quick you are and the game's difficulty setting.

    When you win the battle, a scene follows and then you can head through a circular green portal that appears. On the other side of that portal, turn around and find a Valknut floating in some debris. Then head forward along the passage toward some doors. You can save your progress ahead of them if you like. Hold the button indicated to open the double doors. Pass through them to arrive at the next chapter.

    Chapter 6 - The Ruins

    Start forward and drop from the high ledge. On lower ground, you'll notice that you can drop left and right into fetid swamp water. If you drop to the right, you can approach a device along the edge of the swampy area. Try to put it to use and you'll come under attack by a group of enemies known as Leechweed.

    Above Left: You'll take damage quickly if you let yourself spend too much time around the poisonous enemies. Above Right: Toss your hammer to easily take out the Skraelings.

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  • The Leechweed enemies are capable of exhaling noxious fumes that will cause severe damage if you allow yourself to be caught up within them. They also slash at you with sharp spines that have the same effect. You'll have to deal with four or five of them at once, so you're going to take damage unless you're extremely careful. You can find a Mjolnir item in this area, down in the muck behind the main pedestal area where the stage began (you have to press against the foliage and spin the camera around to even see it), but the Leechweed make retrieving it risky. You may be better off avoiding the plants by instead leaping up along the stone ledges that lead through the center of the swamp.

    On the high ground, you'll arrive in a new chamber where you'll see a new grappling point in the distance. You can find a Thunderbolt collectible in some foliage here if you carefully drop down one ledge, and there's a point along the wall that you can use to climb back up to higher ground. Then return your attention to the grappling point. Grapple over to it and you'll be treated to a cutscene that introduces a new enemy type: Skraelings. You'll need to drop down to the arena where they are located and start dealing damage while making sure that you get well clear of any explosive grenades they toss at you. The good news is that Skraelings are ridiculously easy to defeat; simply throw your hammer at them from a distance as you circle the arena. You'll defeat them in no time and then you can approach the doors along the opposite side of the arena. When you try to open them, you'll come under attack by more Skraelings. Use the same strategy that you did on the previous group. When you clear the area, approach the doors again and this time you should be able to open them.

    Head through the doors and in the next area, you can save your progress. There are platforms near the edges of the area where you find yourself. You can step onto one to ride down to a central area below. When you try to activate the portal that you find there, you'll learn that you first must do some maintenance. Ride the lift back up to the overhead platform and pass through a newly-opened archway.

    Above Left: Ride down to the central platform and activate the beacon. Above Right: Grab a Valknut, then use Aimed Throw mode to remove some spores.

    When you arrive in the next area, you'll find more earthy soil and more of the Skraelings will attack. You can continue to win the day by tossing your hammer at them from a distance. Look to the treetops along the side of the area, as well, for a glowing red orb floating in the air. Toss your hammer at it to knock it down to ground level, then grab it to obtain the Mjolnir item.

    Continue to the edge of the area, where you can climb up some steeply sloped debris to spot a Skraeling. It will toss some grenades at you and flee. Follow in that direction by descending to lower ground, then head along a lengthy area lined with foliage. Skraeling monsters will attack regularly, but you can destroy them as well as numerous power cells along the way as you proceed.

    Watch for a point along the side of the passage where a Skraeling stands in an opening and fires at you from a distance. You an attack it and defeat it, then air dash over to the opening. Inside, you'll be greeted by another Skraeling. Defeat it, then head past it to find a Valknut resting on a pile of rubble. When you grab that item, you'll be advised about your aimed throwing mode. You can enter the mode as directed, then look up on the ledge above. There are spores blocking an important sensor, so throw your hammer to knock down the spores.

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  • Above Left: Activate the rune and open the door. Above Right: Try not to let yourself get sandwiched between teh two trolls.

    When you knock down the spores, lights along the side of the area will come to life. One has more trouble with that process than the others do. It explodes to reveal a new opening. Jump through that opening and fall to an area below, which you are then free to explore. Head to the right side, where you can see a torch on an upper ledge. Leap up to the ledge and head along the area. You're on a large, stone structure. You can head around it and activate runes and a door.

    Proceed in that fashion to find that you're on what looks like the deck of a ship. You can leap to solid ground, where a bunch more Skraeling enemies will attack. Be mindful of one that's off to the right, positioned on a floating skiff. It can fire repeated volleys at you and they can do a lot of damage if they connect. Take it out quickly before you deal with the other Skraelings, or head to the far side of the ledge so that you're out of range of the shots as you deal with the less harmful enemies. Once you clear the area and destroy the skiff, you'll face an assault from a new type of enemy: Swamp Trolls.

    You can use just about any method you like to eliminate the Swamp Trolls. They're not really much different from the giants you encountered earlier in the game, except they can hit harder and take more damage. You can grapple them when they are stunned, as well. Once you defeat them, check along the edge of the area. There's a door there. Charge its runes and a Skraeling will detonate the wall overhead. Debris falls on you, but you can mash a button to push it away. Then charge the door again and enter it to arrive back in the circular room with the pedestal. Note the Gift of the Valkyrie item floating around near the base of the platform. You can drop over the edge to land on a narrow outcropping, where the circling item will soon find you. Collect it and then jump up to the platform. Activate it once more. This time, because of your recent efforts, the beacon works.

    Above Left: There's a floating collectible circling the lowest platform. Above Right: Fire on the Skraelings from a first-person perspective. Act quickly!

    The newly-functional beacon attracts more Skraelings. They'll drop down through a hole in the ceiling to attack. You can defeat them in the usual manner, but your perspective is likely to change so that you're looking at everything first-person. Spin the camera around to find the Skraelings, then toss your weapon and keep moving so that you can find others. You don't want to give any of them time to launch a charged attack. When you defeat the last of them, a new door will open overhead. Ride back up and save your progress if you like,

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  • then pass through the new opening.

    You'll arrive now at the start of a long bridge. To either side and below, there's swamp water. Jump off the left side of the bridge and head forward and toward the left if you want to find a Valknut . Some Leechweed enemies surround it, so be careful. On the opposite side of the bridge, you can defeat some Skraeling enemies. Take all of them out, then grapple up to a point above the bridge. Run along it again and defeat the enemy that waits at the end, then proceed forward again.

    Now you will find a high wall with thick moss growing over it. You can jump up along the wall to reach high ground, then move forward and drop down from there to arrive within an arena. Two more Swamp Trolls will attack, and they're joined by Skraelings. Take them out quickly, then explore along the edge of the arena. You can open a door a crack, then pass through to find yourself in a vertical shaft. Now you must ascend the shaft using air dashes and standard jumps while you avoid grenades tossed down from overhead. When you reach the top of the shaft and pass through the next set of doors, you'll appear at the edge of a large marsh area. There's a pedestal to the right where you can restore some energy and save your progress, though your progress is also saved automatically upon your arrival.

    Your goal in this area is to recover a power core from a skiff that is positioned near the middle of the lake ahead of you. Before you worry about that, you can walk around to the left and find a rune to activate. Then return your attention to the lake. If you try to jump down and start forward, you'll just lose some health. Instead, look up to the huge wooden column. Floating above it is a grapple point. Fly over to that point and you'll need to defeat some Skraelings and Swamp Trolls. Cyclone magic will blow half of them right off the platform if you put it to proper use, making the fight much simpler. Then a cutscene follows and a new monster appears: a Mire Giant.

    Mire Giant Boss Battle

    The Mire Giant has powerful armor. As long as that armor is in place, you won't be able to do much against your foe and he'll deal huge damage with his fists as he clobbers the ground around you (when you fight up close) or rushes you like a freight train (if you try to back away from him for a breather).

    Above Left: Use your most powerful attacks to chip away at your foe's armor. Above Right: Hit him hard when you grapple him, and be ready to mash buttons to break free of his grinding palms.

    Start the fight by hitting him with your most powerful magical attacks and melee attacks. When your meter drains, pick up the item lying around the arena so you can keep the heavy assault coming. Hopefully, you'll soon chip away the Mire Giant's armor. Then you can move in and take advantage of the grapple points that appear. Leap up and slam your magical energy into his chest. You'll fall away and you can immediately seek out the grapple point and try again. This time, the Mire Giant will try to grind you between his fists. Mash the buttons indicated on-screen to break free. Continue grappling as necessary until you finally deal a last crushing blow.

    When you defeat the Mire Giant, you can jump down to a nearby skiff and then use your magical energy to pilot it along the shallow streams. As you go, enemies will periodically appear from the water to attack. You can find a Mjolner collectible if you jump off your skiff and head left into a dead-end area (it's along the left side of that area) when you encounter the first group of lizards. Otherwise, just keep riding on the skiff. When you reach the far end of the river with the skiff, a scene follows and then you can walk along translucent blue walkways that have appeared.

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  • After you've walked a fair distance along the walkways, a cutscene follows. When you find yourself in control again, you need to race quickly along the walkways. Behind you, destructive waves are following. The walkway will disappear under you if you take too long and then you'll fall into harmful swamp water. It's better to simply race quickly along the walkway to stay ahead of the destruction. You'll still have to deal with bursts of fire from above, which can break apart platforms. Be ready to air dash at a moment's notice.

    When you reach the far end of the series of walkways, you'll find your useless skiff. From it, jump to a pile of black rubbish floating in the water. Stand on that and look up and ahead to spot a grappling ring to which you can leap. Do so to finally clear the chapter.

    Chapter 7 - The River

    This chapter begins on a riverbank. Ahead of you, floating in the treetops, there's a Maximum Odinforce upgrade. Knock it down with a toss of your hammer and collect it, but pay attention to the enemies nearby. There are some trolls and Skraelings. Defeat them carefully, as your life meter may not be in the best of shape, then look to the next stream bank.

    Above Left: Deflect powerful blasts to defeat the monsters riding on the skiff. Above Right: Push the sea life into the water and the skiff will move closer to shore.

    Along the next stream, you'll see a Mire Giant pulling a skiff with Skraelings riding it. They have cannons and will fire shots in your direction. Deflect the large shots to kill them while avoiding or blocking the weaker shots. You can also move in close and toss your hammer to harm some of them.

    Once you have destroyed all of the Skraelings on the skiff, head to the left along the shore and you'll find what looks like a giant squid washed onto the bank. Hold the button indicated on-screen to push it into the water. That will cause a scene and the skiff will move closer to the shore so that you can leap onto it. When you make the leap and land on the skiff (an air dash is in order), your progress will automatically be saved.

    Head to the front of the skiff and step onto the steering platform. Thus begins a ride down the river.

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  • Above Left: Throw your hammer to destroy enemies on the bank, and also huts and other obstructions. Above Right: Make sure that you're prompt about taking out the sheltered gunner.

    The game will explain the controls for this segment of the stage. Pay close attention to them. Once you have started the skiff to moving, it won't stop. It will move either at standard speed or a more accelerated speed. As you start down the river, you mostly want to move at standard speed. Enemies will appear from brush on the bank (mostly on the left side at first) and you can toss your hammer to destroy them. Your hammer can also destroy larger objects that you find along the way, including power cell clusters and huts. You want to destroy as many of those items as possible, and you want to hit any enemies that appear as quickly as you can so that they don't have the chance to inflict serious harm.

    As you advance along the river, you periodically will come across barriers. The first two of those look like glass walls spanning the water. Shortly ahead of each of those, you can use lightning magic to speed up the beast that is hauling the skiff. That will allow it to crash through the barrier so that you can continue your advance.

    After breaking through the second barrier, look to the bank to the right. There will be numerous enemies along ground level, as well as a more dangerous creature atop what looks like a pyramid. He has a cannon at his disposal, so make sure that you take him out first and then sweep the bank for any stragglers. Beyond that, you can charge through several logs that have fallen across the stream. Then you should watch for the left bank. You'll come across another Skraeling settlement. Destroy the huts near the shore and make sure that you take out the bridge as soon as it comes within range. There are power cells you can destroy along the way, as well.

    Above Left: Toss your hammer at the approaching Skraeling skiffs to eliminate your enemies before they can get close enough to ram you with explosives. Above Right: Don't let the approaching enemies in the water catch you by surprise!

    When you advance past that point, there will be a scene as a bunch of Skraelings rush down to the nearby shore and jump into skiffs of their own. Your progress forward will be slowed now and you'll have to defend yourself from an onslaught as the Skraelings rush you and try to take you out with explosives on their boats. You can take them out as they approach. Remember not to bother tossing your hammer until you see red targeting reticules, or you'll just waste a precious second or two before you can fire again.

    You'll have to defend yourself against quite a few of the suicidal Skraelings. Then you'll start advancing along the river again. After the last of the skiffs, you'll come across another settlement. This one is on the bank to the right. There are some destructible buildings along the lower level, so make sure that you focus most of your energy there and you'll also find some bonus energy.

    Past that settlement, you'll find a few more skiffs and then you'll come upon a much larger settlement. This one has a massive gate ahead of it and high walls. Clan Trolls, a new type of enemy, will appear along the ramparts and will knock large balls down into the water. As you continue your slow advance, enemies will start quickly toward you. They're underwater, but you can still target them. Wait until you see the red reticles, then take the enemies out with your hammer. Once the more immediate threat is eliminated, turn your attention to the shore. You can toss your hammer to take out the Clan Trolls. A grapple point will appear. Use it to reach the bank, then take out any waiting enemies. There's a save station, so make use of it and then turn your attention to the nearby door.

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  • Above Left: You will need to set a series of balls floating along the river or you'll never be able to use them to blast open the obstruction further downstream. Above Right: Destroy the floating mines before they have the chance to collide with your vessel.

    You'll find that it's not possible to go through the door because it is malfunctioning. The material from which it is made is too stout for your attacks to do any good, so start toward the edge of the platform in the direction where you left your skiff. Toward the left, there's a malfunctioning metal cover. Stand over it and use your magic to repair it. A huge metal ball of explosives will appear. You can kick it out into the water and it will float and start toward a distant gate. The idea is that you need to blast the explosives with your hammer to open the gate, but you have to wait until the explosives are within range of the gate before you throw your hammer. The problem is that the gate is further away than your hammer will reach.

    To solve the puzzle, kick loose a series of several of the explosives balls. Then detonate the nearest one to set off a chain reaction of explosions. If you did things properly, the gate in the distance will be blasted open. Now you can use the grappling point over the skiff to return to your ride down the river. Let the skiff carry you through the newly opened gate.

    Through the gate, you'll find another gate that opens more willingly. Past that gate, there's a series of enemies that will attack you on skiffs and then you'll face a more dangerous obstacle: enemies from the canyon high above the river fire upon you with mortars. Explosive mines land in the river and float toward you in sufficient quantity that it's difficult to aim your hammer tosses and destroy all of them before some collide with your skiff. It's okay if a few brush against you and explode, but you do have limited armor and defense so you want to keep as many from striking against your ride as possible.

    Above Left: There are too many Skraeling enemies to deal with here, so battle only until your Fury Meter is full and then unleash it to destroy the mortar. Above Right: You'll have to use similar methods to defeat more enemy groups with stronger members.

    After you survive the minefield, your skiff will come to rest near a bank. You can air dash from the skiff to the bank, then head right along it to find a high ledge. Leap up the ledge. As you start along the ledge, a scene follows. An enemy drops some food into the water and the beast pulling your skiff ditches you as it rushes for the tasty treat. Your enemies will start firing explosives at your beast now, so you need to stop them before they can do too much harm and leave you stranded.

    Rush along the bank and make your way to a higher ledge, where you'll find yourself facing a horde of Skraelings. They'll keep coming as you hack your way through them, so you need to be smart about the fight.

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  • Instead of trying to defeat the Skraelings, use them as fodder to quickly fill up your Fury Meter. Just take out a few of the enemies with normal lightning strikes or whatever you prefer, then when your meter fills you can unleash it to destroy the shielded mortar on the bank.

    Now head through the new opening and drop off the ledge. Head right past a torch, then head left through some brush and along a massive limb that you can use to cross to the other side of the river. There, climb up another mossy bank and you'll meet another group of enemies. There's a troll among them, so this second group of enemies is more dangerous than the first. Your strategy for taking care of them (along with the mortar on the bank) has not changed, however.

    Destroy the second mortar machine, then look for the third one. Just head through the new opening that appeared when you destroyed the second mortar, then grapple over to a distant point on the far side of the bank. Head along the rocky ledge while dealing with Skraelings on patrol. There are around four of them. Throw your hammer to deal with them from a distance before they can shoot you. Then find a third group of enemies on a higher ledge. To the right of those enemies is an item that you can pick up to quickly fill your meters so that it's easier to dispatch of your foes. Take them out as you did the previous two groups, then grapple over to a final ledge. When you arrive there, you can take out a last group of enemies and a mortar to cause a wall to burst apart. There are a few enemies waiting there, so move in quickly and take care of them as you see fit.

    When those enemies are toast, you can head through a new opening and save your progress. Then you can walk along the ledge until you come near your waiting skiff. Leap out onto it to complete the chapter.

    Chapter 8 - Frostgrinder

    This stage begins with a potential boss fight. The Mire Giant that hauled the skiff throughout the previous chapter climbs onto the platform where you are located and attacks. He'll follow the same pattern as a previous Mire Giant that you defeated, if you want to go that route, but there's a better option.

    Above Left: Energize the emblems along the platform while avoiding the Mire Giant's attacks to turn the beast friendly. Above Right: The Mire Giant decides to leave rather than hang around this awful place, but you have no such luxury.

    Instead of battling the Mire Giant, work your way past him to the red glowing point on the ground (near where the giant first appeared). When you approach that point, you'll have the option to charge it with your electric energy. There's another red patch nearby, and you'll need to energize it also. Doing so is difficult with the giant breathing down your neck, but if you manage to charge both of the patches, the Mire Giant will turn friendly and you'll receive recognition for your achievement.

    Once the giant is out of your way, whether because you slew him or because he wandered away after you energized the emblems, your progress will be automatically saved and you'll come under attack by two other monsters. Those particular monsters you have no choice but to actually defeat.

    After you defeat the trolls, head over to the lift that they were guarding and activate it. The lift will carry you up to an overhead ledge. You'll see an archway through which you can pass, lined by torches. Head along that route and you will spot a grapple point on a distant ledge. Use it to cross a wide gap. Continue along that passage to reach a drop-off, then drop down to the lower area with the glowing blue cylinders. As you arrive, weak enemies will rush to attack. Defeat them with hammer throws, then continue along the underground route

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  • to reach another auto-save.

    Above Left: The blue flames drain your life like heated poison. Above Right: Charge up the pedestals, then open the doorway.

    Work along the passageway and you'll come to a series of ledges that you can grapple along while defeating enemies that fire projectiles in your direction. None of them are difficult to defeat with a hammer toss or two. When you reach the highest ledge, you can ride another lift like the one you accessed by defeating the two large trolls early in the stage. As you arrive on high ground, some enemies will toss explosive charges at you from the distance. Approach them and they'll disappear behind a bay door. You can run forward to collect the plainly visible Mjolnir collectible.

    Note that the sides of the passage will flare to life, belching blue flames as they slowly start to move inward as if to crush you. The heat from those flames will rapidly leech away your life, so you need to do something to eliminate that danger. Jump into the air and ground pound the floor, near the center of the area where the blue flames are approaching from either side. If you're in the right spot, you'll break through the soil and drop into a chamber below. Activate a nearby switch to open a new doorway. Pass through that doorway and another similar door beyond it to arrive in a circular chamber. On the far side of the chamber, there's a pedestal where you can save your progress manually, which we recommend doing.

    From that save station, head out to the platform at the center of the room. You can cross along the translucent blue pathway. When you stand on it, the platform will rise up to an overhead chamber. Make a trip around the outside of that chamber, interacting with each of five pedestals to charge them with electrical energy. Once you have done so, you'll be able to open a door leading into the next area.

    Pass through that door, then another one. A scene follows. When the scene concludes, interact with another pedestal along the side of the circular chamber where you find yourself. There's a side chamber where you can grab a Gift of the Valkyrie. You can also head to a new room where there's another lift at the center. Ride that lift up to the overhead chamber, then head along it to find a damaged doorway. You can smash through it with your charge move to gain entry to a new arena. A scene follows, then you must defeat a bunch of weaker enemies to build up your Fury Meter. Once it is full, unleash it and then another brief scene follows. When it concludes, you'll find yourself in a boss battle.

    War Beast Boss Battle

    You've fought enemies like the War Beast in the past. The strategy here is about what you might expect: move in close and deal as much melee damage to his legs and armor as possible when it's safe to do so, then back away as necessary to avoid his massive fists. From a distance, it's possible to deflect his projectiles when he fires a stream of them at you. The laser light doesn't actually harm you, but the projectiles certainly will.

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  • Above Left: Hack away at his monstrous legs and feet. Above Right: Deflect his projectiles to stun him.

    Once you deal enough damage to his armor, it will fall away and the War Beast will give you regular opportunities to grapple him. You can leap onto his chest, but it's typically not safe to stay there. You're better off moving to one of his shoulders and striking a few blows (if you have the option), then switching to another shoulder and continuing the assault on the next round of grappling.

    You'll have to grapple numerous times to do real harm to the War Beast. Be prepared for grapples to go wrong and be ready to mash the buttons indicated on-screen to escape his crushing grip. If you mess up too many times and the War Beast knocks you to the ground, he'll refill his life meter. Avoid that outcome by watching the screen carefully for indications as to where you should position yourself on his body before attacking. The last few rounds will require you to leap up to his head and strike him there, so be ready to do a lot of climbing if you want to win.

    When you defeat that first boss, Ulik will open a nearby chamber and challenge you to fight him. Head in that direction and manually save your progress along the left side of the short passage, if you like. Then head into the next arena for battle.

    Ulik Boss Battle

    Ulik is a bit of a bruiser and you probably won't have much luck against him if you immediately move in close and start exchanging blows. Instead, keep your distance and toss your hammer at him to break down his defenses and stun him. Then move in close and grapple to inflict damage.

    Above Left: Ulik has strong defenses, but he's weak to hammer tosses. Above Right: Be ready to avoid objects Ulik throws at you from a distance.

    Once you grapple successfully against Ulik, he'll retreat to an overhead ledge where you can't harm him. Geysers of lava erupt around you, so make sure that you avoid those and keep your eye on Ulik. He'll toss

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  • down a cylinder that you need to dodge (jump into the air when he's about to toss it, then air dash to the side and you'll have no trouble at all). Then he'll return to the battle more actively. Repeat the process that worked previously and continue eliminating his life meter.

    Ulik is a dangerous foe not because there's a complicated process involved in defeating him, but because he has numerous powerful attacks that can drain your life meter with distressing speed. You should mostly endeavor to remain at a distance (which makes it easier to jump clear of a three-way icy blast that he issues forth), or move in close and hit him hard with strong physical attacks. Mid-range combat does you no good at all because it makes you more susceptible to all of his attacks but doesn't increase your own efficiency.

    When Ulik is almost defeated, you'll need to finish him off by hitting several buttons indicated on-screen. Watch carefully and input the commands quickly or you'll have to find an opportunity to grapple him again.

    When you finally defeat Ulik, a scene follows and you'll be taken to your next destination. There, head forward to find a manual save point. Make use of it if you like, then continue along the corridor from there to access a brief cutscene and beyond that the start of the next chapter.

    Chapter 9 - Firestarter

    From where you appear at the start of the chapter, start forward and you'll come to an abrupt edge where the path looks ahead over a lake of lava. There's an on-screen prompt, indicating that you can switch into the first-person perspective (if you stand where the prompt is triggered) and toss your hammer at nearby objects. Look ahead, over the lava, and there's a floating pod like the one that you saw in the cutscene in the cave right at the end of the previous chapter. You can destroy that pod with a hammer toss, and further to the right there's another pod also floating over lava that can be destroyed in a similar manner.

    Above Left: Use a charged blast of thunder to obliterate the molten wall. Above Right: Scorcher enemies are weak and easily tended to with melee attacks.

    Continuing past where you destroy the two pods, you'll find yourself again venturing through a more confined space. To the right, there's a pedestal where you can restore your magical energy, while to the left there's an archway blocked by a molten shield. You can extinguish the nearby flames burning along the ground with some wind magic, but to destroy the shield you must use a charged thunder blast.

    Proceed through the new opening and head along the rather dark path until you come to an area lit by a lava waterfall. Here, there's a weak rock wall near the flow of lava. Break through it to arrive in a new area where a group of Scorcher enemies will attack. Move in close and take them out with melee attacks. When you clear out the last of them, a group of Flying Scorcher enemies will arrive. You can easily eliminate them with hammer tosses.

    After you destroy the Flying Scorchers, look around the area. There are a couple of floating ore carriers nearby. One hovers over a large pit of lava and has a Mjolnir collectible attached. Throw your hammer to destroy it, then grapple over to the area and collect the item. Turn around and grapple over to the ledge where you were positioned previously, then search along the edge of the chamber for a sealed door. It's not far from where a column of fire is cascading down on the lava from somewhere overhead your current location.

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  • Above Left: The lava falls are a good reference point. Look to their left to find a ledge that you can climb. Above Right: Battle the scorchers near the lava pool, then look to the nearby wall to find a weak point that you can demolish to reveal the way forward.

    Interact with the door and open it, then head along the passage to find yourself at the top of another high ledge. This one looks out over a lower area where there are a few Scorcher enemies. An ore carrier is floating around the overhead area, as well. Toss your hammer at those attractions to destroy them, then drop down to the lower level. A jump and an air dash will carry you across some lava to a small ledge where a Valknut rests. Collect it, then hop back over to the main ledge. Along one side, there are blue crystals protruding from the wall. Smash them apart to reveal the opening to a new passage.

    Head along that passageway and you will find some scorched earth with flames still burning. Use a simple wind spell or two (no need to charge) to extinguish the flames, then continue forward through the chamber. Here, you'll see another circling ore carrier overhead, but pay closer attention to the ground. There's some lighter colored stone that forms an archway over lava. If you step on that and then stay in place, it'll crumble beneath your weight and drop you into lava. You want to avoid that situation, obviously. Mind the weak rock as you look around the area and eliminate any ore carriers you spot with a hammer toss. Then seek out the ledge where you can look out over two lava waterfalls. It's a reference point. Just to the left from there, you'll find a high ledge with a sparkling point on its surface. You can leap up to that sparkling point, then from there haul yourself up to a new trail that leads in that direction.

    Follow the trail and you'll reach what looks like a fork in the path. The area to the right is an almost immediate dead end, though, so head to the left. As you continue in that direction, you'll be attacked by more Scorcher enemies. Eliminate them in the usual manner and then look around the immediate area. Along one side of the chamber, there's a pile of rubble with a faint red tint to it. Smash apart the rubble to reveal another passage, then start down it.

    Above Left: You'll have to take the long way around if you want to find a way to destroy the molten barrier. Above Right: Hopefully, you're good at deflecting projectile shots back at floating enemies, or you'll be in trouble here.

    Almost immediately, the passage requires you drop down to a lower area. Take the fall, then start forward. You can jump forward and dash through the air to quickly reach a shining point along a cliff, then pull yourself up to a higher ledge. Proceed along that ledge to reach a wide pit of lava with a molten shield blocking the path ahead of you. Toss your hammer to destroy the ore carrier, then look to the left. There's another high ledge with a sparkling point.

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  • Climb up that ledge, then destroy the rock wall at the top. Continue along that ledge and you'll arrive at an area where in the distance, some Flying Scorcher enemies are positioned. They'll fire shots at you, which you can deflect to destroy the monsters. Then you can jump and dash over to the nearby ledge and from there, toss your hammer to destroy a rock wall on the opposite side of a lava lake. That'll cause a sequence as lava flows down through the lower area. The molten shield that you saw a short time ago will also dissolve.

    Drop forward to the lower ledge. Start forward and some Scorchers will rush you from a platform ahead and to the right. Start toward that passage and quickly eliminate the Scorchers while keeping an eye on the Flying Scorcher in the distance. Deflect its shot to kill it, then advance along that passage. Jump over the lava to solid ground on the other side, then continue along the passage. There's another Flying Scorcher along a passageway. Follow that passage and destroy the enemy, then jump and dash over some lava to arrive on a ledge near where he was positioned. Drop down from there and continue along solid ground once more.

    Above Left: Deal with the Scorcher enemies first, then turn your attention to the trio of Flying Scorchers hovering over the lava flow ahead of you. Above Right: Your health is possibly running low at this point, so a manual save point is welcome indeed!

    You're almost back to the place where you found the barrier. As you proceed forward now, your movement will attract another group of Scorcher enemies. They are joined by a trio of Flying Scorcher foes that float in the distance. Quickly eliminate the more immediate threat from the ground-based enemies, then deflect shots back at the ones hovering in the distance. After eliminating them, you can safely grapple over to a distant ledge.

    Start along that ledge and you will find yourself in a long tunnel. As you head along it, watch the left side for a pedestal where you can refill your life and magic, as well as make a manual save. Do so, then proceed forward. You'll come to a series of ledges that you must leap along. To clear each gap, you have to jump forward, then air dash. The problem is that columns of fire appear between each ledge. You have to wait for one to briefly vanish, then time your leap to the next ledge carefully so that you arrive ahead of the fire's return. When you reach the far ledge, demolish some rocks that form a wall, then proceed.

    Now you'll witness a scene. An overhead floating drill station sends columns of fire at the ground, which you'll notice is a series of stone ledges with fire flowing beneath them. Jump down to those ledges and some Scorchers will rush to great you. Defeat them quickly, but pay attention to the overhead machinery. It'll fire the occasional flame projectile. Deflect just one and you'll send it back to the machine, destroying it.

    Above Left: Time your leaps between ledges so that you aren't incinerated by the columns of fire. Above Right: The Flame Giver

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  • has some powerful attacks that you'll definitely want to avoid as you demolish him from afar.

    When the area is thus cleared of weaker enemies, a new monster known as a Flame Giver will arrive with an accompanying cutscene. To defeat the Flame Giver, hit him with hammer throws from a distance, or move in close and quickly destroy his chest armor so that you can grapple him. He's a more dangerous foe than any surviving Scorchers, so make taking care of him your priority.

    When you defeat the Flame Giver and his fellows, a scene follows. You can then grapple up to a nearby ledge, charge a door and pass through to reach a new passageway. As you start along it, you'll see that it winds to the left. Before you continue in that direction, look out to the right over a lava pit. A Valknut collectible rests on the ledge there. Jump and dash out to land on the left side of the ledge (the right side is too high), then climb up along the ledge and collect the item. Then return to the previous ledge and continue along the passageway.

    Upon reaching the far end of that passageway, you'll find a new doorway. Energize it and then pass through it to arrive in the next chapter.

    Chapter 10 - The Mine

    From where you first appear in the stage, start forward and you'll see a grappling ring on a ledge in the distance. Grapple over to it and your arrival is noticed by two Flame Guard enemies. Go on the offensive to make their awareness a non-issue. A few hits to the chest should leave them open for grappling. Then you can take them down swiftly and make the ledge a safe place from which to contemplate your next actions.

    Above Left: Flame Guard enemies are nowhere near as tough as they look if you grapple with them. Above Right: Don't let the Burning Scorcher enemies get too close or you'll be caught up in their suicidal blasts.

    Along that ledge, you'll find two major attractions. There's a station nearby where you can earn points toward your skills. There's also a red, circular rune that is of more interest if you're ready to proceed through the stage. Charge it up by interacting with it and you will be able to use it to send a powerful, fiery ray to a nearby ledge. That will clear the ledge so that a ring appears. Grapple over to the ring and land on the ledge.

    Your arrival produces the arrival of a new enemy breed: the Burning Scorcher. You may as well consider these guys walking bombs. They'll rush you, then stand in place for a moment before exploding. Keep moving and throwing your hammer at them to eliminate them. Two groups will need to be eliminated in all. Once the area has been cleared, look around in the air to see the Mjolnir collectible hanging from a floating pod. Toss your hammer to destroy the pod and make the item drop. Then collect the item.

    Now you should look for a doorway. You'll find it off to one side of the area, to the left of the cluster of crystals protruding from the wall. Open that door and start down the corridor to find a second door. Beyond that door, you'll arrive at the edge of a ledge with Flying Scorcher enemies waiting. Defeat them either by deflecting their shots or with hammer tosses, then grapple over to the higher ledge they are guarding. On that ledge, you'll come under attack by more Flying Scorcher foes as you try to charge up a device. Kill the enemies first, then, and then charge the device. Once it is charged, you should quickly grapple over to the next ledge before the platform explodes.

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  • Above Left: Charge up the large floating platforms, then leave them by way of grappling rings before they explode and take you with them! Above Right: By now, weak groups of enemies such as this one should pose no real threat.

    When you arrive on that far ledge, you'll need to keep going and destroy another of the floating platforms. Make sure again that you leap to safety (using a distant grappling ring) before the platform where you're positioned explodes. Otherwise, you may have a difficult time crossing the lake of lava far below you.

    Once you reach solid ground on the far side, you'll come under attack from Burning Scorcher enemies that are joined by a couple of Flame Giver enemies and some Flame Guard foes, as well. Just focus on one at a time while steering clear of attacks that others generate. If you properly grapple as soon as the opportunity arises, you'll clear out the enemies in hardly any time at all. Then, through an archway, another floating machine will appear near a grappling ring.

    Grapple over to the ring, take out the platform, then grapple over to yet another ring and as you land, prepare yourself. You'll need to deal with a number of weaker enemies that mob you. Some of them are ready to blow up for their cause (killing you) and others will just try to hammer you with attacks. When you clear them out, you'll find a fleet of flying enemies also approaching. You can attack them from a distance with hammer throws, though you should be careful to avoid their projectiles; they throw explosive charges that will land on your platform, rest for a minute and then explode. Deal with the new threat carefully and make sure that you back away from any explosives.

    When you have defeated the last of the fleet, a ring will appear overhead. Grapple up to it and you'll find an opening through which you can't yet pass because it is blocked by a molten shield. On the opposite side of the canyon, there's also another grappling point.

    Above Left: On the far side of the canyon, energize a rune to make it possible to pass through the otherwise impenetrable molten shield. Above Right: You can earn some valor points and find a collectible if you clear out the embers to the right of the manual save point.

    Grapple over to that point and you'll be attacked by a lone Flame Guard. He's as easy to defeat as usual. Once you've taken care of him, charge up the rune that is positioned along the ledge that he was guarding. Then you can cross the canyon again using the grapple ring. Note that if you like, you can make a stop along the way to destroy the floating contraption, as you have others in the area.

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  • Back on the opposite ledge, the opening that previously was blocked by a molten shield is now freshly opened. Head through that opening and climb quickly along a rock archway (it'll crumble beneath you if you take too long). Beyond that, there's a manual save pedestal. To the right are some burning embers and to the left a door. Head right first and use wind magic to clear away the embers to finally make your way to a Mjolnir collectible. After retrieving it, go ahead and advance to the left. There, you can energize a door. Do so.

    Through that door, you'll find a lengthy chamber where you'll soon fight a boss. First, however, you have to deal with a trap. There are electric rays that cross the width of the chamber. They come toward you in waves and you can leap into the air, then dash to pass over them. Look to the sides of the chamber. There are around six spaces that look almost like lanterns, with tall and narrow columns of light. As you leap over the electricity rays, you can toss your hammer at those lights to extinguish them. Once you extinguish all of the lights on both sides of the chamber, the electricity will vanish and a cutscene introduces you to a boss battle.

    Infernir Champion Boss Battle

    The Infernir Champion can almost immediately be grappled, but the point where you have to stand moves around quite rapidly. You'll have to spend some time getting used to his pattern. It's easiest to grapple if you leap toward your opponent so that you're almost even with his chest, then press the button to initiate a grapple so that you don't have to chase a target around on the ground.

    Once you do grapple, the Infernir Champion still has fairly strong defenses. Watch for instructions on where you need to leap, which occur most times you grapple, and be quick to move in the direction indicated (if any) to avoid taking damage. Then strike hard to deal severe damage to Infernir Champion.

    Above Left: The point where you need to stand to grapple Infernir Champion moves around quite rapidly at first, so you're better off just jumping toward your foe. Above Right: After a successful grapple, retreat to one of the room's high ledges so that your foe's cyclonic rage does no harm.

    When you finally deal damage and your foe feels it, he'll stand still for a moment and a cyclone of heat will begin to materialize around him. Quickly look to the raised ledges on the side of the chamber. You'll find grapple rings to which you can leap so that you're not forced to remain on the floor and take damage. While you're up there, you can find a Call of Valhalla item on one of the far sides of the room, if you need it.

    Infernir Champion will finally settle down again, then start walking out of the arena. Quickly drop down to the lower level and start after him, but watch on-screen for an indicator letting you know that you can switch to first-person view. Do so, then aim your hammer at one of three red gems hanging from the archway through which the monster disappears. This is known as the smelter. You can break one crystal and then the Infernir Guardian will return. Repeat the process outlined above to destroy two more pieces of the smelter. Then finish off your opponent with some more physical grapple attacks and the battle will conclude.

    Once you defeat Infernir Champion, pass through the archway that he was guarding. There's a manual save point that you can use, just to the right. Beyond that is a doorway. Energize it to open it, then pass through it and you'll find another doorway. Pass through that doorway and then follow a long hallway to reach a cutscene that serves as your introduction to the next chapter.

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  • Chapter 11 - The Drill

    From the ledge where you first appear in this chapter, you can see a grapple point in the distance ahead of you. Grapple over to it, then battle several Flame Caller enemies. They're powerful, but no match for your grappling skills. When they're gone, look around and you'll see another high ring in the distance to which you can grapple.

    Above Left: Climb onto the higher platform nearby, then from there you can grapple over to the platform with the molten bubble resting on it. Above Right: Destroy the enemies while dealing with the Meteor Swarm attack, then refill your magic so that you can destroy a generator on the overhead platform.

    Grapple over to that ring and you'll land on a higher ledge with another enemy. He's surrounded by Flying Scorcher foes, but you can keep to the center of the ledge and deal with the main threat without much fear that you'll take damage from his flying vanguard. Then run around the outer edge of the platform tossing your hammer to eliminate the other foes. When that's done, look up and you'll see a large platform overhead, encased in a molten bubble. There are grapple points along the left and right sides, but don't worry about those just yet. Instead, look to your right and you'll see a floating ledge with a sparkling point along its side. Leap to that and then look overhead to find a floating station. Destroy it with a projectile to make a Lightning collectible drop to the nearby platform. Leap out and collect it. Then you can grapple over to the mostly encased platform that you saw.

    When you land on that platform, look to the side and below your position. There should be a floating platform you can leap to using another grappling ring. Defeat some enemies, then look to the high platform overhead. You can grapple to a new ring along it, and in a similar manner you can continue circling along the platform. There are a total of three ledges positioned in a triangular formation below the main platform that hovers above them and is mostly encased in the bubble. The first platform where you appeared upon starting the stage counts as one of them, the platform you cross over to from there is the second one and the final one contains a swarm of enemies and crashing meteors. You'll have to endure a lot of abuse as you take out that group of enemies, but once you do you can climb onto a higher ledge and refill your magic meter.

    With your magic meter full, grapple back up to the ledge with the molten bubble. Look around and you'll find a place where you can see a generator on the opposite side. Use the Thunder Trench move to strike that generator and destroy it. Circle around and do the same for any other generators. If you run out of magic, you can return to the lower platform for a refill. Once you destroy the generators, the molten bubble will drop and you can proceed.

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  • Above Left: The Drill Guard can take a lot of abuse but fortunately isn't as good at dealing it. Above Right: Destroy any Infernir Geodes you spot with hammer tosses for easy experience points.

    Now you'll battle a new type of enemy known as the Drill Guard. He's accompanied by some weaker cohorts. The larger fellow can take a lot of damage before his shield falls away, so focus on attacks that will accomplish that more quickly as you steer clear of his spear. Then grapple him into nonexistence.

    When you have cleared the area of enemies, climb the rubble along one side and look for the sparkling point along the ground. You can interact with it to start digging out a heavy object. Mash the button indicated on-screen and you'll toss it down into the abyss. A grapple point appears, so ride that up to a new ledge and watch the scene that follows.

    Now you need to start exploring again. Note that there are two routes you can follow here. The path to the left leads along a series of islands positioned on a stream of lava. You can head along those and destroy pods with hammer throws, then reveal a grapple ring that allows you to reach a ledge where a Mjolnir collectible is waiting. The area beyond that is encased in a molten bubble that you can't penetrate yet, so you might want to start by simply heading straight instead of pursuing the left path.

    Above Left: You'll have to battle quite a few monsters, so make sure that you bring your best effort to the brawl. Above Right: Deflect a shot fired by the drill to destroy it so that you can safely proceed.

    If you head along the main path first instead of following the left route, you'll almost immediately be prompted to enter the first-person viewpoint. Do so and then look to a cliff ahead. There's a pod positioned there. Hit it with your hammer toss and it'll explode. You'll see a view of a distant pod launching, then slowly flying over to replace the one that you just destroyed. While the pod is destroyed and another one hasn't taken its place, you can swiftly head along the left path previously mentioned and (if you're quick enough) make it to the area that typically is encased by the molten bubble.

    When you arrive on that platform, be prepared for a fight. You'll have to take down a number of the heavily armored enemies in this area in quick succession, so it can be difficult to keep your life meter in good shape. There's really no special strategy to worry about here; just take care of the enemies as you always would and exercise caution. Once you finally eliminate them, a drill will fire on your location from nearby. It will