this week’s diary twenty fourth sunday in ordinary time ... · we have a recorded homily from the...

Dear Parishioners, Today the Annual Catholic Campaign will be conducted during all Masses around the Archdiocese of Brisbane. This Campaign raises money for the charitable works of our local Church. As you may recall, 4 years ago, there were four separate appeals for the Archdiocese, now we only have one. This change has been successful thanks to the generosity of so many of you, especially those who give a regular monthly donation. Please use the Campaign envelopes on the pew beside you, if you need extra just signal to the Collectors. I want to encourage you to include your details so that the gift can be receipted in your name, then just put it onto the plate during the normal collection. The Annual Catholic Campaign combines the four previous Archdiocesan appeals to support the good works of the Church in our own community. The ministries supported are: Holy Spirit Seminary, which trains future priests of our parishes Centacare Pastoral Ministries, which gives invaluable Catholic pastoral care to people in hospitals, prisons, psychiatric care, and local Aboriginal communities The Priests Foundation, which provides for the health and accommodation needs of our retired priests The Mary MacKillop Catholic School Access Fund, which provides Catholic school bursaries to children from impoverished families for the duration of primary and/or secondary school You can also find out about the Grants Program for Catholic parish and grassroots ministries in the Archdiocese. We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be asked to make a gift in support of these ministries. A gift in any amount – large or small – is deeply appreciated. And if you are in a position to make a regular monthly gift, I ask you to prayerfully consider this option. You will have a lasting impact on the people that benefit from this work. God Bless, Fr Dan PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES - SUNNYBANK The new sets of Planned Giving Envelopes for Sunnybank Parishioners, are available in the Paloma foyer. They have been placed on the back tables in alphabetical order, for your convenience. If any Parishioners have any concerns or queries, please contact Karrin at the Parish Office on 3345 3766. This week’s diary Monday, 12th September 8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank Tuesday, 13th September St John Chrysostom 8.15 am Morning Prayer S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Bible Study - S/bank 7.00 pm Adoration Wednesday , 14th September The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 8.15 am Morning Prayer S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Rosary - Sunnybank 6.30 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge Thursday, 15th September Our Lady of Sorrows 8.45 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 9.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 7.30 pm Meditation - S/Bank Friday, 16th September Sts Cornelius and Cyprian 8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Adoration and Benediction - S/bank 9.45 am Legion of Mary - Media 6.30 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge Saturday, 17th September 8.30am Mass - Acacia Ridge 10.30am Novena & Benediction - Sunnybank 11.00am Reconciliation - S/bank 1.30 pm Charismatic Prayer Group - Sunnybank 5.00 pm Reconciliation - S/bank 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank 6.00 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge Sunday, 18th September 6.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 8.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 9.15 am Mass - Sunnybank 10.30am Mass - Sunnybank 6.00pm Mass - S/bank Youth Priests Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank) Fr Terence Nueva (Parish Priest: Acacia Ridge - 3277 2252 / 3274 5513 Email: [email protected]) (Hall Office) Fr Ladu Yanga (Associate Pastor) Fr Dominic Orih (Associate Pastor) Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank) Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm. Ph: 3345 3766 Fax: 3344 3343, Mass Times: 3345 1831 Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109. Web: Email: [email protected] Deanery website: Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 11th September 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge Next Sunday - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Amos 8: 4-7; Timothy 2: 1-8; Luke 16: 1-13

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Page 1: This week’s diary Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... · We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be ... Thursday, 15th September

Dear Parishioners, Today the Annual Catholic Campaign will be conducted during all Masses around the Archdiocese of Brisbane. This Campaign raises money for the charitable works of our local Church. As you may recall, 4 years ago, there were four separate appeals for the Archdiocese, now we only have one. This change has been successful thanks to the generosity of so many of you, especially those who give a regular monthly donation. Please use the Campaign envelopes on the pew beside you, if you need extra just signal to the Collectors. I want to encourage you to include your details so that the gift can be receipted in your name, then just put it onto the plate during the normal collection.

The Annual Catholic Campaign combines the four previous Archdiocesan appeals to support the good works of the Church in our own community. The ministries supported are:

Holy Spirit Seminary, which trains future priests of our parishes

Centacare Pastoral Ministries, which gives invaluable Catholic pastoral care to people in hospitals, prisons, psychiatric care, and local Aboriginal communities

The Priests Foundation, which provides for the health and accommodation needs of our retired priests

The Mary MacKillop Catholic School Access Fund, which provides Catholic school bursaries to children from impoverished families for the duration of primary and/or secondary school

You can also find out about the Grants Program for Catholic parish and grassroots ministries in the Archdiocese. We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be asked to make a gift in support of these ministries. A gift in any amount – large or small – is deeply appreciated. And if you are in a position to make a regular monthly gift, I ask you to prayerfully consider this option. You will have a lasting impact on the people that benefit from this work. God Bless, Fr Dan


The new sets of Planned Giving Envelopes for Sunnybank Parishioners, are available in the Paloma foyer. They have been placed on the back tables in

alphabetical order, for your convenience. If any Parishioners have any concerns or queries, please contact Karrin at the

Parish Office on 3345 3766.

This week’s diary

Monday, 12th September

8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank

Tuesday, 13th September St John Chrysostom

8.15 am Morning Prayer S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Bible Study - S/bank 7.00 pm Adoration

Wednesday , 14th September The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

8.15 am Morning Prayer S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Rosary - Sunnybank 6.30 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge

Thursday, 15th September Our Lady of Sorrows

8.45 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 9.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 7.30 pm Meditation - S/Bank

Friday, 16th September Sts Cornelius and Cyprian

8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Adoration and

Benediction - S/bank 9.45 am Legion of Mary - Media 6.30 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge

Saturday, 17th September

8.30am Mass - Acacia Ridge 10.30am Novena & Benediction -

Sunnybank 11.00am Reconciliation - S/bank 1.30 pm Charismatic Prayer Group

- Sunnybank 5.00 pm Reconciliation - S/bank 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank 6.00 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge

Sunday, 18th September

6.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 8.00 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Mass - Acacia Ridge 9.15 am Mass - Sunnybank 10.30am Mass - Sunnybank 6.00pm Mass - S/bank Youth


Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank) Fr Terence Nueva (Parish Priest: Acacia Ridge - 3277 2252 / 3274 5513 Email: [email protected]) (Hall Office)

Fr Ladu Yanga (Associate Pastor) Fr Dominic Orih (Associate Pastor)

Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)

Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm. Ph: 3345 3766 Fax: 3344 3343, Mass Times: 3345 1831

Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.

Web: Email: [email protected]

Deanery website:

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 11th September 2016

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge

Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge

Next Sunday - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Amos 8: 4-7; Timothy 2: 1-8; Luke 16: 1-13

Page 2: This week’s diary Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... · We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be ... Thursday, 15th September

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year C

Introduction: “… though we once were lost … you loved us with the greatest love …” These words from the first Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation sum up much of what we will hear in today’s readings. All three readings all speak about the depths and richness of God’s mercy towards us.

First Reading: Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14 Having been brought out of the land of Egypt in the absence of Moses on the mountain with God, the Israelites apostatize: making and worshipping a golden calf. Moses intercedes for the Israelites, recounting the great things God has done for the very people who have apostatized.

Second Reading: 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 In writing to the young bishop Timothy, Paul recounts that he was shown such great mercy by Jesus Christ. If this is true - and for Paul it certainly is because he knows it is from personal experience - then salvation is possible and real for all people.

Gospel: Luke 15: 1-32 While Chapter 15 of Luke’s Gospel has stories about three lost things (a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son), it is the third lost thing, the lost son that tells us one of the most famous stories in all of Sacred Scripture.

YEAR OF MERCY FROM POPE FRANCIS I have asked the Church in this Jubilee Year to rediscover the richness encompassed by the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The experience of mercy, indeed, becomes visible in the witness of concrete signs as Jesus himself taught us. Each time that one of the faithful personally performs one or more of these actions, he or she shall surely obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. Hence the commitment to live by mercy so as to obtain the grace of complete and exhaustive forgiveness by the power of the love of the Father who excludes no one. The Jubilee Indulgence is thus full, the fruit of the every event which is to be celebrated and experienced with faith, hope and charity. Furthermore, the Jubilee Indulgence can also be obtained for the deceased. We are bound to them by the witness of faith and charity that they have left us. Thus, as we remember them in the Eucharistic celebration, thus we can, in the great mystery of the Communion of Saints, pray for them, that the merciful Face of the Father free them of every remnant of fault and strongly embrace them in the unending beatitude. [Misericordiae Vultus]

VOCATION VIEW: We are like the lost sheep when we have not found our place in life. Are you part of the herd, lost from the herd, or a leader of the herd?


Brookland Village - Monday 26 September, 10am -3pm. This FREE event encourages seniors to learn from the experts to live an optimal life into the future.

For more information please contact us on 3345 9143 or email [email protected]

The Young Adults Ministry has organised a Welcome Lunch for those new to Brisbane (migrants, refuges, international students). Lunch will be held after midday mass, 1 pm, on the 11th of September 2016 outside Francis Rush Centre. All parishioners are welcomed and you/re welcome to bring anyone who is new to Brisbane. All funds raised will be used to support a new migrant family from Congo, now living in Brisbane. Please contact Sr. Thao:

0421577716 - [email protected]; or Lynn: 0425182049 - [email protected].

Night Watchmen

Proverbs 8: 34

Blessed, whoever listens to me, who day after day keeps watch at my gates to guard my portals.


For whoever finds me finds life and obtains the favour of Yahweh.

We are a group of men who meet every fortnight to have fellowship with God and with each other. We catch up to see how everyone’s been going since last meeting, pray, break open the Word then have a cuppa and go on our way till next time.

When: Next meeting Wednesday night, 7.30pm 21st Sept.

Where: Activities Room, Our Lady of Lourdes - Sunnybank

For more information please contact Louis on 0412 073 865 or [email protected].

Pregnancy Crisis Incorporated Annual Fundraising Dinner will be addressed by Rev Fr Hilary Flynn our Keynote Guest Speaker, on Friday 30 September, 6.30pm, Marymac Community Centre, 616 Ipswich Road, Annerley. Special entertainment. Cost: Single $60; Concession: $45; Special Family prices: please call to discuss. Help Save Unborn Children & reduce domestic violence– book now: 1300 777 777 or email [email protected]

Page 3: This week’s diary Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... · We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be ... Thursday, 15th September

Your Prayers Are Asked For:

recently deceased: Fr Brian Taylor, Phil Jones, Marguerite Murphy, John Alviz, Noel Bonchol, Sr Margaerite Liddy.

those with anniversaries & others who have died: Cecilia Wong, Ern Goddard, Monica Wong, John Wong, Daphne Yeo, Dymphna Yeo, Al Lang Wong, Slew King Tiong, Ambrose Tiong, Michael Tiong, Elsie Tiong, Anna Chiu, Jerome Wong, Jozo Raspudic, Mara Raspudic, Thomas Collins, Guy Catchlove, Margaret Woods, Maria Rietberg, Rosanna Collins, John Palmieri, Lily Chase-Currier, Kenneth Nolan, Ronald Nolan, Natividad Lema, William Hagedorn, Anna Hagedorn.

those who are unwell: Josephine Russo, Elywn Brown, Guy Spring, Russ Allan, Nerio Felixberto, Gavan Duffy, Natalie Taylor.

the Continuing Sick: Beverley Armstrong, Mary Dixon, Peggy Ayre, Elvie Agoncillo, Isabella, Jason Carroll, Anthony Clark, John Callaby, Dean, Jan Fooks, Mary and George Goode, Betty Grace, Kathleen Horne, Norma Ives, Stephen Ives, Audrey Lennox, Win Murray, Carmel Malley, Jim Neehouse, Jenny Reed, Lorraine Smith, Mary Timbol, Istvan Vadasi, Alice O’Grady, Dennis Vandenberg, Robert Weatherley, Merle Huston, Kathleen Horne, Stephen Jillet, Catherine Miller, Keith Higlett, Annaleese Stewart, Patricia Edwards.






$400,000 $368,008












Remember Us In your Will

Preparing a Will is the best way to ensure that the people you care about are properly provided for. When preparing your Will, your heart and mind turn first to your family and loved ones. Once they are provided for, a Will is a unique opportunity to make a significant gift to the people and organisations you care about.

Please prayerfully consider including a gift to our Parish. Your gift will help carry forward the gospel message to future generations.

For more information about how you can leave a legacy to Sunnybank or Acacia Ridge Parish, call the Parish Office on 3345 3766.

A New Our Lady of Lourdes Church Wish List will follow in the next few weeks.


for $100 x 2,985m³ Target $298,500

653cubic metres already given ($65,300)


Our Lady of Lourdes, Sunnybank, Saturdays, 1.30- 3.00pm

Meeting dates: 3rd and 17th September; 1st, 15th and 29th

October; 12th and 26th November; 3rd and 17th December.


Friday, 14th October 2016 at 7.00pm

Parishioners from both Parishes who are celebrating their wedding anniversary this year with the year ending in ‘0’ or ‘5’, are invited to come along to a Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, followed by Supper in the Avocado Room.

Please bring a plate to share (finger food). Contact the Parish office if you would like to be involved. RSVP 7th October 2016.

Active Refugee and Migrant Integration in

Australia (ARMIA)

ARMIA is urgently looking for more Volunteer Teachers, especially for Maths and English, to support refugee students with learning difficulties school and university/TAFE. ARMIA has vacancies (students) for free multicultural sewing classes on Wednesday (9.00am-1.00pm) and Saturday (10.00-.100pm). Contact ARMIA on 3344 1149 or

SUNNYBANK/ACACIA RIDGE FRIENDSHIP GROUP A big THANK YOU to all who attended our enjoyable High Tea on the 24th August. There were some fabulous Fascinators on show! Our next meeting will be in the Avocado Room at the Paloma Centre on the 14th September. This will be the return of an old friend – a Hoy morning. Hope you can remember it! Bookings will also open for our last bus trip of the year – this time a return visit to Marian Valley with morning tea and followed by lunch at the Canungra Hotel.Also “on display” will be the boxes for the election of your new committee for the coming year. So, get your thinking caps on! Enquiries can be made to Peter Hoole (President) 32728421 or Dawn Angus (Vice President) 37119465.

The Spanish Prayer Community will be selling Mexican Tacos after the 10.30am Mass and 6.00pm Mass on Sunday, 11th September - 3 tacos for $10.00; Desserts $5.00; and soft drinks $1.00. Proceeds are to support the church restoration. Contact Marta: 0433 526 703

St Stephen’s School at Algester has limited vacancies available for various grades.

For more information, contact Bridget on 3711 4911 or [email protected]

Page 4: This week’s diary Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... · We have a recorded homily from the Archbishop. At the end of this homily you will be ... Thursday, 15th September


Pastoral Associate Stella Noskoff rsj

[email protected]

Parish Manager Karrin Halliday

[email protected]


Michelle DeAmbrosis [email protected]


Tam Nguyen [email protected]

Caring Coordinator Bernadette Christian

[email protected]

Unite Youth/Young Adults Coordinators

Steven & Eloise Bird 0403 182 617

[email protected]

Sunnybank Parish

Groundsperson Natalie Langer

Housekeepers: Therese Prygiel Louise Weston

Paloma Reception Centre

3345 3766

Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care

Community Program Manager Jennifer Vanarey

3216 9554

OLOL School, Sunnybank

Principal - Mark Badke 3345 0700


Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya 3344 3064

[email protected]

OLOF School, Acacia Ridge Principal - Damian Gambley

3275 1152

St Stephen’s School, Algester Principal - Phil Manitta

3711 4911

St Stephen's OSHC Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling

3711 9291 [email protected]

St Thomas More College, Sunnybank

Principal - Peter Elmore 3323 4600

Soubirous Place

Coordinator - Sr Brigid Courtney RSM

3344 3481

Youth and Young

Adult Ministry

Raising money to renovate and build our new church!!

We’re almost there! We almost have enough for our Youth Pew!! Thank you to all those who have donated, please keep

putting money into the little church moneybox at the back of Paloma.

Date Claimer On Saturday the 8th of October two amazing men from America will be

here to share their wisdom and enthu-siasm of youth ministry.

In the evening there will be an XLT night for all youth and young adults.

More details to come in the coming weeks!

New Youth Ministered Mass

Rosters for September to

November now available at

the back of Paloma. If you

are on the roster please

take one home with you.

Roster for the Next Youth Ministered Mass Sunday 19th September

MUSICIANS: M. Kearney, C. Lanojan, R. Rivera SINGERS: L. Conde, S. Luate-Wani, F. Lee

READERS: C. Cabanatan, W. Madassery, G. King OFFERTORY: R. Guerra, M. Guerra

ALTAR SERVERS: J. Randle, E. Chambers, M. Chambers SPECIAL MINISTERS:J. Manimog, M. Rodriguez, S. Rodriguez, E. Guerra, S. Robb, A. Rivera, K. Mann


Taco’s are on sale THIS Sunday after the 10:30am &

6:00pm Mass!

3 taco’s for $10 chicken, beef or vegetarian! Drinks and Desserts will also be on sale. All money raised will go towards the Church


Sunday 11th September 7-8:45pm Social Night

All in grade 9-12 welcome!

LifeNite is a youth group for those in grade 9-12, new people are ALWAYS welcome. It is a place where young people can come together create lifelong friendships, have fun and learn about how the faith can be

relevant in your life! It’s a place where the tough questions can be asked and real

answers are given!

EDGE will be back after the

holidays =)

Have a great holiday!!

EDGE is a youth group for those in

grade 6-8, new people are ALWAYS

welcomed. It is a place where young

people can grow up together. Have

fun, make friends, learn about the

faith in a fun and relevant way and

explore issues that impact them.