this was a bbc news report about the funeral of first british war victim of 2010,pte robert hayes

Visual codes : caption is used below to display the reporters name , bbc logo is also used below and is all in bold capital letters Audio codes :A band in the background is included in the audio and a voiceover from the reporter is heard as he describes the events An interview with the fallen soldiers commanding officer is used to give a brief background of the events that took place on the day of his death. This was a BBC NEWS REPORT About the funeral of First British War Victim of 2010,Pte Robert Hayes. The soldiers are portrayed to be still hegemonic even when mourning a fallen comrade

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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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This was a BBC NEWS REPORT About the funeral of First British War Victim of 2010,Pte Robert Hayes. Visual codes : caption is used below to display the reporters name , bbc logo is also used below and is all in bold capital letters. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: This was a BBC NEWS REPORT About the funeral of First British War Victim of 2010,Pte Robert Hayes

Visual codes : caption is used below to display the reporters name , bbc logo is also used below and is all in bold capital letters

Audio codes :A band in the background is included in the audio and a voiceover from the reporter is heard as he describes the events

An interview with the fallen soldiers commanding officer is used to give a brief background of the events that took place on the day of his death.

This was a BBC NEWS REPORT About the funeral of First British War Victim of 2010,Pte Robert Hayes.

The soldiers are portrayed to be still hegemonic even when mourning a fallen comrade