this presentation will show you how to use clo-pla3

This presentation will show you how to use CLO-PLA3 3. FEEDBACK 1.1 Data selection How to use CLO-PLA3 1.2 Sending data to your computer 1. HOW TO USE 2. HOW TO CITE

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How to use CLO-PLA3. This presentation will show you how to use CLO-PLA3. 1. HOW TO USE . 1.1 Data selection. 1.2 Sending data to your computer. 2. HOW TO CITE. 3. FEEDBACK. How to use CLO-PLA3. 1.1 Data selection ( 1/14). click here to see a scrollable list of genera - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

This presentation will show you how to use CLO-PLA3


1.1 Data selection

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.2 Sending data to your computer



Page 2: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (1/14)

... or click here to see a scrollable list of species that you can select

... or click here to see a scrollable list of species for which B&W drawings are in the database

click here to see a scrollable list of genera that you can select (see next slide)

Page 3: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (2/14)

select a genus, several subsequent genera (using shift key and left mouse button)

or several genera which are not subsequent (using ctrl key and left mouse button)

Page 4: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (3/14)

submit the selection to see a scrollable list of species that you can select

Page 5: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (4/14)

select a species, several subsequent species (using shift key and left mouse button)

or several species which are not subsequent (using ctrl key and left mouse button)

Page 6: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (5/14)

submit the selection to see alist items that you can select (slide XY)

Page 7: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

To speed up the selection, you may press first character of the genus

after the list is focused on.


1.1 Data selection (6/14)

Page 8: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (7/14)

Select the items you you are interested in (... continue on slide no. 9)

Supplementary info (see next slide)

Page 9: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

Click here to see B&W drawings

1.1 Data selection (8/14)

Page 10: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (9/14)

Show all items in the listShow checked items

Page 11: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (10/14)

this item was not checked

this item was not checked

this item was checked

this item was checked

Page 12: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (11/14)

Add selected items into cart

Page 13: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (12/14)

Show cart content

Page 14: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (13/14)

You may remove checked items from cart

Note that ........

Page 15: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.1 Data selection (14/14)

You may go back to modify your last selection

Note that ........

Page 16: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

After checking „detail“ and clicking „Show“, youwill see the data as they will be sent to you by e-mail

(next slide).

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (1/6)

Note that ........

Page 17: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (2/6)

Detailed view of the cart

Page 18: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (3/6)

Write down the e-mail address to which the data in the cart should be sent.

Page 19: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (4/6)

... and then click this button. The data will be sent to your computer

(columns are TAB-delimited). Such data can be imported into spreadsheet programs,

such as Excel.

Page 20: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

When your selection includes too many (hundreds) items, manipulation with data

may slow down considerably. You may use several carts with lower number of items,

to avoid this problem.

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (5/6)

Page 21: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

If your mail box is size-limited, the data may not get through.

1.2 Sending the data on your computer (6/6)

Page 22: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

2. How to cite

Klimešová J. & Klimeš L. Clo-Pla3 – database of clonal growth of plants from Central Europe.

For references of papers in which CLO-PLA data were utilised, see Publications in the main menu

Klimešová J. & de Bello F. CLO-PLA: the database of clonal and bud bank traits of Central European flora.

Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 511-516.

Page 23: This presentation will show you  how to use  CLO-PLA3

How to use CLO-PLA3

3. Feedback

- Your experience with the CLO-PLA3- Contribution to the database by submitting your own data- References of papers in which CLO-PLA3 was utilized

are welcome