this presentation is intended for the may chapter meeting this is a mind map of “how to mind...

This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting 1

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Page 1: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting


Page 2: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

This presentation focuses on introducing the technique of reading and creating mind maps.

Some of the examples used were selected from free sources. The copyright, if given, in some of the examples is owned by the respective author.


Page 3: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Mind maps are visual. They are use to present, organize, and process information or more frequently referred to as concepts.

There are lots of uses for mind maps and some of those uses are brainstorming, taking notes, problem solving… as you can see, this technique is great for project management and a great tool for project managers. As we go through this presentation, you will see how others use mind maps and hopefully be inspired to create/use your own.

As a visual aid, the structure of the concepts will allows you to “see” information, reorganize it, analyze it, and ultimately make changes to improve the mind map.

Once you create a mind map, the details will help jog your memory and recall information.

So, let’s get started.


Page 4: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

You really didn’t think we would continue with a “traditional” presentation while talking about mind maps…

As you look at this example, you can see there is a lot of information stored on one page. One of the goals of this presentation is to teach you how to read mind maps, and we will come back to this slide at the end and read what is here.

Right now, though, I want to point out a few things:

1. The paper is in landscape

2. The main topic is identified in the center of the page

3. The concepts branch out from the center, starting with thicker lines moving to thinner lines as you reach out toward the edge of the page.

4. The is one concept on each “branch”

5. Each branch uses a separate color

6. Triggers include images, abbreviations, legends

7. Typically – no more than 7 concepts are presented

8. Mind maps are read, starting in the center, the reading from the top, right corner branch, then clockwise around


Page 5: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

It is a right brain/left brain thing…

In this mind map, the right brain is our creative side and the left brain is our analytical side.

In learning how to learn, mind maps help move the information from our short term memory to our long term memory. Then when we need to recall the information, the triggers on the mind map can jog our memory.

If you are a visual person, mind maps may be very easy for you. However, if your are not a visual type of person, you can learn how to mind map and use it effectively to create and recall information.


Page 6: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map”

This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces the concepts by tracing them again with color pencils.

Let’s read this Mind Map:

Start in the center and read what is there, then Read each of the main concepts starting at either 12:00 or 1:00 and going clockwise.

Mind Mapping > Paper > Use > Lines > Style > Structure

Then go back to first concept and read all of the branches

Paper > Use Blank piece of paper > In Landscape > start at the center

Use > Images > Color > and Word (printed, single words, or key)

Lines > Connect thoughts > start thicker 2 thinner > length of lines can be images or words > Lines should be organic and flow

Style > Beautiful > Personal > show emphasis > and fun

Structure of a Mind map > Radiate out > make associations > Be clear and have order


Page 7: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

How to Use Mind Maps





Study/Note Taking



Now that you “read” mind maps, go back and learn more about each…


Page 8: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

An example on learning a new subject

Critical Thinking







Page 9: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

You will note, this mind map was done with a software tool. There are a number of free and paid versions of software tools to create mind maps. Our presentation is focused on Basic Mind Mapping Techniques – how to read and create mind maps. Once you have mastered this skill, you can try it. Since we are in a mini-workshop we wanted to teach you how to read and create mind maps – and avoid teaching how to use a software tool

This Mind Map outlines the sections of a Business Plan







Page 10: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Mind maps can help you memorize information. In learning how to learn, it is recommended that as you read new material, you take notes. It has been suggested that you should not read material a second time, but instead work with your notes and mind maps are great for taking notes.

As you study from your mind maps, it is suggested that if you can create your mind maps from scratch you have mastered the information.

This mind map cover the English Kinds of the Middle Ages from 1066-1485. (While the title is underneath, the center is a castle “trigger”. You can learn as you read from William I in 1066, then go clockwise through Henry VII. Notice Richard I in 1189, the Cusades, and Lion Heart. Or, the first parliament in 1216. Or the war of the Roses (White/Red) - 100 year War…


Page 11: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Systems make great Mind Maps

The Body’s Major Systems











Notice the images throughout. Look at the Digestive branch. Fun and informative.


Page 12: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

All About Literature:

Books and Authors for











Page 13: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

For Project Managers Mind Maps are great for Processes

This mind map outlines how to mind map Processes

Structure for Each Service Lines

Process - what – start/end – links – verb/object – business activity – avoid hows

Scope of a Single Process Box

Drawing Conventions


Page 14: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

No presentation of mind mapping to Project Managers would be complete without including a mind map of the Process Groups of Project Management…




Monitoring &Controlling



Page 15: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Or Knowledge Area Processes Mind Map






Human Resources






Page 16: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Mind Maps are being used in the classroom






Reading Comprehension


Page 17: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Now that you are more comfortable with reading mind maps, I suggest that you go back and re-create them yourself. Remember, by writing / copying the information on your own mind maps, then tracing it again with color pencils reinforces what you are learning. This will help move information from short term memory to long term memory. Have fun…

When you are ready, try creating your own mind maps. In this slide, and in the next two, the framework is started and you can begin to plan your own trip. Feel free to modify as you need and make it your own.

After you fill out the branches, go back and trace each branch a different color.


Page 18: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Mind maps can be done alone or with a group. Use this framework to create a future chapter meeting. Share with us…


Page 19: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Create a mind map about yourself. What would you want to share with someone if you only had 10 minutes?


Page 20: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Now that you can read and create your own mind maps, break the rules…

Be creative…. Learn and share…


Page 21: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

Ok. Back to the first Mind Map. You should be able to read this mind map. It is a great summary of Mind Mapping.

This Mind Map is about Mind Map

It Defines Mind Map. It Shows the Benefits, Uses, Process of and Rules of Mind Maps

(Notice how it organizes the concepts and details, using color, images, words, and triggers.)

I’ll start: Mind Map Definition: It presents an overview of a subject area, it is a fusion of words stimulating both logic and intellect, and of pictures stimulating creativity, and the 5 senses of sound, touch, taste, smell, and sight. It is a comprehensive summary of information. And is a method for storing, organizing, prioritizing, learning, reviewing, memorizing information.

The Benefits of Mind Maps: It Improves the capacity to see the bigger picture and detailed information, to remember complex information and related chunks of information, to cope with information overload and mental clutter. It improves imagination, memory, concentration, note taking, level of interest, and problem solving ability. It also improves management of study time and revision time. Mind maps helps unlock understanding, creative ideas and insights. It helps save time and makes learning fun. It also helps clarify goals, plans, ideas, thoughts. It triggers comparison of facts, stats, and ideas. It also triggers creative association.

Mind Maps are used for Work – planning sales and marketing strategy and speeches. It is used for networking, interviews, business, research, and organizing project and meeting. In Life it is used for tracking important information, events, and dates. It is used for financial or holiday planning, keeping a diary, setting goals, managing time and events. In School, it can be used to prepare presentation, memorize subject materials, books, class notes. It is used for thinking critically or creatively and for problem solving, brainstorming, and teaching purposes. It is also used for preparing for essay writing and exams and learning grammar and languages.

The process of making mind maps. Take a horizontal piece of paper and draw 1) central images, 2) 1st level, themed branches, radiating outwards, 3) additional branches -- by following rules of mind mapping.

The Rules of Mind Mapping: Add clarity using boundaries and organic lines, keeping words upright, on lines, with varied case and style. Add emphasis involving 5 senses, inserting multiple dimensions, pictures, and colors, varying the size of lines, pictures and words, using hierarchy of numbers and letters, and organized spacing. Add associations using arrows, colors to create separation, code such as symbols and shape.


Page 22: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces

I hope this presentation has achieved its goals to teach you how to read and create mind maps. I also hope you have been inspired to try and use it and add it to your Project Management tool kit.


Page 23: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces


Page 24: This presentation is intended for the May Chapter meeting This is a mind map of “How to Mind Map” This technique uses plain paper, pencils to sketch the concepts, then reinforces