this powerpoint is designed to be used in full or in part – either as a reflective prayer resource...

This PowerPoint is designed to be used in full or in part – either as a reflective prayer resource on the topic of creation care or as a tool to help people intercede about climate change and environmental destruction. Feel free to move the slides around or just use one or more sections – for example: use slides 2-7 for a meditative, praise-filled reflection on God’s creation use slides 2-12 for a prayerful reflection on creation care and God’s plan for our role in caring for creation with him delete slide 20, and use the full PowerPoint to take people on a journey from praise at God’s creation and his plans for us to the reality of today’s environmental crisis and the need for confession, forgiveness and action use the full PowerPoint, with current information and stories added to slide 20, for a fully reflective and outward-focused intercessional journey use slides 13-21 (with or without slides 18-19, as you feel appropriate) for leading intercessions on climate change, environmental destruction and caring for our global neighbours or any other option that works best for you! © 2011

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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This PowerPoint is designed to be used in full or in part – either as a reflective prayer resource on the topic of creation care or as a tool to help people intercede about climate change and environmental destruction. Feel free to move the slides around or just use one or more sections – for example:

• use slides 2-7 for a meditative, praise-filled reflection on God’s creation• use slides 2-12 for a prayerful reflection on creation care and God’s plan for our

role in caring for creation with him• delete slide 20, and use the full PowerPoint to take people on a journey from

praise at God’s creation and his plans for us to the reality of today’s environmental crisis and the need for confession, forgiveness and action

• use the full PowerPoint, with current information and stories added to slide 20, for a fully reflective and outward-focused intercessional journey

• use slides 13-21 (with or without slides 18-19, as you feel appropriate) for leading intercessions on climate change, environmental destruction and caring for our global neighbours

• or any other option that works best for you!

© 2011

The following five slides declare God’s sovereignty over creation...

As you read each one and reflect on the image, praise God for the glory,

majesty and diversity of his creation.

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Psalm 24:1)

© 2011

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1

© 2011

How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.Psalm 104:24

© 2011

In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

Job 10:12

© 2011

He makes grass grow for the cattle,

and plants for man to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth.

Psalm 104:14

© 2011

You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.

The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain,

for so you have ordained it.Psalm 65:9

© 2011

God has called us to be stewards, caring for creation with him.

As you read the following passages, reflect on what you think God

meant when he told Adam and Eve to “rule” over creation whilst also taking care of it. How does Jesus’

teaching on leadership shed further light on this?

© 2011

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move

along the ground."Genesis 1:26

© 2011

The Lord God took the man (Adam) and put him in the Garden of Eden

to work it and take care of it

Genesis 2:15

© 2011

Mark 10:45

Jesus said “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and

to give his life as a ransom for many.”

God has a plan to redeeem the whole of creation...

Ask God to show you what this means.

Jesus said to them “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”.

(Mark 16:15)

© 2011

Today, we are seeing the fastest rates of human-induced climate change, environmental degradation and species extinction ever known...

It seems we have seen God’s gift of creation care as a free pass to serve ourselves... whatever the consequences

© 2011

It’s not just the earth that is suffering as a result of our actions...

© 2011

Many of the world’s poorest communities are already suffering the effects of climate change

and environmental degradation through:• increasingly unpredictable rainfall and extreme weather• higher risk of infectious disease, especially malaria• lower crop yields• soil erosion• land loss from sea-level rise• flooding• desertification• famine• reduced water supply• and much more...

© 2011

This is a situation of INJUSTICE too...

As Christians, our mandate to care for our neighbours around the world is clear...

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?(Isaiah 58: 6-7)Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12: 30-31)© 2011

Ask God for forgiveness where you have treated his creation and people carelessly. And ask him to show you

how he wants you to love your neighbours, and his creation, better.

You might like to use the prayers of confession and absolution on the following slides...

© 2011

Prayer of confession

Almighty God — creator, shaper and sustainer of all life, and loving Father.

We confess that we have not loved you with our whole hearts;We have been careless with the creation you so lovingly crafted,

and deaf to its song of praise.We have taken to satisfy our selfish desires, rather than our

need and been indifferent to the consequences as your world’s song of praise has been silenced.

Because of our greed and carelessness, the world is hurting, and many of your most vulnerable children are suffering as a result.

Please forgive our indifference.Amen.

© 2011

Prayer of absolutionAlmighty God — creator, shaper and sustainer of all life,

and loving Father,Thank you for the forgiveness won for us by your son – the

redeemer of all creation.We receive your grace to us, and your love for us as we are.Change us now into what you would have us be –Move us to love and care for your world,And make us ready to work for the good of all creationThrough the love and power of your son, our saviour,

Jesus Christ.Amen.

© 2011

You might like to add in some current information and/or specific stories here

about poor communities around the world who are suffering from the effects of climate change and environmental

destruction to help people intercede. (Delete this slide if not)

Organisations such as Christian Aid and Tearfund can help you source this information:

© 2011

What next? Pray for God to show you what you can do in response..

You might like to think about:

• campaigning on climate change and justice issues

• giving to charities supporting poor communities suffering from the effects of climate change

• making changes to your own lifestyle to reduce your impact on creation and people.

Find out more at

© 2011