this overshadowed planet

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  • 8/11/2019 This Overshadowed Planet


    This Overshadowed Planet - Quotations

    Wild Ideas Lecture Series,May 22, 1999(Edited with links to relevant citations, August 2!"

    #$he na%e o& the ga%e is 'ind )our Adversary'* )our adversary's ga%e +lan is toconvince you that he does not eist*# - Willia% S* .urroughs

    #$here %ay /e so%e kind o& +heno%enon - %ay/e so%ething as %aterialistic as&luctuations in the earth's gravitational and %agnetic &ields, as was suggested /y0ersinger, a /ehavioral scientist &ro% anada, who suggested that energy &luctuationscause wave changes which cause hallucinatory or +sychedelic states*# - o/ert AntonWilson

    #Lining u+ those charged +articles or ions with %agnets %ay +rovide so%e %inorsignalling /ene&it, /ut accelerating the charged +articles with dyna%ic, non-linear and

    varying electric &ields has /een done &or the /ody through %illions o& years o& evolutionor ever since reation, whichever you /elieve, and +rovides the &unda%ental /asis &or li&eand health* It's the lack o& the electric &ield e&&ect that causes hu%ans to /e unhealthy, notthe lack o& the %agnetic &ield*# - 3ohn Led/etter, The Theory and Physics of AlternativeMedicine

    #.etween the sensory and intellectual world, sages always have e+erienced aninter%ediate real%, one akin to what we call the i%aginings o& +oets* I& you are areligious /eliever, whether nor%ative or heterodo, this %iddle world is e+erienced asthe +resence o& the divine in our everyday world* I& you are %ore ske+tical, such +resenceis +ri%arily aesthetic or +erha+s a kind o& +ers+ectivis%*# - 4arold .loo%, Omens of the


    Intro to Critical Thinking

    A ield 5uide to ritical $hinking&ro% the o%%ittee &or the Scienti&ic Investigation o&lai%s o& the 0aranor%al5uide to Logical allacies4and/ook &or easoned 6iscussion&ro% the o%%ittee &or the ourth

    Symbols: The Occult Foundation

    #Symbol* $he /est +ossi/le e+ression &or so%ething essentially unknown* Sy%/olic ornonlinear thinking is holistic, right-/rain oriented7 it is co%+le%entary to logical, linear,le&t-/rain thinking*# - &ro% Glossary of Jungian Terms Compiled by Daryl Sharp

    #Intuition, /e it active or relatively inactive, is the source o& all hu%an understanding o&truth* It lives in the heart o& %an, i* e*, in the core o& his /eing7 and it is the working o&
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    this intuition which gives to hi% all his highest and /est ideas regarding the nature o& %anand the universe*# - 5* de 0urucker &ro% The soteric Tradition

    #$he Angel links hi%sel& with the higher +rinci+les o& the %an, %ost o& all with the/uddhi or intuitional wisdo%***# - *W* Lead/eater, The !idden "ife in #reemasonry

    #$he occult are such things as alche%y, %agic, astrology, and other 'arts' o& divinationwhich use incantations or %agic &or%ulae in an atte%+t to gain hidden knowledge or+ower* 8ccultis% re&ers to the /elie& in hidden or %ysterious +owers that can /econtrolled /y hu%ans who have s+ecial knowledge o& these +owers*# - o/ert $oddarroll, &ro% The S$eptic%s Dictionary

    #**** We will today a++ly our %inds to a study o& that which lies concealed /ehind the+heno%enon o& the /lood, that which sha+ed &or itsel& in the /lood its +hysiogno%icale+ression in the world o& sense* When once you understand this 's+iritual /ackground' o&/lood, you will /e a/le to realie how the knowledge o& such %atters is /ound to react

    u+on our whole %ental outlook on li&e*# - udol+h Steiner, The Occult Significance of&lood

    #$hese ancient %ysteries were originally given to hu%anity /y the 4ierarchy, and were-in their turn-received /y the 4ierarchy &ro% the 5reat White Lodge on Sirius* $heycontain the clue to the evolutionary +rocess, hidden in nu%/er and words**** $hey veil thesecret o& %an's origin and destiny*# - Alice .ailey, The 'ays and the (nitiation :;ew)ork< Lucis 0u/lishing o*, 19==>, ??*

    #8ccultists the world over /elieve that, once a sy%/ol is created, it ac@uires +ower o& itsown, and %ore +ower is generated when such sy%/ol(s" are created without the +ro&ane:uninitiated> knowing a/out it* And, the greatest +ower o& all is created in the sy%/ol(s"i& the uninitiated ;EE discover that the sy%/ol eists*# - as @uoted &ro% utting EdgeMinistries on The Masonic )e* +orld Order

    #Let us consider the +entagra%**** When you stand with &eet a+art and ar%s outstretched,you can accurately &ollow the direction o& these &ive currents* $hey &or% a +entagra%*# -udol+h Steiner, Occult Signs and Symbols

    #In these sy%/ols, the le&t-hand 0entagra% surrounded /y the %agic circle is Luci&er Bthe good god B with the one +oint u+ward and two down7 the right-hand 0entagra%,again surrounded /y the %agic circle, is Satan B the evil god B with the two +oints u+and the one down*# - Cutting dge Ministries

    #I'll s+are you assorted conCecture on why the designers o& this city decided to +laceMasonic sy%/olis% all across the landsca+e on a scale that can /e seen &ro% s+ace* 3usttake a look*# -The Great (nverted Pentagram of +ashington DC

    #.ecause the star Sirius is older than the Earth Masonry could have eisted there long/e&ore our Earth Masonry /egan* .y i%+lication there is hu%an li&e on Sirius and
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    research in outer s+ace now indicates that the ty+e o& li&e we call hu%an is not li%ited tothis +lanet**** Li&e on Sirius is there&ore the destiny o& the %aCority o& hu%anity who theni& they are Masons continue as Masons*# - oster .ailey, The Spirit of Masonry

    #$hese %ethods o& overshadowing will /e largely the ones used /y the 5reat Lord and

    4is Masters at the end o& the century, and &or this reason $hey are sending intoincarnation, in every country, disci+les who have the o++ortunity o&&ered the% to res+ondto the need o& hu%anity* 4ence the need o& training %en and wo%en to recognie thehigher +sychis%, and the true ins+iration and %ediu%shi+, and to do this scienti&ically* In&i&ty years ti%e, the need &or true +sychics and conscious %ediu%s (such as 4* 0* .*, &orinstance" will /e very great i& the Master's +lans are to /e carried to &ruition, and the%ove%ent %ust /e set on &oot in +re+aration &or the co%ing o& 4i% &or Who% all nationswait*# - Alice .ailey as @uoted /y o/ert A* 4err%ann 0h*6* inA Scientific Analysis andTrue Significance of the Modern ,Psychic, and ,Paranormal, Movement

    #5iven the etensive in&iltration o& religious institutions /y the occult syndicate, it is

    a++ro+riate to state that the old categories (o%an atholic, 3ewish, 0rotestant" no longera++ly* 4aving /een hiCacked /y the syndicate, the %aCor religions are now a convenientcover &or the +olitical o+erations o& the ;ew World 8rder* Alice .ailey announced sucha 0lan in 1922< Dery de&initely %ay the assurance /e given here that, +rior to the co%ingo& the hrist, adCust%ents will /e %ade so that at the head o& all great organiations will/e &ound either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation* At the head o&certain o& the great occult grou+s, o& the ree%asons o& the world, and o& the variousgreat divisions o& the church, and resident in %any o& the great nations will /e &oundinitiates or Masters* - ((nitiation- !uman And Solar,Lucis 0u/*, 1922, ++* F1-2" &ro%* $hese +roCectors will +roCect si%ultaneous i%ages to the &our corners o& the +lanet,in every language /y region* It deals with the religious as+ect o& the ;ew World 8rder*$he syste% has already /een tested* 4ologra+hic +roCections o& the #hrist I%age# havealready /een seen in so%e re%ote desert areas* $hese have only /een re+orted in ta/loid+a+ers, so they are instantly rendered %oot* $hey can also +roCect i%ages o& aliens,%onsters, anglesByou na%e it* o%+uters will coordinate the satellites and so&tware willrun the show-and-tell* 4ologra+hy is /ased on very nearly identical signals co%/ining to+roduce i%age, or hologra%, with de+th +erce+tion* $his is e@ually a++licate to acoustic:EL, L, L> waves as it is o+tical +heno%ena* S+eci&ically, the 'show' will consist o&laser +roCections o& %ulti+le hologra+hic i%ages to di&&erent +arts o& the +lanet, eachreceiving di&&erent i%ages according to the +redo%inating regional religious &aith* ;ot asingle area will /e ecluded*# - +hat is the &lue &eam Pro@ect9
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    &uman Control and Surveillance

    As &ar /ack as 19F2 an A%erican scientist called Alan rey de%onstrated that, using a%icrowave /ea%, you could trans%it sounds - words - into the head o& an individual thatwere inaudi/le to other +eo+le* A reedo% o& In&or%ation a++lication /y 3ane A&&leck+roduced a docu%ent &ro% 19, a re+ort +u/lished /y the 8&&ice o& $echnological Jtiliation in ;ASA called 'I%+lanta/le .iotele%etry Syste%s' - i%+lants, in short*$wenty &ive years ago they had the% down to the sie o& a =+ +iece* $his 19 re+ortshows the%, even gives wiring diagra%s* ;ow, twenty &ive years later, so%e o& the% are+ractically invisi/le, like a strand o& hair* - /y o/in a%say, Of Conspiracies andConspiracy Theories- The Truth &uried by the #antasies

    #$he intent o& this +a+er is to /ring a new +heno%ena to the attention o& +hysiologists*Jsing etre%ely low average +ower densities o& electro%agnetic energy, the +erce+tiono& sounds was induced in nor%al and dea& hu%ans*# - Allan 4* rey, !uman AuditorySystem 'esponse To Modulated lectromagnetic nergy &ro% the 5eneral ElectricAdvanced Electronics enter at ornell Jniversity*

    #In a series o& closed %eeting /eginning March 1 in su/ur/an ;orthern irginia with6r* Igor S%irnov o& the Moscow Medical Acade%y, .I o&&icials were /rie&ed on theussian's decade-long research on a co%+uteried acoustic device allegedly ca+a/le o&i%+lanting thoughts in a +erson's %ind without that +erson /eing aware o& the source o&the thought*# - Mark $a+scott, 686, (ntel Agencies "oo$ at 'ussian Mind ControlTechnology/ Claims #&( Considered Testing on 4oresh, 6e&ense Electronics, 6ece%/er199?

    #$he %ost daring +hase o& the MH-JL$A +rogra% involved sli++ing unwittingA%erican citiens LS6 in real li&e situations* $he idea &or the series o& e+eri%entsoriginated in ;ove%/er 19!1, when Willia% 6onovan, &ounder and director o& the 8&&iceo& Strategic Services (8SS", the &orerunner o& the IA during World War $wo* At thatti%e the intelligence agency invested = &or the 'truth drug' +rogra%* E+eri%entswith sco+ola%ine and %or+hine +roved /oth un&ruit&ul and very dangerous* $he +rogra%tested scores o& other drugs, including %escaline, /ar/ituates, /enedrine, canna/isindica, to na%e a &ew*# - 4arry * Martin and 6avid aul, Mind Control &ro% reeA%erica*

    #8n 2 ;ove%/er 19=?, a delusional and de+ressed 6r rank 8lson threw hi%sel& out o&the tenth &loor window o& his ;ew )ork hotel* 8lson was a long-serving scientist &or theJS Ar%y's secretive he%ical or+s S+ecial 8+erations 6ivision, whose +ro/le%s/egan at a %eeting 9 days earlier* $he %eeting had /een orchestrated /y Sidney 5ottlie/,4ead o& the IA's $echnical Services Sta&&* Jnknown to those +resent at the %eeting,5ottlie/ had ac@uired a @uantity o& LS6 and secretly wanted to test it* S+iking 8lson'sdrink with the LS6, he +assed the /ottle around and sat /ack waiting &or results* 8lson,an outgoing +ersonality who loved +ractical Cokes, soon /egan to su&&er Carring side
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    e&&ects* 8ne o& those +resent at the %eeting, .en Wilson, later recalled that 8lson 'was+sychotic'* 5ottlie/ and his /oss, the 6irector o& entral Intelligence, Allen 6ulles,initiated a 2-year cover-u+ o& the circu%stances surrounding 8lson's death* At stake wasthe IA's su+er secret +roCect, MH-JL$A* $he +roCect had grown out o& an earliersecret +rogra%%e, known as .lue/ird, that was o&&icially &or%ed to counter Soviet

    advances in /rainwashing* In reality the IA had other o/Cectives* An earlier ai% was tostudy %ethods 'through which control o& an individual %ay /e attained'* $he e%+hasis o&e+eri%entation was 'narco-hy+nosis', the /lending o& %ind altering drugs with care&ulhy+notic +rogra%%ing* Ever evolving, +roCect .lue/ird was later rena%ed 0roCectArtichoke, a&ter a vegeta/le that 6ulles was +articularly &ond o&* Artichoke was an'o&&ensive' +rogra%%e o& %ind control that gathered together the intelligence divisions o&the Ar%y, ;avy, Air orce and .I* $he sco+e o& the +roCect was outlined in a%e%orandu% dated 3anuary 19=2 that o%inously asked< 'an we get control o& anindividual to the +oint where he will do our /idding against his will and even against&unda%ental laws o& nature such as sel& +reservationG'# - ichard 5* 5all,Mind Control. M476"T'A

    #or the &irst ti%e in a hal& century, new ederal regulations allow investigators to enroll+atients in so%e %edical research without their consent**** Even the %ost ardentsu++orters o& the new regulations say they understand the seriousness o& what they havedone* $he have re+ealed a +rinci+le that dates /ack to the ;ure%/erg trials o& ;aidoctors a&ter World War II, when A%erican Cudges were agoniing over rules that %ight+revent doctors &ro% ever again using hu%an su/Cects in horrendous e+eri%ents* $heCudges wrote a code o& ethics, the ;ure%/erg ode, whose &irst +rinci+le was that no oneshould ever /e &orced to take +art in a %edical e+eri%ents* '$he voluntary consent o& thehu%an su/Cect is essential,' they wrote*# - 5ina Holata, &an on Medical 5periments+ithout Consent is 'ela5ed, ;ew )ork $i%es, 11K=K9F

    #When &or%er IA director Willia% ol/y was asked directly, 'What a/outM8;A4G' he re+lied angrily and a%/iguously, 'We sto++ed that /etween the late19Fs and the early 19s'# - on 0atton, The Conspiracy 'eader/ #all 2==

    #As &or%ations o& un%arked tanker aircra&t continue to criss-cross A%erican skies on a%ission authorities re&use to disclose, an environ%ental la/oratory has identi&ied anetre%ely toic co%+onent o& the s+ray dri&ting over cities and countryside* 4undreds o&+hotogra+hs and videota+es %ade /y ground o/servers show +airs or larger &or%ations o&aircra&t s+reading a white %ist that thickens and dri&ts toward the ground* More than 2eye-witnesses - including +olice o&&icers, +ilots, %ilitary and +u/lic health +ersonnel -have +rovided detailed accounts o& aerial s+raying in characteristic ''s and east-to-westgrid +atterns, &ollowed /y occluded skies - and acute auto-i%%une reactions andres+iratory in&ections throughout a&&ected regions*# - Willia% $ho%as, !ospitalsJammed as &anned Pesticide is Sprayed from the S$ies

    #Why do we think what we thinkG Well, a+art &ro% the re+eated, intense, and unusual&light-+atterns, odd illnesses will o&ten strike +eo+le shortly a&ter these che%trailse+isodes7 %ulti+le witnesses have also re+orted a co/we/-like su/stance seen &alling
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    &ro% the sky* )ou should also know that a la/-analysis o& so%e 'goo' which &ell to theground revealed the +resence o& /iological-agents< 0seudo%onas luorescens,Stre+to%yces, and a restriction eny%e used to create viruses* (See this re+ort"* urther, agentle%an who has /een &ollowing the contrails around the country &or years had a%edical test which discovered +athogens in his /ody B the rare 2 5ri++e virus a%ong

    the% B +athogens that should only /e &ound in la/oratories (see sa%e re+ort"*# -Strange!a8e

    #4AA0 (an acrony% &or 4igh-&re@uency Active Auroral esearch 0rogra%" is a 1%illion Air orce e+eri%ent located in the wilderness o& Alaska* Its ostensi/le +ur+oseis to study the ionos+here* 4owever, researchers like 6r* ;ick .egich /elieve it's actuallya ground /ased Star Wars wea+on derived &ro% the classi&ied technology o& ;ikolai$esla* According to .egich, 4AA0 has the ca+a/ility o& creating a huge coherentcontrolla/le %agnetic &ield which could /e co%+ared to a 6elgado EM, ece+t4AA0's doesn't &ill a roo%, it +otentially &ills a region the sie o& a large Western stateand, +ossi/ly, a he%is+here* .asically, the 4AA0 trans%itter in this a++lication will

    e%it energy o& the sa%e level as the Earth's, which is &i&ty ti%es %ore than was needed inthe wireless e+eri%ents o& 6r* 6elgado* What this %eans is that i& 4AA0 is tuned tothe right &re@uency, using Cust a/out the right wave &or%s, %ental disru+tion throughout aregion could occur intentionally or as a side e&&ect o& the radio &re@uency trans%issions*#- on 0atton, The Conspiracy 'eader/ #all 2==

    #Intercranial audio +heno%ena (hearing voices inside one's head" can also /e +roducedwith %odulated radio signals /ounced o&&, or lensed /y, the 4AA0 syste%* Wide-areahu%an %ani+ulation using such a sche%e /eco%es a reality* $his is +otentially scarystu&&R*** $his %ight allow &or care&ul %ass 'crowd control' should so%ething like E$reality /eco%e widely known, or so%e other hysteria-+roducing event take +lace that it%ight /e 'desira/le' to control*# - Hent Stead%an, Orbit

    #A/sor/ing %icrowaves trans%itted /y 4AA0 and other at%os+heric heaters linked&ro% 0uerto ico, 5er%any and ussia, these arti&icial %irrors could heat the air,inducing changes in the weather* J*S* 0atent !2=?19 descri/es how a %irror %ade o&'+olyester resin' could /e held alo&t /y the +ressure eerted /y electro%agnetic radiation&ro% a trans%itter like 4AA0* A 0h*6* +oly%er researcher who wishes to re%ainanony%ous told this re+orter that i& 4AA0's &re@uency out+ut is %atched to Earth's%agnetic &ield, its tightly-/ea%ed energy could /e i%+arted to %olecules 'arti&iciallyintroduced into this region*' $his highly reactive state could then '+ro%ote +oly%eriationand the &or%ation o& new co%+ounds,' he e+lained*# - Willia% $ho%as, #i5ing the+eather

    #Jnder L*A*, ready &or )2HR ive stories /elow the ederal .uilding in downtown LosAngeles there is a secret co%+uter co%%and center B a co%%and center that has enough+ower, &ood and water to sustain = +eo+le &or two yearsR $he 6J65E E08$ haslearned, the /unker, na%ed A$SA :Auto%ated $ra&&ic Signal And ontrol>, would/eco%e a high-tech co%%and center used to %onitor any civil unrest during a )2H/reakdownR $he city's high-tech /unker has /een designed to survive a San Andreas ri+
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    and a nuclear e+losion* eeling and looking like a S$A $EH set, the lower work areahas doens o& co%+uter consoles, which will /e +owered /y diesel &uel generators i&+ower is cut* $he u++er wall is &illed with two rows o& ! large &lat +anel dis+lay screensB screens that %onitor views &ro% re%ote controlled ca%eras +laced throughout the LosAngeles area* '$hese ca%eras are our eyes,' one govern%ent source tells the 6J65E

    E08$* 8ne ca%era +laced on the roo& o& a 2-story /uilding has de%onstrateddra%atic oo% ca+a/ilities* With the ca%era, you could s+ot a +i%+le on so%eone's &aceon street level* $he 6J65E E08$ has not /een a/le to learn how %any ca%erashave /een +laced throughout the city, /ut %ost a++ear to /e %ounted on +u/lic /uildings*$he city council and the %ayor would ride out a social /reakdown e+isode inside o&A$SA, according to one e%ergency +lan* $he /unker, /uilt with local and &ederal tarevenue, is strictly o&& li%its to the general +u/lic*# - Matt 6rudge,Drudge 'eporttaken&ro% )2H, Millenniu% Mayhe% EMA eds N Martial Law We/ site*

    #8hio's E%ergency 8+erations enter is in a 1? %illion concrete structure eight %ilesnorthwest o& downtown olu%/us* 8&&icials +lan to start sta&&ing the /unker 12 hours a

    day on 6ec* 29, and 2! hours a day &ro% 6ec* ?1 until no longer necessary, the 6aily;ews said*# -&un$er 'eady in Case of B4 Crisis,incinnati En@uirer

    #Indeed, a soon-to-/e &inalied Euro+ean 0arlia%ent re+ort on E4EL8; has created@uite a stir on the other side o& the Atlantic* $he re+ort's revelations are so serious that itstrongly reco%%ends an intensive investigation o& ;SA o+erations* $he &acts drawn out/y these sources reveal E4EL8; as a +ower&ul electronic netBa net that snags &ro%the %illions o& +hone, &a, and %ode% signals traversing the glo/e at any %o%entselected co%%unications o& interest to a &ive-nation intelligence alliance* 8nceinterce+ted (/ased on the use o& key words in echanges", those co%%uni@ues are sent inreal ti%e to a central co%+uter syste% run /y the ;SA7 round-the-clock shi&ts o&A%erican, .ritish, Australian, anadian, and ;ew Oealand analysts +our over the% insearch o&*** whatG 8riginally a old War tool ai%ed at the Soviets, E4EL8; has /eenredirected at civilian targets worldwide*# - 3ason est, "istening (n, illage oice,August 1, 199

    #Let %e +ut it this way,' says a &or%er ;SA o&&icer* 'onsider that anyone can ty+e akeyword into a ;et search engine and get /ack tens o& thousands o& hits in a &ewseconds*' A +ause* 'Assu%e that +eo+le working on the outer edges have ca+a/ilities &arin ecess o& what you do*# - 3ason est,"istening (n, illage oice, August 1, 199

    #In &act, nonlethal wea+ons increase the odds o& con&lict /ecause o& their level o& +oliticalacce+ta/ility, as evident /y %ace-ha++y co+s s+raying &irst and asking @uestions later*$he +reservation o& hu%an li&e doesn't see% to /e high on the list o& +riorities &or the%ilitary< cost-e&&ectiveness and strategic value are the %ain +luses &or using nonlethaltech, as well as the a++lications &or +ro+aganda (now called 'in&or%ation war&are'"* Weneed to eli%inate the notoriety associated with war* I& we use nonlethal technology toachieve +aralysis, eli%inate unintentional killing, and erase signs o& visi/le destruction,then +erha+s in so%e situations we can rid the news o& sensationalis%* Without a rivetingstory to tell, the %edia %ay /e silenced*# - 6oc 4a%/one,4illing Me Softly
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    #$he 'non-lethal' anti-+ersonnel wea+ons descri/ed in the JS; article &it into threecategories, the &irst /eing a laser ty+e o& wea+on designed to disa/le an adversary withte%+orary /lindness* 8ther wea+ons &it into the acoustic or 'sonic' category* Acousticwea+ons, set to resonate at certain &re@uencies, can vi/rate the internal organs o& targeted

    +ersonnel, stun the% and induce nausea or even 'li@ue&y their /owels and reduce the% to@uivering diarrheic %esses', according to the 0entagon* A third ty+e o& wea+on iselectro%agnetic which e%its radio &re@uencies that heat a target like a %icrowave oven,the e&&ects ranging &ro% disco%&ort, &ever, or death, de+ending on the distance* ery low&re@uency electro%agnetic radiation has /een used to +ut test ani%als into a stu+or orcause their /rain cells to release hista%ine that would cause &lu-like sy%+to%s in ahu%an* (Source< J*S* ;ews N World e+ort, -F-9"*# - ,Peace$eeping, Armies Train for Global Control

    Earth's /ackground /ase &re@uency, or #heart/eat,# (called Schu%ann resonance, or S"is rising dra%atically* $hough it varies a%ong geogra+hical regions, &or decades the

    overall %easure%ent was * cycles +er second* $his was once thought to /e a constant7glo/al %ilitary co%%unications develo+ed on this &re@uency* ecent re+orts set the rateat *F, and cli%/ing* Science doesn't know why, or what to %ake o& it* .raden &ound datacollected /y ;orwegian and ussian researchers on this7 it's not widely re+orted in theJ*S* ($he only re&erence to S to /e &ound in the Seattle Li/rary re&erence section, is tiedto the weather* Science acknowledges S as a sensitive indicator o& te%+eraturevariations and worldwide weather conditions* .raden /elieves the &luctuating S %ay /ea &actor in the severe stor%s, &loods, and weather o& recent years*" - Laura Lee,Geophysics of the Paradigm Shift,LL .roadcasting, 3anuary 199F