this is us' analysis

Front Cover One direction has made sure that their fans will know if they’ve purchased the authentic version of their tour DVD, as the first aspect of the cover is a red banner, which reads ‘Original Theatrical edition’. Therefore, the audience are promised that this is their DVD and not a pirated copy. The front cover immediately stands out to the audience as the band’s logo is used in bold at the top left-hand corner, just like in a magazine advert the logo instantaneously tell the audience who the ad/product is for. For example, if this DVD is stacked against other different ones the logo will be able to be seen from afar as it is at the top. AS well as the band name and DVD title ‘This is us’ go alongside the logo. The title ‘This is us’ is used to present the band as straightforward, inviting, and humble. The statement directly tells the audience that exactly what is shown within this DVD is who they are and so the audience are more likely to feel a connection to the band as they feel that they’re getting honesty from them. The DVD spine Features the most important aspects of the product; the film title, band logo and the DVD symbol to ensure that the audience know that the format is a DVD. This is done so that if the DVD is stacked alongside on a shelf for example, the audience can see exactly what the product is.

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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Page 1: This is us' analysis

Front Cover

One direction has made sure that their fans will know if they’ve purchased the authentic version

of their tour DVD, as the first aspect of the cover is a red banner, which reads ‘Original Theatrical

edition’. Therefore, the audience are promised that this is their DVD and not a pirated copy. The

front cover immediately stands out to the audience as the band’s logo is used in bold at the top

left-hand corner, just l ike in a magazine advert the logo instantaneously tell the audience who the

ad/product is for. For example, if this DVD is stacked against other different ones the logo will be

able to be seen from afar as it is at the top. AS well as the band name and DVD title ‘This is us’ go

alongside the logo.

The title ‘This is us’ is used to present the band as straightforward, inviting, and humble. The

statement directly tells the audience that exactly what is shown within this DVD is who they are

and so the audience are more likely to feel a connection to the band as they feel that they’re

getting honesty from them.

The DVD spine

Features the most important aspects of the product; the fi lm title, band logo and the DVD symbol

to ensure that the audience know that the format is a DVD. This is done so that if the DVD is

stacked alongside on a shelf for example, the audience can see exactly what the product is.

Page 2: This is us' analysis

The images beneath compliment the title as they consist of medium closeups of

individual members looking slightly away /towards the camera playfully and seductively.

This tells the audience that the band are attractive as it presents each member to be

fl irtatious and confident One of the images (1st column, second image) is a long shot of

the band on stage at the end of a concert waving out to the audience as confetti falls

down on them. This image stands out as it is the only one which shows of the band

collectively as a group. The audience are more likely to be drawn into this image than the

others as it shows the band collectively. The images are displayed in a gri d to add

structure to the overall appearance as the shots themselves are very random and without

the grid it would look unorganised.

The tagline is placed at the bottom further emphasising that the audience should

purchase the DVD as they’d get to ‘experience their l ives on the road’ meaning that the

audience would get to feel as though they too were part of a famous pop band. Next to

this is the production and distribution company ‘SONY pictures’ logo is displayed so that

the audience know who is behind the construction of the fi lm. Furthermore a ‘DVD video’

logo is used to i l lustrate that it cannot be purchased for Blu-ray players etc.

Back cover

At a first glance it would appear that the back cover has been split into three different





Page 3: This is us' analysis

The first section at the top features a quote from the popular

American broadcasting company ‘Fox’. The quote is effective as it

uses repetition (‘Fun!’) and uses the adjective ‘perfect’ to describe

the movie. Therefore the audience are more than likely to make a

purchase as a reputable media institution gives such praise to the


To the right as illustrated is the barcode. It is unusual for it to be

placed there as it is conventional to put it at the bottom right, as it is easier to scan upon purchase.

In the background a medium wide shot is used, with the band in

the foreground to illustrate them at the end of a performance on

tour. Their NVC (non-verbal communication) such as the looks to

one and other, the smiles on their faces and two of the band members hugging their bandmates provides a powerful image.

The image resembles solidarity as the band are together as a unit,

this subconsciously tells the audience that they can rely on the

band. Furthermore it directly addresses what the audience want to see- the band on tour.

Over the top of this the synopsis gives more detail about what else

can be seen within the movie. We’d expect the synopsis to be on

the back cover as at the front it would distract from the movie title

and wouldn’t be read as the front cover is there to provide brief

information on the film, as its likely to be glanced at. The use of

the colour white for the text contrasts well with the background as

well as it follows the same colour used for the quotation above.

This provides a structure to the back cover as having mismatching colours would look unprofessional.

In the second section, stills of the film give a sneak peek as to what

the audience is going to be buying. The stills have been presented

cleverly as the frames represent arrows referring back to the band

name ‘One direction’. The logo is used alongside the images to further emphasise this point.

The third section begins with some more information

as to what else is included with DVD. As well as it

encourages the audience to buy into the brand even

more so as more footage can be seen if the Blu-ray

disk is purchased. Right at the bottom various logos

for different media companies and institutions are

seen. For example the ‘SYCO’ logo represents the

fi lm’s production company and the ‘SONY’ logo is

used to i l lustrate the distribution company.

The age certificate is set to PG therefore virtually

everyone can view this fi lm but those under 12 must

have a parent/guardian with them. This will mean

that the fi lm can be seen by a much larger audience.

But more specifically, One Direction’s target

audience predominantly consist of very young-

teenage girls. So the age certificate gives the

youngest members the opportunity to see the fi lm.