this is the camera one


Upload: larafalzon

Post on 27-May-2017




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Page 1: This is the Camera One



Page 2: This is the Camera One

•I have learnt a lot since starting this course, including a preliminary task which involved our first experience of using a camera and editing a video to ensure it had continuity, which useful In helping us to create our final product; a thriller opening called split.

Page 3: This is the Camera One

To film each shot we used a Canon EOS 1100D.


Built in flash


Lens focus mode switch

Shutter button

Power button

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Af mode

Play backMenu White



Drive mode

Display modeQuick control

Erase button

Af point selection

Ae lock

Live view/movie record

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Camera techniques we learnt • Whilst using the camera we learnt many techniques like changing

the focus to deep or shallow . We done this order to manipulate what the audience sees and focuses on through each shot

• How we learnt :

By moving the outer lens on the camera, left to right, it changes the focus, either making it out of focus, shallow focus or deep focus

On the back of the camera, this button zooms in , in order for you to see your shot close up and make items the sharpest you can to get a bigger contrast between the sharp elements and the blurred.

An example of us using shallow focus : an example of deep focus :As you can see the back

ground is blurred and the dogs mouth is sharp this was to make the audience focus on the mouth and teeth to emphasises and highlight and sense of danger

As you can see on this one the drink is presented as blurry this was to make the juice appear like blood once again portraying a sense of danger

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Framing • Another aspect we learnt when filming was to take into consideration the framing to make sure all our shots were tight. This is important as it makes the shots look more tidy and makes the audience focus more on what is happening, not the mess in the background.

• How we learnt it: By moving this lens right or left you are able to zoom in and out , zooming in makes you shot tighter .

this shot expresses tight framing as it only has the hands within the shot , causing the audience to focus on this.

Tight framing

Bad framingThis is an expel of bad framing which needs to be improve. This is bad framing as, as you can see there is unneeded mess on the floor that was not as pose to be there drawing away tension from the girl making it less effective in making the audience feel sympathy for her

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tripodThis was the tripod we used:

This buckles extended the length of the legs in order for you to achieve high angle and low angle shots. This ensures you use a variety of shots for example this shot on the right of the victim, we extended the legs in order to create a extreme low angle to make her seem vulnerable and powerless

The spirit leveller on the tripod was used in order to ensure that all shots were even and straight to avoid any unwanted canted angles. To make sure all shots were straight the circle had to be in the middle.

This handle loosens the part that holds up the camera to ensure that this is tight prevents the camera shaking whilst filming however it can be loosened to use different shots for example the pan shot we used

This is the part that holds in the camera this ensured that the camera was secured tight and held it in place making sure it didn’t fall avoiding once again shakiness of shots.

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Software- final cut•On this website, we were able to put our film together by placing shots and cutting them so they fitted together with continuity, this is called continuity editing

•In order to do this we firstly organised are clips into bins. This made it easier for us to find the clips we wanted and also use a range of different settings within the house without get confused

•Next we were able to select the shots we wanted and choose which part of that clip we wanted by marking the in and out points, in order to do this by pressing I for in and o for out and dragging it down to the timeline

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After all the clips were put together on the time line so it flowed with continuity editing we were then able to use different tracks to sequence different clips and sound on top of it for example of this is when we placed the same clip on top of it on another track but delayed it abit in order to create a split effect

The tool bar was crucial within final cut in order for us to put our opening together it includes tools such as a cutting tool in order to trim clips. Also includes a en in order for us t create the mountains, which lowered or highered the volume of the music After this point we were able to add in the titles but add an effect to them to make it look like the se7en opening an give a eary effect. The main two we used on the sub title wras glow fade in and out. And on the main title we used a blink effect to give it a sense of importance.

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Adobe Photoshop We used adobe Photoshop in order to create ur title of split

To create this we used a punched out effect. This is where we screen grabbed one of our shot of the bacon , we choose this to make it look grotesque to the audience . And using it within the writing We found this incredibly difficult and took us many attempt's to get it right. We put it on a black background to make it stand out we also did this within Photoshop . We believe it looks very effective

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Web technologies • One of the websites I have a bigger ensite on since starting this

course is youtube as now not only am I a viewer but I regularly am a uploader ,

• As well as this I have used word press through out to blog every step that I have taken including research that I have taken to get to where I am not with my final product of my thriller opening split

• Lastly I have gone on websites like the BBfc to get an idea on how they rate certain films enabling me to rate my film a 15 based on aspects like content, tone and impact In order to get a accurate rating