this is how we learn and live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. morning duty...

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 1 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] • SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live! Week 6 Term 2 Week 8 20 June 6pm Kindergarten 2019 Information Session 22 June PSSA 2pm Assembly: 5L Disco – Year 1 5:30 - 6:30pm Year 2 6:30 - 7:30pm Week 9 26 June Stage 3 Spelling Bee 27 June Public Speaking Semi Finalists and Finalists presentation 9am 28 June 9.30am Kindergarten 2019 Information Session 29 June PSSA Assemblies: 11.30am Kindergarten KL 2.00pm Stage 1 1J/K Week 10 2 July Reports home 2-4 July Year 6 Camp to Canberra and the Snow 5 July Stage 2 Spelling Bee 6 July PSSA 2pm Assembly: 4RC Parliament - CRAZY HAIR FUNDRAISER – Cystic Fibrosis Calendar Dates

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Page 1: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 1 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Week 6

Term 2 Week 8 20 June 6pm Kindergarten 2019 Information Session 22 June PSSA

2pm Assembly: 5L Disco – Year 1 5:30 - 6:30pm Year 2 6:30 - 7:30pm

Week 9 26 June Stage 3 Spelling Bee 27 June Public Speaking Semi Finalists and Finalists presentation 9am 28 June 9.30am Kindergarten 2019 Information Session 29 June PSSA

Assemblies: 11.30am Kindergarten KL 2.00pm Stage 1 1J/K

Week 10 2 July Reports home 2-4 July Year 6 Camp to Canberra and the Snow 5 July Stage 2 Spelling Bee 6 July PSSA

2pm Assembly: 4RC Parliament - CRAZY HAIR FUNDRAISER – Cystic Fibrosis

Calendar Dates

Page 2: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 2 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT This term is moving along quickly. We have some very exciting events coming up. Years 3-6 Spelling Bees, Speeches from our Public Speaking finalists in Years 1-6, Year 6 are off to Canberra and the Snow, a crazy hair day fundraiser and finally our Semester 1 reports will be sent home. Restructure As our Stage 1 and 2 classes were beyond capacity, the NSW Department of Education has approved the formation of two additional classes; a 1/2 class taught by Mr Conroy and a 3/4 class taught by Mr Chan. These additional classes will mean that class sizes in these stages will reduce to 22 in Year 1, 24 in Year 2 and 28 in Years 3 and 4. Student learning will be enhanced due to having smaller class sizes across all classes. The process of forming these classes has been extremely thorough, with extensive teacher input. We have discussed each student's enrolment history across these stages and have ensured students have friendship groups in their new class. Change in staffing Last week, Mrs Hendricks informed the school she will be taking personal leave until the end of the year to persue other career options. Mr Michael Vincent will be teaching 6V for the remainder of 2018. Discussion around new school times for 2019 8.45am to 2.45am We can all agree that due to significant growth across Riverbank PS and The Ponds HS the combined school collection time of 3pm is becoming extremely hectic. Riverbank PS would like to commence a consultation period with the community, with regards to altering our school times to 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students who are dropped to school by their high school siblings. School would conclude at 2.45pm, allowing the primary students to exit before the high school students. Students who wait of an afternoon to be collected by their high school siblings will be supervised under the COLA until 3pm by a member of the school’s executive team. Please come along to the next P&C meeting on 22 August, as further discussions will occur regarding this proposal.

Page 3: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 3 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

New Building The plans for our new building of 15 classrooms are on display in our school foyer. The work is now due to commence in September and will be completed by the end of 2019. An alternate entrance to the school will be located on Wentworth Street near our basketball courts. Reports Semester 1 reports will go out to parents and carers on Monday 2 July. Year 6 reports will be sent home on Friday 29 June. Our parent-teacher interviews were held at the end of Term 1; however, parents may request a meeting with their child’s teacher in Term 3 following the written reports. School Information Have you changed your postal address, email address, phone numbers or work details? It is vital that we have correct student information. Please inform the school office if you need to update your information. School Invoices and payments Thank you for paying your Term 2 fees. This year we will not be able to take late payments for any excursions or events. Please remember to pay on time, as schools pay in advance for buses and venues prior to an event. It is important parents do not miss deadlines. ICAS Dates and Times: Paper Date Time English Tuesday 31 July 7:45am Maths Tuesday 14 August 7:45am School A to Z Our new families in particular may also be interested in accessing the useful information for parents and carers provided for 2018 here:

Page 4: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 4 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

RPS Public Speaking Riverbank Public School Public Speaking competition was held this term. All students from Years 1-6 presented a speech to their class. Two students from each class were chosen to compete in the semi-finals. The results for the 2018 Riverbank Public School Public Speaking Competition are: Semi finalists: Year 1 – Tamina, Anita, Sanjana, Divan, Shreya, Harper, Mariam , Amber, Ryshee, Zoeya, Heidi, Anthony and Daksh Year 2 – Veronika, Olympia, Sheani, Mahi, Hayden, Linda, Jett, Mehar, Rebecca, Krisha, Muffi, Jordan, Moksh and Shardae Year 3 – Dhanya, Sanchith, Jayden, Jhaanavi, Risha, Sophie, Kavya, Dylan, Kingston and Aditya Year 4 – Lily, Nethra, Agnes, Zoe, Karan, Lachlan, Suhanee, Taha and Acacia. Year 5 – Ria, Baljot, Cameron, Zuha, Aidan, Zayna, Mia and Lachlan Year 6 – Maya, Charlie, Zeynep, Dhyana, Marika, Charan, Shivalni and Juliana Finalists: Year 1 - Tamina, Anita, Sanjana, Shreya and Mariam Year 2 – Moksh, Mehar, Mahi and Naren Year 3 - Risha, Sophie, Kingston, Jayden, Kavya and Dhanya Year 4 – Nethra, Zoe, Agnes, Lachlan and Lily Year 5 – Cameron, Mia, Zuha and Baljot Year 6 – Marika, Maya, Zeynep and Dhyana Winners: Year 1 – Mariam Year 2 – Mahi Year 3 – Risha Year 4 – Nethra Year 5 – Cameron Year 6 – Dhyana Our Stage 1 winners will be representing the school at the Hills Public Speaking Competition. Our Stage 2 and 3 winners will be representing the school at the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition, as well as the Hills Public Speaking Competition.

Page 5: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 5 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Allergies Anaphylaxis is a potentially life threatening, severe allergic reaction which occurs after exposure to an allergen (usually to foods, insects or medicines), to which a person is already extremely sensitive. We have a number of students at Riverbank Public School with anaphylaxis and similar allergic conditions and our staff undertake face-to-face and online training in providing an emergency response to this condition. The parents of our anaphylactic and allergic students work hard to educate their children about the risks of sharing food, as do our teachers. As this is a potentially life-threatening condition, we ask that you please consider these students before sending high-risk products such as peanut butter, Nutella and seafood in school lunchboxes. Please talk to your child about the potential risks of sharing food and ask them to wash their hands after eating any nut-based or seafood products. Thank you for your understanding, our anaphylactic children and their families appreciate your support. Thank you The students from the support unit were fortunate to receive small gifts from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as part of their Eid Celebrations! A big thank you to Ms Mahnoor Khan and the lovely team of ladies for their generosity!

Have a lovely fortnight. Jeanie Brown Principal

Page 6: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 6 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

REPORT FROM OUR DEPUTY PRINCIPALS Crunch & Sip Classes at Riverbank PS participate in Crunch & Sip everyday. Please remember to pack a bottle of water and fruit or vegetables for your child to enjoy! Spelling Bee The Premier’s Spelling Bee was introduced in 2004 as a fun and educational way for primary school students to engage in spelling. The program includes activities to encourage all students to improve their vocabulary and spelling and to promote literacy skills in combination with the English K-6 Syllabus. Students in Years 3-6 this week have been participating in grade ‘spell-offs’. Based on results, three students will be selected to represent their grade in the stage final. Stage 3 will conduct their final on June 26 and Stage 2 will have their final on July 5. Two students from each stage will then go on to represent Riverbank at the regional finals in Term 3. Year 6 Camp Our Year 6 students are looking forward to heading to Canberra and the Snowy Mountains on July 2 – 4. They will be accompanied by all of the Year 6 teachers ad Mrs Baker. They will be visiting Parliament House, Questacon, the Snowy Mountains, The War Memorial and The National Electoral Education Centre. This trip is reinforcing concepts learnt in HSIE. Premier's Debating Challenge This year, Riverbank is participating in two separate competitions for debating: The Premier's Debating Challenge and The Hills Friendly Debating Competition. We meet once a week to discuss skills, ideas and appropriate presentation and delivery during our debates. Competing in The Premier's Debating Challenge we have a Year 5 team made up of Zainab, Krish, Emel and James. So far we have only competed in one out of four debates. This debate took place at Richmond Public School. Our Year 5's argued the status quo, that student's should be tested during their education. Unfortunately we lost the debate, but it was a great first debating experience for our Year 5 team. Our Year 6 team is made up of Yana, Zeynep, Michael and Karan. In their debate, our students had to argue the negative that 'well behaved children should receive shorter school times as a reward for their behaviour'. Our Year 6's remained strong on their arguments and we had a positive result for this debate.

Page 7: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 7 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Dhyana, Savio, Parirk and Marika make up our Hills Friendly Debating team. Their first debate is on Monday, where they will argue the topic that children should be paid to go to school. There are 2 rounds of debates taking place next week for Riverbank. On Monday, both our Year 5 and 6 teams will face Bligh Park PS and Schofields PS at school and travel to Richmond North PS and Kurmond PS. Goodluck to all our debaters! Students arriving late to school We understand that sometimes children need to arrive late to school due to specialist appointments, etc, however, no student is allowed to sign themselves in. Today we had over 30 children arrive after the 9am bell. To ensure their safe arrival at school, a parent must accompany them if they are arriving anytime after 9am. Should your child arrive unescorted after this time, you will be contacted and your child will remain in the school office until you return to sign them in. Please do not drop your child at the gate after this time. Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Our staff are in the process of preparing and collecting data to submit for the annual Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The information collected covers information about Australian school students who receive an adjustment to address a disability. Nationally consistent information on students in Australian schools receiving adjustments for disability enables schools, education authorities, and governments to better understand the needs of students with a disability and how they can be best supported at school. Safety around our School A ‘Kiss and Ride Zone’ or ‘Drop-off and Pick-up’ area utilises existing 'No Parking' zones around schools. In these areas, drivers may stop to drop off or pick up children, however, No Parking rules apply:

• Maximum stop time is 2 minutes • Driver must remain in or within 3 metres of the vehicle • Vehicle must not be left unattended.

Additional safety tips for school zones: • Always drop-off or pick-up your child from the designated area, following the school’s


Page 8: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 8 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

• Make sure children use the footpath-side door when getting in and out of a car • Make sure the hand brake is applied when the vehicle is stationary • Never double park • Never park across a pedestrian crossing • Never undertake a U-turn in close proximity to the school.

Safety Tips for Students • Stay buckled up until the vehicle has stopped in the ‘Drop-off and Pick-up’ area • Make sure your school bag and other items are in a safe position, e.g. on the floor • Be ready to get out of the car with your belongings when the car has stopped and you have

unbuckled your seatbelt • Always get in and out of the backseat of the vehicle through the safety door - the rear

footpath-side door Mrs Baker, Mr Rimmer and Mrs Sereni

Flu Season – staying healthy

Flu season is unfortunately upon us and there is much the school is doing to keep our children healthy. We ask for your support also in reinforcing key hygiene messages at home. You might like also to consult your own doctor about whether flu vaccination is recommended for your child. Some things the school is doing in this area include: Hand sanitiser pumps are installed in every classroom Deodorisers will be installed in toilet blocks Classroom hygiene routines re-established and teachers communicating with students

about key hygiene messages (e.g. hand washing/sanitising before and after eating; hand washing/sanitising before and after play; remembering to sneeze into one’s elbow)

Posters reinforcing hand-washing best practice and other hygiene messaging will be installed in each toilet block.

Page 9: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 9 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices form the relational basis for Quality Teaching and Learning at Riverbank Public School. Our Restorative Practice Framework, because of its explicit nature, offers a common language and practice capable of fostering healthy relationships. Student achievement is enhanced through Restorative values being embedded as a way of being and learning together. Our approach fosters individual responsibility and helps develop empathy. Inappropriate behaviour or choices and mistakes can be viewed as an opportunity for insight, learning and development in both the academic and social domains. The explicit framework is inextricably linked to the Quality Teaching Framework and includes the following sets of questions to be asked by children, teachers and parents. When Things Go Wrong…..When Someone Has Been Hurt • What happened? • What were you thinking of at the time? • What have you thought about since? • Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way? • What do you think you may do to make things right? • What did you think when you realised what happened? • What impact has this incident had on you and others? • What has been the hardest thing for you? • What do you think needs to happen to make things right?

The process is empowering as it takes students from the past to the present and gives them hope for the future. It empowers them to make things right and heal any harm that has been done. A restorative classroom setting is one that values dialogue through an inclusive approach where everyone expects to be heard and through this participatory process, students develop the capacity to learn that emotions are an important and legitimate expression of healthy dialogue. This process helps students to deal with conflict, tensions and difference in respectful ways that engender trust and foster healthy relationships.

Page 10: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 10 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

School Motto The school’s motto, ‘Learning to Live, Living to Learn’, reinforces a broad and enriching curriculum, which not only focuses on the development of literacy and numeracy skills but also on the social and emotional wellbeing of the students whilst respecting a culturally diverse community. Riverbank Public School Code of Behaviour • We share the voice space by listening actively to others and expressing ourselves confidently. • We follow instructions by being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. • We use build-ups by saying encouraging, affirming things to others. • We keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves so that everyone is safe. • We own our own behaviour because we choose how we behave. Our Help Increase the Peace (HIP) Keys – School Rules: Our school values will incorporate the ‘Help Increase the Peace Keys’ to promote a harmonious, nurturing and challenging living and learning environment.

The HIP program offers a whole school approach to building relationships through communication, co-operation, trust building and conflict resolution.

YELLOW KEY Care for Others GREEN KEY Think Before Reacting BLUE KEY Respect Yourself RED KEY Work Together for a Non Violent Way BLACK KEY Expect the Best

Page 11: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 11 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 6 3-6 Merit Awards recipients Class Class

3B – Shayan, Noah, Khushdeep

4W – Zander, Sarayu, Natalie

3E – Mihir, Samuel, Gursimran

5B – Bailey, Harlan, Jayda

3J – Kirrilee, Danaisha, Jhaanavi 5C – Hamza, Haniel, Jayme

3K – Lian, Yuvraj, Priyanshi 5L – Tiara, Hadia, Nathan

3M – Orlando, Bella, Ayaan 5R – Dirok, Aanya, Raghav

3/4T – Alyssa, Guilermo, Agam 6H – Zaid, Tzara, Michael

4B – Kaiden, Nawaf, Karan 6L – Yanee, Sravya, Shaun

4D – Maania, Natalie, Henrick

6M – Ky, Jack, Marika

4RC – Sahaj, Hannan, Aryan

6N – Aryan, Damon, James

1-4S - Nicholas 2-6M - Michael

Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 7 K- 2 Merit Awards recipients Class Class KCH – Mahiya, Simon 1F – Simone, Danishbir

KG – Heidi, Aaron 1H – Jiyu, Arav

KH – Ainsley, Xavier 1JK – Addison, Heidi

KJ – Sihath, Aarav 1K – Divan, Summer

KL – Sahib, Minahil 1S – Anisa, Agam

KM – Maxwell, Milla 2B – Norhan, Gauri

KR – Ranvir, Ciara 2D – Vihaan, Mahi

KS – Rithika, Yohaan 2F – Sanvi, Alex

KTM – Rose, Zachary 2K – Caitlyn, Mahi

KW – Jai, Ifza 2M – Yazhini, Hil Ting

1/2B – Yash, Hemali 2MD – Aarav, Mehar

1/2G – Anaya, Pratyush 1-3G - Jarvis

1/2WM – Bria, Kenzo

Page 12: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 12 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Stage 1 - Elizabeth Farm Excursion Stage 1 recently went on an excursion to Elizabeth Farm. The excursion was planned to support our history unit The Past in the Present. At Elizabeth Farm, students learnt about how people lived 200 years ago - how people cooked, cleaned, and entertained themselves without electricity. The students were amazed to see the old drawing rooms and kitchens which helped them to better understand what we have been learning in class. They had the opportunity to play games from the past including quoits, skittles and hula-hoops. Students even tried their hand at using a feather and ink to write with, however, we all agreed a pencil was a much better option.

Students demonstrated exceptional behaviour and represented our school with pride.

Thank you to the parent helpers and teachers who attended on the day.

Page 13: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 13 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

RPS Sport Update PSSA Week 6 Round 5 Soccer - Boys Riverbank PS vs John Palmer PS Juniors Lost 0-3 Team Player – Dhruv Best and Fairest – Sahil Seniors Lost 0-2 Team Player – Jagan Best and Fairest – Shaun Two tough games for the soccer boys against John Palmer who played better on the day. Juniors were outclassed by a well formed team. They tried their best and didn’t give up until the final whistle. Everyone played well and had fun. Seniors game was a lot closer than the final score. We had a few close chances which unfortunately didn’t find their way into the back of the net. John Palmer then managed to get a lucky goal away. They then added to their lead in the second half. Well done boys, you all put in an amazing effort. Keep it up!

Soccer - Girls Riverbank PS vs Kellyville Ridge PS Juniors Lost 0-3 Team Player – Emily Best and Fairest – Sufia Seniors Lost 0-2 Team Player – Charlie Best and Fairest – Lily The girls of Riverbank were against Kellyville Ridge Public School this week, and both teams showed grit and energy. Our Juniors were working with only 10 players, but even though this was the case, they showed what true teamwork meant in this tough match. The girls of Kellyville Ridge triumphed with a 3-0 victory, but this truly gave the girls of Riverbank a good training opportunity. Our Seniors showed immense improvement and determination as they improved the goal opportunities this week with 16 minutes of the 30 on the opponent’s side of the field, unfortunately we were unable to capitalise on the opportunities at hand. In the end Kellyville Ridge came away with a 2-0 victory, as our girls showed true improvement and consistent perseverance in such a tough match. Well done girls of Riverbank and Kellyville Ridge!

Page 14: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 14 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Newcombe Ball Riverbank PS vs Ironbark Ridge PS Girls Lost Team Player – Brianna Best and Fairest – Areebah Boys Lost Team Player – Ashbi Best and Fairest – Marvin What another great game by both our boys and girls Newcombe ball teams! This week, we faced one of the hardest teams in this Newcombe ball season, Ironbark Ridge Public School. Our players played very intense sets, but unfortunately, Ironbark Ridge took the win. Rugby League Forfeit Due to a forfeit, the Junior and Senior teams combined to play a friendly match. It was great to see all players having fun and enjoying themselves as they worked on their tackling techniques and set plays. Netball Riverbank PS vs Quakers Hill East PS Juniors Lost 1-12 Team Player – Dhwani Best and Fairest – Jiya Seniors Lost 4-12 Team Player – Chanel Best and Fairest – Chaahat What a fantastic round this week! Our juniors really went on the defensive and stopped some very clever plays. Our seniors pushed forward in attack and produced some hard earned goals! Our skill focus for the week was creating space on the court and our players certainly incorporated this into our games this week. Let’s go Riverbank! Week 7 Round 6 Newcombe Ball Riverbank PS vs Oakville PS Girls Won Team Player – Kathleen Best and Fairest – Aarna Boys Won Team Player – Jogesh Best and Fairest – Levi Another fantastic week to play some Newcombe ball! This week we versed Oakville Public School. The girls team played so well this week, and celebrated another win! Unfortunately, the boys from the other team were not letting any ball touch the ground. Our boys gave it their best shot, but were not able to win this time. We’ve improved so much over the past few weeks, and cannot wait to learn even more!

Page 15: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 15 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Soccer - Boys Riverbank PS vs Quakers Hill East PS Juniors Lost 0-1 Team Player – Koby Best and Fairest – Adon Seniors Draw 0-0 Team Player – Pranay Best and Fairest – James Both teams performed their best so far. They were close matches that went from one end to the other. Juniors had a few opportunities that sadly missed the goal. Quakers Hill East managed to capitalise on their opportunity that they had. Unfortunately the Juniors couldn’t quite muster the strength to score a goal. Seniors played excellent soccer. It was a game of superb defending from both teams and some superstar goalkeeping on our behalf. Jagan definitely kept the boys in the game as goalkeeper. Great effort boys.

Soccer - Girls Riverbank PS vs John Palmer PS Juniors Lost 0-2 Team Player – Carrington Best and Fairest – Madeline Seniors Lost 0-1 Team Player – Keira Best and Fairest – Julianna The Riverbank Girls soccer team played a very competitive and friendly match against John Palmer this week, as each team showed some of their immense talent and continued growth in their weekly games. The Juniors put up an amazing defense and showed our Riverbank Public School spirit, with a hold on the defense for the first half of the match. They finished the match with a 2-0 loss, but the team showed terrific strategy and never gave up, even until the last second of the match. The Seniors went up against a fierce and evenly matched team, with both sides pushing onto the offense and defense, while switching over to each side every couple of minutes. In the end, the girls came off with a 1-0 loss, but the girls showed amazing teamwork and true sportsmanship. These girls will only become stronger and better! Both teams did a fantastic job! Well done girls!

Page 16: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 16 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Rugby League Riverbank PS vs Ironbark Ridge PS Juniors Lost Team Player – Tyrell Best and Fairest – Seth Seniors Lost Team Player – Kael Best and Fairest – Paratea Great to see both teams playing with a good level of discipline and trying to improve our structure. We are passing the ball well and supporting each other in defense. Keep it up Riverbank! Netball Riverbank PS vs Riverstone PS Juniors Won 3-1 Team Player – Nishmitha Best and Fairest – Summer Seniors Lost 1-8 Team Player – Georgia Best and Fairest – Jorja-Lily WOW! What a result this week. Congratulations to the Junior Netball team with a win 3-1 against Riverstone. The girls have shown real development in their teamwork. One skill we have been working on this week is getting in front of their player. This was evident on the court on Friday. Well done to all our players! Sydney West Cross Country Congratulations to Sophie W and Carrington S for representing Riverbank and our Ridges Zone at the Sydney West Cross Country Carnival last week. Both girls ran with determination and made improvements on their personal bests. Sophie was part of the 12/13 Girls Ridges team, which placed 2nd overall in the event. Athletics Carnival Notes for Riverbank’s Primary Athletics Carnival have been handed out this week. Students have been busy practising their track and field events during Fitness lessons this term. Please make sure the note and payment is returned by 29 June. The carnival will take place Thursday Week 1, Term 3. Stage 3 Basketball Year 5 and 6 classes will be participating in a ‘Have A Go’ basketball skills program run by the Hills Basketball Association on Friday 6 July. Nathan Lee Sports Organiser

Page 17: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 17 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Page 18: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Learning to Live, Living to Learn Page | 18 25 Wentworth St The Ponds 2769 • 61 2 9626 7511• [email protected] •

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • 20 June 2018 • TERM 2 WEEK 8 This is how we Learn and Live!

Page 19: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

LIBRARY NEWSLETTER T2W4/2018 Off the Shelf

Katie Whelan ~ Jennifer Kennedy ~ Jessica Meakins


What’s New?

Premier’s Reading Challenge Since our last newsletter, these students have completed the K-2, 3-4 and 5-6 Challenges:

Tanisa C. Tamina C. Shreya N. Dehara D. Deakin S.

Aaron A. Indiana C. Ganya G. Dhanya P. Shubh P. Aum S.

Anna S. Akshara S. Faiz A. Shua G. Mitali G. Makenze K.

Nishmitha K. Kavya P. Rutuj R. Natalie W. Agam B. Fatiha H.

Cameron M. Haniel P. Chaahat S. Lachlan S. Maya B. Manavjot S.


OVERDUE BOOKS Unfortunately, over 600 books that are currently listed as overdue. PLEASE help us to ensure that all students have equitable access to our books by returning books once you are finished with them. If they are lost or damaged, please contact the school office or library to arrange for the replacement cost to be paid. Thank you. BOOK CLUB

ISSUE 4 orders have now closed. They will be distributed to students as soon as they arrive from Scholastic. Please remember that ALL Book Club purchases must be made through the LOOP system or online payment system. Download the LOOP app to your phone via your App Store.


Great readers make awesome leaders!

Page 20: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

LIBRARY NEWSLETTER T1W8/2018 Off the Shelf

Katie Whelan ~ Jennifer Kennedy ~ Jessica Meakins



Page 21: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students

Year 3 & 4 students will be learning to play recorder as part of their

semester 2 music program.

All Stage 2 students will need their own

recorder ready to begin lessons in

Week 1 of Term 3.

Please ensure recorder is clearly labelled with

child’s name and class.

Yamaha's 20 Series recorders are designed to provide a perfect start to

anyone's musical education. They offer an ideal amount of air resistance

for easy control and feature an accuracy of intonation you would

expect on more expensive models. Though other plastic recorders may

have a similar appearance, Yamaha ABS recorders are truly superior

instruments. The 20 series, easy to play throughout their ranges, are

primarily intended for beginners.

Recorders can be purchased:

online via our school website

with cash at our school office for $10

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Alternatively - children may bring their own.

Page 22: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students


Page 23: This is how we Learn and Live! › content › dam › ... · 8.45am until 2.45pm. Morning duty would start at 8.15am to 8.45am, to allow for the supervision of over 100 students


“SCHOOL OF LIFE” New School in The Ponds

Days: Thursday Time: Between 4pm - 6pm.

Ages: 3 to 7 for our ATA Tigers, 8 to adult for Action Taekwondo

Where: The Lakeview Centre, Spearmint Ave and Camomile St, The Ponds


SAVE $150 with our school term or monthly program for a limited time. Book your FREE trial NOW! Space is Limited!

Call: 0417 010 990 (Mr Abbott) Email: [email protected]

Website: Facebook: ATA Sydney – The Ponds