this is herr weidenfelder


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Post on 16-Mar-2016




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This is my portfolio. Enjoy!


THIS ISHerr weidenfelder

× What does he offer?

Illustrations, corporate identity, posters, photography...

× Who‘s he?

Born 1981 in Hermannstadt, Romania. Study of graphic-design / visual communication at the academy of fine arts in Nuremberg, Germany. Freelancer for design, illustration and photography.

frank weidenfelderdipl. graphic-designer

web www.herrweidenfelder.demail [email protected] +49 (0) 160 144 89 29

× That‘s me.

8 questions, 16 answers.

Where do I come from?

THe OrGaniSMillustration

»Wo Hund und Kind Palukes würgen, ist meine Heimat: Siebenbürgen.«

The transylvanian / romanian corn-pulp „Palukes“ is a popular dish. In bad times mixed with less water, in good times Mama added some salty cheese or served it with fresh milk for us child-ren.

Where do I come from?

wO HUnd Und kind PalUkeS wÜ, design, photography

The saying on the left means:Where dog and child choke Palukes, there‘s my home, Transylvania.

Where is my world going?

renTOnReal World Plush, toys for adults

Where is my world going?

HaVe a nice dayillustration

What do I do?

in THe Media-dJUnGleillustration for Tendenz magazine

What do I do?

See MOrephotography

What makes me unique?


What makes me unique?


Jahresausstellung19. 07. bis 23. 07.  2006 Eröffnung: Mittwoch 19. 07. 2006 um 19 uhr

Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nürnberg, Bingstr. 60, 90480 Nürnberg; Information: Tel. 0911/94040 oder

Vergabe des Akademiepreises, des DAAD-Stipendiums und des Reisestipendiums der IHK-KulturstiftungÖffnungszeiten: Do-Fr 8. 00 - 18.00, Sa-So 9.00 - 18.00

SoMMErfESt: 22. 07. 2006 um 18 uhr

Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg

What is my community?

annUal eXHiBiTiOn 2006Poster, Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg

What is my community?

TOGeTHer illustration

What am I like?

THiS iS lUcky lOVeillustration


What am I like?

cOlOUr SOUnd & SHaPeillustration

How do I appear?

arranGeMenTinstallation, illustration

How do I appear?

THe fUTUre iS illUSTraTedillustration, ADC Gipfel der Kreativität 2008

What do I fight for?


What do I fight for?

cHanGe Of Scenesculpture, acrylic paint on buzzard

web www.herrweidenfelder.demail [email protected] 0160 144 89 29

× design× illustration× photography

frank weidenfelderdipl. graphic-designer