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This dissertation has been - microfilmed exactly as received 67... 13,687 ACHEE, Frances Maunaalani, 1936- THE ASSOCIATION-DISSOCIATION AND SOME PHYSICAL- CHEMICAL STUDIES OF PLASMA AMINE OXIDASE. University of Hawaii, Ph.D., 1966 Chemistry, biological University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan

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University of Hawaii, Ph.D., 1966Chemistry, biological

University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan










Frances Maunaalani Achee

Thesis Committee:

Dr. Kerry T. Yasunobu, ChairmanDr. Theodore WinnickDr. Leslie BergerDr. Howard F. MowerDr. John B. Hall


To the National Defense Education Act

Fellowship for Support, 1960 to 1963.



LI ST OF TABLES ••••• e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................. viii

ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... x

ABSTRACT ......................................................... xi

I NTRODUCT ION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

A. Historical Background ................................... 1



Enzyme Structure and Catalytic Activity •••••••••••••••••

Statement of the Problem




A. Materials • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e _ 5

1. Materials and Reayents Obtained Commercially •••••••• 5

Materials Obtained by Preparative Methods


.,.....Materials Obtained as Gifts ......................... 5


B. Methods . . 6

o •••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••1.


Preparation of Resins

Preparation of Plasma Amine Oxidase .................6


3. Method of Assay. The Measurement of Enzymic Ac-

•••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••• $ .



Ultracentrifuge Studies . .7





Sedimentation Velocity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Sedimentation Equilibrium •••••••••••••••••••••••





d. Molecular Weight by Combined Sedimentation and

Diffusion •..•.••••.••••••.•••••••.•••••••••.• 12

5. Estimation of Molecular Weight by Sephadex Gel

Filtration •••••.• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



6. Determination of -SH Groups •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13

7. Carboxymethylation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14

8. Determination of Cysteic Acid •••••••••••••••••••••••• 14

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16

A. Dissociation Studies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16

1. Effect of pH Changes on PAO Structure •••••••••••••••• 16

2. Succinylation of PAO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16

3. Effect of Detergent and Denaturing Agents on PAO ••••• 20

a. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20

b. Urea ............................................. 27

i. Effect of Urea on PAO Activity •••••••••••••• 27

ii. Effect on PAC Sedimentation ••••••••••••••••• 27

c. Guanidine-Hydrochloride •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27

i. Effect on PAO Activity •••••••••••••••••••••• 27

on PAO •••••••••••••••••••••

Effect on PAO SedLmentation




Effect of Mercaptoethanol

Discussion of the Results

•••• 0 ce " ••••••••••

. .




B. Sulfhydryl Groups and Disulfide Bonds of PAO ••••••••••••• 43

1. Sulfhydryl Groups by CMB Titration ••••••••••••••••••• 43

2. Total Cysteine and Cystine Content ••••••••••••••••••• 45

3. Discussion ••••••.••.••••••••••••.•.•••.•••••••••••••• 45

C. Molecular Weight Studies ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 49

1. Molecular Weight Determination of Reduced PAO •••••••• 49


a. Sedimentation-Diffusion ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 49

1- Measurement and Calculation of 0 49s20,VJ ·.....ii. Measurement and Calculation of D~O,W ·..... 52

iii. Calculation of MO(s/D} .................... 52

b. Sed~entation Equilibrium ••••••••••••••••••••••• 52

2. Molecular Weight Determination of PAO in 6 MGu-HC1. 58

a. Sed~entation-Diffusi6n••••••••••••••••••••••••• 58

i. Measurement and Calculation of 0 58s2O,W ·.....ii. Measurement and Calculation of Dgo,w ·..... 58

iii. Calculation of ~(s/D) •••••••••••••••• 't ••• 61

b. Sedimentation Equilibrium ••••••••••••••••••••••• 61

3. Molecular Weight Determination of the Native Enzyme. 61

a. Estimation of Molecular Weight by Sephadex Gel

Filtration ................................... 61

b. Sedimentation Equilibrium ••••••••••••••••••••••• 66

4. Discussion •••.••.........•...••.•.•.•.. 0 •••••••••••• 66

D. Association Studies •.•••...••.•..• c ••••••••••••••••••••• 75

1. The Effect of Storage on PAO Activity............... 75

2. The Effect of Storage on the Association of PAO ••••• 76

3. Discussion of the Results ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 81

5UM.MARY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 84

BIBLIOGRAPHY •.••.•• Q ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••• 88



I. Summary of Effect of Acidic and Basic Solutions on the

Sedimentation Coefficient of PAO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17

II. Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Sedimentation

of PAD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22

III. Effect of Guanidine-Hydrochloride on the Sed~entation

of PAO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 36

IV. Sedimentation Coefficients of Reduced Plasma Amine





Oxidase ..•••.•......•••..•..••.•.....•..•.••••••.••.•..

Diffusion Coefficients of Reduced Plasma Amine Oxidase

Sedimentation Coefficients of Denatured Plasma Amine

Oxidase ••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ ••••••••••••••••••••••

Diffusion Coefficients of Denatured Plasaa Amine Oxidase

Relationship between Molecular Weights and Elution

Volume in Gel Filtration on Sephadex G-200 •••••••••••••

Decrease of PAO Activity upon Storage •••••••••••••••••••••









l. Effect of Acid Solutions on the Sedliaentation of PAO ••••••••• 18

2. Effect of Basic Solutions on the Sedimentation of PAO •••••••• 19

3. Effect of Succinylation on the Sedimentation of PAD •••••••••• 21

4. Sedimentation Pattern of PAO in Presence of 0.001 MSDS •••••• 23

5. Sedimentation Pattern of PAO in Presence of 0.0025 MSDS ••••• 24

6. Sedimentation Pattern of PAO in Presence of 0.005 MSDS ...... 25

7. Sedimentation Pattern of PAD in Presence of 0.010 MSDS ...... 26

8. Effect of Urea on PAO Activity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 28

9. Effect of Guanidine-Hydrochloride on PAO Activity •••••••••••• 30

10. Sedimentation of PAO in 2 MGu-HCl ·.......................... 31

11. Sedimentation of PAD in 3 MGu-HCl ·.......................... 32

12. Sedimentation of PAD in 4 MGu-HCl • •••• G ••••••••••••••••••••• 33

13. Sedimentation of PAD in 6 MGu-HCl ·.......................... 34

14. Sedimentation of PAD in 6 MGu-HCl ~ 0.1 MMercaptoethano1 ••• 35

15. Sedimentation of PAO in 0.1 MMercaptoethano1, pH 7.0 •••••••• 38

16. Reaction of PAO with CMB at pH 7.0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44

17. Reaction of PAO with CMS in 5 MGu-HCl at pH 7.0 ••••••••••••• 46

18. Reaction of PAO with CMS at pH 4.6 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 47

19. Sedimentation Coefficients of Reduced Plasma Amine Oxidase

as a Function of Protein Concentration •••••••••••••••••• 51

20. Diffusion of Reduced Plasma Amine Oxidase in 6 MGu-HCl +

0.1 MMercaptoethanol •••••• ~............................ 53

21. Diffusion Coefficients of Reduced PAO 8S a Function of

Protein Concentration ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 55


22. Sedimentation Equilibrium of PAO Studied in

6 MGu-HCl + 0.1 MMercaptoethanol ••••••••••••••••••••• 56

23. Plot of Sed~entation Equilibrium Data on

Reduced Plasma Amine Oxidase ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57

24. Sed~entation Coefficients of Denatured PAO as a

Function of Protein Concentration •••••••••••••••••••••• 60

25. Diffusion Coefficients of Denatured PAO as 8

Function of Protein Concentration •••••••••••••••••••••• 62

26. Molecular Weight of PAO in 6 MGu-HCl by Sedimentation

Equilibrium •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 63

27. Chromatography of Proteins on Sephadex G-200 •••••••••••••••• 64

28. Determination of the Molecular Weight of Plasma Amine

Oxidase by Gel Filtration •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67

29. Equilibrium Sedimentation of Plasma Amine Oxidase ••••••••••• 68

30. Example of a Typical Sedimentation Velocity Pattern of

Purified Plasma Amine Oxidase •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 74

31. Decrease of PAO Activity upon Storage ••••••••••••••••••••••• 78

32. Association of PAO upon Storage (I) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79

33. Association of PAD upon Storage (II) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 80

















para-Chlorcmercuribenzoic ~cid


Diffusion coefficient

Diffusion coefficient in water at200 , e~trapolated to zeroconcentration



Molar concentration


Normal concentration

Plasma amine oxidase

Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Sulfhydryl group

Sedimentation coefficient

Svedberg unit of sedimentationcoefficient (10-13 sec.)

Sedimentation coefficient in water200 C, extrapolated to zeroconcentration






Beef plasma amine oxidase has been isolated and crystallized by

Yamada and Yasunobu (J. BioI. Chem., ~ 1511, 1962). The high molec­

ular weight reported for the enzyme and other preliminary studies (Gee,

Master's Thesis, U. of Hawaii, 1963) indicated that the enzyme might be

composed of subunits. An investigation was made of the 3ssociation­

dissociation properties of plasma amine oxidase.

The usual methods employed to break down non-covalent linkages in

proteins, such as raising or lowering the pH, detergent treatment, suc­

cinylation, and urea denaturation, proved to be unsuccessful in dissoci­

ating the enzyme as revealed by ultracentrifugal analysis of the treated

protein. Dissociation was achieved only in 6 Mguanidine-hydrochloride

in the presence of ~ reducing agent.

Determination of SUlfhydryl groups and the total cystine and cys­

teine content of the enzyme revealed that there are two free thiol

groups and nine disulfide bonds present in the molecule. The number of

-S-S- bridges gave support to the hypothesis that the polypeptide chains

of PAO are covalently bonded.

A re-evaluation of the molecular weight of the native enzyme led

to the realization that PAO is a chemically interacting system and ex­

ists in solution as monomeric species 1n rapid equilibrium with higher

polymers. The techniques of sedimentation equilibrium and Sephadex

gel filtration gave a molecular weight of 170,000 for native PAD. The

high melecular weight of 261,000 previously reported (Yamada ~ si.,


Biochim. Biophys. Acta, §l, 165, 1964) was explained as probably being

an average of the monomer and higher polymers.

Molecular weight determinations of the reduced enzyme in 6 M guani­

dine-hydrochloride by sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation­

diffusion methods yielded values of 86,600 and 87,000, respectively.

The data suggested that plasma amine oxidase is composed of two poly­

peptide chains which are covalently linked by disulfide bonds.

The enzyme was found to undergo a loss of activity upon standing

at low temperatures which was characterized by the presence of faster

moving components along with the original component in the ultracentri­

fuge. The sedimentation coefficients of these components were indica­

tive of the presence of monomers, dimers, and trimers. This associ­

ation phenomenon appeared to be a mass action effect. A 1% enzyme

solution in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0 gave rise to the presence

of more polymer and greater loss of activity than did a 0.5% solution

prepared and kept under identical conditions.


A. Historical Backgrgund

The amine oxidase of beef plasma is one of the classes of enzymes

which catalyze the oxidation of certain monoamines according to the fol­

lowing equationz

R-C~-NH2 + 02 ;- ~O ~ RCHO + NH3 + ~02.

The first mention of the enzyme known as amine oxidase (or mono­

amine oxidase) was in 1928 when Hare (1928) described the oxidative de­

amination of tyramine by liver tissue. Subsequently, it was discovered

that the enzyme is widely distributed in animals. The early history on

this subject has been fUlly reviewed (Zeller, 1951; Blaschko, 1953).

Amine oxidases were found to be present not only in animal tissues,

but also in animal sera and in plants and bacteria. Although the gen­

eral reaction catalyzed was the same as for the typical amine oxidase

first described, differences among the enzymes from the different

sources were soon apparent. Blaschko (1963) has found it convenient to

distinquish between the "classical" amine oxidase (found only in ani­

mals) and other amine oxidases on the basis of their distinctive in­

hibitor specificity and their substrate specificity. Thus, beef plasma

amine oxidase may be considered as a non-classical amine oxidase by

virtue of its inhibition by carbonyl reagents and its inability to act

on N-substituted amines.

There has been a revived interest in the metabolism of amines in

recent years due to the possible relationship between amines and var­

ious diseased states (Davison, 1958; Belleau, 1960). From this in­

terest, there arose a certain impetus for obtaining amine oxidase in


a more purified state than had been previously acquired, in order that

more detailed studies could be carried out. Tabor, Tabor, and Rosenthal

(1954) described a soluble amine oxidase four~ in beef plas~a which was

purified approximately 150-200 fold. Yamada (Yamada and Yasunobu,

1962a) in our laboratory was able to modify and extend the purification

scheme to obtain a crystalline enzyme preparation which was essentially

homogeneous. The enzyme was found to be a copper and pyridoxal-phos­

phate-containing protein (Yamada and Yasunobu, 1962b, 1963) with a

molecular weight reported to be about 261,000 and an s20,W value of

9.23 S (Yamada ~ !l., 1964).

B. Enzyme StruGtYre and Catalytic Activity

Enzymes function by catalyzing the chemical reactions that are es-

sential to life, and biochemists seek to understand this phenomenon by

studying the various factors underlying the mechanism of enzyme action.

A primary approach to this problem is the study of enzyme structure.

In general, an enzyme may be pictured as a protein containing a special

structural feature, the active center, with scmetimes an additional

prosthetic group attached (Dixon and Webb, 1958). The problem of en-

zyme structure, therefore, encompasses first, the structure of the

proteins the size or molecular weight of the moleCUle, the primary,

secondary, tertiary and quarternary structures; second, the nature of

the active centers the number of active sites per molecule, the chem-

ical nature of the substrate-binding and activating groups in the

active center; and third, the nature of the prosthetic group and the

mode of its attacn.ent.


The determination of the molecular weight of a protein as an index

of molecular size is taken to be a fairly routine procedure now with

the many advances in the techniques for its measurement (Alexander and

Block, 1961; Tanford, 1962; Haurowitz, 1963). More recently, there has

been much interest in the association and dissociation of proteins.

Many proteins have now been shown to be isolated as stable assemblies

of structural subunits (Reithel, 1963) and it is generally felt that

those preteins whose preparative molecular weights are over 50,000 ­

100,000 may be expected to reveal such structure (Kendrew, 1959;

Reithel, 11 li., 1964). Dissociation of these stable assemblies most

often lead to loss of biological activity, but active subunits have

been obtained with molecular weights less than the preparative molecu­

lar weights (Metzenberg, 1964; Klee, 1962).

c. statement of the Prpble.

It was the ebjective of this research to study sOle of the struc­

tural features of plasma amine oxidase as a step towards learning a­

bout its mechanism of action. The study centered mainly on an investi­

gation of the association-dissociation of the molecule. The work of

Yamada l1 il., (1964) has indicated that PAO is of a relatively large

molecular size and would, therefore, fall in the category of being made

up of more than one polypeptide chain. A preliminary investigation by

Gee (1963) on the effect ef denaturing agents on PAO indicated this

also. In view of these findings, it was hoped that the use of dis­

ruptive agents would lead to a simple breakdown of the lIo1ecule as in

the cases of other large proteins such as aldolase (molecular weight

150,000) which was shown to be readily dissociated into three subunits


by lo~ring the pH to pH 2 (Deal ~Al., 1963a; Stellwagen and Schachmnn,

1962) or lactic dehydrogenase (molecular weight 134,000) which is dis­

sociated into four inactive subunits by treatment with guanidine hydro­

chloride (Appella and Markert, 1961). From prel~inary investigations

on the dissociation of the molecule it so~n became apparent that plasma

amine oxidase is not easily dissociated. A further coaplicltion arose

when it was realized that the -native- molecular weight is not as large

as was previously reported, and the enzyme may be a case of an inter­

acting system.

Throughout this study, it was borne in mind that a primary in­

terest in enzyme structure is how it relates to enzyme activity and,

therefore, activity measure.ents were carried out as an integral part

.f the assGciation-dissociatien studies.



Ao Materials

1. Materials and Reagents Obtained frOlB Gq=ercial Sources

tl. Carl Schleicher & SChuell «0.. New Hampshire

DEAE-Gellulose, Type 20

b. Eastman ara,nic CheRiclis. New York


Guanidine Hydrochloride


c. Mann Research Laboratories. Inc •• New York

Iodoacetic Acid (Lot B 2478)

d. Nutritional Biochemical Corppr§tion, Ohio

Bovine Serum Albumin (2x Crystalline)

p-Chloromercuribenzoate (Sc~ium Salt)

e. pentex, Incorporated. Illinois

Bovine eY-Globulin (Fraction II; Lot 12)

f. Pharmlcia Fioe Chemicals, Inc •• New Jersey

Blue Dextran 2000

Sephadex G-200 (Lot TO 3380)

2. Materials Obtained as Gifts

a. Steer beef blood was kindly supplied by the Hawaii Meat

Company, HonolUlu, Hawaii.

b. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (Duponol C) was generously supplied

by E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington,



c. Crystalline beef heart cytochrome £ was prepared by

Rodney Chu.

3. Materials Obtained by Preoarative Methods

Plasma amine oxidase ~as prepared from steer beef blood es­

sentially as described by Yamada and Yasunobu (1962a) with

slight modifications.

B. Methods

1. Preparation of Resins

a. DEAE-cellulose, obtained as a dry powder, was prepared

for use as described by Peterson and Sober (1962). The dry

material was allowed to sink into 1 N sodium hydroxide and the

suspension was filtered on a coarse grade sin~ered-glass fun­

nel and washed with additional 1 N sodium hydroxide until no

more yellow color was removed. This was followed by the ad­

dition of sufficient HCL (1 N) to make a strongly acidic

suspension which was filtered almost ~ediately and washed

free of acid with deionized water. The filter cake was again

suspended in 1 N NaOH, filtered and washed free of alkali

with water before adjusting to the pH of the selected starting


b. Hydroxylapatite was prepared by the method of Levin (1962).

c. Sephadex G-200 was suspended in buffer by slowly adding

the dry powder to the buffer with constant stirring. The sus­

pension was allowed to swell for at least five days before

being packed in the column.

2. PreParatiqn of Plasma Amine Oxidase

Plasma amine oxidase was prepared from steer beef blood as

described by Yamada and Yasunebu (1962a) with the following

modifications. The active ~ecipitate from the first ammonium

sulfate fractionation was dissolved in 0.01 Mphosphate buffer,

pH 7.0 and dialyzed against the same buffer. The first DEAE­

cellulose column was equilibrated with 0.01 Mbuffer, instead of

0.003 M. After removal of much of the inactive protein with

0.03 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0, the coluan was eluted with 0.07

Mbuffer and fractions collected.

The active precipitate froa the secend aDaonium sulfate

fractionation was dissolved in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 6.8,

and the hydroxylapatite column was also equilibrated with 0.06

Mphesphate buffer, instead of 0.006 Mbuffer. The column was

eluted with 0006 Mphosphate buffer, pH 6.8, followed by 0.2 M

phosphate buffer, pH 6.8. The active fraction from the hydro­

xylapatite column was generally subjected to a third ammonium

sulfate fractionation before attempting crystallization. It was

found that at least two or more crystallizations were necessary

before an ultracentrifugally homogeneous fraction was obtained.

3. Method pf Assay. The MeasureMent of Enzymic Actiyity

The enzyaic activity of plasma amine oxidase was determined

spectrophotometrically using benzylamine as the substrate as de­

scribed by Tabor, Tabor, and Rosenthal (1954). The assay is

based on the difference between the molar extinction coefficients

of benzylamine and benzaldehyde at 250 m~. In a standard assay,



enzyme is added to 1 ml of 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 and an

appropriate amount of deionized w~ter to a total volume of 3.0

mls. After addition of 0.05 ml of 0.2 Mbenzyla=ine sulfate

(final substrate concentration 3.33 x 10-3 M), the increase in

optical density with time is measured in the Beckman DU spectro­

photometer. The spectrophotometer is equipped with a thermospacer

set connected to a water bath which maintains the compartment

temperature at 250 C. The change in absorbancy is deterJllined from

the initial slope of a plot of optical density versus t~e in .in­

utes. A unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of en­

zyme catalyzing a change of 0.001 absorbance per minute at 250 C

under the standard assay conditions. Specific activity is the

change in absorbancy at 250 mJl per minute at 250 C per mg of en-


4. Ultracentrifuge Stygies •"

a. ~d1gumtatiQnVelocity

Sed~entation velocity measurements were aade in a Spinco

Model E Analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with an RTIC

(Rotor Temperature Indicator Control) unit for temperature

regulation within 0.1 0 C. The conventional 12 am aluminum

cell with a 40 sector centerpiece was used for most :runs. In

a few cases the 12mm filled-epon double sector cell was used.

The generally employed speeds were 59,780 rpm for the stand­

ard cell and 42,040 rpm for the double sector cell. Most runs

were carri~d out at 22.50 C.

The sedimentation coefficient (S) was calculated according

to the equation.

1 dxs=2

\If x dt



~here x is the distance of the boundary from the a~is of rota~

tion in centi~eters, t is the t~e in seconds, and =is the

angular velocity in radians per second (2 ~r~60)o The ob­

served sedimentation coefficients (sobs) were corrected to

standard conditions, s20, w' (the value the material would

have in a solvent with the density and viscosity of water at

200 C) according to Svedberg and Pedersen (1940).

b. Sediflentation Eguilibri\ll!

Molecular weight determinations by the sed~entation

equilibrium method involves the use of the general equation:

1 dc- -c drMapp (1 - ve )


w2 r (2)

where Mapp =apparent molecular weight

c =concentration of solute in gas/ml

r =radial distance from the axis of rotation

R = Gas constant, 8.314 x 107 ergs/degree/mole

T = absolute temperature

v = partial specific volume

t = density of the solvent

• = angular velocity

Molecular weights of plasma amine oxida£e" denatured in

6 M guanidine-hydrochleride were determined by the method of

Chervenka (1966) which utiliz~s both schlieren and inter-

ference optics and is essentially a modification of Method II

of Van Holde and Baldwin (1958). The general equation givenabove takes the form:



1 dc

r dr=

M (1 - \j p) w2 capo \,RT


When c = c f + ~c, where C f is the concentration ofre resolute at a convenient level of the cell, e.g., the meniscus,

and AC =difference in concentration between this level and

any other level, equation (3) can be rewritten as:,

.: ~ =MaRc (1 - v e ) w2

(cre f + .:3 c) (4)r dr RT

On the assumption that solute concentrations are propor-

tional to refractive index changes, values of ~c are derived

from the interferograms and values of dc/dr are read directly


by the following relationship:RT

Mapp .:: slope

from schlieren patterns. Mapp is determined from the slope

of the plot of l/r dC/dr vs ~c

Determinations were made in a double sector aluminum

filled-epon interference cell with sapphire windows, using the

An-J rotor in an ultracentrifuge equipped with electronic

speed control. Samples were run at 8,000 rpm at 12.5° C (non­

reduced PAO in 6 MGu-HCl) and at 12,000 rpm at 12.70 C (re­

duced with mercaptoethanol in 6 M gu-HCl). Equilibrium was

reached in abeut 70 heurs.

Fer .elecular weight determinations of the native enzyme,

the general sed~entation equilibrium equation (2) was used

in its usual integrated fermI

M _ 2 RT In (c-/cl)app - 2f

(l-v~) w2 (r~ - rf)(6)


Absorption optics in conjunction with a photoelectric

scanner was employed. In this technique, concentration in

terms of optical density of the solution versus distance in

the cell is automatically recorded. The log of the concen-

tration is plotted Against the ~quare of the distance from

the axis of rotation and the molecular weight is calculated

from the slope of the line according to equation (7)s

2 RI..­Mapp = slope (I-v ~ ?

Runs were Jude at 4,000, 7,200, and 9,000 rpll. The

temperature was 14.70 c.

c. Diffusion


Diffusion measurements were also made in the Spinco Model

E analytical ultracentrifuge utilizing the technique of bound-

ary spreading at low speeds. The double sector capillary

synthetic boundary cell was used~ The speed employed was

8,225 rpm and the temperature was 22.50 C. The diffusion co-

efficient was calculated according -maximum ordinate-area-

(eqn. 8) and the -aax~um ordinate- (eqn. 9) methods as de­

scribed by Ehrenberg (1957).

~ :: 4 K2

D (t - to )Yaax

d2 =16 K2 D (t - t )e 0


In equation 8, A is the area between the gradient curve and

the baseline at time t measured fr~ the instance when the

synthetic boundary was formed, Ymax is the maxtmum height of

the curve and K is the magnification along the baseline. D


is obtained from the slope of a plot of A2j y2 versus t. Inmaxequation 9, de is the distance along the baseline between the

points on the gradien~ curve having y • y

The measured diffusion coefficients were reduced to stand-

ard conditions, D20 ,W (the value the material would have in a

solvent having the viscosity and density of water at 200 C)

according to Schachman (1957).

d. Molecular Weight by Combined sedimentation and Diffusion

Molecular weights can be calculated directly from the

sedimentation and diffusion coefficients at infinite dilution

despite the absence of knowledge regarding the shape, hy-

dration or degree of flexibility or permeability of the mo­

lecules through the use of the Svedberg equation (Schachman,

1957) :

Sedimentation and diffusion coefficients were determined

at varying concentrations and extrapolated to infinite dilu-

tion using the method of least squares.

5. Estimation Qf Molecular Weight by SeRhade~ G~l Filtration

The molecular weight of plasma amine oxidase was estimated by

the technique of gel filtration through Sephadex G-200, following

the suggestions of Whitaker (1963) and Andrews (1964, 1965). The

Sephadex G-200 was allowed to swell in 0.06 M phosphate buffer,

pH 7.0, for five days, the gel was packed in a 2 x 50 cm column

and the column was equilibrated with the same buffer. The void

volume of the column was determined by the passage through of


Blue Dextran 2000, an artificially colored dextran of high

molecular weight (Mw • 2,000,000) which is comp19tely excluded

from all types of sephadex. The column was then calibrated with

·standard" proteins of known molecular weight before finally ap­

plying the ·unknown" protein (in this case, PAO) to the coluan.

The elution volume (Ve ) of each substance was defined as the

effluent volume corresponding to maximum concentration of the

solute as determined by optic.l density at 280mp. Fractions of

approxtmately 1 ml were collected and the optical densities at

280 mu were deter.lned and plotted against the total effluent

volume. The elution volume was estt.ated by extrapolation of

both sides of the solute peak to an apex.

Calculation of the molecular weight was done by the method of

Whitaker (1963).

6. Determination of -SH groups

The spectrophotaaetric lIethod of Boyer (1954) was used for

the determination of -SH groups of PAO. Due to the difference in

reactivity of -SH groups in proteins towards the CMS reagent, de­

terminations were done at pH 7.0 (0.06 Mphosphate buffer), pH

4.6 (0.33 MAcetate buffer) and in the presence of 5 M guanidine

hydrochloride at pH 7•.0. To a constant .ount of protein (ap­

prox. 0.02 - 0.04 aole), graded amounts of CMS was added and the

final volu.e adjusted to 3.5 or 3.0 ,,1 with the appropriate

solvent. In the case of the reaction in guanidine hydrochloride,

, sufficient volume of 6 MGu-HCl solution was added to give a

final concentration of 5 M. Each tube was read at 255 mp (pH

4.6) or 250 mp (pH 7.0) with appropriate blanks to correct for


the contribution to the total absorbancy of the protein and CMS.

A time course of the optical density readings indicated that the

reaction between CMB and PAO was exceedingly slow. At pH 4.6 and

in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride, the reaction was es-

sentially complete at 22 hours. The reaction at pH 7.0 was about

three times slower, being complete in about 72 hours.

7. Carboxymethylation

Carboxymethylation was carried out on both reduced and non­

reduced PAO in the presence of 6 MGu-HCl. The protein solution

was made 6 Min guanidine-hydrochloride by the addition of solid,

recrystallized reagent. The sample was then allowed to dialyze

overnight against 6 MGu-HCI which had been buffered to pH 8.1.

In the cases where reduced enzyme was desired, dialysis was done

against a solution which was 6 Min Gu-HCl and 0.1 Min mercapto­

ethanol at pH 8.1. After the dialysis, iodoacetic acid in 6 M

Gu-HCl solution was added to the denatured protein in approximately

a ten-fold excess over the expected number of cysteine residues

or the mercaptoethanol present. The reaction was allowed to pro­

ceed 15 minutes in a Radiometer pH Stat and the reaction mixture

was kept at pH 8.1 by the constant addition of 6 N NaOH. At the

end of the reaction, the sample was diluted 3-fold with deionized

water and exhaustively dialyzed against deionized water. The car-

boxymethylated PAO precipitated upon dialysis.

8. Determination of Cysteic Acid

The cysteic acid content of plasma amine oxidase was checked

by amino acid analysis of a performic acid-oxidized sample. Per­

formic acid oxidation was carried out the method of Moore (1963).


The protein sample (001 ml) was treated with two mls of the per­

formic acid reagent (88% Formic acid/30% hydrogen peroxid~ which

had been allowed to stand at room temperature for 80 minutes, then

cooled in the freezer for at least 30 minutes prior to use. The

reaction mixture was then allowed to incubate overnight (15-16

hours) in the freezer. After the incubation period, 0.3 III of

48% HBr was added to the reaction tube while swirling in an ice

bath. The sample was then concentrated to dryness in a vacuum


The dried sample was hydrolyzed with 1 ml redistilled HCl

(5.7 N) for 24 hours at 1050 C. and the cysteic acid content was

determined quantitatively on a Spinco Model 120 aaino acid ana­

lyzer. Calculations were carried out according to standard

lIethods (Spinco Instruction Manual and Handbook). The maher of

half-cystine and cysteine residues (as cysteic acid) per molecule

of protein is conveniently calculated by reference to the molar

quantity of a stable amino acid (alanine, leucine, glutamic acid,

or aspartic acid) determined from the same chrOllatogrllll.



Ae Dissociation Studies

1. Effect of pH Changes on PAC Structure

Preliminary investigation of the dissociation of PAO was car-

ried out by dialyzing the enzyme against buffers of various pHs

and by subjecting it to other denaturing conditions to see what

reactions would lead to a breakdown of the molecule.

The effect of acidic and basic solutions on the sedimentation

coefficient of PAO is summarized in Table I. Figure 1 shows the

sedimentation of PAC in acidic solutions as'compared to sedimen-

tat ion at pH 7. The effect of basic solutions on the sedimen-

tation of PAO is seen in Figure 2. At all pHS studied only one

major peak was evident and it was noted that while the sedimen-

tat ion coefficients in acid or basic media were slightly lower

than that in pH 7, the boundaries associated with these s values

were much sharper, showing less boundary spreading.

2. Succinylation of PAD

The reaction of proteins with succinic anhydride under reI a-

tively mild conditions can lead to dissociation of protein sub­

units as has been shown in the case of hemerythrin (Klotz and

Keresztes-Nagy, 1962) and aldolase (Hass, 1964). In the reaction,.,.

each cationic S-NH3 charge on the protein is replaced by the

anionic carboxylate group and the high negative charge density

imposed upon the molecule leads to electrostatic repulsion within

the molecule.





2 HCL-KCL 6.0 8.15 7.80

3 Citrate** 2.3 8.58

4 Acetate 6.1 8.22 8.12

7 Phosphate 5.6 9.92 9.63

1.9 9.39 9.26

9 Tris-HCl 7.05 6.44

11 Carbonate 5.2 8.52 8.21

*0.1 ionic strength buffers aade up from tables given in ~­chemists' Handbook, (Cyril Long, ed.) D. Van Nostrand, Co., Inc.,Princeton, New Jersey (1961). Dialysis was carried out for 24 hoursat 40 C.

**Buffer systea as described by Deal till. (1963b).


Figure 1. Effect of Acid solutions on the sed~entation of PAO. Sedimentation is from left toright; Speed 56,100 rpm; temperature 22.50 C; standard 40 single sector cell with20 positive wedge window run simultaneously with standard 4° single sector cell withflat window. The pH 7.0 control sample was the native enzyme which had been dialyzedagainst 0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0.

a. Top boundary: pH 7.0 control sample, protein concentration 5.6 mg/ml; bottomboundary: 5.6 mg/ml PAO after dialysis against 0.1 ionic strength pH 2 HCI-KCl buffer.Bar angle 50°, photographs taken at 0.74, 16.74, 32.74, 48.74, and 64.74 minutes.

b. Top bOUndary: pH 7.0 control sample, protein concentration 5.6 mg/ml; bott~boundary: 5.6 ag/ml PAO after dialysis against 0.1 ionic strength pH 4 acetate buffer.Bar angle 500, photographs taken at 2.01, 18.01, 34.01, 50.01 and 66.01 minutes.

c. Top boundary: pH 7.0 control sample, protein concentration 1.9 mg/m1; bottomboundary: 2.3 mg/ml PAO after acidification to pH 3 in citrate buffer (compositionas described by Deal ~ Ji., 1963b). Bar angle 5~0, photographs taken at 16.82, 32.82,48.82, 64.82, and 80.82 minutes.


Figure 2. Effect of Blsic Solutions on the 5edtmentltion of PAO. Sedtmentltion is from left toright; speed 56,100 r~; teaperlture 22.50 C. Standard 40 single sector cell with20 positive wedge window run st.ultineoully with standard 40 single sector cell withflat window. The pH 7.0 control ...ple is native enzyme dialyzed against 0.06 M phos­phite buffer, pH 7.0.

a. Top boundary: ~H 7.0 control s.-ple, protein concentration 5.8 mg/ml; bottODboundary: 7.05 IIg/al PAO after dialysis aglinst pH 9 tria-HCl buffer, 0.1 ionicstrength. Bar angle 55°, photographs taken at 3.11, 19.1J., 35.11, 51.11 and 67.11minutes.

b. Top boundary: pH 7.0 control s..ple, protein concentration 5.8 IIg/ml; bottomboundary: 5.2.g/ml PAC Ifter dialysis Igainst pH "II carbonate buffer, 0.1 ionicstrength. Bar angle 550 , photogrlphs taken at 3.83, 19.83, 35.83, 51.83, and 67D83minutes.

. .. .----~-------------

~ - -~ . - - - -- . --- - - --- -,-



Plasma amine oxidase has been reported to contain 56 residues

of lysine (Yamada ~Jl., 1964) and thus, the reaction with suc-

cinic anhydride would be expected to change the charge on the

molecule by 112 charge units. Succinylation was carried out s~-

ply by adding small quantities of the solid anhydride to the pro-

tein solution with constant stirring and aaintaining the pH at

7.5 in the RadiOmeter pH Stat. After addition of the succinic

anhydride, an aliquot was removed ar~ exaained in the ultracentri-

fuge. Figure 3 shows the sedt.entation pattern of PAO after treat­

ment with approximately a 25-feld excess of succinic anhydride

over the maber of lysine residues pres\Ded present in the enzyae.

No breakdown was evident from the ultracentrifuge pattern. The

s20,1 of the succinylated protein was 8.475 in c~parison to an

s20,W of 9.345 for the untreated enzyae. The enzyae activity

reaained the saae even after the succinylation reaction.

3. Effect of Detergent 'Dd Denatwina Agents gn PAC

a. SgdiUl Dgdecyl Sulfate

It has long been known that relatively low concentrations

of detergents can produce profOUnd effects on the properties

of proteins in solution. These effects vary according to the

nature of the protein, the detergent, and the solvent, taking

the fora of aggregation, of dissociation, or s~ply, of coa-

plex foraation with or without extensive unfolding of the

protein. The different phenoaena are thought to be governed

by aass relations between the reactants, depending aore uponthe relative proportions of the constituents than on the

absolute detergent concentration (Putnam, 1948).

I / \

J \

Figure 3.



The Effect of Succinylation of the Sedimentation of PAO. Sedimentation is from leftto right; speed 56,100 rpm; temperature 22.50 C. Standard 40 single sector cellwith positive wedge window run simultaneously with a standard 40 single sector cellwith flat window. Top boundary. untreated enzyme in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0,protein concentration 4.59 mg/ml. Bottom boundary. succinylated PAO in 0.06 M phos­phate buffer, pH 7.5, protein concentration 4.59 mg/ml. Bar angle 500 ; photographstaken at 21.39, 29.39, 37.39, 45.39, and 53.39 minutes.



The effect of the anionic detergent, sodium dodecyl sul-

fate, on PAO was studied by examining the sed~entation

pattern~ vi varying protein-detergent mixtures. Table II sum-

marizes the effect of SDS on the sedimentation of PAO. Fig-

ures 4, 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the sedimentation patterns of

the respective systems. Unlike the pH effects or succiny-

lation, reaction with SDS led to a more complex picture. On

the basis of the s values it appeared that there was some ag­

gregation at low SDS/protein ratios, but no aggregation as

the ratio was increased, with eventu~l breakdown of the mole-

cule as this ratio was increased even further. However, no

decision on the extent of the apparent dissociation could be

made at this time without further studies. The interpre­

tation of the s values obtained with an SDS/PAO ratio of

312:1 will be discussed in more detail later.




0.0010 M 30:1 9.36 15.58

0.0025 66:1 9.09 15.83

0.0050 150:1 8.81

0.1000 312:1 3.04 5.77 8.32


Figure 4. Sedillentation pattern of PAO in presence of 0.001 II 50S. Sedimentation is fromleft to right; speed 59,780 rpa; teaperature 240 C. Double sector filled-epen12 _ cell. Protein concentration 5.78 Jlg/al. Bar Ingle 450 • Photographs takenat 10.35, 18.35, 26.35, 34.35 and 42.35 minutes.


Figure 5. Sed~entation pattern of PAD in presence of 0.0025 MSDS~ Sed~entation is fromleft to right; speed 59,780 r~; te.perature 240 C. Double sector filled-epoD12 8m cell. Protein concentration 6.62 ag/ml. Bar angle 45°; photographs takenat 5.93, 9.93, 13.93, 17.93, and 21.93 aioutes.


Figure 6. Sedimentation pattern of PAO in presence of 0.005 M SDS. Sedimentation is frl)mleft to right; speed 59,780 rpll; temperature 240 C. Double sector filled-epl)fl12 IDII cell. Protein concentration 5.78 IIIg/_1. Bar angle 450 ; photographs takenat 10.04, 18004, 26.04, 34.04, and 42.04 minutes.


Figure 7. Sedimentation pattern of PAO in presence of 0.010 MSDS. Sedimentation is fromleft to right; Speed 56,190 rpm; temperature 240 C. Standard 40 single sectorcell with 20 positive wedge window run simultaneously with standard cell withflat window. Top boundaryz 0.010 MSOS solv~nt; Bottom boundoryl PAO in pres­ence of SDS. Protein concentration 5.71 .g/cc. Bar angle 500 ; photographs takenat 9.92, 17.92, 25.92, 33.92 and 41.92 .inutes.



b. Urea

i. Effect of urea on PAC activity

The decrease of PAO activity with increasing urea

concentration is shown in Figure 8Q Th~ data indicated

that a relatively high concentration of urea was neces­

sary to inactivate PAO completely. At a concentration

of 1. 7 Murea, 50% of the original enzyme activity still

remained. For complete inhibition a concentration of

approximately 3 Murea was necessary.

ii. Eff~ct on PAC sedLmentation

It was reported by Gee (1963) that dialysis of PAO

against 7 Murea for 16 hours had no effect on the enzyme

dissociation. Because many workers have found guanidine­

hydrochloride to be a more effective denaturing agent,

i.e., it acts at a much lower concentration, it was de­

cided to concentrate on this reagent rather than urea for

dissociation studies. However, one preliminary experi­

ment was carried out with 6 M urea + 0.1 Mmercapto­

ethanol. Curiously, the sed~entation pattern of PAO in

this system showed a somewhat unsymmetrical peak which

diffused out rapidly and which had an S20,w of 15.18 s

compared to an S20,w of 9.31 for a control sample.

c. Guanidi~-Hydrochloride

i. Effect on PAC activity

An experiment similar to that with urea on the inac­

tivation of PAO was carried out with guanidine-hydro­


Figure 8. The effect of urea on PAO activity.Aliquots of a stock solution of 6M urea were added toapprox. 0.5 ~ mole of 0.067M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2to give the desired urea concentration, and the systemallowed to incubate for 10 minutes at 250 before ad­dition of the benzylamine substrate to start the stand­ard assay. Final volume was 3.0 mI.






... ,..~- 0





,,.... ?'\.

CU '-


~ .r"I,i V 2·0


Ui-<EA I " ',/ 1 ,l ,v; :..... )

The results are shown in Figure 9. In contrast to the

results with urea, inactivation of the enzyme was ac­

complished at a much lower concentration. Whereas ap­

proximately 90% of the enzyme activity remained on

incubation with 0.4 Murea, there was almost complete

inactivation with the same concentration of Gu-HCl. The

rate of inactivation also differed with the two reagents.

There was a gradual loss of activity with increasing

urea concentration as shown by the sloping curve in

Figure 8. Addition of Gu-HCl caused a relatively rapid

loss in activity. (This rapid rate of inactivation de­

creased as inactivation approached completion).

ii. Effect on PAC sedimentation

Solid recrystallized guanidine-hydrochloride was

added directly to 1-2 ml samples of native PAO in 0.06 M

phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, to give approximately the de­

sired concentration. The treated samples were then dia­

lyzed against 500 mls of a Gu-HCl solution of the indi­

cated concentration for 24 hours in a closed container.

The Gu-HCl was made up in the 0.06 Mphosphate buffer and

the final pH ranged from 5.92 for the 2 MGu-HCl solution

to 5.20 for the 6 Msolutions.

Figures 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 illustrate the sedi­

mentation patterns of PAD treated with various concen­

trations of Gu-HCl. Table III lists the sedimentation

coefficients determined from these patterns.

Figure 9. The effect of guanidine-hydrochloride on PAO activity.Aliquots of a stock solution of 3M guanidine-hydro­chloride were added to approximately 0.5 m~ mole enzymein 0.067M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 to give the desiredGu-HCl concentration and the system was allowed to in­cubate for 10 minutes at 250 C. before addition of thebenzyl amine substrate to start the standard assay.Final volume was 3.0 mI.


J00 (:)()





'-.. 0


o·~r-. ?u·_ 1.,-..".• -,v·':) U·"'··3., 0·5


Figure 10. Sed~ent8tion of PAO in 2 MGu-HCl. Sed~entation is from left to right.Speed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.50 C; Standard single sector cell. Proteinconcentration is 6 mg/ml. Bar angle 45°. Photographs taken at 10.78, 26078~42.78, 58.78 and 74.78 minutes.



Figure 11. Sedimentation of PAO in 3 MGu-HCl. Protein concentration is 6 mg/mlo Sedi­mentation is from left to right. Speed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.5 C. B~r

angle 45°. Standard single sector cell. Photographs taken at 11.50, 27.50,43.50, 59.50, and 75.50 minutes.


Figure 12. Sedimentation of PAO in 4 MGu-HCl. Protein concentration is 7 mg/ml. Sedi-­mentation is from left to right. Speed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.50 c.Standard single sector cell. Bar angle 45°. Photographs taken at 10.08,26.08, 42.08, 58.08 and 74.08 minutes.



_________......._ .. ...~.•--,IlI!I:.-.a----I~II~~~1nIi1



Figure 13. Sedimentation of PAO in 6 MGu-HC1. Protein Concentration 5 mg/ml. Sedimentationis from left to right. S~ed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.50 C. Standard singlesector cell. Bar angle 500 ; photographs taken at 26.64, 42.64, 58.64, 74.64 and90.64 minutes.



!~,-_/,:t~, ~

Figure 14. sedimentation of PAD in 6 MGu-HCl and 0.1 MMercaptoethanol. Protein concentrationis 4 mg/al. sedimentation is from left to right. Speed 59,780 rpm; temper~ture200 C. Standard single sector cell. Bar angle 60°. Photographs takan at 24.85,40.85, 56.85, 72.85 and 88.85 minutes.








2 M 2 7.80 ----*3 M 5 6.48 9.60 12.38 14.49 -----4 M 3 5.80

6 M 1 4.88

6 M-to 0.1 MMercaptoethanol 1 2.53

*Denotes sedimentation coefficients which could not be evaluated.


Like the results of the sodium dodecyl sulfate treat-

ment, reaction with guanidine hydrochloride also presented

a comple~ picture of possible dissociation together with

aggregation. Multiple peaks with a range of s20,W values

from 5.80 - 14.49 S occurred in Gu-HCl concentrations

lower than 6 M. In 6 M Gu-HCl the sedimentation pattern

was that of a sharp single peak which appeared fairly

symmetrical (Figure 13). The s of this component was20,W

4.88 S and it was felt that dissociation was finally

achieved with this solvent. (That this was a premature

conclusion will be discussed in detail later).

Because the possibility existed that further break-

down of the molecule could occur with the reduction of

-S-S bridges, the sed~entation of PAO in 6 MGu-HCl

reduced with 0.1 Mmercaptoethanol was also checked

(Figure 14). Here again, a single sharp pea~ was seen

with an s20,W value of 2.53 S which seemed to bear out

the hypothesis that some of the polypeptide chains

present in the molecule are covalently linked by di-

sulfide bonds.

4. Effect of Mercaptoethanol on PAP

Dialysis of PAO against an 0.1 Mmercaptoethanol solution,

buffered at pH 7, resulted in very little effect on the structure

of PAO as indicated by the sedimentation pattern (Figure 15).

The sedL~entation pattern appeared almost identical with that of

the native, untreated enzyme, although the s20,W value of 8.56 S

was somewhat lower than that of the native enzyme. Due to the


A- ~-



Figure 15. Sedimentation of PAO in 0.1 M Merc.ptoethanol, pH 7.0. Protein concentratiolll 6.72mg/ml. Sedinlentation is from left to right. Speed 59,780 rpn; temperature 22.5° C.Standard single sector cell. Bar angle 45°; photographs taken at 11.05, 19.05, 27.05,35.05, and 43.05 minutes.



compactness of the PAO structure, it is possible that the molecule

is not effectively reduced in the absence of a denaturing agent to

expose the -5-5 bonds.

5. piscussion of the Results

The studies on the effect of pH, detergent, denaturing and

other chemical agents on the structure of plasma amine oxidase in­

dicated that a s~ple dissociation is not accomplished by these

means. Rather than dissociation, the sedimentation behavior of

PAO in the various systems, except in the case of 6 MGu-HCl,

seemed to indicate denaturation of the molecular structure. (Here,

denaturation is taken to denote that class of reactions which lead

to changes in the structure of the macromolecule with no change in

molecular weight (Rice ~ Al., 1958).

Because no other molecular parameters were determined in con­

nection with these studies, it was not possible to evaluate com­

pletely the response of the native protein to all the environ­

mental changes, but from the sed~entation coefficients alone,

one could make some inferences of what had taken place. It is

well recognized that the behavior of protein molecules in the

ultracentrifuge is often affected by denaturation treatments and

denatured proteins frequently show a decrease in sedimentation

coefficient (Joly, 1965). This decrease in sedimentation coef­

ficient may reflect either a decrease in molecular weight or a

change in the molecular shape (Lundgren and William, 1939).

In the study of pH effects on PAC, it was noted that the sed­

imentation coefficients at acid and alkaline pHs were lower than


that of the native enzyme ~t pH 7. From a consideration of the

rel~tionship of the frictional ratio, sedimentation coefficient,

and the molecular weight, it can be shown th~t for the minimum

dissociation of a molecule into halves, the decrease in s20,W

should be at least 35% or more. For PAO with an 820,W of 9.23

(Yamada ~ !l., 1964), a dissociation to two subunits should

yield an s20 Wof approx~ately 6.0. Therefore, the general,interpretation of the pH studies was that the molecule was under-

going a change in molecular shape, be it v.~f~lding or expansion,

at the pH extremes due to electrostatic repu15ion since none of

the sedimentation cl)efficients in Table I showed a ~~ufficient

decrease to be taken as indicative of dissociation. As men-

tioned ear1ier, the sedimentation pattern of the pH 7 control

sample showed a much broader boundary coapared to the samples in

acid or alkaline media. The possible significance of this ob-

servation will be discussed later.

By the same reasoning, the succinylation experiment was also

interpreted us reflecting a change in molecular shape. However,

because the extent of the reaction was not determined, the pos-

sibility exists that the negative results in this case may be

due to incomplete succinylation of the molecule. As in the case

of the attempted reduction with mercaptoethanol in the absence

of a den=turing ~gent, the susceptible residues may have been

buried within the molecule and therefore, not able to react with

the succinic anhydride. Since this experiment was designed to

check the effectiveness of this relatively simple reaction with-

out recourse to more drastic measures, no advantage was thought


to be gained by succinylating in the presence of a denaturing

agent and the reaction was not pursued further.

Reaction of PAO with low concentrations of sodium dodecyl

sulfate yielded sedimentation coefficients which were higher than

that of the native enzyme (Table II), a sign of molecular aggre­

gation. The formation of aggregates in protein solutions involves

a modification of the quarternary structure, generally considered

as a secondary effect ensuing from changes in the secondary or

tertiary structure caused by denaturation. In some cases it seems

that aggregation stabilizes the configuration of the denatured

molecules (Joly, 1965). Thus, this may have been the case with

low SDS/PAO ratios, but as the SDS concentration was increased,

the denaturation was such that the formation of aggregates was

not possib~a and, hence, only a single boundary representing a

somewhat unfolded molecule was seen. Finally an SDS/protein

ratio was reached where three boundaries which moved slower than

the native molecule were seen present in the sed~entation pat­

tern. A priori, one might have concluded that this high concen­

tration of 50s caused PAD to dissociate partially into smaller

units, but this decrease in sediment.tion coefficient of the en­

zyme aolecule could not be taken as conclusive evidence for dis­

sociation because of the possibility of ·swelling" of the molecule

due to binding of SDS with consequent decrease in density. From

Figure 7, it was seen that the detergent alone aggregated to form

a micelle which sedimented with an appreciable velocity. The

slowest moving boundary in the protein sample cell thus, may not


have been dissociated protein but a larger dete~gent aggregate.

The two faster boundaries may have represented either dissoci-

ated protein, denatured molecules, or protein-detergent complexes.

The advantages of using such detergents as SDS in dissociation

studies with the ultracentrifuge have been pointed out by

Schachman (1960), but use of SDS is also not without its attendant

experimental difficulties. There is direct evidence that deter­

gents are bound to protein (Edelhoch and Lippoldt, 1960) and in

some cases only incomplete dissociation has been found (Klotz and

Keresztes-Nagy, 1962, 1963). It cannot be assumed that a deter-

gent, at any concentration, will have an effect equivalent to

that of urea or guanidinium salts (Reithel, 1963) and for this

reason the dissociation studies were further pursued with

guanidine-hydrochloride. As mentioned earlier, urea did not ap­

pear to be very effective in dissociating PAO.

The results with Gu-HCl were somewhat s~ilar to those with

SDS. Initially there appeared to be some aggregatien, followed

by prevention of aggregation as increased unfolding takes place,

denoted bythe reduction in s20,W. When the concentration of

Gu-HCl was increased to 6 M, it seemed that the transformation

in the molecule was that of dissociation. Further dissociation

appeared to be accomplished with the use of a reducing agent.

The conclusions drawn fr~ these experiments were that PAO

is not readily dissociated by the conventional, relatively mild

treatments which have been u~ed to dissociate other large pro­

teins. Partial dissociation appeared to be effected with sodiu:

dodecyl sulfate and moderate concentrations of guanidine-hydro­

chloride. In order to achieve complete dissociation~ a higher

concentration of Gu-HCl seemed necessary and the maximum effect

only through the use of a reducing agent.

More exacting information of the dissociation of plasma

amine oxidase would be obtained frnm molecular weight determi­

nations and these are discussed in section C.


B. SUlfhydryl Groups and Disulfide Bonds of PAG

1. Sulfhydryl Groups by CMS Titration

The number of -SH groups in a protein which react with CMS

is determined from the break in a plot of the change in ab­

sorbancy at 250 or 255 m~ (corrected for CMS and protein ab­

sorbance) versus the molar ratio of CMS/protein. Because some

-SH groups may not be readily reactive with the -SH reagent, it

is necessary to assay the protein under varying conditions. The

estimation of reactive -SH groups is carried out in as mild con­

ditions as possible. Unreactive -SH groups are made available

by denaturation of the protein by chemical or physical means.

The reaction of PAO with CMS in pH 7 buffer is shown in Fig­

ure 16. The results indicated that only a very low amount of

reactive thiol was present in the molecule. The value obtained

from this determination was 0.38 -SH/mole PAG. In the presence

~f a denaturing agent, such as guanidine-hydrochloride, or in pH

4.6 buffer, the number of -SH groups detected by CMS mercaptide

formation was increased to approximately two. Figures 17 and 18

show the reaction of PAD with CMS in 5 M guanidine-hydrochloride

Figure 16. The reaction of PAO with CMS at pH 7.0. Aliquots of the enzyme were treated withvarious amounts of CMS and the absorbancy at 250 mu read at different time intervals.The reaction was judged to be complete after 72 hours at room temperature by the con­stancy of the optical density. The reactions were carried out in 0.06 M phosphatebuffer, pH 7.0.



.......,i J










'I 0:'_.;



~ L')~j -


44 •


and in pH 4.6 acetate buffer, respectively. The values obtained

for the number of thiols were 1.80 -SH/mole PAC in 5 MGu-HCl and

1.58 -SH/mole PAC in pH 4.6 buffer. (All values given were based

on the re-evaluated molecular weight of PAC of 170,000 which is

discussed in the next section).

2. TQtal Cysteine and Cystine CQntent

TQtal cysteine and cystine value was determined as cysteic

acid Qr as S-carbQxymethyl cysteine by the methQds described

earlier. A value Qf 20.14 - 20.40 residues Qf cysteic acid per

170,000 grams Qf prQtein was fQund. The number of S-carbQxy­

methyl cysteine residues per 170,000 grams Qf protein was calcu­

lated to be 20.31.

3. DiscussiQn

The determinatiQn Qf the SUlfhydryl grQups and disulfide

bQnds Qf PAC was undertaken when it appeared likely that cQvalent

linkages were invQlved in the binding Qf the subunits Qf the

mQlecule. The enzyme is nQt a "sulfhydryl enzyme", i.e., the

sulfhydryl grQups are nQt directly invQlved in the enzyme ac­

tivity as judged by the lack Qf inhibitiQn by CMB. CuriQusly,

in this regard, it was Qbserved in the titratiQn Qf PAC with CMS

in pH 7.0 buffer that the presence Qf CMS seemed tQ stabilize

the enzyme somewhat at rQom temperature. After the three day

periQd during which the reactiQn was allowed to proceed, all

samples containing CMS, (even in the lowest ratio of 0.26 mQles

CMS/mQle PAO) remained reasonably clear and retained the very

slight pink color of the enzyme. In contrast, at the same time,

Figure 17. The reaction of PAO with eMS in 5 MGuanidine Hydrochloride at pH 7.0. The changein absorbancy at 250 OUJ represents the maximum absorbancy (after 22 hour~,) attainedat room temperature minus the appropriate blanks.




o "




o"" r;"''-'




· Figure 18. The reaction of PAG with CMS at pH 4.6. Aliquots of PAO were re~cted with CMS in0.33 Macetate buffer, pH 4.6, for 22 hours at room temperature and the absorbnncyread at 255 m~.



C)-' ." ~-




o<o e:.-







( r[ u.; 99 Z) A8 N\j 8 dO S8 \1

the enzyme blank which contained enzyme and no CMS was observed

to be markedly turbid and slightly yellowish in coloro The Ct~­

containing samples retained mere than half of the original ac­

tivity while the enzyme sample containing no CMB had lost prac­

tically all of its activity.

From the CMS exper~ents in quanidine-hydrochloride and in

pH 4.6 buffer, it was found that there are two -SH groups

present in the PAD molecule. These -SH groups are not very re­

active and are probably slightly -buried- within the molecule.

Under the ordinary cold temperatures and short periods that the

enzyme solutions are kept, very little ~nteractions between these

groups is evident, but the observations made above has indicated

a possible role for these -SH groups in the in vitro denaturation

of PAO.

In the experiment at pH 7, the exposure of the enzyme so-

lution to room temperature for such a considerable length of

tLme apparently led to greater interaction between the molecules.

It is also possible that some configurational changes occurred

and under these conditions the -SH groups which were previously

buried in the interior of the molecule were able to interact and

form disulfide bonds. Multiple intermolecular S-S bond formation

resulted in aggregation and precipitation of the enzyme. The

presence of CMS which ties up the -SH groups prevented this poly­

merization reaction. As observed in the succinylation experiment

8 slight unfolding or conformational change does not seem to af­

fect the enzyme activity significantly. Therefore, the inter­

action b~tween the free thiol groups of PAO to form disulfide


bonds may be in part responsible for the denaturation and loss of

activity of the enzyme upon standing and a way to stabilize the

enzyme might be to store it in the presence of a sulfhydryl re-

It was four~ that there were twenty h31f-cystine residues in

PAO, as determined from the number of cysteic acid residues in the

oxidized enzyme or the number of S-carboxyaethyl cysteine residues

in reduced and alkylated PAC. Two of these residues must repre-

sent the free SUlfhydryl groups present and by subtraction 9 there

are eighteen half-cystine residues which are involved in disulfide

bond formation or nine -5-5- bonds in all. No differentiation was

made as to what portion of the disulfide bonds were inter- or

intrl- chain; but the possibility is very strong that the subunits

may be covalently linked based on the number of disulfide bonds

in the molecule and the reduction in the sedimentation coefficient

of denatured PAO in the presence of a reducing agent.

c. Molecular weight Studies

1. Molecular Weight PetQrmioation of Reduced PAQ

a. Sedimentation-Diffusion

i. Measurement and Calculation of S~o,w

Table IV suamarizes the values obtained for the

sedimentation coefficients of reduced PAO determined in

6 MGu-HCl + 0.1 Mmercaptoethanol and converted to

standard conditions. The sedt.entation coefficients as

a function of protein concentration is shown in Figure

19. There was a negative dependency of the s values20,W




1 11.96 2.20

2 11.32 2.30

3 8.16 2.53

4 7.10 2.75

5 4.92 2.83

Figure 19. sedimentation coefficients of reduced plasma amine oxidase as a function of proteinconcentration. PAO was studied in 6 MGu-HCl + 0.1 Mmercaptoethanol, pH 7.0 at22.50 C. The straight line drawn represents a linear least squares analysis andextrapolation to zero concentration.



on the protein concentration and analysis by the least

squares method yielded the following relationship:

s20,W =3.32 - 0.0914 c

where c is the protein concentration in mg/ml. From this

relationship, the extrapolated value of the sedimentation

coefficient at infinite dilution (s~O,w) was found to be

3.32 ! 0.06 S.

ii. Measurement and Calculation of D~O,w

An example of a diffusion run using the ultracentri-

fugure is shown in Figure 20. The diffusion coefficients

of reduced PAO in 6 MGu-HCl are shown in Table V. Fig-

ure 21 shows the concentration dependency of D20 ,W on

PAO concentration. Least squares analysis yielded a

D~O,w value of 3.83 ! 0.03 x 10-7 cm2/sec.

iii. Calculation of Mf (s/D)

Use of the s~o,w and D~O,W values determined above

in the Svedberg equation yielded a molecular weight of

87,000! 2,200 for reduced plasma amine oxidase.

b. Sedimentation Equilibrium

Figure 22 is an example of the patterns obtained from a

sedimentation equilibrium run utilizing both schlieren and

interference optics. Figure 23 shows a plot of l/r dc/dr

versus fringe number for PAO in 6 MGu-HCl + 0.1 Mmercapto­

ethanol, pH 7.0. For determination of molecular weight, the

fringe count was converted to units of concentration (~c) by

the use of a conversion factor which is a function of the


Figure 20.


Diffusion of reduced plasma amine oxidase in 6 MGu-HCI TO.I Mmercaptoethanol,pH 7.0. Protein concentration 9.99 mg/ml. Double sector capillary syntheticboundary cell. Speed 8,225 rpm; temperature 22.50 C. Bar angle 500 ; photo"graphs taken at 4.05, 20.05, 36.05, 52.05, 68.05 and 84.05 minutes.

















Figure 21. Diffusion coefficients of reduced PAO as a function of Protein concentration. PAOstudied in 6 MGu-HCl -+ 0.1 Mmercaptoethanol, pH 7.0 at 22.50 C. The straightline drawn represents a linear least squares analysis and extrapolation to zeroconce ntrat ion.










'/"..... -o[­



/.C\J co. .~- i"')

"'- o.l'0





,.<'~'.- . I I I I I '.•.• ;;,:.,;-.:~......... iiII.ii. "I


I i 11 · .l..I~Tr-- -Im----'0- I_II m J

Figure 22. Sedimentation equilibrium of PAO studied in 6 MGu-HCl + 0.1 Mmercaptoethano1.PAO at 3.9 mg/m1 was sedimented for 67 hours at 12,000 rpm. Temperature 12.70 C.Interference (top) and schlieren (bottom) patterns are superimposed on the sameplate. Phase plate angles, 50°, 60°, 65°, 60° and 70° respectively.


Figure 23. Plot of sedimentation equilibrium data on reduced plasma amine oxidase. Conditionsare those given in Figure 22.



-' N:iH11











phase plate angle (Chervenka, 1966). The apparent molecule

weight of reduced PAC in 6 MGu-HCl at a protein concen­

tration of 3.9 mg/ml calculated from the slope of the line

was 86,600.

2. Molecular Weight Determinations of PAC in 6 M Gu-HCl

a. Sedimentation-Diffusion

i. Measurement and calculation of s~O W,The sedimentation coefficients of plasma amine oxi-

dase studied in 6 M Gu-HCl, pH 7.0, and corrected to

standard conditions are shown in Table VI. The sedi-

mentation coefficient was found to vary as a function

of protein concentration according to the relationship:

s =5.30 - 0.0731 c20,W

as shown in Figure 24. As with the reduced enzyme, there

was also a negative dependency on concentration.

Extrapolation of the line to zero concentration yields an

s20,Wof 5.30! 0.10.

ii. Measurement and Calculation of D~O W,

Table VII summarizes the diffusion coefficients of

PAC studied in 6 M guanidine-hydrochloride. The rela-

tionship between D20 ,w and ~otein concentration is shown

in Figure 25. Extrapolation to zero concentration

o + -7 2/yielded a D20 ,w value of 3.80 _ 0.03 x 10 cm second.


















· Figure 24. Sedimentation coefficients of denatured PAO as a function of concentration. PAOstudied in 6 M Gu-HCl, pH 7.0, at 22.50 C. The line drawn represents a linearlelst square!» analysis and extrapolation to zero concentration.



C\J "-!



I 0 z-i

i 0-I-I ro «


~ 1O w



0 ¢()-,


W-j C\J ~! 0

! ~

l 0-Ilj

'...c0 N OJ ~. . . ,l() L() r-'-















iii. Calculation of Mf (s/n)

The molecular weight of PAO in 6 MGu-HCl as deter-

mined from sed~entation and diffusion measurements was

calculated to be 140,200 ± 3,800.

b. Sedimentation Equilibrium

The plot of l/r dc/dr versus fringe number for PAO in

6 MGu-HC1, pH 7.0, is seen in Figure 26. The apparent mole-

cular weight of denatured PAO at a concentration of 2.1

mg/ml was calculated to be 197,300.

3. Molecular Weight Determination of the Native Enzyme

a. Estimation of Molecular Weight by Sephadex Gel Filtration

Figure 27 shows the elution pattern of PAO on Sephadex

G-200, along with the other substances which were used for

the calibration of the column. Table VIII lists the mole-

cular weights and elution volumes pertinent to this

· Figure 25. Diffusion coefficients of denatured PAO as a function of protein concentration.PAO was studied in 6 M guanidine-hydrochloride, pH 7.0, at 22.5°. The straightline drawn represents a linear least squares analysis and extrapolation to zeroconcentration.



-jH "~a

O'Ji Ei 0 ....--J

I zI 0Ii; :-I

CO-j <C!p 0:::, t-~ Z-f c..o lU




'~-~' - ()II

, Z,

C\J- LnJa, ,~-


CLro ~- 0 <.D C\J. .10 r-.;) f't) C'J C\.1


0f'\~ .... /....( il I ...


Figure 26. Molecular weight of PAO in 6 M Gu-HCl by sedimentation equilibrium. PAO at a concen­tration of 2.1 mg/ml was sedimented for 117 hours at 8,000 rpn. Temperature was12.50 c.




· Figure 27. Chromatography of Proteins on Sephadex G-200. 2 x 50 em column equilibrated with0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0. Dotted curves represent standard proteins.Peak Ai Blue Dextran 2000; Peak Be Bovine Y~lobulin; Peak C3 Bovine SerumAlbumin; Peak 01 Cytochrome £.. Solid curve is the elution pattern of plasDllIamine oxidase.




0 :::>en --I




------ ..........


- - --




.... ~..,,---::---------=-­.....

) ,........ ,..-'" <: ... -.... - ....

-- -- - -:--J::'_ ...- ....



- - - -



. -- - - - - - - - ....

,- - - . -'. - -- -

1\ __. "'"'" .,\, -:-- ,"'"

. \i _ .. ~ ..... '-.~" dO' ",.; v ~_





Blue Dextran 2000 2,000,000 53.25

Bovine ¥-Globulin 150,000 5.1761 75.20 1.41

Bovine SerumAlbumin 70,000 4.8451 90.75 1.70

Beef Cytochrome ~ 13,000 4.1139 132.75 2.49

Plasma Amine Oxi-dase 166,700 5.2219 71.67 1.35


experiment. A void volume of 53.25 ml was determined by the

elution of Blue Dextran 2000.

Figure 28 shows the relationship of the log of molecular

weight to the ratio of elution volume to void volume (ve/ve ).

The ratio of ve/vo for PAO was found to be 1.35. From the

slope of the line in Figure 28, this value was found to cor­

respond to a log mol. wt. = 5.2219. Therefore, the molecular

weight of native PAO was estimated to be 166,700.

b. S~dMnentatiQn Equilibrium

As previously mentioned, the molecular weight of the na-

tive enzyme was determined in an equilibrium run using ab-

sorption optics. Molecular weight is calculated from the

slope of the curve of log c versus r 2, where c is the concen-

tration and r is the radial distance from the axis of rota-

tion. Figure 29 is a plot of log c (in terms of optical

density units) versus r 2• The apparent molecular weight

calculated from this run for the native PAO at a concentra-

tion of 0.24 mg/ml was 171,000. It appeared that the con-

centration dependency of the molecular weight was small and,

therefore, the ideal molecular weight is about 170,000.

4. Discuss ion

From the preliminary experiments on the dissociation of

PAO, it appeared that the dissociation of the molecule could

be accomplished through the use of guanidine-hydrochloride as

a denaturing agent and that further breakdown to single poly-

peptide chains then resulted in the presence of a reducing

Figure 28. Determination of the molecular weight of plasma amine oxi­dase by gel filtration. Relationship between elution vol­ume, velvo' and log of molecular weight of standard pro­teins. 5ephadex G-200; 2 x 50 em; 0.06 M phosphate buffer,pH 7.0; 4-50 C; flow rate approximately 10 ml/hour.






!2·6 ~-


2·4 r

II2· 2 i-i

I2·0 II·al


iJ. 6 ~


~i·4 1- r.-G~obunn 1)

~ ,.... . ..,. . "~ ;,,; ~ Cl s r:~ ~ A ~1 Ul 0 10 ~ f (d 0 SG C\.·1'--------------------....----:~


4·2 4·4 4·6 5·0 5·2


Figure 29. Equilibrium sedimentation of pl~5ma amine oxidase.-Native- enzyme in 0006 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, ata concentration of 0.24 mg/ml sedimented at 7,200 rpm.







44 45 48 49



agent such as mercaptoethanol. Because no clear indication

of the number of subunits present in the molecule could be

obteined frem the sed~ent~tion velocity studies, ~ttention

was directed toward molecular weight determinations in these

two different systems.

As seen in the results, reduced PAC in guanidine-hydro­

chloride has a molecular weight of about 87,000. The reported

molecular weight of PAO is 261,000 (Yamada ~ Ai., 1964) and

on this basis, it appeared that there were three polypeptide

chains in the molecule which were covalently linked by di­

sulfide bonds.

The values obtained for the molecular weight of non­

reduced PAO in guanidine-hydrochloride were 140,000 and

197,000 for the two methods used and although these r~sults

were not in good agreement, they indicated a molecular weight

which could not be rationalized with the other data. The re­

duced PAD molecular weight. seemed to point to three chains of

approximately equal size and, assuming all chains to be co­

valently bonded, there should be no change in the molecular

weight of the denatured enzyme from that of the native enzyme.

On the other hand, if only two of the chains were covalently

linked and the other linked by types of non-covalent bonds,

then one would have expected to have seen this type of break­

down in the Ultracentrifuge patterns as two distinct bound­

aries upon treatment with a denaturing agent. Heterogeneity


would also have been observed in the equilibrium runs, but no

such evidence was noted.

To ur~erst~nd more fully what was happening 9 a Ee~e~alua­

tion of the native molecular weight was deemed necessary.

Sedimentation equilibrium and the method of gel filtration

both indicated a molecular weight of about 170,000. As noted

previously, the reported molecular weight of the native PAO

is 261,000. Observations during the sedimentation equilibrium

study of the native enzyme suggested the possible explanation

for the large discrepancy between the two results. In the sed­

imentation equilibrium run the sample appeared to be either

grossly heterogeneous or an associating-dissociating system.

A molecular weight value of 260,000 was obtained from the

center of the fluid column of the sedimentation equilibrium

run. It seems likely that the values previously determined

were averages of the molecular weight of the monomer and

higher polymers and PAO exists as an interacting protein

system in solution.

It is now known that in aqueous solutions many proteins,

such as insulin, Cl(-chymotrypsin, ~-lactoglobulin and lyso­

zyme, associate to form dimers and higher aggregates which

exist in chemical equilibrium with the monomeric species.

Transport and thermodynamic properties of such chemically

reacting systems have been investigated by a number of

authors (Oncley ~ ~., 1952; Rao and Kegeles, 1958;

Townend ~ £1., 1960; Bruzzesi ~ sl., 1965). On the basis


of results in transport experiments, it has been possible to

classify such systems with the criteria being the magnitude

of the rate constants of the forward and reverse reactions

(Ni~hols ti .s.!.., 1964). We are interested in that clas~ in

which the rate constants of both reactions are very large and

comparable in size. In sedimentation velocity experiments,

equilibrium is maintained despite the tendency toward sepa­

ration of the individual species according to their sedi­

mentation coefficients.

The system is generally readily recognizable by its un-

usual sedimentation behavior. With non-interacting systems,

~s versus c" curves normally have a negative slope because of

hydrodynamic effects and the presence of reversible aggre­

gation can generally be assumed if the sedimentation velocity

of a substance increases with increasing concentration

(Gilbert, 1963). In many cases, only a single, al~ost sym-

metrical boundary is observed and at some concentration,

depending on the system, the sedimentation coefficient either

becomes constant or actually slowly decreases as the concen­

tration is increased further (Schachman, 1959).

That PAO is a system of this class is indicated by the

sedimentation velocity experiments of Yamada ~ Al., (1964).

The linear relationship between the sedimentation coef­

ficients and protein concentration may be described by

s20,W =9.23 + 0.042 c and here, the concentration dependen­

cy is seen to be positive in nature. Because the


sedimentation coefficients of PAC v~re not measured at con-

centrations greater than 12 mg/ml, no leveling or reversal of

the slope of the curve is evident, but it might be expected

that addition&l experiments in this direction would show this.

The usual theories of ultracentrifugal analysis are not

applicable to analysis of ultracentrifugal patterns of systems

which react chemically with itself or with-other components.

Due to the great mathematical difficulties, theoretical 1n-

vestigations in this field are still in the premature stage,

but developments are rapidly being made in the areas of sedi­

mentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium (Fujita,

1962; Adams and Fujita, 1963). An important contribution to

the problem of boundary shapes in sedimentation velocity and

electrophoresis experiments has been made by Gilbert (1955,

1959) in considering the interaction, nA~ An where n can

have values of 2 or more. The theory is based on analogies

to chromatography and neglects the effect of diffusion. It

predicts that there will be a single boundary if n = 2, but

that two boundaries will~e observed if n 2. Prior to this

treatment, it was generally accepted that only a single

boundary would be orserved in association-dissociation

equilibria as long as the reactions were instantaneous or

very rapid compared with the differential rate of migration

(Field and Ogston, 1955).

An extension to Gilbert's theory was made by Rao and

Kegeles (1958). In their work on ~-chymotrypsin, they found


that the schlieren pattern consisted of a single peak, out

molecular weight data indicated a higher polymer than the

dimer. With the aid of GilbertQs theory, theoretical sedi­

mentation velocity patterns were calculated for the cases of

eqUilibrium mixtures of monomers and trimers and monomers,

dimers, and trimers. The prediction from the theory was that

a single peak occurred for the latter c;se, but a double peak

for monomer and trimer in equilibrium. Therefore, considering

all the evidence at hand, it was concluded that ~-chymotrypsin

was present as an equilibrium mixture containing monomers,

dimers, and trimers.

Figure 30 is a typical sedimentation pattern obtained

from purified PAO (3 x crystallized). Only 8 single, rather

symmetrical peak is seen. From the above discussioa on

Gilbert's th~ory and the extension of Rao and Kegeles and in

keeping with the earlier conclusion drawn that plasma amine

oxidase is an associating-dissociating system, it seems highly

probable that PAO consists of an equilibrium mixture of mono­

mer and dimer or of monomer, dimer, and trimer. No decision

can be made at this time between the two possibilities since

extensive molecular weight studies were not carried out, but

this might be the subject of future research on thie enzyme.

The conclusion that PAO is an interacting protein system

existing in rapid eqUilibrium might now be used to explain

some of the earlier puzzling observations. In the attempt

to dissD~iat~ PAO by acid or alkaline dialysis, it was noted

that the sedimenting boundary of the test solution was

, ~


Figure 30. Example of a typical sed~entation pattern of purified plasma amine oxidase.Enzyme was thrice-crystallized from ammonium sulfate. Protein concentration9.27 mg/ml. Solvent 0.06 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. Specific activity 571.Sed~entatien is from left to right; speed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.50 c.Standard 4° single sector cell. Bar angle 550 ; photographs taken at 11.11,19.11, 27.11, 35.11, and 43.11 minutes.



sharper than that of the control solution. If we consider

PAD at pH 7 to contain appreciable quantities of eon~er ~nd

higher polymers. then this polydispersity is reflected in the

greater boundary spreading, due to the fact that the boundary

is a site of continually readjusting equilibria. The revers-

ible polymerization of PAO might be pH-dependent with the

interactions occurring more pred~inantly at the pHs around

neutrality, as in the case of lysozyme, which undergoes a

reversible association between pH 5 - 9 (Sophianopoulos and

Van Holde, 1964). If only a single species were present at

the more acid and alkaline pHs, this would explain the sharper

peaks, and the lower sed~entation coefficients might reflect

the decrease in s20,W with concentration that is typical of

most proteins suffering hydrodynamic effects.

D. A§§9ciatiQn Stygies

1. Th§ Effect 9f Stprage pn PAD Actiyity

In a preliminary investigation by Gee (1963), it was re-

ported that PAO associated to give rise to a 14.0 S polymer upon

dilution to approxtmately 0.5% and storage at 40 C. It was de-

cided to reinvestigate this phenomenon in more detail in an at-

tempt to relate loss of activity with polymerization of the

enzyme. For this purpose, fresh enzyme was prepared and, im-

mediately after final crystallization, two solutions of approxi­

mately 1% and 0.5% concentration were made up in 0.06 Mphosphate

buffer, pH 7.0 and stored at 40 C. The activity of each fraction

was determined at appropriate intervals by the standard assay pro-



T~ble IX relates the percent of original activity (Specific

activity 480) remaining at different time interv~lSe Figure 31

is a graphical represent~~ion of ~his cl~~~. A qualitative inter~

pretation of the data was that the activity of PAO slowly decreases

upon storage and this decrease was more pronounced in the more pro­

nounced in the more concentrated sample, i.e., the 1% solution

loses its activity faster than the 0.5% sample. How this might

be related to association of the enzyme is discussed at the end

of this section.

The same two samples used for the activity study above were

examined in the ultracentrifuge 1mmediately after preparation and

after three weeks and eight weeks storage. Figure 32 shows the

ultracentrifuge patterns obtained from the 1% solution. The

ultracentrifuge patterns from the 0.5% solution is shown in Fig-

ure 33. Comparison of the two figures seemed to indicate that the

1% solution gave rise to more polymer formation than the 0.5%

solution stored for the same length of time. Initially at ·zero·

storage, there appeared 8 single, fairly symmetrical peak with

both samples. s20,W values calculated were 9.86 and 9.58 S for

the 1% and 0.5% samples respectively. After three weeks, the 1%

sample showed a slight shoulder to the right of the major peak,

indicating the presence of 8 higher molecular weight fraction.

No corresponding peak was observed in the 0.5% sample. (Sedi­

mentation coefficients were not calculated for these patterns).

After eight weeks, the 1% sample showed three somewhat distinct







0 100.00 100.00

4 98.09

7 93.42 96.18

15 92.80 94.90

21 88.89 98.51

35 89.91 94.06

46 80.04 88.54

56 69.14 94.06

71 67.28 76.86

Figure 31. The decrease of PAO activity upon storage. 0.5% and 1.0% PAO solutions in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer, pH 7.0, were stored at 40 C. The activity was measured at inter­vals by the standard assay procedure. (..a .d ) 0.5% PAC solution; ( o-_.(D )

1% PAO solution.








I Ir\;

/ 100I


I <J 0/ l"-


I 0I lO

<J I 0I 0

I WI 0 CCI L()

K] 0I-(f)




<Cr<) 0

AlfAf1.8'1 l\1NI9~~O J..N3J~3d

_••_~_....__._.~.-;___ __ rneNLtI

Figure 32. The association of PAO upon storage. I. Storage of PAO in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer,pH 7.0, at a concentration of approximately 1% (10.71 mg/ml) at 4° C. Sedimentationis from left to right; speed 59780 rpn; temperature 22.50 C. Standard 40 singlese~tor cell. Bar angle 55°.a. Control (Zero storage time). Photographs taken at 8.67, 16.67, 24.67, 32.67~

and 40.67 minutes.b. After storage for three weeks. Photographs taken at 8.52, 16.52, 24.52, 32.52,

and 40.52 minutes.c. After storage for 8 weeks. Photographs taken at 8.57, 16.57, 24.57, 32.!),7, and

40.57 minutes.



79 .

Figure 33. The association of PAO upon storage. II. Storage of PAO in 0.06 Mphosphate buffer,pH 7.0, at a concentration of approximately 0.5% (5.52 mg/ml) at 40 C. Sedimentationis from left to right; speed 59,780 rpm; temperature 22.50 C. Standard 40 singlesector cell. Bar angle 450 •

a. Control (zero storage time). Photographs taken at 8.77, 16.77, 24.77, 32.'77, and40.77 minutes.

b. After storage for 3 weeks. Photographs taken at 8.49, 16.49, 24.49, 32.49, and40.49 minutes.

c. After storage for 8 weeks. Photographs taken at 8.48, 16.48, 24.48, 32.48, and40.48 minutes.


- ~.





boundaries and the 0.5% sample also showed three possible peaks.

These latter peaks were present in a much lower concentration 9

judging from the size of the boundaries. s20,W values calculated

for the peaks were 9.67, 14.26, and 19.23 S for the 1% sample and

9.30, 11.62, and 20.44 S for the 0.5% sample.

3. Oiscu§sion of the Results

From toe results of the effect of storage on PAO, it would

appear that there is some correlation between the loss of ac-

tivity and the association of the enzyme and that the concen-

tration of the enzyme solution stored is a significant factor.

In contrast to the assumption of Gee (l963) that dilution of PAO

and storage lead to association, the present studies give evi-

dence that increased concentrations lead to greater association

and that the increased association leads to a lower activity.

The s20,W values of the boundaries after eight weeks are

possibly indicative of the presence of monomers, dimers, and

trimers in the system. Theoretical sedimentation coefficients

for a dimer and a trimer species may be calculated from the

following equations:

sd/sm = {2Ml /Ml )2/3 = (2)2/3 =1.587;

/ { / )2/3 (3)2/3St sm· 3Ml MI· • 2.080,

where sm' sd, and St are the sedimentation coefficients for the

monomer, dimer, and trimer respectively, and MI is the monomer

molecular weight. The equations are derived from the relation­

ships of the molar frictional constant (Svedberg and Pedersen,

1940) and the basic assumption here is that these molecular


species are spherical in shape. Using a value of 9.23 S for the

monomer sedimentation coefficient (Yamada ~ ~.9 1964)9 the

calculated theoretical sd and St values are 14.65 and 19.20 S


A comparison of the theoretical values with the measured

sedimentation coefficients show that they are quite similar and

the components present in the aged samples might indeed be mono­

mers, dimers and trimers. The question at hand is whether this

assay is a reflection of the original composition of the solu­

tion, since it was found that PAO at pH 7 exists as a reversibly

associating system of either monomers and dimers, or monomers,

dimers, and trimers. Ageing of the enzyme might have altered

the equilibrium so that partial resolution of the components was

accomplished under the ultracentrifugal field. In a situation

where the equilibrium rates of the forward and reverse reactions

are comparable, but very small in magnitude, all species might

be expected to be seen in the u1tracentrifugal pattern (Schachman,

1960). On the other hand, the association to monomers, dimers,

and t~imers upon ageing may have no bearing on the reversible

interaction of PAO and may be a phenomenon unique to the de­

naturation of the enzyme.

From the parallel studies at the different concentrations,

it appeared that the association is a mass-action effect, with

more polymer being formed in the more concentrated sample. The

more enzymatically active form appeared to be the monomeric

species, evident from the activity studies. The 0.5% enzyme


solution which contained a smaller amount of the associated forms

retained more of its activity than the 1.0% solution which re­

vealed greater polymer formation when stored over identical peri­

ods of time under the same conditions.



An investigation has been made of the association-dissociation

propeEties of beef plasma amine oxidaseo The high molecular weight

reported for the enzyme and some other previous studies indicated that

the enzyme might be composed of subunits. The usual methods employed

to break down non-covalent linkages proved to be unsuccessful as re­

vealed by ultracentrifugal patterns of the treated enzyme. Only the

relatively strong denaturing agent, 6 Mguanidine-hydrochloride, ap­

peared to give sedimentation coefficients compatible with a minimum

breakdown of the molecule. The additional use of a reducing agent,

mercaptoethanol, further reduced the sedlinentation coefficient.

These experiments alone were not sufficient to ascertain whether

or not a dissociation had taken place because lowered sedimentation

coefficients are also obtained when conformational changes of the mole­

cule occur. To clarify the role of sUlfhydryl groups in the molecule,

an investigation was made of the cysteine and cystine content. The en­

zyme is not inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents such as CMS and it was

observed that a low concentration of the reagent helped stabilize the

native enzyme somewhat at room temperature. Two moles of -SH was

found for plasma amine oxidase for 170,000 grams of protein. Twenty

cysteic acid residues were found. This value was confirmed by the

S-CM-cysteine content of the reduced enzyme which was also found to be

twenty residues per 170,000 grams of protein. On this basis it ap­

peared that there are nine disulfide bonds present, some of which may

bind the subunits of PAO together. Denaturation of the enzyme may be


in part due to aggregation of the enzyme through oxidation of the free

sUlfhydryl groups leading to precipitation.

A reinvestigation of the molecular weight of the native enzyme led

to the realization that PAO is one of the number of proteins which re­

versibly associate and dissociate in a rapid equilibrium between mono­

mer and higher polymers. Est~ation of the molecular weight by the

method of sephadex gel filtration yielded a value of 166,700, which

was much lower than the previously reported 261,000. In sedimentation

equilibrium studies the molecular weight distribution in the sample

fluid column indicated an associating-dissociating system and a value

of 260,000 was obtained from the center. A limiting value of 170,000

was obtained from sedLiaentation equilibri~u runs using absorption

optics. Thus, it appeared that the molecular weight of the enzyme was

170,000 and the previously reported value of 261,000 was an average of

the monomer and higher polymers.

The increase in sedimentation velocity with increasing concentra­

tion of native PAO also bears out the conclusion that plasma amine

oxidase is an associating system. The fact that only a single, fairly

symmetrical peak is observed in the sedimentation velocity exper~ents

is attributed to a rapid equilibrium between either a monomer-d~er or

a monomer-dimer-trimer system, as substantiated by the theories of

Gilbert (1955, 1959) and Rao and Kegeles (1958).

Molecular weight determinations of PAO denatured in 6 Mguanidine­

hydrochloride by the methods of sedimentation equilibrium and sedi­

mentation-diffusion gave results which were comparable to the re­

evaluated molecular weight of the native enzyme. On the other hand,


reduction of the denatured enzyme with mercaptoethanol yielded a mole-

cular weight of 87,000 or approximately one=half of the native enzyme.

Therefore, it is concluded that plasma amine oxidase is composed of two

polypeptide chains which are covalently linked by disulfide bonds.

Association of the enzyme was seen upon ageing of PAO solutions in

the cold at pH 7. Here, physical evidence of high molecular weight

forms was noted in the sedimentation velocity patterns which showed

distinct, faster moving boundaries. Sedimentation coefficients of the

faster peaks were calculated to be approximately 14 S and 19 S, con­

sistent with theoretical values of dimers and trimers of a monomer with

an s20,W of about 9 S. Parallel activity studies of the aged solutions

of 0.5% and 1.0% protein concentration revealed that 1055 of activity

is related to the polymer formation of the enzyme. Increased polymer

formation in the more concentrated sample resulted in a greater loss of

activity. Thus it seems that the monomeric species is the more active


The primary intent of this investigation, as originally conceived,

was to examine some of the structural features of plasma amine oxidase

and to show that, like many other large proteins, it was composed of

subunits. Indeed, it was found that PAO contains two covalently linked

polypeptide chains, but the problem of association-dissociation of the

enzyme t.urned out to be more complicated than anticipated with the dis­

covery that the enzyme participates in a rapidly reversible aggregation

and is not as large as was first reported. Ramifications of the study

lead to many other interesting aspects of the enzyme with regard to its

activity, such as the role of the SUlfhydryl groups in enzyme inac­

tivation and the effect of polymerization.


These investigations have given rise to many other interesting

questions which need to be answered before any valid model of the en­

zyme can be visualized and it is realized that the ~oblem of associ­

ation and dissociation of PAO is by no means complete with these

studies. It is hoped that further research on PAO will be done which

may be guided by the observations made here.


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