thirumala milk

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INTRODUCTIONTRAINING AND DEVELOPMENTIn simple terms, training and development refer to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. [Training and development need = Standard Performance Actual Performance]

DEFINITION Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. EDWIN B FLIPPO.

IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING Reduction in wastage leading to improved profitability Improves the morale of the workforce Improve the job knowledge and skills at the levels of the organization Improves quality Improves labor management relations Creates an appropriate climate for growth and communication Aid in improving organizational communication Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving Improves production rate Aids in encouraging and achieving self development and self-confidence Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict Training and development refers to the imparting of specified skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee.

Training and development means, it is an attempt, which improves the current and future Performance of an employee through learning or by increasing his skills and knowledge.

MILKMilk is the most important food item for human beings. Both children and adults require it for maintaining their normal body. Milk contains on average 87.25% water3.80% fat, 3.50% protein, 4.80% of lactose and 0.65% minerals according to (Eckles et al., 1951). Besides milk contains considerable amount of fat-soluble vitamins (Vit A, D, E, K) and water-soluble vitamin (Vit B complex and vit C). Milk is very nutritious, but it is also a good media for growth of various microbes. The presence of undesirable bacteria in milk may causes deterioration of flavor or physical appearance and also may be the causes of producing disease in human beings. Souring of milk, discoloration, gassiness and many other defects are caused by the presence of different types of microorganisms. In our country, majority of the dairy farmers have no ability to install cold room or to buy refrigerator. Similarly heated milk is not generally accepted by the public in the market. Another alternative way is to preserve milk with chemical preservatives. Recently scientists are using various milk preservatives (H O, NaHCO, ethanol, boric acid) to overcome this problem (Al-Dabbagh et al., 1984; Dirar, 1975; Hossain, 1989). So, it is very important to carry out research work for developing a suitable method of milk preservation for our rural farmers. So, the present study was under taken to preserve milk samples with hydrogen peroxide. Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. The early lactation milk is known as colostrum, and carries the mother's antibodies to the baby. It can reduce the risk of many diseases in the baby. The exact components of raw milk vary by species, but it contains significant amounts of saturated fat, protein and calcium as well as vitamin C. Cow's milk has a pH ranging from 6.4 to 6.8, making it slightly acidic.

DAIRY INDUSTRY The dairy sector in the India has shown remarkable development in the past decade and India has now become one of the largest producers of milk and value-added milk products in the world. The dairy sector has developed through co-operatives in many parts of the State. During 1997-98, the State had 60 milk processing plants with an aggregate processing capacity of 5.8 million litres per day. In addition to these processing plants, 123 Government and 33 cooperatives milk chilling centres operate in the State. With the increase in milk production. Maharashtra now regularly exports milk to neighbouring states. It has also intiated a free school feeding scheme, benefiting more than three million school children from over 19,000 schools all over the State.

Dairy is a place where handling of milk and milk products is done and technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. DAIRY INDUSTRIES IN INDIA More than 2,445 million people economically active in agriculture in the world, probably 2/3 or even more of them are wholly or partly dependent on livestock farming. India is endowed with rich flora & Fauna & continues to be vital avenue for employment and income generation, especially in rural areas. India, which has 66% of economically active population, engaged in agriculture, derives 31% of Gross Domestic Product GDP from agriculture. The share of livestock product is estimated at 21% of total agricultural sector. The dairy industry in India has been witnessing rapid growth. The liberalized economy provides more opportunities for MNCs and foreign investors to release the full potential of this industry.

OVERVIEW OF THE INDIAN DAIRY SECTOR India is the largest milk producer all over the world, around 100 million MT Value of output amounted to Rs. 1179 billion (in 2004-05) (Approximately equals combined output of paddy and wheat!!) 1/5thof the world bovine population Milch animals (45% indigenous cattle, 55 % buffaloes, and 10% cross bred cows) Immensely low productivity, around 1000 kg/year (world average 2038 kg/year) Large no. of unproductive animals, low genetic potency, poor nutrition and lack of services are the main factors for the low productivity There are different regions developed, average, below average (eastern states of Orissa, Bihar

and NE region) in the dairy industry.

IMPORATNCE OF DAIRY INDUSTRIES Data collected by bureau of human nutrition and home economics for the year 1944 and 1945 showed that dairy products contained 75% of the calcium and 45%of riboflavin in the total food supply as well as 24% of the total protein,17% of the vitamins and 17% calories. I n 1946 the first company was established in kava District co-operative milk produces known as AMUL throughout the Nation wide and their different companies were developed throughout country form Govt. side and also private side. In Andhra Pradesh the leading companies are A.P. dairy development under the brand names TI RUMALA, Doddle, Revile, Heritage, Jerry, Cream lines, and Mother Dairy etc Dairy is developed as a separate industry. The main reason for developing of this industry is above to increase in population of urban areas and more consumption of milk in the areas of soft drinks.

Today India is the largest milk producing country in the world. The milk producing state in are Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. A cattle farming is one of the important aspects of the overall development process in India. I t is said that it is one of the bounded sectors of agriculture. It has been the important of the National Economic Development Process all these years. Nearly 5% of the Indian population of the country directly or indirectly depends on milk production and it`s sales for their livelihood.

The first and foremost requirement of modern marketing is to understand the customer needs, and create need develop strategies to bring the customers right elements of the that., product offering Positioning distribution channels etc. to satisfy the needs. The modern dairy emerged in the middle of the 19 the century. Among the many factors, which have played important roles in the evaluation of the modern dairy industry, the following may be mentioned.

1. The factory system. 2. Improved machinery. 3. Transportation. 4. Economic factors 5. Research and scientific investigation. 6. Improved live stock.

I ndia has the potential to become a leading exporter of milk and milk products. Due to low labor cost, the cost of milk production is significantly low here to boost exports; the dairy industry needs to focus on quality and productivity. Significant investment has to be made in milk procurement equipment and chilling and refrigeration facilities.

HISTORY OF MILK PRESERVATION Cool temperature has been the main method by which milk freshness has been extended. When windmills and well pumps were invented, one of its first uses on the farm besides providing water for animals was for cooling milk, to extend the storage life before being transported to the town market. The naturally cold underground water would be continuously pumped into a tub or other containers of milk set in the tub to cool after milking. This method of milk cooling was extremely popular before the arrival of electricity and refrigeration. REFRIGERATION When refrigeration first arrived (the 19th century) the equipment was initially used to cool cans of milk, which were filled by hand milking. These cans were placed into a cooled water bath to remove heat and keep them cool until they were able to be transported to a collection facility. As more automated methods were developed for harvesting milk, hand milking was replaced and, as a result, the milk can was replaced by a bulk milk cooler. 'Ice banks' were the first type of bulk milk cooler. This was a double wall vessel with evaporator coils and water located between the walls at the bottom and sides of the tank. A small refrigeration compressor was used to remove heat from the evaporator coils. Ice eventually builds up around the coils, until it reaches a thickness of about three inches surrounding each pipe, and the cooling system shuts off. When the milking operation starts, only the milk agitator and the water circulation pump, which flows water across the ice and the steel walls of the tank, are needed to reduce the incoming milk to a temperature below 40 degrees. This cooling method worked well for smaller dairies, however was fairly inefficient and was unable to meet the increasingly higher cooling demand of larger milking parlors. In the mid 1950's direct expansion refrigeration was first applied directly to the bulk milk cooler. This type of cooling utilizes an evaporator built directly into the inner wall of the storage tank to remove heat from the milk. Direct expansion is able to cool milk at a much faster rate than early ice bank type coolers and is still the primary method for bulk tank cooling today on small to medium sized operations.

Another device which has contributed significantly to milk quality is the plate heat exchanger (PHE). This device utilizes a number of specially designed stainless steel plates with small spaces between them. Milk is passed between every other set of plates with water being passed between the balance of the plates to remove heat from the milk. This method of cooling can remove large amounts of heat from the milk in a very short time, thus drastically slowing bacteria growth and thereby improving milk quality. Ground water is the most common source of cooling medium for this device. Dairy cows consume approximately 3 gallons of water for every gallon of milk production and prefer to drink slightly warm water as opposed to cold ground water. For this reason, PHE's can result in drastically improved milk quality, reduced operating costs for the dairymen by reducing the refrigeration load on his bulk milk cooler, and increased milk production by supplying the cows with a source of fresh warm water. Plate heat exchangers have also evolved as a result of the increase of dairy farm herd sizes in the US. As a dairyman increases the size of his herd, he must also increase the capacity of his milking parlor in order to harvest the additional milk. This increase in parlor sizes has resulted in tremendous increases in milk throughput and cooling demand. Today's larger farms produce milk at a rate which direct expansion refrigeration systems on bulk milk coolers cannot cool in a timely manner. PHE's are typically utilized in this instance to rapidly cool the milk to the desired temperature (or close to it) before it reaches the bulk milk tank. Typically, ground water is still utilized to provide some initial cooling to bring the milk to between 55 and 70 F (21 C). A second (and sometimes third) section of the PHE is added to remove the remaining heat with a mixture of chilled pure water and propylene glycol. These chiller systems can be made to incorporate large evaporator surface areas and high chilled water flow rates to cool high flow rates of milk.

MILKING OPERATION Milking machines are held in place automatically by a vacuum system that draws the ambient air pressure down from 15 to 21 pounds per square inch (100 to 140 kPa) of vacuum. The vacuum is also used to lift milk vertically through small diameter hoses, into the receiving can. A milk lift pump draws the milk from the receiving can through large diameter stainless steel piping, through the plate cooler, then into a refrigerated bulk tank.

Milk is extracted from the cow's udder by flexible rubber sheaths known as liners or inflations that are surrounded by a rigid air chamber. A pulsating flow of ambient air and vacuum is applied to the inflation's air chamber during the milking process. When ambient air is allowed to enter the chamber, the vacuum inside the inflation causes the inflation to collapse around the cow's teat, squeezing the milk out of teat in a similar fashion as a baby calf's mouth massaging the teat. When the vacuum is reapplied in the chamber the flexible rubber inflation relaxes and opens up, preparing for the next squeezing cycle. It takes the average cow three to five minutes to give her milk. Some cows are faster or slower. Slow-milking cows may take up to fifteen minutes to let down all their milk. Milking speed is only minorly related to the quantity of milk the cow produces milking speed is a separate factor from milk quantity; milk quantity is not determinative of milking speed. Because most milkers milk cattle in groups, the milker can only process a group of cows at the speed of the slowest-milking cow. For this reason, many farmers will cull slowmilking cows. The extracted milk passes through a strainer and plate heat exchangers before entering the tank, where it can be stored safely for a few days at approximately 42 F (6 C). At pre-arranged times, a milk truck arrives and pumps the milk from the tank for transport to a dairy factory where it will be pasteurized and processed into many products.

GROWTH SCENARIO OF DAIRY PRODUCTS IN INDIA India is the world's highest milk producer and all set to become the world's largest food factory. In celebration, Indian Dairy sector is now ready to invite NRIs and Foreign investors to find this country a place for the mammoth investment projects. Be it investors, researchers, entrepreneurs, or the merely curious Indian Dairy sector has something for everyone. Milk production is relatively efficient way of converting vegetable material into animal food. Dairy cows buffaloes goats and sheep can eat fodder and crop by products which are not eaten by humans. Yet the loss of nutrients energy and equipment required in milk handling

inevitably make milk comparatively expensive food. Also if dairying is to play its part in rural development policies, the price to milk producers has to be remunerative. In a situation of increased international prices, low availabilities of food aid and foreign exchange constraints, large scale subsidization of milk conception will be difficult in the majority of developing countries. Hence in the foreseeable future, in most of developing countries milk and milk products will not play the same roll in nutrition as in the affluent societies of developed countries. Effective demand will come mainly from middle and high income consumers in urban areas. There are ways to mitigate the effects of unequal distribution of incomes. In Cuba where the Government attaches high priority to milk in its food and nutrition policy, all pre-school children receive a daily ration of almost a litre of milk fat the reduced price. Cheap milk and milk products are made available to certain other vulnerable groups, by milk products outside the rationing system are sold price which is well above the cost level. Until recently, most fresh milk in the big cities of China was a reserved for infants and hospitals, but with the increase in supply, rationing has been relaxed.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF DAIRY PRODUCTS Calcium Decreases the risk of kidney stones Lowers the risk of breast cancer Less risk of Colon Cancer Fights hypertension Fights Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IRS) A natural treatment for the Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Lowers the chance of developing ovarian malignancy. Healthy Bones Skin Care Healthy Teeth Acidity Reduction Wholesome Food

TIRUMALA MILK PRODUCTSVISIONTo produce and supply superior quality products with exceptional customer service to eventually grow as market leader in dairy industry.

MISSIONTirumala Milk Products (P) LTD. will constantly strive to market quality products at competitive prices, provide value to our business partners, all the while delivering exceptional customer service with the highest regard for business ethics.

COMPANY PROFILETirumala Milk Product Private Limited was incorporated in the month of 13th day November 1998. The plant at Kadivedu village, Chillakuru Mandela, Nellore District was started in the month of September 1999.Initially it was started with an operating capacity of 70,000 liters Per day. Further it has increased its capacity and now is operating with 2, 00, 000 Lts. capacity. Tirumala Milk Products Private Limited is selling its milk and milk products in Chennai, Bangalore, Tirupati and towns in A.P, Hyderabad, TI RUMALA wade, Nellore, Gudur, Ongole, and Guntur. Recently the company has started production in Palamaneru in Chittoor District.

Tirumala Milk Products Private Limited is a professionally managed company engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of Dairy Products which include Milk in Sachets, Sweets, Flavored Milk, Curd in Cups and Sachets, Milk Powder, Butter, Ghee and Butter Oil both in bulk as well as in consumer packs.Established in 1998, Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. is one of the fastest growing Private Sector Enterprises in India with a team of dedicated professionals. The company has one of the most modern and versatile plants in the Indian Dairy Industry with state-of-the-art technology. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. products meet stringent quality control tests and cater to the premium segment of the market for Dairy Products. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. is presently implementing an expansion programme and proposes to launch new products in the near future. Presently our market presence is in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. We handle 7 Lakh liters of milk per day in our packing stations and dairy plant, which is the single largest plant in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Our Registered Office is located at Narasarao Pet, Gutur Dist and Corporate Office is located at Ameerpet, Hyderabad. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. sells a rich, varied offering of nutritious, tasty and healthy food products under well-known brand. Taste, health, convenience, reliability and vitality for consumers are key characteristics. Our milk comes from cattle herd that receive the best care along with healthy and nutritious diet in the form of quality feed to ensure that they produce wholesome, high-quality milk. THE CONTRIBUTORS FOR SUCCESS Milk Procurement Network Superior sales and marketing prowess Strategic technological & infrastructural advantage Efficient human investments Business intelligence and technical expertise that is applied to serve our consumers.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has a seasoned Board of Directors with a collective blend of visionary leadership, consumer marketing expertise and technological prowess. Our Board of Directors are , y y y y y B.Brahma Naidu, Managing Director, D.Brahmanandam, Joint Managing Director, B.Nageswara Rao, Director, Dr. N.Venkata Rao, Director, E.N.Rao , Executive Director,

CORPORATE MANAGEMENT TEAM Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. is a growthoriented organization. While competitive with larger-sized companies, we maintain the flexibility and customer attention that only smaller enterprises can provide. The Corporate Management Team keeps us focused for betterment in their areas. They are , j Raghavan. R j Ramesh.Chava j Suresh. A j Srinivas. R (MSc Dairy Technology) j Subbaiah Chowdary . V (CA) j Mr.Raja Gopal.VV M.Com., (ICWAI) j Mallikarjuna Rao. CH (M. Com)

OUR COMMITEMENTS Tirumala Milk Products (P) LTD. We have commited To serve our customers with better products and higher quality services than is available from any other dairy company at present. To continue the tradition as a trusted dairy by managing sustainable, profitable, and environmental practices both within our company and our community. To achieve longevity by adapting to our customers changing needs and market trends. To invest in the abilities, opportunities, and teamwork of our employees thus igniting passion, commitment, and success. To produce products of international quality with acceptance from overseas clientele. CERTIFICATE AND AWARDS In recognition of its efforts and achievements in the dairy foods industry, and in acknowledgment of all the challenges surmounted, Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has won many awards and certificates.More enduring than any public recognition for our contributions is the satisfaction we enjoy by creating a superior product and giving back to our communities. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 and an ISO 22000: 2005 Certified company. The dairy is following Quality Management System and Food Safety Standards.Apart from ISO certification, we have Certificate from SGS on SMP Analysis too. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has ISI Licence, Agmark Licence and adhere to all other Statutory standards as per requirements.

FINANCIALS Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has always reiterated that our added value businesses would continue to demonstrate attractive growth. Our business strategy continues to make encouraging progress and is a key driver of the operating profit.

Our strategy will continue to focus on growing our brands and added value businesses. The strength of our competitive position gives confidence that we will deliver attractive earnings growth and provides the opportunity for a greater appreciation in Tirumala Dairy's value. Before November 2007, both Tirumala Dairy Pvt Ltd and Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd were separate entities. After that they became one single entity called Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd.

TURNOVER OF OUR COMPANYThe following are the Turnover Information of the company:

Rs. In Crores Sales TOTAL 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 285.27 373.80 470.79 585.91

PRODUCTS Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. covers the entire spectrum of dairy products sold in markets. The complete range of Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. are highly nutritious, healthy and bring you a world of goodness.Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. pasteurizes and packages all fresh dairy products in technologically superior and hygienic conditions to ensure pure natural freshness. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd., Handles 6.5 Lakhs Liters of Milk per day in all their packing Stations and main dairy plant which is the highest in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. handles milk in the following locations:Pacing Locations Gudur Vellala Cheruvu Bhimadolu Palamaner Gungal Handling Capacity per day 4.0 Lakh litres 2.0 Lakh litres 1.0 Lakh litres 2.0 Lakh litres 4.0 Lakh litres

PRODUCTION Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has its main dairy plant at Kadivedu with handling capacity of 4.0 lakhs lts of milk per day from various chilling centers and local units. Main plant processes 3.0 Lakhs Lts of milk per day in automatic sachet filling machines for supply and distribution to Chennai, Tirupati, Nellore, etc in insulated puffs. There is continuous growth in sale of milk from 50000 ltrs to 350000 ltr with in a span of one-decade. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has its own supply chain management, which is the key to timely distribution.At our Palamaner unit processes and supplies 1.00 lakh liters of milk and 20000 liters of curd to Bangolore city. Our Vellalacheruvu & Bhimadolu packing stations processes and supplies 2.0 lakh liters of milk to Hyderabad, Warangal, Vijayawada. Elure, Guntur and Rajahmundry. Our Wadiyaram plant has capacity of 50000 Liters milk to cater to the markets of Medak, Nizambad, Adilabad and Karim Nagar Districts of A.P

MAIN PRODUCTS The Main Plant has modern equipments to manufacture milk products like Buttter, Ghee and Milk Powder.Butter is made from pure cow & buffalo fat under hygienically processed through continues butter making machine with a capacity of 8 tones per day. Ghee is made from pure cow & buffalo butter under supervision of 30 years experienced dairy technologists to retain granulation, color and aroma of ghee with a capacity of 8 tons per day. Milk powder is made from fresh cow & buffalo milk and the plant is capable of producing all type of milk powders with a capacity of 15 tones per day.By-Products like Sterilized Flavored Milk, Lassi, Khova, Milk Cake, Mysore pak, Panner. FOOD SAFETY PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTME Carlyle Asia Growth Capital IV ( CAGP IV ) invested $22 million in Tirumala Milk Products Private Limited in May 2010. With the investment and support of Carlyle, Tirumala is well placed to capture growth opportunities in a robust sector fueled by growing income and demand for quality products. The Carlyle Group is a global private equity firm with more than $97.7 billion under management. With 78 funds across four investment disciplines (buyouts, credit alternatives, growth capital and real estate), Carlyle combines global vision with local insight, relying on a strong team of 400+ investment professionals operating out of offices in 19 countries to uncover superior opportunities in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East/North Africa and Latin America. Since its inception in 1987, Carlyle has invested $64.7 billion in 1,015 transactions. Carlyle has over 1300 investors from 73 countries and has committed more than $4.1 billion of its own capital to its funds. Our new modern dairy plant located in Gungal near Ibrahimpatnam on the outskirts of Hyderabad was inaugurated by Sri R. S. Reddy Chairman & Managing Director, Andhra Bank. and Sri M. Shankar Narayanan Managing Director, Carlyle India Advisors Private Limited on 30th March 2010.

The Company has built an integrated modern plant using the latest technology for pasteurization, standardization and homogenization of the milk. This plant has installed processing capacity of more than 400,000 liters of milk per day. It can produce the complete range of dairy products including curd, flavoured milk, butter milk, butter, ghee, paneer, sweets, etc. All the products are manufactured with latest technology machines having highest standard of food safety. The Company always strives to ensure superior quality of the products till they reach the doorsteps of the end consumers. NEWPACKING-STATIONS Tirumala has recently opened two packing stations - one near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and another in Gingee, Tamilnadu. These packing stations have capacity of more than 50,000 liters of milk per day. DAIRYPARLOURS To ensure that entire range of products is easily available at a single point for our valued customers, we have recently started Thirumala parlours across major cities in Southern India. We currently have more than 150 parlours in operation and the same is expected to increase to 500 by the end of 2011. AREAS OF INVESTMENT Tirumala distributes milk to various parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. Gudur is the main source for delivering milk and milk products to Chennai and other major parts of Tamil Nadu. The procurement and processing section located at Pasupattur village of Chitoor district in Andhra Pradesh is the source of milk, curd and products which are supplied in Bangalore and Mysore Markets. The packing station located at Vellacheruvu, 20 KM away from our Registered Office and plant at Singavaram West Godavari District and Wadiyaram in Medak District supplied milk curd and other products to major markets of Andhra Pradesh which includes Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Guntur, Rajahmundry, Kakinada, and Karim Nagar.

Skim Milk Powder, Butter and Butter oil produced at Gudur plant are supplied to major Industrial and Institutional customers located across India and Overseas.Our presence is across entire Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Some parts of Karnataka

TYPES OF PRODUCTS Tirumala Gold Milk Tirumala Toned Milk Tirumala Milk Tirumala Butter Milk Tirumala Curd Tirumala Butter Tirumala Cheese Tirumala Ghee Tirumala FCM Floured milk Powder

TEST FOR ADULTERANTS DETECTION OF SKIMMING Low Percentage of Fat High Density (High LR) Higher ratio of solids not fat and: fat

DETECTION OF EXTRANEOUS WATER Lower Percentage of Water Lower Density of Milk (Low LR)

Lower Percentage of Solids Not Fat DETECTION OF STARCH Take 3 ml of milk sample in attest tube Bring it to boil by holding over a flame Allow to cool to room temperature Add a drop of one percent iodine solution Presence of starch is indicated by the appearance of a blue colour DETECTION OF CANE SUGAR Take a 15 ml of milk in a test tube Add 1 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid Add 100 ml of resorcinol and mix Place the test tube in boiling water for 5 minutes. Appearance of brick red colour indicates presence of cane sugar

DETECTION OF NEUTRALIZERS Take 5 ml of milk Add 5 ml of alcohol Add few drops of one percent alcoholic rosalic acid solution and mix. Appearance of rose red colour instead of brown colour shows presence of carbonates

ACIDITY TEST BY TITRATION METHOD Mix the sample of milk thoroughly to avoid air bubbles Measure 10 ml of milk into porcelain basins Add 1 ml of Phenolphthalein indicator solution Titrate against standard Sodium Hydroxide solution Stir vigorously and read the end point at appearance if light pink colour The time taken should not exceed 20 seconds CALCULATION Titrable acidity (as lactic acid per 100 ml of milk) =9V1N/V2 V1 N1 V2 Volume in ml of standard NaOH solution required for titration Normality of standard NaOH solution Volume in ml of milk sample taken for the test

METHYLENE BLUE REDUCTION Mix the sample thoroughly by inverting and shaking the sample bottle Remove the cap of sterilized test tube under aseptic conditions Flame the pouring lip of the sample bottle and mouth of the test tube Pour 10 ml of the sample into a test tube rapidly taking care not to wet one side of test tube Add 1 ml of methylene blue solution into the test tube taking care not to touch any of the surface or milk During delivery of solution hold the pipette against the dry side of tube and blow or use a jet After the lapse of 3 seconds blow out the solution in the tip of pipette and take out

Close the test tube with sterile stopper and invert the tube to mix Place the tube in the water bath Put control tubes with 10 ml of mixed milk and 1 ml of tap water and 10 ml mixed of milk with 1 ml of methylene blue solution Inspect the tubes for decolouration and note down the time take for complete decolouration and compare with control samples.


MBRT time (hrs) 5 and above 3 and 4 1 and 2

Grade Very Good Good Fair Poor

DETERMINATION OF FAT IN MILK BY GERBER METHOD Mark the Butyrometer with sample nos. Pipette out 10 ml of 90% Sulphuric Acid into butyrometer Pipette out 10.75 ml of Milk Sample to the butyrometer with sulphuric acid Measure 1 ml of Amyl Alcohol into butyrometer by 1 ml pipette Close the neck of butrometer with lock stopper until the rim is in contact with neck of butyrometer

Shake the butyrometer until the contents are mixed thoroughly Invert the butyrometer few times for thorough mixing Transfer the butyrometer to a centrifuge and centrifuge at maximum speed for 4 minutes Stop the centrifuge and adjust the fat column to nearest graduation point Note the scale readings corresponding to the lowest point of fat meniscus and the surface of separation of the fat and acid The difference between the readings gives the % by mass of fat in the milk.

NOTE Check Whether standard butyrometer is used Do not allow acid or sample to touch the neck of butyrometer Temperature of milk should be more than 27 C.

OBSERVATION Carry on the business of producers, vendors of milk cream, cheese, butter milk, and all other dairy products of all kinds and to buy sell trade in any goods which are usually needed in any of the above business or any other business associated with the fore going or other interests of the company. Provide quality and safe products

Carry on the business with producers, vendors of milk, cream, cheese, butter milk, and all other dairy products of all kinds and to buy , sell, trade in any goods which are usually needed in any of the above business or any other business associated with the fore going or other interests of the company

Serve the milk producers of villagers by providing loans for purchasing cattle. Build customer confidence through quality and reliable service.

SEVEN PRINCIPLES OFTHE COMPANY: 1. Contribution to society 2. Fairness and Honesty 3. Co-operation and Team Spirit 4. Untiring Effort for improvement 5. Courtesy and Humility 6. Adaptability 7. Gratitude

FINDINGS Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd manufacture wide range of Dairy Products which include Milk in Sachets, Sweets, Flavored Milk, Curd in Cups and Sachets, Milk Powder, Butter, Ghee and Butter Oil both in bulk as well as in consumer packs. Presently market presence is in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. sells a rich, varied offering of nutritious, tasty and healthy food products under well-known brand. Milk comes from cattle herd that receive the best care along with healthy and nutritious diet in the form of quality feed to ensure that they produce wholesome, high-quality milk. The major contributors like Strong management focus, Milk Procurement Network Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 and an ISO 22000: 2005 certified company.

Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. has always reiterated that our added value businesses would continue to demonstrate attractive growth. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. covers the entire spectrum of dairy products sold in markets. Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd. pasteurizes and packages all fresh dairy products in technologically superior and hygienic conditions to ensure pure natural freshness.Tirumala Milk Products (P) Ltd., Handles 6.5 Lakhs Liters of Milk per day in all their packing Stations and main dairy plant which is the highest in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The Main Plant has modern equipments to manufacture milk products like Butter, Ghee and Milk Powder.