thirteenth sunday in ordinary time june 28,...

THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, 2020 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Day of Confession in our parish is this co- ming Friday, July 3 rd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & from 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not possible to have the usual Lenten Day of Confession. Therefo- re, there will be an opportunity this Friday to fulfill the Easter obligation . EASTER OBLIGATION OF CATHOLICS? The Easter Obligation is defined in Canon Law # 920 where it states: 920 §1. "After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year." 920 §2. "This precept must be fulfilled du- ring the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year." Summari- zing the above, Catholics are obligated to attend Holy Mass during the Easter Season in order to re- ceive Holy Communion. To understand this obliga- tion, it is necessary to know Section # 2042 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church where it states: # 2042 "The first precept ("You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor") requires the faithful to sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord as well as the principal liturgical feasts honoring the Mysteries of the Lord, the Blessed Vir- gin Mary, and the saints; in the first place, by parti- cipating in the Eucharistic celebration, in which the Christian community is gathered, and by resting from those works and activities which could impe- de such a sanctification of these days." "The second precept ("You shall confess your sins at least once a year") ensures preparation for the Eucharist by the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, which continues Baptism's work of conversion and forgiveness." "The third precept ("You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season") guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood in con- nection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and cen- ter of the Christian liturgy." Those who fail to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days, they commit a mortal sin each time. Having committed mortal sins, they are obligated to receive the Sacrament of Confession prior to receiving the Holy Eucharist. For it is forbidden to receive the Holy Eucharist while in a state of mortal sin. (Must attend regular Mass on Sunday and holy Days; receive the Sacra- ment of Confession.) faq/qu334.htm GOSPEL REFLECTION – MT 10:3742 The heart of the paschal mystery is dying and rising. Our own daily living can sometimes seem to have much more dying than rising. Even setting aside the issue of consciously choosing self-sacrifice, just the simple de- mands of our lives pull it out of us: feeding the infant in the middle of the night, ferrying the kids to soccer, helping with the homework when we are dog tired, cleaning the house and preparing meals, taking time to share some good thing with a spouse, calling and visiting an aging parent, helping the suffering and the poor. One of the great encouragements of this Sundays gospel is that all this behavior—like giving a cup of cold water—may seem small to us, but to God they are actions that corre- spond to those of Christ. The message is that our generosity is far surpassed by Gods gene- rosity. CANADA DAY MASSES – JULY 1 All are invited to join in thanksgiving for this wonderful country we call home on Wednesday, July 1 st , at 10:30 am in En- glish and 12:00 pm in Polish. HAVE A BLESSED CANADA DAY! WE ARE OPEN! After three long months, our church is open again. It was such a great joy to celebrate the Holy Mass last weekend with our parishioners. Many thanks to the Church Re-opening Committee and all the VOLUNTEERS who have been working tirelessly these past few weeks to prepare our church for this moment. I would also like to express my gra- titude to all who attended the Masses last week- end for being so respectful and obedient to the new rules and guidelines that we need to follow. All the information that we collected, email ad- dresses in particular, will help us to update our list of parishioners and make our communication much more efficient. THIS WEEK First Thursday Please pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. 8:30 am Mass. First Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm – 6:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Sacrament of Reconciliation. 7:00 pm Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, followed by Mass and the Stations of the Cross. First Saturday 8:30 am Mass.

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Page 1: THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, Nawrat—rodzina 8:30 AM tion gave credibility


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Day of Confession in our parish is this co-ming Friday, July 3rd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & from 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not possible to have the usual Lenten Day of Confession. Therefo-re, there will be an opportunity this Friday to fulfill the Easter obligation .

EASTER OBLIGATION OF CATHOLICS? The Easter Obligation is defined in Canon Law # 920 where it states: 920 §1. "After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year." 920 §2. "This precept must be fulfilled du-ring the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year." Summari-zing the above, Catholics are obligated to attend Holy Mass during the Easter Season in order to re-ceive Holy Communion. To understand this obliga-tion, it is necessary to know Section # 2042 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church where it states: # 2042 "The first precept ("You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor") requires the faithful to sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord as well as the principal liturgical feasts honoring the Mysteries of the Lord, the Blessed Vir-gin Mary, and the saints; in the first place, by parti-cipating in the Eucharistic celebration, in which the Christian community is gathered, and by resting from those works and activities which could impe-de such a sanctification of these days." "The second precept ("You shall confess your sins at least once a year") ensures preparation for the Eucharist by the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, which continues Baptism's work of conversion and forgiveness." "The third precept ("You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season") guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood in con-nection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and cen-ter of the Christian liturgy." Those who fail to attend

Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days, they commit a mortal sin each time. Having committed mortal sins, they are obligated to receive the Sacrament of Confession prior to receiving the Holy Eucharist. For it is forbidden to receive the Holy Eucharist while in a state of mortal sin. (Must attend regular Mass on Sunday and holy Days; receive the Sacra-ment of Confession.)

GOSPEL REFLECTION – MT 10:37–42 The heart of the paschal mystery is dying and rising. Our own daily living can sometimes seem to have much more dying than rising. Even setting aside the issue of consciously choosing self-sacrifice, just the simple de-mands of our lives pull it out of us: feeding the infant in the middle of the night, ferrying the kids to soccer, helping with the homework when we are dog tired, cleaning the house and preparing meals, taking time to share some good thing with a spouse, calling and visiting an aging parent, helping the suffering and the poor. One of the great encouragements of this Sunday’s gospel is that all this behavior—like giving “a cup of cold water”—may seem small to us, but to God they are actions that corre-spond to those of Christ. The message is that our generosity is far surpassed by God’s gene-rosity.

CANADA DAY MASSES – JULY 1 All are invited to join in thanksgiving for this wonderful country we call home on Wednesday, July 1st, at 10:30 am in En-glish and 12:00 pm in Polish. HAVE A BLESSED CANADA DAY!

WE ARE OPEN! After three long months, our church is open again. It was such a great joy to celebrate the Holy Mass last weekend with our parishioners. Many thanks to the Church Re-opening Committee and all the VOLUNTEERS who have been working tirelessly these past few weeks to prepare our church for this moment. I would also like to express my gra-titude to all who attended the Masses last week-end for being so respectful and obedient to the new rules and guidelines that we need to follow. All the information that we collected, email ad-dresses in particular, will help us to update our list of parishioners and make our communication much more efficient.

THIS WEEK First Thursday – Please pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. 8:30 am Mass. First Friday – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm – 6:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Sacrament of Reconciliation. 7:00 pm Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, followed by Mass and the Stations of the Cross. First Saturday – 8:30 am Mass.

Page 2: THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, Nawrat—rodzina 8:30 AM tion gave credibility


PROCESJA BOŻEGO CIAŁA W minioną niedzielę odbyła się procesja Euchary-styczna do czterech ołtarzy. Serdeczne Bo g zapłac za pomoc w zorganzowaniu jej i pomoc w trakcie: Panistwu Irenie i Stanisławowi Żebrowskim, Teresie i Ewie Stryjnik, Zbigniewowi Biskup, Ewarystowi Kulikowskiemu, Rodzinie Nigly, Moms Group oraz naszym organistom: Pani Eli Lewandowskiej i Panu Tomkowi Wnęk

NABOŻEŃSTWO CZERWCOWE Ostanie naboz en stwo do Serca Pana Jezuza w ten poniedziałek po Mszy s w. o godz. 19:00. Zaprasza-my. Jednak nadal pamiętajmy o powinnos ci wyna-gradzania Boz emu Sercu za popełniane grzechy, za wszelkie zniewagi i nasze braki w wierze, nadziei i miłos ci.


Jutro, tj. w poniedziałek, 29 czerwca, przypada uro-czystos c S więtych Apostoło w Piotra i Pawła. Czci-my ich razem, bo są dwoma wielkimi filarami Ko-s cioła rzymskiego. Obaj ponies li s mierc męczen ską tego samego dnia. Ich wstawiennictwu będziemy polecac Boz ej opiece wierzących, zwłaszcza paste-rzy Chrystusowej owczarni. Swoimi modlitwami obejmijmy ro wniez papiez a Franciszka – Piotra na-szych czaso w. WSPOMNIENIE LITURGICZNE ŚW. TOMASZA

W piątek, 3 lipca, obchodzimy s więto S więtego To-masza, kto ry pokonał niemoc własnej wiary i za-nio sł naukę Chrystusa az do Indii, gdzie zginął s miercią męczen ską. Podczas Mszy s więtej tego dnia będziemy modlic się o wzrost Kos cioła na całej ziemi.

W TYM TYGODNIU Pierwszy Cawartek Miesiąca - modlitwa o powo-łania kapłan skie i zakonne. Msza s w. o godz. 8:30. Pierwszy Piątek Miesiąca - 19:00 naboz en stwo do Serca Jezusa, a po nim Msza s w. Zapraszamy ro wniez do rozpoczęcia naboz en stwa dziewięciu pierwszych piątko w. Pierwsza sobota miesiąca - czcimy Matkę Najs więtszą i powierzamy Jej opiece naszą codziennos c , Msza s w. o godz 8:30.

SPOWIEDŹ PARAFIALNA W tym roku ze względu pandemii i zamknięciem kos cioło w nie odbyła się spowiedz wielkanocna. Dlatego w ten piątek od godz. 9:00 rano do 12:00 w południe a następnie od godz. 17:00 do 18:45 odbędzie się spowiedź parafialna, na któ-rą wszystkich zapraszamy.

REFLEKSJA EWANGELICZNA MT 10, 37–42 Być godnym Jezusa to uczynić Go pierwszym w miłości i według tej miłości budować wszystkie inne relacje. Wielu świętych, medy-tując nad tą Ewangelią, dochodziło do wnio-sku, że: „Kiedy Bóg jest na pierwszym miej-scu, wszystko inne jest na właściwym miej-scu”. Także nasze relacje, szczególnie te z ważnymi dla nas osobami: współmałżonkiem, dziećmi, rodzicami, przyjaciółmi, odnajdują właściwe miejsce, kiedy Bóg jest dla nas pierwszy. Kiedy potrafimy w drugim człowie-ku zobaczyć nie tylko jego samego, lecz także obecnego i działającego w nim Boga, wtedy Jezus wynagradza nam z hojnością przyjęcie Go w bliźnich. Życia możemy zazdrośnie strzec dla siebie lub tracić je dla innych. Tylko ta druga opcja jest rozwojowa. Jezu, pragnę, abyś był dla mnie zawsze pierwszy. Pragnę widzieć Cię przychodzącego do mnie w dru-gim człowieku.

ŚWIĘTO KANADY– ŚRODA, 1 LIPCA W tę s rodę, pierwszego lipca, obchodzimy S więto Kanaday. Z tej okazji zapraszam na Msze dzięk-czynne z pros bą o dalsze błogosławien stwo dla nasz wsztkich zamieszkujących tę piękną krainę. W tym dniu Msze święte będą w następują-cych godzinach: 10:30 – po angielsku i 12:00 po polsku.

OTWARCIE KOŚCIOŁÓW Po trzymiesięcznej przerwie znowu moz emy wejs c do naszych kos cioło w na adorację, modli-twę prywatną i na Eucharystię. Ogromna to ra-dos c , z e Pan Jezus dał nam tę łaskę i za to musi-my byc Mu wdzięczni. Przy tej okazji chciałbym serdecznie podziękowac Komitetowi Otwarcia Kos cioła, kto ry juz przez parę tygodni spotykał się aby przygotowac nasz kos cio ł na otwarcie. Słowa uznania kieruję do wszystkich woluntariu-szy, a szczego lne podziękowania nalez ą się Pani Ewie Stryjnik, za koordynowanie woluntariu-szy oraz wprowadzanie nowych zasad bezpie-czen stwa w naszym kos ciele. Niekto re z nich mogą byc uciąz liwe, ale proszę przyjmijmy je w duchu pokory i posłuszen stwa. Bo g zapłac .


Od 9:00 rano do 12:00 w południe i po połu-dniu od 17:00 do 18:45.

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5:00 PM + Mary Teresa McVeigh

7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM

10:30 AM

12:00 PM (POL)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Barbara Smolin ska - syn z rodziną Alejandro & Restituta Mandin—Tita Holy Mass available also on YouTub Int of Izabela, Stanislaw & Filip Plewa—family Msza św. transmistowana również na YouTube W int Joanny, Teresy i Anny C wik—mama Evelyn Nieznalski w rocznicę chrztu—rodzice O bł Boz e i potrzebne łaski dla Uli i Jacka Laskowskich w rocznicę s lubu—rodzina O szczęs liwą podro z do Polski dla Joli i Mirka Kalek—Jerzy Piotr Skrzypek—kolega z rodziną Kazimierz Turczyn ski Za rodzico w Michalinę i Franciszka oraz siostry i braci Murackich Janusz Wielowieysky w 25. rocz s mierci—rodzina Ro z a i Ryszard Wojtowscy—Helena Paweł Lis—rodzina Żurek Ewa Matejek—brat z rodziną Zofia i Władysław Kapus ciak—rodzina Jarek Rogala Stanisław Jawor—córki z rodziną Alicja i Jan Trela, Stanisława i Władysław Trela—rodz. Mirosław Wro bel, Jo zefa Wro bel, Władysław Rogow-ski—rodzina Władysław Jaworek i Jan Jaworek

7:00 PM (POL)

+ Paweł Lis—rodzice i brat

7:00 PM

+ Wojciech Lyszczarz—friends

10:30 AM 12:00 PM


+ + Jerzy Kozicki 23. death anniver.—daughter & family Monika Nawrat—rodzina

8:30 AM + Frank, Joseph Gouthro—Georgina MacDonald & family

7: 00 PM + Monika Nawrat—family

8:30 AM

5:00 PM


Int of Adas Hoffmann—grandparents Int of Graz yna & Gieniek Gwo z dz on 37. Wedding An-niversary—family Ben Enright & all deceassed membes of the family—Bernadette Preston

7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM 10:30AM 12:00 PM


+ + + + +

Kazimierz Turczyn ki - znajoma Parishioners Gregory Augusta—family W int Tomasza Sien ko z okazji urodzin—mama O zdrowie matki, dziecka i szczęs liwy poro d—babcia W int Moniki Rana w dniu urodzin—rodzina W intencji Klaudii—rodzina W int Luby Bajsa z okazji urodzin—rodzina Paweł Lis—rodzina Żurek Jan Jakubowicz-Celn ski w 6. rocznicę s mierci—chrześniak Jerzy


The Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul represents the relationship between the Universal Church (Peter’s work) and the Local Church (Paul’s work). We are part of the Universal Church where we find life in the Holy Mysteries (sacraments) and the teachings of Christ. We belong to the Universal Church by being mem-bers of the Local Church. The Local Church gives meaning to the Holy Mysteries and tea-chings of the Universal Church in the light of the cultural understandings and world-view of the particular Local Church. Ss. Peter and Paul are honoured together since they bring toget-her both understandings of the Church. The one brings light to the message of the Gospel and the other makes the light shine more brightly for us by adapting the message to our world-view. ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE, PATRON SAINT

OF INDIA – FRIDAY JULY 3 Early Patristic literature and Christian tradition speak of St. Thomas the Apostle bringing the Christian faith to India. Kerala, the most Chri-stian part of India, claims him as the Apostle who first preached the good news to the an-cient people there. He is revered by the Chri-stian church all over India and by Hindus and Moslems as well. St. Thomas the Apostle began his working life as a merchant, took care of the material needs of the people while preaching the gospel. This combination of word and ac-tion gave credibility to his preaching. People not only heard the good news, but saw power-ful evidence of its life-transforming power. They encountered a faith filled man committed to God and willing to serve selflessly and com-passionately for the benefit of others.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY On July 1, our organist Elise Wierzbicki celebra-tes her birthday. May God bless you and protect you. Thank you very much for your wonderful music ministry in our parish. Sto Lat.

Offertory June 21, 2020: Sunday Offering: $ 2,860 Mass Intentions: $ 205 Building Fund: $ 805

Page 4: THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, Nawrat—rodzina 8:30 AM tion gave credibility

Mass Schedule Christ the King Church Monday, June 29 7:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people)

Tuesday, June 30 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Wednesday, July 01 Canada Day 10:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) Thursday, July 02 8:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Friday, July 03 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm– Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (church – 90 people) CONFESSION: 9:00 AM—12:00 PM & 5:00 PM—6:45 PM 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Saturday, July 04 8:30 am - Mass in English (church – 90 people) 5:00 pm - Sunday Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Sunday, July 05 7:30 am – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) 9:00 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 10:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall) 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people + 45 parish hall)


JULY 03 CONFESSION DAY : 9:00 AM—12:00 PM & 5:00 PM—6:45 PM

Page 5: THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, Nawrat—rodzina 8:30 AM tion gave credibility

Rozkład Mszy św. Kościoła Chrystusa Króla

Poniedziałek, 29 czerwca 19: 00 – Msza s w z nab. czerwcowym po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Wtorek, 30 czerwca 19: 00 – Msza s w po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Środa, 01 lipca Święto Kanady 10: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 12: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Czwartek, 02 lipca 8: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Piątek, 03 lipca 9: 00 do 12: 00 oraz 17:00 do 18:45 – Adoracja Najświętszego Sa-kramentu (kościół – 90 osób) SPOWIEDŹ: 9:00-12:00 oraz 17:00 do 18:45 19: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Sobota, 04 lipca 8:30 - Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 17: 00 – Niedzielna Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) Niedziela, 05 lipca 7: 30 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 9: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 10: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna) 12: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b + 45 sala parafialna)