think different like steve jobs: leadership and innovation by peter fisk

think different like steve jobs [email protected] about leadership and innovation

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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What can you learn from Steve Jobs? How could you change your world? ... Peter Fisk explores how to think different about leadership and innovation ... inspired by Apple and its founder, the theme is now available as an inspiring keynote speech, and practical two-day masterclass ... Watch the full keynote on video at ... email [email protected] for more information.


Page 1: Think Different like Steve Jobs: Leadership and Innovation by Peter Fisk

think different

like steve jobs

[email protected]

about leadership

and innovation

Page 2: Think Different like Steve Jobs: Leadership and Innovation by Peter Fisk

Everyone knows the story of Steve Jobs.

“Think Different” is about applying his best ideas,

and differences, to you and your business.

Peter Fisk, bestselling author and speaker,

explores how to think different about leadership,

strategy, innovation, brands and more.

MAGIC is a simple tool to help you think different

about leadership … APPLE is a simple tool to help

you think different about innovation.

“Think Different” is now available as an inspiring

keynote event, or practical one or two-day

masterclass in your business.

For more details, and video extracts, go to Peter’s

website …

or email [email protected]

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how well do you

know steve jobs?

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1. Where was Steve born?

a. San Francisco

b. Los Altos

c. Cupertino

2. What was his father’s name?

a. Jobs

b. Schieble

c. Jandali

3. How did he make his first money?

a. Blue boxes

b. Lemonade

c. Magazines

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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4. Who was Steve’s first employer?

a. HP

b. Polaroid

c. Atari

5. How old was he when he made his first $ million?

a. 21

b. 22

c. 23

6. Who invested $150m to help rescue Apple in 1997?

a. Steve Wozniak

b. Ross Perot

c. Bill Gates

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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7. What did Steve want to call the iMac?

a. Macman

b. Macdonald

c. Macintosh 2

8. Where did Steve park his car at Apple Campus?

a. He walked to work

b. Right outside the entrance

c. In the disabled bay

9. Who made his black turtle-neck jumpers?

a. Issey Miyake

b. Banana Republic

c. Jony Ive

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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10. Apple’s value grew by how much from 1997 to 2011?

a. 40%

b. 200%

c. 2000%

11. What generated most revenue for Apple in 2012?

a. iPhone

b. iTunes

c. iPad

12. Which innovation was Steve most proud of?

a. iPod

b. Macintosh

c. Apple

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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think different

about leadership

part one


[email protected]

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© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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Born in San Francisco, Jobs grew up in what would later become Silicon Valley

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Adopted, he thought he was unwanted, but his parents told him he was special

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He acquired his parents garage, from where his revolution would begin

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“I remember reading an article in Scientific American

when I was about 12 years old where they measured the

efficiency of locomotion for all the species on planet earth

… the condor won … whilst humans came in about a third

of the way down the list ...

But somebody there had the imagination to test the

efficiency of a human riding a bicycle … which blew away

the condor all the way off the top of the list …

And it made a really big impression on me that we

humans are tool builders … we build tools that amplify

these inherent abilities that we have to spectacular


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Another more famous garage down the road inspired his interest in electronics

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At 13, he picked up the phone to Bill Hewlett, and asked for some free parts

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“My role models were Bill Hewlett and David Packard

… they were out not so much to make money as to

change the world”

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Steve was curious … always thinking bigger … about how the world worked

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The magazine became a source of his connected thinking, and personal beliefs

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“Why do you do something?”

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At the same time a cultural revolution encouraged new ideas and possibilities

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At 14, Jobs met an electronics magician 5 years older, Steve Wozniak

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“Woz and I very much liked the Beatles, and Dylan’s

poetry, and spent a lot of time thinking about that stuff.

This was California.

You could get LSD fresh made from Stanford. You could

sleep on the beach at night with your girlfriend.

California has a sense of experimentation and a sense of

openness … openness to new possibilities”

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Jobs and Woz soon hit on a way to make some money, illegally

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The “blue boxes” imitated dial tones enabling users to make free calls

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“When I was 17, I read a quote that said ‘live each day as

if it was your last’… and decided to adopt the wisdom”

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Steve rejected technology universities like Stanford, in favour of arts at Reed College

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Steve’s first job was at Atari, designing an early computer game (with Woz’s help)

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The two friends had bigger plans. They wanted to make a stand-alone computer

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They shared their ideas at the Homebrew Computer Club, and got their first order

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Steve sold his beloved VW Campervan, and Woz sold his calculator

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In 1996, Apple Computer was founded in Steve’s parents garage

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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Their first circuit board was the foundation of the personal computer

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Steve wanted to make it less scary for people, and built a box to hide it

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Apple I, and at 21 years old Steve made his first $1million

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Steve wanted success fast … $1m when he was 21, $10m at 22, $100m at 23

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Apple II was a sensation … the most beautiful, powerful computer in history

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West Coast Computer Fair … Apple sold 300 computers at $1298 each

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

Apply your passion – be obsessive, keep teams

small, and treat every day as if it’s your last

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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In 1979 Steve visits Xerox PARC and sees his first GUI and mouse … “amazing”

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“Good artists copy, great artists steal”

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VisiCalc spreadsheets quickly made Apple II a must have for businesses

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Having disputed paternity, Jobs got to know Lisa Brennan, his daughter

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Side-lined by Apple CEO Mike Scott, Jobs creates the maverick Mac team

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The Mac team were different … disruptors, pirates, visionaries

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“The Mac team were artists, scientists, teachers,

historians … we all brought something new …

Bring in the best. Don’t be narrow”

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

Apply your passion – be obsessive, keep teams

small, and treat every day as if it’s your last

Go to unusual places - embrace difference, get

ideas from everywhere, kickstart you brain

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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“All of us on the Mac team point to that as the high point

of our careers …

It was like the Beatles playing Shea Stadium”

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The Mac team were intensely proud of their innovation, embossed with their names

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“My best contribution to the group is not settling for

anything but really good stuff”

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Zen-loving Jobs was inspired by Japanese design, particularly Sony

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Many innovation off-shoots were explored but rejected, focusing on the Mac

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Even considering a laptop design, 25 years ahead of its time

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Jobs invited Time Magazine to shadow him for a year

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The Computer wins

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“Steve insists that we're shipping in early 1982, and won't

accept answers to the contrary …

Steve has a reality distortion field.… In his

presence, reality is malleable”

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Jobs was intense, obsessive, aesthetic … and incredibly difficult to work with

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At the 1984 Superbowl, nobody remembered the Raiders or Redskins …

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Ridley Scott’s 1984 ad was only ever shown once, costing $1.5 million

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The Macintosh was phenomenal … it could write, talk and dance …

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John Sculley was more interested in selling than innovating

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“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared

water … Or do you want a chance to change the world?”

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The Mac was Steve’s baby, but he was soon to lose it …

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“Why do great organisations lose direction?

Because they focus on maximising sales rather than

sustaining innovation”

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“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick.

Don't lose faith.

I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was

that I loved what I did.

You've got to find what you love”

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After 30 attempts, Jobs asked IBM logo designer Paul Rand to create his identity

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“I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from

Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened

to me …

The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the

lightness of being a beginner again … It freed me to enter

one of the most creative periods of my life

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Jobs quickly gathered the best people, and started to build mega-computers

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NeXT found the business market difficult, deciding to refocus on software

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

Apply your passion – be obsessive, keep teams

small, and treat every day as if it’s your last

Go to unusual places - embrace difference, get

ideas from everywhere, kickstart you brain

Insist on better - say no a thousand times, keep

the bar high, make it “insanely great”

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In 1986 Jobs bought George Lucas’s computer division for $10m

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Ed Catmull, Steve, and John Lasseter created Pixar

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“With really great people … you can tell it as it is, you

don’t need ego, you can be wrong … success is what


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“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the

successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones

is pure perseverance”

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In 1991, Steve meets Laurene Powell, and decides to skip a meeting …

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Zen guru, Kobin Chino with Steve and Laurene in Yosemite National Park

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More balanced, more relaxed, more mature … a new Steve emerges

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Toy Story is released … and Pixar goes public … Jobs is now worth $1.5bn

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“We think Toy Story is the biggest advance in animation

since Walt Disney started it all with the release of Snow

White 50 years ago”

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“The cure for Apple is not cost-cutting. The cure for Apple

is to innovate its way out of its current predicament”

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Apple buys NeXT for $400m … Jobs returns … with a new $150m investor

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Steve wanted to rebuild Apple as a brand about values, and “the dreams we share”

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“Apple branding is not about communicating … it’s about enchanting people”

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

Apply your passion – be obsessive, keep teams

small, and treat every day as if it’s your last

Go to unusual places - embrace difference, get

ideas from everywhere, kickstart you brain

Insist on better - say no a thousand times, keep

the bar high, make it “insanely great”

Create disciples - bring together the best people,

motivate and inspire, build belief and belonging

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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“What type of computer would Einstein or Picasso have used?”

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think different

about innovation

part two


+genius [email protected]

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© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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“Just as Steve loved ideas and loved making stuff, he

treated the process of creativity with a rare and a

wonderful reverence.

You see, I think he, better than anyone, understood that

while ideas ultimately can be so powerful, they begin

fragile, barely formed thoughts, so easily missed, so

easily compromised, so easily just squished.”

Jony Ive

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For my first trick … Jobs reinvents the Mac, the candy coloured fashion item

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“Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars

you have …

When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at

least 100 times more on R&D …

It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how

you're led, and how much you get it”

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Combining technology and design, art and culture, machines and people

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products A





© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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The iMac team … “no space for anything but A+ people”

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“It's really hard to design products by focus groups …

a lot of times, people don't know what they want until you

show it to them”

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“The power to change the world in your hands”

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“People think it's this veneer … that the designers are

handed this box and told, 'Make it look good!'

That's not what we think design is … It's not just what it

looks like and feels like … Design is how it works”

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“Technology exists to serve humans … not the other way


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The Pixar hit machine goes into overdrive, winning Academy Awards year on year

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“Start by designing the customer experience … and then

work backwards to the product and technology

That’s the opposite from most people’s thinking … it took

me a long time to learn that”

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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The ROKR in partnership with Motorola … initially in response to the Palm Pilot

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Launched after only 8 months … Beatles and Dylan played non-stop

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“If there was ever a product that catalysed what’s Apple’s

reason for being, it’s this …

Because it combines Apple’s incredible technology base

with Apple’s legendary ease of use with Apple’s awesome


it’s like, this is what we do”

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“How can we create a place that inspires, educates and enables people?”

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Other retailers just didn’t deliver a sufficiently good experience

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!We want people to see, feel and think different!

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iTunes was the innovation that really transformed the music industry

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“Stirring a cultural revolution not seen since the days of the Beatles”

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences

Pursue excellence – obsess about every

detail, keep innovating, searching for better






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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The college drop out inspires graduates at Stanford University

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“You can't connect the dots looking forward … you can

only connect them looking backwards.

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect

in your future.

You have to trust in something … your gut, destiny, life,

karma, whatever”

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“Don’t live someone else’s life”

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“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone

else's life.

Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the

results of other people's thinking.

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own

inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart

and intuition.

They somehow already know what you truly want to


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“Death, the most amazing catalyst for innovation”

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“Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important

tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big

choices in life …

Because almost everything - expectations and pride, fear

of embarrassment or failure - fall away in the face of


… leaving only what is truly important”

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“Live every day as your last” … Apple market cap reaches $50bn

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$7,400,000,000 Disney acquires Pixar, a nice return on Steve’s $10m investment

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The Buena Vista Center in San Francisco becomes Steve’s second home

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“Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes

along that changes everything.

It's very fortunate if you can work on just one of these in

your career ...

Apple's been very fortunate in that it's introduced a few of


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“I’m as proud of what we don’t do as I am of what we do”

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Apple’s best-selling, most profitable product … market cap reaches $100bn

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“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work

hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple …

But it's worth it in the end because once you get there,

you can move mountains”

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Order 4000 Lattes from Starbucks, then Face-timed an unsuspecting Jony

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences

Pursue excellence – obsess about every

detail, keep innovating, searching for better

Less is more – make complexity simple,

focus on what really matters.






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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Apple Stores now in every major city, a temple of popular culure

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iWork, iPod Mini, OS X, Intel for Macs, MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air

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“Edwin Land at Polaroid said … ‘I want Polaroid to stand

at the intersection of art and science’ … and I've never

forgotten that”

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Jony and Jobs … the yin yang of Apple’s design success

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The system is that there is no system …That doesn't

mean we don't have process.

Apple is a very disciplined company, and we have great

processes. But that's not what it's about.

Process makes you more efficient.

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“Things happen fairly slowly, you know. They do.

These waves of technology, you can see them way before

they happen … and you just have to choose wisely which

ones you're going to surf.

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“We made it look so good you’ll want to lick it”

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences

Pursue excellence – obsess about every

detail, keep innovating, searching for better

Less is more – make complexity simple,

focus on what really matters.

Evangelise your story – spirit and style, love

and magic, enchant people






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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“The device that will leave the biggest ding in the universe” … Apple worth $200bn

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“The next frontiers are about education … and iPad is at the frontier”

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“What came out most clearly from this whole experience

with cancer, was that I realized that I love my life …

I've got the greatest family in the world, and I've got my

work. And that's pretty much all I do …

I don't socialize much or go to conferences. I love my

family, and I love running Apple, and I love Pixar …

And I get to do that. I'm very lucky”

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Time catches up with the reality distortion field …

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Spending more time at home … still working

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Dad takes Eve, Reid, Erin and Laurene to Japan

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And delights in watching Reid’s high school graduation

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“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to

me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something

wonderful … that’s what matters to me”

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His legacy to Apple … a new “infinity loop” for Cupertino

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Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish … he created $400bn … and changed the world

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“Wow! Wow! Wow!”

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“Steve was among the greatest American innovators …

Brave enough to think differently …

bold enough to believe he could change the world

… and talented enough to do it”

Barack Obama

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“We will all miss the Bob Dylan of machines … the

hardware software Elvis”


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“We went into the garage when we were two young

people with no money …

Steve gets a reputation for being a strong leader and

being brash …

but to me he was just always so kind, such a good friend,

and I’m gonna miss him”

Steve Wozniak

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The empty seat at the 2012 WWDC … still the Steve Jobs show

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what would

steve do?

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences

Pursue excellence – obsess about every

detail, keep innovating, searching for better

Less is more – make complexity simple,

focus on what really matters.

Evangelise your story – spirit and style, love

and magic, enchant people






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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How would Steve Jobs change the world of healthcare?

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Anne Wojcicki in Los Altos … test your DNA for $99 with 23andMe

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How would Steve Jobs change the world of sportwear?

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Stuart Brookes in Aylesbury … designing hi-tech, hi-style sportswear

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How would Steve Jobs change the world of travel?

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Shai Agassi in Palo Alto … creating charging points for a future of electric cars

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How would Steve Jobs change the world of computing?

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Eben Upton in Cambridge … £30 circuit boards to invent your own devices

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How would Steve Jobs change the world of space travel?

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Elon Musk in Los Angeles … making commercial space travel work

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How would Steve change your world?

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More about these companies at

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what will

you do?

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All about vision – think bigger, create the

future, sell dreams not products

Put people first – make things human, with

dramatic design and engaging experiences

Pursue excellence – obsess about every

detail, keep innovating, searching for better

Less is more – make complexity simple,

focus on what really matters.

Evangelise your story – spirit and style, love

and magic, enchant people






© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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Make history - have a stretching ambition, don’t

compromise, and “put a ding in the universe”

Apply your passion – be obsessive, keep teams

small, and treat every day as if it’s your last

Go to unusual places - embrace difference, get

ideas from everywhere, kickstart you brain

Insist on better - say no a thousand times, keep

the bar high, make it “insanely great”

Create disciples - bring together the best people,

motivate and inspire, build belief and belonging

© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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one more thing

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Here’s to the crazy one

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The misfit … the rebel … the troublemaker …

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The round peg in the square hole

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The one who saw things differently

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He was not fond of rules … and had no respect for the status quo …

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You can quote him … disagree with him … or vilify him …

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About the only thing you couldn’t do was ignore him

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… because he changed things

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He invented … he imagined … he explored … he created …

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He inspired

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He pushed the human race forward

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Whilst some see him as a crazy one

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We see genius

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Because the people crazy enough to think they can change the world

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are the ones who do

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[email protected]


© Peter Fisk 2013. All Rights Reserved.