things to do in the first creative writing session


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Page 2: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Things to do in the first creative writing session

Like any activity we perform every

day, Creative writing is another

writing style allows our imagination

to work with logic. Lots of our great

abilities would be activated to work

for us only if we changed our routine

thinking by a newer one. While you are

feeling bored towards writing, The

following tips will refresh your mind

again to write better than past times.

Page 3: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Write every thing

At the moment writing blocks appears,

Creative writing is our scape to come

up with fresh ideas about our favorite

topics. We gives our mind a chance to

write down every thing we know about a

topic choosing another way. Rather

than writing first, Choosing an image

can motivate your imagination to

participate in the process. It will

make you experience more interesting,

allowing your creative juice to flow

on a paper or empty blanket.

Page 4: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Fetch your mind

Besides having tens of books in our

library, Our mind is having an

incredible store that records every

single moment we face provides us with

tons of data about any topic we are

interested in. I think that brain

storming is our way to transfer all

knowledge stored in mind to an empty

blanket before doing online

researches. We should first empty our

mind before reading to be more clear

and focused.

Page 5: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Think with both hemispheres

We have been gifted an awesome brain

spheres every one of them is

interesting in treating data by its

own way. Imagine what happens when

using both imaginative and logical

hemispheres in writing or other

activities. You are about to use two

huge forces together. Using

imagination and logic in thinking

gives a chance to use a higher

percentage of our brain capacity

allowing to create new connections

between far ideas that will must lead

to creative ideas.

Page 6: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Write the first idea

The big deal about creative writing is

to write something in your own unique

style in writing. It gives a chance to

explore your inner voice that is able

to look at any topic from its own

point of view. Using your inner voice

in writing, or writing by your own way

is much more having a quality article.

You will be able to save uniqueness in

your style. Making your writings works

as additional value to others.

Page 7: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Write more, Judge later

At the moment you tends to write some

paragraphs about one of your topics,

Just start to write and stop thinking

how your article will looks like. We

ought not to judge our thought until

they flows on an empty blanket.

Judging ideas will kill our creativity

and allow logic to control our inner

abilities by drawing more blocks.

Page 8: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Start from the end

While not having some words to write

the introduction, Starting from the

end is another easier ideas that makes

your brain focus on what value your

reader will got after reading your

article. According to creative

thinking rules, reverse thinking is

the easiest way you should use while

having a complicated problem. Simply

start from the end and you will have a


Page 9: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Invite your intuition

Don't have ideas to write about, Visit

your library, Go to the N shelf, Get

the N book, Open it on the N page,

Choose the N paragraph, Get the N

sentence, The N word. Substitute the N

letter with any number you like. Try

your luck, invite your randomness. It

is another simple way by which we can

communicate better with our inner

intuition to provide us with fresh


Page 10: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Reshape old ideas

Since every article is consisted from

many paragraphs, paragraphs consists

of sentences, sentences consists of

words, and words consists of letters.

Our way to change our thinking

patterns and other things is by

dividing them into their basic units

before reshaping them again. We ought

to figure out the basic idea about any

subject we will write about.

Page 11: Things to do in the first creative writing session

Our subconscious mind is a store of

tons of data and past experiences

allows us to detect new things, deal

with, and come up with fresh creative

ideas. Creative writing is a way to

re-unit both brain spheres to live an

experiment together one puts borders,

and the other fills those borders.

Then, the more dynamic borders you

choose, the more new views you will

see, and the more creative solutions

you will get.