things over the summer

Choose schools to apply to Look at applications for schools Begin writing essays and things GRE study/ practice problems Play piano Beat Games 1 !ystem shock " " !ilent #ill " $ Baldur%s Gate " & 'orrowind ( )ust * )eus E+ , -rcanum .e une0 !implistic or childish )espite the man%s age his actions could only be considered e une #e talked wi demeanor which belied his true age 2bsolescence0 old fashioned #is knowledge of medicine was obsolescent he still belie3ed in using leeches a treatment )esultorily0 lacking in consistency 3arying 4he writer%s books were published desultorily sometimes he would release a boo months while other times it would take years to simply write one 5itiating0 morally corrupting 4he ob as a udge was 3itiating the once candid and abo3eboard man had become trickery and pre3arication 6ngenuous0 innocent and simple open and trusting 7ncouth0 3ulgar 4he man was anything but uncouth he was scrupulous to a fault and ne3er showed temerity 6mportune0urge with e8cessi3e persistence -brogate0 to abolish or nullify !alient0significant

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Post on 01-Nov-2015




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What I plan to do over summer along with some definitions.


Choose schools to apply toLook at applications for schools Begin writing essays and thingsGRE study/ practice problemsPlay pianoBeat Games1. System shock 22. Silent Hill 23. Baldurs Gate 24. Morrowind5. Dust6. Deus EX7. ArcanumJejune= Simplistic or childishDespite the mans age, his actions could only be considered jejune. He talked with childish demeanor which belied his true age.Obsolescence= old fashionedHis knowledge of medicine was obsolescent, he still believed in using leeches as a form of treatment.Desultorily= lacking in consistency, varyingThe writers books were published desultorily, sometimes he would release a book every four months while other times it would take years to simply write one.Vitiating= morally corruptingThe job as a judge was vitiating, the once candid and aboveboard man had become one of trickery and prevarication.Ingenuous= innocent and simple, open and trustingUncouth= vulgarThe man was anything but uncouth, he was scrupulous to a fault and never showed signs of temerity.Importune=urge with excessive persistenceAbrogate= to abolish or nullifySalient=significantPlangent=resounding loudly or mournfullyMalfeasance=misconduct committed by a public officialMisanthropy= loathing of peopleDefection=desertionExhonerated=absolved of guiltRecrimate= to make a counteraccustationVindicate=to free from blameExhonerate=to free from blameRepudiate=refuse to acceptAdulterate= to weaken by adding inferior elementsSurreptitious= secretive, clandestineFurtive= attempting to avoid notice, secretiveDubious= doubtfulUnsavory= disagreeableParse= to analyze critically Sanguine= confident or optimisticSanguinary=bloodthirsty Coruscant=gleamingPedant=a person who is overly concerned with minor details or displaying academic learning.Recapitulate=to summarize the main points againFactitious=artificialPatent= easily recognizableLaudable= worthy of praiseAnoint= to smear or rub, applyGarrulous=excessively talkativeEbullient=cheerful and full of energy, enthusiasticSolicitous=showing interest or concernMunificent=generousIrresolute=showing or feeling hesitancyLaconic=using very few wordsFastidious=very attuned to detailTaciturn=reserved, saying littleAspiration=hope or ambitionMendacity=untruthfulnessPrevarication=evasive lyingInsensitivity=Baseness=worthlessAvarice=greedProbate=a legal documentStaid=respectableFoil=Inveterate=having a particular habit.He was an inveterate drinkerFatuous= silly and pointlessHalcyon= tranquil, peacefulScotched= cutGermane= relevant to a subject under considerationSalubrious= healthyJuvenescence= youthful in appearancePerquisite= perk, something regarded as a special rightNugatory= of no value or importanceFeckless=lacking strength or characterExacting=making great demands on ones skillHedonistic= engaging in the pursuit of pleasureMendacious= lyingAppellation= a name or titleSqualid= extremely dirty and unpleasantNoisome= having an extremely offensive smell.Mephitic=noxious, foul smellingSpecious=misleading in appearance but actually wrongAbstruse=difficult to understandaesthete= one who loves beautysecularist= opposite of spiritualchauvinist= think they are better than others.Philistine=uncultured and proudComensurat= equal to in proportionPrevarication=evasivenessEquivocation= to lie through the use of dual meaningsPrevarication= misleadingCircumscribed= limited,Poring= looking closelyFaltering=a quick glanceDerisive=mockingCursory= not thoroughly detailedDesultory=lacking enthusiasmTentative=uncertain, unconfirmedTemerity= rashnessOpulence=wealthInsofar= to the extent thatAver= attest something is truePliable= influancable, moldable.Cogent= forceful and persuasiveSlipshod= sloppy, messy lookingSlovenly= sloppy. Messy lookingPerfunctory=carried out with minimal effortPolemic a stong verbal attackInchoate= not fully formedFrivolous= carefreeSartorial=relating to clothsQuerulous= complaining in a whining manner Petulant= childish/bad tempered.Doting= Excoriate= express strong disapproval ofInsipid=flavorlessAcquiescence=agreement without protestLauded= hailedAdjudicate=to settle a disputeDelineate= to outlineRemiss= negligent/ not doing ones dutyTempestuous=full of emotionStringent= harshUntoward=unexpectedTorrid= dryPropitious=favorableFastidious=concerned with detailPunctilious= focus on smaller detailsIndecorously= not following proper etiquette.Fulsome=excessiveBenightedness= ignoranceInsularity= ignoranceBeatification= blessedAustere= harsh, simpleAgog= enthusiasticForthcoming=honestStudied=planned out, measuredImportune=to ask persistentlyInimical=hostile toward, antagonistic.Conducive= to make a situation possible.Antithetical=directly opposed to something, related to the antithesis.Machinate=to plot or schemeHobnobbing=schmoozingMuckraking= publicizing scandalous material in an underhanded way.Tantamount=virtually the same.Celeritous= swiftRemiss=negligentPerfunctory= carelessMyopic= short sightedEnnoble= to make nobleSutlify=stagnatingPrecarious= dangerousSpurius= counterfeit or false