they can make your dreams come true by dr. denis waitley · they can make your dreams come true by...

They Can Make Your Dreams Come True By Dr. Denis Waitley I would say that about 95 percent of the human race function and survive like ships without rudders. Subject to every shift oTwind and tide, they're helplessly adrift. And while they hope that one day they'll drifnnto a rich and successful port, they usually end up on the rocks or run aground. But the 5 percent who win the game 01 lite, WhU have recognized the power ot deciding on a destination, sail straight and far, reaching one port after another, accomplishing more in. Tfew years than the rest accomplish in a lifetime. As a behavioral psychologist, I have talked to thousands of men and women, boys and girls, and heard them seal their own fates. I am stunned by the truth and power of "the self-fulfilling prophecy." You indeed become what you most imagine or tear; you bring to pass. __ what you suspect. Now I've know this most ot my life, as has my grandmother and her mother before her. But the words of W. Clement Stone, the self-made multi- millionaire who fostered the positive

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They Can Make YourDreams Come TrueBy Dr. Denis WaitleyI would say that about 95 percent ofthe human race function and survivelike ships without rudders. Subject toevery shift oTwind and tide, they'rehelplessly adrift. And while theyhope that one day they'll drifnnto arich and successful port, they usuallyend up on the rocks or run aground.But the 5 percent who win the game01 lite, WhU have recognized thepower ot deciding on a destination,sail straight and far, reaching one portafter another, accomplishing more in.Tfew years than the rest accomplishin a lifetime.

As a behavioral psychologist, Ihave talked to thousands of men andwomen, boys and girls, and heardthem seal their own fates. I amstunned by the truth and power of"the self-fulfilling prophecy." Youindeed become what you mostimagine or tear; you bring to pass. __what you suspect. Now I've know thismost ot my life, as has mygrandmother and her mother beforeher. But the words of W. ClementStone, the self-made multi-millionaire who fostered the positive

thinking movement in America, ledme to an even deeper understandingof the power of having a purpose—-agoal—and the importance of goalSeTTing and goal getting!~ I only met W. Clement Stone once;yet his teachings live in me as if hewere my own personal coach,through his counsel and otherphilosophers, I have unlocked thatmysterious and powerful door to theregion of the human mind thatcontrols achievement.

Stone taught me how to obtainsuccess in my professional andpersonal life by following "R2A2,"his four-step plan to achieve goals.(The name might remind you ofR2D2 of "Star War's" fame, but Stoneused the term long before the moviewas released.) His steps include:recognizing the validity of principles,that you can gain from another'sexperience; relating these principlesto achieve a specific goal—one that js1

' wortnwnlle, and does not violate the'k laws ot God or the rights of your _' Tellow man.

Another great teacher who hasdevoted his life to the power of >haying .•? purpose in life is Viktor <Frankl. For the past several"years,Frankl 'has been lecturing throughoutthe world and has been a visitingprofessor in the Department ofHuman Behavior at the United StatesInternational University near SanDiego, California.

A psychiatrist in Vienna at theoutbreak of World War II, Dr. Franklwas imprisoned in a Nazi concen-tration camp tor three years. Narrowlyescaping the gas chambers and deathby brutality many times, he studied"The beKavior of both captors andcaptives with a curious detachmentAfter his liberation he recorded hisobservations, writing Man's SearchJor Meaning.

Perhaps more than any otherauthority on human behavior,ITaHkl's Knowledge springs fromfarsinand observations of destitutehumans living with the daily,probability of death. He and hiscomrades were stripped of literallyeverything—families, professions,possessions, clothing, health, and

It is interesting to note thatFrankl's conclusions differ sharplyfrom the theories of Sigmund Freud.For example, Freud believed thatwhile healthy individuals differ inoutlook and attitude, if deprived^ offood, tneir behavior becomes moreand more uniform as they rely on themore basic, animal-like instincts. _BytFrankl states, "In the concentrationcamps we witnessed to the contrary;we saw how, faced with identical 'situation, one man degenerated

.. while another attained virtualA Saintliness." '

~ brankl observed that men survivedthe trials of starvation and torture

•^when they had a purpose tor living.Those without a reason tor stayingalive died quickly. The men andwomen wno lived through Auschwitz(about one in twenty) were, almostwithout exception, individuals whomade themselves accountable to life.

f There was something they wanted todo or a loved one they wanted to seeagain.

In the death camps, inmates toldFrankl that they no longer expected

• anything from life. Frankl pointedout that they had it backwards. "Life

*. expected something of them." he _said. "Life asks of even' individualscontribution, and it is up to thatindividual to discover what it should


'Responding to life'"challenges—having purpose—"enables each of us to face up to •adversity7 and strife. '

In essence, Dr. Frankl^taught those who

^ survived the holo-caust to recognize

that where thergwas life, there wasTrope and earh

UKJividual shouldRold himself!

accountable for apurpose. Next, he taught^ow to relate that purpose.

set goals, your mind will wander.V erratically, and you mav even self-/f destruct through such ^scape routesY as alcohol, drugs, depression, anxiety.Vor physical illness"

" Many of the "physical disorders I.have seen in my practice have beenemotionally or mentally inspired""*Ulcers, for example, are not so muchthe result ot' what we eat as what^eating us. Arthritis and bursitis oftenafflict rigid and narrow-minded """"individuals. Asthma is more ,piVmounced in a child (especially anonly child or the youngest c J i j I H I > ~wno has received too much "smother,love." Remove the parent from thechild and the child begins to breathemore easily. In other cases, relief hascome from relaxation techniques,substituting positive images wherefears and tensions had beendominant. Of course, diet, hereditary,and environmental factors must alsobe considered

"What is so pvi-iring about the ideaof success as the






realization of personal, worthwhilegoals that are in harmony with God.nature, and the healthy expressirjnTpf

• human creativity, is that it is never_too late to begin To be alive, freeand in good health is all r.hpmotivation you need to reach almostany goal that you can and should'create.

Today I can recognize the value ofmy freedom to choose. Today I knowPiow to relate that choice to a worthypurpose, one that keeps mv spiritssoaring and gives me creative energyto move ahead in the face ofadversity. Today I can assimibh" thatpurpose with vivid images andemotions. And so it is up to me. andto you, to apply this knowledge toeven' aspect of our lives. We arelTrnited__o_nly bv the boundaries of ourown imaginations. 72

to their own personal lives. For one_inmate, it was seeking justice for theatrocities that were committed. Foranother, it was getting to Israel, wherehe could live in peace and freedom.For still others, it was rejoining aloved one or re-establishing aprofession.

The teachings of Stone and Franklinstruct us to direct our thoughts,towards achieving those goals that.

• are our highest priority. If you don't

Dr. Waitley is a national authority on highlevel performance and productivity. He is theauthor of The Psychology of Winning, the all-time best selling audio program on self-development, and is the Chairman ofPsychology of the U.S. Olympic Committee,Sports Medicine Council.

mustnuion h> joi™ Pack

20 Possibilities

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Examine your present lif e style and determine if your

goals all fit together in terms of "total life" balance.

Do you clearly v i s u a l i z e how you want your life to be

integrated into a meaningful "BIG PICTURE"? What is th«big picture for each part of your life? Are you l e a v i n g

out, under-emphasizinq,or over-emphasizing, the value of

some of the important parts of your life?

Goal Planning Questionnaire

YES NO1. Do you have a set of personal career goals for yourself? Are they spelled out in writing? Q Q

2. Do you have a set of work goals for your group? Are they spelled out in writing? Q Q

3. Have you tested both sets of goals, - by evaluating them, checking prior experience,reviewing them with others etc. - Make sure they're realistic? Q Q

4. In contemplating and establishing goals, do you carefully consider the obstacles youwill have to overcome to achieve them? Q Q

5. Do you take the necessary extra steps to eliminate these obstacles? Q O

6. Do you monitor progress on a regular basis to make sure you are on target so far asgoals are concerned? Q Q

7. Do you make goals sufficiently flexible so that you can adjust them in line withchanging conditions? Q Q

8. Do you examine both your personal and your career goals to make sure they'renot in conflict? Q Q

9. In setting goals, do you make them tough enough to be a challenge to your fulltalent potential? Q Q

10. In setting goals, do you keep the reward in mind? Do you make sure the reward isattractive enough to be worth the price you'll have to pay to achieve it? Q G

11. When you make a goal, do you spell it out clearly? Q Q

12. Do you make an effort to determine the individual goals of the people who workwith you? Q a

13. Wherever possible, do you make an effort to link their personal goals to theirwork goals? Q Q

14. Would you say that your personal career goals are in harmony with the company'sobjective? Q Q

15. Are your personal goals in harmony with the personal goals of your loved ones? 3 Q


GoalsYour Formula for Success — Goals

1, Immediate, intermediate, and long-range

2. Realistic goals

3. Include people in your goals

4. Hesult and causeMoney, promotion, recognition and other rewards are the result,not the cause of success.

Goals5. Setting goals will change your life,

a. Define your goal in detail

b. Make a plan.

c. Jake action.

d. Be determined.

e. Achievement will develop self-confidence.

6. Success mechanism — how you think about something will determine the result.

See Slide

MY GOAL SHEET1. Write down your dreams/goals,2. Describe each goal in detail.

Short Range Goals


Target Date:

Plan of Action:



Target Date:

Plan of Action:



Target Date:

Plan of Action:


Target Date:

Plan of Action:

Long Range Goals


Target nntp:

-Plan of Action:

- •? .

T)f»R(7T»i irM on :

Tflypp-t- Date-

Plan of Action:

3,DfKCri r>ti on :

Target Date:

Plan of Action:



Tare-et Datp:

Plan of Action:


Short Term Goals — Up To One Year From Now





Date PlannedTo Reach Goal


Intermediate Goals — Up To Three Years From Now





Date PlannedTo Reach Goal


. _ , — , • • • • • — — — — — —_______—___- _____

Long Range Goals — Future Dreams



2. '


Date PlannedTo Reach Goal


You've expressed a desire to generate an income from this wonderful GNLD Business.Before we proceed I have found it beneficial to do these things first, maybe you won't completethe assignment but at least begin it and be working on it as you go along. This assignment willhelp you remember the "why" of your business when you have setbacks. Do some work on iteveryday. Keeping it in front of you will keep you excited and focused.

I. Purpose - what are your talents and gifts, where do your strengths lie? One way to determinethat is to think about what you love doing, what excites you about getting up in the morning?Write this down. What would you like to be remembered for now and after you're gone?

n. Dreams - you don't have to know how you're going to do it or even if it will ever really happenbut it's something you love the idea of, write it down. Don't be afraid to dream big. I would loveto go on a cruise ship with Charles Stanley to Alaska. I wanted to go to Europe and we earned anall expense paid trip, the same with Hawaii. New home, dream vacation, be able to rent a cabinand have our whole family there. What kind of car, be specific on model, make, color, etc. Go ona missions trip, help all of our children with any college of their choice. Help them buy a home.There are all kinds of exciting ideas.

in. Goals - strategy and planningBe sure to be balanced setting goals for:

Physical - desired weight, exercise goals, hair, wardrobe, etc.Financial - what do you need to live on? Set up a budget, there are some excellent booksout on how to do this, with work sheets. Freedom conies from living on a budget, yourmoney will go farther and you'll find yourself to be a better steward of that which you haveand as your income grows it won't get swallowed up.Spiritual - what needs do you see in your life here? How could those needs be met? Howmuch and when do you want to pray, read your Bible, meditate, etc. What type ofministry would you like to have? We have found this business to be a wonderful adjunctto meeting the needs of the whole person, (a) physical needs - improved health, weightcontrol, (b) spiritual & emotional - personal growth and development takes place withthe growing of a business, and © financial - wonderful business, income opportunity.Career - ideas for growing your business. What skills do you need to develop to be moreeffective? Be more positive, complain less. Develop communication skills, etc. What isyour income target, what title are you working towards. Identify the groups and or peopleyou will need to work with to achieve your career goal.Family - how are your family dynamics? What needs do you see here? What would youlike to see happen with your family and what can you do to help? How about a familynight, one night a week?Social - develop friendships, gain communication skills. Make a list of groups ororganizations you would like to be a part of that would help you reach your goals. Ex.Leads club, Kiwana's, Chamber of Commerce, etc.Mental - reading, learn another language, listen to tapes, nutrition, personal development.retreats, etc.


1- Goals must be big but not unrealistic

2- Set short term goals - one year, Mid range -1-3 years, and long range - 3 to 5 years.Break down your long range goals into short and mid term goals. What do you have to do on adaily, weekly and monthly basis to reach your goals. Ex. You want to be a Sapphire Director byDec. 1998. How many people do you need to talk to daily? How many people do you need tosponsor into the business weekly? How are you going to go about doing that? Break it down intonumbers of phone calls daily. How many home parties? If you have other people sponsoredalready what are you going to do to help them build their businesses? You will probably haveother ideas as well but these are just some suggestions to get you thinking about the specifics.

3- goals must be daily - when you choose a habit you choose the end result. Men don't decidetheir future, they decide their habits and that decides their future.

4- be specific - VERY

Action Steps

1- list in category of importance

2 - list obstacles - make a plan of how to overcome

3 - know what it takes to get there (usually requires change) pg 97 in Success JourneyIf we don't change we don't grow.

4 - mentally prepare yourself- decide what you have to give up to go up. Talk yourself through it.YOU DON'T PAY THE PRICE FOR SUCCESS, YOU ENJOY THE PRICE OF SUCCESS.YOU PAY THE PRICE FOR FAILURE.

5 - believe in what you're doing. Visualize

The Productivity Principle of

Goals ————'We'Should make plans counting on God to direct us;*;ProverbS 16:9

. SchrockTBuBinessman

Underline the key concepts found in thisprinciple.

Planning can be a goal in itself, butgoals are primarily long or short-termstrategies set within a plan. The planis the big picture of our objectivesand" short term goals are like pointsalong the way in the strategies of howto get there. Whatever we do in lifeshould be done based on a goal. If wedon't have a goal, then we don't havedirection tor" our lives, and we willbecome a part of someone else's plan.We must understand that thingsdon't just happen. We can dream ofpossibilities and the future, but it willnot happen unless we design a planwith weekly or monthly goals on howto achieve them. We should alwayswork from a daily planner or somewritten list of things to do for theweek. This will give us an excitinglife and future, because we are goingsomewhere by getting things done.Without planning and setting goals,we just respond to situations as theycome up, which gives us a feeling thatlife is full of nothing but situations.

Getting somewhere in life starts

1. Knowing where we are (aware-ness).

2. Knowing what we want (a goal).

3. Having a plan for how to get there(a strategy).

The majority of our lives can turnout to be what we want it to be, if wehave a goal and keep working on ourplan. When we plan our activitiesand reach the goals we set for our-selves, we get a great feeling of satis-faction. We will have become achiev-ers. We should ask ourselves: Thethings I'm doing this week, are theythings I planned as a part of my per-sonal goal, or things that wereplanned for the benefit of someoneelse?

We must all respond and partici-pate in the ideas and dreams of oth-ers. But, if we want to reach thedesires of our lives, we must alsohave ideas and dreams of our ownand start planning on how we willbring them into reality. Yes, weshould have goals and make plans,but count on God to direct us.

In order to have our dreams cometrue, we need to do these four things:

1. Write out our dreams (clarity).

2. Write out what it will cost (evalua-tion).

3. Write out our goals and strategies(plan).

4. Review them regularly (focus).

There is a law in life that, "weattract that which we give attention.taJ' So, always carry a pen and paperwith you to write down thoughts thatcontribute to your goals and afterawhile you'll see a plan develop toaccomplish them. Writing out ourdreams and goals will do two thingsfor us: First, we will find out if wereally have a dream or if it is justwishful thinking. Second, we willdiscover the cost of the dream. Jesussaid that before we build, we shouldconsider the cost such as time, effort,and money. Building dreams alwayscosts us something. The price andsacrifices needed to achieve thedream may be more than we want topay. So we can either forsake thedream or adjust the goals. It's veryimportant to constantly review ourgoals. This keeps us focused anddevelops a mindset to achieve.

Certain goals must be set withinour overall plan so we can measurethe progression of the plan. Withoutgoals our dream will seem out ofreach. But if we have a good planwith goal posts along the way, we canfocus on the goal which is short-term,rather than the 5 or 10-year planwhich will seem too far away andhopeless, causing us to lose interest.

- .Of course, we must always ask Godto bless our plans. If that seems diffi-cult, perhaps we should change them.If our plans cannot be blessed by God,then we are building on sand. Andeven if we achieve them, we will not behappy very long.

This principle is part of the one year characterdevelopment program:Foundations For Achievement

wanted to accomplish'!



. Thoughts to. Ponder:;. /: -;. . ..

For more of these Principles -':rj|and additorial RescMtes visit I

www;l aredi,



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RefreshingFacialCleanser 1Normal to Dry

TARGETED BENEFITSi Specifically formulated for Normal to Dry skin.i Sweeps away makeup and dulling debris.i Selected botanicals help normalize lipid productionto promote youthful moisture retention,

i Avocado Oil promotes skin elasticity,i Compatible with skin's natural pH level.

UNIQUE FEATURESMoisture-rich formula contains pure Avocado OilSelected botanicals include: Extracts of OrangeFlower, Eyebright (Euphrasia), Ivy, Sweet AlmondGreen Tea and Echinacea, known for theirantioxidant and immune-boosting properties


Foaming GelCleanser 2Combinationto Oily

PurifyingFacial ScrubAll skin types

RefiningToner 1Normal to Dry

• Specifically formulated for Combination to Oily skin.• Selected botanicals help restore an ideal lipid-to-

moisture balance.• Compatible with skin's natural pH level.• Mild foam facilitates close, comfortable shaves

and smooth skin.

• Gently banishes lifeless cells and surface impurities.• Stimulates circulation and accelerates cellular

renewal.• Skin feels soft and smooth.

• Completes the final stage of cleansing.• Selected botanicals energize skin's protective lipids

to enhance moisture retention.• Supports antioxidant and immune protection.• Avocado Oil promotes skin elasticity.• Refreshing after-shave splash.

Lightweight, oil-free gelSelected botanicals include: Extracts of WitchHazel,Tormentil,White Oak Bark, SageGreen Tea and Echinacea, known for theirantioxidant and immune-boosting properties

i Exfoliates with ultra-fine Walnut Shell Powderand Witch Hazeli Soothes with Aloe Vera Gel and Chamomilei Water-based formula rinses easily

Water-based, alcohol-free formulaSelected botanicals for Normal to Dry Skin:Extracts of Orange Flower, Eyebright (Euphrasia),Ivy, Sweet AlmondGreen Tea and EchinaceaPure Avocado Oil


BalancingToner 2Combinationto Oily

EnrichingMoisturizer 1Normal to Dry

i Removes surface impurities to finish thecleansing process.

i Clinically proven to help calm lipid production,i Helps pores appear smaller,i Supports antioxidant and immune protection,i Stimulating after-shave splash.

! Hydrates; softens appearance of fine lines.i Selected botanicals enhance skin's moisture-retention properties.

! Supports skin's natural moisture barrier.! Supports antioxidant and immune protection.i Defends collagen and elastin with broad-spectrumUVA/UVB sunscreens.

i Water-based, alcohol-free tonici Selected botanicals for Combination to Oily Skin:

Extracts of Witch Hazel.Tormentil, White OakBark, Sage

i Green Tea and Echinacea

i Water-based formula contains skin-enhancingamino acids, Aloe Vera,Vitamin E and Avocado Oili Selected botanicals for Normal to Dry Skin:

Extracts of Orange Flower, Eyebright (Euphrasia),Ivy, Sweet Almond

i Green Tea and Echinaceai SPF 4; PABA free

RevitalizingMoisturizer 2Combinationto Oily

RenewingAntioxidantTreatmentAll skin types

i Replenishes youthful moisture, minimizesappearance of fine lines,

i Selected botanicals work with skin's natural lipidsto achieve optimum moisture levels,

i Supports skin's natural moisture barrier.i Supports antioxidant and immune protection,i Defends collagen and elastin with broad-spectrumUVA/UVB sunscreens.

i Clinically proven to erase fine lines and wrinkles!i Stimulates skin cell metabolism, enhances cellulargrowth and renewal,

i Intercepts and neutralizes free radicals thatprematurely age skin.

i Smoothes, nourishes and comforts skin; improvesskin suppleness.

i Supports antioxidant and immune protection.Broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protectors help maintainskin's youthful structure and elasticity.

i Water-based formula contains skin-enhancingamino acids, Vitamin B3 and Aloe Verai Selected botanicals for Combination to Oily Skin;

Extracts of Witch Hazel,Tormentil, White OakBark, Sage

i Green Tea and Echinaceai SPF 4; PABA free

i Water-based formulai Antioxidant Vitamins E, C.andAi Exclusive ACR (Activated Cellular Response)

Breakthrough Technologyi Green Tea and Echinaceai Natural humectants, proteins and amino acidsi SPF 4; PABA free


normal to dry regimen combination to oily regimenSTEP

1 Cleanse

2 Exfoliate


4 Moisturize

5 Renew & Protect


Refreshing Facial Cleanser 1

Purifying Facial Scrub (1-2 times/week)

Refining Toner 1

Enriching Moisturizer 1

Renewing Antioxidant Treatment


Foaming Gel Cleanser 2

Purifying Facial Scrub (2-3times/week)

Balancing Toner 2

Revitalizing Moisturizer 2

Renewing Antioxidant Treatment


CycleRenew & Protect

Youthful & Resiliein

Moisturize^f Soft €- Radiant

RefreshToned c- Re-balanced

all Nutriance skin care products are

m Scientifically proven to be Youth Renewing,Skin Protecting, and Age Defying

• Developed in exclusive Swiss laboratories, guidedby GNLD's renowned Scientific Advisory Board

• Dermatologist-tested in a leading Europeanskin care clinic and proven safe and effective

• pH balanced• Mineral oil free• Not tested on animals• Backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee

specialized formulasPRODUCT


Jl skin types

TARGETED BENEFITSSoftens appearance of fine lines.Bathes skin in rich moisture.Plumps skin cells and enhancesmoisture retention.Comforts; leaves skin feeling smoothand supple.

UNIQUE FEATURESi Water-based light consistency formulai Exclusive, moisture-saturated complex of pure Swiss

Collagen, Aloe Vera Gel, and Cucumber Extracti Natural humectants, moisturizing lipidsi Moisturizes with Squalane and Pro-Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)

MoisturizingNightFormulaAll skin types

! Reaches the lower layers of skin to promotetissue regeneration.

! Supports the structure and firmness of young,attractive skin.Delivers generous hydration to promote asoft, smooth look and feel.

i Water-based rich consistency formulai Pure Swiss Collageni Exclusive moisture-holding complex of Aloe Vera Gel,

Sea Vegetation Sugar Extracts, and multiple emollients.i Lipid-soluble natural Vitamins A (Retinol) and Ei Exclusive night-time use only

Skin-DeiendingSunscreen,SPF15All skin types

i Protects youthful collagen and elastin.i Helps prevent free radical damage,i Conditions, helps skin stay soft and moist,i Greaseless formula doesn't clog pores.

i Delivers daily broad-spectrum UVA/UVBprotection; SPF 15i Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Chamomile Extract, and

Pro-Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)i Moisture-rich, PABA free, water-resistant formula

Aloe VeraGelMl skin types

Moisturizes, soothes and softens.Cools and protects irritated skin.Calms skin surface; helps reduce minor skindiscomfort.Aids skin that has been overexposed to theoutdoor elements: sun, cold and wind.

i Water-based formulai Calendula, Chamomile, Linden, Cornflower

and St. John's WortlAllantoin and Pro-Vitamin B5 (Panthenol)

Contact your independent Nutriance Distributor: © 2001 GNLD InternationalAll Right? Reserved




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Subject: Today's Word with Joel & VictoriaFrom: Joel Osteen Ministries <[email protected]>Date: Thu, Sep 30, 201010:30 pm

To: Cheryl Watts <[email protected]>

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> Don't miss "Living Your Dream" Webcast 10/3 @ 7pm CT

Seeing the Dream 4Come to Pass


"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of theeternal life to which you were called when you madeyour good confession in the presence of manywitnesses"(1 Timothy 6:12, NIV)


4-part CD/DVD Resource


TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

One of the keys to seeing your dreams come topass is to see them come to pass in your mind'seye first. One of the greatest baseball players of ourtime told me that all through the day he sees himselfhitting the ball. Before he gets up to the plate, hevisualizes getting on base. He has this picture ofhimself succeeding. It's gotten deep down on theinside and now he's moving toward it.

Of course, it takes more than just visualization to WITH A GIFT $100 OR MORE

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see our dreams come to pass. It takes obedience; ittakes prayer, and it has to be a part of God's planfor our lives. But what I'm saying is that if you'll keepthe right pictures in your imagination, seeingyourself rising higher, seeing yourself healthy andwhole, that's going to get deep down on the insideand set the course for your life. When your mind isin agreement with God's Word, it will help guide youtoward your destiny. You will have a supernaturalstrength and power to see those dreams anddesires come to pass in your life!


Heavenly Father, today I submit my dreams, desiresand thoughts to You. Use my imagination for Yourpurposes. Help me to see the dreams You'veplaced within me coming to pass. Help me to seemyself rising higher in every area and bring Youglory in everything I do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Promises of HopeLife JournalPlus: IMAGINE







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