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THE WISDOM ACADEMY FOR CIVIL SERVICES “YOUR SUCCESS,YOUR WAY, TO BUILD A NATION” THE WISDOM ACADEMY 3rd floor,Keshav Prasad Building, near Jogesheari Silk Sarees, Kumthekar Road, Pune-30 Contact no.9158393003 CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION PRELIMINARY TEST SERIES 2018 COMPREHENSIVE DEMO TEST-2-ANS DATE:- 30 DEC 2017 1. Ans D Tilak's Home Rule League-April 1916; Karnagatamaru incident-Sept 1914; Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in India from South Africa -1915 2. Ans C In Delhi, Chandrasekhar Azad, a young revolutionary, was introduced to Bhagat Singh. It was as if fire and wind were united. The activities of the revolutionaries gained new strength. Bhagat Singh removed his beard and had a closer crop, so that the police might not recognize him. All these days he had been a hero of the Sikhs; he now became a national hero. There was a revolutionary party called the 'Hindustan Prajatantra Sangha' (The Indian Republic Party). The name was changed to 'Hindustan Samajvadi Prajatantra Sangha' (The Indian Socialist Republican Party). Its aim was to establish a republic in India by means of an armed revolution. Sachindra Nath Sanyal:-Following the end of the Non-cooperation movement in 1922, Sanyal, Ram Prasad Bismil and some other revolutionaries who wanted an independent India and were prepared to use force to achieve their goal, founded the Hindustan Republican Association in October 1924. He was the author of the HRA manifesto, titled The Revolutionary, that was distributed in large cities of North India on 31 December 1924. The Chittagong armoury raid was carried out on 18 April 1930. Kalpana joined the "Indian Republican Army, Chattagram branch", the armed resistance group led by Surya Sen in May 1931. The Chapekar Brothers, Damodar, Vasudev and Balkrishan They established the Hindu Dharma Sanrakshini Sabha in 1894. During the Ganapati festivals of 1894, they circulated leaflets in Poona, and asked the Hindus to rise in arms against that rule as Shivaji had done against the Muslim rule. On 22 June 1897, W.C. Rand & Lieutenant C.E. Ayearst were shot dead by Damodar & Bal Krishna Chapekar. Damodar was arrested immediately after and was sentence to death. • Bal Krishna was later arrested in Hyderabad and sentenced to death. Organization Founded By Year Abhinav Bharat Society Vinayak Damodar Savarkar 1904 Anushilan Samiti Barindra Kumar Ghosh; Jatindranath Banerji: Pramothya Mitter and Pulin Das 1902 Arya Bandhav Samaj Tilak Atmonati Samiti Bipin Bihari Ganguli Bengal Volunteers Hema Chand Ghosh and Lila Nag Bharat Mata Association Nilkant Bramhachari, Vanchi Iyer - Bharat Mata Society J.M.Chatterjee 1904 Bhikaji Movement Madam Bhikaji Cama 1902 Gadar Party (Hindu Association of America) Lala Hardayal, Sohan Singh Bhakna 1913 Hindu Dharma Sabha Chepakar Brothers Hindu Republic Association S.N.Sanyal, Y.C.Chatterjee 1924 Hindustan Socialist Republican Association Chandra Shekhar Azad, Bhagat Sing 1928 Indian Independence League (in Japan) Ras Bihari Bose 1942 Indian Republican Army Surya Sen - Mitra Mela V.D.Savarkar 1899 Sri Sangha Anil Roy 3. Ans B 4. Ans D The tribal people organized the most militant outbursts and insurrections during the 19 th century. The colonial administration ended their relative isolation and brought them fully under the ambit of colonialism. The main reasons for their resentment were as follows:

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DATE:- 30 DEC 20171. Ans D Tilak's Home Rule League-April 1916;

Karnagatamaru incident-Sept 1914; Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in India from South

Africa -1915

2. Ans C In Delhi, Chandrasekhar Azad, a young

revolutionary, was introduced to Bhagat Singh.It was as if fire and wind were united. Theactivities of the revolutionaries gained newstrength. Bhagat Singh removed his beard andhad a closer crop, so that the police might notrecognize him. All these days he had been ahero of the Sikhs; he now became a nationalhero.There was a revolutionary party called the'Hindustan Prajatantra Sangha' (The IndianRepublic Party). The name was changed to'Hindustan Samajvadi Prajatantra Sangha'(The Indian Socialist Republican Party). Its aimwas to establish a republic in India by means ofan armed revolution.

Sachindra Nath Sanyal:-Following the end ofthe Non-cooperation movement in1922, Sanyal, Ram Prasad Bismil and someother revolutionaries who wanted anindependent India and were prepared to useforce to achieve their goal, founded theHindustan Republican Association inOctober 1924. He was the author of the HRAmanifesto, titled The Revolutionary, that wasdistributed in large cities of North India on 31December 1924.

The Chittagong armoury raid was carried outon 18 April 1930. Kalpana joined the "IndianRepublican Army, Chattagram branch", thearmed resistance group led by Surya Sen inMay 1931.

The Chapekar Brothers, Damodar, Vasudevand Balkrishan

They established the Hindu DharmaSanrakshini Sabha in 1894.During the Ganapati festivals of 1894, theycirculated leaflets in Poona, and asked theHindus to rise in arms against that rule asShivaji had done against the Muslim rule.On 22 June 1897, W.C. Rand & Lieutenant C.E.Ayearst were shot dead by Damodar & BalKrishna Chapekar.Damodar was arrested immediately after andwas sentence to death.

• Bal Krishna was later arrested in Hyderabadand sentenced to death.

Organization Founded By YearAbhinav BharatSociety

聽 Vinayak DamodarSavarkar 1904

Anushilan Samiti

Barindra KumarGhosh; JatindranathBanerji: PramothyaMitter and Pulin Das


Arya BandhavSamaj Tilak

Atmonati Samiti Bipin Bihari Ganguli

Bengal Volunteers Hema Chand Ghoshand Lila Nag

Bharat MataAssociation

Nilkant Bramhachari,Vanchi Iyer -

Bharat MataSociety J.M.Chatterjee 1904

Bhikaji Movement Madam Bhikaji Cama 1902Gadar Party (HinduAssociation ofAmerica)

Lala Hardayal,Sohan Singh Bhakna 1913

Hindu DharmaSabha Chepakar Brothers

Hindu RepublicAssociation

S.N.Sanyal,Y.C.Chatterjee 1924

Hindustan SocialistRepublicanAssociation

Chandra ShekharAzad, Bhagat Sing 1928

IndianIndependenceLeague (in Japan)

Ras Bihari Bose 1942

Indian RepublicanArmy Surya Sen -

Mitra Mela V.D.Savarkar 1899

Sri Sangha聽Anil Roy

3. Ans B

4. Ans D The tribal people organized the most militant

outbursts and insurrections during the19thcentury. The colonial administration endedtheir relative isolation and brought them fullyunder the ambit of colonialism. The mainreasons for their resentment were as follows:




THEWISDOM ACADEMY www.upscwala.com3rd floor,Keshav Prasad Building, near Jogesheari Silk Sarees, Kumthekar Road, Pune-30 Contact no.9158393003

The colonial administration recognized tribalchiefs as Zamindars and introduced a newsystem of land revenue and taxation oftribal product. It encouraged the influx ofChristian missionaries (especially in Bengaland Assam) and thus created serious threat tothe tribal religion and culture.

It introduced a large number of outsidermiddleman (money-lenders, traders andrevenue farmers) among the tribal. Theyincreasingly took possession of tribal lands andtrapped the tribal in debt-web and this broughtthe tribal people within the fold on the colonialeconomy and exploitation. The large scaleinflux of non-tribal region also created seriousthreat to the tribal identity.

It tightened the control (restriction onshifting cultivation and attempts to curb theuse timber and grazing facilities) of forestzones for revenue purpose ( from 1867onwards) and this shattered the very basis oftribal economy. The oppression and extortionby policemen and other petty officialsaggravated the tribal distress. The system ofbeggar (unpaid forced labour) was intensifiedand expanded.

5. Ans CPabna Agrarian Leagues:

During the 1870s and 1880s, large parts ofEastern Bengal witnessed agrarian unrestcaused by oppressive practices of theZamindars. The Zamindars resorted toenhanced rents beyond legal limits andprevented the tenants from acquiringoccupancy rights under Act X of 1859. To achieve their ends, the Zamindarsresorted to forcible evictions, seizure of cattleand crops and prolonged, costly litigation incourts where the poor peasant found himself ata disadvantage. Having had enough of the oppressiveregime, the peasants of Yusufshahi Pargana inPatna district formed an agrarian league orcombination to resist the demands of theZamindars. The league organised a rentstrike—the ryots refused to pay the enhancedrents, challenging the Zamindars in the courts. Funds were raised by ryots to fight thecourt cases. The struggles spread throughoutPatna and to other districts of East Bengal. Themain form of struggle was that of legalresistance; there was very little violence. Though the peasant discontent continuedto linger on till 1885, most of the cases hadbeen solved, partially through official

persuasion and partially because of Zamindars’fears. Many peasants were able to acquireoccupancy rights and resist enhanced rents. The Government also promised toundertake legislation to protect the tenantsfrom the worst aspects of Zamindari oppression.In 1885, the Bengal Tenancy Act was passed.

Eka Movement: Towards the end of 1921, peasantdiscontent resurfaced in some northern districtsof the United Provinces—Hardoi, Bahraich,Sitapur.The issues involved were: (i) High rents—50 per cent higher than therecorded rates; (ii) Oppression of thikadars in charge ofrevenue collection; and (iii) Practice of share-rents.

Andhra: This region had already witnessed adecline in the prestige of Zamindars after theirdefeat by Congressmen in elections.Anti-zamindar movements were going on insome places. Many provincial ryot associationswere active. N.G. Ranga had set up, in 1933,the India Peasants’ Institute. After 1936, the Congress socialists startedorganising the peasants. At many places, thesummer schools of economics and politicswere held and addressed by leaders like P.C.Joshi, Ajoy Ghosh and R.D. Bhardwaj.

The Punnapra-Vayalar uprising (October, 1946) was a communist uprisingin the Princely State of Travancore, BritishIndia against the Prime Minister, C. P.Ramaswami Iyer and the state. Communist Party members were killed bythe army of the Diwan (Prime Minister), 470people at Punnapra on 27th October and morethan 150 at Vayalar on 28th October. The totalloss of life is allegedly estimated to be morethan a thousand.

6.Ans B10 Alfred Webb (1834–1908) 1894 Madras33 Annie Besant1 October 1847 – 1933 1917 Calcutta39 Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das (President)Hakim Ajmal Khan (Acting President) 1863 – 29December 1927 1921 Ahmedabad44 Sarojini Naidu 13 Feb 1879– 2 March 1949 1925 Kanpur

7. Ans A




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As Abdul Rasul, President of BarisalConference, April 1906, put it: ‘Whatwe could not have accomplished in50 or 100 years, the great disaster,the partition of Bengal, has done forus in six months.

In 1906, Satish took a leading part in formingthe Council of National Education and becamea lecturer in the Bengal National College. In1907, after Sri Aurobindo's resignation on 2August 1907 (fearing "that he might be spiritedaway to prison at any moment, and hisassociation with the National College mightcause great damage to the institution", SatishChandra succeeded him as principal, and acontributor to the daily Bande Mataram. Fouryears after Sri Aurobindo's retiringto Puducherry, Satish left for Varanasi in 1914,settled there till his death.

Another important aspect of theSwadeshi Movement was the greatemphasis given to self-reliance or‘Atmasakti’ as a necessary part of thestruggle against the Government. Selfreliance in various fields meant there-asserting of national dignity, honorand confidence. Further, self-help andconstructive work at the village level wasenvisaged as a means of bringing about thesocial and economic regeneration ofthe villages and of reaching the ruralmasses. In actual terms this meantsocial reform and campaigns againstevils such as caste oppression, earlymarriage, the dowry system,consumption of alcohol, etc.

One of the major planks of theprogramme of self-reliance wasSwadeshi or national education. Takinga cue from Tagore’s Shantiniketan, theBengal National College was founded, withAurobindo as the principal. Scores ofnational schools sprang up all over thecountry within a short period.

In August 1906, the National Council ofEducation was established. The Council,consisting of virtually all the distinguishedpersons of the country at the time,defined its objectives in this way toorganize a system of Education Literary;Scientific and Technical — on National linesand under National control from the primaryto the university level.

8. Ans B

1. Defence, External Affairs, EcclesiasticalAffairs and the administration of the TribalAreas were reserved in the hands of theGovernor-General to be administered by himwith the assistance of maximum of threeCouncilors to be appointed by him.

2. Residuary legislative powers were vested inthe Governor-General in the matter of theenlistment of subjects either in the FederalLegislative list or the Provincial Legislative listor the concurrent Legislative list.

3. The Governor did not only act as theconstitutional head of the province merelyacting on the advice of the Council of Ministers,he had some special responsibilities regardingthe maintenance of peace or tranquility of theprovince or any part thereof.

9. Ans BThe Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerceand Industry (FICCI) is an association of businessorganisations in India. Established in 1927, on the advice of Mahatma

Gandhi by GD Birla and Purushottam DasThakurdas, it is the largest, oldest and the apexbusiness organisation in India.

It is a non-government, not-for-profitorganisation. FICCI draws its membership fromthe corporate sector, both private and public,including SMEs and MNCs.

Lee Modi Pact was signed in 1933 whichstated that British will export more cottonclothes to India in exchange for more export ofraw cotton from India

Lees-Mody Pact (October 1933) by thisBombay textiles group agreed to furtherpreferences for British textiles in place ofJapanese Imports in return for a Lancaashirepromise to buy more Indian raw cotton.

Bombay Plan In 1944 Eight Industrialists of Bombay including

Mr. JRD Tata, GD Birla, PurshottamdasThakurdas , Lala Shriram, kasturbhai lalbhai,AD Shroff , Ardeshir Dalal, & John Mathaiworking together prepared “A BriefMemorandum Outlining a Plan of EconomicDevelopment for India” which was popularlyknown as Bombay Plan.

This plan envisaged doubling the per capitaincome in 15 years and tripling the nationalincome during this period. However Pundit jidid not officially accept the plan, yet many ofthe ideas of the plan were inculcated in otherplans which came later.

National Planning Committee




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1938 was the year that witnessed the firstattempt to develop a national plan for Indiawhen National Planning Committee was set up.This committee was set up by SubhashChandra Bose and chaired by JawaharlalNehru. However the reports of the committeecould not be prepared and only for the first timein 1948 -49 some papers came out.

10. Ans A Viceroy’s Executive Council would be

immediately reconstituted and the number of itsmembers would be increased.

In that Council there would be equalrepresentation of high class Hindus and theMuslims.

All members of the Central Executive Councilbarring the Governor-General and theCommander-in-Chief were to be Indians.

An Indian would be appointed as the memberof Foreign Affairs in the Council. However, aBritish Commissioner would be appointed tolook after the matters relating to the trade.

11. Ans A Mathura School of architecture flourished from

the 2nd century BC to the 12th century AD.Rock-cut temples in western Deccan, wereexcavated into early years of the Christian era.

200 BC to 300 AD :-Most of the major Chaityasand Viharas of this period were built in westernand eastern regions.

12. Ans D In Ellora, there are caves belonging to Hindu,

Jain and Buddhist religious traditions. In Ajanta,there are only Buddhist caves.

In Ajanta caves, one can find paintings as wellas sculptures while in Ellora caves onlysculptures are found.

13. Ans B In the eastern Deccan, in the lower valleys of

the Krishna and the Godavari developed theAmaravati school of art during this period. Thiswas patronised by Satavahana rulers and laterby Ikshvaku rulers, by other political dignitariesand families, by officials, merchants, etc.

Inspired by Buddhist themes the main centresof this art were Nagarjunakonda, Amaravati.Goli, Ghantasala, Jaggayyapeta etc. The mostproductive and prosperous phase of this arthas been dated to 150 8.C.-350 A.D.

The general features of Amaravati art are: -the figures are carved out of white marble,

-they are well modelled with long legs andslender frames,

-physical beauty and sensual expressionscommand this art,

-though nature is depicted, the centralcharacters are human beings, and

-kings, princes and palaces figure prominentlyin sculptural representations.

14. Ans C Copper status have not been found in

Harappan civilization.

15. Ans C

16. Ans C Nyaya, Vaishisika and yoga are theistic schools

of Indian philosophy but Sankhya and Mimansaare atheistic schools of Indian philosophy.

17. Ans B

18. Ans A Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin

Bakhtiyar Kaki (RA) in Delhi. Baba Farid departed from this world on

Tuesday, 7th May 1280 AD (679 T-lijri) andsince then his mazar (tomb) is the pride ofPakpattan. Khwwj,a Nizamuddin Auliaconstructed his tomb. Mazar has two doors,namely Noori darwaza and Bahishti darwaza.Bahishti darwaza opens once a year andduring the fair thousands of people passthrough it. It (door) is made of silver and floraldesigns are laid in gold sheet. Thousands ofdevotees come to visit the shrine daily fromwithin the country and from abroad.His death anniversary is celebrated every yearon the 5th of Muharram.

The dargah of Moinuddin Chishti ( GharibNawaz -Benefactor of the Poor), knownas Ajmer Sharief Dargah or Ajmer Sharief, isan international waqf, anIslamic mortmain managed by the DargahKhwaja Saheb Act, 1955 of the government ofIndia.

19. Ans D In India, Ministry of Environment through its

Department of Genetic Engineering AppraisalCommittee gives the concerned approval.

20. Ans A Grey goo is a hypothetical end-of-the-world

scenario involving molecular nanotechnology inwhich out-of-control self-replicating robotsconsume all biomass on Earth while building




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more of themselves, a scenario that has beencalled ecophagy ("eating the environment",more literally "eating the habitation").

The original idea assumed machines weredesigned to have this capability, whilepopularizations have assumed that machinesmight somehow gain this capability by accident.

21. Ans DHomogeneous mixtures contain two or morecomponents that cannot be visually distinguished orseparated into the individual components.Here are some homogeneous mixtures: Water It often contains dissolved minerals and

gases, but these are dissolved throughout thewater. Tap water and rain water are bothhomogeneous, even though they may havedifferent levels of dissolved minerals andgases.

A bottle of alcohol is a man-madehomogeneous mixture, from a fine Italian wineto a glass of Scotch whisky.

In the human body, blood plasma is anexample of a homogeneous mixture. This is acolorless fluid that holds the blood cells insuspension. It makes up a little more than halfof the volume of human blood.

A cup of coffee is considered a homogeneousmixture. Does that change when sugar isdissolved into it? As a matter of fact, if thesugar is completely dissolved, the coffee is stillconsidered homogeneous, since the mixture ofcoffee and sugar is uniform throughout the cup.

Laundry detergent is another example of ahomogeneous mixture of various soaps andchemicals that keep clothes clean.

The air that you breathe is a homogeneousmixture of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and carbondioxide, along with other elements in smalleramounts. Because each layer of theEarth’s atmospherehas a different density,each layer of air is its own homogeneousmixture.

Many acids and solutions are homogeneousmixtures – for example, a solution of dilutedhydrochloric acid.

Many beverages are examples ofhomogeneous mixtures, from the orange juiceyou drink in the morning to the glass of wateryou drink in the afternoon and the cup of teayou have just before bed.

An alloy is a metal comprised of two puremetals. Alloys such as steel and bronze arehomogeneous mixtures of two metals.

The bottle of vegetable oil so often used incooking is a homogeneous mixture.

Heterogeneous mixtures contain two or morecomponents that can be seen, which can beseparated into the individual components byphysical means.Examples of heterogeneous mixtures include: Beach sand - a mixture of different colors of

sand and other particles. Granite rock - a mixture of various types of

minerals that can be seen as different. Air with clouds - mixture of air and water

molecules in the clouds. Concrete is a heterogeneous mixture of an

aggregate, cement and water. Sugar and sand form a heterogeneous

mixture. If you look closely, you can identify tinysugar crystals and particles of sand.

Ice cubes in cola form a heterogeneousmixture. The ice and the soda are two distinctphases of matter (solid and liquid).

Salt and pepper form a heterogeneousmixture.

Chocolate chip cookies are a heterogeneousmixture. If you take a bite from a cookie, youmay not get the same number of chips as youget in another bite.

Soda is considered a heterogeneous mixture. Itcontains water, sugar, and carbon dioxide,which forms bubbles. While the sugar, water,and flavorings may form a chemical solution,the carbon dioxide bubbles are not uniformlydistributed throughout the liquid.

22.Ans B Cruise missiles are guided ones with a

constant speed while ballistic ones areunguided ones with a varying speed. Bothhypersonic and supersonic travels much fasterthan sound.

Ballistic missile especially the ICBMs crossesthe atmospheric limits during a certain period oftime.

The BrahMos is a medium-range ramjetsupersonic cruise missile that can be launchedfrom submarine, ships, aircraft, or land. It is thefastest supersonic cruise missile in the worldThe missile travels at speeds of Mach 2.8 to3.0, which is being upgraded to Mach 5.0.

23. Ans BFood-Preservation Mechanism Canned vegetables, bottled juices, jams and

other preserved fruit are processed foodsmanufacturers protect with ascorbic acid. Thevitamin’s acidity makes it hard for the enzymephenolase to act. Phenolase accelerates




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oxidation, a chemical process in which oxygenlevel rises, resulting in decay. This is also theprocess that ascorbic acid combats.

Main article: Vinegar Vinegar is typically 4–18% acetic acid by mass.

Vinegar is used directly as a condiment, and inthe pickling of vegetables and other foods.Table vinegar tends to be more diluted (4% to8% acetic acid), while commercial food picklingemploys solutions that are more concentrated.The proportion of acetic acid used worldwideas vinegar is not as large as commercial uses,but is by far the oldest and best-knownapplication.

Waste water treatment Magnesium hydroxide powder is used

industrially to neutralize acidic waste waters. Italso takes part in the Biorock method ofbuilding artificial reefs.

Fire retardant Natural magnesium hydroxide (brucite) is used

commercially as a fire retardant. Mostindustrially used magnesium hydroxide isproduced synthetically.

Potassium hydroxide is used in many of thesame applications as sodium hydroxide. Inaddition, aqueous KOH is used as theelectrolyte in alkaline batteries. It is also usedto manufacture soft soaps and liquid soaps bysaponification. Many industrially usefulpotassium salts are prepared by reaction withKOH. Some of the other uses of KOH are inchemical manufacturing, fertilizer production,petroleum refining, and cleaning solutions.

24. Ans B Hyperloop, an idea from Tesla CEO and

SpaceX Founder Elon Musk, boasts of atransportation system which proposes to propela pod-like vehicle through a near-vacuum tubeat nearly 1,100 km per hour and above.

25. Ans A CSIR scientists have developed an ultra-thin

wireless device that mimics plant leaves toproduce energy using water and sunlight. Theartificial leaf absorbs sunlight to generatehydrogen fuel from water.

The artificial leaf or the wireless device consistsof semiconductors stacked in manner tosimulate natural leaf system.

To improve light-absorbing efficiency ofartificial leaf, researchers had used goldnanoparticles, titanium dioxide and quantumdots.

Quantum dots are semiconductor crystals ofnanometre dimensions with properties thatdepend on the size of dots.

26. Ans C 1.It was previously identified as CAR-T cell

therapy (CTL019) or tisagenlecleucel and nowis called Kymriah.

2.The CAR-T treatment is not a pill or form ofchemotherapy.3.It uses gene therapy techniques not to fixdisease-causing genes (cells) but toturbocharge T cells, immune system cells thatcancer can evade.

These cells removed from patient’s blood alongwith white blood cells are encoded with viralvector, reprogrammed in lab. They arereprogrammed to harbor chimeric antigenreceptor (CAR) that specifically targets cancercells. The revived and reprogrammed cellsafter returned to the patient continuemultiplying to fight disease for months or years.

27. Ans A The Indian National Centre for Ocean

Information Services (INCOIS) of the Ministryof Earth Sciences inaugurated the OceanForecasting System for Indian Ocean countriesComoros, Madagascar, and Mozambique.

The Ocean Forecast System will offer, highwave alerts, port warnings, forecast, oil spilladvisory services along the ship routes inaddition to tsunami and storm surge warningsand help in search and rescue operations.These ocean services are aimed towardssafety at the sea.

INCOIS is an autonomous organization of theUnion Government, under the Ministry of EarthSciences is a unit of the Earth System ScienceOrganization (ESSO). It was established in1999 and is headquartered in Pragathi Nagar,Hyderabad.

28. Ans B The ‘Project Brainwave’ uses the massive

field-programmable gate array (FPGA)infrastructure which has been deployed byMicrosoft over the past ffew years.

It can processes requests as fast as it receivesthem with the help of ultra-low latency.

Software giant Microsoft has launched ProjectBrainwave, a deep learning accelerationplatform for real-time artificial intelligence (AI).

The Project Brainwave system architecturereduces latency, since its Central ProcessingUnit (CPU) does not need to process incoming




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requests. It also allows very high throughput,with the FPGA processing requests as fast asthe network can stream them.

29. Ans C The top biotech regulator in India for

Genetically Modified Organisms is GeneticEngineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC).

30. Ans A Simlipal National Park is far away from coast. Chandipur-on-sea and Gopalpur-on-sea are

tourist destinations with resorts. There is no significant wildlife or bio-diversity.

31. Ans B Ecotone – zone of transition between two

ecosystems. E.g. grasslands, mangroves etc. Habitat – surroundings in which an organism

lives. Home Range - A home range is the area in

which an animal lives and moves on a daily orperiodic basis.

32. Ans A Coral reefs don’t form in areas where there is

significant intrusion of fresh water and coldwater.

Most of the mighty Indian Rivers flow into Bayof Bengal and hence coral reefs are absent onthe east coast of India.

Coral reefs are also absent on west coast ofAfrica (Benguela Current), South America(Peruvian or Humboldt Current), Europe(Canaries Current) and other continents due tocold currents.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Gulf of Kutchand Gulf of Mannar are regions where there isnot significant freshwater intrusion. ButSunderbans are the mouth ofGanga-Brahmaputra river system and hencethere is no coral reef formation there.

33. Ans C Easiest option is 3) Fluoride. So, (b) can be

eliminated. Next easiest option is Arsenic (Heavy metal). Nest easiest option is Uranium. Many columns

are written on uranium mining and its ill-effects.So, (a) also can be elevated. (a) and (b)eliminated. (c) and (d) remains.

The knowledge of either “Sorbitol” or“Formaldehyde” will tell us the answer.

Formaldehyde is more known than sorbitol.Googling didn’t give me any authentic sourcethat called formaldehyde a water pollutant. It is

used a preservative to preserve human organs.It finds some application in textile, resign andwood industry.

Sorbitol (glucitol) is a sugar alcohol with asweet taste which the human body metabolizesslowly.

34. Ans C Dandeli is in Karnataka.

35. Ans B This award is given to industrial units that make

a significant contribution towards thedevelopment of new, or the innovativemodification of existing, technologies oradoption and use of clean technologies andpractices that substantially reduce or preventenvironmental pollution. The award consist of acash prize of Rupees Two lakh, trophy andcitation.

36. Ans C A balanced ecosystem is one in which the

amount of energy synthesized and utilized isnearly equal.

37. Ans C Extinct species are those which have been

completely eliminated from wild areas as wellas completely eliminated from managed areas.

38. Ans D The GIBs have been vanishing over the years

due to shrinking habitat. Thar Desert is the onlylandscape in the world that provides viablebreeding population to GIBs.

While changing lifestyle in the desert, andunregulated human activities have endangeredthe species, thousands of windmills around thepark are posing a serious threat to the GIBwhich has been categorized as “criticallyendangered”.

39. Ans D Durgapur Steel Plant, is in West Bengal. Hydel

power and water is obtained from the DamodarValley Corporation(DVC)

40. Ans C The Amarkantak region is a unique natural

heritage area and is the meeting point of theVindhya and the Satpura Ranges, with theMaikal Hills being the fulcrum. This is where theNarmada River, the Son River and Johila Riveremerge.




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41. Ans C The boundary between the mantle and core is

called Gutenburg’s discontinuity. The boundary between the crust and the

mantle is called Mohorovicic discontinuity.

42. Ans D Sholas are evergreen forests, but because of

high-altitude location they are not dense andare separated from each other by grasslands.

The Sholas are a mosaic of mountaneevergreen forests and grasslands. They arefound only in high altitude (>1500 metres asl)regions within the tropics, and are limited to thesouthern part of the western ghats.

They are characterised by undulatinggrassland patches, interspersed with thickets ofstunted evergreen tree species, and are hometo a host of endemic and endangered plantsand animals.

43. Ans D Most magma contains gases which are under

high pressure. Pressure in rising magmadecreases rapidly which causes violentexplosions.

The erupting force generally comes frominternal gas pressure. When vapour pressurebecomes greater than the confining pressure,the dissolved gas in magma is allowed toexpand.

This is the same thing that happens when youopen a bottle of soda. When you decompressthe soda (by opening the bottle), the tiny gasbubbles push out and escape. This is true forvolcanoes as well. As the bubbles escape, theypush the magma out, causing a spewingeruption.

44. Ans A A mesa is an elevated area of land with a flat

top and sides, which is a characteristiclandform of arid environments. Ventifacts arerocks that have been abraded, pitted orpolished by wind-driven sand.

These geomorphic features are most typicallyfound in arid environments where there is littlevegetation.

Moraines are glacial landform – Moraines areaccumulations of dirt and rocks that have fallenonto the glacier surface or have been pushedalong by the glacier as it moves.

45. Ans C

Peninsular region is the oldest among the three.When the Indian Plate collided with the Asianplate, Himalayas were formed.

The rivers ( like Ganga ) were there before theHimalayas. They flowed over the Himalayasand eroded it to form the great plains.

46. Ans C If the lava is fluid, it will flow quickly and form a

gentle slope. If the slope formed is steep, thelava must have been viscous.

Viscous lava has high silica content and suchvolcanoes are explosive.

47. Ans B Soils are often defined in terms of these factors

as “dynamic natural bodies having propertiesderived from the combined effect of climate andbiotic activities (organisms), as modified bytopography, acting on parent materials overperiods of time”.

Soil scientists identify climate and organismsas “active” factors of soil formation becausetheir influence over soil development can bedirectly observed. For example, rain, heat, cold,wind, microorganisms (algae, fungi),earthworms, and burrowing animals can bedirectly observed influencing soil development.

Time, topography, and parent material arenoted as “passive” factors because their effectsare not immediately observed. The passivefactors can, however, control how climate andorganisms affect soil development andformation.

48. Ans B The factors relating to the earth’s nature and its

rotation include the gravitational force anddeflective force by earth’s rotation also knownas Coriolis force.

Oceanic factors include the pressure gradient,temperature variations and salinity differences.Ex-oceanic factors are atmospheric pressureand winds, evaporation and precipitation.

Tides caused by the gravitational pull of theMoon and the Sun also play role in forming ofoceanic currents.

The factors that can modify the currents aredirection and shape of coastlines, bottomreliefs of the ocean basins, seasonal variationsand rotation of the earth.

49. Ans D All the statements are correct Though P waves

travel with fastest speed, they are not mostdestructive.




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L waves are most violent and destructive. It’s the S waves that are analogous to light

waves because S waves are transverse in thenature and the particle moves at right angles tothe direction of propagation.

50. Ans D Air mass is a volume of air defined by its

temperature and water vapor content. It is a body of air with horizontally uniform

levels of temperature, humidity, and pressure.

51. Ans A Marianna Trench is the deepest trench in the

world, which is located in Pacific Ocean.

52. Ans D A mid-ocean ridge or mid-oceanic ridge is an

underwater mountain range, formed by platetectonics. This uplifting of the ocean flooroccurs when convection currents rise in themantle beneath the oceanic crust and createmagma where two tectonic plates meet at adivergent boundary.

Dogger Bank is a large sandbank in a shallowarea of the North Sea about 100 kilometers offthe east coast of England.

Grand Bank, Newfoundland and Labrador,Canada or 'Grand Bank' as the first Frenchsettlers pronounced it.

53. Ans C Self Explanatory

54. Ans C Irrawaddy river dolphin, it is not a true river

dolphin, but an oceanic dolphin that lives inbrackish water near coasts, river mouths and inestuaries. It has established subpopulations infreshwater rivers, including the Ganges and theMekong, as well as the Irrawaddy River fromwhich it takes its name. Its range extends fromthe Bay of Bengal to New Guinea and thePhilippines although they do not appear toventure off shore.

A river delta is a landform that forms fromdeposition of sediment carried by a river as theflow leaves its mouth and enters slower-movingor standing water. This occurs where a riverenters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir,or (more rarely) another river that cannottransport away the supplied sediment.

55. Ans B

The deltas of the Ganges, Mahanadi, Krishna,Godavari, Kaveri , Subernarekha rivers areknown to contain mangrove forests.

56. Ans C Spartly Islands and Paracels Islands.

57. Ans C 1. Coalition government first came at state level.

Samukta vidhayak dal(1967) in 8 states 2.India follows proportional representational

system in election of the President.58. Ans B On the expiry of his tenure of five years-

outgoing president.

59. Ans C President can declare such an emergency only

if the Cabinet recommends in writing for doingso whereas earlier only oral confirmation wassufficient.

The Constitution of India originally has providedfor imposition of emergency caused by war,external aggression or internal disturbance butby the 44th Amendment Act “internaldisturbance” was changed to “armed rebellion”.

It provided that, where one-tenth of the totalnumber of members of the Lok Sabha give awritten notice to the Speaker (or to thepresident if the House is not in session), aspecial sitting of the House should be heldwithin 14 days for the purpose of considering aresolution disapproving the continuation of theproclamation.

60. Ans B MGNREGA under Article 41 and Janani

Suraksha Yojana under Article 42.

61. Ans B 1. Rule of law 2. Separation of powers 3. Principles (or essence) underlying

fundamental rights 4. Judicial review 5. Principle of equality.CASE ANALYSIS: I.R.Coelho V. State of TamilNadu AIR 2007 SC 861 The court held that the constitutional validity of

the ninth schedule laws could be adjudged byapplying the direct impact and effect test, i.e.,rights test, which requires that it is not the formof a law, but its effect, that would be thedeterminative factor. It is the court that is todecide if this interference is justified and if doesor does not amount to violation of the basic




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structure. As stated, the role of the court is“determination by court whether invasion wasnecessary and if so to what extent”.

Facts of the case: The case arose out of an order of reference

made by a five judge constitution bench in 1999.The Gudalur Janmam Estates (Abolition andConversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1969, thatvested forest lands in the Janmam estates inthe State of Tamil Nadu, was struck down bythe Supreme Court in Balmadies PlantationsLtd. & Anr. v. State of Tamil Nadu[iii], as it wasfound to be outside the scope of protectionprovided to agrarian reforms under article 31-Aof the Constitution. By the Constitution(Thirty-fourth Amendment) Act, the JanmamAct was inserted in the ninth schedule, whichwas challenged.

62. Ans C public order, morality Health

63. Ans A The Constitution has also extended the

privileges to those persons who are entitled tospeak and take part in the proceedings ofParliament including the attorney general ofIndia

64. Ans A

65. Ans C (1) decreased the number of members of State

Human Rights Commission from three to five.

66. Ans C 2)A merger takes place when Two-thirds of the

members of the party have agreed to suchmerger.

67. Ans B (1) A person can be appointed as a governor

for two or more states. (2) A Governer's salary is not charged on the

consolidated fund of India in the above case. (3) He is entitled to such emoluments,

allowances and privileges as may bedetermined by parliament

68. Ans C 2. Procedure established by law- art 21 3. Equal protection of laws- art 14

69. Ans B

In the Interim Government there was no post ofPrime Minister, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was theVice-President of the Council, and the LawPortfolio was held by Joginder Nath Mandal.

(Jawahar Lal Nehru became the first PM andBhim Rao Ambedakar became the First LawMinister in the First Cabinet of Free India.

Muslim League Member does become the partof Interim Government, but they LaterResigned.

70. Ans A Legislative procedure - UKGovernment of India Act of 1935 Federal Scheme, Office of governor, Judiciary,

Public Service Commissions, Emergencyprovisions and administrative details

71. Ans B The Notification of the National Tiger

Conservation Authority has been issued on 4September 2006, for a period of three years,with the Minister for Environment and Forestsas its Chairperson and the Minister of State forEnvironment and Forests as theVice-chairperson.

72. Ans A As per the Seventh Schedule of the

Constitution, State governments are entitled tolegislate on Subjects listed

under State list and Concurrent List. Whilelegislation on State subjects is an exclusivepower enjoyed by states,

Union government also enjoy concurrent powerto legislate on subjects under concurrent list. Ifthere is a conflict

between state and centre on a legislation in asubject under concurrent list, union law shallprevail.

Among the subjects mentioned in the question,Public Order is a state subject. Only the statehas the power to legislate on Public Order.

Electricity, Criminal Law and Forest comeunder the concurrent list where state hasconcurrent power with

center to legislate. Legislation on Banking is prerogative of Union

government only.

73. Ans A A Warrant of Appointment is the official

document presented by the President ofIndia to persons upon appointment to certainhigh offices of State, signed by the Presidentand bearing the Official Seal of the President.




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Warrants are presented, among others, tojudges, the Attorney General, the Comptrollerand Auditor General and the Ombudsman.

74. Ans B The government on Friday revised the base

year for wholesale price index (WPI)-basedinflation and the Index of Industrial Production(IIP) to 2011-12 from 2004-05.

To get an economy wide gauge of consumerprice behaviour, the report of the NationalStatistical Commission in 2001 (Chairman: Dr.C. Rangarajan) recommended compilation ofnational CPI for both rural and urbanareas.

In order to address importanttechnical issues such as substitution of sourceof data, change in specification ofproducts and other data/methodologicalissues which require continuous review on adynamic basis so that the newWPI series remains relevant tillthe life of the series, an institutionalmechanism hasbeen established for the first timefor facilitating seamlesssubstitution of dormant source,dynamic revision of item list of products andthe panel of factories through TechnicalReview Committee (TRC) chairedby Secretary, Department ofIndustrial Policy & Promotion

75. Ans A The Indian dairy market reached value of

nearly INR 7,000 Billion in 2016, growing at aCAGR of 13% during 2010-2016. Some of themajor factors driving the growth of the Indiandairy market are rising working-population,increasing disposable incomes and healthconsciousness among the consumers.

76. Ans C An intelligent transportation system (ITS) is an

advanced application which, withoutembodying intelligence as such, aims toprovide innovative services relating to differentmodes of transport and traffic management andenable various users to be better informed andmake safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter'use of transport networks.

The NITI Aayog has signed an agreement withGeneva-based International Road Federationfor cooperation in the field of IntelligentTransportation Systems (ITS) and to design apolicy framework for the same. The objective of

this national ITS Policy will be to contribute toreducing urban traffic congestion, improvingthe situation around parking of vehicles in cities,improving road safety, and improving thesecurity of passenger and goods traffic," saidK.K. Kapila, chairman of the International RoadFederation.

77. Ans B The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai)

has come out in favour of net neutrality in itsrecommendation paper.The regulator hasmandated that ISPs (Internet Service Providers)should not deploy any discriminatory practicessuch as blocking, degrading or slowing down ofcertain web traffic while giving preferentialtreatment to any specific content at the sametime.

However, the regulator has made two importantexemptions. The first is on content deliverynetworks or CDNs. CDNs make sure that youconnect to the best suited servers in a way thatyour videos buffer quickly, web pages loadfaster or that your downloads are quicker.

The second exemption is on "specialisedservices," a term used by Trai, for thoseservices that need special networkrequirements such as telemedicine or heartmonitors.

78. Ans A The South Asia Subregional Economic

Cooperation (SASEC) Program, set up in 2001,brings together Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in aproject-based partnership to promote regionalprosperity SASEC seeks to strengthenmultimodal cross-border transport networksthat boost intraregional trade and open uptrade opportunities with East and SoutheastAsia.

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation(SASEC) program of Asian Development Bank(ADB) expanding towards the East withMyanmar becoming its newest member in2017 .

79. Ans A The Ministry of Power, Government of India is

hosting the 13th Executive Committee (ExCo)Meeting of the International Smart Grid ActionNetwork (ISGAN) at POWERGRID CorporateCenter, Gurugram. This is the first everExecutive Committee Meeting of ISGAN beingheld in India and would have multiple sessions.




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ISGAN aims to improve the understanding ofsmart grid technologies, practices and promoteadoption of related enabling governmentpolicies. The dynamic knowledge sharing,technical assistance and project coordinationand periodic ISGAN reports on progress andprojects being undertaken in the field of SmartGrids across the world would also be helpful insuitable deployment of Smart Grid technologiesin India.

ISGAN is an agreement under InternationalEnergy Agency (IEA) and consists ofrepresentatives from 25 countries across theglobe. India is one of the founding Member ofISGAN

80. Ans B India ranked 87th among the surveyed 127

countries on a Global Energy ArchitecturePerformance Index (EAPI) released as part ofreport of Geneva- based World EconomicForum (WEF). EAPI is a composite indexdeveloped by WEF in collaboration withAccenture Strategy.

It focuses on tracking specific indicators tomeasure the energy system performance of thecountries.

It has 18 indicators defined across the threesides of the ‘energy triangle’ economic growthand development, energy access andsecurity and environmental sustainability.

81. Ans D

82. Ans D Major subsidies, including those on food,

petroleum and fertilizers, as percentage ofthe GDP has been consistently declining from2012-13 (Figure 5). This happeneddespite the food subsidy remaining highfollowing the implementation of the NationalFood Security Act.

83. Ans C The United Nations Fund for South-South

cooperation (UNFSSC) is a voluntary trust fundestablished by Member States to supportSouth-South cooperation partnerships for thebenefit of developing countries around theworld.

The Fund is under the management of theUnited Nations Office for South-SouthCooperation (UNOSSC) and receives supportfrom a range of partners, including numerousMember States, United Nations agencies andother international or regional organizations.

84. Ans B Anti-profiteering Authority (NAA) under

GST,paves the way for the immediateestablishment of this apex body, which ismandated to ensure that the benefits of thereduction in GST rates on goods or servicesare passed on to the ultimate consumers byway of a reduction in prices.

In the event the NAA confirms there is anecessity to apply anti-profiteering measures, ithas the authority to order the supplier /business concerned to reduce its prices orreturn the undue benefit availed by it along withinterest to the recipient of the goods orservices.

If the undue benefit cannot be passed on to therecipient, it can be ordered to be deposited inthe Consumer Welfare Fund. In extreme cases,the NAA can impose a penalty on the defaultingbusiness entity and even order the cancellationof its registration under GST.

85. Ans B

86. Ans B ASEAN members and India together consist

one of the largest economic regions with a totalpopulation of about 1.8 billion.

ASEAN is currently India’s fourth largesttrading partner, accounting for 10.2% of India'stotal trade. India started engaging with ASEANin 1992 through sectoral dialogue partnership.

New Delhi became a full member partner inDecember 1995

87. Ans C

88. Ans D The scheme enables old age income security

for senior citizens through provision of assuredpension or return linked to subscription amountbased on government guarantee to LIC.

89. Ans B Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network- of

Ministry of health and family welfare,indigenously developed technology system thatdigitises vaccine stock and monitorstemperature of cold chain through smartphoneapplication.

-Supplemented by UNDP` -streamline vaccine flow network thus

strengthen health system.

90. Ans B




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India USA- YUDDHABHYAS India Indonesia- GARUD SHAKTI India Russia- INDRA India Bangladesh- SAMPARITI India Sri Lanka- MITRASHAKTI

91. Ans B Rakhine state does not share boundary with

Mizorm. Chin state of Myanmar shares directboundary with India.

92. Ans B Flu Gas Desulphurisation is Set Of

Technologies To Remove SO 2 From ExhaustFlu Gasses From Fossil Fuel Plants MethodsUsed – Wet Sarubbing Spray Dry LimeSorounbbing Flu Gases –Mixture Of GasesProduced By fuel combustion in power plantindustry. Contains nitrogen oxide, Co, watervapour, sulphar oxide

93. Ans A ASPIRE: Scheme for Promotion of Innovation

of Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship. Objective: Set up technology centres,

incubation centres to accelerateentrepreneurship in rural and agricultureindustry.

94. Ans A Statement 1 is correct Statement 2 is incorrect. Once granted,GI tag

is valid for next 10 years only. Statement 3 is correct. Statement 4 is incorrect. For a product to get

tag it needs to be prepared or produced in thatregion only.

95. Ans C statement 3 is incorrect- Election by members of UNGA and UNSC

where polling takes place simultaneously butindependent of each other. A candidate needsabsolute majority in both bodies to get elected.

96. Ans B Statement 1,2,3 are correct Statement 4 incorrect- plan adopts landscape

approach rather than earlier of national parksand wildlife sanctuaries landscape approach-importance of conservation of uncultivated floraand undomesticated fauna that had ecologicalvalue irrespective of place of occurrence.

It also highlights private sector participationthrough CSR for adequate funds.

97. Ans B Statement 1,2,3 are correct Statement 4- incorrect Industries which over achieve targets get

incentives in the form of energy savingcertificate (ESCERT) tradable at Indian EnergyExchange and Power Exchange India.

98. Ans B CHANMAN: Co-ordinated horticulture

assessment and management usinggeo-informatics.

- Use of GIS tools with remote sensing data forgenerating action plan for horticulture

development. - Research in horticulture sector- diseases,

crop condition studies. - Mahalonobis National Crop Forecast Centre,

Delhi (Implementing Authority) - Significance: North East Development

Reduction of post harvest damage DoublingFarmers income by 2022 Boost agricultureGDP

99. Ans B Catalonia – the region in news for

independence referendum with 90% voters insupport of it.

Kurdistan- Autonomous region of Iraqgoverned by Kurdistan regional government.

Rakhine- province in Myanmar –RohingyaMuslims- prosecution by Myanmar Army.

Balkh- Afghanistan frequently in news becauseof Taliban attacks over Afghan Army.

100. Ans A Statement 1 is correct Statement 2 incorrect: It is difficult to counterfeit.

Because it uses cryptography for security anduses

block chain to store an online list of all thetransactions that conducted with them.

Statement 3 is correct Statement 4 is incorrect.- prices of crypto

currencies are based on demand-supply.Hence widely fluctuate.




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