thesis journal · thesis journal the.county seat paper of shiawassee county. 'one dollar per...

THESIS JOURNAL THE.COUNTY SEAT PAPER OF SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. 'ONE DOLLAR PER YIOAR, CORUNNA, MICH., THURSDAY, FED. 15, 1912. VOLUME XXXIII, No. 7 JOHH JJUWS WRITES Former Corunna Man Now In Portland, Oregon pleasant. No cyclones or thunder- Having Spring Weather There Willi fJrccn Qra33 and Flowcra iu tiiu Yaru.-LikcB Foxtlond. Cor.itmn. Mic •:i,ml r-Yinik:- i received ami vi i, as 1 hnve storms ekn i lien n:it I of V llaml is .i 'city of roses and Brand BL'i'iii'rv. An ttie electric cm'.' make a climb of L>()U feet one fan sec a grand pnmomjiin of mountain); mid rivers and the city in llio valley, mil! from the. observutiun tower one, ean see liflv miles iiroiiud. Tourists say it ia ,the grundest sight to be found any where, mid I have met them from all over the world here. . 1'i'illaiiii lias grown sinee the fail' i and there lms lieen yteady building J wilder nnd summer. Xo boom, Irmly ii sternly growth. | lom-lnsed lind $1.(10 for the .Tour- jlud. as I im\ iiiteveeted in whivt is 'going on in Old .Shiawassee countv land Cornnna. I The weather here now is like [spring, lirerii grass nnd (lowers in j the yards. I'mi you beat thntf i Family nre all enjoying good li to be remembered n yours, cry tfaly, Jonx J.uivi-;, iiOi Huriiiia St., Portland, Ore. F. E. WELCH MEMORIAL FUND Fund Takes a Good Stark, Although Systematic Work Has Not Yet Commenced i .to all. ledleliip _ Voiu- letter wa sent to lhe wrong address, i hav lived here irn years next Mny and I cuii say we all ••11,101- this western climate very much, ;is it is io mo.lei- :it<> with no muldeu eUung.'s. \W have seen this beautiful citv of iiuinhi'i- of Due of ilit daily papers.' v, mod/clon c'oi d which will explain belter than 1 .-an 0I011 T. KcvnoldG. Imw i'oriland H o m i n g to the front, r anil I thin!: it will be one of thei 1 :11¾, si cities 011 the I'liciJic coast. I [1. iii:'ii;e rop'm for lhe\-ky scrapers 1 i I t-i of cement nnd steel, 1:1 and 1~>\ stories high. When they take u\ ' wood saw inside, ami as boards and W. C. T. H. Subjects for tiiiiin 11¾ arc loose they are sawed 11 1 to wtipil and hauled it way. All th hf-avy trucking is done with mil trucks and dirt out of basements i hauled the same way. I NHY in the Journal you mo lull inpr some zero weather this winter. That is Buuietliiiig we never have out here. Jan. oth wc had a liltle snow, and what they cull 11 silver! thaw I would call a freeze, whieh did a lot of damage to wires, poles 1 The program for the year of 1912 mid trees. In a few days it all was ha* been prepared by the Coruuna gone arid now it is like spring with ' W. C. T. L". and the subjects have green grass and stiu shine. The!been nssigued. The organization coldest 1 ever saw here was Ml above meets at the home of oue of its mci ,- zero and that lasted only for a few. hers every two weeks. Following days, which . is the extent of our .is the program: winter.-. Tlie summers arc certain- j , = ci nM: nfl .( nffi^™ ly tine, as the air from the snow!^"- Jj-tj c l , o n o l ™**s. peaked mountains and oeeau is:J=n- -6— rrayer ond Consecration, always cool and the evenings urci Eva Hosbrcok. 1 Feb. 9—Mothers' Mcclitiff. "Howl ' May We T e c h Children tbe Value ol Money." Mary Hamilton. | Year Been Assigned That Organization Is Planning to do Much Y> ark ia 1913.—Meetings Held Every Two Weeks. Tho committee who will have diatfio of the raising of the funds with which to build a MiitaWe memorial lor the late F. E . Welch will consist of W. A. HoscnltMHb, G. S. Field, II. b. Slocnm, A. E. Richards and F. L. Johnson. Allhoiij;]] j-ystt'iiialic work lias not yet begun, still some subscrip- tions have been received, and Hie favor with which the proposition is being received make:: the committee feel that efforts to raise a sufficient fund will be successful. The Journ.d lias received a number of assur- ances that subscriptions will be forthcoming, and all agree thai tlje move- is a Rood one and one that should K- carrkd out by all tueans. During the coming week suitable literature will be prepared to send to former Shiawassee County citizens who have moved to other parts of the country, most of whom were close friends oi %\x. Welch, and it is thought that Ibis will be productive of good results. The com- mittee will be glad to have names and addresses handed in at the Journal office or to any member oi the committee, of those to whom literature shuuldilbe sent. 'lhe committee would prefer that remittances be made at the time the amounts are ^.ibsciibed, irnitinu it unnecessary to collect the airuunts later on. Checks should be made payable to F. L, Johnson, Trustee. Many inquiries have been made as to where tho memorial would be placed and what it would consist of. The committee feels that the first thing to do is to raise the fund,". When the necessary amount is in sight, suggestions will be called for relative to what it should be and where it should be placed, and they will all be considered. Make your subscription today. Subscriptions Received Geo. S. Field, Detroit- J. C. Quayle F. L . Johnson Clark W-Shipman Howard E . Slocum W.A. Rosenkrans„ W. F. Gallagher, Owosso Total to date_ ...¢25.00 ... 5.00 _ 10.00 _ 5.00 „. 5.00 _ 10.00 Look Here, Mr. Feeder The greatest offer (ever made to Stock Feeders --Or. Hess' Stock Food on Three Months' Trial From tho manufacturer's writ- ten guarantee nud tho untiring pralso it Is receiving from our customers wo Rro doubly aure that It is, without a single ex- ception, tho beat Stock Food or tonic ever psoducctl and at a price tbat you can aIf or d to feed tt regularly. Now here la our prapOBUton; feed your aulmala twico a day for three months; we will sup- ply you with"25 Iba. or ono ton, then if at the end of three moiilrifl you aro not absol' oly sure that It has paid v : to teed Dr. Hei, Stock Food, that IB, If your at-inula fed for raark't hovo not boeu moro thrifty, your other stocl: in better Blato of health, return to u0 the empty package and wo will refand every cent you have paid us. Hero aro tho prices: SG0 Iba. for $11.00 Or 100 lbs, at tbo name rate, &.C0 Or23Ib. pall at ¢1.00 There Is not a farmer or f eod- pr In this community that can afford to IOIBB ttils liberal proposition. Mart you, you aro to bo the Judge and Jury. Reynolds' CORNER Drug Store Feb. 23-Frnnci5 Willard Day. Ann ! Ncwcli. ! Mw. 8-Press Day. Olive Nickels. 'Mar.22—Temperance Talk. Rev. j Doty. Apr. 5—Reading and Discussion o( Article. "If 1 Were a Woman," by \ Judge Ben. B. Lindsny. Apr. 19—"Pro and Con oi Local Op- tion." Members. May 3—Reception oE New Members. "Achicvemert3 ot tbe National W. C. T. U. F. Esiclla Lyman. Moy 17—Report of County Conven- tion by Delegates. May 31—Mothers' Meeting. "Teach- j ing Obedience." Hottie Lyon. June 14-FIowcr Mission. June 28—"Ami Canlccn." Mrs.Sarah Morcau. July 12—Molhers* Median. "Busy Women of the W. C. T. U." Mrs. 1 Melissa Babcock. j July 26—"Children's Day." Martha J Aim en dinger. Aug. 9—"Personal Appearance in ' (be 4ome." Theda Beemcr. Aug. 23—Picnic. Vice Presidents. Sept. 6— Mothers' Meeting. "Purity in Literature ond Art. Mrs. Myrtle Kirker. ' Sepl. 20—Ariti Narcotics, Mrs, Franc Augsbury. OcL 4—"The Divorce Evil." Mrs. Delia Leavitt Oct. 18—Mothers* Meeting. ^'Influ- ence of tbe While Ribbon." Mnry Weiier. Nov, 1—Current Temperance Events. Members. Nov. 15—Mothers'Meeting. "Mother and Teacher," Nettie Brown. NOT. 29-Pa P «. Mrs. Shout . Dec. 13--Mc-ther*' Meeting. "Home Making." Kvn Brands. THERE AIN'T NO RECORDS statement, as Regards Weather, Is Correct. Have you had a little freeze-up iu vour home yet? The householder who hasn't had nt least 0110 water pipe, sewer, pump or some other conveyor or vessel for holding liquid out of commission the past week is 0 rarity in Corunna. All cold weather records for years were smashed hist Friday night and Saturdav morning when the ther- mometer tell to 2i degrees below zero. And that is jnst a few de- grees colder than the oldest inhabi- tant can recollect without difficulty. It is hoped that the cold weather wiil not lust much longer and that the belated J&uunry timw wiil be moderate when it comes as a Hood along the river as expected on ac- count of the great amount of ieu and the depth of the frozen gro'ind. Coal lias been holding out fairly well but dealers were nearly out of everything in that line except a little soft coal last week. The &n-ue conditions were reported through- out the county, but carloads hove been hurried into Corunna and Owosso and there seems to be no fear of a coal famine. A WARNIHQ AGATJTST WET TEST. Wet aud chilled feBt usually affect the mucous- membrane of ihe nose, throat aud lnngs, and la grippe, broucbltia or poonmonla may re- •uH- Watob carnfaUy, particularly the children, and for lha racking •tn&bora cottgba give FoI«y>a Hooey "* 1 . 1 ¾ ; ^ County Deaths L Owosso—Mrs. Jennie Chipman died early Tuesdny morning after an illness of about two weeks with pneumonia. She was 52 years old aud n resident of OWOSPO her entire life time. The fauer. was held Thursday afternoon. Owosso—Thursdnv, January 8th, Charles E . Green pt; sed away after an illness of only about three weeks with consumption. The fnneral was held Saturday. Elsie—Mrs. CharleB Snclling com- mitted snicide at her home Thurs- day, February 8th. Poorjiealth is given as the cause. Perry—The body of Charles E. Carr, aged 63 years, aa old man who had lived the life of a hermit for many years, was found in the woods near hia farm Friday morn- ing, Feb. 9th. He had evidently been frozen to death and bis body had laid in the woods since the first of the week. OWOBSO—Mrs, George W. Sack- rider died Sunday evening after an illQexa nt only a fewdays brought Ml) {"it 3jtt C+"?h7 ci V THE FARMERS MEET Institute WiU Be Held Here Next Week . £. Church the Place.—Good Pro- gram Prepared lor Tuesday and Wednesday. Tho Shiawassee County Farmers' Institute will be held nt the M. E. church in tbis eity ou Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The ladies also have a mcetiug at the Baptist churcU. on Wednesday. 25 cent dinners will he served by the M. E . ladies at the church parlors. An exceptionally good program has been prepared for this meeting and it is expected that there will be a large attendance. We give tie program below: TUESDAY—L. W. Oviitt, B,y City! Conductor 9:45 Music—Society. Devotional—Rev. O. E . Doty, Pastor Corunna M. E. Charch. Introductory Remarks—B. W. Mat- toon, Pres. Co. Inst. Society. Alfalfa Culture-L. W. Oviatt Discussion—Led by A. B. Cook, Owosso. Hog Cholera and its Control—Dr. C. E. Marshall, Agl J l College. . Discussion—Led hy J. W. Uibbard, Bennington. Tuesday Afternoon Bovine Tuberculosis—Dr. C . E . Marshall. Discussion—Led by F . A . Thomp- son, Corunna. Dairy Farming—L, W. Oviatt. Open Discussion— Winter Care of Poultry—J. O. Lin- ton, Agr'l College. Open Diseusaion— Tuesday Evening 7:15 Music—Corunna Male aar- tet. Sanitation for Country aud Town- Mrs. C. L. Berber, Lansing. Recitation—GIon Curtis, Cornnna. Teaching Agricnltun Schools-Prof. W. Agr'l College. WEDNESDAY—T. A. Fwrwd, -II. (J. Hell. Agronomist Soil Improvement Commit!'Chicago Opi n Discussion— Cure of the Old Orchtwd-T. A. Fni-and, P' CIISKIOII—Led by (ieorge Wine- car, Morrice. Business Meeting oi Countv Insti- tute Society, Heports, Electron of Ofilcei-s, etc. Wednesday Afternoon 1-nO question Dux—In Charge of T. A. J/nmiuu". Music, Vocal Solo—Gmee Peacock, I'onimiii. Wheat linising-II. Ii. Hell. Open Discussion— Sprays nnd Spraying—T. A. Far- rariil. Discussion—Led by C. W. Ship- 1111111, l.'oruniin. The Cmnih-v lioad .system—Frank I". Rogers, Deputy State High- way Conmiitsioiier, Lansing. Women's Section Meeting Tuesday Afternoon E^plii! Church Mrs. J. F. Bilhimer. Owo.-fd, Chair- man. Mrs. C. 1,. UnrWr, Lansing, Con- ductor, Musie-H..eitty. Introductory li'.-marks-Mrs. 0. F. Biihiiner. Ke.'itatiori^Mrs. Allen Coodall, Du- rand. Home Nursing—Mrs. C . L . Barber. Open Discussion— 0. & C T E T TO L. &K. E. Consequently M . V. H . Secured Con- trol of Car Lice. ~- THE! A K T I V E G.A.R.and W.ltC. Had Good Time Saturday Celebrated Lincoln's Birthday With Au Excellent Program At Conrt HOUBB a 0 ; timst programs ever •the (i. A, 1:. and W. cn in the court bouse, he following wUs lhe The transfer of the O. & C. E. to the L . & N". E , which is a branch oi the M . U. If. was made lust week and the papers are on iile in the register of deed's oflice. - What will be the nest step to be made is doubt- ful. As'stated in last week's issue, that it would require only thirty days for its fule to be decided, is now evitable and City Attorney Collins Iras deferred action in the circuit court until that time. The question, what did the M. U, K. want the road for if not to ran cors, lias been raised but lhe doubt- ful ones have made this reply. The line may have been thrown in- for good measure by some corporation who owned the road in a deal which was made with the M . U . Ii. The city will surely serve the injunction on the company if they do not meet the requirements within the next month. There's nothing to do but to wait. Satin diii program Song—"'1 he Flag." I'rayer-Ehhr Harding. Ifemurhs im the Life of Abraham Lincoln—F.d. Jacobs. 1 Ic ivad sev- era! incidents v.'Uieh so uinTlied lhe life oi" the marivr president. -Sou-—"The Ihish Song,-' Helen Eldridg-. Jii^iy of Lhi-oln-* Life-E. Mnm-'-ii. IJ-- j-omlcl ont how Lincdiw life w. : , fullf.fNornws, but iu rjiilt; of nil lliis-he. never gave up. R^rlirrr-Mri,. S.Authonv. JSeadiiig-Mrs. W . Lim-sc'v. This was a comparison of- tho life of iho late Joliu W. Uatc-i with Aljiiilmm> liiV. S b - nhowt-d bv tbis how the two men were born fu the sani'? town and iu the simc eireum- stancep. One lived for stlf tmd be- came d millionaire, while the other lived for others and died without property. .Song—"Our Flag," Evelyn Shear dy. Reading—"A Perfect Tribute," Lottie Ooodhull. Story—Mrs. Thomas Sheardy. Heading— "Irs. Ida Gllmore." Remarks—Messrs. Lindsey aud Adams. Their remarks were greet- ed with great applause ou account of the humorous elements introduc- ed. Remarks on Lincoln's Life—Mrs. E. Babcock. Song—""•'•lien the Regiment Goes Marching Ly," Evelvu Sheardy. Life of Christ Compared 'with Life of Lincoln—Eider Harding. He showed that both were born m humble circumstances and as tliey grcw up, both did n great deal in saving nations. After the program, the soldiers wen? reminded of old times bv the refreshments, whieh were hard tuck and e crffee. Cost cr Living. Tee nT7urd ot six cents lo a Brook- lyn woman, fclEsefl without ber con- rent, BhoiTS that in some respects tba coa*. ol living- In tbat borough Is not unreasonably high.—New York World. Special Cash Prices SATURDAY At Nickels 1 Market THE LIFE STORY OF A SUCCESSFUL MAN. CWEC Peaboflj- made tlrcun^ tancts fnirorcWe. He •woa a saver ciil had invested his money wist IT. EO in tha panlc'-y days ol 1S3J, when the imslnea* of tha Country ^=- -1 prostrated HUfl 1U credit at a low ebb. he waa ubla to votr.e to th* rtscue and *b»t* the erii]> by baylnR American boutla IreelT- Hl» stallM dwd* oi phi lim throay <unl pa triotiara at horoo ana In Eng- land enlarged with the ETOWU, of hU fortnoa „H« cava over a mlUion dollars to tha FMbody UaUtuta n* BalUmore, »ad erected aa Induatrtal Horn* for ib» London poor costing wo anil a h*!f millloo*. Thm habit or saving bis money was the nemt w cess. Every : *" •wine, ' 1. fatura. raocaMfal •jrothir- awn naada. Tb* 1 portant thina la the atart pntunx away (or UaMtm a part or tha aavine" ol toa«7. A aarfnaa aaoouatJm a. creat helper, aaa an you oaad la « *wac M mm*B \tho beslnalnav The Old Corunna State Bank 4 Per Cent. Paid on Deposits Officers asd Directors: W. F. Gallagher, Fraaldont. John DHaeoll, Vioa-PraaMattt. T. H. Kular, 3d Vta^Pca-rfaat. W. A_. B«Mnkra»a, C«ahlw. Sf. T , Pf*v«, AiB(nl?.nt Caahlar, - -A. A- jlmrn*^

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O N E D O L L A R P E R YIOAR C O R U N N A M I C H T H U R S D A Y F E D 15 1912 V O L U M E X X X I I I No 7

JOHH JJUWS WRITES Former Corunna Man Now

In Portland Oregon

pleasant No cyclones or thunder-

Having Spring Weather There Willi fJrccn Qra33 and Flowcra iu tiiu bull Yaru-LikcB Foxtlond

Coritmn Mic bulliml r-Yinik-i received ami vi

i as 1 hnve

storms ekn i lien

nit I of V

llaml is i city of roses and Brand BLiiiirv An ttie electric cm make a climb of Lgt()U feet one fan sec a grand pnmomjiin of mountain) mid rivers and the city in llio valley mil from the observutiun tower one ean see liflv miles iiroiiud Tourists say it ia the grundest sight to be found any where mid I have met them from all over the world here

1iillaiiii lias grown sinee the fail i and there lms lieen yteady building J wilder nnd summer Xo boom Irmly ii sternly growth | lom-lnsed lind $1(10 for the Tour-jlud as I im iiiteveeted in whivt is going on in Old Shiawassee countv land Cornnna I The weather here now is like [spring lirerii grass nnd (lowers in j the yards Imi you beat thntf i Family nre all enjoying good

li to be remembered n yours cry tfaly

Jonx Juivi- iiOi Huriiiia St

Portland Ore


Fund Takes a Good Stark Although Systematic Work Has Not Yet Commenced

ito all


_ Voiu- letter wa sent to lhe wrong address i hav lived here irn years next Mny and I cuii say we all bullbull11101- this western climate very much is it is io molei-itltgt with no muldeu eUungs W have seen this beautiful citv of

iiuinhii- of Due of ilit daily papers v modclon coi d which will explain belter than 1 -an 0I011 T KcvnoldG Imw ioriland H o m i n g to the front r anil I thin it will be one of thei 111frac34 si cities 011 the IliciJic coast I

[1 iiiiie ropm for lhe-ky scrapers 1 i I t-i of cement nnd steel 11 and 1~gt stories high When they take u

wood saw inside ami as boards and W C T H Subjects for tiiiiin 11frac34 arc loose they are sawed 11 1

to wtipil and hauled it way A l l th hf-avy trucking is done with mil trucks and dirt out of basements i hauled the same way

I NHY in the Journal you mo lull inpr some zero weather this winter That is Buuietliiiig we never have out here Jan oth wc had a liltle snow and what they cull 11 silver thaw I would call a freeze whieh did a lot of damage to wires poles1 The program for the year of 1912 mid trees In a few days it all was ha been prepared by the Coruuna gone arid now it is like spring with W C T L and the subjects have green grass and stiu shine Thebeen nssigued The organization coldest 1 ever saw here was Ml above meets at the home of oue of its mci -zero and that lasted only for a few hers every two weeks Following days which is the extent of our is the program winter- Tlie summers arc certain- j = c i n M n f l ( nffi^trade ly tine as the air from the snow^- J j - t j c l o n o l trades peaked mountains and oeeau isJ=n- -6mdash rrayer ond Consecration always cool and the evenings urci Eva Hosbrcok

1 Feb 9mdashMothers Mcclitiff Howl May We T e c h Children tbe Value

ol Money Mary Hamilton |

Year Been Assigned

That Organization Is Planning to do Much Ygt ark ia 1913mdashMeetings

Held Every Two Weeks

Tho committee who will have diatfio of the raising of the funds with which to build a MiitaWe memorial lor the late F E Welch will consist of W A HoscnltMHb G S Field II b Slocnm A E Richards and F L Johnson

Allhoiij]] j-ysttiiialic work lias not yet begun still some subscripshytions have been received and Hie favor with which the proposition is being received make the committee feel that efforts to raise a sufficient fund will be successful The Journd lias received a number of assurshyances that subscriptions will be forthcoming and all agree thai tlje move-is a Rood one and one that should K- carrkd out by all tueans

During the coming week suitable literature will be prepared to send to former Shiawassee County citizens who have moved to other parts of the country most of whom were close friends oi x Welch and it is thought that Ibis will be productive of good results The comshymittee will be glad to have names and addresses handed in at the Journal office or to any member oi the committee of those to whom literature shuuldilbe sent

lhe committee would prefer that remittances be made at the time the amounts are ^ibsciibed irnitinu it unnecessary to collect the airuunts later on Checks should be made payable to F L Johnson Trustee

Many inquiries have been made as to where tho memorial would be placed and what it would consist of The committee feels that the first thing to do is to raise the fund When the necessary amount is in sight suggestions will be called for relative to what it should be and where it should be placed and they will all be considered

Make your subscription today

Subscriptions Received

Geo S Field Detroit-J C Quayle F L Johnson Clark W-Shipman Howard E Slocum W A R o s e n k r a n s bdquo W F Gallagher Owosso

Total to date_


500 _ 1000 _ 500 bdquo 500 _ 1000

Look Here Mr Feeder

The greatest offer (ever made to Stock Feeders - - O r Hess Stock Food on Three Months Trial

From tho manufacturers writshyten guarantee nud tho untiring pralso it Is receiving from our customers wo Rro doubly aure that It is without a single exshyception tho beat Stock Food or tonic ever psoducctl and at a price tbat you can a If or d to feed tt regularly

Now here la our prapOBUton

feed your aulmala twico a day for three months we will supshyply you with25 Iba or ono ton then if at the end of three moiilrifl you aro not absol oly sure that It has paid v to teed Dr H e i Stock Food that IB If your at-inula fed for raarkt hovo not boeu moro thrifty your other stocl in better Blato of health return to u0 the empty package and wo will refand every cent you have paid us

Hero aro tho prices SG0 Iba for $1100 Or 100 lbs at tbo name

rate ampC0 Or23Ib pall at cent100

There Is not a farmer or f eod-pr In this community that can afford to IOIBB ttils liberal proposition

Mart you you aro to bo the Judge and Jury

Reynolds CORNER

Drug Store

Feb 23-Frnnci5 Willard Day Ann Ncwcli Mw 8-Press Day Olive Nickels Mar22mdashTemperance Talk Rev j Doty Apr 5mdashReading and Discussion o(

Article If 1 Were a Woman by Judge Ben B Lindsny

Apr 19mdashPro and Con oi Local Opshytion Members

May 3mdashReception oE New Members Achicvemert3 ot tbe National W C T U F Esiclla Lyman

Moy 17mdashReport of County Convenshytion by Delegates

May 31mdashMothers Meeting Teach- j ing Obedience Hottie Lyon

June 14-FIowcr Mission June 28mdashAmi Canlccn MrsSarah

Morcau July 12mdashMolhers Median Busy

Women of the W C T U Mrs 1

Melissa Babcock j July 26mdashChildrens Day Martha J

Aim en dinger Aug 9mdashPersonal Appearance in

(be 4ome Theda Beemcr Aug 23mdashPicnic Vice Presidents Sept 6mdash Mothers Meeting Purity

in Literature ond Art Mrs Myrtle Kirker

Sepl 20mdashAriti Narcotics Mrs Franc Augsbury

OcL 4mdashThe Divorce Evil Mrs Delia Leavitt

Oct 18mdashMothers Meeting Influshyence of tbe While Ribbon Mnry Weiier

Nov 1mdashCurrent Temperance Events Members

Nov 15mdashMothersMeeting Mother and Teacher Nettie Brown

NOT 2 9 - P a P laquo Mrs Shout Dec 13--Mc-ther Meeting Home

Making Kvn Brands

THERE AINT NO RECORDS statement as Regards Weather Is


Have you had a little freeze-up iu vour home yet

The householder who hasnt had nt least 0110 water pipe sewer pump or some other conveyor or vessel for holding liquid out of commission the past week is 0 rarity in Corunna

A l l cold weather records for years were smashed hist Friday night and Saturdav morning when the thershymometer tell to 2i degrees below zero A n d that is jnst a few deshygrees colder than the oldest inhabishytant can recollect without difficulty It is hoped that the cold weather wiil not lust much longer and that the belated Jampuunry timw wiil be moderate when it comes as a Hood along the river as expected on acshycount of the great amount of ieu and the depth of the frozen groind

Coal lias been holding out fairly well but dealers were nearly out of everything in that line except a little soft coal last week The ampn-ue conditions were reported throughshyout the county but carloads hove been hurried into Corunna and Owosso and there seems to be no fear of a coal famine

A WARNIHQ AGATJTST WET TEST Wet aud chilled feBt usually affect

the mucous- membrane of ihe nose throat aud lnngs and la grippe broucbltia or poonmonla may re-bulluH- Watob carnfaUy particularly the children and for lha racking bulltnampbora cottgba give FoIlaquoygta Hooey

1 1 frac34 ^

County Deaths L

OwossomdashMrs Jennie Chipman died early Tuesdny morning after an illness of about two weeks with pneumonia She was 52 years old aud n resident of OWOSPO her entire life time The fauer was held Thursday afternoon

OwossomdashThursdnv January 8th Charles E Green pt sed away after an illness of only about three weeks with consumption The fnneral was held Saturday

ElsiemdashMrs CharleB Snclling comshymitted snicide at her home Thursshyday February 8th Poorjiealth is given as the cause

PerrymdashThe body of Charles E Carr aged 63 years aa old man who had lived the life of a hermit for many years was found in the woods near hia farm Friday mornshying Feb 9th He had evidently been frozen to death and bis body had laid in the woods since the first of the week

OWOBSOmdashMrs George W Sack-rider died Sunday evening after an illQexa nt only a few days brought Ml) it 3 j t t C+h7 c i V mdash

THE FARMERS MEET Institute WiU Be Held Here

Next Week

pound Church the PlacemdashGood Proshygram Prepared lor Tuesday

and Wednesday

Tho Shiawassee County Farmers Institute will be held nt the M E church in tbis eity ou Tuesday and Wednesday of next week The ladies also have a mcetiug at the Baptist churcU on Wednesday 25 cent dinners will he served by the M E ladies at the church parlors

A n exceptionally good program has been prepared for this meeting and it is expected that there will be a large attendance We give tie program below

TUESDAYmdashL W Oviitt By City Conductor

945 MusicmdashSociety DevotionalmdashRev O E Doty Pastor

Corunna M E Charch Introductory RemarksmdashB W Mat-

toon Pres Co Inst Society Alfalfa Culture-L W Oviatt DiscussionmdashLed by A B Cook

Owosso Hog Cholera and its ControlmdashDr

C E Marshall A g l J l College DiscussionmdashLed hy J W Uibbard


Tuesday Afternoon

Bovine TuberculosismdashDr C E Marshall

DiscussionmdashLed by F A Thompshyson Corunna

Dairy FarmingmdashL W Oviatt Open Discussionmdash Winter Care of PoultrymdashJ O L inshy

ton Agrl College Open Diseusaionmdash

Tuesday Evening 715 MusicmdashCorunna Male aar-

tet Sanitation for Country aud T o w n -

Mrs C L Berber Lansing RecitationmdashGIon Curtis Cornnna Teaching Agricnltun

Schools-Prof W Agr l College


- I I (J Hell Agronomist Soil Improvement Commit Chicago

Opi n Discussionmdash Cure of the Old Orchtwd-T A

Fni-and P CIISKIOIImdashLed by (ieorge Wine-

car Morrice Business Meeting oi Countv Instishy

tute Society Heports Electron of Ofilcei-s etc

Wednesday Afternoon 1-nO question DuxmdashIn Charge of

T A Jnmiuu Music Vocal SolomdashGmee Peacock

Ionimiii Wheat l inising-II Ii Hell Open Discussionmdash Sprays nnd SprayingmdashT A Far-

rariil DiscussionmdashLed by C W Ship-

1111111 loruniin The Cmnih-v lioad systemmdashFrank

I Rogers Deputy State Highshyway Conmiitsioiier Lansing

Womens Section Meeting Tuesday Afternoon

E^plii Church Mrs J F Bilhimer Owo-fd Chairshy

man Mrs C 1 UnrWr Lansing Conshy

ductor Musie-Heitty

Introductory li-marks-Mrs 0 F Biihiiner

Keitatiori^Mrs Allen Coodall Dushyrand

Home NursingmdashMrs C L Barber Open Discussionmdash

0 amp CTETTO L ampK E Consequently M V H Secured Conshy

trol of Car Lice ~-

T H E A K T I V E GARand W l t C Had

Good Time Saturday

Celebrated Lincolns Birthday With Au Excellent Program At


bull a 0 timst programs ever bullthe (i A 1 and W cn in the court bouse he following wUs lhe

The transfer of the O amp C E to the L amp N E which is a branch oi the M U If was made lust week and the papers are on iile in the register of deeds oflice - What will be the nest step to be made is doubtshyful Asstated in last weeks issue that it would require only thirty days for its fule to be decided is now evitable and City Attorney Collins Iras deferred action in the circuit court until that time

The question what did the M U K want the road for if not to ran cors lias been raised but lhe doubtshyful ones have made this reply The line may have been thrown in- for good measure by some corporation who owned the road in a deal which was made with the M U Ii The city will surely serve the injunction on the company if they do not meet the requirements within the next month Theres nothing to do but to wait

Satin dii i program

Songmdash1 he Flag I rayer-Ehhr Harding Ifemurhs im the Life of Abraham

LincolnmdashFd Jacobs 1 Ic ivad sev-era incidents vUieh so uinTlied lhe life oi the marivr president

-Sou-mdashThe Ihish Song- Helen Eldridg-

J i i ^ i y of Lhi-oln- L i f e - E Mnm--i i IJ-- j-omlcl ont how L i n c d i w life w fullffNornws but iu rjiilt of nil lliis-he never gave up

R ^ r l i r r r - M r i SAuthonv JSeadiiig-Mrs W Lim-scv This

was a comparison of- tho life of iho late Joliu W Uatc-i with Aljiiilmm Lin-lugt liiV Sb- nhowt-d bv tbis how the two men were born fu the sani town and iu the simc eireum-stancep One lived for stlf tmd beshycame d millionaire while the other lived for others and died without property

SongmdashOur Flag Evelyn Shear dy

ReadingmdashA Perfect Tribute Lottie Ooodhull

StorymdashMrs Thomas Sheardy Headingmdash Irs Ida Gllmore RemarksmdashMessrs Lindsey aud

Adams Their remarks were greetshyed with great applause ou account of the humorous elements introducshyed

Remarks on Lincolns LifemdashMrs E Babcock

Songmdashbullbulllien the Regiment Goes Marching L y Evelvu Sheardy

Life of Christ Compared with Life of LincolnmdashEider Harding He showed that both were born m humble circumstances and as tliey grcw up both did n great deal in saving nations

After the program the soldiers wen reminded of old times bv the refreshments whieh were hard tuck and e crffee

Cost cr Living Tee nT7urd ot six cents lo a Brookshy

lyn woman fclEsefl without ber con-rent BhoiTS that in some respects tba coa ol living- In tbat borough Is not unreasonably highmdashNew York World

Special Cash Prices

SATURDAY At Nickels 1 Market

T H E L I F E S T O R Y OF A SUCCESSFUL M A N C W E C Peaboflj- made tlrcun^ tancts fnirorcWe He bullwoa a saver ciil had invested his money wist IT EO in tha panlc-y days ol 1S3J when the imslnea of tha Country ^=--1 prostrated HUfl 1U credit at a low ebb he waa ubla to votre to th rtscue and braquot the erii]gt by baylnR American boutla IreelT- Hlraquo stallM dwd oi phi lim thro ay ltunl pa trio tiara at horoo ana In Engshyland enlarged with the ETOWU of hU fortnoa bdquoHlaquo cava over a mlUion dollars to tha FMbody UaUtuta n BalUmore raquoad erected aa Induatrtal Horn for ibraquo London poor costing wo anil a hf millloo Thm habit or saving bis money was the nemt w cess Every bullwine

1 fatura raocaMfal bulljrothir-awn naada Tb 1 portant thina la the atart pntunx away (or UaMtm a part or tha aavine ol toalaquo7 A aarfnaa aaoouat Jm a creat helper aaa an you oaad la laquo wac M mmB

tho beslnalnav

The Old Corunna State Bank 4 Per Cent Paid on Deposits

Officers asd Directors W F Gallagher Fraaldont John DHaeoll Vioa-PraaMattt T H Kular 3d Vta^Pca-rfaat W A_ BlaquoMnkraraquoa C laquo a h l w

Sf T P f v laquo AiB(nlnt Caahlar - -A A- jlmrn^

K i d n e y -P i l l s

Vbc They Will Do (or Von They wiU cure your backacho

strengthen your Itidneya corshyrect urinary irregularities build up tho worn out tissues ond eliminate tha exceaa uric acid thatcuuneo rhcumatirjm Preshyvent Brighto Dincnoe and Dia-batco and restore health and strength Refuon substitutes

niCN T lltiiNoino

There are a lot of reasons why a telephone should appeal o you it is evershylasting sen-ice and everyshyday satisfaction Provide yourself with a Union Telephone nt once 1S00 connections iu O W O B S O

and Corunna

bullaftiy comfurt and convenl-nrtj cf ilia Mzjampt solid top cloxd-n breech and alle ejection feuliitea ire combined with tha quicks nvaj bullnatilpulailon ot iha popular slldlr^ =rc-end or pump ncUon In tha new Mod o 8lan2 rifle

iiiraquor [ c v i l^ c

[h ) f f l l w-laquor hnni) and htlpi quick owtraquoUoa

bullII id bn

12 Wllo Stmt HEW HAVt cn]

Peach Buds Killed by Cold The romralllpo appointed bv lue

nj-ul fruit grocer association to bullxflmlne the orchards In the central

ho state finds after an of two weeks during

orchards In Katun Ing-n Clinton end Barry o been visited that tho have been almost com-jyed by the extreme cold urns ond all varieties or have Klmrcd practically

|e The npnlu orchards

(sited showed tbat only Kiuail dnm-

fomc of the leas hard tTtrcd to a consnlerabli


Eye Ear Nose and Throat Specialist

CiBf Oacssa Snlags Bank OWOSSO EJID1L

W h e n O t h e r s F a i l T r y Us


C S A L L I S O N amp S O N

117 N Washington St Owosso

topic for the special session como up u la believed In some

Tiers that the governor will brine forward a bill providing for direct prishymary nomination of all statu otacero

Cheeks Forged On Very Last Day Cheeks that were forged by H M

Dearing defaulting cashier of tho AI-bloa National bank oa lhe last day on which the bank did business have turned up These forgeries took place while tha federal examiner was COL cuctlng tho esamlratloa which closed tnn Institution Several other cults ore expected to bu started by tho bank receiver within tho comlne


Wo serve tho Best Meals to bo had in the city Ve will also prepare special lunchshyes to order The largshyest lineofsttictlyiresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

C o n c o r s P o p u l a r C a f e

o w o a a o -oraquocH

Native town patriot ism the mothei of home poundulaquolaquog

Good things to seD proper paucity in ihis paper and bullticL-toirivcnw win buyer ia

Factory Burna At 2S Below Zero Tbo most costly fire Traverse City

haa had In years wiped out tho facshytory or tlio JJouiii Bide Co The opershyating plant is a total loss Including a large quanllty or material nud com-pleted commodities Tbo offleo buildshying and storage she-l were saved Tho thermometer wao 23 degrees below sero and the water frozo coming from

hoso nowles

i[jan Faculty isora aro leaving than leave at tho ond no more tban

country at sold PreEl-

ilty of

tbe firo

Only Three Leave Mi

Michigan thin ^ deg F J CIOEO of every Jtbdquo bdquo leave any college In tho close of each y c bdquo dent Hutchlns of tbo U n i ^ bdquo Mlcfllgan when asked about tho story being circulated about tho stato to tbo effect that Michigan waa losing many of ber beat men thla

raJrtOiitradefIcW fctajns team to meet Olivet aad Alma la composed of Harry Hons Germ Do Motts ana Anthony Luldens

no action In iho appeal of Saginaw to straighten out tho finonrlal dim-c-ttca of tho Pero Marauctto to cn-aolo tbo road to fetter Ita service

Thei OV-OSBO amp Corunna electric railshyway bas been E D d to the Lansing bortheartern Railway Co Eoth lines will bo sold shortly to tho II U K It la said

Several hundred Emtio Creek men fcuo r Ttiel a petition requiting

TZ deg l p p o i n l on assistant to Prosecutor Klrehmsu durlr~ tho trial igtf Jtiftii R Pit-mdasho- ch2r-~d with mannlaugbter Pattersons auYo usoLilo struck the son of J H Hea-raquoTin recently ard ho died ES a result

D^vo Andercon of Troy waa en-fSf bdquori r a - m V C B a t ^ 1 rolllrwnd

Ask T R to Run Agiln A memorial bearing tb^ filgnaturcB

of eifiht atate OKecutivcs is being carshyried hy (special delivery to Col Theshyodore Roosevelt al his homo la Oysshyter Bay The document recites tho lilstory of the progressive Republican movement and or the Industrial and political difficulties which have stirshyred tho country In the last three yearn and declares that In tbe opinion of the signers the desire of tho nation 1raquo that tho former president stand for re-election The colonel Is petitioned to tell tbe country whether or not be will accept the urgings of his friends and admirers and ba a candidate for the presidency or If ho does not wish to apnear as a seeker for tho oOlco

make some statement calculated to con rase his supporters anil advlso

them they are not working in vain

S T A T E B R I E F S Only 1-fJ) Menomlnt

Cd themselves of the bdquobdquo lions1 l deg e n r o I o r l h e B r i [ u a r i dec-

The eharncterlFtic college can and gown will be worn by tbe grauat-ing cia3 or lhe (Jrand Unplds hiith school

Tho U S Steel Corporation mines at IshpcmlnR will be operated Elx days a week instead of four five hundred men are affected

nallroad officials atate bnt unless reller is received soon tbo Ionia shops or the Peru Marquette will be forced to cloflo becauso or lack ot coal

William Welpley a Grand Trunk engineer lliing in Battle Creek waa scalded to death in bis cob at Chicashygo when a valve blew out Welpleya fireman dragged blm from tbo snot and stopped tbe train

The board of supervisors of Genoace county voted to submit the que-in

ndlng the county for J5Qiyiy(j to tho electors of the county at Ihe spring election The money will tic used for building county roads

George Shannon 20 was seriously burned In Carland when he replenshyished a fire by pourlnc gasoline on It His clothes caught fire but the names were extinguished by Lee Head who wrapped a coat about the man

Tho announcement of ho offlrinls of the Saginaw amp Southern interar-ban Co that they nro to build a viashyduct under the P M tracks indicates Saginaw Is to have another intf-mr- ban line by a different route to Flint j

So much agitation has come up over I the enforcement of SaglcaWs meat ordinance frcm the farmers throush-out tbo county that it bas been sug- 1

gestod to ask tho legislature at Its neit aessiou for a law providing for a slate inspection

A general order has been i= ied by the stato railroad con-mibslon deshymanding that tho railroads travel at a low rale of speed over places where there are known to be 1 roken rails Many rails have becu broken lately by tho cold weather

A meetlog of Democrats was held In Alpena to perfect plans for the coming campaign A straw vole reshysulted as follows WIIHG-D 37 Harshymon 5 A Wilson club will bo orshyganised leading Democrats being unanimous for tbo New Jersey man

Edward J Robinson recently apshypointed deputy U S marshal for the iipptT peninsula district bas arrived In Marquette from Grand Rapids to B-jceced Joseph Wills of Laurium Robinson la a nephew of TJ 3 Mar-sbal Xlrhnln Vhnlen of the western ^ 1 1 1 0

district or Michigan seven Traverse city has an option on the Complete returns show that the Reshy

plant or tho Queen City Light amp j publican candidate for mayor ot Du-i p u t t [ ) e ] J l i r t h a s e I luth Dr JohnA McCuen waa elect-

doing their duv a preaervo penco throughout tlx-

It declared that Hie step by the throno was In order to the wishes of tho people

The MoiiKollan prince- who have been leaders In the anti-abdication agitation lit tho court hmo cabled to Dr Sun Yat Sen insisting that I unless Yuan-Shl-Kai gets tho pmdash bull dency they will consider entitled to take further against tbo establishment public

Yuan linown as the stronR-of China who was once dismissed hy the throne was rranllcally Apshypealed to to take tho premiership whcii the revolution against tho throne was started by Dr Sun and his folio-ters

Ho hat -tood between the tin and the nuels In (ho present crisis

buffer and has succeeded In bringing the two sides togther after months or dickering Bv the terms tho Manclmsi ore to retain their empshyty titles and may ho voted heavy penshysions bnt the government la to he in

tho bands of tho people tbs major- j Hy of whom aro Chinese instead or Manchus tho descendants 0 f tbo tT-tars who eamw down from tho noih centuries ago conquered tbo Chinese and have been governing them


Backache ^frac34frac12frac34frac34frac14 1 K r

or the re- raquongtDTlTTaalgtU JJIXlj nriioryoa iravctmrrwritnrfen bull o h M raquoEnt gt ii r iialaquo curiae Juit i aamaaroun AilcotLuJuuoni Tt

Elfbt motJh In bed fieary India palDandaorcEMiaercia lildusjs i lwr t MitUjB Other remedln tailod Dr Fen-aMlKldaeyand Backicha Cura cured ma coaplmly H WATEH3 HatuUt IV PraHlitaWcil Aik for Coot Bwk^Frea



Scientific Jtatrkini

Vaqe Indians On The Warpath Dlsrmtches from the state or Sonora

conOrm reports of an uprising fof 3-000 Yaqu Indians near Guayamas Mexico Tha Indians Infuriated beshycause President Madero has failed afl they say to keep his promises have secured modern rifles plenty of amshymunition ani Rood horiiw and havraquo gone on a rampage A sertlon gong j employed on the Southern lnnc of Mexico was surprised and captured by the Indians With the exception of tbo foreman all were tortured lo death Tho foreman escaped and made hts way to Euhallne Gen VII-

muHterlng troops to take the field against the Yaqiils Papago and Pima Indians friendly to Madero are being ullstcd to light tor the govern-

BindiU Hold Up Arkansas Train Five men plundered the mall and

express cars of Hock Island train No lt3 near Hulb-rt Ark nnd made away with their booty long before an alarn was spread and posses could seek tbeir trail Tbe hold-up was so cleverly planned acd executed with such precision tbat none of the train employes could offer resistance and few of tbe passengers knew anything had happened until they awofco to Ond their train stklicd

Mrs J M Magncr has been elected president of St Mary-n book at Lud-ington a charity org saltation

Andrew Carnegie 1raquo confined to hla venue New York homo 1 cold

5M UJ Bcfon Gain( EIM-

P r i n t i n g IVe art here to serve you with anything- in the line of printed stationery for your business and personal use bull Q bull bull

Letter Heads B i l l Beeds Envelopes Card Wedding Invitations


The best quality of work at prices that are RIGHT

71 Remember iT I 1IU mrj tiki ah- 1 Kriker kelpt to MiJtt lim M

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

THE VALUE bulllaquoraquot-i|gtnrht bullbbrnxj u a

M H bu btei i ^ l f Inmlnl^Ci ia l l

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


In a straw vote taken hy a Port Huron paper of tbo farmers of the seventh congressional district name UCIUH dirked nt random Roosevelt and^Ofiborn Jead In tbo ballots oo

bullecured h lUrmon 1 and Bryaa 3 Osbora re-letved EE votef Uartlndala 14 Farrii U Moaaabauut a T T - ^ ^ U

Ua yibaraatwlal T s t s T ^ ^

ed by a plaraltty of 1400 over Mayor M H Cullum DemQcratlo candidate for re-election Thlaquo Issue or raquo700000 llsbttns bonds waa aathorized One Socialist alderman waa elected

Tbe Duka and Daemon or Con-nauebt with Princess Patricia will j

by Lord 14 strty

Hotel Griswold Comer ol Ghnd River Ave and GrinreU Sf



Detroits Most Popular Hotel European Plan Only

Rates $150 per Day-and Up

$ 1 tC Afin E X P E N D E D I N R E M O D E U N C l i J j U U U FURNISHINGxoi D E C O R A T I N G

The Finest Cife Welt of New York Serrict A-Carte at Popular Price

A Strictly Modem mi Dp-to-Dat Hotel CentraD located in tie very keart of tke citymdash Wktra Litifa




fflb 8YNOP8IB

t CHAPTER XIVmdashContinued

never ninfl out ot tho Imdashrtcr Iter profile was to Lilm and flu- Inutnt

ally across tho room Iti n |-r toct Ilrjtit to get ihi) maunder to tun

Blair Interrupted nnd oui-i- OU II ceo lilm Ill innlio It nil right 1Ieaao dant nho naltl brlahl its

purely n business affair Hoi inucti III nho pay Unii vufl rather HhucUed Anytulntj

on lllio Ail her bad humor faded nt bin

lont and nho smiled at blm Well tell Roach that I guess Itll make

my nlngiiig a nuro thing o chnnged ber poult Ion and drew

a loug nigh us thouRb cho wore very tired leaned her blond head with its Bolt disorder hack on tho pillow put both her folded haudo under ber check ond turned her fare toward Dan Tho moat dctlcnto cantl-llka color be can to mount ber checks ond ber gray eyva regained their llfiht

Vlll two thousand dollars be too much lo risk oho said gently

If oho had nald two million to tho young fellow who bad not yet begun

pend hlu fortune which as tar MIS roncerned laquooa nothing but iu It would not have- been too bulllaquoto hi in not too much to hav Ii io this I

Why the old duffer Is as happy a honse allre said the boy Not to boast Ive done tho whole thing up wen as I knew bow Ive got blio Into that health resort you spoke of and the Elrl seems to have sot a regular education vice She wants bull0 stu tomethlng so shes going to school

Co an talking the actress Invited j Innculdlr I lc-vo to hear you talk Montana Dont change ionr twnngl for this beastly English Craw] what-

You have thoufih Mies Iane I dont hear a thins ot Blalrtown lit the way joa speak

And tbe girl said passionately 1 wish to God 1 spoke tt right through I wirb I had never changed my speech or anything In me that was like

And tho boy leaning forward as bulleagerly exclaimed Oh do you mean thai Think bow crazy London Is ibout you Why If you ever go back te Montana they will carry you from the cars In a triumphal chpir through

She waited until she could control the emotion ID ber voice

-Oo on telling me about tha little Kin

She waa BO trusting as to give tbe money op to me and I guess i will draw Interest for ber al) right

Thank yoo smiled the actress yon are terribly sweet The child act Hlggins to let ber Into my dressing-room one day oite a matinee I havent time to tee anybody except then

Here Hlggins made her appearance In tba room with an egg-nog for her lady wbieb after much coaxing Dan succeeded In getting tho actress to drink Biggins also had taken away tbe flowers and Letty Lane a a td to Dan

I send Viva to tha hospital tbey make me sick And Dan timidly asked

Mlse tool This brought a flush across tbe Ivory

pallor of ber cheek No ao Hlggina keep tbem In the next room And with an abrupt change ot subject she asked Ia the Duchess of Breakwashyter very charitable And Blair Quickshyly replied

Anyhow sho bull ants you lo tig for ber at a musics In Park Lane when

Mlsa Lane gave bull sort little giggle Is that what you call being cbarita-blel

Dan blushed crimson nnd exclaimed Well hardly

Did you come hero to aslc me tbatl

I camo to tell you about our mushytual poor Youll let mo call them (hat wont you because I happened to ba In your dressIngroom when thoy struck their vein

Mini Lane bad drawn herself up In tbo corner of tbo sofa and ait with licr hands clasped around her knees nil swathed around aad draped by the knitted shawl her golden head like a radiant Dower appearing from a hank of snow Her fragility ber flweetacss ber smallaess appealed streogly to tho big young felipw whoso heart was warm toward tho-world whose Ideals were hlrjh nnd wbo had tho chlvalroui

i Iu e 1 to bullbullbullCCOT to protect aud abovo all bdquo ndoro No feeling In Dan Blair had been as strong as this to take ber In hia arms to lift hor up and cany ber away from London cud tho people who applauded her from the people

to^Iir V-j was CESi^CS XS the DUChC=3

Breakwater And aa fsr as his being ablj to do anything for Letty Lane

bullit It a bit If youll coat bullill make it right nboui tbo cburit) cvcrythlnp

v pa lioldliiR h

Uuuh ho exclaimed fervently Ilf heart bmililng to hear yr-u courb liht that nnd ta think af your working ot you do Cant you stop and tnko a Good rciit7 Cant you go soraowhcroT

To Creonlandn icy mountains she responded Emilias 1 bote Un

No no to come golden sands 01 other ho murmured under bla breath And let mo take you thcro

But she pushed him hack laughing now No golden sands for afraid Ive got to sins tn Mandalay to night

lie looked at her In dismay Bhe I til cir up ted hlB protest

promised on my word of honor and the box-office has sold tho scats with that underlivalng

lly hi sofa leaning over her In a choked volco ho murmured bull

You shant slug You shant en out tonlgh

Dont be a goose boy sho said Youve no right to order mc like that Stand back please As ba did FO abe wbinkeii herself oft tho soln with n sudden ardor nnd much grace Now ihc told him severely since youve lirgtin 10 lake that going to id you that y

u day after day a




JFIfEWOM Proves That Lydia E pJnl-

hairc Vegetable O C T - X

pound Is Reliable RccMIe OremdashI can truly rclaquonrv

mend Lydia E Pirkhasi11 Vcrctaho Compound to all wor

bulltzed bull through th Cfaango

troops lvt-ra then ordered to ttop al tnilnu The governor had fiJlaquoJ a

Allerjed That State It Deprived af Fropjr Service far Benefit ol

High Financier cf Htgt York Cfy

Alleging that the Pern Mnrqoette railroad lit hopelessly In debt that Its earnings aro nwnllowcd up in pay-1 111 cut of ltgtnormoua Interest which goes to high Ilimuctcrs liintcud of Into thu road and that tho -ompany Is noablc ta oerre properly tho ttanu-portatlon needa of the state ol Miciii-gnn the Buglnaw hoard of trade usks Attornes-tSeneral Srans C Kuhn lo take action under the lawn and reucue tho property

it lo eiid that the acilon in withshyout parallel in tho rtnte Tho hoard ot trmli red lly ban In mind the seizure of the road by the slate through In-

bullKcncy prni emliugf or yoiwi othlaquo-r bulltlnit which vill Rive tho stati Tull mini over ligt urralrs Tim comiilniiit ol Siutinw In hai-ked

hy tlnanrial matinficliirlus and com-crcial lutereHtii nmouiitlng to many llttons of dollars The Saginaw diK-

trlct wants relief from conditions lilt-h are taid to be intolerable and hlch aro seriously handicapping busishyest and advancement lu rcoren of ther cllles and towns The board

looks lo other sources In Michigan to help vrest the grip of the road from Walt street

H is claimed that in depriving the state of proper service the harvest goes to the big guns of the New York financial world Tho petition says that the company is Insolvent tbat fts liabilities aggregate 1123005000 while the assessed valuation 1-10- WO and tbe funded debt has Inshycreased within the Inst four years unshytil It reaches (20000000 This bas come about it Is claimed since J P Slorgan amp Co secured control opound the road and that a crisis Is due se certain It Is asserted that there ho a JI500000 deficit for the cur year and that there ara t3OOOO0O bonds rulllng due July 1 to J 1 gan tn meet which no provision has been made

Engine failures fretcht shortage tradlc blockades congestion etc have coma ta be looked ipou by the agemcnt and patrons as matter

Republic Shapes Terms With VUBUL A complete armistice has been arshy

ranged but IiarKninlnK between Pre-tnlf-r Yuan Shi Kat and tbe republishycan leaders In likely ta continue for never 1 wrrkl before the court Really retires Chinese papers publish tbe terms laid down by the empresa dowshyager which Include tho perpetuation of the titles of tho entire court reshytention by the Imperial family of tbe palaces In Pot In continuation of tbe Imperial uuurd at the riicncr of thff republicans and the right 0) tbe court

xact regal homage from the nashytion

dalay an English ballad and someshything or other I dont know what now and I expect you dont realize bow cheaply you are getting them Bhe laughed and began to hum a familiar air

I wish you vculd sing Just one song tor me

For another thousand she asked lifting her eyebrows What song l i i l l

And as Dan hesitated as If unwillshying to give form to words tbat were so full of spell to him she aaid de-Hclonsly Why can you see a Lonshydon drawing-room listening to me ling Presbyterian bymn tunoT Without liftshying her bead from tbe pillow she beshygan In a charming undertone ber gray eyes fixed on bis

From Greenland frcia Indlaii coral strands

Roil down thttr EDUCD utoili

Blair near her turned pale There rose In him the same feeling that she had stirred years ago In the little church and at the same time others He had Icat bis father tinea then and be thought of blm now but that big sad emotion was not tbe one that swayed blm

Pleaso stop ho pleaded dont go on Bay theres something In that hymn that hurts

Lett L=cc unconscious of bow subtly nho was playing laughed and suddenly remembered that Dan had flat before her that day by tbo side ot old Mr Blair She as lied abruptly

Why does tbo DueheS3 ot Breakshywater want mo to sing

Becauso shes crazy about yonr

Is she awfully rich T 0 1 1 dont know Letty I^no Hashed a look at blm

wont pay tbo price then Dan said Yes sha will yes sho

will all right New Letty Lane rroot on ir It

were ltgt charity affair I could sing for ncthlng and I dont ltoubt the duchess

A Hint Of the many curious customs wblck

mark Brittany as an especially Inter cstlng Held for tbe traveler la this relating to marriage At the clcas ol the wedding ceremony tha brideshygroom gives the bride a box on Un

1 - This is fca7 tt facta wfcen yn_n mak

bullddlng and thua whan joraquo treats

been doing I guess ~lou know It don you

He stood his ground bnt hla bright face clouded They had been o Dear each other and are now so removed

1 dont care a damn what people bullay be replied

Sbe Interrupted blm Sbe could tw wonderfully dignified small i t abt was wrapped as sbe was In the woolshyen shawl Well she drawled with bull sudden Indolence and Indifference ID her voice I expect youll be aurprlsed to hear tbat 1 do car Sound awshyfully funny doesnt lit But aa you bave been coming to tbe theater non night after night (til everybodys talkshying about Itmdash

You dont want my friendship bi stammered

And Letty Lane controlled ber deshysire to laugh at bla boyish subterfuge No I dont think I do

Her tone struck him deeply hurt blm terribly He threw his bead u defiantly

All right Im turned down then he said simply

I didnt ihlnfe yond act like thla to a boy you- Known all yoi- Ille

Dont be silly yon know as w 1 do that It wont do

He a i know It ad that be bad alshyready dune enough to make It reasonshyable for the duchess If abe wanted tn to break tbeir engagement BIowl preparing lo take his leave be said wlMfully Cant I help you In anj way- Let me do some thine with you for your poor Itraquo a comfort to hav them between ua and you can count on mo

Sho said she knew It But donl come any more to tbe wings get habit at not coming


Lumber Trust Raites Defense Fund A determination to fight until

cleared of all suspicion of illegal acts as charged In the recent federal grand Jury indictments of members and of-Bccrs of various lumber dealers assoshyciations of this country was thp keyshynote or ibc opening session ot the He-tall Lumber Dealers association in Lansing About 300 dealers and ellng salesmen were present at tbe Initial meeting nnd the Michigan balshyance (1410 of tho general defense fund of (150000 was raised without difficulty Officers of tbe association wero re-elected as follows President P S Mickey Detroit vice-president Irwlr Earle Detroit secretary-treasshyurer II 31 Jess op Detroit

AaieU ef Lennon Bank Intact With the finding of a receipt for

(17000 worth of notes which wer taken by the state banking commli eloner on hla last Tlslt and whlcb will be returned end an additional amount of (3400 In transit the ai of the E Burt Jenneys bank are thought to be Intact and will c all deposits The total assets arc placed at (83-55921 while the deposshyits are (S 171910

One Killed 3 Hurl tn Kazoo Wreck Alleged misinterpretation or orders

la aaid to have been tbe cause of a head-on collision between two Grand Hap]da k Indiana freight trains which came together five mileo north of Kalamazoo One man 1iremsn Sams ol the southbound freight waa caaght between his engine and tender and crushed to death

The Saginaw health board at its monthly meeting declared tbe Sagishynaw county jail a menace to public health and demanded the supervisors take immediate action in correcting tbe evlL It lately came to the attenshytion of the hoard It la uclared tbat two Inmates were stricken with tyshyphoid fever as the result of condition at the jail

Frederick S Bowles 50 organizer ot the first Sunday school class In western Micfalgnu dird at hi3 bome In Uuskegon lie racved to that city In IS51 In 1S5C be crganlxed a Snnshyday school caamp at tbo Methodist Episcopal church

Francis Woodruff 73 for 30 years superintendent of tho water service Of the P e Martinetc died In Sagishynaw He Is survived by three sisters one of whom is Mr W L Kellogg of Detroit

Seven hundred I forty-one cor-reapoadens report no damage te wheat by the co weather ot Janshyuary while 81 rcr -t to the contrary

Arthur Boas 83 a pioneer of Sagishynaw county died suddenly In a Sagishynaw hotel 11 r Ross was a promln-

county drain commissioner Superintendent 0S Flanagan ot

Hastings achool bas arranged to conduct a tour of a number cf bis students to eastern cities during the summer vacation to further tbeir hisshytories etudien

Tha prtao warn of cociiwl oaS

cided to- pi laquouWi^ iLIi-years snppty ot coal lo t e open market Instead 0^ making c racts Ior It wttk aomdash Mrtici1laquo oncer

Dowagjac State Bank In Trouble Evidences showing frenzied un- PP1

while ltit bill

dcrnrtme nt is ttlllilo-ed

complete audil Is btlng made iicernlin the rltualon i H Dojle Ic bankiiiK commlaKloriT has it-

wo have discovered about (12C09 flaquorged notea and until a ccniplrte

audit is made wc cannot tay what outcome will be

Nine Hurt When Train Craah Nine passengers on asouthbound

Lake Shore passenger train were inshyjured two seriously wbca the passhysenger crashed Into a freight train on the Y et White Pigf-nn Several others on the passenger were given a severe shaking up but escaped other Injuries

LATE WIRE BULLETINS 1 pound-Los Angeli

Ellis Cromwell collector of Intershynal revenue for the Philippines died suddenly in Manila of heart disease

Mistaking poison for roeiMrlne Edshyward rrawlord LI died ia Saginaw after swallowing a teaspoonful of

The threatened strike or the emshyployes of tho Pock Island arsenal collapsed when cards were oITcred to a few employes and were accepted

The Chicago board of education has raised the salaries of GS00 school teachers The advances rano from (100 o (SOe

Tho Graff Seamless Shoe Co of Aitlca X Y bas decided bull0 locate In Saginaw It iscapitalized at 000 and in al M athletic shoes

Serlcs floods ore reported from aU parts of Spain and Portugal Many rirers and smaller streams have overshyflowed their hacks Inundating entire villages

Tbat California stands flrnt amon all the states Jn tbe Union in matins public expenditures for education ia the Btcrtiuu ol Stale Controller A B Nye

The dominion government baa deshycided to change the name of the wheat grown In western Canada and known now ns Manitoba to Canada Tbe new namo will go into effect tbo comshying season

The passion of tho American pubshylic for diamonds and other precious stones shows no slgnn of yielding to the hlah cost of living If tha cusshytoms figures are to be taken aa an Indication

Th conferees of the two houses ot congress 011 tbe joint resolution proshyviding for the election or aeBatora by direct vote bave decided to report a disagreement after tit monlha ot efshyfort 10 get together

An organization to be known aa tbe Association of Good Friend and composed of men who have been unemployed during tbe winter waa formed la Chicago at Immannel Kan-list church hy tbe Bev Johnston Meyers

Chinese In Chicago are busy signshying leases for places of hnslnesa fn a new Chinatown Within a ahortUme the old Chinese quarters along Sonth Clark street and between Van Bnreo and Harrlaon bulltrevis will ba deaarlad by menabera of ihe race

Gov w B Hooper baa tssud a call addressed to te governors or 1G BO-thern states for a southern soclolocltal congress to be held In Nashville Term May 7-10 for the study and discussion ot social probshylems peculiar to the south

The Shiawassee Welfare Associashytion will open Its campaign to con- tlnue local option In that connty Feb 35 when a mectlog of delegated represhysenting tho different societies in tbe con cry will be held In Owosso D M Christian and Dr A M Hume proml-

Gcn Hippolyte Langloi senator from the department or Muerthe-et-Mosclte acd member or the Frencfc academy died Jn Paris He waa elected one of tbe 10 immortals on Feb 9 1911 In succession to Costa de Beauregard He was an authority on military strategy

Mrs Haru-y W Taft wife or the presidents brother haa become a convert to the Roman Catholic faith 5573 the Times She rlaquolaquonuncei the Episcopal faith acd was received into tho Catholic church In the chapel or St Ignatius Layola church New-York

PufeoaPtmida mo a well v-omon after BUlrcEE throe vcars mdashHta MART JSOCUBT Eeedville Oregon

New Orleans La mdash

I Wben Vampui-ie throQEh tbe Change of Life I wa ttvabled with hot flaahea taaak aod dizzy speUa and backache IwuaotBt ln

bullton BIHDESII 1541 Pc-tyaml St Hew Orleans

MiahawakaInd-Wo man paaaiac tatvoffe tbe Cbtaaf Til eta talra nothinc bvtur than Lydia r Plnrhfia Vscttabla CoDDaaasd I am recom-aaendiBcittosdl my friends because of what It bas done tor me -Mrs CHA3 RATES pound23 E Marion St Slisbevwaka Ind Alton StationKy-Tcr

men ths 1 Buffered from troubles in consequence of my ago and thought I could not live Lydia E Pmkhama V e g e t a b l e CJompound rends mo well

I want other suffering women to know about i t Mrs EHHA BULST Alton Station Ky

Detaasa No DalemdashI was ptsstoc felt very through Change of Life and felt very

bad I coold not sleep and wn erjr nervous Lydia E PinVhama Vutabl Compound restored me to perfect health aad 1 would not be without itmdashMis F M TUQEH IJeisexn No Dak

Effete Briton Booth Tarkington tbe America)

playwright and novelist la a very early riser and wben tbe English playlt wrlgbt and novelist Arnold Bennett visited blm at bis charming reaJdertc In Indianapolla Mr Tarkington said the first evening at dinner

1 believe in tbe simple life I gel up with tbe sun Will yon take a ten-nil a walk with me at C oclock tomor row morning

Thank you Mr Tarklngton tbraquo Englishman answered but I dont walk In my aleep

The activities ot lbs Interstate ftmmrrfl commission bave resulted-j

era law prohibiting the wurking ot railroad employes mors tkaa IC bourr la aay O M tay

Air Laws W[bar Wright at a tea In Daytongt

bullold with a laugh Already there are air laws strinshy

gent sa rood laws Without tbem wegt should soon be seeing advertisements like this J

Two dollars reward will ba pali by Mrs John Doe for Information lead-ling to tbe ldentiacatlon of tbe aviator on a Wright roadster who while flying over my bouse yesterday afternoon dropped a can ot oil down my chimshyney and completely mined a plum pudshyding I was cocking

Consolation Father (to bis daughters sailer)mdasht

bave sad news for yoo I un mlaadl I bave I oat everything

SuitormdashConsole yourself dear atr with tbe thought that yon aro now 1st co danger ot losing your daughter

Such Confidence Tbe bride to ahow ber undying conshy

fidence In her new husband save him a night key

Then she telephoned for tb lock) smith to change tbs lock

A TROUBLE MAKER Coffea Peltsn Breeds Variety mt Ills

A caltfarnl womam whs) atldat know for twenty years what kept baraquo 1IL writ) to tall how absgt woa sewkhw haaltb by quitting coffee

1 am M years old ah says aavmi nse coSlaquo all my life urf ftar M years snCsnd from lwllgastlsa aad uuKtmaia UIs was a bardaa asMI a drag io IDS all tbe time as abosl ones a year my ailment got a Debacle 00laquo me that I was rstpslarly Ick ta bad for several weeks each Ums

1 was reluctant to eoBclods that coffee rss tbs can of aay tremble M I am ha1 that I leand oat thgt truth

Theb I datarmlned to wa loatma exclnslralymdashfor a weak at firstmdashfor Z doubted my ability to do wltkost sal-fee for aay Issurtk of Urns I saaast the Postum carefully as diraeUi aa before ths week axjdrsd aad aay reshyward In a pereeptibl lacrssss to strength snd spirits

Seeing th good that soy shsrt bull raquo perlmsnt bad accomplishes I re 1 arret to continue tbs us of PcwtBss sotting ont ths coffee satirsly Tfcfs I laquofcs see nine months flu dins sstampy laariaagt cause for gratlflcatioat at say StsasUlr lijii roving health afy Indices tic crasV nally left ms my sleep returaea I gained 26 pounds is weight my coler changed from sallow to a freab roar hue A d lire became a blessing

Then I thought I would try assTe again and did so for a tew wsaka Am punishment for deserting ay sjaad friend Postum was a return of my sis troubles

now snd shall be LJ xaj life bersaar using Postum exclusively aad asdoy Ing the benefits It bring msj Nam given by Postal Co Battle Cnah Ulca

Tsars a reason sad It ts iieimgt

J raquo raquo r a ^ pounds K3 ss bM wsSJgt

bullO^C-O O laquo X gt lt X X gt laquo lt raquo Of2gtlaquoXgt O - O O O 0 laquo X 8 gt

icmre raining Treg S E D O N E

Re-member iliat w ieep a line gtlock of moulding-

on hand and can take cart nf i-iiur orders fur f ramshy

ing t 0 y deg u r ent ire satisfaction Hrit tg in your

orders now ao tliey i l l he ready when yuu want

tli em


Easter Sunday Coampca This Year on Am 11 7

L n i l tin season of fast and ab-ftir nil Catholic during

h-nne Into been accepted The lyrics will undoubtedly interest many Co-i-uiimi funs

Vim 1 swear that olcoiuargnriu is 3laquo-5t tis Hif raquoraquo nny butter gton ever tasted Get it of Cok-

If vnn have something you wuut bdquo bdquo foR^l oroxeliniee UBC a buslni-M ivh time many of t h m vofmin 1 ( H i 1 1 1 1 Joiinirl

from indulging in tho usual pleas-1 Sehvler Rouse of Durand haa arcs including social fiuictintit bull burn spending a few dnvs ut the tin aires cards ami other similar | home of Fred Morse mini IMiiiits wilt begin Ash Wedshynesday February 1 mill will cun tiniio until Easier Sunday April

Miss Hoiiiuiue Bramweil who is i l a s i m Miminv April attending seltool ul Ami Arbor

Episcopal dciiomiiintiotiH ^ m t l l u 1 V L u k 4 i U 1 l l u r e ihuerve the season hjtt not so Benjamin Taylor and Stanley ly na tin the Catholics ForJUun of Perry were at the county tiller diiinniinnlinn it is like teat Tuesday on business rmtiimms Friliy for lilllo | ^ i r M l bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

home of Sir and Mrs George Linden last week

ill SI

meat if allowed to ho eaten though there aro nmny ^xuC|Jtii^ gtjli(1i during recent yours made by dis- ne Usui ions from (he Pope wliieli I Russell Busl^ of Detroit spent permit practically all persons to in- Sunday with his parents Probate bilge in tlesh During holv week Judge and Mrs Matthew Uuah 11 i i 11-11 I

Cluildi Wralfrr of Ii-Clrf(

I A M Wo Successor to A V Curtis amp C o

thelust week in Lout Wednesday Friday nml Suturdivv uve fast dnys and during the whole n[ Hn SCUM n incut is barred on Wednesday Fr i -bull day and Saturday from persons wlsuje physical condition is such as

pi rioit fasliug

The Corunna Journal F L JOHNSON

every TtaisJiy nwrnlnc

Rerubiicnn pjny anJ (lie coU-tlua o( diy anJ cojray nn-i

Sutscrirlien f 1C0 rer year In aJfjiKe Sut-scril-t iJcslrir^ their par Jtscon-

tlnucj slioviU notily the rublislicr diret an J net tcie H tiir Hie raslnnsUr to Jo as lis sc i-Ilncs tarcct Always FOO that your ssisrriiea is paiJ ur laquothe Ii- i you orJcr ycur Fiptr ilisccntinurJ T-e Jatc (0 which ycur s- scrtptlwa Is p M is rrint-cJ en your pirtr cacti raquoedj wilh tlwi-nu

7h qumtily anjiiunlity cl the aJvfttlS-ir- carrreJ by tho JOLliSAL is abunJint testimony to ils value as an aji-citising


i laquo t s ol interest to ihe Mmciunlty are cs

ccan that t nessaragt i-ius UL- 1rmiu cl the puMisher There is no chaise ta

CarJgt ol llinnks 30 olltuargt- raiiry rpscluliais Vuslniss laals arJ notices

Tlie Job Der-lrtnert o he JOLliNAL i Generally ceneJed to be Ihe ranst eomrlet enJ c-Jern this sije of Linslrp 3T1J t w l i s cf out scl( s7c1l (ur llicnselves


E i g h t h Congress ional D i s t r i c t Convent ion

A licpnbliean Coitvi-miun ot tSt Elylith CoMrrpgsiuiial Dfsirbt is hCTiliy calteii or tin- rtav ol FebriL-uy to bu hell hi Hie court liuiiao in tlie city ut Caro S^iil Convention will Im c^lkd (n order at tvo oclock lor tlie purpusu ol solocliair tT7o deleKUlcs null two attcrnoio delegates to attend tbe lic-pcblieaii Nufiurial Cltinvcutiou to lie bclJ in (tic cKy of CLieii-o on Hie liitli day nt Juuo IJVZ and to nasi-saet rucli other liusiness as may legally comn belnro Ilio eoaventfon

CountlestentiiiiriHtrfi tho Efu-Iitli Congressional District will lie~ enshytitled to TrprosDiiaiioa as lollov-a

Cllnion county 14 deluntus Snsii3T7 county delegates Sbiavnstfco ciumtv Hi dcbjales isscnia connty IS iIct^Kates

Jy Ordir o( COIHHIKIPQ K W UAM1 Sccy A P l tL lS f iiaifinaii

S T h e New Catalogue I

5 orDetroltnusiricssrniirrKitv bull ta jnot out It will lsi(rr^l bull any yonnR man ur woman wbo deg vranta to prpparp for n crtod bull position Write F tl ShaT- g bull Pren Ul-CO Ornnd River Ave e V Detroit bull

r dlsiajf Adilri-

The Circuit Court

Circuit eoiiil waa adjourned l-ri-iy afternoon niiti Tiiesday inorti-bullzoit aeconut of Monday Febrti-y IJth being an anniversary of im-olnV birtlnlay and tuiisw[iieut-a holiday

A deeree was ^nrnted in tlie case of Lander -f Dhureli vs Nettie Cl u veh bi-jt weckliv Indpe S S Miner In Mr- Chiiv]f s cross bill shr d-gteliiRi that he was i-niel to her dd not snpnort her propirlv atid that often he ivpu^led lliut sln use I-I1SUIJ on hi-r pot itocs lnstMd nf butter She calls herself trie white slaw Church is well known iu (hvns^o having clerked in several raquoru-cry store iutliateiiy One day when lie came home from his work In- said Lets bait iij To his astouisnieiit his wife assentshyed and laquo i id tliat she desired that llu- matte- be hurried The bill lor a divnive was tin- result Mrs

was formerly Mrs Nellie and is year- ltgtf n^e

Cimvh liad been (wicu piv civ maiiied

A (Iicisitm was hiudd down Tueidiiy by -indse S S Miner which laquonii i tsj i decree to Hva Wliite-htiid Iloyhui iu thii suit for divorce whii-li was la-^Lin bv Charles Uov-lan The hnsbaml must pav all the costs of the

bullhuivli vffel


Uhoniai^a rinmdashCole Plume in your news items I M nhu-k Cross ten at Mills Mrs Merit Chapin lias been ill Old papers fraquor sale at the Journal


MiK-beth at Owosso theatre toshynight

Miss Hath Wood visited in Howell Sunday

Peter tiebb of St Johns was in town Monday

Pr A (J Cole of Duraad was

Miss day

Potatoes are vow bringing $1 on the local market

Miss Hannah Unurahati visited in Dnrniid last week

Batter was quoted ntJiOe nndegss at 32c Wednesday

Miss -Mary Whitely is spendinj a few days in Pontiac

Mr and Mrs Walter JJatch spent Sunday in (Jraud Kapiils

Edward Kay was home from Banshycroft the iirst nf the week

Mr day i

Chester Stoddard has accepted a position with Norris Qunjlc

Aivh linvnetl vnin Detrat fora few diiys the Iirst of the week

Miss HiiKel Herrick is speiidiu a few diys jti Durand and flint bull (ilea Yomifr-Jr of Detroit s

the tivi-t of the week in the eity The fajioas Concord niTee can

he had at Mills Croeery for bull)bull Mrs Catherine lieiuis is eoaliued

to her home ou account of illness 3Irs Jerome Stewart lias been

viMting foi- a lew days in Venice Cleaner than most buller and is

b( tiermdasholcomaigitriii Cole sells it M Day left for Ashley Wednes-

Idaho Cleu Morsi

Cliiroprailic assists Nature to cure voii of lliacasemdash(ive it a trial W V Mallelic D C Uwnsso j-wl

A iiinnber of tlie meinhers of tin O S ncnt to Durand Wednes day evening (o confer the decrees

Seinlor and Mrs Koseukransleft the fir-l of the week tor Lansing wla r tbey are speudiui a fewdays

I ini-i Lcddicl is visiliru at tin home of Mrs L 1 Tultle having been called there by the illness ol his sister

II Miner of Toledo Ohio has returned to his home nftv speitdiiijr a few davs with Mrs D Miner east of the eity

Mrs Charles Doan wife of Supshyervisor Doan is recovering from a stroke of paralysis sulfered the first of last week

Alta Wren and family who live near Kirby have been very siefc for the past few days hut are no idly reiovering

Attorney John T MeCnnly who recently underwent au operation has nearly recovered and is duty at his office

Farm For SalemdashICO acres south i r Coruuna known as tho Tliomp-Si farm Modern buildings of all kinds including hiifre sheep barn Call Union phone Cortnm

The company which will present Macbeth at the Owosso theatre tonight comes highly recommended nml (he play will be well worth at-

HaiTv Xeiiy haa moved uis houseshyhold goods from the rooms above R A Ilaughtons jewelrv store to the house formerly occupied by K Klinkman

Four members of the Cl A R have passed away during the last year The organization formerly contained 1 0 iin-mbers now onlv M are left

Venzcl Cnkr aged 27 Mary Drodjie aged 2-) Owosso were married ilftciiiont) in tin county (ice by Justice Peacock

and Miss both of

Sarnrdnv bulllerks of-

ti-ibip tried Io day wla-re he wl spend a tew das - t h e Kroumls| M gt h _ M gt T n u | R r

Mr aud Mrs George Sehnltz wbo have been lately residing in Flint

t i h a w spent the greater piil of thlaquo hist week in this eily on account of the illness of Mr Selmltz

Beans of good |uality for feeding sheep van be hud in eav lots or less than titr lots nt sectU~iM per ton at elevator of the lInrtMiitingamp Power Co Flushing Mid i

The Idle Iloor TlK-utorium will be run Friday night by the Lndh Library A musical program w be given in connection with special pictures Adinhsicn

Justice I 1 Jeffries S Schmidt and fiob-rt Adaia- ol Detroit wer in the eity the Iirst

aimiil the Junrnng bdquo bdquo that hi wif |d heen lisensu b-i 1 V bullraquo | 0 trade ^ trade fore the marriage indieuling I t t lt k i d deg 5 S 1 0 D c t n l t l h t i l v s U l i t h i

of iiidiility The ci-e hits oecujiitd | Mark Sherman of Lansing visit- j business connect d with the Vitri much of the iiiue for (IK- pst week ed friends iu the county seat Mot- lied brick plant near K i i and nmnv jvrsons who were ie- dtiv

4 raquo l laquo i o raquo 4deg of pound ltrade trade raquo gtal laquo ills time

MUsEsteliaKirby Lsbeensperu-in it few days wi relatives iu Flint

f Citizens9 Sayings I k O F O W O S S O

Capital $ 5000000 Deposits over $90000000

D U D L E Y E W A T E R S W m K B r G E L O W

Pres ident v i ce Pres ident


C a s h i e r A s t c a s W c r

Willis E Hali Artliur T Slagbt

J Mr and Mi-s l)vt Milicr visited 1JL iirst of the WLT in Vernout-villo

Ugt Apples an

C| city and for titii

tl i -Mrs Alice Irvin of Detruif j H

very ill ut the home of her sister L y ITultle 1 The Girls elnb viis rntertaniCil h Saturday evening by Mis3 Dorothy f| Pettibone 151 Miss Hiuiiet Diikltisoii spent U Ratunlnv iml t-nniiav ar- her home g i n Jackoi U Miss Katherine Garland is com-H pletiug her edneation iu the Kulu-

iiuiaoo nivml

[j 1 Mr md Mr Lee Egg-wton of ti Flint sjeai Sundav with his pai-H ents in this eily n lriissiau Poultry Food will make1

1 the hens lav in cold weather 1 Get it from Mills j Mni Sarah MKnight of Saginaw

iy visiting at the lioine of Mr aud

i l i s Chiidi-ilarlii - bull Tlie Owitjso Uest Side indoor

base ball laiu has been challenged by tlie [ieiTGUghs te-im of Detroit lor a Ernes of games and the ehql-

_ The erows have returnedmdasha bare sign Hint spring is near at hand The (lock is very small but always makes its appearance at MeCurdy park about this time of the year

On account of the intense cold several electric and tolenhoue wires have broken during the past month

iisiuerahle trouble biilh tpnuies and txho to th to the c(

pah mis L A D V AGENTSmdashNew article

Henry wowaui needs it Sells on sight Write for agency proposishytion Mrs Lihys Bandage Co 179 Selby St Detroit Mich 5-w-i

Archie Payne of thia city who has bee working in Dundeeat his trade as a horseslioer lost three toes aa the result of a horse stepping his foot Saturday The iiicinbt wore ampulnted Sunday

One consult inn in cniineclbn with this winter is that the expens of keeping n lawn mower iu tunc is no severe tax on Ihe owners income There is more snow this winter than for many years before

Um Boutwell and family Jnhn Wjies nud family Mr and Jirs Jas Kddiiijjton nndPatriek Jordan nud fimily of Morriee were members of a house jiarty at the heme of Charles McNamara tin ml ay

John tinge of Durand id in i traquo second ^tiiim uir Iheehori

IIlaquoesamination willhe held today in Justice PateholV court in Durand-The first ease was settled vher ho Pleaded gnilty aud |gtaid a line of

B A K I N G P O W D E R Absolutely Par

The only Baking Powder made fromRoyaS Crape Cream of Tartar


William I Kmilh of Owo-e-o Im been appointed to succeed him^Jf ou thu soldier- relief counnitswii The other Hiemherlaquo of the iiraquommiraquo-

ion me William H Jaeiibs of thi eity and Daniel H Post of Vernon

Nature eurosmdashlet her cure yon If you laquore looking for perfect health come over and we will v c vlmt vv can do Fxamiinilioii free W C Maliskey D CSlate Dank Hlilj Owosso i-w I

Although the woathd wiw ivt bull -ueli as it h-ltoitltl have b-en fov ai iijoyabl seigi party a partv^nt about twoiitv-livc voiiTji people of tliiscitv spnit a pleasant - - M U -Frithiy night at the boat- of Mi Pauline JScagir swilh of the city

The amount of mail was slightlv increased Tuesdav and Wi-dm-sdav nt the local no^t-ilb- on e-conut of ValeuliiL day The practice of Bending valentines to friends on that day is annually diminishing and eaeh year sees the nuinller of iMistul card- and valentine boxes lessened |

Iteporls tiirouglnni the eouutrv are to the effect that thoipiniitityof i beans raised and lay vested thisvear are enormous bat on neeouut of the wet weather late in the fall they are of very poor quality The Morriee elevator has been forced to put on a

night crew to pick the beana Miss Libbie Byrnes of Owosso

has beeu seemed tu Oil tho position iu the local Union telephone office which was lately vacated by Mis-lierniee Kaiser who lately aceipted the prsition of chief operator Miss Cora Wiison of Owosso has also heen working here

Monday Liueolus birthday wns 11 public holiday nnd the bank the circuit court and all the county ofshyfices were eiosed Schools however were kept open and although it was the duty of the teachers to have apshypropriate commemorative exercises during part of the day instead of regular school work we are not going to tell how many adhcrred to the rule in this eity

t A proposition which was made by the mannger of one of the roller skating rinks in Owosso to award a prize to every couple that would be married on skates in his place is reshyceivings much ntleulion by many promineut pee-plu of Owoson society and the manager of the rink wiil undoubtedly be restricted trom alshylowing this kind of ceremonies tu he performed

As a result of complaints made to Ihe SUte Kailway commission by the Shiawassee eoiinly Co-operative association an organization formed last winter to fight the increase in rates fr-im 912 to bi a year of the Unioii^ telephone company on its ntral lires a hearing Will be held in Lausiag on or about March tgtlli at which the commissioners wiil be present ard hear the arguments both pri find Coa

Jn order to collect the sum of s07o which he declares is laquoraquobull htm II P Bigelow of Owosso has brought suit against William Me Alpine Bigilow owns a pisee of laud in O i u sso township He secured 31c-Alpine tn work it ou shares last year mid the tenent now rgt fuses to pay n injunction was also served on McAlpine in order to prevent the removal or sale of anything on the farm

The local theatortinu has undershygone much repair this week A eurtuin with the advert isments of several of the citys merchants on it is the greatest improvement A stage has been erected and the en-lire interior has been cleaned The show only runs three nights a week Monday Wednesday and Saturday but several good reels have been shown of hi to

The jail at Morriee has not had an ocetipautfor more than a year It has fallen 1 til i bad state of reshypair and (he viHatje fuiuets avu making out u list or things needed to be done (i thoroughly renovate and remodci the interior New window ssh are needed as the old ones would prove an easy way of escape for anyone Joeked up there Alsu new mattresses will have to he plaied in the c lls find the wall al one end needs repairing

The industrial committee in Owosso who were appointed 10 conshyfer with Frank Weidnian and others iu regard to the removal of all obshystacle toward the rebiliUliiis of the Kstcy plant which was destroyed during the cyclone last X o vein lie r have reported that all efforts were failurus These men have restrained the city from hstngthe money which was raised for-paving the city st reds to ba used as n gift fur the c-nuipuuy pruvidiug they won Id rebuild

SVem1 pnteties of wwds the refilltu of ShitiVasn--bullbull01111 tylaquo ((Miner wrest hi^- iti^ftpMesrcd duriiir- this winter Many farmers have sold tho trees to furniture companies and still others have cut the trees up into fire wood There

M being agitated a proposition ut for I-try tree that bullbull destiir 1 one -hould lie replaced and it receivshying ihe niHraquoiit of itmuy tit- iplv about tins eily and surrounding country It is inevitable that peine action to encourage forestry will be made

William Goodwill iigent -r the M Chun 11s Signr Beet Co who va- id ihe city tin Iirst of tin- week i- evditd v ith saying that tin- eom-puiis bus nil the uereage t V y wiml 111 this ciuiiiy and that it is also Idle of other companies The com-panv ligurs that thv would gain 11 (licy had fewer but better beets Ton inyiiy iiii-es tends toward makshying the farmer alight I ho work which uaghi lo be done with thcni and also when there are too maiiv it i dillleutt to care for them in the fall nnd lliis icar is n most fitting examshyine Many beets rolled iu the fields b fore they were able to be gotten oat on account of the mud and snow

My folks over near Bancroft arc awful busv these davs deshyclared Turnkey Ellis Heath the first of the week Hows that iu-Hiiired the inquisitive one Yon know lie replied that on 11 farm there is always a few roosters who refuse to go into the coop even in the coldest weather aud father has thtcc of this variety this winter It was just the same way back inmdash well quite a while ago He had some roosters who did the same thing Every morning they would slim to crow aud they would keep it up for about half an hour Well when theyd crow you couldnt hear it at all the noise would jnst freeze and full to the ground it was that cold Warm weather came along in June aud these crows began to thaw out and every time one would thaw out you could hear the crow and we had music for about a week The folks lire eavryi)ir these crows out to the back of the farm this

bull so that they will not be bothshyered when they thaw out Positive truthtoo

Throwinfl ihe

Buying- poor g r o c e r i e s

is just about the same t h i n g n s

throwing- half the money nwav

T h e same result must come

lo every purchaser of lt pound p j c e r -

ies that a r c not n p t o s tandshy

a r d mdash m i g h t y l i t t l eaat i s fac l ion

in eat ing the grocer ies O u r

patrons do not have any of the

troubles that many hrve W e

keep them on our l ist b v g iv shy

ing them the very be t of satshy

isfaction L e t i s g ive r n u a

taste of that same sat isfact ion

Phone 15-2 fins Spur Casb Grocer

N w T i l i n g s f

S p r i n g

The new things for spring arc in being unpacked at this store ami I shall lie very glad to have vou call and inspect them Tliey coniprb all the latest tilings ami you will find it a very satisshyfactory line to select from

G Mo B E E M E R Drv Goods anil Notions Phone (it

E can always furnish you with those fine Choice Cuts that RO so goad in the Sunday dinner as w i l as the regular cuts for tne regular d-gt Try us on

yoyr next meat order



$ 3 0 0 per ton During Threshing Season

A gocd time to buy winter s-ipply

No Shoveling

Hopper Loader

Coal Under Cover

mill SIX M I L E G R E E K

Union Phone C5-i-2 Bd93-3

Annual Pioneer Meeting I The Annual Pioneer Meet in of | Shiawassee County will be held i t the Court House nt Cornnna Febshyruary plusmn 1HJ at 11 oclock a ut A fine program is lieing made for

I the occasion A general invitation is extended to all Come one come ali anil let us renew old aequiiint-

innits and fonu new t -lujiM M F m u Seey

Official t all lor Republican County Convention

A County Convention or the I pnblieana bull Slilawnaaeo d tin heiiiat tho Court limine in ltho PIlT ([ Coiinmi ou Tiiemlny tlio tli (lay i-f February Ill nt 10 1 M standard lime fur Urn |mr-pono of ohvilnt sixteen do]i-nlen 10 tho Slate Con veil ik Ii to boheld nt lUeCitvon Thursday April Uln mi- to elect aix ilrlrsatua nt larjro iiid elx alternate delcnlen nt lame to tho Republican National Cunvcii-tlni traquo IsD held laquoi Cbleajio Juno IStli lUIJ atop tor Hit pnrpinm of iiotiiltiutlm Uftocu candldatei fur elector iresklcni unit Vice Presishydent opound tin 1uitcd states nho for iha mitecltoli of ft Statu Central Committee ami Chairman thereof

At tills Count v Convention will ftlnf 111 tlfltlll filMtlll (IttlORtttCf tO attend ihu cluhlli CoucrcEBimial DIB-trlct Convention to ho held In the Ciiv of Cam on tho lith day of Febshyruary 11UU far the purpose ltgtf oraquo-tvci-luigt two delegates and twit nliertuit ililcuutoi to intend ttiu nfor-Mald Nalljual Convention 1laquo UliiciiK jutip Jcth 1112

Tho rollowlii- towHUhljis wards and prccincta laquoro entitled lgt elclo-Kates aa follows

Antrim JU-niilimlmi it Jlimi i Caledonia e Kairileld 1 Sliiawniitce 10 Venice bull Vernon 1st precinct if Im precinct 1 3rd precinct 7 lliiiinldir let prrcioi-I laquo Jiid preshycinct Middl-litirv J Now ilaven (1 iln-os- tl lgt|-rv 1-t pr-riiir-t S ml [irltiret 4 Kusilt i Sciula ~ Vi(|lnill OIVIUHI City Ii-t wi 11 Lnd until IN linl ward 7 Uli vi in ward 7 Cocumi UI laquo-nrd Uui wivit i til waul 1

Kipnljlleai Cmmiy iiunllttee JJv V II Itiiii iyw Chainir

W K Collins Secretary

ed liicli into the (ir ami hit Uuele Hah mi tim [=itlu ot tliu inet and iieailv knticked him over the boat The lii-ii was (llually kilted mill Mr Habenik and his IIUIKIIIKIM enjoyed fish diiinii-a for wvernl day This t-ioi-v mnv sinniil ml her Ilshy hul 5lrHiilgtiiek has ihe iiietmvs of Hie irriss pike at hia hnme He is SI voatM nt ajro and is very neiivo He fought in tiie luiIlifK utUulUtiui ami tiittvslmrfj hut he Kiiid tiutui-dav Unit Hie Krass pike was one of the biKKtst (lpponctits lie over liail to uvereinne


tibituftty oi Former Resident oi Corshyunna

School Notes

Stat Loans to Settlers ScatJi Wos Australia makes

Eate Itaiis to zittlcrs a frnm -1^ to E rcr cent interest roitij-ohlo by yearly irsMIracntu spread over cat longer than tHrty-one years No loan is larger itzn pound2(100


enrns Tiint wan tho oa-io trith ilrs W S Ualler McCreary Ky My wife writiifcfi iluwn with u severe ntlacl of la grippe viiioli run Into bro^-eliltin Kite enii--herJ as tin sle had consiiinptiin atil coulit nut slcp at nl^tit Tlio ilr-t tjittltrade of nk-ys Hritir-y and Tnr Cf-mpauril gave her BO iTinch relief that she continued usiiitrade it nijiii nio ^n i pormaiifiitly cured Bold by Gllaquon T KyiiotIs

Expecting Something

You can depend upon it before it comes from us tiiat it wil lie ri ht ind will he rijrht and will be delivered on time that it -will prove satisfactory that it will taste v ell when it is on t-t-table All of these things make tip our jfuara-te--

O R A N G E S A L E y thid time frati 12c up They are FancyXavals | and fjuarahleed Free from frost

I FRED M K A Y QtianCy Aiv3vs Piione 101


The seeimd sradv rupih are still ipi-uditif u few minutes each day with the iivsilaquoil eulture excreiacs Mneh beueiit is heiu deriv d and williout doubt in iiuolher year all tlwtlhtr kjvee grades will lie tak-

z it up A few hours each day the first

the week has been ppent hy all the lower grades in the making of valen-lines

Miss Pauline Orlh who recently moved hero from Howell is n new member of the First A grade

Iin-ulu day was ibgtervoii lay in (he iirst rade by suitable bullommemomtivL exereise

Miss Ebie Card of the first grade has returned (u sehonl after an

ss of a few days Mertou Cliipperiiekl who has

iieen il l has returned to his school urk New electric ll^lit Klohes have

been placed in the Intermediate

ben Callahan aud (ieorjiS(hiiltz if the Intermediate (tepartmc-iit

haw been ill recently Miss Klina IVierson of the

Washington Slmo Owoaso was iscst ot the fourth raquornde the first ol the week

Howard liuuk who has keen conshyfined to his h im by illness has iv-rtmed his dehotil work in the fourth initio

What about lii^ii sihmil spellinp Somebody has forgotten something

ItOCiKIN-1 lttlilt Outside- of sehool litmrs Khiawns-K r-treet is lined wiiii youngsters

wlif-arc- having the time of their lives lionkiii buhs In some in

anoes they have nearly met with bullrirnii ii-eilcut= They eantiot he

blmiied for wuniiuj ro IIAVO u yooJ lime for all children with real live bid in liieir veins like to eujov

-ielves and-fhif sport of ealcii-u sk-i-h- is uuv of the delights

i e ynmitrade in cent bullbull- vintir but pn-mtinns slniti lit- taken lhat tln-y ill not eiifanlti-r tiieir lives in iiuy

At i (hue- of th- year nil h-rses bdquorgt iror or le--ivish and ni-iiv frirhten-J on wwul of the -oh weather find sever tiui - t l - M i n n ^ hoys rr raquorls h uc 1 ( M - e u liiirle ontothe- i i -of tgtn adbv j sViri of the 1 a or si Jrik of the team Thus far gt r e hnlt -eU m (-eriims a- nlents i 1 i is li-pid lhat (he pirerts of t - elv will warn tiie i -hi id iviK f th )111--1- so that then- may not be bull ti-ilr ui nny home


Ac-onat oi I C Lsi-rac Strcjjjlc i Ontin-r Un -r jine

A pidurc in fn-- of (in jv-tiit niiinWs of tm iiii tn-jjinKiiien shnws Mr anil Mis l i t i i e i o f this city and th-ii Livo uriiitleiild ren Mrs UahM-k ii IVioskev is holding a -riss |iii- tiin-o fei t Imff the iraquoiltttiro wa-i lakvn at Iloimd bake near -I- hs HUiiinier while 2ili and Mrs Paliene were taking an cutubdquo Fuliov in i the s nrV

Ir andMr^ Kli Bab-o^ vvrc Tjsutnu when siie bceim- suud-iiiy fnglittnctl by j Awrgt pnlliir on hi-r hue Slu- -ailed to CnHe Uab for this i-i tin uaii he Snes by in that viehiitj ad ikeeivit war vetershyan t-mie unklv to the ie-L-ue f l e r imiftli hard work the biff was

o--er for 3Ir bull Jahejk did not wiita the nslt would move after he rilntel it in tin- bottom of the boat Sudshydenly liowevtr the fish made his final --trugijle for freedom It jnmp-

The ttiinniiiEr ranks of the (rami _ uiynlthe Itepilbiie have hml anshyother comrade iu the death of K It Smith whoiHlssed awpy at his limne iu Howoll Siiltinlay Fcbrnnry inl utter months of snlVeriiu The de-ecased was born at Uuiilaiii Mieh lVh Kl 1S41 mid enlisted al lhgt a^e of 31 entei in the vavalry sei v-iee nf the Iliinn arniy Jle was 11 bullalhint soldier and since the war had been ail inlluetitinl and euthiisi-astie meinber nf Co I lllth Midi V7ul Cavalry pri-imriiijit he iifijtrniu

11ml nttendiiR the reunion andeamp litre of Unit com|itiny at Corunua last Ancnst Ijeiuj- at I hat time renreely able tn sluml uloue

The deceased was iimiTiul In Mr- kilen Iaimer at Dwn) in LSii

bull and they Iail made Uowill their j lioine Tor the past ten yean of inoie (with the exception of several months in the years oi 1111() and 1SH1 which

i were s]n-nt on Ike Kveleth fiirnieasl ofthiseity The funeral was held Kit the family residence on Drools street Wednesday afternoon Feb 7th ]lt-v C A Wilkie of Howell eiuiibielini Iho serviee as-nstod bv Waddell Iost No ILI) JStiiml took lihiee ut Duplain Midi


If there is anything we pride ourshyselves on its quick deliveries Quick deliveries with tliis sttire come just iiet to quality lint we always bulljive you both the quick delivery and the quality Trv it and see


Social Events The frisi-illas met Satordavcven-iT

ins with Miss Kilitli Newell bull Mrs G T Iteyntihls e i i ter lahiPd]

in honor of Miss Homnine Ibatnwell I last Thursday Miss l i iMinwe l l is atteudiny sekool it the C of M

Abont twenty eimples were entershytained at the home of Mr and Mrs bull1 JIcHain Friday cveniuK Pro-preserve pedro was enjoyed by a l l until a late hour Hefreslnncuts ^

bullrveii Yriling Jtarried Folks wore 1

eutortaiued at the home of Irvinj Williams Saturday oveninp I

Mr nml Mrs Warn-n J)oii en- teitiiined nt a card parly Wcdnes-^

Mr and Mrs It Wilkinson enter- taiued Fjveril int-nds Wedie-sdny eveninf j

Mr ami Mrs A W Curds enter- tabled several fritnds at lunch m Sunday

Mrs WclliiiEtnn Duffey eiiier-taiiied the Haptist Social Union Tuesday afternoon

The Mason and the Coruima Cluijiler O K S have received an iiiviliition fo visit the Vernon orders on Friday evening Feb Sinl An elaborate baiKjuct is beinp- plunged

The ^rtdav Aiternoon Club will be eiiU-i ltl at the home of Mrs Fred Kay Friday The program was published in u recent issue


Invitations Oct For SZnrriajjo oi HIES Wbitely to Oliycr McKay

Inventions were issued the first of the week for lh niiirraiite oi Miss Mary Wliitely of this eitv to Oliver McKay of ilnv-lton which will be held ul the home of the bridoF parenls Mr and Mrs Wilshyliam Whitely on Wetiu-ujv Fob-i nary iSli

Iioth the bride and the frronm are well known in ihis ciiv and are highly resii-tci Miss Whitely ms uu t i l recently ijten el ef ator iu the Ir for a nt imherof i csy iiud pleasing

fr iend to till

telephone o5itishymid hercoart-

mere nuule her SIIR has lived iu

torunna practically her entire life and she reeeived her edneatiitu nt the lneil schools Mr MeKav is very well known here and hi niVm-bTof the Mnsojiii order l ie has been residing on his farm iu ILiel-tou township for several veirs

A cliowcr will hn Riven in honor -f Die bndeeleit next Fridav evenshy

ing by about twenty of her friends at the hom of Miss Inth Maon It is reported that several other smell functions will he held in the uear fnturo in Miss Whitelys honor

A U R TIME ^ kaowJerJse

Whtn you aie in nerd of Kwrifc

thing kv this line


If the office Hint daes ymr printing hasnt do it neatly try lie InnrSAi If it is beiiii- chme neatly try u- fur belter still



Some Stove Bargains

As ynu probably know v-c carried a mijrhty bpound line of stoves tliw wintermdashand stild a pile of them If we should tell yon how many we sold you would hardly believe it It is to be expec-ed that we would bave a few left over from such a larne stock and so there are toomdashbut not very-many Vou know we dont want stoves on our hands next summermdashwc savent the room to carry them over with lawn swings etc that will soon be takiny up our floor space These few stoves and ranges tin hand are worth just as much as they ever were but were fjoing to sell them wfully cheap If you are ffoinfj to need a stove ranye or heater nest winter we tell you you better be one of the lucky ones to yet one of these at tt sacrifice Come in ld let us price -them to you

Corunna Hardware C O M P A N Y

In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9


K i d n e y -P i l l s

Vbc They Will Do (or Von They wiU cure your backacho

strengthen your Itidneya corshyrect urinary irregularities build up tho worn out tissues ond eliminate tha exceaa uric acid thatcuuneo rhcumatirjm Preshyvent Brighto Dincnoe and Dia-batco and restore health and strength Refuon substitutes

niCN T lltiiNoino

There are a lot of reasons why a telephone should appeal o you it is evershylasting sen-ice and everyshyday satisfaction Provide yourself with a Union Telephone nt once 1S00 connections iu O W O B S O

and Corunna

bullaftiy comfurt and convenl-nrtj cf ilia Mzjampt solid top cloxd-n breech and alle ejection feuliitea ire combined with tha quicks nvaj bullnatilpulailon ot iha popular slldlr^ =rc-end or pump ncUon In tha new Mod o 8lan2 rifle

iiiraquor [ c v i l^ c

[h ) f f l l w-laquor hnni) and htlpi quick owtraquoUoa

bullII id bn

12 Wllo Stmt HEW HAVt cn]

Peach Buds Killed by Cold The romralllpo appointed bv lue

nj-ul fruit grocer association to bullxflmlne the orchards In the central

ho state finds after an of two weeks during

orchards In Katun Ing-n Clinton end Barry o been visited that tho have been almost com-jyed by the extreme cold urns ond all varieties or have Klmrcd practically

|e The npnlu orchards

(sited showed tbat only Kiuail dnm-

fomc of the leas hard tTtrcd to a consnlerabli


Eye Ear Nose and Throat Specialist

CiBf Oacssa Snlags Bank OWOSSO EJID1L

W h e n O t h e r s F a i l T r y Us


C S A L L I S O N amp S O N

117 N Washington St Owosso

topic for the special session como up u la believed In some

Tiers that the governor will brine forward a bill providing for direct prishymary nomination of all statu otacero

Cheeks Forged On Very Last Day Cheeks that were forged by H M

Dearing defaulting cashier of tho AI-bloa National bank oa lhe last day on which the bank did business have turned up These forgeries took place while tha federal examiner was COL cuctlng tho esamlratloa which closed tnn Institution Several other cults ore expected to bu started by tho bank receiver within tho comlne


Wo serve tho Best Meals to bo had in the city Ve will also prepare special lunchshyes to order The largshyest lineofsttictlyiresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

C o n c o r s P o p u l a r C a f e

o w o a a o -oraquocH

Native town patriot ism the mothei of home poundulaquolaquog

Good things to seD proper paucity in ihis paper and bullticL-toirivcnw win buyer ia

Factory Burna At 2S Below Zero Tbo most costly fire Traverse City

haa had In years wiped out tho facshytory or tlio JJouiii Bide Co The opershyating plant is a total loss Including a large quanllty or material nud com-pleted commodities Tbo offleo buildshying and storage she-l were saved Tho thermometer wao 23 degrees below sero and the water frozo coming from

hoso nowles

i[jan Faculty isora aro leaving than leave at tho ond no more tban

country at sold PreEl-

ilty of

tbe firo

Only Three Leave Mi

Michigan thin ^ deg F J CIOEO of every Jtbdquo bdquo leave any college In tho close of each y c bdquo dent Hutchlns of tbo U n i ^ bdquo Mlcfllgan when asked about tho story being circulated about tho stato to tbo effect that Michigan waa losing many of ber beat men thla

raJrtOiitradefIcW fctajns team to meet Olivet aad Alma la composed of Harry Hons Germ Do Motts ana Anthony Luldens

no action In iho appeal of Saginaw to straighten out tho finonrlal dim-c-ttca of tho Pero Marauctto to cn-aolo tbo road to fetter Ita service

Thei OV-OSBO amp Corunna electric railshyway bas been E D d to the Lansing bortheartern Railway Co Eoth lines will bo sold shortly to tho II U K It la said

Several hundred Emtio Creek men fcuo r Ttiel a petition requiting

TZ deg l p p o i n l on assistant to Prosecutor Klrehmsu durlr~ tho trial igtf Jtiftii R Pit-mdasho- ch2r-~d with mannlaugbter Pattersons auYo usoLilo struck the son of J H Hea-raquoTin recently ard ho died ES a result

D^vo Andercon of Troy waa en-fSf bdquori r a - m V C B a t ^ 1 rolllrwnd

Ask T R to Run Agiln A memorial bearing tb^ filgnaturcB

of eifiht atate OKecutivcs is being carshyried hy (special delivery to Col Theshyodore Roosevelt al his homo la Oysshyter Bay The document recites tho lilstory of the progressive Republican movement and or the Industrial and political difficulties which have stirshyred tho country In the last three yearn and declares that In tbe opinion of the signers the desire of tho nation 1raquo that tho former president stand for re-election The colonel Is petitioned to tell tbe country whether or not be will accept the urgings of his friends and admirers and ba a candidate for the presidency or If ho does not wish to apnear as a seeker for tho oOlco

make some statement calculated to con rase his supporters anil advlso

them they are not working in vain

S T A T E B R I E F S Only 1-fJ) Menomlnt

Cd themselves of the bdquobdquo lions1 l deg e n r o I o r l h e B r i [ u a r i dec-

The eharncterlFtic college can and gown will be worn by tbe grauat-ing cia3 or lhe (Jrand Unplds hiith school

Tho U S Steel Corporation mines at IshpcmlnR will be operated Elx days a week instead of four five hundred men are affected

nallroad officials atate bnt unless reller is received soon tbo Ionia shops or the Peru Marquette will be forced to cloflo becauso or lack ot coal

William Welpley a Grand Trunk engineer lliing in Battle Creek waa scalded to death in bis cob at Chicashygo when a valve blew out Welpleya fireman dragged blm from tbo snot and stopped tbe train

The board of supervisors of Genoace county voted to submit the que-in

ndlng the county for J5Qiyiy(j to tho electors of the county at Ihe spring election The money will tic used for building county roads

George Shannon 20 was seriously burned In Carland when he replenshyished a fire by pourlnc gasoline on It His clothes caught fire but the names were extinguished by Lee Head who wrapped a coat about the man

Tho announcement of ho offlrinls of the Saginaw amp Southern interar-ban Co that they nro to build a viashyduct under the P M tracks indicates Saginaw Is to have another intf-mr- ban line by a different route to Flint j

So much agitation has come up over I the enforcement of SaglcaWs meat ordinance frcm the farmers throush-out tbo county that it bas been sug- 1

gestod to ask tho legislature at Its neit aessiou for a law providing for a slate inspection

A general order has been i= ied by the stato railroad con-mibslon deshymanding that tho railroads travel at a low rale of speed over places where there are known to be 1 roken rails Many rails have becu broken lately by tho cold weather

A meetlog of Democrats was held In Alpena to perfect plans for the coming campaign A straw vole reshysulted as follows WIIHG-D 37 Harshymon 5 A Wilson club will bo orshyganised leading Democrats being unanimous for tbo New Jersey man

Edward J Robinson recently apshypointed deputy U S marshal for the iipptT peninsula district bas arrived In Marquette from Grand Rapids to B-jceced Joseph Wills of Laurium Robinson la a nephew of TJ 3 Mar-sbal Xlrhnln Vhnlen of the western ^ 1 1 1 0

district or Michigan seven Traverse city has an option on the Complete returns show that the Reshy

plant or tho Queen City Light amp j publican candidate for mayor ot Du-i p u t t [ ) e ] J l i r t h a s e I luth Dr JohnA McCuen waa elect-

doing their duv a preaervo penco throughout tlx-

It declared that Hie step by the throno was In order to the wishes of tho people

The MoiiKollan prince- who have been leaders In the anti-abdication agitation lit tho court hmo cabled to Dr Sun Yat Sen insisting that I unless Yuan-Shl-Kai gets tho pmdash bull dency they will consider entitled to take further against tbo establishment public

Yuan linown as the stronR-of China who was once dismissed hy the throne was rranllcally Apshypealed to to take tho premiership whcii the revolution against tho throne was started by Dr Sun and his folio-ters

Ho hat -tood between the tin and the nuels In (ho present crisis

buffer and has succeeded In bringing the two sides togther after months or dickering Bv the terms tho Manclmsi ore to retain their empshyty titles and may ho voted heavy penshysions bnt the government la to he in

tho bands of tho people tbs major- j Hy of whom aro Chinese instead or Manchus tho descendants 0 f tbo tT-tars who eamw down from tho noih centuries ago conquered tbo Chinese and have been governing them


Backache ^frac34frac12frac34frac34frac14 1 K r

or the re- raquongtDTlTTaalgtU JJIXlj nriioryoa iravctmrrwritnrfen bull o h M raquoEnt gt ii r iialaquo curiae Juit i aamaaroun AilcotLuJuuoni Tt

Elfbt motJh In bed fieary India palDandaorcEMiaercia lildusjs i lwr t MitUjB Other remedln tailod Dr Fen-aMlKldaeyand Backicha Cura cured ma coaplmly H WATEH3 HatuUt IV PraHlitaWcil Aik for Coot Bwk^Frea



Scientific Jtatrkini

Vaqe Indians On The Warpath Dlsrmtches from the state or Sonora

conOrm reports of an uprising fof 3-000 Yaqu Indians near Guayamas Mexico Tha Indians Infuriated beshycause President Madero has failed afl they say to keep his promises have secured modern rifles plenty of amshymunition ani Rood horiiw and havraquo gone on a rampage A sertlon gong j employed on the Southern lnnc of Mexico was surprised and captured by the Indians With the exception of tbo foreman all were tortured lo death Tho foreman escaped and made hts way to Euhallne Gen VII-

muHterlng troops to take the field against the Yaqiils Papago and Pima Indians friendly to Madero are being ullstcd to light tor the govern-

BindiU Hold Up Arkansas Train Five men plundered the mall and

express cars of Hock Island train No lt3 near Hulb-rt Ark nnd made away with their booty long before an alarn was spread and posses could seek tbeir trail Tbe hold-up was so cleverly planned acd executed with such precision tbat none of the train employes could offer resistance and few of tbe passengers knew anything had happened until they awofco to Ond their train stklicd

Mrs J M Magncr has been elected president of St Mary-n book at Lud-ington a charity org saltation

Andrew Carnegie 1raquo confined to hla venue New York homo 1 cold

5M UJ Bcfon Gain( EIM-

P r i n t i n g IVe art here to serve you with anything- in the line of printed stationery for your business and personal use bull Q bull bull

Letter Heads B i l l Beeds Envelopes Card Wedding Invitations


The best quality of work at prices that are RIGHT

71 Remember iT I 1IU mrj tiki ah- 1 Kriker kelpt to MiJtt lim M

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

THE VALUE bulllaquoraquot-i|gtnrht bullbbrnxj u a

M H bu btei i ^ l f Inmlnl^Ci ia l l

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


In a straw vote taken hy a Port Huron paper of tbo farmers of the seventh congressional district name UCIUH dirked nt random Roosevelt and^Ofiborn Jead In tbo ballots oo

bullecured h lUrmon 1 and Bryaa 3 Osbora re-letved EE votef Uartlndala 14 Farrii U Moaaabauut a T T - ^ ^ U

Ua yibaraatwlal T s t s T ^ ^

ed by a plaraltty of 1400 over Mayor M H Cullum DemQcratlo candidate for re-election Thlaquo Issue or raquo700000 llsbttns bonds waa aathorized One Socialist alderman waa elected

Tbe Duka and Daemon or Con-nauebt with Princess Patricia will j

by Lord 14 strty

Hotel Griswold Comer ol Ghnd River Ave and GrinreU Sf



Detroits Most Popular Hotel European Plan Only

Rates $150 per Day-and Up

$ 1 tC Afin E X P E N D E D I N R E M O D E U N C l i J j U U U FURNISHINGxoi D E C O R A T I N G

The Finest Cife Welt of New York Serrict A-Carte at Popular Price

A Strictly Modem mi Dp-to-Dat Hotel CentraD located in tie very keart of tke citymdash Wktra Litifa




fflb 8YNOP8IB

t CHAPTER XIVmdashContinued

never ninfl out ot tho Imdashrtcr Iter profile was to Lilm and flu- Inutnt

ally across tho room Iti n |-r toct Ilrjtit to get ihi) maunder to tun

Blair Interrupted nnd oui-i- OU II ceo lilm Ill innlio It nil right 1Ieaao dant nho naltl brlahl its

purely n business affair Hoi inucti III nho pay Unii vufl rather HhucUed Anytulntj

on lllio Ail her bad humor faded nt bin

lont and nho smiled at blm Well tell Roach that I guess Itll make

my nlngiiig a nuro thing o chnnged ber poult Ion and drew

a loug nigh us thouRb cho wore very tired leaned her blond head with its Bolt disorder hack on tho pillow put both her folded haudo under ber check ond turned her fare toward Dan Tho moat dctlcnto cantl-llka color be can to mount ber checks ond ber gray eyva regained their llfiht

Vlll two thousand dollars be too much lo risk oho said gently

If oho had nald two million to tho young fellow who bad not yet begun

pend hlu fortune which as tar MIS roncerned laquooa nothing but iu It would not have- been too bulllaquoto hi in not too much to hav Ii io this I

Why the old duffer Is as happy a honse allre said the boy Not to boast Ive done tho whole thing up wen as I knew bow Ive got blio Into that health resort you spoke of and the Elrl seems to have sot a regular education vice She wants bull0 stu tomethlng so shes going to school

Co an talking the actress Invited j Innculdlr I lc-vo to hear you talk Montana Dont change ionr twnngl for this beastly English Craw] what-

You have thoufih Mies Iane I dont hear a thins ot Blalrtown lit the way joa speak

And tbe girl said passionately 1 wish to God 1 spoke tt right through I wirb I had never changed my speech or anything In me that was like

And tho boy leaning forward as bulleagerly exclaimed Oh do you mean thai Think bow crazy London Is ibout you Why If you ever go back te Montana they will carry you from the cars In a triumphal chpir through

She waited until she could control the emotion ID ber voice

-Oo on telling me about tha little Kin

She waa BO trusting as to give tbe money op to me and I guess i will draw Interest for ber al) right

Thank yoo smiled the actress yon are terribly sweet The child act Hlggins to let ber Into my dressing-room one day oite a matinee I havent time to tee anybody except then

Here Hlggins made her appearance In tba room with an egg-nog for her lady wbieb after much coaxing Dan succeeded In getting tho actress to drink Biggins also had taken away tbe flowers and Letty Lane a a td to Dan

I send Viva to tha hospital tbey make me sick And Dan timidly asked

Mlse tool This brought a flush across tbe Ivory

pallor of ber cheek No ao Hlggina keep tbem In the next room And with an abrupt change ot subject she asked Ia the Duchess of Breakwashyter very charitable And Blair Quickshyly replied

Anyhow sho bull ants you lo tig for ber at a musics In Park Lane when

Mlsa Lane gave bull sort little giggle Is that what you call being cbarita-blel

Dan blushed crimson nnd exclaimed Well hardly

Did you come hero to aslc me tbatl

I camo to tell you about our mushytual poor Youll let mo call them (hat wont you because I happened to ba In your dressIngroom when thoy struck their vein

Mini Lane bad drawn herself up In tbo corner of tbo sofa and ait with licr hands clasped around her knees nil swathed around aad draped by the knitted shawl her golden head like a radiant Dower appearing from a hank of snow Her fragility ber flweetacss ber smallaess appealed streogly to tho big young felipw whoso heart was warm toward tho-world whose Ideals were hlrjh nnd wbo had tho chlvalroui

i Iu e 1 to bullbullbullCCOT to protect aud abovo all bdquo ndoro No feeling In Dan Blair had been as strong as this to take ber In hia arms to lift hor up and cany ber away from London cud tho people who applauded her from the people

to^Iir V-j was CESi^CS XS the DUChC=3

Breakwater And aa fsr as his being ablj to do anything for Letty Lane

bullit It a bit If youll coat bullill make it right nboui tbo cburit) cvcrythlnp

v pa lioldliiR h

Uuuh ho exclaimed fervently Ilf heart bmililng to hear yr-u courb liht that nnd ta think af your working ot you do Cant you stop and tnko a Good rciit7 Cant you go soraowhcroT

To Creonlandn icy mountains she responded Emilias 1 bote Un

No no to come golden sands 01 other ho murmured under bla breath And let mo take you thcro

But she pushed him hack laughing now No golden sands for afraid Ive got to sins tn Mandalay to night

lie looked at her In dismay Bhe I til cir up ted hlB protest

promised on my word of honor and the box-office has sold tho scats with that underlivalng

lly hi sofa leaning over her In a choked volco ho murmured bull

You shant slug You shant en out tonlgh

Dont be a goose boy sho said Youve no right to order mc like that Stand back please As ba did FO abe wbinkeii herself oft tho soln with n sudden ardor nnd much grace Now ihc told him severely since youve lirgtin 10 lake that going to id you that y

u day after day a




JFIfEWOM Proves That Lydia E pJnl-

hairc Vegetable O C T - X

pound Is Reliable RccMIe OremdashI can truly rclaquonrv

mend Lydia E Pirkhasi11 Vcrctaho Compound to all wor

bulltzed bull through th Cfaango

troops lvt-ra then ordered to ttop al tnilnu The governor had fiJlaquoJ a

Allerjed That State It Deprived af Fropjr Service far Benefit ol

High Financier cf Htgt York Cfy

Alleging that the Pern Mnrqoette railroad lit hopelessly In debt that Its earnings aro nwnllowcd up in pay-1 111 cut of ltgtnormoua Interest which goes to high Ilimuctcrs liintcud of Into thu road and that tho -ompany Is noablc ta oerre properly tho ttanu-portatlon needa of the state ol Miciii-gnn the Buglnaw hoard of trade usks Attornes-tSeneral Srans C Kuhn lo take action under the lawn and reucue tho property

it lo eiid that the acilon in withshyout parallel in tho rtnte Tho hoard ot trmli red lly ban In mind the seizure of the road by the slate through In-

bullKcncy prni emliugf or yoiwi othlaquo-r bulltlnit which vill Rive tho stati Tull mini over ligt urralrs Tim comiilniiit ol Siutinw In hai-ked

hy tlnanrial matinficliirlus and com-crcial lutereHtii nmouiitlng to many llttons of dollars The Saginaw diK-

trlct wants relief from conditions lilt-h are taid to be intolerable and hlch aro seriously handicapping busishyest and advancement lu rcoren of ther cllles and towns The board

looks lo other sources In Michigan to help vrest the grip of the road from Walt street

H is claimed that in depriving the state of proper service the harvest goes to the big guns of the New York financial world Tho petition says that the company is Insolvent tbat fts liabilities aggregate 1123005000 while the assessed valuation 1-10- WO and tbe funded debt has Inshycreased within the Inst four years unshytil It reaches (20000000 This bas come about it Is claimed since J P Slorgan amp Co secured control opound the road and that a crisis Is due se certain It Is asserted that there ho a JI500000 deficit for the cur year and that there ara t3OOOO0O bonds rulllng due July 1 to J 1 gan tn meet which no provision has been made

Engine failures fretcht shortage tradlc blockades congestion etc have coma ta be looked ipou by the agemcnt and patrons as matter

Republic Shapes Terms With VUBUL A complete armistice has been arshy

ranged but IiarKninlnK between Pre-tnlf-r Yuan Shi Kat and tbe republishycan leaders In likely ta continue for never 1 wrrkl before the court Really retires Chinese papers publish tbe terms laid down by the empresa dowshyager which Include tho perpetuation of the titles of tho entire court reshytention by the Imperial family of tbe palaces In Pot In continuation of tbe Imperial uuurd at the riicncr of thff republicans and the right 0) tbe court

xact regal homage from the nashytion

dalay an English ballad and someshything or other I dont know what now and I expect you dont realize bow cheaply you are getting them Bhe laughed and began to hum a familiar air

I wish you vculd sing Just one song tor me

For another thousand she asked lifting her eyebrows What song l i i l l

And as Dan hesitated as If unwillshying to give form to words tbat were so full of spell to him she aaid de-Hclonsly Why can you see a Lonshydon drawing-room listening to me ling Presbyterian bymn tunoT Without liftshying her bead from tbe pillow she beshygan In a charming undertone ber gray eyes fixed on bis

From Greenland frcia Indlaii coral strands

Roil down thttr EDUCD utoili

Blair near her turned pale There rose In him the same feeling that she had stirred years ago In the little church and at the same time others He had Icat bis father tinea then and be thought of blm now but that big sad emotion was not tbe one that swayed blm

Pleaso stop ho pleaded dont go on Bay theres something In that hymn that hurts

Lett L=cc unconscious of bow subtly nho was playing laughed and suddenly remembered that Dan had flat before her that day by tbo side ot old Mr Blair She as lied abruptly

Why does tbo DueheS3 ot Breakshywater want mo to sing

Becauso shes crazy about yonr

Is she awfully rich T 0 1 1 dont know Letty I^no Hashed a look at blm

wont pay tbo price then Dan said Yes sha will yes sho

will all right New Letty Lane rroot on ir It

were ltgt charity affair I could sing for ncthlng and I dont ltoubt the duchess

A Hint Of the many curious customs wblck

mark Brittany as an especially Inter cstlng Held for tbe traveler la this relating to marriage At the clcas ol the wedding ceremony tha brideshygroom gives the bride a box on Un

1 - This is fca7 tt facta wfcen yn_n mak

bullddlng and thua whan joraquo treats

been doing I guess ~lou know It don you

He stood his ground bnt hla bright face clouded They had been o Dear each other and are now so removed

1 dont care a damn what people bullay be replied

Sbe Interrupted blm Sbe could tw wonderfully dignified small i t abt was wrapped as sbe was In the woolshyen shawl Well she drawled with bull sudden Indolence and Indifference ID her voice I expect youll be aurprlsed to hear tbat 1 do car Sound awshyfully funny doesnt lit But aa you bave been coming to tbe theater non night after night (til everybodys talkshying about Itmdash

You dont want my friendship bi stammered

And Letty Lane controlled ber deshysire to laugh at bla boyish subterfuge No I dont think I do

Her tone struck him deeply hurt blm terribly He threw his bead u defiantly

All right Im turned down then he said simply

I didnt ihlnfe yond act like thla to a boy you- Known all yoi- Ille

Dont be silly yon know as w 1 do that It wont do

He a i know It ad that be bad alshyready dune enough to make It reasonshyable for the duchess If abe wanted tn to break tbeir engagement BIowl preparing lo take his leave be said wlMfully Cant I help you In anj way- Let me do some thine with you for your poor Itraquo a comfort to hav them between ua and you can count on mo

Sho said she knew It But donl come any more to tbe wings get habit at not coming


Lumber Trust Raites Defense Fund A determination to fight until

cleared of all suspicion of illegal acts as charged In the recent federal grand Jury indictments of members and of-Bccrs of various lumber dealers assoshyciations of this country was thp keyshynote or ibc opening session ot the He-tall Lumber Dealers association in Lansing About 300 dealers and ellng salesmen were present at tbe Initial meeting nnd the Michigan balshyance (1410 of tho general defense fund of (150000 was raised without difficulty Officers of tbe association wero re-elected as follows President P S Mickey Detroit vice-president Irwlr Earle Detroit secretary-treasshyurer II 31 Jess op Detroit

AaieU ef Lennon Bank Intact With the finding of a receipt for

(17000 worth of notes which wer taken by the state banking commli eloner on hla last Tlslt and whlcb will be returned end an additional amount of (3400 In transit the ai of the E Burt Jenneys bank are thought to be Intact and will c all deposits The total assets arc placed at (83-55921 while the deposshyits are (S 171910

One Killed 3 Hurl tn Kazoo Wreck Alleged misinterpretation or orders

la aaid to have been tbe cause of a head-on collision between two Grand Hap]da k Indiana freight trains which came together five mileo north of Kalamazoo One man 1iremsn Sams ol the southbound freight waa caaght between his engine and tender and crushed to death

The Saginaw health board at its monthly meeting declared tbe Sagishynaw county jail a menace to public health and demanded the supervisors take immediate action in correcting tbe evlL It lately came to the attenshytion of the hoard It la uclared tbat two Inmates were stricken with tyshyphoid fever as the result of condition at the jail

Frederick S Bowles 50 organizer ot the first Sunday school class In western Micfalgnu dird at hi3 bome In Uuskegon lie racved to that city In IS51 In 1S5C be crganlxed a Snnshyday school caamp at tbo Methodist Episcopal church

Francis Woodruff 73 for 30 years superintendent of tho water service Of the P e Martinetc died In Sagishynaw He Is survived by three sisters one of whom is Mr W L Kellogg of Detroit

Seven hundred I forty-one cor-reapoadens report no damage te wheat by the co weather ot Janshyuary while 81 rcr -t to the contrary

Arthur Boas 83 a pioneer of Sagishynaw county died suddenly In a Sagishynaw hotel 11 r Ross was a promln-

county drain commissioner Superintendent 0S Flanagan ot

Hastings achool bas arranged to conduct a tour of a number cf bis students to eastern cities during the summer vacation to further tbeir hisshytories etudien

Tha prtao warn of cociiwl oaS

cided to- pi laquouWi^ iLIi-years snppty ot coal lo t e open market Instead 0^ making c racts Ior It wttk aomdash Mrtici1laquo oncer

Dowagjac State Bank In Trouble Evidences showing frenzied un- PP1

while ltit bill

dcrnrtme nt is ttlllilo-ed

complete audil Is btlng made iicernlin the rltualon i H Dojle Ic bankiiiK commlaKloriT has it-

wo have discovered about (12C09 flaquorged notea and until a ccniplrte

audit is made wc cannot tay what outcome will be

Nine Hurt When Train Craah Nine passengers on asouthbound

Lake Shore passenger train were inshyjured two seriously wbca the passhysenger crashed Into a freight train on the Y et White Pigf-nn Several others on the passenger were given a severe shaking up but escaped other Injuries

LATE WIRE BULLETINS 1 pound-Los Angeli

Ellis Cromwell collector of Intershynal revenue for the Philippines died suddenly in Manila of heart disease

Mistaking poison for roeiMrlne Edshyward rrawlord LI died ia Saginaw after swallowing a teaspoonful of

The threatened strike or the emshyployes of tho Pock Island arsenal collapsed when cards were oITcred to a few employes and were accepted

The Chicago board of education has raised the salaries of GS00 school teachers The advances rano from (100 o (SOe

Tho Graff Seamless Shoe Co of Aitlca X Y bas decided bull0 locate In Saginaw It iscapitalized at 000 and in al M athletic shoes

Serlcs floods ore reported from aU parts of Spain and Portugal Many rirers and smaller streams have overshyflowed their hacks Inundating entire villages

Tbat California stands flrnt amon all the states Jn tbe Union in matins public expenditures for education ia the Btcrtiuu ol Stale Controller A B Nye

The dominion government baa deshycided to change the name of the wheat grown In western Canada and known now ns Manitoba to Canada Tbe new namo will go into effect tbo comshying season

The passion of tho American pubshylic for diamonds and other precious stones shows no slgnn of yielding to the hlah cost of living If tha cusshytoms figures are to be taken aa an Indication

Th conferees of the two houses ot congress 011 tbe joint resolution proshyviding for the election or aeBatora by direct vote bave decided to report a disagreement after tit monlha ot efshyfort 10 get together

An organization to be known aa tbe Association of Good Friend and composed of men who have been unemployed during tbe winter waa formed la Chicago at Immannel Kan-list church hy tbe Bev Johnston Meyers

Chinese In Chicago are busy signshying leases for places of hnslnesa fn a new Chinatown Within a ahortUme the old Chinese quarters along Sonth Clark street and between Van Bnreo and Harrlaon bulltrevis will ba deaarlad by menabera of ihe race

Gov w B Hooper baa tssud a call addressed to te governors or 1G BO-thern states for a southern soclolocltal congress to be held In Nashville Term May 7-10 for the study and discussion ot social probshylems peculiar to the south

The Shiawassee Welfare Associashytion will open Its campaign to con- tlnue local option In that connty Feb 35 when a mectlog of delegated represhysenting tho different societies in tbe con cry will be held In Owosso D M Christian and Dr A M Hume proml-

Gcn Hippolyte Langloi senator from the department or Muerthe-et-Mosclte acd member or the Frencfc academy died Jn Paris He waa elected one of tbe 10 immortals on Feb 9 1911 In succession to Costa de Beauregard He was an authority on military strategy

Mrs Haru-y W Taft wife or the presidents brother haa become a convert to the Roman Catholic faith 5573 the Times She rlaquolaquonuncei the Episcopal faith acd was received into tho Catholic church In the chapel or St Ignatius Layola church New-York

PufeoaPtmida mo a well v-omon after BUlrcEE throe vcars mdashHta MART JSOCUBT Eeedville Oregon

New Orleans La mdash

I Wben Vampui-ie throQEh tbe Change of Life I wa ttvabled with hot flaahea taaak aod dizzy speUa and backache IwuaotBt ln

bullton BIHDESII 1541 Pc-tyaml St Hew Orleans

MiahawakaInd-Wo man paaaiac tatvoffe tbe Cbtaaf Til eta talra nothinc bvtur than Lydia r Plnrhfia Vscttabla CoDDaaasd I am recom-aaendiBcittosdl my friends because of what It bas done tor me -Mrs CHA3 RATES pound23 E Marion St Slisbevwaka Ind Alton StationKy-Tcr

men ths 1 Buffered from troubles in consequence of my ago and thought I could not live Lydia E Pmkhama V e g e t a b l e CJompound rends mo well

I want other suffering women to know about i t Mrs EHHA BULST Alton Station Ky

Detaasa No DalemdashI was ptsstoc felt very through Change of Life and felt very

bad I coold not sleep and wn erjr nervous Lydia E PinVhama Vutabl Compound restored me to perfect health aad 1 would not be without itmdashMis F M TUQEH IJeisexn No Dak

Effete Briton Booth Tarkington tbe America)

playwright and novelist la a very early riser and wben tbe English playlt wrlgbt and novelist Arnold Bennett visited blm at bis charming reaJdertc In Indianapolla Mr Tarkington said the first evening at dinner

1 believe in tbe simple life I gel up with tbe sun Will yon take a ten-nil a walk with me at C oclock tomor row morning

Thank you Mr Tarklngton tbraquo Englishman answered but I dont walk In my aleep

The activities ot lbs Interstate ftmmrrfl commission bave resulted-j

era law prohibiting the wurking ot railroad employes mors tkaa IC bourr la aay O M tay

Air Laws W[bar Wright at a tea In Daytongt

bullold with a laugh Already there are air laws strinshy

gent sa rood laws Without tbem wegt should soon be seeing advertisements like this J

Two dollars reward will ba pali by Mrs John Doe for Information lead-ling to tbe ldentiacatlon of tbe aviator on a Wright roadster who while flying over my bouse yesterday afternoon dropped a can ot oil down my chimshyney and completely mined a plum pudshyding I was cocking

Consolation Father (to bis daughters sailer)mdasht

bave sad news for yoo I un mlaadl I bave I oat everything

SuitormdashConsole yourself dear atr with tbe thought that yon aro now 1st co danger ot losing your daughter

Such Confidence Tbe bride to ahow ber undying conshy

fidence In her new husband save him a night key

Then she telephoned for tb lock) smith to change tbs lock

A TROUBLE MAKER Coffea Peltsn Breeds Variety mt Ills

A caltfarnl womam whs) atldat know for twenty years what kept baraquo 1IL writ) to tall how absgt woa sewkhw haaltb by quitting coffee

1 am M years old ah says aavmi nse coSlaquo all my life urf ftar M years snCsnd from lwllgastlsa aad uuKtmaia UIs was a bardaa asMI a drag io IDS all tbe time as abosl ones a year my ailment got a Debacle 00laquo me that I was rstpslarly Ick ta bad for several weeks each Ums

1 was reluctant to eoBclods that coffee rss tbs can of aay tremble M I am ha1 that I leand oat thgt truth

Theb I datarmlned to wa loatma exclnslralymdashfor a weak at firstmdashfor Z doubted my ability to do wltkost sal-fee for aay Issurtk of Urns I saaast the Postum carefully as diraeUi aa before ths week axjdrsd aad aay reshyward In a pereeptibl lacrssss to strength snd spirits

Seeing th good that soy shsrt bull raquo perlmsnt bad accomplishes I re 1 arret to continue tbs us of PcwtBss sotting ont ths coffee satirsly Tfcfs I laquofcs see nine months flu dins sstampy laariaagt cause for gratlflcatioat at say StsasUlr lijii roving health afy Indices tic crasV nally left ms my sleep returaea I gained 26 pounds is weight my coler changed from sallow to a freab roar hue A d lire became a blessing

Then I thought I would try assTe again and did so for a tew wsaka Am punishment for deserting ay sjaad friend Postum was a return of my sis troubles

now snd shall be LJ xaj life bersaar using Postum exclusively aad asdoy Ing the benefits It bring msj Nam given by Postal Co Battle Cnah Ulca

Tsars a reason sad It ts iieimgt

J raquo raquo r a ^ pounds K3 ss bM wsSJgt

bullO^C-O O laquo X gt lt X X gt laquo lt raquo Of2gtlaquoXgt O - O O O 0 laquo X 8 gt

icmre raining Treg S E D O N E

Re-member iliat w ieep a line gtlock of moulding-

on hand and can take cart nf i-iiur orders fur f ramshy

ing t 0 y deg u r ent ire satisfaction Hrit tg in your

orders now ao tliey i l l he ready when yuu want

tli em


Easter Sunday Coampca This Year on Am 11 7

L n i l tin season of fast and ab-ftir nil Catholic during

h-nne Into been accepted The lyrics will undoubtedly interest many Co-i-uiimi funs

Vim 1 swear that olcoiuargnriu is 3laquo-5t tis Hif raquoraquo nny butter gton ever tasted Get it of Cok-

If vnn have something you wuut bdquo bdquo foR^l oroxeliniee UBC a buslni-M ivh time many of t h m vofmin 1 ( H i 1 1 1 1 Joiinirl

from indulging in tho usual pleas-1 Sehvler Rouse of Durand haa arcs including social fiuictintit bull burn spending a few dnvs ut the tin aires cards ami other similar | home of Fred Morse mini IMiiiits wilt begin Ash Wedshynesday February 1 mill will cun tiniio until Easier Sunday April

Miss Hoiiiuiue Bramweil who is i l a s i m Miminv April attending seltool ul Ami Arbor

Episcopal dciiomiiintiotiH ^ m t l l u 1 V L u k 4 i U 1 l l u r e ihuerve the season hjtt not so Benjamin Taylor and Stanley ly na tin the Catholics ForJUun of Perry were at the county tiller diiinniinnlinn it is like teat Tuesday on business rmtiimms Friliy for lilllo | ^ i r M l bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

home of Sir and Mrs George Linden last week

ill SI

meat if allowed to ho eaten though there aro nmny ^xuC|Jtii^ gtjli(1i during recent yours made by dis- ne Usui ions from (he Pope wliieli I Russell Busl^ of Detroit spent permit practically all persons to in- Sunday with his parents Probate bilge in tlesh During holv week Judge and Mrs Matthew Uuah 11 i i 11-11 I

Cluildi Wralfrr of Ii-Clrf(

I A M Wo Successor to A V Curtis amp C o

thelust week in Lout Wednesday Friday nml Suturdivv uve fast dnys and during the whole n[ Hn SCUM n incut is barred on Wednesday Fr i -bull day and Saturday from persons wlsuje physical condition is such as

pi rioit fasliug

The Corunna Journal F L JOHNSON

every TtaisJiy nwrnlnc

Rerubiicnn pjny anJ (lie coU-tlua o( diy anJ cojray nn-i

Sutscrirlien f 1C0 rer year In aJfjiKe Sut-scril-t iJcslrir^ their par Jtscon-

tlnucj slioviU notily the rublislicr diret an J net tcie H tiir Hie raslnnsUr to Jo as lis sc i-Ilncs tarcct Always FOO that your ssisrriiea is paiJ ur laquothe Ii- i you orJcr ycur Fiptr ilisccntinurJ T-e Jatc (0 which ycur s- scrtptlwa Is p M is rrint-cJ en your pirtr cacti raquoedj wilh tlwi-nu

7h qumtily anjiiunlity cl the aJvfttlS-ir- carrreJ by tho JOLliSAL is abunJint testimony to ils value as an aji-citising


i laquo t s ol interest to ihe Mmciunlty are cs

ccan that t nessaragt i-ius UL- 1rmiu cl the puMisher There is no chaise ta

CarJgt ol llinnks 30 olltuargt- raiiry rpscluliais Vuslniss laals arJ notices

Tlie Job Der-lrtnert o he JOLliNAL i Generally ceneJed to be Ihe ranst eomrlet enJ c-Jern this sije of Linslrp 3T1J t w l i s cf out scl( s7c1l (ur llicnselves


E i g h t h Congress ional D i s t r i c t Convent ion

A licpnbliean Coitvi-miun ot tSt Elylith CoMrrpgsiuiial Dfsirbt is hCTiliy calteii or tin- rtav ol FebriL-uy to bu hell hi Hie court liuiiao in tlie city ut Caro S^iil Convention will Im c^lkd (n order at tvo oclock lor tlie purpusu ol solocliair tT7o deleKUlcs null two attcrnoio delegates to attend tbe lic-pcblieaii Nufiurial Cltinvcutiou to lie bclJ in (tic cKy of CLieii-o on Hie liitli day nt Juuo IJVZ and to nasi-saet rucli other liusiness as may legally comn belnro Ilio eoaventfon

CountlestentiiiiriHtrfi tho Efu-Iitli Congressional District will lie~ enshytitled to TrprosDiiaiioa as lollov-a

Cllnion county 14 deluntus Snsii3T7 county delegates Sbiavnstfco ciumtv Hi dcbjales isscnia connty IS iIct^Kates

Jy Ordir o( COIHHIKIPQ K W UAM1 Sccy A P l tL lS f iiaifinaii

S T h e New Catalogue I

5 orDetroltnusiricssrniirrKitv bull ta jnot out It will lsi(rr^l bull any yonnR man ur woman wbo deg vranta to prpparp for n crtod bull position Write F tl ShaT- g bull Pren Ul-CO Ornnd River Ave e V Detroit bull

r dlsiajf Adilri-

The Circuit Court

Circuit eoiiil waa adjourned l-ri-iy afternoon niiti Tiiesday inorti-bullzoit aeconut of Monday Febrti-y IJth being an anniversary of im-olnV birtlnlay and tuiisw[iieut-a holiday

A deeree was ^nrnted in tlie case of Lander -f Dhureli vs Nettie Cl u veh bi-jt weckliv Indpe S S Miner In Mr- Chiiv]f s cross bill shr d-gteliiRi that he was i-niel to her dd not snpnort her propirlv atid that often he ivpu^led lliut sln use I-I1SUIJ on hi-r pot itocs lnstMd nf butter She calls herself trie white slaw Church is well known iu (hvns^o having clerked in several raquoru-cry store iutliateiiy One day when lie came home from his work In- said Lets bait iij To his astouisnieiit his wife assentshyed and laquo i id tliat she desired that llu- matte- be hurried The bill lor a divnive was tin- result Mrs

was formerly Mrs Nellie and is year- ltgtf n^e

Cimvh liad been (wicu piv civ maiiied

A (Iicisitm was hiudd down Tueidiiy by -indse S S Miner which laquonii i tsj i decree to Hva Wliite-htiid Iloyhui iu thii suit for divorce whii-li was la-^Lin bv Charles Uov-lan The hnsbaml must pav all the costs of the

bullhuivli vffel


Uhoniai^a rinmdashCole Plume in your news items I M nhu-k Cross ten at Mills Mrs Merit Chapin lias been ill Old papers fraquor sale at the Journal


MiK-beth at Owosso theatre toshynight

Miss Hath Wood visited in Howell Sunday

Peter tiebb of St Johns was in town Monday

Pr A (J Cole of Duraad was

Miss day

Potatoes are vow bringing $1 on the local market

Miss Hannah Unurahati visited in Dnrniid last week

Batter was quoted ntJiOe nndegss at 32c Wednesday

Miss -Mary Whitely is spendinj a few days in Pontiac

Mr and Mrs Walter JJatch spent Sunday in (Jraud Kapiils

Edward Kay was home from Banshycroft the iirst nf the week

Mr day i

Chester Stoddard has accepted a position with Norris Qunjlc

Aivh linvnetl vnin Detrat fora few diiys the Iirst of the week

Miss HiiKel Herrick is speiidiu a few diys jti Durand and flint bull (ilea Yomifr-Jr of Detroit s

the tivi-t of the week in the eity The fajioas Concord niTee can

he had at Mills Croeery for bull)bull Mrs Catherine lieiuis is eoaliued

to her home ou account of illness 3Irs Jerome Stewart lias been

viMting foi- a lew days in Venice Cleaner than most buller and is

b( tiermdasholcomaigitriii Cole sells it M Day left for Ashley Wednes-

Idaho Cleu Morsi

Cliiroprailic assists Nature to cure voii of lliacasemdash(ive it a trial W V Mallelic D C Uwnsso j-wl

A iiinnber of tlie meinhers of tin O S ncnt to Durand Wednes day evening (o confer the decrees

Seinlor and Mrs Koseukransleft the fir-l of the week tor Lansing wla r tbey are speudiui a fewdays

I ini-i Lcddicl is visiliru at tin home of Mrs L 1 Tultle having been called there by the illness ol his sister

II Miner of Toledo Ohio has returned to his home nftv speitdiiijr a few davs with Mrs D Miner east of the eity

Mrs Charles Doan wife of Supshyervisor Doan is recovering from a stroke of paralysis sulfered the first of last week

Alta Wren and family who live near Kirby have been very siefc for the past few days hut are no idly reiovering

Attorney John T MeCnnly who recently underwent au operation has nearly recovered and is duty at his office

Farm For SalemdashICO acres south i r Coruuna known as tho Tliomp-Si farm Modern buildings of all kinds including hiifre sheep barn Call Union phone Cortnm

The company which will present Macbeth at the Owosso theatre tonight comes highly recommended nml (he play will be well worth at-

HaiTv Xeiiy haa moved uis houseshyhold goods from the rooms above R A Ilaughtons jewelrv store to the house formerly occupied by K Klinkman

Four members of the Cl A R have passed away during the last year The organization formerly contained 1 0 iin-mbers now onlv M are left

Venzcl Cnkr aged 27 Mary Drodjie aged 2-) Owosso were married ilftciiiont) in tin county (ice by Justice Peacock

and Miss both of

Sarnrdnv bulllerks of-

ti-ibip tried Io day wla-re he wl spend a tew das - t h e Kroumls| M gt h _ M gt T n u | R r

Mr aud Mrs George Sehnltz wbo have been lately residing in Flint

t i h a w spent the greater piil of thlaquo hist week in this eily on account of the illness of Mr Selmltz

Beans of good |uality for feeding sheep van be hud in eav lots or less than titr lots nt sectU~iM per ton at elevator of the lInrtMiitingamp Power Co Flushing Mid i

The Idle Iloor TlK-utorium will be run Friday night by the Lndh Library A musical program w be given in connection with special pictures Adinhsicn

Justice I 1 Jeffries S Schmidt and fiob-rt Adaia- ol Detroit wer in the eity the Iirst

aimiil the Junrnng bdquo bdquo that hi wif |d heen lisensu b-i 1 V bullraquo | 0 trade ^ trade fore the marriage indieuling I t t lt k i d deg 5 S 1 0 D c t n l t l h t i l v s U l i t h i

of iiidiility The ci-e hits oecujiitd | Mark Sherman of Lansing visit- j business connect d with the Vitri much of the iiiue for (IK- pst week ed friends iu the county seat Mot- lied brick plant near K i i and nmnv jvrsons who were ie- dtiv

4 raquo l laquo i o raquo 4deg of pound ltrade trade raquo gtal laquo ills time

MUsEsteliaKirby Lsbeensperu-in it few days wi relatives iu Flint

f Citizens9 Sayings I k O F O W O S S O

Capital $ 5000000 Deposits over $90000000

D U D L E Y E W A T E R S W m K B r G E L O W

Pres ident v i ce Pres ident


C a s h i e r A s t c a s W c r

Willis E Hali Artliur T Slagbt

J Mr and Mi-s l)vt Milicr visited 1JL iirst of the WLT in Vernout-villo

Ugt Apples an

C| city and for titii

tl i -Mrs Alice Irvin of Detruif j H

very ill ut the home of her sister L y ITultle 1 The Girls elnb viis rntertaniCil h Saturday evening by Mis3 Dorothy f| Pettibone 151 Miss Hiuiiet Diikltisoii spent U Ratunlnv iml t-nniiav ar- her home g i n Jackoi U Miss Katherine Garland is com-H pletiug her edneation iu the Kulu-

iiuiaoo nivml

[j 1 Mr md Mr Lee Egg-wton of ti Flint sjeai Sundav with his pai-H ents in this eily n lriissiau Poultry Food will make1

1 the hens lav in cold weather 1 Get it from Mills j Mni Sarah MKnight of Saginaw

iy visiting at the lioine of Mr aud

i l i s Chiidi-ilarlii - bull Tlie Owitjso Uest Side indoor

base ball laiu has been challenged by tlie [ieiTGUghs te-im of Detroit lor a Ernes of games and the ehql-

_ The erows have returnedmdasha bare sign Hint spring is near at hand The (lock is very small but always makes its appearance at MeCurdy park about this time of the year

On account of the intense cold several electric and tolenhoue wires have broken during the past month

iisiuerahle trouble biilh tpnuies and txho to th to the c(

pah mis L A D V AGENTSmdashNew article

Henry wowaui needs it Sells on sight Write for agency proposishytion Mrs Lihys Bandage Co 179 Selby St Detroit Mich 5-w-i

Archie Payne of thia city who has bee working in Dundeeat his trade as a horseslioer lost three toes aa the result of a horse stepping his foot Saturday The iiicinbt wore ampulnted Sunday

One consult inn in cniineclbn with this winter is that the expens of keeping n lawn mower iu tunc is no severe tax on Ihe owners income There is more snow this winter than for many years before

Um Boutwell and family Jnhn Wjies nud family Mr and Jirs Jas Kddiiijjton nndPatriek Jordan nud fimily of Morriee were members of a house jiarty at the heme of Charles McNamara tin ml ay

John tinge of Durand id in i traquo second ^tiiim uir Iheehori

IIlaquoesamination willhe held today in Justice PateholV court in Durand-The first ease was settled vher ho Pleaded gnilty aud |gtaid a line of

B A K I N G P O W D E R Absolutely Par

The only Baking Powder made fromRoyaS Crape Cream of Tartar


William I Kmilh of Owo-e-o Im been appointed to succeed him^Jf ou thu soldier- relief counnitswii The other Hiemherlaquo of the iiraquommiraquo-

ion me William H Jaeiibs of thi eity and Daniel H Post of Vernon

Nature eurosmdashlet her cure yon If you laquore looking for perfect health come over and we will v c vlmt vv can do Fxamiinilioii free W C Maliskey D CSlate Dank Hlilj Owosso i-w I

Although the woathd wiw ivt bull -ueli as it h-ltoitltl have b-en fov ai iijoyabl seigi party a partv^nt about twoiitv-livc voiiTji people of tliiscitv spnit a pleasant - - M U -Frithiy night at the boat- of Mi Pauline JScagir swilh of the city

The amount of mail was slightlv increased Tuesdav and Wi-dm-sdav nt the local no^t-ilb- on e-conut of ValeuliiL day The practice of Bending valentines to friends on that day is annually diminishing and eaeh year sees the nuinller of iMistul card- and valentine boxes lessened |

Iteporls tiirouglnni the eouutrv are to the effect that thoipiniitityof i beans raised and lay vested thisvear are enormous bat on neeouut of the wet weather late in the fall they are of very poor quality The Morriee elevator has been forced to put on a

night crew to pick the beana Miss Libbie Byrnes of Owosso

has beeu seemed tu Oil tho position iu the local Union telephone office which was lately vacated by Mis-lierniee Kaiser who lately aceipted the prsition of chief operator Miss Cora Wiison of Owosso has also heen working here

Monday Liueolus birthday wns 11 public holiday nnd the bank the circuit court and all the county ofshyfices were eiosed Schools however were kept open and although it was the duty of the teachers to have apshypropriate commemorative exercises during part of the day instead of regular school work we are not going to tell how many adhcrred to the rule in this eity

t A proposition which was made by the mannger of one of the roller skating rinks in Owosso to award a prize to every couple that would be married on skates in his place is reshyceivings much ntleulion by many promineut pee-plu of Owoson society and the manager of the rink wiil undoubtedly be restricted trom alshylowing this kind of ceremonies tu he performed

As a result of complaints made to Ihe SUte Kailway commission by the Shiawassee eoiinly Co-operative association an organization formed last winter to fight the increase in rates fr-im 912 to bi a year of the Unioii^ telephone company on its ntral lires a hearing Will be held in Lausiag on or about March tgtlli at which the commissioners wiil be present ard hear the arguments both pri find Coa

Jn order to collect the sum of s07o which he declares is laquoraquobull htm II P Bigelow of Owosso has brought suit against William Me Alpine Bigilow owns a pisee of laud in O i u sso township He secured 31c-Alpine tn work it ou shares last year mid the tenent now rgt fuses to pay n injunction was also served on McAlpine in order to prevent the removal or sale of anything on the farm

The local theatortinu has undershygone much repair this week A eurtuin with the advert isments of several of the citys merchants on it is the greatest improvement A stage has been erected and the en-lire interior has been cleaned The show only runs three nights a week Monday Wednesday and Saturday but several good reels have been shown of hi to

The jail at Morriee has not had an ocetipautfor more than a year It has fallen 1 til i bad state of reshypair and (he viHatje fuiuets avu making out u list or things needed to be done (i thoroughly renovate and remodci the interior New window ssh are needed as the old ones would prove an easy way of escape for anyone Joeked up there Alsu new mattresses will have to he plaied in the c lls find the wall al one end needs repairing

The industrial committee in Owosso who were appointed 10 conshyfer with Frank Weidnian and others iu regard to the removal of all obshystacle toward the rebiliUliiis of the Kstcy plant which was destroyed during the cyclone last X o vein lie r have reported that all efforts were failurus These men have restrained the city from hstngthe money which was raised for-paving the city st reds to ba used as n gift fur the c-nuipuuy pruvidiug they won Id rebuild

SVem1 pnteties of wwds the refilltu of ShitiVasn--bullbull01111 tylaquo ((Miner wrest hi^- iti^ftpMesrcd duriiir- this winter Many farmers have sold tho trees to furniture companies and still others have cut the trees up into fire wood There

M being agitated a proposition ut for I-try tree that bullbull destiir 1 one -hould lie replaced and it receivshying ihe niHraquoiit of itmuy tit- iplv about tins eily and surrounding country It is inevitable that peine action to encourage forestry will be made

William Goodwill iigent -r the M Chun 11s Signr Beet Co who va- id ihe city tin Iirst of tin- week i- evditd v ith saying that tin- eom-puiis bus nil the uereage t V y wiml 111 this ciuiiiy and that it is also Idle of other companies The com-panv ligurs that thv would gain 11 (licy had fewer but better beets Ton inyiiy iiii-es tends toward makshying the farmer alight I ho work which uaghi lo be done with thcni and also when there are too maiiv it i dillleutt to care for them in the fall nnd lliis icar is n most fitting examshyine Many beets rolled iu the fields b fore they were able to be gotten oat on account of the mud and snow

My folks over near Bancroft arc awful busv these davs deshyclared Turnkey Ellis Heath the first of the week Hows that iu-Hiiired the inquisitive one Yon know lie replied that on 11 farm there is always a few roosters who refuse to go into the coop even in the coldest weather aud father has thtcc of this variety this winter It was just the same way back inmdash well quite a while ago He had some roosters who did the same thing Every morning they would slim to crow aud they would keep it up for about half an hour Well when theyd crow you couldnt hear it at all the noise would jnst freeze and full to the ground it was that cold Warm weather came along in June aud these crows began to thaw out and every time one would thaw out you could hear the crow and we had music for about a week The folks lire eavryi)ir these crows out to the back of the farm this

bull so that they will not be bothshyered when they thaw out Positive truthtoo

Throwinfl ihe

Buying- poor g r o c e r i e s

is just about the same t h i n g n s

throwing- half the money nwav

T h e same result must come

lo every purchaser of lt pound p j c e r -

ies that a r c not n p t o s tandshy

a r d mdash m i g h t y l i t t l eaat i s fac l ion

in eat ing the grocer ies O u r

patrons do not have any of the

troubles that many hrve W e

keep them on our l ist b v g iv shy

ing them the very be t of satshy

isfaction L e t i s g ive r n u a

taste of that same sat isfact ion

Phone 15-2 fins Spur Casb Grocer

N w T i l i n g s f

S p r i n g

The new things for spring arc in being unpacked at this store ami I shall lie very glad to have vou call and inspect them Tliey coniprb all the latest tilings ami you will find it a very satisshyfactory line to select from

G Mo B E E M E R Drv Goods anil Notions Phone (it

E can always furnish you with those fine Choice Cuts that RO so goad in the Sunday dinner as w i l as the regular cuts for tne regular d-gt Try us on

yoyr next meat order



$ 3 0 0 per ton During Threshing Season

A gocd time to buy winter s-ipply

No Shoveling

Hopper Loader

Coal Under Cover

mill SIX M I L E G R E E K

Union Phone C5-i-2 Bd93-3

Annual Pioneer Meeting I The Annual Pioneer Meet in of | Shiawassee County will be held i t the Court House nt Cornnna Febshyruary plusmn 1HJ at 11 oclock a ut A fine program is lieing made for

I the occasion A general invitation is extended to all Come one come ali anil let us renew old aequiiint-

innits and fonu new t -lujiM M F m u Seey

Official t all lor Republican County Convention

A County Convention or the I pnblieana bull Slilawnaaeo d tin heiiiat tho Court limine in ltho PIlT ([ Coiinmi ou Tiiemlny tlio tli (lay i-f February Ill nt 10 1 M standard lime fur Urn |mr-pono of ohvilnt sixteen do]i-nlen 10 tho Slate Con veil ik Ii to boheld nt lUeCitvon Thursday April Uln mi- to elect aix ilrlrsatua nt larjro iiid elx alternate delcnlen nt lame to tho Republican National Cunvcii-tlni traquo IsD held laquoi Cbleajio Juno IStli lUIJ atop tor Hit pnrpinm of iiotiiltiutlm Uftocu candldatei fur elector iresklcni unit Vice Presishydent opound tin 1uitcd states nho for iha mitecltoli of ft Statu Central Committee ami Chairman thereof

At tills Count v Convention will ftlnf 111 tlfltlll filMtlll (IttlORtttCf tO attend ihu cluhlli CoucrcEBimial DIB-trlct Convention to ho held In the Ciiv of Cam on tho lith day of Febshyruary 11UU far the purpose ltgtf oraquo-tvci-luigt two delegates and twit nliertuit ililcuutoi to intend ttiu nfor-Mald Nalljual Convention 1laquo UliiciiK jutip Jcth 1112

Tho rollowlii- towHUhljis wards and prccincta laquoro entitled lgt elclo-Kates aa follows

Antrim JU-niilimlmi it Jlimi i Caledonia e Kairileld 1 Sliiawniitce 10 Venice bull Vernon 1st precinct if Im precinct 1 3rd precinct 7 lliiiinldir let prrcioi-I laquo Jiid preshycinct Middl-litirv J Now ilaven (1 iln-os- tl lgt|-rv 1-t pr-riiir-t S ml [irltiret 4 Kusilt i Sciula ~ Vi(|lnill OIVIUHI City Ii-t wi 11 Lnd until IN linl ward 7 Uli vi in ward 7 Cocumi UI laquo-nrd Uui wivit i til waul 1

Kipnljlleai Cmmiy iiunllttee JJv V II Itiiii iyw Chainir

W K Collins Secretary

ed liicli into the (ir ami hit Uuele Hah mi tim [=itlu ot tliu inet and iieailv knticked him over the boat The lii-ii was (llually kilted mill Mr Habenik and his IIUIKIIIKIM enjoyed fish diiinii-a for wvernl day This t-ioi-v mnv sinniil ml her Ilshy hul 5lrHiilgtiiek has ihe iiietmvs of Hie irriss pike at hia hnme He is SI voatM nt ajro and is very neiivo He fought in tiie luiIlifK utUulUtiui ami tiittvslmrfj hut he Kiiid tiutui-dav Unit Hie Krass pike was one of the biKKtst (lpponctits lie over liail to uvereinne


tibituftty oi Former Resident oi Corshyunna

School Notes

Stat Loans to Settlers ScatJi Wos Australia makes

Eate Itaiis to zittlcrs a frnm -1^ to E rcr cent interest roitij-ohlo by yearly irsMIracntu spread over cat longer than tHrty-one years No loan is larger itzn pound2(100


enrns Tiint wan tho oa-io trith ilrs W S Ualler McCreary Ky My wife writiifcfi iluwn with u severe ntlacl of la grippe viiioli run Into bro^-eliltin Kite enii--herJ as tin sle had consiiinptiin atil coulit nut slcp at nl^tit Tlio ilr-t tjittltrade of nk-ys Hritir-y and Tnr Cf-mpauril gave her BO iTinch relief that she continued usiiitrade it nijiii nio ^n i pormaiifiitly cured Bold by Gllaquon T KyiiotIs

Expecting Something

You can depend upon it before it comes from us tiiat it wil lie ri ht ind will he rijrht and will be delivered on time that it -will prove satisfactory that it will taste v ell when it is on t-t-table All of these things make tip our jfuara-te--

O R A N G E S A L E y thid time frati 12c up They are FancyXavals | and fjuarahleed Free from frost

I FRED M K A Y QtianCy Aiv3vs Piione 101


The seeimd sradv rupih are still ipi-uditif u few minutes each day with the iivsilaquoil eulture excreiacs Mneh beueiit is heiu deriv d and williout doubt in iiuolher year all tlwtlhtr kjvee grades will lie tak-

z it up A few hours each day the first

the week has been ppent hy all the lower grades in the making of valen-lines

Miss Pauline Orlh who recently moved hero from Howell is n new member of the First A grade

Iin-ulu day was ibgtervoii lay in (he iirst rade by suitable bullommemomtivL exereise

Miss Ebie Card of the first grade has returned (u sehonl after an

ss of a few days Mertou Cliipperiiekl who has

iieen il l has returned to his school urk New electric ll^lit Klohes have

been placed in the Intermediate

ben Callahan aud (ieorjiS(hiiltz if the Intermediate (tepartmc-iit

haw been ill recently Miss Klina IVierson of the

Washington Slmo Owoaso was iscst ot the fourth raquornde the first ol the week

Howard liuuk who has keen conshyfined to his h im by illness has iv-rtmed his dehotil work in the fourth initio

What about lii^ii sihmil spellinp Somebody has forgotten something

ItOCiKIN-1 lttlilt Outside- of sehool litmrs Khiawns-K r-treet is lined wiiii youngsters

wlif-arc- having the time of their lives lionkiii buhs In some in

anoes they have nearly met with bullrirnii ii-eilcut= They eantiot he

blmiied for wuniiuj ro IIAVO u yooJ lime for all children with real live bid in liieir veins like to eujov

-ielves and-fhif sport of ealcii-u sk-i-h- is uuv of the delights

i e ynmitrade in cent bullbull- vintir but pn-mtinns slniti lit- taken lhat tln-y ill not eiifanlti-r tiieir lives in iiuy

At i (hue- of th- year nil h-rses bdquorgt iror or le--ivish and ni-iiv frirhten-J on wwul of the -oh weather find sever tiui - t l - M i n n ^ hoys rr raquorls h uc 1 ( M - e u liiirle ontothe- i i -of tgtn adbv j sViri of the 1 a or si Jrik of the team Thus far gt r e hnlt -eU m (-eriims a- nlents i 1 i is li-pid lhat (he pirerts of t - elv will warn tiie i -hi id iviK f th )111--1- so that then- may not be bull ti-ilr ui nny home


Ac-onat oi I C Lsi-rac Strcjjjlc i Ontin-r Un -r jine

A pidurc in fn-- of (in jv-tiit niiinWs of tm iiii tn-jjinKiiien shnws Mr anil Mis l i t i i e i o f this city and th-ii Livo uriiitleiild ren Mrs UahM-k ii IVioskev is holding a -riss |iii- tiin-o fei t Imff the iraquoiltttiro wa-i lakvn at Iloimd bake near -I- hs HUiiinier while 2ili and Mrs Paliene were taking an cutubdquo Fuliov in i the s nrV

Ir andMr^ Kli Bab-o^ vvrc Tjsutnu when siie bceim- suud-iiiy fnglittnctl by j Awrgt pnlliir on hi-r hue Slu- -ailed to CnHe Uab for this i-i tin uaii he Snes by in that viehiitj ad ikeeivit war vetershyan t-mie unklv to the ie-L-ue f l e r imiftli hard work the biff was

o--er for 3Ir bull Jahejk did not wiita the nslt would move after he rilntel it in tin- bottom of the boat Sudshydenly liowevtr the fish made his final --trugijle for freedom It jnmp-

The ttiinniiiEr ranks of the (rami _ uiynlthe Itepilbiie have hml anshyother comrade iu the death of K It Smith whoiHlssed awpy at his limne iu Howoll Siiltinlay Fcbrnnry inl utter months of snlVeriiu The de-ecased was born at Uuiilaiii Mieh lVh Kl 1S41 mid enlisted al lhgt a^e of 31 entei in the vavalry sei v-iee nf the Iliinn arniy Jle was 11 bullalhint soldier and since the war had been ail inlluetitinl and euthiisi-astie meinber nf Co I lllth Midi V7ul Cavalry pri-imriiijit he iifijtrniu

11ml nttendiiR the reunion andeamp litre of Unit com|itiny at Corunua last Ancnst Ijeiuj- at I hat time renreely able tn sluml uloue

The deceased was iimiTiul In Mr- kilen Iaimer at Dwn) in LSii

bull and they Iail made Uowill their j lioine Tor the past ten yean of inoie (with the exception of several months in the years oi 1111() and 1SH1 which

i were s]n-nt on Ike Kveleth fiirnieasl ofthiseity The funeral was held Kit the family residence on Drools street Wednesday afternoon Feb 7th ]lt-v C A Wilkie of Howell eiuiibielini Iho serviee as-nstod bv Waddell Iost No ILI) JStiiml took lihiee ut Duplain Midi


If there is anything we pride ourshyselves on its quick deliveries Quick deliveries with tliis sttire come just iiet to quality lint we always bulljive you both the quick delivery and the quality Trv it and see


Social Events The frisi-illas met Satordavcven-iT

ins with Miss Kilitli Newell bull Mrs G T Iteyntihls e i i ter lahiPd]

in honor of Miss Homnine Ibatnwell I last Thursday Miss l i iMinwe l l is atteudiny sekool it the C of M

Abont twenty eimples were entershytained at the home of Mr and Mrs bull1 JIcHain Friday cveniuK Pro-preserve pedro was enjoyed by a l l until a late hour Hefreslnncuts ^

bullrveii Yriling Jtarried Folks wore 1

eutortaiued at the home of Irvinj Williams Saturday oveninp I

Mr nml Mrs Warn-n J)oii en- teitiiined nt a card parly Wcdnes-^

Mr and Mrs It Wilkinson enter- taiued Fjveril int-nds Wedie-sdny eveninf j

Mr ami Mrs A W Curds enter- tabled several fritnds at lunch m Sunday

Mrs WclliiiEtnn Duffey eiiier-taiiied the Haptist Social Union Tuesday afternoon

The Mason and the Coruima Cluijiler O K S have received an iiiviliition fo visit the Vernon orders on Friday evening Feb Sinl An elaborate baiKjuct is beinp- plunged

The ^rtdav Aiternoon Club will be eiiU-i ltl at the home of Mrs Fred Kay Friday The program was published in u recent issue


Invitations Oct For SZnrriajjo oi HIES Wbitely to Oliycr McKay

Inventions were issued the first of the week for lh niiirraiite oi Miss Mary Wliitely of this eitv to Oliver McKay of ilnv-lton which will be held ul the home of the bridoF parenls Mr and Mrs Wilshyliam Whitely on Wetiu-ujv Fob-i nary iSli

Iioth the bride and the frronm are well known in ihis ciiv and are highly resii-tci Miss Whitely ms uu t i l recently ijten el ef ator iu the Ir for a nt imherof i csy iiud pleasing

fr iend to till

telephone o5itishymid hercoart-

mere nuule her SIIR has lived iu

torunna practically her entire life and she reeeived her edneatiitu nt the lneil schools Mr MeKav is very well known here and hi niVm-bTof the Mnsojiii order l ie has been residing on his farm iu ILiel-tou township for several veirs

A cliowcr will hn Riven in honor -f Die bndeeleit next Fridav evenshy

ing by about twenty of her friends at the hom of Miss Inth Maon It is reported that several other smell functions will he held in the uear fnturo in Miss Whitelys honor

A U R TIME ^ kaowJerJse

Whtn you aie in nerd of Kwrifc

thing kv this line


If the office Hint daes ymr printing hasnt do it neatly try lie InnrSAi If it is beiiii- chme neatly try u- fur belter still



Some Stove Bargains

As ynu probably know v-c carried a mijrhty bpound line of stoves tliw wintermdashand stild a pile of them If we should tell yon how many we sold you would hardly believe it It is to be expec-ed that we would bave a few left over from such a larne stock and so there are toomdashbut not very-many Vou know we dont want stoves on our hands next summermdashwc savent the room to carry them over with lawn swings etc that will soon be takiny up our floor space These few stoves and ranges tin hand are worth just as much as they ever were but were fjoing to sell them wfully cheap If you are ffoinfj to need a stove ranye or heater nest winter we tell you you better be one of the lucky ones to yet one of these at tt sacrifice Come in ld let us price -them to you

Corunna Hardware C O M P A N Y

In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9





fflb 8YNOP8IB

t CHAPTER XIVmdashContinued

never ninfl out ot tho Imdashrtcr Iter profile was to Lilm and flu- Inutnt

ally across tho room Iti n |-r toct Ilrjtit to get ihi) maunder to tun

Blair Interrupted nnd oui-i- OU II ceo lilm Ill innlio It nil right 1Ieaao dant nho naltl brlahl its

purely n business affair Hoi inucti III nho pay Unii vufl rather HhucUed Anytulntj

on lllio Ail her bad humor faded nt bin

lont and nho smiled at blm Well tell Roach that I guess Itll make

my nlngiiig a nuro thing o chnnged ber poult Ion and drew

a loug nigh us thouRb cho wore very tired leaned her blond head with its Bolt disorder hack on tho pillow put both her folded haudo under ber check ond turned her fare toward Dan Tho moat dctlcnto cantl-llka color be can to mount ber checks ond ber gray eyva regained their llfiht

Vlll two thousand dollars be too much lo risk oho said gently

If oho had nald two million to tho young fellow who bad not yet begun

pend hlu fortune which as tar MIS roncerned laquooa nothing but iu It would not have- been too bulllaquoto hi in not too much to hav Ii io this I

Why the old duffer Is as happy a honse allre said the boy Not to boast Ive done tho whole thing up wen as I knew bow Ive got blio Into that health resort you spoke of and the Elrl seems to have sot a regular education vice She wants bull0 stu tomethlng so shes going to school

Co an talking the actress Invited j Innculdlr I lc-vo to hear you talk Montana Dont change ionr twnngl for this beastly English Craw] what-

You have thoufih Mies Iane I dont hear a thins ot Blalrtown lit the way joa speak

And tbe girl said passionately 1 wish to God 1 spoke tt right through I wirb I had never changed my speech or anything In me that was like

And tho boy leaning forward as bulleagerly exclaimed Oh do you mean thai Think bow crazy London Is ibout you Why If you ever go back te Montana they will carry you from the cars In a triumphal chpir through

She waited until she could control the emotion ID ber voice

-Oo on telling me about tha little Kin

She waa BO trusting as to give tbe money op to me and I guess i will draw Interest for ber al) right

Thank yoo smiled the actress yon are terribly sweet The child act Hlggins to let ber Into my dressing-room one day oite a matinee I havent time to tee anybody except then

Here Hlggins made her appearance In tba room with an egg-nog for her lady wbieb after much coaxing Dan succeeded In getting tho actress to drink Biggins also had taken away tbe flowers and Letty Lane a a td to Dan

I send Viva to tha hospital tbey make me sick And Dan timidly asked

Mlse tool This brought a flush across tbe Ivory

pallor of ber cheek No ao Hlggina keep tbem In the next room And with an abrupt change ot subject she asked Ia the Duchess of Breakwashyter very charitable And Blair Quickshyly replied

Anyhow sho bull ants you lo tig for ber at a musics In Park Lane when

Mlsa Lane gave bull sort little giggle Is that what you call being cbarita-blel

Dan blushed crimson nnd exclaimed Well hardly

Did you come hero to aslc me tbatl

I camo to tell you about our mushytual poor Youll let mo call them (hat wont you because I happened to ba In your dressIngroom when thoy struck their vein

Mini Lane bad drawn herself up In tbo corner of tbo sofa and ait with licr hands clasped around her knees nil swathed around aad draped by the knitted shawl her golden head like a radiant Dower appearing from a hank of snow Her fragility ber flweetacss ber smallaess appealed streogly to tho big young felipw whoso heart was warm toward tho-world whose Ideals were hlrjh nnd wbo had tho chlvalroui

i Iu e 1 to bullbullbullCCOT to protect aud abovo all bdquo ndoro No feeling In Dan Blair had been as strong as this to take ber In hia arms to lift hor up and cany ber away from London cud tho people who applauded her from the people

to^Iir V-j was CESi^CS XS the DUChC=3

Breakwater And aa fsr as his being ablj to do anything for Letty Lane

bullit It a bit If youll coat bullill make it right nboui tbo cburit) cvcrythlnp

v pa lioldliiR h

Uuuh ho exclaimed fervently Ilf heart bmililng to hear yr-u courb liht that nnd ta think af your working ot you do Cant you stop and tnko a Good rciit7 Cant you go soraowhcroT

To Creonlandn icy mountains she responded Emilias 1 bote Un

No no to come golden sands 01 other ho murmured under bla breath And let mo take you thcro

But she pushed him hack laughing now No golden sands for afraid Ive got to sins tn Mandalay to night

lie looked at her In dismay Bhe I til cir up ted hlB protest

promised on my word of honor and the box-office has sold tho scats with that underlivalng

lly hi sofa leaning over her In a choked volco ho murmured bull

You shant slug You shant en out tonlgh

Dont be a goose boy sho said Youve no right to order mc like that Stand back please As ba did FO abe wbinkeii herself oft tho soln with n sudden ardor nnd much grace Now ihc told him severely since youve lirgtin 10 lake that going to id you that y

u day after day a




JFIfEWOM Proves That Lydia E pJnl-

hairc Vegetable O C T - X

pound Is Reliable RccMIe OremdashI can truly rclaquonrv

mend Lydia E Pirkhasi11 Vcrctaho Compound to all wor

bulltzed bull through th Cfaango

troops lvt-ra then ordered to ttop al tnilnu The governor had fiJlaquoJ a

Allerjed That State It Deprived af Fropjr Service far Benefit ol

High Financier cf Htgt York Cfy

Alleging that the Pern Mnrqoette railroad lit hopelessly In debt that Its earnings aro nwnllowcd up in pay-1 111 cut of ltgtnormoua Interest which goes to high Ilimuctcrs liintcud of Into thu road and that tho -ompany Is noablc ta oerre properly tho ttanu-portatlon needa of the state ol Miciii-gnn the Buglnaw hoard of trade usks Attornes-tSeneral Srans C Kuhn lo take action under the lawn and reucue tho property

it lo eiid that the acilon in withshyout parallel in tho rtnte Tho hoard ot trmli red lly ban In mind the seizure of the road by the slate through In-

bullKcncy prni emliugf or yoiwi othlaquo-r bulltlnit which vill Rive tho stati Tull mini over ligt urralrs Tim comiilniiit ol Siutinw In hai-ked

hy tlnanrial matinficliirlus and com-crcial lutereHtii nmouiitlng to many llttons of dollars The Saginaw diK-

trlct wants relief from conditions lilt-h are taid to be intolerable and hlch aro seriously handicapping busishyest and advancement lu rcoren of ther cllles and towns The board

looks lo other sources In Michigan to help vrest the grip of the road from Walt street

H is claimed that in depriving the state of proper service the harvest goes to the big guns of the New York financial world Tho petition says that the company is Insolvent tbat fts liabilities aggregate 1123005000 while the assessed valuation 1-10- WO and tbe funded debt has Inshycreased within the Inst four years unshytil It reaches (20000000 This bas come about it Is claimed since J P Slorgan amp Co secured control opound the road and that a crisis Is due se certain It Is asserted that there ho a JI500000 deficit for the cur year and that there ara t3OOOO0O bonds rulllng due July 1 to J 1 gan tn meet which no provision has been made

Engine failures fretcht shortage tradlc blockades congestion etc have coma ta be looked ipou by the agemcnt and patrons as matter

Republic Shapes Terms With VUBUL A complete armistice has been arshy

ranged but IiarKninlnK between Pre-tnlf-r Yuan Shi Kat and tbe republishycan leaders In likely ta continue for never 1 wrrkl before the court Really retires Chinese papers publish tbe terms laid down by the empresa dowshyager which Include tho perpetuation of the titles of tho entire court reshytention by the Imperial family of tbe palaces In Pot In continuation of tbe Imperial uuurd at the riicncr of thff republicans and the right 0) tbe court

xact regal homage from the nashytion

dalay an English ballad and someshything or other I dont know what now and I expect you dont realize bow cheaply you are getting them Bhe laughed and began to hum a familiar air

I wish you vculd sing Just one song tor me

For another thousand she asked lifting her eyebrows What song l i i l l

And as Dan hesitated as If unwillshying to give form to words tbat were so full of spell to him she aaid de-Hclonsly Why can you see a Lonshydon drawing-room listening to me ling Presbyterian bymn tunoT Without liftshying her bead from tbe pillow she beshygan In a charming undertone ber gray eyes fixed on bis

From Greenland frcia Indlaii coral strands

Roil down thttr EDUCD utoili

Blair near her turned pale There rose In him the same feeling that she had stirred years ago In the little church and at the same time others He had Icat bis father tinea then and be thought of blm now but that big sad emotion was not tbe one that swayed blm

Pleaso stop ho pleaded dont go on Bay theres something In that hymn that hurts

Lett L=cc unconscious of bow subtly nho was playing laughed and suddenly remembered that Dan had flat before her that day by tbo side ot old Mr Blair She as lied abruptly

Why does tbo DueheS3 ot Breakshywater want mo to sing

Becauso shes crazy about yonr

Is she awfully rich T 0 1 1 dont know Letty I^no Hashed a look at blm

wont pay tbo price then Dan said Yes sha will yes sho

will all right New Letty Lane rroot on ir It

were ltgt charity affair I could sing for ncthlng and I dont ltoubt the duchess

A Hint Of the many curious customs wblck

mark Brittany as an especially Inter cstlng Held for tbe traveler la this relating to marriage At the clcas ol the wedding ceremony tha brideshygroom gives the bride a box on Un

1 - This is fca7 tt facta wfcen yn_n mak

bullddlng and thua whan joraquo treats

been doing I guess ~lou know It don you

He stood his ground bnt hla bright face clouded They had been o Dear each other and are now so removed

1 dont care a damn what people bullay be replied

Sbe Interrupted blm Sbe could tw wonderfully dignified small i t abt was wrapped as sbe was In the woolshyen shawl Well she drawled with bull sudden Indolence and Indifference ID her voice I expect youll be aurprlsed to hear tbat 1 do car Sound awshyfully funny doesnt lit But aa you bave been coming to tbe theater non night after night (til everybodys talkshying about Itmdash

You dont want my friendship bi stammered

And Letty Lane controlled ber deshysire to laugh at bla boyish subterfuge No I dont think I do

Her tone struck him deeply hurt blm terribly He threw his bead u defiantly

All right Im turned down then he said simply

I didnt ihlnfe yond act like thla to a boy you- Known all yoi- Ille

Dont be silly yon know as w 1 do that It wont do

He a i know It ad that be bad alshyready dune enough to make It reasonshyable for the duchess If abe wanted tn to break tbeir engagement BIowl preparing lo take his leave be said wlMfully Cant I help you In anj way- Let me do some thine with you for your poor Itraquo a comfort to hav them between ua and you can count on mo

Sho said she knew It But donl come any more to tbe wings get habit at not coming


Lumber Trust Raites Defense Fund A determination to fight until

cleared of all suspicion of illegal acts as charged In the recent federal grand Jury indictments of members and of-Bccrs of various lumber dealers assoshyciations of this country was thp keyshynote or ibc opening session ot the He-tall Lumber Dealers association in Lansing About 300 dealers and ellng salesmen were present at tbe Initial meeting nnd the Michigan balshyance (1410 of tho general defense fund of (150000 was raised without difficulty Officers of tbe association wero re-elected as follows President P S Mickey Detroit vice-president Irwlr Earle Detroit secretary-treasshyurer II 31 Jess op Detroit

AaieU ef Lennon Bank Intact With the finding of a receipt for

(17000 worth of notes which wer taken by the state banking commli eloner on hla last Tlslt and whlcb will be returned end an additional amount of (3400 In transit the ai of the E Burt Jenneys bank are thought to be Intact and will c all deposits The total assets arc placed at (83-55921 while the deposshyits are (S 171910

One Killed 3 Hurl tn Kazoo Wreck Alleged misinterpretation or orders

la aaid to have been tbe cause of a head-on collision between two Grand Hap]da k Indiana freight trains which came together five mileo north of Kalamazoo One man 1iremsn Sams ol the southbound freight waa caaght between his engine and tender and crushed to death

The Saginaw health board at its monthly meeting declared tbe Sagishynaw county jail a menace to public health and demanded the supervisors take immediate action in correcting tbe evlL It lately came to the attenshytion of the hoard It la uclared tbat two Inmates were stricken with tyshyphoid fever as the result of condition at the jail

Frederick S Bowles 50 organizer ot the first Sunday school class In western Micfalgnu dird at hi3 bome In Uuskegon lie racved to that city In IS51 In 1S5C be crganlxed a Snnshyday school caamp at tbo Methodist Episcopal church

Francis Woodruff 73 for 30 years superintendent of tho water service Of the P e Martinetc died In Sagishynaw He Is survived by three sisters one of whom is Mr W L Kellogg of Detroit

Seven hundred I forty-one cor-reapoadens report no damage te wheat by the co weather ot Janshyuary while 81 rcr -t to the contrary

Arthur Boas 83 a pioneer of Sagishynaw county died suddenly In a Sagishynaw hotel 11 r Ross was a promln-

county drain commissioner Superintendent 0S Flanagan ot

Hastings achool bas arranged to conduct a tour of a number cf bis students to eastern cities during the summer vacation to further tbeir hisshytories etudien

Tha prtao warn of cociiwl oaS

cided to- pi laquouWi^ iLIi-years snppty ot coal lo t e open market Instead 0^ making c racts Ior It wttk aomdash Mrtici1laquo oncer

Dowagjac State Bank In Trouble Evidences showing frenzied un- PP1

while ltit bill

dcrnrtme nt is ttlllilo-ed

complete audil Is btlng made iicernlin the rltualon i H Dojle Ic bankiiiK commlaKloriT has it-

wo have discovered about (12C09 flaquorged notea and until a ccniplrte

audit is made wc cannot tay what outcome will be

Nine Hurt When Train Craah Nine passengers on asouthbound

Lake Shore passenger train were inshyjured two seriously wbca the passhysenger crashed Into a freight train on the Y et White Pigf-nn Several others on the passenger were given a severe shaking up but escaped other Injuries

LATE WIRE BULLETINS 1 pound-Los Angeli

Ellis Cromwell collector of Intershynal revenue for the Philippines died suddenly in Manila of heart disease

Mistaking poison for roeiMrlne Edshyward rrawlord LI died ia Saginaw after swallowing a teaspoonful of

The threatened strike or the emshyployes of tho Pock Island arsenal collapsed when cards were oITcred to a few employes and were accepted

The Chicago board of education has raised the salaries of GS00 school teachers The advances rano from (100 o (SOe

Tho Graff Seamless Shoe Co of Aitlca X Y bas decided bull0 locate In Saginaw It iscapitalized at 000 and in al M athletic shoes

Serlcs floods ore reported from aU parts of Spain and Portugal Many rirers and smaller streams have overshyflowed their hacks Inundating entire villages

Tbat California stands flrnt amon all the states Jn tbe Union in matins public expenditures for education ia the Btcrtiuu ol Stale Controller A B Nye

The dominion government baa deshycided to change the name of the wheat grown In western Canada and known now ns Manitoba to Canada Tbe new namo will go into effect tbo comshying season

The passion of tho American pubshylic for diamonds and other precious stones shows no slgnn of yielding to the hlah cost of living If tha cusshytoms figures are to be taken aa an Indication

Th conferees of the two houses ot congress 011 tbe joint resolution proshyviding for the election or aeBatora by direct vote bave decided to report a disagreement after tit monlha ot efshyfort 10 get together

An organization to be known aa tbe Association of Good Friend and composed of men who have been unemployed during tbe winter waa formed la Chicago at Immannel Kan-list church hy tbe Bev Johnston Meyers

Chinese In Chicago are busy signshying leases for places of hnslnesa fn a new Chinatown Within a ahortUme the old Chinese quarters along Sonth Clark street and between Van Bnreo and Harrlaon bulltrevis will ba deaarlad by menabera of ihe race

Gov w B Hooper baa tssud a call addressed to te governors or 1G BO-thern states for a southern soclolocltal congress to be held In Nashville Term May 7-10 for the study and discussion ot social probshylems peculiar to the south

The Shiawassee Welfare Associashytion will open Its campaign to con- tlnue local option In that connty Feb 35 when a mectlog of delegated represhysenting tho different societies in tbe con cry will be held In Owosso D M Christian and Dr A M Hume proml-

Gcn Hippolyte Langloi senator from the department or Muerthe-et-Mosclte acd member or the Frencfc academy died Jn Paris He waa elected one of tbe 10 immortals on Feb 9 1911 In succession to Costa de Beauregard He was an authority on military strategy

Mrs Haru-y W Taft wife or the presidents brother haa become a convert to the Roman Catholic faith 5573 the Times She rlaquolaquonuncei the Episcopal faith acd was received into tho Catholic church In the chapel or St Ignatius Layola church New-York

PufeoaPtmida mo a well v-omon after BUlrcEE throe vcars mdashHta MART JSOCUBT Eeedville Oregon

New Orleans La mdash

I Wben Vampui-ie throQEh tbe Change of Life I wa ttvabled with hot flaahea taaak aod dizzy speUa and backache IwuaotBt ln

bullton BIHDESII 1541 Pc-tyaml St Hew Orleans

MiahawakaInd-Wo man paaaiac tatvoffe tbe Cbtaaf Til eta talra nothinc bvtur than Lydia r Plnrhfia Vscttabla CoDDaaasd I am recom-aaendiBcittosdl my friends because of what It bas done tor me -Mrs CHA3 RATES pound23 E Marion St Slisbevwaka Ind Alton StationKy-Tcr

men ths 1 Buffered from troubles in consequence of my ago and thought I could not live Lydia E Pmkhama V e g e t a b l e CJompound rends mo well

I want other suffering women to know about i t Mrs EHHA BULST Alton Station Ky

Detaasa No DalemdashI was ptsstoc felt very through Change of Life and felt very

bad I coold not sleep and wn erjr nervous Lydia E PinVhama Vutabl Compound restored me to perfect health aad 1 would not be without itmdashMis F M TUQEH IJeisexn No Dak

Effete Briton Booth Tarkington tbe America)

playwright and novelist la a very early riser and wben tbe English playlt wrlgbt and novelist Arnold Bennett visited blm at bis charming reaJdertc In Indianapolla Mr Tarkington said the first evening at dinner

1 believe in tbe simple life I gel up with tbe sun Will yon take a ten-nil a walk with me at C oclock tomor row morning

Thank you Mr Tarklngton tbraquo Englishman answered but I dont walk In my aleep

The activities ot lbs Interstate ftmmrrfl commission bave resulted-j

era law prohibiting the wurking ot railroad employes mors tkaa IC bourr la aay O M tay

Air Laws W[bar Wright at a tea In Daytongt

bullold with a laugh Already there are air laws strinshy

gent sa rood laws Without tbem wegt should soon be seeing advertisements like this J

Two dollars reward will ba pali by Mrs John Doe for Information lead-ling to tbe ldentiacatlon of tbe aviator on a Wright roadster who while flying over my bouse yesterday afternoon dropped a can ot oil down my chimshyney and completely mined a plum pudshyding I was cocking

Consolation Father (to bis daughters sailer)mdasht

bave sad news for yoo I un mlaadl I bave I oat everything

SuitormdashConsole yourself dear atr with tbe thought that yon aro now 1st co danger ot losing your daughter

Such Confidence Tbe bride to ahow ber undying conshy

fidence In her new husband save him a night key

Then she telephoned for tb lock) smith to change tbs lock

A TROUBLE MAKER Coffea Peltsn Breeds Variety mt Ills

A caltfarnl womam whs) atldat know for twenty years what kept baraquo 1IL writ) to tall how absgt woa sewkhw haaltb by quitting coffee

1 am M years old ah says aavmi nse coSlaquo all my life urf ftar M years snCsnd from lwllgastlsa aad uuKtmaia UIs was a bardaa asMI a drag io IDS all tbe time as abosl ones a year my ailment got a Debacle 00laquo me that I was rstpslarly Ick ta bad for several weeks each Ums

1 was reluctant to eoBclods that coffee rss tbs can of aay tremble M I am ha1 that I leand oat thgt truth

Theb I datarmlned to wa loatma exclnslralymdashfor a weak at firstmdashfor Z doubted my ability to do wltkost sal-fee for aay Issurtk of Urns I saaast the Postum carefully as diraeUi aa before ths week axjdrsd aad aay reshyward In a pereeptibl lacrssss to strength snd spirits

Seeing th good that soy shsrt bull raquo perlmsnt bad accomplishes I re 1 arret to continue tbs us of PcwtBss sotting ont ths coffee satirsly Tfcfs I laquofcs see nine months flu dins sstampy laariaagt cause for gratlflcatioat at say StsasUlr lijii roving health afy Indices tic crasV nally left ms my sleep returaea I gained 26 pounds is weight my coler changed from sallow to a freab roar hue A d lire became a blessing

Then I thought I would try assTe again and did so for a tew wsaka Am punishment for deserting ay sjaad friend Postum was a return of my sis troubles

now snd shall be LJ xaj life bersaar using Postum exclusively aad asdoy Ing the benefits It bring msj Nam given by Postal Co Battle Cnah Ulca

Tsars a reason sad It ts iieimgt

J raquo raquo r a ^ pounds K3 ss bM wsSJgt

bullO^C-O O laquo X gt lt X X gt laquo lt raquo Of2gtlaquoXgt O - O O O 0 laquo X 8 gt

icmre raining Treg S E D O N E

Re-member iliat w ieep a line gtlock of moulding-

on hand and can take cart nf i-iiur orders fur f ramshy

ing t 0 y deg u r ent ire satisfaction Hrit tg in your

orders now ao tliey i l l he ready when yuu want

tli em


Easter Sunday Coampca This Year on Am 11 7

L n i l tin season of fast and ab-ftir nil Catholic during

h-nne Into been accepted The lyrics will undoubtedly interest many Co-i-uiimi funs

Vim 1 swear that olcoiuargnriu is 3laquo-5t tis Hif raquoraquo nny butter gton ever tasted Get it of Cok-

If vnn have something you wuut bdquo bdquo foR^l oroxeliniee UBC a buslni-M ivh time many of t h m vofmin 1 ( H i 1 1 1 1 Joiinirl

from indulging in tho usual pleas-1 Sehvler Rouse of Durand haa arcs including social fiuictintit bull burn spending a few dnvs ut the tin aires cards ami other similar | home of Fred Morse mini IMiiiits wilt begin Ash Wedshynesday February 1 mill will cun tiniio until Easier Sunday April

Miss Hoiiiuiue Bramweil who is i l a s i m Miminv April attending seltool ul Ami Arbor

Episcopal dciiomiiintiotiH ^ m t l l u 1 V L u k 4 i U 1 l l u r e ihuerve the season hjtt not so Benjamin Taylor and Stanley ly na tin the Catholics ForJUun of Perry were at the county tiller diiinniinnlinn it is like teat Tuesday on business rmtiimms Friliy for lilllo | ^ i r M l bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

home of Sir and Mrs George Linden last week

ill SI

meat if allowed to ho eaten though there aro nmny ^xuC|Jtii^ gtjli(1i during recent yours made by dis- ne Usui ions from (he Pope wliieli I Russell Busl^ of Detroit spent permit practically all persons to in- Sunday with his parents Probate bilge in tlesh During holv week Judge and Mrs Matthew Uuah 11 i i 11-11 I

Cluildi Wralfrr of Ii-Clrf(

I A M Wo Successor to A V Curtis amp C o

thelust week in Lout Wednesday Friday nml Suturdivv uve fast dnys and during the whole n[ Hn SCUM n incut is barred on Wednesday Fr i -bull day and Saturday from persons wlsuje physical condition is such as

pi rioit fasliug

The Corunna Journal F L JOHNSON

every TtaisJiy nwrnlnc

Rerubiicnn pjny anJ (lie coU-tlua o( diy anJ cojray nn-i

Sutscrirlien f 1C0 rer year In aJfjiKe Sut-scril-t iJcslrir^ their par Jtscon-

tlnucj slioviU notily the rublislicr diret an J net tcie H tiir Hie raslnnsUr to Jo as lis sc i-Ilncs tarcct Always FOO that your ssisrriiea is paiJ ur laquothe Ii- i you orJcr ycur Fiptr ilisccntinurJ T-e Jatc (0 which ycur s- scrtptlwa Is p M is rrint-cJ en your pirtr cacti raquoedj wilh tlwi-nu

7h qumtily anjiiunlity cl the aJvfttlS-ir- carrreJ by tho JOLliSAL is abunJint testimony to ils value as an aji-citising


i laquo t s ol interest to ihe Mmciunlty are cs

ccan that t nessaragt i-ius UL- 1rmiu cl the puMisher There is no chaise ta

CarJgt ol llinnks 30 olltuargt- raiiry rpscluliais Vuslniss laals arJ notices

Tlie Job Der-lrtnert o he JOLliNAL i Generally ceneJed to be Ihe ranst eomrlet enJ c-Jern this sije of Linslrp 3T1J t w l i s cf out scl( s7c1l (ur llicnselves


E i g h t h Congress ional D i s t r i c t Convent ion

A licpnbliean Coitvi-miun ot tSt Elylith CoMrrpgsiuiial Dfsirbt is hCTiliy calteii or tin- rtav ol FebriL-uy to bu hell hi Hie court liuiiao in tlie city ut Caro S^iil Convention will Im c^lkd (n order at tvo oclock lor tlie purpusu ol solocliair tT7o deleKUlcs null two attcrnoio delegates to attend tbe lic-pcblieaii Nufiurial Cltinvcutiou to lie bclJ in (tic cKy of CLieii-o on Hie liitli day nt Juuo IJVZ and to nasi-saet rucli other liusiness as may legally comn belnro Ilio eoaventfon

CountlestentiiiiriHtrfi tho Efu-Iitli Congressional District will lie~ enshytitled to TrprosDiiaiioa as lollov-a

Cllnion county 14 deluntus Snsii3T7 county delegates Sbiavnstfco ciumtv Hi dcbjales isscnia connty IS iIct^Kates

Jy Ordir o( COIHHIKIPQ K W UAM1 Sccy A P l tL lS f iiaifinaii

S T h e New Catalogue I

5 orDetroltnusiricssrniirrKitv bull ta jnot out It will lsi(rr^l bull any yonnR man ur woman wbo deg vranta to prpparp for n crtod bull position Write F tl ShaT- g bull Pren Ul-CO Ornnd River Ave e V Detroit bull

r dlsiajf Adilri-

The Circuit Court

Circuit eoiiil waa adjourned l-ri-iy afternoon niiti Tiiesday inorti-bullzoit aeconut of Monday Febrti-y IJth being an anniversary of im-olnV birtlnlay and tuiisw[iieut-a holiday

A deeree was ^nrnted in tlie case of Lander -f Dhureli vs Nettie Cl u veh bi-jt weckliv Indpe S S Miner In Mr- Chiiv]f s cross bill shr d-gteliiRi that he was i-niel to her dd not snpnort her propirlv atid that often he ivpu^led lliut sln use I-I1SUIJ on hi-r pot itocs lnstMd nf butter She calls herself trie white slaw Church is well known iu (hvns^o having clerked in several raquoru-cry store iutliateiiy One day when lie came home from his work In- said Lets bait iij To his astouisnieiit his wife assentshyed and laquo i id tliat she desired that llu- matte- be hurried The bill lor a divnive was tin- result Mrs

was formerly Mrs Nellie and is year- ltgtf n^e

Cimvh liad been (wicu piv civ maiiied

A (Iicisitm was hiudd down Tueidiiy by -indse S S Miner which laquonii i tsj i decree to Hva Wliite-htiid Iloyhui iu thii suit for divorce whii-li was la-^Lin bv Charles Uov-lan The hnsbaml must pav all the costs of the

bullhuivli vffel


Uhoniai^a rinmdashCole Plume in your news items I M nhu-k Cross ten at Mills Mrs Merit Chapin lias been ill Old papers fraquor sale at the Journal


MiK-beth at Owosso theatre toshynight

Miss Hath Wood visited in Howell Sunday

Peter tiebb of St Johns was in town Monday

Pr A (J Cole of Duraad was

Miss day

Potatoes are vow bringing $1 on the local market

Miss Hannah Unurahati visited in Dnrniid last week

Batter was quoted ntJiOe nndegss at 32c Wednesday

Miss -Mary Whitely is spendinj a few days in Pontiac

Mr and Mrs Walter JJatch spent Sunday in (Jraud Kapiils

Edward Kay was home from Banshycroft the iirst nf the week

Mr day i

Chester Stoddard has accepted a position with Norris Qunjlc

Aivh linvnetl vnin Detrat fora few diiys the Iirst of the week

Miss HiiKel Herrick is speiidiu a few diys jti Durand and flint bull (ilea Yomifr-Jr of Detroit s

the tivi-t of the week in the eity The fajioas Concord niTee can

he had at Mills Croeery for bull)bull Mrs Catherine lieiuis is eoaliued

to her home ou account of illness 3Irs Jerome Stewart lias been

viMting foi- a lew days in Venice Cleaner than most buller and is

b( tiermdasholcomaigitriii Cole sells it M Day left for Ashley Wednes-

Idaho Cleu Morsi

Cliiroprailic assists Nature to cure voii of lliacasemdash(ive it a trial W V Mallelic D C Uwnsso j-wl

A iiinnber of tlie meinhers of tin O S ncnt to Durand Wednes day evening (o confer the decrees

Seinlor and Mrs Koseukransleft the fir-l of the week tor Lansing wla r tbey are speudiui a fewdays

I ini-i Lcddicl is visiliru at tin home of Mrs L 1 Tultle having been called there by the illness ol his sister

II Miner of Toledo Ohio has returned to his home nftv speitdiiijr a few davs with Mrs D Miner east of the eity

Mrs Charles Doan wife of Supshyervisor Doan is recovering from a stroke of paralysis sulfered the first of last week

Alta Wren and family who live near Kirby have been very siefc for the past few days hut are no idly reiovering

Attorney John T MeCnnly who recently underwent au operation has nearly recovered and is duty at his office

Farm For SalemdashICO acres south i r Coruuna known as tho Tliomp-Si farm Modern buildings of all kinds including hiifre sheep barn Call Union phone Cortnm

The company which will present Macbeth at the Owosso theatre tonight comes highly recommended nml (he play will be well worth at-

HaiTv Xeiiy haa moved uis houseshyhold goods from the rooms above R A Ilaughtons jewelrv store to the house formerly occupied by K Klinkman

Four members of the Cl A R have passed away during the last year The organization formerly contained 1 0 iin-mbers now onlv M are left

Venzcl Cnkr aged 27 Mary Drodjie aged 2-) Owosso were married ilftciiiont) in tin county (ice by Justice Peacock

and Miss both of

Sarnrdnv bulllerks of-

ti-ibip tried Io day wla-re he wl spend a tew das - t h e Kroumls| M gt h _ M gt T n u | R r

Mr aud Mrs George Sehnltz wbo have been lately residing in Flint

t i h a w spent the greater piil of thlaquo hist week in this eily on account of the illness of Mr Selmltz

Beans of good |uality for feeding sheep van be hud in eav lots or less than titr lots nt sectU~iM per ton at elevator of the lInrtMiitingamp Power Co Flushing Mid i

The Idle Iloor TlK-utorium will be run Friday night by the Lndh Library A musical program w be given in connection with special pictures Adinhsicn

Justice I 1 Jeffries S Schmidt and fiob-rt Adaia- ol Detroit wer in the eity the Iirst

aimiil the Junrnng bdquo bdquo that hi wif |d heen lisensu b-i 1 V bullraquo | 0 trade ^ trade fore the marriage indieuling I t t lt k i d deg 5 S 1 0 D c t n l t l h t i l v s U l i t h i

of iiidiility The ci-e hits oecujiitd | Mark Sherman of Lansing visit- j business connect d with the Vitri much of the iiiue for (IK- pst week ed friends iu the county seat Mot- lied brick plant near K i i and nmnv jvrsons who were ie- dtiv

4 raquo l laquo i o raquo 4deg of pound ltrade trade raquo gtal laquo ills time

MUsEsteliaKirby Lsbeensperu-in it few days wi relatives iu Flint

f Citizens9 Sayings I k O F O W O S S O

Capital $ 5000000 Deposits over $90000000

D U D L E Y E W A T E R S W m K B r G E L O W

Pres ident v i ce Pres ident


C a s h i e r A s t c a s W c r

Willis E Hali Artliur T Slagbt

J Mr and Mi-s l)vt Milicr visited 1JL iirst of the WLT in Vernout-villo

Ugt Apples an

C| city and for titii

tl i -Mrs Alice Irvin of Detruif j H

very ill ut the home of her sister L y ITultle 1 The Girls elnb viis rntertaniCil h Saturday evening by Mis3 Dorothy f| Pettibone 151 Miss Hiuiiet Diikltisoii spent U Ratunlnv iml t-nniiav ar- her home g i n Jackoi U Miss Katherine Garland is com-H pletiug her edneation iu the Kulu-

iiuiaoo nivml

[j 1 Mr md Mr Lee Egg-wton of ti Flint sjeai Sundav with his pai-H ents in this eily n lriissiau Poultry Food will make1

1 the hens lav in cold weather 1 Get it from Mills j Mni Sarah MKnight of Saginaw

iy visiting at the lioine of Mr aud

i l i s Chiidi-ilarlii - bull Tlie Owitjso Uest Side indoor

base ball laiu has been challenged by tlie [ieiTGUghs te-im of Detroit lor a Ernes of games and the ehql-

_ The erows have returnedmdasha bare sign Hint spring is near at hand The (lock is very small but always makes its appearance at MeCurdy park about this time of the year

On account of the intense cold several electric and tolenhoue wires have broken during the past month

iisiuerahle trouble biilh tpnuies and txho to th to the c(

pah mis L A D V AGENTSmdashNew article

Henry wowaui needs it Sells on sight Write for agency proposishytion Mrs Lihys Bandage Co 179 Selby St Detroit Mich 5-w-i

Archie Payne of thia city who has bee working in Dundeeat his trade as a horseslioer lost three toes aa the result of a horse stepping his foot Saturday The iiicinbt wore ampulnted Sunday

One consult inn in cniineclbn with this winter is that the expens of keeping n lawn mower iu tunc is no severe tax on Ihe owners income There is more snow this winter than for many years before

Um Boutwell and family Jnhn Wjies nud family Mr and Jirs Jas Kddiiijjton nndPatriek Jordan nud fimily of Morriee were members of a house jiarty at the heme of Charles McNamara tin ml ay

John tinge of Durand id in i traquo second ^tiiim uir Iheehori

IIlaquoesamination willhe held today in Justice PateholV court in Durand-The first ease was settled vher ho Pleaded gnilty aud |gtaid a line of

B A K I N G P O W D E R Absolutely Par

The only Baking Powder made fromRoyaS Crape Cream of Tartar


William I Kmilh of Owo-e-o Im been appointed to succeed him^Jf ou thu soldier- relief counnitswii The other Hiemherlaquo of the iiraquommiraquo-

ion me William H Jaeiibs of thi eity and Daniel H Post of Vernon

Nature eurosmdashlet her cure yon If you laquore looking for perfect health come over and we will v c vlmt vv can do Fxamiinilioii free W C Maliskey D CSlate Dank Hlilj Owosso i-w I

Although the woathd wiw ivt bull -ueli as it h-ltoitltl have b-en fov ai iijoyabl seigi party a partv^nt about twoiitv-livc voiiTji people of tliiscitv spnit a pleasant - - M U -Frithiy night at the boat- of Mi Pauline JScagir swilh of the city

The amount of mail was slightlv increased Tuesdav and Wi-dm-sdav nt the local no^t-ilb- on e-conut of ValeuliiL day The practice of Bending valentines to friends on that day is annually diminishing and eaeh year sees the nuinller of iMistul card- and valentine boxes lessened |

Iteporls tiirouglnni the eouutrv are to the effect that thoipiniitityof i beans raised and lay vested thisvear are enormous bat on neeouut of the wet weather late in the fall they are of very poor quality The Morriee elevator has been forced to put on a

night crew to pick the beana Miss Libbie Byrnes of Owosso

has beeu seemed tu Oil tho position iu the local Union telephone office which was lately vacated by Mis-lierniee Kaiser who lately aceipted the prsition of chief operator Miss Cora Wiison of Owosso has also heen working here

Monday Liueolus birthday wns 11 public holiday nnd the bank the circuit court and all the county ofshyfices were eiosed Schools however were kept open and although it was the duty of the teachers to have apshypropriate commemorative exercises during part of the day instead of regular school work we are not going to tell how many adhcrred to the rule in this eity

t A proposition which was made by the mannger of one of the roller skating rinks in Owosso to award a prize to every couple that would be married on skates in his place is reshyceivings much ntleulion by many promineut pee-plu of Owoson society and the manager of the rink wiil undoubtedly be restricted trom alshylowing this kind of ceremonies tu he performed

As a result of complaints made to Ihe SUte Kailway commission by the Shiawassee eoiinly Co-operative association an organization formed last winter to fight the increase in rates fr-im 912 to bi a year of the Unioii^ telephone company on its ntral lires a hearing Will be held in Lausiag on or about March tgtlli at which the commissioners wiil be present ard hear the arguments both pri find Coa

Jn order to collect the sum of s07o which he declares is laquoraquobull htm II P Bigelow of Owosso has brought suit against William Me Alpine Bigilow owns a pisee of laud in O i u sso township He secured 31c-Alpine tn work it ou shares last year mid the tenent now rgt fuses to pay n injunction was also served on McAlpine in order to prevent the removal or sale of anything on the farm

The local theatortinu has undershygone much repair this week A eurtuin with the advert isments of several of the citys merchants on it is the greatest improvement A stage has been erected and the en-lire interior has been cleaned The show only runs three nights a week Monday Wednesday and Saturday but several good reels have been shown of hi to

The jail at Morriee has not had an ocetipautfor more than a year It has fallen 1 til i bad state of reshypair and (he viHatje fuiuets avu making out u list or things needed to be done (i thoroughly renovate and remodci the interior New window ssh are needed as the old ones would prove an easy way of escape for anyone Joeked up there Alsu new mattresses will have to he plaied in the c lls find the wall al one end needs repairing

The industrial committee in Owosso who were appointed 10 conshyfer with Frank Weidnian and others iu regard to the removal of all obshystacle toward the rebiliUliiis of the Kstcy plant which was destroyed during the cyclone last X o vein lie r have reported that all efforts were failurus These men have restrained the city from hstngthe money which was raised for-paving the city st reds to ba used as n gift fur the c-nuipuuy pruvidiug they won Id rebuild

SVem1 pnteties of wwds the refilltu of ShitiVasn--bullbull01111 tylaquo ((Miner wrest hi^- iti^ftpMesrcd duriiir- this winter Many farmers have sold tho trees to furniture companies and still others have cut the trees up into fire wood There

M being agitated a proposition ut for I-try tree that bullbull destiir 1 one -hould lie replaced and it receivshying ihe niHraquoiit of itmuy tit- iplv about tins eily and surrounding country It is inevitable that peine action to encourage forestry will be made

William Goodwill iigent -r the M Chun 11s Signr Beet Co who va- id ihe city tin Iirst of tin- week i- evditd v ith saying that tin- eom-puiis bus nil the uereage t V y wiml 111 this ciuiiiy and that it is also Idle of other companies The com-panv ligurs that thv would gain 11 (licy had fewer but better beets Ton inyiiy iiii-es tends toward makshying the farmer alight I ho work which uaghi lo be done with thcni and also when there are too maiiv it i dillleutt to care for them in the fall nnd lliis icar is n most fitting examshyine Many beets rolled iu the fields b fore they were able to be gotten oat on account of the mud and snow

My folks over near Bancroft arc awful busv these davs deshyclared Turnkey Ellis Heath the first of the week Hows that iu-Hiiired the inquisitive one Yon know lie replied that on 11 farm there is always a few roosters who refuse to go into the coop even in the coldest weather aud father has thtcc of this variety this winter It was just the same way back inmdash well quite a while ago He had some roosters who did the same thing Every morning they would slim to crow aud they would keep it up for about half an hour Well when theyd crow you couldnt hear it at all the noise would jnst freeze and full to the ground it was that cold Warm weather came along in June aud these crows began to thaw out and every time one would thaw out you could hear the crow and we had music for about a week The folks lire eavryi)ir these crows out to the back of the farm this

bull so that they will not be bothshyered when they thaw out Positive truthtoo

Throwinfl ihe

Buying- poor g r o c e r i e s

is just about the same t h i n g n s

throwing- half the money nwav

T h e same result must come

lo every purchaser of lt pound p j c e r -

ies that a r c not n p t o s tandshy

a r d mdash m i g h t y l i t t l eaat i s fac l ion

in eat ing the grocer ies O u r

patrons do not have any of the

troubles that many hrve W e

keep them on our l ist b v g iv shy

ing them the very be t of satshy

isfaction L e t i s g ive r n u a

taste of that same sat isfact ion

Phone 15-2 fins Spur Casb Grocer

N w T i l i n g s f

S p r i n g

The new things for spring arc in being unpacked at this store ami I shall lie very glad to have vou call and inspect them Tliey coniprb all the latest tilings ami you will find it a very satisshyfactory line to select from

G Mo B E E M E R Drv Goods anil Notions Phone (it

E can always furnish you with those fine Choice Cuts that RO so goad in the Sunday dinner as w i l as the regular cuts for tne regular d-gt Try us on

yoyr next meat order



$ 3 0 0 per ton During Threshing Season

A gocd time to buy winter s-ipply

No Shoveling

Hopper Loader

Coal Under Cover

mill SIX M I L E G R E E K

Union Phone C5-i-2 Bd93-3

Annual Pioneer Meeting I The Annual Pioneer Meet in of | Shiawassee County will be held i t the Court House nt Cornnna Febshyruary plusmn 1HJ at 11 oclock a ut A fine program is lieing made for

I the occasion A general invitation is extended to all Come one come ali anil let us renew old aequiiint-

innits and fonu new t -lujiM M F m u Seey

Official t all lor Republican County Convention

A County Convention or the I pnblieana bull Slilawnaaeo d tin heiiiat tho Court limine in ltho PIlT ([ Coiinmi ou Tiiemlny tlio tli (lay i-f February Ill nt 10 1 M standard lime fur Urn |mr-pono of ohvilnt sixteen do]i-nlen 10 tho Slate Con veil ik Ii to boheld nt lUeCitvon Thursday April Uln mi- to elect aix ilrlrsatua nt larjro iiid elx alternate delcnlen nt lame to tho Republican National Cunvcii-tlni traquo IsD held laquoi Cbleajio Juno IStli lUIJ atop tor Hit pnrpinm of iiotiiltiutlm Uftocu candldatei fur elector iresklcni unit Vice Presishydent opound tin 1uitcd states nho for iha mitecltoli of ft Statu Central Committee ami Chairman thereof

At tills Count v Convention will ftlnf 111 tlfltlll filMtlll (IttlORtttCf tO attend ihu cluhlli CoucrcEBimial DIB-trlct Convention to ho held In the Ciiv of Cam on tho lith day of Febshyruary 11UU far the purpose ltgtf oraquo-tvci-luigt two delegates and twit nliertuit ililcuutoi to intend ttiu nfor-Mald Nalljual Convention 1laquo UliiciiK jutip Jcth 1112

Tho rollowlii- towHUhljis wards and prccincta laquoro entitled lgt elclo-Kates aa follows

Antrim JU-niilimlmi it Jlimi i Caledonia e Kairileld 1 Sliiawniitce 10 Venice bull Vernon 1st precinct if Im precinct 1 3rd precinct 7 lliiiinldir let prrcioi-I laquo Jiid preshycinct Middl-litirv J Now ilaven (1 iln-os- tl lgt|-rv 1-t pr-riiir-t S ml [irltiret 4 Kusilt i Sciula ~ Vi(|lnill OIVIUHI City Ii-t wi 11 Lnd until IN linl ward 7 Uli vi in ward 7 Cocumi UI laquo-nrd Uui wivit i til waul 1

Kipnljlleai Cmmiy iiunllttee JJv V II Itiiii iyw Chainir

W K Collins Secretary

ed liicli into the (ir ami hit Uuele Hah mi tim [=itlu ot tliu inet and iieailv knticked him over the boat The lii-ii was (llually kilted mill Mr Habenik and his IIUIKIIIKIM enjoyed fish diiinii-a for wvernl day This t-ioi-v mnv sinniil ml her Ilshy hul 5lrHiilgtiiek has ihe iiietmvs of Hie irriss pike at hia hnme He is SI voatM nt ajro and is very neiivo He fought in tiie luiIlifK utUulUtiui ami tiittvslmrfj hut he Kiiid tiutui-dav Unit Hie Krass pike was one of the biKKtst (lpponctits lie over liail to uvereinne


tibituftty oi Former Resident oi Corshyunna

School Notes

Stat Loans to Settlers ScatJi Wos Australia makes

Eate Itaiis to zittlcrs a frnm -1^ to E rcr cent interest roitij-ohlo by yearly irsMIracntu spread over cat longer than tHrty-one years No loan is larger itzn pound2(100


enrns Tiint wan tho oa-io trith ilrs W S Ualler McCreary Ky My wife writiifcfi iluwn with u severe ntlacl of la grippe viiioli run Into bro^-eliltin Kite enii--herJ as tin sle had consiiinptiin atil coulit nut slcp at nl^tit Tlio ilr-t tjittltrade of nk-ys Hritir-y and Tnr Cf-mpauril gave her BO iTinch relief that she continued usiiitrade it nijiii nio ^n i pormaiifiitly cured Bold by Gllaquon T KyiiotIs

Expecting Something

You can depend upon it before it comes from us tiiat it wil lie ri ht ind will he rijrht and will be delivered on time that it -will prove satisfactory that it will taste v ell when it is on t-t-table All of these things make tip our jfuara-te--

O R A N G E S A L E y thid time frati 12c up They are FancyXavals | and fjuarahleed Free from frost

I FRED M K A Y QtianCy Aiv3vs Piione 101


The seeimd sradv rupih are still ipi-uditif u few minutes each day with the iivsilaquoil eulture excreiacs Mneh beueiit is heiu deriv d and williout doubt in iiuolher year all tlwtlhtr kjvee grades will lie tak-

z it up A few hours each day the first

the week has been ppent hy all the lower grades in the making of valen-lines

Miss Pauline Orlh who recently moved hero from Howell is n new member of the First A grade

Iin-ulu day was ibgtervoii lay in (he iirst rade by suitable bullommemomtivL exereise

Miss Ebie Card of the first grade has returned (u sehonl after an

ss of a few days Mertou Cliipperiiekl who has

iieen il l has returned to his school urk New electric ll^lit Klohes have

been placed in the Intermediate

ben Callahan aud (ieorjiS(hiiltz if the Intermediate (tepartmc-iit

haw been ill recently Miss Klina IVierson of the

Washington Slmo Owoaso was iscst ot the fourth raquornde the first ol the week

Howard liuuk who has keen conshyfined to his h im by illness has iv-rtmed his dehotil work in the fourth initio

What about lii^ii sihmil spellinp Somebody has forgotten something

ItOCiKIN-1 lttlilt Outside- of sehool litmrs Khiawns-K r-treet is lined wiiii youngsters

wlif-arc- having the time of their lives lionkiii buhs In some in

anoes they have nearly met with bullrirnii ii-eilcut= They eantiot he

blmiied for wuniiuj ro IIAVO u yooJ lime for all children with real live bid in liieir veins like to eujov

-ielves and-fhif sport of ealcii-u sk-i-h- is uuv of the delights

i e ynmitrade in cent bullbull- vintir but pn-mtinns slniti lit- taken lhat tln-y ill not eiifanlti-r tiieir lives in iiuy

At i (hue- of th- year nil h-rses bdquorgt iror or le--ivish and ni-iiv frirhten-J on wwul of the -oh weather find sever tiui - t l - M i n n ^ hoys rr raquorls h uc 1 ( M - e u liiirle ontothe- i i -of tgtn adbv j sViri of the 1 a or si Jrik of the team Thus far gt r e hnlt -eU m (-eriims a- nlents i 1 i is li-pid lhat (he pirerts of t - elv will warn tiie i -hi id iviK f th )111--1- so that then- may not be bull ti-ilr ui nny home


Ac-onat oi I C Lsi-rac Strcjjjlc i Ontin-r Un -r jine

A pidurc in fn-- of (in jv-tiit niiinWs of tm iiii tn-jjinKiiien shnws Mr anil Mis l i t i i e i o f this city and th-ii Livo uriiitleiild ren Mrs UahM-k ii IVioskev is holding a -riss |iii- tiin-o fei t Imff the iraquoiltttiro wa-i lakvn at Iloimd bake near -I- hs HUiiinier while 2ili and Mrs Paliene were taking an cutubdquo Fuliov in i the s nrV

Ir andMr^ Kli Bab-o^ vvrc Tjsutnu when siie bceim- suud-iiiy fnglittnctl by j Awrgt pnlliir on hi-r hue Slu- -ailed to CnHe Uab for this i-i tin uaii he Snes by in that viehiitj ad ikeeivit war vetershyan t-mie unklv to the ie-L-ue f l e r imiftli hard work the biff was

o--er for 3Ir bull Jahejk did not wiita the nslt would move after he rilntel it in tin- bottom of the boat Sudshydenly liowevtr the fish made his final --trugijle for freedom It jnmp-

The ttiinniiiEr ranks of the (rami _ uiynlthe Itepilbiie have hml anshyother comrade iu the death of K It Smith whoiHlssed awpy at his limne iu Howoll Siiltinlay Fcbrnnry inl utter months of snlVeriiu The de-ecased was born at Uuiilaiii Mieh lVh Kl 1S41 mid enlisted al lhgt a^e of 31 entei in the vavalry sei v-iee nf the Iliinn arniy Jle was 11 bullalhint soldier and since the war had been ail inlluetitinl and euthiisi-astie meinber nf Co I lllth Midi V7ul Cavalry pri-imriiijit he iifijtrniu

11ml nttendiiR the reunion andeamp litre of Unit com|itiny at Corunua last Ancnst Ijeiuj- at I hat time renreely able tn sluml uloue

The deceased was iimiTiul In Mr- kilen Iaimer at Dwn) in LSii

bull and they Iail made Uowill their j lioine Tor the past ten yean of inoie (with the exception of several months in the years oi 1111() and 1SH1 which

i were s]n-nt on Ike Kveleth fiirnieasl ofthiseity The funeral was held Kit the family residence on Drools street Wednesday afternoon Feb 7th ]lt-v C A Wilkie of Howell eiuiibielini Iho serviee as-nstod bv Waddell Iost No ILI) JStiiml took lihiee ut Duplain Midi


If there is anything we pride ourshyselves on its quick deliveries Quick deliveries with tliis sttire come just iiet to quality lint we always bulljive you both the quick delivery and the quality Trv it and see


Social Events The frisi-illas met Satordavcven-iT

ins with Miss Kilitli Newell bull Mrs G T Iteyntihls e i i ter lahiPd]

in honor of Miss Homnine Ibatnwell I last Thursday Miss l i iMinwe l l is atteudiny sekool it the C of M

Abont twenty eimples were entershytained at the home of Mr and Mrs bull1 JIcHain Friday cveniuK Pro-preserve pedro was enjoyed by a l l until a late hour Hefreslnncuts ^

bullrveii Yriling Jtarried Folks wore 1

eutortaiued at the home of Irvinj Williams Saturday oveninp I

Mr nml Mrs Warn-n J)oii en- teitiiined nt a card parly Wcdnes-^

Mr and Mrs It Wilkinson enter- taiued Fjveril int-nds Wedie-sdny eveninf j

Mr ami Mrs A W Curds enter- tabled several fritnds at lunch m Sunday

Mrs WclliiiEtnn Duffey eiiier-taiiied the Haptist Social Union Tuesday afternoon

The Mason and the Coruima Cluijiler O K S have received an iiiviliition fo visit the Vernon orders on Friday evening Feb Sinl An elaborate baiKjuct is beinp- plunged

The ^rtdav Aiternoon Club will be eiiU-i ltl at the home of Mrs Fred Kay Friday The program was published in u recent issue


Invitations Oct For SZnrriajjo oi HIES Wbitely to Oliycr McKay

Inventions were issued the first of the week for lh niiirraiite oi Miss Mary Wliitely of this eitv to Oliver McKay of ilnv-lton which will be held ul the home of the bridoF parenls Mr and Mrs Wilshyliam Whitely on Wetiu-ujv Fob-i nary iSli

Iioth the bride and the frronm are well known in ihis ciiv and are highly resii-tci Miss Whitely ms uu t i l recently ijten el ef ator iu the Ir for a nt imherof i csy iiud pleasing

fr iend to till

telephone o5itishymid hercoart-

mere nuule her SIIR has lived iu

torunna practically her entire life and she reeeived her edneatiitu nt the lneil schools Mr MeKav is very well known here and hi niVm-bTof the Mnsojiii order l ie has been residing on his farm iu ILiel-tou township for several veirs

A cliowcr will hn Riven in honor -f Die bndeeleit next Fridav evenshy

ing by about twenty of her friends at the hom of Miss Inth Maon It is reported that several other smell functions will he held in the uear fnturo in Miss Whitelys honor

A U R TIME ^ kaowJerJse

Whtn you aie in nerd of Kwrifc

thing kv this line


If the office Hint daes ymr printing hasnt do it neatly try lie InnrSAi If it is beiiii- chme neatly try u- fur belter still



Some Stove Bargains

As ynu probably know v-c carried a mijrhty bpound line of stoves tliw wintermdashand stild a pile of them If we should tell yon how many we sold you would hardly believe it It is to be expec-ed that we would bave a few left over from such a larne stock and so there are toomdashbut not very-many Vou know we dont want stoves on our hands next summermdashwc savent the room to carry them over with lawn swings etc that will soon be takiny up our floor space These few stoves and ranges tin hand are worth just as much as they ever were but were fjoing to sell them wfully cheap If you are ffoinfj to need a stove ranye or heater nest winter we tell you you better be one of the lucky ones to yet one of these at tt sacrifice Come in ld let us price -them to you

Corunna Hardware C O M P A N Y

In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9


bullO^C-O O laquo X gt lt X X gt laquo lt raquo Of2gtlaquoXgt O - O O O 0 laquo X 8 gt

icmre raining Treg S E D O N E

Re-member iliat w ieep a line gtlock of moulding-

on hand and can take cart nf i-iiur orders fur f ramshy

ing t 0 y deg u r ent ire satisfaction Hrit tg in your

orders now ao tliey i l l he ready when yuu want

tli em


Easter Sunday Coampca This Year on Am 11 7

L n i l tin season of fast and ab-ftir nil Catholic during

h-nne Into been accepted The lyrics will undoubtedly interest many Co-i-uiimi funs

Vim 1 swear that olcoiuargnriu is 3laquo-5t tis Hif raquoraquo nny butter gton ever tasted Get it of Cok-

If vnn have something you wuut bdquo bdquo foR^l oroxeliniee UBC a buslni-M ivh time many of t h m vofmin 1 ( H i 1 1 1 1 Joiinirl

from indulging in tho usual pleas-1 Sehvler Rouse of Durand haa arcs including social fiuictintit bull burn spending a few dnvs ut the tin aires cards ami other similar | home of Fred Morse mini IMiiiits wilt begin Ash Wedshynesday February 1 mill will cun tiniio until Easier Sunday April

Miss Hoiiiuiue Bramweil who is i l a s i m Miminv April attending seltool ul Ami Arbor

Episcopal dciiomiiintiotiH ^ m t l l u 1 V L u k 4 i U 1 l l u r e ihuerve the season hjtt not so Benjamin Taylor and Stanley ly na tin the Catholics ForJUun of Perry were at the county tiller diiinniinnlinn it is like teat Tuesday on business rmtiimms Friliy for lilllo | ^ i r M l bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

home of Sir and Mrs George Linden last week

ill SI

meat if allowed to ho eaten though there aro nmny ^xuC|Jtii^ gtjli(1i during recent yours made by dis- ne Usui ions from (he Pope wliieli I Russell Busl^ of Detroit spent permit practically all persons to in- Sunday with his parents Probate bilge in tlesh During holv week Judge and Mrs Matthew Uuah 11 i i 11-11 I

Cluildi Wralfrr of Ii-Clrf(

I A M Wo Successor to A V Curtis amp C o

thelust week in Lout Wednesday Friday nml Suturdivv uve fast dnys and during the whole n[ Hn SCUM n incut is barred on Wednesday Fr i -bull day and Saturday from persons wlsuje physical condition is such as

pi rioit fasliug

The Corunna Journal F L JOHNSON

every TtaisJiy nwrnlnc

Rerubiicnn pjny anJ (lie coU-tlua o( diy anJ cojray nn-i

Sutscrirlien f 1C0 rer year In aJfjiKe Sut-scril-t iJcslrir^ their par Jtscon-

tlnucj slioviU notily the rublislicr diret an J net tcie H tiir Hie raslnnsUr to Jo as lis sc i-Ilncs tarcct Always FOO that your ssisrriiea is paiJ ur laquothe Ii- i you orJcr ycur Fiptr ilisccntinurJ T-e Jatc (0 which ycur s- scrtptlwa Is p M is rrint-cJ en your pirtr cacti raquoedj wilh tlwi-nu

7h qumtily anjiiunlity cl the aJvfttlS-ir- carrreJ by tho JOLliSAL is abunJint testimony to ils value as an aji-citising


i laquo t s ol interest to ihe Mmciunlty are cs

ccan that t nessaragt i-ius UL- 1rmiu cl the puMisher There is no chaise ta

CarJgt ol llinnks 30 olltuargt- raiiry rpscluliais Vuslniss laals arJ notices

Tlie Job Der-lrtnert o he JOLliNAL i Generally ceneJed to be Ihe ranst eomrlet enJ c-Jern this sije of Linslrp 3T1J t w l i s cf out scl( s7c1l (ur llicnselves


E i g h t h Congress ional D i s t r i c t Convent ion

A licpnbliean Coitvi-miun ot tSt Elylith CoMrrpgsiuiial Dfsirbt is hCTiliy calteii or tin- rtav ol FebriL-uy to bu hell hi Hie court liuiiao in tlie city ut Caro S^iil Convention will Im c^lkd (n order at tvo oclock lor tlie purpusu ol solocliair tT7o deleKUlcs null two attcrnoio delegates to attend tbe lic-pcblieaii Nufiurial Cltinvcutiou to lie bclJ in (tic cKy of CLieii-o on Hie liitli day nt Juuo IJVZ and to nasi-saet rucli other liusiness as may legally comn belnro Ilio eoaventfon

CountlestentiiiiriHtrfi tho Efu-Iitli Congressional District will lie~ enshytitled to TrprosDiiaiioa as lollov-a

Cllnion county 14 deluntus Snsii3T7 county delegates Sbiavnstfco ciumtv Hi dcbjales isscnia connty IS iIct^Kates

Jy Ordir o( COIHHIKIPQ K W UAM1 Sccy A P l tL lS f iiaifinaii

S T h e New Catalogue I

5 orDetroltnusiricssrniirrKitv bull ta jnot out It will lsi(rr^l bull any yonnR man ur woman wbo deg vranta to prpparp for n crtod bull position Write F tl ShaT- g bull Pren Ul-CO Ornnd River Ave e V Detroit bull

r dlsiajf Adilri-

The Circuit Court

Circuit eoiiil waa adjourned l-ri-iy afternoon niiti Tiiesday inorti-bullzoit aeconut of Monday Febrti-y IJth being an anniversary of im-olnV birtlnlay and tuiisw[iieut-a holiday

A deeree was ^nrnted in tlie case of Lander -f Dhureli vs Nettie Cl u veh bi-jt weckliv Indpe S S Miner In Mr- Chiiv]f s cross bill shr d-gteliiRi that he was i-niel to her dd not snpnort her propirlv atid that often he ivpu^led lliut sln use I-I1SUIJ on hi-r pot itocs lnstMd nf butter She calls herself trie white slaw Church is well known iu (hvns^o having clerked in several raquoru-cry store iutliateiiy One day when lie came home from his work In- said Lets bait iij To his astouisnieiit his wife assentshyed and laquo i id tliat she desired that llu- matte- be hurried The bill lor a divnive was tin- result Mrs

was formerly Mrs Nellie and is year- ltgtf n^e

Cimvh liad been (wicu piv civ maiiied

A (Iicisitm was hiudd down Tueidiiy by -indse S S Miner which laquonii i tsj i decree to Hva Wliite-htiid Iloyhui iu thii suit for divorce whii-li was la-^Lin bv Charles Uov-lan The hnsbaml must pav all the costs of the

bullhuivli vffel


Uhoniai^a rinmdashCole Plume in your news items I M nhu-k Cross ten at Mills Mrs Merit Chapin lias been ill Old papers fraquor sale at the Journal


MiK-beth at Owosso theatre toshynight

Miss Hath Wood visited in Howell Sunday

Peter tiebb of St Johns was in town Monday

Pr A (J Cole of Duraad was

Miss day

Potatoes are vow bringing $1 on the local market

Miss Hannah Unurahati visited in Dnrniid last week

Batter was quoted ntJiOe nndegss at 32c Wednesday

Miss -Mary Whitely is spendinj a few days in Pontiac

Mr and Mrs Walter JJatch spent Sunday in (Jraud Kapiils

Edward Kay was home from Banshycroft the iirst nf the week

Mr day i

Chester Stoddard has accepted a position with Norris Qunjlc

Aivh linvnetl vnin Detrat fora few diiys the Iirst of the week

Miss HiiKel Herrick is speiidiu a few diys jti Durand and flint bull (ilea Yomifr-Jr of Detroit s

the tivi-t of the week in the eity The fajioas Concord niTee can

he had at Mills Croeery for bull)bull Mrs Catherine lieiuis is eoaliued

to her home ou account of illness 3Irs Jerome Stewart lias been

viMting foi- a lew days in Venice Cleaner than most buller and is

b( tiermdasholcomaigitriii Cole sells it M Day left for Ashley Wednes-

Idaho Cleu Morsi

Cliiroprailic assists Nature to cure voii of lliacasemdash(ive it a trial W V Mallelic D C Uwnsso j-wl

A iiinnber of tlie meinhers of tin O S ncnt to Durand Wednes day evening (o confer the decrees

Seinlor and Mrs Koseukransleft the fir-l of the week tor Lansing wla r tbey are speudiui a fewdays

I ini-i Lcddicl is visiliru at tin home of Mrs L 1 Tultle having been called there by the illness ol his sister

II Miner of Toledo Ohio has returned to his home nftv speitdiiijr a few davs with Mrs D Miner east of the eity

Mrs Charles Doan wife of Supshyervisor Doan is recovering from a stroke of paralysis sulfered the first of last week

Alta Wren and family who live near Kirby have been very siefc for the past few days hut are no idly reiovering

Attorney John T MeCnnly who recently underwent au operation has nearly recovered and is duty at his office

Farm For SalemdashICO acres south i r Coruuna known as tho Tliomp-Si farm Modern buildings of all kinds including hiifre sheep barn Call Union phone Cortnm

The company which will present Macbeth at the Owosso theatre tonight comes highly recommended nml (he play will be well worth at-

HaiTv Xeiiy haa moved uis houseshyhold goods from the rooms above R A Ilaughtons jewelrv store to the house formerly occupied by K Klinkman

Four members of the Cl A R have passed away during the last year The organization formerly contained 1 0 iin-mbers now onlv M are left

Venzcl Cnkr aged 27 Mary Drodjie aged 2-) Owosso were married ilftciiiont) in tin county (ice by Justice Peacock

and Miss both of

Sarnrdnv bulllerks of-

ti-ibip tried Io day wla-re he wl spend a tew das - t h e Kroumls| M gt h _ M gt T n u | R r

Mr aud Mrs George Sehnltz wbo have been lately residing in Flint

t i h a w spent the greater piil of thlaquo hist week in this eily on account of the illness of Mr Selmltz

Beans of good |uality for feeding sheep van be hud in eav lots or less than titr lots nt sectU~iM per ton at elevator of the lInrtMiitingamp Power Co Flushing Mid i

The Idle Iloor TlK-utorium will be run Friday night by the Lndh Library A musical program w be given in connection with special pictures Adinhsicn

Justice I 1 Jeffries S Schmidt and fiob-rt Adaia- ol Detroit wer in the eity the Iirst

aimiil the Junrnng bdquo bdquo that hi wif |d heen lisensu b-i 1 V bullraquo | 0 trade ^ trade fore the marriage indieuling I t t lt k i d deg 5 S 1 0 D c t n l t l h t i l v s U l i t h i

of iiidiility The ci-e hits oecujiitd | Mark Sherman of Lansing visit- j business connect d with the Vitri much of the iiiue for (IK- pst week ed friends iu the county seat Mot- lied brick plant near K i i and nmnv jvrsons who were ie- dtiv

4 raquo l laquo i o raquo 4deg of pound ltrade trade raquo gtal laquo ills time

MUsEsteliaKirby Lsbeensperu-in it few days wi relatives iu Flint

f Citizens9 Sayings I k O F O W O S S O

Capital $ 5000000 Deposits over $90000000

D U D L E Y E W A T E R S W m K B r G E L O W

Pres ident v i ce Pres ident


C a s h i e r A s t c a s W c r

Willis E Hali Artliur T Slagbt

J Mr and Mi-s l)vt Milicr visited 1JL iirst of the WLT in Vernout-villo

Ugt Apples an

C| city and for titii

tl i -Mrs Alice Irvin of Detruif j H

very ill ut the home of her sister L y ITultle 1 The Girls elnb viis rntertaniCil h Saturday evening by Mis3 Dorothy f| Pettibone 151 Miss Hiuiiet Diikltisoii spent U Ratunlnv iml t-nniiav ar- her home g i n Jackoi U Miss Katherine Garland is com-H pletiug her edneation iu the Kulu-

iiuiaoo nivml

[j 1 Mr md Mr Lee Egg-wton of ti Flint sjeai Sundav with his pai-H ents in this eily n lriissiau Poultry Food will make1

1 the hens lav in cold weather 1 Get it from Mills j Mni Sarah MKnight of Saginaw

iy visiting at the lioine of Mr aud

i l i s Chiidi-ilarlii - bull Tlie Owitjso Uest Side indoor

base ball laiu has been challenged by tlie [ieiTGUghs te-im of Detroit lor a Ernes of games and the ehql-

_ The erows have returnedmdasha bare sign Hint spring is near at hand The (lock is very small but always makes its appearance at MeCurdy park about this time of the year

On account of the intense cold several electric and tolenhoue wires have broken during the past month

iisiuerahle trouble biilh tpnuies and txho to th to the c(

pah mis L A D V AGENTSmdashNew article

Henry wowaui needs it Sells on sight Write for agency proposishytion Mrs Lihys Bandage Co 179 Selby St Detroit Mich 5-w-i

Archie Payne of thia city who has bee working in Dundeeat his trade as a horseslioer lost three toes aa the result of a horse stepping his foot Saturday The iiicinbt wore ampulnted Sunday

One consult inn in cniineclbn with this winter is that the expens of keeping n lawn mower iu tunc is no severe tax on Ihe owners income There is more snow this winter than for many years before

Um Boutwell and family Jnhn Wjies nud family Mr and Jirs Jas Kddiiijjton nndPatriek Jordan nud fimily of Morriee were members of a house jiarty at the heme of Charles McNamara tin ml ay

John tinge of Durand id in i traquo second ^tiiim uir Iheehori

IIlaquoesamination willhe held today in Justice PateholV court in Durand-The first ease was settled vher ho Pleaded gnilty aud |gtaid a line of

B A K I N G P O W D E R Absolutely Par

The only Baking Powder made fromRoyaS Crape Cream of Tartar


William I Kmilh of Owo-e-o Im been appointed to succeed him^Jf ou thu soldier- relief counnitswii The other Hiemherlaquo of the iiraquommiraquo-

ion me William H Jaeiibs of thi eity and Daniel H Post of Vernon

Nature eurosmdashlet her cure yon If you laquore looking for perfect health come over and we will v c vlmt vv can do Fxamiinilioii free W C Maliskey D CSlate Dank Hlilj Owosso i-w I

Although the woathd wiw ivt bull -ueli as it h-ltoitltl have b-en fov ai iijoyabl seigi party a partv^nt about twoiitv-livc voiiTji people of tliiscitv spnit a pleasant - - M U -Frithiy night at the boat- of Mi Pauline JScagir swilh of the city

The amount of mail was slightlv increased Tuesdav and Wi-dm-sdav nt the local no^t-ilb- on e-conut of ValeuliiL day The practice of Bending valentines to friends on that day is annually diminishing and eaeh year sees the nuinller of iMistul card- and valentine boxes lessened |

Iteporls tiirouglnni the eouutrv are to the effect that thoipiniitityof i beans raised and lay vested thisvear are enormous bat on neeouut of the wet weather late in the fall they are of very poor quality The Morriee elevator has been forced to put on a

night crew to pick the beana Miss Libbie Byrnes of Owosso

has beeu seemed tu Oil tho position iu the local Union telephone office which was lately vacated by Mis-lierniee Kaiser who lately aceipted the prsition of chief operator Miss Cora Wiison of Owosso has also heen working here

Monday Liueolus birthday wns 11 public holiday nnd the bank the circuit court and all the county ofshyfices were eiosed Schools however were kept open and although it was the duty of the teachers to have apshypropriate commemorative exercises during part of the day instead of regular school work we are not going to tell how many adhcrred to the rule in this eity

t A proposition which was made by the mannger of one of the roller skating rinks in Owosso to award a prize to every couple that would be married on skates in his place is reshyceivings much ntleulion by many promineut pee-plu of Owoson society and the manager of the rink wiil undoubtedly be restricted trom alshylowing this kind of ceremonies tu he performed

As a result of complaints made to Ihe SUte Kailway commission by the Shiawassee eoiinly Co-operative association an organization formed last winter to fight the increase in rates fr-im 912 to bi a year of the Unioii^ telephone company on its ntral lires a hearing Will be held in Lausiag on or about March tgtlli at which the commissioners wiil be present ard hear the arguments both pri find Coa

Jn order to collect the sum of s07o which he declares is laquoraquobull htm II P Bigelow of Owosso has brought suit against William Me Alpine Bigilow owns a pisee of laud in O i u sso township He secured 31c-Alpine tn work it ou shares last year mid the tenent now rgt fuses to pay n injunction was also served on McAlpine in order to prevent the removal or sale of anything on the farm

The local theatortinu has undershygone much repair this week A eurtuin with the advert isments of several of the citys merchants on it is the greatest improvement A stage has been erected and the en-lire interior has been cleaned The show only runs three nights a week Monday Wednesday and Saturday but several good reels have been shown of hi to

The jail at Morriee has not had an ocetipautfor more than a year It has fallen 1 til i bad state of reshypair and (he viHatje fuiuets avu making out u list or things needed to be done (i thoroughly renovate and remodci the interior New window ssh are needed as the old ones would prove an easy way of escape for anyone Joeked up there Alsu new mattresses will have to he plaied in the c lls find the wall al one end needs repairing

The industrial committee in Owosso who were appointed 10 conshyfer with Frank Weidnian and others iu regard to the removal of all obshystacle toward the rebiliUliiis of the Kstcy plant which was destroyed during the cyclone last X o vein lie r have reported that all efforts were failurus These men have restrained the city from hstngthe money which was raised for-paving the city st reds to ba used as n gift fur the c-nuipuuy pruvidiug they won Id rebuild

SVem1 pnteties of wwds the refilltu of ShitiVasn--bullbull01111 tylaquo ((Miner wrest hi^- iti^ftpMesrcd duriiir- this winter Many farmers have sold tho trees to furniture companies and still others have cut the trees up into fire wood There

M being agitated a proposition ut for I-try tree that bullbull destiir 1 one -hould lie replaced and it receivshying ihe niHraquoiit of itmuy tit- iplv about tins eily and surrounding country It is inevitable that peine action to encourage forestry will be made

William Goodwill iigent -r the M Chun 11s Signr Beet Co who va- id ihe city tin Iirst of tin- week i- evditd v ith saying that tin- eom-puiis bus nil the uereage t V y wiml 111 this ciuiiiy and that it is also Idle of other companies The com-panv ligurs that thv would gain 11 (licy had fewer but better beets Ton inyiiy iiii-es tends toward makshying the farmer alight I ho work which uaghi lo be done with thcni and also when there are too maiiv it i dillleutt to care for them in the fall nnd lliis icar is n most fitting examshyine Many beets rolled iu the fields b fore they were able to be gotten oat on account of the mud and snow

My folks over near Bancroft arc awful busv these davs deshyclared Turnkey Ellis Heath the first of the week Hows that iu-Hiiired the inquisitive one Yon know lie replied that on 11 farm there is always a few roosters who refuse to go into the coop even in the coldest weather aud father has thtcc of this variety this winter It was just the same way back inmdash well quite a while ago He had some roosters who did the same thing Every morning they would slim to crow aud they would keep it up for about half an hour Well when theyd crow you couldnt hear it at all the noise would jnst freeze and full to the ground it was that cold Warm weather came along in June aud these crows began to thaw out and every time one would thaw out you could hear the crow and we had music for about a week The folks lire eavryi)ir these crows out to the back of the farm this

bull so that they will not be bothshyered when they thaw out Positive truthtoo

Throwinfl ihe

Buying- poor g r o c e r i e s

is just about the same t h i n g n s

throwing- half the money nwav

T h e same result must come

lo every purchaser of lt pound p j c e r -

ies that a r c not n p t o s tandshy

a r d mdash m i g h t y l i t t l eaat i s fac l ion

in eat ing the grocer ies O u r

patrons do not have any of the

troubles that many hrve W e

keep them on our l ist b v g iv shy

ing them the very be t of satshy

isfaction L e t i s g ive r n u a

taste of that same sat isfact ion

Phone 15-2 fins Spur Casb Grocer

N w T i l i n g s f

S p r i n g

The new things for spring arc in being unpacked at this store ami I shall lie very glad to have vou call and inspect them Tliey coniprb all the latest tilings ami you will find it a very satisshyfactory line to select from

G Mo B E E M E R Drv Goods anil Notions Phone (it

E can always furnish you with those fine Choice Cuts that RO so goad in the Sunday dinner as w i l as the regular cuts for tne regular d-gt Try us on

yoyr next meat order



$ 3 0 0 per ton During Threshing Season

A gocd time to buy winter s-ipply

No Shoveling

Hopper Loader

Coal Under Cover

mill SIX M I L E G R E E K

Union Phone C5-i-2 Bd93-3

Annual Pioneer Meeting I The Annual Pioneer Meet in of | Shiawassee County will be held i t the Court House nt Cornnna Febshyruary plusmn 1HJ at 11 oclock a ut A fine program is lieing made for

I the occasion A general invitation is extended to all Come one come ali anil let us renew old aequiiint-

innits and fonu new t -lujiM M F m u Seey

Official t all lor Republican County Convention

A County Convention or the I pnblieana bull Slilawnaaeo d tin heiiiat tho Court limine in ltho PIlT ([ Coiinmi ou Tiiemlny tlio tli (lay i-f February Ill nt 10 1 M standard lime fur Urn |mr-pono of ohvilnt sixteen do]i-nlen 10 tho Slate Con veil ik Ii to boheld nt lUeCitvon Thursday April Uln mi- to elect aix ilrlrsatua nt larjro iiid elx alternate delcnlen nt lame to tho Republican National Cunvcii-tlni traquo IsD held laquoi Cbleajio Juno IStli lUIJ atop tor Hit pnrpinm of iiotiiltiutlm Uftocu candldatei fur elector iresklcni unit Vice Presishydent opound tin 1uitcd states nho for iha mitecltoli of ft Statu Central Committee ami Chairman thereof

At tills Count v Convention will ftlnf 111 tlfltlll filMtlll (IttlORtttCf tO attend ihu cluhlli CoucrcEBimial DIB-trlct Convention to ho held In the Ciiv of Cam on tho lith day of Febshyruary 11UU far the purpose ltgtf oraquo-tvci-luigt two delegates and twit nliertuit ililcuutoi to intend ttiu nfor-Mald Nalljual Convention 1laquo UliiciiK jutip Jcth 1112

Tho rollowlii- towHUhljis wards and prccincta laquoro entitled lgt elclo-Kates aa follows

Antrim JU-niilimlmi it Jlimi i Caledonia e Kairileld 1 Sliiawniitce 10 Venice bull Vernon 1st precinct if Im precinct 1 3rd precinct 7 lliiiinldir let prrcioi-I laquo Jiid preshycinct Middl-litirv J Now ilaven (1 iln-os- tl lgt|-rv 1-t pr-riiir-t S ml [irltiret 4 Kusilt i Sciula ~ Vi(|lnill OIVIUHI City Ii-t wi 11 Lnd until IN linl ward 7 Uli vi in ward 7 Cocumi UI laquo-nrd Uui wivit i til waul 1

Kipnljlleai Cmmiy iiunllttee JJv V II Itiiii iyw Chainir

W K Collins Secretary

ed liicli into the (ir ami hit Uuele Hah mi tim [=itlu ot tliu inet and iieailv knticked him over the boat The lii-ii was (llually kilted mill Mr Habenik and his IIUIKIIIKIM enjoyed fish diiinii-a for wvernl day This t-ioi-v mnv sinniil ml her Ilshy hul 5lrHiilgtiiek has ihe iiietmvs of Hie irriss pike at hia hnme He is SI voatM nt ajro and is very neiivo He fought in tiie luiIlifK utUulUtiui ami tiittvslmrfj hut he Kiiid tiutui-dav Unit Hie Krass pike was one of the biKKtst (lpponctits lie over liail to uvereinne


tibituftty oi Former Resident oi Corshyunna

School Notes

Stat Loans to Settlers ScatJi Wos Australia makes

Eate Itaiis to zittlcrs a frnm -1^ to E rcr cent interest roitij-ohlo by yearly irsMIracntu spread over cat longer than tHrty-one years No loan is larger itzn pound2(100


enrns Tiint wan tho oa-io trith ilrs W S Ualler McCreary Ky My wife writiifcfi iluwn with u severe ntlacl of la grippe viiioli run Into bro^-eliltin Kite enii--herJ as tin sle had consiiinptiin atil coulit nut slcp at nl^tit Tlio ilr-t tjittltrade of nk-ys Hritir-y and Tnr Cf-mpauril gave her BO iTinch relief that she continued usiiitrade it nijiii nio ^n i pormaiifiitly cured Bold by Gllaquon T KyiiotIs

Expecting Something

You can depend upon it before it comes from us tiiat it wil lie ri ht ind will he rijrht and will be delivered on time that it -will prove satisfactory that it will taste v ell when it is on t-t-table All of these things make tip our jfuara-te--

O R A N G E S A L E y thid time frati 12c up They are FancyXavals | and fjuarahleed Free from frost

I FRED M K A Y QtianCy Aiv3vs Piione 101


The seeimd sradv rupih are still ipi-uditif u few minutes each day with the iivsilaquoil eulture excreiacs Mneh beueiit is heiu deriv d and williout doubt in iiuolher year all tlwtlhtr kjvee grades will lie tak-

z it up A few hours each day the first

the week has been ppent hy all the lower grades in the making of valen-lines

Miss Pauline Orlh who recently moved hero from Howell is n new member of the First A grade

Iin-ulu day was ibgtervoii lay in (he iirst rade by suitable bullommemomtivL exereise

Miss Ebie Card of the first grade has returned (u sehonl after an

ss of a few days Mertou Cliipperiiekl who has

iieen il l has returned to his school urk New electric ll^lit Klohes have

been placed in the Intermediate

ben Callahan aud (ieorjiS(hiiltz if the Intermediate (tepartmc-iit

haw been ill recently Miss Klina IVierson of the

Washington Slmo Owoaso was iscst ot the fourth raquornde the first ol the week

Howard liuuk who has keen conshyfined to his h im by illness has iv-rtmed his dehotil work in the fourth initio

What about lii^ii sihmil spellinp Somebody has forgotten something

ItOCiKIN-1 lttlilt Outside- of sehool litmrs Khiawns-K r-treet is lined wiiii youngsters

wlif-arc- having the time of their lives lionkiii buhs In some in

anoes they have nearly met with bullrirnii ii-eilcut= They eantiot he

blmiied for wuniiuj ro IIAVO u yooJ lime for all children with real live bid in liieir veins like to eujov

-ielves and-fhif sport of ealcii-u sk-i-h- is uuv of the delights

i e ynmitrade in cent bullbull- vintir but pn-mtinns slniti lit- taken lhat tln-y ill not eiifanlti-r tiieir lives in iiuy

At i (hue- of th- year nil h-rses bdquorgt iror or le--ivish and ni-iiv frirhten-J on wwul of the -oh weather find sever tiui - t l - M i n n ^ hoys rr raquorls h uc 1 ( M - e u liiirle ontothe- i i -of tgtn adbv j sViri of the 1 a or si Jrik of the team Thus far gt r e hnlt -eU m (-eriims a- nlents i 1 i is li-pid lhat (he pirerts of t - elv will warn tiie i -hi id iviK f th )111--1- so that then- may not be bull ti-ilr ui nny home


Ac-onat oi I C Lsi-rac Strcjjjlc i Ontin-r Un -r jine

A pidurc in fn-- of (in jv-tiit niiinWs of tm iiii tn-jjinKiiien shnws Mr anil Mis l i t i i e i o f this city and th-ii Livo uriiitleiild ren Mrs UahM-k ii IVioskev is holding a -riss |iii- tiin-o fei t Imff the iraquoiltttiro wa-i lakvn at Iloimd bake near -I- hs HUiiinier while 2ili and Mrs Paliene were taking an cutubdquo Fuliov in i the s nrV

Ir andMr^ Kli Bab-o^ vvrc Tjsutnu when siie bceim- suud-iiiy fnglittnctl by j Awrgt pnlliir on hi-r hue Slu- -ailed to CnHe Uab for this i-i tin uaii he Snes by in that viehiitj ad ikeeivit war vetershyan t-mie unklv to the ie-L-ue f l e r imiftli hard work the biff was

o--er for 3Ir bull Jahejk did not wiita the nslt would move after he rilntel it in tin- bottom of the boat Sudshydenly liowevtr the fish made his final --trugijle for freedom It jnmp-

The ttiinniiiEr ranks of the (rami _ uiynlthe Itepilbiie have hml anshyother comrade iu the death of K It Smith whoiHlssed awpy at his limne iu Howoll Siiltinlay Fcbrnnry inl utter months of snlVeriiu The de-ecased was born at Uuiilaiii Mieh lVh Kl 1S41 mid enlisted al lhgt a^e of 31 entei in the vavalry sei v-iee nf the Iliinn arniy Jle was 11 bullalhint soldier and since the war had been ail inlluetitinl and euthiisi-astie meinber nf Co I lllth Midi V7ul Cavalry pri-imriiijit he iifijtrniu

11ml nttendiiR the reunion andeamp litre of Unit com|itiny at Corunua last Ancnst Ijeiuj- at I hat time renreely able tn sluml uloue

The deceased was iimiTiul In Mr- kilen Iaimer at Dwn) in LSii

bull and they Iail made Uowill their j lioine Tor the past ten yean of inoie (with the exception of several months in the years oi 1111() and 1SH1 which

i were s]n-nt on Ike Kveleth fiirnieasl ofthiseity The funeral was held Kit the family residence on Drools street Wednesday afternoon Feb 7th ]lt-v C A Wilkie of Howell eiuiibielini Iho serviee as-nstod bv Waddell Iost No ILI) JStiiml took lihiee ut Duplain Midi


If there is anything we pride ourshyselves on its quick deliveries Quick deliveries with tliis sttire come just iiet to quality lint we always bulljive you both the quick delivery and the quality Trv it and see


Social Events The frisi-illas met Satordavcven-iT

ins with Miss Kilitli Newell bull Mrs G T Iteyntihls e i i ter lahiPd]

in honor of Miss Homnine Ibatnwell I last Thursday Miss l i iMinwe l l is atteudiny sekool it the C of M

Abont twenty eimples were entershytained at the home of Mr and Mrs bull1 JIcHain Friday cveniuK Pro-preserve pedro was enjoyed by a l l until a late hour Hefreslnncuts ^

bullrveii Yriling Jtarried Folks wore 1

eutortaiued at the home of Irvinj Williams Saturday oveninp I

Mr nml Mrs Warn-n J)oii en- teitiiined nt a card parly Wcdnes-^

Mr and Mrs It Wilkinson enter- taiued Fjveril int-nds Wedie-sdny eveninf j

Mr ami Mrs A W Curds enter- tabled several fritnds at lunch m Sunday

Mrs WclliiiEtnn Duffey eiiier-taiiied the Haptist Social Union Tuesday afternoon

The Mason and the Coruima Cluijiler O K S have received an iiiviliition fo visit the Vernon orders on Friday evening Feb Sinl An elaborate baiKjuct is beinp- plunged

The ^rtdav Aiternoon Club will be eiiU-i ltl at the home of Mrs Fred Kay Friday The program was published in u recent issue


Invitations Oct For SZnrriajjo oi HIES Wbitely to Oliycr McKay

Inventions were issued the first of the week for lh niiirraiite oi Miss Mary Wliitely of this eitv to Oliver McKay of ilnv-lton which will be held ul the home of the bridoF parenls Mr and Mrs Wilshyliam Whitely on Wetiu-ujv Fob-i nary iSli

Iioth the bride and the frronm are well known in ihis ciiv and are highly resii-tci Miss Whitely ms uu t i l recently ijten el ef ator iu the Ir for a nt imherof i csy iiud pleasing

fr iend to till

telephone o5itishymid hercoart-

mere nuule her SIIR has lived iu

torunna practically her entire life and she reeeived her edneatiitu nt the lneil schools Mr MeKav is very well known here and hi niVm-bTof the Mnsojiii order l ie has been residing on his farm iu ILiel-tou township for several veirs

A cliowcr will hn Riven in honor -f Die bndeeleit next Fridav evenshy

ing by about twenty of her friends at the hom of Miss Inth Maon It is reported that several other smell functions will he held in the uear fnturo in Miss Whitelys honor

A U R TIME ^ kaowJerJse

Whtn you aie in nerd of Kwrifc

thing kv this line


If the office Hint daes ymr printing hasnt do it neatly try lie InnrSAi If it is beiiii- chme neatly try u- fur belter still



Some Stove Bargains

As ynu probably know v-c carried a mijrhty bpound line of stoves tliw wintermdashand stild a pile of them If we should tell yon how many we sold you would hardly believe it It is to be expec-ed that we would bave a few left over from such a larne stock and so there are toomdashbut not very-many Vou know we dont want stoves on our hands next summermdashwc savent the room to carry them over with lawn swings etc that will soon be takiny up our floor space These few stoves and ranges tin hand are worth just as much as they ever were but were fjoing to sell them wfully cheap If you are ffoinfj to need a stove ranye or heater nest winter we tell you you better be one of the lucky ones to yet one of these at tt sacrifice Come in ld let us price -them to you

Corunna Hardware C O M P A N Y

In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9


N w T i l i n g s f

S p r i n g

The new things for spring arc in being unpacked at this store ami I shall lie very glad to have vou call and inspect them Tliey coniprb all the latest tilings ami you will find it a very satisshyfactory line to select from

G Mo B E E M E R Drv Goods anil Notions Phone (it

E can always furnish you with those fine Choice Cuts that RO so goad in the Sunday dinner as w i l as the regular cuts for tne regular d-gt Try us on

yoyr next meat order



$ 3 0 0 per ton During Threshing Season

A gocd time to buy winter s-ipply

No Shoveling

Hopper Loader

Coal Under Cover

mill SIX M I L E G R E E K

Union Phone C5-i-2 Bd93-3

Annual Pioneer Meeting I The Annual Pioneer Meet in of | Shiawassee County will be held i t the Court House nt Cornnna Febshyruary plusmn 1HJ at 11 oclock a ut A fine program is lieing made for

I the occasion A general invitation is extended to all Come one come ali anil let us renew old aequiiint-

innits and fonu new t -lujiM M F m u Seey

Official t all lor Republican County Convention

A County Convention or the I pnblieana bull Slilawnaaeo d tin heiiiat tho Court limine in ltho PIlT ([ Coiinmi ou Tiiemlny tlio tli (lay i-f February Ill nt 10 1 M standard lime fur Urn |mr-pono of ohvilnt sixteen do]i-nlen 10 tho Slate Con veil ik Ii to boheld nt lUeCitvon Thursday April Uln mi- to elect aix ilrlrsatua nt larjro iiid elx alternate delcnlen nt lame to tho Republican National Cunvcii-tlni traquo IsD held laquoi Cbleajio Juno IStli lUIJ atop tor Hit pnrpinm of iiotiiltiutlm Uftocu candldatei fur elector iresklcni unit Vice Presishydent opound tin 1uitcd states nho for iha mitecltoli of ft Statu Central Committee ami Chairman thereof

At tills Count v Convention will ftlnf 111 tlfltlll filMtlll (IttlORtttCf tO attend ihu cluhlli CoucrcEBimial DIB-trlct Convention to ho held In the Ciiv of Cam on tho lith day of Febshyruary 11UU far the purpose ltgtf oraquo-tvci-luigt two delegates and twit nliertuit ililcuutoi to intend ttiu nfor-Mald Nalljual Convention 1laquo UliiciiK jutip Jcth 1112

Tho rollowlii- towHUhljis wards and prccincta laquoro entitled lgt elclo-Kates aa follows

Antrim JU-niilimlmi it Jlimi i Caledonia e Kairileld 1 Sliiawniitce 10 Venice bull Vernon 1st precinct if Im precinct 1 3rd precinct 7 lliiiinldir let prrcioi-I laquo Jiid preshycinct Middl-litirv J Now ilaven (1 iln-os- tl lgt|-rv 1-t pr-riiir-t S ml [irltiret 4 Kusilt i Sciula ~ Vi(|lnill OIVIUHI City Ii-t wi 11 Lnd until IN linl ward 7 Uli vi in ward 7 Cocumi UI laquo-nrd Uui wivit i til waul 1

Kipnljlleai Cmmiy iiunllttee JJv V II Itiiii iyw Chainir

W K Collins Secretary

ed liicli into the (ir ami hit Uuele Hah mi tim [=itlu ot tliu inet and iieailv knticked him over the boat The lii-ii was (llually kilted mill Mr Habenik and his IIUIKIIIKIM enjoyed fish diiinii-a for wvernl day This t-ioi-v mnv sinniil ml her Ilshy hul 5lrHiilgtiiek has ihe iiietmvs of Hie irriss pike at hia hnme He is SI voatM nt ajro and is very neiivo He fought in tiie luiIlifK utUulUtiui ami tiittvslmrfj hut he Kiiid tiutui-dav Unit Hie Krass pike was one of the biKKtst (lpponctits lie over liail to uvereinne


tibituftty oi Former Resident oi Corshyunna

School Notes

Stat Loans to Settlers ScatJi Wos Australia makes

Eate Itaiis to zittlcrs a frnm -1^ to E rcr cent interest roitij-ohlo by yearly irsMIracntu spread over cat longer than tHrty-one years No loan is larger itzn pound2(100


enrns Tiint wan tho oa-io trith ilrs W S Ualler McCreary Ky My wife writiifcfi iluwn with u severe ntlacl of la grippe viiioli run Into bro^-eliltin Kite enii--herJ as tin sle had consiiinptiin atil coulit nut slcp at nl^tit Tlio ilr-t tjittltrade of nk-ys Hritir-y and Tnr Cf-mpauril gave her BO iTinch relief that she continued usiiitrade it nijiii nio ^n i pormaiifiitly cured Bold by Gllaquon T KyiiotIs

Expecting Something

You can depend upon it before it comes from us tiiat it wil lie ri ht ind will he rijrht and will be delivered on time that it -will prove satisfactory that it will taste v ell when it is on t-t-table All of these things make tip our jfuara-te--

O R A N G E S A L E y thid time frati 12c up They are FancyXavals | and fjuarahleed Free from frost

I FRED M K A Y QtianCy Aiv3vs Piione 101


The seeimd sradv rupih are still ipi-uditif u few minutes each day with the iivsilaquoil eulture excreiacs Mneh beueiit is heiu deriv d and williout doubt in iiuolher year all tlwtlhtr kjvee grades will lie tak-

z it up A few hours each day the first

the week has been ppent hy all the lower grades in the making of valen-lines

Miss Pauline Orlh who recently moved hero from Howell is n new member of the First A grade

Iin-ulu day was ibgtervoii lay in (he iirst rade by suitable bullommemomtivL exereise

Miss Ebie Card of the first grade has returned (u sehonl after an

ss of a few days Mertou Cliipperiiekl who has

iieen il l has returned to his school urk New electric ll^lit Klohes have

been placed in the Intermediate

ben Callahan aud (ieorjiS(hiiltz if the Intermediate (tepartmc-iit

haw been ill recently Miss Klina IVierson of the

Washington Slmo Owoaso was iscst ot the fourth raquornde the first ol the week

Howard liuuk who has keen conshyfined to his h im by illness has iv-rtmed his dehotil work in the fourth initio

What about lii^ii sihmil spellinp Somebody has forgotten something

ItOCiKIN-1 lttlilt Outside- of sehool litmrs Khiawns-K r-treet is lined wiiii youngsters

wlif-arc- having the time of their lives lionkiii buhs In some in

anoes they have nearly met with bullrirnii ii-eilcut= They eantiot he

blmiied for wuniiuj ro IIAVO u yooJ lime for all children with real live bid in liieir veins like to eujov

-ielves and-fhif sport of ealcii-u sk-i-h- is uuv of the delights

i e ynmitrade in cent bullbull- vintir but pn-mtinns slniti lit- taken lhat tln-y ill not eiifanlti-r tiieir lives in iiuy

At i (hue- of th- year nil h-rses bdquorgt iror or le--ivish and ni-iiv frirhten-J on wwul of the -oh weather find sever tiui - t l - M i n n ^ hoys rr raquorls h uc 1 ( M - e u liiirle ontothe- i i -of tgtn adbv j sViri of the 1 a or si Jrik of the team Thus far gt r e hnlt -eU m (-eriims a- nlents i 1 i is li-pid lhat (he pirerts of t - elv will warn tiie i -hi id iviK f th )111--1- so that then- may not be bull ti-ilr ui nny home


Ac-onat oi I C Lsi-rac Strcjjjlc i Ontin-r Un -r jine

A pidurc in fn-- of (in jv-tiit niiinWs of tm iiii tn-jjinKiiien shnws Mr anil Mis l i t i i e i o f this city and th-ii Livo uriiitleiild ren Mrs UahM-k ii IVioskev is holding a -riss |iii- tiin-o fei t Imff the iraquoiltttiro wa-i lakvn at Iloimd bake near -I- hs HUiiinier while 2ili and Mrs Paliene were taking an cutubdquo Fuliov in i the s nrV

Ir andMr^ Kli Bab-o^ vvrc Tjsutnu when siie bceim- suud-iiiy fnglittnctl by j Awrgt pnlliir on hi-r hue Slu- -ailed to CnHe Uab for this i-i tin uaii he Snes by in that viehiitj ad ikeeivit war vetershyan t-mie unklv to the ie-L-ue f l e r imiftli hard work the biff was

o--er for 3Ir bull Jahejk did not wiita the nslt would move after he rilntel it in tin- bottom of the boat Sudshydenly liowevtr the fish made his final --trugijle for freedom It jnmp-

The ttiinniiiEr ranks of the (rami _ uiynlthe Itepilbiie have hml anshyother comrade iu the death of K It Smith whoiHlssed awpy at his limne iu Howoll Siiltinlay Fcbrnnry inl utter months of snlVeriiu The de-ecased was born at Uuiilaiii Mieh lVh Kl 1S41 mid enlisted al lhgt a^e of 31 entei in the vavalry sei v-iee nf the Iliinn arniy Jle was 11 bullalhint soldier and since the war had been ail inlluetitinl and euthiisi-astie meinber nf Co I lllth Midi V7ul Cavalry pri-imriiijit he iifijtrniu

11ml nttendiiR the reunion andeamp litre of Unit com|itiny at Corunua last Ancnst Ijeiuj- at I hat time renreely able tn sluml uloue

The deceased was iimiTiul In Mr- kilen Iaimer at Dwn) in LSii

bull and they Iail made Uowill their j lioine Tor the past ten yean of inoie (with the exception of several months in the years oi 1111() and 1SH1 which

i were s]n-nt on Ike Kveleth fiirnieasl ofthiseity The funeral was held Kit the family residence on Drools street Wednesday afternoon Feb 7th ]lt-v C A Wilkie of Howell eiuiibielini Iho serviee as-nstod bv Waddell Iost No ILI) JStiiml took lihiee ut Duplain Midi


If there is anything we pride ourshyselves on its quick deliveries Quick deliveries with tliis sttire come just iiet to quality lint we always bulljive you both the quick delivery and the quality Trv it and see


Social Events The frisi-illas met Satordavcven-iT

ins with Miss Kilitli Newell bull Mrs G T Iteyntihls e i i ter lahiPd]

in honor of Miss Homnine Ibatnwell I last Thursday Miss l i iMinwe l l is atteudiny sekool it the C of M

Abont twenty eimples were entershytained at the home of Mr and Mrs bull1 JIcHain Friday cveniuK Pro-preserve pedro was enjoyed by a l l until a late hour Hefreslnncuts ^

bullrveii Yriling Jtarried Folks wore 1

eutortaiued at the home of Irvinj Williams Saturday oveninp I

Mr nml Mrs Warn-n J)oii en- teitiiined nt a card parly Wcdnes-^

Mr and Mrs It Wilkinson enter- taiued Fjveril int-nds Wedie-sdny eveninf j

Mr ami Mrs A W Curds enter- tabled several fritnds at lunch m Sunday

Mrs WclliiiEtnn Duffey eiiier-taiiied the Haptist Social Union Tuesday afternoon

The Mason and the Coruima Cluijiler O K S have received an iiiviliition fo visit the Vernon orders on Friday evening Feb Sinl An elaborate baiKjuct is beinp- plunged

The ^rtdav Aiternoon Club will be eiiU-i ltl at the home of Mrs Fred Kay Friday The program was published in u recent issue


Invitations Oct For SZnrriajjo oi HIES Wbitely to Oliycr McKay

Inventions were issued the first of the week for lh niiirraiite oi Miss Mary Wliitely of this eitv to Oliver McKay of ilnv-lton which will be held ul the home of the bridoF parenls Mr and Mrs Wilshyliam Whitely on Wetiu-ujv Fob-i nary iSli

Iioth the bride and the frronm are well known in ihis ciiv and are highly resii-tci Miss Whitely ms uu t i l recently ijten el ef ator iu the Ir for a nt imherof i csy iiud pleasing

fr iend to till

telephone o5itishymid hercoart-

mere nuule her SIIR has lived iu

torunna practically her entire life and she reeeived her edneatiitu nt the lneil schools Mr MeKav is very well known here and hi niVm-bTof the Mnsojiii order l ie has been residing on his farm iu ILiel-tou township for several veirs

A cliowcr will hn Riven in honor -f Die bndeeleit next Fridav evenshy

ing by about twenty of her friends at the hom of Miss Inth Maon It is reported that several other smell functions will he held in the uear fnturo in Miss Whitelys honor

A U R TIME ^ kaowJerJse

Whtn you aie in nerd of Kwrifc

thing kv this line


If the office Hint daes ymr printing hasnt do it neatly try lie InnrSAi If it is beiiii- chme neatly try u- fur belter still



Some Stove Bargains

As ynu probably know v-c carried a mijrhty bpound line of stoves tliw wintermdashand stild a pile of them If we should tell yon how many we sold you would hardly believe it It is to be expec-ed that we would bave a few left over from such a larne stock and so there are toomdashbut not very-many Vou know we dont want stoves on our hands next summermdashwc savent the room to carry them over with lawn swings etc that will soon be takiny up our floor space These few stoves and ranges tin hand are worth just as much as they ever were but were fjoing to sell them wfully cheap If you are ffoinfj to need a stove ranye or heater nest winter we tell you you better be one of the lucky ones to yet one of these at tt sacrifice Come in ld let us price -them to you

Corunna Hardware C O M P A N Y

In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9


In Ocorgft- Washingtons Mmo Alexnndrlnmdashor Bellhnrca aa It was nt fltEt known along about too cotddlo of the eighteenth centurymdashwag ono ot tho moat prominent porta in the United Stales and cecMed lo hold out every promise or extensive development In ihe future George Washington himself took a hand [n booming tho port which developed an eitenBlvo foreign trade The docks vrera crowded with warehouses Ailed with corn tobacco nnd other prodiictn whllo la tho harbor were alp 170 to he found many of the lament class ot cargo ships of that period loading and disshycharging a variety ol commodities AD tbo Amershyican rmlnus ot n heavy ovcrsenss Irado Alex-onJIa becamo well known In shipping circles In

giant) ond II was thou Eh for a time tbat tbo port cn tho Potomac wr overshadow Baltt-rjoro Then came tho oun Influencco that canblncd to bring about 1 bull commercial eclipse ff tho llttlo city no dear to the heart of tbo ns-tsns liberator 6no cf the first of these was the (iablflhmeni only a fow mltcj array of tho capishytal ef tho nation which spec-ly overnhadowed Alexandria Io - various ways Thin came tho tuftfllog cf railroads which diverted much trade to other channels and Jloally ths Civil war

elf-ad to put a blight upon the community which bad long been cno of tho strongholds of the Leea of Virginia

But even la this twentieth century neglected Alexandria gets on the map as Ieait ono day each yearmdashnamely oa lhe ZZd of February whon with each recurring anniversary of Washingtons Mrthdny there Is a big celebration In tho llttlo city that la filled with landmarks and objects Identified with the private life aod public career Of tbe loader of the Revolution Often the presishyde 21 cf tho Untied Slates goes to Alexandria by best or trolley lo iiarllcirate In tbe exercises and tho governor- ol Virginia nnd Maryland aro Invariably Invlicd On such occasions lhe town which la located In closer proximity lo historic Meant Vernon than la any other community ap-pcara almost too email to accommodate tho crowds that Invade her public placcn For bo It known for all that there are handsome well-paved business streets that afford a routo ot parade for tho precession that Is an Invariable feciure cr Ibis holiday ihcro aro other highways ad lis warn la tho Gtaid dignified conservative old town tLit readily convince- tho vialior that they bave uailcrgoro llttlo If any altera n eloco the days cf Gcorga Washington

Old Alexandria Is goicj on three hundred c SSe for It laquotrade fmmded aa long ago oa

1720 although as previously explained It won known for socio scort cf rears by another name Ia 1SIB fto general assembly of the colony of Vlr

bull_ rfpta formally designated It on Alexandria Tho town retains to this day tho names of Its streets chosen In tbe dajs cl long ago from tbo titles of Tcyrlty and nobility Thus we Qnd aa tho most conspicuous thorough farco King Prlnco fiubo end Royal ctreels

AUTsrdlt vns the starting plaea of Ot-netal Braddocks tsmoiss cxn-ditloi r^alcst tho French and Indians v ch ni-micd 1 ugh It was served es brlcs George VushlustuD for tbs Srst lime

conspicuously before his countrymen Here In the old Carlisle bouse which remains to this day one ot the chlor show places of the hlstorlo old town George Washington and other leading men of tho colony t lengthy conference with the firltlsh commander on the night before the expedition set out upon the campaign which was destined to go down In history ss Ersddocks defeat

Tho old Carlisle house which Is assuredly ana ol tho most Interesting structures la the United States tell sadly into decay some years ago alshythough a move looking to Its complete restoration has latterly heen mo do by a patriotic society George Washington was a frequent guest at Carlisle housemdashtho mansion of Major Carlisle and when after a social function In Alexandria he returned lo Mount Vernon by boat It was alshymost Invariably from tho Carlisle bouse that he set ont the terraced grounds of tbe mansion eloping down to tho river rendering It convenient for Genera] Washington and bla honse guests to Btep into the Largo to bo rowed to bla manor house farther down on tho Virginia sboro of tbe Potomac It waa also General Washingtons cusshytom to sup at Carlisle ho-jse each 22d ot February when ho came to Alexandria lo aend lbs Birth Night Balls which were Instituted In hla honor in Alexandria after he roso lo famo as the hero of the War for Independence Theao balln wera bold at Clscaetto tavern and constituted tbo sushypreme boUh af Alexandrias social glory

General Washington was tnoit Intimately Identishyfied with the history of Alexandria trom the year 1703 wben bo purchased eon si dor obi 0 property In the town Ho showed blmncll a good citlien by becoming a member of tho Friendship FIro En-El company This was a volunteer organisation

NAMING THE BOY Old lum gardenor and general factotum was

accompanied ono day by a bright-looking lad clnht or ten years old

Is thin your boy I naked Ycrsuh ho mine bo las ono I got submdashJunior

you wufflea nlgiier nek your manners ter do white folks

Junior 1 commented 3 0 be Is named after

Nmrimh tbo old man replied rather Indignantshyly bo aint named far me My name Jumbo whar ray mammy git outn do Bible Dls hyar chile- name Juntcr ccz bs wux bawa la Junemdash Lipplncottfl

for any such thing hs n Dre-flghtlng department with paid employes was of course totally unknown in those day a Tradition recounts that not only was tbo Father of His Country a supporter ot this old-time Oro-flgbtlng organlxatloa but that on tho occasion of more than one flro be ran with the machine In the good old-fashioned way Another organisation which rival tha veteran Ore company

the Masonic lodg or wl- h Washington was ber and the lodge rc which In the city ball at Alexandria are filled with Washington relics of priceless valuo

Among the buildings In Alexandria which attract much attention from visitors Is tbe old colonial mansion at

of Duke nnd St Asapb __ro Llaquoylaquoiilaquo and hln suite

quartered wben tbe dlsili infillshyed Frenchman visited lb la country and where a great boll was given In bis honor Not far distant Is tbo buildshying occupied as the first freo sehool In Americamdasha school established through tbe bounty of George Washington On Fairfax afreet near Duke ia the First Presbyterian church built In 1774 and on Cameron street la the town house of Lord Thomas Fairfax a splendid example of tbe architecture or the Georgian period and yet in a perfect stato of preservation Persons who essay to tour Alexandria by motor car are destined to many a bump and Jolt for wbereaa tbe prinshycipal business streets are paved wltk

ashphalt most of the old residential streets havs tho great cobbls stones thsl have with stood tha traffic of more than a century However It is Incresting to note tbat even this prtmttlre pav-liit bas Its historic significance for these eelf-aame cobblestones were laid under General Waan-In Etons direction by the Hessian prisoners cap tured by the continental army

M o u n t V e r n o n T o k e n Returnee)

When Mount Vernon the home of Washington waa restored aome 30 years ago tbe various states were asked to send some token to ba placed In tbe roo^s Tbe women of Kansas sent a solid walnut hand carved seal ot K bull - ess to rep-recent this stste For 30 years tbe tesutiful seal has been standing In the former bonta of ths Father of Hla Country and It bas just been reshyturned to the Kansas Historical society to ba placed In the exhibit of Kansas curios

The piece Is carved from one solid piece of na-tlvo Kanain walnut ono of the few perfect pieces of walnut v ad found tn the state A search or several months waa required to And a tree suitshyable for tbo work One wa found In Coffey county and was cut down expressly for this carvshying It Is four feet long and two feet high and ta Intended to go over the door of some ball

Tho seal wss carved by tho late Henry Worrmll cf Tapckn tha Crtt artist In Kansas Ho i arked nil ono summer on 1L In tho center Is the crest teal of tbe slate painted In colors in oil by Proshyfessor Worrall Around the seal are tbe words Great Seal of tbo Stato ot Kansas January pound9 1EG1 carved by hand each letter In relief Around tbe seal nre grouped Ibo prtducti Kansas

When the servant quarters were restored at Mount Vernon Kansas school children raised tbe money to pay for the res to ration It waa then decided that Kansas bad sufficient representation nmong lhe relics in tbe homo and the great seal wua returned to the Historical sccicty


Moat People Who Have Been Afflicted With Colds Will Recognize Thfa

Typo of Human Hyena

DloknmdashOot a cold I oca JinksmdashYes llttlo ono Ycu ought (o ba very careful That

cold nccda attention Think sol ft ban n regular graveyard sound Good gracious Awfully dongcrouo lime for colds

Influenza pneumonia and quick conshysumption everywhere

Eh Yen a friend of mlno took a cold

not half so bad an yours Inst week and in three dayn ho waa dendl

My atarat Fact Tho doctor aaid my friend

might bas pulled tlirc-jgh If ho hadnt worrlod so much Toko my advlcs and try not to think about It


Tbcrot Tbat refutes the comic pashycer Joke that mcaacngcra dont runmdash

Yes I bellove there is a dog light np tbs street

Hed Be There I M Harrison says be was standing

at Forty-third street and Brosdway when a young man wearing one of those Pougbkecpsle looks approached him and said

Excuse me but 1 want to find my cousin who lives in New York

Very well replied Lee It will be all right ibis lima Whats your cousins naracT ^

Say said Lee grabbing blm by tho arm coma out hero In the middle of tho street and yell Cohen Youll probably be able to find blm In tbe crowd tbat

Quite the Contrary Bclcg anxious as to his prospects In

ono of tbe early attempts 10 enter parshyliament Herbert Samuel consulted his agent wbo satd tbe chances were not rosy because he was a carpetbagger

Mr Samuel thereupon promised to live In tho division if he were successshyful and bills were Immediately posted that If Herbert Samuel la returned next Tuesday be will corns to live

Some ot tho other aide however posted ono of these bills on a pigsty

Mr Samuel did not win tha election mdashLondon Telegraph

Tha Commander Does airs Pecks husband comshy

mand a good salary t He earns a good salary aha com-

VISOOM FROM T H E WED SingletonmdashIts wonderful what love will ensbla

a fellow to sea In a girl tbat ho Dover saw before WodmoromdashYes and Its equally wonderful what

lovo mdashB=t let h laquo see- that bnli utar c Boston Evening Transcript



Writing ahott a recent rucction the society editor ot tho rllls Knn Re view-Head light aaya

Light refreahroants were served conslstioa of popcorn cider etc served ID courses

I hear ths bid and groom arlaquo having trouble already

Harried only a month already and rgttuuret-IOG

So they say1

What lo the -troublet Seema hw husband wants to quit going

afternoon re cap Hons and jret back to VBSIDSBS

Work ts tha vary ssl of Hfs not only preserving It from decay bnt giving It tone and SavormdashHugh Black

R e l i e v e s Backache Instantly

Sloans Liniment is a great remedy for backache It penetrates and relievo the pain instantlymdashno rubshybing necessarymdashjust toy it on lightly

Heres P r o o f I hid orr Wk fitirl la A Botr Wij

ud lo Sin FnoclKiMwo^jtm

OM Tm HMkt fu I M laquo )laquoir Ual-bullualln t dms tion udfoi bull tntittt uv flu flm ipolkillsnuraquo-- V u w l nlitf wlt cictpf tat a Uuk tos-atM bullLJ J K Q R H A t r



is the best remedy for rheumatism neuralgia sore throat and sprains HU1 E Rru of Brooklyn TTT vrlla -Sloja-t JJnlmtat l i th be lot tlitutaitlim I bar Wtd l is beeshytles ol Ii and It I) grand

SoldbyallDssJars Pries 25c 30c sml raquo 1 0 0


^onibpat Danishes

Prompt R d M f - F M CAHTOS UTTLE UVEF MIX5 n w r [aij PuidyTOeU- A


We mdashart but plusmnntly on laquont l )

Stop after ^kT I bullLYEf dinner dls- X trcse-eure mdigestiort _ fjutnovetbccultUL4ejuor l7righ iitbeeycsi SMAIi- PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PfJCl

Getwioe must bear Signature

TiieWoridKnows the best peer en rive and corshyrective of disorders of tha digestive organs it tbe gentle luraleu vegetable s lmj i

effective family remedy


FRUIT T R E E 8 M M I M C I H K WsassasfcaPrtM

M h r t e l r i i t M S s I

U l l i K M ssraTTOamOTAMD ( H U t H T C A X C A S I I M l K - ^ ^ mdash ^ bull ^ ^ mdash R R R M | M M M V M H | V

bull Mat tmaa r u a a w t raquo l a s s


C A L I F O P N I A F I G S Y R U P C O ln 1 j C l r c f e

m e Y e r u - P o r J i n amp a rftheOoriiiirwt

CZHUBW WJSD1 CAXIXB rO ALTHCHX1H THCT COraquoXgt MAKI A LAKBt faOtlT Hf SCUMCi RWIBSOa FMnUtA TioniTtTTisrrnxFixTDSUTmcslaquojalaquo accxusS rr n MCHT TO no JO AMgt n a THE ODOO OF TMB-ctsroNEia insni m M I D or ssmtcswa SUCH zaaaxnTi an T W ORGS TO BCU wrm AS ream u n oa M A L M MAT AT acattTaBBDtnm UKBS J l S K S U A i O ttUAStUTT

a m i K OHK sax ONLY poa S M J SV au 1 rgtamdashn fKUCCHTV aSOULAt IWCa St tSK aOTTLL



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9



CUrT-ica M Crura nt Indianauolla thinks variety mMsi riiico io lit no ho wcri to n spirits IMIe seivlce

It v-iin a lively affair with sepulchral vdc- rourulM- throiiKli Iiiiuip larihatirlfi-a playlsii uiisrlrlously in rilil nir mid cold clammy hands of partially timlcrlallzcd men and women mattlm free In tho dusky room -nltb thoo laquolo were In Iho flensi In U-o iiiilJt or it something dealt Mr Crcr9 a ticloiss whack on tho naso nnd ho culled fur ilRbtj In ft loiio not lo bo riiEOhoyeJ Willi the light tho clrclo

Jl^closcd VTS all natural anil hushyman rjjaln Tbe most human member ltgtr It waa Mr Crocs with a bloody UUJI spaillur for a flfiht and all tlio raaJicx becmro ho did not too Iom ta flEbt

Who did that ho demanded of t ic medium

Tho medium snld the cay spirit won that ot St 1-c-fr

Cut oven this osplnnatlnn did not cailufy Mr Cruisf

-Wull nil I aslt of St Peter ho aaid In to materially for Jnst one laiouto nud If I dont mafco a vacancy



i f ~

1 frac34

Passenger (nervujsly) mdash Captain that weald bo tho resell ir this bwt otould oriko on Iceberg

CaptainmdashIt wcuM probably shiver i u ULibera

Happy Future Apropos ot the marriage at Rdcate

el Alfred Gwynno Vandcrbllt nud lira Holl3 McKIm a Now York man eald on the Olympic 1 m-t Yonder-bIo nr the Metropolo at (IrishtOTi a few daya niter the crreriony and 1 oald to him by Tray of n Jake

Well Ia the ccttrro of truo Invo coins to run cnooth

Smooth and eiralpfct said he There aro banks oa both aldca you

Sun a Lampllnhter Io the ncelylcna burning lighthouses

nlong tho Panama canal Trill bo Inshystalled copper cylinders eiposed to iho nun bullWhentho sun rises in the corning and tho rays fall upon these cylinders they win eipacd nnd close Talvcn that admit eas to tha burners AD night nppraacben and tha suns rnya diminish In po^er tho cylinders bullrtll contract and again turn oa tho can which will bo Ignited by small pilot JctnmdashScientific American

Gclf-SacriHelng EtsentEal bullYou eaai claim to bo o party

teatfe no replied tho ltjulct clUzen

Drcrybody wants to bo tho leader of tho party It strikes mo tbat corao-hodr cught to bo will ins to bo th po-j

Glampno ol a Wlrisr Docs your tvlfo win at bridge 1 dont know lor EUIC replied Mr

Elccklco bat I think no Tho wo all loot ca II Ifcoy dlalifced bar very much bsjt they Lccp on Inviting her

Tho Bwt of It Bbemdash1 hftvo o b111 lor yoa on hand HomdashWcllT Shemdash Foot It


Vhean traveling rnleampivcn umitly fr -ii itlcio ure ouarautiiiiMl at tho | City hotel ni Blair Wis on account oC ii easo of bmallpoi j

Nine hiiiidred rcrcuiw (he ciillro I ioiiiilallou cf UuItCd a minim acttlo- | unit near tirciusburi la have been j acclunttd mi nre mivslni fora j

Tho I a-d i tu (ho ctato ntlorn-y n-neml t

bullill Hie icro Jlnrijuctlo iiIlrvHl j ilkKtil Iltinticlal iiniciillica uti- | irovlstmi of the Etato law I

suburb laquor Iluliith 11c wan drisned and botlt feet were rroicn

Cliaunetgty Ilnmtuantl who In 1011 wan ncqnitted of tho vhnrKv ur lilcal-inp ft JITOOO pay txilt frnH n lidrolt autuainlilh cuiiiiu laquoaa inuvliii-d if

pcntvufcil laii-r Hiiiiiimind laquons arshyrested ltl Cijllltlltnl ()

FranU 51 Hvati nriddtit of tho IirldKi- Wurlii-r in ludlitapolh mi-notinced ilio union wa^ rtaly fi any

a HcNatxi


CENTRAL CANADA A careful can vat a mado of a numshy

ber of men farming In a larpa ivjjr Indicates tbrt even with tho ciiteruo espen^o of liariiv tllaquoc llo crop vlileh haa been rauroJ by tho had weather and dlfilctilty in thrcahlnc wheat haa been prodtued nnd |gtnt on tin niarlei lor lesa than 53 cotito n bushel Tho nvomco trlt-lijht rjto hi not over 13 laquontt per bihel 1hla would maio tho co of tHuilUcltaa nuil fn-inht CS ccnta ami wo-ad kao Uio fiiua- tut actual margin on lih lov-rraJo vheat of IT ccnla find for lib liich-Krailo wheat ot UMi cents and tltoufcli tills la not tin larco a profit no the farmer ban every rlpht to expect It la a profit not to bo dcaplacd and which nhouhl leave u wry ftilr amount of money to Ida vtidlt wlwn nil the laquonraquoiilaquoea of Ilio year linvo been paid untcna Iho Vniuo of low-pnido wheat rlnli very much below Itn prci-out level A matshyter vl Itnioitanto to tlio prospLttlvo cclller In (hut of tho cost of piodue-Hon Tlio followltu taldt haa b-eii IrepLired uf(cr careful iuvi^iluiilan

SURELY HARD MAN TO PLEASE AillM Old Hlraquo Dent but Qometicw

Managua Editor WojIJ Nut Be Sntlnricd

An nrllflt was ilrawInR ft cartoon wherein tb flag of our nation pbyod u ariigt liart Ho Cf- iho lint (Iriit lime wltti tlvo itarn In the hltio ]|r-d wamp tool It tu ilw )iniilaquofiHlaquo editor who Piumpily Irl mil yelp

Wadyo thlnlt Ihlti country In call Iho Tuaii[iiIm edller a Irnat

Wliata lb trouble Billed tho art-

rc-l ( per ncre T yeara at C

per cent lutoreat

cry Ti-apocp ploughs lui rovJ eio to oiH-_ato ncrcimdashlay 3QiJ for

bullnnd nnd thlid

nnd eliihed PllrhUy j bullbullWhat do you th UirV lio n-lcil at lu-i j Vour tlio hnrd-t man to pli I ever met In my lift nnid tho nrtliit i Indlmiriuily first Ha loo few nnd iliin Uu too many lluiv many Jo jou want anyway


] Tor mora thaa a Feneration Cutishycura poundoap and Cutlcurv Olultn-nL havo done moro for pimple blacUheada

nnd-olher uDElrhtly conilltionu ol tho comrlexl^n red chapped hands dandruff Itchlnjr uealy rcnlpn

and dry till and (alllnc hair than aiy clber method They do nhli

CALUMET JMUUHG POWDER gt 381 |t Jigtc wonder of bak-1

Kflf ^SpJI inn powdermdashCalumet ^^^Stfpl Wonderful in ita raitinc 1 g Jktff powers mdash its uniformity

and child 000 Ointment

diuilpured lufa


utlcura eold by drucslsla

nnd dealers throughout tho vrorld n liberal uamplo of each with 32-pago book on tho caro of the chin nnd hair wilt bo cent portfree on application to Cutltuta Dept L Eoslun

the Iniuian bones found Iv (lie laquoni ham vviicIKIia to Pol- ostUoatf Uioir iniiilmuci ace at fifty ihousan joara Insirad or (en thamand arr

JIUIKU llTliis or MIIniuiii-1 or- ] ilcred Charles Hahi of Irinceloii III to support his l laquo o children who tiro In the custody tbe former Mrs I Hahl Tho man was convicted or J abandoning his (lilldren but tho court ] plarod him tin probation for tno

Rev D II Martin or lUroujlnRiou 111 bar pone gto Chleaco tu learn vheihiT hi- tins bic-n tu^liUns unwlt-tliiBly a swindling panic lie was en-KaRfd at n salary of $03 a monlh to flsai-t ii cooperative proctry but after taking orders heard no tnoro

Secdlns Z^ j per acre- Z 1 Trilne 320

lie IlarrcBtini 3-0 acren tl

ccnta ptr acre 3 yeara Marketing ncres estishy

mate 0 bushels per aero r tor 3 yen

cents per bushel lt per bushel for 3 year

Threshing 320 nercs cs Zi bushela per acr year for 3 years 0 per bushol per year cents for 3 years


Thc- laquor i bull lntcrrnrlia Cr

e union at Urossela Is re- pard^J at Home as highly important owlni to the derision of tho Italian

cjnnrt linn wills Hie union If the moot- j Ing In-Ift im costdemninfi the action j ot Holy in the foiiillc- vlih Turkey 1

Newa v-as brought to Victoria UC | by tho Canada Maru of tho arrival nt Yokohama of tho Teyo Klscn Kolsba steamer Klyo Maru from South America without fuel Chief Engineer Yomashila committed suicide by Jumpshying overboard A note be left says ho did so 1c ntono far lault for tho fuel Dhortage

Slxty-t vo ioiner3 entombed In thb Tiunlicr Hill mlno for 23 hours by a cave-In In tho mouth of the abaft nt Suter Creek Cal were rescued nfter desperate wort by miners from ft near-by mine None of the men was injnrad Several wor weak from lael ot food hut none will suffer nny pershymanent ill effects

By wheat crop rarm 320 ocre tor 3 years average Z0 bushels per aero plaquor year lor 3 yoars or a total of CO bushels = WCG0 bu=beu nt pound0 cents per bushel 51336000

Balance (o credit of farm aftshyer S yeara operation K-ES300 per year 7S2COO

To operato 480 acres would coat leas In proportion ns tho plant reshyquired Tor 320 neres would do for the larger farm and tho Interest on plant for tho ortra 160 acre would ta

The figures given may be open to criticism but they will bo found to bo reasonably accurate with B fairshyness given to tbe eipcnso columns There aro thoso who pro lesa to do tho work at a much Ices cost than tiQEo eveo

Stop That Sackashe WITH T-IK KEW flEMEDV

DR DERBYS KIDNEY PiLLS 25 and 50 Cents

Ak (our druBglsMor iram icmdashplm



IIMHUJltC rem w i u softCKvca

p e s o s laquo raquo raquo raquo C laquo M O laquo

TAFT GIVES WOMAN REPRIEVE Mauls Lomjx at Washington Get

Stay cr Wncly-onc Daya ta Awslt Decialon

WahlnstO eh- 12mdashPrestlrtent Tnft reprlcvca r il dayn Mattlo Lo-mni a negro woman under nentenco of death Here for murder or her husshyband pending decision of a cntradeo In the nistrlcr of C ^lbla courtF Inshyvolving the right o[ a jury lo EVO o [juallfiid verdict In n homicide trial



rcnn CEIKESC CATTrIgt-Prlni

AnotHer You aro my wifes toclal secreshy

tary ho nsku of tho beauteous creashyture who la seated at tho small desk In tho study Yes sir BOO smiles I am suppoHi-d to tulto Mm Illlrrups placo In ns many uuclul details as posshysible

Wellmdashermdashrho doesnt ecem to be coming downstairs this morning and It ban alv-nys been her custom to kiss mo good-by when I start for tho of-CeomdashJud-e

ST LO0I3 CATrrT3-Snllvlaquo Btlaquors

T r a i Stlaquorlaquo HORS-H-dvy

OMAHA CATTLKmdashNatlvo Blraquora

flCocktra snd FttOen bdquobdquoplaquogtwraquo ma Hilttrt

ID la tt i v i U tr im I N A l raquo i n l i w

One Was Lacking Head Clert (to applicant for govshy

ernment rost)mdashAro thcee your Idea-tlr-ntoa papers

ApplicantmdashYea sir Head ClerUmdashIIDJ jour death cershy

tificate la russlng

BoEtoneac BotnsmdashSo ibat Boston tlrl said I

wasnt wurth my snlt oh7 PokusmdashWell aho did remark that

yon were Is Inverse ratio to our chlorshyide of sodiummdashPuck

MabelmdashUnt wore only ten BobbymdashI know tint but Im leavlnff

my order la advance

Unjucllfbble Suspicion The colonel hod caught Ititstus red-

handed coming out ol tho ben coop uiili ihrec fat pulbts under bis conL

So ho ald Ive caught you at lsisl uleallng my Itcns have I

tthnt me suh replied ftastus In imineJ surprise Why Marso Colonel suh 1 haint a-stealin DO hens suh

Then what aro you doing with ihem under your coat demanded the colonel

Why Mnrse Colonel lilt look tlaquo mo so like It war gwlnc to snov- sub dat nh Tietii out lo do coop to -Ing item hens In by da kitchen Hah uh to keep em from glltln [rose said tho old man wjlh a deep sigh to that that his honor had been susshypectedmdashIlnrpers Weekly

Tbo Uulldogmdashi tell you Mutt dcro ought to bo a law passed prohibit In tramps from wcnrln pants over dere wooden legal

Kaiser as Writer The German emperor had ho been

born a commoner and chosen newsshypaper work ns amp profession would without doubt have become one of tbe nio-U ratnous Journalists of the day Ho has written n great deal tvblch has never seen the light but wblcb will doubtless be published In tho future Recently the emperor asshysisted ID the preparation of an article entitled How the Kaiser Works ror the Strand Magazine the proof sheets which he read and corrected himself

Taking No Chinees You say Use elopement was tort of

forced upon you Yes after sbe came down the rope

ladder her father pulled It upmdashStray Stories

A pretty tfrl doesnt hsvamp to proshypose during leap year and a homely one Is afraid tomdashbut there the strenshyuous widow

I wonder If Jack knows I nave money V

Has he rropOBcdr Yes Ho VnowsmdashKansas City Journal

ThoURbto are often known by events A sudden accident opens tbo closet of the hearmdashearly I e

Dental Operation on Pony A remarkable operntlon has bren

performed by a Wanstead (Eng) vetshyerinary surgeon on a pony whlcb bad a bud fracture ot tho lower Jaw Aftshyer Injecling cocaine and wiring the teeth together tho surgeon drilled n hole through the Jawbone nnd tbe broken parts wore then firmly iff awn toftether by strong silver wire Tho jiony is expected io make a comyleti recovery

Important ta Mother Examine carefully every bottlo of

CASTOIIIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants nnd childn and eeo that R

Bears the Signature of Io Pso For Over 30Y CliMren Cry for Flctchcrt Castoria

Herring 4 Cents a Pound

Grass Pike 5 Cents a Pound

Salt Lake Herring pound 3 5 0 Per IOO Pound Keg Ail kindsmdashFirst ClassmdashPrices low Bend cash with order Asie for cemplrta prtcollit BENSON BAKERBajCfftHch

Great Northern Ry Makes Low Fares West

Colonist TideU oa salt daily Mraquorth lit to April 15 th

The Great Northern Railway will place ta ihem Railway wdl place ia

eEsct on March is a epecial On- Wiy Cot-V-3-W mdash trade mdash

the Great North wlt fare of cent1300 from Chicago to points i_

^ Ircat North wlaquo it and continuciuoe daily

T i b fare wil enable everybody who hibull been convinced of tlie ptcat opportunitio awaiting them in licCoJen Great Northern Elates to reach the goal of IUJ duirei ecoshynomically and quietly

Three daily traim will carry tiie Colonist westmdashfrem the principal [ratewayImdashSt Paul ipolii Caicipoundo and Kaaiu Citymdashand

Let us then be what we are nod tbux keep ourselves loyal to truthmdash Hbull W Longfellow

burns Cun-s without scare HJIII EOC by drURKlat For tres pnmplo wrlto to J W Cole fc Co Blick Itlver Falls WU

being made for lhgt kpecial prepauiium n comfort and iccommod

tit City Duluth and Superior will be cent500 Ticket will be raquodd to nearly laquo11 points in

A ton tana Idaho Wai fling ton Oregon aad British Columbia tadudioK Hdesa BntM Grfit Falls Havre and Kalitpell Monuai| Spokane Seattle Tscoma Everttb BtUJr|-him Vancouver Mrtoria and Portlud lt

Every toim in lie east will enjoy tbe bcncE t of this rate and through tickets can be purshychased laquot low figure In olsnnini your trip to the Golden Great Northern State write for free copy cf Coloniit Fotdef and cMt of through tidwtfrcm your town to

E B CLARK Gw AfwmU ] 710 Mijmie BwUka

Why Rent a Farm bulltrm tThulov1 thvMampt Bynp tc tttbtnirlaquoofirntborrnnraquo rrdueea luOimi tion Klluya palncuitrade raquo1EJ laquo11

WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN Women who laffer with disorders pecoltar to their sex afaoold write to Dr Pierce aad receive Ires tbe advice ol a phyiieUo of over 40 years erperiuice mdasha skilled and mcccMful speculiit in the ditzuea Of women Every letter o lhiraquo sort bss the most oirfnl consideration aad raquo retarded a sacredly confidential Many eaiilively modest women writ fully to Dr Pierce what 1 -y woald shrink from Jellin(teit r ocl prrraquoi cum The local physician is prettr L c lo aay that he cannot do aaytblal ^Ibsutu ennmaUoii Dr pierce hold that tscaa dtslaitefol examiBatloai ere teoerally need-leu and that 00 wtmuu except

Dr l l trcraquolaquo trwtsaeot raquoIf1 yonr own hotsa Hi

fcindredi at tjowimdashJs bull01

It U the oolymtdiclce of Its load that la the predoet ef bull refiuartr (radrutad r T V J 0 0 0 ) 7 deglaquo a x enomth that iu maker dare to print ita every lajreoient on it ooljde wrapper There no secrecy It will bear ezaeaiaa tion no alcohol and no babit-Iormiaf dnnja are found Ia it Some aoune-ulou medicine i W t n taiy offer you a laquoiblaquotitate Dont lake h Dont trisa with your health Write 10 Worlds DispeoMry Medio1 Anoeiitlon Dr K V F1eree Pmldent Buffalo N Ybdquomdashtake tbo gtdviee nednd and be wall

bull should fobmit to thcaa rraquo yen rifht b tfw vrfraer Jt

W N U DETROIT NO 7-1raquo

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S Co^rmoresraquodtbTteriterrjidfaHtrcekHatbiDi^MhCTdTe OnelOcpackamccloiiallEheTa dyeaiiT crmai wifliow ripple apart Wrtta lor lira booklet mdashMew to Pye Bleach and ML

Henkels Bread Flour ChoIeM Grain from the field of Minnesota and ths Dakolai contribute let its quality

Expert Minen spare no palra or expanse tuperintend th laquowk that takes laquovery unworlhy particle from uraquo w h laquo t and prwJucea this rtcli orMmy rtour Throe ycncrailoM tf~hoUMVlvM ham attested tha goodness of this vooaVtM flour

Surety Eooamrj gta4 OeMiampasw an Mh serred la tranaportlsf vfwat (act flow) frwn tbesa distant oorllrnstem vtaaml ilelds Ask for H B W BRSA1gt fmm

Htnkilt OeraaaiJmdashHaaktrs IMIDM FTwr-latkels hv Ntd Nestfci Flaw

011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9


011 bull1111 1 gtn iuv JJI -

bdquobdquobdquoraquov bull-5^-1- j

bull bull ^ i rlaquo l Vbdquolaquo bdquo l ^ ^1111-111 |]

Ciaas Oakley l1bullbull1 n tlv huiWin (iirtn-t rlv kVCurvuj bv ilit Ctrt imu

bull - Ijrnil Opjn igtUrJays

C u c - i o m T V o r h a S p e c i a l l y

+ + + + + + + + ~+ + bull

written i

-re t M O if it ii-igt riirhn bullbulltgt -f rum nv bull)1 thrit Mr 1111( Itn-i 1 iIn- ii [Hirit r for uso In lie t-tup - laquo Iiivit tliUdlliir ( tin y in the lor iirililvu viii no Dulv-d lr n (civ vtttt for the ti-boul Iirgti-c

nionlio torJl hu IRTII (irraai bullgtl the Senior Juilen-or i--kty it i V liohiu if V M Toivticr Widow IIV cveiliK Pel) 14

TIKIY V 113 1 rmoI nlli|ilutee -t

Mieel at I - 1

lie bulllgtli WiiN MeKillj

K-i 1111-111(1 railed on Mr Iiiind Mflnlslu l her baaio here lnnd They vere on tbelr wiy to liiacln la visit trieiidii

Tho local frolprllt utoiijied Here Sunday mid left freight Tl lime lu the lilttlury or the Freight In io totigcnttil by lieliu tied uf that It w It here Sunday

George Smith relumed from i- n tier Im


ilit I heir J-lcilaquof rrolato

hi oraquold Coaotr oi SMaraiLc Ctrade deg J1ATTHEW ElAIT

Uj ftonmrc LryoiEf 170lilc UrgUtrr

i l v l el flie home of Mr nid Mr V II M Ueriioi Siini[iv -tlonuiiB via f-iorltii isereisi Wehiiit nine ud on In If lmiinlu

Jllr Uc^io IlrMUi of the M f bullbullas a ilaquo(ul at the homo igtf Iru ami Mr- Willi iw Slvnv Tor tin- weeks

H V n Te v i s detained nl iii i-onie lire iho lirsi nl lie i-eok gt illnc-

ta iieeni inel family lulut id family and Mr and

is O[ li1IM1if-ie-e vltli his 1

e of Mrs A ntK t Siriil-y W C T T 1EVO rbdquo(| r] o rj-iam for their incctltiv lrl-

l the home of Mrs nfr 1 nil

I-rr lt f3rir of Wllllaniston unit r C-iuray mnil Mtniii-n- I ri-tsK- ( Mr and Mrn IrankSiudl Mr and Mrs IJ-JI1-I iorry of Ians-bull w-re mots of Mr ami Mrs U-rt C n l rt Hiis ]dacc Saturday

8100 Reward $100 The

lianitlnllln dirt w tlit seieace liss luii able lu cure

nil lis Ma^iM anil lln-t ia Lalorrli Halls Oii-irrli Cure Hi only ixisitlvc cure

l io the inidii-al fniti-niily Ca-I n coiisli-iiliutml discu-e rc-

jaslltKtional treaimeni Ilnlla t-ilnrrh Care Is taken luieniully ucliu mdash - llie lil((id nml mucous siir-

-Mcin tUcuby iltsuoyiiiR the touiidatiou igtf tlitt 011(-1151- and giving tiie paift-nt ktrcn ih ly building op tbe

iuiun nod ns-isliog nulure In lining ik The jiropriciora have si much

fnilh in Its curative inwcts ibut licy (ffer Oat lluidrid Dulhrs for Buy caargt tlnt it fiila ID cure Send fortM of tustimoitiaU

Address P J CUEgtV amp CO To-kdbdquo O

Sold bv nil DrugpislB 3t Take llalls Fmiiiljr Pills for coDStlpa-


bullbull+-gtbullbull + + + + bull + bull bull

elilnvitraquo4(r MUD Fvli I 181

Two uleirjlilnntii ot tlr viinng frieiulft inui Heninlmate- of Willie llnuli] fimn tlio Nt Inul ueiinnl ot Craquowuso surprised hint at his liuinu liere un Tliurstlay ltltveiling uf lust week

Mi-H Will tlury nf linnning JB tlio (jucst of 3hH Uertie Uootli thin week

Mr and Mrs J) A Morris attendshyed a rairiuifie on Thursday ntuht ut the home or Mr Mitchell in Benshynington

Mrs Xellie Uenuell uf ihesnn-iiiL in the Riiest oi her dauchter Mm M Weler of this place

51 ma SlnwrioMeCilloiifjIi visited relatives ami friends in Owuaso last week

Mis-s Pauline Unsiu enterlnineil a lean year party of iter yoittijf friends initl Kehuulumtea from Luruutin on Friday nifjlit

Miea Helen 1rntt of Vernon willshyed oil friends here on Tliur-Jav

Wnrd YVilkimaw and wife visitei relativeniu Verunu ltui Iridiiv

ara ft Gate

dibna top of this

DWloa (t raquo ld ltJarlaquoUieulaiJlDlbTiCaruEiii la uld COUBIJ of Bbliwuut MATTHEW BCBH

JtulpoundE a I Probkte

DR C L S H E P P A R D Oateopithlc Pbysiclsn

Office and residence321 S Wash-jDr ton itreet Owoaso

Hoursmdash9 to 11am 130 too and 7 to 830pm Sunday H30 ta 10 a m i to G pmand by appointment

In Owoiio i ysarraquo Union Phono No 326 30-11-Cm

AUCTIONEER GEO A FULTON Experienced Auctioneer Vernon Mich Union Phone Durand Censhytral 106-2 L 1 S 50wl0


ORANGE BLOSSOM SUPPOSITORIES linve cured thuusunUfl or womrn of leiieorrhoeo fnllinfr of tlo womb and oil female troubles II you naffer with any form cf fomalo weakness call on tbe agent for a book mid a fr^o sample Mrs IduGlimn JXi

bullNeil St CorunnaMlcb Ii6x 3U lei i l l Itlne Corunna

STiS bullKOlfllltUIOANCMiintj o

OOlctlu ih-inj it CoruBoi) co ihr iSibTrtii f


W H I S K E Y PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WUdur f l U a G a i n Fina oHBoarltrade witb all luorkhial ttrtnsth rfctaocM raquoD4 IUTIT

Q QUonlilalJ3rldwnlraquo1mlaquo i PRJVATESTOCK WlUifY

KM a G a i n raquo700 wtalito v yoonir alimr and vlcer-

S ooa and bars on jom cbaeki Jtaslowor (mfcctlnltbuaa

I nor old rrirala Stack nt Jarlr IS HOOKS HONEST RYE la-Tri-l S raquo0M4fiillouBrta H m i l (bulltO Stradetradetrade OurapccialHlcetlDn

1 oi a pure rich ITraquo at bull bull l - tha reach it all

pound bdquo KING EDWARD VO BanrBDBroVn- WavUlaand raa law (4) fall quart bottlia

bull u n n bdquo oraquoKimt Edward ML ajafer

Wa cant aWpCO0 Montr amat BCHBD-aarnda raquo Tii|it|i 1 hiaTiilT

rJv^H^y^^y^ n-prf^ taattt

araquoTJirad^t^tpound 2apoundJcfanaadw7iriE par fipraat cbaim and M a i roar HHHT i^V r=il hna at v k M ud Haoon tc mdash --1 rm ml i i i L l far

Is not for those Buffering from kttl-nov nllmonta ami IrreKularltfcH Tlio lirompt UHU of Kolcy Kldiioi lilla wilt ulspel bnckacho and riniimu-LUm heal utnl nt relict hen Boro weak tiillnir kidneys rotitnro uornuil uc-tIon and with It hcnltli mitl utren^tli Mrs M y Btnlsbury Sterllui 111 says I ontfercil ^reat jmlu In my Imek anil klilneyn could not sleep at 111-hi nod could not raine my hands

bull my lieud lint two bottles of y Kidney lilla cured me

Sold by tilcn T Reynolds


COMMON COLNCIL HOOMH ) Corunna Mich Feb 1 IU1L j

At n regular meeting of tlio com-1 inou couucil of the city of Corunna held on tho nbove dalo and called tu crdcrby Prcifdent Mason Present Aid Mason Brands Simeon Welch Hughes uud Uowersuiltli

Claims uud aceouuts were present-id and were re furred to tho commitshy

tee Committee then submitted the following report To V 0 Honorable tho Common

Your Committee 00 Claims nnd Accounts would respectfully submit tha following us their report recomshymending (he allowance nf tlio sevshyeral accounts as given and thnt the Clork bo authorized to draw orders for tho same on tho funds indicated below

CONTINGENT l-UXD Bort Jenkins M mo sal 00 Independent printing bdquo 7 55 Journal printing Ii UU Corunna Milling Co bdquo 8 00 Consumers Power Co fi 40 E d Brooby labor 4 20 J Van Duser aanitary work 3 51) W S Evoleth labor- 5 U0 U E Welch enrollment board 1 0(1 Q D Mason 2 00 V A McMnllen 2 00 W D Brands _ 2 00 Jolm HuRhos _bdquo 2 00 Gua Smith - 00 W J Slmoou _ 2 00 E Eveletb trees 10 00 E R Mllt bdquo I 81 h M Taunor 2 70


B B Marshall M mo a a 23 00 1OLICE

J B Wnlluco A mo laquoal 17 CO 3 H H O O H E H A B SMITH

Committee Un motion the report of tbe comshy

mittee was accepted and adopted and tlm clerk WSB authorized to draw orders for tho same by tbe following yea and nay rote Yea Aid iJowersmfth BrandsSimeonWelch Mason and Hughes Ii Nays 0

On motion tbe matter of t^o rebate of the taxes on the Harry Bull propshyerty formerly the Beldy property was referred to the committee on finance and they were given two weeks further time

The same committee waa also given further time on the tax matter of C rgt Jluziey

Il was moved that action of tbe clerk and president la drawing an order to tbe Ann Arbor Hallway Company forW347 bo ratified Carshyried by tbe following yea and nay vote Yeas Aid Bowersmith Brands Hughes Mason Simeon and Welch G Kays 0

It was moved that tbe matter of a contract for the lighting of the streets ol the city of Cornnna be reshyferred to tha committee on street lighting and that the alty attorney be added to tha commlttte Carried

It was moved that the city purshychase 250 feet of lira hose of the bullaloe grade as that previously purshychased Carried by tha following yraquoa and nay vote Y e w Ala Bowersmith Brandt Hughes J i t -son Simoon and WelchB Nayi 0

It was moved that tha street oom-muilaaer be isitrnotad to eat down the willow trlaquos In front of the home af Roy R Durham In tha third ward Carried

On motion the council adjoornad horns NSBKaJaDY bullOitjOtanr

We are Giving

Special Prices

in Every


We never tjuoU mis lead ing pr i ce s but

ask you to come ill and let us show you

gt We guarantee to aavo you some money on

Suitg Overcoats C a p s G l o u c s or M i t -

teis O u r l ines of M e n s H e a v y Work

Clothes are always uaranteerl and pr ices

are r ight

This i s a good Time to leave your measshyure for your Spring Suit

500 samples for you to select f r o m N o

trouble to show goods at our place

Y o u r s f o r the R i g h t G o o d s a t L o w P r i c e s ^

W A McMullen amp Co mdash The only place In the County where goods ate marked in plain figures on original ticket B K


you net In a UEU plaeo anil cvcrythlnB goes ajrulnst

you till it seems nn ir you could not hold on ii mloutfl lontrer nuvcr Elvo up then bull for thats just the placo nrd llmo tha tlddll turn j

mdashHnirlct Bceeber Siowe j


Tbe old lines Order la heaTcns first law are never more approprl- ate than when used In reference to | table arrangement Esact military i precision Is the first requirement otter neatness j

Place tho silence cloth It you pos-1 eess one with the nap up and draw it straight and even A very good si-

lence cloth may be made from a i smoothly wqven bed spread that baa i outlived lis usefulness

Lay the Ironed tablecloth with the middle fold la the center of the ta- j ble See that the ends and corners 1 are even

Placo every dish and piece of silver in BO Idler-like order Turn no dishes upside down Care la setting a table contributes much to the comfort of the family

In serving anything tbat Is passed by the waiter It should h set down at tbe right of the person cerved Wben removing plates or brushing crumbs It should be done from tha left

Wben passing food to each person it should be passed on his left so that the right hand may be free to accept the food

Wben removing dishes of a course dinner all dishes from each place should be taken first then the meat and vegetable dishes

Food and dishes are removed from the left

A waitress should never pile ber tray with dishes one service is sufn-dent to remove at one time

Plain white dishes are always genshyteel and II on la broken can blaquo easshyily replaced

A small center piece of white lace or embroidery with a fern dish of green or a small vase of flowers will add greatly to the charm of a well-laid table

Fruit centerpiece or one approprishyate to the character of the dinner given may be arranged without eape-dal genius

[Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPER

It poundlaquoadgt Kith Jout hot

Currie amp Clutterbuck

announce tbeir Spring TExblfett of 3few 3tto6fcU

of tbe


D I S E A S E Quickly and permanently disappears under CHIROPRACTIC AWUSTMENTS If you suffering from any disease it will pay you to investigage CHIROPRACTIC It removes tbe et of disease and NATURE cures you Ifyou are interested come over tod let ae examisraquo j spine EXAMiHAl iON aad CONSULTATION r R c c

W Ca M A U S K E Y D C bull9