thesis guidelines

THE THESIS: DEFINITION. OBJECTIVES, AND CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTABILITY Definition and Objectives The thesis is a major paper required of every student to earn the BS Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Management degree. It is intended to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to conduct independent research on a specific problem in computer science or any field where a computer science model or solution may be employed. By definition and Objectives, a thesis must have these elements: 1. It is a major paper concerning subject matters of interest to the student and is a component of his major field of study. 2. It must be an action-oriented undertaking and not a purely theoretical paper. As such, the thesis must be a product of field research rather than a purely library work. 3. It must be significant to society, or in line with the mission- vision of the University. This means that the study would address present issues in the service of the University, National or Church Issues. 4. It must be an original work. This means the thesis so chosen by the student should not duplicate the content, form and conclusions of any previous study. Operationally, this means. that thesis topics must have been checked by the student against the library. Criteria for Acceptability The thesis aims to validate the application of student learning into a competent and professional work. To be acceptable, therefore, the thesis must show evidence of comprehensive work, sound organization of material, clear thinking, and creativity. 1. Evidence of Comprehensive Work means that: a. The thesis is related to and meets the purposes of the approved proposal. b. Field work and research are sufficient to meet the data requirements. c. Facts and computations are accurate. d. Appropriate analytical tools and techniques of research and analysis are used. e. Draft is well-typed and well-written as to correct grammar and textual coherence. 2. Evidence of Sound Organization of Material includes the following: a. Findings are in the text and not buried in the exhibits. b. There is a thorough coverage of subject matter. c. Facts are distinguished from opinions. d. Facts are documented. e. Sources are reliable. 3. Clear Thinking means that: a. The textual presentation is logical. b. There is clearness of purpose, ideas, problems, alternatives and constraints. c. The analyses and assumptions flow from facts and are reasonable. Thesis Manual Page 1 of 32

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Definition and ObjectivesThe thesis is a major paper required of every student to earn the BS Computer Science,

Information Technology, Information Management degree. It is intended to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to conduct independent research on a specific problem in computer science or any field where a computer science model or solution may be employed.

By definition and Objectives, a thesis must have these elements:

1. It is a major paper concerning subject matters of interest to the student and is a component of his major field of study.

2. It must be an action-oriented undertaking and not a purely theoretical paper. As such, the thesis must be a product of field research rather than a purely library work.

3. It must be significant to society, or in line with the mission-vision of the University. This means that the study would address present issues in the service of the University, National or Church Issues.

4. It must be an original work. This means the thesis so chosen by the student should not duplicate the content, form and conclusions of any previous study. Operationally, this means. that thesis topics must have been checked by the student against the library.

Criteria for AcceptabilityThe thesis aims to validate the application of student learning into a competent and

professional work. To be acceptable, therefore, the thesis must show evidence of comprehensive work, sound organization of material, clear thinking, and creativity.

1. Evidence of Comprehensive Work means that:a. The thesis is related to and meets the purposes of the approved proposal.b. Field work and research are sufficient to meet the data requirements.c. Facts and computations are accurate.d. Appropriate analytical tools and techniques of research and analysis are used.e. Draft is well-typed and well-written as to correct grammar and textual coherence.

2. Evidence of Sound Organization of Material includes the following:a. Findings are in the text and not buried in the exhibits.b. There is a thorough coverage of subject matter.c. Facts are distinguished from opinions.d. Facts are documented.e. Sources are reliable.

3. Clear Thinking means that:a. The textual presentation is logical.b. There is clearness of purpose, ideas, problems, alternatives and constraints.c. The analyses and assumptions flow from facts and are reasonable.d. Conclusions flow logically from analysis; recommendations from conclusions;

and action-decision-programs of action from recommendations.e. The conditions under which the solutions are working must be identified.

4. Evidence of Creativity means that:a. The thesis should indicate transfer of student learning from the classroom to a

professional piece of work.b. Facts are interpreted, not merely repeated.c. The work is useful, current, relevant, and meaningful to any.d. The thesis highlights other related problems and explores further areas of

research.e. In the orals, the student must demonstrate his mastery of subject matter as well

as articulate in his findings and conclusions.

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The thesis process takes the student through the following steps:1. Selection of topic ideas2. Selection and Assignment of Thesis Adviser3. Design of the Thesis Proposal4. Approval of Thesis Proposal by the Thesis Proposal Evaluation Panel5. Implementation of Thesis Proposal and Writing of the Thesis6. Thesis Adviser's Approval of Thesis and Written Recommendation for its Oral Defense.7. Submission of-Thesis for Oral Defense (3 copies)8. Completion of Pre-Oral Defense Clearance9. Composition of Thesis Defense Panel and Schedule of Oral Defense10. Thesis Oral Defense (and Re-orals, if required)11. Submission of Final Draft of Thesis

Selection of Topic Ideas and Assignment of Thesis AdviserThe student initiates preliminary research on a selected number of subjects or area which

he believes will meet the elements of a good and manageable thesis. The student determines the data requirements - the extent and sources of secondary information and the magnitude of primary data that have to be generated.

The student submits the written draft of topic ideas/areas to his/her Adviser. This will enable the professor involved to advise the student more meaningfully on the selection of an appropriate topic. An adviser may also swap advisee with another professor who is comfortable with the field of study.

Criteria for Selecting Thesis Adviser1. Expertise in the specific problem area of the thesis.2. Availability or has time to accommodate the student during the development and the final

writing of the thesis.3. Can work harmoniously with the student.

Design of the Thesis ProposalThis manual should guide the student in the development of the design of the thesis

proposal and in the varying stages of the thesis process. It is recommended that the student should consult different members of the faculty and outside practitioners and experts, aside from the consultations with his thesis adviser.

The ICS Dept. requires the submission of a written copy of the thesis proposal draft/s, as a basis for discussion and advise.

Approval of the Thesis Proposal By An Evaluation PanelThe thesis proposal approval process, includes the following:

1. Students are required to submit a preliminary draft of a thesis proposal to the Information Computer Studies Dept. Preliminary discussions of the thesis proposal with the thesis adviser are necessary to clarify specific details in the thesis proposal and get further comments and suggestions which will improve the writing of the revised thesis proposal.

2. The Computer Division screens the thesis proposal according to the format given in the following pages. Upon recommendation of the Computer Division, the student submits one copy of the revised thesis proposal. It should be in 8-1/2" x 11" thesis paper (available at the Computer Division), typewritten and double-spaced to-allow for insertion, comments and notations.

3. In consultation with the student, the Computer Division will designate the three members of the proposal evaluation panel. The thesis adviser is usually included as an additional member of this panel.

4. The thesis proposal evaluation panel evaluates the thesis proposal for acceptability or non-acceptability. It may make modifications in the scope, depth, direction and methodology of the proposal; and determines the manageability of the thesis work within the given time frame. (Note: To prove continuity, the members of the thesis proposal evaluation panel will also constitute the membership of the thesis oral defense panel.) The student is responsible for distributing the thesis proposal evaluation forms to the three panel members. Likewise, he must get back all the completed forms and submit these to the Computer Science Division.

5. If the thesis proposal is acceptable, the student can accelerate his thesis work. If it is not acceptable, the students undertake the appropriate revisions to the thesis proposal.

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Implementation of the Approved Thesis Proposal and Writing of the ThesisThe student reaches this stage only when the following conditions are met:

the thesis proposal is approved;enrollment in Thesis Direction;and a thesis adviser is assigned and consulted.

Experience has shown that the failure to meet these conditions generally results in drastic revisions, re-writing, and in some cases, rejection. As a matter of-policy, thesis drafts submitted without observing the cited process and conditions will be rejected and returned to the student.

To facilitate the writing of the thesis, it is expected that the student will be required by his thesis adviser to:

1. Submit a substantially detailed outline, a time-table for each activity in the process, and a schedule of consultations between student and adviser.

2. Submit the thesis drafts piecemeal, chapter by chapter.

The thesis is a student's creation; an evidence of his capacity for independent study. Therefore, he should not expect his thesis adviser to co-write or collaborate on his study. The thesis adviser will act as a guide but not his crutch. Creativity, motivation, and initiative must come from the student.

A thesis is both content and style. Every thesis (or any report for that matter) has three basic elements, namely:

1. The concept of the thesis- this is broken down further into the concepts embodied in the report: as well as the breadth and depth of information and the analysis that ties in this information into a coherent whole.

2. The clarity of the thesis which allows the reader to understand what is being said easily and correctly.

3. The format and style of presentation. The student is expected to be guided by this manual even during the writing of the draft. This simple precaution will avoid undue delay in the approval of his thesis. In the matter of format, the student is required to follow the “Format of the ICS Dept. Thesis” given in the following pages.

Submission of Thesis Oral DefenseBefore submitting the clean thesis draft, the student must secure the thesis adviser's

approval of the thesis and written recommendation for oral defense. This is accomplished by the signature of the Thesis Adviser on the Endorsement Sheet.

The student is required to submit 3 copies of the thesis to the ICS Dept. On each of the 3 copies is attached the Endorsement Sheet. The copies of the thesis draft are distributed to the three panel members.

Composition of the Thesis-Defense PanelThere are three members of the panel, one of whom is the thesis adviser. The two regular members are designated by the ICS Dept. and normally, will be constituted by the same members who composed the thesis proposal evaluation panel.

Schedule of Oral Defense,The oral defense is usually scheduled two weeks after the submission of the clean draft of the thesis. The exact date is confirmed only after the student has checked the availability of all his panel members and thesis adviser.

Refusal to Grant Oral ExaminationAny Member of the thesis defense panel can refuse to grant an oral examination for any thesis which does not meet the given standard, e.g. sloppy, badly 'written, unedited, disorganized, lacking in substance, or a duplication of a previous thesis. The panel member must call the attention of the thesis defense chairman and cite the reason why he refuses to grant oral examination. If the chairman concurs, the oral defense is deferred and the student has to re-work his thesis before requesting for an oral examination. If the chairman does not agree with the panel members and thinks the student is ready for oral defense, the oral examination is carried on as scheduled.On the other hand, in cases where it is the chairman himself who refuses to grant the oral examination based on the grounds cited above, he can call off the oral defense. On the thesis defense chairman rests the veto power. The ICS Dept. then must immediately notify the student and the other panel members of the decision.The refusal to grant an oral examination must be done two working days prior to the scheduled date of defense, at the latest.

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Thesis Oral Defense and Voting ProceduresA student is allowed a maximum of three orals: the first oral defense and two re-orals. For

the student who received a passing grade, the thesis adviser and defense panel should sign copies of the Thesis Approval Sheet

Only the three regular members of the panel have the authority to decide on the passing or failing of the thesis oral defense, and to prescribe revisions and re-orals.

As soon the oral examination is completed, the student, observers and other guests are requested to leave the room so that the deliberation and voting can take place. The deliberation should cover two main areas: the written thesis and the oral defense itself. Once the deliberation is finished, the chairman gives the two voting members each a copy of the Thesis Oral Evaluation Sheet. On this form are written their respective votes and specific comments for inclusion in the revision of the thesis. This is done individually without consulting each other. All the completed forms are then compiled by the chairman and read aloud to the defense panel.

If not all voting members agree on the grade (Pass/Fail) to be given the student, the majority rule is applied (two out of three). The majority vote and specific comments are then written on the blank copy of Evaluation sheet by the chairman, which becomes the final grade sheet. On this grade sheet, the signatures of the following must be accomplished: Thesis adviser and the two regular defense panel members.

After completing this, the chairman calls the student back to the room and announces the results of the Oral examination and other details required of him. The student is given a copy of the final grade sheet and the specific comments after the defense.

Submission of the Final Draft of Thesis and Its ReproductionAfter passing the oral defense, the student should work on the thesis final draft,

incorporating the revisions and rewriting required, and recommended by the thesis defense panel. The student should consult with the thesis adviser. When the thesis adviser is satisfied that the revisions have been incorporated and that the student has met the thesis defense panel’s requirements/recommendation, the thesis adviser certifies his approval by signing of the Thesis Adviser's Certification of Student's Completion of Thesis Revisions/Changes. The revised draft should be completed and submitted as soon as possible; and normally, should not exceed 7 days after the oral defense. No student will be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremonies unless the revised draft has been approved by the thesis adviser and submitted to the Computer Division.

Project DocumentationFor thesis work that makes use of a tool, project, or implementation of a information

system, a separate project documentation will be submitted. Instead of placing the investigation, design and implementation documentation in the Appendix of the Thesis, the group will submit a separate document conforming to SAD documentation standards. (Final form will still be decided upon by the ICS Dept)

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Role of the Thesis AdviserThe role of the thesis adviser is to give advise, to suggest, to counsel, and to encourage

and monitor the student. The thesis is the candidate's creation, not the adviser's.On the other hand, the selection of a thesis adviser is primarily, based on his knowledge

of the problem area. He is chosen because he can positively guide the candidate in the preparation and writing of the thesis. The candidate, though, must take the initiative in arranging for conferences with him.

The thesis is both matter and style. The adviser does not only evaluate the contents but must see to it that the paper conforms to the form and style of a thesis.

The adviser is responsible for reading the final copy of the accepted thesis taking into consideration its content, format, style, and grammar. The adviser, as well as any member of the thesis defense panel, can refuse to accept a study which contains excessive graphical and grammatical errors or inaccurate thesis form and style.

Circulation of the ThesisThe thesis is an academic requirement. It has been and can be reproduced by a course

professor as a teaching device for the benefit of the future classes at UST - College of Science.The thesis is a public document. Copies of each thesis are available for reading in the

ICS Library.As the thesis is a public document, it cannot be kept confidential-For very important and

exceptional reasons, however, the thesis may be kept confidential for a period of one year or more depending on the student's reasons. A student wishing confidentially for his thesis will first have to make a written request to, and get the approval of the ICS Head.

Form Letter for Securing Information or Seeking Interviews from External Sources

A standard form letter has been prepared to assist students in securing information or seeking interviews from sources external to the UST College of Science.

As the letter indicates, 4 items must be supplied to fill it in:

1. The name and title of person addressed, and the company address2. The title of the thesis3. The specific information required and/or the name/s of the persons/s to be interviewed

and4. the signatory of the letter(Normally, the thesis adviser and the ICS Dept head)

Please note that the letter leaves the decision of permitting access entirely up to the person addressed.

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Some Final Notes of Advice

The following rather categorical statements are based on ICS Dept experience with the thesis. The words of warning given below have made each year, and heeded in varying degrees. The advice is free and seems obvious but failure to heed it has been detrimental to the student.

1. Begin immediately. Do not waste time.

2. Spend time on selecting a topic. Once committed, do not allow yourself to be distracted by other seemingly more promising subjects. Changing in midstream can be disastrous.

3. Allow for delays. These delays may waste some valuable time but you are not in complete control of the situation. Interviews will be cancelled, field trips will have negative results, data will not arrive on time, off-campus panel member will be out of the country, etc.

4. Always have an outline/a structure/a conception or analytical framework in mind when researching to avoid unnecessary data, and when writing, to prevent inclusion of irrelevant information.

5. Keep the panel in mind when writing. The panel members will have a different viewpoint and they cannot read your mind. What may be obvious and clear to you may have to be explained to them. Do not assume you will pass without revision on the first oral.

6. Keep your perspective. The thesis is part of a whole curriculum. You must maintain equilibrium between the thesis and your other courses.

7. Do not depend on others. The thesis is exclusively your work. Even your adviser can help only when you have provided firm data' and completed a thorough analysis. His real help comes after the submission of the first draft.

8. Have your oral examination as soon as possible. Get the entire thesis over with as quickly as possible.

9. Assume that your work will be far better than anyone else's thesis this year and assume that the faculty and the panel will assume this. Do not judge your thesis in relation to other theses, particularly tho6e of the preceding years

10. Make as much use of your adviser as he will allow you to. That way, you will greatly increase your chances of sailing smoothly through your orals. Most of those who failed in their thesis never consulted their advisers.

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Areas of ConsiderationsThe student may be allowed the first 20 to 30 minutes for a brief and succinct presentation of his thesis covering the main points and highlights of the following:

1. Problems and Objectives2. Significance3. Research Design and Methodology4. Main findings5. Conclusions6. Recommendations

It should be emphasized that the presentation should be brief and concise and should not exceed 30 minutes. However, since it is assumed that the panel has read the whole texts, the panel may choose to forego the presentation and immediately proceed with the interrogation. This also implies that a defense can only take place if the panel has received the documents at least 14 days before the scheduled defense.

Time Period of the DefenseAs much as possible, the defense shall be limited to one half to two hours. The interrogation by the panel should normally not exceed one hour Questions should be addressed first to main issues/areas of the thesis and later on the minor points. Misprints, style and other corrections may be indicated in the copy, which will be given back to the student afterwards.

Format of the DefenseThe Chairman of the thesis panel presides over the defense. Given the above, other aspects of the format to be followed are left to the discretion of the Chairman.

ObserversUnless specifically prohibited (e-g., the thesis subject matter is classified or highly confidential) students and other interested parties are allowed to observe the oral defense. Observers should maintain proper decorum and may be allowed to ask questions at the discretion of the Chairman

DeliberationThe deliberation should cover two main areas:

1. the written thesis2. the oral defense itself

These two areas should be evaluated based on the Criteria for Evaluation, of Thesis Proposals and of Submitted Theses and on the parameters given below:

Is it acceptable by UST-CS standards?.Why or why not? Are there major revisions to make the thesis acceptable? Are there minor revisions to make it a better thesis? Any other observations?

The adviser acts as the advocate of the thesis defendant. He should carefully take note of the recommendations, revisions, changes, and comments of the thesis panel and have them signed at the end of the defense. In many instances, the review of thesis revisions and changes are charged by the panel to the sole responsibility of the thesis adviser.

The student’s submission of the revised thesis should be attached with the Thesis Adviser's Certification of Student's Completion of Thesis Revisions/Changes Required by Thesis Oral Defense Panel

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1. Background of the Study2. Statement of the Problem3. Objectives of the Study4. Significance of the Study5. Scope and Delimitations of the Study


1. Definition of Terms, Hypotheses, and Basic Assumptions2. Research Design And Methodology

a) Specification of Research Designb) Sources of Datac) Description of Research Method/s or Technique/s

Used3. Detailed Outline of the Study4. Time Table (Gantt Chart)


a. Title Pageb. Approval Sheetc. Table of Contentsd. List of Figures, Illustrations, etc- (if any)


1. Background of the Study2. Statement of the Problem3. Objectives of the Study4. Significance of the Study5. Scope and Delimitations of the Study

b. Resume of Related Literaturec. Research Design and Methodology

1. Definition of Terms, Hypotheses, and Basic Assumptions2. Research Design and Methodology

i. Specification of Research Designii. Sources of Dataiii. Description of Research Method/s or Technique/s Used

d. Presentation and Interpretation of Data - This is the meat of the thesis, consisting of well defined chapters reporting the results of the student's research

e. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations1. Summary2. Conclusions3. Recommendations4. Problems for Further Study

III. THE REFERENCE MATTERa. Appendixb. Bibliography

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In comparing the formats of the thesis proposal and the thesis, the student will note that the introductory chapter of the thesis contains the essential parts that make up the thesis proposal. In the thesis proposal, however, the student will have to add a detailed outline of his study and a timetable from the time of his-fieldwork to the completion of the final draft.

The TitleThe title should express very concisely and clearly the topic or subject for investigation, that is, the what, where, who, why, and how of the proposed area of research. The maximum length may be from 5 to 20 words and the title can also be formulated as a question-

Preface or Foreword and/or AcknowledgmentThe student may have given extra extraordinary assistance of non-routine character by several persons and an acknowledgment is a gesture of gratitude. However, the help rendered by the thesis adviser, thesis committee, or administrative officers of the school is part of their work and does not require written acknowledgement. Dedications are ordinarily in questionable taste and are inappropriate for thesis work.

Statement of the ProblemThe student should explore or develop a research problem in a field that relates to his interests and the undertaking will no doubt give him valuable knowledge and experience in his area of specialization. However, the choice of topic must be characterized by originality, uniqueness, social relevance, and of a size proportional to the size of the team. The topic must be delimited enough to permit an exhaustive treatment and significant enough to merit investigation.The main problem in the study is expanded reiteration of the thesis title itself. Thus there is a need to identify the main problem in precise terms and to break it down into sub-problems. Sub-problems, when tested, investigated or synthesized, provide answers to the main problem.In presenting the exact dimension of the problem, the student should discuss not only the facts and explanations that contribute to the problem but also the background of the study, the theories upon which it is based, and the assumptions underlying the statement of the problem.One criterion that can be added is the preference that the thesis be development-oriented, that is, it should help bring about a solution even in a small measure, to a problem related to national goals and directly affecting the national interest.

Objectives of the StudyThe objectives state exactly what type of information the research is to develop, and how this information will assist the reader of the thesis. Objectives should be succintly presented and the student may, if possible, dovetail the sub-problems into the objectives of the study. The objective may also be stated in the form of questions.

Significance and Importance of the StudyFirst, You must establish a logical need for the study, that it does not duplicate any previous investigation; or if it does, you must establish that roast studies are inadequate. Significance can also be emphasized by providing answers to identified gaps in knowledge or controversial in the area, or by illustrating the importance of the study in terms of content and methodology. Give a straightforward statement of the value of the investigation to practitioners and professionals in the field of the study, or to other particular persons or entities, which could benefit from the study.

Score and Delimitations of the StudyThe scope composes the total area of the study by establishing the parameters and indicating the cut-offs of the project. The delimitation, however, narrows down the scope into a reasonable area of study, which is manageable but wide enough to permit careful treatment. In identifying the nature of the study, it is best to consider the area and time coverage, area of sampling, and the scope of treatment. These will provide the information concerning the who, what, when, where, and how of the study.The limitation of the study should also include a frank admission of any weakness or shortcoming, be this in the lack of representativeness of the sampling or the cost and time constraints in the investigation.

Resume of Related Research and Professional LiteratureA thorough review of the literature is a requirement. This means that previous studies, articles in scholarly journals, books and the like should riot be merely indicated in the footnotes' but the concepts and findings relevant to the present study as found in these materials should be briefly

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discussed and critically abstracted to provide' the foundation for the proposed research- The background of earlier studies relating to the problem at hand should be developed to show that the existing evidence does not solve the problem adequately; hence, the need to provide new insights and more relevant information, methods, and solutions. The review of related literature not only must include both foreign and local materials and authors but also must be directed to the most recent, both in content and method.

Definition of Terms, Assumptions, and HypothesesImportant words, specialized terms or technical expressions should be given their authoritative or operational definition in the context of the study.The use of the hypothesis varies with the type of research undertaken. As Goode and Scates define it, a hypothesis is a shrewd guess or inference that is formulated and previously adopted to explain observed facts or conditions to guide in further 'investigation.From the hypothesis, the student must deduce its consequences, develop tests to determine through experiment or observation whether these consequences occur, and carry out these tests to confirm or reject that hypothesis.Research hypotheses not subject to experimental testing are usually stated in positive, declarative sentences- Hypotheses subject to experimental studies and statistical tests are stated in the negative and hence are called null hypotheses. The testing of null hypothesis will determine whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected-A working hypothesis must come from clearly identified assumptions. Assumptions -- accepted as general truths or statements of facts are, in substance, the extension of previous findings' and. studies to the new situation.

Research Design and Methodology

The research design should be identified in terms of the research method used, the-respondents, the sources of data, and the instruments used in gathering the data. In other words, the design should be explained in such a specific way that anyone wishing to replicate, the study can be guided by the methodology used in the study.The methodology should show the relationship of each sub-problem to the hypothesis, the kind of data and their sources (including the criteria for the selection of secondary sources if they are to be used), and the conceptual analytical framework or methods of organizing, evaluating and interpreting the data.The student should adopt a presentation suited to the purpose of the study i.e., if the study is a sample survey, elaborate on the sampling section.

Summary, Conclusions and RecommendationsThis concluding chapter of the thesis must present an overview of the entire study, which covers a brief statement of the problem and purpose of the report, including the formulation of hypotheses. It must include a presentation of data as the testing ground of the problem and hypotheses, and the main findings, conclusions and recommendations' should be the logical outflow of the sub-problems cited in the first chapter.In other words, the summary of findings should be stated in the order the sub-problems were presented, and care should be taken that the materials presented as part of the findings are all relevant to the study and they provide the answers to each of the sub-problems.Findings are often listed by number with each major finding summarized in one or two sentences. That is, each hypothesis may be listed and followed immediately by a very brief summary of the findings related to the hypothesis.

The conclusions must be drawn directly from the findings and should recapitulate the answers to the questions of the* investigation. Conclusions, must be objective, logical, valid and precise. The recommendations should, if- possible, be based also on the findings and conclusions.It is often desirable as part of this chapter to add a paragraph or section on implications, so, that the investigator can present interpretations, speculations, and ideas that would not be out of place in the conclusions. The student may also discuss possible applications of the findings to pertinent systems or situations and recommend for further study other side problems uncovered during the course of the thesis research.

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Appendix A: Thesis Proposal Review and Evaluation


Thesis Proposal Title :

Date Submitted :

Proponents :1. Name12. Name23. Name3


5. ___________________________________________________________6. ___________________________________________________________7. ___________________________________________________________

Evaluation Comments, & Recommendation

Signature : ______________________Thesis Adviser

Date: ______________________

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Thesis Title :

Proponents :1. Name12. Name23. Name3

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in


the thesis mentioned above, has been adequately prepared and submitted by the proponents and is hereby endorsed by the undersigned for oral examinations.

Signature : ______________________Thesis Adviser

Date: ______________________

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Thesis Title :

Proponents :1. Name12. Name23. Name3

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

_________________________________________________________________the thesis mentioned above, has been adequately prepared and submitted by the proponents and is hereby endorsed by the undersigned for oral examinations.

______________________Thesis Adviser

Defended in an oral examination before a duly constituted tribunal with a grade of

__________________________________________Panel Chairman

___________________________________ __________________________________Member Member

Accepted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degreee of Bachelor of Science

in ________________________________________________

______________________________Prof. Perla CosmeDept. Head,Information Computer Studies Dept.College of Science, UST

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Appendix D: Memorandum to Thesis Oral Defense Panel



TO: ______________________________________________________

This is a reminder of the oral defense of the thesis

Thesis Title :

by the Proponents :1. Name12. Name23. Name3

On DATE: ________________ TIME : __________________

Attached is a copy of :

[ ] The thesis (Please bring this with you during the oral defense)[ ] Criteria for Evaluation of Submitted Thesis[ ] Excerpts for Thesis Oral Defense Panel Members[ ] Excerpts for Thesis Adviser

Should there be other information you may need, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Sincerely yours,

Thesis Coordinator

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Appendix E: Form Letter




Dear ___________,

This letter will introduce (students’ name), senior students of the College of Science, UST. They are at present completing a research report entitled ____________________________________________________________ for their Bachelor’s thesis as part of the requirements of their BS Degree.

(Students’ name) are requesting (purpose) all information supplied will be incorporated into the student’s report for the oral defense and for the ICS dept library files.

Any assistance your office can render would be appreciated.

Very Truly yours,

Adviser’s Signature

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Appendix E: THESIS Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet


Proponents : ____________________ Signature :_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________

Thesis Title :Thesis Adviser : Signature:Oral Defense Date: Time:Thesis Oral Defense Panel:

Chairman Signature:Panel 1. Signature:Panel 2. Signature:

Panel’s Evaluation of Thesis Oral Defense


1. _______ Pass ______ Conditional Pass _____ Fail2. _______ No re-oral ______ Possible re-Oral _____ re-Oral

B. Required revisions and Changes

1. ______ No Revisions ______ Minor Revision ______ Major Revision2. Revisions/Changes Submission Date (Specific) _________________3. Revisions/Changes to be Reviewed by

______________ Thesis Oral Defense Panel and Thesis Adviser______________ Thesis Adviser Only

C. Specific Comments on Revisions, Changes and Recommendations

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The Problem1. The subject or problem is not significant, or of sufficient importance.2. The subject or problem is not sufficiently delineated.3. The proposed research is- unlikely to produce any new or useful information.4. The problem is not specific.5. The problem is not clearly stated.6. The proposed research is based on a hypothesis that rests on insufficient evidence, is

doubtful, or is unsound.7. The problem is more complex than the investigator appears to realize.8. The problem has only local significance.9. The problem is premature and warrants, at Most, only a pilot study.10. The description of the nature of the research and of its significance leaves the proposal

nebulous and diffuse and without clear research aim.11. The research as proposed is overly involved, with too many elements under

simultaneous investigation.

The Approach1. The proposed tests, or methods, or scientific procedures are unsuited to the stated

objective.2. The description of the approach is too nebulous, diffuse, and lacking in clarity to permit

adequate evaluation.3. The over-all design of the study has not been carefully thought out.4. The statistical aspects of the approach have not been given sufficient considerations.5. The approach lacks scientific imagination.6. Controls are either inadequately conceived or inadequately described.

The Data1. The material the investigator proposes to use is not relevant to the objectives of the study

or is difficult to obtain.2. The number of cases or observations is to few or unsuitable.3. The data or documents are inadequate, invalid, unreliable, or inappropriate.4. The data is not analyzed carefully nor presented clearly.

Findings1. The findings and conclusions do not have sufficient base in the data.2. The findings and conclusions are not justified by the analysis of the data.

The Recommendations1. The recommendations do not -follow logically from the thesis writer's findings and

conclusions.2. The thesis writers do not have adequate experience or training, or both, for this research.3. The thesis writers appear to be unfamiliar with the recent pertinent literature or methods,

or both.

Source: AGSB Manual

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THESIS Recommended Schedule

June 16 General Orientation.Schedule of Thesis and deadlinesMethods of ResearchGuidelines for topics

Submit Groupings

June 23 Presentation of Model ThesisMethods of Research (continued)

Review Topic with adviser

June 30 Discuss expectations for Chapters 1 to 3, writing format and Bibliographic notes.

Review Abstract & finalize proposal.

July 7 Advisers approve/reject topic and communicates results to ICS Dept.

Advisers call in the groups for questioning if necessary

Submit Topic Proposals with abstract and List of References. (3 topics in one field of study)

July 14 Discuss Writing Guidelines for Chapter 3 (Review of Related Literature)

Narrow and deepen the research and collection of materials

July 21& 28 Checking of the development of Chapters 1 to 3.

Writing of the initial chapters and use of prototyping for review.

Aug 4 Check with Red ink 1st Draft and Date stamp received. Record comments and recommendations and date returned.All Drafts should be returned before 8/15

Submit 1st Draft of Thesis Proposal (first 3 chapters) to Adviser

Aug 11 *** PRELIMS WEEK ***Aug 18 Checking Thesis Proposal for Form, Style and

Substance.Check for the Group’s Thesis Project Plan (schedule, assignments of each member, weekly monitoring scheme to be used)

Submission of Thesis Proposal (Chap1-3), Final Form to Adviser and Panel plus schedule.** PRELIM GRADE **

Aug 25 Thesis Proposal DefensePresentation of Proposal

Sept 1 Redefense if necessary Continue Research Sept 8-22 Advisers will check weekly accomplishment

reports of the teams and signs them.Continue Research and build Prototype testing Key elements of the Thesis and verify its feasibility.

Sept 29 Last day for Changes and adjustment in Thesis Proposal.

Document proposed changes, rationale and supporting evidence.

Nov 3 - 10 Checking of System Design and Documentation.Document feedback and comments (docs must be presented by team during final defense)Advisers makes initial check before being presented to the Panel.

Presentation of System/Program(Beta Version) – All components must be complete and can be demonstrated.

Nov - Dec Advisers check Weekly Accomplishment against thesis project plan

Continue work of the thesis paper and project

Dec 15 Deadline for Submission of Complete Thesis Document and System or Project Documentation.

January 10 Deadline for Running Program and Project. Submit to the Panel for personal Review and scrutiny including a DEMO Script.

No changes allowed in code, thesis & project documentation till after defense. Teams work

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Scheduling of Defense. on the User’s Manual.Jan 19-30 Schedule of Thesis Presentation & Defense.

Comments are documented.Make revisions after the defense.

Feb 2-13Advisers should check the final form and guarantee that all comments and suggestions were made. Prepare a position paper for suggestions, comments that cannot be done.

Groups for Redefense submit documents and project for evaluation.

Advisers sign the Revised thesis. Submit to Panel members for signing.Submit to Thesis Coordinator for clearance.(Late documents can only be submitted after Feb 20. Grade will be reduced to 3.)

Feb 16-20 Redefense. (Grade is only Pass or Fail)Feb 25 DEADLINE FOR ALL DOCUMENTS

(SIGNED)Thesis, Project, User’s Manual.

All documents and proceedings of submission and revision must be filed and recorded by the Team. This will be regularly checked by the Adviser and should be present during the defense with the Panel

Standard Department Documents: 1. Template for Approval Sheet.2. Format for every Chapter.3. Format of Project Documentation.4. Thesis Document Review. – Comments written on actual Document. A

comment summary page must be placed in front.5. Project Document Review Sheet. – Review on the Documentation and

the actual Program or project.6. Set of Model Thesis that can be used as REFERENCE by the 4th


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Title DateGroup Adviser


CHAPTER Pages with comments

List of comments (brief)

Cover Pages

Chap 1

Chap 2

Chap 3

Chap 4

Chap 5





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PROJECT DOCUMENT Review SheetTitle DateGroup Adviser


CHAPTER Pages with comments

List of comments (brief)

Company/ Project

IntroductionRequirements Analysis

Recommended Software & Development Platform

(justification)System Design (DFD, Module and Database)Screen & User Interface Designs

External (non-human) Interface Designs

Testing Methodologies Test Sheets

Maintenance Requirements

User Training Requirements


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