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San Beda College Alabang

Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa City

IBED – College of Arts and Sciences

A Study of the Most Effective Methods of Learning as Perceived by the Legal Management Students of San Beda College Alabang

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements in EN102RZ: Technical Writing

Presented by:

Adams, Danielle L.

Carandang, Angelica Gail D.

Dimaguila, Pia Monica B.

Mawirat, Maria Elizabeth L.

Sy, Jessica Laura C.

Presented To:

Ms. Adrianna H. Quioyo

Academic Year 2015 – 2016

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction:

Learning is a day-to-day process that each person undergoes. We learned how to count at a very young age then we learned how to read and write. In school, we learned about history and complex mathematics. As you grow older, the things you learn become more complex but nonetheless you are still able to grasp the information presented to you. Learning is a process but this process of learning may be done in several ways depending on the learner’s preference. These “several ways of learning” are called learning methods.

Learning methods, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, as any interventions that are deliberately undertaken to assist the process of learning at individual, team or organizational level. In a simpler form, learning methods are the way people prefer to learn or take in information to soon be applied in reality.

San Beda College Alabang is known by the people for producing students striving for greatness and excellence. Studying under the course curriculum of San Beda College Alabang and belonging to this group of students are us, legal management students. But like any other student, we have our various kinds of learning methods applied on a day-to-day basis as we undergo education..

Considering the century we live in, and even the technology of today, we still want to have knowledge about what learning methods are being used, specifically, among us, legal management students of San Beda College Alabang because we believe that despite the steep increase of technological innovations, acquiring data about this may help us drastically to know which learning method is the most preferable for an LM student. The common learning methods used by students may or may not use the technology being created and offered to us.

The world have different kinds of people with different perspectives thus different preferences of which learning method to apply. We, legal management students, still apply various kinds depending on how we absorb information more effectively. But among these varieties, which is the most suitable for our chosen field of study? Which of these is the most effective one for us?

1.2 The Significance of the Study:

This research study is about the most effective learning methods perceived by the legal management students of San Beda College Alabang. However, the researchers of this

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study find that the following points are the important information as to why there is a need to study the topic.

The learning methods and its perceived effectiveness may serve as a guide to all students since all students apply a learning method as they undergo their education.

Observing the results of this said study will benefit us, legal management students, to know what learning method works best for us. It would be difficult if a student applies a certain learning method that is not suitable for him or her because this will greatly affect the academic performance of the student. Therefore, us researchers find it important to know which learning method works best for us.

This can also give us information on why the said learning method/s in specific is effective in some, and not effective in some. It can give legal management students the confidence when studying once they uncover their preferred learning method because they know that the learning method is suited for them therefore making it easier for them to grasp information and apply it.

This study may serve as a useful reference for people observing the learning process of students (e.g. psychologists or psychiatrists) This study may be used not only by legal management students but also for people who opt to know learn about effective learning methods applied by a specific group of people.

1.3 Statement of the Problem:

The researchers came up with a major problem and sub-problems which is where the research revolves around. The results found in the end of this research must answer the problems to be stated. The major problem is:

What are the most effective learning methods perceived by the legal management students of San Beda College Alabang?

The sub-problems are:

1. What are learning methods?

2. What are the most commonly used learning methods?

3. How does the application of the different learning methods help a student?

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1.4 Scope and Limitation:

This study will cover the three most commonly used and known learning methods which are visual, auditory and reading and/or writing. The researchers decided not to include other learning methods because we plan to keep the topic of learning methods narrow but specific.

The researchers focused the topic on the legal management students of San Beda College Alabang because the researchers are also a part of that population. The researchers did not include the population coming from other degree programs in the college of arts and sciences in San Beda College Alabang.

The reading materials being used by the students in the process of learning will not be mentioned in this study because there is a large amount of reading materials used by the legal management students and as mentioned before, the researchers want to keep the topic narrow but specific.

1.5 Definition of Terms:

In this research paper, there are a few words you will encounter very often as it important to the study. The researchers selected the five most commonly-used terms and decided to define it:

As Samford University’s definition, studying is a systematic research, examination, identification and understanding of the aspects or factors associated with an activity or event, phenomenon or situation.

Learning methods may be defined, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, as any interventions that are deliberately undertaken to assist the process of learning at individual, team or organizational level.

Education, as defined by the National Education System Law of 1989, education is the conscious effort to prepare students through mentoring, teaching and training for their role in the future.

A student was simply defined by the Oxford Dictionary as a person studying in a school or college.

Lastly, Chris Argyris of the Harvard Business School defines learning as detection and connection of error where an error means any mismatch between our intentions and what actually happens.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

I. Related Literature – Local References

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Having knowledge about the variety of learning styles may be able to help us, as

students, to know what specific kind of style works best for us. In addition, knowing what

works best for us can be used to our advantage, to obtain and absorb more information

to be used for our respective future references.

However, according to a certain article, “there presently is no empirical justification for

tailoring instruction to students’ supposedly different learning styles” (Pashler, 2012.)

This leads us to a theory that educators, such as teachers and professors, should

instead focus on developing the most effective and coherent ways to present particular

bodies of content in order for us, students, to learn much more information in an efficient

way instead of following a system that is not suited for all of us. And in turn, students

should ensure that the learning style they apply.

“Analytical and Logical reasoning – the ability to review complex written documents,

draw inferences and create connections among legal evidences

Critical thinking – the ability to discern concepts, comprehend evidences and

integrate them with certain legal theories

Reasoning skill – the ability to discover underlying principles between two or

more subjects and use it to solve a case.

Organization – ability to sort, order and manage large volumes of exhibits,

documents, files, evidence, data and other information.

Sound Judgment – the ability to consistently think clearly, carefully, and


Attention to detail – the ability to eye pertinent data and evidences that can be

used for a case

Stellar communication skills – the ability to proficiently speak and write English

and convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

Memorization skills – the ability to recall concepts that have been previously

studied and apply it to new cases.

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Diligence and commitment”

The learning methods provided above are mental utilities that will help the

students to assimilate, associate, and apply information and ideas with efficiency and

effectiveness. Notable methods are analytical & logical thinking, critical thinking,

reasoning skills, and sound judgements, these methods advocate rationalism which is a

neccessary facet for students. The methods organization and attention to detail

promotes the students' associative skills of information and ideas with one another.



II. Related Studies – Foreign References

Throughout life, we learn; we know what works best and what does not seem to suit us.

We have what we call a “learning style” which everyone acquires. The three commonly

known style of learning are of the following: visual, auditory, and tactile. The problem

with most students nowadays is the fact that they do not know which learning methods

are effective, not only for their academic purposes, but for learning as well.

According to studies, they say students engaged in doing activities which varies rather

than having the same, usual method are more likely to pass their subject/s other than

those who sits in class the whole day. Noah Finkelstein, a physics professor, says

active learning is more beneficial and its advantages are surprising. As an experiment,

ratings show that students who belong to an active learning class learns more than

those who belong to a class full of boring lectures.

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Ten techniques for learning improvement were assessed by the Psychological Science

in the Public Interest. Bear in mind that everyone has their own learning style; if one

does not work for you, it does not mean it would not be beneficial to all. For you to know

your learning style, it is best to experiment yourself with various strategies of learning.

Known as the highest in said ratings, Practice Testing and Distributed Practice are the

“first markers” to top the list. Practice Testing is known for testing our scope of

knowledge regarding subject matters discussed, consider that it shapes our brain to

think widely. Distributed Practice is highly effective as well. Studies show that people

who study in chunks, specifically 20-30 minutes at a time are more likely to recall and

perform well than those who cram and study for 3 hours straight!

Elaborative Interrogation, Self-Explanation, Interleaved Practice–these are the second

learning techniques to top the list! Elaborative Interrogation is used for knowing how to

apply what we learn and having this “why” concept in our heads; it is proven to be

helpful. Self-Explanation is similar like Elaborative Interrogation, except that it digs into

deeper concepts and it is more of the “understanding and solving of problems.” Lastly,

Interleaved Practices is useful for tactile learners (learners who does physical

movement) and cognitive learners (learners who are into math solving.)

It is found based on ratings that Summarization, Highlighting, Mnemonics, and

Rereading are ineffective! Summarization is helpful for understanding a context, but for

exams, it is not recommended; summarizations are not likely to be included for

examinations. This method goes the same for Highlighting, because Summarization and

Highlighting are after “important details.” Mnemonics is an association of using words

and imagery together; however, it is only useful for keywords and definitions, not long

text! Lastly, Rereading does not help to absorb subject matters well, and it is time


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Believe it or not, HIGHLIGHTING is found to be one of the most ineffective methods! Yet,

majority of students are using this strategy, thinking studying would become more strategic if

highlighting is used on a daily basis. However, for some people, highlighting is useful as it

categorizes important details and contexts.

Rereading is not recommendable; facts are repeated over and over again, whereby brain tips

off to disregard its importance. It is best to recall as much as you could after reading chunks of

information. Most students “study” textbooks and other assigned reading materials by

rereading them. Rereading is found to be time consuming and not durable for memory. 

So, what is the most effective learning strategy? They say it is studying for every 20-30

minutes. According to psychologists, our brain could handle new information for 20-30

minutes, but going beyond to its extent would be a bummer. Chunking your study

sessions is more useful than cramming everything in just one day.

Flashcards are of great use. From paper form, to digital forms–these are used for

recalling and retrieving learned topics. Surprisingly, you will have this “I know this”

moments when you go over the material repeatedly. Children from 5-12 years old are

known to use flashcards.



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III. Related Studies – Local References

Based on the article from Challenging the Notion of Learning Styles (Weimer, Phd,

2013). Students differ in many things like their abilities, interests, and background

knowledge, but not in their learning styles. They may have preferences about how to

learn, but there were no evidence that suggests catering to those preferences will lead

to better learning. Some of the learning strategies depend on the students’ capacity of

learning. It also depends on the way their parents taught them of what kind of effective

learning strategies they used to apply. The learning style students have grown

accustomed to will more than likely be carried on until they grow older.



IV. Related Literature – Foreign References

“Summarization is not one strategy but a family of strategies.” (Pressley,

Johnson, Symons, McGoldrick, & Kurita,1989, p. 5).

(Morris, & Smith, 1985). One last point should be made about the results from

Bretzing and Kulhavy (1979)—namely, that summarization and note-taking are both

more beneficial than verbatim note-taking. Students in the verbatim-copying group still

had to locate the most important information in the text, but they did not synthesize it

into a summary or rephrase it in their notes. Therefore, writing about the important

points in one’s own words produces a benefit over and above that of selecting important

information; students benefit from the more active processing involved in summarization

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and note-taking. These explanations all suggest that summarization helps students

identify and organize the main ideas within a text.

Students often have to deal with a great amount of information that requires them

to identify the fundamental points and how to efficiently associate various vital

information with one another. A notable technique for attaining beneficial learning styles

involve students creating a set of summaries which contains emphasis on important

and relevant information. The technique is called successful summaries, it

acknowledges the significant and relevant points of a certain text, capturing the gist of it

while excluding unimportant or repetitive material (A. L. Brown, Campione, & Day,

1981). In the degree program of BS Legal Management , dealing with a great amount

of information is definitely inevitable in law courses and other courses offered in the

degree program, practicing the successful summaries technique will help students to

efficiently and effectively assimilate relevant and significant information in the students'


Learning styles are different ways of taking in and understanding information. These

ways are affected by age, experience, physiology, culture, and many other factors.

People also switch learning styles depending on what they are studying. Although

changing a preferred way of learning offers you flexibility, it is also good to capitalize on

learning strengths.

There are several different inventories to assess learning styles. Finding out your

learning style is interesting and can help you understand why you learn best the way

you do.

As said on my basis, “it is helpful to take a learning styles test to identify your various

strengths and to be able to improve on weaknesses.” (Bandler, Grinder, & O’Stevens,

2013) Moreover, identifying your own strengths and weaknesses can be used to your

advantage. This will help us focus and make us dedicate more time to improve on a

certain field, which will therefore improve the way we learn things, especially as


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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1: Research Design

The research design used in this research paper is the descriptive type. The

researchers decided to use a descriptive research because the way we intend to

present the data would be in a descriptive manner. Later on, the results from our data

gathering would be presented with descriptions to have a more accurate presentation of

data. The researchers then find it most appropriate to use the descriptive research.

3.2: Respondents

The respondents involved in this research paper would be the college of arts and

sciences students enrolled in the degree program of legal management. The

researchers randomly chose 35 legal management students as respondents. The

researchers are one of the many students enrolled in the said degree program and we

are interested to know which learning method do the other students of legal

management find effective.

3.3 Instrumentation

The research instrument used in this research paper is a survey questionnaire.

The researchers designed a close-ended questionnaire containing six questions that

ask about the respondents’ preferences in their learning style.

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3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers were able to gather data by distributing the survey

questionnaires to different legal management students and asking them to answer the

said questionnaires. Their answers will then be used at data to soon be interpreted into

a result answering our main problems stated in chapter 1 of this research paper. The

survey questionnaires were distributed last February 17, 2016.

3.5 Statistical Treatment

The researchers decided to use frequency and percentage in the analysis and

interpretation of data which will be used in the next chapter of this research paper.

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

In this chapter, the gathered data are presented, analyzed, and interpreted.

What is the demographic profile of the selected Legal Management Students in terms of age, gender and the frequency of the learning method that legal

management students find most effective?

Table No. 3 “The Demographic Profile in terms Gender”

Gender Frequency PercentageMale 17 50%

Female 17 50%Total 34 100%

The Table No. 3 presents the demographic profile of the selected Legal Management Students in terms of gender. It can be observed that there are 17 (50%) male and 17 female (50%). Thus, the distribution of the respondents in terms of gender is equal.

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Table No. 4 “The Demographic Profile in terms of Age”

Age Frequency Percentage16 10 29%17 18 53%18 4 12%

19-above 2 6%Total 34 100%

The Table No. 4 presents the demographic profile of the selected Legal

Management students in terms of age. It can be seen that most of the Legal

Management Students belong to their normal age [18-16] and there are only few who

doesn’t belong to their normal age [19-above].

Table No. 5 “How frequent the Legal Management Students study?”

Frequency %

Once a week 5 15%

2-4 weeks 20 59%

Everyday 9 26%

Total 34 100%

The Table No. 5 shows that most of the Legal Management respondents study 2-4

weeks (59%). One fourth of the respondents studies everyday (26%). And 15% of the

Legal Management respondents study once a week.

What are the most effective methods of learning for Legal Management Students?

Table No. 5 “A Study of the Most Effective Methods of Learning Perceived by Legal Management Students of San Beda College-Alabang”

Perceived Effects Weighted Verbal Rank

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Mean Interpretation

1. I prefer lessons where there is

something to look at (like a


3.5 Agree 6.5

2. When learning a new skill, I prefer

someone to explain it to me3.5 Agree 6.5

3. I prefer professors who get us to do

something3.2 Agree 3

4. Studying boost my self-esteem 3.3 Agree 4

5. I prefer rewriting my notes 3 Strongly Agree 2

6. Is it necessary for students to adopt

an effective learning method in their


3.6 Strongly Agree 8.5

7. I prefer applying it to real life 3.6 Strongly Agree 8.5

8. I find my chosen method of studying

effective for me4 Agree 10

9. I prefer utilizing e electronic

device/gadget for recording class


2.6 Agree 1

10. I prefer a different kind of learning

method depending on the subject3.4 Strongly Agree 5

Table no. 5 presents the the preffered Effective Methods of Learning Perceived

by Legal Management Students of San Beda College-Alabang. Based on the table, the

major most preffered effective method of learning by Legal Managements of San Beda

College-Alabang is no. 9 “I prefer utilizing an electronic device/gadget for recording

class discussions.” with a weighted mean of 2.6; followed by no. 5 “I prefer rewriting my

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notes.” (3) that ranked 2nd; followed by a mean of 3.2 which is no. 3 “I prefer professors

who get us to do something. ”that ranked 3; followed by no. 4 “Studying boost my self-

esteem.” (3.3) that ranked 4th; no. 10 “I prefer a different kind of learning method

depending on the subject” ( 3.4) that ranked 5th; followed by no. 1 and 2 “I prefer

lessons where there is something to look at (like a picture,chart,video).” and “When

learning a new skill, I prefer someone to explain it to me.” respectively, both has a

weighed mean of (3.5) that ranked 6.5th; followed by no.6 and 7 “Is it necessary for

students to adopt an effective learning method in their studies?” and “I prefer applying it

to real life.” both has a mean of 3.6 and are ranked 8.5th; followed with a mean of 4

which is no. 8 “I find my chosen method of studying effective for me.” that ranked 10 th.

According to Bretzing and Kulhavy (1979) that summarization and note-taking

were both more beneficial than was verbatim copying. Students in the verbatim-copying

group still had to locate the most important information in the text, but they did not

synthesize it into a summary or rephrase it in their notes. Thus, writing about the

important points in one’s own words produced a benefit over and above that of selecting

important information; students benefited from the more active processing involved in

summarization and note-taking. These explanations all suggest that summarization,

such as rewriting notes to be more accurate and concise, helps students identify and

organize the main ideas within a text. It is shown on the table that the student's prefer

rewriting their notes with a mean of 3 and is ranked as the second preferred learning

method, since making notes is efficient and is mostly concise. A notable technique for

attaining benifical learning strategies involves students creating a set of summarie

(making notes/rewrting notes) which contains emphasis on important and relevant

information. (A. L. Brown, Campione, & Day, 1981).

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Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter consists of the summarization, conclusions, and recommendations, which the researches gathered based on the analysis and interpretation found through studies and data for this comparative study.

5.1: Summary

The importance of this report is to poinout the significance of learning methods. As stated in Chapter 1 & 2, we prepared problems to hypothesize and have a comparative study of the various methods of learning taken from foreign and local sources.

The general purpose of the study was to compare which studying method/strategy is most effective for the LM students from 1st year - 4th year level of San Beda College Alabang.

5.2: Conclusions

This section entails the outcome of the comparative study by the researchers. Our main problem is “what are the most effective learning methods perceived by the

legal management students of San Beda College Alabang?”

The sub-problems prepared by the researchers are of the following:

What are learning methods? What are the most commonly used learning methods? How does the application of the different learning methods help a student?

Based on the analyses of data and the results, the findings were summarized as follows:

There are seventeen (50%) male respondents and seventeen female (50%) respondents. Thus, the number of male respondents and female respondents are of equality.

Most of the Legal Management Students belong to the age category of 16-18 years old and a few number of students belong to the age category of 19 and above.

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Majority of the Legal Management respondents study 2-4 weeks (59%). One fourth of the respondents studies every day (26%), and 15% of the Legal Management respondents study once a week.

Most Legal Management students prefer the method of using an electronic

device/gadget for recording while class discussion is going on, followed by

the method of rewriting notes.” Having the professors to engage students in

activities ranked 3rd. “Studying boost my self-esteem” ranked 4 th Using

various studying strategy ranked 5th. Having visual aids and having someone

to explain a new skill/concept both ranked 6.5. The significance of adopting a

learning strategy in studies and the application of it in life both ranked 8.5.

Lastly, having our own learning method ranked last.

5.3: Recommendations

Based on the conclusions and researches mentioned in Chapter 2 by the

researches, the following are recommended:

Stick with the learning methods that work best for you.

It is best to study in chunks from 20-30 minutes than to cram in a one-shot


Rewrite your notes and make it effective and useful.

Record your class lectures while discussion is going on.

Use various studying strategy depending on each subjects.

Have your professors to let students engage in activities.

Explain what you learned to someone.

Rereading the same topic is not recommendable!

Having sit-in lectures all-day is not that effective.