therefore go... october2013

Therefore GoTestimonies from October 2013

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Testimonies of God's faithfulness in our ministry in Peru


Page 1: Therefore Go... October2013

Therefore Go…

Testimonies from October 2013

Page 2: Therefore Go... October2013

Hi there

Just 12 days to go until we arrive in South Africa!!! I have such an

expectation for our time there. It has been quite an emotional

year for us as a family and I am really trusting that it will be a

season of much renewal and refreshing for us.

It will also provide us with the chance to share some of the

exciting new ministry opportunities that God has opened up for us in 2014. To this end

on the 23rd November, we will be having a special “Thank You Tea” for all those who

partner with us in ministry. You will find the invite on the last page of this newsletter—we

really pray that you can make it; it will be wonderful to see you and for you to meet Kai.

We leave on the 13th November and will be travelling for more than 24 hours, with stops

in Buenos Aires and Joburg. This will be Kai’s first experience flying—please trust with us that he will travel well and that it won’t be too disruptive for him.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for partnering with us in all that God has called

us to here in Peru. We are so blessed to have you as a part of our team!

So much love, Kim

From the 6th-11 November Jaime will be serving alongside an

Australian NGO called MisfitAid as they travel to do

community development in the town of Pisco. Pisco was one

of the towns devastated by the earthquake in 2007.

On this trip volunteers from Misfit will be building a home for a

woman named Aida who was left widowed after the

earthquake. She has three daughters and her home recently

burned to the ground (for more info see

item/misfit-aid-team-is-gearing-up-for-peru-2). Please pray for safe travels for the team and that their efforts in Pisco will be a

testimony to God’s love and goodness.

Misfit Aid….

Page 3: Therefore Go... October2013

A few months ago the leaders of Christian Surfers Peru

approached Jaime to see whether he would be willing to

serve as part of their leadership team to help with

strategic planning and bringing a fresh perspective to the

group. Christian Surfers is a Christian ministry that seeks to

evangelise and make disciples with a specific focus on

reaching those in the surfing community.

After much prayer we felt that it was something that God

was calling us to make a one year commitment to. As a

result the last month has been full of strategic planning

meetings for 2014 as well as a number of outreaches at

surf contests and day surf trips.

Surfing is something that Jaime is passionate about and

it brings me much joy to see him be able to combine his

faith with his passion.

Please pray that for Christian Surfers Peru—may God

empower this ministry to reach those people who might

never otherwise go to church. May He breathe His life

into the plans the team has made for 2014.

We are really trusting God for a breakthrough in our worship

at church—that God will work through the band to draw

the congregation into His presence. We have recently

started having times of worship together as the worship

team as a means of “practicing” entering into His

presence. Please pray for these times and that the worship team will learn to flow with the move of God’s Spirit in


Christian Surfers Peru….


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Jaime and I would love to hear from you: please write to us at [email protected] or you

could call on +51 990 50 1552. My skype name is kimmysol.