there are numerous types of research designs

There are numerous types of research designs, but before we discuss the numerous types of design. It behooves us to understand what is research design and why they are carried out. A research can be defined as a set of decisions to be made, what topics to be studied among numerous populations, for what purpose and which method , tools and techniques . Having understood what research design is all about. we can now discussed what types of research design . EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Experimental research is types of research designs that incorporate a high degree of control over the variables of your study. The experimental method, on the contrary, is comparatively less common and characterized as testing variables under controlled circumstances to measure the effect of one variable to another. This control, if used properly, permits you to establish causal relationships among your variables. With reference to Kenneth s Borden. Characteristics of research designs was highlighted in the following manner under listed.

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There are numerous types of research designs, but before we discuss the numerous types of design. It behooves us to understand what is research design and why they are carried out. A research can be defined as a set of decisions to be made, what topics to be studied among numerous populations, for what purpose and which method , tools and techniques . Having understood what research design is all about. we can now discussed what types of research design . EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHExperimental research is types of research designs that incorporate a high degree of control over the variables of your study. The experimental method, on the contrary, is comparatively less common and characterized as testing variables under controlled circumstances to measure the effect of one variable to another. This control, if used properly, permits you to establish causal relationships among your variables. With reference to Kenneth s Borden. Characteristics of research designs was highlighted in the following manner under listed.Characteristics of Experimental ResearchExperimental research has two defining characteristics: manipulation of one or more independent variables and control over extraneous variables. Be sure that you under- stand these concepts, described as follows, because they are central to understanding experimental research. Manipulation of Independent Variables An independent variable is a variable whose values are chosen and set by the researcher carrying out the research. We might look at independent variable as variable that is dependent on the outcome of participant behaviors . (For example, imagine that you want to determine how insomnia affects a persons a person retentiveness. To examine this relationship, you might assign participants to one of three groups defined by the number of hours of sleep deprivation: 0 hours (rested), 24 hours, and 48 hours. These three amounts would constitute the three levels of sleep deprivation, your independent variable.Control Over Extraneous Variables The second characteristic of experimental research is control over extraneous variables. Extraneous variables are those that may affect the behavior that you wish to investigate but are not of interest for the present experiment. For example, you may be interested in determining how well a new anxiety therapy (experimental group), compared with an existing therapy (con- trol group), affects test anxiety in anxious students. If some of your participants show up for the experiment drunk, their degree of intoxication becomes an extraneous variable. This would be especially problematic if more drunk students ended up in one group than in the other.

Reference:Research design and method (2008) Kenneth Borden

The Cross-Sectional DesignCross sectional design is a types of design that is carried out over a short period of time and at one time unlike longitudinal research designs This type of design is often used in developmental psychology but also administered in other area of social sciences. Lets assume you were interested in evaluating the changes in intelligence with age. One way to approach the problem is to use a cross-sectional design. In the cross-sectional design, you select several participants from each of a number of age groups. In essence, you are creating groups based on the chronological ages of your participants at the time of the study. Different participants form each of the age groups. In a cross-sectional study, you do not measure the same participant at different ages. Both cross sectional and longitudinal research are time bounds that is Cross-sectional studies are carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time. Cross sectional are observatory in nature and known as descriptive research . Cross-sectional studies measure units from a sample of the population at only one point in time. Sample surveys are cross-sectional studies whose samples are drawn in such a way as to be representative of a specific population. In single cross-sectional designs, there is only one sample of respondents and information is obtained from this sample only once. In multiple cross-sectional designs, there are two or more samples of respondents, and information from each sample is obtained only once.

Case StudyThe case study also known as case history is one of the research methodology methodology that infuses individual group interviews with record analysis and observation Researchers extract in- formation from company brochures, annual reports, sales receipts, and newspaper and magazine articles, along with direct observation (usually done in the participants natural setting), and combine it with interview data from participants. The objective is to obtain multiple perspectives of a single organization, situation, event, or process at a point in time or over a period of time. Case study methodologyor the written report from such a research project, often called a case analysis or case write-upcan be used to understand particular processes. For example, one study might evaluate new product development processes for similarities, especially the use of outside consultants, ideational techniques, and computer simulation. Another study might examine in detail the purchasers response to a stimulus like a display. The results of the research could be used to experiment with modifications of the new product develop- ment process or with display selection and placement processes to generate higher-value transactions. The research problem is usually a how and why problem, resulting in a descriptive or explanatory study.Researchers select the specific organizations or situations to profile because these examples or sub- jects offer critical, extreme, or unusual cases. Researchers most often choose multiple subjects, rather than a single subject, to study because of the opportunity for cross-case analysis. In studying multiple subjects, a deeper understanding of the subject emerges. When multiple units are chosen, it is becauseSurveyA survey is a types of research strategies that is used to collate data