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  • 7/27/2019 Theo Report



    Group 1

    Alcazar, Kristina Jessica S.

    Camacho, Helene Rose C.

    De Jesus, Maria Anna

    Espino, Mary Margaret L.

    Han, Sang Hyeup B.

  • 7/27/2019 Theo Report


    The Many Faces of Jesus


    The Pantocrator

    translated as the Almighty

    or the all powerful

    Septuagint translation of El


    an image of Christ wearing

    imperial garments, usuallyseated on a throne

    a reflection of the Roman

    political ideology

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    The Philosopher and TheShepherd

    The figure of Christ isinterpreted on ancientsarcophagi by thePhilosopher and

    Shepherd The Philosopher teaches

    the essential art: the art ofbeing authentically

    human--- the art of livingand dying.

    The Shepherd is anexpression of the dream ofa tranquil and simple life.

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    Jesus in Films

    Jesus of Nazareth (1977)

    Robert Powell played


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    Godspell (1977)

    Victor Garber portrayedJesus as a clown in a

    superman costume.

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    Jesus Christ Superstar


    A controversial portrayal

    of Jesus from the eyes of

    Judas Iscariot

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    The Last Temptation

    of Christ (1988)

    Willem Dafoe played


    Based on the 1951

    Nikos Kazantzakis


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    The Passion of the

    Christ (2004)

    Jim Caviezel stars as

    Jesus in the

    graphically violent

    depiction of his

    passion produced byMel Gibson.

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    King of Kings (1961)

    Jeffrey Hunter portrays


    One of the best

    cinematic renditions of

    the life of Christ but it

    was a box office failure

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    The Jesus Film (1979)

    Claims to be an accurateportrayal of Jesus based

    on Lukes Gospel

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    Two Images of Jesus

    Santo Nio de Cebu Black Nazarene of Quiapo

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    The Santo Nio (Christ Child)


    affirms the reality of


    shows Gods identificationwith the little ones

    reveals to us the condition

    for being part of Gods

    Kingdom, that is, to bechildlike


    tends to confine the

    appreciation of Jesus to his

    childhood gives the impression of a

    domesticated God, a

    Catholic Doll

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    The Nazareno (Suffering Christ)


    tells us of Gods compassion

    for humanity

    We learn that sometimesthe innocent would have to

    suffer for the sake of the


    inspires us to bear oursufferings patiently and



    may leave out the

    resurrection event

    may inspire passivesuffering rather than active

    struggle against unjust


  • 7/27/2019 Theo Report


    Salvation in Jesus

    Our spirit is set in one direction, the only direction

    for our intellect, will and heart is towards Christ,

    our Redeemer, towards Christ the redeemer of man.

    We wish to look towards him because there is

    salvation in no one else but him. The son of God.

    Pope John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis

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    Salvation as the Mission of Jesus

    What is Salvation?

    that great Gift from God which is liberation from all that oppresses

    man, but which is above all liberation from sin and from evil, within

    the joy of knowing God and being known by him, of seeing Him and

    entrusting oneself to him Pope Paul IV

    Gift given by God through our Jesus, who

    definitely saved us from sin and evil through his

    passion, death & resurrection

    By his saving action we have been

    empowered to conquer sin and all other

    obstacles that hinder us from enjoying our

    dignity as children of God and sharers in

    Christs Life and grace,

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    Did HE really have to become man and die?

    3 Theories

    an attempt to answer

    this question.

    Vicarious Satisfaction (St. Anselm)Since God is eternal ever sin committed against

    him is an eternal offence. Only someone eternal

    can make reparation for such an offense. Human

    being are incapable of satisfying the offence since

    humans are finite. Hence there is a need for an

    eternal human being:, Jesus Christ

    Penal Substitution (The Reformers)God, In his Justice, ought to punish humanity for

    all their sinfulness. The Son, however, voluntarily

    tool upon himself the wrath of God and bore the

    punishment which ought to be for humankind.

    Ransom Theory (Origen)Because of their sinfulness, their free rejection of

    God, human beings rightfully belong to Satan,

    God, however, in his love for humanity, ransoms

    them from Satan using his only Son as payment

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    Salvation as the Mission of Jesus

    The Gift of Salvation..

    Requires our positive response and commitment in order to

    enjoy its benefits

    Recognizing God as the one True God

    Working for a more Godly world so that all might experiencethe abundant life Christ won for us.

    Accordingly Salvation is Two Fold


    from Sin

    and Evil

    Freedom For

    Grace and love,

    for relationship

    with God and


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    One Mission of SALVATION; 3 Roles of CHRIST

    Christ, The PriestAs priest, Jesus is the mediator between God and man. His life was

    characterized by holiness and prayer. He offered the sacrifice of himself

    for the forgiveness of our sins.

    Christ, The KingAs King, Jesus spent his life in selfless service to others. He showed that

    true leadership is about the betterment of the lives of the people,

    especially those who are suffering, not about using ones power to


    Christ, The ProphetAs prophet, Jesus spoke on behalf of the Father and proclaimed the

    coming of Gods kingdom. He preached the word of God through his

    words and actions. He performed miracles as a sign of his divine


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    Characteristics of


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    Salvation is life-changing

    Those who encounter Christ have never been

    the same again.

    They turn away their old life of sin and live a

    new life of grace.

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    Salvation is for the whole


    It is not just for the soul, but for the totality of

    human nature: mind, soul and body. Hence,

    Christ concerned himself with the spiritual as

    well as the material needs of humanity

    Ex. Their hunger, grief, pain, death, etc.

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    Salvation begins in the

    here and now Jesus came that we may have life and have it

    abundantly. We do not have to wait for theafterlife to experience salvation. The life-

    blessing we receive daily are already signs of

    the gift of salvation

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    Salvation is a process

    Salvation is about relationship; it is more of a

    process than a one-for-all event.

    It requires humanitys free response to Gods

    gift of salvation, and continuous growth in the

    context of this response.

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    Salvation extends to all


    God is not the property of any people, and He

    gives His gifts to those whom He pleases, not

    because of their worthiness but because oftheir need.

    The gift of salvation is for everyone.

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    Salvation is completed ineternity with God

    Full and final salvation is what comes after

    death, when in heaven, we will enjoy thecompany of God.

    By then, there would be no more sin orsuffering.

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    Salvation History

    The history of salvation is the salvation in history.Christians are those members of humanity conscious of thesalvation taking place in it. (Gonzales-CarvajalSantabarbara2005:138)

    Since salvation is a process that begins in the here andnow, then human history is salvation history. Faithcompels us to always see secular history as never isolatedfrom salvation history; for there is no moment whenhumanitys historical existence was not affected by Godssaving presence. It is the will of God that his gift of

    salvation be conveyed to us through various events,persons, and places within our history. Hence, Christianityis a religion rooted in history, in the actual experiences ofhumanity.

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    a.)The unfolding of gods plan-Salvation history is the series of events through which

    the plan of God took shape. It is about our communication with

    God, revealed in Scripture and mediated by Christ, which takesplace in clear, progressive, historical stages, culminating in theestablishment of the Kingdom of God. (J.C. von Hofmann) Theprimarily concern of salvation history is not factual details and exactchronology. Rather, salvation history is concerned with thediscovery ofGods plan as it unfolds through his interventions in the

    history of humanity. These dealings of God with humanity arerecorded in the Bible, beginning with the creation of the world.Hence, salvation history is a story-in-progress, and all of us are partof it.

    -Generally, salvation history is divided in three

    stages:(1) The time before Christ,

    (2) the time of Christ, and

    (3) the time of the Church

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    b.) Characteristics of Salvationhistory

    1. ChristocentricThe whole history of salvation has for its

    central figure the person of Jesus Christ.

    Hence, salvation history, in its very nature, isChristocentric, It is in Jesus that the entirehistory of humanity finds meaning. It is also tohim that history tends. Because of this, all

    events and persons in the history of salvationare seen in the light of the person of Jesus,apart from whom they have no Value.

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    2. Biblical

    The Bible is the record of salvation

    history. It is the will of God that his

    interventions in human history be recorded in

    the sacred pages of the Bible that all people

    may know his plan of salvation.

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    3. Inculturated

    The word who became flesh, spoke

    human words, wore human clothes related withpeople. When God became human in the personof Jesus, he immersed himself in a particularculture, and made use of the language of that

    culture to convey Gods message. Salvationhistory, therefore, is a critical look on how thedifferent elements within the context ofhumanity are actually avenues of Godsrevelation, and at the same time, potent meansof expressing revelation.

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    4. Systematic

    Salvation history is not made up ofrandom events put together. Rather, it is a

    developmental story of reflecting the

    pedagogy of God. In Revelation, God always

    gave consideration to mans readiness and

    capacity. Thus, Gods communication with

    humanity, as manifested in salvation history,

    follows a system that accommodateshumankinds capacity to respond in faith.