themegasizemethod 6-12-25

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Page 1: TheMegaSizeMethod 6-12-25

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Page 2: TheMegaSizeMethod 6-12-25

By Vince Del Monte, Honors Kinesiolgoy Degree, P.I.C.P Level 1& 2 Certified,

Precision Nutrition Certified, WBFF Pro Fitness Model

The hardest muscle-building workout on the planet!



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Basic Introduction

» Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. » Complete a thorough warm-up of cardiovascular activity, static stretching

and dynamic stretching before commencing the 6-12-25 Workout. I recommend Dynamic Stretching For Bodybuilders as the ultimate ten-minute pre workout warm up.

» For maximal fat-burning, add four bouts of interval cardio for 20 minutes a

session after each weight training workout. » For maximal muscle-growth, limit your cardio to two bouts of interval cardio

for 10 minutes after the upper body weight training workouts.

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Safety & More Recommendations

» Safety Step #1: The tempos dictate the loads you select. If you can’t maintain the prescribed tempos, the weight is too heavy.

» Safety Step #2: Master a full and controlled range of motion throughout

the entire rep. Do not change your body position to achieve extra reps. » Safety Step #3: Stick to the tempos to avoid the use of kinetic energy i.e.

fools gold. » Safety Step #4: Stick to the progression model below and don’t forget to

wear a stop watch to time the rest intervals.

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The 6-12-25 Mega-Size Workout

The logic behind The pain:

» This is a 4-day workout catered to intermediate (1-4 years of training) and advanced trainees (4 or more years of training). If you’re a novice lifter (less than 1 year of training), this workout is not for you. The primary training effects are functional hypertrophy, hypertrophy and strength-endurance. In layman’s terms, you’re going to get stronger, bigger and leaner because of the unique targeting of the Type IIa, Type IIb and Type I muscle fibers.

» The 6-12-25 breakdown: This workout consists of a giant set of three

different exercises per body part. You will perform 6 reps with perfect form on your first exercise; take no longer than 10 seconds to move to the second exercise and perform 12 reps with perfect form; take no longer than 10 seconds to move to your third exercise and perform 25 reps with perfect perform. That is the completion of the first giant set. Rest for a complete 3 minutes and repeat. Follow the progression protocols below.

» The Secret To Making The 6-12-25 Method effective: It’s all

about choosing the optimal loads. Let me pain a picture for you: You must pick a load that will pop your eyeballs out of your skull after 6 reps, after 12 reps, and after 25 reps. You should feel like you’re in a death-struggle whether it is 6 reps, 12 reps, or 25 reps. Make sure you watch the instructional videos to see what I mean J

» To get “amped” i.e. warmed-up for this, you will need at least 2 “non-work” sets before your first work set to familiarize yourself with the optimal loads.

» The 6-12-25 Split: An ideal split would be 2 days on, 1 day off, 1

day on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off and repeat. That would look like:

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Another option is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Take the other days completely off.

» The 6-12-25 progression: Week 1 - 3 giant sets Week 2 - 4 giant sets Week 3 - 5 giant sets Week 4 - 3 giant sets but increase all your weights by 5-10% This is considered one 28-day cycle. Rest for at least ½ a week before you

begin another workout program. When I say rest I mean REST - no de loads, no “light sessions”, I mean NO WEIGHTS AT ALL. Don’t even dream about them.

» Keep a training journal so that every

time you do a new 28-day cycle, you can make sure you’re starting weights are slightly heavier on week 1. This will ensure you’re increasing your work capacity/density, which means you’re doing more work in less time -- the cornerstone principle of muscle growth.

» The Tempo Matters: The only

guys who tell you that tempo doesn’t matter are those who are too scared of the pain and are more interested in impressing people in the gym with their loads, rather than their physique. Some “gurus” say you should not be focusing on tempo when lifting heavy weights and I disagree. I believe that is

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the EXACT time you should be using a tempo because it’s an indication of whether you’re in control or not! Heck, if you can’t lift and lower the weight in control than you have no business using that weight in the first place. Using tempos will keep you injury free for life. I’ve never met someone who got injured while using a tempo. This is not “ego-building”, this is “bodybuilding!”

» The Rest periods Matter: When I say 3 minutes, I mean that the next

set starts at 3 minutes so start getting ready for your next set around 2 and ½ minutes. True progress is based on standardizing the tempo and rest period from workout to workout.

» The exercise Selection Matters: None of the exercises are randomly

selected, there is a reason we do each one in the order it’s been placed so don’t think you know what you’re doing and switch things around J This workout utilizes Positions of Flexion, a concept that my good buddy Steve Holman introduced years ago. It’s based on biomechanics and targeting a muscle in the midrange position (where it’s strongest), the stretch position (where it’s weakest) and the contracted position (where it’s weakest). You see, most guys choose exercises that continue to make them stronger where they are already strong - the midrange of a movement. However, when you ask a guy to squat one inch lower or ask a guy to do a chin up one inch higher, he can’t because he’s trying to “access” muscle fibers that have been neglected, therefore weak. In the instructional videos I’ll explain all this in more detail and you’ll get to see examples of exercises that emphasize the midrange, stretch and contracted position. In this workout I have allocated the 6 RM (rep max) to a midrange exercise; the 12 RM (rep max) to a stretch exercise and the 25 RM (rep max) to a contracted exercise. Again, don’t mess with the exercise order or selection for optimal gains.

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The 6-12-25 Mega-Size Diet


Bodyweight x 17

If you did not gain 4-5 pounds of fat-free muscle mass after 28-days, readjust your calories to Bodyweight x 20 the next time through.


Carbohydrates: 40% if you’re over 10% body fat

Carbohydrates: 50% if you’re less than 10% body fat

Protein: 30% if you’re over 10% body fat

Protein: 30% if you’re less than 10% body fat

Fat: 30% if you’re over 10% body fat

Fat: 20% if you’re less than 10% body fat

To calculate your macronutrients for a 175 pound male less than 10% body fat:

175 x 17 = 2,975 calories per day

50% carbs = (2,975 x 0.50 = 1,487 / 4 calories per gram = 372 grams per day

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30% protein = (2,975 x 0.30 = 892 / 4 calories per gram = 223 grams per day

20% fat = (2,975 x 0.20 = 595 / 9 calories per gram = 66 grams per day


This is a generic starting point. Each week you will assess how you feel, look and perform to determine if you should increase your carb intake or fat intake if you’re not making gains. There is very little need to increase your protein intake, it’s more than sufficient. Do not make any changes to your diet if you’re not following it at least 90% of the time or else you don’t have enough intelligence to make an accurate decision.

Meal FRequency:

Every 3-4 hours MAXIMUM. A meal cadence any less than this is less than optimal and will initiate a cascade of catabolic hormones. You can debate about optimal meal frequency all day long with the “arm chair experts” out there, but I have no interest in engaging in academic debate. Over the past ten years I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and they all stick to a meal cadence of every 3-4 hours MAXIMUM. We strive for at least 5-6 meals a day minimum and no more than 2 shakes a day. Optimally, 1 shake a day but 2 is the max. If you want to look solid, you need to eat solid food J And if you’re skeptical about eating every 3-4 hours, take a look at how it’s worked out for my us:

¶ Testimonials of guys & gals eating every 3-4 hours. Knock yourself out.

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Click here to order No Nonsense Muscle Building

& get access to my 84-Day Healthy Mass Meal Plans which include calories amounts from 2,000 to 6,000 calories!

Page 11: TheMegaSizeMethod 6-12-25

My Current Diet To Bulk To 230 Pounds

pre Meal 1:

1 scoop of greens powder from Prograde Genesis

1 large tablespoon of glutamine 1 liter of water with 1 whole lemon *Wait for 20 minutes to alkalinize

Meal 1: breakfast

3 whole eggs8 oz of extra lean ground beef 1 cup of spinach1 tablespoon of coconut oil *Mix all this together in frying pan 2 slices of Ezikel bread with 1 tablespoon of walnut or butter

5 grams of Omega Blue Fish Oils

Meal 2: pre Workout Meal

10 oz of white fish 1.5 cups of brown rice or quinoa½ cup of steamed or raw veggies

pre Workout Supplements:

1 scoop of Extreme Rush from Blue Star Nutrition

3-5 grams of L-Carnitine Tartrate from Blue Star Nutrition

5 grams of Creatine monohydrate from Blue Star Nutrition * You MUST try this stuff, it’s nothing less than INSANE!

during Workout Supplements:

20 grams of BCAA from Blue Star Nutrition

20 grams of Glutamine from Blue Star Nutrition1 Gatorade (for simple carbs and electrolytes)

post Workout Supplements:

Bio Trust Low Carb Protein Powder - Vanilla

1 scoop of greens powder from Prograde Genesis *Mixing vanilla and greens together tastes amazing!

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Meal 3: 1 hour post Workout

4 oz of ground turkey 8 egg whites 1 cup of white rice1 cup of veggies*Fix them all together for a stir fry 5 grams of Omega Blue Fish Oils

Meal 4: 4 hours after Workout

10 oz of chicken or white fish 10 oz of sweet potatoes 1 cup of raw or steamed veggies

Meal 5: FReeeeebie Meal!!!!!!!!!

That’s right, you get 1 free freebie meal per day! Take your girl out for dinner, get a bite with your buddies, satisfy your craving and be happy that you’re bulking up, not dieting!

This is not mandatory but it’s an optional strategy to help you stay compliant to the other meals in the day. If you think about it, one freebie meal a day still keeps you compliant to your diet 90% of the time, which is pretty darn impressive. Don’t go crazy with your freebie meal but let go of any “obsession” with having to “keep it clean” all the time. We’re bulking up, not cutting here so enjoy it! I also recommend you take some digestive enzymes with this meal so help with absorption and digestion (who knows what you’ll be eating J) I recommend Absorb Max from Bio Trust.

Meal 6:

10 oz of salmon or lean steak of your choice1 full avocado 1 huge greens salad with ½ cup of mixed nuts and seeds of your choice

pre bedtime Supplements:

ZMA - I use Status from Blue Star

Multi Vitamin - I use Vitality from Blue Star

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Day 1: Shoulders and Abs

Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest


Exercise #1: Standing Push Press 3* 6 40X0

Exercise #2: Wide Grip Dips 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Prone Lateral Raises w/External Rotation

3* 25 20X0 3 min


Exercise #1: Hanging Leg Raise 3* 6 60X0

Exercise #2: Weighted Cable Crunches 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: V Ups 3* 25 20X0 3 min

NOTES: 40X0 tempo means 4 seconds to lower, 0 second pause, X means to lift explosively, 0 second pause, repeat. Watch the videos for demonstration.

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Day 2: Biceps & Triceps

Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest


Exercise #1: Standing Hammer Curls w/ Supination

3* 6 40X0

Exercise #2: Incline Cable Curls 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: High to Low Cable Curls 3* 25 20X0 3 min


Exercise #1: Parallel Bar Dips 3* 6 60X0

Exercise #2: Leaning 1 Arm Extension 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Standing Overhead Rope Extension

3* 25 20X0 3 min

NOTES: 40X0 tempo means 4 seconds to lower, 0 second pause, X means to lift explosively, 0 second pause, repeat. Watch the videos for demonstration.

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Day 3: Quads & Hips

Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest


Exercise #1: Barbell Squat 3* 6 40X0

Exercise #2: Foot Elevated Split Squats 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Leg Extensions 3* 25 20X0 3 min


Exercise #1: Deadlifts 3* 6 60X0

Exercise #2: Lying Leg Curls 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Hip Extensions 3* 25 20X0 3 min

NOTES: 40X0 tempo means 4 seconds to lower, 0 second pause, X means to lift explosively, 0 second pause, repeat. Watch the videos for demonstration.

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Day 4: Chest & Back

Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest


Exercise #1: Incline Barbell Press 3* 6 40X0

Exercise #2: Flat Dumbbell Press w/ Internal rotation

3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Cable Flys w/ Internal Rotation 3* 25 20X0 3 min


Exercise #1: Overhand Bent Over Rows 3* 6 60X0

Exercise #2: Underhand Chin Ups 3* 12 30X0

Exercise #3: Horizontal Rope Rows 3* 25 20X0 3 min

NOTES: 40X0 tempo means 4 seconds to lower, 0 second pause, X means to lift explosively, 0 second pause, repeat. Watch the videos for demonstration.

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Vince Del Monte Transformation Students

Tony GreGoryGahanna, Ohio

AmiT SidhwAniMumbai

STATon AkAnA Lindon, Utah

Packed On 50 Pounds of MUSCLE!

The Best Shape I Have Ever Been In!

My Self-Esteem Shot Through The Roof!

Gained 17 Pounds Of Muscle

Your Full Body Routine Is Simple Amazing!

Lost 22 Pounds Of Fat

Got My Life Back at 53 Years Old

Andy Notices Veins And Cuts He's Never Seen Before!

Gains 30 Pounds Of Solid Muscle

ChriSTiAn roSenVoLdCopenhagen, Denmark

dAnieL erneSTo Gomez ChAmAVeracruz, Mexico

BoriSLAV hriSToVBulgaria

Tom BoddCreston, British Columbia

Andy SpruiLL

ezrA VAn den BoSCh Waddinxveen Netherlands

CLICK HERE To Read Their Success Stories



















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Vince Del Monte Transformation Students

Aimo ruohoTorrevieja, Alicante province, Spain

kim hoHong Kong

phiL SmiThGrove City, Ohio

Aimo's Inspires An Entire Generation!

Gains 90 Pounds Of Muscle!

Gained 15 Pounds Of Muscle

From Fit To Freaking Shredded!

12-Weeks - Went From 200 lbs at 17% Body Fat To 210 lbs at 10% Body Fat!

65 Is Only A Number

The New "Go To Guy"

Thank You For Helping Me Get My Body Back!

Added Nearly 20 Pounds Of Muscle

Joey de LA CruzUvalde, Texas

mArioS prodromouLarnaca, Cyprus

don CASAGrAndeNew Zealand

JuuSo korVoLAHelsinki, Finland Columbia

peTer CArVeLLOntario, Canada

ChAz GineST Denver, Colorado

clicK heRe To Ready Their Success Stories

















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Vince Del Monte Transformation Students

Gino AquinoTrinity Beach, QLD, Australia

João pAuLo GASpAr dA SiLVA Brazil

Ben GouwenS IN, USA

Anything Can Be Physically Achieved

Now Quickly Noticed By Women

He Gains 10 Pounds Of Muscle!

Gave "One Hundred And Ten Percent"

"Commitment is key!"

Joe Lost 25 Pounds

Josh Lost 7% Body Fat

Packs On 47 Pounds Of Size!

Added Nearly 20 Pounds Of Muscle

AnThony CiCCoTToLong Island, New York

BernArdo pinhoPortugal

Joey VAiLLAnCourTGatineau, Quebec

JoSh proBerTSWamsutter, Wyoming Columbia

niCk LofTonKaty, Texas

JoCk purTLe NSW, Australia

clicK heRe To Ready Their Success Stories



















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Vince Del Monte Transformation Students

iVAn mendezAkureyri, Iceland

SondrA ST-AmAndVernon, British Columbia

derek CuTSinGer Daegu, South Korea look so muscular!

40 Year Old Mother, Loses 18 ½ Inches

Building Muscle The Chicks Dig!

Pain is only temporary

Went From Skinny-Fat To Lean, Toned And Sexy!

The Work Is It's Own Reward!

Stayed On Track and Took Action

"I Wanted To Be Someone Instead Of Being A Little Skinny Push Over"

Packed On 10 Pounds Of Muscle

miChAeL dAhLBC, Canada

meGAn keLLyMA, USA

pAuL mASineLLi

peTe LuCkrAfT

BiLL rAnChmen Louisiana, USA

mATT BeukeLmAn Mitchell, South Dakota

clicK heRe To Ready Their Success Stories



















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What's this guy all about?

About The AuthorMeet “Vince Del Monte,” the only Fitness Guru who has been coined The Skinny Guy Savior. He earned this name by dedicating his life to transforming the lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy guys & skinny girls – helping them become healthier, fitter and more confident in their bodies. In the end his students transform themselves to “Live better, Look better & Know better!” Vince has transformed thousands of lives of the skinny, scrawny wimpy individual with a perfect mix of encouragement, humor, no BS, inspiration and fun

with his popular best selling “No-Nonsense Muscle

Building” system.

Vince has the most popular “skinny to muscular” transformation stories in the world. He was the poster boy of the “I can’t gain weight or get the girl” story. Vince became known as “Skinny Vinny.” He was 140-150 pounds at 6 feet tall. The nickname didn’t die; it stuck with him all through college.

He tried everything to gain weight any way he could, never reaching past 149 lbs., dripping wet. He went through the battles to gain like no other. As a former competitive long distance runner, Vince used running to survive the embarrassment and insecurity he suffered from being too

skinny. He formed an identity for himself as one of those lean, mean, running machines.

Vince studied Kinesiology and received a Honors Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario. After college, he found a mentor who “told him to burn all of his fitness magazines and stop wasting money on supplements to gain weight.” Vince’s life started to change. He gained some weight, got muscles and then met the girl of his dreams – whom he calls his B.M.W. – Beautiful Marvelous Wife!

Vince helps thousands of individuals with “muscle unfriendly genetics”; make a plan to create new habits and commit to it. He helps with motivation, confidence, and teaches the basis for

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training smarter not harder – individuals see muscles within 2 weeks, not 2 months! They eat better and have a more balance life. And in the end, each individual becomes a better man or woman all while reaching his or her goals.

Vince is the Author of “No-Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain.” The book has sold more than 80,000 copies in more than 120 different countries. He is also a WBFF Professional Fitness Model.

Vince continues to compete in the fitness-modeling world and has won the Canadian Fitness Model Championships. In June 2008, he competed again and placed 3rd at the World Fitness Model Championships. In 2011 Vince become a WBFF Pro Fitness Model and competed at the 2011 WBFF World Championships. He enjoys the natural bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle, and continues to practice what he preaches to challenge himself and inspire his readers.

Got a Personal Question for Vince?LIKE him up on his Facebook Fan Page & Ask Away