the wrongway legacy: gen 5, part 5

The Wrongway Legacy Generation Five, Part Five: Shelter

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Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: Gen 5, Part 5

The Wrongway Legacy

Generation Five, Part Five:Shelter

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: Gen 5, Part 5


Hex apologised to Lavender for his behaviour, and tried to make amends with Lee, who then admitted he’d been spiking Hex’s morning coffee with elixir. Lance proposed to Gold and she accepted. Ariel sought the help of local witch Kimberly Cordial to prepare a deadly spell. Ralph found Hex feeling sorry for himself down an alleyway, and insisted he had changed – no one’s sure of that though. Tank took Maddie out on a date in an attempt to cheer her up and it went really well. The Wrongways had a big dinner to celebrate Lance and Gold’s engagement, only to have it interrupted by Ariel, Leda and a magic wand, which had some awful consequences for the family…

Also, warning for language in this chapter. No f-words, just some light swearing.

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“I’m not sure there’s anything we can do…no one here has any training in treating injuries from magic…”

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“We’re going to keep trying, Mr Rightway, but things aren’t looking good.”

“It’s not looking good. We don’t think she will survive the night…”

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“There was nothing more we could do…”

“I’m sorry, but she’s gone.”

* * *

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“Citizens of Belladonna Cove, the past few weeks have been a difficult time for our small city. Since the murder of tourist Lavender Wrongway at the Mazur Hotel, my colleagues and I have been debating the best course of action for the safety of our citizens.

“Kimberly Cordial may be in custody, but there is no telling what other threats these supernatural folk may pose.”

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“For that reason, we have decided to introduce legislation to keep our people safe in their own homes and on the streets of Belladonna. No longer will we have to live in fear!

“As of tomorrow, all supernaturals residing in Belladonna Cove must be registered, including half-aliens and cured plant babies. The supernaturals among us will be identified and monitored, in order to ensure safety for our citizens!”

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“Once registered, all supernaturals will be required to live in group homes, under the surveillance of city staff. A curfew will be in effect for all supernaturals, so that the citizens of Belladonna are no longer afraid of the night!

“This system will protect us from future tragedies. If we had only implemented these changes sooner, Lavender Wrongway might still be alive!”

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“Belladonna, I have heard your cries for stronger laws against supernaturals, and we fully intend to deliver! Finally, we will be able to live once more without fear!”

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“Hex? Are you seeing this? DeBateau’s out of his mind, there’s no way this is fair…”

“Please answer me, Hex.”

“Hex, for Wright’s sake, we need to do something!”

* * *

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It was a beautiful day, and for most citizens of Belladonna Cove, it was a day for relaxation or the beach. But for the Wrongway family, the sun shone on a dark day, as it was time to lay Lavender to rest.

In the end, Maddie chose the graveyard on the edge of Belladonna, rather than transporting Lavender’s body all the way back home, and decided to keep the service small. She wasn’t sure if that’s what her mother would have wanted, but Hex wasn’t talking, and no one else had disagreed with her plans.

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It had been hours since Maddie had last spoke, as words felt unnecessary. But things were beginning to play on her mind, and Tank’s presence made Maddie feel should at least try to convey how she was feeling.

“What do we do now?” She asked him, quietly, “With Mum gone, I’m head of the family…”

He turned to look at her.

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“You don’t need to think about that today,” He said, gently, “You know that, right?”

Maddie nodded, “I just…it’s going to come up at some point. Sometime soon. I just want to be prepared, Tank. I don’t want anything else to go wrong.”

“Come here.”

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“I can’t guarantee that nothing else will go wrong, because things will,” he murmured, “But I’ll be there for you. Every time.”

Maddie considered this, “Do you still miss your mother?”

“Everyday,” he answered, truthfully, “But everyday I try hard to make her proud. And somehow, with you, I feel like I’m succeeding.”

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“I love you, Tank,” Maddie whispered, and she wrapped her arms around him.

* * *

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Hex hadn’t said anything since the doctors had told them Lavender was gone. He spent most days on his own, in silence. He hadn’t said a word to the living, but now he was whispering frantically to the dead.

Words of guilt, regret, love and loss. Hex’s emotions came pouring out into a whisper, barely audible even in the peace of the graveyard.

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“I feel like I’ve lost everything, Lavender. Not just you. There’s no longer any meaning to anything, not even being a guardian. I can’t keep fooling myself, Lavender,” Tears were falling down Hex’s face, “If I’d been better, you’d still be here. And I don’t know how to continue knowing that.

“I no longer know anything at all.”

* * *

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Leda had also avoided speaking, though for reasons different to Hex. It may not have been her hand that cast the spell, but Leda felt every bit like a murderer. Even after the police had questioned her, and let her go, Leda felt terrible.

And here she was, at the funeral. Murderers weren’t supposed to go to the funerals of their victims…

* * *

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Back over at the graveside, Lee had approached Maddie, attempting to smile. She forced a smile back.

“I don’t think we should leave,” She said, simply. Lee cast a look at Hex.

“He’s not going to move for hours. We don’t have to go anywhere.”

“No, I mean…we should stay in Belladonna.”

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“It’s not a bad idea,” Lee replied, thoughtfully, “But why Belladonna?”

Maddie offered a shrug, “It’s changed our lives, and now Mum will stay here permanently. I feel we should be with her. This place has changed us all, and I feel like we need to remain here.”

Lee nodded, “It’s your decision, Maddie, but I agree with you. There’s something about this city, isn’t there?”

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“Besides, it’s not the first time the heir has decided to move,” Lee added, cheerfully. Maddie raised an eyebrow.

“You think it’s a good idea?”

Lee smiled warmly, “Maddie, stop panicking about every decision you make. Belladonna is perfect for the family.”

Maddie opened her mouth to protest, but was suddenly distracted by someone behind Lee. Sensing Maddie’s confusion, Lee turned round to see who it was.

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“Wow,” Lee said, quietly, “I haven’t seen him for years.”

“Who is he?” Tank asked, confused.

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“My father,” Maddie responded, in disbelief.

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“Mark! It has been quite some time since we last saw you,” Lee said, amused, as Mark approached them. The passing years and Mark’s life on the road had not been kind to his youth, and Mark’s once-red hair had already turned silver.

Still, his smile was the same, “Sorry to intrude on such an occasion…I just felt I should pay my respects.”

“Not a problem,” Lee said, brightly, “I’ll leave you to catch up with your daughter.”

Lee nodded at Maddie and headed over to talk to Lance and Gold.

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“You grew up,” Mark noted, pleasantly.

“You missed it,” Maddie replied, sharply, but instantly regretted her words. This was no time to be pushing family away.

But Mark didn’t dispute this, “I did. I’ll never be able to make it up to you, or to the twins.”

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“Don’t feel like you have to,” Maddie told him, suddenly, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

Mark looked at his daughter, puzzled. When had she become so mature? He smiled to himself as Maddie offered him a hand.

“Thanks for coming to pay your respects,” Maddie said, softly.

“It may not seem like it, but I did love her. I was shocked to hear about her death.”

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“We were there, and we’re still in shock,” Maddie told him, truthfully, “Let’s change the subject. How is your band?”

“Broken up. Have been for most of this year, actually.”

“That’s a shame,” Maddie offered, recalling the song her Dad had written for her once, “You weren’t terrible.”

“Maybe. Life happens, you know? And I wasn’t ready for it, the first time. I’m trying my best now.”

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“I’m glad to hear it,” Maddie said, brightly. Tank slipped his hand into a hers, a reminder that he was still there. She had told him about her father, and how she didn’t like him, and he was proud of her for making an effort with him all the same.

Maddie smiled at Tank, and then looked back to her father, “This is my partner, Tank Grunt.”

Mark nodded at Tank, “It’s nice to meet you. Take care of my little girl for me, won’t you? We both know I never did.”

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“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Maddie insisted, “I resented you for years, but you know what? I get it now. Things happen to you, you don’t like them, you run away. I did the same thing, Dad.”

“But we’re both trying to do better, right?” Mark smiled, “I’m so proud of you.”

“You don’t even know me,” Maddie replied, but she was smiling too.

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A red-headed woman suddenly approached the group, offering a sheepish smile at Maddie and Tank before turning to Mark, “I don’t mean to rush you, but the babysitter just called and she needs us home.”

Mark smiled at her, “Maddie, this is my wife, Michelle.”

“You remarried?” Maddie repeated, surprised. Mark nodded.

“I’m trying my best to do things properly this time.”

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“It’s nice to finally meet you, Maddie. Mark talks about you, and the twins all the time. I don’t know why he waited so long to get back in touch.”

Mark shook his head, smiling, “I’m not perfect. Anyway, Maddie, it would be great if you and the twins would consider coming over for dinner sometime.”

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Maddie had been prepared to protest, make excuses about how they barely knew each other, but something about what Michelle had said had captured her attention.

“Did you say babysitter?” Maddie asked, with a smile, “Do I have another sister?”

Mark exchanged a panicked look with Michelle, “You do. Her name is Susannah, and she’s only just a toddler.”

Maddie smiled to herself, “Then I think I’ll have to come to dinner, to meet my new sibling.”

Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

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After a few moments of awkwardly exchanging phone numbers and more small talk, Mark finally nodded to his daughter, and waved to each of the twins.

“We’ve really got to go. But we’ll see you soon!” He promised. Maddie grinned, pleased that her father had come to see them afterall.

“Soon,” Maddie repeated, and she watched the couple leave. Life had a funny way of working out sometimes.

* * *

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Tara DeBateau had invited her father over to see her new apartment, and had regretted it the moment he’d walked through the door. She hadn’t been seeing eye-to-eye with her father lately, and this was her last attempt at making peace.

“Well, it could be worse,” Armand DeBateau said, grumpily, “But I don’t know why you didn’t just get a nice apartment on our side of town.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tara asked, with a sigh, “This place isn’t upperclass enough for you?”

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“I simply meant we deserve the finest of things, Tara. I can give you better than this shack. And you’d be away from the supernaturals; we can’t have you cavorting with them.”

Tara rolled her eyes, “I know. Bad for the Mayor’s daughter to be seen with witches and all that. By the way, my boyfriend will be over in a few minutes. I thought it was time you met him.”

“Lovely,” Armand said, with a smile, “What does he do?”

“He’s in the Adventure career track,” Tara announced, with a smirk, watching her father’s nose wrinkle up in disgust. He was such a snob.

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“You can do better.” Armand said, sternly.

“Dimitri’s already better than I deserve,” Tara replied, flatly, as there was a knock at the back door, “Come in!”

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Armand let out an audible gasp as the young man entered the kitchen, his skin tone displaying his obvious alien heritage. Tara smiled a little.

“Dad, this is Dimitri McCarthy. He moved here last month, from Mirage.”

Dimitri approached them, and held a hand out for Armand, “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

Armand ignored the gesture, “You didn’t mention he was-”

“It wasn’t necessary.” Tara said, sharply, “He’s a wonderful person.”

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“If he’s an alien, Tara, why isn’t he in one of the institutes we set up for his kind?”

Tara beamed at her father, as Dimitri explained, “I’m only a quarter alien, sir. The law states only full and half-aliens need to move to the institute.”

“Yes,” Armand agreed, though it was clear he didn’t want to, “Tara, I cannot have you dating a supernatural. It’s bad press.”

“Dad, he’s pretty much as human as you or me. I’m not leaving Dimitri because of your stupid law.”

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“Sir, I think you misunderstand what’s going on here,” Dimitri offered the sullen man a smile, “I’m truly enchanted by your daughter, she’s helped me settle into your fine city, and changed my life. I’m not here to help her rebel against you, merely show you that I’m no different from any other man on the street.”

Armand gave a look of disgust, and glared at Tara, “Either you leave him, or you’re no longer my daughter.”

Tara slipped her hand into Dimitri’s.

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“Then the choice is clear, father,” Tara said, steadily, “I’m no longer a DeBateau.”

* * *

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Leda had been spending even more time on her own that before, though now it was her own choice. Lance had tried talking to her, inviting her out for coffee, for a walk, to go roller-skating, but it all felt a little fake. And a little too late.

Instead, Leda had been searching the city for something else. Finding her way around, trying to work out who she was, and what she was supposed to do next.

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So far, she hadn’t found any answers.

Just endless silences in which to think.

* * *

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Lee was loving his new life in the city. Since Hex had pretty much stopped functioning, finding an apartment, doing the groceries and supporting the Wrongways as they settled into Belladonna was all down to him. And despite his fears of it all, Lee was actually really enjoying himself. He was even overseeing the building of a new home for the Wrongways.

All in all, life couldn’t be better.

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Well. Except for one thing. DeBateau’s Law.

While there were now hardly any supernaturals left outside of the ‘group homes’, which Lee regarded as dressed up prisons, it still wasn’t uncommon to see witch hunts, and persecution when people thought no one was looking.

It went against everything inside of Lee.

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“Leave her alone!” He yelled, menacingly down the alley, attracting the attention of the thugs circling a young woman.

The red-headed man glared in Lee’s direction, “Back off, she’s a sparkly bitch. She doesn’t have the same rights as the rest of us.”

“Let her go.” Lee demanded again. The red-headed man straightened up and walked towards Lee.

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“Or what?” The red-headed asked, “How are you going to stop me? You’re so weak and pathetic.”

“I could take you,” Lee said, simply. One of the girls laughed.

“I’d like to see you try,” the red-headed man scoffed, raising his fists.

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* * *

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* * *

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“Are you okay?” Lee asked the young woman, as the thugs scurried away, their prides dented. The woman nodded.

“Happens all the time,” She replied.

“Don’t misunderstand me, I’m just curious,” Lee told her, “But how come you’re not in one of DeBateau’s ‘group homes’?”

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“Not all of us got caught,” She explained, “But there are less and less places to hide everyday.”

Lee frowned, “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Why?” The woman asked, “Why are you even bothering with supernaturals?”

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“The witch who killed Lavender was my mother, and she triggered all of this anti-supernatural stuff,” Lee said, “It’s not my fault, and I shouldn’t have to try to make up for my mother’s actions, but it’s just not fair. Kimberly Cordial’s currently serving my mother’s sentence.”

“Kimberly Cordial?” The woman asked curiously. Lee nodded.


“She’s my sister…”

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“Then it looks like we have more in common than previously thought,” Lee said, “I’m sorry about your sister.”

“Don’t be,” The woman said, simply, “She’s been consumed by dark magic. It’s only a matter of time before she hurts someone.”

Lee frowned, “Not necessarily.”

The woman shrugged, “You don’t know my sister. Or magic, actually.”


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“I need to go,” The woman told him, “Before the police show up. I don’t want to get caught simply for being in public.”

Lee shook his head, “No, I have a better idea…”

* * *

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Hex didn’t spend a lot of time with others anymore. In fact, Hex didn’t really do anything anymore, and he was content with that. He couldn’t remember the last time he sat back and did nothing while chaos continued around him. He couldn’t remember the last time he didn’t get involved in someone else’s business.

The phone rang. He didn’t answer it. Multiple times. He still didn’t answer it.

The door opened. He didn’t open his eyes.

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“Hex! I told you about DeBateau’s Law, right?” Lee announced, breathless. Of course he had. It was just hard to tell when Hex was listening these days, “Well, I had an idea. And Samantha Cordial is going to help us.”

“Hi.” Samantha murmured from behind Lee.

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Despite Hex’s silence, Lee was too excited to stop talking to him, “I’m going to do it, Hex. Become a proper guardian like you wanted. And we’re going to get a new Supernatural Court together. And we’re going to bring Ariel to justice.”

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“Then you’ll want to get a mobile phone,” Hex said, opening his eyes. It was the first time he’d spoken to Lee in days, “Because Maddie keeps phoning.”

* * *

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Lee phoned Maddie back straightaway, a little peeved that Hex had just watched the phone ring and done nothing about it. He was trying to be understanding, but it was getting more and more difficult.

“Really, he’s not picking up? I get it, he’s sad, but he could be a bit more helpful,” Maddie sighed, “No it’s not urgent. It’s just we’re going to need you to speed up the finding-us-a-house thing.”

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“Are you telling me what I think you’re telling me, Maddie?”

“Yeah! There’s going to be a new little Wrongway soon! I don’t remember the last time I was this excited!”

* * *

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“He does know there’s only the two of us and baby moving into this mansion, right?”

“I think it’s nice. A bit different than anything I’ve seen before-”

“Because Strangetown is abundant with interesting architecture.”

“-but I think we can make it work.”

“Of course we can.”

* * *

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It was a bright morning, and Lance had finally convinced his twin to come out for a drink. He’d chosen a quiet little café, out of the way, in hopes it would encourage Leda to open up to him.

For at least fifteen minutes, the twins had sat in silence, with Leda feeling comfortable and Lance feeling awkward.

He had to break the silence, for his own sanity, “It’s been ages since we’ve been together like this.”

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“Lance, I see what you’re trying to do, and I appreciate it,” Leda said, suddenly, “But I really don’t want to pretend everything is okay. I really don’t want to carry on as normal.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Everyday since that dinner has been a struggle, Lance. I should be in prison for murder, not walking the streets freely.”

Lance shook his head, “Leda, no. You weren’t thinking straight. You fell under the influences of a manipulative villain who has been trying to destroy this family for decades. You aren’t to blame.”

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“I am, Lance. I told Ariel where everyone was. I watched her brew spells and curses with another witch. I didn’t do anything to stop it, I let it happen. I let her kill, Lance. I gave her the information she needed to kill.”

“Leda, you made a mistake. Life will go on, and you can move past this.”

“I’m not sure it’s possible,” Leda sighed, sinking into her chair slightly, “I think about it everyday. What I should have done. I wanted to be remembered and appreciated, but I’m going to be remembered for the wrong things. No one will ever appreciate me now.”

“I appreciate you.” Lance said, truthfully.

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“I was a bad brother, Leda,” Lance told her, “I should have been there. I was too wrapped up in my relationship with Gold, and I forgot how important family is. How important you are. I’m never going to let that happen again, Leda.”

Leda shook her head, but a small smile was forming on her face – the first smile in months, “I’m not sure what to do next, Lance.”

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“I don’t know how to move on,” She admitted, sadly.

* * *

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Night had fallen over Belladonna, and Leda still hadn’t returned to her apartment since coffee with Lance. Not that she really wanted to, it was empty and lonesome, whereas the streets of the city thrived with people heading home from work. Leda felt almost comfortable when part of a crowd.

But rush hour was almost over, and the streets were emptying again, meaning rush hour could start again in Leda’s brain. The guilt, the loss, and the kindness of her brother were causing a storm where her thoughts should be, and Leda could no longer distinguish between sense and delusion.

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Then, all of a sudden, it seemed obvious.

The headlights of a passing car cleared a space in Leda’s mind, emptying of the useless scenarios she had been considering for continuing with her life.

Finally, Leda had an answer.

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* * *

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* * *

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The car blared its horn once Leda was out of the way, and continued moving past them. The man who had pulled out of the road smiled, slightly shaken by the events that had just taken place.

“Are you okay?” He asked, suddenly, “You could’ve died.”

“Maybe that’s what I wanted,” Leda snapped, huffily, although now she was back on the pavement, she found she was glad to be safe.

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“I don’t know what you’re going through,” The man said, gently, “But I promise you, it won’t last forever.”

“How do you know?” Leda found herself asking, “You don’t know what I’m feeling. You don’t know what I did.”

The man shook his head, “I don’t need to. I’ve seen people go through hell and survive.”

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“Take me and my brothers, for example,” The man continued, “We lost our mother really young. My oldest brother threw himself into training and being perfect, and he never had any fun. He had an awful temper on him, too, though mostly towards our other brother.”

Leda looked at him, bewildered, but the man kept telling his story.

“Anyway, he’s fine now. Settled down, has a little girl. I’m on my way to meet him, actually. But look, he did just fine. And my other brother will too, once he’s sorted himself out.”

“So you’re saying…”

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“I’m saying it doesn’t matter what made you get in front of that car. You can get through it.”

Leda smiled to herself. She was sure Lance had been sending her a similar message, but somehow, it was more comforting from a stranger.

“I’m sorry I nearly ruined your night,” Leda told him, with a smile, “But thank you for saving my life.”

“Anytime,” He said, cheerfully, and pulled a phone out of his pocket, “Would you like my number? Sometimes it can be useful just to have someone to chat to. Someone who has no idea what’s going on in your life, or whatever.”

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“I think I’d like that,” Leda admitted, “As long as it’s no trouble.”

“Of course not,” He smiled, “I just like helping people. My name’s Buck, by the way.”


* * *

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Tank had promised his brothers they could come and visit once he’d settled into the new house with Maddie and the baby, but hadn’t expected them to be quite so eager. The house was still on the bare side, with a majority of the unpacking still left to do, when Ripp and Buck had shown up on the doorstep.

“Okay, so what was so urgent you had to come here tonight?” Tank asked, though he was pleased to see his brothers. He was surprised by how much he’d missed them.

“Ripp screwed up.” Buck announced.

“I did not.” Ripp protested. Tank raised an eyebrow.

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“I merely fell in love with my best friend’s little sister.” Ripp said, slowly. Tank’s eyes widened.

“As in Jill Smith? Ripp, are you crazy?!”

“Why do people keep asking me that?” Ripp pondered, “No! She’s awesome, and we get along great…she’s been dating guys before, Johnny’s just pissed this time because it’s me.”

“Like I said, Ripp screwed up,” Buck smiled, “Johnny wants his head.”

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“I can imagine,” Tank replied, dryly, “Ripp, what were you thinking?”

“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal!” Ripp said, exasperated, “If I dated any other woman on the planet, there wouldn’t be this kind of uproar!”

“Well. Not ANY woman on the planet. Maddie’s off-limits.” Buck pointed out with a grin, earning a glare from Ripp.

“So Johnny didn’t take it well?” Tank asked.

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“Johnny doesn’t know yet,” Buck told Tank, “We left before he found out.”

“So Jill’s going to tell him?” Tank questioned.

“Nope, Ophelia is,” Ripp replied, “Jill’s back at the hotel.”

“Oh for Wright’s sake, you’ve brought Jill here, too? Johnny’s going to go ballistic when he finds out that not only are you screwing his sister, but you’ve run away to the city with her, too!”

“Also Dad doesn’t know we left yet, so there’s going to be that to deal with…” Ripp said, sheepishly.

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“Ripp, do you ever use your brain?” Tank sighed, “We need to sort this all out.”

“Are you saying call Dad?” Buck murmured. He was the most afraid of their father’s temper.

Tank shook his head, “That can wait until tomorrow, and then I’ll phone him. He still doesn’t like me, but at least he tolerates me.”

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“Also I noticed you have a MASSIVE house here, Tank. And hotels aren’t cheap…”

Tank rolled his eyes, “Fine. You and Buck can come stay with us for a bit.”

“What about Jill?”

“Yes,” Tank answered, “But if Johnny comes knocking her, I’m not dealing with it.”

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“Just be careful, okay, Ripp?” Tank said, in a concerned tone, “Don’t throw a friendship away over a girl.”

“She’s not just a girl.” Ripp replied, quietly.

“Anyway, now that you two are here and interrupting what was supposed to be a quiet night in with my family, who wants to meet their niece?”

Grins formed on both faces of Tank’s brothers, and despite himself, Tank smiled as he rose from the table and walked to the nursery.

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“You know what, that went better than expected,” Ripp commented, once Tank had left the room, “I honestly thought he was going to whine about the fact Jill’s part-alien.”

Buck shook his head, “He seems a lot more chilled out. Can you believe he’s a dad now?”

Ripp snorted, “Nope. He still looks like the Incredible Sulk, but I’m not convinced he’s the same man.”

“I don’t think he is,” Buck admitted, with a smile.

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Tank re-entered the room with a small child in his arms, “Ripp, Buck, this is Danielle. She’s a little sleepy because it’s getting late, but-”

“How cute is she!” Ripp interrupted, getting to his feet and rushing over to his brother, “Can I hold her?”

Tank gently passed his daughter over to Ripp, amused by Ripp’s enthusiasm.

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“Hello cutie, I’m your Uncle Ripp,” Danielle grinned at her uncle, causing an enormous grin to spread across his face, “Look, she likes me!”

Tank watched, alarmed, as Ripp started to toss Danielle in the air, “Ripp, be careful!”

“Calm down, Tank, Mum used to do this with Buck, remember?”

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“Oh Tank, she’s perfect,” Ripp gushed as Danielle giggled again, “What did you say her full name was?”

“Danielle Lavender Wrongway,” Tank announced, proudly.

* * *

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That’s it for this time, but first, here’s Danielle’s personality: 9/5/5/0/6 – I can’t tell you how excited I am to *finally* get Danielle into the story!

Also, Dimitri McCarthy, Tara’s alien boyfriend is Maddie’s 3 rd cousin. Or something. He’s ridiculously distant to the main line, anyway. Just in case no one recognised him

That’s all I have for this time!

See you soon!