the world healthiest foods - part viii- other healthy foods

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  • 8/7/2019 The World Healthiest Foods - Part VIII- Other healthy Foods


    The World Healthiest FoodsBy Kyle J. Norton

    All article and E books written by Kyle J. Norton are for information and education only,

    please consult with your doctor and related field specialist before applying.

    Part VIII Other Healthy Foods (The LastChapter)

    Soy sauce

    Soy sauce

    Soy sauce is a seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans and filamentous

    fungus, along with water and salt after a period of sometime, it yields a

    moromi or thick mash of cereal to obtain soy sauce by pressing it to liquid

    form. Tamari is made by collecting the liquid which was pressed and the

    liquid drained drains from miso after a certain time of fermentation.

    Nutritional supplements

    1. Sodium

    2. protein
  • 8/7/2019 The World Healthiest Foods - Part VIII- Other healthy Foods


    3. Fat

    4. Niacin (Vitamin B3)

    5. Iron

    6. Manganese

    7. Magnesium

    7. Phosphorus

    8. Riboflavin

    9. Vitamin B6

    10. Isoflavones

    11. Etc

    Health benefits

    Since soy sauce contains high amount of sodium, a trace mineral is

    classified as a cause of heart diseases and stroke if eating in high amount. In

    fact with correct amount, soy sauce not only helps to replace the daily intakeof sodium but also enhances health benefits

    1. Cholesterol

    Certain studies found that certain types of soy sauce (popular in Chinese

    cookery) have been shown to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)

    because of the existence of large amounts of the isoflavones, so choose your

    soy sauce wisely.

    2. Isoflavones

    Isoflavones is one of the weak estrogen that can compete with estrogen for

    the same receptor sites, as it decreasing the health risks of excess estrogen,

    promoting healthy menstrual cycle and reducing the risk of cancers caused

    by high levels of strong estrogen.

    3. Riboflavin

    Riboflavin or vitamin B2 besides is important for the production of energy

    in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins due to its coenzymes,

    flavin adenine dinucleotide and Flavin mononucleotide properties, it also is

    the best of natural element for treating migraines and muscle pain reliever

    used together with magnesium.

    4. Niacin

    Niacin or vitamin B3 beside is important in production of energy in

    metabolism of carbohydrate, it also essential for DNA repairing, production

    of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland, improving blood circulation and

    lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

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    5. Magnesium

    Magnesium beside helps to maintain the right ratio with calcium, thus aiding

    the digestive system in absorption of calcium, it also reduces the risk of

    irregular heart beat and prevents abnormal blood clotting in the heart.

    Magnesium deficiency can lead to depression.

    6. Etc.

    Side effects

    1. High amount of sodium in say sauce is not for people with high blood

    pressure, but one can choose low sodium soy sauce fitted for your needs.

    2. Allergic reactions in some people

    3. Etc.


  • 8/7/2019 The World Healthiest Foods - Part VIII- Other healthy Foods


    The rich golden liquid is the miraculous product made by bees using nectar

    from flowers. It is considered as one of healthy sweet food for replacing the

    use of white sugar and artificial sweetener by many people.

    Nutritional Supplements

    1. Carbohydrates

    2. Sugars

    3. Protein

    4. Water

    5. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

    6. Niacin (Vitamin B3)

    7. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)

    8. Vitamin B6

    9. Folate (Vitamin B9)

    10. Vitamin C11. Calcium

    12. Iron

    13. Magnesium

    14. Phosphorus

    15. Potassium

    16. Sodium

    17. Zinc

    18. Etc.

    Health benefits1. Energy

    Honey contains high amount of glucose and fructose that are simple sugar

    (monosaccharide) played an important role to enhance energy production in

    carbohydrate metabolism, as they

    are absorbed by the body quickly through insulin and potassium.

    2. Antioxidant

    Recently research study that honey has the antiseptic and antibacterial

    properties as it increases the immune system in fighting the forming of free

    radicals causes of inflammation and infection causes of infection due toenzyme glucose oxidase.

    3. Diabetes chronic wound

    External used is proven to be effective for treating diabetes chronic wound

    that antibiotic can not be used.

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    4. Phosphorus

    Beside providing strength to bones and teeth by working together with

    calcium, it also works with riboflavin and niacin to improve the digestive

    system in absorbing vital nutrients.

    5. Iron

    Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and carrying life-giving

    oxygen to human cells. Deficiency of iron causes anemia, anemia of chronic

    disease, cough, anemia in pregnancy, etc., leading to reducing blood flow to

    the reproductive organ, thus increasing the risk of infertility.

    6. Etc

    Side effects

    1. Because of the presence of botulinum endospores, children under one yearof age should not be given honey

    2. Honey may be poison if produced from the flowers of oleanders,

    rhododendrons, mountain laurels, sheep laurel, and azaleas etc.

    3. It may contain traces of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

    Green tea - leaves of Camellia sinensis

  • 8/7/2019 The World Healthiest Foods - Part VIII- Other healthy Foods


    Green tea

    Green tea contains more amount of antioxidants than any drinks or food with

    the same volume, and is the leaves of Camellia sinensis, undergone minimal

    oxidation during processing, originated from China. Green tea has been used

    as a precious drink in traditional Chinese culture and used exceptional in

    socialization for more than 4000 thousand years. Because of their health

    benefits, they have been cultivated for commercial purposes all over theworld.

    Nutritional supplements

    1. Vitamin A

    2. Vitamin C

    3. selenium

    4. Magnesium

    5. Chromium

    6. Zinc

    7. Polyphenols

    8. Tannins

    9. Catechins

    10. Theanine

    11. Flavonoids,

    12. Etc.
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    Health benefits

    1. Immune system

    Polyphenols, one of more powerful form of antioxidant not only helps to

    improve the immune system fighting against the forming of free radicals and

    guarding our body from foreign invasion, such as virus and bacteria, thus

    reducing the risk of inflammation and lessening the risk of oxidation of low-

    density lipoprotein (LDL) cause coronary heart disease.

    2. Tannins

    A group of simple and complex phenol, polyphenols, and flavonoid

    compounds, once are considered anti nutritional but it is now known of their

    beneficial depending to their chemical structure and dosage for its anti-

    inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic effects.

    3. Catechins

    Catechins are a category of polyphenols contained epicatechin (EC),

    epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin

    gallate (EGCG) and 25-100 times more potent than vitamins C and E that

    help to protect the body from oxidative damage by enhancing the immune

    function in fighting against forming of free radicals and blocking bacteria

    from adhering to cell walls.

    4. Flavonoids,

    Flavonoids are best known as an antioxidant that help to protect our body

    from forming free-radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease,

    irregular cell causes of cancer activity and immunodeficiency virus


    5. Theanine

    An amino acid that produces tranquilizing effects in the brain, theanine

    found in green tea, has a significant clinical results for naturally calming as

    it promotes alpha brain waves, putting you in a state of relaxation without

    causing drowsiness. It also increases the dopamine levels in the brain,leading to a well-being feeling.

    6. Etc.

    Side effect

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    1. Tannins

    a) Tannins in in green tea may reduce the absorption of certain medication.

    b) Reduce the digestive function in absorbing iron and thiamine .

    2. Caffeine

    Caffeine found in green tea may cause some problems for certain people.

    3. Stomach upset is the most common symptom.

    Blackstrap molasses

    Blackstrap molassesMolasses is the juice is boiled to concentration which promotes the

    crystallization of the sugar, made by extracting from the canes, usually by

    crushing or mashing, after the sugar cane plant is harvested and stripped of

    its leaves. The concentration of this first boiling and of the sugar crystals is

    first molasses, which has the highest sugar content.
  • 8/7/2019 The World Healthiest Foods - Part VIII- Other healthy Foods


    Blackstrap molasses is the third boiling of the sugar syrup with of sucrose

    from the original juice has been crystallized and removed.

    Nutritional Supplements

    1. Glucose

    2. Fructose

    3. Biotin

    4. Calcium

    5. Potassium

    6. Chloride

    7. Manganese

    8. Selenium

    9. Copper

    10. Iron

    11. Magnesium12. Potassium

    13. Etc.

    Health benefits

    1. Bone density

    Since blackstrap molassaes contains high amount of calcium, it helps to

    build stronger, denser bones early in life and keeps bones strong and healthy

    later in life, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D is necessary

    for the absorption of calcium.

    2. Copper and energy

    Copper plays a role in a wide range of physiological processes, such as iron

    utilization of enhancing the hrmoglobin. Iron is an integral component of

    hemoglobin in transporting oxygen from the lungs to all body cells, thus

    increasing the energy use for daily


    3. PotassiumPotassium besides is important in enhancing the brain cells in transmitting

    information to the cells in the body and regulating the internal fluid within

    the cells, it also prevents muscle constriction, thus reducing the risk of

    menstrual cramps and pain.

    4. Glucose and Fructose

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    Glucose and Fructose are simple sugar (monosaccharide) played an

    important role to enhance energy production in carbohydrate metabolism for

    brain cells need, through a chain chemical action of insulin produced by

    pancreas and potassium.

    4. Manganese

    Beside it is important in forming connective tissues and building of essential

    enzymes for building healthy bones, manganese also helps in regulating the

    normal function of of thyroid growth hormones and blood sugar level.

    5. Magnesium

    Beside helping to maintain the healthy bone through the proper ratio with

    calcium, magnesium also plays an essential role in relieving chronic asthma

    by promoting the relaxation of bronchial muscles and normalizing breathing.

    6. Etc

    Side effects

    No serious side effects are unknown


    Most of the foods in the same group contain the same types of nutrients but

    differ in volume, please do not assume that one is another. At the mean time,enjoy reading.

    Recommended reading

    Super Food Library

    The Nature Super Food For Health Living and Longevity

    And Look 10-20 Years Younger Than Your Biological Age

    For more information of all other healthiest foods, visit

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