the word الشر in the quran القرآن عن الشر

The word The word ر ش ل ا ر ش ل اin the Quran in the Quran ن ع ن را ق ل ا ن ع ن را ق ل ا ر ش ل ا ر ش ل اBy A.S. Hashim. MD By A.S. Hashim. MD Arabic, taken from : Arabic, taken from : Translation taken from: Translation taken from: Shakir Shakir Pickthal Pickthal Yusuf Ali Yusuf Ali

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The word الشر in the Quran القرآن عن الشر. By A.S. Hashim. MD Arabic, taken from : Translation taken from: Shakir Pickthal Yusuf Ali. بـســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم In the Name of God, Lord of Mercy and Lord of Grace. The word الشر means: The bad, the evil. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر

The word The word الشرالشر in the Quranin the Quran

عن عن القرآن الشرالشرالقرآن

By A.S. Hashim. MDBy A.S. Hashim. MD

Arabic, taken from : holyquran.netArabic, taken from : holyquran.netTranslation taken from: taken from:

ShakirShakirPickthalPickthalYusuf AliYusuf Ali

Page 2: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


الرحيم الرحمن الله الرحيم بـســـم الرحمن الله بـســـمIn the Name of God,In the Name of God,

Lord of Mercy and Lord of GraceLord of Mercy and Lord of Grace

The word The word الشرالشر means:means:

The bad, the evilThe bad, the evil

Page 3: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


Of Themes in the QuranOf Themes in the Quran

There are a good many themes in the Holy Quran. One of these themes is الشرالشر

The word الشرالشر appears in about 24 AyahsThese references have variable flavors of meaning and connotationsThe word الشرالشر comes in red and its English translation comes in red too.

Looking at the entire theme gives a better understanding of what the message entails.

Page 4: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


البقرة 216آية - 2سورة - سورة

Fighting is enjoined on you, and it is an object of dislike to you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you, and Allah knows, while you do not know.

�ر�ه� و�ه�و�ك ��ال �ق%ت ال ��م �ك �ي ع�ل %ب� �ت ك)ا �ئ �ر�ه�واش�ي �ك ت �ن

� و�ع�س�ى-أ ��م �ك �ل ��ن و�ع�س�ى-أ ��م �ك ل �ر� �و�ه�و�خ�ي

)او�ه�و� �ئ 1واش�ي �ح%ب �م� ش�ر3ت �ك ل�م�ون� �ع�ل ت ال� ��م �ت ن

� و�أ ��م �ع�ل 7ه�ي و�الل

Page 5: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


عمران آل آية - 3سورة - سورة180

And let not those who hoard up what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty think that it is better for them. Nay, it is worse for them. That which they hoard will be their collar on the Day of Resurrection. Allah's is the heritage of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is Informed of what ye do.

%م�ا ب �خ�ل�ون� �ب 7ذ%ين�ي �ن7ال �ح�س�ب ي و�ال��ر)ا خ�ي %ه%ه�و� ف�ض�ل �7ه�م%ن الل ��اه�م آت

ه�و� ��ل ب ��ه�م � ش�ر3 �ل م� ه� ل��و�م� %ه%ي �واب �خ%ل ب م�ا �ط�و7ق�ون� س�ي

�7ه%م%ير�اث %ل و�ل �ام�ة% �ق%ي �ال%م�ا ب �7ه و�الل ر�ض%

� �و�األ �الس7م�او�ات%%ير� �ع�م�ل�ون�خ�ب ت

Page 6: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


المائدة 60آية - 5سورة - سورة

Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that has come to us and what came before us, and perhaps that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?“

Say: Shall I inform you of worse than this in retribution from Allah? Worse is he whom Allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon, and of whom He made apes and swine, and he who served the Shaitan; these are worse in place and more erring from the straight path.

�ه�ل �اب% %ت �ك ال �ه�ل� �اأ ي �ق�ل7ه% %الل 7اب آم�ن �ن

� أ %ال7 7اإ م%ن �ق%م�ون� �ن ت ��ل �ز%ل�م%ن�ق�ب ن

� و�م�اأ �ا �ن �ي %ل إ �ز%ل� ن� و�م�اأ

�م�ف�اس%ق�ون� �ر�ك �ث ك� أ �ن7 و�أ

%ك� ذ�-ل �م%ن Oر�ش% �م�ب �ك Pئ �ب ن� أ �ق�ل�ه�ل

�7ه �ه�الل �ع�ن ل �م�ن 7ه% �د�الل ع%ن �ة) �وب �م�ث ��ه�م م%ن �ه%و�ج�ع�ل� �ي ع�ل و�غ�ض%ب�

�د� و�ع�ب �از%ير� �خ�ن �ق%ر�د�ة�و�ال ال%ك� �-ئ �ول أ )ا ش�ر3 �الط7اغ�وت� �ان م�ك

%يل% س�و�اء%الس7ب �ض�ل1ع�ن� و�أ

Page 7: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - األنفال 55آية - 8سورة

For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.Those with whom you make an agreement, then they break their agreement every time and they have not the fear of Allah.If you (Muhammad) come on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember.

%ن7 7ذ%ين� ش�ر7إ 7ه%ال �د�الل ع%ن Pاب�الد7و�ون� �ؤ�م%ن ي ال� ��ف�ر�واف�ه�م ك

�م7 ث ��ه�م م%ن ع�اه�د�ت� 7ذ%ين� ال Zر7ة�م Pل� ف%يك ��ق�ض�ون�ع�ه�د�ه�م �ن ي

7ق�ون� �ت ي ال� �و�ه�م �ف�ش�رPد �ح�ر�ب% ف%يال �7ه�م �ق�ف�ن �ث %م7ات ف�إ

�7ه�م �ع�ل ل ��ف�ه�م %ه%م�م�ن�خ�ل ب7ر�ون� �ذ7ك ي

Page 8: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


يونس -11آية - 10سورة - سورة12

And if Allah should hasten the evil to men as they desire the hastening on of good, their doom should certainly have been decreed for them; but We leave those alone who hope not for Our meeting in their trespasses, wandering astray

And when affliction touches a man, he calls on Us, whether reclining, sitting or standing; but when We remove his affliction from him, he passes on as though he had not called on Us for help; thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes!

7اس% %لن 7ه�ل الل ��ع�جPل �و�ي الش7ر7و�ل�ق�ض%ي� �ر%ل �خ�ي %ال ب ��ه�م %ع�ج�ال اس�ت

ال� 7ذ%ين� ال ��ذ�ر ف�ن ��ه�م ج�ل� أ ��ه%م �ي %ل �إ

�%ه%م �ان ف%يط�غ�ي �ا %ق�اء�ن ل �ر�ج�ون� ي�ع�م�ه�ون� ي

�ا د�ع�ان �س�ان�الض1ر1 %ن �%ذ�ام�س7اإل و�إ�م7ا ف�ل %م)ا ق�ائ �و

� ق�اع%د)اأ �و� أ %ه% �ب %ج�ن ل

��م ل �ن� �أ �ه�ض�ر7ه�م�ر7ك �اع�ن �ش�ف�ن ك

%ك� �ذ�-ل ك �م�س7ه Oر�%ل�ى-ض �اإ �د�ع�ن �ي�وا �ان ك م�ا �م�س�ر%ف%ين� %ل ل Pن� ز�ي

�ع�م�ل�ون� ي

Page 9: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


اإلسراء -11آية - 17سورة - سورة12

Lo! this Quran guides unto what is straightest, and gives tidings unto the believers who do good works that theirs will be a great reward.And that those who believe not in the Hereafter, for them We have prepared a painful doom.The prayer that man should make for good, he makes for evil; for man is given to hasty deeds.

%يه%ي� 7ت %ل �ه�د%يل ي �ق�ر�آن� ه�-ذ�اال %ن7 إ7ذ%ين� %ين�ال �م�ؤ�م%ن ال ��شPر �ب ق�و�م�و�ي

� أج�ر)ا � أ ��ه�م ل ن7

� أ %ح�ات% الص7ال �ع�م�ل�ون� ي%ير)ا �ب ك

%اآل�خ%ر�ة% ب �ون� �ؤ�م%ن ي ال� 7ذ%ين� ن7ال� و�أ

%يم)ا ل� أ )ا ع�ذ�اب ��ه�م �ال �د�ن ع�ت

� أ

��س�ان %ن ��د�ع�اإل %الش7رPو�ي د�ع�اء�ه� بع�ج�وال) ��س�ان %ن ��ان�اإل و�ك �ر% �خ�ي %ال �ب

Page 10: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


اإلسراء 83آية - 17سورة - سورة

And We reveal of the Quran what is a healing and a mercy for believers though it increase the evil-doers in nothing but ruin.

And when We make life pleasant unto man, he turns away and is averse; and when ill touches him he is in despair.Say: "Everyone acts according to his own disposition: But your Lord knows best who it is that is best guided on the Way."

ش%ف�اء� م�اه�و� �ق�ر�آن% �زPل�م%ن�ال �ن و�ن ��ز%يد ي و�ال� %ين� �م�ؤ�م%ن %ل ل �و�ر�ح�م�ة�

خ�س�ار)ا %ال7 إ %م%ين� الظ7الع�ر�ض�

� �س�ان%أ %ن �ع�ل�ىاإل �ا �ع�م�ن ن� أ %ذ�ا و�إ

�%ذ�ام�س7ه و�إ %ه% %ب %ج�ان ى-ب� �أ �ان� الش7ر1 �و�ن ك

�وس)ا �ئ ي ��م 1ك %ه%ف�ر�ب �ت %ل �ع�م�ل�ع�ل�ى-ش�اك �ل3ي ق�ل�ك

%يال) س�ب ه�د�ى-� أ ه�و� �%م�ن �م�ب ع�ل

� أ

Page 11: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


مريم 76-75آية - 19سورة - سورة

Say: As for him who is in error, the Beneficent will verily prolong his span of life until, when they behold what they were promised, whether it be punishment in the world, or the Hour of doom, they will know who is worse in position and who is weaker as an army.Allah increases in right guidance those who walk aright, and the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward, and better for resort.

��ه �م�د�د�ل �ي ف�ل �ة% ل ف%يالض7ال� �ان� ق�ل�م�ن�كم�ا و�ا

� ر�أ %ذ�ا إ 7ى- ح�ت م�دkا � �الر7ح�م�-ن%م7االس7اع�ة� و�إ �ع�ذ�اب� %م7اال إ �وع�د�ون� ي

ه�و� ��م�ون�م�ن �ع�ل )ا ش�ر3ف�س�ي �ان م�ك�د)ا ج�ن ��ض�ع�ف و�أ

� د ى ه� م�ا ل ل� م� ا ل� ذ�ي �� ل ا ه� �� ل ا� ه ذ�ي لي ل��د� ع%ن �ر� خ�ي �%ح�ات الص7ال ��ات �اق%ي �ب و�ال

م�ر�دkا �ر� )او�خ�ي �و�اب ث Pك� ر�ب

Page 12: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


األنبياء -34آية - 21سورة - سورة36

We appointed immortality for no mortal before thee. What! if you die, can they be immortal!Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned.And when those who disbelieve behold thee, they but choose thee out for mockery, saying: Is this he who makes mention of your gods? And they would deny all mention of the Beneficent

� ل م� ه� م� ا �ل ذ� �م �ل م� ذ� ر ل" �ل ذ� ل$ا م� ل% ل& ل�ا ل�%د�ون� �خ�ال ف�ه�م�ال %ن�م%ت7 ف�إ

� أ ��م �وك �ل �ب و�ن �م�و�ت% ال �%ق�ة ذ�ائ Zس��ف �ل1ن �ك

Pالش7ر% �ر�ج�ع�ون� ب �ات �ن �ي %ل و�إ �ة) �ن �ر%ف%ت �خ�ي �و�ال

�%ن �ف�ر�واإ ك 7ذ%ين� ال %ذ�ار�آك� و�إ7ذ%ي ال �ه�-ذ�ا أ ه�ز�و)ا %ال7 إ �ك� 7خ%ذ�ون �ت ي

�ر%الر7ح�م�-ن% %ذ%ك ب �و�ه�م ��م �ك %ه�ت آل ��ر �ذ�ك ي�اف%ر�ون� ه�م�ك

Page 13: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


الحج 72آية - 22سورة - سورة

And they worship instead of Allah that for which He has sent down no warrant, and that whereof they have no knowledge. For evil-doers there is no helper.And when Our revelations are recited unto them, you know the denial in the faces of those who disbelieve; they all but attack those who recite Our revelations unto them. Say: Shall I proclaim unto you worse than that? The Fire! Allah has promised it for those who disbelieve. And evil is that destination!"

��م م�ال 7ه% الل �د�ون�م%ن�د�ون% �ع�ب و�ي ��ه�م �س�ل �ي و�م�ال )ا س�ل�ط�ان %ه% ب ��زPل �ن ي

�%م%ين�م%ن %لظ7ال و�م�ال �م� %ه%ع%ل �ب Zص%ير� ن

Zات� Pن �ي �اب �ن �ات آي ��ه%م �ي �ل�ى-ع�ل �ت %ذ�ات و�إ�ف�ر�وا ك 7ذ%ين� ف%يو�ج�وه%ال ��ع�ر%ف ت

�س�ط�ون� �اد�ون�ي �ك �ر� ي �ك �م�ن �ال �ق�ل �ا %ن �ات آي ��ه%م �ي �ل�ون�ع�ل �ت 7ذ%ين�ي %ال �ب

��م �ك Pئ �ب ن� �ف�أ %ش�رOأ 7ار� ب الن ��م %ك ذ�-ل � �م%ن

� ه �ا ل' ل) ل� ذ�ي �� ل ا ه� �� ل ا� ل�ا ل ل( ل� ��م�ص%ير �س�ال %ئ و�ب

Page 14: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


النور 12-11آية - 24سورة - سورة

Lo! they who spread the slander are a gang among you. Deem it not a bad thing for you; nay, it is good for you. Unto every man of them will be paid what he has earned of the sin; and to him who took on himself the lead among them, his will be an awful doom.Why did not the believing men and the believing women, when you heard it, think well of their own people, and say: This is an evident falsehood?

�ة� ع�ص�ب %ف�ك% �%اإل ج�اء�واب 7ذ%ين� %ن7ال إ ��وه �ح�س�ب ت ال� ��م �ك �ل� ش�رkا �م%ن ب ��م �ك �ل

��ه�م م%ن Zر%ئ�ام Pل� %ك ل ��م �ك ل �ر� �ه�و�خ�ي7ذ%ي و�ال % �م %ث �اإل م%ن� �س�ب� �ت �م�ااك

�ه�ع�ذ�اب� ل ��ه�م �ر�ه�م%ن %ب 7ى-ك �و�ل ت ع�ظ%يم�

�ون� �م�ؤ�م%ن �م�وه�ظ�ن7ال %ذ�س�م%ع�ت إ �و�ال� ل�وا و�ق�ال �ر)ا خ�ي ��ف�س%ه%م ن

� %أ ب ��ات �م�ؤ�م%ن و�ال%ين� م�ب %ف�ك� ه�-ذ�اإ

Page 15: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


الفرقان -32آية - 25سورة - سورة34

And those who disbelieve say: Why has not the Quran been revealed to him all at once? (It is revealed) thus, that We may strengthen your heart by it and We have arranged it in right order.And no question do they bring to thee but We reveal to thee the truth and better as argument.

Those who will be gathered on their faces unto hell: such are worse in plight and further from the right road.

�زPل� ن �و�ال� �ف�ر�وال ك 7ذ%ين� و�ق�ال�ال � د* ل ذ+ ل�ا د, ل� م- ه& ه. آا م ه0 م� ا ذ� م1 ل� ل( � ل2 ل3 ل4ا ه5 ذ� ذ6 ل7 �ب ل9 ه$ ذ� �ل ذ� ذل� ل)

%يال) �ر�ت ت ��اه �ن 7ل و�ر�ت

�اك� �ن ج%ئ %ال7 إ Zل� %م�ث �ك�ب �ون ت� �أ ي و�ال�

�ف�س%ير)ا ت �ح�س�ن� �ح�قPو�أ %ال ب

��ح�ش�ر�ون�ع�ل�ى-و�ج�وه%ه%م 7ذ%ين�ي ال%ك� �-ئ �ول أ 7م� %ل�ى-ج�ه�ن )ا ش�ر3إ �ان م�ك

%يال) س�ب �ض�ل1 و�أ

Page 16: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


ص 60-55آية - 38سورة - سورة

This (is for the righteous). And lo! for the transgressors there with be a dreadful resort

Hell, where they will burn, an evil resting-place.Yea, such! - then shall they taste it,- a boiling fluid, and a fluid dark, murky, intensely cold!-And other torment of the kind in pairs!

Here is a troop rushing headlong with you! No welcome for them! Lo! they will roast at the Fire.

%لط7اغ%ين� %ن7ل و�إ م�آبZ ل�ش�ر7 �ه�-ذ�ا ��م%ه�اد ال �س� %ئ �ه�اف�ب �و�ن �ص�ل ي 7م� ج�ه�نو�غ�س7اق� �ذ�وق�وه�ح�م%يم� �ي ه�-ذ�اف�ل

ز�و�اج� � أ %ه% �ل ش�ك �م%ن � و�آخ�ر

ال� ��م م�ع�ك �ح%م� م�ق�ت �ه�-ذ�اف�و�ج�7ار% �والن ص�ال �7ه�م %ن إ �%ه%م )اب �م�ر�ح�ب

Page 17: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - ص 65-62آية - 38سورة

And they shall say: What is the matter with us that we do not see men whom we used to count among the wicked?Did we take them wrongly for a laughing-stock, or have our eyes missed them?Truly that is just and fitting,- the mutual recriminations of the dwellers of the Fire!Say (unto them, O Muhammad): I am only a warner, and there is no god but Allah, the One, the Subduer of all:

7ا �ن ك ر%ج�اال) �ر�ى- ن �اال� �ن ل �وام�ا و�ق�ال�ع�د1ه�م�م%ن� ش�ر�ار%ن

� � األ

�م�ز�اغ�ت� kاأ س%خ�ر%ي ��اه�م 7خ�ذ�ن ت

� أ ��ص�ار ب

� �األ ��ه�م ع�نه�ل%

� �خ�اص�م�أ �ح�ق3ت %ك�ل ذ�-ل %ن7 إ7ار% الن

Zه-� %ل إ �و�م�ام%ن �ذ%ر� �ام�ن ن� أ 7م�ا %ن إ � �ق�ل

��ق�ه7ار �و�اح%د�ال ال �7ه الل %ال7 إ

Page 18: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - فصلت -49آية - 41سورة50

Man does not tire of praying for good, and if ill touches him, then he is disheartened, hopeless.And verily, if We cause him to taste mercy after some hurt that has touched him, he will say: This is my own; and I deem not that the Hour will ever rise, and if I am brought back to my Lord, I surely shall be better off with Him - But We verily shall tell those who disbelieve all what they did, and We verily shall make them taste hard punishment.

د�ع�اء% ��س�ان�م%ن %ن �م�اإل� �س�أ ي ال�

�م�س7ه �%ن �ر%و�إ �خ�ي �وس� الش7ر1ال �ئ ف�ي�وط� ق�ن

�ع�د% ب �7ام%ن م%ن �اه�ر�ح�م�ة) ذ�ق�ن� أ �%ن �ئ و�ل

ل%ي ه�-ذ�ا �ن7 �ق�ول �ي �ه�ل ض�ر7اء�م�س7ت �%ن �ئ %م�ة)و�ل الس7اع�ة�ق�ائ ظ�ن1

� و�م�اأ ��د�ه ل%يع%ن %ن7 Pيإ ر�ب �ى- %ل إ �ر�ج%ع�ت�ف�ر�وا ك 7ذ%ين� �ن7ال Pئ �ب �ن �ن ف�ل �ى- �ح�س�ن �ل �ل

�7ه�م�م%ن �ذ%يق�ن �ن �واو�ل ع�م%ل %م�ا ب Zيظ% غ�ل Zاب�ذ�ع

Page 19: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - فصلت -51آية - 41سورة52

And when We show favor to man, he turns aside and withdraws himself; and when evil seizes him, he makes lengthy supplications.Say: "See ye if the Revelation is really from Allah, and yet do ye reject it? Who is further astray than one who is at open feud with Allah?

�س�ان% %ن �ع�ل�ىاإل �ا �ع�م�ن ن� أ %ذ�ا و�إ

�%ذ�ام�س7ه و�إ %ه% %ب %ج�ان ى-ب� �أ و�ن ع�ر�ض�

� أف�ذ�ود�ع�اءZع�ر%يضZ الش7ر1

�د% ع%ن ��ان�م%ن %ن�ك �م�إ �ت ي� ر�أ� أ �ق�ل

�ض�ل1 %ه%م�ن�أ ب ��م �ف�ر�ت �م7ك 7ه%ث الل Zع%يد� ب Zاق�ف%يش%ق ه�و� � م%م7ن

Page 20: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - المعارج -20آية - 70سورة25

Lo! man was created anxious,Fretful when evil befalls himAnd niggardly when good befalls himNot so those devoted to Prayer;-Those who are constant at their prayerAnd those in whose wealth there is a fixed portion.For him who begs and for him who is needy

ه�ل�وع)ا �س�ان�خ�ل%ق� %ن �%ن7اإل إ

�%ذ�ام�س7ه ج�ز�وع)ا الش7ر1إ

�وع)ا م�ن ��ر �خ�ي %ذ�ام�س7ه�ال و�إ

Pين� �م�ص�ل ال %ال7 إ

%م�ون� %ه%م�د�ائ ت 7ذ%ين�ه�م�ع�ل�ى-ص�ال� ال�وم� %ه%م�ح�ق3م�ع�ل م�و�ال

� ف%يأ 7ذ%ين� و�ال

% �م�ح�ر�وم %ل%و�ال %لس7ائ ل

Page 21: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - الجن 10-8آية - 72سورة

And (the Jinn who had listened to the Quran said): We had sought the heaven but had found it filled with strong warders and meteors.'We used, to sit there in hidden stations, to steal a hearing; but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.And we do not know whether evil is meant for those who are on earth or whether their Lord means to bring them good:

�اه�ا ف�و�ج�د�ن �االس7م�اء� �م�س�ن ل 7ا ن� و�أ

)ا و�ش�ه�ب ش�د%يد)ا ح�ر�س)ا ��ت %ئ م�ل�ه�ام�ق�اع%د� م%ن ��ق�ع�د 7ان �ن ك 7ا ن

� و�أاآل�ن� �م%ع% �س�ت ي �ف�م�ن %لس7م�ع% �ل

ر�ص�د)ا )ا ش%ه�اب ��ه �ج%د�ل ي�د�ر%ي ن 7اال� ن

� ش�ر3و�أ� ف%ي أ �%م�ن ر%يد�ب

� أر�ش�د)ا �1ه�م ر�ب �%ه%م ر�اد�ب

� أ ��م ر�ض%أ� � األ

Page 22: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - اإلنسان -5آية - 76سورة10

Lo! the righteous shall drink of a cup whereof the mixture is of Kafur,A Fountain where the Devotees of Allah do drink, making it gush forth abundantly,They fulfill vows and fear a day the horror of which shall be spreading far and wide.And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,-(Saying), "We feed you for the sake of none but Allah: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day.

�ان� سZك� �أ �ون�م%ن�ك �ش�ر�ب �ر�ار�ي ب

� �األ %ن7 إ�اف�ور)ا ك م%ز�اج�ه�ا

�ه�ا �ف�جPر�ون ي 7ه% �اد�الل %ه�اع%ب ب ��ش�ر�ب )اي �ن ع�ي�ف�ج%ير)ا ت

�ان� �و�م)اك ي �خ�اف�ون� 7ذ�ر%و�ي %الن ب �وف�ون� ي��ط%ير)ا ش�ر1ه م�س�ت

Pه% �ط�ع%م�ون�الط7ع�ام�ع�ل�ى-ح�ب و�يس%ير)ا

� و�أ %يم)ا �ت و�ي )ا %ين م%س�ك

��ر%يد ن ال� 7ه% %و�ج�ه%الل ل ��م �ط�ع%م�ك 7م�ان %ن إ�ور)ا ش�ك و�ال� ج�ز�اء) ��م �ك �خ�اف� م%ن 7ان %ن إ

ق�م�ط�ر%ير)ا �وس)ا ع�ب �و�م)ا ي �ا Pن ر�ب �م%ن

Page 23: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - اإلنسان -11آية - 76سورة14

But Allah will deliver them from the horror of that Day, and will shed over them Bliss and Joy.And award them for all that they endured, a Garden and silk attire;Reclining therein upon couches, they will find there neither heat of a sun nor bitter cold.And the shades of the Garden will come low over them, and the bunches of fruit, there, will hang low in humility.

�7ه الل �% ش�ر7ف�و�ق�اه�م �و�م �ي %ك�ال ذ�-لو�س�ر�ور)ا �ض�ر�ة) ن ��ق7اه�م و�ل

و�ح�ر%ير)ا 7ة) �ر�واج�ن ص�ب %م�ا ب � و�ج�ز�اه�م

ال� %ك% ر�ائ� �ع�ل�ىاأل ف%يه�ا %ين� %ئ 7ك �م�ت

ز�م�ه�ر%ير)ا ش�م�س)او�ال� ف%يه�ا �ر�و�ن� ي �Pل�ت �ه�او�ذ�ل ل ظ%ال� ��ه%م �ي �ة)ع�ل %ي و�د�ان

%يال) �ذ�ل ق�ط�وف�ه�ات

Page 24: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - البينة 8-6آية - 98سورة

Lo! those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men.Those who believe and do righteous deeds,- they are the best of men.

Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of Eden underneath which rivers flow, wherein they dwell forever. Allah is pleased in them and they are pleased in Him. This is in store for him who fears his Lord.

ه�ل% � �ف�ر�وام%ن�أ ك 7ذ%ين� %ن7ال إ

�ار% ف%ين %ين� �م�ش�ر%ك و�ال �اب% %ت �ك ال �ه�م %ك� �-ئ ول

� أ ف%يه�ا %د%ين� 7م�خ�ال �ج�ه�ن7ة% ش�ر1 �ر%ي �ب ال

�وا �واو�ع�م%ل آم�ن 7ذ%ين� %ن7ال إ7ة% �ر%ي �ب ال ��ر ه�م�خ�ي %ك� �-ئ ول

� أ %ح�ات% الص7ال Zن�ع�د �7ات ج�ن �Pه%م �د�ر�ب ع%ن �ج�ز�اؤ�ه�م

��ه�ار ن� �%ه�ااأل �ح�ت ت ��ج�ر%يم%ن ت

�7ه الل ر�ض%ي� �د)ا ب� ف%يه�اأ %د%ين� �خ�ال

�%م�ن ل %ك� ذ�-ل ��ه و�ر�ض�واع�ن ��ه�م �ع�ن �7ه ر�ب خ�ش%ي�

Page 25: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - الزلزلة 8-1آية - 99سورة

When Earth is shaken with her final quakeAnd the earth brings forth her burdens,And man says: What has befallen her?On that Day will she declare her tidings:Because your Lord had inspired her.That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see itAnd he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.

�ه�ا �ز�ال ز%ل �ر�ض� ��ز%ل�ت%األ %ذ�از�ل إ

�ه�ا �ق�ال ث� أ �ر�ض

� �خ�ر�ج�ت%األ� و�أ

�ه�ا ل م�ا ��س�ان %ن � و�ق�ال�اإل

�ار�ه�ا خ�ب� أ ��ح�دPث %ذZت �و�م�ئ ي�ه�ا ل و�ح�ى-

� 7ك�أ ر�ب ن7� %أ ب

�ر�و�ا %ي ل )ا �ات ش�ت� أ �7اس �ص�د�ر�الن %ذZي �و�م�ئ ي

��ه�م ع�م�ال� أ

��ر�ه �ر)اي خ�ي Zر7ة�ذ �ق�ال� م%ث ��ع�م�ل ف�م�ن�ي

Zر7ة�ذ �ق�ال� م%ث ��ع�م�ل �ر�ه� ش�رkاو�م�ن�ي ي

Page 26: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - الفلق 5-1آية - 113سورة

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,From the evil of what He has created,From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,And from the evil of those who blow on knots,And from the evil of the envious when he envies.

�ق% �ف�ل ال Pب�ر% ع�وذ�ب� أ � ق�ل

��ق� ش�رPم%ن م�اخ�ل

�%ذ�او�ق�ب� ش�رPو�م%ن إ Zاس%ق�غ

��ع�ق�د% ش�رPو�م%ن ف%يال �ات% 7ف7اث الن

�%ذ�اح�س�د� ش�رPو�م%ن إ Zاس%د�ح

Page 27: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


سورة - الناس 6-1آية - 114سورة

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,The King of mankind,The god of mankind,From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,Who whispers in the hearts of mankind,Of the jinn and of mankind.

7اس% %ر�بPالن ع�وذ�ب� أ � ق�ل

7اس% م�ل%ك%الن

7اس% �-ه%الن %ل إ �7اس% ش�رPم%ن �خ�ن �و�س�و�اس%ال ال

7اس% ف%يص�د�ور%الن ��و�س�و%س 7ذ%يي ال

7اس% 7ة%و�الن �ج%ن ال م%ن�

Page 28: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


In Conclusion, Read Surah of Asr

�ع�ص�ر% و�الBy the declining day,

Zر��ف%يخ�س ل �س�ان� %ن �%ن7اإل إLo! man is a state of loss,

�ر% %الص7ب �و�اص�و�اب و�ت Pق�ح� %ال �و�اص�و�اب و�ت %ح�ات% �واالص7ال �واو�ع�م%ل آم�ن 7ذ%ين� ال %ال7 إSave those who believe and do good works, and exhort one

another to truth and exhort one another to endurance

Page 29: The word  الشر in the Quran القرآن عن  الشر


Be in Allah’s Care

Thank you and May God Bless you.

Dr. A.S. Hashim